Vitamins for dogs puppy. What are the best vitamins to buy for a dog

Vitamins for dogs and minerals that are necessary for the animal's body are contained only in or holistic. When feeding an animal with other feeds, including natural food, an additional complex is required.

This is especially true for certain periods in a dog's life: feeding puppies, recovering from an illness, the autumn-winter period and with a tendency to certain diseases (joints, skin, etc.).

Among the wide variety of vitamins for dogs and supplements, several categories can be distinguished: for growing organisms puppies; for pregnant and lactating women; for aging dogs; for joints; for wool; to strengthen bones; for the prevention and maintenance of immunity.

Often people think that only their body needs vitamins.

Not properly!!!

To strengthen and develop the body, prevent diseases, vitamins and animals are needed. Although dogs and cats love to eat each other's food, their nutritional needs are very different. Of course, each of them will be able to survive after the exchange of food, but health problems will soon begin. The nutritional needs of a dog are more similar to those of humans as they are omnivorous and not carnivorous like cats. Dogs get their nutrients from animal and plant foods. The task of the owner is to provide the pet with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin A

Vitamin is needed for good vision and strong immune system. Because it is a fat-soluble vitamin and is stored in your dog's body fat, you must be careful not to overdose.

Vitamin D

Important for strengthening the bones and muscles of the dog. It is fat soluble, so be careful not to give your dog too much vitamin D.

Vitamin B1

The B vitamins are water soluble, so excess will be excreted in the dog's urine. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is needed for high energy and carbohydrate metabolism.

Vitamin B6

The dog also needs vitamin B6 for healthy blood, nervous and immune systems. Deficiency can lead to weight loss, and anemia.

Vitamin B12

Along with other B vitamins such as niacin and riboflavin, vitamin B12 affects enzyme function. Loss of appetite, low white blood cells and anemia can be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency.

In addition to vitamins, puppies and adult dogs also need minerals:


All dogs need calcium. It is needed for strong bones and teeth, for blood clotting, plus a healthy nervous system. Lack of this mineral in your dog's diet can cause serious skeletal abnormalities.


Unusual mineral. Copper has importance for proper bone, tissue and cell formation. The pigmentation may mean that your puppy is not getting enough copper in his diet.


Thanks to iron, the normal functioning of red blood cells, which transport oxygen to the body, occurs. If your pet is lethargic and weak, then he is not getting enough iron.

Your dog needs a mineral to function properly. thyroid gland and proper metabolism. Thyroid enlargement, dry, sparse hair, and weight gain are a sign of iodine deficiency.


This mineral is important for maintaining a healthy coat and skin. Due to the lack of zinc in the diet, weight loss, vomiting and skin damage can occur.

Manufacturers of vitamins for dogs, which is better to buy?

Canina pharma GmbH (Germany) uses exclusively natural ingredients: plant extracts, seafood extracts, dried algae, yeast, high-value vegetable oils - cocoa butter and evening primrose. Specially designed monocomponent additives that can be independently combined with each other.

Nutri-Vet (USA), in addition to traditional multivitamins, has many specialized complexes, such as a combination of calming ingredients that help the animal avoid stress, Ligaments and Joints, including an enhanced complex for recovery from injuries. There are also such complexes as "Protection of wool", "Fresh breath", "Bladder control", "From eating excrement", "Elimination of tear stains".

8in1 complexes (USA) provide separate vitamins for dogs different ages and breeds.

Also known are manufacturers of vitamin complexes such as Beaphar, Biofaktory (Czech Republic), ORLING.

How to choose vitamins for a dog?

What vitamins to give dogs and which ones are the best? If the animal is sick or has recovery period, then the vitamins will be advised by the veterinarian. If the dog is healthy, and you want to support its body, then the choice of vitamins should be determined by its age, as well as the breed (essentially, size). For example, chihuahua crumbs and other small breeds living in apartments and they should not be given vitamin complexes, which include fish fat. But their delicate bones need calcium.

dogs large breeds special support is needed for the joints, which are always overloaded with a lot of weight.

Special vitamins for dog hair are especially needed for long-haired breeds.

Most people love dogs, they are faithful companions people. Make sure that your dog gets the right and complete nutrition. Make sure your friend has everything the right vitamins and minerals to live a long, healthy, happy life.

However, if you think that your dog needs vitamins, you should consult a veterinarian, since their overabundance (hypervitaminosis) is more dangerous than their deficiency and its neglected forms can lead to the death of the animal.


Currently, the following prices for the most popular brands have developed:

  • Vitamins excel (excel), in the package of 155 tablets. Sold at a price of 250 to 300 rubles
  • Vitamins for dogs and puppies Brevers (Brewers). Usually come in jars of 150-300 tablets. Their cost varies from 200 to 300 rubles.
  • Polydex (Polidex). They come in jars of 150 and 500 pieces. The price, depending on the packaging, is from 400 to 700 rubles.
  • Volmar (Wolmar), banks of 180 and 360 tablets. The cost is from 500 to 1100 rubles.

A long time ago, man tamed the ancestors of modern dogs, after which these animals live side by side with us, bringing not only joy, but also benefit to their owners. The latter always strive for their pet to be well-groomed, clean and healthy. Vitamins for dogs are of no small importance in achieving such a result.

And do you know what it actually is? It is generally accepted that they add health to the body in a mystical way, but how do they do it? Vitamins are special substances that (with rare exceptions) are either not synthesized in the body, or are formed in scanty quantities. And they are needed for the normal functioning of hormones and enzymes. Without them, life is basically impossible.

What you need to know about "dog" vitamins?

Immediately forget everything you know about human vitamin complexes. The biochemistry of the canine body is fundamentally different, and therefore human vitamins for dogs (with rare exceptions) are not suitable!

If you use some kind of “serious” food from really good manufacturer, you should not think about additional fortification. But this applies only to cases where the manufacturer produces at least several types of specialized food:

  • For small, medium and large breed dogs.
  • Puppy (for growth), teenage, "adult" and for old animals.
  • For lactating and bitches.
  • For especially active, phlegmatic animals, for dogs with a normal psychological "constitution".

Important! Universal in terms of vitamin composition, feed does not exist in nature! "Average" can only be mixtures designed to feed medium-sized dogs in their prime.

Whether you are purposefully breeding dogs, or just sincerely concerned about the health of your pet, then the choice of food should always be supervised by an experienced veterinarian! Now let's talk about the specifics. Even if you are far from biology, you need to know the very basics. Consider the most important substances.

Vitamin A

Carrots and eyesight immediately come to mind, don't they? Oddly enough, but vitamin A is needed not only for the eyes. He is responsible for the normal condition of the mucosa and skin. Dryness skin, persistent sores in the mouth and digestive problems may indicate a lack of it. The lack of vitamin A is fatal for pregnant and lactating animals, as well as breeding producers. A lot of this substance is found in the liver of animals and marine fish (especially cod), there is carotene in carrots, orange pumpkins and zucchini.

Read also: Vasotop R for dogs: instructions for use

In addition, carotene compounds are useful for wool, as vitamin A promotes the growth of strong and healthy hair follicles.

Deficiency symptoms

If the dog’s body lacks vitamin A, then there is indirect evidence of this:

  • Persistent diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory organs.
  • The presence of chronic xerophthalmia (“dry eyes”) is the main symptom in the diagnosis.
  • If your dog can barely see anything in the dark, this also indicates a lack of vitamin A.

Before choosing vitamin preparations in the store, be sure to pay attention to these symptoms.

B vitamins

It includes more than 20 substances, and science has not yet fully studied the effect of many of them. Specifically for dogs, the following are very important:

  • Thiamine, that is, B1.
  • Riboflavin, B2.
  • Pyridoxine, B6.
  • RR - a nicotinic acid(has nothing to do with tobacco, by the way). It was found that under normal conditions it is synthesized in the body of a dog.
  • Pantothenic acid, aka B5.
  • Cyanocobalamin, B12.
  • Sun, folic acid.

Especially important are B1 and B12. The first plays an important role in nervous system, whereas without the second, the activity of the hematopoietic system is impossible. A lot of thiamine is found in river and sea fish, but there is one subtlety.

Important! In raw river fish There is not only thiamine, but also thiaminase. This is an enzyme that destroys B1. So the fish needs to be scalded with boiling water or boiled lightly!

Getting off topic: fish contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which are also needed for the development of the nervous system!

The vitamin is also rich in cereals, liver, kidneys and heart. With illness, physical exertion, pregnancy and lactation, the need for B1 increases dramatically. The main symptom of its deficiency is severe nervous disorders and even seizures.

As for the most important cyanocobalamin, it is practically absent in plant products! They are very rich in the liver and kidneys of cows. In addition, this vitamin is also found in brewer's yeast. With its lack, severe anemia often occurs, expressed in lethargy, inactivity and pallor of all visible mucous membranes. Nervous disorders and seizures may appear. Important! Group B helps against hair loss, so these substances are indispensable for dogs of long-haired breeds.

The function of B2 is not fully understood, but it is known that it is involved in the synthesis of important enzymes. However, signs of its shortage indirectly indicate the important role of this element:

  • Seizures.
  • Dermatitis, dry skin and massive hair loss.
  • Numbness of limbs.
  • Clouding of the cornea and a sharp deterioration in vision.

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It is useful in the treatment of poorly healing wounds and ulcers. Since liquid forms are most often found on the market, you can simply lubricate the sores. A lot of it is found in meat and dairy products.

Vitamin B6 plays an important role in hematopoiesis, and is also essential for the synthesis of proteins in the body and their absorption. A lot in milk, meat and offal. In many ways, the function of folic acid is similar, but the source of this vitamin is plant foods.

It should be remembered that legumes, even though they contain a lot of B vitamins, are unacceptable in a dog's diet. The fact is that the digestive tract of these animals practically does not absorb them.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is also extremely important for dogs, as it takes part in almost all metabolic processes. It has a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it can slow down the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms. It is synthesized by the body of dogs, but in case of illness it is advisable to give the vitamin separately. A lot of it is found in plant foods, fresh vegetables. They are very rich in beef liver.

By the way, if you do not know what vitamins to give your dog in winter, you can safely include finely grated vegetables in the diet. Ascorbic acid in the winter period is poorly synthesized in the body, so it will definitely not be superfluous.

Vitamin D

Everyone knows the value of calciferol for sure: it is responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, without it normal development of bone tissue is impossible. When deficient, young animals develop rickets and older dogs develop osteoporosis. It is also good for joints. A lot in fish oil and cod liver.

Important! The ratio of calcium and phosphorus in food should always be 2:1 or 1:1. If this ratio reaches 3:1 and there is no vitamin D in the feed, rickets will develop. So it is vital for bones.

Based on the last fact, we once again warn all dog owners: vitamins are not toys. Their excess is often much more harmful and dangerous than lack, since in the latter case the disease develops gradually, but with an overdose of the same carotene, death can occur within a few hours! Never self-medicate without consulting a veterinarian.

Vitamin E, tocopherol

In many ways, its action is similar to that of vitamin A. It also plays an important role in the regeneration of mucous membranes and is especially needed for mature animals. The fact is that without this substance germ cells cannot develop normally. Vegetable fats are rich in it, while it is practically absent in animal products. Since this compound protects mucous membranes, tocopherol is needed for immunity.

Breeders who give their young pets into the hands of permanent owners always emphasize the importance of their proper nutrition during a period of active growth. We are talking about the presence of vitamins in the daily menu of tailed pupils. In specialized pharmacies for animals today there is a huge selection of such supplements. But which of them should be preferred, and what should be taken into account?

About vitamins for young animals

These substances have a positive effect on the formation of young pets when food (dry and natural) enters their body. For young animals, it is important to receive them daily. So, retinol (vitamin A) ensures the healthy functioning of the kidneys, salivary glands, contributes to the health of the skin and visual apparatus of the dog. B vitamins are excellent helpers in shaping the work of the digestive organs, help in the development of muscles, and prevent beriberi. Ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C, is the main builder of immunity. It is important during the period when the puppy is taken away from the mother and transferred to independent nutrition. Ascorbic acid protects young animals from infections, colds, and allergies. Ergocalciferol, or vitamin D, is essential for the healthy growth of the musculoskeletal system of young pets, the proper formation of joints and bones. Tocopherol, or vitamin E, ensures the proper development of organs reproductive system doggies.

Targeting large dogs

Representatives different breeds have their own characteristics of growing up and the need for multivitamins. This is taken into account by their manufacturers. At small breeds body weight in the process of growth increases 20 times, and in large ones - 70 times. Manufacturers of additives are guided by this feature. For example, large breed babies are more likely to experience bone dysplasia or delayed skeletal development in general. That is why it is so important to provide young animals with protein and calcium. Breeders and veterinarians strongly recommend systematically giving large breed puppies the following multivitamins:

  1. ZooVIP BIORHYTHM. This is a tablet remedy that consists of morning and evening pills. The first in their composition have trace elements that affect the functioning of the stomach, the absorption of energy, and the strengthening of the nervous system. Evening pills enrich the blood with oxygen, accompany the healthy assimilation of food. Collagen hydrolyzate as a component of multivitamins in combination with calcium strengthens cartilage tissue. These multivitamins are designed for young pets 10-12 months old. Their course is designed for 24 days.
  2. VITA-BON Large Dog. The supplement provides the body of active young dogs with the necessary trace elements. The pills contain 23 of these substances, and they themselves are divided into 2 types in a jar: fitness pills and Conditions. The latter are intended to strengthen the immune system, activate the metabolism of carbohydrates, strengthen joints, hair, ligaments. Fitness pills help young pets build up energy. They normalize the work of the heart during its high activity, that is, during training, training, jogging. The recommended course of taking VITA-BON Large Dog is 30 days.
  3. 8 in 1 Excel BREWER'S YEAST for Large. This vitamin supplement contains yeast and garlic, fish oil, vitamins of group B. The instruction recommends that dogs weighing up to 25 kilograms give ½ tablets per day, more than 25 kg - a whole tablet for 14-30 days.
  4. Focus on small dogs

    Small breeds take on an adult appearance as early as 8-9 months. Dogs have a good metabolism, so they need to be provided with enough energy every day. Here are the supplement options for them recommended by veterinarians:

    1. "Welpenkalk powder". A complex with an optimal content of calcium and phosphorus, B vitamins, with manganese, copper, cobalt. Multivitamins are recommended for babies from the age of six weeks.
    2. Vitacraft. Vitamins are designed to support the immune system, the rapid absorption of food, the accumulation of energy reserves, the normalization of the heart.
    3. "V25 Vitamintabletten" - a complex that strengthens the skeletal system and teeth, ensuring the health of the nervous system. Consists of 12 components. The course of taking the supplement is not limited.
    4. 8in1 Excel MULTI VITAMIN Small. Multivitamin complex based on natural ingredients, enriched with Omega3 fatty acids, B vitamins. The course of using the supplement is 14-30 days.

Vitamin preparations in tablet form

What vitamins does a dog need, that's what we'll talk about in this post. Greetings friends! Now there is a lot of information that without vitamins, all of us, including our dog, will die.

In fact, it is, without vitamins, diseases will appear that will lead to death. Let's see what vitamins a dog needs, when they need to be given extra, and when this can lead to complications.

When the dog does not need to give anything extra

If you have an adult dog that eats normally, leads a normal life. That is, roughly speaking, she does not sit in the cellar for days, while she does not have chronic diseases. She looks good, active and there are no changes in behavior, then she does not need to give anything extra.

By normal nutrition, we mean that the dog receives high-quality ready-made food, which contains everything you need, or natural products. Not the ones you eat, but we are talking about meat products, sour milk, fish, eggs, vegetables and others.

If your animal eats something like I wrote above, then what vitamins the dog needs is completely unimportant. It does not matter to you, well, if you do not conduct scientific research, because the dog will receive all the necessary components from food.

Some occasions when supplements are needed

Friends, treat mineral and vitamin preparations as medicines. You will not give your dog antibiotics because there are germs around, but you will use them when they are sick. That is, first you need to calculate what exactly the animal lacks, at least indirectly, by analyzing the diet and lifestyle.

She doesn't need vitamins.

Most often, such conditions, acute shortages, occur in puppyhood - fast growth and development requires a lot of materials. During this period, the puppy often eats feces, pebbles, plaster and other muck, this is how a perversion of appetite manifests itself.

It is rather difficult to determine what a puppy lacks, maybe he does not have enough of a certain amino acid or vitamin, microelement, carbohydrates, and possibly several substances.

To identify the cause, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of the conditions of detention, feeding, and it would be good with laboratory research. But all this is expensive and troublesome. It is easier to normalize feeding and add vitamin and mineral supplements, then the puppy stops eating non-edible.

The next case is associated with a violation of the absorption of substances in a natural way, through the digestive tract, for example, a dog underwent abdominal surgery and a part of the intestine was removed.

Either there was chronic illness affecting the work of the intestines, in which diarrhea alternates with constipation. Or the dog suffered a large blood loss due to an injury, had piroplasmosis, was exhausted, and so on.

In these cases, the question of what vitamins the dog needs will be relevant, and they will have to be administered in the form of injections. Then the substances will reach the destination, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, in which absorption is impaired.

Friends, there are certainly still conditions when an animal needs to be given additional vitamins, but I want you to understand that they cannot be used just like that. Vitamins are medicines therefore should be used as directed by a doctor.

What is the danger of vitamins?

All the vitamins a dog needs can be divided into two large groups - these are fat-soluble A, D, E and water-soluble (the main representatives of B and C).

If you overfeed the dog with water-soluble, then nothing terrible will happen, except in special cases, the excess will simply be dumped in the urine. But busting with fat-soluble ones can lead to diseases, an overdose of vitamin A during pregnancy is especially dangerous.

Fat-soluble fats accumulate in the tissues, and getting rid of them is quite difficult, so they lead to complications.

In conclusion, I repeat once again that vitamin and mineral supplements should be prescribed by a doctor for the same indications as for other diseases or as a preventive measure. That is, they made sure what was missing - they added it. Do not listen to "kind people" who tell you that you do not know what vitamins a dog needs and that you are greedy, have an animal and do not take care of it.

Traditionally, I say that I will be glad for your comments, questions and wishes, but for those who are more comfortable watching, please, here is a video, enjoy watching.

Dog owners choose one of the following types of food to feed their pet: wet, dry food or natural food. However, with any type of nutrition, it is almost impossible to determine the amount of vitamins and beneficial trace elements entering the dog's body. The solution to this problem is ready-made mineral-vitamin complexes or popular vitamins for dogs, in the assortment of which even the most experienced breeder can get lost. If you are interested in vitamins for dogs, you can follow this link

You need to choose vitamin supplements, taking into account the age, breed and food preferences of the dog.. For puppies and dogs with permanent physical activity, as well as animals with diseases of the ligaments or joints, it is necessary to alternate mineral and vitamin supplements containing manganese and glucosamine and supplements containing easily digestible calcium and vitamin D3.

This alternation of supplements allows you to protect the dog from many complex diseases: osteoarthritis, arthritis, osteoarthritis. Signs of these diseases are difficult to notice, you need to constantly carefully monitor the animal. Timely detected changes in behavior, indicating possible pain during movement, facilitate the process of recovery of the dog.

With such symptoms, it is necessary to add to the dog's diet within a month supplements containing methylsulfanylmethane and chondroitin sulfate. These substances help to produce joint fluid, relieve inflammation, pain, and help restore joints.

Mineral-vitamin complexes containing active brewer's yeast and garlic are needed twice a year. These useful components support the proper functioning of the digestive tract, increase appetite and improve metabolic processes. Brewer's yeast is an indispensable element for skin irritations, eczema, allergies, dermatosis, dermatitis, as well as dull coat.

If the dog often suffers from allergies, supplements should be included in the diet. combining antioxidants, bioflavonoids and omega fatty acid. This combination has a decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the toxic effects of allergens, reduces the strength and number of allergic reactions.

Dogs are very susceptible to stress due to seasonal diseases., frequent flights, transportation, vaccination, participation in exhibitions. To maintain immunity at the proper level, supplements containing immunostimulants and immunomodulators are needed: antioxidants and polyphenols. These substances have anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor effects, as well as increase resistance to infections and reduce the influence of stress factors. You need to start feeding such supplements two weeks before the expected stressful event for the dog.

The course of all mineral-vitamin complexes is about a month. The break lasts from 2 weeks to a month, then the course is repeated. Sometimes it is necessary to combine basic supplements with multivitamin complexes necessary to maintain the healthy functioning of the canine body and increase protective functions.If in doubt about the selected vitamin preparation, consult with the seller of the pet store or veterinarian.