The drug "Quinax" (eye drops): reviews, price, instructions, composition. Quinax eye drops analogues price reviews Quinax indications

Latin name: Quinax
ATX code: S01XA
Active substance: Azapentacene
Manufacturer: Alcon-Couvrere, Belgium
Vacation from the pharmacy: On prescription
Storage conditions: t from 8 to 24 C
Best before date: 2 years

Drops for the eyes of Quinax show anti-cataract, as well as a pronounced metabolic effect.

Composition and forms of release

The drug Quinax (1 ml) has the only active ingredient, which is sodium dihydroazapentacene polysulfonate, its mass fraction in drops is 0.15 mg. Also in the preparation are present:

  • potassium chloride
  • Hydrochloric and boric acid
  • Borate and sodium hydroxide
  • Methyl parahydroxybenzoate
  • Thiomersal
  • Propyl parahydroxybenzoate
  • Prepared water.

Drops are represented by a transparent solution of a purple-red hue, it is poured into bottles - droppers with a volume of 15 ml.

Medicinal properties

According to radar medicine refers to drugs for the treatment of eye diseases. It is widely used in ophthalmology to relieve the symptoms that occur when various forms ah cataracts. In Quinax, the active ingredient is azapentacene, it forms a specific protection for the sulfhydryl protein groups of the lens from oxidative processes, while the process of resorption of existing opaque proteins is supported. There is also beneficial effect on proteolytic enzyme compounds (available in the fluid that fills the anterior eye chamber), under the influence of azapentacene they are activated.

After instillation of the drug, there is a slight ingress of azapentacene into the general circulation, so the effect on metabolic processes is minimal.

When using Quinax for eye instillation, the development of a disease such as galactose cataract is inhibited (when tested on rats).

Quinax drops: complete instructions for use

Price: from 396 to 486 rubles.

The use of Quinax eye drops implies instillation of the solution directly into the conjunctival sac, 2 caps. from 3 to 5 p. per day.

Immediately after using the drug, nasolacrimal occlusion or complete eyelid closure will be required. Due to this, the absorption of drugs into the general circulation is significantly reduced, which minimizes the risk of systemic adverse events.

During the use of other ophthalmic drugs, it will be necessary to maintain an interval between applications or instillations of 10-15 minutes.

With regular use, the drug will remove all negative symptoms.

Contraindications and precautions

Cataract eye drops should not be used if hypersensitivity to drug components.

Quinax eye drops are used for prolonged medical therapy. Started treatment should not be interrupted even with a significant improvement.

Persons who use contact lenses, before using an ophthalmic agent, you will need to remove them. You can insert lenses after 15 minutes. from the moment of instillation of drugs.

After using the drug, you will need to immediately close the bottle. Do not touch the tip of the dropper itself to the mucous membrane of the eye.

Although the drops work great for cataracts, they are prescribed for children in case of emergency and only after consulting an ophthalmologist. Perhaps the specialist will advise you to replace Quinx with another drug, why it is necessary to use an analogue and what the result of the treatment will be, check with your doctor.

Persons who, after instillation of the drug, have a deterioration in visual perception, are not recommended to drive vehicles and work with complex mechanisms that require clarity of vision.

Cross-drug interactions

There is no information on the possible drug interaction Azapentacene with other drugs.

Side effects and overdose

When carrying out treatment with drops in compliance with the scheme prescribed by the doctor, the risk of developing side symptoms is minimal.

Pi excessive sensitivity to the components can be recorded allergic reactions, which are manifested by a feeling of discomfort, dry mucous membranes, conjunctival hyperemia, excessive lacrimation.

The drug has been discontinued, but some pharmacies still have the drug in stock. Consult with an ophthalmologist what can replace drugs. Your doctor may recommend cheaper drops. The ophthalmologist will select the drug Quinax analogues individually.

In the case of topical use, an overdose is unlikely. If an excessive amount of drops gets into the eye, you will need to immediately rinse the mucous membranes with running water.


If necessary, Quinax drops are replaced with analogues. According to some information, Quinax was discontinued, so many are looking for how to replace the medicine. To date, the pharmaceutical network presents a number of drugs. You can replace Quinax with both cheaper drugs (Russian manufacturers) and more expensive substitutes that differ in the country of origin.

Moscow Endocrine Plant, Russia

Price from 98 to 170 rubles.

Taufon - metabolic medicine, which is widely used in ophthalmology for the treatment of cataracts, glaucoma, and corneal dystrophy. The active component of the drug is taurine. The drug is produced in one dosage form- 4% solution.


  • low price
  • Stimulates cell regeneration in case of mucosal damage
  • Rarely causes adverse reactions.


  • Not intended for children under 18 years of age
  • During treatment, allergic manifestations are possible.
  • Be wary appoint with HB and during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, cataract is one of the most common processes that accompany the biological aging of the body. On the early stages diseases, doctors recommend the use of eye drops, which can stop the course of the disease and the development of unwanted complications.

Quinax eye drops - a drug used in ophthalmic practice for the treatment of various forms of cataracts, is a synthetic derivative of phenoxazone.

Promotes the resorption of opaque protein compounds of the lens due to the activation of proteolytic enzymes contained in the moisture of the anterior chamber of the eye. As a result, it is possible to slow down degenerative processes and, to a certain extent, improve visual acuity.

The active ingredient is azapentacene polysulfate, a substance characterized by the ability to slow down the degeneration of the lens of the eye and resist the development of cataracts. It activates the enzymatic proteolytic compounds of moisture in the anterior part of the eye chamber, which ultimately leads to the dissolution of the opaque substances of the lens.

Quinax drops are effective antioxidants local action. Suppresses lipid peroxidation, thereby protecting the sulfhydryl compounds of the lens from the effects of oxidative reactions (from cell destruction by free radicals).

Release form:

Sterile purple-red ophthalmic solution, odorless 0.015%, active substance(in 1 ml): azapentacene (sodium dihydroazapentacene polysulfonate) - 150 mcg. Quinax eye drops are for ophthalmic use only.

Indications for the use of Quinax drops

  • Senile cataract, traumatic or congenital cataract and secondary cataract.

At topical application(eye instillation) azapentacene is characterized by insignificant systemic absorption, and therefore its effect on internal metabolic processes human body minimal and insignificant.

Instructions for use Quinax, dosage

  • a single dose is equal to one or two drops in each eye (in the conjunctival sac of the affected eye(s));
  • multiplicity - from three to five times throughout the day;
  • the course of treatment is long.

Before instillation of the drug, warm the contents of the vial, if necessary.

To prevent contamination of the dropper tip and solution, be careful not to touch the eyelids, adjacent areas or other surfaces with the tip of the dropper bottle.

Application features

In the first days of using Quinax, some patients note a slight blurring of vision.

If blurred vision occurs during instillation, the patient should wait until the vision clears before driving or operating machinery. Usually this reaction disappears on its own after 25 minutes.

It should be noted that short-term or interrupted treatment with the drug may not give results.

There is no data on the change in the effectiveness of Quinax after taking alcohol.

Side effects and contraindications of Quinax eye drops

Reviews of Quinax report that even with prolonged use of eye drops, there are no side effects(various manifestations allergic reactions possible in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug).


No cases of overdose have been reported. In the event of a local overdose of Quinax, the agent should be washed out of the eye(s) with warm water.

With prolonged use of the drug Quinax, no side effects were observed.

Quinax eye drops are not recommended for use during pregnancy, as well as for women of reproductive age who do not use contraceptives, since they are strictly controlled and adequate clinical research confirming the safety of using Quinax during pregnancy and breastfeeding, has not been conducted.

Quinax drops analogues, list

When choosing a maintenance treatment for cataract therapy, one should be guided by the experience of the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the patient's body in terms of tolerability and susceptibility to a particular drug.

If necessary, drops of Quinax can be replaced by such analogues (coincidence according to indications), such as:

  1. Taufon;
  2. Vitafacol;
  3. Nakloof;
  4. Indocide;
  5. Oftan Katahrom;
  6. Focus;
  7. Vita-Yodurol;
  8. Ujala;
  9. Taufon;
  10. Optive;
  11. artificial tears;
  12. Khrustalin.

It is important to understand that analogues are not a complete copy of the drug - instructions for use of Quinax, price and reviews of analogues do not apply and cannot be used as a guide (instruction) in prescribing treatment or dosages. When replacing Quinax eye drops, it is important to get expert advice. During treatment, it is imperative to adhere to the instructions of the instructions - the insert and the prescriptions of the attending physician.

Quinax is a drug that is used exclusively in the treatment and prevention of eye diseases.

Description of Quinax

Quinax is a sterile solution, the main active substance which is represented by azapentacene (Azapentacene). The drug is included in the group of drugs that improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye (in the lens and anterior chamber) - which is the main therapeutic effect.

Quinax stimulates specific enzymes that break down protein molecules that are contained in the fluid of the anterior sections of the eye, and thereby activate the resorption of opaque protein deposits. This ultimately increases the transparency of the lens. Possessing pronounced antioxidant properties, it protects the tissues of the eye from the action of an excessive amount of free radicals, which are formed during increased stress on the eyes (long-term work in high light conditions, harmful production, etc.).

The composition of Quinax (in 1 ml):
sodium dihydroazapentacene polysulfonate (azapentacene) - 0.150 mg and inactive substances: boric acid, propylparaben, thimersal, methylparaben, distilled water.

Indications for the use of Quinax

There is only one reason for prescribing the drug - complex treatment various kinds lesions of the lens (senile, congenital, traumatic or secondary cataracts).

Instructions for use Quinax

Quinax is prescribed for instillation into the conjunctiva of the affected eye. Instill 2 drops 3-5 times a day. The drug is used in the treatment of adult men and women only for long-term use. If a pronounced effect occurs with a short course of treatment, then the treatment continues until a stable result is obtained.

The method of application of Quinax and the dosage of the drug during repeated courses of treatment is controlled exclusively by the doctor.

Contraindications for the appointment of Quinax

The drug has the only contraindication for prescription - documented intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects of Quinax

There were no cases of drug overdose.

special instructions

A solution of Quinax is administered orally. Prescribing the drug to children under 12 years of age is carried out with caution (the expected positive effect of treatment should exceed the risk of developing potential undesirable effects) - in medical practice, specific studies on the use of Quinax in children have not been conducted.
If after the use of the drug there is a deterioration in vision, then work with dangerous and / or moving mechanisms is not recommended.

There is no data on the change in the effectiveness of Quinax after taking alcohol.

As well as with the use of Irifrin drops, addiction to the drug does not develop.

The appointment of the drug during pregnancy or during lactation (breastfeeding) is carried out carefully and is not recommended (there were no studies on this issue).

Producer - Alcon-Couvreur

Release form - ophthalmic sterile solution 0.015% in vials of 5; 10 or 15 ml red-purple.

The shelf life of the drug or analogues of Quinax after opening the vial is up to 30 days in a dark place and at temperatures from 8 0 C to 27 0 C. The total shelf life of unopened packaging is up to 3 years.

It is released from the pharmacy by prescription.

Quinax eye drops - what kind of drug is it, what analogues does it have, as well as reviews on effectiveness. These questions arise in many patients. Let's look at the properties of this medicine, purpose and composition. And then we'll talk about whether it is worth replacing Quinax eye drops, analogues at a low price of which also exist.

Quinax are eye drops that are prescribed for visual impairment to treat cataracts, a disease in which there is a clouding of the lens. There are analogues of Quinax drops, identical in composition to domestic production. But patients say original drug helps better.

Application of this medicinal solution helps to effectively dissolve proteins opaque lens connections, due to which vision is reduced. This drug activates the enzymes that are contained in the moisture of the eye. Such drops are considered an antioxidant.

What is quinax made of?

  • Dihydrosapentacene sodium.
  • Boric acid.
  • Sodium hydroxide.
  • Methylprabene.
  • Propylparaben.
  • Thiomersal.
  • Hydrochloric acid.

Quinax is made in bottles with a drop container dispenser with a capacity of 5, 10, 15 ml. It is recommended to use Quinax three to five times a day by instilling 1-2 drops of the solution into the sore eye. These eye drops are great for long-term use. Do not forget that short-term or interrupted use of the drug may not give results, as evidenced by the reviews of both patients and doctors.

Quinax should be stored in a dark room, away from children and at a temperature of no more than 25 degrees. The shelf life of a sealed vial of eye drops is two years. An open preparation can be used for only one month. The color of the eye drops solution- purplish red. When instilling eyes, you should try to avoid touching the pipette with other surfaces so as not to contaminate the dispenser.

The main properties of the solution:

  1. Engaged in the regulation of metabolism in the lens, the anterior chamber of the eye.
  2. Activates enzymes.
  3. Activates the resorption of protein complexes.
  4. Improves the transparency of the lens, thereby restoring vision.
  5. Has an antioxidant effect.

Contraindications for use

When using these drops side effects were not observed in most patients. A drug should not be used hypersensitive patients and people allergic to the components that make up Quinax. And also they should not be used by pregnant women, because there is too little information about the safety of the drug. Neither reviews nor instructions will help here, since it is better to simply avoid possible problems. The interaction of Quinax with other medicines has not been identified. During the application of eye drops, it is not recommended to wear contact lenses. After use eye drops, vision may sometimes deteriorate, a rash, itching or redness of the eyes will appear.

Quinax analogues at a low price

This drug is used in all types and forms of cataracts. Types of cataracts:

  1. Congenital.
  2. Age, in other words, senile, it occurs after 50 years.
  3. Traumatic.
  4. Secondary.

These drops are also prescribed for children, but you should be careful. And also this medicine is used in complex therapy.

Let's analyze the reviews of patients about this drug and its analogues

My father is in his fifties and has type 2 diabetes, which has caused cataracts. The doctor prescribed Quinax to be used three times a day for one month, then a break for a month and beyond. The condition of the eyes after application has improved, vision is gradually returning, normal reaction to sunlight no side effects or allergies.

I do not advise using this medicine, it does not help at all, and even harms the eyes. After a month of treatment with these drops, my vision deteriorated significantly, Quinax is a real divorce, I choose analogues of this remedy.

A friend of mine, 12 years ago in Russia, was diagnosed with a cataract. He began to drip in the morning and at bedtime 1-2 times. Due to this, the worsening of this disease did not occur. Didn't find any side effects.

My aunt has been suffering from cataracts for a long time. She tried many medicines that did not help well, but one day the doctor prescribed these eye drops for her. Aunt began to dig in constantly in a prone position so that the drops would not flow out. This medicine is well tolerated, no side effects. Her vision has improved several times, although this does not completely cure cataracts, but it alleviates the course of the disease itself. The only pity is that the drug has a very high price.

I have long wanted to try to cure my cousin's cataract, the doctor advised these drops, they bought him Quinax, after a few weeks of treatment, improvements appeared, he began to see normally and nothing blurs before his eyes. Because my review is good drops.

My husband has been using these drops for a long time, we believe that this is a very high-quality drug, it perfectly inhibits the development of cataracts and relieves unpleasant symptoms. Sometimes it replaces cheap analogues when money is not enough.


Many people in their reviews say that the medicine is just their savior, it improves vision and saves from tension. The convenience of Quinax is that it can be used with other medicines. The only one main and significant disadvantage such drops is the price, so it is easier to purchase Russian analogues this tool at low price. True, reviews of such drugs are extremely contradictory. It is up to you and your doctor to decide which medication option to choose.

Well, and most importantly, no matter what people say, for each organism any drug will act differently! Listen to your doctor and then you can achieve success in treatment!

Quinax eye drops is an azapentacene-based drug intended for the treatment of any form (senile, traumatic, congenital and complicated). The main action of the drug is the protection of sulfhydryl groups in the eye from oxidation.

Composition, release form

Quinax sterile ophthalmic solution 0.015%.
Active substance: azapentacene - 150 mcg.
Additional ingredients: boric acid, propylparaben, thimerosal, methylparaben, distilled water.
Packing: polyethylene bottles, 5; ten; 15ml, with dispenser cap, instructions.

pharmachologic effect

Azapentacene, the main active ingredient of the drug, activates the enzymes contained in the fluid of the anterior chamber and is responsible for the breakdown of proteins, thereby preventing the progression of cataracts.

Indications for use

Therapy of any form of cataract.

Dosage and administration

Quinax is instilled into the affected eye 1 or 2 drops up to 5 times / day. The drug is prescribed for a long time. It is not worth interrupting the treatment, even if the improvement came quickly enough.


Reactions of individual intolerance.

Side effects

When used according to the instructions, side effects do not develop.


No data.

Interaction with other tools

Not fixed.

Storage conditions and special instructions

There are no clinical studies on the use of the drug by pregnant or lactating women, so the appointment of Quinax during this period is not justified.

Quinax is for topical use only. During the period of treatment, they are not recommended to wear soft ones: preservatives of eye drops can accumulate in the material of their manufacture, causing eye irritation.

An opened vial of Quinax is usable for a month, after which it should be disposed of, even if the drug remains there.

It is worth knowing that Quinax, like many other drugs for the treatment of cataracts, can only slow the progression of the disease, but not cure it. The only effective and effective way forget about cataract forever - surgery!

Quinax's analogs

Analogues of Quinax are Catalin, Emoksipin, Taufon, Khrustalin, Katahrom, Vita-Yodurol.