Heart arrhythmia how to treat it. Methods for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias

Arrhythmia is a violation of the normal frequency or sequence of heartbeats. The concept of arrhythmia combines various types of heart rhythm failures.

A person between the ages of 20 and 60 has an average heart rate of 60-80 beats per minute. Contractions of the heart muscle follow each other almost at regular intervals. That's the norm. A person gets used to the way his heart beats, and does not notice the heartbeat. If heartbeat violated, it immediately attracts our attention.

However, an arrhythmia is not just a complaint about the sensation of a heartbeat. Arrhythmia is established objectively, with the help of means instrumental diagnostics. Arrhythmia can also be detected in the absence of any complaints, and vice versa: complaints of heart rhythm disturbances may not be confirmed instrumentally.

Arrhythmia in men occurs one and a half times more often than in women. Another factor that increases the risk of arrhythmias is age. At the age of 50, arrhythmia is detected in 1% of the subjects, at 60 years - already in 10%. However, it can also develop in childhood. Arrhythmia is detected in 0.8% of children.

Types of arrhythmia

The most common types of arrhythmias are:

Causes of arrhythmia

The heart has the property of automatism. It is reduced under the influence of impulses that are produced in the heart itself. The conduction system of the myocardium, formed by the nodes of the nervous tissue, is responsible for the generation and conduction of impulses. Disturbances in the work of this system lead to a failure of the heart rhythm.

Cardiovascular diseases can cause arrhythmia:

  • ischemic heart disease (impaired circulation of the heart muscle);
  • transferred myocardial infarction. In 15% of cases, there is a complication such as post-infarction aneurysm - a protrusion of the wall of the ventricle of the heart. The aneurysmal segment is not involved in the contraction, which leads to arrhythmia;
  • cardiomyopathy (changes in the size and shape of the heart), as well as congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • myocarditis (inflammatory diseases of the heart muscle);

In addition, arrhythmia can be caused by:

  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • violation of the electrolyte balance of the body (as a result of an acute lack of magnesium, as well as a deficiency or excess of potassium and calcium);
  • smoking, alcohol abuse, poisoning;
  • stress
  • febrile conditions in infectious diseases;
  • endocrine disorders. In particular, arrhythmia can be observed during.

Symptoms of arrhythmia


Weakness in arrhythmia may be accompanied by dizziness.

As a result of a violation of the rhythm of the heart, oxygen ceases to flow evenly to the organs. In such cases, when the body feels a lack of oxygen, it tries to compensate by increasing the breathing rate. There is shortness of breath.


With arrhythmia, episodes of loss of consciousness are possible.

Blood pressure disorders

Arrhythmia leads to a deviation of blood pressure from normal in one direction or another.

Methods for diagnosing arrhythmia

For the diagnosis of arrhythmias are used:

Holter monitoring

It is used to diagnose arrhythmia and monitor the course of its treatment. A device is attached to the patient's body, which records the activity of the heart during the day. At the same time, a person leads a normal lifestyle for himself (the only thing is that the device cannot be wetted). The monitoring results are then processed on a computer. This method allows you to identify episodes of arrhythmia caused by the usual daily load - for this you do not need to be at the doctor's office at that very moment.

Treadmill test

- This is an electrocardiographic study that is performed during physical activity on a special treadmill (treadmill). Similar functional test allows you to identify cardiac arrhythmias, which usually appear only during increased stress, and are absent at rest.

The most frequent violations at work of cardio-vascular system considered arrhythmias . They arise as a result of many other disorders in the body. Failures in the rhythm of the heart, namely this is called arrhythmia, are often observed in quite healthy people, while they are almost imperceptible, but, nevertheless, lead to some complications.

Varieties and symptoms of arrhythmias

To date, medicine distinguishes several dozen arrhythmias, all of which are accompanied by almost the same manifestations. But almost always, the symptoms of arrhythmia are a decrease or increase in the rhythm of heart contractions, their irregularity. There are several groups of arrhythmias, depending on the violations of the heart. These are violations of automatism, disturbances of excitability, conduction and a mixed group.

Rhythm disturbances can be of two types - bradycardia, and acceleration - . In the first case, there are such symptoms of arrhythmia as general weakness, darkening of the eyes, fatigue, a state close to loss of consciousness, or a short-term loss of consciousness. With tachycardia, there is a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, general weakness, fatigue. Some types of tachycardia lead to clinical death Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when such symptoms appear.

Sinus tachycardia- an increase in heart rate from 90 to 150-180 beats per minute. The increase in the automatism of the sinus node, in which impulses occur at a higher frequency, is due to increased frequency. In healthy people, this is often associated with physical activity, emotional stress, taking certain medications, caffeine, nicotine. A temporary increase in anemia, fever, arterial hypotension and other diseases is considered normal. In the case of a persistent increase in heart rate above 100 beats per minute, regardless of the state of wakefulness and rest for three months, it is regarded as a disease. At ECG diagnostics there is only an increase in the rhythm, and there are no other abnormalities.

Most often, the disease occurs in young women. It is believed that the disease is promoted by an increase in the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. Treatment of arrhythmia in this case is primarily aimed at eliminating the cause of tachycardia. If it is associated with neurocircular , sedatives, beta-blockers are prescribed. In case of heart failure, cardiac glycosides are used.

Sinus bradycardia- Decrease in heart rate below 60 beats per minute. By its nature, such a decrease is not a pathology, it is often found in healthy people, especially well-trained physically. But if such symptoms of arrhythmia as dizziness, shortness of breath, darkening in the eyes, loss of consciousness appear, it is regarded as a disease.

The occurrence of bradycardia may be associated with an increase intracranial pressure, viral diseases. The main cause is considered to be the primary lesion of the sinus node due to increased tone of the parasympathetic nervous system. Treatment of arrhythmia in this case is carried out with medication, by prescribing isoprotenol, and pacing is performed. In the absence of clinical manifestations, a decrease in the heart rate does not require treatment.

sinus arrhythmia- the rhythm of the heartbeat, in which periods of acceleration and deceleration alternate. The most common respiratory arrhythmia, in which the frequency increases on inspiration and decreases on expiration. The disease is caused by the uneven occurrence of an impulse, which is associated with fluctuations in tone vagus nerve, as well as changes in the blood filling of the heart during breathing. It often occurs as a concomitant disease with neurocirculatory dystonia and various infectious diseases.

When diagnosed on the ECG, only periodic shortening and lengthening are noted. R-R intervals, the frequency of which is associated with the phases of respiration. All other indicators are normal, since the passage of the pulse in the wired system is not disturbed.

Sick sinus syndrome is caused by weakening or cessation of the sinus node. May occur due to ischemia of the node area, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, infiltrative myocardial damage. In some cases, the syndrome may be a congenital feature of the conduction system.

If the sinus node stops working, the protective function of the conduction system is activated, and the atrioventricular node sends impulses. With this work of the conduction system, the heart rhythm slows down, but the sinus node becomes inoperative very rarely, more often it works with long breaks. During the activation of the master node, the AV node does not stop firing and there is a significant increase in heart rate. A characteristic feature of the disease is short-term fading of the heart, which in many patients is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, sinoauricular blockade, which has the same symptoms, is one of the forms of this syndrome. With such work of the heart, signs of insufficient blood supply to the brain, heart failure, may appear.

In this disease, sinus bradycardia is often combined with paroxysms of tachysystolic and ectopic arrhythmias. May manifest flickering arrhythmia, during the work of the atrioventricular node. In some cases, patients do not need treatment. Electrocardiostimulation is carried out only with signs of impaired blood supply to vital organs. Patients are contraindicated in drugs used for tachycardia and bradycardia, since with frequent changes in rhythm, they can enhance the components of the syndrome. The main treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease.

Excitability disorders. One of the most frequent species arrhythmia is extrasystole. This is a premature contraction of the heart when an impulse occurs outside the sinus node. Extrasystoles, or premature contractions, can occur in both sick and healthy people. The occurrence of up to 200 over ventricular and 200 ventricular extrasystoles per day is considered the norm. Most often occurs under the influence of stress, the use of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. In fact, such abbreviations are completely safe. But in patients with organic heart damage, they can lead to complications.

Extrasystole can be considered as a syndrome in mild, focal forms of myocarditis. Distinguish atrial, atrioventricular, ventricular extrasystoles depending on the impulses causing contractions. There can be several sources of impulse or one, so monotopic and polytopic extrasystoles are distinguished. By frequency, single extrasystoles are divided up to 5 per minute, multiple - more than 5 per minute, paired and group. Treatment of extrasystole with organic heart disease is not carried out with antiarrhythmic drugs, since after stopping their use, the syndrome returns. At the same time, an increase in mortality by almost three times was noted. Beta-blockers in treatment also cause life-threatening complications and do not work. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the disease that caused the extrasystole.

Paroxysmal tachycardia- this is a sharp attack of rapid heartbeat with a rhythm frequency of 130 to 200 beats per minute. Attacks can last from a few seconds to several days. A disease occurs due to the appearance of a focus of excitation, which can be any of the departments of the conduction system, its cells generate impulses with a high frequency.

Distinguish atrial and ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia, depending on the location of the focus generating impulses. Atrial paroxysmal tachycardia occurs due to transient oxygen starvation heart, endocrine disorders, violations of the amount of electrolytes in the blood. The atrioventricular node becomes the source of impulses. Symptoms of arrhythmia in this case are frequent heartbeat, discomfort in the chest, which can turn into shortness of breath and. In some cases, an attack can be caused by a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In this case, there is an increase in blood pressure, chills, a feeling of lack of air, a lump in the throat, abundant and after an attack. On a conventional cardiogram, such attacks are almost imperceptible, due to their short duration.

Ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia occurs due to acute and chronic forms coronary disease heart, slightly less often cardiomyopathy, heart disease, inflammatory diseases heart muscle. In 2% of patients, it occurs from an overdose or long-term use of cardiac glycosides. The impulses originate in the ventricles or the interventricular septum. The disease can be dangerous, as it turns into ventricular fibrillation. In this case, not the entire muscle of the ventricle is reduced, but only individual fibers in a chaotic rhythm. With such a rhythm, the heart cannot perform its function, since there are no phases of systole and diastole.

Treatment of paroxysmal tachycardia of the ventricular form is carried out with the drug lipocaine. By prescribing it intramuscularly and intravenously, in the case when the effect is not achieved, it is replaced, rhythmylene , . If the attack happened for the first time, the patient is selected an arrhythmic drug under the control of Holter monitoring. In the atrial form, treatment depends on the disease that caused the arrhythmia.

Conduction disorders. An increase in the conductivity of impulses is called Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, or WPW syndrome. It is characterized by sudden onset tachycardia due to the presence of additional pathways in the heart muscles. Most often, the syndrome is a congenital heart disease. During seizures, the patient sharply decreases arterial pressure, dizziness, weakness appear, loss of consciousness is possible.

WPW syndrome is treated with endovascular X-ray surgery. By means of special equipment, additional pathways are destroyed, which leads to a complete recovery of the patient. Hospitalization after such an intervention is quite short-term only 3 days. But the treatment depends on the quality of the equipment and the professionalism of the staff, there are few such institutions.

Sinoauricular blockade- a violation of the conduction of an impulse from the sinus node to the atria, in which a cardiac pause occurs. The disease is rare, it occurs due to increased tone of the vagus nerve or damage to the sinoauricular region of the atria. It can be observed in patients with organic changes in the atrial myocardium, but is sometimes found in healthy people. There are three degrees of the disease. The first degree is a slowdown in the transition of the impulse from the node to the atria, the second is the blocking of some impulses, and the third degree is the complete blocking of impulses.

Causes of sinoauricular blockade can be diseases such as atherosclerosis of the right coronary artery, inflammatory and sclerotic changes in the right atrium, myocarditis. With these deviations, there may be direct causes of blockade, when the impulse is not generated in the sinus node, or its strength is insufficient to depolarize the atria, the impulse is blocked.

Symptoms of arrhythmia are manifested in the blockade of the second degree, these are sensations of interruptions in the work of the heart, a feeling of lack of air, weakness, dizziness. With the third degree of blockade, or when there are several rhythm drops in a row, a replacement rhythm occurs.

Sinoauricular blockade is one of the dangerous forms of weakness of the sinus node. May lead to cerebral ischemia Morganier-Eden-Stokes syndrome. In the presence of persistent bradycardia, an injection of atropine is given subcutaneously, , , Novodrin, steroid hormones.

Intra-atrial block- a violation of the passage of an impulse through the atrium, occurs for the same reasons as the sinoauricular. Three degrees are also distinguished: the first is characterized by a slowdown in conduction, the second is characterized by intermittent blocking of impulse conduction to the left atrium, and the third is characterized by complete blocking of the impulse and atrial dissociation.

- violation of the conduction of the atrioventricular node, in which the impulse from the atria to the ventricles is delayed. There are three degrees of blockade, while dividing the second degree into two subtypes. Artificial AV blockade is considered separately. With the first degree, the passage of the impulse slows down, as well as with other first-degree blocks. In the second degree, there is a slowdown in the conduction of an impulse with partial blocking, which is characterized by a drop in the rhythm of heart contractions. AV blockade of the Mobitz type I is observed in athletes, when taking cardiac glycosides, adrenoblockers, calcium antagonists, , , with , with myocarditis. AV blockade of the Mobitz II type is observed against the background of organic damage hearts. Symptoms of arrhythmias are characterized by Morgagnier-Adams-Stokes attacks, as well as the same symptoms as sinus bradycardia. In the third degree, complete blockade of impulses occurs, in which the atria and ventricles contract independently of each other.

The only treatment for arrhythmias in atrioventricular blockade is surgical. Implantation of a permanent pacemaker is carried out, which restores the normal rhythm of heart contractions. Indications for surgery are manifestations of bradycardia - shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, as well as pauses in the work of the heart, or a heart rate of less than 40 beats per minute.

Blockade of the legs of the bundle of His this is a violation of the conduction of supraventricular impulses along one or both of the legs, localized both in the legs and in their branches. With a complete or partial blockade of one of the legs, the excitation impulse affects both ventricles through the intact leg. In this case, a bifurcation of heart sounds is observed. Complete blockade of both legs leads to heart block.

A disease caused by fibrotic processes that are associated with coronary sclerosis, limited myocarditis, which in turn is associated with focal infection. The blockade of the left leg occurs with aortic defects and, and the right leg - with congenital and mitral defects hearts.

Mixed group of arrhythmias. This group of arrhythmias includes rhythm disturbances that have symptoms and clinical manifestations other violations.

The most common form of supraventricular arrhythmia is . More often this violation is called atrial fibrillation. Characterized by chaotic atrial contraction with a frequency of 400-600 per minute, without coordination with the ventricles. Since the AV node is only capable of transmitting 140-200 pulses per minute, there is an irregular contraction of the ventricles similar to a flicker. The sinus node loses its ability to control the frequency and timing of impulses.

Violation increases the risk of blood clots, which in turn can be causes. The transition of the paroxysmal form of arrhythmia to a permanent form leads to the development of heart failure. Atrial fibrillation is manifested by a sharp increase in heart rate, a feeling of interruptions in the heart, general weakness, lack of air, chest pains and a panicky feeling of fear. Seizures can resolve on their own without medication and within seconds or minutes, but they can often last long enough to require medical attention.

A violation develops with electrical and structural changes in the atria, which often occurs with age. The development of arrhythmias is provoked by organic heart diseases, surgeries on open heart, thyroid disease, arterial hypertension and alcohol abuse.

The disorder may be episodic or permanent. Attacks stop with the help of medications or electrical methods of regulating the rhythm. At permanent form disease requires constant medication. Except drug therapy applied and radical treatment. It consists in radiofrequency isolation of the pulmonary veins. The effectiveness of this method is 50-70%, but given its complexity and high cost, operations are extremely rare. An artificial third-degree atrioventricular block may also be performed, after which a permanent pacemaker is implanted. This method does not eliminate the violation itself, but makes it imperceptible to a person.

Causes of arrhythmias

The causes of arrhythmias are very diverse, but all of them can be divided into two large groups: disorders of the conduction system of the heart and primary diseases that contribute to the appearance of arrhythmias. Therefore, we will consider the causes of arrhythmias in the context of these groups of factors.

Conduction system disorders of the heart. A normal heart rhythm ensures proper blood circulation in the body, thereby enabling all organs and systems to work properly. This rhythm is provided by the conducting system of the heart, which is formed from a network of specialized nodes. Each such node consists of an accumulation of highly specialized cells that create and conduct electrical impulses along certain bundles and fibers. It is these impulses that cause the atrial muscles to contract, setting the necessary frequency, synchrony and uniformity of their work.

The main node of the conducting system of the heart is located in the upper part of the right atrium. It is called the sinus node or Kis-Flyak knot . It controls heart contractions depending on the activity of the person, the time of day, his nervous excitement. The impulses originating in the sinus node pass through the atria, causing them to contract towards the atrioventricular node. This node is called atrioventricular node and is located on the border of the atria and ventricles. It can also create impulses if necessary, but during the normal operation of the conduction system, this node slows down the impulses until the atria contract, distilling blood into the ventricles. Then it transmits them through conductive tissues called bundle of His further into the ventricles, causing them to contract. The bundle of His is divided into two branches consisting of Purkinje fibers leading each to its own ventricle, ensuring the synchronism of their work. After contraction, the heart rests and the cycle repeats again.

Rhythm within 60-80 beats per minute is called sinus rhythm and this is the normal working of the heart and conduction system. Any other rhythm that differs from the normal number of beats is called an arrhythmia. This can occur when there is a violation of impulses in one of the nodes or a violation of conduction in any area. observed in 17% of rhythm disturbances, but more often the protective function of the conducting system is triggered and another node sets the work of the heart.

Diseases that contribute to arrhythmias. Often, arrhythmias occur as a result of disorders in the human body or diseases that provoke these disorders. An increase in blood levels of adrenaline, a pancreatic hormone, or a drop in blood sugar can contribute to heart rhythm disturbances. Violations of water-salt metabolism, in which the level of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium in the blood changes, acid-base balance, when the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood changes, also provoke the disease.

Arrhythmias occur in diseases of the cardiovascular system - atherosclerosis, heart failure, heart defects. Lifestyle also contributes to heart rhythm disturbances. Arrhythmia becomes a consequence of intoxication with alcohol abuse, smoking, use, frequent and senseless medication. The latter factor is often observed in people engaged in self-medication and even more self-diagnosis of diseases.

Diagnosis of arrhythmia

The very first diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias is their clinical manifestations. Symptoms of arrhythmia are not similar to manifestations of other diseases; if they occur, an electrocardiogram should be done. But the diagnosis can be confirmed by registering a cardiogram only if the arrhythmia is permanent or stable. If an arrhythmia is suspected paroxysmal conduct round-the-clock registration of the electrocardiogram. This diagnostic method is called Holter monitoring. It consists in the constant recording of the heart rate using sensors attached to a compact device. Sometimes in the daily mode it is not possible to fix the violation.

If neither ECG nor Holter monitoring fixes the disease, a more complex diagnosis of arrhythmia is carried out, in which the factors causing its occurrence are determined. This makes it possible to determine the mechanism of its occurrence. Such studies include transesophageal stimulation of the heart. The method is used in cases of suspected sinus node weakness syndrome, to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct preventive treatment, with suspicion of WPW syndrome, latent coronary insufficiency, if it is impossible to diagnose coronary heart disease by other methods. The study consists in imposing a rhythm through a specialized electrode, which is inserted like a conventional probe and fixed in the esophagus.

Also, to detect arrhythmias, tilt test. It allows you to identify the cause of fainting. During the test, the patient is brought from a horizontal position to a vertical one, with different strengths of intensity. The test provokes fainting, and the monitoring of the heart rate and blood pressure during the examination makes it possible to determine the cause of the loss of consciousness.

Intracardiac(invasive) electrophysiological study is considered the most informative study of the electrophysiological properties of the heart and the conduction system. This diagnosis of arrhythmia is used to clarify the localization of atrioventricular blockade, the nature of tachycardia and other abnormalities. This study remains very important when choosing surgical treatment and implantable pacemakers. In some cases, an intracardiac electrophysiological study is used to stop severe arrhythmias.

The examination is carried out only in specially equipped laboratories, since this method is quite risky. For its implementation, the main vein of the shoulder, or the femoral vein, is punctured. Under x-ray control, electrodes-catheters are inserted into the right parts of the heart, and a study is carried out.

Prevention and treatment of arrhythmia

For the prevention of sudden cardiac death, treatment or relief of arrhythmias is directed. For this, therapy with antiarrhythmic drugs is prescribed, ablation of the conduction pathways of the heart, and implantation of pacemakers are performed. Almost any treatment of arrhythmia is aimed at preventing its recurrence and eliminating concomitant diseases, which are most often the causes of arrhythmia.

To date, there is only one reliable way to eliminate life-threatening arrhythmias. It is therapy with implantable cardioverter defibrillators, the effectiveness of this method is 99%, which reduces the death rate from coronary heart disease and after myocardial infarction. In addition, such therapy enables patients to live a full life without limiting their physical capabilities.

The doctors


Complications with arrhythmias

Some types of arrhythmias are accompanied by acute or chronic heart failure, in which there is a sharp drop in blood pressure,. it ventricular tachycardia, flickering arrhythmia, atrial flutter. Complete AV block and ventricular fibrillation lead to cardiac arrest and clinical death.

Sudden cardiac death- natural death due to heart disease. This is preceded by acute symptoms of heart disease, loss of consciousness within an hour. But at the same time, the time of death is unexpected.

In 83% of cases of sudden cardiac death are associated with coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction. Influence the development of complications and further lead to death ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, coronary artery disease.

Diet, nutrition for arrhythmias

List of sources

  • Arrhythmias of the heart. Mechanisms. Diagnostics. Treatment. In 3 volumes / Per. from English / Ed. W. J. Mandela. - M.: Medicine, 1996. - 10,000 copies. - ISBN 0-397-50561-2.
  • Belyalov F.I. Cardiac arrhythmias: monograph; ed.5, revised. and additional / F.I. Belyalov. - Irkutsk: RIO IMAPO, 2011
  • Nikishova V.N. Cardiology / V.N. Nikishova, E.Yu. Frantsev. - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 240 p.

Residents of cities are increasingly hearing about the diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias in relatives and friends, the symptoms and treatment of which are unknown to them. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail what arrhythmia is and what is the reason for its occurrence.

This is an abnormal heart rhythm, and it occurs when the electrical impulses that make the heart contract do not function properly and force the organ to beat either too fast or too slowly, disrupting the rhythm.

The disease occurs in many people, as a rule, it is not dangerous. Then the person may feel as if his heart is falling out of rhythm, then coming back and continuing to beat evenly.

Arrhythmia can lead to exhaustion of the heart muscle, disruption of the valves, an increase in the size of 1 or all 4 cavities of the heart.


Arrhythmia does not always appear. A person can live calmly and not feel a heart rhythm disorder, and a doctor during a medical examination can easily detect it and prescribe treatment even before any symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia suddenly appear.

More often, however, rhythm disturbances are manifested, which affects the change in the state of a person. How is cardiac arrhythmia manifested? To understand if there are any heart disorders, you should pay attention to the following signs of the disease when a person:

  1. feels the heartbeat and rhythm interruptions;
  2. feels that the heart is beating too fast;
  3. feels that his heart is beating too slowly;
  4. experiencing chest pain;
  5. suffers from shortness of breath;
  6. feels dizzy;
  7. loses consciousness or is in a state of fainting.

But it happens that even such serious signs of an unhealthy condition are not necessarily a manifestation of serious heart problems. Often people, even when they feel an arrhythmia, do not have any disease. Conversely, a certain person who does not have any manifestations of cardiac arrhythmia actually suffers from a severe form of the disease, and the factor that caused it is unknown.

Causes of cardiac arrhythmia

What causes an arrhythmia? Doctors note that the causes of cardiac arrhythmias are quite predictable. If a person suffers from heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes If he smokes, drinks too much alcoholic beverages, caffeine, is fond of taking medications and is often under stress, then the disease is guaranteed to him.

Especially the abuse of newfangled dietary supplements, drugs from medicinal herbs easily leads to male arrhythmia. There are several conditions that unambiguously answer the question of what causes cardiac arrhythmia, the reasons for this are as follows:

  • Inadequate blood supply, when there is insufficient blood flow to the heart, preventing the cells from generating the correct electrical impulses.
  • The death of the heart muscle or its damage, which entails a change in the paths along which the electrical impulse propagates.

A severe arrhythmia appears when a person suffers from any heart disease. For example, the presence of cardiomyopathy and coronary disease also provokes the disease.

Researchers and doctors note risk factors leading to arrhythmia, the causes and symptoms of which are not always clearly manifested:

  1. genetics;
  2. thyroid disease;
  3. high pressure;
  4. diabetes mellitus causing pathology;
  5. electrolyte disturbances;
  6. stimulants.

The disturbed heart rhythm provokes a stroke and heart failure.

Types of arrhythmia

Sinus tachycardia - increased heart rate, more than 100 beats per minute. It happens to almost every person after physical exertion, visiting the bath and on a hot day (from overheating).

Tachycardia just feels like a strong heartbeat.

It may be sinus bradycardia - a rarefied heart rate, less than 60 beats per minute.

Bradycardia occurs due to the high tone of the parasympathetic nervous system and is observed even in athletes.

Bradycardia can be manifested by an increase in intracranial pressure, a decrease in thyroid function (hypothyroidism), it is provoked by an overdose of the drug, hypotension, heart disease, etc. Such arrhythmia of the heart has different signs: the patient complains of discomfort in the heart area, weakness and the appearance of cold sweat , dizziness, even fainting.

Extrasystole may appear - the most common arrhythmia. It occurs in both sick and healthy people because they often experience stress, overwork, take caffeine, smoke and drink alcoholic beverages. This arrhythmia is often observed in the morning.

The norm for a healthy person is up to 200 supraventricular and 200 ventricular contractions per day. Some healthy people have more - up to several tens of thousands per day.

Extrasystoles are absolutely safe. They have another name - "cosmetic arrhythmias." But in people with a damaged heart (postinfarction cardiosclerosis, myocardial hypertrophy), extrasystoles constitute an additional risk.

Paroxysmal tachycardia - the correct, but too frequent rhythm of contractions, provoking weakness, increased sweating. It appears and disappears suddenly. The reasons for its appearance are similar to extrasystole.

Atrial fibrillation - this form during sleep is observed most often. This includes both daily and night sleep. The disease is characterized by uncoordinated electrical activity of the atria, which then manifests itself as a deterioration in their contractile function. Abbreviations are random (incorrect).

Patients complain of shortness of breath, a feeling of fluttering in the region of the heart. Atrial fibrillation should be treated only in a hospital, so doctors, as soon as first aid is provided, immediately hospitalize the patient.

Heart block (AV block I, II, III degree) is characterized by periodic loss of pulse at rest. There are complete and incomplete blockades. Such an arrhythmia often causes fainting and convulsions. Complete heart block leads to heart failure and sudden death.

Ventricular tachycardia is always associated with myocardial dystrophy. Ventricular fibrillation causes complete asynchrony of contractions of individual myocardial fibers, which is manifested by insufficient blood ejection, which in some cases leads to complete circulatory arrest.

The most dangerous of these are ventricular fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia, and 3rd degree AV block. If a patient has symptoms of these diseases, he should urgently go to a cardiologist to clarify the diagnosis in order to urgently begin treatment.

How to identify an arrhythmia

When asked how to determine arrhythmia, doctors assure accuracy laboratory research and some instrumental ones that help in making an accurate diagnosis.

Electrocardiography (ECG) is the most popular way for doctors to determine arrhythmias, the symptoms and treatment of which the doctor determines himself. When analyzing the electrocardiogram, the rhythm and frequency of contractions of the heart muscle are determined. It turns out how the electrical impulse travels through the heart. But a regular ECG will not reveal an arrhythmia without an attack.

To do this, Holter monitoring of the ECG is used, when for a day for chest The patient is glued with electrodes and attached to a small device that records ECG readings.

Blood tests help to find out how much potassium or thyroid hormones lead to arrhythmia in a particular patient.

Echocardiography (ECHO-KG) - an ultrasound examination of the heart allows you to find out how the heart works, what are the sizes and shapes of the heart chambers and valves. This method makes it possible to fix a violation of blood flow, pathological contractions of the heart muscle and the presence of scars after a heart attack.

Stress tests are also used. Some heart diseases can only be seen when the heart is working with a certain load, and therefore beats more often. For this, a stress test is used. The patient is offered physical activity or a drug is administered that causes an increase in the rhythm and increases the work of the myocardium.

An electrophysiological study (EPS) is performed to diagnose severe forms of the disease. To do this, a thin conductor is inserted into the inguinal vein, brought to the atrium and an electrical signal is recorded, which makes it possible to provoke an arrhythmia and understand what the problem is.

Heart arrhythmias in men

In men, arrhythmia can occur at any age. Sometimes it is observed outside of any disease and is detected by chance.

In childhood, sinus arrhythmia and tachycardia are more often found in boys. They are fixed even at birth, and they are explained by the reflection of the immaturity of nervous regulation. The heart muscle is similar to the muscles of the skeleton.

Rhythm disturbances in boys are explained by the presence of congenital heart disease or surgical operation, sometimes provoked by other diseases. With a heart defect, 6-8 boys are born per 1000 births. common cause It's called parental alcoholism. In this case, arrhythmias are very different.

The interest of doctors stops at arrhythmia, which is usually detected in recruits. Military commissariats need healthy young men who are able to serve in the army. It was at this time that sinus tachycardia and some other arrhythmias are detected due to the fact that modern young people often have poor physical fitness.

Boys who sit at computers all the time and do not go out into the fresh air, do not go in for sports, turn out to be physically weak, with an untrained heart, which normally requires certain loads for proper functioning.

Another type of cardiac arrhythmia in men is almost never observed, for example, blockade right leg bundle of His or sinoauricular blockade of the 2nd degree, extrasystoles. They are considered age-appropriate. They are drafted into the army without prejudice to their health. Pathology in conscripts is rare. This is usually the result of surgery for congenital heart disease. It is effectively treated.

Arrhythmia treatment

Cardiac arrhythmia is treated taking into account the type of disease, the severity of the patient's condition and what lifestyle he leads. Not all conditions require mandatory treatment. In all cases of the disease, treatment is selected individually: either medication or surgical procedures are used.

Treatment includes antiarrhythmic medications to control the heart rate, and the doctor will prescribe antiplatelet or anticoagulant medications to reduce the risk of blood clots that cause a stroke.

If the medications do not allow to control the patient's abnormal rhythm, then a cardioversion method is performed, which manifests itself in the fact that a temporary anesthetic is injected into the chest, and later an electric current is applied to synchronize the work of the heart and restore an adequate heart rhythm.

When treating ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia, doctors use an cardioverter defibrillator implanted in the heart so that the heart muscle can be tracked and fed to cause it to contract in the correct rhythm.

Oddly enough, doctors say that the remedies for arrhythmia, which can be called universal, are any physical education, a brisk run in the morning, which allows the heart to receive energy. Jogging works like an engine relief valve for bradycardia.

It increases the strength, performance of the heart, its performance, normalizes the pulse, respectively, reduces the heart rate during tachycardia. This problem is observed in women with low tone and blood pressure.

In any case, pay attention to the signs that appear during arrhythmia and seek help in a timely manner!

In violation of the frequency of heart contractions and their specific sequence, a diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmia is made. This concept includes a large group of diseases that are caused by different reasons and lead to certain failures in the rhythms of the heart. Far from always, cardiac arrhythmia poses a threat to life, so the diagnosis should not be frightening.

Arrhythmia can occur even in people in the absence of any pathologies. Violation of heart rhythms can cause excessive physical exertion, severe overwork, or excessive alcohol addiction. In this case, special treatment is not required, and in order to normalize the contractions of the heart muscle, it is necessary to eliminate external provoking factors.

Reasons for the development of arrhythmia

There are a huge number of reasons that cause the development of arrhythmias. Very often, such a diagnosis is made against the background of various diseases of the cardiovascular system:

  • Ischemic heart disease;
  • High blood pressure;
  • heart defects;
  • Damage to the heart valves;
  • Myocarditis.

In addition, failure of heart rhythms can cause other diseases, for example:

  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Pathology of the adrenal glands;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Diabetes;
  • Violation in the respiratory system;
  • Nervous disorders.

The cause of arrhythmia in children, as a rule, is increased stress on the cardiovascular system associated with the formation and development of the body.

Advice! The condition of a child diagnosed with arrhythmia should be observed and regularly visited by a cardiologist.

Pregnancy also often leads to the development of cardiac arrhythmias. This is due to the fact that when carrying a child, the load on the woman's heart increases to a large extent. In addition, during this period there are significant hormonal changes that lead to disorders in the autonomic nervous system. Among the main risk factors for the development of arrhythmia, it should be noted:

Lack of vitamins and minerals

The cause of heart rhythm disturbances is very often a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the human body. This leads to the fact that substances important for heart activity are not supplied in sufficient quantities to the heart muscle, which responds to a normal heartbeat.

Advice! It should be remembered that a long-term shortage essential vitamins and minerals can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

The following minerals are important for normal heart rhythms:

  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Calcium.

Magnesium is a key element for maintaining normal contractions. Its lack impairs the ability of the myocardium to relax, and, consequently, the heart does not receive enough oxygen. If magnesium is not supplied in the required amount in human body, then a spasm of the heart muscle develops.

In this case, the pulse usually increases, and, consequently, the heart works in an increased load mode, which can provoke heart failure. In addition, due to a lack of magnesium, it causes an electrolyte imbalance, and, consequently, the patency of impulses along the conduction pathways of the heart worsens.

If there is a deficiency of potassium, then it is replaced by sodium, which is always available in the required amount in the human body, thanks to the regular use of salt with food.

At the same time, salt retains water in the cells, and, therefore, contributes to the occurrence of swelling of the heart muscle. Consequently, with a deficiency of potassium and magnesium, there are difficulties with conducting a magnetic impulse in the heart muscle against the background of swelling and insufficient relaxation of the myocardium.

The role of calcium in the proper functioning of the heart muscle is that this element is responsible for its contraction, while magnesium should participate in relaxation. In this regard, if there is an imbalance of these elements, then there are violations of heart contractions.

In certain situations, it is important to make sure that potassium and magnesium enter the human body in the right amount. This will prevent the development of arrhythmia. Potassium and magnesium are especially necessary for the development of arrhythmias against the background of:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, with gastritis and ulcers;
  • Diseases endocrine system, in particular, in diabetes mellitus;
  • Overwhelming physical activity, including sports training;
  • Nervous strains;
  • Heavy mental labor;
  • Taking hormonal drugs.

Vitamin deficiency can also lead to arrhythmias. In particular, the following vitamins are important for the normal functioning of the heart muscle:

  • Vitamin D, which contributes to the supply of calcium to the heart muscle;
  • Vitamin E, which strengthens the fibers of the heart muscle, which makes them more stable when the circulation of electrical impulses is disturbed;
  • Vitamin N ( lipoic acid), which is an antioxidant and contributes to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism, and, consequently, reduces the risk of developing arrhythmia against the background of atherosclerosis.
  • Lecithin, which is involved in their proper nutrition cells and provides them.

Signs of arrhythmias of various types

Modern practical medicine has a large number of various kinds arrhythmias. They differ:

  • Causes of occurrence;
  • Symptoms
  • The nature of the course of the disease.

A healthy person, as a rule, does not notice the work of the heart. Therefore, the development of arrhythmia can be suspected by the following sensations:

  • Increased and palpable heartbeat;
  • A sharp push in the region of the heart;
  • The emergence of a feeling of "fading" of the heart for a while;
  • Discomfort in the area of ​​the heart.


An arrhythmia that is characterized by a rapid heartbeat is called tachycardia. This failure is caused by both physiological and pathological causes. Physiological tachycardia is always associated with some external factors and its treatment involves, most often, their elimination.

For example, a sudden change in body position, overeating or an overdose of medications can lead to a failure of heart rhythms. The danger is pathological tachycardia against the background of any heart disease. This type of arrhythmia is characterized by a rapid heart rate, while the pulse rate can exceed 90 beats per minute.

Advice! It should be understood that if tachycardia is not treated, then heart failure may develop.

External symptoms of tachycardia appear:

  • dizziness;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Pain in the chest.

At the place of occurrence of tachycardia is:

  • atrial;
  • ventricular;
  • Nodal, when impulses originate at the border of the atria and ventricles.

The most dangerous is ventricular tachycardia, which is caused by complications of the following serious illnesses hearts:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • coronary atherosclerosis;
  • Post-infarction aneurysm and cardiosclerosis;
  • heart defects;
  • Myocarditis.

Advice! You should be aware that a severe attack of tachycardia, which is accompanied by darkening in the eyes, often leads to loss of consciousness. In this case, you should urgently call an ambulance.

Atrial fibrillation or atrial fibrillation is characterized by chaotic excitation of the heart fibers during the cardiac cycle. This failure in heart rhythms is very dangerous if the attack lasts more than 48 hours, since in this case the risk of thrombosis and the development of ischemic stroke increases. The manifestations of atrial fibrillation entirely depend on the following factors:

The most noticeable signs of this type of arrhythmia:

  • Perceptible heartbeat;
  • Chest pain and tingling in the region of the heart;
  • Muscle relaxation;
  • increased sweating;
  • Shortness of breath while walking;
  • Increased urination;
  • The emergence of a feeling of panic fear;
  • Dizziness, often leading to loss of consciousness.

Two various forms atrial fibrillation:

  • Chronic, which lasts more than a week;
  • Transient, which is recurrent.

As a rule, the initial stage of atrial fibrillation is characterized by a paroxysmal form, while the duration of individual attacks and the frequency of their manifestation may be different. Subsequently, in some patients, arrhythmias may progress to chronic form and others may have non-progressive recurrences.

Advice! Since atrial fibrillation is almost always diagnosed against the background of heart pathologies, its treatment is mandatory.


Another common type of cardiac arrhythmia is extrasystole. In this case, extraordinary contractions of the heart muscle are felt, which can be localized both in the atria and in the ventricles. This type of arrhythmia is most often observed in healthy people who are addicted to alcohol, coffee, smoking, or take other stimulants.

External signs violations are as follows:

  • Sudden shortness of breath and difficulty breathing
  • increased sweating;
  • The emergence of a feeling of fear on the verge of panic;
  • Paleness of the skin.

As a pathology associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system, extrasystole can develop only after the age of 50 years.

Advice! With frequently recurring attacks of extrasystole at a young age, it is imperative to be examined by a cardiologist.


The diagnosis of arrhythmia is also made when the number of contractions of the heart muscle deviates downward from the norm. This failure of heart rhythms is called bradycardia. With this violation of the activity of the heart, the pulse becomes less than 55 - 60 beats per minute. As a result of this, blood circulation is disturbed, and, consequently, the required amount of oxygen does not enter the organs and tissues. This type of arrhythmia can cause a myocardial infarction or stroke.

If the number of contractions decreases slightly, then signs of a malfunction in heart rhythms may go unnoticed, although they are still threatening.

Advice! Bradycardia must be diagnosed and treated to avoid serious complications.

With a strong slowing of the pulse, the following obvious symptoms are observed:

  • Changes in blood pressure;
  • Dizziness against the background of a sharp decline in strength;
  • Fast fatiguability;
  • Cold perspiration;
  • The occurrence of temporary problems with vision;
  • Difficulty breathing even at rest.

When bradycardia occurs, it is always required drug treatment otherwise, heart failure may develop.

Heart blocks

Heart block is special kind arrhythmia, which is characterized by slowing or stopping the passage of an impulse through the sections of the heart muscle. The hereditary factor and almost all heart diseases can cause the development of this type of arrhythmia. Heart blocks are:

  • By the strength of development;
  • According to the severity of failures;
  • According to the localization of areas of impassability of the impulse.

Proper Treatment is prescribed after assessing the strength of the development of this type of arrhythmia. In this case, the following degrees of severity are distinguished according to the nature of the passage of the impulse:

  • I degree - with a belated passage;
  • II degree - with partial passage;
  • III degree - with total absence impulse.

Life-threatening are heart blocks in the complete absence of an impulse. During attacks, the number of myocardial contractions decreases to 30 beats per minute, and if there are large intervals between individual beats, convulsions may occur against the background of loss of consciousness. In some cases, an attack can lead to death.

Diagnosis of arrhythmia

Diagnosis of any type of cardiac arrhythmia is carried out by a cardiologist based on the patient's complaints and the examination. The main diagnostic study is an electrocardiogram, which is a graphical display of heart rhythms.

But since arrhythmia attacks are often periodic, in most cases, to establish an accurate diagnosis, daily monitoring of the Holter electrocardiogram is required. For this, a special device is used, which is fixed on the patient's body and allows you to monitor heart rhythms for 24 hours.

In severe cases of cardiac arrhythmia, as a rule, additional examinations are prescribed:

  • Echocardiography, which is better known as an ultrasound of the heart. This method is very informative, since it can be used to accurately assess the state of all parts of the heart. With the help of modern equipment, you can clearly see any damage to the heart muscle, which leads to the occurrence of arrhythmia.
  • Electrophysiological examination of the heart. In this case, a catheter equipped with internal sensors is inserted through a vein into the heart. This method allows you to accurately diagnose arrhythmia of any severity and correctly prescribe treatment.

Treatment of arrhythmias

Violations in the rhythms of the heart manifest themselves in a huge variety of forms. Therefore, the treatment of arrhythmia depends on:

  • etiology of the disease;
  • The severity of the disease;
  • Manifestations of the disease.

If a violation of heart contractions does not occur against the background of a pathology of the heart and does not cause concern, it is not necessary to treat arrhythmia with the help of specialized medications. You can relieve discomfort during heart rhythm failures with the help of sedatives and depressants. The most famous effective means are:

  • Corvalol;
  • Persen;
  • Novopassit.

Advice! Before taking any medication for arrhythmia, you should consult a cardiologist.

In addition, the treatment of arrhythmia that does not pose a threat to life is often carried out:

  • special diet;
  • Folk methods;
  • Breathing exercises;
  • Homeopathic remedies;
  • Point massage.

In severe cases, signs of arrhythmia are removed with the help of special antiarrhythmic drugs. They block andrenoreceptors and prevent the absorption of adrenaline, and, consequently, normalize heart rhythms.

Advice! Before starting to treat the disease with antiarrhythmic drugs, you should always consult with a cardiologist. Depending on the degree and type of disorders, the dosage of drugs may be different.

Any kind of arrhythmia additional treatment with the help of special complexes of vitamins and minerals. Magnesium is especially important for cardiac recovery. To restore the electrolytic balance and pathways of impulses in the myocardium, special complexes are prescribed that contain potassium and magnesium.

Surgical treatment of arrhythmias

Quite often when severe forms arrhythmias conservative treatment turns out to be ineffective. In this case, it is possible to eliminate this or that damage to the heart muscle, which provokes disruptions in heart rhythms, using surgical methods.

With the help of surgical intervention, arrhythmia can be treated:

  • Completely, when damage to the heart muscle is eliminated and the patient completely gets rid of attacks;
  • Partially, when the severity of seizures and their frequency decreases.

modern medicine allows you to eliminate the signs of arrhythmia by various methods of surgical intervention:

  • Open cardiac surgery, which involves the removal of pathological areas of the heart muscle;
  • Minimally invasive catheter methods that allow partial or complete destruction of the pathological zone of the heart muscle.

After diagnosing arrhythmia, a person must necessarily reconsider his lifestyle. It is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle and give up bad habits. At the same time, it is very important to be observed by the same doctor, who will study the characteristics of the disease and be able to monitor the dynamics of its development, and, if necessary, respond in a timely manner with the necessary appointments and recommendations.

A person suffering from arrhythmia is at risk for stroke and myocardial infarction. This is due to the fact that during arrhythmia the heart contracts incorrectly, resulting in the formation of blood clots.

With the flow of blood, these clots are carried throughout the body and where the clot gets stuck, blockage will occur and the person will get sick.

If this happens in the vessels of the heart, then a heart attack will occur, and if in the brain - a stroke. There may also be blockage of blood vessels in the lower extremities.

Arrhythmia is dangerous in the following conditions:

  • brain stroke;
  • thromboembolism of the brain;
  • thrombosis of intestinal vessels;
  • thrombosis of the vessels of the legs or arms, followed by their amputation;
  • cardiac arrest.

The human body experiences periodic attacks of oxygen starvation, and this adversely affects organs and systems. Irreversible pathological processes begin, which can end in death.

Treatment and drugs

Only a doctor should treat arrhythmia after diagnosing and determining the type of arrhythmia, or rather, in which area the pathology was detected and under the influence of what factors this pathological condition arose.

The goal of treating an arrhythmia is to eliminate the root cause of its occurrence and restore the correct sinus rhythm of the heart. It is also necessary to reduce its manifestation, to eliminate possible consequences and to prevent complications of arrhythmia.

There are two main treatments for arrhythmias:

  • drug treatment;
  • surgery.

Medical treatment

This method of treatment involves the appointment and administration of antiarrhythmic drugs. medicines, of which there are 4 classes:

Antiarrhythmic drugs

  • Verapamil, Digoxin, Adenosine - are prescribed to eliminate atrial arrhythmias.
  • Disopyramide, Lidocaine, Mixletin - necessary for ventricular arrhythmias.
  • Propafenone, Amiodarone, Flecainide - used for atrial and ventricular arrhythmias.

The most commonly used and effective drug is Amiodarone (Cordarone). It is applied practically in treatment of all types of arrhythmia. It is the drug of choice for arrhythmia with myocardial infarction and heart failure. Antiarrhythmic activity appears 10 minutes after intravenous administration.

Often, after two weeks after the onset of arrhythmia, Kordaron is taken orally, gradually reducing the dose to a maintenance level, continuing to take it further.

Contraindications to its use: pulse less than 50 beats per minute (bradycardia), bronchial asthma, heart block (atrioventricular AV block), thyroid disease and pregnancy.


This group of drugs is characterized by antiarrhythmic and hypotensive (lowering blood pressure) effect. Beta-blockers reduce the heart rate, preventing the development of heart failure.

Their use is contraindicated in case of chronic diseases respiratory organs and bronchial asthma as they can cause suffocation.

These drugs include:

  • Nebivalol;
  • Celiprolol.

Cardiac glycosides

These are drugs that increase the contractility of the heart muscle and normalize blood circulation, reducing the load on the heart.

Glycosides include:

Metabolic drugs

This includes drugs that help improve the functioning of metabolism, as well as nutrition of the myocardium and protect it from the effects of ischemia.

These include:

  • ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid);
  • Panangin, Potassium normin, Kalipoz, Asparkam - preparations of potassium and magnesium;
  • Cocarboxylase;

Diet and exercise

Magnesium is found in bran, yeast, buckwheat, cucumbers, peas, beans, nuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, avocado, alfalfa shoots.

Potassium is found in black currants, dried fruits (apricots, raisins, dried apricots, prunes), bananas, potatoes, cabbage, parsley.

Dairy products (cottage cheese, fish, cheese), seafood and fish, nuts, pumpkin seeds, corn, beets, artichokes are rich in calcium. Very useful figs.

You should limit the diet of sweet foods, animal fats, foods high in cholesterol. You should also minimize your salt intake.

It is useful to drink spring water or from a well, take more walks in parks or forests, and systematically engage in physical education. Loads should be moderate, recommended by the attending physician. Sleep should be full, at least 7-8 hours a day.


Surgery involves several ways to treat arrhythmia:

  • RF ablation- a procedure, the essence of which is the introduction of a special catheter into the heart. With its help, the source of arrhythmia is cauterized and the correct heart rhythm is restored.
  • Installation of an electrocardiostimulator (EX), which is a special device that eliminates the disease. Its main function is to impose the necessary heart rate in order to properly maintain the heart rhythm.

There are the following types of pacemakers:

  1. Single-chamber pacemakers, which are activated on demand in the event of bradycardia and normalize the frequency to optimal contractions.
  2. Two-chamber - automatically control the number of heartbeats.
  3. Three-chamber, used in the treatment life threatening arrhythmias, and are a reliable guarantor of safety in case of sudden death.

There is also a cardioverter - a defibrillator that instantly turns on, stimulating the heart. That is, as it were, resuscitates the heart during the sudden development of life-threatening arrhythmias.

Treatment at home

As additional methods of treating arrhythmia, there are also folk methods treatment.

There are many recipes in the treatment of diseases with herbs, but the most popular of them are:

  • Celery- an excellent remedy for arrhythmia. To prepare the product, finely grate the celery, add chopped dill, parsley, salt and mayonnaise to it. The mixture is eaten before dinner,
  • Onion is also used in the treatment of arrhythmias. Chop up a small onion head and add the grated apple. Take the mixture 2 times a day between meals. And so for one month.
  • The following mixture will help reduce cardiac arrhythmia: chop 200 g dried apricots, 50 g walnut kernels, 20 g raisins. Add to everything the juice of 1 lemon and 5 large spoons of May honey. Take the drug in the morning after breakfast, 2 large spoons. The tool is especially considered useful for children.


To prevent the occurrence of arrhythmias, several rules should be followed. Be sure to stick to a diet that includes only fresh vegetables and fruits. Fatty, smoked and fried foods, as well as foods containing a lot of cholesterol, should be completely removed from your table.

It is very important to eat in small portions, otherwise the stomach full of food will irritate the receptors of the nerves that are responsible for the functions of the sinus node. As a result, a sinusoidal arrhythmia may occur. You can't eat at night. Alcohol and arrhythmia are incompatible concepts.

To prevent the occurrence of arrhythmia, a number of certain conditions must be met:

  • forget about all your bad habits;
  • engage in moderate exercise, swim, walk in the fresh air and do exercises in the morning;
  • engage in auto-training to maintain internal emotional calm, take sedatives, adhere to the daily routine;
  • keep normal and monitor cholesterol levels;
  • keep your weight in check.


It is difficult to determine the prognosis for the future regarding arrhythmia, since everything is dependent on the concomitant disease - the source of the arrhythmia. That arrhythmia, which arose against the background of heart disease or myocardial infarction, can very quickly lead to heart failure.

Arrhythmia can contribute to the occurrence of thromboembolic complications. And their source is blood clots in the atria. Such violations significantly reduce the quality of human life.

The prognosis is favorable if there are no heart defects that conduct paths between the atria and ventricles within the normal range and the myocardium is functioning normally.

It is very important to identify and remove the cause of the arrhythmia. And timely and correctly prescribed treatment will help to avoid serious complications and quickly return to everyday normal life.