Bronchial asthma swelling of the bronchial mucosa. Bronchial tumors

One of the most common diseases of the human respiratory system is bronchial edema, the symptoms of which appear almost immediately, but in some cases are similar to other diseases. So what is their difference?

Bronchial edema is a disease associated with inflammatory processes leading to internal changes in the bronchus, as a result of which there is a violation chemical composition the inner mucosa of the bronchus, which in turn leads to the formation of sputum in large quantities. The nature of sputum can be different: outgoing without difficulty, or viscous, poorly expectorated.

When swelling of the bronchi occurs, the symptoms of this disease are characterized as follows: first of all, hoarseness, or even loss of voice, fever, general malaise, body aches, chills, headaches, which, as a rule, most often occur as a result of a constant cough . In the early days, the cough is dry, sputum does not come out well, it should be noted that the cough intensifies at night. Another important point relating only to bronchitis - the patient always complains of a lack of air, he seems to be suffocating while coughing.

With this disease, bed rest, plentiful hot drinks, taking mucolytics, expectorants, both in the form of tablets, syrups, and sprays, are recommended. In case of high temperature, it is necessary to take antipyretics.

Bronchitis, pneumonia, there are differences between these diseases, but at the initial stage of the development of the disease, the symptoms are similar and it is very difficult to diagnose pneumonia. Pneumonia also refers to diseases of the human respiratory system, but at the same time inflammatory process affects lung tissue. Inflammation of the lungs is an infectious disease that can occur as a complication of a common viral disease (ARVI, or ARI).

It is possible to diagnose pneumonia only by clinical and x-ray methods of research. The symptomatology of the manifestation of this disease is brighter than with bronchitis: the temperature may rise to 40 degrees, the patient develops shortness of breath, pain in chest, and sometimes even without special instruments, wheezing in the chest can be heard, the patient complains of weakness, trembling in the voice, severe pain in the side and shortness of breath. Often there are cases of violations of tissue respiration in pneumonia, outwardly expressed in the blue lobes of the ears, nose, as well as fingers and toes.

So, the main differences between bronchitis and pneumonia are as follows.

Bronchitis is an inflammatory process that occurs directly in the bronchi and may be the result of hypothermia, or as a complication of other diseases that have not been treated correctly or have not been completed.

Pneumonia is a viral disease that affects the lung tissue, which can manifest itself as a complication after bronchitis. That is why the symptoms of this disease are much more serious than with bronchitis and, in case of improper treatment, can lead to death.

It is possible to treat bronchitis at home, but it is necessary to use the means recommended by specialists, and besides this, a plentiful hot drink is a very important point, since it is he who contributes to the speedy softening of sputum.

Treatment of pneumonia is carried out only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor, because if the use of antibiotics in the treatment of bronchitis can sometimes be avoided, then in the treatment of pneumonia they are essential.

Prevention of bronchial edema and pneumonia should be given great attention, since these diseases can cause great harm to our body. First of all, you need to pay attention to the entire respiratory system of the body. Among the preventive measures, the following can be distinguished: hardening of the body, regular outdoor sports, breathing exercises and exercises that promote the development of the lungs, correct, healthy lifestyle life, the use of drugs that strengthen the immune system, as well as vitamins during periods of beriberi, personal hygiene, wearing a mask when in contact with a sick person.

To avoid complications after colds and viral diseases treatment should be carried out correctly under the supervision of a physician and brought to full recovery. It is also possible to consult with a doctor about vaccination against influenza and other diseases.

The most important thing is never to self-medicate, even if the disease seems like a simple cold that "is about to pass by itself." Any treatment must be completed and always under the supervision of a physician.

Few have experienced such a condition as bronchial edema. What is the cause and what are the symptoms of edema? It is worth noting that it is not always possible to correctly diagnose such an ailment, since its signs are similar to the manifestations of a number of other diseases, the cause of which is inflammation of the bronchial tract. After diagnosing bronchial edema, it is worth immediately resorting to its treatment, because possible consequences are quite dangerous.


Bronchial edema is the most common disease of the respiratory system. Its symptoms appear almost immediately after infection or contact with an allergen, and the duration of treatment can vary from a week to several months, and sometimes even, a full recovery is not possible.

Most often this disease can be grateful for its appearance of inflammatory processes that accompany various infections. Because of this, the composition of the mucosa is disturbed, which leads to its swelling, a decrease in the respiratory passage and clogging it with mucus. Therefore, most often such swelling will be expressed by coughing. The sputum can be different, from easily departing, to barely expectorating.

It should be noted right away that pneumonia and bronchial edema have nothing in common with each other (if we do not take into account similar symptoms in the first stages of the disease).

To characteristic differences Pneumonia can be directly attributed to:

  • The defeat of the lung tissue;
  • May occur as a complication of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • Treatment at home is not likely, since it is impossible to avoid taking antibiotics in this case. Bronchial edema in some episodes can be cured without them.

Bronchial edema symptoms

This is the whole complexity of this disease, which is accompanied by swelling of the respiratory tract. There are no specific indications for this particular problem, and the symptoms at almost all stages are similar to other respiratory diseases:

  • shortness of breath;
  • Hoarse and planted voice. Most often in this case, obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed;
  • Attacks of suffocation;
  • Rapid and difficult breathing;
  • Cough (possible also dry);
  • Moderately elevated temperature (up to 37.5 ° C).

Treatment directly depends on the cause that caused the swelling of the bronchi.

Causes of bronchial edema

As with any other disease, in the case of bronchial edema, a wide variety of factors can become the basis for the occurrence, but among them there are several that are most common.


This problem becomes the reason for a variety of failures in our body. And swelling of the bronchi is no exception, it can also be triggered by an allergic reaction. Most likely allergens:

  • Animal wool;
  • Chemical substances;
  • plant pollen;
  • Medicines, etc.

In this case, the accompanying symptoms will be coughing, sneezing, lacrimation, hoarse voice. During allergic edema, it is not only removed with the help of antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin, Loratadin, Diphenhydramine), but also get rid of possible allergens. An important factor is the speed of the patient's reaction and his visit to the doctor. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the easier and faster the healing process will be.


In this case, various bacteria, viruses or fungi can become the causative agent of puffiness. It is important that the treating specialist correctly determines the nature of the problem and prescribes the correct course of drugs, since most medications work effectively only within their group.

Chemical substances

Most often, this means nicotine, which is contained in tobacco. Smokers quite often suffer from various diseases of the respiratory system. The same group includes miners and workers of mining companies.

What disease can cause bronchial edema?

The edema of the bronchi itself is only a symptom of some disease that the doctor must determine, after the diagnosis, the swelling is removed, prescribing the appropriate course of treatment. Often it is provoked by the following ailments:


The basis of this disease is an inflammatory process that is caused by viruses, bacteria or chemicals, it is not only acute, but also chronic. Its symptoms are not particularly prominent, but coughing fits are more pronounced and bring much more discomfort. In mild cases, it is possible to remove swelling of the bronchi at home. It is important to stay in bed, drink plenty of warm liquids (to thin the phlegm), and stop smoking. Bronchodilator drugs are often used to make sputum easier to leave the body. The list of such drugs includes:

  • Ambroskol;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Thermopsis;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene.

From folk remedies use:

  • Radish or tea with honey;
  • Infusions based on chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort or calamus;
  • Mass of garlic, dill and butter.


To be precise - bronchial asthma. This is a very serious chronic disease, from which, alas, it is impossible to completely get rid of. A person will have to be observed by a treating specialist all the time and is attentive to health with increased attention, especially when a child is sick. If you do not take into account the usual symptoms of this kind of disease, asthma is characterized by bronchospasm, which occurs during an attack. If antihistamines are not at hand, this will lead to extremely serious consequences, the list of which includes a fatal outcome.

To the reasons for this dangerous disease include:

  • Frequent allergic reaction;
  • Constant physical activity;
  • Use a large number artificial food (supplements, including);
  • Smoking;
  • Heredity;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • Ecological environment;
  • Frequent use nonsteroidal drugs(aspirin and the like);

Important! During asthma, a person does not have a fever, cough is almost never accompanied by sputum, and shortness of breath is a constant companion of the disease.

Remember that even if you managed to remove the unpleasant symptoms of puffiness at home, this does not mean that the disease is gone. Appreciate your health and at the first manifestations of shortness of breath, prolonged coughing or other symptoms of bronchial edema, visit a doctor. He will establish a diagnosis, and prescribe treatment depending on the results and the individuality of the organism.

Obstructive bronchitis - what is it and how to treat it

Obstructive bronchitis is called inflammation of the bronchi with a sharp narrowing of the lumen, difficulty exhaling, respiratory failure. The disease is more common in children, it is difficult, the treatment is longer than in adults.

The reasons

In bronchitis, the irritating effect of viruses, bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasmas causes coughing, leads to increased secretion of mucous secretions, shortness of breath, and dysfunction of the respiratory system.

In children under 3 years of age, acute obstructive bronchitis is caused mainly by respiratory syncytial (RS) viruses, the frequency of diseases among children is 45:1000.

The disease is characterized by narrowing of the bronchi, preventing the movement of air.

Narrowing of the bronchi (obstruction) is caused by:

  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

In both adults and children, both mechanisms are involved in the development of bronchial obstruction, but they are expressed to varying degrees.

Edema causes the disease mainly in childhood especially in children under 2 years of age. The diameter of the bronchi in children corresponds to age, and the younger the child, the narrower the airway lumen.

Even a slight swelling of the mucosa causes a violation in babies. respiratory function. Bronchial obstruction that prevents free expiration hallmark obstructive bronchitis.

The cause of edema can be not only an infection. An increased predisposition to allergies is capable of causing swelling of the bronchi.

In adults, adolescents, obstructive bronchitis is caused by bronchospasm, while the lumen of the bronchi narrows so much that it makes exhalation much more difficult, causing respiratory failure.

Risk factors

  • Ambient air pollution - exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, coal, flour dust, vapors of toxic chemicals;
  • viral diseases of the respiratory system;
  • hereditary factors.

Predisposing factors for the occurrence of bronchial obstruction are anatomical, hereditary features.

Children at risk include:

  • with insufficient birth weight;
  • suffering from an increase thymus, rickets;
  • who have had viral diseases up to 1 year;
  • who were artificially fed after birth;
  • with a predisposition to allergies.


The main symptoms of obstructive bronchitis are difficulty exhaling, shortness of breath, paroxysmal excruciating cough. The disease initially occurs in an acute form, acute obstructive bronchitis lasts from 1 week to 3 weeks.

If during the year acute form repeats more than 3 times, the disease is diagnosed as recurrent bronchitis. With a duration of a recurrent form of more than 2 years, a chronic form of the disease is diagnosed.

Expressed clinical symptoms diseases can appear 3-5 days after the onset of inflammation. The condition of the child with the appearance of signs of the disease deteriorates sharply.

The respiratory rate with labored wheezing increases, can reach up to 50 breaths per minute. The temperature usually does not rise above 37.5 0 C.

Dry, well-distinguished wheezing during exhalation is a characteristic sign of obstructive bronchitis.

To take a breath, you have to reflexively increase the activity of the auxiliary respiratory muscles. It is clearly noticeable how the wings of the nose swell in the baby, the muscles are drawn into the intercostal spaces.

Severe course of the disease leads to respiratory failure, oxygen starvation fabrics. Symptoms are manifested by a cyanotic tint of the skin of the fingertips, nasolabial triangle.

With obstructive bronchitis, shortness of breath appears in the morning, is of a non-permanent nature. After expectoration of sputum, during daytime activities, shortness of breath decreases. Paroxysmal cough worse at night.


The main task in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults is to eliminate the bronchospasm that caused respiratory failure.

Treatment of children

Treatment of obstructive bronchial disease in children is aimed primarily at eliminating bronchial edema and bronchospasm.

Choice medicines depends on the severity of these processes.

Already at moderate the course of the disease, children under one year old must be hospitalized. It is very important to prevent the progression of the disease in infants, babies under 2 years of age. With obstructive bronchitis, it is dangerous to self-medicate.

Important! Antitussive drugs for obstructive bronchitis are not prescribed, they can increase bronchospasm.

Medicines for children

All appointments can only be made by a pulmonologist according to the X-ray of the lungs, blood tests.

In the treatment of obstructive bronchitis use:

  • bronchodilators - drugs that relax the smooth muscles of the walls of the bronchi;
  • mucolytics that help thin sputum;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs of hormonal and non-hormonal nature.

Prescription of antibiotics

Antibiotics in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis are prescribed to children with the threat of pneumonia, the addition of a bacterial infection.

The drugs of choice are macrolides, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, tetracyclines.

Indications for the appointment of antibiotics in infants are:

  • a significant increase in temperature lasting more than 3 days;
  • pronounced phenomena of bronchial obstruction, not amenable to treatment by other means;
  • changes in the lungs, indicating the risk of developing pneumonia.

The causative agents of infection in the first year of life are much more likely than previously thought to be chlamydial, mycoplasma infection (up to 20-40% of the number of children under one year old with bronchitis and pneumonia).

In addition, another common causative agent of bronchitis in children, the RS virus, causes changes in the bronchi that weaken their own immunity and provoke the growth of their own microflora.

The thick mucus that has accumulated in the bronchi serves as an excellent breeding ground for colonies of various microorganisms - from bacteria to fungi.

For children of the first year of life, with still unformed immunity, such a test can end tragically. Up to 1% of children under one year old suffering from obstructive bronchitis, as well as bronchiolitis, die annually.

The drug of choice in the typical course of the disease with elevated temperature- amoxicillin + clavulanate.

In case of its ineffectiveness, an antibiotic from the group of macrolides, cephalosporins is prescribed.

Drugs that relieve bronchospasm within 10 minutes are Salbutamol, Terbutaline, Fenoterol.

They do not eliminate spasm so quickly, but Clenbuterol, Atorvent, Traventol act longer, combination drug Berodual.

These drugs are taken by inhalation through a spacer - a mask that is applied to the face. In such a mask, the child can inhale the medicine without difficulty.

In the treatment of obstructive bronchitis, inhalation methods of treatment have been widely used. The use of aerosol inhalers, nebulizers allows you to quickly improve the patient's condition.

Of the mucolytics, Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol are prescribed. Contribute to liquefaction of sputum, cleansing the bronchi of inhalation with Fluimucil-antibiotic, Fluimucil.

In this disease, treatment with oxygen inhalations, the use of medicinal plants is indicated.

The combination of thyme and plantain, the main components of Eucabal cough syrup, has a good effect on the condition of the bronchi.

With severe bronchial obstruction that is difficult to treat, prescribe intravenous administration hormonal drugs- Prednisolone, Dexamethasone.

Adults and children are prescribed Eufillin, with a complicated course of the disease - glucocorticoids (Pulmicort), anti-inflammatory drugs (Erespal).

With an allergic predisposition, it may be necessary antihistamines. Up to a year, children are prescribed Zirtek, Parlazin, after 2 years they are treated with Claritin, Erius.

Inhalations through a nebulizer of soda, saline in combination with postural drainage, a technique that improves sputum discharge from the bronchi, have a positive effect on the health of children.

How Postural Drainage Is Performed

The procedure is carried out after inhalation. Postural drainage continues for 15 minutes, consists in the fact that the patient is placed in bed so that his legs lie slightly above his head. You can put a pillow under your feet or raise the edge of the bed.

During this procedure, the child should periodically change position, turn on his back, on his side, coughing up sputum. Drainage can be repeated after 3 hours. To obtain the result, drainage must be carried out regularly.

If the child has a runny nose

With obstructive bronchitis in children, a runny nose is often noted, chronic diseases ENT organs.

Flow of mucus, sputum with pus into the lower Airways can cause a persistent cough.

The child must be shown to the ENT doctor, carefully monitor the condition of the baby's nose. You can independently make the child wash the nose with Dolphin, Aquamaris. Children after 5 years of age are instilled with mild vasoconstrictors, for example, Otrivin.


Acute obstructive bronchitis can cause:

Violation of the respiratory function leads to oxygen deficiency in the tissues, negatively affects the vital activity of absolutely all organs. Particularly affected by lack of oxygen in children early age emerging brain.


Acute obstructive bronchitis has a favorable prognosis with timely treatment.

A more difficult prognosis for an allergic predisposition of the patient, the transition of the disease to a chronic form.


With frequent colds, it is necessary to purchase an inhaler, and if symptoms of bronchial obstruction appear, inhalations with a pharmacy saline solution should be carried out.

The peak incidence of bronchitis occurs in spring and autumn. At this time, you need to be especially careful about the health of the child, hypothermia should not be allowed, and the number of contacts with older children should be reduced.

Patients with obstructive bronchitis should try to avoid places where smoking is allowed. It is necessary to observe the sleep regimen, perform feasible physical exercises more often to be outdoors.

Obstructive bronchitis, how to relieve suffocation?

The situation is this. I have a son, 2.10. In the evening, water starts to flow from the nose, and in the morning already suffocation. Breathe like a dog in the heat. It is usually possible to remove 1/2 no-shpy and erius within a day. On the third day, doctors no longer listen for bronchitis, there remains only a runny nose and cough, such as an orvi.
So we are sick and treated for a year. Obstruction at least once a month, sometimes twice.
In the summer, they did not visit children's institutions for 2 months and the son did not get sick. Now I went to kindergarten and it's great again.
What to do? But shpa doesn't seem very good, does it? But without it, the child suffocates.
Maybe look for an allergist? Or an immunologist? At what age does it make sense to contact them? Can you send yours? I have no more strength to watch the child suffer.

Change the pediatrician first. Plus, we were additionally treated with Erespal and Bronchoril - they relieve swelling and spasms a little. well, noshpu for the night, if it's really bad. (and why do you assign Erius something.)

and change the same pediatrician))

Erius as an anti-allergic. The doctor believes that our obstructions are allergic in nature.
We also drink ascoril for coughing.
We have a good pediatrician.

Let's try a bath. I have already thought about the nebulizer. Still have to buy.

The main symptoms of bronchitis and its treatment at home

Diseases of the respiratory system are familiar to every person. Bronchitis is a common ailment characterized by damage to the ramifications of the windpipe. It manifests itself in the form of a dry or wet cough. People of all ages are susceptible to pathologies, the peak of the incidence falls on periods of weather changes - spring and autumn, when there is a high probability of hypothermia, and it is easier to become infected with bronchitis. There are many reasons for the development of the disease - from a banal bacterial infection to an allergy to pollen. Different etiology changes the pathogenesis of the disease, which means that the symptoms of bronchitis vary in each case.

Illness at timely diagnosis and adequate treatment passes quickly and does not cause complications. However, in the absence of therapy, inflammatory processes are replaced by degenerative ones, which leads to irreversible deformations in the structure and structure of the respiratory tract. The consequences of chronic changes are dangerous for human health.

Classification and main symptoms of bronchitis

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish two types of diseases:

  1. The acute form of the pathology develops suddenly and is accompanied by specific symptoms. The disease in 90% of cases is bilateral, one lung is affected by only a few individual types of microorganisms. This disease begins with an increase in temperature to 38–39 degrees, which indicates the introduction of a pathogen, bacterial or viral, into the body. In the early stages, the cough in acute bronchitis is dry. It, as a rule, intensifies in the evening and after physical exertion, which greatly debilitates the patient. This picture persists for 3–5 days, while the temperature decreases already by 2–3 days. Over time, the cough becomes wet and is accompanied by sputum, the color of which indicates the pathogen that caused the development of the pathological process. Patients during this period feel better, since the discharge of the substance is associated with easier breathing. With maintenance therapy acute bronchitis completely disappears within 10-14 days and does not cause complications. However, in the absence of adequate treatment, pneumonia, bronchiolitis and emphysema can develop, which are much more difficult to deal with.
  2. Chronic bronchitis is a neglected form of the disease. This type of illness is said to be when the cough does not stop within 3 weeks and is of a constant recurrent nature. In this case, abundant sputum may not be. Many patients complain of shortness of breath that develops in the morning or after exercise. This is due to a gradual change in the structure of the branches of the windpipe. Smoking plays an important role in the pathogenesis of chronic disease. This bad habit leads to the development of such a pathology as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which is extremely difficult to deal with. The respiratory system of smokers is susceptible to the effects of pathological factors, and infection occurs faster and easier. Recovery is slowed down, and sputum discharge may be accompanied by excessive effort and even hemoptysis due to vascular damage. Treatment for chronic bronchitis is long and takes more than one week. In such cases, symptomatic therapy is usually not enough.

Causes of the disease

In addition to the main classification, bronchitis is divided into groups depending on the pathogen that causes the development of pathology:

  1. Viral disease is the most common form. Problems are caused different types extracellular organisms. Cough caused by bronchitis is the most common symptom of acute respiratory pathologies of a viral nature. Infection occurs by airborne droplets.
  2. A bacterial disease is caused different kinds microorganisms. This etiology in the clinical picture correlates with the first group. The difference is that the microflora can be secondary, that is, join with the progression of the disease. This explains the prescription of antibiotics by doctors for viral etiology.
  3. Allergic bronchitis is classified as a separate group, since its pathogenesis is associated with exposure to the respiratory mucosa of foreign protein agents. This is a kind of individual intolerance. Such a disease is dangerous because it can turn into asthmatic bronchitis. This pathology is most often incurable and requires constant medical support. Attacks are regular, and intervals between them vary from a few hours to 2–3 weeks, depending on the severity of the lesions. Asthma is a common disease that requires accurate diagnosis in order to prescribe the correct therapy.
  4. Damage to the bronchi by toxins occurs in smokers and people working in chemical industries. It is this etiology that ensures the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 80% of cases. In addition to the toxic effects, the attachment of pathogenic microflora to the damaged respiratory mucosa is common.

Home Treatments

The basis of therapy for bronchitis is the use of expectorants. These substances facilitate the discharge of sputum, thereby helping to get rid of the pathogen and its metabolic products, which leads to recovery. Antibiotic therapy is not used in all cases, it is prescribed by a doctor. It is recommended to take material for microbiological examination and inoculation, which allows you to choose an effective drug. Bronchitis medicines can be prepared at home. Herbs, vegetables and fruits are used that contain compounds that are similar in mechanism of action to drugs used in traditional therapy. A combination of the two methods is also possible. This approach allows you to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. Folk recipes cough and bronchitis are widely used, especially in children who are prohibited from taking potent substances.

Acute bronchitis

The most effective in the application of recipes involving the use of inhalation. For the procedure, there are special devices - nebulizers, as well as aroma lamps - however, treatment is possible without them. The following have proven themselves traditional medicine:

  1. Collection of herbs chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, calendula and licorice. These plants help relieve inflammation in the respiratory tract and make breathing easier. The mixture is poured with boiling water, insisted for 2 hours. The recipe is best used if you have a nebulizer at home.
  2. Propolis inhalations also fight against pathological changes in the bronchi and help to alleviate the patient's condition. It will take 3-4 ml alcohol tincture bee product. It is added to a pot of boiling water and then inhaled over the steam.
  3. Expectorants are also used internally. The most effective plant for facilitating sputum discharge is coltsfoot. From this herb, decoctions are prepared for oral administration, which are also used as lotions. Coltsfoot has an expectorant, slight analgesic and antipyretic effect. For internal use take 10 g of the plant per glass of boiling water. The infusion is consumed 2 tablespoons every 2-3 hours.
  4. Primrose root, like coltsfoot, - strong remedy to remove mucus from the lungs. A decoction is prepared from it, for which you need to take 30-40 g of the plant and add a liter of boiling water. Take half a glass three times a day.
  5. Honey is one of the healthiest food ingredients with healing properties. This product is simply dissolved in a glass of water in the amount of one teaspoon and consumed without dosage.

Chronical bronchitis

  1. Aloe-based tincture soothes irritated respiratory mucosa and relieves clinical manifestations chronic bronchitis. You will need 4 large leaves of the plant, they are placed in a bottle of wine with a volume of half a liter. Infuse the mixture for 3-4 days. Use the remedy 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  2. Mustard plasters give a good effect in combination with traditional methods. They allow you to warm the lungs and bronchi, which helps to relieve inflammation and expand the lumen of the airways. This traditional medicine is sold in pharmacies ready-made.
  3. Garlic combined with lemon has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Two heads of spice and five citrus fruits are finely chopped or grated and poured with a liter of boiled water. The mixture is infused for 5 days and filtered. The finished product is consumed 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.
  4. A few leaves of coltsfoot need to be brewed in 500 ml of milk, adding a little pork fat to the mixture. Have a small cup before bed every day.

Treatment of the chronic form of bronchitis is not as effective as in the acute course of the disease. In 80% of cases, the use of antibiotics is required, since only strong medicines can cope with an old infection. For obstructive and allergic forms, pharmaceutical bronchodilators are recommended.

Recipes for the treatment of children

  1. At the beginning of the disease, a single use of castor oil is effective.
  2. A few drops almond oil in conjunction with sugar syrup help to fight a debilitating wet cough in a child.
  3. At the first symptoms of bronchitis, you can rub your baby's back and chest. pork fat or vegetable oil, adding a small amount of turpentine.

In the absence of a positive effect and aggravation clinical picture required to seek medical attention.

Diet for bronchitis

Eating the right foods for bronchitis contributes to a quick recovery. During illness, it is necessary to increase the amount of water consumed, since the liquid initiates sputum discharge. Vegetables and fruits, especially sour ones, support the immune forces of the body, helping it fight the disease. Nutrition for bronchitis should not be limited. Fasting is required only in case of signs of intoxication, but it should not be long.

To prevent respiratory diseases certain principles must be followed. Prevention of bronchitis comes down to a complete cessation of smoking, as well as strengthening the immune system, which is especially important for young patients. Eating enough plant foods helps in maintaining good health. Useful and walks in the fresh air, because they contribute to hardening.

When the first symptoms of a cough occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a diagnosis in order to prevent the transition of the pathology into a chronic form.

Few have experienced such a condition as bronchial edema. What is the cause and what are the symptoms of edema? It is worth noting that it is not always possible to correctly diagnose such an ailment, since its signs are similar to the manifestations of a number of other diseases, the cause of which is inflammation of the bronchial tract. After diagnosing bronchial edema, you should immediately resort to its treatment, because the possible consequences are quite dangerous.


Bronchial edema is the most common disease of the respiratory system. Its symptoms appear almost immediately after infection or contact with an allergen, and the duration of treatment can vary from a week to several months, and sometimes even, a full recovery is not possible.

Most often, this ailment can be grateful for its appearance of inflammatory processes that accompany various infections. Because of this, the composition of the mucosa is disturbed, which leads to its swelling, a decrease in the respiratory passage and clogging it with mucus. Therefore, most often such swelling will be expressed by coughing. The sputum can be different, from easily departing, to barely expectorating.

It should be noted right away that pneumonia and bronchial edema have nothing in common with each other (if we do not take into account similar symptoms in the first stages of the disease).

The characteristic differences directly pneumonia include:

  • The defeat of the lung tissue;
  • May occur as a complication of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • Treatment at home is not likely, since it is impossible to avoid taking antibiotics in this case. Bronchial edema in some episodes can be cured without them.

Bronchial edema symptoms

This is the whole complexity of this disease, which is accompanied by swelling of the respiratory tract. There are no specific indications for this particular problem, and the symptoms at almost all stages are similar to other respiratory diseases:

  • shortness of breath;
  • Hoarse and planted voice. Most often in this case, obstructive bronchitis is diagnosed;
  • Attacks of suffocation;
  • Rapid and difficult breathing;
  • Cough (possible also dry);
  • Moderately elevated temperature (up to 37.5 ° C).

Treatment directly depends on the cause that caused the swelling of the bronchi.

Causes of bronchial edema

As with any other disease, in the case of bronchial edema, a wide variety of factors can become the basis for the occurrence, but among them there are several that are most common.


This problem becomes the reason for a variety of failures in our body. And swelling of the bronchi is no exception, it can also be triggered by an allergic reaction. Most likely allergens:

  • Animal wool;
  • Chemical substances;
  • plant pollen;
  • Medicines, etc.

In this case, the accompanying symptoms will be coughing, sneezing, lacrimation, hoarse voice. During allergic edema, it is not only removed with the help of antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin, Loratadin, Diphenhydramine), but also get rid of possible allergens. An important factor is the speed of the patient's reaction and his visit to the doctor. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the easier and faster the healing process will be.


In this case, various bacteria, viruses or fungi can become the causative agent of puffiness. It is important that the treating specialist correctly determines the nature of the problem and prescribes the correct course of drugs, since most medications work effectively only within their group.

Chemical substances

Most often, this means nicotine, which is contained in tobacco. Smokers quite often suffer from various diseases of the respiratory system. The same group includes miners and workers of mining companies.

What disease can cause bronchial edema?

The edema of the bronchi itself is only a symptom of some disease that the doctor must determine, after the diagnosis, the swelling is removed, prescribing the appropriate course of treatment. Often it is provoked by the following ailments:


The basis of this disease is an inflammatory process that is caused by viruses, bacteria or chemicals, it can be not only acute, but also chronic. Its symptoms are not particularly prominent, but coughing fits are more pronounced and bring much more discomfort. In mild cases, it is possible to remove swelling of the bronchi at home. It is important to stay in bed, drink plenty of warm liquids (to thin the phlegm), and stop smoking. Bronchodilator drugs are often used to make sputum easier to leave the body. The list of such drugs includes:

  • Ambroskol;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Thermopsis;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrobene.

From folk remedies use:

  • Radish or tea with honey;
  • Infusions based on chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort or calamus;
  • Mass of garlic, dill and butter.


To be precise - bronchial asthma. This is a very serious chronic disease, from which, alas, it is impossible to completely get rid of. A person will have to be observed by a treating specialist all the time and is attentive to health with increased attention, especially when a child is sick. If you do not take into account the usual symptoms of this kind of disease, asthma is characterized by bronchospasm, which occurs during an attack. If antihistamines are not at hand, this will lead to extremely serious consequences, the list of which includes a fatal outcome.

The causes of such a dangerous disease include:

  • Frequent allergic reaction;
  • Constant physical activity;
  • Eating a large amount of artificial food (supplements, including);
  • Smoking;
  • Heredity;
  • Chronical bronchitis;
  • Ecological environment;
  • Frequent use of nonsteroidal drugs (aspirin and the like);

Important! During asthma, a person does not have a fever, cough is almost never accompanied by sputum, and shortness of breath is a constant companion of the disease.

Remember that even if you managed to remove the unpleasant symptoms of puffiness at home, this does not mean that the disease is gone. Appreciate your health and at the first manifestations of shortness of breath, prolonged coughing or other symptoms of bronchial edema, visit a doctor. He will establish a diagnosis, and prescribe treatment depending on the results and the individuality of the organism.

Obstructive bronchitis - what is it and how to treat it

Obstructive bronchitis is called inflammation of the bronchi with a sharp narrowing of the lumen, difficulty exhaling, respiratory failure. The disease is more common in children, it is difficult, the treatment is longer than in adults.

The reasons

In bronchitis, the irritating effect of viruses, bacteria, chlamydia, mycoplasmas causes coughing, leads to increased secretion of mucous secretions, shortness of breath, and dysfunction of the respiratory system.

In children under 3 years of age, acute obstructive bronchitis is caused mainly by respiratory syncytial (RS) viruses, the frequency of diseases among children is 45:1000.

The disease is characterized by narrowing of the bronchi, preventing the movement of air.

Narrowing of the bronchi (obstruction) is caused by:

  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract;
  • spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi.

In both adults and children, both mechanisms are involved in the development of bronchial obstruction, but they are expressed to varying degrees.

Edema causes the disease mainly in childhood, especially in children under 2 years of age. The diameter of the bronchi in children corresponds to age, and the younger the child, the narrower the airway lumen.

Even a slight swelling of the mucosa causes a violation of the respiratory function in babies. Bronchial obstruction that prevents free exhalation is the hallmark of obstructive bronchitis.

The cause of edema can be not only an infection. An increased predisposition to allergies is capable of causing swelling of the bronchi.

In adults, adolescents, obstructive bronchitis is caused by bronchospasm, while the lumen of the bronchi narrows so much that it makes exhalation much more difficult, causing respiratory failure.

Risk factors

  • Ambient air pollution - exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, coal, flour dust, vapors of toxic chemicals;
  • viral diseases of the respiratory system;
  • hereditary factors.

Predisposing factors for the occurrence of bronchial obstruction are anatomical, hereditary features.

Children at risk include:

  • with insufficient birth weight;
  • suffering from an increase in the thymus gland, rickets;
  • who have had viral diseases up to 1 year;
  • who were artificially fed after birth;
  • with a predisposition to allergies.


The main symptoms of obstructive bronchitis are difficulty exhaling, shortness of breath, paroxysmal excruciating cough. The disease initially occurs in an acute form, acute obstructive bronchitis lasts from 1 week to 3 weeks.

If during the year the acute form is repeated more often than 3 times, then the disease is diagnosed as recurrent bronchitis. With a duration of a recurrent form of more than 2 years, a chronic form of the disease is diagnosed.

Pronounced clinical symptoms of the disease may appear 3-5 days after the onset of inflammation. The condition of the child with the appearance of signs of the disease deteriorates sharply.

The respiratory rate with labored wheezing increases, can reach up to 50 breaths per minute. The temperature usually does not rise above 37.5 0 C.

Dry, well-distinguished wheezing during exhalation is a characteristic sign of obstructive bronchitis.

To take a breath, you have to reflexively increase the activity of the auxiliary respiratory muscles. It is clearly noticeable how the wings of the nose swell in the baby, the muscles are drawn into the intercostal spaces.

A severe course of the disease leads to respiratory failure, oxygen starvation of tissues. Symptoms are manifested by a cyanotic tint of the skin of the fingertips, nasolabial triangle.

With obstructive bronchitis, shortness of breath appears in the morning, is of a non-permanent nature. After expectoration of sputum, during daytime activities, shortness of breath decreases. Paroxysmal cough worse at night.


The main task in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis in adults is to eliminate the bronchospasm that caused respiratory failure.

Treatment of children

Treatment of obstructive bronchial disease in children is aimed primarily at eliminating bronchial edema and bronchospasm.

The choice of drugs depends on the severity of these processes.

Even with an average severity of the course of the disease, children under one year old must be hospitalized. It is very important to prevent the progression of the disease in infants, babies under 2 years of age. With obstructive bronchitis, it is dangerous to self-medicate.

Important! Antitussive drugs for obstructive bronchitis are not prescribed, they can increase bronchospasm.

Medicines for children

All appointments can only be made by a pulmonologist according to the X-ray of the lungs, blood tests.

In the treatment of obstructive bronchitis use:

  • bronchodilators - drugs that relax the smooth muscles of the walls of the bronchi;
  • mucolytics that help thin sputum;
  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs of hormonal and non-hormonal nature.

Prescription of antibiotics

Antibiotics in the treatment of obstructive bronchitis are prescribed to children with the threat of pneumonia, the addition of a bacterial infection.

The drugs of choice are macrolides, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins, tetracyclines.

Indications for the appointment of antibiotics in infants are:

  • a significant increase in temperature lasting more than 3 days;
  • pronounced phenomena of bronchial obstruction, not amenable to treatment by other means;
  • changes in the lungs, indicating the risk of developing pneumonia.

The causative agents of infection in the first year of life are much more likely than previously thought to be chlamydial, mycoplasma infection (up to 20-40% of the number of children under one year old with bronchitis and pneumonia).

In addition, another common causative agent of bronchitis in children, the RS virus, causes changes in the bronchi that weaken their own immunity and provoke the growth of their own microflora.

The thick mucus that has accumulated in the bronchi serves as an excellent breeding ground for colonies of various microorganisms - from bacteria to fungi.

For children of the first year of life, with still unformed immunity, such a test can end tragically. Up to 1% of children under one year old suffering from obstructive bronchitis, as well as bronchiolitis, die annually.

The drug of choice for a typical course of the disease with fever is amoxicillin + clavulanate.

In case of its ineffectiveness, an antibiotic from the group of macrolides, cephalosporins is prescribed.

Drugs that relieve bronchospasm within 10 minutes are Salbutamol, Terbutaline, Fenoterol.

The spasm is not eliminated so quickly, but Clenbuterol, Atorvent, Traventol, the combined drug Berodual work longer.

These drugs are taken by inhalation through a spacer - a mask that is applied to the face. In such a mask, the child can inhale the medicine without difficulty.

In the treatment of obstructive bronchitis, inhalation methods of treatment have been widely used. The use of aerosol inhalers, nebulizers allows you to quickly improve the patient's condition.

Of the mucolytics, Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol are prescribed. Contribute to liquefaction of sputum, cleansing the bronchi of inhalation with Fluimucil-antibiotic, Fluimucil.

In this disease, treatment with oxygen inhalations, the use of medicinal plants is indicated.

The combination of thyme and plantain, the main components of Eucabal cough syrup, has a good effect on the condition of the bronchi.

With severe bronchial obstruction, which is difficult to treat, intravenous administration of hormonal drugs is prescribed - Prednisolone, Dexamethasone.

Adults and children are prescribed Eufillin, with a complicated course of the disease - glucocorticoids (Pulmicort), anti-inflammatory drugs (Erespal).

With an allergic predisposition, antihistamines may be required. Up to a year, children are prescribed Zirtek, Parlazin, after 2 years they are treated with Claritin, Erius.

Inhalations through a nebulizer of soda, saline in combination with postural drainage, a technique that improves sputum discharge from the bronchi, have a positive effect on the health of children.

How Postural Drainage Is Performed

The procedure is carried out after inhalation. Postural drainage continues for 15 minutes, consists in the fact that the patient is placed in bed so that his legs lie slightly above his head. You can put a pillow under your feet or raise the edge of the bed.

During this procedure, the child should periodically change position, turn on his back, on his side, coughing up sputum. Drainage can be repeated after 3 hours. To obtain the result, drainage must be carried out regularly.

If the child has a runny nose

With obstructive bronchitis in children, a runny nose, chronic diseases of the ENT organs are often noted.

The flow of mucus, sputum with pus into the lower respiratory tract can cause a persistent cough.

The child must be shown to the ENT doctor, carefully monitor the condition of the baby's nose. You can independently make the child wash the nose with Dolphin, Aquamaris. Children after 5 years of age are instilled with mild vasoconstrictors, for example, Otrivin.


Acute obstructive bronchitis can cause:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumonia.

Violation of the respiratory function leads to oxygen deficiency in the tissues, negatively affects the vital activity of absolutely all organs. Especially suffers from a lack of oxygen in young children, the developing brain.


Acute obstructive bronchitis has a favorable prognosis with timely treatment.

A more difficult prognosis for an allergic predisposition of the patient, the transition of the disease to a chronic form.


With frequent colds, it is necessary to purchase an inhaler, and if symptoms of bronchial obstruction appear, inhalations with a pharmacy saline solution should be carried out.

The peak incidence of bronchitis occurs in spring and autumn. At this time, you need to be especially careful about the health of the child, hypothermia should not be allowed, and the number of contacts with older children should be reduced.

Patients with obstructive bronchitis should try to avoid places where smoking is allowed. It is necessary to observe a sleep schedule, perform feasible physical exercises, and often be in the fresh air.

Obstructive bronchitis in infants: symptoms and treatment. Drugs for bronchitis in children

No parent would want to see their beloved child with a fever, cough, and stuffy nose. And, of course, there is nothing worse than a sick child who has difficulty not only exhaling, but also inhaling. It is these problems that cause obstructive bronchitis in infants. What is this disease? What are its symptoms? And how to treat?

What is pediatric obstructive bronchitis?

Obstructive bronchitis is an unpleasant ailment associated with the accumulation of mucus in the bronchi, which prevents the free passage of air during breathing. About this state, as a rule, they say "neither inhale nor exhale."

Bronchitis usually occurs against the background of other viral or bacteriological diseases. Directly, such a disease is not associated with viruses.

Causes of the disease

Obstructive bronchitis in the chest may occur different reasons. However, according to doctors, most often it is a consequence of SARS or allergic reaction. It also occurs with frequent attacks of bronchial asthma, as well as with a tumor in the region of the bronchi and with a burn of the mucous membrane.

And, of course, among the causes of the disease, the following can be distinguished:

In addition, obstructive bronchitis in infants can occur when the body is hypothermic and even during the process of teething.

Who can get obstructive bronchitis?

Anyone can get bronchitis with obstruction. To a greater extent this disease infants who are bottle-fed, babies in whose family there are schoolchildren are susceptible. Allergy sufferers, asthmatics, as well as children who have recently had viral and colds are at risk.

Obstructive bronchitis: signs

With bronchitis of this type, infants may experience dry mouth, pale skin. The kid loses his appetite, eats less and hardly drinks, becomes capricious and restless. The temperature with this type of bronchitis can be spasmodic (it ranges from 37 to 40 ° C).

Obstructive bronchitis in infants is difficult to confuse with other types of bronchitis, since it is characterized by the presence of a dry cough with wheezing and even whistles. In this case, the cough is paroxysmal. It is accompanied by the presence of shortness of breath and whistling or gurgling sounds in the baby's respiratory organs. During illness, the child coughs after almost every breath he takes.

How does the disease progress in infants?

As a result of the disease, the child coughs hysterically, especially at night. Obstructive bronchitis (signs of it can be found in our article) leads to breathing problems. The baby cannot cough up and suffers from shortness of breath. After about 2-3 days, the cough becomes wetter and "viscous".

This happens due to sputum production and the transition of the disease to a new stage. In this case, according to the state of discharge, an experienced doctor can easily determine the form of the disease and prescribe proper treatment. For example, the acute stage of the disease lasts only 5-6 days. Its distinguishing feature is the release of a transparent thick substance when the baby coughs.

If the diagnosis was not made on time and incorrectly, or the parents decided to seriously self-medicate, then the baby (2 months and older) who fell ill with bronchitis will be in real danger. The fact is that with obstruction, swelling of the bronchi and larynx is possible (this is due to poor bronchial patency), it is possible to change the color of the skin of the lips and fingers of the baby (they acquire a distinct blue color).

First aid for obstructive bronchitis

It is best to prevent obstructive bronchitis. Komarovsky believes that this can be done if acute respiratory infections, allergies are treated in a timely manner and other possible irritants that contribute to the appearance of obstruction are removed.

If it so happened that the baby fell ill, then, according to Dr. Komarovsky, you should not self-medicate. This is dangerous and in this case ineffective. What can be done at home by parents who have a sick baby?

If your baby (2 months or older) has bronchitis with obstruction, air ionizers, salt lamps, and inhalers and nebulizers can be used to help him breathe. These devices are best used in combination with drug mixtures containing salbutamol or glucocorticoid hormones.

For example, during inhalation, drugs such as Flixotide and Ventolin can be used. The main advantage of using such funds is that the effect occurs immediately after the first inhalation. It becomes easier for the child to breathe, a temporary improvement in well-being occurs.

How to treat obstructive bronchitis?

To treat obstructive bronchitis, Komarovsky believes, it is necessary from the first days of the disease (at the first signs). This, according to the doctor, will help stop the inflammatory process and avoid possible complications. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor. What does the doctor usually prescribe?

As a rule, before making a final diagnosis and prescribing treatment, a specialist examines the patient and finds out the real cause of the disease. For example, if bronchitis was caused by an allergic reaction, then it is worth drinking antihistamines prescribed by the doctor.

If the disease is caused by acute respiratory infections, then the baby is treated for viral diseases, etc. In a word, it is this treatment that provides for obstructive bronchitis. The medical history often describes the treatment of patients with the use of antibiotics. This is necessary, according to doctors, to get rid of harmful bacteria that can cause pneumonia in the baby.

What drugs are used in the treatment of bronchitis?

Depending on the age of the baby, as well as on the complexity of the form of the disease, his parents are offered to undergo inpatient treatment. In particular, this method of recovery is strongly recommended for children in whom the obstruction is complicated by other symptoms. For example, temperature, respiratory failure and pneumonia can significantly complicate obstructive bronchitis.

As medical preparations a small patient is usually prescribed bronchodilators. Such drugs contribute to the expansion of the bronchi, which leads to a general relief from obstruction and easier breathing. For example, it can be such drugs in the form of sweet syrups, such as Salmeterol, Ascoril, Clenbuterol and others.

Eliminate problems with obstruction and solutions for inhalation, for example, Berodual. After a year, children can use aerosol inhalers, for example, Salbutamol or Berodual. It is these funds that pediatric pediatrics proposes to use. Obstructive bronchitis also involves the use of antispasmodics to help relieve spasms from the bronchi. Such drugs are "No-shpa", "Drotaverine" or "Papaverine" and others.

To get rid of excessive sputum and mucous secretions, it is best to use mucoregulatory drugs. It can be, for example, "Lazolvan" or "Ambrobene". Allergic children may be prescribed antihistamine drugs: Zodak, Parlazin, and others.

What procedures are used in the treatment of bronchitis?

In addition to drugs and inhalations, in the treatment of bronchitis with obstruction, it is recommended to use the so-called draining or drainage massage. It is performed by one of the parents and affects the neck, chest area and back of the baby. It is done with neat smooth movements, similar to swaying. To do this, you need to fold your hands in a boat, put the baby on the pillow with your tummy and perform massage movements within 10-15 minutes.

Such a massage helps to facilitate the discharge of sputum and improves the body's defense processes. In severe stages of bronchitis also prescribed hormone therapy, for example, in the form of drugs for inhalation. Physiotherapy is not usually prescribed for early stages diseases. However, when after a certain treatment it is possible to get rid of the obstruction, the pediatrician may prescribe electrophoresis or UHF.

Is bronchitis with obstruction treated with folk methods?

Sometimes used to treat diseases such as obstructive bronchitis, folk remedies. For example, decoctions of spring primrose root, elecampane, black radish with honey, onion with honey, etc. are used for this purpose. In most cases, all decoctions have an expectorant effect and make the baby's breathing easier.

However, it is better to take such drugs after consulting a pediatrician, as an unexpected allergic reaction may occur or a moment in determining the stage of the disease will be missed.

Summary: the treatment of infants is an important and serious process. Therefore, it is better to coordinate all your actions with specialists!

A new approach to treatment atopic dermatitis and b ronchial asthma .

Allergy- this is an altered reaction of the body to the introduction into the body of a foreign protein - an allergen. Diseases caused by allergies debut in different ways, but a certain pattern can be traced in their development. Often, allergies begin with skin manifestations in infants that appear against the background of digestive disorders. Later, allergies of the organs of vision, ENT organs, the genitourinary system, respiratory allergies, which over time can transform into bronchial asthma, join. The successive appearance and development of these conditions, called the "allergic march", implies common pathogenetic links, and require the use of not only local therapy(ointments, inhalations), but also effects on the gastrointestinal tract.

Since the 1980s and 1990s, allergies have been called the plague of the 20th century, since every third child had its manifestations to one degree or another, and at present, the prevalence of allergies continues to grow steadily. It is estimated that 20% of adults and 30% of children are currently allergic in one form or another. modern medicine has a very large potential for the treatment of allergic diseases. There are safe drugs that will significantly reduce allergic manifestations and bring instant relief, for example, reduce skin itching, extinguish a rash, improve nasal breathing, expand the bronchi and relieve suffocation. But it is important to remember that these remedies are symptomatic - they will relieve symptoms, improve the well-being and quality of life of a small patient, but ... will not affect the cause of the allergy.

It is not difficult to determine the cause of the allergy - the doctor will advise you to keep a food diary that will reveal intolerance to certain foods, since usually it all starts with this. If the matter has already gone far, and intolerance has appeared not only to food substances, other diagnostic methods will be used, for example, the determination of antibodies in the blood. Currently used very sensitive diagnostic methods, which will allow you to identify the allergen as accurately as possible. But, in fact, this is only half the battle, because in ordinary life encounters with allergens are difficult to avoid. Of course, you can send your beloved cat or dog to your grandmother if the examination reveals an allergy to pet hair, but what will you order to do with birch trees if an allergy to birch pollen is revealed?

How to avoid the development of allergies in a baby? To do this, you need to understand how allergies are formed.

A living organism constantly interacts with environment because it needs oxygen, water and food. Breathing brings oxygen into the lungs and releases carbon dioxide. Water and food also enter the body through the mouth. In the process of interaction with the environment, along with air and water, various substances and microorganisms penetrate the body, and some of them are of a protein nature. During breathing, with food, with animal or insect bites, proteins enter the body that are foreign and can carry foreign information. The body is constantly bombarded with foreign proteins - this is pollen from the air, bee venom and complex protein molecules. So with inhaled air, with food, through damaged skin or mucous membranes microbes enter, which can colonize the body if they are not given proper resistance. The body can function normally only by remaining itself, therefore, in order to keep its own internal environment intact, it is protected from intruders by a multi-stage protection system called immunity. This defense must be adequate to the intervention in order to fully repel the blow. One of the defense mechanisms is made up of special protective proteins - antibodies that are produced in response to the introduction of an enemy - a foreign protein, or, as it is called, an antigen. However, under certain conditions, the immune response is distorted and becomes excessively strong. In some cases, the vector of resistance is distorted and not the aggressor, but ... one's own organism falls under the retaliatory strike. So, under certain conditions, antibodies are produced excessively, and this can cause painful manifestations. Such distorted immunological reactions called allergic. Allergic, i.e. a distorted immunological response can manifest itself in different ways and affect almost all organs and systems.

The eyes may redden and watery, a rash on the skin may appear and itch, in some cases it flows from the nose, or the bronchi narrow sharply, which makes breathing difficult - an attack of bronchial asthma develops. A child may have any isolated forms of allergy manifestations, but more often they are combined with each other, and may alternate one after another. So, already in the first half of life, children can develop so-called atopic dermatitis, which in most cases disappears by 1-1.5 years, but in some, allergic manifestations progress. Following the skin, there are signs of an allergosis of the respiratory system - first, protracted acute respiratory viral infections, sometimes with false cereals(stenosing laryngotracheitis) and obstructive bronchitis. These are the first signs that the process is involved respiratory system and the risk of developing bronchial asthma is very high. This alternation of forms of manifestation is called the "allergic march" and convincingly indicates that there are common mechanisms for the development of allergic reactions. It is important to remember that no matter how different the manifestations of allergic diseases are, they have common cause is a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. The mother of every allergy sufferer knows what “dysbacteriosis” is!

There are many ways to deal with allergic diseases. Modern medicine has a wide range of medications, which can significantly reduce the manifestations of allergies and bring relief to the patient. For example, reduce skin itching, extinguish satiety, expand the bronchi and relieve suffocation. These drugs are symptomatic - they relieve symptoms, improve the patient's well-being and quality of life, but do not have any effect on the cause of the allergy.

The first group - antihistamines - is " Ambulance» when allergy symptoms appear. These drugs are definitely effective. And the drugs latest generation do not cause such side effects like drowsiness, lethargy. And yet, no matter how much you would like to resort to the use of these drugs on your own, it is not recommended, since they can even increase coughing and shortness of breath.

The second group of drugs stabilizes cells that produce substances - allergy mediators. These drugs do cure, but slowly. In order to get a noticeable effect, they need to be applied for several months.

The third group is hormonal drugs. it effective treatment, but unsafe, so hormonal drugs are prescribed when other means have been ineffective. Treatment with hormonal drugs is often referred to as desperation therapy.

Allergy manifestations are very diverse.

Atopic dermatitis. Treatment This disease, which is diagnosed in children of the first, less often the second year of life, presents known difficulties. Manifests atopic dermatitis skin manifestations on the face, trunk, limbs. Often the first manifestations occur in the second month of life, but may begin later. Usually these are flaky reddish spots of indistinct outlines, sometimes weeping joins. Atopic dermatitis is the earliest manifestation of allergy and occurs with intestinal dysbacteriosis in response to food intolerance. Therefore, it is clear that external ointments used for treatment, although they improve appearance child, but the development of the allergic process in the body is not stopped. If the child is not provided with qualified assistance in time, the allergy will continue to develop and expand the forms of manifestation. The method we use treatment of atopic dermatitis provides not only the use of highly effective external agents, but first of all, the impact on the gastrointestinal tract, which eliminates the cause of the allergy. This approach allows not only to reduce the external manifestations of the disease, but also to stop the development of the allergic process.

allergic conjunctivitis usually develops at an older age. We observed the first manifestations already at the age of 5. And, of course, for young girls at the first experience of applying makeup. Redness and itching of the eyelids, lacrimation, injection of the sclera (dilated vessels on the white part eyeball). This is an unpleasant form of allergy, but it is very easy to treat.

allergic rhinitis may develop as an independent disease, and may precede or accompany the development of bronchial asthma. Allergic rhinitis can manifest itself simply as nasal congestion, but is more often accompanied by profuse watery discharge, itching and redness of the base of the nose, and a series of sneezes. This is due to irritation and swelling of the nasal mucosa, therefore, in order to relieve swelling, patients with allergic rhinitis are forced to constantly use vasoconstrictors. If these manifestations are seasonal and associated with flowering plants, then this disease is called hay fever. Despite the fact that in our time there are very effective anti-allergic drugs, this form of allergy is the worst to treat, but the use of a complex method allows you to achieve a positive result.

Obstructive bronchitis, treatment. Obstructive bronchitis often complicates the course viral infection in children. Especially often develops when infected with the parainfluenza virus. The cause of obstruction - narrowing of the bronchi - is swelling of the bronchial mucosa. This distinguishes obstructive bronchitis from bronchial asthma, since in asthma the narrowing of the bronchi is caused by spasm of the muscles of the bronchi. Obstructive bronchitis is clinically manifested by a strong cough and difficulty in breathing, exhalation is especially difficult, as in asthma. It is important to understand that all children get a viral infection, but not everyone develops obstructive bronchitis. The point is the special properties of the bronchial mucosa. Children who have a tendency to catarrh and exudation are more likely to develop precisely obstructive bronchitis.Treatment it comes down to the effect on a viral infection, softening the cough and expanding the lumen of the bronchi. In order to relieve swelling and thereby expand the lumen of the bronchi, there are many ways, both historical - such as, for example, Zvyagintseva powders to the latest - the use of ultrasonic inhalers and nebulizers with very effective drugs. They should only be recommended by a doctor. But the most important thing in treatment of obstructive bronchitis- this is to reduce the tendency of the bronchial mucosa to edema, since obstructive bronchitis tends to recur, and can subsequently result in bronchial asthma. In order to prevent the development of obstructive bronchitis with each viral infection that the baby has fallen ill with, a comprehensive recovery of the body, sanitation of all foci of infection, and treatment of the gastrointestinal tract should be carried out. It is very important to get rid of worms and Giardia, to cure intestinal dysbacteriosis. This task is completely solvable, and does not require super efforts. Advice for those whose child has already had obstructive bronchitis. Not recommended for viral infections medicines in the form of syrup.

Bronchial asthma a disease that often begins in childhood and young age and leads to a decrease in the quality of life and disability. Bronchial asthma can be manifested by prolonged coughs, asthma attacks, respiratory failure with physical activity. Currently at asthma treatment in children the focus is on restoring bronchial conduction with the help of bronchodilators. For this, a wide range of drugs is used, the action of which is aimed at restoring and maintaining bronchial conduction, reducing allergic inflammation with the help of hormonal drugs. In fact, such treatment only alleviates the symptoms - relieves choking, reduces coughing, but often not only does not solve the problem, but can also lead to serious complications. The use of bronchodilators and hormonal drugs does not leave hope for the restoration of health and can lead to disability, a decrease in the quality of life, and a restriction in the choice of profession. In fact, this method is deprecated. The patented method of complex action applied by us gives an invariable positive result. It greatly enhances the possibilities asthma treatment in children. including hormone-dependent forms. As a result of an integrated approach to the treatment of bronchial asthma, 85% of patients managed to achieve a stable improvement: reduce the dose or completely abandon the use of hormonal drugs, reduce or completely abandon the use of bronchodilators, thereby reducing the risk of complications and improving the quality of life of patients.

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