Can a dog be lethargic from worms? Helminthiasis is the most common and very dangerous disease of dogs.

Intestinal worms impair the functioning of organs and systems, weaken the pet's immunity and can cause death. There are different ways to determine if a dog has worms.

Causes of worms in dogs

Eggs and larvae are everywhere. They are:

  • in water and soil;
  • in grass and on the body of other animals;
  • in fleas and ticks, which are carriers (intermediate hosts) of helminths.

When the dog runs down the street, he sniffs and licks objects, and may come into contact with infected relatives. Through the gastrointestinal tract, larvae and eggs enter inside and develop in the intestine to adults. Then they lay eggs, some of which are carried with the bloodstream, and the other with the feces of the animal come out. After a dog's bowel movement, the eggs of the worms remain on the fur around the anus.

If a puppy bitch suffers from helminthiasis, the babies become infected in the womb and may die soon after birth.

How to determine availability

Exist characteristics helminthiasis in dogs:

  • putrid smell from the mouth;
  • frequent licking or scratching on the floor of the perianal zone;
  • bloated belly against the background of general thinness;
  • lack of appetite and pallor of mucous membranes;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • hair loss;
  • segments, eggs, and adult intestinal worms in feces

Initially, the symptoms are barely pronounced, but the picture changes very quickly.

What to do if the dog has worms

It is advisable to bathe the dog and pickle fleas if his condition allows it.

If you find that your dog has worms, you need to start treatment right away. Also, do not forget about drug prevention for other pets, as well as people living in the apartment.

Almost all pets have helminths. Some owners believe that good nutrition and careful care can protect the pet from infection. However, this opinion is erroneous. According to statistics, more than 70% of dogs living at home and under the strict control of their owners suffer from helminthic infestation. In order for the pet not to become infected, it must be provided with practically sterile conditions. And in a private house or city apartment, this is simply unrealistic. Therefore, worms in dogs are not uncommon. Also read the article about.

Why are worms dangerous?

Among possible consequences helminth infections are worth highlighting the following:

The condition of the four-legged friend of the worms is affected in this way:

Worm infestation leads to disruption of a number of vital organs.

Often, helminths cause the death of a pet. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to determine what a dog has worms, and which ones. The success of treatment depends on the early detection of the disease.

What types of worms are there?

Consider what kind of worms are in dogs, and where they can live. In fact, there are many varieties of helminths.
But fortunately, all of them are fairly well studied and proper treatment are easily excreted from the body.

  • Intestinal.
  • Cardiac.
  • Hepatic.
  • Pulmonary.

Let's look at each category in more detail.


Considering the most common worms in dogs, you should pay attention to toxacara. The route of infection is as follows. From the egg swallowed by the animal, a larva is formed in the intestine.
Through the mucous membrane, it enters the bloodstream. The blood stream delivers it to the lungs. With a cough, the larva enters the mouth. After secondary ingestion, a sexually mature individual grows from the larva in the canine intestine. The life of Toxacar is about six months. At the end of this term, the helminth dies and, together with the feces, is brought out.

Symptoms depend on the age of the animal and the degree of damage. For example, puppies endure toxacorosis much harder than adults. Toddlers begin to lag behind in growth, eat poorly. There are also bloating, pallor of the mucous membranes, constipation or diarrhea, intestinal colic.


The clinical picture of dirofilariasis is as follows. There is labored breathing with a debilitating dry cough. All signs of heart failure are present: shortness of breath, arrhythmia, slow pulse, swelling, etc. Of the non-specific symptoms, it is worth mentioning convulsions, exhaustion, apathy and general weakness, taste perversions.


The crenosoma nematode is quite rare. Dogs become infected when they eat an infested terrestrial mollusk. It is very problematic to meet a snail on city streets. In addition, many small dog breeds spend most of their time in the arms of their owners. Therefore, pulmonary invasion is observed infrequently.

If, nevertheless, pulmonary worms appeared in dogs, the symptoms will be as follows: a prolonged cough that intensifies at night, a runny nose and sneezing. Helminths cause blockage of small bronchi, pneumonia. Anemia also develops. The animal quickly loses weight, the quality of wool deteriorates.

Regardless of whether round or tapeworms in dogs - treatment should be started in a timely manner. For this it is desirable pet periodically drive to the veterinary clinic for preventive examination. It is also important to constantly monitor the condition of the pet. And if you suspect a helminthic invasion, immediately go to the doctor. The doctor will take tests, conduct an examination, determine the type of helminths and select a treatment regimen.

How to recognize worms?

For many dog ​​breeders, the question is how to understand that the dog has worms, if there is no way to get tested? Pretty simple.

After all, there is a list of symptoms that indicate that the animal needs urgent deworming.

Let's consider them in more detail.

If heart, lung, liver, kidney or subcutaneous worms are observed in dogs, the symptoms will be as follows:

Sometimes helminthic invasion is asymptomatic. Therefore, it is important to periodically pay attention to feces. If in feces helminths are found, it is advisable to collect feces in a special container and take them for analysis to a veterinary clinic. So it will be easier for the doctor to determine the type of worms.

How to avoid worm infestation?

To keep your pet from getting worms, you need to follow preventive measures. And good hygiene comes first. Regularly you need to wash the dishes with which the animal eats, wash its paws after a walk, and periodically bathe the dog. Deworming should also be done three times a year. For this purpose, the veterinarian prescribes special drugs.

It is not recommended to give completely raw fish to an animal. The product is best subjected to heat treatment. During the walk, you need to monitor your pet so that it does not pick up foreign objects from the ground. Do not allow contact with homeless animals.

Is there a risk of helminth infection from a dog?

To reduce the risk of infection, you should wash your hands after each contact with the dog. Regularly clean the apartment with the use of disinfectants, ventilate the apartment more often.

One or more of the above symptoms may appear if your dog develops worms in the body, which disrupt the work of many organs of the animal. Helminths take a huge amount of nutrients from your pet, disrupt the functioning of internal organs and actively continue to infect the body.

  • Tapeworms. Tapeworms are those worms that are easiest to identify visually. As a rule, such worms are transmitted through fleas. In the body of an animal, these worms reach quite large sizes and have a flat appearance. Very often, the presence of worms can be determined by the eggs that they lay. They can be found in the dog's feces, as well as on the fur around the anus. Outwardly, they resemble rice. Quite often, they can be found even on the floor or furniture, and even more often on the rug where the dog sleeps.
  • Whiplashers. Whipworms, which are also known as whipworms, are not visible to the naked eye, but the symptoms of the presence of these worms are quite noticeable. These include: anemia, lethargy, dehydration, increased gas formation, bloody stools, sudden weight loss.
  • Nematodes. Nematodes enter the dog's intestines through oral cavity. The main signs of the presence of nematodes in the body include: irritability of the animal, anemia, bloody stools or bleeding from the rectum.

    Heartworms are a bigger problem for any veterinarian. That is why experts always recommend the prevention of such diseases. Those animals that survive after the defeat of their body by heartworms subsequently suffer from heart problems. Treatment of worms in dogs usually consists in the implementation of a series of injections with mandatory hospitalization, in order to constantly monitor the condition of the animal.

It is known that worms in dogs can start at any age, so the task of the owner is to timely detect alarming symptoms and eliminate a serious illness.

What are the symptoms and treatment of helminthiasis, the specialist will tell. Notice the dog's fur. If it has become dull and disheveled, and suspicious spots and peeling have appeared on the dog’s skin, then you should contact a specialist.

An alarming symptom is the instability of appetite, there is an absence or a sharp increase without visible reasons. In addition, a sick animal often eats inedible objects - pebbles, sand or pieces of wood, it is tormented by constant constipation and other disorders of the internal organs.

Some owners pay attention to the restless behavior of the dog, which is hindered by itching in the anus, and the presence of distended abdomen and weight loss of the pet.

If you find at least one suspicious symptom, then you should show your pet to a veterinarian, he will conduct an examination and make the correct diagnosis.

Types of worms

  • flat tapeworms;
  • round worms;
  • flukes (trematodes).

What are the worms in dogs, many pet owners do not know. Sometimes the animal is affected by nematodes, which belong to the pulmonary helminths.

Most often, an animal becomes infected by eating raw fish, and both owners and dogs usually suffer from the disease. Experts note that during palpation the liver is enlarged and painful, its tuberosity is noticeable.

The influence of helminths on the condition of the dog

Symptoms and treatment of helminthiasis occupy a special place in the study of the nature of worms. After all, the work of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. All types of helminths pose a danger to the health of the pet and its owner, worms often lead to a sharp decrease in body weight, exacerbation of chronic ailments and poison the animal's body with waste products, so helminthic invasions should be treated.

How do they look

Types of worms in dogs can be recognized by seeing the worms directly in the stool, as well as dangerous find compare with the photos that are on the Internet.

The causative agent of toxocariasis has the appearance of a long whitish worm, strongly pointed at the ends. Often, an adult is excreted from the intestines and is found in the dog's feces.

They live in the heart of dogs and often cannot be detected in time, which slows down the diagnostic process. In the photo you can see the localization of such helminths.

No matter how attentive the owners of the dog are, on the street the animal will certainly sniff the soil and feces, communicate with other pets and even pick up leftover food from the ground, which is a bad habit.

  • suspension;
  • tablets;
  • drops.

Such a medicine destroys round and tapeworms, it can also be used for mixed diseases. Strict adherence to instructions minimizes side effects, and it is convenient to give liquid to the dog using the dispenser that is included in the kit.

This tool contains components such as febantel, praziquantel, as well as a compound from the pyrimidine group and is intended for oral administration.
So, the cell membranes of worms become vulnerable, which depresses them, and the muscle tissues of most individuals are paralyzed, as a result of which the internal organs are cleansed of helminths.

At home, you can also remove worms from a dog with the help of the drug "Drontal", which is available in the form of tablets and is considered effective against round and tapeworms.

This remedy treats diseases such as hookworm, echinococcosis, diphyllobothriasis and other ailments. Effective for dogs "Drontal" and as a preventive measure. However, not all owners of four-legged friends know how to properly give drugs for worms to a dog.

The medicine for dogs "Drontal" should be used according to the attached instructions and the recommendations of the veterinarian. Tablets are best mixed into pet food, and can also be given to your dog along with a treat.

If the pet refuses to take the remedy, then the tablets must be dissolved in a small amount of water and forced into the root of the tongue.

The elimination of helminths with the help of the drug for dogs "Drontal" has such advantages as the absence of a preliminary diet, ease of application and the absence of a negative effect on internal organs pet.

Veterinarians prescribe pets and other anthelmintics, for example, the medicine "Milbemax". It is effective against nematodes and cestodes, and experts also note its harmlessness.

Tablets according to the dosage indicated in the instructions should be given to the animal for coughing, salivation, rapid weight loss and other suspicious symptoms after consultation with the veterinarian. This tool allows not only to treat helminthic invasions, but also to carry out prevention annually.

Having found helminth larvae in the feces of an animal, you should immediately purchase special drops from worms that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of the disease.

How to remove worms from a dog? Healing drops are applied to the withers of the dog and are recognized as the most convenient form of deworming agents. Conventional medications often work poorly, as the pet spits out the medicine or the person does not know how to give pills to their four-legged friend.

When choosing liquid anthelmintics, you need to focus on the age and weight of the dog. Preparations for worms for dogs are available complete with instructions for use, where their features are indicated.

How to remove dangerous worms from the body of a dog quickly? For example, drops for adult pets "Dironet" are an active liquid that is absorbed through the skin and enters the blood of the animal, and from there to all organs, including the intestines and heart. This medicine consists of ivermectin and praziquantel, known for their effectiveness.

It is important to know that drops, like other anthelmintics, cannot be combined with similar medications. If you don't know how to withdraw a large number of helminths from the body of a dog, contact a veterinary clinic.

It is worth noting that helminth drops have the following undeniable advantages over other drugs:

  • lack of pain and stress;
  • ease of use;
  • high efficiency.

Veterinarians warn that before removing worms from the body of a dog, it is necessary to study the instructions for use and follow the rules.

Tablets from worms for dogs are used not only to treat the disease, but also to prevent the occurrence of a problem. What to do if the pet is often infected with helminths? First of all, protect him from untested sources of drinking water and wean him from bad habit pick up garbage from the ground on a walk.
The established symptoms and treatment of helminthic invasion require attention from the owner, during this period the dog should eat a balanced diet and avoid overeating.

The easiest way to prevent the disease is through the prophylactic use of special drugs. The owner should know how to properly give the tablet to the pet and what to do if deworming is refused.

Puppies are allowed to be treated with the permission of a veterinarian; special products have been created for them that act gently and do not harm the baby’s fragile body.

If you find worms in your dog, you should immediately contact your veterinarian to prescribe drops or other effective remedy from helminths. Before giving your dog deworming pills, read the instructions.