What to do if the child has a severe allergy. How to treat allergies in a child and eliminate the causes of the disease

Few parents are lucky enough not to face such a problem as the unexpected appearance of a rash on the skin of a child or nasal congestion after a walk in a flowering garden. A desperately sneezing baby with watery eyes is examined by a pediatrician, calling the diagnosis with the incomprehensible word "allergy".

Allergic diseases in children are common. At the heart of their pathogenesis is an overly pronounced reaction immune system to any irritant (allergen), which is a substance alien to the body. The term "allergy" was introduced in 1906 by the pediatrician Clemens Pirquet, who made a great contribution to the study of the patterns of development of the interaction of the allergen with the immune system.

The reasons

According to a simplified classification, an allergy in a child can develop acutely or gradually. In the first case, the disease is based on a hypersensitivity reaction immediate type(anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema) and requires emergency medical care.

Pollinosis, or hay fever, has a similar pathogenesis. It proceeds not so aggressively, but it is able to deliver a mass discomfort little patient. The second option is called a delayed-type reaction and manifests itself mainly in the form of contact dermatitis, an immune-mediated inflammation of the skin.

In addition, allergies are divided into true and false. Despite the same manifestations, immunoglobulins do not participate in the development of pseudo-allergy.

A distinctive feature is the dependence on the concentration of the allergen.

A true allergic reaction is provoked by contact with its smallest particle; with a false allergy, the principle “the more - the worse” applies, in other words, the severity of symptoms and their presence in general is determined by the amount of the substance.

To understand how to cure an allergy in a child, you should know its most common types:

We must not forget about the high probability of allergies in the presence of helminthiases. Worm infestations are a provocation of allergic reactions as a result of the release of helminth waste products into the blood.

They become a trigger factor for primary allergies or aggravate the course of reactions that have already occurred. Helminthiases inhibit the intestinal microflora, thereby leading to dysbacteriosis.

The cause of persistent allergic reactions may be foci chronic infection in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract and other organs and systems.


Among the manifestations of allergies, there are several main groups of symptoms:

  • respiratory;
  • gastrointestinal;
  • dermatological.

Respiratory symptoms include rhinitis (runny nose), itching of the nasal mucosa, cough, hoarseness, difficulty breathing, rough "barking" cough, noisy breathing as a result of laryngeal edema.

allergic laryngitis, or false croup- one of the most dangerous diseases, since the increase in edema leads to suffocation (asphyxia).

Such an allergy in a child should be treated as emergency and call a doctor at the first sign.

Gastrointestinal allergy symptoms are a consequence of damage to the gastrointestinal tract as a result of immune reactions. Their appearance is initiated by various products (milk, nuts, soy). Among acute symptoms Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea are present after ingestion of the allergen.

In addition to them, there are colic in infants as an allergy to cow's milk protein, which is difficult to cure due to untimely diagnosis. Gastrointestinal allergic syndrome also includes eosinophilic esophagitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis, colitis, and enteropathy.

Skin or dermatological manifestations are common in pediatric practice and are mainly due to food allergies. Urticaria is characterized by the presence of pink blisters that rise above the surface of the skin and excruciating itching.

Available contact dermatitis in contact with an allergen as part of a hygiene product in the form of redness, a rash of various sizes.

You need to be aware of the alarming symptoms, the appearance of which means severe violations as a result of exposure to an allergen.

it strong pain or itching at the site of an injection or insect bite, accompanied by increasing pallor skin and mucous membranes sharp pain in the abdomen, combined with nausea and vomiting, swelling of the lips, larynx, cheeks, manifested by difficulty in breathing, loss of consciousness.


It is more difficult to treat an allergy in a child, the greater the range of possible provocateurs. The key to successful therapy is complex diagnostics. The following methods are applied:


The first measure in the treatment of allergies is to eliminate the impact of the allergen on the body, i.e. stop contact with it. In addition to a hypoallergenic diet, toys with a filler that causes a reaction, detergents are removed from everyday life.

It is impossible to treat allergies in children as a transient process. With susceptibility to household allergens, frequent wet cleaning and replacement of the feather pillow are necessary.

Contact with pets should be avoided or minimized. A spa treatment or a trip outside the “allergic” zone when plants are flowering is good for a child with hay fever. In the presence of foci of chronic infection, their sanitation is required, that is, proper treatment.

As antiallergic drugs, H1-histamine blockers (cetirizine, erius), and glucocorticosteroids (fluticasone, beclamethasone) are used. Children over five years old prescribe drugs from the group of membrane stabilizers mast cells(zaditen, nedocromil sodium). Intestinal dysbiosis is corrected by taking probiotics (bifidumbacterin, linex).

How to treat allergies in an infant? First of all, you should consider the nutrition of the mother if the baby is breastfed, as well as the likelihood of dysbacteriosis. May need probiotics to regulate intestinal microflora, hypoallergenic diet for a nursing woman.

If it is impossible to remove the allergen and the risk of constant contact, allergen-specific immunotherapy is required. The method is implemented by introducing allergens with reduced activity into the blood, digestive tract, nasal cavity, inhalation.

In this case, specific antibodies are formed that have the ability to bind allergens and block the release of histamine, the main mediator (mediator) of an allergic reaction. This procedure is contraindicated in severe bronchial asthma, oncological diseases, under the age of 5 years.

Allergy in children is an actual problem in modern allergology and immunology. For parents of an allergic child, it is first of all important to know the factors that affect the development allergic diseases. This will help alert chronic complications and dangerous consequences.

The World Health Organization calls allergies "the disease of the 21st century". Unfortunately, in Russia allergy is still not perceived as a serious disease. And parents are in no hurry to examine a child with obvious allergic signs. Meanwhile, the number of Russian children suffering from various types of allergies is growing rapidly every year. The increase in the incidence is influenced by changes in the quality of nutrition, lifestyle, air and water pollution, poor hygiene of residential premises, an abundance of hygiene, cosmetics, household chemicals, frequent use medicines.

Allergy Signs

How do allergy symptoms appear on the skin in children?

  • Eruptions. They can be of a different nature: redness, a small rash, urticaria. The skin becomes dry and rough. With a long process, there may be a seal, keratinization of some areas of the skin. Also, after scratching, weeping wounds, cracks, sores, eczema on the skin may appear. It looks like a chronic allergy in children, with signs inflammatory process requiring medical treatment.
  • Puffiness. It occurs with an acute, instantaneous allergic reaction, for example, after an insect bite, taking a medicine, less often after a certain dish. Severe swelling with allergies is called Quincke's edema. First of all, lips, eyelids, cheeks, mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals swell. With these symptoms, you need urgent care.
  • Itching, burning. This is one of the most annoying symptoms. Itching can be severe, the child scratches the skin, and this can lead to bacterial infection, a long healing process.

How is an allergy manifested in children on mucous membranes?

  • Rhinitis. In allergic rhinitis, there is difficulty nasal breathing, nasal congestion, swelling, dry mucous membranes. There may also be abundant transparent selection from the nose.
  • Conjunctivitis. Signs of allergic conjunctivitis: redness, tearing, pain in the eyes.
  • Cough. The child may complain of a sore throat, so a cough occurs. Dangerous symptom with allergies, hoarseness of the voice, shortness of breath, which may be associated with swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx, are considered.

Respiratory symptoms are most often provoked by plant, animal, food, drug, chemical allergens.

Signs of allergy in a child from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT):

  • bloating, colic, rumbling in the intestines;
  • abdominal pain, nausea;
  • belching, vomiting, heartburn;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • signs of dysbacteriosis.

When does a child have a fever with allergies?

  • Insect bites.
  • Reaction to food.
  • Intolerance to the drug.
  • Pollen intolerance.

In most cases, with allergies, there is no temperature, or subfebrile condition is noted - it does not rise above 37.5 ° C. But with some types of food, drug allergies, severe intoxication with a high temperature can be observed.

Localization of rashes

Skin allergies in a child can be localized in different places. What areas most often have a rash, redness, peeling, swelling of the skin?

  • Allergy on the face. The skin on the face is the most problematic and sensitive to external irritants, it is often weathered, dried out in the sun. Most often, when using highly allergenic foods, there is an allergy on the cheeks. Also, the cause may be a contact allergen: water when washing, skin treatment with hygiene products, climatic conditions. Read more about allergies to cold in a child in our other article. As a rule, allergies begin on the face, then spread to other parts of the body.
  • Allergy on the neck. May be associated with local exposure to an allergen, for example: woolen, synthetic clothing, dyes, jewelry made of metal and other materials. But also an allergy on the neck is a sign of a systemic manifestation of food, drug, respiratory, solar allergies. In infants, rashes on the neck are often associated with overheating and are called prickly heat.
  • Allergy on legs and arms. Most often, rashes occur on the folds - in the elbows and knee joints, on elbows and knees, inside thighs, forearms. Rashes appear where the skin sweats the most or dries out. A rash on the arms and legs can be a reaction to an external irritant: synthetics, wool, dyes, cosmetics. Also often the cause is a food or drug allergy.
  • Butt allergy. Rashes on the buttocks do not always speak of an allergic character. In infants, changes in the skin may be associated with a violation of the rules of hygienic care, overheating, diaper dermatitis. If the rash appears simultaneously on the face (another part of the body) and the buttocks, this may be an allergic reaction to some product or household allergen.

Also, rashes can spread throughout the body, appear on the stomach and back. When a rash appears, be sure to consult a doctor. After all, often a profuse rash all over the body can be a sign of viral and bacterial infections - measles, rubella, scarlet fever, chickenpox, sudden exanthema. Only a doctor can differentiate rashes.

One of the most dangerous species Allergy is considered insect allergy - a reaction to insect bites, contact with their waste products. The reaction develops quickly, can lead to anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema and suffocation. If there have been cases of unexpected reactions to the stings of bees, wasps, hornets and other insects, immediate relief of the allergic reaction with antihistamines and emergency care is required.

Provoking factors

What can a child be allergic to? it main question put by doctors and parents. What categories can allergens be divided into and where to look for them?

  • food allergens. This is an extensive group of allergens. Sometimes it can be difficult to identify which particular product a child is allergic to, so the doctor prescribes a strict hypoallergenic diet. Most highly allergenic foods: whole milk, soybeans, nuts (especially peanuts), eggs (especially protein), fatty meats, chicken, seafood and fish, red, orange fruits, berries, vegetables, bee products, cocoa, all citrus fruits. Sweet, spicy, salty, fermented and smoked foods, carbonated drinks, dyes, flavor enhancers, emulsifiers - all this can provoke an acute food allergy.
  • Lactose intolerance. This kind food allergies It is most often diagnosed in the first year of life and usually resolves by the age of three. Lactose is milk sugar that enters the baby's body with breast milk, mixtures, during complementary foods. With a lack of lactase enzyme, milk sugar does not break down, enters the intestines and causes fermentation, disrupts digestion, intestinal microflora, and causes an allergic reaction. Read more about lactase deficiency and its treatment in our other article.
  • Intolerance to gluten, or gluten. Another common type of food allergy in children under three years of age. Although gluten allergy can be detected later in life, even in teenagers. Distinguish between congenital genetic gluten intolerance, which remains for life and requires compliance with the strictest gluten-free diet. But most often there is a temporary allergy to gluten, which is due to the immaturity of the enzyme system. Gluten is a protein of some cereals, namely: wheat, rye, barley, oats. If you are allergic to gluten, white and black bread, rich, confectionery products made from wheat, rye, oatmeal are prohibited, and you should not give your child semolina, wheat, barley, oatmeal.
  • The air in the room. In residential premises, a huge number of household allergens of various nature: bacterial, fungal, chemical. The most harmful and hazardous to health are dust mites, mold in high humidity indoors, varnish coatings and paint on furniture and walls. Also, dry and hot air in the room, overheating and a constant lack of fluid in the child's body can aggravate allergic manifestations.
  • Water. Untreated tap water with an admixture of chlorine is often the cause of contact allergies in children. This provoking factor must be eliminated first. The most effective solution to the problem is to install a filter.
  • Household chemicals, clothing and body care products. If there is an allergic child in the house, it is recommended to exclude household chemicals as much as possible. Washing powder should be hypoallergenic, and rinse aid should also be discarded. Body care products (shampoos, gels, soaps, creams) must be hypoallergenic and certified.
  • Plant pollen. Pollen can be the cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis flowering trees and herbs. There are about a hundred types of plant allergens. Most often, allergies are caused by: ambrosia, quinoa, wheatgrass, wormwood, dandelion, nettle, corn, poplar, birch, linden, pine, oak, alder, chestnut, most garden flowers, flowering fruit trees. Depending on the flowering time of plants, several peaks of exacerbations are distinguished: spring, summer, autumn.
  • Medications. drug allergy in children - a frequent and unsafe phenomenon. Taking certain drugs can lead to sudden anaphylactic shock, angioedema, when emergency care is required. What medications are most likely to trigger an allergic reaction? Antibiotics, vaccines, insulin, sulfa drugs, anticonvulsants, anesthetics. An allergic reaction is often caused by dyes and additives in children's syrups, medicinal herbs.
  • Pets. Wool, epidermis, feathers, fluff of pets can cause a sudden allergic reaction. After contact with a cat, dog, guinea pig or a budgerigar in a child, after 15-20 minutes, nasal congestion, urticaria, itching may appear. The most pronounced reaction occurs with direct contact with an animal, but a passive allergy to animal hair, bird feathers is also possible. The most powerful "provocateur" is the allergen of cat hair and epidermis.

Treatment Methods

Treatment of allergies in children is carried out in a complex manner. The speed of recovery depends on the elimination of the cause of the allergy in children. To do this, you need to carefully examine the conditions of the child's life: food, hygiene, air, water, animals, climate.

Medical methods

  • Antihistamines. They are prescribed as a symptomatic treatment for acute allergic reactions in children, as well as for preventive purposes. Children allowed antihistamines, which do not give a sedative effect - do not cause lethargy, lethargy and drowsiness. These drugs include second and third generation antihistamines. Antihistamine drops and syrups are recommended for babies under 3 years old; tablets can be given to older children.
  • Means for the normalization of digestion. Often, against the background of allergies, a child has disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, increased flatulence, belching, nausea, dysbacteriosis. In this case, the doctor prescribes sorbents, enzymes, choleretic drugs, drugs with lactulose for chronic constipation, probiotics.
  • Hormonal local preparations. Exactly this effective remedy with severe, chronic skin lesions. Hormones quickly eliminate rash and itching, improvement may occur after two or three applications. But it is important to know that these drugs can have dangerous side effects, they can be addictive, they can be allergic. They are used strictly according to the doctor's prescription. The most famous hormonal ointments that are used in pediatrics: Advantan, Avekort, Gistan N, Elocom, Skin-Cap, Skinlight, Silkaren, Uniderm.
  • Non-hormonal drugs. These are safe antiseptic, moisturizing, regenerating ointments and creams. Most often appointed: "Desitin", "Gistan", "Bepanten", "Losterin", "Pantoderm", "Protopic", "Solcoseryl" and others.
  • Local antifungal and antibacterial agents. They are prescribed only for secondary infections that develop against the background of a chronic inflammatory process on the skin. They must be used strictly according to the indications and prescription of the doctor.

Read about antiallergic drugs for children in our other article.

Climatotherapy and other additional methods

Allergic diseases in children are well treated sea ​​water and mountain air. If the child is not allergic to the seasonal flowering of plants, he can be safely sent to the village, away from house dust and urban living conditions. Allergic children often improve, the skin becomes much clearer in the summer when they are in the fresh air and the sun. Additional methods of therapy include: physiotherapy, mud therapy, carbon and mineral baths, ultraviolet radiation, herbal medicine. It is also known that childhood allergies are successfully treated with homeopathy.

diet therapy

Diet food is the only effective method food allergy treatment. Hypoallergenic nutrition is also prescribed for the diagnosis of the disease. The course of dietary nutrition should be prescribed by an allergist. The energy needs of the age must be taken into account. The menu is also thought out so that the child receives the necessary amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements, vitamins. Read more about food allergies in children, its diagnosis, prevention and treatment in our other article.

Folk methods

For the treatment of skin with allergic dermatitis, decoctions of string, sage, celandine, yarrow, chamomile, calendula, and nettle are often used. Medical baths with sea salt will be safe and useful. With inflammation on the skin, you can make antiseptic lotions from tea tree oil. Itching and swelling are well removed by potato juice. Before using any folk remedies you need to make sure that the treatment will not cause a new allergic reaction.

It is also important to pay attention to psychological condition child. After all, allergies are psychosomatic diseases and are more common in vulnerable, impressionable, withdrawn children.

What should I do if my child has an allergy? You can't start a disease. At frequent rashes on the skin, the child's complaints of itching, prolonged rhinitis, cough, not associated with SARS, you must consult an allergist. Allergy treatment begins with the elimination of the provoking factor. Medications are used as adjuvant therapy.


Allergies are an unusual response of the immune system to contact with a substance. This substance is called an allergen. Pathological reactions are observed if the baby comes into contact with the element to which hypersensitivity has already formed. Unfortunately, allergies are quite common ailments among children. Most often, their food forms are diagnosed, which are manifested by immediate or delayed reactions. Due to the importance of this topic, we will talk about when, how an allergy manifests itself in a child, what to do if an allergy has begun, how to treat it.

When does an allergy make itself felt and what is its cause?

The earliest symptoms of a food allergy in childhood make themselves felt even in the first year of a baby's life. But at timely treatment they usually disappear before the baby reaches three years. However, especially allergenic foods, such as citrus fruits, chocolate or nuts, can cause pathological reactions throughout life.

There are other substances that can trigger allergies. Enough aggressive is considered to be room dust, pollen of some plants, particles of skin and hair of pets. Children often inherit a predisposition to allergic reactions from relatives.

Doctors say that the presence of allergies in parents increases the likelihood of developing it in a baby several times. At the same time, different family members can give out a pathological reaction to completely different pathogens. In severe cases, allergies degenerate into asthma or allergic rhinitis. To prevent such complications, it is worth contacting a doctor in a timely manner and treating the disease.

Allergen detection

When allergy symptoms appear, it is worth identifying the cause, or rather the causative agent of such a reaction. To this end, it is recommended to seek the help of a qualified allergist. To date, medical science offers several different methods to identify the allergen. Food aggressors are determined quite simply, by systematically excluding all possible pathogens from the diet. After all the unpleasant symptoms have passed, they are gradually introduced into the baby's menu, carefully monitoring the child's reaction to each product.

Doctors say that the manifestations of allergies allow us to draw conclusions about which particles provoked such reactions of the body.

When a skin rash and itching appear, it can be concluded that the allergy is most likely caused by household allergens. Accordingly, it is necessary to calculate which aggressive substance the baby touched. It could be wool. pet, poisonous representatives of plants, cosmetic preparations or household chemicals. Increased gas formation and loose stools, which may be accompanied by some nausea and pain in the abdomen, indicate contact with the allergen through the digestive tract. Parents should carefully remember all the foods and drinks consumed by the baby over the past twenty-four hours, or even two days.

When unpleasant symptoms affect most of the eyes, expressed in redness, itching, tearing and increased swelling, it is worth looking for an allergen among plant substances, namely pollen. Also, such manifestations may indicate an allergy to dust.

If a child develops a cough, he complains of a sore throat, perhaps this is an allergic reaction that occurs in the nasopharynx and bronchi in response to animal villi, dust and pollen particles, and spores.

Further actions

After determining the allergen, parents need to take all possible measures to exclude the baby from contact with this substance. For example, when hypersensitivity to pollen, it is necessary to abandon walks in the spring, during the flowering period of plants. In this case, it is necessary to place an ionizer or an air purifier in the house. However, the most the best option will survive the period of flowering of allergenic plants somewhere in another climatic zone, where the air does not contain particles with dangerous pollen.

If you are allergic to certain foods, you should stop eating them. It is necessary to inform doctors about allergies kindergarten and schools, they should, if possible, organize separate meals for the child. With increased sensitivity of the baby to household dust, daily wet cleaning of the house should be carried out, carpets should be abandoned and hypoallergenic textiles should be used.


Having eliminated contact with aggressive substances, it is necessary to provide the baby with an exclusively hypoallergenic diet. From the daily menu you need to remove chocolate, spices, citrus fruits, smoked meats, as well as tea and coffee.

Traditional medicine advises treating the external manifestations of the disease using rubdowns, so to eliminate itching and irritation, you can use a decoction based on nettle leaves, as well as an infusion from a string. Nettle can also be consumed internally, as well as an infusion based on celery roots.

In the absence of the desired effect from herbal medicine, the doctor will select antihistamines that are suitable in this particular case. Children older than three years are also treated with ASIT therapy, trying to develop tolerance to the allergen by introducing tiny doses of an aggressive substance into the body.

If a baby has symptoms of an allergy, it is worth contacting a doctor, he will help develop further treatment tactics.

Food allergy in a child is a fairly common problem faced by many parents. An allergic reaction can occur to almost any product, so it is very important to know the main symptoms, treatment methods and ways to prevent this disease.

Food allergies in children and their causes

An allergic reaction develops, as a rule, as a result of the use of a particular product. This phenomenon is associated with the excessive sensitivity of the body, which considers a certain substance dangerous, as a result of which special antibodies and immunoglobulins are released. The causes of allergies are not always known, but there is a hereditary tendency to such diseases.

Food allergies: photos and main symptoms

An allergic reaction is accompanied by a number of very characteristic symptoms:

  1. by the most hallmark is a skin rash. Rashes, red spots, sometimes even pustules and sores appear on the child's body. Quite often, a rash appears on the face and skin of the abdomen. As a rule, the skin reaction is accompanied by severe itching.
  2. Food allergies can also cause disorders digestive system. Children quite often suffer from bloating, nausea, belching, and vomiting. Sometimes there are diarrhea and abdominal pain.
  3. Another manifestation of food allergies is swelling. By the way, this symptom is dangerous, especially if there are severe swelling of the mucous membranes, skin and eyelids - this may signal the onset of anaphylactic shock, in which the child simply needs emergency medical care.

Food allergies in a child: the most dangerous products

As already mentioned, an allergic reaction can develop to any product. Nevertheless, some of the most dangerous allergens have been identified:

  1. Cow's milk is probably the most common allergen, especially among children under the age of one. The problem is that almost all artificial mixtures contain cow's milk protein. Therefore, for such a baby, you need to choose food very carefully.
  2. Citrus fruits, red fruits and berries, carrots, grapes, kiwi.
  3. Chicken eggs, especially the yolks.
  4. Fish and seafood.
  5. Legumes, including peas, lentils, soybeans.
  6. Nuts.
  7. Chocolate.

It should be borne in mind that it is not only what the baby eats that matters here. If the child is breastfed, then allergens enter his body along with mother's milk. Therefore, nursing mothers are required to follow the correct - hypoallergenic - diet.

Food allergy in a child: diagnosis

As a rule, after examining and familiarizing yourself with the symptoms, the doctor may suspect the presence of a food allergy. A blood test is prescribed, which will show an increased amount of immunoglobulin E. If it is not known which products lead to the development of the reaction, then it is necessary to conduct skin tests: concentrated and purified solutions of potential allergens are applied to the skin, after which they wait for the reaction.

Food allergies in children: treatment and prevention

The surest way to protect your baby's body from allergies is to eliminate any contact with allergens. This means that all potentially dangerous foods must be completely excluded from the diet of the child (or mother). Also used antihistamines, which stop the development of allergies, relieve spasm of the respiratory tract, eliminate swelling. In most cases, allergies are temporary and go away as the child grows, although some children carry the problem with them into adulthood.


Types of allergies in children

  • allergy to dust. To be precise, the allergy is observed not to the dust itself, but, most often, to dust mites - saprophytes and their metabolic products. Less commonly, it is a reaction to substances contained in dust - plant pollen, mold spores, particles of fluff, hair, wood, etc.
  • Allergy to animals. It is not caused by pet hair, as many of us believe, but by proteins contained in the skin and saliva of cats, dogs and other animals. Therefore, even having a Sphynx cat, you cannot guarantee that the child will not develop allergies.
  • food allergy. Perhaps the most difficult to recognize allergy in a child, since almost any product or additives to it (sugar, spices, salt, and even prebiotics) can act as a pathogen. Most often there is intolerance to cow's milk and other protein products (fish, seafood, eggs, nuts).
  • Allergy to pollen. Pollinosis is a reaction to the flowering of grasses and trees. The body perceives pollen proteins as aggressive and begins to defend itself through a runny nose, sneezing, increased tearing ... Usually pollinosis continues during the period of active flowering, then the allergy subsides until the next season.

  • Allergy to drugs and others chemical substances . Not everything that can be easily tolerated by an adult's body is also easily tolerated by fragile children's immunity. Much more often, children and adolescents have a protective reaction after taking certain drugs, using synthetic hygiene products and cosmetics. Allergy should not be confused with side effects- after discontinuation of the drug, it will not pass.
  • You can also identify an allergy to insect bites, to cold, to certain types of vitamins.. But these are much less common types.

Causes of the disease

What causes allergies in children? Is it genetically transmitted or is it an acquired disease?

There is an opinion that allergies are congenital. But it is not so. If one of the parents has any type of allergic reaction, then there is a 30% chance that the child will also have it. Accordingly, if both parents are "allergic", then the baby will be 60% predisposed to the same.

Affects the likelihood of allergic reactions of the body and the diet of the expectant mother during pregnancy and lactation. Women during this period should not use "aggressive" foods - smoked meats, citrus fruits, a lot of chocolate, nuts, exotic fruits.

Allergy baby is also a common occurrence. Its reason is the early abandonment breastfeeding or his complete absence- the baby's immunity simply does not receive the protective substances he needs from his mother's milk. If for one reason or another it is not possible to feed the baby with mother's milk, choose hypoallergenic mixtures.

At the age when the child has already begun to eat solid food, do not abuse all the same sweets, fruits, smoked sausages and meat, seafood, oranges. These products can lead to an immune reaction to too "active" substances contained in them. Food allergies in children are usually observed in infants and toddlers under 2 years old, but can persist for life, so be careful about your food and your child's. When the first symptoms appear, it is better to immediately contact a pediatric allergist.


How does allergy manifest itself in children? Determining the external manifestations of this disease is not as difficult as recognizing its type: in many cases, the body's reaction to various stimuli is similar.

  • Atopic dermatitis or diathesis. It presents with prominent rashes that begin in infancy and often persist into adulthood. May be combined with allergic rhinitis, urticaria.
  • Allergic rhinitis or "hay fever". Prolonged inflammation of the nasal mucosa, runny nose, sneezing, difficulty breathing. May be seasonal. Most often observed with allergies to pollen and household dust. In a neglected form, it can lead to Quincke's edema.

  • Hives. Eruptions on the skin resembling insect bites or nettle burn marks. Often accompanied by severe itching, which can lead to scratching. Most common in food and contact allergies.
  • Conjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis is manifested in swelling and itching of the upper and lower eyelids, profuse tearing, photophobia, a feeling of "sand" in the eyes. It can occur as a seasonal manifestation of allergy to pollen, and year-round - with a reaction, for example, to animals.
  • Bronchial asthma. Manifested in difficulty breathing, asthma attacks, debilitating cough. The child is breathing with difficulty Airways strongly narrowed. Often, even at a distance, wheezing and whistling can be heard. If you do not see a doctor in time, the disease can become severe.

As mentioned above, if you suspect allergy symptoms in a child, you should immediately consult a doctor. Even if the diagnosis is not confirmed, such anxiety will not be superfluous. It is always better to take preventive measures than to bring a child to the clinic with an already advanced form of allergy.


In the absence of treatment or finding out the causes of allergies in a child, various complications may occur during the course of the disease.

and chronic rhinitis the child may complain of persistent headaches, which reduces the attention, memory and mental activity of the baby. Urticaria and dermatitis can lead to severe scratching and, as a result, scarring or even infection. With conjunctivitis and rhinitis, Quincke's edema may occur. The most serious consequences may be anaphylactic shock or asphyxia in bronchial asthma.

However, do not think that complications can be overcome by self-treatment or that "everything will pass with age." You should definitely contact the experts! They will help to find out what the allergy has developed from, which will allow isolating the child from repeated contact with the allergen.


In order to diagnose an allergy and identify the substances provoking it, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist allergist-immunologist, who will take an anamnesis and prescribe the necessary tests. First, the doctor examines the child, clarifies the features of his diet, the presence of contacts with animals - in a word, he finds out all the factors that can cause a negative reaction of the body.

To finally confirm the presence of an allergy and clarify its causes, two main diagnostic methods are used:

  • skin allergy tests;
  • immunological blood tests.

Skin allergy tests are taken as follows: the allergen is injected into the bloodstream or applied to a small scratch on the inside of the forearm, then the doctor monitors the reaction of the child's body to this substance and records external changes. Such a study is not prescribed for babies under 5 years old, with infectious diseases, severe conditions, during periods of exacerbation of allergies and chronic diseases, as well as after taking a number of drugs. The undoubted advantage of the method is its low price.

Blood tests look like a regular blood draw followed by a study of its reaction to allergens. Compared with skin tests, this method has a number of significant advantages:

  • ease of conducting research - taking blood from a baby is much easier than making him endure scratching by a doctor, waiting for the tests to work;
  • no risk for the child - there is no contact of substances with the skin, which means there is no risk of an allergic reaction, including its severe forms;
  • there are almost no contraindications for health reasons, such as exacerbation of diseases, taking pills;
  • obtaining results on the main and additional allergens;
  • it is not necessary to limit the number of tested substances - you can do an analysis for a hundred of all kinds of substances at once.

The disadvantages include a higher cost.

In general, for mass testing for dozens of allergens, a blood test is the best choice. If the substances that cause the reaction of the body are approximately known and their range is small, and the child has no contraindications, you can limit yourself to skin allergy tests.

Treatment of allergies in children

How to help a child with allergies? Only a doctor can give you the answer to this question. Only after receiving the results of the diagnosis, the specialist will tell you what type of allergen caused the reaction and prescribe treatment.

The most common method of getting rid of allergies remains the use of second-generation antihistamines, such as Terfenadine, Claritin, Zyrtec, Kestin. In comparison with the first generation, they have a number of advantages: fewer contraindications, do not cause drowsiness, longer duration of exposure, and others.

Homeopathy in the presence of a good specialist, it can also be a very effective treatment option: when taking prescribed drugs, the child's body gradually gets rid of the reaction to the allergen. This process is usually very long, but indispensable in cases where it is impossible to completely eliminate the allergen from the child's life.

After identifying an allergy, you will have to reconsider both the lifestyle and the child’s diet: potentially dangerous foods such as citrus fruits, honey, chips, some juices, etc. should be excluded. With hay fever, you will also have to track the flowering seasons of plants in order to take action in advance and start taking drugs. Try to avoid your child's contact with pollen - limit walks during flowering periods, choose daytime (until 17 pm) for going outside. And of course, carefully read the labels of all products and, as soon as possible, teach your child to independently monitor the composition of food. Always keep on hand medicines to suppress acute attacks of allergies.


If a child has a predisposition to allergic reactions, a number of rules should be observed:

  • continue breastfeeding as long as possible;
  • minimize the number of possible allergens in the child's diet;
  • make closed bookshelves and wardrobes;
  • often carry out wet cleaning, use air purifiers;
  • do not smoke in the room where the child is;
  • limit the contact of the baby with animals;
  • the bed and clothes of the child should be made of non-allergenic materials;
  • use only special household chemicals and powders for washing things;
  • regularly carry out antifungal treatment of the apartment.


Causes of allergies in children

The term allergy was first used in pediatrics at the dawn of the twentieth century and has long been associated with impaired function of immunoglobulins. Modern medical science distinguishes five types of hypersensitivity reactions - which is typical, scientists in the distant 1900s were right and it was the main first type that was assigned the corresponding name, as well as the basic etymology of the malfunction of antibodies E and lgE.

From the middle of the twentieth century to the present day, there has been a rapid increase in the number of cases of allergies in children of any age, especially in developed and developing countries. As shown by global studies, the main contribution to it is made by careful hygiene. Super-careful observance of it does not allow the body to come into contact with most antibodies, which significantly reduces the normal loading of the immune system. It is noteworthy that in third world countries suffering from massive bacterial / viral infections, there are practically no problems with autoimmune and immunological diseases - this is rationally explained low level general hygiene among the majority of the local population.

Another important factor provoking allergies is considered to be the active consumption of chemical products, which can act both as individual allergens and create the basis for disruption of the nervous / endocrine system, which leads to various allergic manifestations.

Allergy symptoms in children

Allergic manifestations in children are more vivid and stronger than in adults.

Classic symptoms include:

  1. Swelling of the nasal mucosa.
  2. Eye redness and concomitant conjunctivitis.
  3. Diverse skin rashes with itching in the abdomen, groin, elbows - from dermatitis to urticaria and eczema.
  4. Breathing problems - shortness of breath, spasm, up to an asthmatic state.
  5. Headache.

In more rare cases, with the strongest immune response to the allergen, in a small patient, the rapid formation of acute coronary syndrome, hypotension, extensive edema up to anaphylactic shock and, in some cases, death is possible.

How is it manifested?

The most typical manifestations for a child include:

  1. Allergy on the face of a child. severe runny nose, severe redness of the eyes, facial rash.
  2. Skin allergy in a child. Edema and rash all over the body, mainly on the bends of the elbows and in the groin, inflammation of the lymphatic system.
  3. Respiratory allergy. Often has symptoms of true asthma.

Types of allergies in children

Below are the main types of allergies found in a modern child.

Allergy to animal fur

Fluffy dogs and cats, especially during the shedding period, spread particles of their hair throughout the house, which can provoke allergic manifestations in your child.

food allergy

Medicine has long proven that a number of foods can cause an inadequate immune response in a child. Food allergies in children can be on vegetables / fruits of certain colors / composition, cereals, eggs, etc. and is usually determined in the first 3-4 years of life.

Allergy to cow's milk

Children's allergy to the protein present in whole milk deserves special attention. Such an allergic problem with intolerance to this product in the modern era is observed in children of all ages, including infants / infants.

Allergy to cold

A significant drop in temperature and can trigger an allergic reaction. Wind, frost and even a slight cold are a negative thermal catalyst for the immune system, if everything is not in order with it.

Nervous allergy

Provoke the formation and development of allergies, especially in the transitional / adolescent period, can be morally / biologically negative factors - strong excitement, stress, fears and experiences.

Allergy to dust/pollen

Household dust and pollen easily penetrates the lungs and can cause allergies even in relatively healthy children who previously did not have such problems.

drug allergy

Virtually any major drug on the list side effects has an item "allergic manifestations" - from a banal rash to Quincke's edema and even anaphylactic shock. It is noteworthy that even antihistamines i.e. antiallergic drugs in rare cases can provoke an allergic attack.

Allergy to insects

Another common type of hypersensitivity manifestation is insect allergy. Cockroaches, arachnids, micromites, stinging and blood-sucking creatures are a clear danger for a future allergic person.

Allergy to microorganisms

Antigens of helminths and fungi can strongly excite the immune system, giving an inadequate response to these potential allergens.

Allergy in an infant

The most dangerous and unpredictable allergy in an infant. It manifests itself in the first days, weeks or months of life, often leads to anaphylactic shock in the absence of necessary therapy, and in the vast majority of cases is caused either by milk protein during artificial / breastfeeding, or by certain types of drugs used in case of necessary treatment of the underlying disease of the baby. At the slightest suspicion of such a manifestation, you should contact your pediatrician!


The basic set of diagnostic measures for allergies is aimed at first searching for the group to which the allergen belongs, and then for a specific component that causes an inadequate immune response with a view to its subsequent exclusion from the life of a small patient. AT modern Russia and post-Soviet countries, the most common method of skin tests. It consists in introducing potential allergens under the skin by scarification and waiting for a possible inflammatory reaction of the epidermis.

In some cases, skin tests give a negative result - alternative method determination then the assessment of the level of lgE in the blood serum is used. Radiometric or colorimetric immunoassay allows the diagnosis of a common possible group of allergens, after which a repeated detailed test determines the specific component that causes the rapid release of histamine and inflammatory mediators. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of an allergy, it is necessary to pass the so-called "pediatric panel".

Allergy treatment

Despite the fact that the pathological problem has been known since the beginning of the twentieth century, unfortunately, there is no guaranteed treatment that would permanently and certainly save the child from allergies. The main method of dealing with allergies is the most complete elimination of a reliably confirmed allergen from the patient's life. This may be a refusal to eat food (a food form of the disease), air filtration in rooms where the child is constantly (allergy to dust / pollen), careful selection of seasonal wardrobe (allergy to cold), etc.

conservative drug therapy is to eliminate the acute symptoms of the problem with the help of blockers of mediators and histamines - adrenaline, antihistamines, cortisone, theophylline. As innovative experimental treatments, the most promising are incremental dosed histamine immunotherapy, through which the body can adapt resistance to antigens and reduce allergic manifestations in the medium term, as well as regular injections of antibodies to lgE, which prevent the development of allergic reactions over a long period of time.

Treatment with folk remedies

Although ethnoscience over the centuries of its existence, it has accumulated hundreds of recipes against allergies of various manifestations, they must be used very carefully for a child - most herbs and components themselves can act as strong allergens and even aggravate the patient's condition. Before using any of the recipes, be sure to consult a pediatrician and an allergist!

  1. Pollen allergies can be helped by drinking celery juice. It is necessary to take 10-15 bunches of this plant, pass them through a juicer and mix the resulting liquid with four teaspoons of sugar, and then consume two tbsp. spoons three times a day half an hour before meals for two weeks.
  2. If you are allergic to dust, prepare the following recipe: five tbsp. spoons of centaury, three tbsp. spoons of dandelion roots, two tbsp. spoons of rose hips and horsetail, as well as one tbsp. Pass a spoonful of corn silk through a meat grinder, mixing the ingredients. Four st. pour spoons of the mixture with 300 milliliters of water at room temperature and let it brew for a day, then put on fire and bring to a boil, turning off the broth and cooling it for six hours under the covers. Store the resulting liquid in the refrigerator under the lid, drink a third of a glass 3 times a day before meals for six months.
  3. General treatment of allergies in children by collecting herbs. Take in equal proportions a string, licorice and valerian roots, pharmacy chamomile, oregano, nettle. Pour one tablespoon of the crushed mixture with 300 milliliters of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 10 minutes. Strain the decoction, let it cool for an hour, use one teaspoon three times a day for a month.

Diet for allergies in a child

There is no specific universal diet for any manifestations. The main measures to correct the diet are primarily aimed at excluding from the daily diet products that may contain a potential allergen. In the vast majority of cases, the restriction on individual dishes is used in case of food allergies, although it can be used for other types of hypersensitivity.

As medical practice shows, 9 out of 10 allergens with food allergies will hold on to milk, eggs, cocoa, legumes, nuts, honey, cereals and fish products. According to recent studies, canned and semi-finished products, as well as smoked meats, store-bought sauces and other “goodies” containing a large number of flavorings and flavor enhancers.

If you are allergic to pollen, nutritionists advise limiting the use of honey, nuts, wheat bread, seeds. In case of negative manifestations when using medications(in particular, aspirin) it is desirable to abandon fruits containing derivatives salicylic acid- these are apricots, orange, cherry, raspberries, strawberries.

In case of an allergy to wool, some experts recommend eating less red meat, and if ticks, daphnia or insects are the allergen, exclude dishes based on products with a chitinous shell (shrimps, lobsters, crabs) from the diet.

With pollinosis as a concomitant problem, you should be careful with dill / parsley, melon, watermelon, citrus fruits and spices. Is milk protein the cause of the allergy? Then not only it is contraindicated for you, but also products based on it - cheeses, cream, sour milk, ice cream, etc.

From general recommendations Limitation of bright orange/red fruits/vegetables, bananas, kiwis, mangoes and pineapples should be noted. In addition, you should drink mostly pure or mineral water without gas, giving up alcohol, kvass, coffee, fruit drinks.


There is no specific prevention for allergies. Among the general recommendations are the exclusion of a potential group of allergens from the life of a small patient, rational nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air, airing and cleaning indoor air with filters, physical education, minimizing the use of household chemicals, moving to a favorable climatic zone.

  1. If regular allergic reactions occur, it is advisable to immediately contact a specialized doctor - the causes of the problem can be both environmental factors and serious illness, which will later affect other body systems. A set of diagnostic measures will help to accurately determine the allergen, which in turn will allow you to adjust your nutrition / livelihoods in order to minimize the unpleasant manifestations of hypersensitivity.
  2. Do not get carried away with antihistamines - they only temporarily relieve symptoms, while long-term use can cause a number of health problems. The use of this kind of medication is justified only during periods of severe attacks and exacerbations under the supervision of your allergist.
  3. You should know that miraculous anti-allergy drugs that could permanently save a person from this problem simply do not exist. There are experimental methods of immunotherapy that can reduce and in the medium term save the patient from hypersensitivity, but this process is quite lengthy, expensive and is not widely used in clinical practice. The most important factor in therapy under any circumstances is still the elimination of contact between the allergen and the patient - do not believe annoying advertising and try to follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Useful video

Food Allergy - Dr. Komarovsky's School


Allergies in children under 1 year old are quite common. So, according to statistics, 4 out of 10 children at this age suffer from various allergic reactions. This is due to the immaturity of the digestive system, namely, the extremely high permeability of the intestinal walls and insufficient production of specific enzymes of the digestive system. These factors and features of the immune system of the baby create conditions for the penetration of all kinds of allergens into the baby's body.

The risk group for the development of allergic reactions includes children with a aggravated hereditary history (if parents suffer from allergies, then the likelihood of its occurrence in a child increases), children with a violation of the formation of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis), babies living in an environmentally unfavorable environment.

Causes of allergies in children

Most often, infants have food allergies. In children who are breastfed, it occurs as a reaction to an allergen that is included in the food of a nursing mother, or during the period of introduction of complementary foods, when the child begins to receive new, previously unknown foods.

In addition, an allergy in a baby can occur as a reaction to contact with household chemicals (washing powder, soap, hygiene products, fabric softeners, etc.) or as a reaction to medicines (taking antibiotics by a mother or baby, taking medicines in the form of a syrup (since they contain flavors, dyes and sugars), the use of multivitamin preparations).

How do allergies manifest in children?

The main manifestation of allergy in children is a small punctate rash (up to 5 mm in diameter), which can be localized on any part of the body, but most often on the cheeks, forearms, buttocks, and abdomen. Red spots can merge, forming foci irregular shape and are accompanied by intense itching. It is because of the itching that the child becomes restless, capricious, eats poorly, sleeps.

Also, allergies are characterized by dryness and peeling of the skin, dry crusts on the scalp.

Often to allergic rash sneezing, swelling of the nasal mucosa, conjunctivitis, as well as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are added: regurgitation, colic, flatulence (increased gas formation), stool disorders (constipation or a tendency to diarrhea). The intensity of an allergic reaction in a child does not depend on the amount (dose) of the allergen that has entered the body.

An allergic reaction in a child can occur immediately after contact with the allergen or manifest itself after a few hours.

What can be confused with the manifestations of allergies in a child

Often, young mothers can mistake prickly heat or diaper dermatitis for an allergic reaction in a child.

Prickly heat occurs as a reaction of the child's skin to overheating. The rash with miliaria is localized in the natural folds of the skin (in the armpits, in the inguinal folds, on the neck) and never happens on the face.

Diaper dermatitis is caused by prolonged contact of the skin with a wet cloth. Redness, blisters, peeling appear on the baby's skin in the diaper area.

It is important to remember that not only allergic reactions in children are accompanied by a rash. The cause of rashes on the skin can be various infectious diseases (measles, rubella, chicken pox, scarlet fever, etc.). In these cases, there are signs of intoxication (weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, loss of appetite) and body temperature rises.

What should I do if my child has an allergy?

The main task in the treatment of allergies in a child is to find and exclude possible allergens.

The occurrence of an allergic reaction in a child is not an indication for stopping breastfeeding. Breast milk can not cause allergies in a child. On the contrary, it contains a lot of immunoglobulins A, which protect the intestinal mucosa from allergen molecules, and human milk proteins are completely devoid of allergic properties and are easily broken down by crumb enzymes. Since an allergic reaction in a baby is most often provoked by foods rich in allergens that a nursing mother eats, she needs to correct her diet.

First of all, foods with high allergenic properties should be excluded from the diet of a nursing mother: eggs, fish, seafood, citrus fruits, cow's milk, meat broths, strawberries, kiwi raspberries, strawberries, pineapples, honey, nuts, chocolate, cocoa, mushrooms, tomatoes, carrots, wheat, rye - and limit the consumption of foods with average allergenic properties: chicken, beef, potatoes, peaches, apricots, cherries, rose hips, cranberries, bananas, black currants, beets.

It is important to remember that any diet of a nursing mother must be balanced: foods that are excluded from her diet are replaced with equivalent ones. nutritional value from a low allergenic food group ( dairy products, rabbit meat, turkey, zucchini, cauliflower and white cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, gooseberries, green apples, pears, millet, pearl barley, etc.)

After the mother switches to a hypoallergenic diet, the baby's condition should improve within three days. If this does not happen, you need to consult a doctor - a pediatrician or an allergist.

To reduce the severity of allergic elements on the skin and reduce itching, it is recommended to bathe the baby daily in water with the addition of decoctions of string or chamomile.

Remember that anti-allergic drugs and topical skin treatments cannot be used alone. The dosage of the drug and the frequency of use should be prescribed by the doctor.

Quincke's edema, which causes asthma attacks due to swelling of the larynx, is considered an extremely dangerous manifestation of an allergy in a child. Signs of the development of this reaction are shortness of breath, a barking cough, a hoarse, hoarse voice, and a cyanotic skin tone. If a child develops these symptoms, it is urgent to call ambulance, because given state is a threat to the life of the baby.

What can not be done when a rash appears?

  • use alcohol solutions and anti-allergic drugs without a doctor's prescription;
  • smear rashes with greasy creams or ointments;
  • give your child antibiotics.
  • clothes for the baby should be made of natural or cotton fabrics;
  • to care for the baby, use only special hypoallergenic baby products (shampoo, bathing foam, cream, etc.);
  • for washing baby clothes and clothes, choose baby soap or a special baby laundry detergent. It is also important to rinse baby clothes well after washing. When hand washing, things are rinsed 2-3 times until the water becomes completely transparent; when machine washing, it is necessary to select the extra rinse mode;
  • ventilate the premises 3-4 times a day, do wet cleaning daily, get rid of woolen carpets and blankets, flowering and strong-smelling plants.


Causes of Allergy

An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to a variety of substances. Signs of an allergic reaction can appear on a variety of parts of the body, last from several minutes to several days and have different severity. The same baby has an excessive reaction of the body in different ages manifests itself in its own way. It is quite difficult to predict in advance how the disease will proceed in a particular child.

Substances that provoke the development of allergies:

  • Food;
  • household dust;
  • plant pollen;
  • insect poison;
  • animal hair;
  • fabrics and materials;
  • medications.

In children early age The most common food allergy is when a child cannot eat certain foods. Such a reaction of the body can be temporary, and after the maturation of the liver enzyme systems, the disease goes away by itself. Products, allergic, cease to be dangerous for the baby after 3-5 years. In some children, intolerance to certain foods can develop into a true allergy and persist for life.

Young children also often suffer from contact allergies. The cause of an unwanted reaction may be skin care products, synthetic clothing, bedding. In this case, the disease manifests itself in the form small rash on the arms and legs. There may be rashes all over the body. After removing the source of irritation, the disease goes away on its own.

Use only high-quality cosmetic products for child care.

Older children are more likely to suffer from allergies to household dust and animal dander. Some products may also provoke an unwanted reaction. At preschool age, the appearance of hay fever is possible - a seasonal allergic reaction to plant pollen. Often this form of the disease turns into bronchial asthma.

Symptoms and complications

How to detect allergies in a baby? First of all, you should focus on the typical symptoms of allergies in children:

  • red rash on the skin (on the arms, legs, face, or all over the body);
  • swelling and redness of the skin;
  • itching and dry skin;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • nasal congestion;
  • labored breathing;
  • lacrimation;
  • tingling and numbness in the mouth;
  • loose stool.

What to do if the baby has at least one of the signs of an allergic reaction? The first step is to try to identify the cause of the disease. Perhaps these are new products introduced into the child's diet recently? Skin care products, washing powder, a new shampoo - anything can provoke the development of an unwanted reaction. If, after eliminating the potential source of the problem, the allergy disappears within 1-3 days, there is no need to look for another reason for the development of the disease.

With the onset of spring, many children suffer from seasonal allergies. A typical patient with hay fever looks like this:

  • red swollen eyes;
  • profuse lacrimation;
  • constant sneezing;
  • profuse light discharge from the nose;
  • marked difficulty in nasal breathing.

AT temperate climate hay fever occurs from April to September. At this time, there is an active flowering of trees, shrubs and field grasses. Most often, pollinosis occurs in children prone to allergic reactions from childhood. seasonal allergies disappears by itself after the end of the flowering season.

What should parents do if their child has an allergy? Is it always necessary to treat the baby and can you wait until the allergen itself is removed from the body? Experts say: it is not worth delaying treatment.
Any allergy can provoke the development of serious complications:

  • anaphylactic shock;
  • angioedema;
  • generalized urticaria;
  • convulsions;
  • coma.

In the absence of timely assistance, a seemingly harmless allergy can cause the death of a child. Do not delay contacting a doctor when the first symptoms of the disease appear!

Non-drug treatment

Allergy treatment is not only about taking medications. The success of therapy largely depends on changes in the child's lifestyle. Any medications give only a temporary effect, helping to fight the symptoms, but not the causes of the disease. What needs to be done in order to save the baby from the disease for a long time?

Most often, parents of young children have to deal with reactions to food. Non-drug treatment food allergies in children is based on the following principles.

Elimination of the source of the problem

What to do if the baby reacts to chicken, milk, nuts or any other food? If an itchy rash appears on the arms and legs of a child after eating oranges, and a glass of milk provokes diarrhea? Such a reaction does not look very attractive, and the baby experiences some discomfort. It is especially hard for teenagers who focus on their appearance. The appearance of a rash on the face, hands, or other exposed areas of the body can lead to severe depression and other serious mental disorders.

The elimination diet is the basis for the treatment of food allergies. Products that cause an undesirable reaction are completely excluded from the child's diet. The diet for each baby is developed individually. There are no problems if parents know exactly which foods provoke an allergy in a child. But what if the exact cause of the disease is not known?

If an undesirable reaction manifests itself in the form of a rash on the face, arms or legs, accompanied by a breakdown of the stool, it should be dealt with with proven methods. Most doctors in this situation recommend a general hypoallergenic diet.

All foods that can potentially exacerbate the disease are excluded from the child's diet:

  • cereals (wheat, rye, corn, oats);
  • vegetables (tomatoes, red pepper);
  • fruits (citrus fruits, peaches, apricots, persimmons);
  • berries (strawberries, blackberries);
  • Fish and seafood;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • milk;
  • chocolate and cocoa.

Food allergies manifest themselves in different ways throughout life. In infants, intolerance to certain foods can be expressed in the form of acute diarrhea. An allergy on the face of a child in the form of a red itchy rash occurs both in newborns and in babies of the first three years of life. In older children, the food reaction makes itself felt by the appearance of weeping spots in the folds of the skin (on the arms in the elbow pits and on the legs under the knee). Teenagers are more likely to suffer from dryness and flaking of the skin in various parts of the body.

In fact, almost any food can provoke the development of allergies. In young children, the reaction is most often manifested by cow's milk protein. In this regard, pediatricians are advised to abandon the use of dairy products and beef in the first years of a child's life. Instead of beef, you can cook chicken or duck if the baby does not have intolerance to these dishes either.

Unfortunately, eating chicken instead of beef and veal is not a panacea. Many children also react to poultry. Very often there is a reaction not only to chicken, but also to eggs - both in pure form and as part of various products. In this situation, the baby should not eat not only chicken, duck and eggs, but also any dishes that contain these components.

Eggs are part of many confectionery and sweets. Read the product label before giving a treat to a child.

Preschool children react not only to chicken and beef, but also to fish. The disease manifests itself in the form of a small rash on the face, arms and legs. Characterized by severe itching and dry skin. Babies of the first year of life often have a breakdown of the stool with errors in the diet.

The strongest reaction is seen on nuts. Anaphylactic shock can cause even the use of a microscopic dose. Very often, an allergy to nuts occurs in children suffering from hay fever and bronchial asthma.

Allergy to milk and dairy products occurs in children of the first years of life. Such a reaction is usually manifested by a breakdown of the stool. It is possible that a rash appears on the skin, including on the arms and legs, in skin folds. The disease often resolves spontaneously at the age of 3-4 years.

Comfortable microclimate

Allergies on the arms and legs of a child are not always the result of food intolerance or reactions to some substances from the outside. A similar rash often occurs in adolescents under stress. A dysfunctional atmosphere at home, problems at school, conflicts with peers - all this can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the child and eliminate any sources of stress. Often, a change of scenery and relaxation in the company of closest friends and relatives helps to cope with the problem.

Medical treatment

You can treat allergies in a child using local and general remedies. The choice of method of therapy will depend on the localization and severity of the process. Only a doctor should treat allergies in children of any age. Independent application drugs are not allowed.

Local treatment

Rashes on the arms, legs or face can be treated with the use of local preparations. AT acute stage topical corticosteroids in the form of creams or ointments are used. The selected drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected area. The course of therapy is 10-14 days.

The second stage of treatment is the care of allergy-prone skin. For this purpose, special emollient creams are used to protect the skin from aggressive factors. environment. The cream is applied in a thin layer 1-2 times a day. In the evening, use the cream immediately after a shower. Emollients can be used as a daily remedy for problem skin care.

Seasonal allergies also lend themselves local therapy. Pollinosis, accompanied by a runny nose, pediatricians recommend treating drugs based on cromoglycic acid (cromones). Nasal passages are cleaned saline solutions. Cromones are instilled into the nose 1-2 drops in each nasal passage 2 times a day.

Instead of cromones, topical corticosteroid drops can be used. Efficiency hormonal drugs much higher, and often only steroid drugs can save the baby from constant sneezing and nasal congestion. Pollinosis can also be treated with vasoconstrictor agents, but not more than 5 days in a row.

Systemic therapy

How to treat a child with severe manifestations of allergies? With severe manifestations of the disease, systemic drugs are prescribed. Among all drugs, antihistamines have become the most popular. These drugs prevent the development of allergies and eliminate all the main symptoms of the disease. For therapy, drugs are usually used in tablets, capsules or in the form of a syrup. For the smallest, antihistamines are available in drops.