Project "building the city of the future". City of the future

The city is a place of life and activity of a large number of people. In this project, I will try to describe the city of the future, which will use the latest technology and anticipated technologies that may appear in the future. Naturally, all of them should significantly improve the living standards of citizens.

Solving the energy problem. To date, the most promising energy production is through controlled thermonuclear fusion. Indeed, in the natural environment there is not only little oil, there is already little uranium. Energy is needed, definitely electrical. And it is simply necessary to figure out where to get it from, with minimal losses and maximum return.

“Thermonuclear fusion” is called a rare for the Earth, but in general in the Universe, a common process of the fusion of some atomic nuclei with the formation of others. For purely physical reasons, it is most appropriate to unite light nuclei - hydrogen nuclei. It is this "hydrogen" type of thermonuclear fusion that feeds the stars.

And if we take into account people's desire for miniaturization and the need to reduce and simplify the greatest inventions, then, I think that after a certain period of time, such a reactor can be reduced to the size of a transformer box, and maybe even a bucket.

Solving the transport problem and the problem of exhaust gases. I am sure that cars with internal combustion engines will drive around our roads for a long time to come. I am sure that cars with internal combustion engines will drive around our roads for a long time to come. But the resources of the planet, unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, will run out, and then the question will arise, either to change horses, or to create “new generation” engines. But the resources of the planet, unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, will run out, and then the question will arise, either to change horses, or to create “new generation” engines.

In the meantime, there are proposals to equip cars with compressed gas engines. But, I can say with confidence that such engines will become obsolete. And, probably, in the distant future, a person will be able to defeat gravity, therefore, a new era of "Anti-gravity engines" will begin.

One of the most important problems is the problem of public transport. For example, in one of the suburbs of Marlboro, an experimental line of "personal trains" was recently launched, passing at a height of 4.5 m from the ground. Trailers move along the rails - each by itself, along its own route - controlled by a central computer.

Stops of such a trailer are located every half a kilometer. This transport will not stop where it is not necessary, but will continue its journey by express train exactly to the place to which the ticket was purchased. This will save time, reduce the number of delays. does not depend on land lines.

Residential problem. Without a doubt, the future belongs to spacious and space-saving buildings - skyscrapers. Without a doubt, the future belongs to spacious and space-saving buildings - skyscrapers. In multi-storey buildings, you can place not only apartments, but also offices, shops, even corners of wildlife - this is a kind of city within a city. In multi-storey buildings, you can place not only apartments, but also offices, shops, even corners of wildlife - this is a kind of city within a city.

Means of communication and information transfer. Given the rapid development and spread of mobile technologies, it can be assumed that the "mobile phone" in the near future will replace the ordinary phone. Given the rapid development and spread of mobile technologies, it can be assumed that the "mobile phone" in the near future will replace the ordinary phone. But we must not forget about the global Internet, which has already covered all corners of our planet. But we must not forget about the global Internet, which has already covered all corners of our planet.

Naturally, the use of personal computers and mobile phones will also grow, they will become smaller and acquire more and more new features, videophones are already being used in some countries - Cell phones with the ability to show the interlocutor.

Industry automation. At the moment, almost all enterprises are equipped with machines and installations controlled by computers. At the moment, almost all enterprises are equipped with machines and installations controlled by computers. In any city without factories and plants, life would be impossible, therefore, I think that in the future workers will be replaced by computers and robots. In any city without factories and plants, life would be impossible, therefore, I think that in the future workers will be replaced by computers and robots.


Stelmakh Artem, Akimov Dmitry, Bortnik Sophia, Valieva Elvina

Getting acquainted with the science of bionics, we came to the conclusion that the trends of this science are reflected in the new trends in modern architecture. Borrowing architectural lines and volumes from nature, natural integration of new architectural forms with the environment, reducing the negative impact on nature, energy-saving technologies - these are the new trends implemented in green architecture projects.

We tried to create our projects of buildings of the future, based on the principles of modern architectural trends. This is how our project was created.



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City of the Future The project was completed by: Students of gymnasium No. 1748 "Vertical" Valieva Elvina, 5 F Bortnik Sophia, 6 D Akimov Dmitry, 9 Z Stelmakh Artem, 9Z

Today it is believed that bionic architecture is the only hope for the reunification of mankind with its natural habitat. Therefore, having gathered together our imagination and information about new trends in eco-architecture, we tried to create our own building projects big city. The relevance of the topic of our project

Objectives: To get acquainted with the principles of "green" architecture; Create designs for new, modern buildings based on the principles of "green" architecture. Tasks: Collect material from various sources of information on the issue of interest; Find out why architecture is increasingly borrowing its designs from wildlife; Find material about successfully implemented green architecture projects Goals and objectives of our work:

Bionics in architecture is one of the progressively developing areas, the distinguishing feature of which is the use of organic forms and their natural integration with the environment. Originating in ancient times, the trend of borrowing architectural lines and volumes from nature has acquired a new facet, manifesting itself with extraordinary force in the style of modern public and private buildings.

☼ Today, this is the time of a crazy rhythm of life, residents of megacities yearn for nature and strive to "get" at least a piece of it in all available places, and even on the roofs of houses, garages, and wherever there is a flat roof that allows you to arrange in a modern oasis city. General principles bionic architecture:

☼ To minimize the negative impact on environment, architects are trying to create an artificial habitat that is as friendly as possible to the natural one. This means that the objects being built must be passive, environmentally sustainable, and their operation efficient and safe for natural processes established ecosystem.

In order to save money and be environmentally friendly, green architecture uses solar panels, storage solar energy. Also, a large area of ​​windows is located on the south side of the building, which in total gives up to 80% savings on heating and hot water ☼ "Cooperation" with the sun

Psychologists believe that architecture serves not only as a source of information, but also programs human feelings, as well as many responses. ☼ Comfort for a person's mental health According to them, one can become depressed looking at boring office interiors, monotonous landscapes, the architecture of panel buildings-boxes or at the garbage in front of the windows. The problem of the human psyche, suppressed by the "stone jungle" of the metropolis, deals with videoecology.

Modern Green Architecture Projects Futuristic 300-meter skyscraper, code-named Infinite City, to be built in London Dutch architects design cloud skyscraper for Seoul development

An unusual 93-meter tower will be erected in the city of Doumen (China), at the intersection of two rivers. The area known as the Chinese Riviera has always been famous for its diversity of aquatic life and fisheries. In the outlines of the building, bioforms of a fish jumping out of the water are visible - this, according to the architects, should symbolize the rebirth and prosperity of the city. Watchtower-fish

Skyscrapers-flowers by Zaha Hadid A complex of three skyscrapers for the waterfront of the city of Brisbane in Australia. It combines a single principle of a "mesh" structure, reminiscent of the veins of flower petals.

Bionic Arch by Vincent Callebo (The "green" skyscraper is planned to become an urban oasis with living spaces, offices, cultural sites and eco-friendly recreation areas)

Projects of Russian architects Today, "green architecture" is the most fashionable trend in world design, but in Russia it was born not so long ago. "Sports Medicine Center" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Sochi

Projects of Russian architects "Multifunctional "green" building for middle lane Russia".

Projects of Russian architects Project of a kindergarten from prefabricated structures

Conclusions: Modern architecture is increasingly based on the principles of environmental friendliness and proximity to the natural conditions of human existence. "Green" architecture is designed to solve the issues of overpopulation in megacities, create a special ecological environment inside the cities, which will favorably affect the health and emotional state of people. The projects of buildings of the city of the future created by us are based on the principles of "green" architecture.

Thank you for your attention!

Literature about the city has been replenished for two and a half thousand years. The great physician Hippocrates brought together the experience of the functioning of the Greek city-states, denoting the hygienic rules for the orientation of the streets. Hippodamus is credited with the invention of a regular grid of city streets, which has survived unchanged to this day. Plato tried to describe the ideal model of the city, starting from general philosophical judgments about the nature of interaction between people. Rome mastered the experience of the Greeks, generalized it and standardized it. Standards for the arrangement of public baths, markets, amphitheaters and theaters were formed and reproduced, and these standards were embodied everywhere, from the Nile to the Rhine, from the Euphrates to the Thames, adapting to natural conditions.

The city of the future - fantasy or forecast? “Cities of the Future are a great danger, which are invented every day by urban planners who consider themselves prophets. Like Wells, they project today's conditions into the future, only by exaggerating some of these characteristic features", - wrote the Italian architect Porchina.

Very groundless fantasies in the field of architecture are not uncommon. Leonardo da Vinci, who once depicted an ideal city, was considered a utopian, although he himself did not doubt that he was right. The architectural ideas of Leonardo were picked up and developed several centuries later in 1914 by his compatriot Antonio Sant'Elia. The architecture of the future Sant'Elia was also recognized as utopian until it was suddenly discovered that his projects, in which the large-scale structure of the city was dramatically changed, met the urgent requirements of our recent time.

The city is one of the most complex systems ever created by mankind One of the most difficult problems of urban planning is to create the most favorable conditions existence. It touches every aspect of a person's life; its solution involves a wide variety of issues - economic, social, political, medical, sanitary, biological and geographical. A city planner must also be an expert in spiritual culture, a psychologist - a "human expert". One of the most important problems is the correspondence of a person's daily activities to his ideals and worldview. The architect should strive to create the most favorable conditions for human life, taking into account his needs and requests.

A City Without Cars The government of China undertook to build a city in which it will be possible to do without cars, approving the project of the Great City settlement. The "Great City" is being built from scratch not far from Chengdu. The city will be designed for 80 thousand inhabitants, and any movement around it can be done on foot or by bicycle without any difficulties.

Its unique design will help you quickly get to anywhere in the city. The residential center will be located in the very center of Great City, and roads, office and administrative buildings around it. Thus, to get on foot from the center to the outer ring of the parks, you will need to spend no more than 10 minutes.

Masdar is already being built from scratch in the middle of the desert near Abu Dhabi. The main feature of the city will be its complete independence from traditional energy sources. Instead of oil, gas and coal, Masdar will receive energy from the sun, wind and geothermal sources. Thus, it will become the first city with zero carbon emissions.

Green city in the desert Dubai is another city from the UAE that can become the "green" city of the future. Specialists created a project in which they used the main world achievements in eco-construction. Their project includes 550 comfortable villas, educational institutions and organic farms, which will be powered by 200 square kilometers of solar panels.

"Green" city with dense buildings Architects believe that ultra-dense buildings are one of the hallmarks of the city of the future. Experts propose to turn the second largest Swedish city of Gothenburg into the city of the future. According to their plans, ultra-dense buildings and the use of rooftops for vegetable gardens, solar panels and windmills will fully satisfy all the needs of residents for food and energy. In addition, such development will significantly reduce traffic and help make the city river the main transport artery.

A vertical city Melbourne, Australia, could be like this in 100 years. The project demonstrates a huge metropolis, growing not in breadth, but up and down. To move around Melbourne of the future will be used underground and air routes, and over the entire city will create a common transparent "roof" that will be used to grow food, collect water and solar energy.

City of pedestrians The Puerto Rican city of San Juan is another city that has decided to completely abandon cars. The city authorities, concerned about the rapid decline in the number of residents, are investing $ 1.5 billion in rebuilding. The main task is to abandon cars and create the most beautiful pedestrian zones. The authorities expect that an environmentally friendly city with excellent opportunities for a relaxed holiday will attract both tourists and future residents.

Lawn City Shan-Sui is a city with a large number of multifunctional skyscrapers. In each of them, dozens of public places with pieces of wildlife for a relaxing holiday and contemplation will be available for residents and guests. The authors of the project believe that the future lies in high population density, because it will allow you to easily get to any point on foot, by bicycle or by public transport.

City of Pebbles Drawing his ideas from natural forms, the Belgian architect Vincent Callebo proposed a city of the future project for the Chinese city of Shenzhen. Each building, according to the idea of ​​​​Callebo, will look like a pyramid of sea pebbles, placed on top of each other. The architect emphasizes that such a design will fill the city with positive energy and will make it possible to equip gardens and kitchen gardens directly in residential towers. In addition, "pebble pyramids" will have wind turbines and solar panels, and the high density of apartments and houses will reduce the role of vehicles.

Conclusion: What will the city be like by the middle of this century? This question needs to be answered, because, unlike fantasy, the foundations of a real city of the future are being laid now. But it is difficult to answer it. It is necessary to understand the very nature of urban planning, how models of the subject, physical organization of urban space are associated with worldview positions, on the one hand, and with economic, managerial rules of the game, enshrined in regulations and standards of behavior, on the other. Conclusion: What will the city be like by the middle of this century? This question needs to be answered, because, unlike fantasy, the foundations of a real city of the future are being laid now. But it is difficult to answer it. It is necessary to understand the very nature of urban planning, how models of the subject, physical organization of urban space are associated with worldview positions, on the one hand, and with economic, managerial rules of the game, enshrined in regulations and standards of behavior, on the other.

Distinctive features of the city of the future: 1. A city with minimal emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere 2. A large number of green spaces 3. Resolving transport problems 4. Most cities tend to build up 5. Must be aesthetically and psychologically livable Distinctive features of the city of the future: 1. A city with minimal emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere 2. A large number of green spaces 3. Solving problems with transport 4. Most cities tend to build up 5. Must be aesthetically and psychologically suitable for life Questions: 1. Which of the scientists of antiquity invented the regular city ​​street grid 2. What is the problem of urban planning? 3. What is the name of the city in which carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere should become zero? 4. What 2 cities will be called "green cities"? 5. Which city plans to use only underground and air routes for transportation? 6. Draw a conclusion? 7. What are the common distinguishing features of the cities of the future?

We are accustomed to living in a constantly changing face of cities. Old buildings are disappearing - new, familiar modes of transport are gradually disappearing into oblivion - more environmentally friendly analogues remain. Some architectural styles crowd out others. These changes happen all the time, and we have already stopped noticing them. And if you look 10-20 years ahead and imagine what the cities of the future look like, built from scratch and overflowing with technology?

And then fantasy draws cities on Mars, cities - space stations, settlements in other galaxies ... Perhaps this will happen. But for now, we will land back on Earth and talk about the projects of the cities of the future, which will change the face of not only countries and entire continents, but the entire 21st century.

"Great City" without cars, China

"Great City" is a green city project built on an area of ​​about 3 square kilometers near the city of Chengdu. It is able to solve China's well-known problem - infrastructure congestion - by almost completely abandoning cars. The city does not consume much energy, does not pollute the environment with carbon dioxide emissions, more than half of its territory is occupied by green spaces, which can be reached from any home in just two minutes.

Eco-parks will recycle wastewater, solid waste and produce electricity. The local climate is not well suited for solar panels, so all buildings are designed to maximize the use of wind energy.

The Great City will become a home for 80,000 people, some of whom will be employed on the project itself. The distance between any two points of the city can be covered on foot in 15 minutes, the need for a car is eliminated. But not completely. Half of the road space will be allocated for non-motorized vehicles. The city will be connected with Chengdu and its surroundings through a network of transport communications, which will form a regional transit hub in the center of the city, taken underground.

Desert Rose, Dubai

Green Desert Rose.

“Desert Rose” is the name of the 14,000-hectare satellite city project, which will use only environmentally friendly transport, and will be connected to Dubai by a surface metro line. Electricity will be supplied from alternative renewable sources. In addition, air-conditioned walking paths are provided in hot weather. The construction of the city will take ten years and will take place in four stages.

The project includes 550 comfortable villas, educational institutions and organic farms, which will be powered by 200 square kilometers of solar panels. Solar panels will be able to provide half of the needs of the city, and the use of ecological transport will compensate for the rest of the carbon dioxide emissions.

"Floating Greens", Japan

Growth is a standard solution for the development of cities in the Asian region, but for Japan this method is not always good due to the frequent threats of earthquakes and tsunamis. But then the Japanese found another way out - to build cities on the water! Such a city was the Floating Green project, consisting of ten islands, similar to water lilies, and with central towers about a kilometer high.

The towers must accommodate more than 30,000 people. The upper part will create space for work, shops and service companies. In the middle of each tower is a farm site for growing fruits and vegetables. The base of the island is used for a residential area that can accommodate 10,000 people, as well as forests and beaches. Each floating oasis will be anchored to the bottom of the ocean.

The world's first underwater city, Japan

Spherical city under water.

But for the Japanese, the idea of ​​a floating city is far from new: by 2035, they plan to create the world's first underwater city, Ocean Spiral. It will be a spherical structure capable of accommodating up to 5,000 people and receiving energy from the bottom of the sea. Oxygen will be converted from carbon dioxide, and a large difference in temperature and pressure will be used to generate electricity.

Inside the spherical structure there is a skyscraper designed to accommodate and work 5,000 people.

The form of a high-tech city is huge balls with a diameter of 500 meters and a capacity of 5 thousand people. The balls will be able to float on the surface or sink under water along a giant spiral structure, extending to a depth of 15 kilometers, where a mining plant will appear. The system of huge balls should save people during earthquakes and tsunamis. The cost of such a structure is estimated at $ 25 billion, and rubber will be the main building material.

A solid spiral rests on the ocean floor, on which the mining plant is located.

Project of the Arctic city "Umka", Russia

A unique project called "Umka": they are going to build a city on the permafrost beyond the Arctic Circle. Based on the structure of the International Space Station. The residents of the city will be provided with a water park, an amusement park, their own production of bread and fish products, houses, scientific laboratories, schools, a temple, hotels, and a hospital. Public transport will run on electricity. The size of such a city will be 1.5 kilometers by 800 meters, and the construction will cost about 5-7 billion dollars.

The proposed location is Kotelny Island in the archipelago of the New Siberian Islands in the Arctic Ocean (about 1.5 thousand kilometers from the North Pole).

The city is going to create a controlled climate system using space and other advanced technologies. The source of electricity will be a floating nuclear power plant, and all types of waste will be processed at two plants.

India's first smart city

Megacities such as Delhi and Mumbai are famous for their developed industry, infrastructure, financial markets, skilled workforce and the presence of foreign companies. But most of India are poor provinces with very low level the life of the population. That is why the idea of ​​building an industrial corridor (DMIC) between the largest megacities was born, which will allow the provinces to develop, creating new jobs and high-tech infrastructure. Such a project would cost $90 billion.

India's first smart city Dholera to be built as part of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project

Let's note one very pretentious fact: the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor is one of the most important parts of the plan to build hundreds of smart cities throughout the country. Hundreds, Carl! In India! And the first such city will appear in the state of Gujarat. Dholera will be built in ten years and will become a real technological gem of India: digital traffic control, no pollution, traffic jams and crowds of people. By comparison, Dholera will be twice the size of Mumbai.

The Gujarat International City of Finance and Technology will be one of India's very first smart cities.

In the same state, another no less futuristic project is underway - Gujarat International City of Finance and Technology (GIFT). It also involves providing the population with the infrastructure of the future and many jobs. The complex will include offices, schools, residential areas, hotels, a conference center and retail space. And the most striking building of this city will be the Diamond GIFT Tower.

"Khazar Islands", Azerbaijan

To build a new smart city, Azerbaijan decided to create an artificial archipelago of 44 islands with a total area of ​​3,000 hectares. The Khazar Islands will have an airport, a yacht club, a Formula 1 track, homes for 800,000 residents, and the world's longest boulevard, 150 kilometers long. The cost of the project is estimated at $100 billion.

Azerbaijan Tower can become the tallest tower in the world.

But the main attraction of the archipelago will be Azerbaijan Tower. Its height will reach 1050 meters, which could break the record for the tallest Burj Khalifa. The Azerbaijan Tower will be very strong and will be able to withstand a magnitude nine earthquake. The skyscraper was planned to be completed by 2018-2019, and the islands by 2022, but last year construction was postponed indefinitely due to lack of funding.

China's "cloud dweller"

Cities in the clouds - a dream for densely populated areas planets.

In the Chinese city of Shenzhen, it is planned to build a sky city - a new business center of the world. It will have residential modules, office and IT clusters, public and commercial zones and green terraces. The city will include three interconnected towers approximately 600 meters high. The total area of ​​the building is commensurate with the area of ​​the Principality of Monaco, and the windows of the towers will overlook Hong Kong. And it's done on purpose. Local authorities want to demonstrate the new financial opportunities of the region to Hong Kong, which is an old financial model of the world. A smart sky city will be able to fully provide itself with environmentally friendly electricity.

Earthscraper in Mexico

Not a bunker, but a city of a future new type - an earth scraper!

While other countries see the future of cities in the clouds, Mexico has found another way - underground. The Earthscraper is a 65-story inverted pyramid with an area of ​​7618 square meters. It will appear in the center of Mexico City. The roof of the building will be a transparent glass panel 240 by 240 meters. "Outside" it will look like a public square, where residents can enjoy walks, concerts, exhibitions and military parades. The energy source for the building will be geothermal energy, which will make the underground city self-sufficient.

China's first megalopolis

The size of the new Chinese city will exceed the size of London by 137 times.

In China, it is planned to create a city-megalopolis Jing-Jin-Ji, which will unite Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei. It is expected to be home to 130 million people, and its size (212 thousand square kilometers) will exceed the size of more than half of the individual countries of the world. Each city in this association has its own role: Beijing is a cultural and technological region, Tianjin is a manufacturing region, and small industries will be concentrated in Hebei. To ensure that the journey from one city to another takes no more than an hour, new high-speed trains are being built.

City on the water, printed on a 3D printer, Rio de Janeiro

Worthy of attention is a very unusual concept of the Belgian architect Vincento Callebo, who proposed to build a city on the water in the coastal zone of Rio de Janeiro. The building material will be a composite of recycled plastic waste and algae, and the city itself will be printed using a 3D printer. Structures for construction can grow on their own due to the calcium carbonate contained in the water, which can form the outer skeleton and semi-permeable membranes for desalination sea ​​water, and microalgae will be used to generate energy for heating and climate control.

Externally, residential structures with a diameter of about 500 meters will resemble jellyfish. They will include workspaces, workshops, recycling plants, science labs, sports fields and farms. Such a city will be able to provide housing for about 20 thousand people.

The architect solves the problem of lack of food with the help of huge farms (Farmscrapers) in which plants will be grown. The place of the farms is at the very top of the structures. One of the main tasks of such a city will be the construction of scientific centers for ocean research.

Instead of a conclusion: still about Mars

For some, fantasies about cities on Mars become not just the plot for a science fiction book, but an entire architectural project.

We all love to dream about the future. What will our planet be like in 50 years? How will the climate change? What will we become? And, of course, one of the essential questions in this chain is the question: where will we live? What is it, the city of the future?

This question is not new. Scientists, writers, architects, and, probably, each of us thought about it. And now let's get acquainted with some of the most interesting projects of the city of the future and, of course, share our impressions.

1. City without cars

This idea is far from new. After all, everyone knows that cars cause a lot of harm to the environment, but China is the first country where the idea of ​​​​building a city where there will not be a single car arose.

The city will be designed for a population of about 80 thousand. All residential complexes will be located in the city center, and offices, service centers, shops and other facilities will be built up, starting from the complex and further to the periphery. The city will have a park infrastructure, thanks to which residents will be able to reach its outskirts in just 10-15 minutes. Movement in such a city will be carried out with the help of a bicycle, or on foot.

According to forecasts, the city, which, by the way, will be called Great City, which means the Great City, will consume much less water and electricity. And the amount of emissions in it will be almost 90% less than in other cities of the same size.

2. A city with minimal carbon emissions

But the United Arab Emirates went even further. A city in the United Arab Emirates, Masdar, will not only be without vfiby, but it will also be missing skyscrapers. And the brilliant idea is that this city will completely do without the usual sources of energy. Instead, the needs of the city's residents will be supplied by natural sources, including solar energy, as well as wind energy, and geothermal sources. As a result, the amount of waste harmful to the environment will be reduced to a minimum.

3. City-oasis in the desert

Masdar is not the only city of the future in the UAE. If Masdar is a project that will be created from the very beginning, then Dubai is a real-life city known to everyone. And now, one of the leading architectural firms has created a project to reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere.
In Dubai, it is planned to build 550 buildings for various purposes (from residential buildings to public institutions). And the energy for these premises will be generated using, attention, 200 square kilometers of solar modules. The city also plans to introduce transport that will not litter the environment.

4. City with empty buildings

Another project to “remake” an already built city into an environmentally friendly one is a project by Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture. The idea of ​​the project is to fill the city of Gothenburg, which is located in Sweden, with dense buildings. And to save even more space, it is proposed to place plots for growing vegetables, solar panels and windmills on the roofs of houses. This will help meet the needs of residents at minimal cost.

5. Vertical city

Australian architects have proposed a rather extraordinary development. According to their idea, the city of Melbourne will develop not horizontally, but vertically, both up and down. And they plan to build a transparent cover over the city itself, which will be designed to accumulate solar energy and grow fruits and vegetables. Movement in the city will be carried out in two ways: underground and in the air.

6. Pedestrian city

Another city that plans to phase out cars is San Juan, Puerto Rico. The city is experiencing a decline in the number of residents, and this was the impetus for investment in a project to redevelop the city. According to the project, beautiful park areas will be created in the city, and cars will be completely excluded from use. This will make the city attractive for both tourists and permanent residents. The project will cost about one and a half billion dollars.

7. City with a recreation center

The Greeks were also "infected" with the idea of ​​ending the use of cars. A competition was held for the best project to change the city. Such a project was found, and now it is planned to create a “green corner” in the city center, which will serve as a place for recreation and walking. Also, a minor redevelopment will be carried out, as a result of which it will be possible to move to different parts of the city on foot.

8. Glade city

The next "city of the future" in China is Shang-Sui. The city plans to build many skyscrapers for greater population density. But that's not all. In the skyscrapers themselves, they plan to create various public places and green spaces where the inhabitants of the skyscraper can relax and escape from everyday worries.

The implementation of such a project will also facilitate movement around the city itself. Residents will be able to quickly and easily get to various parts of the city on foot or by transport.

9. 3D city

Another project to reduce the building area and increase the population density is the NeoTax project. Its essence is to build multi-storey buildings not only vertically, but also, starting from a certain height, also horizontally. This will help preserve green spaces and the environment, as well as provide housing for more people with minimal space. Such houses will be built below on the principle of traditional high-rise buildings, and above will branch out in different directions. Pretty original project.

10. Stone City

An interesting project was developed by Belgian architect Vincent Callebaut for the Chinese city of Shenzhen. The Belgian was inspired by the natural heaps of stones and proposed the construction of houses in the form of stones planted one on top of the other.
This will not only save space, but also reduce the role of transport. You can also install a solar module and plant a garden on each “stone bryl”.

As we have seen, there are many interesting projects of the "city of the future", some of which may soon come to life. And, perhaps, their large-scale implementation will help us save the Earth's resources and improve the state of the environment.