Vita iodurol eye drops. "Vita-Yodurol": drops from cataracts

Eye drops Vita-Yodurol is modern drug, which is intended for the treatment and subsequent prevention of cataracts.

Vita-Yodurol eye drops are used to treat cataracts and its varieties.

The tool allows you to improve all metabolic processes taking place in the lens. As a result, the blood supply to the eyeball is restored.

The action of the drug

Several active components drugs that are in combination significantly improve the metabolism of the lens and its cellular nutrition. Also, Vita-Yodurol eye drops prevent the formation of protein deposits in the lens, which can lead to its clouding. The remedy is sometimes used during prophylaxis, because after its use there is an improvement in the blood circulation of the eyeball.

When to apply

Now Vita-Yodurol eye drops are used during the prevention and treatment of various forms of cataracts, among the main ones it is worth highlighting:

  1. secondary cataract.
  2. Traumatic.
  3. Congenital.
  4. Senile.

Vita-Yodurol instructions for use

Eye drops are applied topically. It is necessary to carry out the installation in the conjunctival sac. You need to drip half a drop or two, the procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day.

Please note that the time of use of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician, depending on general condition sick.

Contraindications and side effects

Vita-Yodurol eye drops should not be taken in the following situations:

  1. If there is an allergy to one of their components of the funds.
  2. Drops should not be used by children.
  3. Particular care should be taken during lactation and pregnancy. It is during this period that risks may arise side effects.

If speaking for adverse reactions after application, it is worth highlighting the development of allergic reactions. But, not every person will experience difficulties or problems at this stage.

Instructions and Precautions

  1. Do not use eye drops inside (do injections).
  2. If during treatment you use several products, then the interval between instillations should be 15 minutes.
  3. Soft lenses should not be worn while using Vita-Yodurol.
  4. If you use hard lenses, then it is better to remove them before instillation and after 15-25 minutes.
  5. If the vial is open, it must be used within one month.
  6. During instillation, do not touch the cornea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eye.


average price eye drops Vita-Yodurol is 350 rubles. But, finding them in pharmacies is now quite difficult.

It also improves the blood supply to the structures of the eyeball. Normalized cellular nutrition and respiration prevents the deposition of proteins on the lens tissue, which prevents its clouding.

The composition of Vita-Yodurol is as follows:

  • calcium chloride 2 mg;
  • magnesium chloride 3 mg;
  • a nicotinic acid 0.3 mg;
  • vitamin PP;
  • adenosine 1 mg - a structural component of the ATP molecule, which is an energy substance;
  • excipients (sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, sodium hydroxide, water for injection).

Release form - plastic bottles, 10 ml each. Each vial is shaped like a dropper so it can be used anywhere at any time.

Indications and method of application

The pathogenetic commonality of the lens and cornea lesions, which is expressed in the violation of the antioxidant system of the body, has become the rationale for the use of metabolic agents in the treatment of diseases of the cornea.

Now, ocular office and monitor syndromes, as well as fatigue from watching TV, are becoming especially important. Along with the direct effect of conditioned air on the tear film, leading to an increase in its evaporation, in such people, the secretion of mucus by the cells of the conjunctiva is also impaired as a result of exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

Worth knowing! Research results show that the drug can stop the development of cataracts for a long time.

If left untreated, dystrophic progressive diseases of the cornea occur, which in the terminal period are accompanied by corneal ulceration, corneal pain syndrome and loss of vision.

Studies have shown that in primary and secondary corneal dystrophy, eye drops have a pronounced healing effect.

They are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of cataracts, including:

Mode of application medicinal product Vita-Yodurol:

  • thorough hand washing before instillation;
  • one or two drops are instilled into each eye;
  • instilled three times a day;
  • treatment is long-term.

The main contraindications that limit the use of Vita-Yodurol ophthalmic drops:

  • individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age (no serious clinical research in this age group).

It is possible to use for the treatment of pregnant and lactating mothers as prescribed by the attending physician, if the expected therapeutic effect outweighs the risk of possible side effects.

Side effects

Side effects against the background of the application of this medicinal product rarely develop. Most often, they manifest as an allergic reaction in predisposed individuals who have a history of allergic conjunctivitis, keratitis, etc. Clinical signs allergies are:

Drug Interactions in the treatment of Vita-Iodurol in conjunction with other drugs have not been identified.

special instructions

special instructions, which must be observed in the treatment of Vita-Yodurol, are as follows:

  1. The drug is used only locally in the form of instillation into the conjunctival sac.
  2. It goes well with other ophthalmic agents, however, the interval between their applications should be 15-20 minutes so that the therapeutic efficacy does not decrease.
  3. Before instillation, contact lenses must be removed from the eye, as they may become cloudy due to chemical reactions with the components of the drug.
  4. The bottle must be tightly closed after each use of the drug.
  5. During instillation, do not touch foreign objects and structures of the eye with a vial dropper.
  6. When opened, the vial retains its properties for no more than one month.
  7. The closed vial is stored up to 3 years.
  8. Storage conditions are room temperature (not higher than 25 degrees), a dark place to which children do not have access.

Analogues and price

Preparations that have a similar, but not completely identical composition are used to treat cataracts if Vita-Yodurol is not used for any reason.

Nicotinic acid, magnesium chloride, adenosine, benzalkonium chloride, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride, sterile water.

Release form

Eye drops in the form of a colorless solution in a polyethylene bottle with a 10 ml dropper in a carton.

pharmachologic effect


Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Vita-Yodurol improves the nutrition of the lens, blood supply and metabolism in the eyeball. Active ingredients The drug improves the overall metabolism of the lens tissues and periorbital circulation, slows down the process of protein deposition in the lens.


There is no information on the pharmacokinetics of the drug.

Indications for use

Treatment and prevention primary (congenital) and secondary (traumatic, senile) .


Hypersensitivity to the drug, childhood. With caution - during lactation.

Side effects

Rarely - local allergic reactions.

Vita-Yodurol, instructions for use

Vita-Yodurol eye drops are applied topically, instilling two drops into the conjunctival sac of the eye three times a day. With the simultaneous instillation of other eye drops, it is necessary to take a break between their instillation for at least 15 minutes. During the use of Vita-Yodurol drops, it is undesirable to wear soft contact lenses, and when wearing hard lenses, they must be removed before instillation of the drug and put on again 20 minutes after the end of the procedure. Do not touch the eye with the tip of the pipette.


No data available.


Clinically significant interactions with other drugs have not been established.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

At a temperature of 15-25°C.

Best before date


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

There are no analogues in composition. According to the therapeutic effect, analogues are eye drops. Uniclofen ,

Do necessary application complex treatment, which necessarily includes active ingredients and vitamins. Such methods contribute to slowing down the development of the pathological process. But miracles don't happen eye drops Vita-Yodurol only help delay the time before surgery.

Eye drops are used to improve the metabolic process in tissues eyeballs . Thus, the saturation of the eyes with oxygen and other necessary components is enhanced. Most often, Vita-Yodurol drops are a method of prevention and supplementation. medical therapy with the development of cataracts.

Indications for use

Active composition eye drops Vita-Yodurol promotes improved metabolism of the crystalline body of the eyes, nourishes tissues, and also prevents the accumulation of protein in the lens. Thus, drops with timely use prevent the process of clouding of the lens.Continuous use of eye drops improves blood flow in the eyes.

  • traumatic;


The average cost of this ophthalmic drug is from 250 to 400 rubles. Drops are affordable medicines that can be purchased at any pharmacy chain.


Colorless transparent eye remedy Vita-Yodurol includes:

  • calcium chloride - 2 mg;
  • magnesium chloride - 3 mg;
  • nicotinic acid - 0.3 mg;
  • adenosine - 1 mg.

Also additional components are:

  • water is sterile;
  • sodium chloride;
  • benzalkonium chloride;
  • sodium hydroxide.

Vita-Yodurol is used to treat cataracts. At the same time, drops improve the metabolism of eye tissues and normalize blood flow..

The active components of the solution do not allow protein residues to be deposited on the lens.

Instructions for use

Vita-Yodurol eye preparation for local application . Mostly ophthalmologists prescribe drip into the conjunctival sac of each eye, 2 drops. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. Depending on the severity of the symptoms of glaucoma, the specialist may prescribe a different dosage. For prophylactic purposes, drops are used 1 drop once or twice a day..


special instructions

It is forbidden to use Vita-Yodurol drops for injections or oral administration.. Before eye instillation, if available contact lenses they should be removed. It is also important to avoid wearing soft optics as much as possible during treatment. It is recommended to wear lenses no earlier than 20 minutes after using the solution. After use, the medicine bottle must be tightly closed with a lid. You can not touch your eyes and touch the pipette of various surfaces.

Interaction with other drugs

With the simultaneous treatment of several types of drops, the interaction of Vita-Yodurol with them was not recorded.. Regardless possible reactions you should take a break between the use of drops of different directions. The break must be at least 20 minutes.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, women are at their most vulnerable. Most often, side effects appear at this time. medical preparations. In this regard, it is not recommended to use drops for treatment during pregnancy and lactation..

Vita-Yodurol can be used with extreme caution if the expected effect is greater than the possible risks.

Side effects

There are no data on possible negative manifestations when using Vita-Yodurol. Perhaps the sudden development of intolerance to the components. But such cases are extremely rare.


It is forbidden to use drops to combat cataracts in such cases:

  • When the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, or there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction of the body.
  • Do not use for the treatment of children and adolescents who have not reached the age of majority.
  • It is not recommended to use drops during the period of bearing a child. With extreme caution, treatment should be carried out during breastfeeding.


Manufacturers exclude the possibility of an overdose during the use of Vita-Yodurol anti-cataract drops.. There are also no statistics on cases of overdose.


If for some reason it is impossible to use Vita-Yodurol cataract drops, they can be replaced with other ophthalmic drugs with a similar effect.

The following are considered analogues of funds:

  • Vitafacol - is used regardless of the stage of cataract development. Particular effectiveness is noted in early term. Correct use avoids surgery.
  • Grigory, head physician of the ophthalmological clinic: The profile of our clinic is the treatment of cataracts. Most often, we are contacted directly when the disease progresses. But even in such cases, I advise you not to rush to resort to surgical intervention. Initially assigned complex therapy, which necessarily includes drops of Vita-Yodurol. As a rule, such treatment helps to reduce tearing. Often there is an improvement in the quality of vision. After such a course, we begin preparations for surgical operation, since the drops do not eliminate the problem, but only improve its course and help to gain a little time.

    Vasily, ophthalmologist: I tested the drops on myself and recommend them to my patients. Vita-Yodurol solution not only stops the manifestation and development of cataracts, but also improves the quality of visual functions during early treatment. Regardless of the age of the patient, there is a positive trend. I also recommend drops for a long stay at the computer to eliminate the drying of the mucous membranes of the eyeball.

    Dryness, redness, and irritation of the eyes may occur different reasons. Most often, patients complain of this condition during a long stay in a room with air conditioning or polluted air, stuffy transport, and so on.

    To eliminate such discomfort, experts recommend using a tool called "Vita-POS". Analogues of this drug will be listed below. You will also learn about what properties it has, how it should be used, etc.

    Form of the medicinal product, packaging and composition

    VitA-POS is produced as a special lubricating ophthalmic agent (oily). His active connection is vitamin A palmitate. Also, the composition of the medication includes such auxiliary ingredients as white petrolatum, lanolin and light paraffin.

    You can buy a kind of VitA-POS gel in a 5 g aluminum tube (contained in a cardboard box).

    Pharmacological features

    What is VitA-POS? Instructions for use indicate that this is a drug designed to lubricate, moisturize and protect the cornea. It is evenly distributed over the eye and stays in it for a long time.

    The medication in question improves the condition of the tear film, reliably protecting the cornea from drying out.

    Thanks to the use of this drug, the subjective symptoms of burning, discomfort and

    drug properties

    The effectiveness of VitA-POS is due to the presence of vitamin A in it. As you know, it is classified as a fat-soluble vitamin. This substance can have a variety of effects on the vital activity of the body.

    Vitamin A plays a special role in the oxidation and reduction processes due to a large number unsaturated bonds. It takes part in the synthesis of proteins, mucopolysaccharides and lipids.

    Experts say that retinol maintains the normal condition of not only the skin, but also the epithelium of the mucous membranes. It provides differentiation, including during photoreception (that is, it contributes to the patient's adaptation to darkness).

    When applied locally, vitamin A slows down the processes of keratinization, rejuvenates cell populations, enhances the proliferation of epitheliocytes and reduces the number of cells following the path of terminal differentiation.


    What can be prescribed medication "Vita-POS"? Drops are recommended for use in case of discomfort in the eyes (burning, dryness, redness), which was caused by conditioned air in the room and transport, as well as wind, polluted air, cold, dust, cigarette smoke and others.

    It should also be noted that the agent in question helps to quickly eliminate dryness and discomfort resulting from prolonged viewing of television programs, intense visual load while working at a computer, when working with a camera, driving at night and prolonged wearing lenses (contact).


    In what cases should VitA-POS ointment not be used? This medication should not be used for hypersensitivity to one of its components. It is also prescribed with caution to people prone to allergic reactions.

    The drug "Vita-POS": instructions for use

    It is very easy to use this tool. Before applying the gel, you need to unscrew the cap, and then tilt your head back a little. Gently pulling the lower eyelid down, you need to press on the tube with the medicinal substance so that the ointment is squeezed out 1 cm long.

    The described procedures must be repeated 1-3 times a day (usually the frequency of the drug is selected on an individual basis).

    The duration of therapy with this drug is not limited.

    During the use of the drug, it is forbidden to touch the tip of the open tube to visual organs, skin or any other surface.

    When pressing on the tube, it must not be folded or broken. Immediately after applying the gel, screw on the cap and slowly close the eyelids. It is desirable to remain in this state for a long time.

    Side effects

    If you use the medication "Vita-POS" according to the doctor's recommendations, it practically does not cause side effects. In rare cases, this remedy can provoke allergic reactions in the form of redness, swelling and irritation of the eyes. If such symptoms occur, the drug is canceled.

    Overdose and drug interactions

    No cases of overdose with this drug have been reported. Although experts believe that when using a large amount of the drug, the patient may develop severe allergic reactions.

    According to the instructions, the medication in question is not recommended for use simultaneously with other ophthalmic drugs. If this cannot be avoided, then VitA-POS should be instilled into the conjunctival sac half an hour after the use of another medication.

    According to ophthalmologists, the agent in question in rare cases can provoke a slight deterioration in visual acuity. In this regard, such a drug is best used immediately before bedtime. For the same reason, "Vita-POS" should not be placed behind the lower eyelid before driving a vehicle or exercising dangerous species activities (for example, working with complex mechanisms).

    The drug "Vita-POS": analogues and cost

    Price this tool not very high. In pharmacies, it can be purchased for 170-220 rubles.

    As for analogues, they include the following: Adgelon, Balarpan, Aistil, Betamecil, Visitil, Vidisik, Emoksipin-AKOS, Vita-Iodurol, Potassium iodide , "Glekomen", "Katalin", "Kerakol", "Quinax", "Korneregel", "Lakropos", "Lakrisifi", "Mirticam", "Okovidit", "Mirtilene", "Okulohel", "Slezin", " Oftagel", "Taurin-AKOS", "Emoxipin", "Cytochrome", "Etaden", "Mirticam", "Sevitin", "Vizomitin".