Presentation on the theme of an apple in kindergarten. Presentation - apples - pantry of health

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"Apples are the pantry of health"
Performer: Alnazirova Ainur, student of the 2nd "A" class of the city of Bulaevo, secondary school No. 3, district of Magzhana Zhumabaeva, North Kazakhstan region.
Head of work: Malakhova Raisa Ivanovna

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Object of study: apples. Subject of research: healing properties and composition of apples. Research methods: experiment, questioning. Purpose: to study the history of apples and their benefits for the human body. Tasks: Find information about the history of apple trees. To study the healing properties of apples, the effect on the human body. Expected result: 1. I think that apples have a positive effect on human health, because. contain a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances. 2. I think to prove that apples of all varieties contain ascorbic acid and iodine. Hypothesis: apples are a pantry of health, is it so?

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1. Introduction.
I have known apples since childhood. There are legends, fairy tales, stories about them. I often see different varieties of apples on the market. I was interested in the questions: Where do apples come from? Why do you need to eat them? What benefits do they provide to the body? To all these and other questions that interest me, I decided to find answers in additional literature and Internet resources.

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2. The main part. History of apple cultivation.
The history of apples begins with the wild apple tree (Pyrus malus). She probably comes from Central Asia: southern Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and the Chinese province of Xinjiang. From the wild apple tree came all varieties of apple trees grown today. European settlers brought apple seeds to the New World. Apples were grown in New England as early as 1630. In 1796 in Ontario, Canada. John Macintosh discovered the varieties of apples that people all over the world know today - Macintosh apples. Apples are the most valuable type of our domestic fruits. Among fruits, it can be said to be our daily bread. After all, apples are not translated with us almost all year round. The fruits of wild trees occupied a considerable place in the diet of our ancestors. Apples are also mentioned in legends. In the Bible, Adam and Eve are tempted by apples in the Garden of Eden. This unusual fruit is often mentioned in fairy tales and folk tales: "Rejuvenating apples ....", "Pouring apples .... ", etc. During archaeological excavations in Novgorod, apple seeds were found in layers dating back to the 12th century , even a whole apple was found - small in size, but presumably of cultural origin. Gardens, in which an apple tree occupied a prominent place, were common in Kievan Rus.

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Medicinal properties of apples.
From the literature, I learned that the apple is often used as a dietary and therapeutic agent. They are useful for children, people of mental labor and persons leading a sedentary lifestyle. An apple contains up to 80% water, the remaining 20% ​​contains a lot of useful substances: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, as well as vitamins A, B1, B6, PP, C, etc. Phytoncides of these fruits are detrimental act on pathogens of dysentery, influenza A virus. Vitamin C increases the body's immunity, has bactericidal properties. Vitamins contained in 100 grams of an apple: Potassium - 158 mg Calcium - 9.5 mg Phosphorus - 9.5 mg Magnesium - 7 mg Selenium - 0.4 mg Vitamin A - 73 mg Vitamin C - 9 mg Folate - 4 mg Vitamin E - 0.66 mg Also contains a small the amount of iron, manganese, copper and zinc.

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It is best to use fresh fruits in their natural form or grated on a coarse grater. Fresh apples cause an abundant secretion of gastric juice, therefore, it is useful to eat an apple during lunch for those who are in a hurry somewhere and do not chew their food very carefully. Apples normalize the amount of cholesterol in the liver. At the same time, it is enough to eat 2-3 apples a day. This effect of apples is explained by the fact that the pectins contained in them are favorably combined with other substances with a similar effect: ascorbic acid, fructose, magnesium. For long-term treatment of atherosclerosis, it is recommended to eat 3-4 apples daily or drink 1 glass of apple juice. Reduce and regulate blood sugar 2 apples eaten at night. They also have a beneficial effect on sleep and aid digestion. Fresh and baked apples are used to improve digestion and metabolism. Raw, boiled or baked apples are consumed on an empty stomach with sluggish digestion, gastrointestinal disorders, especially in children and with prolonged, so-called habitual constipation. Applesauce also has a positive effect. The inclusion of 2-3 apples in the daily diet will prevent colds. Fresh apples are recommended for headaches. American dentists suggested that instead of toothpaste, after eating, and especially at night, use an apple, and then rinse your mouth. Apples eliminate 96.7% of bacteria found in the mouth. Apples facilitate the absorption of calcium salts, have a good effect on the skin.

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Experimental part.
Question asked: How often do you include apples in your diet? Frequency Number of respondents – 13 a) every day 0 b) once a week 13 c) once a month 0 Conclusion: most people use apples in their diet only once a week

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1. Proof of the presence of malic acid.
Everyone knows that apples are sour, sweet and sour and sweet. The more malic acid in an apple, i.e. it tastes sour.

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2. The presence of iodine in the seeds of apples.
Iodine acts on starch. We poured starch paste to crushed apple seeds, the solution turned blue. Conclusion: two apples a day, eaten with seeds, a daily dose of iodine per day is enough. (according to literature)

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The apple symbolizes:
health vitality youth, love spring Eat apples in the morning - you will not go to the doctors. "An apple for lunch - and all diseases are gone" An apple for dinner - and a doctor is not needed. A day - an apple and a doctor on the side.

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Research work has become for me another source of self-knowledge, self-development. In the course of the work done, I expanded my knowledge. When studying the varieties of apple trees, I found out what varieties of apple trees are brought to us for sale, I learned the history. When performing the experimental part of the work, I found out that apples contain a lot of iodine, ascorbic acid, and I proved this empirically. I believe that apples have a positive effect on human health, because. contain a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances. She herself began to use 1 apple a day, while my mood improves, there is more strength and a desire to do something useful.

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Used Books.
1. Book for reading on botany: .Comp. D. I. Traitak. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 223 p., ill. 2. 4. 5.


The first mention of an apple we meet in the Bible. It was from there that the tradition came to celebrate one of the national holidays, which falls on August 19th.

More than four thousand years ago, the ancient Greeks learned to cultivate apple trees in gardens. Following them, apple trees began to grow in the countries of Western Europe, and then around the world.

In the 11th-12th centuries, cultivated apple trees appeared in the monastery gardens of Kievan Rus. The garden founded by Yaroslav the Wise was especially famous.








More than ten thousand cultivars in Russia

Varieties of apple trees

It is enough to eat one apple a day to provide the body with natural protection against bacteria and viruses. “An apple a day and you don’t need a doctor,” says the proverb.

Apples are also rich in vitamin C, but its amount varies depending on the variety, so give preference to Antonovka - they retain useful substances for several months after harvest.

For children, apples are especially useful for iron. Regular consumption of apples is the prevention of anemia in children. Moreover, green apples have a higher iron content than red and yellow ones.

Children can be allowed to chew apple pits - the best source of iodine. 3-4 grains provide the body with the daily norm of this most valuable trace element.

An apple removes harmful substances from the body, including toxins, cleanses the blood, improves the functioning of the brain, kidneys, liver and intestines.

An apple will prove useful in treating colds and flu. Traditional medicine has long known that a warm apple decoction or an infusion of apple pieces in water (called apple tea) has a beneficial effect on coughs and hoarseness. And the pectin contained in the fruits of the apple tree traps the A virus.

You may not know that apples have become part of the mandatory diet of astronauts. They endure space velocities well, remaining intact, while lemons and oranges in the stratosphere "explode", scattering into patchwork pieces. Interesting facts about apples relate to their composition. So, a quarter of their mass is air. That is why apples do not sink in water.

Eat apples - there will be no troubles,

Live long - up to a hundred years.

A British horticulturist stumbled upon an apple tree festooned with small apples in an orchard in New Zealand.

Size: 40 to 50mm

Title: Tiddly Pomme. The phrase "Tiddly Pomme" is directly related to the poems from the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh".

java apple

The appetizing-looking fruit has many names, including love apple, java, and bellfruit. This is one of the most exotic varieties of apples, growing wild in Asia.

square apples

And not photoshop at all, but real square apples that are grown on a plantation in Chungju, South Korea.

The fruit was created by crossing an apple with many other types of fruits or berries. It remains a secret. That's just twenty years of research culminated in obtaining an amazing apple with an amazing berry flavor.


Carambola is known by several names, such as star fruit or star apple. Carambola is an evergreen tree native to Sri Lanka, India and Indonesia, and now also common in South and Southeast Asia.

Hawaiian mountain apples

A very unusual shape, taste and seed, which you will never confuse with anything. These apples are said to have a unique taste of apples and rose petals.


The star apple not only has an unusual shape, but also the taste is amazing. In addition, they say that it is incredibly healing. Real rejuvenating apples.

Golden Delicious

Farmer Ken Morrish has been picking apples for over 60 years. And then one day an amazing thing happened in his garden. a mutation of the Golden Delicious variety, an apple with multi-colored halves has grown. They say that this is possible only once in 10 million cases.

cream apple

Cream apple (another name is Guanabana, Annona, Custard apple,). The fruits are heart-shaped or oval in shape, 30 cm long. The weight of the fruit can reach three kilograms. This fruit contains vitamins C, A, they are necessary for healthy hair, eyes and skin. Thanks to magnesium, the body is cleansed and oxygen is better absorbed. Guanabana also contains nutrients such as potassium, calcium, iron, copper, vitamins B6 and B2. Inside this fruit is divided into many segments, inside each segment there is one oval seed. The taste of the pulp is slightly sour, it somewhat resembles the taste of pineapple.


The soursop is found both wild and cultivated in Bermuda and the Bahamas. The pulp of the soursop fruit is edible fresh and can be used for desserts with added sugar, milk or cream. Soursop extract is widely used to flavor tea. In tropical countries, low-alcohol cider is made from sour cream juice.

Proverbs and sayings:

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Appleseed knows its time.

A crooked tree and sweet apples.

A healthy apple does not fall from a branch.

Whoever eats an apple in the morning does not go to the doctors.

Monument in Izhevsk

Roman fertility goddess Pomon

In a Moscow park

named after the 50th anniversary of October

The largest monument to an apple in Russia is a two-meter statue of an Antonovka apple.

Adam's Apple in Kalmykia

In Novosibirsk there is a monument in the form of an apple globe.

Monument to the apple

In Kazakhstan


apple apple

Monument to the apple

in Martigny (Switzerland)

Big Apple in New York

Monument to the apple

in Cornelia

Monument to the core

in Jerusalem

Apples with chocolate and nuts

Cooking method

1 Melt milk chocolate in a water bath, add peeled and chopped nuts, coconut and mix everything.

2 Apples cut into slices, carefully cut out the core.

3 Dip the apples in the chocolate mixture and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Apple strudel

To make apple strudel we need:


200 g flour;

50 ml of warm water;

1 egg;

2 tbsp. l. butter;

1 tsp vinegar;

For filling:

7 pcs. sour apples;

100 g butter;

100 g of granulated sugar;

100 g walnuts;

100 g breadcrumbs;

lemon juice;


butter for greasing the strudel;

powdered sugar for sprinkling.



Wash the apples well. You can use any variety of apples, at your discretion, only they must be whole (required). Cut off the base of the apples. With a knife or a teaspoon, remove the core.

We fill the empty space of our apples with honey. The amount of honey depends on the size of the apples, the larger the apples, the more honey we need.

We shift them into a baking dish and put them in an oven preheated to 220 degrees. Roast the apples until their skins are wrinkled.

Production Worldwide apple production was 55 million tons. in 2005, worth 10 billion dollars. China produced two-fifths of that volume. The US is the second largest producer of apples, 7.5% of the world's production 60% of apples grown in the US are grown in Washington State.

The Apple in Science According to a well-known legend, Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation while watching apples fall in the garden. Alchemists, noticing that the core of an apple cut across resembles a five-pointed star, used the apple as a symbol of knowledge. Karl Wilhelm Scheele isolated a new organic acid from unripe apples in 1785, which he called malic acid. The bulge on the front of the neck in men is called the Adam's apple.

Interesting facts In the world, the number of varieties and varieties of apples reaches 8,000 thousand, which indicates the wild popularity of this fruit. And the largest, officially registered, fruit weighed almost 1.5 kilograms. Did you know that in the middle of the twentieth century, a girl living in America decided to check how much peel can be cut from an apple? So, the strip of peel cut off by her from just one apple reached 55 meters in length. The German poet Friedrich Schiller could only get creative if there was a plate of rotten apples on the table in his office. An interesting fact is that most of the beneficial elements are found in the apple peel. The apple is the official state fruit of Rhode Island, New York, Washington, and West Virginia. The smaller the apple, the more vitamins and minerals it contains.

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Carving. Lesson #2: "Apples". Teacher of technology MOU secondary school No. 25 of Sochi, Krasnodar Territory Gamova Anzhelika Leonidovna.

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Decorating apples. Carefully make a small incision with a knife. Cut the next incision, deepening along the sides. In the same way, model the structure of the desired shape.

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Leaves from apples and zucchini. After making notches along the edges of the segment, give it the shape of a leaf. Create a zucchini leaf in the same way. Fern leaves from zucchini will complement the composition. Cut through the contours of the side veins. Mark the central vein of the leaf with a triangular cut.

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References: S.S. Kozin. Decorations from vegetables and fruits. (Holiday fantasies). Ed. "CONTENT", 2010. .1. "How to decorate dishes and drinks" 1000 tips. M. "AST-PRESS BOOK" 2004. 2. Iofina I. O. "Decoration of dishes from fruits and vegetables." M.OOO TD "Publishing house MIR Books" 2009 - 224 pages. 3. Margarita Kuznetsova "Flowers from vegetables." M. "AST-PRESS" series "golden library of the hostess" 2008 - 112pp. 4. Margarita Kuznetsova “Decoration of dishes. Flowers from vegetables. M. OLMA-PRESS.Invest 2005-144str. 5.M.E. Kuznetsova. "Flowers from vegetables" 100 original ideas. M.AST-PRESS BOOK.2006 112p. 6. Mari Elsa Lobo. "Decorations from vegetables and fruits" carving. M. ART-RODNIK.2007. 128pp.