Self-analysis of the role-playing game. Introspection role-playing game waiting for guests

Self-analysis of a role-playing game using the building material "Traveling around the city" and the middle group "Sunflowers".

Your attention was presented to the role-playing game "Traveling around the city", the participants of which were children of the middle group.

The summary of this event was compiled by me taking into account the priority direction of the kindergarten (cognitive and speech, in accordance with the annual tasks, the thematic plan and my methodological theme.

During the game, the following tasks were solved:

keep developing speech

to replenish ideas about the city, professions.

Systematically enriching the experience of children, organized:

targeted walks along Kirov Street and Leningradskaya Embankment,

games-classes to master the rules of the road,

role-playing game “We are going, we are going, we are going. ",

conversations aimed at forming an idea of ​​the work of park employees, physical education instructor, waiter,

outdoor games,

individual work on learning role-playing words and actions.

communicative (answering questions, speaking role-playing dialogues, observing the elementary rules of a culture of behavior,

cognitive and practical (creation of a building, knowledge of children about the city, professions,

motor and musical-artistic (mobile game "Carousel", entertaining "St.

mastering the basics of life safety (the ability to use seat belts in a car, compliance with safety rules when riding a carousel, compliance with traffic rules).

In preparation for the role-playing game, she paid special attention to the subject-developing environment, which improved the quality of the educational process, contributed to the enrichment of children's play activities and their life experience.

In my opinion, the game turned out to be interesting, dynamic, the children were active and emotional. The assigned tasks have been implemented.

Taking into account the huge educational opportunities of the game, which is considered the leading activity of preschoolers, according to this scheme, I have planned to organize such role-playing games as "Fashionable Yard" - an exhibition of doll clothes, "Our Favorite Kindergarten", "Smile Cafe" and others.

Synopsis of the role-playing game "Journey around the city" (middle group)

Synopsis of a role-playing game

"City Journey"

(middle group)

to consolidate the ability to carry out game actions according to speech instructions, act with imaginary objects, use substitute objects,

keep developing speech

to replenish the idea of ​​the city, professions.


driver's cap, steering wheel,

sign "cash desk", cafe "Skazka", "Palace of Sports",

uniform: park employees, instructor, waiter,

animal hats,


construction material.

Preliminary work:

targeted walk along Kirov street and Leningradskaya embankment,

viewing the photo album "Our beloved city",

viewing the multimedia presentation "Walks around the city",

learning the rules of the road,

role-playing game “We are going, we are going, we are going. ",

acquaintance with the work of park employees, physical education instructor, waiter,

learning games and songs, role-playing words and actions.

Game progress.

Children with a teacher are building a bus.

Leading. Guys, I want to invite you to go on a tour. Do you agree? (children's answers). Then get on the bus. I will be the tour guide, and Yegor will be the driver (children take seats on the bus).

Bus driver. Attention, the bus is leaving! Fasten your seat belts.

The audio recording of "Bus" sounds.

Chauffeur. Stop "Palace of Sports".

Leading. Let's go there. And tell the guys what people are doing in the sports palace? (Answers of children). And who does the training? Instructor.

Denis. Hello, I am your physical education instructor, I suggest you improve your health (children put on animal hats). Get on the flowers!

Children stand on flowers and perform movements to the music.

Leading. Is your health okay?

Children's answer. Thank you charger.

The leader and children thank the instructor.

Leading. I'll ask everyone to get on the bus, our tour of the city continues.

Chauffeur. Be careful, the doors are closing, fasten your seat belts. Next stop is Amusement Park.

funny bus,

Run along the path

And to the amusement park

You bring us.

Leading. There are many swings

And the magician is waiting

There are carousels

Cheerful people.

The song "Bus" sounds one verse.

Chauffeur. Stop "Amusement Park".

Leading. Slowly we go out, do not push.

Park director. Hello, I am the director of the park, I invite you to ride on our fun carousels, but first I ask you to purchase a ticket at the box office (gestures to the box office).

Children go to the box office and buy tickets. The game "Carousel" is being played.

Director. Well, how did you like our park? (children's answers). Would you like to look into the children's cafe "Skazka"? (children's answers)

Leading. Guys, the cafe is on the other side of the street and we have to go across the street. What is the right way to cross the road? (children's answers). Get up in pairs, I will go in front with a red flag, and Misha will go behind our column. Look, keep up, otherwise you will get lost in the city.

We walk the streets

We lead each other by the hand.

All we want to see

We want to know about everything.

Children on a pedestrian crossing go across the road.

Leading. Here we come.

Waiter. Hello, please place your order. Here is the menu for you.

Leading. Let's order juice (a box of juice for each).

Waiter. Will be done.

The waiter brings juice, the children drink, thank the waiter and leave the cafe.

Leading. This is where our tour ends. Please take your seats on the bus, buckle up - we are going back to kindergarten (children get on the bus, sing a song).

Chauffeur. Stop kindergarten "Smile".

The children get off the bus, thank the driver and the guide, the teacher invites the children to tell their families about the tour.

Educator Murina V.M.

Role Playing Introspection: The Circus

Role-playing game theme: "Circus"

Purpose: Development the desire of children to take on the roles of adults, to display in the game a variety of people's actions.


1) Consolidate children's knowledge about the circus and its workers.

2) Exercise in the ability to understand an imaginary game situation and act in accordance with it.

3) Teach children to independently negotiate with each other in the game.

4) Cultivate friendly relationships, the desire to play in a team of peers.

I built the game situation in the following way.

At the organizational moment, the guys talked about their impressions of the circus in which they were, and asked if they would like to visit the circus right now, that is, she led the children to the development of the plot of the game.

Each child was given the opportunity to self-realize, all children, including inactive children / of whom we do not have many / received roles. We divided the roles according to the wishes of the children.

I believe that the children had a steady interest in the game thanks to the created conditions, preliminary conversations, watching video materials, reading fiction, preparing attributes through the joint efforts of children and educators.

During the game, the children took on various roles, as if replacing people who were in certain social relationships with each other, and their actions. The children “lived through” the accepted role, and they were diverse (circus performers, spectators, cashier, seller, photographer, controller). Tried to follow the rules, interacted with each other.

As a teacher, I tried to develop in children the ability to correlate the name of a role with a certain set of actions and attributes; use different types of relationships between different role positions.

The software content of the game I built according to the requirementintegrated "Program of education and training in kindergarten" / Ed. T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. stampand taking into account the age characteristics of children 6-7 years old.

Throughout the game, she used various methods and techniques that were interconnected

The following can be said about the cognitive activity of my children:

The children were interested, attentive, active, friendly. There was independence in verbal communication with others.

I consider the introduction of attributes into the game pedagogically justified. The equipment that I used in the game meets the aesthetic requirements. It is bright, colorful, attractive, safe and easy to use.

I believe that the game is of inestimable importance, primarily for the social development of the child, it reveals for him the meaning of existence in society, the meaning of communication.

Children have good knowledge on this topic. The game reflects all the tasks, they correspond to the age of the children.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Introspection of the plot-role-playing game: "Waiting for guests"

The plot-role-playing game is of invaluable importance, primarily for the social development of the child, it reveals for him the meaning of existence in society, the meaning of communication. The plot in the game is something about ...

Abstract of the plot-role-playing fairy-tale game "Wolf, mother goat and seven kids"

Purpose: to encourage children to collectively distribute roles, based on the knowledge gained and personal experience; to teach to interact in a friendly and harmonious manner in a team, relying on each other. Tasks: 1. Learn...

Hiramagomedova Ilite Abdulaevna
Job title: educator
Educational institution: MADOU of the city of Kogalym "Cinderella"
Locality: city ​​of Kogalym
Material name: abstract
Topic: Role-playing game "Teddy bear visiting the guys"
Publication date: 05.11.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Summary of the plot-role

games in the second junior group

"Teddy bear visiting children"

Educator MADOU "Cinderella"

Hiramagomedova I.A.

Program content
: In a joint game with the teacher, consolidate the ability of children to act with objects and toys. Continue to shape game activities, enrich the content of games. Encourage children to play together. Encourage children to be creative. Continue to teach children to say hello and goodbye, use words expressing a request, gratitude. To form the ability to conduct a dialogue with the teacher: listen and understand the question asked. Create a positive emotional mood in the group. Cultivate compassion and kindness.
Vocabulary work:
Dictionary enrichment: samovar, suharnik, sugar bowl. Vocabulary activation: thank you, please, hello, goodbye, teapot, cups, saucers, spoons, napkin holder, cake, cake, roll, buns. Use the technique of "surprise" to activate the interest of children.

: Bear toy, balloon, letter, cake, bell, beads, threads. Samovar, cups, spoons, saucers, sugar bowl, napkin holder, biscuit bowl, teapot. Models of confectionery. Dish for dough, aprons, potholders. Tape recorder, set of tools. Fake fruits and vegetables, two baskets.

Conversations: “My family”, “How I help my mother”, “We meet guests”, “Polite words”, “Ill-mannered Parsley” Considering plot pictures, illustrations depicting tea utensils Role-playing games: “Treat”, “Kindergarten” , Construction”, “Little Helpers, Daughters - Mothers”, “Tea Party”, “Katya's Doll's Birthday”
Leadership Methods
: participation in the game as an equal partner Children play in a group, everyone is busy with their own business. Doorbell. The ball flies. Educator: -Look guys, a beautiful ball flew to us. He brought something. Children: letter. Let's see who it's from. caregiver
“Dear guys, I received your letter, finally

came to visit you. I will soon. Your friend Mishka.

Educator: Guys, a teddy bear will come to us. It is necessary to put things in order, and prepare for the meeting of the guest. (children clean up the group) Bear will arrive, and we will all gather at a common table. It would be nice if you could help me. (Come to me) -How do we welcome guests? (children's answers) We need to set the table. Who will help me? (choose those who wish) Educator: We need to cook something tasty. Children's suggestions (bake cookies, blueberry pie, cake, cupcake) Educator: Guys, I already bought all this. I heard that Misha loves pies with berries, I suggest baking pies. Do you agree? But I can't do it without your help. _ Our tape recorder broke, what a holiday without music. Who will help fix it? We need to sort out fruits and vegetables, Savely and Diana, can you help? Who will help me make pies? Come on, let's sculpt. Wear aprons. I will knead the dough. What is needed for this? (Flour, egg, butter, salt, sugar) Bring groceries. - Danil, bring some water, please - Angelina, give me an egg We must add salt and sugar. Well, all the dough is ready. Let's sculpt. While we are making pies, Danil get some water and turn on the samovar. Minetulla, turn on the oven, let it heat up. You have already learned how to do it. Children: "I bake, bake, bake, All the kids have a pie, Ruddy pies, And with potatoes and cabbage." Educator: Dina, what do you like pies with? (Answers from children) Bring the filling. What do you think Mishka likes with pies? Children: Probably with berries. Educator: We have blueberries in the fridge, bring Vika. Put in more toppings. This is a blueberry pie for Mishka. Educator: - Done. Now let's put it in the oven. - And while the pies are baking, let's make tea. Educator: - Who will help to make tea? Here is the kettle! Open the faucet, pour water! Put the kettle on. Let it warm up. What kind of tea will we make? Black. Bring the brew. The bear probably loves raspberry tea, bring raspberry tea too. The kettle boiled! Let's boil it. Pour tea leaves into a small teapot, pour boiling water. Cover with a napkin, let it infuse. Approaches the girls who cover. How are we doing? Educator: Sophia, please wash the fruit. Marinochka help them cut them and put them on the table. What are we going to sit on? (on chairs)
The boys bring chairs. Everything is ready, we have finished the preparations. Girls, take off your aprons, put yourself in order. -What's with the music? (Order, repaired) How are our pies? Smell how delicious it smells. Look, the pies are browned, ready. I'll take them out now, carefully, they're hot. (Puts on the table) (Knock on the door) This is probably Bear came. And here he is! Bear: Hello guys. Guys: Come in, we're glad to see you. Bear: The road from the forest to your garden is long, I'm so tired. Children: Now we will feed you, give you a drink. Bear: How delicious you smell. Children: We baked pies for you. Bear: I'm so hungry. Guys, invite Mishka to the table, we will drink tea. Children: Come Mishenka to the table. Educator: Guys, everyone, sit down, we will drink tea. Our samovar boiled: I puff, puff, puff, I don’t want to warm up anymore. The lid rang loudly, Drink tea, the water boiled Educator: Minetulla, pour tea for everyone. Minetulla: Guys, what kind of tea will you drink? (children's answers) The game continues at the table. (children talk with Mishka, offer pies, treats, are interested in his cubs, tell how they live in the garden. The teacher plays the game unobtrusively, with the help of leading questions. The bear says goodbye to the children. Children give him beads and a barrel of honey for his cubs.
Introspection of the game
Expected Result:
- interest in the game, in the general idea of ​​the game plot, the consistency of the actions of the players, the performance of game actions - the development of the speech communication of the players (two-sided development of speech and play; speech develops and is activated in the game, and the game itself develops under the influence of speech) - building during the game friendly relations The goal of the game was achieved because a lot of preparatory work was carried out Secondly, a subject-developing environment was created Thirdly, the participation of the educator in the game as an equal partner in the main roles is an effective method of managing the games of children of primary preschool age. I took over the leadership of the game, directed the game, tried to conduct it unobtrusively, using leading questions and advice. Role-playing game has structural components: Plot, content, role The main component is the plot, without it there is no role-playing game. In the game, the game idea was visible, the game actions, which I clarified with the help of leading questions. Children's skills (They are included in the game, behave actively, follow the ethical standards of behavior during the game. Enter into dialogical interaction). Thus, in everyday life we ​​make sure that children's games are varied enough so that their content is constantly generalized, moving from individual games to subgroup ones. The role of the educator is to participate daily in games, remembering that the decisive word in the game remains with the child.

Good day to all! With you, Tatyana Sukhikh and I continue the topic of socializing methods of education, I want to dwell on a difficult question for a preschool teacher: how to make an analysis of a role-playing game?

The snag for me personally is that there are no specific criteria by which a “debriefing” should be carried out.

Or I'm wrong?

Perhaps you have "secret" information on this topic?

My analysis of a role-playing game on any topic comes down to researching each stage of the process, identifying successful or unsuccessful tricks, evaluating my activities as a teacher, as well as interest, plus - activity of kids.

One of the important factors for ensuring the most intense process is an effective playing space.

Special information materials widely cover thematic issues: what are children's fun?

What is needed to organize a subject-situational environment? What is the role of the educator in keeping preschoolers enthusiastic?

All these concepts are undoubtedly very important in the preparation of a competent analysis.

But, specifically, how to analyze a role-playing game?

Having collected all the information on this topic, observing the children, using a variety of visual materials, applying new methods, I realized: in order to analyze a role-playing game, it is important to understand what results are expected after the planned process?

So, based on this, I think that the analysis should reflect to what extent you managed to achieve the goal?

To simplify your task, you can take ready-made criteria for introspection from a methodologist. After spending several plot-based classes, you need to sit down and answer all the points in writing.

Be sure to draw conclusions, set goals for the next lesson. If you can make an approximate analysis of the course of the role-playing game once, then everything will go like clockwork for you.

An example of criteria for evaluating the work done by the educator:

  • Event title.

  • Purpose: to teach children to interact together, to promote the emergence of specific skills, to develop the ability to invent new game situations, to perform actions corresponding to the chosen role;

  • What materials and equipment are used?

  • Has any preliminary work been done? (excursions, conversations, reading literature, etc.);

  • What is the plot of this role-playing process?

  • What are the actions of the educator during the fun and the motivation for these actions?

  • Name the teaching methods that were used.

  • What difficulties did the children and the teacher face?

  • Describe the psychological climate during different situations.

  • Have you achieved your goal?


Role-playing game: "Let's ride dolls in a car"

Group: second junior

1. Place in the daily routine: first half of the day, after a walk.

2. Creation of a subject-developing environment for this game: a set of building material (cubes, plates, bricks), rudders 2 pieces (toys were used - substitutes: a ring from a pyramid), dolls, a car was built in advance in the building corner.

3. Management techniques aimed at enriching the content of the games: preliminary work (they watched the cars during the walk, after the walk they had a conversation and asked questions during reinforcement: “What cars did you see?”, “What did they carry?”, “What is the name of the person’s profession, who controls the machine? ”, As well as the construction of the machine in the design classes, the direct participation of the educator in the game, questions aimed at prompting the children about the possible implementation of the plan.

4. Techniques that encourage children to start the game: a surprise moment, joint construction with children, demonstration of design techniques, singing a song about a driver.

5. Techniques for teaching gaming skills: the educator, asking questions “Arseny, do you want to be a driver?”, And the affirmative sentence “Artyom, will you also be a driver?” gave them a clear direction on playing the role of a driver in the game, the educator tossed ideas, and prompts were used: “Look, Arseniy, more mothers (girls) came to you, they also want to drive their daughters”, gradually fixing the girls’ attention on the similarity of their actions with the actions of adults.

6. Techniques aimed at the formation of real and game relationships: boys, holding the steering wheel in their hands, imitated their dads, and girls, holding dolls, imitated their mothers, and the actions that they performed in the game conveyed elements of the behavior of those persons who were in life .

theatrical game "Teremok" in the middle group.

1. Place in the daily routine: in the morning, before the walk.

2. Creation of a subject-developing environment for this game: a model of a tower, costumes for each character of a fairy tale (hats - masks), chairs for spectators, paper tickets.

3. The teacher with interest, actively and vividly told the children how she herself went to the theater and that it was very beautiful there and she liked it, and she herself began to involve the children in the conversation: there are actors, decorators, cashiers, ushers and the children gladly wanted to play theatre.

4. Management techniques aimed at recalling a work of art: a preliminary conversation was held on the content of the fairy tale, questions were asked about the characteristics of the characters, roles were distributed, those who could better play the roles were chosen for the first game (served as a model for others), other guys were spectators, then they switched roles.

5. Techniques for teaching playing skills: stage sketches were used over voice, gestures, the educator herself acted as the author (grandmother - storyteller).

Construction game in the second junior group: "We make Easter cakes."

1. Place in the daily routine: on a walk.

2. Creation of a subject-developing environment for this game: sand, various molds.

3. The choice of the theme of the building: the manufacture of Easter cakes and cakes.

4. Demonstration of individual design methods: sculpting with molds and clumping, the show was carried out according to the model, first the teacher showed the actions, then the children performed, and the teacher helped those who could not cope.

5. Additional material was used: buckets where there was water, pebbles, grass, leaves for decorating crafts.

6. Methods for teaching design: the show was carried out according to the model, first the teacher showed the actions, then the children performed, and the teacher helped those who could not cope.

Didactic game "Doll Katya has lunch" in the second junior

1. Suggestion of the game: brings a box into the group in which the Katya doll is hidden, uses a surprise moment.

2. Explanation of the rules: the teacher tells the children that they need to correctly find and select dishes for dinner, if they choose correctly, clap their hands, if not, threaten with a finger.

3. Monitoring the implementation of learning tasks: carefully monitors the actions of the children, asks questions, if anyone finds it difficult, helps to name the item of dishes.

4. Maintaining interest in the game: children not only have to choose the right item of dishes and name it, but also arrange the dishes beautifully on the table, not forgetting to lay a tablecloth and put a glass with napkins

5.Organized game ending: when all the actions are completed, the Katya doll thanks the guys for setting the table for her and they wish the doll a good appetite, then the teacher invites one of the children to feed Katya and remove everything from the table.

Task number 2

Game Theme: role-playing game "School".

Age group: preparatory.

Place of play during the day: first half of the day, in the morning.

Form of organization: subgroup, 3 people - determined by sympathy (girlfriends).

Target: teach children to independently distribute roles and act according to the role they have assumed. Understand the imaginary situation and act in accordance with it. To expand the scope of the child's social activity and his ideas about the life of the school, giving him the opportunity to occupy various positions of adults and children (teacher - student - director of the school).

Preliminary work: excursion to the school (went for an interview), conversation.

Play equipment: school supplies (notebooks and pens), didactic material in mathematics; a piece of chalk; pointer, tables.

Techniques to motivate children:“Guys, did you like it at school? Do you want to play a role-playing game school?” Preliminary work served as a good motivation, as they gladly agreed to play.

Ways to teach gaming skills: introduction of new roles (the director asked me to be in the role), tossing ideas (lesson, recess, going home), questions.

questions to the children: what did we do today? - Did you play well? What did you like the most and what didn't you like? She praised the children who excelled and said that everyone did their best, well done, for the shortcomings - she pointed out to the girl Albina (teacher) what she should practice. She asked to remove all the attributes for the game in place.


1. Preparation for conducting a role-playing game consisted in the availability of appropriate game material, the definition of a specific game situation (mathematics lesson), preliminary work and goal setting.

2. The entire planned game situation has been completed in full.

3. The girls were especially good at playing the roles of students (correct posture at the tables - desks, raising their hands when answering, correctly solving examples, using polite words), and the girl playing the role of a teacher was good at portraying the behavior of the teacher (there was strictness, she wrote confidently examples on the blackboard), but, however, the embarrassment was not significantly noticeable, the speech was quiet.

4. My help was required in the development of the further plot, prompted some actions.

5. In the future, play the role-playing game "School" more often and come up with other more complex game situations (September 1 - a solemn ruler, a parent meeting) so that you are more confident in your actions.

Game Theme: theatrical game "Kurochka Ryaba"

Age group: second youngest.

Place of play during the day: 1 half day.

Form of organization: frontal.

Target: recall the content of the Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen", arouse interest in theatrical activities; create an emotionally positive climate in the group; to please the children; develop the ability to follow the actions of fairy-tale characters.

Play equipment: screen, puppet theater: grandmother, grandfather, chicken, mouse, egg.

Techniques to motivate children: artistic word (Behind the step, the step - There will be a ladder, Put it neatly by the word - there will be a song, And a ring on a ring - A vase will become. Sit with me on the porch, Listen to a fairy tale), making a beautiful box where the heroes of the fairy tale were hidden.

first, showing how to puppeteer on the table (how to dress on the hand, on which fingers, smooth driving of the puppets is necessary), stage sketches: show how the grandfather cries, depict how the mouse squeaks, and how the chicken cackles.

Methods for evaluating children's activities: praised the children for listening carefully and following the actions of the puppets, asking questions and tasks after the game: what characters were present?, which character did you like?.


1. Preparation for the construction game consisted in the selection of a game appropriate for a given age and the definition of a goal, as well as the selection of material and venue for this game, and the development of motivation.

2. Everything that I planned was carried out completely, the goals set were achieved, a good result was obtained.

3. The guys built a fence for animals with interest and were imbued with this game and even continued to play this game. There was a positive attitude towards the game.

4. My help was required only to correctly show the construction techniques to the children and interest them.

5. She pointed out to herself for the future that the building game is useful for children of this age, as it develops coherent speech, attention, logic, perseverance.

Game Theme: didactic game "Doll Katya woke up."

Age group: second junior group.

Place of play during the day: 1 half, in the morning.

Form of organization: frontal

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the name of the doll's clothes: T-shirt, panties, dress, shoes, socks; about the sequence of the dressing process; exercise in the actions of dressing the doll; activate the speech of children; cultivate a caring attitude towards the doll.

Play equipment: 2 dolls: big and small, clothes, bed.

Techniques to motivate children: surprise moment.

Techniques for teaching gaming skills: select the right clothes (according to the size of the doll), name the clothes, put clothes on the dolls in the correct sequence, a visual explanation of the entire course of the game in the process of joint activities.

Methods for evaluating children's activities: praise, I tell the children: “Here Tanya and Katya are dressed, now they are ready to do gymnastics and have breakfast, I outline a further perspective for the independent play of children with dolls.


Dokuchaeva Ekaterina Vladimirovna proved to be a competent specialist. The speech was crisp, clear, expressive. The game subject-spatial environment was created in accordance with the age of the children. In all games there was a good, competent game situation. In the role-playing game, an introductory conversation was held on the content of the game. A trial run was made in the didactic game, a clear and detailed demonstration of the construction method was carried out in the construction game, a demonstration of the methods of puppetry and work with puppets was demonstrated in the theatrical game, a variety of interesting game roles and situations were offered in the role-playing game. Ekaterina Vladimirovna showed herself on the positive side, showed creativity, ingenuity, in the didactic game she identified the problem and competently managed to eliminate it. In each game played, the children had interest, joy, excitement, a desire to complete the task, the children were attentive and focused.

Task number 3

Task number 4

Task number 5.

Topic: " Let's put the toys in their places"

Type of work: household

Age group: junior

Place of work during the day: morning, before breakfast.

Form of organization: order.

Target: training in the simplest labor skills and abilities; to bring the work begun to the end and develop the habit of putting each toy in its place, cultivating interest in work.

Equipment: scattered toys.

Techniques to motivate children: surprise moment. I say: “Masha’s doll will come to visit us now, and she’ll see how we can quickly remove the toys and put them beautifully in their places (Masha’s doll arrives in the group, put her on a chair and explain to the guys that she will look at our job).

show with explanation, conversation, questions and answers, joint action with the child.

Methods for evaluating children's activities: positive evaluation, encouragement.


1. Preparation for this work consisted in thinking over the motivation, and creating all the conditions for a successful start and completion of the work begun.

2. Everything planned was carried out in full.

3. Everything that I planned turned out, the guys willingly agreed to remove the toys and put them in their places, and also finished the work they had begun to the end, throughout the work the children's interest in this work activity was maintained.

4. My help was required in the correct presentation of motivation and joint performance of actions with children.

5. For the future, I would like to note that it is imperative to give instructions to children at a younger age, as it stimulates children to carry out subsequent types of work and fosters interest in work, and they also become more confident in their actions.

Topic: " Let's help our indoor flowers"

Type of work: labor in nature

Age group: older.

Place of work during the day: morning, before breakfast.

Form of organization: duty in the corner of nature.

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the methods of caring for indoor plants, about the sequence of work. Systematize children's knowledge about indoor plants, continue to instill the necessary knowledge to care for them. To instill interest, develop curiosity and a desire to care for plants, bring up responsibility for the task assigned and the ability to bring the matter to the end.

Equipment: rags, sticks for loosening, watering cans, spray gun, scissors.

Techniques to motivate children: telegram from the flower fairy. “Guys, in the morning I received a telegram (I print and read the content) from the flower fairy, she saw that our flowers were dusty and the earth was dry, and the leaves, and asked for help, and since you are already big guys, I think you can handle it.

Work skills training methods: I give advice and instructions (loosen the ground around the flower, pour water carefully, you need to spray not only from above, from the side, but also from below); I ask questions: “And what flowers do you need to pour water only into the pan ?, what flowers do you still know?”

Methods for evaluating children's activities: I encourage and give an analysis of the result of the work performed, correctly pointing out the shortcomings.


1. Preparation for carrying out this labor activity consisted in preparing equipment, setting a goal, creating motivation.


3. In general, everything worked out, only the boys were not very accurate (they filled the flower and crumbled the earth when loosening).

4. It turned out to be especially interesting for them, when doing work, the children were polite, helped each other.

5. For the future, she noted that it is necessary to constantly include some type of work in the daily plan, because the guys learn to interact with each other, help their comrades, bring the work they have started to the end, interest, excitement and desire, curiosity develop, and love is also instilled to work, which means they will grow up worthy people!

Topic:"Let's clear the trash alley"

Type of work: labor in nature

Age group: preparatory

Place of work during the day: 1 half day, before lunch.

Form of organization: collective labor (general).

Target: to form in children the ability to work in a team, to arouse an active interest in joint work, a desire to help each other, to teach children to distribute work among themselves in a team, to form the ability to work carefully and bring the work started to the end, to educate children in a friendly attitude to each other and a positive attitude to work.

Equipment: bags, gloves according to the number of children (10), rags for tying broken branches.

Techniques to motivate children: proverbs about labor (labor feeds, but laziness spoils, etc. d), I say: “Guys, what holiday will be soon?” (May 1), let's put things in order around the kindergarten and on the alley, so that all passers-by admire the beauty of nature and praise us.

Work skills training methods: I explain what needs to be done and how to do it (when tying the branches, one child needs to carefully lift the branch and tie it up to the other; keep the bag carefully, carry the branches to a certain place), give explanations, instructions, remember the rules of behavior on the street (do not push, do not run out on the roadway, do not run). She provided a little help in the distribution of duties (Misha and Vova carry a bag, and Dasha, Ulya, Oksana, Alice, Varya put the garbage, the rest help).

Methods for evaluating children's activities: Well done boys! Look how beautiful, clean and comfortable it has become near the kindergarten, passers-by will not be able to take their eyes off the restored order made by us. At the end, I will distribute candy.


1. Preparation for the event consisted in the preparation of equipment

2. Everything planned was carried out.

3. Especially it turned out to motivate the children, they got down to business with joy and great interest, their eyes lit up, they helped each other, there was a great desire to work (they did the job very quickly, no one stood still, everyone moved with pleasure and each of the children wanted to do something more to be noticed and praised).

4. My help consisted only in the preparation of equipment and the distribution of responsibilities.

5. For the future, I gave myself an attitude that I would continue to act in the same way, and every year I would clean up the area around the kindergarten together with the children and involve them more in work. Working with children brought me a lot of positive emotions.


In the course of working with children, Dokuchaeva Ekaterina Vladimirovna showed herself on the positive side. She prepared the necessary equipment and material, the structure of the event was observed; the work motivation corresponding to the age of the children was also selected. In the younger group, children were competently shown the sequence of labor actions, joint work was performed with children in accordance with the level of development of children's labor skills. In the preparatory and senior group, assistance was provided in the distribution of responsibilities. Dokuchaeva E. V took an active part in joint labor activity and gave a competent assessment of the results of children's work in accordance with motivation.

Task number 6

Purpose of observation: identify which skills the child has developed more.

Surname and age of the child: Farin Matvey, 5 years and 6 months

Time and place of work: 1 half day

Stroke: I suggest that children work with flowers (water, loosen, sprinkle and cut dry leaves). Matvey gladly accepts my offer, but says, what should I do?, then asks Roma to bring him a watering can. During work, he politely asks for help from other guys, performs the actions correctly, but not neatly (in a hurry, often distracted). Shows initiative, but does not feel desire and zeal. He himself determines the sequence of labor actions, but does not complete the work he has begun (he ran away to play cars with the boys) and did not clean up the equipment, but he assessed his result: “How beautiful the flowers have become.”

No. p / p Indicators of labor skills Present Missing
1. Ability to accept the purpose of work:
- accepts social motivation +
- brings the job to the end +
2. The nature of labor actions:
- independently performs +
-performs correctly +
-carries out carefully +
3. Attitude towards the labor process:
- shows initiative +
- performs the task with desire +
4. Ability to plan work
- independently prepares and cleans equipment +
- determines the sequence of labor operations +
- Evaluate your results +

Conclusion: Farin Matvey has the best formed labor skills: the ability to plan work, but the attitude to the labor process and the ability to accept the purpose of labor are not fully formed; labor skills are less developed: the nature of labor actions. I suppose that Matvey needed a strong and interesting motivation in order to have a desire to work, and to bring the matter to the end, not to be distracted.

Task number 7.


Topic:"The sun is shining"

Age group: younger

Form of organization: frontally

Location during the day: 2 half a day

Target: Continue to develop the ability to draw rounded closed lines, improve hand-eye coordination, limit hand movement, draw the sun in the middle of the sheet. Exercise in the ability to hold the brush correctly, do not squeeze too hard, easily drive over the paper, dip the bristle of the brush into the paint. Learn to work neatly and cleanly. Cultivate the desire to draw and aesthetic feelings.

Preparatory work: watching the sun on a walk, drawing rounded shapes (a ball, a ball of thread for grandmothers, snowballs). Examining illustrations. Reading nursery rhymes about the sun, poems about the sun. Reading the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun".

Equipment:½ sheet of paper, gouache, brush, non-spill. Sun pattern.

Motivation techniques: reading an excerpt by K. I. Chukovsky: aroused pity in children (crying, waiting for help).

a visual method (a sample of the sun, then I myself explain to the children and draw the sun on a piece of paper); practical method (imitation in the air, then on a sheet with a dry brush); verbal method (I use questions, I make a hint, for those children who are having difficulty); game method (game "Sun and rain").

encouragement (I praise each child for their work), I make a photo exhibition.

GCD progress.

I: The sun walked across the sky, and ran behind a cloud.
The hare looked out the window, it became dark for the hare.

And magpies - White-sided, galloped through the fields,
They shouted to the cranes: “Woe! Woe! Crocodile
Swallowed the sun in the sky! Darkness has come.
Do not go outside the gate: who got into the street -
Got lost and lost.

What fairy tale is this from?

Children: Stolen sun.

I: That's right, this is an excerpt from the fairy tale by K. I. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun".

Let's help the poor animals. It's very bad without the sun.

The gray sparrow cries: “Come out, sun, hurry!
It’s a shame for us without the sun - we can’t see a grain in the field!

Bunnies are crying, on the lawn: Lost, poor, out of the way,
They can't get home.

I: Let's help them?

Children: Yes.

I: Let's play the game "Sun and Rain" with you.

I: What sun?

Children: round, yellow

I: That's right, the sun is round, yellow. But sometimes it is also red. Listen to the joke:

Sunshine, sunshine, look out the window!
Sun, dress up, red, show yourself!
I: See how I will draw the sun. I dip the brush into yellow paint and the brush runs in a circle. This is how round the sun turned out. First we will draw the sun in the air. With what hand do we draw?

Children: right hand.

I: Well done, raised your right hand with a brush and draw a round sun in the air. Let's look at the hand. Now let's draw with a dry brush on paper, without paint.

And now we open yellow gouache, pick up paint on a brush. And we start drawing. What gouache will we paint with?

Children: Yellow gouache.

I: That's right, well done. While working with children, remind them how to hold the brush correctly.

I: Look how many cheerful and bright suns we have drawn. The group became even brighter.

ran through the bushes
By birch leaves.
Hello golden sun!
Hello blue sky!

The birds began to chirp
Fly for insects.
Have become bunnies,
On the lawn,
Roll and jump.

Happy bunnies and squirrels,
Happy boys and girls.

I: Here are some fellows, they tried from the bottom of their hearts. And now the sun will again shine brighter in the sky.


1. Preparation for the GCD consisted in observing the sun on a walk, a conversation was held, making a sample - the sun, reading the passage "The Stolen Sun", preparing equipment and choosing a topic, selecting material.

2. Everything was successfully carried out, the tasks were completed in full.

3. Everything turned out well, the children did the work with interest, they beautifully drew the sun (circle), only one boy had a bad sun (circle), the fine motor skills of the hands were slightly developed and there were not enough skills, since he had just started attending kindergarten.

4. I helped some children in drawing the sun, gave recommendations, advice, as well as in the design of the sun: eyes, cilia, eyebrows, cheeks.

5. I took note that individual work is needed with that boy (Kostya Biryukov) who has poorly developed motor skills.

Type of productive activity: modeling, plastinography.

Topic:"Tsvetik - Semitsvetik"

Age group: older - preparatory

Form of organization: frontal

Location during the day: 2 half

Target: Continue to teach children how to smear (in different directions); teach children to use several colors of plasticine in their work; develop fine motor skills of fingers; to consolidate the ability to work along the contour, to develop children's creativity.

Preparatory work: reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev "Flower - Semitsvetik", looking at illustrations.

Equipment: oilcloth napkin, board, plasticine, wet napkin and dry napkin, blank - thick white cardboard with printed flower pattern, finished flower - sample, album sheets by the number of children, beads for decoration.

Motivation techniques: analysis of the work, the flower sample itself.

Productive Skills Training: work along the contour, the use of several colors of plasticine, smearing plasticine with a thin layer.

Evaluation of the results of productive activities of children: encouragement and analysis of work.

Synopsis of GCD on modeling “Flower-Semitsvetik” (senior group) GCD course: I: Guys, we recently read the fairy tale "Flower - Semitsvetik". Let's remember what it is about? Children: Answers. I: That's right guys. This tale is about dreams and about a good, noble deed. Each of us has dreams, desires. And today, each of you will make a "Flower - Semitsvetik" for yourself, and maybe give it to someone who needs it more, but you must promise me that your wishes will be good! Children: Answers I: Look carefully, there is a simple white flower in front of you, but as soon as you circle it and “color” it with plasticine, it will become magical! I: Guys, make your flower beautiful and bright! I show and explain, look, my flower has a yellow center. Cut off a piece of yellow plasticine in a stack and “paint over” the middle. Well done, you are doing well, now we will “paint over” the petals. I: Guys, I remind you that after working with one color of plasticine, you need to wipe your fingers and stack with a napkin. I: Now cut off a piece of pink plasticine and “paint over” the top petal. Now let's paint over the purple petal. What good fellows you are, you are doing very well! Let's take a break. Stand at your chair and get your hands ready. Fizminutka: Fly, fly, petal (palms together, fingers of the right and left palms through the west to the east, in turn press each other). Through the north, through the south, (palms together, twist them up, down). Come back, make a circle. (Palms together, make a circle with them) As soon as you touch the ground (lower down, moving your fingers). To be in my opinion led. (Raise your hands above your head, moving your fingers). I: Guys, have a seat. Let's finish the flowers. Do you understand how to “paint over” the petals? Children: yes, sure. I: I will put my flower in the most visible place so that you can see what color the petals and stem should be. Children complete their flowers, show me, each other, decorate it, and together we choose the most neat and beautiful flower. I: Guys, well done, you all did it. Look at your "Flowers - Semitsvetiki", how beautiful they are. And do not forget that it depends only on you which flower you will have - evil or good, and now think to whom each of you will give your flower - a seven-flower.


1. Preparation for the GCD consisted of a preliminary conversation, reading a fairy tale, preparing equipment and materials, making templates and samples.

2. Everything planned was carried out successfully.

3. Managed to captivate the children and interest. The work was done with great enthusiasm.

4. My help was needed in encouragement, praise, little advice.

5. More often to conduct classes in plasticineography, children really like it and it is useful for the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which is useful at school for writing.

Type of productive activity: application.

Topic:"Salute of Victory".

Age group: older - preparatory.

Form of organization: frontal.

Location during the day: 2 half

Target: To consolidate and expand knowledge about the Victory Day holiday. To teach a sensitive, benevolent attitude, to encourage children to moral deeds, to cultivate a sense of respect for people, goodwill. To instill a sense of patriotism, love for one's Motherland, respect for veterans of the V.O.V, a desire to take care of them. To consolidate the ability of children to create an image using the “mosaic” technique, to achieve high-quality performance of the task, to develop the creative abilities of children, hand motor skills.

Preparatory work: Examination and discussion of illustrations about V. O. V. Reading stories and poems about the war. Learning songs, poems about V. O. V., about Victory Day. Listening to songs of the war years.

Equipment: a video recording of the fireworks, a flash drive, a tape recorder, a TV set, dark-colored colored cardboard, glue, a napkin, a damp sponge, an earpick, a simple pencil for each child, double-sided colored paper, pre-cut into squares or rectangles about 0.5 cm in size.

Motivation techniques: conversation, non-traditional “mosaic” technique (children really like it).

Productive Skills Training: non-traditional technique "mosaic"; initial demonstration (reminder) of the mosaic technique, explanation.

Evaluation of the results of productive activities of children: praise and evaluation.

Abstract of the GCD on the application in an unconventional form “Salute of Victory” (older - preparatory group) Course of the lesson: Me: On May 9, our people celebrate one of their favorite holidays. What holiday is it? D: This holiday is Victory Day. This is the day when the Great Patriotic War ended. This is the day when war veterans are congratulated. I: Correctly. After all, it’s not without reason that the song says that “this is a holiday, with tears in our eyes,” because we rejoice that there is no war, we are proud of the great Victory and our army, and at the same time we sadly remember the fallen heroes. In honor of the Great Victory and in memory of the fallen soldiers in the cities on May 9, a festive salute is thundering - the Victory salute. Salute is the saluting of fireworks and shots to commemorate a solemn date. There are also fireworks in our village, you, of course, saw it. What do fireworks look like? D: Flashes are like a flower. The salute is like an open umbrella. Fireworks flash like a palm tree. Salute is like a fountain. Physical education:"Salute" Everything was quiet, and suddenly - salute! Salute! (Raise hands, open fingers like a fan) Rockets flared up in the sky here and there! (Wave hands to the right - to the left) Above the square, above the roofs, Above the festive Moscow (sit down - stand up) The living fountain soars higher and higher than the lights! (sit down - stand up) On the street, on the street everyone happily runs (easy running in place) Shouting “Hurrah! ”, Admire the festive fireworks (shout “cheers”, wave your hands over your head. I: Today I want to invite you to prepare a gift that you can give to relatives or veterans for the holiday. This postcard, made in the technique of "mosaic", is called "Salute of Victory. ” (sample display). This is how I saw fireworks. What will be your salute, we will see everything together at the end of the lesson. You are already familiar with the mosaic technique. I remind you of the sequence, explain and show: first, with a simple pencil, you will draw a flash of salute. Then you need to apply glue to the drawing. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the glue is not applied to the entire image, but only to a separate area. Then, using an ear cleaner, we apply the details of the mosaic to the glue. How it's done? (children's answers). That's right, we dip one end of the stick into a damp sponge and take a piece of the mosaic with the same end and apply it to the glue. When the work is finished, you need to blot it gently with a napkin. I remove the sample before the independent work of the children. The independent work of children takes place to quiet music - songs of the war years are heard. At the end of the lesson, I hang all the work on the stand. I: What bright and varied works turned out today! I think that everyone will like your gifts very much. And now I propose to see what kind of fireworks are in the main city of our Motherland - in Moscow. (view video).


1. Preparation for the GCD consisted of preparing equipment and a set of materials, in a preliminary conversation, showing illustrations, reading poetry, listening to military songs and showing a video recording of a salute.

2. Everything planned was accomplished.

3. Everything that was planned was done. The goal was achieved, the guys are happy, they really liked this technique.

4. My help was required in the reminder and the initial demonstration of this technique and to properly organize the guys and get them interested.

5. For the future, I would like to try some other new, interesting techniques for the application.