Directory of drugs synonyms and analogues. What are synonyms and analogues of drugs

Delivery medicines and medical devices individuals carried out only for the privileged category of citizens on the basis of Art. 2 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 09.01.1997 N 5-FZ "On the provision of social guarantees to the heroes of socialist labor and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory" (as amended on 02.07.2013) and Article 1.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 15.01.1993 N 4301-1 " About the status of Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

Synonymous and analog substitution

The AMT website service is an opportunity to get information about the availability of synonymous and similar drugs in Moscow pharmacies and compare their prices.

There is no necessary medicine in pharmacies

No doctor is able to constantly monitor changes in the pharmaceutical market, and no pharmacy does not have a full range of medicines. Even yesterday the drug was in pharmacies, and tomorrow it is no longer available, and the day after tomorrow it has appeared again ... and so on. The situation when the drug prescribed by the doctor is not available in pharmacies, quite common. Using "synonymous substitution", you can choose a drug-synonym (generic). Our search program knows more than 20,000 synonymous drugs, and will automatically try to find a replacement if the requested drug is not available in pharmacies.

About money

The choice of medicines in pharmacies today is very wide. And when buying them, we advise you to remember that the most expensive of drugs is not necessarily the most effective, and the cheapest is not the worst. Your drug costs can be a significant part of your budget. It is possible to save money by using a synonymous replacement. Financial gain can be very significant, and without compromising health!

If you have any doubts about the choice of a synonymous drug - consult your doctor!

What are synonymous drugs?

Synonym - from the Greek synonymos - the same name; a word that is very close in meaning to another word. Synonyms are words that are different in sound and spelling, but have the same or very close meaning.
Well-studied chemical or biological substances having medicinal effect, and received their names - international non-proprietary names (INN).
Many of these substances are used under different trade names - they are synonymous drugs (synonymous drugs).

  • Active or active substance (beginning)- this is that unique chemical or biological substance that has a pharmacological (therapeutic) effect on the body. There can be several active substances in the composition of one drug, and then it is a combined drug.
  • International non-proprietary name (INN) is the "name" of the active substance in the medicinal product. This "name" is given when the active substance is registered, and this "name" tells the medical professional almost everything there is to know about the drug. INN is the name of the active substance, but does not reflect its formula.
  • Tradename- this is the "name" under which the drug is sold on the drug market - in pharmacies. It is a trademark of the manufacturer and is protected by patent law. The company has the exclusive right to manufacture a drug with a specific trade name, and no other pharmaceutical company has the right to use it without paying.

Any drug has its own name, by which we know it and which we call when asking for a medicine in a pharmacy. The doctor usually informs us about it. However, it must be understood that the trade name does not reflect the pharmacological properties of the drug.

Brands (original drugs)

The company that was the first to establish that a particular substance can be used as a medicine receives for a certain period - usually 5-7 years - the exclusive right to release the drug, where a new substance is used as the active principle (receives a patent for its invention). Such a medicine is called by doctors and pharmacists "original drug" (Brand). Original drugs are the most well-known on the market because they appeared first (who doesn't know brands like Aspirin or Viagra?).

Generics (generic drugs)

After the expiration of the patent protection period, other pharmaceutical companies have the right to release their drugs, where the active ingredient is the same substance. Such drugs will have the status "generics" (Generic). Generics are drugs reproduced from the original. Generic (generic) drugs are drugs with expired patent protection "from copying". At their core, generics are the same medicine sold under different brand names. Original drugs and generics contain the same active substance (they are "synonyms"). A generic is not a counterfeit (illegal counterfeit) if it has official registration as a drug. At the same time, the cost of an officially registered, authorized for sale "genuine generic" can be an order of magnitude (10 times) lower than the cost of a "brand".

Examples of synonyms (brands and generics)

  • Active substance: Ribavirin. Sold under the names: Rebetol (brand) and Ribaverin-vero, Ribamidil, Ribapeg (generics)
  • Cetirizine --> Zyrtec (brand) and Zodak, Cetrin, Letizen (generics)
  • Fluconazole --> Diflucan (brand) and Mycosist, Medoflucon, Forkan (generics)
  • Enalapril --> Enap (brand) and Berlipril, Renitek, Ednit (generics)
  • Mesalazine --> Salofalk (brand) and Mesacol, Pentasa, Mezavant (generics)
  • Clopidogrel --> Plavix (brand) and Zylt, Listab, Lopirel (generics)
  • Orlistat --> Xenical (brand) and Orsoten, Xenalten, Listata (generics)
  • INN active substances see also in the alphabetical catalog of products:

Differences and problems

There are certain differences in the effect on the body of synonymous drugs from different manufacturers, but these differences are usually not as significant as is commonly believed. They are mainly due to the psychological factor, and in some cases the influence of inactive filler additives (starch, talc, dyes, flavors, preservatives, thickeners, sugar, sweeteners, etc. fillers) that are used for production. Inactive additives in the composition of the drug may have some effect, but this effect is either not important or is called a side effect.

For people taking medications, switching to cheaper generic drugs may be associated with some inconvenience due to the definition of a new dosing regimen or the peculiarities of using a new drug. dosage form. In such cases it is recommended to consult with your doctor.

The state of the pharmaceutical market currently favors the introduction of synonymous medicines under different trade names on the market, which has significantly expanded pharmacy assortment. In order to make its products recognizable, the manufacturer assigns its trade name to the active substance. Registration trade name gives the manufacturer the opportunity to boldly invest in an advertising campaign, and promote their "brand medicine". After that, other manufacturers producing a drug with the same chemical structure and biological effect are allowed to sell it under a different name... Registration of a new trade name allows the manufacturer to boldly invest in an advertising campaign and promote their "branded medicine"... and etc. Any drug manufacturer can do this. This is where such an abundance of trade names on the shelves of pharmacies comes from, which now you have to figure out ...
There is a financial problem, which largely affects the choice. The budget is not bottomless - be guided by this ...
There is a problem of constantly monitoring the uniformity of the action of the original drug and its generic. Consult your physician...
There are psychological moments - the magic of the trade name of a well-known company - the author of the drug. Use common sense...

To save money on medicines, you need to clearly understand what exactly you need to look for. To do this, you need to understand the terminology and what the doctor writes in the prescription.

This is very important, as confusion in terms can result in you choosing a drug that is not the one your doctor prescribed for you.

Patients often seek similar expensive cheap medicines, not understanding the meaning of the terms "analogue", "synonym", "generic". Therefore, before you start looking for a cheap drug, let's understand the terminology.

Since July 1, 2013, the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 1175n obliged doctors to indicate in the prescription not the commercial name of the drug, but the international non-proprietary name (INN), that is, the active substance.

Fig. 2 - What the doctor writes in the prescription.

This means that physicians should not prescribe drugs to patients under their trade name, that is, certain manufacturers who could pay physicians for this remuneration. Now doctors are required to indicate the active substance in the prescription, according to which the patient can choose a drug from the trade names available in the pharmacy.

INN, original, generic, synonym, analogue - terminology

You may hear or already know the following terms and phrases in relation to medicines:

  • international non-proprietary name (INN),
  • original (brand) medicine,
  • generic,
  • synonym,
  • analogue ( similar medicine).

International non-proprietary name (INN)

International non-proprietary name (INN) is the unique name of the active substance of the medicinal product. Each medicine must have one or more active ingredients and there may be several additional and auxiliary substances.

Exactly active ingredients have a major therapeutic effect on a particular disease. This is the active substance and the doctor should indicate in the prescription.

Original (brand name) medicine

Huge amounts of money are spent on the creation of a new drug - from several hundred million dollars to a billion, and it also takes a long period of time - up to 10-15 years. In addition to developing the formula of the active substance, it is necessary to determine its effectiveness and side effects, starting with tests on cells, mice and ending with volunteers, to develop a technology for its production, to conduct an expensive advertising campaign.

On average, the term of a patent is about 25 years, and for the remaining 10-15 years, the manufacturer must recover its costs for the development and launch of the original drug on the market and make a profit, so the cost of patented drugs is very high, but the quality is guaranteed.


Generic is a medicinal product with the same active substance as the drug with a patented name.

Generics are sold under an international non-proprietary name or under a proprietary name that differs from the brand name of the drug developer. Generics are usually called medicines, the active substance of which has expired patent protection. As a rule, generic drugs do not differ in their effectiveness from the original drugs, but they are much cheaper.

A generic drug is much cheaper for the manufacturer, since there is no need to spend money on expensive and ten-year-long drug development, clinical trials, and development of production technology. In addition, during the time that patent protection lasts, some side effects and complications, and generic manufacturers can only take them into account in the instructions for use, without spending money on research. Therefore, generics are cheaper than branded drugs, and sold out much faster. Generic is actually a fake, but of high quality and legal. A generic manufacturer legally registers its brand, and in order to avoid accusations of copyright infringement, replaces one or two letters in the name of the drug or gives it a different name.

Generics have the same medicinal properties because they contain the same active ingredients as the original. The side effects of generics and the brand are also the same. Generics are bought more often than originals, even in such prosperous countries as the United States or Sweden.

One originator drug may have several generics that differ significantly in price both from the originator drug and from each other.

The cheapest generics are presented in my table, and you can find all the rest yourself using the method that will be described below.

A generic drug is not always the cheapest drug containing this active ingredient, so in my table drugs are not divided into generics and originals, but into expensive and cheap drugs.


This term can be used by doctors in relation to generics. Therefore, everything that is written about generics also applies to synonyms. If the doctor in a conversation with you uses the term "synonym", ask him if he means the generic in this case or puts some other meaning into the term "synonym".

Analogue or similar medicine

This term is most often associated with confusion in concepts. Sometimes this term is erroneously used in relation to generics, and this is a serious mistake.

Similar to the original medicine- it is most often not a generic. A similar medicine (analogue) often contains a completely different active substance.

Usually, analogues mean drugs belonging to the same group, for example, antihistamines, and these are drugs that are completely different in terms of the active substance, and they do not have the same effect on the patient.

You can choose a generic drug yourself according to the active ingredient indicated in the prescription by your doctor, or you can consult a pharmacist who, based on this prescription, will suggest a medicine with the active ingredient you need. It will be legal and safe for your health.

Analogue (similar drug) only a doctor can prescribe you. You cannot independently completely safely and competently replace a medicine with one active substance with an analogue of this medicine, that is, with a completely different medicine with a different active substance, but with a similar effect. And a pharmacist cannot legally give you that advice.

A similar medicine can be qualified only by a doctor at the reception. And you can find and choose a generic of the original medicine yourself, and I will teach you this.

On the Internet, the concepts of “analogue”, “analogous medicine” are often used, but it is meant by this “ analogue of the active substance”, “a drug similar in active substance” or generic. That is why it is so important to first understand the terminology in order to clearly understand whether we are talking about analogue of the drug according to the active substance!

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The life of any medicine begins with a name, which can be several - chemical, trade, national generic, generic or international generic name of the drug (abbreviated as INN). The latter is considered especially important for all medical and pharmaceutical workers. This name is assigned to the active substance of the drug, has worldwide recognition and is considered public property.

Some historical facts about INN

The beginning of the system of international generic names was laid by the resolution of the World Health Assembly in the fiftieth year. The first list of INNs was published three years later.

Since that time, the system has been working. Currently, this organization constantly publishes a directory of international generic names of medicines and a journal containing a list of INNs. The essence of the system is to help healthcare professionals, using an exclusive and at the same time common name all over the world, to establish each pharmaceutical substance. An international range of such substances in INN form is needed to:

  • international information exchange between medical and pharmaceutical workers, as well as scientists;
  • safe prescribing and dispensing to patients;
  • identification of drugs.

Tasks of the INN system

The international non-proprietary name of medicines is unique and should not be consonant with other names so that it cannot be confused with other commonly used names. In order to be used worldwide, these names are non-proprietary, i.e. they can be used without restrictions to identify pharmaceutical substances. One of the features of the INN system is that due to the use of common elements of words in the names of substances that are similar in pharmacological properties, their relationship is traced.

As a result, any specialist in the field of pharmacy or medicine understands that substances belong to a certain group with similar activity.

Use of INN

INN belonging to one pharmacological group have similar properties. names of medicines are used:

  • when marking;
  • in advertising publications;
  • in scientific literature;
  • in normative documents;
  • in information about the drug;
  • in pharmacopoeias.

Their application is provided for by international or national legislation. To avoid confusion and in order to exclude a threat to the health of individuals, it is forbidden to borrow trade names from the INN. There are countries where a special font size is defined, which is allowed to print the generic name under advertising or labeling. trademark.

Why assign INN?

International non-proprietary names of medicines are assigned by a specially created commission of the World Health Organization (WHO) in accordance with a certain procedure. The generic name helps specialists understand the many drugs that appear on the pharmaceutical market after the expiration of the patent for the original drug. Many drugs with the same INN have different trade names. For example, a medicine called "Ciprofloxacin" - this INN has about thirty-eight trade names, "Diclofenac" - fifty-two, and the well-known "Paracetamol" - thirty-three. Many drugs are made on the basis of one substance, for example:

  • 55 drugs are made from penicillin;
  • from nitroglycerin - 25;
  • from diclofenac - 205.

Every year the total number of INNs increases by more than a hundred items. Currently, there are more than eight and a half thousand.

How is the list of international generic names of medicines selected and published?

INN is assigned only to those substances that can be characterized chemical formula or nomenclature. In accordance with the policy followed by WHO, names are not selected for herbal preparations and homeopathic preparations, as well as mixtures. In addition, names are not selected for substances used for a long period of time for medical purposes under specific names and for some common chemical names, for example, acetic acid. The selection process itself is quite long, and lasts more than two years. After notification of the submitter, all names are printed by WHO in a special magazine. During the year, since 1997, the following lists of titles have been issued:

  • proposed;
  • recommended.

Moreover, they are compiled in Spanish, English, French, and also contain the Latin name of each INN. In addition, a complete list of international generic drug names is printed. It is subject to regular updates. It lists the names in six different languages, including in Latin.

Application of INN

The growth in the number of generic names expands the scope of their application. Due to the global recognition and active use of the INN system in practical medicine, most pharmaceutical substances are designated using the international non-proprietary name. When filling out clinical documents or conducting various studies, INN is used quite widely and has already become quite commonplace. In addition, the importance of INN is increasingly increasing as a result of the active use of generic names for pharmaceutical products.

Use of INN in practical medicine

What is international generic name medicines? In the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines" this concept is deciphered as follows - this is the name of the pharmaceutical substance proposed by WHO. As mentioned above, the INN system was invented to classify and record the names of active substances and their free use in the medical and pharmaceutical community. Starting from 2012, in practical medicine, all prescriptions and prescribing of medicines are carried out according to the INN, and in their absence, according to the grouping names. When choosing a drug, doctors need to distinguish between such concepts as:

  • the name of the active substance;
  • trade name of a medicine containing a pharmacologically active, i.e. active substance.

On the pharmaceutical market, there are a huge number of trade names for drugs that are manufactured by different manufacturers, but have the same active ingredient. In all official instructions on medical use medicines, as well as on the packages there is an international non-proprietary name of the medicinal product. Knowing and using the INN enables doctors to prescribe drugs efficiently and rationally, as well as to use limited financial resources economically.

Search for analogues and synonyms

Analogues are medicines that have a similar pharmacological effect and mechanism of action. Such drugs may belong to different pharmacological groups, have different therapeutic effects, have different contraindications and side effects. For example, "Remantadin", "Kagocel", "Ingavirin" are similar means. Synonyms are drugs with different trade names, but having the same INN. Consider a few examples of drugs-synonyms. Listed below are medicines with international generic name m "Drotaverine" and "Paracetamol".

The first includes "No-shpa", "Spazmol", "Spakovin", "Spazmoverin", the second - "Kalpol", "Ifimol", "Prohodol". Many people confuse these two concepts and often look for cheap analogues in pharmacies. It is important to understand that analogues are not synonymous, and only a doctor can choose them correctly. And any patient is able to choose a synonymous drug on their own, depending on the preferences of a particular trade name and the country of origin of the drug.

When we come for a drug prescribed by a doctor, we may encounter its absence not only in the pharmacy itself, but also in the warehouse. And it is not always possible to order a medicine, for example, from a manufacturer. In this case, the pharmacist or pharmacist offers a replacement for the missing drug - synonym or analogue. The words seem to be well-known and often used in everyday life, but as a rule, not everyone correctly understands their meaning. So what is a synonym and analogue of a drug? And we will also figure out whether it is possible to trust the advice of a pharmacist to replace the missing drug.

Drug Synonyms

For a better understanding, consider such concepts as the international non-proprietary name and the trade name of the drug.

Any drug in its composition contains an active or active substance, which has a pharmaceutical (therapeutic) effect on the body. The active substance of the drug is international non-proprietary name(INN). INN can be seen on the package of the drug. It has a smaller font and is placed under trade name- the name under which the drug is sold in the pharmacy.

For example, in the absence of Nurofen Forte in pharmacies, a pharmacist or pharmacist may suggest replacing Iburofen-Hemofarm, Faspik or Mig 400 with drugs.

The drugs have the same form of release - film-coated tablets at a dosage of 400 mg, and the same active ingredient - ibuprofen. These drugs differ in cost: Nurofen Forte costs about 100 rubles, Iburofen-Hemofarm - 75 rubles, Faspik - 110 rubles, Mig 400 - 150 rubles. These drugs are synonymous and completely interchangeable with each other.

You can also give illustrative examples of some popular drugs. Voltaren solution for injection costs about 300 rubles, its synonym Diclofenac - 58 rubles, Panangin - 140 rubles, Asparkam's synonym - 50 rubles, Ketanov - 118 rubles, its synonym Ketorolac - 65 rubles.

The advantage of synonyms is their diversity in the pharmaceutical market and the difference in the price range, reaching hundreds of rubles in some cases. A synonymous drug can be selected at the lowest price.

You can choose a synonym using a specialized directory by contacting a doctor or pharmacist. Also, with this replacement, it is necessary to make sure that the dosage of the active substance for the medicines matches.

Not all drugs have synonyms.

Analogues of medicines

Analogues of medicines- drugs that contain different active substances in their composition, but are used to treat the same diseases. These medicines have different therapeutic effect, indications and contraindications for use can be very different.

For example, antiviral drugs Arbidol and Kagocel are analogues to each other. These drugs have different active ingredients, but belong to the same pharmacological group and are used for influenza.

If you need a similar replacement of the drug, you should always consult with your doctor for greater effectiveness of therapy. The attending physician will take into account your comorbidities and characteristics of the body to prevent the development of adverse side effects.