How many days does the incubation period last and why is chickenpox dangerous in adults? "Adult" chickenpox: incubation period and contagiousness in adults With chickenpox for itching drugs.

Itching with chickenpox in adults is one of the signs of a disease provoked by type 3 HSV. The rash covering the skin of the patient, some time after the appearance, begins to itch terribly. This occurs in the active stage of the pathology and causes a lot of inconvenience, because it interferes with normal life and good sleep.

HSV type 3 enters the body through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat. Gradually migrates to the cells of the upper layer of the skin, in which it begins to actively multiply. This provokes the appearance of isolated pathological foci in the epidermis: pimples on the head, genitals, in the perineum and anus, groin, on the back, etc. The causative agent of chickenpox produces antigens that the immune system responds to. Under the influence of the pathogen, the production of histamine is launched, which is important in the human body, but in excessive amounts provoking allergic reactions. HSV type 3 in adults affects the spiny layer of the epidermis, as well as nerve receptors that transmit information about this to the brain. The latter responds to the data received, which provokes the appearance of itching. How long an unpleasant symptom can last depends on individual characteristics organism and nervous system.

Severe itching with chickenpox usually occurs 1-3 days after the first rash begins to appear. Pimples transform into papules within 24 hours, and after another 48 hours - into vesicles. The onset of the disease is usually not accompanied by inconvenience. But the vesicles that appeared later, I really want to scratch.

As a rule, itching lasts from 3 to 9 days and gradually decreases. When the rashes are covered with crusts, the discomfort subsides, but does not end. In this case, the person is contagious. To reduce the severity of an unpleasant symptom, you can use products for external or internal use.

To get rid of itching and the very desire to scratch pimples with chickenpox, it is recommended:

How to relieve chickenpox itching with medicines

Antihistamines are effective, which are sold in the form of drops, tablets, ointments, etc. These drugs suppress the production of histamine and its negative effect on the body.

antiallergic agents for local application have an anesthetic effect, creating a feeling of freezing after their application. Active substances enter the skin cells and block the transmission of impulses. Effective and cosmetics with antipruritic action.

Antihistamines allow you to:

  • normalize the patient's well-being;
  • reduce the intensity of itching;
  • improve the quality of sleep;
  • stop the pain syndrome;
  • reduce tissue swelling.

Immunomodulators and antiviral agents act purposefully on HSV type 3, preventing its normal functioning. Their antipruritic effect is less pronounced than that of antihistamines, but these drugs allow you to quickly cope with the causative agent of the disease.

Products for external use

If chickenpox itches, then you can use external medicines (balms, ointments, sprays, etc.):

Before using any of these drugs, a doctor's consultation is required.

How to relieve itching with chickenpox in adults with pills

To get rid of the desire to scratch the rash, you can use the means for oral administration. First of all, antihistamine and sedative tablets are used.

The most popular antiallergic drugs are presented in the table:

Name of medication

What generation does it belong to Peculiarities



big list side effects, short duration of action, sedative effect



Can be taken once a day, no hypnotic effect

Telfast, Cetirizine (Zodak) 3

Relatively safe, work long time, with chickenpox are rarely used

Along with antihistamines for itching with chickenpox, you can take sedative medications. This normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and improves the quality of sleep. Preference should be given to medicines with a natural composition or herbal decoctions (infusions).

Among the sedatives from a number of homeopathic medicines to reduce itching in chickenpox are:

  • Valerianakhel;
  • Nervochel;
  • Leovit;
  • Nott;
  • Valerian, motherwort (tinctures);
  • Chamomile decoction;
  • Mint tea.

On the recommendation of a neurologist, Phenibut or Phenozepam is allowed. These medicines are available by prescription and have a number of undesirable effects. Their use is possible with severe itching, when the usual remedies do not help.

Folk remedies for itching with chickenpox

To normalize sleep, you can not only smear with special creams, but also take sedative decoctions and infusions. The following products are suitable for outdoor use:

  • baking soda, which is recommended to be diluted with water until a solution is obtained, and then applied pointwise to the rashes;
  • treat the elements of the rash with tea tree oil, which has antimicrobial properties;
  • take baths with the addition of a decoction or infusion of calendula or chamomile (this will soothe irritated skin).

To quickly get rid of the spots left after the crusts fall off, you should smear the pigmented areas with a solution of vitamin E or vegetable oil.

Itching with chickenpox causes a lot of inconvenience. However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to comb acne, because this will lead to the formation of pockmarks. It is better to use funds for external or oral use in a timely manner.

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Chickenpox in adults is quite rare, being diagnosed in no more than 10-12 percent of the adult population. Consider in more detail the flow of chickenpox, incubation period and infectiousness in adults.

The causative agent of the infection is the herpes virus Varicella Zoster (Varicella Zoster). The virus is highly contagious and affects mainly adults who have not had chickenpox in childhood.

Features of the disease in adults

Important: The main route of infection chickenpox is airborne. The infection is quite volatile, and even a slight contact with the patient is enough for infection.

Life expectancy of Varicella zoster is very low, the causative agent for a short time dies in the fresh air and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. For this reason, it is much easier to get chickenpox indoors than outdoors. The largest foci of infection are recorded in preschool and school institutions, where it becomes infected within a few days. a large number of healthy children.

In childhood, having had chickenpox, a person acquires immunity to infection, and for life. But in some cases, the disease can manifest itself again, since the virus itself remains in the body forever, simply becoming inactive. The main reason for re-infection with chickenpox is a significant weakening of the immune system.

Chickenpox in adults: incubation period and contagiousness

A person carries a danger to others a few days before a rash appears, which appears no earlier than 10-20 days after the virus enters the body. So an adult with chickenpox is contagious already at the end of the incubation period. Approximately 80% infectious diseases there is a period of latent (asymptomatic) flow.

The incubation period of chickenpox in an adult patient has no symptoms, does not require treatment, and most often includes three stages:

  1. Beginning of the incubation period. This stage includes the time when healthy man had contact with a patient who had the virus in acute form(meaning the presence of rashes on the patient's body). 3 days are added to the date of direct contact - the time it takes for the infection to adapt.
  2. course of the incubation period. Right now, the causative agent of the virus is actively multiplying in the human body. The virus first infects the mucosa respiratory tract, after which it adapts, affecting other cells.
  3. End of the incubation period. The end of the period means that the infection reaches its maximum, which allows it to enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. At this period, the herpes virus infects skin cells, due to which the main symptom of the disease manifests itself - a rash. An increase in body temperature indicates an active opposition of the immune system to the infection.

As a rule, the duration of the incubation period of chickenpox in adults is from 7 to 25 days, the duration depends on different reasons. Great importance has the amount of virus that entered the body, as well as the site of infection. Note that indoors the amount of virus is much greater than outdoors.

According to medical research, the incubation period of chickenpox in adults does not always proceed in three stages. Quite often, the disease begins to manifest itself already on the first or second.

The insidiousness of the disease lies in the possibility of its latent course. It happens that chickenpox in an adult patient is asymptomatic, while minor rashes are observed, which can even be mistaken for ordinary allergic reaction.

In adults, the incubation period of chickenpox is considered over if any symptoms appear: fever, rash, general deterioration.

Chickenpox in adults: signs of the disease

As the infection develops and the body is damaged by the virus, the patient begins to complain of a deterioration in well-being, bad dream, unnaturally fast fatigue. Literally a day before the appearance of rashes, the patient's condition can deteriorate sharply: body temperature rises (often up to 40 degrees), sweating increases, and chills appear.

As already known, the first signs of infection are characteristic skin rashes, accompanied by itching. The herpes virus infects epithelial cells and mucous membranes, resulting in edema, as well as a red-pink rash. These symptoms mean that the incubation period is over and chickenpox in adults requires urgent treatment.

Typical symptoms of chickenpox include the following:

  • increased body temperature (38-40 degrees);
  • headache turning into migraine;
  • general weakness, malaise;
  • pain syndrome localized in muscle tissues;
  • feeling of nausea, vomiting;
  • convulsions, especially at night.

During the development of the infection, the rashes also undergo certain changes:

  • in 99 percent of cases, a chicken rash in adults spreads to the mucous membranes, as well as the genitals;
  • every 7-10 days new rashes appear on the body;
  • at the peak of the maximum amount of rash, body temperature can reach 40 degrees;
  • rash in an adult patient is most often prone to development purulent process, because of this, the elements may not heal for a long period. In more severe cases, tissue necrosis may develop.

Treatment methods for chickenpox in an adult

If chickenpox in an adult patient proceeds in an uncomplicated form, then antiviral drugs are prescribed, for example, Acyclovir. Further symptomatic treatment is carried out. In some cases, the treatment of the disease can be carried out in a hospital setting.

Chicken pox (ICD-10 international classifier code - B01) is a disease of a viral nature that spreads by airborne droplets and is characterized by the appearance of specific rashes (vesicles with dense walls and reddened halo rims, filled with liquid) on open areas of the skin in combination with basic manifestations viral infectious fever and general intoxication of the body.

Since the pathogen has a very high degree of contagiousness, and, once having been ill, a person acquires immunity to it, most often chickenpox occurs in children. The symptoms and treatment of the disease are very typical, which allows it to be diagnosed even at home.


The causative agent of chickenpox (varicella-zoster) is a member of the herpesvirus family and is highly contagious. Its other name is herpesvirus type 3. This virus can live and multiply only in human cells, while in the external environment it suddenly dies.

Another feature of the causative agent of chickenpox, which is inherent in all other members of the family, is the depressing effect it has on the immune system. At the same time, the virus tends to become more active against the background of the course of diseases that seriously weaken the body's defenses. Chickenpox epidemics mainly occur in the spring.

At other times of the year, the risk of infection is very low, due to the sensitivity of the virus to environmental conditions (frost, heat, sunlight).

After the patient recovers from chickenpox, he develops lifelong immunity. If a virus latently localized in nerve ganglia and not showing activity, will begin to show it, the patient will experience symptoms of herpes zoster, localized in areas adjacent to the nerve ganglion, the focus of infection.

The following can be distinguished character traits epidemiology of the disease in question:

  • Source of infection- either another person with chickenpox or a carrier of the herpes zoster virus.
  • Distribution mechanism- either airborne or contact.
  • The infectiousness of the infection is very high. Spreading through the air, viruses are able to penetrate from apartment to apartment, even those located on neighboring floors.

Ways of infection

Chickenpox in children, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed later, almost always occurs as a result of infection from another person. Mucus microdroplets penetrating from the patient's respiratory tract into the external environment (they are contagious in the first 10-15 minutes), as well as chickenpox vesicles on the patient's skin during the most active period, have the greatest contagiousness.

During remission, when the vesicles are covered with a crust, they cease to be the site of the pathogen localization and therefore their infectivity tends to zero.

Incubation period

The incubation period of chickenpox is characterized by the sedimentation of strains of the pathogen on the mucous membranes of the patient, from where they enter the blood stream and begin to actively replicate (multiply). In most cases, this period is not marked by any external symptoms, although hyperplasia of the cervical lymph nodes may be observed at the end of it.


Symptoms of chickenpox in children reveal themselves quickly, so treatment is usually taken on time.

As a rule, 4 consecutive stages are distinguished during the course of the disease:

  • Incubation period lasts for several hours (up to a day), usually does not show any bright clinical picture, although there may be an increase in lymph nodes, as well as general weakness, tearfulness, loss of appetite;
  • prodromal stage characterized by bright febrile symptoms - an increase in body temperature to subfebrile values, muscle pain, fatigue, migraines, night sweats;
  • Eruption stage reveals the main characterizing sign - a rash. At first, it looks like reddish spots up to half a centimeter in diameter, and after a few hours the spots turn into vesicular sacs with thick leathery walls filled with a liquid containing huge concentrations of the infectious agent;
  • recovery stage- on it, the bubbles dry out, turning into crusty formations, which later fall off.


Depending on the severity of the course and manifestations of the clinical picture, there are:

  • Light flow form: with it, there may be no increase in temperature (or a one-time short-term one is observed), the number of elements of the rash is small and they almost do not cause itching. Bubbles and rashes stay on the skin for no longer than three days, after which they begin to dry out. A week after the onset of drying, the child can attend an educational institution. In general, this form occurs in children very often, and in general, children tolerate chickenpox much easier than teenagers and adults.

  • For moderate to severe the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, the duration of the rash is 4-5 days. In the prodromal period, there is a bright intoxication syndrome (nausea, loss of strength, headaches). Elements of a rash in a small amount are sometimes observed on the scalp and mucous membrane of the oropharynx.
  • Clinical picture of a severe form: the rashes are very numerous, sometimes whole islands of densely seated papules and vesicles appear. Manifestations of intoxication syndrome last until the vesicles begin to dry. In addition, the patient is worried about severe itching of the affected skin. In children, this form of flow is rarely observed.

The first signs of chickenpox

Before the manifestation of the rash begins, it is possible to understand that the child is infected with chickenpox by the following signs:

  • Lethargy, loss of interest in games, tearfulness.
  • Often the temperature barely rises to 38-40 degrees.
  • Hyperplastic cervical, parotid and submental lymph nodes.
  • Nausea, sometimes vomiting.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Headaches and dizziness.


Symptoms of chickenpox in children are variable depending on the severity of the disease, treatment and the stage at which the sick child is currently located.

The diagram provides a list of the main symptoms of chickenpox in children, and the article has a detailed description of the treatment regimens for this disease.

AT general view it looks like this:

  • A day before the rash appears, the child begins to complain of lethargy, weakness, unwillingness to eat, dizziness, sometimes nausea and abdominal pain. The temperature in most cases rises to 38 degrees, in rare cases - up to 40, with a mild course of the disease it can remain within the normal range;
  • A striking and unambiguous symptom is rashes, which undergo metamorphoses as the course of the disease progresses. At first they look like pinkish flat spots, then the spots rise slightly above the skin, and then turn into blisters (vesicles) with thick leathery walls filled with a grayish liquid containing very high concentrations of the virus. Over time, the liquid in the bubbles becomes cloudy. Most often, the rash affects the trunk, less often - hairy part heads, mucous membranes of the nose and oropharynx, palms and soles.

Typical and atypical features

With a rash, not only chickenpox occurs, but also other diseases caused by pathogens from the herpesvirus family - for example, cytomegalovirus infection and infectious mononucleosis.

But the chickenpox rash has several characteristic features, allowing you to reliably distinguish it from others:

  • She reveals herself not at once. First, it is localized in one part of the body, then pops up in other parts. Thus, a sick child at certain stages of the course of smallpox has islands of rash located on different stages currents. In other diseases caused by herpes viruses, the entire rash appears in one day.
  • Severe itching in the places where the vesicles are localized, the desire to comb them (which should never be done in order to avoid a situation of wound infection).

Atypical forms of chickenpox in children, different in symptoms and treatment, include:

  • Rudimentary form- the appearance of several vesicles of the rash against the background of a general normal state without any febrile manifestations. Usually occurs in infants;
  • Hemorrhagic form- in addition to the standard chickenpox symptoms, there are also internal hemorrhages, bloody fluid in the vesicles of the rash, bloody vomiting, nosebleeds;
  • Generalized form- the rash affects not only the skin and mucous membranes, but also the visceral organs. The course is accompanied by a pronounced intoxication syndrome.
  • Gangrenous form- on the tops of the elements of the rash, necrotic formations covered with scabs are found. When the rash dries up and the crusts fall off, ulcerations with purulent contents appear under them.
  • bullous form- elements of the rash are very large, flabby walls and cloudy yellow liquid. When the bubble disappears, an ulcer is found under it.


Due to the prevalence and vivid characteristic clinical picture of the disease to clinical diagnostics rarely come running.

Diagnosis of chickenpox allows the following studies:

  • Complete blood count (markers - an increase in the rate of lymphocytes and a decrease in leukocytes).
  • Blood titer for the presence of antibodies to the herpes zoster virus.
  • Biochemical analysis of venous blood.

Treatment Methods

Comprehensive treatment of chickenpox in children includes the following procedures (taking into account the symptoms):

  • Taking antiviral drugs such as Acyclovir and Valaciclovir.
  • Taking antihistamines (suprastin, kestin), aimed at reducing skin itching in places where rash elements accumulate.
  • Reducing body temperature with paracetamol (in no case should you take aspirin!) It is advisable when it rises above 38 degrees.

  • Treatment of the rash with a solution of potassium permanganate, zinc ointment or brilliant green.
  • Severe chickenpox requires hospitalization. In the hospital, these children are treated with immunoglobulin.

Folk remedies

Methods folk treatment chickenpox in children is mainly aimed at reducing the symptom that disturbs the child - skin itching (external exposure) and to help in raising immunity (internal):

  • Once every 4-5 hours, put the child in a bath with baking soda(100 g per bath) to reduce itching caused by rashes:
  • Five-minute baths with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (taken 1-2 times a day) are good for the same purpose;
  • Baths with infusion of celandine or chamomile (50 g of herbs are steamed for half an hour with a liter of boiling water, poured into a bath, the duration is two ten-minute baths a day);
  • A mixture for internal use with the aim of raising immunity - honey and lemon juice mixed in equal parts. Take before meals 20 g twice a day.

Baby care

Many mothers are concerned about the question of what day regimen should be organized for a child with chickenpox, whether he should go for walks and, if not, how to compensate for the lack of oxygen received.

Caring for a patient with chickenpox requires compliance with the following rules:

  • Until the crusts fall off, the patient should not go out into the fresh air. In addition to the fact that a patient with chickenpox is dangerous to others, this is also due to the fact that the child's immunity is reduced at this time and the risk of contracting other infections increases, which can bring complications. An exception can be made for families living in private homes in a sparsely populated area: in such cases, it is permissible to take the child to the porch at a time when the crusts have already begun to fall off. It is advisable to do this early morning or late in the evening, since direct exposure to the affected areas of the sun's rays is fraught with an increase in their pigmentation, which does not disappear after recovery.
  • The room must be ventilated through the window (twice a day for 15 minutes), and the rest of the time it is advisable to maintain optimal air conditions with the help of an air conditioner and a humidifier.
  • Every day to carry out wet cleaning in the room of a sick child.
  • The child should be provided with bed rest.
  • You can not force-feed the patient. If he doesn't want to eat, don't force him. But you need to drink it abundantly. Warm tea with lemon and warm compotes are recommended. Dairy products should not be given to the patient.
  • It is advisable to bathe the child in the shower and without the use of washcloths. It is also worth limiting the use of soap (use baby soap every 2-3 days, and the rest of the time limit yourself to pouring). Try to avoid getting soap on the elements of the rash.

Hygiene rules

Chickenpox in children (symptoms and treatment depend on the stage of the disease) requires impeccable adherence to strict hygiene rules:

  • Often a sick child complains of itching of the skin on which the rash is localized. To reduce itching, you need to treat the areas with Tsindol, brilliant green, methylene blue, or take baths with potassium permanganate, chamomile or celandine infusion.

  • It is necessary to change bed and underwear every day. Clothing must be cotton.
  • So that the child has less urge to comb the rashes, you can sew a bandage or handheld to him, put on the site of the rash. Bandages are subject to daily washing with boiling.

Possible Complications

With normal immunity, chickenpox rarely gives complications. Usually this is a combination with bacterial superinfection or lesions of the visceral organs (in most cases - pneumonia and other diseases of the bronchopulmonary system).

You need to see a doctor if your child has any of the following symptoms:

  • Body temperature exceeds 39 degrees (or an increase in temperature that does not reach the norm within 4 days);
  • Redness and swelling of any areas of the skin;
  • Suppuration in the localization of the rash or other parts of the body;
  • Asthmatic manifestations (asthma was already diagnosed before chickenpox infection);
  • Vomit;
  • Photophobia;
  • Severe cough or difficulty breathing.

Immunity after illness

In order to restore immunity after chickenpox, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  • Observe a diet by increasing the percentage in the diet of foods rich in minerals and vitamins (green vegetables, northern wild berries, sea buckthorn, sprouted grains of cereals) and giving up foods containing "empty" calories;
  • It is recommended to take a mixture of honey, lemon juice dried fruits (children after 5 years can also enter crushed nuts);
  • Two weeks after the crusts fall off, the child needs to start walking, gradually increasing the time spent in the air;
  • The child must be protected from psycho-emotional stress.

Chickenpox in infants

Chickenpox in children whose age is calculated in months is unlikely. Most infections occur at preschool age from 2 years, when the number of social contacts increases in a child and, accordingly, the risk of catching the pathogen in kindergarten.

The likelihood of an infant getting chickenpox is inversely correlated with the age of weaning.

In children under one year old, a rudimentary form of the disease is often found, characterized by the appearance of several chickenpox vesicles on the surface. without any deterioration in general well-being or symptoms of fever.

The appearance of chickenpox vesicles on the mucous membranes of the oropharynx in a child infancy is fraught with the occurrence of apnea or false croup, therefore, at the first detection of blisters, you should immediately call an ambulance, and in anticipation of its arrival, lubricate the affected areas with the Fenistil preparation.

The doctor may recommend that the child be admitted to a hospital. Bathing infants with chickenpox is prohibited, as this may cause the rash to spread to other areas. To soothe the itching, the elements of the rash must be lubricated with Fenistil.

Vaccination: pros and cons

Vaccination significantly reduces the risk of getting chickenpox, and parents often wonder if it is worth it and what the consequences of doing so might be. Chickenpox vaccination is indicated for children from one year of age.

Advantages of vaccination:

  • It minimizes the likelihood of getting chickenpox and shingles;
  • Since adults carry chickenpox much harder than children, often with complications on internal organs, vaccination in early age insures against such problems;
  • Vaccination also prevents the weakening of the immune system associated with chickenpox.

Imperfections of vaccination:

  • Its implementation cannot absolutely guarantee that the child will not bleed with chickenpox;
  • Prolonged (about six weeks) formation of immunity;
  • The child may become contagious for a while, as the vaccine contains pathogens, albeit in a weakened form.


Prevention of infection of others with chicken wasp is reduced to the following measures:

  • Carrying out quarantine in children's educational and educational institutions in case one of the children fell ill with chickenpox;
  • If the child was in the same room with a sick chickenpox, he needs to be vaccinated urgently (if it has not been done earlier);
  • The patient must be isolated until the end of the fall of the crusts from the affected areas of the body.

Ukrainian pediatrician the highest category E. O. Komarovsky recommends that people caring for children with chickenpox, adhere to the following rules:

  • The best way to avoid chickenpox, he says, is to get vaccinated. The doctor regrets that the varicella vaccination is not included in the mandatory list. Vaccination of a child at an early age will avoid infection in an adult, when the course of this disease is accompanied by numerous complications, and will also completely protect against shingles;

  • Use paracetamol or ibuprofen to relieve fever symptoms and in no case do not use aspirin - its use by children is fraught with liver damage;
  • The air temperature in the room should not be too high, as the heat drains the skin itching;
  • To relieve itching, it is worth giving the child orally antihistamines, and also take baths with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • Trim your nails every day - pathogens can accumulate under them that got into the ud as a result of combing the bubbles;
  • Change underwear every day;
  • The child should receive enough fluid - its lack increases the risk of complications in the internal organs;
  • The child can go for a walk after a week from the day the last elements of the rash appear, and the doctor recommends visiting the garden or school no earlier than 2-3 weeks after the final peeling off of the crusts.

Video about chickenpox in children, its symptoms and home remedies

How chickenpox proceeds in children and methods of its treatment:

Dr. Komarovsky - in detail about chickenpox:

Chickenpox, and in the people chickenpox - viral disease occurring predominantly in childhood. The disease is accompanied skin rashes and unbearable itching. To remove unpleasant symptoms is not only possible, but also necessary.

What should be done with chickenpox?

Itchy spots do not give rest, itch for days, causing severe discomfort. Children become capricious, sleep and eat poorly, tend to comb itchy places. The latter is highly discouraged: if you comb a pimple, the focus of inflammation will spread inward and a scar-fossa will remain.

To alleviate the condition of a child or adult, you need:

  1. Cut your nails short. This will reduce the risk of secondary infection in both children and adults from accidental scratching;
  2. Clothes and bed linen only from natural fabrics. They need to be changed daily;
  3. Provide an optimal microclimate in the patient's room. Heat leads to sweating, which in turn increases itching;
  4. The body needs to be cleansed of the toxins produced by the virus. To do this, drink plenty of water. Drinks high in vitamin C are highly recommended.

What relieves itching with chickenpox?

Sedatives (sedatives)

Calmness of the nervous system is one of the keys to a quick recovery. There are many remedies, many of which are allowed even for infants.

Any drug begins to be given in small doses - you can notice in time side effects: allergies, excessive excitability or, conversely, drowsiness, etc. The choice of such medications is approached with caution - some are highly allergic, others may be addictive, others are too aggressive, causing the opposite effect.

The safest in terms of side effects are homeopathic remedies, as well as prescriptions. traditional medicine, according to which decoctions / infusions of medicinal plants are prepared.

Sedative medicine:

  • "Valerianahel" allowed for children from 2 years of age;
  • "Nervochel" can be given to babies from 3 years old;
  • "Naughty" - a homeopathic remedy in the form of granules;
  • Soothing jelly "Leovit";
  • "Notta" homeopathic remedy in the form of drops;
  • "Edas" - a remedy based on thuja oil;
  • A decoction of chamomile, mint;
  • Tincture of peony, motherwort, valerian.

In extreme cases, when itching with chickenpox is very strong, Phenozepam or Phenibut are prescribed. Before going to bed, you can give the baby / adult warm milk or a spoonful of honey.


Before you purchase a medication from this group, you need to read the instructions - not all of them are approved for use by children. The first generation of these drugs ( Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil) has a high percentage of side effects: impaired coordination, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness, CNS depression, tachyphylaxis. In addition, they have a short-term effect.

List of drugs that act more gently:

  1. "Loratadin" and its more expensive analogue "Claritin". Both drugs are based on loratadine;
  2. "Cetirizine", more expensive "Zirtek" and "Cetrin". The latter is produced in the form of a syrup (for babies from 2 years old) and tablets (for a child from 6 years old). It is "Cetrin" that is the most preferable, since it does not have a sedative effect;
  3. Feksadin and Telfast. Both are based on fexofenadine;
  4. "Fenistil" in the form of drops.

Antihistamines stop the allergic reaction and have a mild sedative effect. Therefore, they can be given to both children and adults, after reading the instructions.

During treatment with any medication, you need to monitor the patient's condition in order to notice side effects in time. Simultaneous intake of antihistamines by mouth and the use of ointments / creams with a similar property can provoke an overdose, because it is difficult to determine the dose. Therefore, it is better to entrust the appointment of treatment for chickenpox to a doctor - a pediatrician or therapist.

Itching with chickenpox: we select creams, ointments and similar products

To alleviate the condition of a sick child / adult, you can use one of the following means:

  1. "Acyclovir" - antiviral in two forms: ointment and cream;
  2. Gel "Fenistil" is most often prescribed for allergies, as it has a strong antipruritic property. Also, the gel has a slight local anesthetic effect, due to which it can quickly reduce skin inflammation;
  3. Gel "Infagel", ointment / gel "Viferon" - immunomodulators that can relieve swelling, reduce itching and accelerate the healing of rashes;
  4. "Irikar" is an antipruritic homeopathic remedy. Available in two forms: ointment and cream. "Irikar" has practically no contraindications and side effects;
  5. Cream "Gistan" is a dietary supplement. It belongs to non-hormonal drugs and is based on medicinal plants. There is a tool with a similar name - "Gistan N". It is contraindicated for use in childhood, as it contains hormones;
  6. "La Cree" - a cream based on extracts of walnut, avocado, herbs, includes panthenol. The cream effectively stops inflammation, manifestations of allergies, as well as itching;
  7. Calamine lotion can relieve itching and redness. Its feature is an antiseptic property;
  8. "Alpizarin" is produced in the form of ointments and tablets. The tool is based on plant extracts; effective against viruses, including chickenpox;
  9. "Gossypol" is also based on plant extracts. The medicine is effective against viruses and bacteria. They can smear the body with psoriasis, herpes zoster / herpes simplex, chickenpox;
  10. "Flakozid" can be used in the treatment of patients with chicken pox, herpes;
  11. "Delaskin" is also able to relieve itching. It has a drying effect. The medicine is sold in two forms: cream and bath powder.

How to get rid of itching folk methods?


This medicine will help the body to cope with the manifestations of the disease faster. And it is very easy to prepare. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. roots of marshmallow and peony, grass motherwort, volodushka, nettle, wild rosemary and kashkar, 2 tbsp. l. herbs knotweed, thyme and wintergreen.

Two tablespoons of a mixture of plants are poured into a thermos with a liter of water and left until morning. After straining, you can drink the medicine before a meal, 1/3 cup three times a day.

Due to the rich composition, it is given to the child very carefully: the variety of components makes it a highly allergenic remedy.

Calming infusion

Each plant in the composition produces a certain effect: chamomile - brings down the temperature and destroys bacteria, calendula - strengthens the immune system, lemon balm - soothes the central nervous system, relieves fever, spasm and itching.

The listed herbs are mixed in equal proportions. Then 1 tsp. collection pour 250 ml of boiling water and insist a quarter of an hour. The resulting volume of liquid is divided into 4 doses.