An endoscopic facelift is also an operation, but much less traumatic. Surgical lifting of the lower third of the face Endoscopic neck lifting

Most patients who decide to have a forehead and brow lift seek to eliminate age-related changes. But in some cases, the operation will be effective for correcting the structural features of the face - for example, with overhanging eyebrows or too active facial expressions.

The main reasons for having the operation are as follows:

  • Eyebrow and upper eyelid ptosis.
  • Deep mimic wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose.
  • "Crow's feet".
  • Prolapse of the soft tissues of the upper third of the face.
  • Loose skin.

How is a forehead and brow lift performed?

To date, several effective methods of lifting the upper third of the face have been developed. Thanks to this, you can choose best option depending on age, gender, degree of ptosis and skin condition.

Coronary lift.

An incision is made from ear to ear in the scalp a few centimeters from the hairline. Skin and soft tissues moved to a new location and fixed.

Advantages: high efficiency, the ability to evenly tighten the skin vertically and horizontally, the scar is hidden by hair.

Flaws: greater trauma, forehead height increases by 1-2 cm, not recommended for men and women with alopecia - the scar will become noticeable.

Lift along the hairline.

The incision is made along the hairline, its length depends on the degree of ptosis and facial features.

Advantages: high efficiency, soft tissues can be moved both vertically and horizontally, forehead height does not change.

Flaws: great trauma, with hair loss, the scar will become noticeable.

Endoscopic lifting.

Incisions less than a centimeter long are made in the scalp, and access to soft tissues is carried out using an endoscope with a camera.

Advantages: scars are invisible, so it is suitable for men and women prone to hair loss, forehead height does not change, minimal trauma.

Flaws: the effect of lifting is not so pronounced, since soft tissues are moved without excision.

Temporal (lateral) lift.

The incisions are made in the temple area and hidden behind the hair.

Advantages: low trauma, effective elimination"crow's feet" and lowered ends of the eyebrows.

Flaws: the middle of the forehead and the bridge of the nose are not affected, therefore deep mimic wrinkles cannot be removed, the skin is stretched horizontally, facial features may change.

Alternative and Complementary Lifting Techniques

Depending on the degree of soft tissue ptosis, the condition of the skin and the depth of wrinkles, a combined approach is recommended for lifting the eyebrows and forehead. It involves the combination of several operations or carrying out cosmetic procedures.

  • Patients under 40 years old.

If you notice that the skin of the upper third of the face has begun to sag, but you are not yet 40 years old, your doctor may recommend using non-surgical methods. The most effective is lifting with the help of threads: they are implanted into soft tissues, dissolve over time, and collagen fibers form in their place, forming a framework. In the absence of significant sagging of the skin, injections of botulinum toxin preparations can be dispensed with to eliminate deep mimic wrinkles.

  • With severe ptosis.

If you raise the corners of your eyebrows, and upper eyelid still hidden skin fold, your doctor will recommend combining an endoscopic brow and forehead lift with blepharoplasty or a transpalberal lift.

  • With active facial expressions.

If deep mimic wrinkles have formed on the forehead and bridge of the nose, lifting will help eliminate them, but they will appear again. To get rid of the problem, some time after the facelift, you can inject Botox or similar drugs.

How to choose the most effective brow and forehead lifting technique?

In this matter, it is entirely worth trusting plastic surgeon- the doctor takes into account many factors and will recommend the most effective method carrying out the operation. Therefore, in order to get an excellent result, it is important to find a qualified specialist.

The skill of a surgeon can be most objectively assessed by photographs of patients before and after surgery. See photos of work. Patients do not lose their individuality, the skin does not look tight, but at the same time the look becomes open, light, and wrinkles, even deep ones, disappear. A plastic surgeon with such qualifications (physician the highest category, Candidate of Medical Sciences), without a doubt, you can trust the care of the beauty of the face.

Men and women all over the world strive to cheat the time and look attractive at any age. Up to 30-35 years, this can be done using the forces of the body, after which you have to resort to various beauty procedures.

Modern cosmetology offers a lot of options for solving this problem, ranging from hardware methods of rejuvenation to plastic surgery.

The golden mean among these methods can be called endoscopic lifting. The procedure gives a visible and lasting result with minimal surgical intervention and recovery time.

Endoscopic facelift is a minimally invasive procedure that allows you to remove age-related changes in the face. Its essence lies in the fact that the surgeon makes only 3-4 incisions no more than 10 mm long and corrects the face with the help of miniature instruments and an endoscope.

The client does not have to worry about possible traces of surgical intervention - incisions are made on the scalp, in the mouth and behind the ears, so they are not visible.

A feature of endoscopic lifting is the ability to tighten during the operation not only the skin, but also the muscles and even move the subcutaneous fatty tissue without cutting off the skin. Due to the minor trauma, patients return to their usual way of life much faster than after a classic facelift.

For the ability to quickly simulate the relief and contours of the face in European countries and the United States, an endoscopic facelift is called a seamless facelift.

Results of endoscopic lifting:

  • clear facial contours;
  • lack of wings and a second chin;
  • smoothing wrinkles on the forehead, crow's feet, nasolabial folds;
  • eyebrow shape correction;
  • the formation of cheekbones;
  • open look.

The operation is taking into account anatomical structure face, nerve endings are not affected, so the result is as natural as possible. The effect lasts on average from 5 to 7 years, but the right lifestyle, careful facial care can extend it up to 10.

Endoscopic lifting is performed for men and women over 35 years old in a clinic under general anesthesia. The final result can be assessed in a month, when the tissues heal.

Varieties of the procedure

There are 3 main types of endoscopic lifting, depending on the area of ​​influence. Often, the operation is combined with other procedures to achieve the maximum effect of rejuvenation.

Lift in the upper third of the face

Allows you to get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, near the eyes, between the eyebrows. During the operation, the surgeon has the opportunity to raise the corners of the eyes, change the position or shape of the eyebrows. The procedure can be performed simultaneously with blepharoplasty or lipolifting of the frontal zone.

During the operation, small incisions are made 2-3 cm above the hair growth, tissues are tightened and fixed with small screws and bio-glue.

Mid face lift

It is carried out through incisions on a third of the face with inside mouth and temples. This type of facelift allows you to get rid of nasolabial folds, bags and wrinkles under the eyes, and models the cheekbones. The procedure is often performed simultaneously with plastic surgery of the nose and upper eyelids.

Lower face lift

Allows you to get rid of the second chin, ptosis, wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle, models the oval of the face and eliminates wrinkles in the décolleté. During the operation, the surgeon tightens the lower tissues through incisions under the chin and behind the ears. Lifting of this zone can be carried out simultaneously with liposuction.

The sutures are removed on day 10, after which the client can return to their previous lifestyle with some restrictions.

All three types can be performed at the same time, but plastic surgeons recommend taking a break to restore tissue for at least a few days.

Advantages and disadvantages of endoscopic lifting

Endoscopic lifting is very popular among women and men due to its high efficiency with minimal surgical intervention.

Advantages of the operation:

  1. Minimally invasive procedure. During the facelift, the surgeon makes 2-4 small incisions that are absolutely invisible even with close contact.
  2. The procedure allows you to solve several problems at the same time.
  3. Noticeable and lasting results. The operation allows clients to look 7-10 years younger, the effect is immediately visible and lasts for at least 5 years.
  4. The face looks absolutely natural, there is no excessive tension of the skin and noticeable scars.
  5. Short recovery time.
  6. The risk of complications is minimized due to the fact that the surgeon controls his actions on the screen, which means that there is practically no risk of damage to nerve endings, blood vessels and lymph flow.

Endoscopic facelift is a minimally invasive, but still an operation, so we must not forget about the disadvantages:

  • the operation is performed under general anesthesia;
  • possible infection of tissues in the postoperative period.

Another, perhaps, the main drawback of endoscopic lifting for the majority is the high cost.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

Endoscopic lifting is recommended for men and women over the age of 35 in the following situations:

  • drooping of the eyebrows and corners of the eyes;
  • horizontal and vertical wrinkles on the forehead;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • crow's feet;
  • deep nasolabial folds;
  • ptosis of the upper eyelid;
  • sunken cheeks;
  • blurred facial contours;
  • skin laxity;
  • drooping corners of the lips.

Endoscopic lifting allows you to quickly get rid of the gloomy facial expression that appears in some with the onset of age-related changes.

Like any surgical intervention, endoscopic lifting has contraindications for carrying out:

  • intolerance to anesthesia;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • high pressure;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • damage and inflammation on the skin in the area of ​​intervention;
  • malignant tumors;
  • pathological mental disorders.

Endoscopic facelift is ineffective after 50 years, and after 60 it does not bring the desired result at all.

Step-by-step description of the operation

Before undergoing an endoscopic facelift, be sure to full examination organism, which is carried out permanently in the clinic for 1-2 days and includes:

  • electrocardiogram;
  • blood analysis;
  • determination of drug sensitivity.

During the examination, the plastic surgeon simulates the desired result on the computer, determines the place and extent of the intervention. In some cases, additional procedures are prescribed 2-3 weeks before the operation. It can be biorevitalization, mesotherapy, plasmolifting.

Before surgery, some restrictions must be observed:

  • 2 weeks to exclude tobacco and alcohol;
  • make the diet as balanced as possible, postpone the diet until the period of full recovery;
  • 2-3 days before the procedure, do not drink coffee, energy drinks and blood thinners;
  • on the eve of the operation, food should be light;
  • on the day of endoscopic lifting, it is forbidden to eat and drink water.

The operation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Intravenous administration of anesthesia. The dosage and type of drug is selected individually for each patient.
  2. Making cuts in the selected area. An endoscope (a thin device with a video camera that transmits an image on the screen) is inserted into one, and surgical instruments into the other.
  3. Performing manipulations: deletion subcutaneous tissue, tightening the skin, moving and fixing muscle fibers.
  4. Fixation of the skin to the bone with small surgical screws, the suture is fastened with biogel.
  5. Applying a fixing bandage. It is worn until the removal of screws and sutures, it is removed only for antiseptic treatment.

The facelift operation lasts from 1 to 4 hours, the duration depends on the affected area and the presence of additional procedures. work of the heart and arterial pressure controlled by special devices.

Within 2 days after the facelift, the patient remains in the clinic for observation and control of the condition, after which he is discharged home. The sutures are removed on the 7-10th day, the rehabilitation process does not take longer than 2 weeks, after which you can return to preoperative life.

To accelerate tissue healing and reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to follow some prescriptions:

  • do not wash your hair until the stitches are removed;
  • do not use a hair dryer for a month;
  • 7-10 days to sleep only on a high pillow in a half-sitting position;
  • give up decorative cosmetics for 2 weeks;
  • treat the sutures daily with an antiseptic, if the operation affected the oral mucosa, use decoctions medicinal herbs or special formulations;
  • exclude any physical exercise for a month;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes bad habits slow down the healing of sutures);
  • do not visit the pool, sauna, beach for 30-40 days;
  • do not do peeling and facial massage until tissue is completely restored;
  • minimize facial expressions.

To accelerate the healing of tissues, cold compresses and drugs that improve blood circulation are prescribed.

In the video you can see the process of the endoscopic facelift operation and the result, which is the result.

Possible consequences

After endoscopic lifting within 10-15 days, there is a slight discomfort, there is swelling and bruising.

These consequences of surgical intervention disappear without a trace at the end of the rehabilitation process. Scars are visible on close examination up to 3 months, then they begin to lighten and dissolve.

Complications after an endoscopic facelift are extremely rare. It could be:

  1. Infection, inflammation of the tissues on the face due to violation of sanitary standards during the operation or neglect after them.
  2. Scars that stand out above the surface of the skin. A defect occurs due to the characteristics of the patient's skin. Special creams for scars will help get rid of them, in severe cases, plastic surgery is required.
  3. Decreased sensitivity of the skin near the incisions. Most often, the syndrome occurs in heavy smokers, less often due to damage to nerve endings. In most cases, sensitivity is fully restored within a year.
  4. Hyperpigmentation in the area of ​​scars. The problem does not require treatment - skin color is restored on its own in 6-8 months.
  5. Change in facial expressions or facial asymmetry. The reason for this complication is the mistake of the surgeon, damage to the muscle and nerve fibers. Recovery requires a second operation, less often facial features return to their previous state on their own.
  6. Hair loss, bald patches in the area of ​​scars The defect disappears after the removal of scar tissue.

To avoid such complications, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a clinic and a plastic surgeon, study reviews and look at photos of patients from several aesthetic medicine institutions. It is equally important to follow all the recommendations received after the operation.

Review of the procedure

I can safely call myself a frequenter of beauty salons and cosmetologists. To preserve youth and attractiveness, I tried most of the existing procedures. In general, the condition of the skin is quite decent, but with age, the face seems to have slipped down.

At the next visit to the clinic, I met a girl with a bandage on her head in the hall. How surprised I was that she is 50 years old, but she looks at most 35. As it turned out, she came to remove stitches after endoscopic lifting.

Naturally, the procedure interested me, I began to read forums and consult with plastic surgeons in various clinics. About a year later, I decided to have an endoscopic facelift. I passed tests at the clinic, they told me how the operation goes, what it feels like after.

On the day of the facelift, my hair was separated, anesthesia was given, and I was sent to the operating room. The procedure took about 4 hours, the face did not look very pleasant - bruises, severe swelling and an uncomfortable fixing bandage.

I stayed in the clinic for a day, after which I drove home. Driving was uncomfortable - it was difficult and painful to turn your head.

The first day at home, I began to regret that I decided on the procedure - my face was very sore and the swelling did not go away for 3 days. For a week I wiped the stitches with alcohol, slept half-sitting and took painkillers.

A week later, I was allowed to wash my hair, on the tenth day there were practically no traces of surgical intervention on my face (except for a slight swelling), and I calmly went out into the world.

The face smoothed out, almost all wrinkles disappeared, the contours became like those of a young girl, even the look became more cheerful.

After 4 weeks, I was able to go to work and surprised my colleagues with the changes that had taken place. I don’t talk about the operation, I keep the intrigue!

4 months have passed, the reflection in the mirror pleases, but I still can’t afford to collect my hair - scars behind my ears are visible. The doctor said that they would disappear in a year and a half.

Despite the high price and painful recovery period for me, I plan to do it again when the results come to naught.

Marina Rusakova, 43 years old

Endoscopic lifting is an effective way to lose 5-10 years in one procedure. After a short recovery period, the face will retain beautiful outlines and firm skin for at least 5 years.

Actually, the signs of aging are considered not so much the appearance, since the latter are formed according to different reasons how much wrinkling and omission of tissues. The latter, ceteris paribus, appears with weakening of the muscles of the face, loss of elasticity and a noticeable decrease in skin elasticity.

It is these symptoms that are signs of aging and it is they that are designed to be removed.

What is Endoscopic Midface Lift?

The face ages unevenly: first, the middle part changes, then, oddly enough, later than everyone else. The middle zone refers to the area of ​​the face between horizontal lines passing at the level of the eyebrows and nostrils. Moreover, the nasolabial folds are included in the middle part, since their presence depends on the state of the muscles located here.

Signs of "fatal" changes are:

  • tear trough- a sharp, well-marked border between the cheek and the lower eyelid;
  • high lower eyelid- the distance between the ciliary margin and the lacrimal sulcus. At the same time, the lower edge of the eye does not touch the iris, that is, the eyelid is not pulled up;
  • zygomatic pouch- a relief formation below the lacrimal sulcus and slightly to the side. Formed by overhanging skin rather than zygomatic bone;
  • nasolabial fold- appears when the skin of the cheek hangs on the side of the nose.

It is worth noting that the upper part of the area around the eyes refers to the upper part of the face, and the lower part to the middle. The eyes seem to focus on themselves early signs aging, and therefore the rejuvenation of this zone dramatically reduces the visible age.

The middle part of the face ages earlier than others, and therefore it is corrected at the age of 40, and even at 35. Used for this various methods, however, endoscopic in this case is most suitable. The fact is that the method belongs to minimally invasive surgery, that is, minimal surgical intervention is assumed. In practice, this means the presence of incisions of a minimum size - up to 2 cm, and the operation without excision of the skin. The surgeon peels off the saggy skin covering, shifts muscle tissue, removes excess fat if necessary, and redistributes the skin.

The operation carried out in this way is accompanied by a minimal loss of blood, since the exfoliation of the skin occurs in a layer depleted in capillaries. And this, in turn, causes a minimum of bruising and, as well as the fastest possible recovery.

Depending on the scale of the changes, the timing of the operation may be different. With a circular eye lift, it will take 1.5–2 hours, and you can do without local anesthesia. With a total change in the middle part of the face, 2-3 hours are needed and under general anesthesia.

What is an endoscopic midface lift, the video below will tell:

Features of the procedure

Endoscopic lifting differs from or other possible options not only in the actual technique of implementation, but also in the method of lifting. Obviously, sagging of the skin is possible due to its excess, which means that a facelift involves the removal of this “extra” part. In fact, this can be dispensed with, but the technique of the operation also changes.

In normal cases, incisions are made near the ears, where the excess skin is excised. With an endoscopic facelift, the incision is made under the eyelashes of the lower eyelid, as is done with conventional blepharoplasty, that is, the skin on the middle part of the face is pulled vertically. At the same time, folds remain on the sides of the orbit, which cannot be excised, since scars will be noticeable here. This deficiency is corrected either with the help of a temporal lift, or left to the mercy of time.

The fact is that the initial result - 2-3 days after the operation, is not preserved. There is a so-called "shrinkage". On the one hand, the result of hypercorrection disappears in 2 months, when there is a feeling of tightened skin, on the other hand, the fold on the side of the orbit is also redistributed.

A mid-zone lift is easily combined with blepharoplasty. More precisely, the lower eyelid lift is performed automatically, as it is part of the operation. But the top change is optional. As a rule, patients combine circumferential blepharoplasty with a mid-zone lift, as this provides the maximum result.

It is worth noting another feature of the procedure. An endoscopic vertical lift requires a highly skilled surgeon, while a lateral lift with an incision near the ear can be performed by any plastic surgeon.

Photos before and after


The most noticeable and appear before all. Accordingly, such an operation is indicated for relatively young women and men - at the age of 35-40 years. It is used to correct the following age signs:

  • decreased muscle tone of the cheeks and skin, omission of tissues;
  • relief formations associated with sagging skin - and on the cheekbones;
  • nasolabial folds of varying severity;
  • omission of the corner of the eye, corner of the lips;
  • deformation of the lower eyelid, which appeared as a result of incorrectly performed plastic surgery - eversion, retraction, omission;
  • deep lacrimal grooves.

Wrinkles by themselves are not an indication for surgery. Surgical intervention required when it comes to tissue displacement.


Contraindications for minimally invasive surgery methods are quite standard. This fully applies to the facelift.

Contraindications are:

  • - usually for those cases when the intervention is required to be carried out under general anesthesia;
  • - any manipulations with the skin in this condition do not give a result, and the healing of even small incisions is very difficult;
  • mental disorders;
  • or ;
  • acute infectious diseases or inflammation - the operation is possible after healing;
  • serious facial injury;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • thyroid disease;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

The operation is not performed with strong age-related changes and. As a rule, it is observed in 50-60 years. In this case, it is impossible to do without excision of excess skin tissue.

How the operation goes, the specialist will tell in this video:

How is it carried out

Endoscopic mid-face lift is performed using 2 main technologies. Any of them involves cuts of minimal size, but their placement and number differ. The preparatory and recovery stages are the same.

Before and after the


Although a facelift is a minimally invasive method, you should prepare for it thoroughly enough.

  1. First of all, the doctor determines the method and scale of the operation and the fundamental possibility of its implementation. That is, for example, the absence diabetes in history.
  2. Then the patient is required to take certain tests to evaluate general state:
    • - obligatory stage;
    • blood test -, for sugar, for clotting,;
  3. 2-3 weeks before surgery, the patient should and. These factors too strongly affect the condition of the tissues.
  4. In addition, it is recommended not to follow strict diets either during preparation or later, as weight loss negatively affects the result of a facelift.
  5. On the day of the operation, the patient must take all prescribed drugs - antiviral and anti-inflammatory, in order to minimize possible consequences.


A distinctive feature of endoscopic intervention is the ability to observe the surgical field. With this procedure, silicone tubes are inserted into the incisions made, along which the instruments and the endoscope move - the lighting system and the camera. Thus, the surgeon during all actions receives a two-dimensional image, which, in fact, allows you to get by with a small incision, or even a puncture of the skin.

To correct the middle zone of the face, there are 2 main methods.

Check lifting

Check-lifting is a vertical skin tightening performed under general anesthesia. The operation lasts from 40 to 90 minutes. Usually combined with lower eyelid surgery. The use of endoscopic equipment makes it possible to prevent complications common for such operations, such as the “round eye” effect, eyelid sub eversion, and others.

  1. The incision is made along the edge of the lower eyelid in a natural fold, so that its traces are invisible. Then the muscle fibers are tightened and strengthened in order to reduce the distance between the edge of the eyelid and the tear trough and displace the buccal muscles.
  2. The skin is peeled off and then redistributed accordingly.
  3. Muscles and skin are fixed in the desired position with special thin plates - endotines, 3.5 to 4.5 mm long. The staples are made from a biocompatible material that can be absorbed naturally. The specific design - with tweezers, allows you to evenly distribute the load.

Endotins disappear within a year, there is no need to remove them. During this time, a new connective tissue has time to form, which fixes the muscles and skin in the desired position.

Before and after

Bilateral lifting

Another way is a bilateral midsection lift. In this case, there are more cuts and they are located differently. The area from the temples to the middle of the cheeks is leveled by stretching the skin through incisions in the scalp. They are located above the ear. Nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth are removed through incisions in the oral mucosa. This method is more traumatic. The operation is performed only under general anesthesia and takes longer.

A one-time lift from both sides through one incision is not possible. Nerve nodes are located in the middle third of the cheeks, if they are damaged, a long-term numbness of this part occurs, asymmetry of facial expressions from different sides of the face is possible. Therefore, the lift is carried out in 2 stages and through different incisions.

Scars on the temples are hidden by hair. The seams on the oral mucosa heal very quickly and easily due to the regenerative properties of this tissue.


Within 2 weeks after the lift, hematomas, edema, or even seromas persist - the accumulation of lymphatic fluid around the suture. These symptoms are normal and go away on their own. Completely all evidence of the operation disappear after 3-4 weeks.

  1. On the first day, the patient is on bed rest. Wearing a compression bandage is mandatory. If severe discomfort is observed, pain medications are used to suppress them.
  2. Usually the dressing is worn for 4-5 days if there are no complications.
  3. The stitches are removed after 7-10 days. This is a completely painless procedure.
  4. In the first month after a facelift, it is important not to provoke. During this time, physical activity is prohibited, including a swimming pool, and even an active sex life.
  5. During this time, physical activity is prohibited, including the pool and even active sex life.
  6. You can not visit saunas and baths. Wash your hair with warm water, and dry your hair only with cool air.

You should refrain from smoking and drinking strong drinks. One of the main causes of slow, poor stitch healing is smoking.

Facelift is a popular aesthetic surgery session. A facelift is often performed surgically. But you can do without it, then we will talk about minimally invasive methods of recovery, for example, one of these methods is an endoscopic facelift.

Surgical intervention of the middle zone

The operation on this area of ​​the face makes it possible to remove large wrinkles and folds on the nose, around the lips, as well as reduce swelling of the cheeks, remove small wrinkles on the lower eyelids and skin roughness. First, the doctor makes four incisions of 2 cm each (2 in the temporal part and 2 in the mouth under the upper lip).

Then, through these incisions, he separates the soft tissues from the periosteum, shifts them and fixes them with special plates, one side of which is fixed to the temporal membrane or zygomatic semicircle, the other to the muscles of the skin. If you need to remove the swelling of the cheeks, then the doctor removes a little internal fat, and then sew up the puncture holes with self-absorbable threads.

Endoscopic facelift of the mid-mid face is done together with blepharoplasty of the eyelids in the lower part, rhinoplasty, as well as SMAS-lifting (surgical tightening of the muscular-aponeurotic layer).

Useful video on the topic

Bottom lift

The next lift makes it possible to create a beautiful neck-chin corner, lift the corners of the lips and eliminate skin ptosis in the cheek area. When operating on the lower part of the face, the doctor makes 1 incision under the chin, through which he will remove excess adipose tissue, 2 in the temporal part (to correct the soft muscles of the cheeks and tighten the corners of the lips).

Such an endoscope lift is carried out simultaneously with the removal of an excess chin (removal of internal fat deposits by vacuum) and platysmaplasty (deep neck plastic surgery).

Endoscopic forehead procedure

An endoscopic forehead lift is also called an upper endoscopic lift. And they carry it out with the following indications:

  • forehead wrinkles;
  • changing the position of the eyelids and eyebrows;
  • nasal wrinkles.

During this procedure, two holes are made in the skin, near the hairline. Next, tissue is cut under the camera, where the muscles are attached to relax them. Thus, all the muscles shift the eyebrows to the lower direction, from which mimic wrinkles and folds are smoothed out.

To remove wrinkles on the forehead with the help of an endoscope, soft tissues are separated from the bone with further connection and fixation with biodegradable plates. On the forehead, the skin is pushed up and secured with a medical adhesive. With the help of a camera, the doctor clearly sees all the nerves, lymphatic and blood vessels.

Endoscopic forehead lift helps to remove frown lines and forehead wrinkles, slightly raise the eyebrows and their outer tip, so that the face becomes fresh and attractive.

After this procedure, the skin of the face is covered slight swelling, which disappear after 2 weeks, and the scar is formed in 60 days.

There are a large number cosmetic preparations and cosmetic facial skin care procedures that have a rejuvenating effect:,. With their help, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in her condition. However, there comes a point when these remedies become powerless against loss of elasticity and gravitational ptosis. The desired effect can be obtained if you turn to a plastic surgeon in time. The latest technique in plastic surgery This is an endoscopic facelift. It allows you to achieve amazing results.

What is the age-related changes in the face

This problem is faced by patients starting from the age of 30-40, as well as those who have lost weight in a short period of time. Due to a decrease in synthesis, a decrease in the content of collagen and elastin fibers, the skin loses its firmness and elasticity.

Changes are especially susceptible to tissue in the area of ​​mimic muscles. When the latter contract, the skin forms folds in the most mobile parts of the face, which are smoothed out when the mimic muscles relax. With increasing age, this ability is increasingly lost due to increased fragility and slower recovery of collagen and elastin fibers, the folds become deeper.

Fatty tissue, located in the area of ​​the zygomatic bones, descends, pulling the skin. As a result of this, furrows are formed at the nose, in the corners of the eyes, bags under the eyes, fall and hang over upper eyelid tissues located in the region of the superciliary arches.

The constant reflex contraction of the forehead muscles, aimed at holding tissues, leads to an ever greater deepening of the frontal longitudinal furrows and vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. The fatty tissue under the skin in the cheek area gradually descends, deepening the nasolabial folds and forming the so-called “folds of sadness” in the corners of the mouth, and the chin sags.

Progressive tissue atrophy exacerbates all these processes. Most noticeably they affect the middle zone of the face. It takes on a somewhat gloomy, preoccupied and tired look. On it, as in a mirror, the aging of the body is reflected, which greatly affects psychological state people, especially women. get rid of long time these changes are helped by endoscopic facelift.

Idea about the operation and indications

Endoscopic facelift is the most modern way in plastic surgery in the fight against aging. It is the most effective compared to all other methods.

The endoscopic method consists in using a flexible plastic device with a miniature optical and powerful lighting systems (endoscope). Through it, the whole picture in a significantly enlarged form is transmitted to the monitor screen. Through one of the punctures in the skin, the endoscope itself is inserted, through the others - the appropriate instruments, with the help of which manipulations are carried out on detachment, tightening and fixation of tissues. The operation is performed under general anesthesia for 1-4 hours.

The advantages of endoscopic facelift are:

  1. Safety and absence of traces after the operation.
  2. Minor injury. If, when using other methods, large incisions had to be made to provide access to the necessary tissues, then with endoscopic lifting, in most cases, 2-5 point punctures are sufficient (depending on the volume of the operation). This allows you to act locally precisely in those areas and on those tissues that need to be moved, tightened and, accordingly, rejuvenated.
  3. Opportunities to achieve a more stable and high-quality aesthetic result that lasts for many years (sometimes for life). The operation is performed on the deepest layers of tissues. Endoscopy makes it possible to separate from the bones, without affecting their structure, the entire array of soft tissues and move them entirely.
  4. Minimum number postoperative complications in the form of hemorrhages and loss of sensitivity in certain areas due to damage to nerve endings. This is due to a large increase in the operated area and the ability to bypass even small vessels and nerves without damage.
  5. Short rehabilitation period and preservation of natural facial features.

Types of endoscopic lifting

Temporal regions and forehead

Endoscopic operations to lift the skin of the forehead and temporal areas are called upper endoscopic lifting, indications for which:

  • Transverse and longitudinal wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Low drooping eyelids or eyebrows.
  • Wrinkles at the root of the nose and in the area above the bridge of the nose.

Surgical intervention is carried out from two punctures in the hair growth zone. Under the control of a video camera, tissues are dissected at the points of muscle fixation to relax them. These muscles move the eyebrows downward, resulting in the formation of folds and mimic wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.

To eliminate frontal wrinkles with the help of endoscopic equipment, soft tissues are separated from the bone, followed by their displacement and fixation with special biodegradable plates. On the forehead, the skin is shifted upward and strengthened with special glue. The camera makes it possible to view the nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels in an enlarged form.

This type of braces allows you to:

  • get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows and wrinkles on the forehead;
  • raise overhanging eyebrows;
  • raise the outer ends of the eyebrows, which gives the face an “open” look, freshness and vivacity.

There are no hemorrhages after the operation. Puffiness disappears within 10 days, which makes it possible to return to labor activity. The full formation of the scar takes about 2 months.

Endoscopic midface lift

This area is the most difficult to correct with all types of circular lift. In some cases, endoscopic lifting is combined with other anti-aging interventions - or blepharoplasty. Indications for the application of the technique are:

  • Decrease in volume of cheeks and flabbiness of skin.
  • Deep nasolabial folds.
  • Bags under the eyes.
  • Omission of the eyelids, corners of the mouth, skin of the infraorbital region.

To perform a mid-face lift, surgeons practice the following techniques:

check-lifting- is a complex rejuvenation of the middle zone from incisions in the lower eyelid; this allows you to correct changes in the infraorbital region, the region of the zygomatic bones to the zone of nasolabial folds;

temporal or temporal lifting, in which access is carried out from the incisions of the mucosa upper lip, in the temporal zones and in the region of the lower eyelid using ultra-thin fixators made of biomaterials (); the technique makes it possible to give the face a natural look when lifting the cheeks.

Lower face area

The lower zone is the edge mandible and the area of ​​the angle between the chin and the neck. If changes in this area occur only due to the accumulation of adipose tissue, correction can be carried out using classical liposuction or. But more often this is due to age-related aging of tissues, in which they “hanging” under the lower jaw, the formation of a double or triple chin with the formation of deep skin folds on the cheeks and around the mouth, wrinkles on the neck, and the disappearance of clear outlines of the face oval. The degree of such changes is influenced by the size and shape of the lower jaw: if it is small, then the contour of the lower zone is not expressed even in youth.

Surgical endoscopic lifting of the lower face area is carried out through the main access under the chin and auxiliary - behind the ears. In this case, excess adipose tissue is excised. With flabbiness of the skin of the neck and under the chin, a partial resection of the subcutaneous cervical muscle is additionally performed. The latter is sutured and moved.

If the lower contour is broken due to enlarged salivary submandibular glands, they are resected. With underdevelopment of the lower jaw, the desired effect is achieved with the help of additional plastics with implants. Thus, endoscopic facelift and neck lift are carried out simultaneously.

The use of isolated lower endoscopic lifting is indicated only for people of young and middle age in the absence of pronounced sagging of tissues in the chin and cervical regions.

General contraindications

Endoscopic facial rejuvenation is surgical technique, which is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  1. Infectious.
  2. Inflammatory local character.
  3. Vessels and heart.
  4. Systemic autoimmune.
  5. Diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation.
  6. Hypertension II-III stages.
  7. Changes in blood clotting.
  8. Renal or liver failure.

Endoscopic facelift surgery is rarely performed in isolation in any one area of ​​the face. Most often, a combination of various options is used with, the use of implants and. The highest results and the duration of their preservation can be achieved in people aged 30 to 50 years. Endoscopic lifting is the most effective operation in facial plastic surgery.