Divorce application required. Divorce in the registry office

If the time comes when both spouses understand that ending the relationship is the right choice, the question arises - what needs to be done to file for divorce? It is known that this is not an easy process, which can be complicated by the presence of common property and children. In a single case, you need to contact different state institutions.

Let us analyze in more detail the situation on how to properly file for divorce in Russia, since more and more married couples in our country end their marriage.

Important! If you yourself analyze your case related to filing for divorce in Russia, then you should remember that:

  • Each case is unique and individual.
  • Understanding the basics of the law is useful, but does not guarantee the achievement of results.
  • The possibility of a positive outcome depends on many factors.

How to apply for a divorce

How is a divorce filed? The very process of terminating a marriage begins with the filing of a joint application for divorce by a married couple, or with an application by either of them. It must be submitted to the registry office, the world or district court at the residence of the defendant himself.

    The couple go to the registry office together.

    A married couple goes to the registry office, both spouses write an application if they are ready to end the marriage by common consent, and if they do not have children under the age of 18. The leadership of the registry office must issue a document confirming the divorce (certificate) to the former married couple within one month.

    One of the spouses goes to the registry office.

    How to file for divorce for one of the spouses? Exceptions are allowed when a husband or wife can apply to the local registry office to terminate the marriage, even if there are minor children. For example, this is possible, for example, when one of the spouses was for a period of three years or more. In addition, if one of them is incompetent by decision of a special commission or is considered missing. All situations where one of the spouses can file for divorce at the local registry office, even with common children, are reflected in the Family Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the RF IC).

    Dissolution of marriage in court.

    • If only one of the spouses needs a divorce, and the total acquired property does not exceed the amount of 100 thousand rubles, and one of the spouses does not appear in the registry office, such a marriage is terminated through a justice of the peace (see RF IC, art. 21-23) .

      If the couple already has minor children, or in cases where the total property of the married couple exceeds 100 thousand rubles in size, the divorce is carried out in the district court (see the RF IC, art. 21-23).

A spouse cannot file an application with a judicial authority if the wife is pregnant or has a young child under one year old. (IC RF, art. 17). However, the spouse can file her claim at any time.

State duty for divorce proceedings in 2016

If a married couple does not have common minor children, and both spouses are ready for a divorce, you need to contact the local registry office, fill out an application and pay a fee to each.

Since 2015, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 25.3) has been amended regarding the amount of the state duty:

Cost Conditions for those who pay 650 rubles. Through the registry office with the consent of both spouses, without the presence of children. Each spouse pays the state duty. 350 rubles. Through the registry office in case of a unilateral filing of a claim (when one of the spouses is recognized as incapacitated, as well as dead or missing, or while serving a sentence convicted). The applicant himself pays. 650 rubles. Through the court session. Each spouse pays. Or one of them takes the costs for himself free of charge. the amount of the state feePaid by the plaintiff for filing a property plan claim (for example, for the recovery of alimony or a share of joint property) and is determined on the basis of the value of the claim - the size of the claims.

How to file for divorce step by step

  1. Collect all necessary documents.
  2. Submit an application and all necessary documents to the court or the registry office.
  3. The presence of the plaintiff at the court, as well as notification of the defendant about the meeting in the judicial body, is required.
  4. If the court gave the couple time to reconcile the parties for a period of one month, but the spouse and spouse did not appear on the appointed date, the judge has the right to annul this claim and recognize both parties as reconciled.

Documents required for divorce

Application to the registry office or court. The claim is submitted only in writing. In it, the husband and wife confirm that both are not against the dissolution of their own marriage, and also do not have minor children.

In the application, which is drawn up in the registry office, you must specify:

  • passport data (full name, place and date of birth, residence permit, place of registration, citizenship);
  • information of the document on registration of the marriage union;
  • surnames that the spouses leave for themselves after the divorce proceedings;
  • date and signatures of the spouses.

In the application, which the plaintiff draws up in court, it is necessary to enter:

  • passport details of the spouses (name, place and date of birth, place of registration, citizenship, actual place of residence);
  • data of the certificate of registration of official marriage;
  • reasons for the termination of marriage;
  • data on claims (child support, also division of property, a controversial moment about the further residence of one or more children under 18 years of age).

An application-claim to the judicial authorities is filed at the place of registration (residence) of the defendant. In addition, if he is not a citizen of the Russian Federation, or his place of residence is not in Russia, or is not known at all, then the plaintiff files an application with the court, which is located at the place of the last registration of the defendant, or at the place where the defendant's property is located. The application-claim of the plaintiff for the termination of marriage shall be accompanied by the passport data of the spouses, copies of this information, and a marriage certificate.

If a divorce suit is filed in a district or magistrate court, the following documentation must be attached to it:

  • divorce application;
  • copies of the original claim for termination of marriage;
  • a receipt from a banking institution confirming the payment of the divorce fee (the details must be clarified with the judicial authority);
  • if a representative acts for the plaintiff at the court session, it is necessary to present a power of attorney certifying his actions;
  • when putting forward any requirements (conditions), all important documents that confirm all the circumstances, copies of documents for the defendants, third parties must be attached to the divorce claim;
  • documentation that confirms the pre-trial procedure for resolving this dispute;
  • provision by the plaintiff of the amount of money that they intend to receive from the defendant;
  • original or duplicate of the marriage certificate;
  • documentation of the birth of a child (that is, a certificate), or a copy of it with a certified signature of a notary;
  • certificate-extract from the "house book" at the place of residence of the defendant's spouse;
  • certificate of the defendant's available income (if a claim for the payment of alimony is being considered);
  • if the defendant is not against the termination of the marriage, a written statement about this must be submitted;
  • prenuptial agreement (if required).

The list of documents that must be submitted before the divorce may be different - it depends on the requirements of the judge. The list of required documentation is not approved by Russian laws, so it may change. The process of termination of the marriage union begins by the court only in the case of a complete list of necessary documents, the name of which the plaintiff can find out even before filing an application with the court. If the judge needs additional documentation about the plaintiff's details, the defendant will be notified in court.

Defendant's spouse did not attend the hearing

If the spouse did not come to the meeting on the divorce procedure, it is possible for the plaintiff to get a divorce, even if the couple has one minor child or more.

  • If one of the spouses cannot be in court for any reason, he is entitled to represent his representative instead of himself, having received a power of attorney from a notary. The plaintiff has similar rights to a representative in court.
  • If the defendant has a good reason why he cannot be at one of the meetings, he must submit a completed application to the court, the divorce process will be postponed for a certain period.
  • If the defendant did not come to the meeting regarding the divorce, without good reason, the termination of the marriage will take place without him.
  • If the defendant had good reasons not to appear at the court session, but it passed without him, and a ruling was issued on the dissolution of the marriage, the defendant has the right to file an application for the annulment of the court decision. The spouse has the right to file an application within a week from the time from which he was provided with a copy of the court decision. Then, a cassation appeal can be written against the court decision on the completed process.
  • If the defendant ignored the court hearings on divorce, then the divorce procedure will be extended for another 30 days.

How to apply to the plaintiff-wife to end the marriage if the husband does not want to get a divorce?

Often the divorce process is delayed due to, or ambiguities with the children that have arisen. First of all, you need to file a claim. Claims of a property nature should preferably be filed simultaneously with the application for divorce.

  1. The wife must pay the divorce fee herself, not wait until the husband pays. The court session takes place approximately thirty days after the plaintiff submits the relevant application. He must be present at the court without fail, answer all questions, argue the decision to divorce.
  2. To pay alimony, the plaintiff's wife must submit to the judicial authority a certificate of her husband's income. If the plaintiff did not officially work during the years of marriage, was on maternity leave, currently has a small child, he can demand maintenance payments from the defendant husband, including for his maintenance.
  3. If the defendant wants reconciliation, he does not have to ignore participation in the meetings, because he can also express his disagreement with the divorce there. The decision is made by the judge himself - if the defendant convinces him of the sincerity of his words, the further process may be postponed for a certain period (three months maximum).
  4. If the defendant-spouse is against the termination of the marriage and deliberately evades the court session, the judge may make a decision on divorce at the 3rd session in absentia.
  5. Within 10 days after the provision of a certificate of dissolution of marriage, the plaintiff's wife may file an application with the judicial authority to cancel the decision and consider the divorce process again.

There are many nuances and peculiarities in the divorce process, in order to fully understand them, it is better to contact experienced lawyers.

Families sometimes break up. Former lovers have to leave, and one of the inevitable questions is where to apply for a divorce. In Moscow, this task is not much more difficult to solve than in other cities of Russia. There are two procedures for dissolution of a marriage - administrative and judicial, and the choice of each will depend on the consent of both parties and the presence of children in the family.

Administrative order

Muscovites are used to marrying and parting in the registry office, each of which has its own atmosphere and mood. Now in Moscow, 30 institutions are waiting for visitors, according to the number of districts of the city, and 6 wedding palaces. In one of them, at Chistye Prudy, registering your union is considered the most prestigious.

In order to get a divorce in an administrative order, without going to court and lengthy litigation, 2 conditions must be met:

  • both partners must agree to parting;
  • The couple must not have minor children.

If these conditions are met, then you need to go to a convenient office for the provision of public services, regardless of the place of residence or registration of each of the partners, with the following set of documents:

  • passports of both parting parties;
  • marriage certificate;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

The specialist will issue a form where you will need to enter data from the documents and indicate the surname that each of the divorcees will leave for himself after the dissolution of the marriage. Next, the couple will have to come to the registry office in a month to confirm their intention, sign the civil registry book and receive certificates of divorce.

A month is given so that the husband and wife have the opportunity to change their minds. During this period, either spouse may apply to the institution and withdraw their consent to the voluntary termination of family ties. If the second partner insists on the need for separation, he will have to file a lawsuit in court.

Private situations of divorce through the registry office

In the same order, you can submit documents in a situation where the termination of relations is necessary for other reasons. There are several of them:

  • the partner has been declared legally incompetent by the court;
  • he has been declared dead or missing in the manner prescribed by law;
  • he committed a crime, and the period of detention exceeded 3 years.

In all these cases, the will and signature of the second spouse will not be required when submitting an application. There are two more situations that limit the possibility of parting.

A husband is not eligible to file for divorce if his wife:

  • pregnant;
  • sits with a child and has not yet expired a year from the moment the baby was born.

Knowing where to go to file for divorce should not forget that there are ways to avoid the first visit to a government agency. Part of the tasks of filing a divorce can be completed easily using electronic communications.

Important: The state insists on the need to preserve the family and protect children, so the divorce of a couple with minor children will be difficult.

Portal "Gosuslugi"

When answering the question of where to apply for a divorce in Moscow, not everyone knows that this is easy to do through the Gosuslugi website. The process of dissolution of a marriage in an administrative manner will be simplified if both spouses have verified accounts on the portal. If there are verified records, then the request is submitted in the following order:

  • one of the partners enters the corresponding section. Finds a form and fills in your details;
  • then he presses the "invite" button, entering SNILS, date of birth and email of the second spouse. He gets the opportunity to maintain his data;
  • partners fill out an application, choosing the surname that they would like to keep after the divorce;
  • the couple pays the state fee. If you do this directly on the Gosuslugi website, you can save 30%;
  • spouses determine the specific institution of the registry office where it would be convenient for them to come;
  • the document is signed with an electronic signature and sent through the service to the registry office that was chosen by the couple.

The time for a personal visit to the selected institution will be scheduled within 5 minutes, the couple will be notified about it by a letter in their personal account or by SMS. The couple will need to wait a month, and then come to the institution at the set time. If one of the spouses for valid reasons (business trip or illness) cannot come for consideration, there is an option to issue a notarized power of attorney to some person to carry out all actions related to the dissolution of the marriage. After submitting the application and paying the fee, it will be impossible to change the address of the registry office or the wedding palace.

Attention: When using the capabilities of the portal, it will be possible to save time and 30% of the amount of the state fee.

When to go to court

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There are several situations in which the question of where to apply for a divorce in Moscow gets an answer - to the court. In most cases, partners will have to contact the global one. But under certain conditions, they will have to apply to the district if the amount of property claims has exceeded the established limit.

In the latest edition of the Family Code, 2 reasons are identified for which it is required to go this way:

  • the couple has children who have not yet reached the age of majority;
  • Only one spouse wants a divorce, while the other evades it.

Previously, those marriages were terminated in this order, in which the partners could not reach an agreement on the division of jointly acquired property. Now nothing prevents a divorce in the registry office, and property disputes are resolved later, in court.

How to divorce in court

Having found out where the application for divorce is filed, it is necessary to decide how exactly to prepare the claim. It must be understood that disputes related to children and property require a serious evidence base to defend one's position. It should be borne in mind that it is not an application in the prescribed form that is submitted to the court, but a claim. It may state any additional requirements. Among them:

  • establishment of alimony;
  • a request for a decision with whom exactly the children will live;
  • division of property, which can be either equal or with the allocation of a larger share to the spouse with whom the children remain.

The separation process

Filing for divorce is only the first step. You will need to go through a lengthy litigation process. The statement of claim, in which all the requirements are expressed, is sent to the court in two ways:

  • personally. Prepared documents are handed over to the court office;
  • by mail. It is better to send the package with acknowledgment of receipt and with a description of the attachment. This ensures that the claim will go to court and be registered.

Simultaneously with the filing of the application with the court, a copy will need to be sent to the second spouse, keeping the receipt of dispatch. It will need to be presented to the arbitrator. In addition to acknowledging the notification, you will need to submit:

  • justification for paying alimony as a percentage of the income of the other spouse or in a fixed amount, this is possible when the income of the partner is irregular. The amount of alimony in a fixed bag must be equal to half the subsistence level per child in the region or exceed it if the partner’s income allows it;
  • draft agreement on the division of jointly acquired property;
  • documents confirming why the children should stay with the applicant spouse.

Usually, the judicial review takes no more than 2 months. But if the second partner evades attending meetings or contests the decision by filing an appeal, its entry into force may be delayed up to six months. After receiving the document in force. It will need to be submitted to the registry office. Based on it, the necessary data will be entered into the civil status register book. Only a copy of the judicial act will need to be submitted to the state institution. If the documents are submitted through the State Services portal, it will only be necessary to enter such details of the decision as the number and date.

Note: When registering property rights to real estate objects determined by the court as the property of one of the spouses, a court decision will also become the basis for re-registration.

Knowing how to cut down on the hassle of filing for divorce can be helpful for a separating couple. When going through the procedure, it will be extremely important to quickly and efficiently solve all bureaucratic tasks and receive a certificate. Only in this field it will be possible to think about new relationships.

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Divorce is always stressful.

It’s good if people didn’t have time to acquire real estate and give birth to babies.

Then the divorce procedure will be simple and will not take much time and effort.

It is enough for both parties to come to the registry office, and the registration authority will carry out.

But when a husband and wife have minor children, they have already made a fortune and are not able to agree on who will stay with what, the procedure can take a very long time. How to divorce your wife is of interest to many men.

The best option would be to agree peacefully and further life and division of property. To do this, it is recommended to conclude a special agreement certified by a notary. Then the judge, on its basis, will issue the appropriate.

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Ways of Divorce

There are only two instances that can divorce a married couple:

  • registration authority

At the same time, the second option is not always unambiguous. There are two types of court instances: regional and global. Where to apply depends on whether there are disputes.

The world performer resolves cases without disputes about children and property worth less than 50 thousand rubles. In all other situations, the district authority breeds.

Through the registration authority, couples that do not have disputes and joint divorces. But, there are exceptions. Termination of marital relations will be carried out by the registering authority, even with the presence of offspring, if one spouse:

  • incompetent person
  • under arrest for a total period of more than three years
  • missing

Thus, it is necessary to choose an instance for dissolution of marriage, depending on each situation separately.

Now it is possible to apply to the appropriate authority:

  • personally
  • through a proxy
  • by mail
  • using the internet

The applicant, at his discretion, has the right to choose the option of sending the documentation to the desired authority. But, if he is not present in person, he will have to certify all documentation. In addition, when filing an application with the court, personal presence is recommended. This will help to quickly resolve many issues and reduce the time to start the procedure.

Required documentation

In case of divorce by mutual agreement and in the absence of offspring, the divorce goes through the registry office. This requires documentation:

  • standard statement
  • identity cards
  • registration certificate
  • duty receipt

When one spouse cannot appear for a divorce, he has the right to write an application and certify it with a notary. Then one side will be enough for a divorce.

If the divorce goes through the court, only one party submits. It is required to attach the following documentation package:

  • identification
  • Marriage certificate
  • birth certificates of children
  • income statement, if the issue of alimony is decided
  • documents for real estate in the presence of property disputes
  • fee payment receipt

In addition, the judge may request more documentation at his discretion as questions come in. Even with a divorce through the courts, the former spouses will have to apply to the registry office for a certificate of divorce. Then they will need to add a resolution to the above package of documentation.

The procedure for divorce through the registry office

The easiest way to divorce is considered through the registration authority. Its conditions are:

  • lack of common offspring under the age of eighteen
  • no disputes over joint property
  • with mutual desire for divorce
  • if one of the parties is missing, declared incompetent, or is in prison for more than three years

The divorce procedure itself is carried out at the place of registration of relations or at the place of registration of a man and a woman.

When all the documentation is collected, the specialist of the registration authority accepts it. After thirty days, former spouses can come for a divorce certificate.

Divorce procedure by court

If a married couple does not meet the conditions of divorce through the registry office, it is divorced by the court on the basis of an application from one of the spouses. It does not matter the desire of the other side. Sooner or later, the couple will be divorced anyway, even if one of the spouses is categorically against it.

Lack of desire can only slow down the process. One of the parties has the right to apply for the possibility of granting time for reconciliation. But, it cannot be more than three months. The exception only applies to situations in which the woman is pregnant or has a child under one year of age. In this case, the man has no right to file a lawsuit without her consent.

The divorce procedure through the court can last from one to six months, depending on the situation.

When there is an agreement between the spouses, they will be divorced in a month, at the first court session.

But, if there are disputes and proceedings between a man and a woman, the judge will postpone the meeting, and even more than once.

He will request additional documentation to make the right decision. The following issues can be resolved through the court in parallel with the divorce:

  • place of residence of offspring
  • distribution of property rights
  • establishing the amount of child support, and sometimes mother

The suit for divorce is filed at the place of residence of the defendant. After the final decision is made and it comes into force, you can apply to the registry office for a certificate of divorce. If the issue of payment was considered, the decision must be taken to the bailiffs, in order to be able to withhold. When dividing property, you will have to additionally apply to the registering authorities for its re-registration.

Quite often, spouses express a desire to divide property during a divorce. It is worth understanding that this applies to:

  • movable and immovable property
  • debts

If the question arises of how to properly divorce his wife and divide property, a man should learn about the main points that are enshrined in law.

When there is no marriage contract, the property is divided according to the law in equal shares. At the same time, it does not matter to whom it is recorded. The main criterion is its acquisition during marriage. It does not matter with whom the child remains, although the greater need for separate items for the spouse with the offspring is taken into account.

Since it is difficult to use the same house, summer house and car after a divorce, it is better to independently agree on the transfer of ownership in advance.

Property not subject to division:

  • acquired before marriage
  • received as a gift


It is possible to carry out the division of property unevenly, if the other party is not against such actions. Quite often, a man leaves an apartment to his wife with children, at the expense of future alimony.

All credits and loans are also divided equally. If one of the spouses took all the loans on himself, then the division issue will be quite complicated. In most cases, the judge proposes to the party on which the loans pay off the debt, while the cat sue for payment of half the amount.

When there is no agreement between a man and a woman, the divorce procedure becomes much more complicated and protracted. You may also need to spend more money on it. After all, when a person cannot cope on his own, he attracts a lawyer to the case, and his services are far from free.

Thus, there are two options for dividing the jointly acquired:

  • The solution of the issue without conflict is an agreement between the spouses. When the parties come to a consensus, they draw up an appropriate agreement, which prescribes the size of the share of each of the parties. This document is recommended to be certified by a notary. Otherwise, it will not have legal force.
  • Resolution of the issue through the judiciary. If an agreement is not reached, one of the spouses files a lawsuit demanding the division of property. You can do this immediately with the divorce process or apply later separately. But, it is important not to miss the statute of limitations.

It is impossible to divide the indivisible, therefore, in most cases, it decides that one side takes the item, and the second receives compensation for its share.

Proper Behavior

Sometimes men are interested in how to properly divorce a wife if there are children. In order for the divorce to go quickly and without major injuries, it is recommended to adhere to competent behavior.

It is better to discuss in advance, even before the start of the procedure, all questions regarding alimony and the residence of children. To do this, many spouses draw up a special agreement that contains all the clauses containing information about the following points:

  • accommodation
  • upbringing
  • possibility of meetings
  • alimony, etc.

To speed up the process, you need to certify this document by a notary and ensure his presence at the meetings. In such cases, the divorce procedure is quite fast.

During a divorce, a man has the right to insist that the offspring stay with him. He can justify his desires as follows:

  • good financial position
  • personal attachment to the child
  • improper upbringing of the mother

But, basically, children always stay with their mother. Then the court has the right to establish the procedure for communication between the baby and the father and participation in the educational process.

How to get a divorce - advises a lawyer in the video:

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It is possible to obtain a divorce without the presence or consent of the wife. The task of the husband is to correctly determine exactly where the termination of the relationship will take place. The form of the submitted document and the procedure for its further consideration depend on this.

Where to file for divorce: registry office or court?

The official dissolution of marriage is carried out in the registry office or in court. To understand where to turn, you should consider the possible circumstances under which the termination of the relationship occurs.

CircumstancesMARRIAGE REGISTRYMagistrate's CourtDistrict, city court
Wife does not agree- - Yes
- - -
The spouse is absent because she has been declared legally incompetent, missing or convicted for more than 3 yearsYes, even if there are common children under the age of 18- -
The spouse agrees, while: No children, property is not dividedYes- -
There are minor children over 1 year old, the issue of their place of residence has been resolved- Yes, subject to the provision of an agreement on children, certified by a notary-
There are minor children older than 1 year, there is a dispute about the place of residence of children- - Yes
The couple has children under 1 year old, the wife is pregnant- Yes, if the price of a claim in a property dispute is less than 50 thousand rubles. and all questions about children are resolvedYes, if the price of a claim in a property dispute is more than 50 thousand rubles. or the issue of the place of residence of children has not been resolved
The cost of jointly acquired property is not more than 50 thousand rubles.- Yes, if the issue of the place of residence of children is resolved-
The cost of jointly acquired property is over 50 thousand rubles.- - Yes

: form No. 8 or No. 9, and for obtaining a certificate after the trial - form No. 10.

The court accepts statements of claim, which indicate the reasons for the rupture of relations. At the same time, a number of related issues can be considered: about the place of residence of children, the procedure for communicating with them, the payment of alimony, the division of property.

How to file for divorce at the registry office without a wife

An appeal to the registry office is possible under a combination of circumstances:

  • the spouse agrees to the divorce;
  • the couple does not have common minor children;
  • there is no need to divide the property.

The reason for the absence of a wife may be illness, a long long trip and other factors for which a woman wants, but cannot apply to the registry office.

Which registry office should I contact?

The husband should apply at the place of residence or at the place of registration of marriage (FZ "On acts of civil status" dated 11/15/1997). It is advisable to immediately find out the details of a state institution for making a state duty.

Payment of state duty upon application

If both spouses agree to the dissolution of the marriage, they must pay 650 rubles each. (Article 333.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Receipts (checks) should be kept and pinned to the completed application.

When applying unilaterally, the husband must pay a state duty of 350 rubles.

Filling out an application

If the spouse agrees to divorce, the husband must fill out an application in the form No. 8. The form is divided into 2 halves, each of which each fills out independently.

Download sample application

The spouse does not have the right to complete the application completely on their own. The wife remotely enters the data in her copy in the “she” column and turns to the notary to certify the document.

The application must contain the following information:

  • full name of the civil registration authority;
  • passport data: full name, place of registration; citizenship and nationality may not be indicated;
  • details of the existing marriage certificate;
  • date, time of divorce, agreed with both parties;
  • series, passport number of each spouse:
  • expressing a desire to change the surname;
  • date of filling out the document, signatures of both parties.

Having received a copy of his wife, the husband goes to the registry office.

Divorce unilaterally

Art. 19 of the RF IC provides for registration of a divorce in the registry office, even if there are minor children. The husband has the right to apply to the state body independently if:

  • spouse declared missing;
  • the wife is incompetent by the court;
  • the wife committed a crime, and the court decision came into force to deprive her of liberty for a period of more than 3 years.

The application will take the following form:

The essential difference between form No. 8 and form 9 is that it is filled out only by the spouse alone.

Additionally, data is entered if the wife:

  • convicted for more than 3 years - the name of the court, the date of the sentence and its content;
  • missing - the details of the decision to recognize her as missing in court;
  • incapacitated - these decisions are made to recognize her as incapacitated.

The documents specified in the application must be confirmed by the originals or notarized copies of the extract of the court decision, the guilty verdict.

Since a spouse who is absent for the indicated reasons cannot appear in court, her interests are cleared by guardians or property managers in case of absence without a trace.

After accepting the application, the registry office notifies of the dissolution of the marriage:

  • the guardian of the incapacitated within 30 days;
  • a spouse who is in prison for up to 3 days, after which she is given a month to decide on a change of surname.

After completing all the formalities, a month after the application is submitted, the marriage will be dissolved. An appropriate entry is made in the register of acts of civil status, and spouses are issued certificates of divorce. A spouse serving a term in a colony will receive a document after their release.

Documents for divorce in the registry office without the knowledge of the wife

No matter how much the spouse wishes to avoid a showdown, it is impossible to get a divorce in the registry office without the knowledge of the spouse, if she is in good health. The husband does not have the right to independently file an application for divorce at the registry office and hide the fact of divorce from his wife.

An exceptional case is a divorce from a spouse who has been declared missing. It is physically impossible to notify her. In this case, you will need documents:

  • application for divorce;
  • identity card for verification at the registry office;
  • Marriage certificate;
  • a court decision declaring the spouse missing;
  • check for payment of state duty.

If the spouse is at large, her place of residence is known, she must send her copy of the application through an official representative or by registered mail.

How to file for divorce without a wife

The husband files a divorce suit in court if the wife lives away from her husband, does not want to meet her husband face to face due to personal enmity, is seriously ill, and her movement is difficult, and for other weighty reasons.

The claim shall be filed at the place of residence of the defendant. The plaintiff has the right to apply at his own place of residence if he is seriously ill or forced to look after a minor child (own or someone else's).

State duty

The filing fee must be paid prior to filing the claim. It will be 600 rubles. After receiving the court decision, the plaintiff and the defendant must pay another 650 rubles each. when applying to the registry office for and entering relevant information into the civil registration book.

Claim Form

The statement of claim shall be submitted exclusively in writing. The claim reflects information (Article 31 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation):

  • the name of the judicial body;
  • information about the plaintiff and the defendant: full name, address by registration and actual place of residence; information about the authorized person of the plaintiff;
  • when the marriage union was concluded, at what time the relationship was actually terminated;
  • why divorce occurs, what was the main reason and why reconciliation is impossible;
  • petition for divorce;
  • list of attachments to the claim;
  • date and signature.

Sample letter of claim for dissolution of marriage with wife:

Download sample application

If the spouse does not agree to file a divorce, the document should indicate: “The wife does not consent to the dissolution of the marriage for the reason (indicate what motivates the spouse’s refusal). I do not want to keep the family, because (betrayal, absence from home at night, alcohol abuse or other reasons) are significant for me, and I do not allow the possibility of reconciliation and preservation of the family.

After accepting the claim, the court sets a date for the hearing. The defendant will be sent a summons on a certain date, but not earlier than one month from the date of filing the document. Information will come by mail, telegram or telephone message.

The absence of the spouse is regarded by the judge as ignoring the process, lack of interest in what is happening.

In the absence of the wife, the judge makes one of the possible decisions:

  • set a different date for the meeting;
  • immediately decide on the dissolution of the marriage.

In practice, a 3-fold failure to appear in court becomes the reason for a divorce automatically.

How to avoid postponement of the court session?

To speed up the process of dissolution of marriage without a wife will help her consent to divorce.

The document indicates the data of the parties to the process, provides information about the absence of claims against the husband. Consent is certified by a notary, subject to the presence of the applicant and the presence of an identity card.

Sample Consent:

Question answer

  • The husband lives in Russia, and the wife lives in Poland. The wife found out that her husband officially entered into a new marriage. How is this possible?
    It is impossible to file a divorce in the registry office without notifying the second spouse, unless he is declared missing. It is highly likely that the husband filed a lawsuit for divorce, where he entered incorrect data about the place of residence of his wife, withholding information about temporary residence in Poland. The wife did not receive the agenda and did not appear at the meeting. If the situation is repeated three times, the court breeds without the presence of his wife. The husband only had to take the decision and issue a certificate of divorce at the registry office, after which he was able to enter into a second marriage.
  • The wife was sentenced to 2 years. Is it possible to divorce her in a simplified manner by contacting the registry office? There are no common children.
    If the period of stay of the spouse is less than 3 years, the divorce is carried out in accordance with the general procedure. To apply to the registry office, you must obtain the consent of your wife for a divorce. If she is against it, you should file a lawsuit. The spouse will not be able to defend the rights in court in person, since, according to Art. 77 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, she is subject to escort only when considering a criminal case. Her interests will be represented by a lawyer. The power of attorney to conduct the case will be certified by the head of the correctional colony. The wife will be provided with all the documents on the case, with which she can familiarize herself and decide on further actions.

Marriage is carried out at the mutual desire of the future spouses, for a divorce, only the intention of one of them is sufficient. The timing and cost of the divorce procedure depend on the financial condition of the family, the presence of children and obstacles from the "second half".

Unilateral filing for divorce - methods and features

To get a divorce without the consent of the wife or husband, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • recognition of the spouse as dead, incapacitated or missing;
  • entry into force of a guilty verdict (3 years or more);
  • obtaining a decision of a court of general jurisdiction (district).

The first two methods work for . To avoid legal proceedings, a married couple should not have common (by blood or adopted) and expensive jointly acquired property.

The third method is relevant in all other cases, regardless of the presence of children, and the desire to divorce the second spouse.

There is a peculiarity of a unilateral solution of the issue - a husband cannot divorce a wife who is pregnant or has a child (up to a year).

An application for divorce from a woman will always be accepted, regardless of pregnancy or the presence of young children.

Read more about unilateral divorce at.

Divorce via the Internet - a modern trend in the divorce process

To simplify the dissolution of a marriage, since 2012, a corresponding page has appeared on the official portal gosuslugi.ru, on which an application is filled out. This method is similar to divorce through the registry office, but saves time and avoids queues.

To send an application through the portal "Gosuslugi", you must:

  • register on the site. To do this, you will need to enter passport data and SNILS in the field that opens.

Unlike registration on sites that use an email address or phone number to verify an account, in our case you will have to wait for a regular letter or visit the office of Rostelecom OJSC.

  • after successful registration, you must select the region of residence and go to the page of the Civil Registry Office;
  • choose a service "dissolution of marriage" and the method of its implementation (at the mutual desire of the spouses or a unilateral decision with an existing court decision);
  • fill in the opened form and choose a convenient date for visiting the registry office.

In a month, you will have to come to the institution in person and fill out an application in the presence of its employee.

There is also a form on the site with details for. The transfer can be made through the electronic payment system, using the data from the receipt, or at a bank branch.

How to Divorce Without Husband's Consent

In principle, this method is similar to divorce without the consent of one of the spouses and is decided in court. Initially, it should be warned that the divorce process will be delayed if the husband interferes in every possible way.

The main obstacles may be the following:

  • failure to attend court hearings. If the defendant fails to appear for the third time, the case will be considered in his absence (often in favor of the plaintiff);
  • please provide time for reconciliation (up to 3 months);
  • and disagreement with - in this case, you will need a divorce lawyer.

Any obstacles in the dissolution of marriage are resolved in the process of judicial review.

Documents that are necessary for the further proceedings of the case, but are not provided by the spouse, will be required by the court forcibly.

If you can initially predict the opposition of your husband, immediately go to lawyers who will help you properly organize the divorce process.

Read more about divorce without the consent of the husband.

How to file for divorce

During registration through the registry office, it is necessary to come in a month to confirm the dissolution of the marriage.

It is issued on hand after the presentation of a document confirming the payment of the state duty and the delivery of a marriage certificate.

To obtain a court decision, especially when initiating a process in, you should stock up on the most complete list of documents.

These include:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • children's documents;
  • (from the initiator of the divorce, i.e. from yourself). The application should indicate the reason for the dissolution of the marriage in order to minimize the duration of the process (the court always seeks to save the family);
  • extract from the house book of the second spouse (defendant);
  • confirmation (receipt or check);
  • power of attorney for a lawyer-specialist in divorce cases. If, nevertheless, it was possible to reach an agreement on the division of children and property, it is not necessary to involve lawyers.

The average cost of a lawyer in cases of unilateral divorce is about 60,000 rubles. In each case, the price is formed by specific circumstances and the amount of the dispute between the spouses.

To reduce costs and court time, try to convince your husband of the inevitability of such a step. It will not work to part with friends, and it is better not to become enemies.