How to dilute mayonnaise so that it is liquid. Homemade mayonnaise is healthy and tasty


  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 130 ml
  • Apple cider vinegar - 2 tsp
  • Dijon or any other mustard (except granular) - 1 tsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp

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Who would have thought that the most common ingredients can be made thick homemade mayonnaise?! I know that many modern housewives are not very fond of mayonnaise and less and less often fill their dishes with it. But I highly recommend trying this recipe! This mayonnaise is easy to make and doesn't take too long to make. We will need: sunflower oil, mustard, egg yolk and a hand mixer. Well, isn't it a beauty? You can add garlic or saffron to this basic recipe in the future, you get a fragrant and unusual mayonnaise. So, if you have long dreamed of cooking thick homemade mayonnaise , but for some reason you were afraid or it didn’t work out for you, then go with me to the kitchen and start creating!

First thing

Separate the yolks from the protein. We only need yolks.

In a deep bowl, add 1 tsp to the yolks. mustard, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 2 tsp apple cider vinegar and a pinch of salt. Now at low or medium speed, in order to keep the kitchen in its original form;), using a hand mixer, we will begin to beat everything. Continue beating until the mixture starts to thicken (about 2-3 minutes). At first, the mass will be a rich yellow or mustard hue (depending on the color of your mustard), but after a few minutes, our mayonnaise will begin to brighten and show with all appearance that we are on the right track!

That's how I got it. Our sauce has brightened and acquired a light creamy texture. It has thickened slightly, but it still drips off the whisk.

And the final touch is sunflower oil. Many recipes use sunflower oil and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, but I find that olive oil will give a strong flavor or may completely overpower the taste of mayonnaise. Therefore, if desired, you can add one or two teaspoons of your favorite olive oil at the end. So, without ceasing to beat, we slowly begin to pour in the oil in a thin stream. Gradually increase the mixer speed. Whisk until the butter is completely combined and the sauce thickens. You can adjust the density yourself - the longer you beat, the thicker your mayonnaise will turn out.

That's it, our thick homemade mayonnaise ready. Fast, fragrant, and the taste is indistinguishable from the store. But who am I kidding? Of course, it’s different, it’s your own, homemade, much tastier! As they say, sleight of hand and no fraud. P.S. Store in the refrigerator no more than 3-4 days.

Such mayonnaise can serve as the basis for sauce to, you only need finely chopped garlic, basil leaves, salt, pepper and beat it all again! And what New Year is complete without everyone's favorite Olivier salad? This mayonnaise recipe is perfect for him too! Checked!

And in conclusion, I want to congratulate everyone, everyone, everyone on the upcoming holidays! Wish you good health, comfort, love and warmth in your homes. Fulfillment of the most cherished desires, and, of course, more strength for culinary exploits in the new year! Hooray!

Okroshka on mayonnaise with citric acid - delicious, simple and fast

How good it is to make a portion or two of okroshka on a summer generous on hot days!
I don’t know about you, but I love okroshka on mayonnaise with the addition of citric acid. I can’t stand okroshka on kvass at all, on kefir and whey it’s somehow not very good either, but lemon sourness in cold okroshka - I think this is the most delicious option for roast.

Every time I make okroshka with mayonnaise, it reminds me of Olivier salad only with radishes and diluted with water. Below I will tell you my secret of how to quickly dilute mayonnaise in water so that there are no lumps, maybe you do it too, or maybe it's my invention, I don't know.

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Cucumbers - 3 pcs.
potatoes - 3 pcs.
milk sausage (sausages) - 500 grams
eggs - 4 pieces
greens (onions, dill) - a bunch
radish - 5-6 things (I had a loba)
mayonnaise for dressing, citric acid, salt, ice

Previously, I always looked for radishes for okroshka and bought them at an expensive price out of season, and then I somehow tried the loba and realized that if there is no difference, why pay more?!

Therefore, I cut the forehead, cucumbers, sausage, greens.

Boiled, cooled, cut potatoes and eggs.

So, I fill all the ingredients with mayonnaise, as if I were making a salad. In this way, by the way, it is convenient to measure the right amount of mayonnaise, that is, there is as much of it as if you were making a salad.

I mixed it up and that's it.

Now I pour boiled, chilled water into this salad, about 2-3 centimeters above the salad. And mayonnaise perfectly diverges in water without lumps.

I mixed it, salted it, sprinkled citric acid on the tip of a teaspoon, tried it. And then I correct the taste - a little more salt or a little more citric acid. Do not overdo it with lemon, it takes just a few grains for the taste to change and become more sour.

Okroshka is delicious when cold, so I thought of throwing ice into it. I really liked this idea, in this way I manage to quickly cool the okroshka, an indispensable technique in the heat, now I always do this.

Then you can pour on plates and enjoy. I don’t know about you, but for some reason I don’t get enough okroshka. I eat, I seem to have eaten, and after an hour and a half, as I begin to remember that there is okroshka, I am drawn to eat again

25-05-2012, 13:31

Whatever they say about mayonnaise and its extremely negative impact on our volumes, I personally can hardly imagine my life without mayonnaise ... Well, not life in general, but my cooking - definitely. I think that in some salads and as a sauce for some dishes, mayonnaise cannot be replaced by anything. Another question is how tasty and healthy is the mayonnaise that mass producers offer us? If you try to make mayonnaise yourself, you are unlikely to want to buy a store-bought mayonnaise later. Making mayonnaise at home is much easier than you might think. And if you have a blender ... However, without a blender it is better not to take on this matter - it will be problematic to achieve the required mass uniformity. So, detailed recipes for making mayonnaise with a blender.

The main secret and main ingredient of good homemade mayonnaise is fresh chicken eggs. The second secret is that all ingredients at the time of preparation of mayonnaise with a blender should be at room temperature.
We take a glass from a blender and pour 150 grams of deodorized sunflower oil into it. We introduce one raw egg into the oil, two tablespoons of 3% table vinegar and a little salt to taste.
Now let's start whipping. The blender should be lowered to the bottom of the glass and beat until the mass thickens and becomes perfectly homogeneous. After that, you need to continue beating, slowly raising the blender in a glass to beat well the upper layers of the mass. Moreover, the number of times the blender moves from the lower layers to the upper ones and back will also depend on the density of your mayonnaise. Don't overdo it.
Mayonnaise should be chilled before serving.

If you do not want to use vinegar in making homemade mayonnaise, you can use another recipe for making mayonnaise with a blender - with lemon juice and olive oil. And this is a completely different recipe.
Only the yolks of fresh chicken eggs - two pieces - will go into the blender glass. Add a pinch of salt, half a teaspoon of sugar, a tablespoon of mustard and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to the yolks. All ingredients must be thoroughly beaten with a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. Now the most crucial moment - you will need to carefully introduce olive oil into the mass - 50 grams. You need to introduce it in a thin stream, in small portions, continuing to beat, so that each portion has time to connect with the total mass and the mayonnaise has time to thicken.

What to do if, in the process of preparing mayonnaise with a blender, the mass did not whip, but exfoliated? Do not despair. Use the second try. Add salt and mustard to the stratified mass. Send two egg yolks to a glass of a blender and slowly beat them gradually, introducing your upgraded failed mayonnaise. And, by the way, with the appearance of mustard in its composition, your mayonnaise will immediately become Provencal mayonnaise.

What to do if the mayonnaise is too thick? It can be simply diluted gently with milk. Usually a couple of spoons is enough.

For flavor ground black pepper, chopped garlic and / or herbs (dill, parsley or basil), olives and even cheese can be added to homemade mayonnaise. Don't be afraid to experiment. Fantasy is the engine of culinary progress.

How long does homemade mayonnaise last? You can store homemade mayonnaise for no more than a week, only in the refrigerator and only in a hermetically sealed container.


Mayonnaise is used in almost all dishes: salads, appetizers, sandwiches, liver cakes. Many people simply cannot imagine their life without it and eat it with everything: fish, meatballs, chops, borscht and soups. Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of this product, which sometimes occupies more than one shelf on shelves in supermarkets. But homemade mayonnaise, prepared with your own hands, will be better than what is sold in stores. Firstly, it does not contain preservatives, which are stuffed with its "relatives", and secondly, you will always be sure of the quality of your dish. You will not spend a lot of time making homemade mayonnaise, because all the recipes are very simple and do not require special skills. Therefore, if you want to eat healthy and wholesome food, we suggest adopting the following recipes.

Mayonnaise at home

Don't know how to make mayonnaise at home? Everything is very simple: read this recipe, go to the store and buy the necessary products, then mix everything and season your favorite dishes with sauce. Ingredients:

  • 700 milliliters vegetable oil
  • three tablespoons (tablespoons) of lemon juice
  • one small spoon of salt, the same amount of mustard
  • 10 grams of sugar
  • three chicken proteins

Cooking method:

Homemade mayonnaise is prepared in just five minutes, but there is no doubt about its quality. So, combine chicken proteins, granulated sugar, mustard, as well as salt and lemon juice in one deep bowl. Now you need to beat all the ingredients until smooth - for this you can use a kitchen whisk, but better - a blender. When finished, pour vegetable oil into the resulting sauce in a thin stream and turn on the electrical appliance again. As a result, you should get a dense mass without lumps. If the dish seems too thick to you, dilute it with a small amount of cold, but always boiled water, and mix everything well again. Now you know how to make homemade mayonnaise, with which the taste of your dishes will sparkle in a completely new way! Believe and check!

Mayonnaise "Homemade" with the use of yolks

We suggest making a delicious homemade mayonnaise not based on proteins, as in the previous recipe, but using chicken yolks. By the way, for its preparation you will need mustard. If you want to give the dish a sharp taste, buy a spicy one, if not, take a softer product (even a grainy one will do). Ingredients:

  • yolk - two pieces
  • 120 milliliters sunflower (use refined) oil
  • a tablespoon of sour lemon juice
  • half a small spoonful of sugar, the same amount of mustard
  • add salt to your taste

Cooking method:

Before starting the cooking process, take out the necessary utensils: a clean spoon, a deep bowl or plate, a special kitchen whisk. If you have a blender or mixer, we recommend whipping all the components of mayonnaise with one of these devices. In this case, you will be able to achieve the perfect consistency of your dish. When the preparation is completed, separate the chicken proteins from the yolks and transfer the latter to another bowl. Now add the indicated amount of mustard and granulated sugar to them, put salt at your discretion. Whisk all ingredients with a whisk; when there is not a single lump left, and the mass acquires a uniform light beige color, gradually pour in the oil.

The density and density of the future mayonnaise depends on it, therefore, if the consistency of the dish does not suit you, you can add a little more sunflower product. Turn on the mixer and beat the mixture thoroughly, then add the lemon juice and mix a few more times. Ready mayonnaise is stored in the refrigerator for no longer than four to five days, keep this in mind! If you overdo it with vegetable oil, as a result of which the dish turned out to be too thick, add a little boiled water to it. Do the same in case of formation of extra lumps: diluting the mayonnaise and stirring well, you can get rid of them.

Mayonnaise with milk, without eggs

There is a huge variety of different ways to make mayonnaise: with sour cream, with or without eggs, with olive or vegetable oil, with herbs or nuts. Great cooks have unlimited imagination and every day they come up with new versions of the sauce, which they subsequently share with other people. We will tell you about one of the most interesting recipes: this time we offer to make milk-based mayonnaise without chicken eggs. Would you like to try? Then go for it! Ingredients:

  • 100 ml pasteurized milk (you can also use homemade milk, but boil it and cool it first)
  • any vegetable oil - 150 milliliters
  • table salt - to taste
  • two tablespoons (tablespoons) of spicy mustard
  • half a lemon (you will need two large spoons of juice)

Cooking method:

Pour milk into a small saucepan, put it on the stove and heat it up a little. However, the product must not boil! Then add vegetable oil and stir well. Put mustard, a few pinches of table salt and lemon juice here. Beat the mixture thoroughly with a whisk or a special kitchen tool, such as a blender or mixer.

Put the mayonnaise in the refrigerator - when it cools down, you can safely use it for dressing salads or cooking other dishes. Today, supermarkets sell ready-made lemon juice in jars, but we still recommend using regular fresh fruit. So it will be much healthier and tastier! Note that by adding this or that ingredient to your own mayonnaise, you will get an incredibly appetizing sauce. Try these supplements:

  • Finely chop the garlic or crush it with a special press and mix with mayonnaise. The dressing is ideal for both meat and fish dishes;
  • Vegetable salad can be made with cheese sauce. To do this, grate the product on a medium grater and combine with the ingredients indicated in the recipe;
  • Mayonnaise with fresh herbs, finely chopped beforehand, ideally complements the taste of fried or stewed fish;
  • For Mediterranean dishes, you can use a sauce with green olives and lemon zest.

As you can see, even the most ordinary homemade mayonnaise recipe can be beaten in a new way. Cook with pleasure and feel free to make your own adjustments to the dish, because every hostess is her own culinary specialist!

mayonnaise swedish style

To make Swedish mayonnaise, you will need a microwave oven. This dish is different from all the previous ones, and now you will understand exactly what. Ingredients:

  • 200 grams of gourmet mayonnaise
  • half a glass of apple jam
  • four tablespoons (tablespoons) of fresh horseradish (it will have to be grated)

Cooking method:

As you can see, this dish contains ordinary store-bought mayonnaise, but thanks to other ingredients, it acquires a completely new and original taste and can rightfully be called “homemade”. First, peel the horseradish and grate it into thin strips, then mix with apple jam and add delicious mayonnaise. Beat the mass until smooth and send to the refrigerator. If you want to give the dish a pronounced sour-sweet flavor, put a little more horseradish than indicated in the recipe. You can also add a few drops of lemon juice. This sauce goes well with both hot and cold meat or fish dishes.

Spicy mayonnaise with homemade curry

This mayonnaise is suitable for any meat or fish dish. If you like spices, then you will definitely like this recipe. Ingredients:

  • one egg yolk
  • boiled water and mustard - at your discretion
  • 150 milliliters of oil (olive or other vegetable)
  • add salt and vinegar to your taste
  • two tablespoons ground curry
  • sugar - optional

Cooking method:

We deliberately did not indicate the required amount of salt and mustard, since each person has his own taste, so add these products according to personal preferences. As for ingredients such as water and vinegar, the same principle works here: if you want the mayonnaise to be not too thick, pour in more liquid, and the vinegar will acidify the sauce, so it should not be too much. When starting cooking, break the egg and put the protein in one bowl (you can make Mogul out of it), and the yolk in another.

Then combine the latter with table salt, stirring everything well, gradually introduce vegetable oil, pouring it out in a small stream. Do not stop whisking for a second, as you should have a perfectly homogeneous mixture. If it seems too thick or, say, the oil does not mix, add a small amount of vinegar and water (necessarily boiled). Season the dish to your taste with sugar, salt, mustard and, if desired, ground pepper - curry is introduced at the very end. Beat the resulting mass for three to four minutes until you get rid of lumps and achieve a uniform color. Home-made mayonnaise, of course, does not keep as long as its store-bought counterpart, but this is the beauty of it - the dish does not contain preservatives and does not harm your health.

Mayonnaise with cucumber pickle

This sauce is quite high-calorie and not the most healthy product, and nutritionists do not recommend eating it in large quantities, so try to season salads with ordinary vegetable oil. But sometimes you can pamper yourself. It is for such fleeting weaknesses that we have prepared a simple recipe for you. We offer to make mayonnaise with your own hands, this is not at all a lengthy procedure that will take no more than five to ten minutes of precious time. But such a product significantly outperforms its store counterpart in terms of taste. Ingredients:

  • 400 milliliters olive oil
  • 40 grams of not too spicy mustard
  • yolk - two pieces
  • small spoonful of table vinegar
  • five grams of salt
  • one and a half teaspoons of granulated sugar
  • a little less than a glass of cucumber marinade (you can use a pickle from tomatoes)

Cooking method:

Beat the chicken yolks very thoroughly with a whisk, and then add mustard, granulated sugar and table salt to them. Mix all the ingredients well several times and start slowly pouring olive oil, and after it table vinegar should take its rightful place (use ten percent). At the very end, add the cucumber brine and work with a whisk for five minutes to achieve a homogeneous mass of light beige. If you have a blender, mixer or food processor, use these devices, because with them you can beat the products just perfectly, and the consistency of the dish prepared with their help will be no different from the mayonnaises that are on store shelves.

We have already mentioned that this product is quite high in calories. But there are no hopeless situations, therefore, if you are worried about your figure and at the same time cannot deny yourself the pleasure of eating one or two tablespoons of this sauce, we offer the following trick. When dressing salads with mayonnaise, dilute it with low-fat natural yogurt or sour cream in a ratio of 50 to 50. Thanks to these simple steps, the calorie content of the dish will be almost halved, and you can enjoy your favorite food without harm to your waist.

Nut mayonnaise for meat dishes

Nut mayonnaise with cranberry and lemon juice is ideal as a dressing for a hot beef or pork steak. It will give the meat juiciness and extraordinary piquancy. If you are going to fry barbecue in nature, be sure to cook this dish and take it with you. We guarantee that the picnic will be a hit! Ingredients:

  • 200 grams chopped walnuts
  • four tablespoons of any (your choice) vegetable oil
  • large spoonful of lemon juice
  • the same amount of cranberry sauce

Cooking method:

For this dish, we recommend using walnuts. There are two ways: cook it by roasting the nuts in a dry frying pan, or add fresh ones. Try both options, then you can objectively judge which of the two flavors suits you best. So, first peel the nuts, and then, wrapping them in a clean towel so as not to spill anything, crush them with a rolling pin. Then fill them with vegetable oil, mix several times and add lemon and cranberry juice. This mayonnaise does not keep long, so use it immediately after cooking, otherwise the dish will spoil and you will not have time to enjoy its taste.

Mayonnaise according to Polish recipe

For lovers of mayonnaise, we offer another original recipe for a dish in the Polish style. Ingredients:

  • 120 grams of wheat flour
  • three chicken eggs
  • a small piece of butter or fat (needed to pass the flour)
  • 30 grams of granulated sugar
  • 15 grams of table salt
  • 300 milliliters of oil (take any vegetable, but it is better if it is olive)
  • 30 grams of regular vinegar
  • three glasses of cooled boiled water
  • 10 grams of any mustard

Cooking method:

To make it easy for you to mix the mayonnaise until smooth, you need to use freshly sifted flour, as it does not clump, and you do not have to be nervous about it. First you need to pass the wheat flour for seven minutes. This can be done with animal fat, if available, or with butter. Fry the product, stirring constantly with a spoon, for five to seven minutes, but no longer, otherwise you will spoil the flour and you will have to start all over again. Then pour boiling water together with table vinegar into the same bowl, mix thoroughly and hold on the stove for another quarter of an hour until a third of the liquid has evaporated. After the resulting mixture (it should be very thick) should be diluted with the remaining water and cooled slightly, after draining the remaining liquid. Pour sugar and salt into chicken yolks, beaten in advance with a fork or whisk, add mustard and carefully rub all the ingredients. Now gradually pour out all the vegetable oil, whisk again - and the dish is ready! Cover it with a special cling film and store it in the refrigerator in this form.

Sweet mayonnaise with currants

You will not find sweet mayonnaise with red currant berries in any supermarket. Such a unique and original dish can only be prepared on your own, and this recipe will help you with this. You will probably be interested in what the sauce goes with. It is ideal for grilled meat - it is better if it is a juicy beef steak. Complement the feast with a glass of dry wine, and you are guaranteed a great mood. After all, delicious food can work wonders! Ingredients:

  • two eggs (you only need chicken yolks)
  • two tablespoons (tablespoons) of vegetable oil
  • 50 grams of red currant
  • salt - up to you
  • small spoonful of spicy mustard
  • 15 grams of granulated sugar

Cooking method:

Carefully washed currants free from ponytails and leaves and dry. To do this, spread the berries on a clean kitchen towel, and then wipe through a sieve. You can use a blender - this way you will spend much less time, plus the fruit puree will turn out to be more homogeneous. Now beat the whites with a whisk and combine them with mustard (even granular mustard will do), then add table salt, the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe and currants. Take a mixer and beat all the ingredients with it, and add vegetable oil to the resulting mass, pouring it slowly, in small portions. Turn on the kitchen appliance a few more times so that the homemade mayonnaise is as uniform as possible. Put the dish in the refrigerator and try to use it completely within four days - then its taste will change, as you know, not for the better. After all, this sauce, unlike mayonnaise, which is sold in stores, does not contain preservatives, and therefore is not stored for long.

Italian mayonnaise for meat salads

If, for example, you cooked meat to prepare some dish and don’t know where to put the remaining broth (after all, it seems to be a pity to pour it out and you can’t find a use for it), don’t be tormented by unnecessary questions. Just make mayonnaise out of it - its recipe is very simple. Ingredients:

  • refined vegetable oil - 650 milliliters
  • three small eggs
  • 250 ml beef broth
  • 30 milliliters of vinegar (take a regular table)
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • salt - 10 grams

Cooking method:

So, take a ready-made broth (or boil a piece of meat and give the liquid time to cool) and proceed to the direct preparation of mayonnaise. Stir the whites with a fork, then add a little table vinegar and not too spicy mustard to them. Add refined oil in small portions, without stopping and working with a whisk in the same direction. After the mass thickens enough, dilute it with vinegar, previously mixed in half with water (in the absence of meat fat), or with broth, as required by the recipe. Put salt and sugar at your discretion, then rub the mayonnaise until all the lumps and oil are gone. This dressing is ideal for hearty meat salads, such as Russian salad. It also goes well with barbecue, roast beef or pork.

Mayonnaise with homemade starch

We told you about homemade mayonnaise, for the preparation of which you only need to mix all the ingredients. This recipe is somewhat different from the previous ones - in this case, the sauce will have to be boiled. But it will not take much time - you will spend about fifteen minutes. Ingredients:

  • 250 milliliters regular medium fat milk
  • a tablespoon of vegetable non-bitter oil
  • table vinegar - optional
  • homemade egg - one piece
  • one tablespoon (tablespoon) potato starch
  • salt - according to personal preference

Cooking method:

At the initial stage, combine potato starch and table salt, then pour both products into the already beaten egg mixture and mix well. Put the pasteurized milk on a quiet fire, as soon as it warms up slightly, pour in the oil and other ingredients. Constantly stir it with a spoon and thus boil it for about six minutes. Then cool slightly, season with table vinegar (introduce it a little, each time tasting, otherwise the mayonnaise will turn out to be too sour), if you want, you can add mustard and a few pinches of sugar.

At the very end, beat the mixture with a whisk and place on the top shelf in the refrigerator. We hope these recipes will help you in preparing delicious, refined and original dishes. In addition, with such a sauce, dishes will be more healthy and less high-calorie. Finally, we will give some tips that will be useful to every housewife: To make a juicy steak or barbecue even tastier, serve it with home-made mayonnaise, supplementing it with a mixture of herbs or special spices. We recommend using cumin, thyme, rosemary, as well as marjoram, allspice or ground pepper and more.

The second most popular sauce in cuisines around the world is mayonnaise. Yes, this sauce is very high in calories, but really fatty. But he alone is able to give many dishes that very special richness, tenderness and piquancy. For example, Olivier salad without mayonnaise is unlikely to be the world famous salad. But the most delicious mayonnaise is, of course, homemade. And if you prepare the sauce yourself, from products whose quality we don’t have to worry about, then such homemade mayonnaise will surpass many of its purchased types in terms of usefulness.

The subtleties of making homemade mayonnaise

Secret 1. For density and characteristic taste, products for the preparation of mayonnaise should be used at room temperature. And they must be fresh.

Secret 2. To make mayonnaise spicier in taste, use mustard powder instead of mustard sauce in the process of preparing it.

Secret 3. You can make mayonnaise from olive oil, but the sauce may be slightly bitter because of this. In this case, it is better to add sunflower or any other vegetable oil to olive oil in a 1: 1 ratio.

Secret 4. The density of mayonnaise depends on how much oil you will use in it. Too thick mayonnaise can be easily made thinner by diluting it with plain water at room temperature.

Secret 5. Mayonnaise can be whipped with a whisk, a mixer with a special whisk attachment. But the easiest way to do this is with any kind of blender - submersible or in a bowl (cocktail).

Secret 6. Homemade mayonnaise should not be stored even in the refrigerator for more than four days.

Classic recipe for homemade mayonnaise with whole eggs

You can prepare a classic recipe for homemade mayonnaise on one chicken yolk, separating it from the protein. But such mayonnaise is whipped well only with a whisk, which is quite laborious. Let's try to beat mayonnaise with a whole chicken egg in just a minute. And the blender will help us with this.

For one chicken egg, put in a blender bowl half a teaspoon of dry or sauce mustard, the same amount of salt and sugar and one large spoonful of sour juice (for example, lemon) or nine percent vinegar. For this amount of spices for an average density of mayonnaise, you need a glass or a little less vegetable oil.

We first lay the spices without oil, turn on the blender, and gradually pour all the vegetable oil into the future sauce with a jet. As soon as we reach the desired uniformity and density of the product, you can turn off the blender. Mayonnaise is whipped in this way in just a minute or two.

Milk mayonnaise

Also incredibly tasty will be homemade mayonnaise and without eggs, cooked in milk. Milk should be fat - 2.5-3 percent fat. We begin to beat in a blender a little less than a glass of milk, gradually adding 300 g of butter to it, as in the previous recipe.

As soon as the sauce begins to thicken, boldly add a couple of small spoons of mustard, a large spoonful of lemon juice, half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of powdered sugar or sugar to the contents, continuing to beat the mixture with a blender to the desired density. Such mayonnaise will turn out tender, with a creamy milky taste.

Mayonnaise with quail eggs

It is believed that homemade mayonnaise is more useful and safer on quail eggs than on chicken ones. It will take six quail eggs for him. We break them into a blender bowl, put half a teaspoon of sugar, salt, mustard, a pinch of ground black pepper there. We begin to beat, pouring about 200 ml of vegetable oil into the bowl. When the mayonnaise begins to thicken, add a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar and finely chopped greens to it. Ready mayonnaise should be put in the refrigerator. There he will thicken even more.