Development of communication skills in the English lesson. Development of communication skills in English lessons

The concept of "communicative competence"

Communicative competence is the ability to organize one's verbal and non-verbal behavior adequately to the tasks of communication.

Based on the communicative approach, in the process of teaching foreign languages ​​it is necessary to form the ability to communicate in a foreign language, or in other words, to acquire communicative competence. Communicative competence implies the ability to use all types of speech activity: reading, listening, speaking (monologue, dialogue), writing.

The process of communication in a foreign language is studied not only as a process of transmitting and receiving information, but also as a regulation of relations between partners, the establishment of various kinds of interaction, as the ability to assess, analyze the situation of communication, subjectively assess one's communicative potential and make the necessary decision.

The leading component in communicative competence is speech (communicative) skills, which are formed on the basis of:

a) language skills and abilities;

b) linguistic and regional knowledge.

The principle of communicative orientation determines the selection and organization of educational material: topics, areas of communication, communication situations that are possible under given conditions. The topic regulates and minimizes the speech behavior of the interlocutors. It provides them with interaction in a meaningful way (what you can learn to speak, read, write about), otherwise it is impossible to minimize the amount of language material and at the same time maintain the communicative nature of learning and its focus on achieving practically significant goals.

The principle of communicative orientation in teaching should permeate the entire educational process. Reliance on it should take place when presenting language material so that students see its communicative function, i.e. knew that it is possible to communicate with the help of a given language unit, what to learn about, what to express when training and mastering the material and when applying it in solving communicative problems.

To implement the principle of communicative orientation, the teacher needs the following:

1. When introducing a word, phrase, grammatical phenomenon, select a situation that would show students the action of this unit in communication: what can be communicated, learned, named, expressed with its help.

2. Since the assimilation of the material is possible with repeated repetition, provide students with "repetition without repetition", which is achieved by introducing something slightly new into the statement according to the situation, based on the actual learning conditions in a particular group of students.

3. It is known that oral communication is an active interaction between the speaker and the listener. Make it so that in the course of mastering the material you can ensure the active participation of the students themselves, each of them in this process. Do not act as the only source that stimulates the process of communication.

4. Organizing communication based on the material being digested, create favorable conditions conducive to communication, so that students enjoy listening, speaking, reading and writing in the language being studied. Do not show your annoyance at the student's inability to complete the task, instill in them confidence that they are advancing in mastering the language, emphasize their successes more than failures.

5. When reading, pay the main attention of the student to the content-semantic side of what is being read, and for this, use tasks of a communicative nature more widely: what did you learn about, what did you read, how do you feel about it. Do not re-read the text without changing the task.

Thus, at the initial stage of learning, the principle of the communicative orientation of learningforeign language is the leading one, since the result of teaching students is the formation of their skills and abilities to use the language as a means of communication, albeit at a minimal level.

The main forms of educational communication.

    Monologic forms of speech communication

    Dialogical forms of speech communication

    Presentation with a pre-prepared speech

    Educational conversation between teacher and student


    Study conversation in pairs


    Study conversation in groups


    Role-playing game

    Blitz - tournament

    Project Protection

It should be noted that the most effective forms of educational communication are group or pair work of students,united for joint performance of any oral task. In the process of such work, students get rid of their inherent stiffness at first, show speech independence, try to correct each other, while getting an additional opportunity to speak out. Solving a specific task set by the teacher, students focus their attention on a specific topic and learn to use new and already known grammatical and lexical structures in situations as close as possible to real life.

But to teach communication in a foreign language to younger students who do not yet fully possess communicative skills in their native language is a very difficult and responsible task.

The success of teaching and the attitude of students to the subject largely depends on how interesting and emotionally the teacher conducts the lessons. But to solve the tasks set, additional training is required, work aimed at mastering both linguistic and informative material, the formation of certain communicative-cognitive actions. In other words, we need such tasks that, on the one hand, would provide appropriate communicative training, and on the other hand, would preserve the "authenticity" of the use of a foreign language. Such a method of communicative methodology in primary school is, as a rule, a communicative game that allows you to create all the conditions for communication: motives, goals and objectives of communication. Here is an example of a language task in which there is a (playful) motive and the purpose of the speech action: “An evil wizard has bewitched our animals, pets, birds, etc. To disenchant them (this is a playful motif), you need to say what color your dog is, cat, fish, etc. (this is the purpose of this speech action). Thus, the communicative task is common for everyone, the speech pattern is also common (My dog ​​is brown), and each child has his own communicative intention:

P 1 : My cat is white.

P 2 : My fish is red.

P 3: My dog ​​is black.

Those. the game, being the main activity of the child, makes it possible to make almost any language unit communicatively valuable.

Entertaining, game elements make it possible to overcome most of the difficulties associated with the conditional nature of foreign language communication and enhance the positive impact of foreign languages ​​on the formation of a person. In addition, the abundance of game situations, fairy tales is designed to create an atmosphere of joy, relaxedness and spontaneity in the classroom.

Summarizing all the above, we can draw the following conclusions:

1) mental development The child begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that occurs in the process of mastering communication skills and thanks to which the younger student receives the information necessary for his individual development. Communication is of great importance in the formation of the human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. Through communication, the junior schoolchild, thanks to the wide opportunities for learning, acquires all his highest productive abilities and qualities. Through active communication with developed personalities, he himself turns into a personality.

2) And English lessons not only have a positive effect on the development of mental functions of students primary school, their entry into the universal culture through communication in a new language for them, but also form the communication skills of younger students.

3) The methods of work used contribute to the development of dialogic and monologue speech, broadening the horizons of students, maintaining interest in learning English.

4) We must not forget that fundamental knowledge is laid in elementary school, and the future of the child depends on this.

Ways to form the communicative competence of younger students

Communication games.

As a rule, younger students pay attention first of all to what causes their direct interest. And the game, as you know, is the main activity of a child of preschool and primary school age. It serves as a kind of "common language" for all the guys. Using the game as one of the teaching methods foreign language greatly facilitates the educational process, makes it closer and more accessible to children. Moreover, gaming technologies correspond to the humanization of the pedagogical process. The game in the process of learning foreign languages ​​ceases to be just a fun activity and becomes a serious matter. Especially at a young age, the game is the leading activity of the child. The child's abilities in the game: statement about himself (I); a statement about another child (you); statement about objects, phenomena (the world); description of the main actions (here I am now, what are you doing); staging of action (correct, good, bad); desire to help express a request (give, help). Games should be aimed at achieving a game result. Game tasks in most cases are not individual in nature: the task is solved by the whole group, collectively overcoming all obstacles. Since the study of a foreign language should contribute to the moral education of children, children should see non-aggressive types of communication in games, they should learn to conduct a dialogue, listen and take into account the opinions of their classmates. The structure of the game as an activity of the individual includes the following stages: goal-setting; planning; goal realization; analysis of the results in which the person fully realizes himself as a subject.

The structure of the game as a process includes:

    the roles assumed by the players;

    game actions as a means of realizing these roles;

    playful use of objects, that is, the replacement of real things with playful, conditional ones;

    real relationships between the players;

    plot (content) - the area of ​​reality, conditionally reproduced in the game.

A game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, in which self-management of behavior is formed and improved.

The use of the game contributes to the communicative and active nature of learning, the psychological focus of the lessons on the development of speech-cogitative activity of students by means of the language being studied, the optimization of the intellectual activity of students in the educational process, the complexity of learning, its intensification and the development of group forms of work.

There are 2 main types of games:

competitive - games in which players or teams compete, compete to be the first to reach the goal;

· cooperative - games in which players and teams go together towards a common goal.

Communication games are a type of cooperative game because competitive elements or games that emphasize speed of execution violate the correct use of language.

Communication games should be distinguished from linguistic games:

    Communication games

    Linguistic games

    Organization of unprepared communication

    Solving linguistic problems

    Performing a specific task (drawing a route on a map, filling out a diagram, diagrams)

    Proper construction of sentence structure (language use)

    Successful Communication

    Correct speech

It follows from this table that the main goal of communicative games is not to solve linguistic problems, but to organize unprepared communication. The successful completion of a communicative game consists in performing a specific task (drawing a route on a map, filling in a diagram, diagram, or finding two matching pictures), rather than correctly building a sentence structure (using language).

Communication games are based on various technologies, such as filling in the blanks, guessing, searching, matching, exchange, accumulation or collection, combinations and card games, problems and riddles, role-playing and reproduction.

Project method

The project method has recently gained more and more supporters. It is aimed at developing the active independent thinking of the child and teaching him not only to memorize and reproduce the knowledge that the school gives him, but to be able to apply them in practice. This is carried out, is inherently creative and focused on the personality of the student. It implies a high level of individual and collective responsibility for the execution of each project development task. The joint work of a group of students on a project is inseparable from the active communicative interaction of students.

The topic of the project may be related to one subject area or be interdisciplinary in nature. When choosing a project topic, the teacher should focus on the interests and needs of students, their capabilities and personal significance of the work ahead, the practical significance of the result of the work on the project. A completed project can be presented in a variety of forms: an article, recommendations, an album, a collage, and many others. The forms of presentation of the project are also diverse: a report, a conference, a competition, a holiday, a performance. The main result of the work on the project will be the actualization of existing and the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities and their creative application in new conditions.

Work on the project is carried out in several stages and usually goes beyond the learning activities in the classroom: choosing a topic or project problem; formation of a group of performers; development of a work plan for the project, determination of deadlines; distribution of tasks among students; performance of tasks, discussion in the group of the results of each task; registration of a joint result; project report; evaluation of project implementation.

So, the main idea of ​​the project method is to shift the emphasis from different kind exercises for active mental activity of students in the course of joint creative work.

The project method is a comprehensive teaching method that allows you to individualize the educational process, enables the student to show independence in planning, organizing and controlling their activities.

One of the main features of project activities, in our opinion, is the focus on achieving a specific practical goal - a visual representation of the result, whether it is a drawing, application or essay.

In teaching English, the project method provides students with the opportunity to use the language in situations of real everyday life, which undoubtedly contributes to a better assimilation and consolidation of knowledge of a foreign language.

Non-traditional forms of lessons and the use of modern technical means.

Non-traditional forms of an English lesson are implemented, as a rule, after studying a topic, performing the functions of teaching control, and are carried out with the obligatory participation of all students. In such lessons, it is possible to achieve a variety of goals of a methodological, pedagogical and psychological nature, which can be summarized as follows:

The control of knowledge, skills and abilities of students on a certain topic is carried out;

A businesslike, working atmosphere is provided, a serious attitude of students to the lesson;

There is a minimum participation of the teacher in the lesson.
Methodically highly effective, implementing non-traditional forms of education, development and education of students are:

    integrated lessons

    lesson - lecture;

    lesson - travel;

    lesson - game;


    quiz lesson;

    video lesson;

    lesson conference;


    lesson - raffle

    heart-to-heart lesson

    project defense lesson


    excursion lesson

Among the trends of modern society, one can be traced that cannot be overlooked - this is the widespread computerization and informatization of many areas of human life. This is no coincidence: after all, the introduction of information and communication technologies makes it possible to increase the efficiency of human activity, as well as to make this activity more diverse. Information and communication technologies not only give students the opportunity to keep up with the times, but also make the learning process more interesting. Modern information and communication technologies implement the most important didactic principle - the principle of visibility. The objects presented by means of information and communication technologies are more informative, colorful, allow to consider the processes in a versatile way, while the proximity of knowledge to real life makes this knowledge more understandable. In addition, information and computer technologies make it possible to make learning problematic, creative, research-oriented.
The introduction of information technology solves issues related to the development of the student's personality, the formation of his emotional and cognitive-cognitive spheres.

The purpose of teaching a foreign language is the communicative activity of students, i.e. practical knowledge of a foreign language. The task of the teacher is to activate the activity of each student, to create situations for their creative activity in the learning process. The use of new information technologies not only enlivens and diversifies the educational process, but also opens up great opportunities for expanding the educational framework, undoubtedly carries a huge motivational potential and promotes the principles of individualization of learning.

Report on the theme "Development of communicative skills in English lessons". The main goal of teaching English in a modern school is to develop the personality of a student who is able to use English as a means of communication. Therefore, the principle of communication is the main principle of teaching English, in which speech skills and abilities are formed, i.e. competencies that are necessary to communicate in English within a certain topic.



MBOU secondary school No. 18, Almetyevsk



"The development of communication skills and

Skills in English lessons.

Made by English teacher

Aglyamova E.T.

Almetyevsk, 2012

The main goal of teaching English in a modern school isdevelopment of the student's personality, able to use English as a means of communication.

I believe that the result of learning English is achieved in the process of personal-communicative learning.

The principle of communication is the main principle of teaching English, in which speech skills and abilities are formed, i.e. competencies that are necessary to communicate in English within a certain topic.

Communicative competence includes both the development of communicative phenomena (the ability to read and understand what is read, to carry out dialogical communication, the ability to make short monologue messages, the ability to convey information in writing), and the development of general educational skills (work with a textbook, dictionary, reference book, etc.)

The communicative method is intended primarily for teaching speaking.

The condition of communicative competence is the formation of motivation. Practice shows that motivation is facilitated by visibility, discussions, project activities of students, games, especially role-playing games at the senior level of education, etc.

Students express their point of view more easily using the studied vocabulary with the help of visual supports. Visual aids, which are informative in nature, evoke the need to express one's thoughts and perceive the oral messages of comrades. (slide)

For example, I use a toy to introduce prepositions of place. By its location, children guess about the translation of prepositions. After that, we fix these prepositions in phrases and sentences, describe the pictures.

When explaining the material, I place cards with new words on the board, and next to them the corresponding pictures. Students read the words and guess their meaning from the picture.

Problem-based learning also contributes to the development of communicative competence. I.S. Kon believes that “the only way to evoke a deep emotional response in a teenager is to put him in front of a problem that is close to him, forcing him to think and formulate a conclusion on his own.” The problem question helps students to realize the purpose of educational activity, which in turn affects the formation of its positive motives.

What happens if...? Purpose: formation and activation of the skills and abilities of question-answer interaction using statements such as sentences, reporting opinions, etc.

Everyone receives one or two sentences written on a card, using which they can answer the questions: “What will happen if ...?”. All players answer the question in a chain.

Most effective form organization of educational activities of students in solving research problems, I consider group work. In this case, speech skills and abilities are improved in the process of interpersonal communication. Group work ensures the individual development of each child, the formation of interpersonal intelligence, and this, in turn, means a high development of communication skills. It is clear that the ability to master the English language in children is different. Some easily master the material and the corresponding speech skills. Others, despite great efforts on their part, fail to achieve the same results, no matter how hard they try.. Therefore, in group work, it is possible to implement a multi-level approach and provide students with different abilities with multi-level tasks.

To express my own thoughts, develop creative abilities, develop the ability to think outside the box, imagination, fantasy and independence, I use the project method. It is very important that when using this method in teaching, the student himself (or a group of students) decides what the project will contain and how he will present it. When choosing tasks, I rely on the fact that they correspond to the level at which the student is located. The student feels in a different capacity, he knows that he can express his thoughts, and this, in turn, increases the motivation for learning, the growth of communicative competence.

In the course of English in the teaching and learning department of MZ Biboletova, after the completion of each topic, the creation of a project work.I use this method widely in elementary, middle and senior levels. Pupils do design work and defend. In the beginning of the class “Alphabet”, “Fairy-tale country that we will visit on next year”, “My friend”, in the middle link “They were the first”, “Healthy food”, “Food”, “How to save nature”, in the senior classes “Ideal teenager”, “Discoveries”, “London”, “Robots: good or bad?" etc.

In order for a person to be comfortable in life situations, he needs to be able to model communication situations. For this purpose, I use the game in the lessons.

Especially in the primary grades, I give a big role to the game. During the game, students develop skills, develop speech skills, they learn to communicate, remember speech material.

In the lessons I use different types of games, for example, “snowball”, games for memorization, thinking, speech development, speaking “boaster competition”, “the best pupil of the year”, “Whose sun is brighter?”, “ Tic-tac-toe", "Field of Miracles", etc.

In a normal discussion, an insecure student can keep silent, and in the process of playing, everyone gets a role and becomes a partner, and what is very important, the training material is worked out well. The game itself causes the need for communication, stimulates interest in participating in communication in English.

Role play also motivates speech activity.

The role-playing game allows you to simulate situations of real communication and is distinguished, first of all, by the freedom and spontaneity of the speech and non-verbal behavior of the characters. A role-playing game assumes the presence of a certain number of characters, as well as a game problem situation in which the participants of the game act. Each participant during the game organizes his behavior depending on the behavior of his partners and his communicative goal. The outcome of the game should be the resolution of the conflict. In high school, I use role-playing games such as “What are the differences”, “Plan of the city”, “Restoration of the story”, “Complete and pass the task” ...

In general, communicative competence includes both the development of communicative phenomena and the development of general educational skills.










Place of work: municipal educational institution

secondary school No. 53 in Irkutsk

Job title : English teacher

highest qualification category

March 2015


AT modern world It's hard to imagine life without communication. The need for communication is a vital necessity. It is in a foreign language lesson that a teacher can and should form and develop the communicative competence of students, that is, the readiness of students to communicate, to achieve mutual understanding in communication. The development of students' ability to communicate in a foreign language is one of the main goals of teaching foreign languages ​​at school.

In foreign language lessons, students learn to request and report information. So, in the 5th grade, children are happy to ask each other about the interests and hobbies of themselves and their families. In the 10th grade, while working on the text "In the international camp", the students represented "their" countries: Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Russia and answered the questions of their friends. The questions required not short answers “yes”, “no”, but complete ones, based on knowledge of the culture, education system, politics and economics, geography and sights of these countries.

Communication skills are formed during the joint activities of students. This can be done more successfully when using design technology. While working on a group project, there is a need for communication, the ability to distribute responsibilities, and to organize assistance to each other. All members of the group are united by a common goal - to prepare a project and present it to the class.

It is very important to teach children to correctly evaluate the work of their classmates, starting with positive moments, with what they liked. I teach the guys to reward their friends with applause for the presentation.

Communicative competence involves the ability of students to express their opinions, agreement and disagreement / I think you are right; I think the same; I don't quite agree with you; I do not think so; I'm afraid you're wrong, etc. / give an assessment, express your feelings and emotions. The teacher, together with the students, implements this value-oriented function with the help of emotional reactions: “Oh! Yes! Cool!

Studying English, students get acquainted with the culture of the country, with its speech etiquette. They know that when making a request to a stranger, it is necessary to say: “Excuse me, could you tell me…? “ “Excuse me, could you help me….?” etc. Thanks to this work, students try to transfer the beauty of the English language to similar situations of communication in their native language.

In order to implement these functions of communication by means of a foreign language, it is necessary to master these means, be able to use them in the main types of speech activity (listening, reading, speaking and writing), know the features of speech and non-speech behavior, be able to possess this knowledge, skills and abilities. .

When planning each lesson, I proceed from the main methodological principle of teaching a foreign language - the principle of communication, involving children in the real process of communication.

I offer some techniques from my practice for the formation of communication skills.

Group work.

Purpose of admission:

    to form the ability to formulate and defend one's opinion;

    take into account the different opinions and interests of partners and justify their own position;

    build clear statements for partners;

    use speech to regulate their speech behavior;

    build a monologue statement, own a dialogic form of speech.

Lesson type: (KU); (UP and OZ)

Lesson stage: generalization, repetition, systematization of knowledge.

Description of the reception.

The composition of the group can be either multi-level or single-level, depending on the goal that the teacher sets for himself. Children of each group discuss and complete tasks together. After discussion, the group instructs one member of the group to report on the results of the work, but any member of the group has the right to supplement or amend.

When organizing group interaction:

At the lesson, a certain emotional mood is created, in which the student is not afraid to express his thoughts on the topic and even about something unfamiliar, unknown;

Students more successfully master even speech skills that are difficult for them precisely in cooperation with peers;

Students come to understand their importance for the successful completion of the task of the whole group. At the same time, the child develops the skills and abilities of communication and cooperation, which undoubtedly develops the motivation to learn the language.

By cooperating in a group, students learn to take into account the opinions of group members and plan their speech behavior.

Own experience.

A lesson in the 10th grade "Australia - a country of mysteries", in which students not only exchanged impressions about amazing facts, but also asked each other questions about this country.

In the 5th grade, at the lesson - the competition "In the world of animals" one team had to create a map "The animal world of our region", and the second - "The animal world of Russia". A prerequisite for the task is the performance of each team member (2-3 sentences).

The name of the reception is "Good - bad?"

Purpose of admission:

    the formation of students' ideas about a holistic multilingual world,

    the need to learn English as a means of communication and cognition;

    development of skills of interaction with others, performing various social functions;

    development of skills to transfer lexical and grammatical skills and abilities to a new situation, a situation of communication;

    development of skills to plan their speech behavior.

Lesson type: (KU); (UP and OZ);

Lesson stage: generalization, systematization of knowledge, skills.

Description of the reception.

Students are presented with a problem related to the topic they have studied. The first task is to find and name the advantages of the problem, the second is to find and name the shortcomings. At the same time, students try to convince their opponents of the correctness of their judgments or express disagreement with their ideas. When using this technique, it is better to organize work in groups.

Own experience.

In the 11th grade, on the topic "Globalization", a lesson was held "Globalization is on trial." (lesson - role play)

The class was divided into three groups. The first group - "accusers", the second group - "defenders", the third - "trial by jury." Directed the work at the lesson "judge", whose role was performed by the most prepared student of the class. When forming groups, of course, the desire of students is taken into account, but it should be remembered that groups should be approximately the same language level.

Reception "Before - After"

Purpose of admission:

    development of skills for predicting the content of the text on the proposed topic;

    development of mental activity;

    developing the ability to listen and understand interlocutors;

    developing the ability to express their assumptions;

    developing the ability to compare one's own assumptions and the assumptions of interlocutors with the information obtained from reading the text;

Lesson type: "UUNZ", "KU"

Lesson stage: actualization, goal-setting, primary consolidation of knowledge.

Description of the reception.

After determining the topic of the lesson, the teacher invites students to express their thoughts on the topic and content of the text with which they plan to work in the lesson. The teacher asks students to listen carefully to the statements of classmates in order to be able to determine, after reading the text, those statements that were closest or coincided with the information in the text.

Own experience .

In the 8th grade, when studying the topic "English in the modern world", students were offered a situation for reflection: what needs to be done to know English well. Students actively suggested their right and wrong ways. After that, they were offered a text. Working with the text, students analyzed and compared the correctness of their statements, named those classmates who gave more correct answers. Based on the text and students' suggestions, the most effective recommendations. Throughout the lesson, work is underway to develop communication skills.

Speech workout.

Purpose of admission:

    development of the ability to plan one's speech behavior;

    development of the ability to organize speech cooperation on the basis of the proposed language material;

    development of the ability to enter into a dialogue, observing the rules of speech etiquette.

Lesson type: (KU); (UP); (UP and OZ);

Lesson stage: primary consolidation of knowledge, systematization of knowledge.

Description of the reception.

At the beginning of the lesson, students are offered a dialogue in a certain situation, but the sentences are given in a chaotic mess. The task of the students (work in pairs) is to line up the sentences in a logical chain to make a dialogue. Read the dialogue and act it out.

Your experience.

In the 5th grade, at the beginning of the lesson on the topic "Days off", I offer the students the following situation: on Saturday you want to invite a friend or girlfriend to spend free time together.

The board offers two chaotic sets of phrases from which you need to build a dialogue.

Nothing really. But why? No thanks. I "m busy / I"m very tired.

Hello! What are you doing this afternoon? see you.

Why don't we go jogging in the park?

See you at 4 pm then.

How about going for a coffee?

Dialogue created by students.

Oh, Kate, hello! What are you doing this afternoon?

Nothing really. But why?

Why don't we go jogging in the park?

I'm sorry, I'm tired.

How about going for a coffee?

See you at 4 pm then.

Reception "Web" (vocabulary and speech)


    development of the ability to choose the right lexical units to express one's thoughts

    development of the ability to predict the content of the conversation by keywords;

    development of the ability to restore missing words in context and establish semantic correspondences when constructing an utterance;

Lesson type: (KU); (UUNZ); (UZIM).

Lesson stage: the study of new material, the consolidation of the introduced material, the consolidation of the studied.

Description of the reception.

When a new topic is introduced, students are asked to complete a task to independently determine the topic and content of the lesson. Students are offered a "blind" text, which they can translate only when they fill in the gaps by choosing the appropriate word from the proposed group of words.

A prerequisite is to make assumptions about the correctness of the choice, i.e. use phrases: it seems to me, I think, in my opinion, if I'm not mistaken, etc.

Thus, by performing a lexical task, we form the speech skills of students.

Own experience.

Starting to work on the topic "Canada" in the 10th grade, I invited the students to complete the exercise. Before reading the text (students do not know that this is a text about Canada), they must choose from the proposed groups those words that are suitable in meaning to fill in the gaps in the "blind" text.

Job example.

Choose the name of the country we will talk about today:


Choose the words that are appropriate in meaning to fill in the gaps in the text:

    Large, the largest, the smallest, the second largest;

    Government, dominion, territory, independence.

Delete the word that does not fit the content of the text:

    Oil, timber, snow, lead;

    Rivers, lakes, citizen, waterfalls;

Example text.

Is a huge country. It is ........ country in the world. Its ...... is equal to the whole of Europe. It is rich in natural resources, such as .... , ..... and ..... . The size of its ..... , ..... and ...... empresses everybody who comes here. Etc.

Role-playing game.

The purpose of the lesson:

    development of the ability to listen to the interlocutor, extracting information of interest;

    development of the ability to conduct a conversation with an interlocutor using speech etiquette;

    formation of communication skills in cooperation.

Lesson type: (UUNZ); (KU); (UPiOZ).

Lesson stage: primary consolidation of knowledge, control of knowledge, generalization of knowledge.

O reception writing.

The teacher's opening speech is aimed at actively involving all students in a conversation based on the introduced verb Be proud of. We are proud of our country Russia, aren't we? -Yes, we are. Who are you proud of.....? - I'm proud of our President.

Then work begins in the "P-P" mode I "m proud of ....., and you? Who are you proud of?

Students give different answers. After one of the students answers "English people are proud of their Queen", the teacher introduces the class to the "British Queen" played by one of the students. She talks about herself.

The students' task is to understand her story and ask questions about what was not mentioned. When asking a question, students must follow the rules of speech etiquette.

Could you tell us, please.......?

Thank you very much.

Literature: Lebedev O. E. Competence-based approach in education St. Petersburg 2001.

Babinskaya P.K., Leontieva T.P. Practical course of teaching foreign languages ​​- Minsk, TetraSystems 2003.

L.S. Nigay Use of ICT for the formation of communicative competence in English lessons.

Development of communication skills in English lessons

In the process of learning, students must master a foreign language as a means of communication and be able to use it orally. The oral form includes the understanding of sounding speech for hearing-listening and the expression of one's thoughts in English - speaking. Listening, speaking, reading are the types of speech activities that students must develop in order to communicate orally.

The communicative orientation determines all the components of the educational process in English. Usually they begin to teach speaking from the basics, that is, the development of pronunciation skills, the formation of lexical and grammatical skills, and listening skills. In order for speech to be speech in essence and not only in form, it must be remembered that the basis for the generation and stimulation of speech is the motive, that is, the intention of the speaker to participate in communication.

Sources of creating motivation (according to the classification of V.P. Gurvich).

  1. Target motivation- well assimilated what is needed for this activity, what it is aimed at and with the help of which it is carried out.
  2. Success Motivation- if the subject is “successful”, then it is studied with double interest. Motivation in learning foreign languages ​​increases significantly if the prospects for using knowledge are realized not only in the classroom, but also in extracurricular activities.
  3. Regional motivation- the language quickly reacts to all social changes in the life of a country. It reflects the manners and customs of the country. All this is of great value for understanding the social nature of language.
  4. aesthetic motivation- many methodologists express the idea that students should learn a foreign language not only because they need to know the language, but because learning a language is a pleasure.
  5. Instrumental motivation- based on the work of the brain, temperament, each student has his favorite forms and types of work. Taking into account instrumental motivation is to enable each student to express himself in his favorite kind of work.

Types of speech activity can be classified into:

  1. utterances that are not independent both in form and in content (repetition of words)
  2. statements independent in content (cliche)
  3. statements independent in form, non-independent in content (retelling, summarizing)
  4. statements are independent in form and content, that is, those cases when students find an object for speaking and statements about it.

In order to develop oral speech, it is necessary to create certain conditions - this is knowledge of the topic, knowledge of the relevant language material, understanding of the situation and the presence of an incentive for expression. The material for the development of oral speech should be assimilated to the degree of complete automation in all its commonly used forms. Further, when teaching speaking, it is very important to take into account the correlation of its most important forms of monologue, dialogue and polylogue. These forms coexist and pass one into another. The monologue is built by one person, in all cases the speaker is the author of his statement. Dialogues distinguish between standard and free. Standard dialogues serve typical situations (cashier-customer, doctor-patient), free dialogues are of the following types (interview, questioning, conversation). A very common dialogue option is polylogue. The most appropriate technique for developing a polylogue is various forms dramas, including role-playing games.

The group form of organization of educational work has a number of advantages: it helps to increase motivation for learning, to teach to evaluate oneself and others objectively, and increases the business status of the student in the team. For the initial stage of teaching foreign languages, the most effective and accessible are such forms of work as dramatization and role-playing. Another form of group communication close to genuine communication is a discussion game, during which issues of current interest to students are discussed. Collective forms of work are used, pair, group, project forms of work, where the success of each materializes in the success of the whole group.

Thus, no matter what methods are used for the formation and development of oral speech, it depends not only and even not so much on the volume of lexical material as on psychological moments. Therefore, it is necessary to help students overcome this barrier, after which speech activity will begin to develop.

We have objective and potential opportunities to successfully solve the tasks set in the course program in the field of oral speech with purposeful work on the formation of students' speech activity in the foreign language being studied.

Formation of communicative universal learning activities in English lessons

"The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action"
Herbert Spencer

The main purpose of a foreign language is to form communicative competence, i.e. ability and willingness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers. In addition, the study of a foreign language should ensure that students become familiar with the culture of the countries of the language being studied, a better understanding of the culture of their own country, the ability to present it by means of a foreign language, and the inclusion of students in the dialogue of cultures. In modern conditions, a person who is fluent in a foreign language is in demand.

I would like to single out a number of the most effective, in my opinion, approaches that contribute to the development of the communicative competence of students in the context of the implementation of the new standard:

    creating a real opportunity for communication in each lesson;

    conducting non-standard lessons;

    creation and protection of projects using information and communication technologies, and the creation of situations that imitate the language environment;

    the inclusion of students in the game activity leads to a natural desire speak the language;

    a combination of independent individual work with group and collective work, an independent search for the necessary information by students;

    development of creativity, ability to work with various sources of information;

    introduction of authentic material in the classroom;

    conducting extracurricular activities in the subject as a step towards the development of creative, communicative abilities of students.

The important principles of teaching a foreign language in a modern school, which I follow in my work, are:

1 Communicative orientation in teaching a foreign language

Teaching students to communicate in a foreign language in the context of the educational process is a rather difficult task. After all, natural speech is stimulated not by necessity, but by the need for real communication. Foreign language lessons - communication lessons. But in the absence of a language environment, the learning conditions are in conflict with the essence of the subject, which is a huge difficulty for teachers of a foreign language. In my lessons, I try to create natural conditions for communication, as far as possible: tasks of role-playing games, creating game situations, using entertaining material, physical education minutes.

All this brings the speech activity of schoolchildren closer to natural norms, activates the previously studied material.

2 Compliance with the activity nature of the educational process.

An important requirement of the modern learning process is the activation of students' activities, which contributes to the formation of their active life position, independence, interest in the subject, improving the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The activity nature of the subject "Foreign language" corresponds to the nature of the student who perceives the world holistically, emotionally and actively. This allows you to include foreign language speech activity in other activities characteristic of a child of this age - play, cognitive, aesthetic. This makes it possible to make various connections with the subjects studied at school and to form meta-subject general educational skills and abilities. It is important to create conditions when children learn to listen to each other, are able to adequately assess their answer, and want to learn new things.

It is no coincidence that in the new GEF formation universal learning activities that provide students with the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience is considered the most important key task modern system education.

This principle is manifested in role-playing games and project activities. I apply different forms work in the classroom: individual, pair, group The use of games and game situations in the classroom reveals the abilities of children, their individuality, increases the motivation of students to learn English, and helps to create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom. Games allow for an individual approach to students. Collective games develop the ability to work in a group, find the necessary forms of cooperation. By the nature of the game methodology, games are divided into:




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Dramatization games. In my lessons in elementary school, I use various types of games, but subject, plot, role-playing, games - dramatization (slide No. 1) are highly preferred.

When teaching self-control and self-esteem, students develop regulatory and communicative UUD. Along with the five-point scoring system, other methods can be used. So, I suggest the guys use circles different color("green" - I succeeded; "yellow" - I managed to complete the task, but with errors; "red" - SOS, I could not complete the task). Showing a particular circle is accompanied by a verbal explanation of why that particular color was chosen. When teaching to evaluate the oral answers of classmates, you can invite the children to express their opinion about what they heard (first in Russian with a gradual transition to English). As a result of organizing such activities, children learn to listen carefully to their classmates, to objectively evaluate their response. It is also advisable to introduce such a form of work as mutual evaluation of written works.

The stage of reflection in the lesson, with its proper organization, contributes to the formation of the ability to analyze one's activities in the lesson. Also very important is the reflection of the mood and emotional state of children, the reflection of the mood and emotional state of children. You can conduct reflection not only on the basis of the results of one lesson, but also on the basis of a quarter, half a year, after studying a topic.

Reflective map in English for the 1st half of a student of the _ class (slide No. 2).

The use of communication technologies in high school.

Creation of presentations by students on the topic "Travel". The main purpose of this type of work is the process of communication. So students of grades 9 b, d prepared and presented the following works:

- "Journey through St. Petersburg";

- "Sunny Bulgaria";

- "Spain Flamenco";

- "Greece".

Students use musical accompaniment in their work. show interesting places, inviting to travel. They ask questions .... How to choose a hotel, about the weather, customs, culture, people, etc.

"Traveling and Tourism" Mini-projects in groups or pairs. Students act as organizers of an educational trip to England. They are given initial data (season, number of days, number of travelers) and are invited to develop a travel itinerary, sightseeing, cultural events. Students are encouraged to use the vocabulary worked out in the lesson and etiquette forms of expressing agreement / disagreement. All group members must agree on the final travel option and present it to other groups. After the presentations different options groups vote for the most successful. You can't vote for your group. This type of task may involve working with a computer, using Internet resources, drawing posters, etc.

Also in the new generation standard great importance is given to the independent work of the student. In this regard, in my lesson activities, I use such technologies as the project method, critical thinking technology, problem-based learning as a way to develop communicative competence, differentiated learning, etc. These technologies are aimed at developing active thinking in students and teaching them not just memorize and reproduce knowledge, and be able to apply it in practice.

One of the main incentives for learning is the game. After all, in combination with discussions and debates, games, in particular, role-playing games in English lessons are the most informative and effective teaching methods in terms of perception. During the game, the student overcomes his stiffness and anxiety.

In a normal discussion, an insecure student can keep silent, and in the process of playing, everyone gets a role and becomes a partner, and what is very important, the training material is worked out well. The game itself causes the need for communication, stimulates interest in participating in communication in English ... For example, when studying the topic "Conflicts" in grade 9

I devote the first lessons of the section to the introduction and activation of lexical units on the topic proposed by the author of the textbook, in order to develop the skill of dialogic / monologue speech in the form of a debate, round table, conference, conversation, etc.

Fluency in vocabulary allows you to:

- to form the communicative competence of students (confidence in communication and understanding of the listened text in English);

- develop the skills of situational real communication (one of the questions of a ticket in a foreign language for the GIA is to play an unprepared dialogue with the teacher on the situation);

– solve practical, social and personally significant problems;

- analyze their own activities, the work of classmates and teachers in the target language.

The result of the lessons on the topic are role-playing games in various situations. A role-playing game involves a certain number of characters, as well as a game problem situation in which the participants of the game act. Each participant during the game organizes his behavior depending on the behavior of his partners and his communicative goal. The result of the game should be the resolution of the conflict (slide No. 3,4).

Work according to the project methodology requires students to have a high degree of independence of search activity, coordination of their actions, active research, performing and communicative interaction. The main idea of ​​the project method is to shift the emphasis from various types of exercises to the active mental activity of students in the course of joint creative work. The role of the teacher is to prepare the students for the project, to choose a topic, to assist the students in planning the work, to supervise and advise the students during the course of the project as an accomplice.

Sociocultural orientation of the process of teaching a foreign language

Teaching English gives the teacher ample opportunity to educate citizenship and patriotism. This is facilitated by the communicative orientation of the subject, its appeal to the study of life, customs, traditions and language of another people. account, true love for the Fatherland. Moral and historical principles are inseparable. Consequently, while shaping historical consciousness, we simultaneously strengthen moral ideals, patriotic feelings of students and love for our Motherland. In my lessons, I try to create an atmosphere, select material that would give knowledge about the history, traditions of our Motherland, great compatriots, I teach children to compare and draw conclusions. In UMK Biboletova M.Z. "Enjoy English" for grades 2-11 contains a large regional study material on Russia. In addition to it, I use other sources, as well as audio materials and videos, which, in my opinion, increase the interest of students

Studying the course St. Petersburg (slide number 5).

The purpose of the course is the education of patriotic feelings through the education of love for the small motherland.

Main goals:

(except for teaching): expanding horizons, getting to know the history and sights of the native land, developing the creative abilities of students, fostering a sense of citizenship and love for their homeland. To achieve the goal of this course, I consider it appropriate to use the project method, i.e. the project method is integrated into the traditional system of teaching The use of ICT in the classroom helps to make it interesting and memorable for students. Presentations, including photographs, pictures, tables, accompany the lesson at its various stages (this includes Listening, Speaking, and conducting test tasks). Here I would like to point out that project work schoolchildren like it because it gives them an additional opportunity to express themselves, allows them to choose the form of activity that they like. It unites the guys, since most often they work in groups, helping each other, while choosing and discussing the topic of the project, selecting literature and materials, drawing up a project plan, designing, writing a paper, creating presentations. Students themselves choose the topic of their research work (abstracts or presentations), work in a group or individually. For example, while working on the St. Petersburg course, students' mastery of universal educational activities creates the possibility of independent successful assimilation of new knowledge. Instead of a simple transfer of knowledge, skills from teacher to student, the priority goal school education is the development of the student's ability to independently set learning goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements, in other words, the ability to learn. And this involves the search for new forms and methods of teaching, updating the content of education.