Magnets facts are inexplicable from the point of view of science. The most inexplicable mysterious phenomena on earth

Do you believe in coincidences? Or is everything that happens in the world for you quite natural and amenable to explanation? Do you believe that there is some mysterious mechanism that allows events to happen in this way?

We are publishing a collection of amazing coincidences in recent history, which show how amazing and inexplicable events can develop.

Double death
2002, Finland. A man on a bicycle tries to cross a highway and is hit by a car and dies. Two hours later, his twin brother, also on a bicycle, tries to cross the highway and is killed in exactly the same way - he is hit by a car. The time interval between deaths is 2 hours.

patient bullet
One girl committed suicide as a result of unhappy love. Her brother swore he would kill the culprit, Henry Siegland. He fired at him, but missed: the fired bullet got stuck in a tree in a neighboring area. A few years later, Henry was clearing the area, and in order to get rid of the tree, he decided to use dynamite. As a result of the explosion, the bullet hit Siegland and still killed him. True, this had to wait a bit.

musical neighbors
Jimi Hendrix and George Handel were neighbors, albeit with a time difference of 200 years. They lived at 23 and 25 Brook Street respectively in London.

Mr. Bryson checks in twice
When Mr. George D. Bryson checked into the Brown Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky, he discovered that the hotel's previous occupant was also Mr. George D. Bryson.

The first and last victims of the Hoover Dam
The first worker to die during the construction of the dam was J. G. Tierney. This happened on December 20, 1922. The last person to die during construction was the son of J. G. Tierney. It was December 20, 1935.

He didn't joke
Legend has it that on June 20, 1941, Soviet archaeologists opened the grave of Tamerlane, a descendant of Genghis Khan. The inscription on the grave was a warning: “Whoever opens the grave of Tamerlane will release the spirit of war. And there will be a slaughter so bloody and terrible, which the world has not seen forever and ever. They opened it, 2 days later Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

A license plate that said a lot more than anyone thought
The license plate number of the car of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in which he was killed was III118. The official end of World War I was Armistice Day, 11/11/18

Do not take cruises!
Violet Jessup is like a walking bad omen. She served on all the Olympic-class liners and was an eyewitness to incidents with them. She was on board the Olympic that collided with the cruiser Hawk, on board the Titanic that collided with an iceberg, she served as a nurse on board the Britannic that sank after a mine explosion.

dangerous taxi
In 1975, a taxi driver killed a man in Bermuda. A taxi passenger witnessed the death. A year later, the same taxi driver was carrying the same passenger as a year ago. This time, the taxi driver knocked to death a man who was ... the brother of that very first victim. It happens!

Keep children away from windows!
In the 1930s, a child who fell out of a window fell on one Joseph Figlock. The next year, on the same day, the same child fell out of the window again and again ... on Joseph Figlock. Neither the child nor Feeglock were harmed, but the parents would clearly benefit from installing a window screen.

Mark Twain and Halley's Comet
Halley's comet flies by us once every 76 years, a segment almost the length of a human life. Mark Twain was born in 1835, on the day the comet flew past the Earth, and died in 1910, during its next return.

Would like to see their insurance
In 1895, two cars collided in Ohio. And everything would be fine, but in the entire state of Ohio at that time there were only ... 2 cars.

Death of the twins
On May 22, 1975, twins John and Arthur Moufort were hospitalized with a heart attack. The twins soon died. At that moment they were far apart and did not know anything about each other. There were 120 km between them.

Incredible facts - history repeats itself
Hitler was born 129 years after Napoleon. He also came to power 129 years after Napoleon came to power, invaded Russia 129 years after Napoleon attacked Russia, and was defeated 129 years after Napoleon lost.

A time to listen to yourself
South African astronomer Danny du Tua, aged 49, was giving a lecture about the possibility of death at any time. At the end of the lecture, he vigorously stuffed a menthol candy into his mouth, choked and died.

Non-Random Chance
Stalin, Hitler and Emperor Franz Joseph at the same time lived in Vienna on neighboring streets. It was 1913.

Gemini are strange people
The Ohio twins were separated as children and each grew up knowing nothing of the other's existence. Both were named James, both worked as police officers and married women named Linda. They each had one son, who were named James Alan and James Allan. Everyone had a dog named Toy. They were both divorced, but later each of them remarried women named Betty.

Neighbors forever
The first British soldier killed in World War II is buried a few meters from the last British soldier killed in World War II. This was not done on purpose.

The name that began and ended the history of Rome
Rome, according to legend, was founded by Romulus, who was said to have been raised by a wolf along with his brother, Remus. The last emperor of Rome was Romulus Augustus.

Fatal error
When designing landscapes for the Deus Ex games, one of the artists made a mistake: he forgot to put the twin towers on the scheme. In order to hide this mistake, they composed something like a terrorist attack. The real attack followed 1 year after the release of the games.

hello from childhood
American writer Ann Parrish found her favorite book of fairy tales in a second-hand bookstore. She was very happy and told her husband how much she loved the book when she was a child. When she opened it, she found on the title page: "Anne Parrish, 209 N Weber Street, Colorado."

Three fellow travelers
1920, three men are riding in a compartment. As it turned out later, the surname of one of them was Binkham, the second - Powell, the third - Binkham-Powell. It's amazing that they weren't even related.

They weren't even twins
King Umberto I of Italy somehow wandered into a restaurant, the owner of which was also Umberto. He was like two drops of water like a king. Moreover, it turned out that the king and the restaurateur were born on the same day - March 14, 1844. The restaurant was opened on the day of the king's coronation. In 1900, the king was informed that the restaurant owner had died from a gunshot. King Umberto I was also shot dead.

Fortune teller book
One story by the writer Edgar Allan Poe tells of a shipwreck in which four people survived. They were carried around the ocean for a long time, hunger tormented them, and in the end they ate a young boy, Richard Parker. A few years later, a ship with three wrecks was found on the high seas. In general, there were four survivors, but hunger forced them to eat the cabin boy - the youngest of them. His name was Richard Parker.

People around the world are witnessing strange and sometimes inexplicable paranormal phenomena. Our country is rich not only in natural resources, but also in strange places and mysterious phenomena. Today I will tell you about 11 of the most interesting and famous of them.

Astronaut meeting with UFO

The pioneers of space exploration had a hard time: the technologies of the beginning of the space age of mankind left much to be desired, so emergency situations arose quite often, like the one that Alexey Leonov encountered, almost remaining in outer space.

But some of the surprises that lay in wait for the space pioneers in orbit were not related to the equipment at all. Many Soviet cosmonauts who returned from orbit spoke about unidentified flying objects that appeared near terrestrial spacecraft, and scientists still cannot explain this phenomenon.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalyonok said that during his stay at the Salyut-6 station in 1981, he observed a bright, luminous object the size of a finger, rapidly enveloping the Earth in orbit. Kovalenok called the crew commander Viktor Savinykh, and he, seeing an unusual phenomenon, immediately went for the camera. At this time, the “finger” flashed and split into two objects connected to each other, and then disappeared.

It was not possible to photograph it, but the crew immediately reported the phenomenon to Earth.
Observations of unknown objects were also repeatedly reported by participants in the missions of the Mir station, as well as employees of the Baikonur Cosmodrome - UFOs appear quite often in its vicinity.

Chelyabinsk meteorite

On February 15 of this year, residents of Chelyabinsk and neighboring settlements observed an extraordinary phenomenon: a celestial body entered the Earth's atmosphere, which, when falling, was 30 times brighter than the Sun. As it turned out later, it was a meteorite, although various versions of the phenomenon were put forward, up to the use of secret weapons or intrigues of aliens (many still do not exclude such a possibility).

Exploding in the air, the meteorite split into many pieces, the largest of which fell into Lake Chebarkul near Chelyabinsk, and the rest of the fragments scattered over a vast territory, including some regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. According to NASA, this is the largest space object that has fallen to Earth since the Tunguska fireball.

The “guest” from outer space caused quite significant damage to the city: the glass in many buildings was shattered by the blast wave, and about 1,600 people were injured of varying severity.

The series of "space" adventures for Chelyabinsk residents did not end there: a few weeks after the meteorite fell, on the night of March 20, a huge luminous ball hovered in the sky above the city. It was observed by many townspeople, but there is no exact explanation of where the “second Sun” suddenly appeared from, and even at night. However, some believe that the ball arose due to the reflection of the lights of the city on specially located ice crystals in the atmosphere - that night Chelyabinsk was covered with thick cold fog.

Sakhalin monster

The remains of an unknown creature were found by the Russian army on the coast of Sakhalin Island in September 2006. According to the structure of the skull, the monster somewhat resembles a crocodile, but the rest of the skeleton is completely different from any reptile known to science. It also cannot be attributed to fish, and the locals, to whom the soldiers showed the find, could not identify in it any creature living in these waters. The remnants of animal tissues have survived, and, judging by them, it was covered with wool. The body was quickly picked up by representatives of the special services, and its further study took place "behind closed doors."

Now most experts are inclined to believe that these were the remains of some kind of cetacean, according to some versions, killer whales or beluga whales, but others object that the creature differs from both of them in its skeleton. As an alternative to the "accepted" point of view, one can name the opinion that the remains belonged to a prehistoric animal, which probably still survived in the depths of the oceans.

Seeing off the mermaid

Mermaids are one of the main characters of Russian folklore. According to legend, these spirits living in water bodies are born as a result of the painful death of women and children, and rumor has it that meeting with a mermaid does not bode well: they often seduce men, luring them into the abyss of a lake or swamp, steal children, scare animals and generally behave not too decently. According to tradition, in order for the year to be successful and fertile, the villagers brought various gifts to the mermaids, sang songs about them and danced in honor of these restless souls.

Of course, now such beliefs are far from being as common as in the old days, however, in some parts of Russia, rituals associated with mermaids still take place. The most significant of them is the so-called Mermaid Week (also known as Trinity Week or Seeing the Mermaid) - the week preceding the Trinity (50th day after Easter).

The main part of the ritual is the making and destruction of a stuffed mermaid, accompanied by fun, music and dancing. During Mermaid Week, women do not wash their hair to protect themselves from spirits, and men carry garlic and walnuts with them for the same purpose. Of course, at this time it is strictly forbidden to enter the water - so as not to be dragged away by some bored mermaid.

Russian Roswell

A missile military range near the village of Kapustin Yar in the northwest of the Astrakhan region is often found in reports of the most strange and inexplicable incidents. Various UFOs and other curious phenomena are observed here with surprising regularity. Because of the most high-profile case of this kind, Kapustin Yar received the nickname Russian Roswell, by analogy with the city in the US state of New Mexico, where, according to some assumptions, an alien ship crashed in 1947.

Almost a year after the Roswell incident, on June 19, 1948, a silvery cigar-shaped object appeared in the sky over Kapustin Yar. On alarm, three MiG interceptors were raised into the air, and one of them managed to knock out a UFO. The "Cigar" immediately fired a beam at the fighter, and it crashed to the ground, unfortunately, the pilot did not have time to eject. The silvery object also fell in the vicinity of Kapustin Yar, and it was immediately transported to the bunker of the test site.

Of course, many have questioned this information more than once, but some documents of the State Security Committee, declassified in 1991, indicate that the military has repeatedly seen something over Kapustin Yar that does not yet fit into the framework of modern science.

Ninel Kulagina

During the Second World War, then Nina Sergeevna Kulagina served as a radio operator in a tank and participated in the defense of the Northern capital. As a result of her injury, she was commissioned, and after the blockade of Leningrad was lifted, she married and gave birth to a child.

In the early 1960s, she became famous throughout the Soviet Union as Ninel Kulagina, a psychic and possessor of other paranormal abilities. She could heal people with the power of her mind, determine color with the touch of her fingers, see through the fabric that lies in people's pockets, move objects at a distance, and much more. Her gift was often studied and tested by specialists from various institutions, including secret scientific institutes, and many testified that Ninel was either an extremely clever charlatan or actually possessed anomalous skills.

There is no convincing evidence of the former, although some of the former employees of the Soviet research institutes assure that when demonstrating "supernatural" abilities, Kulagin used various tricks and sleight of hand, which was known to the KGB experts investigating her activities.

Until her death in 1990, Ninel Kulagina was considered one of the most powerful psychics of the 20th century, and the inexplicable phenomena associated with her were designated the “K-phenomenon”.

Dragon from Brosno

Lake Brosno, located in the Tver region, is the deepest freshwater lake in Europe, but it is known to the whole world mainly because of the mysterious creature that the locals believe lives in it.

According to numerous (but, unfortunately, not documented) stories, an animal about five meters long, resembling something like a dragon, has been seen more than once in the lake, although almost all observers describe it differently. One of the local legends says that a long time ago, the "dragon from Brosno" was eaten by the Tatar-Mongolian warriors, who made a halt on the shore of the lake. According to another story, in the middle of Brosno, an "island" suddenly appeared, which disappeared after a while - it is assumed that it was the back of a huge unknown beast.

Although there is no reliable information about the monster supposedly living in the lake, many agree that some oddities do sometimes occur in Brosno and its environs.

Space Defense Troops

Russia has always sought to protect itself from all possible external (and internal) threats, and more recently, the defense interests of our Motherland include the security of its borders. To repel an attack from outer space, the Space Forces were created in 2001, and in 2011, the Space Defense Forces (VKO) were formed on their basis.

The tasks of this branch of the military include mainly the organization of missile defense and the control of military satellites coordinating it, although the command is also considering the possibility of aggression from alien races. True, in early October of this year, answering the question of whether the East Kazakhstan region was ready for an alien attack, Sergey Berezhnoy, assistant head of the German Titov Main Test Space Center, said: “Unfortunately, we are not yet ready to fight extraterrestrial civilizations” . Let's hope the aliens don't know about it.

Ghosts of the Kremlin

There are few places in our country that can compare with the Moscow Kremlin in terms of mystery and the number of ghost stories that are found there. For several centuries it has served as the main stronghold of Russian statehood, and, according to legend, the restless souls of the victims of the struggle for it (and with it) still roam the Kremlin corridors and dungeons.

Some say that in the Ivan the Great Bell Tower you can sometimes hear the cries and groans of Ivan the Terrible, atoning for his sins. Others mention that they saw the spirit of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin in the Kremlin, moreover, three months before his death, when the leader of the world proletariat was seriously ill and no longer left his residence in Gorki. But the most famous ghost of the Kremlin is, of course, the spirit of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, who appears whenever shocks await the country. The ghost is cold, and sometimes he seems to be trying to say something, perhaps warning the leadership of the state against mistakes.

Black bird of Chernobyl(although not Russia, but also worthy of attention)

A few days before the infamous accident of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, four plant employees reported seeing what looked like a huge dark man with wings and glowing red eyes. Most of all, this description resembles the so-called Mothman - a mysterious creature that allegedly repeatedly appeared in the city of Point Pleasant in the US state of West Virginia.

The workers of the Chernobyl station who met the fantastic monster claimed that after the meeting they received several threatening calls and almost everyone began to have vivid, incredibly scary nightmares.

On April 26, the nightmare happened not in the dreams of the employees, but at the station itself, and the amazing stories were forgotten, but only for a short time: while the fire that raged after the explosion was extinguished, survivors of the flames said that they clearly saw a 6-meter black bird that flew out from the clubs of radioactive smoke that poured out of the destroyed fourth block.

Well to hell

In 1984, Soviet geologists launched an ambitious project to drill an ultra-deep well on the Kola Peninsula. The main goal was to satisfy scientific research curiosity and test the fundamental possibility of such a deep penetration into the thickness of the planet.

According to legend, when the drill reached a depth of about 12 km, the instruments registered strange sounds coming from the depths and most of all resembling screams and groans. In addition, voids were found at great depths, the temperature in which reached 1100 ° C. Some even reported a demon flying out of a well and a flaming "I have conquered" sign appearing in the sky after terrifying screams were heard from a hole in the ground.

All this gave rise to rumors that Soviet scientists drilled a "well into hell", however, many of the "evidence" does not stand up to scientific criticism: for example, it is documented that the temperature at the lowest point reached by the drill was 220 ° C.

Perhaps David Mironovich Guberman, one of the authors and project managers of the Kola super-deep well, told the best about the “well”: “When I am asked about this mysterious story, I don’t know what to answer. On the one hand, stories about the "demon" are bullshit. On the other hand, as an honest scientist, I cannot say that I know what exactly happened here. Indeed, a very strange noise was recorded, then there was an explosion ... A few days later, nothing of the kind was found at the same depth.

It was just a family quarrel between a young German couple: saleswoman Kirsten and plumber Thomas. And the reason for the quarrel was banal - Thomas flatly refused to go to visit his mother-in-law. For Kirsten, a stormy squabble went without consequences. And Thomas was seriously furious, fell into a stressful state, closed himself in the bedroom, plugged his ears with tampons, lay down on the bed and immediately began to snore. And when he woke up in the morning, he began to speak with his wife in an unfamiliar language. He did not pay any attention to her persuasion to speak their native German, as if it had completely slipped out of his head.

It seemed that Thomas did not even realize that he was not speaking his native language! He was not annoyed that his wife did not understand the words he uttered at all. The frightened wife called an ambulance. The shocked doctor discovered that this German plumber - who never left his hometown of Bottrop, did not learn foreign languages, and did not even finish high school - began to speak perfect Russian! And he addressed his wife only in Russian, forgetting all the German words and expressions. At the same time, Thomas himself was convinced that he was speaking his native German, which for some reason his wife and those around him no longer understood.

It was necessary to urgently solve the problem of communication with the "new Russian". They resorted to the services of translators, but it was very expensive. Kirsten signed up for Russian language courses, but it took too long to learn. Therefore, I had to turn to specialists, who in the end “forced out” the Russian language from the minds of a poor plumber and restored knowledge of German. And now, on the advice of doctors, Thomas never argues with his wife, even if she invites him to visit his mother-in-law.

Such an inexplicable fact, a story contrary to common sense, occurred in the mid-1990s in Germany. After all, any teacher of a foreign language knows that teaching foreign languages ​​is a lot of work. And, nevertheless, in the history of mankind there are many cases when people suddenly showed the gift of knowing languages ​​they did not know - one or two, several, or even several dozen at once. These people were surprised to find that they could speak, think, read and write in languages ​​they had never learned!

Gift of the Holy Spirit?

Such cases have been described with enviable constancy for at least the last 2,000 years. The most ancient of them is reflected in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, one of the books of the New Testament. It tells about the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost, on the tenth day after the Ascension of the Lord. When the Holy Spirit descended on them, all of them suddenly began to speak with people, with everyone in their own language”… the people gathered and became confused; for each one heard them speaking in his own language.” Thus the apostles set about preaching the faith of Christ, which they were called to carry throughout the world.

One hundred and twenty languages ​​is not the limit

The most recent known reports of such cases appeared in 2000. Savely Kashnitsky, a journalist from Moscow, spoke about Natasha Beketova, 20 years old, “who speaks fluently, reads and writes in one hundred and twenty languages ​​scattered across all continents of the peoples of the world, and the girl did not specifically study any of the languages.” Between these cases separated by 2,000 years, there are many other similar cases observed in different countries.

"Strange language"

This phenomenon received its “name” only at the beginning of the 20th century. This was done by the famous physiologist and researcher of the mysterious phenomena of the human psyche, Professor Charles Richet from France. It was he who introduced the term "xenoglossia" into scientific circulation (from "xenos" - strange and "glossos" - language). In the article "Xenoglossia" the scientist describes his vision of the phenomenon in this way: "The facts are undoubted, but they cannot be explained today." Unfortunately, we can say almost the same thing now. Nevertheless, let us try to generalize what is already known in relation to xenoglossia. Thus, researchers have long noticed the connection of the phenomenon with unusual (special, altered) states of consciousness, which, as it were, trigger the gift of speaking in unfamiliar languages. That is why such a gift arises in spiritualistic mediums, in hypnotics in a deep hypnotic trance, in some cases of the so-called “possession”, in sectarians in a state of religious ecstasy, in shamans during rituals, and also in a person who has experienced severe mental or bodily trauma.

But sometimes the reason for the "launch" of such a phenomenon remains unknown. The ability to xenoglossia manifests itself both in altered and normal states of consciousness. For example, in the 1850s, the case of Laura Edmone, the daughter of a member of the Supreme Court of Appeal in New York, was actively discussed in America. The young girl suddenly began to speak Spanish, Polish, Native American, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Hungarian, Latin, and several other languages ​​that could not be identified. Of course, all this did not happen all of a sudden. At first there was an outbreak of a riot of "noisy spirits" - a poltergeist, then Laura began to take part in as a talking medium. Over time, it turned out that she could speak fluently in at least nine previously unfamiliar languages, sometimes for hours, with the ease and speed of her native speech. Laura talked with people for whom previously unknown languages ​​​​were native and therefore easily recognizable.

There are many similar cases in the history of spiritualism. One of the most prominent happened to the English teacher Evie B., who turned out to be both a writing and an ancient Egyptian-speaking medium! The ability to write in this language was discovered by Evie in 1927, the gift of oral speech manifested itself in 1931. The well-known Oxford Egyptologist G0-ward Hulme came to the conclusion that the ancient Egyptian language of Ivi was distinguished by a high level of literacy and contained many archaisms, ancient terms, idioms and phrases characteristic of the speech of the pre-Christian Egyptians. At the time of Evie B. and G. Halm, only a few people spoke that language and only in academic circles, Evie really knew the language that she had not studied - both verbally and in writing. Evidence of this is two tape recordings of Evie B's voice, and texts written by her hand. All this is carefully preserved in the archives of the English Society for Psychical Research.

Don't mess with hypnosis!

There are many cases of xenoglossia, which were provoked by immersion in a hypnotic state. Thus, Methodist pastor Carroll Jay from America, an amateur hypnotist, hypnotized his wife Dolores on May 10, 1970 in order to relieve her of a headache. When the wife had already entered a hypnotic trance, the pastor asked her about something and heard the word “nein” in response. Not knowing German, the pastor nevertheless understood that it meant "no."

At the next session, held a few days later, a certain woman who called herself Gretchen spoke in German through the lips of the pastor's wife. By the spring of 1971, the pastor had held ten sessions with this unknown lady - using a German-English dictionary, and later with several people for whom German was their native language.

In September 1971, the well-known American psychiatrist and parapsychologist Ian Stevenson, who spoke German, joined the study. By the summer of 1974, when Dolores flatly abandoned her tiresome research, 22 sessions of conversations with Gretchen took place, 19 of which were recorded on tape. In conversations, in addition to the scientist, three primordial Germans participated. The researchers concluded that although Gretchen's speech also contained archaic words, in general her German was quite modern, although her grammar was bad.

Split personality

Unusual (“reincarnations”), “weighted down” with xenoglossia, was described by the same Ian Stevenson. It happened in India. The bearer of an unusual phenomenon was the Indian woman Uttara Khudtsar. In 1974, at the age of thirty-two, Uttare unexpectedly "woke up" a second personality, which called itself Charada. She could not speak Marathi, Uttara's native language, but she spoke Bengali fluently. Uttara's parents, when she became Sharada, did not understand their daughter's language, and only later people who knew Bengali determined that she spoke this language.

Charade "lived" in the body of Uttara for different periods - from one day to six weeks. This continued until at least 1980. For example, from February 1974 to April 1977, Charade was "born" 23 times. Sharada's behavior was very different from that of Uttara - he was a completely different person, moreover, he spoke a language that Uttara did not know. The Bengali spoken by Charada was very different from modern Bengali: it was the language of the early 19th century! In addition, Charade turned out to be completely unfamiliar with the achievements of scientific and technological progress over the past century and a half.

Perhaps, Stevenson believes, the factor that provoked the "birth" of Charada was Uttara's (at the end of 1973) meditation with breathing exercises, which introduced her into an altered state of consciousness, which "launched" the phenomenon of reincarnation with xenoglossia. After all, the "new Russian" - the German plumber Thomas, also fell into an unusual state for him, caused by mental trauma.

A little current - and you know the language

Also, a severe bodily injury can cause a special state of consciousness, sometimes accompanied by the acquisition of the gift of xenoglossy. So, a nurse from one of the Sofia hospitals, who was struck by a high-voltage discharge, managed to survive, because the doctors managed to bring her out of her state. Having come to her senses, the girl began to speak Russian perfectly, but completely forgot her native Bulgarian. However, soon the Bulgarian language completely replaced Russian. And one peasant from Pakistan, struck by lightning, did not regain consciousness for a week, raving in some incomprehensible language.

Linguists determined that it was the purest Japanese. The poor fellow was suspected of being a Japanese spy. When the poor fellow came to his senses, he completely lost the gift acquired in such a tragic way. Here's a spy for you!

But enough examples, let's think about the explanation of this unusual phenomenon. Is it possible with the current level of knowledge? First of all, it should be noted that the phenomenon of xenoglossy is only a part of a wider range of phenomena, when a person suddenly begins to demonstrate qualities, knowledge or skills that were previously unknown to him, that is, not based on life experience. For example, that Bulgarian nurse was surprised to find that, in addition to her excellent command of the Russian language, she also knows the technique of crocheting.

However, the question of the sources of such knowledge remains open. Skeptics argue that the carriers of the xenoglossy phenomenon could accidentally or unconsciously learn a foreign language. But the facts show that even if they learned this or that language in childhood, this does not affect their ability to xenoglossia in any way. For example, Laura Edmone learned French at school, but she spoke it badly. But, having acquired the gift of speaking many languages, she suddenly began to speak French like a true Parisian.

In general, the impression remains that the gift of xenoglossy is based on something completely different than the usual process of learning. Some define this “something” as direct, immediate knowledge or insight, which, however, does not bring us much closer to understanding the nature of the phenomenon, but, nevertheless, allows us to build it into a set of known and not fully explainable phenomena recognized and studied by science. Therefore, we will not rush to give a scientific assessment of xenoglossy, but we will not declare this strange phenomenon to be nonsense or the result of unusual insanity.

1965, summer - Iris Brace died in one of the clinics in America. Her death was a surprise to the doctors, because the operation Iris underwent, in addition to benefit, should not have brought any harm. The death of Iris upset the doctors, the family of the deceased, as well as her boss, an economics professor, under whom Iris worked as a secretary.

On the day of the funeral, the professor suddenly remembered that the day before he had ordered Iris to contact his colleague and find out if he would take part in the course of lectures. Of course, the secretary had to fulfill the order, upon leaving the hospital. But since such a misfortune happened, the professor had to take on the mission of an announcer. A colleague who knew nothing about the death of the faithful Mrs. Iris, hearing the voice of the "light of science", exclaimed: "Wait a minute, I have a call on another phone!" And after a moment he returned to the conversation, stunning the professor with a message: “It was Mrs. Brace, your secretary, who called and reminded you that you are asking me to take part in the lecture program” ...

1971, May - The McConnell couple from Arizona were quietly whiled away the evening together, as their privacy was suddenly interrupted by a call from a friend, Iness Johnson. Mrs. Johnson recently fell ill, went to the hospital and, missing her friend, decided to chat with her. The women talked for half an hour, after which Mrs. McConnell expressed her desire to visit the patient with a bottle of blackberry brandy - Inez's favorite drink. But Mrs. Johnson strongly objected to the visit and, most surprisingly, to the brandy, saying sadly: "I will not need it anymore." But immediately pulling herself together, she assured that she felt great, moreover, she had never been so happy. Well, happy, okay, Mrs. McConnell calmed down ... And when after five days she called back to the clinic, she was surprised to learn that her friend Inez Johnson had died a few weeks ago. Who assured her of excellent health and refused brandy?

Once, Nicole Friedman from Los Angeles saw her husband Bob in a dream, who at that time was in another city. To put it bluntly, it was a terrible dream - the husband was lying with a bullet in his head in a pool of blood. When she woke up, Nicole immediately dialed Bob's number, her husband answered as if nothing had happened, only sadly complaining that they were so far (?!) from each other. Later it turned out that at the time of the conversation, Bob's body had already been in the city morgue for several hours - he was shot while trying to rob ...

TOP 10 amazing and inexplicable facts! WOW signal

On August 15, 1977, Jerry Ehman received a radio signal from space whose origin was widely considered to be potentially neither 'ethereal' nor 'non-solar'. Surprised by how closely the signal matched the supposed cosmic signal marker, Eiman circled it on the computer printout and wrote his comment: “Wow!”. It was this statement by Eiman that became the name of the signal.

The strange flight of the Pioneer 10 and 11 spacecraft

The space research stations Pioneer 10 and 11 (launched in 1972 and 1973) have long since completed their missions around the solar system, but scientists still pay special attention to them. Although Pioneer 11 was completely lost, both research stations unexpectedly (and it is not clear why) changed the direction of their flights. However, the mysteries do not end there: both ships appear to be heading in the same direction.

The bewildered scientists cited a myriad of speculations about it: computer bugs, solar winds, fuel leaks. However, this all remained only at the level of assumptions, nothing has been proven.

female orgasm

Some scientists believe that the female orgasm is a rudimentary concept, that is, it does not have any obvious evolutionary function. In their opinion, the female orgasm in no way contributes to the fact that the chances of fertilization increase. Other researchers argue that this opinion is false, since the psychosocial aspects of a woman's orgasm were not taken into account.

dark energy

Most physicists once believed that the expansion of the universe was gradually decreasing. But already in 1998 it became clear that this was not the case. On the contrary, our universe continues to expand. The explanation for this may be a phenomenon called dark energy, which supposedly makes up 3 quarters of our universe.

The general consensus is that dark energy rarely propagates, but interacts with other objects through gravity. Dark energy has a negative pressure that literally tears the universe apart. This is what explains the constant expansion of the universe.

speed of light

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, there is nothing faster than the speed of light. Well, scientists had to try to do the impossible, and they succeeded. In 2000, scientists at Princeton University sent a small laser pulse through steam made from cesium gas. The researchers achieved their goal: the laser pulse traveled through the vapor space faster than light.

Placebo effect

A placebo is a pill or medication that is essentially a drug but does not actually contain any active ingredients and therefore has no effect on the person taking the placebo. This mysterious phenomenon is called the placebo effect. How our psyche can affect health is still not completely clear to science, but scientists are working hard on this and, perhaps, soon the veil of secrecy will be ajar.

Cold nuclear fusion

When the atoms collide with enough force, they can combine. Together with this merger, a huge amount of energy is released. All kinds of scientific theories tell us that this can only happen in an environment with incredibly strong energy, for example, in the solar core.

However, scientific experiments have shown that this can be achieved in a real environment. If you conduct an electrical voltage between palladium electrodes in water that contains deuterium and heavy hydrogen, an incredible phenomenon will occur before your eyes.


Yawning is usually perceived as a sign of fatigue or longing, but no one will deny the fact that a person yawns not only when he is bored or sleepy. Anaerobic athletes such as weightlifters or sprinters often find themselves yawning during the most intense workouts and competitions. Yawning is also inexplicably “contagious”: if someone around you yawns, you will certainly want to do the same.

One hypothetical function of yawning is the accumulation of carbon dioxide. However, this does not explain all aspects of yawning: for example, why it is still so contagious.

Dark matter

All objects attract other objects to themselves, and the more objects an object can attract to itself, the greater its force of attraction. Everything is quite simple. However, the modern understanding of the concept of gravity does not give us an explanation of why visible objects move freely in the universe.

In order to solve this problem, modern physicists have created a special hypothetical substance - dark matter. The presence of dark matter can only be determined by its gravitational effect on larger objects. It is believed that dark matter makes up most of the mass of the universe.

What happened before and what will happen after

There are a huge number of different theories describing what will happen if our universe does come to an end. But besides, it is full of different hypotheses of the origin of our world. Yes, in this case it is not at all necessary to be a specialist in quantum mechanics in order to say that any of these theories cannot be tested for veracity.

Some questions are simply impossible to answer. Where does a person go after death? What is the purpose of human life? These questions will haunt the curious mind of man for a long time to come.

Almost all natural phenomena can be explained using physical laws and mathematical formulas.

However, there are still some places in the world that defy explanation. No matter how hard scientists try, it's all in vain.

The lights of Hessdalen

For decades, the locals of the Hessdalen Valley in Norway have lived in fear of the mysterious fires. Often at night you can observe strange appearing lights in the sky, which move chaotically and even flash in different colors.

And this was observed not just by a few residents: for example, the phenomenon was confirmed by qualified researchers. But no one has yet been able to explain these light phenomena.

Of course, there were many theories about this, including the most incredible ones.

But at least one assumption more or less sounds plausible. This theory is related to the high radioactivity in that area. Presumably, radon is superimposed on dust particles, and when this dust flies into the atmosphere, the radioactive element decays, creating similar fires.

If this is true, then this is bad news for the locals, because it is dangerous.

Some scholars also suggest that the Hessdalen valley resembles a huge mobile phone battery. It was found that one area of ​​the valley is rich in copper deposits, another area is rich in zinc, and these elements are the main composition of the batteries.

This forms a certain acidity in the air, which can produce sparks in the atmosphere that look like an alien invasion. Also, the river in the valley contains sulfuric acid due to the nearby sulfur mine. One way or another, all this remains only guesswork, but not facts.

Strange epidemic

The small state of Kazakhstan has every chance of becoming famous all over the world, but this is not something worth being famous for. This is a mysterious epidemic that is reported to cause fatigue, memory loss, hallucinations, and prolonged bouts of unexpected narcolepsy.

Over the past few years, hundreds of residents of the village of Kalachi (Akmola region) have already reported loss of consciousness. The problem became so serious that the authorities even evacuated the inhabitants of the settlement.

It should be noted that all the blood tests of the complaining people turned out to be normal, which leads to the following thought: the situation is similar to the usual mass hysteria. Perhaps it's just lazy residents who like to sleep at their workplace.

The main hypothesis of specialists is based on the fact that the inhabitants of Kalachi suffer from the consequences of radiation poisoning, since the city is located near a uranium mine. However, there are inconsistencies in such a theory: even closer to the uranium mine is a city in which residents do not complain about a strange epidemic.

Mystery of the city of Taos

If you've ever heard the hum of a television or the buzzing of electrical wires, you know that these sounds just drive you crazy. So the inhabitants of Taos, New Mexico, USA, hear such sounds all the time.

Since the 1990s, the citizens of Taos have been reporting constant, incessant buzzing noises that are heard throughout the city, leaving people horrified.

For example, on the island of Borneo, similar similar sounds come from a local factory. But in Taos, not everything is so simple. In this small town, various researchers have been trying to find the source of the unbearable sound for more than 20 years without success.

Most of all, scientists adhere to the theory that the hearing of local residents may be too sensitive, because of which they are able to hear any sounds barely distinguishable to the common man.

Devil's Cauldron

In the state of Minnesota, USA, there is one phenomenon, over the solution of which scientists have been struggling for more than one year - this is the so-called Devil's Cauldron.

In this place, the Brul River flows over the rocks. Part of the river flows into the lake, and the other part falls into the pit. The mystery is that it is not clear where this pit leads. It looks like the water is going nowhere.

Of course, there are suggestions that the water enters the system of underground caves, but then it still must flow out somewhere, for example, near the lake. The catch lies in the impossibility of determining exactly where the water that has fallen into the Devil's Cauldron flows.

The researchers tried in every possible way to find out: they poured paint into the pit in order to observe where the colored water would end up. When that didn't work, the researchers launched ping pong balls, which also disappeared without a trace in the Devil's Cauldron.

Thus, this place is fraught with an amazing mystery, the answer to which, perhaps, is somewhere nearby, or maybe not?

falling birds

Every year at the end of August in the Jatinga Valley, Assam Province, India, people gather, light bonfires and observe an unusual phenomenon. From early morning until late evening, flocks of birds take off into the sky, but they just try to sit straight into these red-hot fires. Without much difficulty, they can be knocked down with a long stick.

This phenomenon was first noticed in 1964. Over time, it turned out that similar cases were still observed in the Philippines, in Malaysia, in the Indian state of Mizoram.

So far, ornithologists prefer to stick to only one conclusion: young migratory birds can be alarmed by strong winds, so they fly into the light in search of salvation or shelter.

Unusual dune

In the Altyn-Emel National Park, Almaty region, Kazakhstan, there is the Singing Dune, 1.5 km long and about 130 m high. The unusual feature of this mound is that it can make sounds when dry. These sounds may sound like weeping, an organ melody, or something else.

Moreover, the sand from this dune continues to “sing” if it is placed in any container and shaken.

There is a version that grains of sand can sound like this as a result of friction.

Source:, Translation: Lisitsyn R.V.

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