Dates picking peppers in March. Astrology is our friend! Pepper picking according to the lunar calendar: when can it be transplanted, what days are favorable

Breeding bell peppers- an interesting occupation, but not easy, young seedlings are rather capricious and require careful and careful care. Picking pepper is given Special attention, so it is important to know when to dive pepper in 2018 according to lunar calendar. Many experts believe that picking is not needed at all. However, it depends on the type of sowing of seed material. The lunar calendar appeared earlier than the solar one. People in ancient times found out that the moon affects the processes on our planet and human well-being. Its phases affect the water in the seas, oceans - these are the ebbs and flows. The moon influences the growth of plants. It is her influence that determines the fertile signs of the zodiac. When sowing and picking, you can achieve beneficial influence for vegetable crops. The roots of young plants are tender, very sensitive to transplantation. Experienced gardeners recommend picking in the early stages of cultivation, then in the future the peppers will be more hardy and strong.

When to dive pepper according to the lunar calendar in 2018

The best months are the end of February, March - a favorable time for picking any seedlings. The frosts have passed, and the daylight hours are already so long that on sunny days you can refuse additional lighting. But, for those who did not have time to plant peppers on time or because of weather conditions, peppers can be dived in April.

The best time to dive pepper seedlings in 2018:

  • in February - 21 and 22, 27, 28;
  • in March - 1-3, 18.19.24-27.31;
  • in April - 17-20.

Is it necessary to dive peppers

The answer to this question is ambiguous. Let's figure out what, in general, a pick is, and why they do it.

Dive is the removal of part of the taproot from seedlings to stimulate the development of lateral and adnexal, which occurs most often when seedlings are planted in individual containers. As a result of it, plants receive a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bnutrition, as well as enough air and light. Picked seedlings have a powerfully developed root system and better hold an earthen clod during transplantation.

The tap root of the plant is usually shortened by 1/3-1/4 of the length before planting in a new container. After such a procedure, the root system of pepper is restored for a very long time, which leads to the slow development of the plant, and sometimes to its death. Therefore, if there is no special need, then it is better not to dive pepper seedlings.

Effect of the phases of the moon on the landing and picking of peppers

The effect of the phases of the moon is approximately the same on all organisms containing water, including plants.

The new moon is a phase of the moon, unfavorable for the growth and development of plants, all the life-giving moisture accumulates in the roots. At this time, it is better to refrain from transplanting.

The waxing moon is accompanied by active growth and prosperity, all the nectar moves from the root system up the stems to the leaves and flowers. This is the most suitable time for the sweet pepper dive procedure. Even in case of damage, the root system will not suffer much, there is a high probability that the seedling will survive.

Then comes the full moon - this is the time when all the food is accumulated in the upper part of the plants - in the leaves and buds. But very soon, all the liquid will begin to move back to the roots. The full moon, like the new moon, is a period of suspension of all planting and transplanting work.

The fourth stage of the Moon is waning. The life-giving juices of plant cultures sink deep into the roots and accumulate there. Nothing bad will happen if you pick during this interval. This is a neutral stage for transplanting bell pepper.

Timing for picking pepper seedlings

An equally important requirement in the successful picking of pepper seedlings is the timeliness of the work itself. Too early separation of seedlings can delay further development or completely destroy the plant, since the seedling will not have enough strength to adapt to new growing conditions. At the same time, postponing the picking can lead to the fact that the roots of the seedlings are intertwined with each other and damage to the root systems during separation cannot be safe.

The optimal time for picking seedlings is 15 - 20 days from the moment the sprouts appear. By this period, 2-3 full-fledged leaves, and not cotyledons, should form on the stems. In plants with only cotyledon leaves formed, the root system is still too weak and the plant is not able to take root in a new place.

What containers to use for picking peppers

To grow pepper seedlings, containers with a diameter of about 8 cm and a height of 14-15 cm are required. It is this volume of soil that can provide the plant with nutrients until it is planted in a permanent place. On sale is a very large selection of various pots and cups specially produced for growing seedlings. If you wish, you can make containers yourself from improvised materials.

Pepper pick: step by step instructions

Before picking, you do not need to water the pepper for several days (2-3 days). This will help prevent damage to the roots - dry soil will better separate from the seedling. Wet soil will be much harder to remove, and the root system under its heavy weight may break off.

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Prepared soil should be poured into cups - it should be moderately moist. It is best to pour the soil a little in a large bowl, mix thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps, and then fill the container with it.

The picking process takes place in several stages:

  • You need to take a small spatula or other similar tool (you can use a regular spoon).
  • Peppers in a common bowl need to be slightly raised, while it is recommended to hold them by the stems so as not to tear off the roots.
  • For each pepper (you need to choose strong specimens), you should select the main root and carefully separate the seedling from the rest.
  • Then it is necessary to pinch the tip of the root by ¼ of the total length, thereby stimulating the growth of lateral roots.
  • Transplant the plant into a separate container, first making a small depression in the ground and placing a seedling in it.
  • Then the pepper roots are sprinkled with earth a little, the soil around the stem is compacted and watered.
  • It is not necessary to deepen the roots excessively - the plant must grow at the same level as during germination (the height of the cotyledon leaves), otherwise the processes of decay will begin and the sprout will die.
  • After the transplant is completed, sweet pepper seedlings should be placed in a shaded place for up to 2 days, while controlling the temperature regime (should be about 20-22 degrees Celsius).

It happens that after a dive, pepper seedlings will stop growing for a while, this is normal, after the roots adapt to new conditions, growth will resume. Make sure that during this period the seedlings do not get direct sunlight, and that the temperature in the room does not exceed +20 degrees.

Waterlogging the soil at this time should not be, even if the leaves are a little wilted, maintain moderate humidity.

REFERENCE! A pick is a distribution of seedlings from total capacity in separate containers so that they do not shade each other during growth, and to avoid weaving roots.

The procedure is carried out after the appearance of the first or second true leaflet on the sprout. Many experienced gardeners dive peppers, focusing on the lunar calendar. The effect of the phases of the moon is approximately the same on all organisms containing water, including plants.

  • New moon- the phase of the moon, unfavorable for the growth and development of plants, all life-giving moisture accumulates in the roots. At this time, it is better to refrain from transplanting.
  • Waxing Crescent accompanied by active growth and prosperity, all the nectar moves from the root system up the stems to the leaves and flowers. This is the most suitable time for the sweet pepper dive procedure. Even in case of damage, the root system will not suffer much, there is a high probability that the seedling will survive.
  • Next comes the full moon- this is the time when all the nutrition is accumulated in the upper part of the plants - in the leaves and buds. But very soon, all the liquid will begin to move back to the roots. The full moon, like the new moon, is a period of suspension of all planting and transplanting work.
  • Fourth stage of the moon - waning. The life-giving juices of plant cultures sink deep into the roots and accumulate there. Nothing bad will happen if you pick during this interval. This is a neutral stage for transplanting bell pepper.

In addition to these four positions of the Moon, the process of land work is influenced by such an indicator as the sign of the Zodiac in which it is currently located. There are more fertile signs, not at all fertile and neutral. Each of them affects this or that horticultural activity in its own way. The days when the Moon is in Taurus, Libra, Scorpio are suitable for diving.

The most unfavorable symbols for this procedure:

  • Fish are considered a fertile symbol, but it is categorically not suitable for picking.
  • It is also necessary to refrain from this type of work on the day of Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini and Virgo.

Usually, peppers begin to be sown in February, and by March they already have 2-3 true leaves. This stage of growth is most suitable for diving.

ATTENTION! In order for the operation to be painless for young shoots, you need to plentifully of them per day. On the day of transplanting, it is better not to water the sprouts. This will make it easier to separate the roots without damaging them.

The transplant process itself must be approached very carefully.

  • First, we prepare the soil in which we will place our peppers. The most suitable soil is based on peat and humus, it is advisable to add sand and field soil so that the soil is looser.
  • Tanks for seedlings should be high, then the root system will be stronger and grow well. At the bottom, you need to pierce several holes so that the earth does not turn sour. Next, pour the soil mixture.
  • We make a small hole in the ground. Dive is carried out to the same depth that was originally when sowing, it is not necessary to plant deeper. Pour some water into the hole.
  • We proceed to the most important thing - transplanting sprouts. Carefully dig up the sprout with an improvised tool and pull it out, holding it by the stem.

Read more about how picking is carried out.

IMPORTANT! It is not necessary to pinch off the main root, as is done with tomatoes and other vegetable crops. Solanaceae do not tolerate such manipulation and may even die. We simply place the seedling in the prepared hole, then sprinkle it with earth, slightly compacting it.

After all the manipulations, it is advisable to put the seedlings in the same place where they were before. Then they adapt in a couple of days. The first two days you need to protect the peppers from bright sunlight.

Before picking, you need to check with the Lunar calendar in order to choose the most suitable dates and exclude unfavorable ones.

Lunar calendar for picking peppers for March

Most auspicious days for picking- March 2, 3, 16 and 17. Unwanted days- 1, 4, 5, 18, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30 March.

The remaining days are neutral for work on.

Useful materials

  • and do you need them?
  • How to grow, or at home?
  • and how to use them?
  • Main reasons

Properly growing seedlings of pepper is quite difficult. This is a laborious process that takes long time. Pepper has a fragile root system, the stems of the plant are thin and tender. Pepper picking has been used in agronomy for a long time, it helps to grow healthy and disease-resistant seedlings.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the root system, it is much more difficult for pepper to tolerate a transplant than for other vegetable crops. Seedlings recover long enough after planting and very sensitive to soil changes. For this reason, many summer residents doubt whether it is worth picking such a fastidious vegetable.

Despite the disadvantages, the pick has its advantages. It gives the pepper more room for root growth and increases the nutrient uptake area. Seedlings located in a limited container as they grow begin to interfere with each other, growing rapidly, the roots can intertwine with their neighbors, thereby greatly complicating their further transplantation.

It is especially important to dive peppers grown in small cassettes or growing two pieces per container. This will help them continue to fully grow and develop.

Advantages and disadvantages of seedling dive

The main advantages of picking:

  1. Yield increase, thanks to the sowing of a large number of seeds;
  2. Prevention of breakage and weakness of the plant stem;
  3. Diving helps to grow seedlings resistant to strong gusts of wind and with a strong root system;
  4. Significantly saves space from the beginning of cultivation to transplanting into the soil;
  5. Increases the yield of vegetable crops;
  6. Improves the growth of the fibrous type of root system, providing seedlings with all the necessary nutrients and moisture;

Diving Disadvantages:

  1. Deterioration of development seedling material due to the active formation of the root system can lead to a change in the ripening period of the fruit;
  2. There is a high probability of picking up diseases due to frequent soil changes or provoking mass infection of seedlings;
  3. A laborious process that requires extreme care to avoid breaking the roots.

When to perform seating

It is best to carry out an early dive. It will bring more results and help the seedlings quickly master the new soil.

The most favorable time is 20 days after the first shoots when about 2-3 leaves appear on the seedlings.

You can dive even earlier, for example, during the cotyledon period. It is not recommended to plant when 4-6 leaves appear, the roots of the plant are already sufficiently formed, they can be easily damaged.

How to dive

Diving is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparation of dishes for seedlings;
  • Planting pepper.

Tetrapack can be used as a container for seedlings. These are boxes of juice or milk with a volume of 1 liter. To avoid root damage plant seeds in advance in a separate container, then the picking is not required. But this is not very convenient and they are first sown in one common container. When the seedlings begin to germinate, they can be transferred to separate glasses. It is this procedure that is called picking.

Bell peppers are best planted in February. Early sowing will give a good harvest, as the growing season for seedlings is much longer than for other vegetables. By the next month, the seeds will give from 4 to 6 leaves. You can determine a favorable day for picking by simply observing the seedlings.


It is better to prepare for the dive in advance. As a soil, it is necessary to use a special mixture consisting of humus, peat and earth with a small amount of sand.

Percentage of organic fertilizers should fluctuate from 30 to 45% from the total amount of soil. It will not be superfluous to add some mineral fertilizers to the soil.

The amount of fertilizer per 1 cu. soil:

  1. Ammonium nitrate - 0.8 kg;
  2. Superphosphate - 1.5 kg;
  3. Potassium chloride - 0.8 kg.

The prepared soil is laid out in a container designed for diving. Capacity must have a drainage hole through which the water will pass.

There are two opinions regarding watering seedlings before diving. Someone a few days before this stops watering the seedlings in order not to weigh down the soil. And someone, on the contrary, waters it abundantly a few hours before picking, for easier extraction of peppers.


Immediately after the procedure, seedlings must be determined in a warm place, closed for 3 days sunlight . It is better to leave the peppers in the same place where they were, and not transfer them to places with a different microclimate. So the adaptation process for the plant will be more successful.

The features of the correct pick include timely use of fertilizers. You need to start feeding from the 10th day, using the following calculations:

For 10 liters of warm water:

  1. Superphosphate 40 g;
  2. Potassium sulfate 30 g;
  3. Ammonium nitrate 10 g.

One plant will take from 50 to 100 ml of top dressing. As a fertilizer, nettle decoction or wood ash is well suited.

Before and after top dressing, peppers need to be watered with a simple clean water. Seedlings grown separately from each other need fertilizer already with a few leaves. The second recharge can be carried out after 10 days.

Rules and scheme

The main rule of effective diving is careful and accurate extraction of seedlings from the soil.

The main stages of the picking:

  1. We compact the soil in a container, make a small hole in the middle, then pour water into it;
  2. Carefully remove the seedling from the common container. If it turned out to take several at once, then we plant the one that is stronger first;
  3. Put the pepper in the well. Roots should be freely located;
  4. The depth of the location of the pepper should be the same as before the transplant, an extra deepening can harm the roots;
  5. We fill the roots with earth and compact around the stem;
  6. We pour water.

How to take care of pickled seedlings

After diving, it is important to follow certain rules for the further care of seedlings. They include:

  • Maintaining the right temperature. For the first time after transplantation, the optimal temperature is 20-22 degrees during the day and at least 14 at night. Then from 23-25 ​​degrees during the day and 18-20 degrees at night;
  • Seedlings need to be watered regularly.. For the outflow of water, it is necessary to make drainage in each pot. The first watering after transplantation is carried out after 6 days with clean 25-degree water.

Properly organized picking will help grow healthy and strong peppers, as well as get a good harvest.

The grown, elongated, densely planted seedlings of peppers need to dive. For further growth and development, they need to dive into separate pots or cassettes one at a time. In order for the process of transplanting from one container to another to be painless, any seedlings, it is best to dive dive on early stage growth when 2-3 true leaves appear on the seedling.

It is believed that picking helps plants develop a good root system and strengthens plants. At the time of planting, pepper seeds need more oxygen to germinate than a large area, so they are sown in low containers with holes so that the water does not stagnate and air is provided. Then, for a grown plant, more nutrients and space are needed, and there comes a time when a pick of pepper seedlings is necessary.

The best dates to dive peppers

As already mentioned, peppers dive in after the appearance of 2 - 3 true leaves on a sprout, and the time when peppers dive will depend on the time of planting seedlings. Despite this, we will give you recommendations when to dive pepper according to the lunar calendar:

  • February is the 24th;
  • Pepper picking in March 2016 is possible on the 21st, 22nd, 27th, 28th and 29th;
  • In April, picking peppers according to the lunar calendar 2016 will best take place from April 8 to April 14.

Picking seedlings is troublesome and complicated procedure for the plants themselves. The bottom line is that pepper negatively responds to any actions with its roots. It turns out that this plant is not only tender, but also “capricious”. As soon as the leaves begin to shade each other from the sun, development and growth will slow down, the seedlings will stretch and you will not see a good harvest. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to make a pick.

The order of picking seedlings of pepper

When is it necessary to dive seedlings?

Pepper seeds must be sown very early, around February. Thanks to such an early sowing, the gardener will be able to reap a good harvest. March will be the most convenient month for picking, because from February to mid-March, the seedlings have already released from 4 to 6 leaves and have begun to compete with each other. You need to pay attention to the leaves of the seedling, if there are from 4 or more, then it is necessary to make a pick.

Seedling container

So, you have a big pile of small pepper plants that require seating. Now you need to take care of the container for the peppers. Costs pay attention to cardboard liter boxes for juice or milk, the so-called Tetra pak. Tara is very convenient because:

  • the volume of the box with the top cut off will be the most optimal for the development of the root system until the pepper is planted in the ground;
  • such boxes are light and due to internal structure waterproof. In the boxes it is necessary to make a hole for drainage;
  • the boxes are square in shape, so they can be easily and stably installed in boxes during transportation and on window sills during cultivation.

Sapling dive

Do not water the seedlings for a couple of days before transplanting. Thanks to this, the seedlings are easier to separate.

The nutrient mixture for seedlings is prepared on the basis of humus and peat, with the addition of field or sod land, as well as river sand and, of course, fertilizers.

  • 0.6-0.8 kilograms of ammonium nitrate;
  • 1.0-1.5 kilograms of superphosphate;
  • 0.8 kilograms of potassium chloride.

And per cubic meter of peat mixture:

  • 0.6-0.8 kilograms of ammonium nitrate;
  • 4-8 kilograms of superphosphate;
  • one kilogram of potassium chloride.

Now, bags are stuffed with prepared soil, into which seedlings of pickled pepper are transplanted. Then, using a spatula or a tablespoon, the seedlings are carefully removed from the total mass. It is easier to transplant seedlings if the seeds were sown in February in soft plastic cassettes. Necessary transplant each seedling into a bag and water. After transplanting pepper into the ground, you need to slightly compact the ground, but most importantly - do not overdo it.

Arises main question: Is it necessary to deepen a pepper seedling? Strongly deepen the seedling is not worth it. Pepper is not a tomato. Gardeners believe that by stuffing deeper seedlings, it will not stretch. But they are mistaken, since the pepper is unlikely to form additional roots, but it can rot.

As soon as the third leaf is formed in the seedlings (approximately 15 or even 20 days after the seedlings hatch), it is necessary to transplant seedlings into pre-prepared containers. Level the soil in the prepared container and moisten. You need to make a hole in it. Carefully and gently holding the seedlings, place them in the hole. Plant the seedling shallow, not reaching the cotyledon leaves, then gently press the soil in a circle to the roots with your fingers.

After all the seedlings have been planted, you need to put them in a warm, but slightly shaded place from direct sunlight, for example, on a table or window sill.

The most difficult when transplanting seedlings are the first days. You will even notice how the pepper begins to wilt, but do not be afraid, if you followed all the instructions correctly, it will definitely recover and grow well. You will also notice that after picking the first couple of days the pepper stopped growing, do not worry, this is also normal, it will adapt and continue to grow. Pepper roots settle in new soil and restore roots lost during transplantation.

It is necessary to pay special attention to this nuance. Where will the pickled pepper seedlings continue to sprout in the future? Seedlings should not be particularly stressed if they continue to grow in the same place where they grew before diving. But get ready for a longer adaptation if you transplant seedlings to another place, to the same heated greenhouse, where there is a different microclimate and temperature, as well as illumination. After picking seedlings, place a little foil on top of the soil, while the intensity of lighting will increase - this will help pepper seedlings not to stretch out. Dive pepper will give a new impetus to the development of your seedlings.

May your pepper picking go well and the pepper harvest will pleasantly surprise you.

When to dive peppers.

The grown, elongated, densely planted seedlings of peppers need to dive. For further growth and development, they need to dive into separate pots or cassettes one at a time. In order for the process of transplanting from one container to another to be painless, any seedlings are best dived at an early stage of growth, when 2-3 true leaves appear on the seedling.

It is believed that picking helps plants develop a good root system and strengthens plants. At the time of planting, pepper seeds need more oxygen to germinate than a large area, so they are sown in low containers with holes so that the water does not stagnate and air is provided. Then, for a grown plant, more nutrients and space are needed, and there comes a time when a pick of pepper seedlings is necessary.

The best dates to dive peppers

As already mentioned, peppers dive in after the appearance of 2 - 3 true leaves on a sprout, and the time when peppers dive will depend on the time of planting seedlings. Despite this, we will give you recommendations when to dive pepper according to the lunar calendar:

  • February is the 24th;
  • Pepper picking in March 2016 is possible on the 21st, 22nd, 27th, 28th and 29th;
  • In April, picking peppers according to the lunar calendar 2016 will best take place from April 8 to April 14.

Picking seedlings of peppers

Seedling picking is the process of transplanting seedlings from a common box or tiny cups into larger containers. This process is very important, it allows you to provide plants with sufficient area for growth and development. As a result, the seedlings are strong and healthy, which means a good harvest in the summer.

Picking pepper seedlings at home

The dates for picking pepper seedlings fall at the moment when the third true leaf is formed in it, which occurs 15-20 days after planting the seeds. And since we sowed the seeds in early March, the picking of pepper seedlings will take place around mid-late March.

The step by step process is as follows:

  1. A soil mixture consisting of peat and humus with the addition of soddy soil and river sand is poured into prepared individual pots. Don't forget to fertilize the soil.
  2. About a couple of hours before the proposed picking, the seedlings should be watered abundantly with room temperature water so that the seedlings can be taken out without damage.
  3. When you have removed the seedling, you need to cut lower third its root to stimulate the development of lateral roots. This has a good effect on the state of the plant in the future.
  4. The soil in prepared pots should be well moistened, make small holes. You need to plant the pepper at the same depth that it occupied before, a maximum of 1.5 cm deeper.
  5. The moved seedling should be sprinkled with earth and slightly compacted around the stem.

Another way to pick seedlings of bitter or sweet pepper is transshipment along with an earthen clod. It is more gentle, since the roots are practically not injured. You need to stop watering the seedlings for a couple of days, so that the lump in the cups dries up and separates well from the walls and bottom.

Then simply shake out the sprout along with the earth, turning the cup over, put it in a prepared container half-filled with earth, sprinkle it with earth and water it. In this case, you will not be able to pinch the spine, but this is not tragic.

Container for picking seedlings of peppers

It is clear that each baby seedling needs its own "house". That is, a separate cup, pot or box. It is very convenient to use for this purpose liter tetra-packs from milk, juice, kefir, etc.

Firstly, the very shape of the boxes is convenient - they can fit the window sill quite tightly, without any gaps, and they are convenient during transportation. Secondly, they are waterproof and lightweight. Thirdly, their volume after trimming the top is optimal for the normal development of seedling roots.

Of course, it is necessary to make a small hole in the bottom in each box so that excess water drains from there after watering. You also need to wash them very well before filling them with soil.

Care after picking

When all the peppers are picked, they need to be removed to a warm place, shaded from the sun. The first two days after transplantation are very difficult for peppers. They need time to recover, they can even tie a little. However, this should not scare you. They will certainly recover and begin to actively increase in growth.

If, after picking, the seedlings stand on the same windowsill as before, the adaptation process will be faster. If you transfer it to a greenhouse, where the lighting and microclimate are completely different, then the seedlings will recover longer.

Do not forget to water the seedlings every 5-6 days, completely wetting the soil in the pot. You need to feed a week after transplantation and after another two weeks. To do this, use a solution of trace elements. You can also use nettle water and wood ash for top dressing.

Mid-March, it's time to think about peppers.

On the calendar the second decade of March, peppers ours have grown to the stage of four or six leaves and are already beginning to close the foliage and overwhelm each other. The weather begins to wake up from hibernation: sparrows chirped merrily, the snow began to melt, and in our greenhouse the “control light” was not frozen for the second morning. And what about my planted peppers under lights?

Pepper seedlings have grown well and it's time to move to more spacious containers. On the right below you can see our planted kid.

Disembarkation at open ground(greenhouse) will be produced at the very beginning of May, there is enough time and the possibilities of development in small containers have already been exhausted and threaten our peppers starvation and rickets. Unlike their counterparts, tomatoes and potatoes, peppers are very sensitive to all kinds of transplants, and they don’t like it when they climb their roots for no reason, but there’s a blessing in disguise. This year, the cultivation of seedlings has been complicated by potatoes, in addition to the usual number of seedlings, it is grown quite unusually. a large number of potato seedlings, and space is limited. Why, that's another question. After the best representatives of potato seedlings are selected, there will be a place for tomatoes. For this reason peppers were the first to land themselves and placed under lamps for supplementary illumination, the landing was made on the tenth of February ten days earlier than our usual time.

By the way, about the timing of planting seedlings of peppers.

The timing of planting peppers can be slightly misleading for a beginner vegetable grower - gardener. So, for example, the agricultural firm "Poisk" indicates on some packages with pepper seeds the period from planting to fruiting is only 70-75 days. Agrofirm "Siberian Garden" recommends sowing seedlings already 60-70 days before planting in the ground. But other seed producers simply recommend sowing seeds in February - March. But how can you be sure? Really peppers they develop somewhat slower than tomatoes, knowing that tomatoes need 30-40 days to prepare for transplanting into the ground, just add 15-20 days and get our “arithmetic mean” period from sowing seeds to transplanting peppers into the ground. Many gardeners experimentally proved the fact that sown in February peppers, unlike those planted in early April, they give a much larger harvest and fruits in biological maturity, as a result, peppers February sowing will also be more. Here is such a trick with peppers, unlike tomatoes where early planting, on the contrary, slows down and weakens seedlings.

Seedlings of peppers in the process of picking.

It turns out that this year we had sowing seedlings seventy days before planting in the ground (greenhouse). Before taking up permanent residence peppers you will have to go through two transplants, the first transplant is a pick, the second is landing in the ground of the greenhouse. Each transplant should slow down the development of pepper seedlings by 15-18 days, which ultimately gives us minus thirty days of seedling development. Explicit overgrowth of seedlings will not work. In this case, the pick is necessary means retardation of seedling development. They planted their own seeds, there was no confidence in 100% germination, and according to the experience of the past 2012, seedlings should have appeared ten days later, but they appeared very quickly and very amicably, which even caused considerable surprise. The ideal time for planting our peppers can be considered the end of the first - the middle of the second decade of March (landing in the greenhouse is usually in the first days of May), we have this year with some changes in seedlings, so the timing of the peppers is confused, but I think all the adventures of our pepper seedlings end happily.

Pots and flowerpots against milk bags.

Quite often, vegetable growers use for seating pepper seedlings plastic transparent cups, they are disposable. According to our observations, we get the greatest slowdown in the development of seedlings of peppers by replanting when picking in a container with a volume of about 600-700 cubic centimeters. You can quite accurately make such containers for the soil by cutting off milk liter bags, leaving a little more than two-thirds in height and you're done! And although I like to use plastic pots every year, milk bags are very compact and conveniently located in carrying cases and under lamps when illuminating seedlings. It is impossible to refuse them, they are very convenient and compact. Our roots peppers you have to work hard in order to envelop the entire volume of soil, and time goes by! And just before the start of the picking, it is necessary to shed our seedlings abundantly in order not to harm more than it should pepper roots.

The hand does not rise to replace bags with pots and flowerpots, they are very compact and convenient.

Milk bags should be thoroughly washed, good seedlings - clean bags! For our containers, we use a mixture of purchased soil and soil from the greenhouse, adding a little sawdust and wood ash. Seedlings in a greenhouse will experience much less shock from a sudden change in soil composition. In the greenhouse, slowdown is welcomed differently than during a pick in March.

Roots of seedlings of peppers and their position during transplantation.

When transplanting from a “nursery”, this is when all the seedlings grow in rows in one bowl, the roots grow to the sides and look like a fibrous root system, if, when placed in a new “dwelling”, as some vegetable growers advise, pull up, or shed with an earthen clod, the roots get kind of narrow beard.

Here it is the root system of seedlings of peppers, in my opinion, not bad. Thanks illumination!

When using tablets, the seedling usually climbs out completely enveloping the entire earthen ball and the roots do not bunch up, but are in the same position as before transplantation. If you can't find the main spine for pinching, then you can not pinch, from pinching the lateral roots of this effect will not work. In general, one can argue on the topic of pinching the main root during transplantation, but I proceed from my observations and preferences. My opinion on this topic is here. But if suddenly you don’t pinch the main root of your seedlings when picking, then it’s up to you.

About the use of biostimulants.

We do not use either "Energen" or "Kornevin" in such operations with seedlings as picking, it somehow happened and is being done from the very beginning, so I have nothing to say on this topic. Also, we do not soak the seeds in "Epin" before planting, we act quite according to the "collective farm". It doesn't bother me much, see for yourself further.

Where to keep seedlings after picking?

If you have seedlings of peppers will continue to grow on the windowsill, then give her a couple - three days just to stand in a warm, but not dark place. During this period, coolness is quite detrimental to pepper seedlings and, most importantly, to disturbed roots. They made a pick, watered the seedlings, and sent our peppers to survive the deliberate “inconvenience” we had caused. After picking, they feel great, noticeably even better than expected, in general, some kind of anomalous maximum vegetation is going on with peppers this year. And soon the boxes with seedlings of peppers will move to the greenhouse and will continue to grow with potato seedlings under real sunlight (the window cannot be compared here) making room for tomatoes and other spring greens under the lamps. We are very intrigued and are watching the pepper seedlings with interest. What will be next?

So the peppers begin their life journey. under fluorescent lights.

Seedlings of peppers after picking.

Time has passed and we can already show you, dear visitors, how our pepper seedlings after the pick. This season, I pay the main attention to the differences in the development of hybrids and seedlings from self-collected seeds, it is possible to describe all the nuances and the growth of seedlings in different periods for a long and tedious time, but everything has come down to the fact that there is simply no difference in the development of plants. Admire the photo below, for greater clarity, I signed where the Dutch hybrid is, and where is our Siberian pepper.

At the moment me is ours seedlings of peppers suits completely, nothing to complain about. However, I note that the pick did not make our peppers worse, after the pick they look wonderful, there is something to rejoice at! And you dived your pepper seedlings?

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If you are not tired of reading, then here are some more links for you:

At what stage should sweet bell pepper seedlings be dived?


When to dive seedlings of sweet pepper?

This can be done after two permanent leaves have grown on the seedling. True, there is a small but .. Pepper does not really like being swooped down.

It is better if this is the case: in a plastic cup (about 300-350 ml), we plant a couple of three seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, and after they have sprouted, we choose one, cutting the others.

After that, we’ll just cross over to where he will stand in the summer, without prejudice to “his health”)