Shelf life of fish oil and storage conditions. Fish oil: what is useful, who needs and potential harm What vitamins are in fish oil

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 12 minutes


The onset of cold weather, increased mental and physical activity make us pay extra attention to the state of our immunity. In this case, an indispensable assistant is the "old" and "good" remedy - fish oil.

Today, together with the magazine, the site will understand the benefits of this wonderful remedy for the body, we will consider in detail composition of fish oil, pros and cons for health .

Composition of fish oil - what vitamins are found in fish oil?

It is believed that the popularity of fish oil was brought by a pharmacist from Norway, Peter Meller, who popularized fish oil as an additional resource for restoring the body.

Fish oil is an animal fat, a unique and indispensable natural product, which is contained to a large extent in the marine fish of the world's oceans - mackerel, herring and other fatty fish species. The main benefit of fish oil lies in its unique composition:

  • omega 3
  • vitamin A
  • vitamin D
  • antioxidants

Consider the benefits of each substance separately:

  • Omega 3
    Increases the ability to dilate blood vessels, reduces the risk of blood clots that produce prostaglandins, which are necessary to trigger an anti-inflammatory effect in the body, accelerates the body's recovery processes, restores muscles, reduces stress cortisone, improves condition skin and normalizes arterial pressure. The source of omega-3 as food is, in addition to fish oil, linseed oil.
  • Vitamin A
    It improves metabolism, plays a significant role in immunity, controls skin and mucous membranes, protects the body from the harmful effects of free radicals and cancer, and is also necessary to maintain good vision.
  • Vitamin D
    Responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the construction of bone tissue.
  • Antioxidants
    They allow to protect organs and tissues from the effects of aggressive radicals, they can also prevent the destructive effect of free radicals on the cells of organisms, slowing down their aging processes.

The importance of fish oil depends mainly on the content fat; the remaining components iodine, bromine and phosphorus, bile pigments and salts, are contained in small amounts that are not capable of achieving therapeutic effects.

The benefits of fish oil, indications for use - who and how is fish oil useful?

For reference:

Athenian scholars conducted observations on a group of subjects aged 18-90 years and concluded that regular consumption of fatty fish will help to avoid problems with the cardiovascular system.

Scientists from Boston confirmed the data of colleagues and commented on the results of the research, giving priority to fish with dark meat - sardinia and mackerel.

Scientists from the University of Sydney published information that children who regularly consume fish or fish oil are less susceptible to asthma than their peers.

It has been proven that the lack of sufficient amounts of omega-3 in the body leads to memory loss. Fish oil lowers blood cholesterol levels and normalizes the digestive tract, stimulating weight loss. . Thus, fish oil is useful for those people who want to get rid of excess weight and maintain body weight in stable parameters.

Separately, it should be noted that fish oil increases the level of serotonin in the body is the hormone of happiness.

Recall that fish oil is mainly used for prevention than for treatment.

The daily norm of fish oil for adults and children, the main sources of fish oil

Fish oil in its original form is a thick consistency of light yellow / reddish hue, characterized by a characteristic fishy smell and taste.

As a child, mothers fed us fish oil from spoons, but now everything has become much easier - it is easy to buy it in a pharmacy in capsules. Such capsules perfectly retain properties and protect fish oil from the effects of oxidation, somewhat reducing its "special" taste and smell.

  • deficiency of vitamins A and D in the body,
  • treatment of eye diseases
  • dry skin and mucous membranes,
  • to strengthen the protective functions of the immune system,
  • poor condition of hair and nails,
  • with memory disorders and depression,
  • for the treatment of wounds and burns (topical application).

General Tips for Taking Fish Oil for Children and Adults

  • Fish oil intake should be during or after a meal .
  • The norm for admission to an adult is in the amount 15 ml or 1000-2000 mg per day , which is roughly equal to 2-4 capsules of 500mg . Reception should be divided 2-3 times a day .
  • Pediatricians sometimes prescribe fish oil to children, starting from the first month of life, the dose should not exceed 3x/5 drops twice a day . By one year, the number can be increased up to 0.5/1 teaspoon per day , and by the age of two up to two teaspoons . After 3 years, children can take 2-3 times a day a dessert spoon of fat , and at the age of 7 2-3 times a day for a tablespoon .
  • The most expensive, especially valuable and high-quality is considered salmon fish oil .
  • Fish oil can be taken continuously 3-4 weeks then take a break.
  • Ideal time to take September to May .
  • Store fish oil in the refrigerator .

Fish oil - contraindications, is it possible to overdose with fish oil?

Fish have the peculiarity of accumulating in the body a certain amount of toxic substances - mercury, dioxins and others. Therefore, the content is possible a certain amount of toxins in fish oil .

However, the benefits of fish oil are much higher than the harm that it can cause - if, of course, you take it. in accordance with the regulations , and use only quality drugs .

Due to the intake of fish oil, blood clotting decreases and an increased content of vitamin A occurs Therefore, fish oil should always be taken according to the norm, and before use, be sure to consult a doctor, especially if you have any disease.

Contraindications to the use of fish oil

  • allergic reactions,
  • high levels of calcium in the blood
  • nephrourolithiasis,
  • hypervitaminosis D,
  • the presence of stones in the urinary and biliary tract,
  • sarcoidosis,
  • immobilization,
  • thyrotoxicosis,
  • pulmonary tuberculosis,
  • chronic renal failure,
  • increased sensitivity.

Fish oil should be used with caution

  • organic heart disease
  • chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • duodenal ulcer,
  • during pregnancy and lactation,
  • with hypothyroidism,
  • elderly people.

Before taking fish oil, be sure to consult your doctor!

Now a sufficient amount of fish oil from various manufacturers is presented on the pharmacy market. It is not necessary to choose the most expensive or the cheapest. Go online and read customer reviews manufacturer, and make the right choice.

Read carefully the instructions on the package, follow the instructions - and be healthy!

Site site warns: self-medication can harm your health! Use all the tips presented only after examination and on the recommendation of a doctor!

Omega-3 is an important structural component of the cell membranes of the human body, and many life processes of the body depend on the properties of the membranes: the transition of signals from one nerve cell to the other, the efficiency of such organs as the brain, heart, retina. You can talk about the benefits of Omega-3 for a very long time. And I want to tell you by what criteria you need to choose a drug containing Omega-3 and what options are available on the site. I finally figured out a little about this issue.

1. Omega-3 is obtained from small marine life - anchovies, sardines, krill (will be written fish oil) and from fish liver (will be written cod liver oil).

Fish liver is an accumulator of toxic substances (mercury, cadmium, dioxin, etc.). In preparations from the liver, vitamins A and D will go in parallel. They may turn out to be superfluous if you take multivitamins along with Omega-3. If not, then the presence of vitamin A and D3 can be considered more of a plus.

If you choose from the liver, then pay attention to the manufacturer, because. the more reliable it is, the better raw materials it will use and apply better purification from toxic substances.

2. Omega-3 comes in liquid form and capsules.

Omega-3 capsules last longer. The probability of oxidation of Omega-3 in liquid form is much higher. And in liquid form, after opening, the drug should be stored in the refrigerator.

3. It is necessary to sum up the content of EPA and DHA - the most important of all Omega-3 fatty acids. Their total amount in a daily dose should be 500-1000 mg. This is the prophylactic dose recommended by the World Health Organization. If such an amount is contained immediately in one capsule, this is wonderful. Typically, 500-1000 mg (EPA+DHA) are in a daily dose of two to three capsules. Too low total amount of EPA and DHA in a daily dose will require you to increase the number of capsules taken. And this will automatically increase the intake of fats in the diet (in 1 capsule ~ from 500 mg to 1 g of excess fat) and increase the real cost of Omega-3.

Personally, I prefer a daily dose (EPA + DHA) of about 1000 mg (a little more or less). 500mg is way too small in my opinion.

But it's worth remembering the US Department of Health and Human Services (FDA) message that adults can safely consume no more than 2,000 mg/day from dietary supplements, as omega-3s thin the blood and it's important not to overdo it.

4. Give preference to the drug that comes in the form of triglycerides. Omega-3s are best absorbed in this form, after phospholipids (krill oil).

While fish oil is being processed, refined or concentrated, it is converted into ethyl ester. After the refining stage, the oils get rid of contaminants such as mercury and PCBs. In concentrated oil, the level of EPA and DHA increases. The content of EPA and DHA in its pure form can reach 50-90%. In most cases, the consumer is offered fish oil in the form of an ester, as it is cheaper and often packaged in capsules. Omega-3 is absorbed in this form a little worse. According to various estimates, in the form of triglycerides, absorption is up to 30-60% more effective. But in the form of an ether, the product is much cheaper.

The most important:

1. Total amount of EPA and DHA per serving

2. The form in which they go fatty acid.

It is the amount of EPA and DHA, as well as the form of fatty acids, that have the biggest impact on PRICE.

All omega-3 supplements are most effectively taken with meals, divided into two or three daily doses. This will minimize possible belching, heartburn and other gastrointestinal reactions to fish oil.

You need to take omega-3 not in courses, but all year round, every day, throughout your life (this is ideal, of course. 😀).

And now what are the options for Omega-3 on iherb, I will consider the most popular ones.

In capsules:

Madre Labs, Premium Omega-3 Fish Oil, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, 100 Fish Gelatin Capsules

Here the preferred form of triglycerides, which is a definite plus. And the fat itself is not from the liver, but from small fish. 2 capsules contain 600mg (DHA+EPA). I drank this Omega-3 3 capsules a day (900mg). Of the minuses, I do not like that there is a large content of excess fat in the capsule (70%). But, in general, a very good option, a jar is enough for a month, and the price is very democratic.

Now Foods, Omega-3 Support of cardio-vascular system, 200 softgels

As well as the previous preparation, the fat here is from small marine inhabitants and the content of excess fat in the capsule is the same. The form is not specified, so most likely the ether. To get the recommended DHA+EPA prophylactic dose (1000mg), take 3 capsules per day (900mg). A jar will last for 2 months.

This Omega differs from the previous one from this manufacturer in that here in 1 capsule there are 750 mg of DHA + EPA, i.e. It is quite possible to use 1 capsule per day. It is also a definite plus that there is very little excess fat in the capsule (25%).

Banks will last for half a year.

Madre Labs, Omega 800, Pharmaceutical Grade Exceptionally Concentrated Fish Oil, Processed in Germany Non-GMO, Gluten Free, 1000 mg, 30 Fish Gelatin Capsules

Preferred form of triglycerides, fat from small marine life. Very high content of DHA + EPA in 1 capsule - 800 mg. It is enough to take one a day, with only 20% excess fat, the remaining 80% fatty acids.

The only thing I don't like is that the package is small - 30 capsules (for a month). And the price, respectively, is not budgetary, but this Omega-3 is very high quality.

This company also has a drug containing only DHA and only EPA. But I prefer the combination of two amino acids in a complex.

Carlson Labs, Super Omega 3 Gems, Fish Oil Concentrate, 1,000 mg, 100 Capsules + 30 Free Capsules

Fish oil derived from deep sea fish, form not specified, so most likely ester. EPA+DHA content 500 mg per capsule. It is best to take 2 capsules per day for the preventive norm (1000 mg). Excess fat here is 50% per capsule.

With free capsules, enough for 2 months, quite affordable price. Plus, this manufacturer has repeatedly occupied a leading position in the quality of its product.

Solgar, Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate, 240 Capsules

Fat from small fishes, ether form. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 260 mg. , so it is best to drink 4 capsules per day (1040 mg). With this reception, the jar will last for 2 months. Of the minuses of this Omega-3 is the use of excess fat, because. the content in the capsule is 74%.

Solgar, Omega-3 EPA & DHA, Triple Strength, 950 mg, 100 Capsules

Fish oil from anchovies, sardines, maluski. The form is ether. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 882 mg. 1 capsule per day is enough, which is very convenient and reduces the consumption of excess fat. Here in the capsule it is about 40%.

Banks will last for 3 months. Reliable well-known manufacturer.

Solgar, Omega-3, 700 mg, 60 Softgels

Here, the difference from the previous Omega-3 in the content of acids. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 640 mg. You can drink 1 capsule, you can take 2, then it will be 1280 mg per day, which is also within the normal range. Banks will last for 1 month or 2 months, depending on how you drink it. There is a small amount of excess fat (36%).

Jarrow Formulas, EPA-DHA Balance, 240 Softgels

Fish oil from small fish (anchovies and sardines) in ester form. Balance EPA - DHA 2:1

The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 600 mg. You can drink 1 capsule, you can take 2, then it will be 1200 mg per day, which fits perfectly into the norm. Banks will last for 8 months or 4 months, depending on how many capsules you drink. Excess fat is very small (40%). Fruity aroma and taste.

Source Naturals, Pure, Arctic Omega-3 Fish Oil, Effective action, 850 mg, 60 softgels

It is indicated that the preparation uses fish oil from the purest sources on Earth - fish from the Arctic Ocean region near South America, but the specific names of the fish are not indicated. Ether form.

Very high content of DHA + EPA in 1 capsule - 790 mg. It is enough to take one a day, while excess fat is only 21%.

Banks will last for 2 months.

Natural Factors, Ultra Strength RxOmega-3, 150 Softgels

Fish oil is also from small fish in the form of an ester.

Very high content of DHA + EPA in 1 capsule - 900 mg. It is enough to take one a day, while excess fat is only 40%.

Banks will last for 5 months. The company is very reliable.

Manufactured by Natural Factors, which guarantees potency in accordance with FDA and Health Canada Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards.

Natural Factors, RxOmega-3 Factors, EPA 400 mg/DHA 200 mg, 240 Softgels

Fish oil is also from small fish in the form of an ester. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 600 mg. You can drink 1 capsule, you can take 2, then it will be 1200 mg per day, which is also within the normal range. Banks will last for 8 months or 4 months, depending on how many capsules you drink. Excess fat is average (49%).

Nordic Naturals, Ultimate Omega, Lemon, 1,000 mg, 180 Softgels

Here is the preferred form of triglycerides, which is very good. And the fat itself from small fish. 2 capsules contain 1100 mg (DHA + EPA), just the preventive norm. Excess fat in the capsule is not very much (45%). In general - a great option, a jar is enough for 3 months, but the price is not cheap.

Nordic Naturals, Omega-3, Lemon, 1,000 mg, 180 Softgels

Fish oils are in the form of triglycerides and meet the strictest international standards for purity and freshness. Also from small marine fish. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 275 mg. , so it is best to drink 4 capsules per day (1100 mg) or 3 capsules (825 mg). With this reception, the banks will last for 1.5 months or 2 months. Of the minuses of this Omega-3 is the price, it is not cheap due to the form and quality.

Natrol, Omega-3 Fish Oil, Lemon Flavored, 1000 mg, 150 Softgels

Fat from small fishes, ether form. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 300 mg. , so it is best to drink 3 capsules per day (900 mg). With this reception, the banks will last for 1.5 months. Of the minuses of this Omega-3 is the use of excess fat, because. its content in the capsule is 70%.

Nature Made, Fish Oil, 1200 mg, 100 Softgels

Fat from small fishes, ether form. The amount of DHA + EPA in one capsule is 300 mg. , so it is best to drink 3 capsules per day (900 mg). With this reception, the banks will last for 1.5 months. Of the minuses of this Omega-3 is the use of excess fat, because. its content in the capsule is 75%.

Natural Factors, WomenSense, RxOmega-3, Women's Blend, 120 Capsules

In liquid form:

After opening, the shelf life is no more than 100 days and store only in the refrigerator.

Carlson Labs, Purest Fish Oil, Natural Lemon Flavor, 16.9 fl oz (500 ml)

Fish oil from deep sea, cold ocean fish, ether form. The amount of DHA + EPA in a teaspoon (5 ml) is very large 1300 mg. The advantage is that it can be added to food, for example, in salads.

If you take a teaspoon per day (or maybe a little less), then enough for 3 months.

Cod liver options, but from reliable manufacturers that guarantee purity:

Nordic Naturals, Arctic Cod Liver Oil, Orange Flavor, 16 fl oz (473 ml)

Fish oil from arctic cod. The ideal form of triglyceride. The amount of DHA+EPA in a teaspoon (5 ml) is a good 835 mg. Can be added to food, such as salads. Can be mixed with water or juice.

Enough for just 3 months.

Carlson Labs, Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, Lemon Flavored, 8.4 fl oz (250 ml)

Fish oil from fresh cod liver found in Arctic Norwegian waters. The amount of DHA+EPA in a teaspoon (5 ml) is an excellent 900 mg. Can be added to food, such as salads. Can be mixed with water or juice.

Enough for 1.5 months (50 days).

Nature's Answer, Norwegian Cod Liver Liquid Fish Oil, Natural Lemon Lime Flavor, 16 fl oz (480 ml)

Fish oil is derived from cod liver, which lives in cold clear waters North Atlantic. The amount of DHA+EPA in a teaspoon (5 ml) is a good 820 mg. Can be added to food, such as salads. Can be mixed with water or juice.

Enough for 3 months.

Personally, I have tried more than one of the list presented here, I prefer capsules, but I want to try it in liquid form somehow. Now I bought myself Omega-3 from Solgar, the package should arrive soon. Which option you choose is up to you. I just brought, in my opinion, the most interesting and good options. There are many other Omega-3s on the site.

Good luck with your choice.

Why do I prefer preparations with mainly Omega-3?

From the point of view of health, it is not so much the amount of Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids consumed that is significant, but their ratio in the body. The optimal ratio is 1:1.By the way, this ratio is maintained in the human brain. Deviation to levels 1:2 - 1:4 (Omega-3 to Omega:6) is also allowed.

Why is it so important? And why are these two acids considered together?

The answer lies in the effect these two acids have on the body. It is almost exactly the opposite. Therefore, one acid is needed to balance the action of the other (to just get a 1: 1 ratio).

It happens like this. Omega-6 acid enters the body with food. In small amounts, it does no harm. But the foods we eat are high in omega-6s. And as a result, an excess of acid accumulates in the body. What this leads to - the blood thickens and already hardly transfers nutrients through the bloodstream to the cells, the vessels become clogged, inflammation begins to develop. To compensate for the negative effects of Omega-6, the body must receive the required amount of Omega-3.

The peculiarities of nutrition in modern society are such that the ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 is far from the norm and is 1:30 and higher. That is, an imbalance is formed in the direction of Omega-6.

No, monocomplexes do not bring harm, they usually contain a mix of all kinds of usefulness, various oils. But, as a rule, it is Omega-3 that is not very abundant there, and therefore, for the norm, you need to drink not a single capsule. In this regard, I like preparations where the emphasis is on Omega-3 and that the capsule contains at least 500 mg (to drink fewer capsules).

How to store vitamins, do you know for sure about this? Not all supplements require refrigeration, most need a dry, dark and cool place in a closet, but not in the kitchen! And I'll write about vitamins that just need to be stored in the refrigerator!))

All vitamins can be divided into two groups: for storage in an ordinary closet (only I beg you, not in the kitchen!) And for storage in the refrigerator. Let's talk about the second group as the most important, especially since you won't read about it anywhere, except for my blog, of course))

What vitamins should be stored in the refrigerator?

In the refrigerator, first of all, you need to store all additives with fatty acids. These include fish oil in liquid form and capsules, linseed oil, borage oil, evening primrose oil, sea buckthorn oil, omega acids, and the popular krill oil.

Ideally All oils are best stored in the refrigerator. so they don't go rancid and stay fresh longer!

We also store all additives in the refrigerator. lecithin, he and phospholipids tend to quickly rancid. Keep all additives cold coenzyme Q10(coenzyme) to keep it active.

I also keep everything in the fridge. probiotics, even those that are thermostable and perfectly stored just in a closet, but I feel calmer there!

All other vitamins and supplements, and especially herbal preparations, do not need to be stored in the refrigerator, because under the influence of high humidity their effectiveness may decrease.

Why store omega acids in the refrigerator?

But on the topic of storing the most useful in the refrigerator omega acids disputes often arise. Why they are useful, I wrote an excellent post and I advise you to read it at your leisure, and we will talk about the stability of our omegas.

Many people believe that it is not necessary to store omega in the refrigerator, since a small amount of the antioxidant vitamin E has been added to the capsules. Antioxidants are usually added to stabilize omega acids., but they may not protect against rancidity!

From personal experience I will tell you that my mother kept highly concentrated omegas on the kitchen table so as not to forget to drink them, but in the end, when a third of the jar was left, they simply rancid! This could be immediately noticed by the sharp fishy smell.

Omega-3 is best known as fish oil. It's biologically active additive, which has a beneficial effect on the human body, prevents the occurrence of many and improves overall well-being. Replenishment of the daily norm active substances, contained in omega-3, is possible only when taking fish oil, since the human body practically does not synthesize these substances on its own.

General information and characteristics

Let's see what omega-3 pills are for. The drug contains polyunsaturated fatty acids - eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid.

Important! Human body on its own can synthesize no more than 5-6% of the required daily norm of these acids, and the lack of these substances negatively affects the functioning of the whole organism as a whole.

In a small amount, these acids are found in flax seeds, rapeseed oil and chia oil, as well as in. But even with daily use of these products, it is almost impossible to replenish daily allowance fatty acids. These substances are obtained from the fat of cold-water fish: tuna, salmon, salmon, trout and some other marine fish.

Capsules of the omega-3 preparation have a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which fully complement the daily diet, if the diet reveals a lack of active substances contained in most in ocean fish.

Fish oil has a general healing effect on the body:

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids are indispensable for athletes and those who are on a weight loss diet. They reduce blood viscosity and strengthen blood vessels, as well as improve reaction and promote faster muscle gain, while effectively restoring the body after physical exertion.

And most importantly polyunsaturated fatty acids are cancer prevention and promote faster recovery from cancer. Omega-3 opposes the degeneration of cells into cancer cells and quite successfully inhibits the development of certain types of cancer.

Important! Not all fish oil can be taken orally. There are three types of such fat, and one of them is used only for industrial purposes.-for the processing of leather products and the creation of lubricants. The remaining two types of fat can be taken orally, and one of them requires mandatory cleaning.

The main composition and forms of release

1 capsule of omega-3 (500 mg each) contains:

  • 180 mg eicosapentaenoic acid;
  • 120 mg docosahexaenoic acid;
  • 5 mg vitamin E;
  • glycerol;
  • gelatin;
  • soybean oil.
The dosage and packaging of the drug varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Release form - capsules containing 500, 710 and 1000 mg of natural fish oil. Packaging - a cardboard box with blisters or a plastic bottle containing 30, 50, 100 or 120 capsules.

Popular manufacturers

Today, there are some of the most popular omega-3 manufacturers that have established themselves in the world and are the preferred choice of buyers. Let's figure out which preparations of which manufacturers of omega-3 fatty acids are better.

Norwegian company Carlson Labs, which produces a drug called Cod Liver Oil. The main advantage of this company is that it extracts fish oil directly from the natural habitat of cold water fish.

Therefore, the extracted substance is always fresh, environmentally friendly. The manufacturer produces a very high quality drug that meets all international pharmaceutical standards, but the price of the drug is as high as the quality.

Important! Fish oil from Norway is maximally enriched with all useful trace elements.

Solgar Company also produces premium omega-3s. The fish comes from the cold waters of Alaska and therefore contains the highest quality fish oil that can be found in fish. The purification of the drug is of a very high degree, it is safe and effective, but it also has a high price that justifies the quality.

Fish oil from the pharmaceutical Hungarian-Israeli plant Teva is slightly less expensive. This is a dietary supplement that does not claim to be medical medicine, but perfectly coping with the prevention of many diseases and strengthening. Suitable for taking courses in spring and autumn in order to maintain immune system, to prevent SARS, to prevent problems in the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

But for children, the best fish oil is produced by Realcaps in the preparation "Kusalochka". The tool contains not only omega-3 acids, but also a complex of vitamins A, E and. Give such fish oil to children from three years.

The release form of the drug is very convenient for babies - these are gelatin capsules that can be chewed or sucked. In addition, they are tasty and do not have the unpleasant taste and smell characteristic of fish oil. The capsules contain tutti-frutti flavoring, but it is harmless and identical to natural.

Did you know? In India, it is somewhat problematic to extract fish oil from cold-water fish, so it is extracted from the body of sharks.

Pharmacological properties

Omega-3 contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body, is the prevention of various diseases of the heart and blood vessels, prevents the appearance of rheumatoid abnormalities and atherosclerosis.

Prevents the formation of blood clots, making the blood less viscous. Lowers cholesterol levels. Significantly reduces the growth rate of sclerotic plaques. Equalizes blood pressure in hypertension. Is the prevention of stroke.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of omega-3 capsules can be many factors:

  • to strengthen the body and immune response in order to prevent SARS and other diseases;
  • prevention cancer;
  • in operation nervous system, stress, sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue, loss of concentration and memory impairment;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: ischemia, atherosclerosis, heart attack, heart failure, hypertension, varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, stroke;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • various eye diseases;
  • diseases;
  • at hormonal failure in adolescents for its normalization, helps to reduce acne and acne, regulates skin processes;
  • improves the condition of nails and hair, makes hair shiny and flexible, preventing split ends and brittleness;
  • inflammation of the joints with disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

Important! The drug is suitable for taking at times when the human body is maximally weakened or is in the process of restructuring: during the period of active growth in childhood, in adolescence, during, during menopause in women, in old age.

Methods and dosage

According to the instructions for use, omega-3 fatty acids are taken in a dosage that differs in adults and children, as well as varying depending on the disease or prevention.

For kids

Children can start taking fish oil as early as three years of age. For babies, a special "children's" fish oil is produced in the form of chewable capsules with pleasant aroma and taste.

Children from 3 to 7 years old chewable capsules (for example, "Kusalochka") give 1 capsule twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Children over 7 years of age and adults prescribed three capsules per day. Capsules can be chewed or sucked.

The drug in ordinary capsules that need to be swallowed is given to children only over 7 years old. Ages 7 to 12 children are prescribed one capsule two to three times a day. The individual dose is determined by the doctor depending on the indications - treatment of the disease or prevention and strengthening. In the second case, the dose should be lower.

For adults

Adults need fish oil take one to two capsules three times a day. According to the doctor's prescription, the individual dose can be increased to ten capsules per day. The dose increase occurs gradually.

Usually, for the prevention of various diseases and general strengthening of the body, adults take omega-3 1 capsule three times a day. Two capsules per dose should be taken with a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids or with an exacerbation of diseases.

It is worth figuring out how to take an omega-3 drug - before or after meals. It is best if the drug is taken not before a meal, but during a meal, in extreme cases, immediately after a meal. This applies to both children's chewable capsules and regular oral capsules.

Important! Fatty acids from fish oil tend to be better absorbed during meals.

special instructions

Like any pharmaceutical drug, omega-3 has its own number of contraindications and side effects, however, with this remedy they are not as large as is often the case with other medicines.


Fish oil has few contraindications, but still some people should not take it. These are patients with:

  • individual intolerance to the components of a dietary supplement;
  • with a tendency to or severe allergic reaction to the drug;
  • with liver diseases, including pancreatitis;
  • with hemorrhagic syndrome.

Overdose and side effects

In case of overdose, pronounced side effects as allergic reaction. Also persistent hypotension may occur- low blood pressure. There is a risk of heavy bleeding in the joint cavity or even from small cuts, since the drug significantly thins the blood.

In most cases, side effects occur only with an overdose. When the correct dose is observed, unsaturated fatty acids are well tolerated and absorbed.

Did you know? Industrial fish oil is often used in soap making, paint making, and tanneries.

Storage conditions

Storage of the omega-3 preparation should take place in a dark place, protected from sunlight and light from electric lamps. The air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees, and humidity - 75%. Shelf life - 2 years.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential substances for the body that the human body is not able to synthesize in the right amount on its own. Taking omega-3 not only contributes to the rapid cure of many diseases, but also is the prevention of such serious diseases as cancer, heart attack and stroke.