Miramistin: possibilities of application in urogenital chlamydia. Miramistin from infections Is it effective in the chronic form of the disease

It is actively used in venereology, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery and combustiology. Due to the wide spectrum of action, this drug is widely used among doctors of the CIS countries.

What is Miramistin?

The drug was developed in the USSR in the 70s of the last century. Since then, it has not lost its high efficiency.

Microorganisms do not develop resistance to it.

According to the chemical structure, Miramistin belongs to Quaternary ammonium compounds. It is available as a 0.01% solution.

The pharmacy chain sells packages of different sizes - from 50 to 500 ml.

The kit comes with two nozzles:

  • urological, for the introduction of the drug into the urethra;
  • gynecological (with sprayer), for irrigation of the vagina.

The most important advantage of Miramistin is its safety and good tolerability.

This drug:

  • does not irritate mucous membranes;
  • is not absorbed into the bloodstream, and therefore does not have systemic side effects;
  • effective for the majority.

When applied to the genitals, it may cause a slight burning sensation. It spontaneously disappears after 10-20 seconds.

Does Miramistin help against infections

This drug is an antiseptic. Accordingly, its only purpose is precisely to destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Miramistin from infections of course it helps.

Moreover, from any:

  • bacterial;
  • fungal;
  • protozoan;

Including the drug is able to destroy hospital strains of bacteria that are not sensitive to most antibiotics.

Miramistin for sexual infections used only for prevention. FROM therapeutic purpose it is not used, since the antiseptic is able to sanitize the focus only in the first hours after contact. In the future, the microorganism penetrates deep into the tissues and becomes inaccessible to the drug.

Miramistin - from what infections does it help?

Miramistin at urinary infections used in venereology, gynecology and urology. It is possible to treat them, according to the instructions, only non-specific infectious processes. can be prevented with the drug, but not treated.

The causative agents of sexually transmitted infections against which Miramistin is effective:

  • chlamydia;
  • candida;
  • genital herpes;

Miramistin for gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is one of the most common causes of urethritis in men and women. Infection can be prevented with Miramistin if injected into the urethra within 2 hours of unprotected contact.

They should also treat the genitals and nearby skin.

A urological applicator is used to inject the drug into the urethra. He puts on a bottle of Miramistin.

The tip is placed inside the urethra.

It is longer in men than in women. Therefore, the dosage for one injection is about 3 ml.

Miramistin is administered to women in the urethra in a similar way, but in a smaller amount - 1-2 ml. The drug should be kept in the urethra for 2-3 minutes. For another 2 hours, you can not urinate, so as not to wash off the antiseptic.

Women should also introduce 5-10 ml of Miramistin into the vagina. To do this, you can use a gynecological nozzle.

Miramistin from syphilis

The drug is effective against pale treponema. It can be transmitted both during intergenital and other types of sexual contact.

For example, during anal or oral sex. Therefore, if such contacts have taken place, not only the urethra and vagina should be treated with an antiseptic.

It is also necessary to introduce Miramistin into the rectum and gargle with it. For rinsing, a spray nozzle is used. You need to click on it 3-4 times. You can not swallow the drug. For one rinse, 10-15 ml of solution is used.


The causes of the onset of the disease are disordered sex life. Chlamydia is transmitted from person to person through sexual contact. incubation period can be from 1 to 3 weeks. The disease develops rapidly - 24-48 hours. If the patient takes Miramistin is not an antibiotic "> antibiotics, then chlamydia is transformed into inactive forms, which long time are not in conflict with immune system person. The disease seems to "fall asleep", which further complicates its course. Consequences of chlamydia - damage to internal organs

Signs of chlamydia for different sexes are different.

Chlamydia in men proceeds without global changes in the body. The main symptoms of the disease are discomfort during urination, itching and pain in the perineum and scrotum. In severe chlamydia, pain in lumbar spine. In the acute course of the disease appear purulent discharge from for men it is necessary to enter Miramistin. "> the urethra .. Since the course of many sexually transmitted diseases is associated with impaired functioning of the genitourinary system (syphilis, the Miramistin Instruction contains a sequence of actions for emergency prevention of gonorrhea."> gonorrhea, prevention after casual relationships is possible with the use of the antiseptic agent Miramistin "> HIV), put only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis, and after the patient has been tested for chlamydia.

Chlamydia in women presents with minor symptoms. More often, the signs of chlamydia in women include purulent-mucous discharge from the vagina, itching and burning of the external genital organs, pain during urination, in the pelvic area, internal and external genital organs. A slight increase in temperature is possible, as a sign of intoxication of the body, as well as bleeding in the intermenstrual period.

Chlamydia in children has serious implications for their future. The disease among adolescents is transmitted both sexually (sexual revolution, having multiple intimate partners, promiscuity) and through household items (such as towels), if any of the adults could have contaminated them with secretions that contain chlamydia. It is also possible to infect newborns when passing through the mother's birth canal.

Chlamydia treatment

The key to a speedy recovery is timely treatment medical Center. The treatment regimen for chlamydia depends on the presence of concomitant diseases, most often doctors use combination therapy. To prevent the disease from becoming chronic (chronic chlamydia), the patient is offered broad-spectrum antibiotics.

According to experts, chlamydia is much more difficult to treat than other diseases that are predominantly sexually transmitted. "> sexually transmitted diseases. This is due to the fact that the virus adapts perfectly to medicines. In addition, chlamydia "hide" from antibiotics, turning into specific L-forms. In addition to antibiotic therapy for chlamydia, immunostimulants and a special diet are prescribed. The patient will have to give up sexual activity until the course of treatment for chlamydia is completed. It will be possible to talk about the effectiveness of the treatment of the disease only after a secondary analysis for chlamydia.

Prevention of chlamydia

Preventive measures to prevent chlamydia are the exclusion of casual sex, as well as the use of condoms. However, if the suspicious contact did take place, you do not have to wait patiently until you have the first signs of chlamydia. During the first hours after sexual intercourse, it is possible to disinfect the genitals and adjacent areas with a new generation antiseptic - Miramistin®. Of course, it is much better to prevent a disease than to treat it after (see below).

Urogenital chlamydia - infection caused by chlamydia, transmitted mainly through sexual contact, affecting the genitourinary system and other organs (joints, eyes). Currently, urogenital chlamydia is one of the most common urogenital infections: according to WHO, approximately 89 million people are diagnosed with this disease every year in the world. The proportion of chlamydial infection in overall structure urogenital infections is up to 30% (Yakovlev S.V., 2003), and according to some authors, it is detected in various variants (mono- or mixed infection) in about 82% of men with inflammatory diseases urogenital tract (Vasiliev M.M., 2000). The insidiousness of urogenital chlamydia is due to the fact that this disease has no specific clinical manifestations, usually occurs with mild or asymptomatic symptoms. This causes objective difficulties timely diagnosis and treatment, which, in turn, lead to the development of chronic and complicated forms of the disease (Pasechnikov S., Nikitin O., 2005). The global distribution, the variety of forms of the disease, the medical, social and demographic significance of the problem of urogenital chlamydia are of great interest to specialists regarding approaches to its treatment. Therefore, the appearance in 2004 on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market of a new highly effective drug MIRAMISTIN (0.01% solution), which can significantly optimize the treatment of many common urogenital infections, including urogenital chlamydia, was a significant event for urologists.

MIRAMISTIN is a cationic surfactant with strong antiseptic properties. It is highly active against gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic, spore-forming and asporogenic bacteria in the form of monocultures and microbial associations. special attention Deserves the destructive effect of MIRAMISTIN on many bacterial and viral pathogens of sexually transmitted infections (STIs): gonococci, pale treponema, Trichomonas, herpes viruses, and in particular - chlamydia. In addition, the drug also has antifungal action on pathogenic fungi (yeast, dermatophytes, ascomycetes, etc.).

The secret of such, without exaggeration, the universal action of MIRAMISTIN in relation to such a wide range of pathogens lies in the mechanism of its effect on their cell membranes. It enters into a hydrophobic interaction with lipid membranes, leading to their fragmentation and destruction, which means disruption of vital activity and death of microorganisms. At the same time, it is important to note the high selectivity of the action of the drug - MIRAMISTIN (0.01% solution) has practically no effect on the membranes of the cells of the human body. This is explained by the fact that lipid radicals in the structure of their membranes are much longer than those in microorganisms, which sharply limits the possibility of hydrophobic interaction with Miramistin.

However, the possibilities of MIRAMISTIN are not limited solely to the direct effect on pathogens - this drug is also characterized by a number of other beneficial effects:

  • decrease in the resistance of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • strengthening of non-specific protective reactions by modulating the cellular and local humoral immune response;
  • stimulation of regenerative processes.

The possibility of using this drug for the prevention and complex therapy many STIs naturally arouse considerable interest among specialists in various branches of medicine. In urological practice, MIRAMISTIN (0.01% solution) is used as part of the complex therapy of patients with acute and chronic urethritis of both specific and non-specific etiology, and in particular those caused by chlamydia. Treatment of patients with urogenital chlamydia is a difficult task. It is carried out in a complex, with the use of etiotropic and pathogenetic agents. At the same time, considerable attention is paid to local therapy. Back in the early 90s of the last century, in the works of well-known domestic urologists, a local immunomodulatory effect of a 0.01% solution of MIRAMISTIN was noted in patients with chronic urethroprostatitis, due to an increase in the functional activity of neutrophilic granulocytes (Vozianov A.F., Pasechnikov S.P., Kovalenko V. V. et al., 1990; 1991). However, for a long time MIRAMISTIN was absent from the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market. Having appeared on it again in 2004 due to the close cooperation of the leading domestic manufacturer of medicines - CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa - with the Russian pharmaceutical company CJSC Infamed, he immediately attracted the attention of domestic healthcare professionals who have already accumulated experience in its successful clinical applications. On the basis of the leading specialized research institution - the Institute of Urology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine - a study of efficacy and safety (0.01% solution) was conducted in the complex therapy of patients with chronic urogenital chlamydia. It included 62 patients aged 18–49 years who had symptoms of chronic urethritis, urethroprostatitis, urethroprostatovesiculitis, or epididymitis. The patients were divided into 2 groups: main (32 people) and control (30 people). All patients underwent a clinical and laboratory examination, which included the study of scraping of the urethral mucosa by direct immunofluorescence or polymerase chain reaction(PCR). Chlamydial infection was diagnosed in 46.87% of patients in the main group and 43.3% in the control group. In the rest of the patients, various associations of chlamydia with ureaplasmas, mycoplasmas, Trichomonas were revealed. Patients of both groups underwent complex etiotropic and pathogenetic treatment, which included the appointment of the drug CLAMED (clarithromycin) manufactured by CJSC Pharmaceutical Firm Darnitsa, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory therapy, physiotherapy, and in patients of the main group, the urethra was additionally instilled daily with MIRAMISTIN solution for 10 days. After completing the course of treatment a positive clinical effect was noted in 84.4% (27) of patients the main group and 73.3% (22) - control. In most patients, discharge from the urethra stopped, the feeling of discomfort during urination, hyperemia of the external opening of the urethra and pain in the perineum disappeared. At the same time, against the background of the use of MIRAMISTIN solution, the clinical effect occurred faster and was more pronounced. The results of the control laboratory examination PCR method: one month after completion of therapy chlamydia was not detected in 90.62% of patients who were prescribed a solution of MIRAMISTIN, while in the control group, eradication of the pathogen was achieved in 73.3% of patients.

It is also important to emphasize the good tolerability of the MIRAMISTIN solution: no serious side effects were recorded during its use. adverse reactions. A slight burning sensation in the urethra after instillation of the solution was noted only in 2 patients, but it quickly disappeared on its own and the drug was not required to be discontinued.

Thus, the inclusion of the drug MIRAMISTIN (0.01% solution) in the complex therapy of patients with chronic urogenital chlamydia made it possible to achieve a pronounced clinical effect, manifested in a more rapid and significant regression of the symptoms of the disease, as well as positive dynamics of laboratory parameters. The results of the study give every reason to recommend this drug for active use in complex treatment patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (Pasechnikov S., Nikitin O., 2005). o

Based on materials provided by CJSC "Pharmaceutical firm "Darnitsa"


The causes of the disease are promiscuity. Chlamydia are transmitted from person to person through sexual contact, while the incubation period can be from 1 to 3 weeks. The disease develops rapidly - 24-48 hours. If the patient takes Miramistin is not an antibiotic"> antibiotics, then chlamydia are transformed into inactive forms that do not conflict with the human immune system for a long time. The disease seems to "fall asleep", which further complicates its course. The consequences of chlamydia are damage to internal organs

Signs of chlamydia for different sexes are different.

Chlamydia in men proceeds without global changes in the body. The main symptoms of the disease are discomfort during urination, itching and pain in the perineum and scrotum. In a severe form of chlamydia, pain in the lumbar spine is possible. In the acute course of the disease, purulent discharge from for men it is necessary to enter Miramistin."> the urethra .. Since the course of many sexually transmitted diseases is associated with impaired functioning of the genitourinary system ( syphilis , Miramistin's instruction contains a sequence of actions for the emergency prevention of gonorrhea."> gonorrhea, prevention after casual relationships possible with the use of the antiseptic agent Miramistin "\u003e HIV), only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis, and after the patient has been tested for chlamydia.

Chlamydia in women presents with minor symptoms. More often, the signs of chlamydia in women include purulent-mucous discharge from the vagina, itching and burning of the external genital organs, pain during urination, in the pelvic area, internal and external genital organs. A slight increase in temperature is possible, as a sign of intoxication of the body, as well as bleeding in the intermenstrual period.

Chlamydia in children has serious implications for their future. The disease among adolescents is transmitted both sexually (sexual revolution, having multiple intimate partners, promiscuity) and through household items (such as towels), if any of the adults could have contaminated them with secretions that contain chlamydia. It is also possible to infect newborns when passing through the mother's birth canal.

Chlamydia treatment

The key to a speedy recovery is timely contact with the medical center. The treatment regimen for chlamydia depends on the presence of concomitant diseases, most often doctors use combination therapy. To prevent the disease from becoming chronic (chronic chlamydia), the patient is offered broad-spectrum antibiotics.

According to experts, chlamydia is much more difficult to treat than others. diseases transmitted primarily through sexual contact."> venereal diseases. This is due to the fact that the virus adapts perfectly to drugs. In addition, chlamydia "hide" from antibiotics, turning into specific L-forms. In addition to antibiotic therapy, immunostimulants and a special diet are prescribed for chlamydia. The patient will have to give up sexual of life until a course of treatment for chlamydia is completed.The effectiveness of the treatment of the disease can only be said after a secondary analysis for chlamydia.

Prevention of chlamydia

Preventive measures to prevent chlamydia are the exclusion of casual sex, as well as the use of condoms. However, if the suspicious contact did take place, you do not have to wait patiently until you have the first signs of chlamydia. During the first hours after sexual intercourse, it is possible to disinfect the genitals and adjacent areas with a new generation antiseptic - Miramistin®. Of course, it is much better to prevent a disease than to treat it after (see below).