The game is not fun meeting minutes. Parent meeting in the middle group on the topic “The game is not fun

Parent meeting

"Game is not fun"

Target: to raise the level of pedagogical culture of parents.

Preliminary work:

Competition "Skillful Hands" (making games, toys together with parents and children);

Arrange an exhibition of didactic games in the group;

Exhibition of books on the topic "Game activity".


In order for our children to have a happy childhood, play should occupy the main place in their lives. In childhood, the child has a need for it. And it needs to be satisfied not because business is time, and fun is an hour, but because, while playing, the child learns and learns about life. Let's talk about the game today.

Discussion "Is it necessary to supervise children's games?":

Question to parents: “Do you think it is necessary to lead the child’s play?”;

Generalization by the educator.

If you do not play, do not lead the game of the baby at an early age, he will not develop the ability to play both independently and with other children.

At a younger age, the game becomes a means of development and education if it is built on meaningful communication with adults. When playing with your daughter or son, remember that you cannot suppress the initiative of the baby. Play with him on equal terms. When playing, watch your speech: the even, calm tone of an equal partner in the game instills in the child the confidence that they understand him, share his thoughts, want to play with him.

Parents' stories from the experience of family education:

- "Family games in the family";

- Leisure in the family.

The game is a task

I propose an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-esteem. If you do as instructed, put a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.

  1. Every evening I spend time playing with the children.
  2. I talk about my games as a child.
  3. If a toy breaks, I fix it together with the child.
  4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it, showing different versions of the game.
  5. I listen to the child's stories about games and toys in kindergarten.
  6. I do not punish the child with a game, a toy, i.e. I do not deprive him for the duration of the game or toys.
  7. Often I give a child a game, a toy.


If there are more red chips on your table, then the game is always present in your house. You play with the child on an equal footing. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because the game is the most interesting thing in a child's life.

Excursion to the game room

The teacher talks about the children's favorite games and toys, answers questions from parents.

parent meeting decision

Take an active part in children's games, making games, toys, fixing them;

Take an active part in the life of the kindergarten.


1. Conversation with parents "What gives the game to the child?"

2. Question-Answer "The value of the game in the comprehensive development of the child's personality"

3. Solving pedagogical situations

4. Sharing family experience on choosing toys.

5. Game break (games in the kitchen, on the way to kindergarten, on a day off)

6. Creative work of parents.

7. Tips for adults on organizing play activities at home.

Assembly progress.

Educator. Have you ever wondered why children love to play? What does play give a child? Do you remember what you played in your childhood?
(Proposes to list the games.)

Educator. Some statistics. Of the 300 parents interviewed, no one said that the child does not like to play. Many of them noted the role of play in the development of their children, but do not distinguish it from other activities. So, they refer to the game of children fun, pranks, leisure, modeling, listening to books, watching TV shows, etc. Favorite games of children, in their opinion, are “school”, “kindergarten”, “hospital”, “dolls”, "war", etc. mobile, desktop-printed, computer. However, some adults underestimate the role of play in the development of their child.

Question of parents. My daughter plays all the time. She constantly talks to herself, made a cash register, cut up paper "money", shifts them from place to place ... Does this help her development?

Educator. Yes, the role of the game, unfortunately, is underestimated by some parents. For a child, this is a way of self-realization, in the game he can become what he dreams of being in real life: a doctor, driver, pilot, etc. The role-playing game is very popular and loved by children, it prepares them for the future life. It is called so because its main elements are the game concept, the development of the scenario (plot), the actual game actions, the choice and distribution of roles. This is a kind of creative game that is created by the children themselves, they themselves come up with the rules in it.

Much has been said about the importance of play in child development.
The game is the need of the child's body, a means of versatile education of the child.

Questions for parents.

  1. What do you think is the role of play in child development?
  2. Do you think the child learns while playing?

(The teacher invites those who wish to speak, and then summarizes the answers.)


In the game, the child learns:

  • Emotionally get used to, "grow" into the complex social world of adults.
  • Experience the life situations of other people as your own, understand the meaning of their actions and actions.
  • Realize your real place among other people.
  • Respect yourself and believe in yourself. When solving game problems, children show maximum competence, they act confidently, without asking questions to an adult and without asking his permission. The game is the arena of children's successes and achievements. The task of adults is to strengthen the child's self-confidence by showing a positive attitude towards his play activities.
  • Rely on your own strength when faced with a problem: the game provides children with the opportunity to set and solve their own problems. Children who have a lot of playing practice cope with real life problems more easily than those who play little.
  • Freely express your feelings. A child living under the constant vigilant control of adults begins to behave unnaturally. He is not bold enough and decisive enough to reveal his true feelings, which is why his behavior becomes constrained. There are barriers to communication. Therefore, adults should have a positive attitude towards his genuine emotions and show the naturalness and purity of the relationship themselves.
  • Experience your anger, envy, anxiety and worry. In the free games of children, fear, aggression and tension find a way out and weaken, which greatly facilitates real relationships between children.

situation for analysis.

Children's hubbub in the area. A new, five-year-old boy, who first entered a kindergarten, examines the children playing with curiosity: some bring sand, others load it into a car, others build a sand city.

  • Do you also want to play with them? the teacher addresses the child.
  • He looks at the teacher in surprise and indifferently answers:
  • No-ee... I'll shoot them now!
  • He deftly throws up a toy machine brought from home and aims at the players.
  • Why do you want to shoot them? the teacher again addresses the boy.
  • Attack, no way... I'm a robber! Now commit to them for years! Unfriendly notes in the voice.
  • He would only shoot and play war, the mother complains to the teacher in the evening.
  • For such games, he seems to have no shortage of toys, the teacher notes, meaning a saber, a pistol with caps, a home-made shield lying in his mother's shopping bag.
  • Yes, of course, the mother agrees, he demands, you have to buy. Combat is growing, even too much.
  • And you did not try to switch it to other games, more calm? Yes, and toys would be different for him, which are conducive to more relaxed games, for example ...
  • What for? wondering woman. Let him play what he wants. Though the Nightingale the Robber! What does it matter!

Questions for parents.

  1. In your opinion, what is the significance of the roles that a child takes on in the moral development of a person?
  2. What do you think is the educational value of games?


In the game, the child acquires new and clarifies the knowledge he already has, activates the vocabulary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, the ability to yield. He formed the beginning of collectivism. The child in the game depicts what he saw, experienced, he masters the experience of human activity. The game brings up an attitude towards people, towards life, a positive attitude of games helps to maintain a cheerful mood.

Parents' opinion.

The games take a lot of time. It is better to let the child sit at the TV screen, computer, listen to recorded fairy tales. Especially in the game, he can break something, tear, stain, then clean up after him. And he will receive knowledge in kindergarten anyway.

Questions for parents.

Are there other points of view on the meaning of children's play?
(Those who wish are invited to speak.)


The value of the game is sometimes underestimated. For the first time in the Soviet era, it was believed that the child did not need to play this empty occupation. If a child has learned how to make Easter cakes out of sand, then let him go to the factory and bake them there.

Modern research has shown that operating with substitute objects will help the child to further assimilate various symbols, prepare him for learning to work on a computer. The game develops the imagination. Remember what the child plays, what objects does he use for this? For example, from a chamomile flower, you can “cook” an “fried egg” for a doll, make an injection with a stick, use a tray instead of a steering wheel. You probably noticed yourself that the child in the game seems to forget about reality, believes that the doll is alive, it hurts the bear if he was taken by the ear, and he himself is a real captain or pilot.

Remember that it can be difficult for a child to leave the game, interrupt it, switch to other activities. This feature can be used in education, thus preventing disobedience. For example, address a child playing hospital: "Doctor, your patients need rest, it's time for them to sleep," or remind the "driver" that the cars are going to the garage.
In fact, children always distinguish play from reality by using the expressions "pretend," "as if," "in truth." Actions that are inaccessible to them in real life, they perform it in the game, "pretend". While playing, the child, as it were, enters into life, gets acquainted with it, reflects on what he has seen. But there are children who do not play or play little due to being busy with classes, due to non-compliance with the regimen, excessive enthusiasm for watching television programs.

Children need time and play space. If he; attends a kindergarten, then at best he will play in the evening, if there are no other temptations of a TV, computer, etc. The play space is a corner, a table with favorite toys, a chair, properly selected game material.

Play in a child usually arises on the basis of and under the influence of the impressions received. Games do not always have a positive content, often children reflect negative ideas about life in the game.

situation for analysis.

Once Slava suggested to the guys playing in the family:

Questions for parents.

  1. How does this situation make you feel?
  2. Why do you think it took shape?

Question of parents.

Why doesn't my daughter want to play alone? If adults are with her, she gets carried away. It is necessary to leave one, immediately the game stops. She was smaller, they thought, when she starts walking, it will become easier, she can get away with it, and she won’t have to amuse. But the baby has all the conditions: a special corner, a lot of interesting toys. Maybe it depends on the characteristics of the child?

Questions for parents.

  1. Why doesn't the child want to play alone?
  2. How to teach a child to play?


A child of 4-5 years of age needs to play together with adults. Children of this age can play travel, beat the plots of fairy tales and cartoons they like. Multi-theme games are already appearing here, that is, combining several plots into one. For example, in the game "daughters-mothers" dolls attend kindergarten, get sick, go to the store, to the post office, go on vacation, etc. in the truth of the game.

With children 4-5 years old, use indirect methods, such as leading questions, advice, tips, introducing additional characters, roles. A major role is influenced by the child through the role. For example, playing in a store, you can ask why certain products are not available, how best to pack, arrange goods, which departments to open, organize delivery of products to people, etc.

The problem of educating the preconditions of femininity in girls and masculinity in boys is an urgent one. To cultivate these qualities, it is advisable to form girls' ideas about women's social roles and a positive emotional attitude towards them, to associate their ideas with games, and the ability to reflect them in games. For example, you can read works with girls where the main character is a female representative, talk about her, emphasize her positive qualities. After the game, talk with your daughter about how the mother was in the game: for example, affectionate, caring or, conversely, indifferent, angry. Boys can be interested in the roles of firefighters, border guards, rescuers, policemen, draw their attention to the positive qualities of representatives of these professions. Rely also on works of art, where the image of a positive hero is given, showing courage, courage. Children should not be allowed to choose games with negative content, since the experiences associated with the game do not go unnoticed. You can switch the game, giving it positive content, for example, suggest to the child: "Let dad be kind, affectionate in our game." If it was not possible to switch the game, then it is necessary to stop it, explaining to the child why it should not be continued.

So, the game gives the child a lot of positive emotions, he loves it when adults play with him. Do not deprive him of this joy, remember that you yourself were children.

Olga Pinigina

Parent meeting in the early age group "Okay"

educators: Pinigina O. N. Voitova T. V.

Topic: « Game is not fun» .

Target: 1. Provide understanding parents the need for play in a child's life as an integral part of his development.

2. Arouse interest and desire to participate in the discussion of the problem-necessity of children's play.

3. Expand view parents about the game.

4. Introduce parents with gaming activities in a group through playing various games.

5. Strengthen cooperation parents and the teaching staff.

1. Opening remarks. Topic message parent meeting.

2. Message, "What are the games and toys" .

3. "What toys your child is playing

4. Finger games.

5. The game is a task.

6. Summing up for the year.

7. Summing up parent meeting(reflection) .

Meeting progress:

1. (Song sounds "Where does childhood go?" music A. Zatsepina, sl. L. Derbeneva).

Good afternoon dear parents! We are glad to meet you. Thank you for taking the time and coming to Parent meeting.

In order for the childhood of our children to be happy, the main, main place in their life should be occupied by the game. In childhood, the child has a need for play. And it needs to be satisfied, not because business is time, fun is an hour, but because playing, the child learns and learns life.

« The game pervades the life of the child. This is the norm even when the baby is doing a serious job. He has a passion, and it must be satisfied. Moreover, this game should be impregnated with this game all his life. His whole life is the game» These simple truths are reminded to us, adults, by the famous teacher A. S. Makarenko.

2. Today we gathered to discuss important topic: « Play and child development» .

To begin with, let's talk about what toys are, what they are for and what each of them can give for development. There are different types of toys for preschool children.

Theatrical toys. Dramatization games are necessary and useful for children at different stages of their development.

These are special games, children themselves portray the heroes of literary works, and more often fairy tales, songs, rhymes. The child creates his own little world and feels himself creator: he builds himself, manages himself, speaks with the voices of his heroes, he, as it were, reincarnates into an image, lives his life.

During such games, there is an interesting development of speech, vocabulary enrichment, the child’s creative abilities, his imagination develop, he learns to think independently and logically.

All this is reflected in his further development, and then on educational activities.

Up to a year, one toy, beloved by the baby, is mainly taken, in the hands of the mother it sings, dances, recites poetry.

After a year, when the child understands speech, you can put on a play with two toys.

After two years, you can arrange small performances with your child.

Finger puppets are very popular. Toddlers with pleasure play with dolls, pronounce the text, sing with a toy on one finger, and then on several. The finger puppet theater is very useful for the development of fine motor skills, which has a beneficial effect in preparing the brush for writing.

The greatest opportunities for dramatization are given by glove puppets or B-ba-bo puppets, puppets that do not have legs, but have a hand. The head is worn on the index finger, middle and thumb in the hands.

For all games Dramatization expands children's knowledge about the world around them. The child learns to convey his emotional state in movements, facial expressions, gestures. He learns to understand the peculiarities of animal behavior, learns onomatopoeia, children develop speech, a sense of collectivism, relationships between peers and adults are being established.

All this affects the life potential of the child.

It is very important to include in the process of organizing and introducing children to games - dramatization of parents. After all, due to lack of attention in children, there are violations in the development of not only speech, but also other functional systems.

You are participants in the educational process. Participate in the preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment, games.

Didactic toys. These toys have a special place. With the help of didactic games, children get acquainted with color, shape, size, etc. These include multi-colored liners, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto, etc. These toys bring up concentration, perseverance, determination, the ability to bring things to the end in children, and also contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

Finger games and exercises are a unique tool for the development of fine motor skills and speech in their unity and interconnection.

The speech areas of the human brain are formed under the influence of impulses from the fingers. This means that the more a child can, wants and strives to do with his hands, the smarter and more inventive he is. After all, at the fingertips is an inexhaustible source of creative thought that nourishes the brain of a child. The whole history of the development of mankind proves that hand movements are closely connected with speech. Throughout early childhood, this dependence clearly stands out - as fine motor skills improve, speech function develops. Hand function and speech develop in parallel. Naturally, this should be used in working with children. Improving fine motor skills is improving speech.

Sometimes adults get upset, even angry at the child for not using toys, not suspecting that he simply does not know how to do all this. play. To kid they say: « play He takes the toys and with a boring face puts the astronaut on a zebra, and the Malvina doll on a rhinoceros, then turns on the motorcyclist, and for a long time watches how he spins around the floor. By themselves, toys will not mean anything to a child if he does not know how and what to do with them. play. We advise you to play with toys together with your child, prompting and showing actions with them.

And now we offer you play with toys,

in which your children are playing!

To play with parents tables were prepared games and toys:

Prepared for dramatization screen:

It all started with fingers games:

"Bunny, ears on top, Jumps, jumps along the edge ..."

“We are cabbage, chop, chop,

We three carrots, three ... "

“These are the eyes, here, here ...”

"Kisonki-murisonki, where have you been?"

Playing a fairy tale"Teremok"

We're on the train to the next game!

Board games:

Games with handkerchiefs and pencil:

Movable the game"The Cat and the Sparrows"

Presentation of Letters of Appreciation for active participation in the life of the group!

Thank you all!

Solving general issues.

Preparing for the meeting.

The teacher offers parents to equip a play corner at home. There is a competition for the best gaming corner. The appearance of toys, compliance with the age of the child, order in the play corner, participation of parents in the manufacture of play aids, toys of the child are evaluated; fiction, fantasy in the design of the corner.

It’s good if the baby goes to visit his peers, they will inspect their toys. The teacher tries in every possible way to introduce, make friends the children of the group and their parents.

You can also announce a competition for the best soft toy. The teacher advises parents what toys can be sewn from foam rubber, fur, fabric. Animals and fairy-tale characters can be of different sizes.

The announcement of the competition is posted in advance:

“Comrade adults!

If you want children to have fun in kindergarten so that your child has their own favorite toy, please take part in the soft toy contest. The toy exhibition will take place on February 23rd.”

It is desirable to make prizes for the winners of the competition. Which? This issue is discussed at the parent committee.

On certain days, you can invite parents to the group to participate in children's games. During a visit to the group, parents make attributes with the kids for playing in the family, a store: bagels from foam rubber, sugar from foam; organize outdoor games, teach children to blow soap bubbles, etc.

Approximately two weeks before the meeting, parents are invited to answer the following questionnaire:

  1. What conditions are created for children to play in your family?
  2. Where and how are toys stored, how do you teach your child to take care of them?
  3. What are your child's favorite toys?
  4. How often and for whom do you buy toys?
  5. Does the child often break toys and how do you act in such cases?
  6. Which member of the family plays with the child the most? What games you play?
  7. Do you allow your child's friends to visit?
  8. What interesting things did you see in the play corner of the family you visited?

With the help of parents, memos are prepared for each family.

Plot-figurative (depicting people, animals, objects of labor and everyday life);

Motor: wheelchairs, strollers, sports toys;

Construction kits;

Didactic (various turrets, pyramids, board games, mosaic);

Fun toys.

Children make applications “Matryoshka with sweets”. They put invitations to the meeting, for example:

“Dear Sergey Petrovich and Anna Ivanovna!

How to make the life of the children of our group more interesting with the help of games, what toys to buy, how to instill in the child the necessary qualities in the game - we will talk about this at the parent meeting “Game is not fun”, which we are waiting for you on November 18 at 18 o'clock.

In preparation for the meeting, the teacher records on tape the children's answers to the questions: do you like to play? What games do you play at home? Do you have favorite toys? Which? Tell us how you play with them. Do adults play games with you? Who? (Grandmother, grandfather, mother, father). If not, why do you think? What do you do in your family if the toy is broken or torn?

With the help of the members of the parent committee, a photo booth is made out. In the photographs - the best children's home corners, children at play, an exhibition of soft toys.

Members of the parent committee prepare in advance thanks to parents, for example, an application - Cheburashka holds colorfully designed texts in her paws:

“Dear Anna Ivanovna and Sergey Alexandrovich!

We thank you for the great work in educating Lena's daughter Lena's accuracy and careful attitude to toys.

“Dear Natalya Semyonovna and Anatoly Valentinovich!

We thank you for your active participation in the games of the children of our group, for your invention, creativity, skill, interest.”

It is good if the educator, together with members of the parent committee, visit families whose play corners are recognized as the best.

Half an hour before the meeting, parents are invited to take part in choosing the best toy. Moms and dads get acquainted with the photos, then take their places at the tables.

Assembly progress.

The educator speaks, talks about the importance of the game in the life of the child.

Everyone listens to the answers to questions No. 1, 2 of the questionnaire in a tape recording.

Parents are discussing the issue of participation in children's games.

The recording of the children's answers to question number 3 is turned on. The teacher talks about what toys to buy for kids, how to teach them to put the toys away, and take care of them.

Parents - winners of the competition for the best play corner, for the best soft toy are awarded prizes, thanks.

The situation is brought to the attention of parents. Five-year-old Tanya, when playing, scatters toys all over the apartment (room). One day, her mother demanded that Tanya collect every single toy (and there were 50 of them) and put it in a box. Tanya refused to do this, her mother insisted on her own. Tanya burst into tears and complained to her grandmother. Grandmother silently began to collect toys, but her mother forbade her to do so. Dad intervened. Having caressed Tanya, he told her: “Okay, Tanechka, this time we will forgive you. I will show you how to collect toys, and you will help me, next time you will collect them yourself.” Father left 5 toys in the box, and put the rest in a place inaccessible to Tanya. Mom reproached the father for hiding the toys from the child, and for intervening: “Tanya herself had to collect the toys.” The next day, Tanya, after playing with five toys, put them away in the drawer on her own. Dad gave her 5 more toys. Tanya was delighted and continued to play willingly.

Who did the right thing, who made the mistake, and which ones?

Parents offer their options for a way out of this situation.

The teacher advises parents on what to do in this or that case. For example: a child, waking up in the morning, did not find toys. Mom and dad didn't see them either. They did not read notations, but together with their son they were looking for them. In the evening, my mother pulled out a letter from the mailbox, in which the toys wrote that they had left. Parents helped the kid write an answer to the toys, to persuade them to return.

Sometimes you can resort to little tricks: “Come on,” Mom says, “who will put things in order faster, you or me? You will put away your toys, and I will wash the dishes and clear the table.”

Parents' answers to question No. 5 of the questionnaire are read out. The teacher sums up, tells how to teach children to take care of toys: wash doll linen, wash dishes. If the baby accidentally broke a toy, do not rush to throw it away, the child has pleasant memories associated with the old toy. A toy repaired by an adult will be more expensive for a child than a new one.

To the music of a cheerful song, children come out with their favorite toys. Girls in matryoshka costumes, boys in parsley hats (if they participate in dances).

Dancing. Matryoshka enters. She is wearing a scarf, a sundress, in the skirt of which a hoop is sewn, satin ribbons are attached to the skirt (there are as many of them as there are children in the group).

Matryoshka. Hello adults and children! Do you know who I am? How many toys do you have! (Points to the toy exhibition.) How interesting and beautiful they are. Do you like them? Who made them? Let's play a game. I will show the toy, and you will call it affectionately. (Matryoshka takes toys made by the hands of her parents from the exhibition and shows them to the children).

Children. Mishenka (etc.).

Matryoshka. Remember, toys are very fond of children who affectionately call them.

Toys appear from behind the screen (children dressed as dolls, bunnies, bears).

Matryoshka. I wonder why these toys came to us?

Toys read B. Zakhoder's poem "Song of Toys".

Children love toys
That's what everyone says.
But what about toys?
Don't like guys?
Souls in them do not tea!
Too bad not everyone notices.
We are silent, we do not cry
When we are thrown -
We know that tears from troubles
they don't save.
You won't notice the resentment
In our mind.
We guys forgive any offense.
From that, probably
Not everyone notices
How toys suffer
Longing, bored.
That's why they don't know
(And they don't want to know)
How we are faithful and devoted
We love to play.

Toys (in chorus). Children, take care of us.

Doll. Don't take my hair.

Bunny. Don't stain my white coat.

Bear. Don't throw me on the floor.

Matryoshka. Children, do you want to dance? (Children answer).

Matryoshka. Now only those about whom I will guess a riddle will come out.

red cheeks,
colorful handkerchiefs,
Clap their hands
funny (Matryoshkas).

Matryoshka girls enter and perform a dance.

Matryoshka. Can you solve this riddle?

Does not part with the cap
Always joking and laughing
Beats with palms like this
Who is this merry fellow? (Parsley).

The boys are dancing. Everyone participates in the carousel game.

Matryoshka. Do you want to ride the carousel? Sit down, i.e. grab the ribbons on command: one, two, three - take the ribbon.

Matryoshka invites parents to take part in the game with their children.


Barely, barely, barely, barely
The carousels started spinning.
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush
Stop the carousel
One-two, one-two.
So the game is over!

The children take their seats. Kolobok appears.

Matryoshka. Hello Kolobok.

Kolobok. Hello (with sadness).

Matryoshka. Why are you so sad?

Kolobok. How can I not be sad?

Here are the kittens playing - together!
Here puppies frolic - together!
Jumping, jumping lambs - together!
And the chickens are walking - together!
Because being alone is boring...

Matryoshka. How can we help Kolobok?

Kolobok. My grandmother gave me dough so that you bake ruddy buns, I will be friends with them.

Matryoshka asks the children to come to Kolobok and take the dough in small plastic bags. Dough Ingredients: Flour, Water, Salt.

Music sounds. Children sculpt koloboks, and parents help: they cut out mouth, nose, eyes from shreds. Kolobok thanks everyone for their hard work. Matryoshka gives him fashioned koloboks. He says goodbye and cheerfully leaves.

It is desirable that after this meeting Kolobok become a frequent guest in the classroom, as well as visit sick children and bring them gifts from the children of the group.

Purpose: to increase the level of pedagogical culture of parents Let's talk about the game today You know that children love to play, encourage their independent games, buy toys. But not everyone thinks about the educational value of children's games. Some believe that the game is for fun, for the entertainment of the child. Others see in it one of the means of distracting the baby from pranks, whims, filling his free time so that he is in business. The same parents who constantly play with children, watch the game, appreciate it as one of the important means of education. For a preschool child, the game is the leading activity in which his mental development takes place, the personality as a whole is formed. The life of adults interests children not only with its external side. They are attracted by the inner world of people, the relationship between them, the attitude of parents to each other, to friends, to other relatives, to the child himself. Their attitude to work, to surrounding objects. Children imitate their parents: the manner of dealing with others, their actions, labor actions. And they transfer all this into their games, thus consolidating the accumulated experience of behavior, forms of attitude. With the accumulation of life experience, under the influence of training, education - children's games become more meaningful, diverse in plots, themes, in the number of roles played, participants in the game. In games, the child begins to reflect not only the life of the family, the facts that are directly perceived by him. But also the images of the heroes of fairy tales read to him, stories that he needs to create according to the idea. At a younger age, the game becomes a means of development and education if it is built on meaningful communication with an adult. When playing with your daughter or son, remember that you cannot suppress the initiative of the baby. Play with him on equal terms. When playing, watch your speech: the even, calm tone of an equal partner in the game instills in the child the confidence that they understand him, share his thoughts, want to play with him. Therefore, we must make it a rule: several times a day to join the baby's game, this encourages the child to new actions. One of the important pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of the game of a small child is the selection of toys by age. For a baby, a toy is the center of the game, a material support. She pushes him to the topic of the game, gives rise to new connections, causes a desire to act with her, enriches sensory experience. But toys that adults like do not always have educational value for children. Sometimes a simple shoebox is more valuable than any clockwork toy. The box can be a trailer for a car in which you can transport cubes, soldiers, bricks, or arrange a stroller for dolls in the box. Before you make another purchase, it's a good idea to talk to your son or daughter about what kind of toy he needs and for what game. Often girls play only with dolls, so they are often deprived of the joy of playing such games in which ingenuity, resourcefulness, and creativity are formed. Boys usually play with cars, with children's weapons. Such toys limit the circle of communication with girls. It is better when we are adults, we will not divide toys into “girls” and “boys”. If a boy does not play with a doll, he can buy a bear, a doll in the form of a boy, a baby, a sailor, Pinocchio, Cheburashka, etc. It is important that the baby gets the opportunity to take care of someone. If a child does not have sisters and brothers, then toys are in fact his partners in games, with whom he shares his sorrows and joys. Every child should have such a toy that he can complain about, scold and punish, pity and comfort. It is she who will help him overcome the fear of loneliness when his parents leave somewhere, the fear of the dark, when the lights turn off and you need to fall asleep, but not alone, but with a toy girlfriend. They are sometimes angry at them, they are punished and even broken, thrown into a far corner, but they are remembered in moments of childhood grief, they are taken out of the corner, repaired, the worn out eyes and lips are finished, new outfits are sewn, ears and tails are sewn on. Undoubtedly, the child should have a certain set of toys that contribute to the development of his sensory perception, thinking, horizons, allowing him to play real and fairy-tale situations, imitate adults “What is a good toy?” First of all, this toy is safe, appropriate for the age of the child, should be similar to the "original" and be strong enough. The more varied the toys. The more interesting the game of kids. But diversity does not mean abundance. Children should purchase different types of toys: o Narrative-figurative (depicting people, animals, objects of labor and everyday life) o Motor (wheelchairs, strollers, sports toys) o Construction kits (wooden geometric shapes) o Didactic (collapsible turrets, pyramids, desktop printed games, puzzles, etc.) o Fun toys o Semi-finished toys that can be completed by the child. By the age of three, the child begins to actively engage in the world of real life situations, learns that people are busy in life with work and have different professions, face problems and find a way out of conflicts. Therefore, most often the child chooses plots for role-playing games from the life that surrounds him. Children play "daughters-mothers", "dad and mother", "shop", "doctor", "kindergarten", etc. It would be correct to buy hairdressing sets, tea and table sets, Dr. Aibolit's accessories, furniture and other items that reflect various aspects of reality. The desire of the child to live a common life with adults indicates a new stage in development and social adaptation. By the age of four, role-playing becomes the main activity of the child. The content of the game becomes more complicated, many toys become unnecessary, because. children's imagination is able to turn concrete objects into imaginary ones. So, a pencil can become a magic wand, green leaves - money, ornaments drawn on paper - carpets in a doll's apartment. That is why at this age the greatest benefit to the child will be brought not by expensive and useless toys, but by functional ones, even if they are made by oneself. Plot - role-playing games Role-playing, or the so-called creative game of preschool children, is an activity in which children take on the roles (functions) of adults and reproduce the activities of adults and the relationship between them in play conditions. A role-playing game, like a fairy tale, teaches the child to be imbued with the thoughts and feelings of the people portrayed, going beyond the circle of ordinary impressions into the wider world of human aspirations and heroic deeds. Games - dramatizations With the help of games - dramatizations, children better assimilate the ideological content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality. Most often, the basis of games - dramatizations are fairy tales. Folk tales "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Teremok", "Three Bears", etc., beloved by children, are easily dramatized. Building games A building game is such an activity for children, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in different buildings and the actions associated with them. Building games are important for the physical education of preschoolers. They manifest a variety of physical activity of the child, develop coordination of movements. Of particular importance is the development of small muscles of the hand, the eye. Sometimes adults need to help the child build this or that building, think together what parts are needed, what color, how to fix it, how to complete the missing structures, how to use the building in the game. Didactic games Didactic games are at the same time a form of learning most typical for young children. The importance of the didactic game is that it develops independence and activity of thinking and speech in children. The didactic game contributes to the solution of the problems of moral education, the development of sociability in children, the ability to play together, regulate their behavior, be fair and honest, compliant and demanding. Board-printed games Board-printed games help to expand the horizons of children, develop ingenuity, attention to the actions of a friend, orientation in changing game conditions, and the ability to foresee the results of their move. Participation in the game requires endurance, strict adherence to the rules and gives children a lot of joy. Outdoor games Outdoor games are primarily a means of physical education for children. They provide an opportunity to develop and improve their movements, practice running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching, etc. A variety of movements require vigorous activity of large and small muscles, contribute to better metabolism, blood circulation, respiration, i.e. increase the vitality of the body. Outdoor games also have a great influence on the neuropsychic development of the child, the formation of important personality traits. They cause positive emotions, develop inhibitory processes. In these games, the will, ingenuity, courage, quickness of reactions, etc. develop. Joint actions in games bring children together, give them joy from overcoming difficulties and achieving success. Remember! Joint games of parents with children spiritually and emotionally enrich children, satisfy the need for communication with loved ones, strengthen faith in their own strength. Remember that everything except your favorite toy needs to be changed and updated periodically. If you notice that the baby does not pick up some toy for a long time, it means that he simply does not need it now. Hide it away, and after a while, its appearance will cause a new emotional or cognitive interest in the child. And one more piece of advice. Don't take your child too often to a toy store full of tempting but very expensive toys. These experiences, when a child cannot get what he really wants, he does not need at all. Only when you yourself are ready to give the child joy, take him to the store and make him a holiday. Give your children joy not only on birthdays and New Year, but also just like that, from a good mood. Excursion to the toy library The teacher talks about the children's favorite games and toys, answers questions from parents. The decision of the parent meeting to take an active part in children's games to take an active part in making games, toys, fixing them organize family excursions in the interests of children to take an active part in the life of the kindergarten Game-task I propose an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-esteem. If you do as it is said, then expose - a circle, not always - a square, never - a triangle. 1. Every evening I spend time playing with children 2. I talk about my games in childhood 3. If a toy is broken, I repair it together with the child 4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it, show different options for playing 5. I listen to the child’s stories about games and toys in kindergarten 6. I do not punish the child with a game, toy, i. I do not deprive him of games or toys for a while 7. Often I give a child a game, a toy Generalization: If you got the most circles, then the game is always present in your house. Play with your child as equals. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because the game is the most interesting thing in a child's life.