Erespal tablets description. Erespal - instructions for use for children and adults, price, analogues and reviews

Hello my dears!

Welcome to my review!

I hope I can help someone and save them from the terrible consequences that Erespal causes.

If, nevertheless, it is not possible to avoid taking it, at least you will be aware of its negative impact and it will not be a shock for you, as it was in my case.

Someone will say, but not everyone has side effects from drugs? Yes, not everyone, but wandering around the Internet, I noticed that out of "about" 100 people who took Erespal, 80 had side effects.

Impressive right?

So let's go:

Choking and coughing, she went to the therapist, who diagnosed acute tracheitis.

I wrote out syrup and tea, for which I have no complaints, and Erispal was also on the list.

I ran to the pharmacy at a run. the state was terrible and there was no time to think.

Now I will describe the drug, the main thing from the instructions:


Compound: 1 film-coated tablet contains Active substance: fenspiride hydrochloride - 80 mg. Excipients: calcium hydrophosphate 104.5 mg; hypromellose 100 mg; povidone 12.80 mg; silicon dioxide colloidal anhydrous 0.50 mg; magnesium stearate 2.20 mg; Shell: titanium dioxide 0.841 mg; glycerol 0.263 mg; hypromellose 4.370 mg; macrogol 6000 0.263 mg; magnesium stearate 0.263 mg.

Pharmacotherapeutic group Anti-inflammatory, anti-bronchoconstrictor agent.



The anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictor activity of fenspiride is due to a decrease in the production of a number of biologically active substances(cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), arachidonic acid derivatives, free radicals), which play an important role in the development of inflammation and bronchospasm. histamine stimulates the metabolism of arachidonic acid with the formation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Fenspiride blocks α-adrenergic receptors, the stimulation of which is accompanied by an increase in the secretion of bronchial glands. Thus, fenspiride reduces the action of a number of factors that contribute to the hypersecretion of pro-inflammatory factors, the development of inflammation and bronchial obstruction. Fenspiride also has an antispasmodic effect.

Pharmacokinetics Cmax after oral administration is reached after 6 hours. T½ -12 hours. Excreted mainly by the kidneys.

INDICATIONS Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract:

  • Rhinopharyngitis and laryngitis
  • Tracheobronchitis
  • Bronchitis (on the background of chronic respiratory failure or without)
  • Bronchial asthma (composed of complex therapy)
  • Respiratory effects (cough, hoarseness, sore throat) with measles, whooping cough and influenza
  • For infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough, when standard antibiotic therapy is indicated
  • Otitis and sinusitis of various etiologies.

CONTRAINDICATIONS Hypersensitivity to the active substance and / or any of the components of the drug. Children under 18 years of age (Erespal ® syrup should be used to treat children and adolescents under 18 years of age).

PREGNANCY AND BREASTFEEDING Taking the drug during pregnancy is not recommended. Therapy with fenspiride is not a basis for terminating the onset of pregnancy. breastfeeding due to the lack of data on the penetration of fenspiride into breast milk.

METHOD OF APPLICATION AND DOSES Inside. Adults: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 240 mg. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.


Frequency adverse reactions that may occur during therapy is given as the following gradation: very often (> 1/10); often (>1/100, 1/1000, 1/10000, From the side of the cardiovascular systemRarely: moderate tachycardia, the severity of which decreases with a decrease in the dose of the drug. From the side digestive system: Often: gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, epigastric pain. Unset frequency: diarrhea, vomiting. From the side of the central nervous system: Rarely: drowsiness. Unset frequency: dizziness. General disorders and symptoms:Unset frequency: asthenia, increased fatigue. From the skin and subcutaneous fat:Rarely: erythema, rash, urticaria, angioedema, fixed erythema pigmentosa. Unset frequency: skin itching.

OVERDOSE In case of an overdose of the drug (cases of overdose have been noted when taking the drug at a dose of more than 2320 mg), you should immediately seek medical advice. medical care.Symptoms: drowsiness or agitation, nausea, vomiting, sinus tachycardia. Treatment: gastric lavage, electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring. Maintaining the vital functions of the body.

INTERACTION WITH OTHER DRUGS Special studies on the interaction of fenspiride with other medicines due to a possible increase in the sedative effect when taking histamine H1 receptor blockers, it is not recommended to use the drug Erespala in combination with drugs that have a sedative effect, or in conjunction with alcohol.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS For the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age, Erespal ® syrup should be used. Studies to study the effect of Erespal ® on the ability to drive vehicles and work with the mechanisms was not carried out. Patients should be aware of the possible development of drowsiness when taking Erespal®, especially at the beginning of therapy or when combined with alcohol intake, and should be careful when driving vehicles and when performing work that requires a high speed of psychomotor reactions.

RELEASE FORM Film-coated tablets, 80 mg. 15 tablets per blister (PVC/Al). 2 blisters with instructions for medical use in a cardboard box.

STORAGE CONDITIONS At a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children. List B.




I read the instructions only about how to take, although the doctor wrote 1 tablet 2 times a day.

Didn't even look at the side effects.

Sorry, the packaging is a little dirty.


The first day of admission in the evening, everything is ok.


I've already taken it twice a day, everything seems to be fine.


Light dizziness and weakness began, appetite disappeared, and if you managed to eat something, heartburn and bitterness in your mouth began. There was a slight ache in the body, and even taking off and putting on some wardrobe items, the body felt like one big wound, as if the skin was removed (these sensations lasted about a week).

I didn’t attach much importance when I get sick this happens.


The cough decreased, but weakness and drowsiness increased, as if she had not slept for a week.

But the most unexpected thing was when, when climbing the stairs to the second floor, she barely reached, shortness of breath appeared, but not from coughing, but there was a feeling that her heart was jumping out of her chest.

Also, when rising from a squat, his eyes turned black and there was a fainting state. And I had to squat and bend over all the time, because. Small child Moms will understand.

Here comes the worst day...


I woke up, everything seemed fine, I took a pill. Gathered, for work it was necessary to go behind the wheel, the time is about 11 am. Everything flew to one end in order, but back I was already a “vegetable”, my head was spinning, my eyes were closing and my heart was beating wildly. In general, I don’t remember well how I got home, since it was not far away.

I decided to stop taking Erespal.

I had lunch, I remind you, zero appetite, even a little sick.

The time is 14.00, I fall down and my eyes close.

An hour later we went to the dacha, it was quite hot, mid-August.

By the way, the drug still causes a feeling of anxiety, a funny story happened on the road.

Father is driving, mother is next to him, everyone else is behind. Mom and dad are generally quite reckless. The road runs through the forest and off-road, about 40 km. It is clear that off-road speed is not high, we eat and behind some car. But then the asphalt appeared and the father begins to break away from the car behind him, and he, too, began to catch up with the campaign.

It seems that they didn’t accelerate much, but I start to get hysterical, I scream don’t drive, there is a dangerous turn, we will all die :))) It’s funny to remember now, but then I was insanely scared, although I trust my father 100%.

Arriving, I sat down on the street, I don’t want to get up, because it seems that at the slightest movement the heart will jump out, and it was still stuffy in the house, the time was 22.00.

My head began to hurt a lot, the pressure was normal, I thought maybe because of the weather, although I am not weather dependent.

I go on the Internet and read about the side effects, people have one to one.

But two reviews were very strangled and frightened:

  1. In no case should Erespal be taken by people who often drive, because. you can fall asleep at any moment and not understand who you are and where you are.
  2. In one person, the pressure dropped to 60/40 HORROR, who does not understand, this is resuscitation or death.

To be honest, Friday night is a blur.


Tachycardia seemed to have decreased, but weakness still persisted, I constantly wanted to sit down, then lie down.

Still no appetite. Squats are still given with a blackout in the eyes, but without seeming to faint.

The pressure jumps a little, then up, then down, but not significantly by 10 units.

General condition as a "vegetable".

On Friday and Saturday I drank a lot of water to cleanse the body faster.


Hurrah Hurrah!!! I thought! The heart is in place, the head does not hurt or spin. Mom returned to the child, not "zombies". There is a slight weakness and body aches, but this is nonsense.

Oh, how wrong I was, after 14.00 it began to turn into a “vegetable” again.

The next week was more successful, but, but, but dizziness and slight weakness persisted, the pressure dropped 100/80 or 100/70, the general signs were similar to vegetative-vascular dystonia.

I go back to the Internet looking for information, indeed Erespal caused VVD in some people, and not as a temporary phenomenon, but on an ongoing basis.


But thank God, everything returned to normal, not immediately, of course, but two weeks later, after the last dose.


It is difficult to say whether this drug helped, the cough decreased and filth began to come out, but earlier it was the same without taking Erespal.

Search, ask for a replacement, and run away from him, unless it is a matter of life and death.

I will definitely not go to the doctor who prescribed Erespal for me, “BIG HELLO”.

Yes, perhaps she herself is to blame, but knowing Russian carelessness, he could at least warn.

By the way, there is also Erespal in the form of syrup, it is mainly prescribed for children. I read reviews of moms and they are very satisfied with his action. But having honestly gone through all this, if my child is ever prescribed this drug, I will refuse and will ask for a replacement.

I give the drug Erespal one star, only because during this painful week I lost 2 kilograms.

That's all!

I wish everyone good health and avoid such mistakes, learn from others.


See you soon!

Your Love!

Price in the online pharmacy site: from 258

General information about the drug and the manufacturer

The drug is produced by the leading pharmaceutical company in Russia, engaged in the development and production of modern, high-quality, affordable medicines- Pharmstandard. The production company is equipped with high-tech equipment, special laboratories for quality control of raw materials and finished products, and has professional employees on staff. The company produces antibacterial, painkillers, sedatives, hepatoprotectors, antispasmodics, antihypertensives, enzyme medicines, cough tablets, ferrohematogens and other medicines.

Erespal is used for the symptomatic treatment of whooping cough. Whooping cough is an infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. The etiological factor is the Borde-Jangu bacterium. The main symptom is a paroxysmal cough with spasms. The disease is one of the most dangerous both for its manifestations and possible complications especially for boys.

Most often, children under six years of age are infected. The time from the moment the infection enters the body to clinical manifestations is up to two weeks. The transmission mechanism of the bacterial agent is airborne. The patient remains infectious for a month. For the prevention of the disease, measures are taken to vaccinate the population in childhood. After the first vaccination, a second booster is needed. The disease usually has outbreaks in the form of epidemics every two to four years. After the introduction mandatory vaccinations morbidity has dropped markedly. Natural immunity after an illness is persistent, for life. The causative agent of pathology is very sensitive to physical factors: ultraviolet radiation, chlorine preparations. Due to the temperature difference in environment the stick dies quickly.

Classically, several clinical stages are distinguished during the course of the disease: the prodromal period, characterized by signs of acute respiratory viral infection, convulsive phase with the development of muscle spasms, a period of convalescence with subsidence of symptoms. Having first entered the body, the whooping cough stick penetrates the upper respiratory tract, accumulates in the trachea and attaches to the epithelium. This is accompanied by the formation of wounds on the surface of the respiratory tract, ulceration. When bacteria accumulate in sufficient numbers, they begin to secrete a toxin that affects the vagus nerve, which provides nerve impulses to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Due to the pathology of the innervation vagus nerve breathing is disturbed: frequency, rhythm, depth. In addition, blood circulation worsens at the level microvasculature. This can lead to encephalopathy.

The symptoms of the prodromal period of whooping cough include: a rise in temperature to thirty-eight degrees, chills, muscle pain, general weakness, fatigue, decreased performance, headaches of various localization and severity. Then catarrhal signs join: runny nose, cough, swelling of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, reddening of the pharynx, tachycardia, shortness of breath. During the convulsive period, specific symptoms characteristic of whooping cough join: an unproductive cough of a dry and spastic nature several times a day, a feeling of lack of air before an attack. Appearance the patient is quite characteristic: the face is swollen, puffy, traces of hemorrhages are visible on the sclera of the eyes due to increased intraocular pressure, sores on the tongue. The disease necessarily requires inpatient treatment, as it is accompanied by pain, increased heart rate, and respiratory failure. Spasms of the bronchi and upper respiratory tract can lead to hypoxia, circulatory failure of the myocardium, brain and muscles. At the stage of convalescence, the symptoms subside, the patient feels better, after a couple of months, all manifestations disappear.

In children in the first month of life, whooping cough is most severe. Main complications: sleep apnea, inflammation of the lung tissue, collapse of the lobe of the lung, encephalopathy. Mortality from the disease is quite high.

For the diagnosis of whooping cough, an anamnesis, an objective examination and a set of laboratory and instrumental research. The most specific method can be considered cultural and microscopic methods, examination of the material under a microscope. The material for research can be a swab from the pharynx, swabs, blood. During treatment, the patient is isolated from others in a department with boxes, the room is maintained at optimal humidity and temperature, a half-bed rest and a diet are prescribed in compliance with calorie intake and the exclusion of products that can cause vomiting. The main etiotropic therapy - antibacterial drugs. The course of treatment is a week. You can use antibiotics in tablet form, you can enter intramuscularly. To relieve the cough symptom, medications are prescribed that suppress the focus of excitation of the reflex responsible for coughing. In addition, you may need additional funds to lower the temperature, antiemetic drugs, oxygen therapy.

Farmgroup, general information

Erespal is a drug that provides anti-bronchoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used as a symptomatic therapy in both adults and children in the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Components of the drug Erespal, pharmacology

The leading pharmaceutical company in Russia, engaged in the development and production of modern, high-quality, affordable medicines - Pharmstandard manufactures Erespal in the form of:

  • Film-coated tablets of fifteen pieces in each blister.
  • Orange syrup in a plastic bottle of one hundred milliliters.

Each package contains instructions for use. Each tablet of the drug contains eighty milligrams of the active bronchodilator substance - fenspiride in the form of hydrochloride, and in one milliliter of syrup two milligrams of the same component. Fenspiride belongs to the group of antihistamines. Has activity against inflammatory processes, allergic manifestations, asthma, expands the bronchi. The mechanism of action is associated with a block of histamine receptors, to which inflammatory mediators could attach. It is an effective antispasmodic. Absorption in the digestive tube is fast and active. The highest concentration is reached after six hours for tablets, after three - for syrup. The half-life is half a day. Excretion of metabolites is carried out by the kidneys and, to a small extent, by the intestines.

The main indications for the use of Erespal

Indications for use:

  • Inflammation of the bronchi.
  • Inflammation of the trachea and bronchial tree.
  • Inflammation in the mucous membrane of the pharynx and nose, larynx.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Inflammatory process of the ear, mucous membrane paranasal sinuses nose.
  • As a means of symptomatic therapy for infectious diseases of whooping cough, influenza, measles.

The main contraindications for use

Contraindications for the use of tablets: the patient's age is up to eighteen years, the body's allergic responses to ingestion active ingredient. Patients with diabetes, with fructose malabsorption, glucose and galactose intolerance, sucrase and isomaltase deficiency.

Side effects

Undesirable symptoms and manifestations may occur, such as: allergic responses of the body, allergic inflammation skin, increased heart rate, digestive system disorders, nausea, pain in the stomach, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy.

Instructions for use of Erespal dosage forms: tablets, syrup

The recommended dose of the drug for adult patients is one tablet three times a day, up to six tablespoons of syrup per day. A maximum of two hundred and forty milligrams of the active ingredient can be taken per day. The course of treatment depends on the disease, its course, the presence of side effects, the duration of the course is prescribed by the doctor. Children under eighteen years of age taking the tablet form is contraindicated. The recommended dose of syrup for children under two years of age and weighing up to ten kilograms is up to four teaspoons. Children over two years of age can take up to four tablespoons of syrup per day.

Special instructions for the use of the drug

Patients under the age of eighteen are contraindicated in the use of the tablet form.

Possibility of use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the drug is contraindicated due to its possible teratogenic effects on the fetus. During breastfeeding, it is also recommended to refrain from taking the medicine.


In the reception situation a large number dosages, the following symptoms are possible: drowsiness, general weakness, nausea, vomiting, increased heart rate while maintaining sinus rhythm. Treatment is symptomatic, pre-hospital provocation of vomiting, mandatory removal of an electrocardiogram.

Interaction with other drugs

AT official sources no data on drug interaction.

Storage rules

Buying tablets and syrup at the pharmacy

Approved for sale after providing a prescription from a doctor.


Similar drugs with the same indications: Amispirin, Inspiron, Sinuspal, Bronchomax, Fosidal, Daxas, Xolair and others.

Erespal - has an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits exudation, prevents bronchoconstriction. This medication from French manufacturers is very popular in otolaryngological and pulmonological practice. It is prescribed in the complex therapy of many pulmonary diseases, as well as for the treatment of the upper sections. respiratory system.

It has a clinically proven ability to increase the activity of the cilia of the bronchial ciliated epithelium, normalize the volume of bronchial secretions and reduce its viscosity. According to the instructions for use, Erespal has an antispasmodic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect.

If antitussive and expectorant drugs act on the effects of dry or wet cough, then Erespal affects its root cause, namely, inflammation. At the same time, it works simultaneously in several directions.

Due to the complex effect on the respiratory tract, the mechanism of mucus formation and inflammation, Erespal also has an antispasmodic effect, and its intake helps to relax the bronchi, and, therefore, to expand them.

When taking Erespal in tablets or syrup, the highest concentration of the drug in the blood is reached after about 6 hours. After another 6 hours (12 in total), the dose of the drug is already excreted from the body along with urine (90%), through the intestines 10%.

The active substance of all dosage forms of the drug is fenspiride hydrochloride. Active substance The drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictor effect due to a decrease in the production of the main biologically active substances that play a key role in the development of the inflammatory response and bronchospasm: cytokines, free radicals, metabolites of arachidonic acid.

Fenspiride reduces the action of a number of factors that contribute to the hypersecretion of pro-inflammatory agents, the development of inflammation and bronchial obstruction.

Erespal is available as:

- film-coated cough tablets, each containing 80 mg fenspiride hydrochloride;

- cough syrup, 10 ml of which contains 20 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride.

Indications for use Erespal

Indications for the use of Erespal are diseases accompanied by cough and other symptoms of respiratory diseases. Indications for the use of syrup are similar to those for the use of the drug in tablets.

The medication is prescribed for:

  • treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract (otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, tracheitis, rhinotracheobronchitis, bronchitis),
  • therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), as part of the complex therapy of BA;
  • treatment of seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis and other manifestations of allergies from the respiratory system and ENT organs;
  • therapy of respiratory manifestations of measles, influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;
  • as a symptomatic treatment for whooping cough.

Instructions for use Erespal, dosage

The drug should be taken before meals, 15 minutes before the main meal.

The syrup should be shaken before use.

Adults Erespal is prescribed 80 mg (1 tab.) 2-3 times / day. or 3-6 tablespoons (45-90 ml) of syrup per day.

1 tablespoon (15 ml of syrup) contains 30 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride and 9 g of sucrose.

The maximum daily dose is 240 mg. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

For the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age should use Erespal ® syrup.

- Children weighing up to 10 kg - 10-20 ml per day (it is possible to add syrup to a bottle with baby food);

- Children weighing more than 10 kg - 30-60 ml per day;

- Children from 2 years old - at the rate of 4 mg per kg of body weight per day;

- Adolescents and adults - 45-90 ml per day.

The course of taking the drug can last from 20 to 30 days. The period of taking the medication is determined by the attending physician in each individual case.

Application features

Studies to study the effect of the drug Erespal on the ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms have not been conducted. Patients should be aware of the possible development of drowsiness and weakness when taking Erespal, especially at the beginning of therapy or when combined with alcohol.

Taking the drug during pregnancy is not recommended.

During treatment infectious diseases respiratory tract, Erespal should be combined with a course of antibiotics. Treatment with the drug does not replace antibiotic therapy.

Use with caution while taking sedative, sedative and hypnotic drugs, since their interaction can lead to potentiation of the sedative effect and cause excessive weakness and drowsiness. For the same reason, it is undesirable to combine ethanol and Erespal and refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages during the period of therapy.

The drug is not recommended to be combined with acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to the possible risk of developing allergies and other body reactions, which include bronchospasm.

Side effects and contraindications Erespal

Possible digestive disorders, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, drowsiness, dizziness, moderate tachycardia, increased fatigue, asthenia.

The dye and excipients in the composition of the syrup can provoke the development of allergic reactions.

If any adverse symptoms occur, take dosage form stop and seek medical attention for the appointment of adequate therapy.


Symptoms: drowsiness or agitation, nausea, vomiting, sinus tachycardia.

Treatment: gastric lavage, ECG monitoring. Support of vital body functions.


  • Hypersensitivity (allergy) to the active substance or to any of the components of the drug.
  • Children's age up to 18 years (for tablets).
  • Age up to 2 years (for syrup).

The composition of the drug includes sucrose, so contraindications to the use of the drug are congenital fructose intolerance, glucose and galactose malabsorption syndrome, sucrose-isomaltose deficiency.

Analogues Erespal (list)

Preparations analogues of Erespal, a list of medicines:

  1. Inspiron;
  2. Ascoril;
  3. Ambrobene;
  4. Lazolvan;
  5. Prospan;
  6. fenspiride hydrochloride;
  7. Eryspirus;
  8. Cinnabsin;
  9. Nux-Vomica-Homaccord;
  10. air-sea;
  11. Incena;
  12. Softovak;
  13. Vinblastine-teva.

The drug "Erespal" is a fairly potent medicine. In this regard, it should not be used, guided only by own opinion and recommendations from friends or online reviews. The drug should be prescribed only by specialists, according to strict indications.

Erespal's instructions for use, price and reviews are not related to analogues and cannot be used as a guide to prescribing, replacing or dosages of drugs. All therapeutic manipulations must be carried out by a doctor. Replacing Erespal with an analogue may require adjustment of dosages or course of treatment.

Erespal (INN fenspiride) is an anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator from Les Laboratoires Servier (France) used to treat diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. sharp respiratory diseases(ARI) affects millions of people of all ages and genders every year. Most in an efficient way treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract is etiotropic therapy, which involves the impact not on the symptoms, but directly on the cause of the disease, i.e. on his stimulus. However, in most cases this is not possible due to the lack of objective information about the pathogen, in connection with which the principle of influencing pathogenic mechanisms diseases. Whatever the etiology of acute respiratory infections - bacterial, viral, toxic, allergic - the common denominator in all these cases is the inflammatory process. Therefore, anti-inflammatory drugs are chosen as first-line drugs for patients of this profile. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper and lower parts of the respiratory tract is accompanied by abundant formation of mucus, swelling and growth of the mucous membrane, narrowing of the bronchial lumen. The use of symptomatic agents in such a situation seems to be ineffective. Given that inflammation is at the base of this pathogenetic “pyramid” in any case, the optimal choice is a remedy that would not only help eliminate the damaging agent, but also reduce the severity of the inflammatory reaction by localizing its focus and inhibiting the synthesis of inflammatory mediators that act as catalysts pathological process.

Erespal successfully copes with this task, having an affinity for the morphological links of the respiratory system. This drug has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, comparable to that of glucocorticosteroids, but, unlike the latter, does not show systemic adverse reactions. Erespal blocks the action of phospholipase A2, acting as an inhibitor of the arachidonic acid cycle, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of inflammatory mediators - prostaglandins, leukotrienes and thromboxanes, and therefore relieves swelling, suppresses excessive secretion of mucus, eliminates spastic phenomena. Erespal also acts as a histamine antagonist and alpha-1-blocker, providing an antihistamine effect, which consists in thinning sputum and facilitating its evacuation from the respiratory tract. In addition to this, the drug locally reduces the excitability of the nervous system, thereby exhibiting an antispasmodic effect. In other words, Erespal negatively affects all the main links inflammatory process. The drug is available in the form of tablets and syrup. It has a generally favorable safety profile and is well tolerated. Its slight sedative effect (antihistamine component) should be taken into account when performing work requiring increased psychomotor reactivity.


The anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictor activity of fenspiride is due to a decrease in the production of a number of biologically active substances (cytokines (especially TNFα), arachidonic acid derivatives, free radicals), which play an important role in the development of inflammation and bronchospasm.

Fenspiride inhibition of arachidonic acid metabolism is potentiated by blockade of histamine H 1 receptors, tk. histamine stimulates the metabolism of arachidonic acid with the formation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Fenspiride blocks α-adrenergic receptors, the stimulation of which is accompanied by an increase in the secretion of bronchial glands. Thus, fenspiride reduces the effect of a number of factors that contribute to the hypersecretion of pro-inflammatory factors, the development of inflammation and bronchial obstruction.

Fenspiride also has an antispasmodic effect.



After oral administration, Cmax is reached after 6 hours.


T 1/2 - 12 hours. Excreted mainly by the kidneys.

Release form

Film-coated tablets white color, round, biconvex.

Excipients: calcium hydrogen phosphate - 104.5 mg, hypromellose - 100 mg, povidone-K30 - 12.8 mg, anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.5 mg, magnesium stearate - 2.2 mg.

Shell composition: titanium dioxide - 0.841 mg, glycerol - 0.263 mg, hypromellose - 4.37 mg, macrogol 6000 - 0.263 mg, magnesium stearate - 0.263 mg.

15 pcs. - blisters (2) - packs of cardboard.


For adults, the drug is prescribed 80 mg (1 tab.) 2-3 times / day.

The maximum daily dose is 240 mg. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.


In case of an overdose of the drug (cases of overdose have been noted when taking the drug at a dose of more than 2320 mg), the patient should immediately seek medical help.

Symptoms: drowsiness or agitation, nausea, vomiting, sinus tachycardia.

Treatment: gastric lavage, ECG monitoring, maintenance of vital body functions.


Special studies on the interaction of fenspiride with other drugs have not been conducted.

Due to the possible sedative effect when taking histamine H1-receptor blockers, it is not recommended to use Erespal in combination with drugs that have a sedative effect, or in conjunction with alcohol.

Side effects

The most frequent adverse reactions to the drug Erespal ® are observed from the digestive system.

The frequency of adverse reactions that may occur during therapy is given as the following gradation: very often (> 1/10); often (>1/100,<1/10); нечасто (>1/1000, <1/100); редко (>1/10 000, <1/1000); очень редко (<1/10 000); неустановленной частоты (частота не может быть подсчитана по доступным данным).

From the side of the cardiovascular system: rarely - moderate tachycardia, the severity of which decreases with a decrease in the dose of the drug; unspecified frequency * - a feeling of palpitations and a decrease in blood pressure, possibly associated with tachycardia.

From the digestive system: often - gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, epigastric pain; unspecified frequency * - diarrhea, vomiting.

From the side of the central nervous system: rarely - drowsiness; unknown frequency * - dizziness.

From the skin and subcutaneous fat: rarely - erythema, rash, urticaria, angioedema, fixed pigmentary erythema; unspecified frequency * - pruritus, toxic epidermal necrolysis, Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

General disorders: unspecified frequency * - asthenia, fatigue.

* Post-registration data.

The patient should be informed of the need to inform the doctor about any, incl. undesirable reactions not mentioned above, as well as changes in laboratory parameters during therapy with Erespal ® .


Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract:

  • rhinopharyngitis and laryngitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • bronchitis (with or without chronic respiratory failure);
  • bronchial asthma (as part of complex therapy);
  • respiratory phenomena (cough, hoarseness, sore throat) with measles, whooping cough, influenza;
  • infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough, when standard antibiotic therapy is indicated.

Otitis and sinusitis of various etiologies.


  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age (for the treatment of children and adolescents under the age of 18, Erespal ® syrup should be used);
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance and / or any of the components of the drug.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Data on the use of the drug Erespal ® in pregnant women are absent or limited. The use of the drug during pregnancy is not recommended.

Therapy with fenspiride is not a basis for terminating an ongoing pregnancy.

Erespal should not be used during breastfeeding due to the lack of data on the penetration of fenspiride into breast milk.

Use in children

special instructions

For the treatment of children and adolescents under the age of 18, Erespal ® syrup should be used.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Studies to study the effect of the drug Erespal ® on the ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms have not been conducted. Patients should be aware of the possible development of drowsiness when taking the drug Erespal ® , especially at the beginning of therapy or when combined with alcohol intake, and should be careful when driving vehicles and performing work that requires a high speed of psychomotor reactions.

Registration number: P N012547/01 Trade name: ERESPAL

photo instructions for the use of Erespal tablets 80 mg part 1

International nonproprietary or grouping name: Fenspiride

Dosage form: film-coated tablets.

Compound: 1 film-coated tablet contains Active ingredient: fenspiride hydrochloride - 80 mg.

Excipients: calcium hydrogen phosphate 104.5 mg; hypromellose 100 mg, povidone 12.80 mg; silicon dioxide colloidal anhydrous 0.50 mg; magnesium stearate 2.20 mg;

Shell titanium dioxide 0.841 mg; glycerol 0.263 mg; hypromellose 4.370 mg; macrogol 6000 0.263 mg, magnesium stearate 0.263 mg.


Photo of instructions for use of Erespal 80 mg tablets, part 2

Round, biconvex film-coated tablets, white.

Pharmacotherapeutic group Anti-inflammatory, anti-bronchoconstrictor agent.

ATX Code: R03DX03

Photo of Erespal 80 mg tablets, they are film-coated, white and round in shape, packed in a blister, the name of the tablets (Erespal), the active substance (Fenspiride) is written on the blister, the expiration date is indicated.

I propose to read with a cheaper counterpart Erespal, he is not inferior to him in efficiency, the active substance is the same (fenspiride), but it costs, much cheaper!!!



The anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictor activity of fenspiride is due to a decrease in the production of a number of biologically active substances (cytokines, especially tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a), arachidonic acid derivatives, free radicals), which play an important role in the development of inflammation and bronchospasm.

Inhibition of the metabolism of arachidonic acid by fenspiride is potentiated by its H, antihistamine action, tk. histamine stimulates the metabolism of arachidonic acid with the formation of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Fenspiride blocks a-adrenergic receptors, the stimulation of which is accompanied by an increase in the secretion of bronchial glands. Thus, fenspiride reduces the effect of a number of factors that contribute to the hypersecretion of pro-inflammatory factors, the development of inflammation and bronchial obstruction.

Fenspiride also has an antispasmodic effect.


C^ after oral administration is reached after 6 hours. T 1/2 -12 hours. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys.


Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract:

  • Rhinopharyngitis and laryngitis,
  • Tracheobronchitis;
  • Bronchitis (with or without chronic respiratory failure);
  • Bronchial asthma (as part of complex therapy);
  • Respiratory effects (cough, hoarseness, sore throat) with measles, whooping cough and influenza;
  • For infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by a cough, when standard antibiotic therapy is indicated

Otitis and sinusitis of various etiologies.


Hypersensitivity to the active substance and / or any of the components of the drug. Children under 18 years of age (for the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age, Erespal * syrup should be used).


Taking the drug during pregnancy is not recommended.

Therapy with fenspiride is not a basis for terminating an ongoing pregnancy. There are no clinical data on the fetotoxic effect of fenspiride or its ability to cause malformations when taken during pregnancy.

Do not use Erespal * during breastfeeding due to the lack of data on the penetration of fenspiride into breast milk.


Adults: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 240 mg. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.



The frequency of adverse reactions that may occur during therapy is given as the following gradation: very often (> 1/10); often (>1/100,<1/10); нечасто (>1/1000, <1/100); редко (>1/10000, <1/1000); очень редко (<1/10000) и неустановленной частоты (частота не может быть подсчитана по доступным дан­ным).

From the side of the cardiovascular system:

Rarely: moderate tachycardia, the severity of which decreases with a decrease in the dose of the drug.

From the digestive system:

Often gastrointestinal disorders, nausea, epigastric pain. Unspecified frequency: diarrhea, vomiting.

From the side of the central nervous system: Rare: drowsiness

Unspecified frequency: dizziness.

General disorders and symptoms: Unspecified frequency:, increased fatigue. From the skin and subcutaneous fat:

Rare: erythema, rash, urticaria, angioedema, fixed erythema pigmentosa.

Unspecified frequency: skin itching.


In case of an overdose of the drug (cases of overdose have been noted when taking the drug at a dose of more than 2320 mg), you should immediately seek medical help. Symptoms: drowsiness or agitation, nausea, vomiting, sinus tachycardia. Treatment: gastric lavage, electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring. Maintaining the vital functions of the body.


Special studies on the interaction of fenspiride with other drugs have not been conducted.

Due to the possible increase in the sedative effect when taking histamine H2 receptor blockers, it is not recommended to use Erespal * in combination with drugs that have a sedative effect, or in conjunction with alcohol.


For the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age, Erespal * syrup should be used. Studies to study the effect of the drug Erespal * on the ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms have not been conducted. Patients should be aware of the possible development of drowsiness when taking Erespal*, especially at the beginning of therapy or when combined with alcohol intake, and should be careful when driving vehicles and performing work that requires a high speed of psychomotor reactions.


Film-coated tablets, 80 mg.

15 tablets per blister (PVC/Al). 2 blisters with instructions for medical use in a cardboard pack.