What does emir mean. Characteristic features of the name Emir

Choose the gender of the child

Choose the first letter of the name

Men's names starting with the letter E

Description: chief, commanding

From childhood, Emir behaves like a little prince. Whether it is the merit of the parents who dreamed of the long-awaited heir, or the influence of the "crowned" name, but the fact remains. With age, he becomes independent beyond his years, restrained, proud and sometimes even arrogant.

Emir has everything necessary qualities for a real defender and warrior: a sense of responsibility and justice, courage, courage, decisive character. He is very strong in spirit, but this does not mean that such people become adults and independent early.

On the contrary, such a peculiar nature needs special pedagogical correction. If the boy is not explained in time, “what is good and what is bad”, it is quite possible that he can direct his energy in the wrong direction. And since the Emir has well-developed leadership qualities, this is doubly dangerous.

Unfortunately, Emir is not always inclined to bring what he started to the end. Therefore, his ideas do not always receive a worthy embodiment. Having matured, he learns to subtly feel the sources of enrichment, and therefore most often has a highly paid job, is able to run a business. Emir is best suited for managerial activities, religion, military affairs, economics.

In relations with women, Emir is as noble as with family and friends. Despite the fact that he dreams of seeing next to him an ideal girl in every sense (and who does not dream!), He will never petty reproach his lady of the heart for certain imperfections.

Amorous and windy in his youth, Emir usually feels the need for marriage and family only in adulthood. Family for Emir is sacred. Under no circumstances will he take dirty linen out of public. Whatever happens between the household, outside the native walls, he will not stoop to a stormy showdown.

In general, the Emir does not tolerate scandals, preferring to resolve conflicts peacefully, and showing real miracles of diplomacy in this regard. This is probably why the second half of the Emir, as a rule, is very comfortable with her husband. But in order to please the Emir, a woman must combine a whole range of incompatible qualities: to be dazzlingly beautiful, but surprisingly modest; a cheerful party girl, a true lady and a homely young lady at the same time; to be chaste to the marrow of the bones, but capable of the most unimaginable delights in bed, etc. In a word, it is not easy to please the Emir, but it is worth it.

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Names for boys
Names for boys Select the gender of the child Select the first letter of the name Male names starting with the letter E Description: chief, commanding From childhood, Emir behaves like a little prince.

Source: fortuname.ru

Emir name meaning character and fate

The meaning of the name Amir is translated from Arabic as "chief", "manager". Translated from Tatar - “commanding prince”, in Pakistan this name is “prosperous”, translated from Hebrew - “top of the tree”.

origin of the name Amir

According to one version of the origin of the name Amir, it is believed that it originates from the word "emir" - head of state, prince, ruler. According to another version, the name comes from the Arabic language. The name Amir is Muslim, Arabic, Pakistani and Jewish.

Characteristics of the name Amir

According to the description of the name, Amir is similar to his father, he copies his behavior from childhood. And if a boy grows up without a father, he begins to imitate his older brother or grandfather. He from the very early age reaches out to older men, he needs male education. The complex nature of the boy is subject only to a firm male hand.

Little Amir grows up as an active and energetic child. Well developed mentally and physically. Often naughty, wayward and even somewhat cruel.

By nature, Amir is a little shy, likes to spend time alone, he does not like it when someone violates his personal space. Outwardly, he looks like a practical and pragmatic person, but inner world Amira is fraught with romance, sensitivity and peacefulness. He will always come to the rescue, knows how to understand the essence of the problem and gets rid of the cause, not the consequences.

Such a contradictory character of Amir emphasizes his bright personality. He will never sacrifice his interests for the sake of illusory ideals. This person stands firmly on his feet and knows his own benefit in any situation.

The name Amir fully reveals the essence oriental man, symbolizes courage and courage. He is bold, bold and energetic. A heightened sense of justice will not allow him to commit a vile act or deceive anyone. You can unconditionally trust this person and be sure that he will never betray. Amir is an honest and generous person who enjoys unquestioned authority. Purposeful, demanding and energetic, he can become a good leader. He is demanding not only to others, but also to himself.

The tendency to command can cause quarrels and conflicts in family life. He will be kind to his wife, but will not stop showing his authority. For children, Amir will become a wonderful caring father.

A person with this name is open to others, self-sufficient, extraordinary and reasonable. The bearer of the name Amir is characterized by ambition, vanity and some cynicism.

Amir can become a philosopher, scientist or religious figure.

Amir name compatibility

Amir's middle name is Rustamovich.

To create a family, the name Amir is good compatible with the names of Milan, Karina, Malika, Marina, Sophia. Relations with Antonina, Ekaterina, Nadezhda, Amina, Elvira, Yana and Elina will develop less successfully.

Famous people

This name was glorified by the star of Indian cinema Aamir Kham, boxer Amir Khan Zab Judah.

Emir name meaning character and fate
The article gives the meanings of the name Amir and its origin, analyzes the most pronounced characteristics of the name Amir, selects a patronymic for it and indicates the most compatible female names with it.

Source: ymadam.net

Characteristics of the name Emir

Each name is able to tell a lot about its carrier, it contains a characteristic of his personality, his possible fate, the main "pluses" and "minuses".

It is immediately clear that this name is not directly related to Russia, but is associated with the countries of the East. It is there that you can meet a boy with that name. In addition, in Muslim countries, the emir is the title of the ruler of the country, which also leaves an imprint on the person.

The owner of the "royal" name is simply obliged to have the appropriate character. Translated from Arabic, the name Emir means "commanding, chief."

A boy named Emir from childhood is distinguished by strong-willed character traits, such as stubbornness, curiosity, assertiveness. And over the years, they develop into other qualities:

  • A responsibility.
  • Wits.
  • Determination.
  • Persistence.

In this regard, parents should not be surprised that their son will behave like a future royal. Their main task is to explain to the child from the very childhood what is good and what is not very good. Indeed, with age, the energy of the Emir and the leadership qualities inherent in nature can be directed in the wrong direction.

If the parents are able to invest in their son reasonable, kind, eternal, then his fate will turn out in a wonderful way, because he has the makings of a real warrior and protector: courage, justice, responsibility. But this does not mean at all that this guy will be able to become independent early.

The characterization of the name affects the Emir in such a way that, having a lot of different ideas in his head, he does not always bring them to life and finish what he started. But at the same time, he clearly feels where you can earn good money and, accordingly, chooses suitable areas of activity for himself.

Best of all, he manages to realize his capabilities and needs in the economy, administrative, religious and military activities. However, in order for the fate in these areas to develop in the best possible way, Emir simply needs to learn how to concentrate on one specific task, develop perseverance and the ability to bring everything to the end.

This guy always takes care of himself and his appearance and looks according to the latest fashion. It is important for the Emir to be well-groomed, tidy, dressed impeccably and with a needle, so that others pay attention to him and admire him, clothes should emphasize all his dignity.

Emir's character is such that he is capable of the deepest, sincere feelings and can build serious, strong relationships. But the true desire for this arises in him closer to middle age, and before that he is very amorous and is in no hurry to burden himself with marriage.

Having married, Emir puts his family first in life. There is never a stormy showdown between him and his wife. He prefers to solve everything quietly and peacefully, for which the second half is immensely grateful to him. However, this does not mean that his chosen one can relax and go with the flow - and she needs to do a lot so that their fate develops in the best way.

A girl should combine unearthly beauty, modesty, morality and sexuality at the same time. In addition, the wife cannot restrict the freedom of the Emir, otherwise it will provoke him to escape from the family nest.

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Characteristics of the name Emir
The meaning of the name Emir. What does the name Emir promise to its owner?

Source: www.grc-eka.ru

The meaning of the royal name Emir - career, health, character and fate

The name Emir, meaning "ruler", appeared in the Arab countries, where before the advent of the Islamic religion, military leaders, rulers, and spiritual leaders were called this name. Now this royal name is popular in Turkey. In some countries, this name is pronounced as Amir.

A diminutive and affectionate form of the name: Emirchik, Emirka, Emirushka, Mirchik, Mir, Mirka.

The Muslim name Emir is absent from the church calendar. Boys who decide to accept the Catholic or Orthodox faith are baptized under a different consonant name.

Pros: Responsible, noble, decisive, quick-witted.

Cons: Aggressive, domineering, arrogant, stubborn.

Little Emirchik is growing up as a brave, determined and quick-witted boy. Already at this age, it is clear from his behavior and manners that a real prince is growing. After two years, Emir becomes self-willed, arrogant and uncontrollable, parents should seriously take up his upbringing, sowing good and beautiful things in his soul so that the child does not turn into a complete tyrant. Emir easily gets acquainted with the guys, likes to play active games with them, always acts fairly, does not offend the younger, weak and girls. Avoids conflict situations.

AT adolescence the proud Emir periodically stays away from his peers, with whom he is sometimes bored. He loves to be admired, paid attention to him. Adults need to explain to the Emir the consequences of his bad deeds, to tell what real friendship should be, why it is important to do good deeds. At school, Emir studies well, but is too lazy to do his homework. Not all cases are completed. At this age, Emir already knows how to manage his friends, showing his excellent leadership qualities, nobility, courage.

The adult Emir takes care of his appearance, dresses stylishly, knows how to behave in society, and has the talent of diplomacy. Often, in adulthood, Emir gets a pet, which he takes care of with pleasure, is engaged in his upbringing. With age, Emir becomes more restrained, if he does not like a person, then he will behave arrogantly and arrogantly with him. With friends, Emir is equally friendly, he has no close friends.

Emir has been in good health since childhood, but he does not like to visit doctors, delaying going to them until the last. Sometimes the result of this is a neglected disease. Only in old age Emir becomes more tolerant of doctors and tries to follow all their instructions.

For Emir, it is important in work that it is well paid, interesting and that one can climb the career ladder. Thanks to excellent intuition and leadership qualities, Emir will be able to succeed in business if he can bring the matter to the end without leaving it halfway. Emir, in a leadership position, will be strict, but fair, able to quickly find a way out of difficult situations. If the Emir does not like the work, then he can easily change it to another one. The Emir is especially good in business, economics, military affairs, and religion.

In relations with girls, Emir is noble, sincerely looks after them, gives expensive gifts, takes them to restaurants. It is important for him that the girl not only has a soft and gentle character, but also has a beautiful appearance, dresses stylishly. But if the lady of his heart has some flaws, then he will not reproach her for them, but simply close his eyes to them.

Marries usually in adulthood, having a good walk. In his understanding, the family is a reliable and indestructible fortress. Emir will never marry a vulgar, greedy, stupid and scandal-hungry woman. Emir will never endure family scandals outside the family, he will not just endure brains to his wife.

A woman who skillfully combines several qualities at once can become his wife: a party girl, a housewife, a beauty, an inventive lover, a loving mother. Emir loves his children very much, spends his free time with them with pleasure, helps them to do their homework. If he moves away from his parents, he tries to buy housing closer to them. Emir usually has a strong and happy family.

Compatibility with female names

  • Excellent: Irina, Polina, Varvara, Alesya, Veronica, Arina, Milana.
  • Bad: Tatyana, Sophia, Alina, Daria, Yana, Vasilisa, Valeria, Taisia, Maria, Natalia.

The meaning of the royal name Emir - career, health, character and fate
The history of the independent name Emir, his career, health, character and fate. Emir's attitude to love and family, his compatibility in marriage with female names, signs of fate.

Meaning: order

The meaning of the name Emir - interpretation

The noble male name Emir is of Arabic origin and means “chief”, “commanding”, “lord”. Such a deep and majestic meaning directly affects the character of the individual. The name is popular in Muslim countries. Especially often it can be heard in Turkey. In some countries, it is similar to the name Amir. In ancient times, it was used as a title for military leaders and supreme rulers. The emirs are patronized by the planet Mercury, and the emerald and agate are the talisman.

Years later

FROM early childhood Emir understands his importance. He behaves like a little prince, overly inquisitive and self-willed. It is difficult for parents to cope with this state of affairs. Over time, the boy will outgrow the state of childhood uncontrollability and his psyche will be transformed. As the Emir grows older, he will acquire a share of arrogance, but his actions will always be balanced and fair. In boys with this name, the character cannot be called simple. Activity, practicality, courage, determination are its main features.

Emir is a responsible and strong person who rarely needs support. He is not at all interested in conflicts and quarrels. From childhood, the owner of this name behaves like a little prince. Whether it is the merit of the parents who dreamed of the long-awaited heir, or the influence of the "crowned" name, but the fact remains. With age, he becomes independent beyond his years, restrained, proud and sometimes even arrogant. The Emir has all the necessary qualities for a true defender and warrior: a sense of responsibility and justice, courage, courage, and decisive character. He is very strong in spirit, but this does not mean that such people become adults and independent early.

Emir becomes more independent. He has a somewhat complex personality. Not all guys want to perceive the Emir's desire for excellence. You can see that from time to time he keeps apart from his peers. Restraint and pride become key characteristics in adolescence. Leadership qualities are very pronounced. At this stage of life, a teenager needs to explain the correct truths about kindness, friendship, and help to loved ones in an accessible and correct way. This will help direct energy in a peaceful direction, because the militant component of nature can make itself felt at any moment. He likes to be paid attention to, showed signs of attention, expressed admiration.

Unfortunately, the owner of this name is not always inclined to bring what he started to the end. Therefore, his ideas do not always receive a worthy embodiment. Having matured, he learns to subtly feel the sources of enrichment, and therefore most often has a highly paid job, is able to run a business. Emir is best suited for managerial activities, religion, military affairs, economics.

As an adult, Emir becomes very interested in financial well-being. Constantly looking for ways to earn money. Chooses only high-paying jobs. We must pay tribute - he achieves his goals. Emir has a well-developed intuition, and in combination with intelligence and leadership qualities, this is a guaranteed success in business.

The main thing is not to quit what you started. It is this quality that the owners of a noble name periodically sin. He knows how and loves to take care of himself - this gives the owner of the name Emir real pleasure. Always fashionable and stylish, neat and principled. In relations with women, a person with this name is as noble as with relatives and friends. Despite the fact that he dreams of seeing next to him an ideal girl in every sense (and who does not dream!), He will never petty reproach his lady of the heart for certain imperfections.

Amorous and windy in his youth, he usually feels the need for marriage and family only in adulthood. Family for Emir is sacred. Under no circumstances will he take dirty linen out of public. Whatever happens between the household, outside the native walls, he will not stoop to a stormy showdown. In general, the bearer of this name does not tolerate scandals, preferring to resolve conflicts peacefully, and in this regard, showing real miracles of diplomacy.

Emir's character

Among the positive traits of character, nobility, activity and speed of reaction can be distinguished. Cannot stand vulgarity and carelessness. The strengths of the personality are discipline, justice, courage, resourcefulness and independence. It is thanks to such qualities that the Emirs become strict, but talented leaders.

The Emir has all the necessary qualities for a true defender and warrior: a sense of responsibility and justice, courage, courage, and decisive character. He is very strong in spirit, but this does not mean that such people become adults and independent early.

From childhood, arrogance and pride are manifested in the character. Strongly expressed authoritarianism. It is she who interferes with building relationships with colleagues or subordinates. A few more weaknesses of character are the inability to concentrate on one set goal.

Unfortunately, the owner of this name is not always inclined to bring what he started to the end. Therefore, his ideas do not always receive a worthy embodiment. Having matured, he learns to subtly feel the sources of enrichment, and therefore most often has a highly paid job, is able to run a business.

Emir's fate

The direction of the life path depends on the chosen road. If in adolescence, parents and teachers manage to direct energy in a peaceful direction, then fate will turn out well. It will be success, and love, and well-being.

The second option is not so rosy. Arrogance, the desire to be overbearing and leadership qualities can be destructive. What kind of warrior the Emir will become depends largely on his own choice - he can be both “good” and “evil”.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Emir will never work where he does not like. If the game is worth the candle, the activity promises high profits, he is ready to forget about sleep and rest for a long time. Such tenacity is very enviable. Emir achieves particular success in business, military affairs or in leadership positions.

Best of all, he manages to realize his capabilities and needs in the economy, administrative, religious and military activities. However, in order for the fate in these areas to develop in the best possible way, Emir simply needs to learn how to concentrate on one specific task, develop perseverance and the ability to bring everything to the end.

Marriage and family

Emir takes marriage very seriously, considering it sacred. In the family, he shows amazing abilities to diplomatically resolve any conflicts. He will never discuss with friends what is happening in the family. Children are a real inspiration. Spending time together, helping to do homework, playing - all this is real family happiness. As a spouse, it is recommended to choose women named Amina, Karina or Maya.

Having married, Emir puts his family first in life. There is never a stormy showdown between him and his wife. He prefers to solve everything quietly and peacefully, for which the second half is immensely grateful to him. However, this does not mean that his chosen one can relax and go with the flow - and she needs to do a lot so that their fate develops in the best way.

Sex and love

In his youth, Emir simply bathes in female attention. He is so windy that one does not even have to think about the possibility of marriage. Only with age comes the desire to settle down and start a family. In love, a man named Emir will become a real stronghold of romance for his chosen one.

He knows how to express feelings beautifully and nobly, deeply and sincerely experiencing them in his heart and soul. The woman who becomes his chosen one will be subdued by courtship. She will only reciprocate. There is only a small requirement - the beloved woman must be perfect in every way.


Visiting doctors for the owners of this name is a real torture. They are very bad patients, but good health allows you to ignore the need to make visits to medical institutions. This feature persists throughout life. However, already in old age, when there are age-related changes, and trips to the doctors become a necessity, the Emirs become more tolerant, at least outwardly.

Such a peculiar nature needs special pedagogical correction. If the boy is not explained in time, “what is good and what is bad”, it is quite possible that he can direct his energy in the wrong direction. And since the Emir has well-developed leadership qualities, this is doubly dangerous.

Interests and hobbies

A great love for animals does not go unnoticed. This becomes the reason why a cat or a dog almost always lives in Emir's house. He loves animals, enjoys training and raising dogs. He prefers to spend his free time paying attention to music or watching movies.

From childhood, the owner of this name behaves like a little prince. Whether it is the merit of the parents who dreamed of the long-awaited heir, or the influence of the "crowned" name, but the fact remains. With age, he becomes independent beyond his years, restrained, proud and sometimes even arrogant.
The Emir has all the necessary qualities for a true defender and warrior: a sense of responsibility and justice, courage, courage, and decisive character. He is very strong in spirit, but this does not mean that such people become adults and independent early.

Many of us have come across the word "emir", most often in fiction or historical literature as well as in the media. However, not everyone knows the meaning of the term. Details of who the emir is will be described in the article.

Word in dictionary

The meaning of the word "emir" in dictionaries is described as the title of a military commander in the countries of Africa and Asia. Emir is also a male name.

Translated from Arabic, this word means "leader." Initially, the Arabs called their generals that way, and after the appearance of the prophet Mohammed, Muslim rulers who claimed secular and spiritual power began to be called that. Caliph Omar was the first to receive this title, and after him he went to the chief minister of the Caliphate, who began to have unlimited power.

Considering what emir means, it should be said about the leader of a huge caravan of pilgrims, who every year goes to Mecca, performing the Hajj. This person is called “emir haji”.

What is an emir in the modern world?

After the fall of the Arab caliphates, the title gradually gave way to others, such as khan or sultan. However, even now it exists and is equated with the princely title (“prince”, “highest prince”).

In Persia, the title "emir" was shortened to "world", and later the word was transformed into "mirza" or "murza", which meant "prince's son" or "prince". Along with the term "emir" there is the title "amir", which also means "leader" or "ruler".

Currently, the title is awarded in several Arab Muslim countries, such as the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. It is received by the sons of monarchs, who later become the rulers of the country.


Continuing to consider who the emir is, it is necessary to talk about the concept of "emirate". This is a form of government in an Islamic state, which is headed by an emir. And also it is a modern and historical state, which is built around the Islamic world. Its main distinguishing feature is the small size of the territories, as well as the hereditary nature of the transfer of supreme power.

Initially, the title of emir was assigned by the Islamic community, which was called the "umma". For the emirate, the main and indispensable condition is the implementation and strict observance of Sharia, a set of Muslim laws.

Gradually, the emirate practically transformed into a state that resembles a kingdom. From 1996 to 2001, an Islamic form of government (emirate) existed on the territory of Afghanistan.

In 2007, terrorist forces tried to create an emirate in the North Caucasus, led by Emir Doku Umarov. However, they were destroyed by the Russian army.

Currently, the emirates have survived in the Middle East, primarily a confederation of emirates called the United Arab Emirates, as well as separate, independent kingdoms of Kuwait and Qatar.


When studying who the emir is, one should also mention Tamerlane, who is also known as Timur. who lived in the XIV-XV centuries on the territory of modern Uzbekistan. Tamerlane was one of the famous military leaders and conquerors of his time. He played an important role in the history of South, Central and Western Asia, the Volga region, the Caucasus and Russia.

He became the founder of the Timurid Empire (about 1370) with a new capital in Samarkand. Tamerlane was a very brave and restrained man, an excellent commander, connoisseur of science and art. He made many successful campaigns, conquering vast territories. At the same time, he cared about the development of his own state.

During his reign, various sciences developed rapidly - from mathematics and medicine to astronomy and jurisprudence. Tamerlane was also the creator of the Code of Laws of Timur, participated in the construction of various structures. In other words, he was not only a conqueror, but also a creator. To date, the cathedral mosque of Timur (Bibi-Khanym) in Samarkand has been preserved.

Nowadays, Tamerlane is highly revered in Uzbekistan and is considered a folk hero. And this is well deserved, because this person has done a disproportionate amount for the future of the entire Uzbek people.

Emir Kusturica

In conclusion, studying the question of who the emir is, it is worth talking about one of the bearers of the name - Emir Kusturica. This is a famous Serbian film director who was born in 1954 in Yugoslavia, in the city of Sarajevo. His films have received numerous awards, including two Palme d'Or awards to his films at Cannes.

Kusturica is a holder of the Order of the Legion of Honor, a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is also known as one of the members of the folk rock band The No Smoking Orchestra.

Quite often, he is criticized and even attacked by ill-wishers for his political views. He is known for being an ardent opponent of the destruction of Yugoslavia as a state. Interesting fact, Kusturica himself calls himself Yugoslav, despite the fact that this state was destroyed by NATO countries in 2003.

This guide provides full value the name of Emir, which is best suited, and what people who wear it should be afraid of. Every day you hear the sounds of your name, from infancy they act in one way or another. Understanding what will attract prosperity to you, knowing the special aspects of your character, you will achieve a lot.

    Interpretation of a boy named Emir

  • The spelling of the name Emir in Latin letters - Emir
  • A man with this name belongs to the element - Water.
  • The color that will bring good luck to your life is Violet-blue, Dark Green
  • Lucky for a person named Emir, metal - Copper
  • Attracting life luck to a given name, a tree - Thuya
  • Lucky planet - Neptune
  • Constellation of joy and well-being - Small Dog (Canis Minor)
  • According to numerology named after Emir, lucky numbers - Zero
  • You better eat fish food
  • Animal symbols for the name Emir- turtle
  • Stones - symbols for guys named Emir - Pomegranate

To attract financial luck, people named Emir need a strong Money Amulet, the main thing is that it be coded personally for you, for your name and your date of birth. I can only recommend this is a trusted site!, Talisman of Good Luck really works to create an aura of well-being.

What is most preferable in life to men named with the letter E - Emir

  1. It is better if a boy named Emir was born under the sign of the zodiac - Aries (03/21 - 04/20)
  2. It will be most successful if a guy named Emir was born according to the eastern horoscope in the year - Goats (Sheep) - years 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039
  3. Things are better to start on - Thursday and Wednesday
  4. Most auspicious days years, these are January 21, April 16, August 14 and November 13
  5. Favorable time of day for you - evening
  6. A dangerous age at which you need to be more careful - in childhood and adolescence - three years; in youth, thirty-three years; in and maturity - forty-one years, in old age - eighty-seven years
  7. The name with the letter E - Emir leaves an imprint on the health of these people, diseases of the heart and skin are especially dangerous
  8. The person named Emir is best suited for professions related to - Power structures

Full interpretation of the character named by the male name Emir

He tries not to stand out from the crowd, does not like noisy companies. Astute observers rarely refrain from commenting even on loved ones, but their statements are both critical and useful. It should also be remembered that he loves economic women who can create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house. After a bitter experience, they believe in love, in friendship, they trust people again. Often - a rare proud man who adores himself and his merits. A man named Emir gives little sensuality and tenderness in love. The girl is not satisfied in terms of intimate nightly conversations - and she won’t move an eye when she puts you out the door. So, be careful with sharp guys. One slip - and you are not together. They often show a great conviction in their own exclusive sexuality. Outwardly, they are often cold and aloof, rarely show true feelings, and, as if reluctantly, it happens that their passions flare up inside, and the flames rage.
If you want to leave, a man named Emir will become so pleasant and sweet, and will make such unshakable arguments that you will want to stay with him again. Keep him in constant tension, maintaining interest in yourself. Thoughts flash through him: how would I live with another. A man named Emir has a sharp mind and earthly inclinations, but flirting does not develop into a physical relationship. If you have chosen him as your goal, you should think about how to become his ideal. In terms of emotions, it is difficult to piss them off and even hurt them. Strives to improve his financial situation by doing various work.

Table of the main character traits of a person named Emir

The calculation of character traits was carried out on the basis of the name and month of birth, for a more accurate calculation you need to know the full date of birth and the name, patronymic and surname, if you need it then - VISIT THIS PAGE.

The vertical column of the table (top), select your (or a person with a name starting with the letter E - Emir) month of birth, the horizontal (side) line is the aspects of character. Their intersection will show a coefficient from 1 to 100, the larger the value, the better.

January February March
Strength of will 11 74 21
Energy 24 95 73
Learnability 34 68 67
industriousness 99 85 67
Kindness 56 69 22
Patience 31 63 74
Creation 80 28 67
Intuition 76 63 98
Sociability 87 16 16
Self-esteem 53 84 44
Money 8 33
Talent 1
Spirituality 8 52 60
purposefulness 7 8
Stability 83 55 68
Love 75 4 98
Duty 53 93 59
mentality 41 13 64
prudence 56 17 1
Emotionality 53 83 50
April May June
Strength of will 39 20 25
Energy 17 29 95
Learnability 17 86
industriousness 50 91 12
Kindness 7 62 53
Patience 41 22 74
Creation 36 78 99
Intuition 88 75 58
Sociability 54 20 15
Self-esteem 53 26 70
Money 99 27 86
Talent 38 85 73
Spirituality 41 62
purposefulness 12 55 19
Stability 49 50
Love 49 11 74
Duty 67 42
mentality 19 67 29
prudence 89 64 82
Emotionality 14 29 14
July August September
61 24 31
Energy 95 60
Learnability 88 84 33
industriousness 48 11 32
Kindness 68 42 81
Patience 53 19
Creation 61 12 29
Intuition 84 88 95
Sociability 27 30 17
Self-esteem 42 91 30
Money 44 99 54
Talent 31 63 94
Spirituality 85 27 16
purposefulness 27 78 12
Stability 27 67 51
Love 45 1 15
Duty 93 44 36
mentality 74 48 25
prudence 58 66 80
Emotionality 28 98 58
October November December
Strength of will 69 99 84
Energy 18 9 60
Learnability 86 56 51
industriousness 48 20 48
Kindness 62 27 86
Patience 70 29 99
Creation 31 65 71
Intuition 91 9 66
Sociability 7 2 41
Self-esteem 40 33 32
Money 93 57 89
Talent 75 72 85
Spirituality 54 26 100
purposefulness 52 91 96
Stability 38 38 12
Love 71 82 82
Duty 84 97 29
mentality 76 61 78
prudence 19 10 64
Emotionality 75 49
  • The main character traits that are present in people with the name Emir are mocking, unlucky, reserved
  • Compatibility of men with the name Emir in the family

    This table shows the love compatibility of people with the name Emir, based on their birthday. The vertical column (top) is your zodiac sign, the horizontal (side) line is your partner's horoscope sign. Their intersection will show the extent and aspects of the relationship in perspective.

    Strong will help you Amulet of Love, he will attract the real feelings of the person you need into your destiny and give you the joy of life with your loved one. The main thing is that it be coded personally for you. I can only recommend this one official site! where the Amulet of Love is truly made.

    Fish Aries Taurus
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) empty experiences Not recommended love and happiness
    Aries (03/21 - 04/20) be together for a long time it will be better adoration and love
    Taurus (April 21 - May 20) explosion of feelings all according to plan short love
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) difficulties explosion of feelings rich house and joy
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) long relationship good together excellent
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) long relationship contempt troubles and troubles
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) excellent joyful experiences contempt
    Libra (24.09 - 23.10) rich house and joy excellent everything will be fine
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) family happiness explosion of feelings long life together
    Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) well-being and prosperity good contempt
    Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) sadness and routine Not recommended long relationship
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) emotionality contempt Not recommended
    Twins Crayfish a lion
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) partnerships parting emotionality
    Aries (03/21 - 04/20) contempt sadness and routine peace in the house
    Taurus (April 21 - May 20) it will be better a hassle for both often misunderstandings
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) complicated relationship well-being and prosperity good together
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) don't start a relationship contempt bad
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) family happiness be together for a long time partnerships
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) good together shared dreams bad feelings
    Libra (24.09 - 23.10) nervousness for you it will be better Not recommended
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) a hassle for both bad adoration and love
    Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) empty experiences long life together partnerships
    Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) shared dreams financial difficulties money will tear you apart
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) money will tear you apart all according to plan disappointment
    Virgo Scales Scorpion
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) adoration and love peace in the house shared dreams
    Aries (03/21 - 04/20) emotionality bad rich house and joy
    Taurus (April 21 - May 20) peace in the house vain dreams joyful experiences
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) long life bad emotionality
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) excellent no boring life together a hassle for both
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) emotionality long relationship happiness but not for long
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) rich house and joy bad feelings parting
    Libra (24.09 - 23.10) bad feelings partnerships all according to plan
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) complicated relationship short love family happiness
    Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) all according to plan bad empty experiences
    Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) a hassle for both short love sadness and routine
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) difficulties long relationship difficulties
    Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
    Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) calm house adoration and love don't start a relationship
    Aries (03/21 - 04/20) good family good together complicated relationship
    Taurus (April 21 - May 20) passion and jealousy explosion of feelings disappointment
    Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) family happiness financial difficulties sadness and routine
    Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) difficulties everything will be fine sadness and routine
    Leo (23.07 - 22.08) Not recommended calm house happiness but not for long
    Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) explosion of feelings disappointment adoration and love
    Libra (24.09 - 23.10) peace in the house be together for a long time don't start a relationship
    Scorpio (24.10 - 21.11) happiness but not for long hatred and strife vain experiences
    Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12) complicated relationship a hassle for both disappointment
    Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) long life rich house and joy excellent
    Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) explosion of feelings partnerships be together for a long time

    In such a small word - a name, the real secret of a person's life and destiny is encrypted. It lays the character, the main features and behavior, the potential of the child and his capabilities. The interpretation of what the name Amir means can be an important start both for choosing a boy's name and for a better understanding of a man with that name. There are many options for where this name came from, but its main meaning is “chief”, “prince”.

    History and origins

    The origin of the name Amir is a mystery that has not yet been fully disclosed. There are many references in different cultures similar names, but all the personalities who bore them were certainly great and powerful in their time. The most popular version is the Arabic origin of the name. In translation, it means "prince", "prince", "commander", "leader", "leader".

    The name Amir also has its own history in Hebrew culture, where it means “top of the tree” or “proclaimed”, which also clearly hints at high positions in society. The Pakistani description of this name stands for "prosperous", and in the Tatar version it means "commanding prince." There are several options not only for interpretation, but also for sounding and writing. So, it is quite possible that the history of Amir began with the name Emir, and in the Arab countries the word "amir" itself is used as part of other words, which mean army ranks and high titles: amir-al-bahr (commander of the fleet).


    The character of Amir is distinguished by complexity and a strong male core. He is a difficult, controversial person. Often, is alone most of the time. Does not like noisy companies, parties or happy holidays. Left alone, he can read for a long time, study science, create something, just think. Despite this, he has a bright personality that attracts people to him, but Amir is in no hurry to let them get closer to him, remaining at some distance.

    He knows how to make friends, but he gathers such people around a little, believing that there can be no more real and understanding people. Quite good-natured and able to come to the rescue in difficult situations, but if this can somehow affect his interests, he is unlikely to agree to sacrifice them. Due to a well-developed sense of justice, the guy will not go to a special meanness, will not break the word given to someone.

    • The characteristic of a calm and balanced person can change dramatically towards activity when Amir finds a business that can interest and captivate him. Then he will perk up, starting to plunge into work, giving most of the time to interesting work. For this, he is often praised and rewarded by his superiors, but his colleagues and employees do not like him too much. However, the dissatisfaction of the latter is rather caused by the fact that this male name carries the features of secrecy and isolation from the team.

    The name is ideal for the head and head of large corporations, where serious issues need to be resolved based on knowledge, experience, prudence and sound cold mind. There may be some authoritarian distortions, for which he will not find great love among his subordinates, for which, however, he does not chase. Thanks to the originality and sobriety of the decisions made, he can get out of even the most difficult situations, therefore, almost any personal business he starts is already doomed to success in advance.

    The characteristics of the personal sexual qualities of a man differ from those of workers and labor. In family life, he can be a very loving husband and father, if he does not transfer the work issues and authoritarian qualities of the boss into the house. When choosing a soulmate, he is as demanding as he is to himself, therefore, he can take a closer look for a long time without taking the first and main steps. Relationships are built on frankness, directness, although he knows how to be gallant and courteous gentlemen. His woman will not need anything, as he is quite generous and faithful. He agrees to take the lion's share of responsibility for his family upon himself, protecting and defending its interests before the whole world, but he also needs the support of his wife. If he does not receive it, then serious problems may begin in the family, up to a divorce.

    Positive qualities: smart, rational, extraordinary, gallant, fair.
    Negative qualities: closed, aloof, authoritarian, demanding, prudent.

    Significance for the child

    Due to the fact that the character of little Amir begins to form very early and he is interested in everything that comes to hand, the boy grows up and becomes independent earlier than usual. His independence may scare his parents a little, but when they see the result, they will be able to relax, as the boy’s hobbies develop him, pushing him to the right decisions and good grades. He can sit out days with good books, being distracted by art or sports. A little distant from his comrades at school, for which they try to avoid him. He does not have many friends, preferring a good occupation, music, a film.

    Loves animals and will be a good host for domestic cat or dogs. He tries to slip away from domestic obligations, but having a good heart and a good upbringing, he cannot refuse his parents, helps them, putting his ambitions aside. Knows the meaning of the word "should". A father's upbringing is very important for a child. A lot will depend on the nature of the father and his role in the boy's life, since he looks up to the men of his family. And if he is brought up exclusively by women, then it is simply necessary to explain the difference between good and evil.

    At school, he studies “well” without making any special efforts for this, but he does not need a higher result either. Appreciates self-education, because of which he becomes the instigator of many disputes between him and his comrades, and even adults. Enjoys art and different types sports, because he is very good at it. Amir is able to achieve considerable heights in this.

    Compatibility with Patronymics and Names

    Patronymic can strengthen or weaken certain traits of a person's character. Male name will go well with the middle name: Alekseevich, Askoldovich, Rustamovich, Sergeevich, Timurovich, Dmitrievich, Vladimirovich.
    The secret of family life will be revealed with a girl named: Antonina, Angelica, Elvira, Eleonora, Karina, Christina, Lydia, Milana, Malika, Sofia.

    Influence of the season

    • The meaning of the name "summer" Amir is the most cheerful, optimistic and good-natured. He will undertake to help those in need, and pick up a homeless animal from the street, warm and feed. He will find himself in the field of the humanities, a teacher, a scientist.
    • "Autumn" name means great scrupulousness, responsibility, independence, courage. Amirs feel increased responsibility for themselves, their future, as well as for their parents and potential family. professional area it is better to choose in the field of exact sciences or technology, or in entrepreneurship.
    • The interpretation of the name of the "winter" child reveals his tough and authoritarian character. An ideal candidate for a military career, as well as for big business that requires constant monitoring.
    • Characteristics of the "spring" man: the most windy and fickle. A man can immediately take an unjustified risk, forgetting about the consequences, and at another moment he may turn out to be too serious and pragmatic. Realizes himself in the field of art, in sports and business.