Delay of monthly 5 days the test negative can. Delay of menstruation

Faced with a delay in menstruation, every woman begins to worry: is she pregnant. Naturally, the first thing she does in this case is run to the pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. Let's say the test came back negative. First, the woman will calm down: there is no pregnancy. And then? Then, for sure, she will wonder what are the reasons for the delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy.

Before proceeding to the study of the possible causes of the delay, it is worth considering the very mechanism of the occurrence of menstruation, as well as finding out what the menstrual cycle is. Unfortunately, many girls and women do not know the structure of their own body well enough. Let's eliminate illiteracy.

The menstrual cycle is a continuous process in a woman's body that provides reproductive functions. This process starts, oddly enough, in the head. The cerebral cortex is responsible for menstruation. Unfortunately, scientists have not yet been able to find out which part of it controls the process. However, for us now it is not so important. It is important that the cerebral cortex transmits information to the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Both produce important hormones that regulate the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. In addition, it is the pituitary and hypothalamus that are responsible for the work of many other secretion glands, which are also involved in the menstrual cycle.

The cycle traditionally begins to count from the first day of menstruation. His average duration 28 days, although, as you know, each organism is individual, and the norm is considered cycle time from 21 to 35 days. The most important factor in this matter is, however, cycle regularity, not its duration. The first half of the cycle is reserved for the maturation of the next egg and the preparation of the body for conception: the bursting follicle forms corpus luteum that produce progesterone. Together with tarragon, progesterone prepares the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg: there is a thickening of the endometrium - the mucous layer of the uterus.

If fertilization occurs and the fetal egg is implanted in the mucous layer, there is a complete natural delay in menstruation, which continues until the end of pregnancy, and if a woman is breastfeeding, then a little longer. And if the egg is not fertilized, then the corpus luteum stops producing progesterone and begins to gradually decrease, the mucous layer of the uterus is rejected and comes out in the form of menstruation. Exfoliation of excess mucus inevitably damages the blood vessels, which causes bleeding.

Causes of delayed menstruation other than pregnancy

The first menstruation - menarche - begins in a girl at about 12-14 years old. Since the hormonal background has not yet been established in adolescents, in the first 1-2 years, the girl’s cycle is usually not regular. However, in 2 years it should settle down, and later, delays in menstruation other than pregnancy should cause anxiety in the girl. A delay is considered a situation when the monthly delay is more than 5 days. 1-2 times a year, such delays are quite normal, but if they bother you more often, then you should consult a doctor and find out what is their cause.

Ovarian dysfunction

When a woman comes to the doctor with a complaint about an irregular cycle, many doctors diagnose her with ovarian dysfunction .. However, it should be understood that ovarian dysfunction is an irregular cycle and a constant delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy. That is, with this diagnosis, the doctor only states the current situation. And the causes of dysfunction can be very different, and it is very important to determine the specific cause of the delays.

Stress and physical activity

by the most common causes delays in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, are a variety of nervous tension, stress, and the like. Difficult work environment, exams, family problems - all this can cause a delay. The woman's body perceives stress as a complex life situation in which a woman should not yet give birth. It is worth taking care of changing the situation: contact a family psychologist, change jobs or learn to relate to the situation easier, and the like. Keep in mind that overwork and lack of sleep is also a great stress for the body.

excessive physical exercise also do not contribute to the regularity menstrual cycle. It is known that professional athletes often experience problems with a delay in menstruation and even with childbearing. The same problems haunt women who have swung at physically demanding work. It is better to leave it to men.

But do not think that moderate fitness or morning jogging can affect the situation. An active lifestyle has not interfered with anyone yet. We are talking about excessive loads under which the body works for wear and tear.

climate change

Often, women who spend holidays away from home experience a delay in menstruation. A sharp change in climate is also a stressful situation for the body. In addition, the cause of the delay may be excessive exposure to the sun or the abuse of the solarium. By the way, an excessive amount of ultraviolet radiation in a woman's life can cause much more unpleasant consequences, up to skin cancer.

Weight problems

Scientists have long found out that adipose tissue is directly involved in all hormonal processes. In this regard, it is easy to understand that the reasons for the delay in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, can also be covered in problems with weight. Moreover, both excess and lack of weight can provoke a delay.

The fat layer, in case of excess weight, will accumulate estrogen, which negatively affects the regularity of the cycle. With insufficient weight, everything is much more difficult. Prolonged fasting, as well as weight loss below 45 kg, is perceived by the body as an extreme situation. The survival mode is turned on, and in this state, pregnancy is highly undesirable. In this case, not only a delay in menstruation is possible, but also its complete absence- amenorrhea. Naturally, problems with menstruation disappear with the normalization of weight.

That is, plump women need to lose weight, skinny women need to gain weight. The main thing is to do this very carefully. A woman's nutrition should be balanced: food should contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and trace elements. Any diet should be moderate, not debilitating. It is better to combine them with moderate physical activity.


Acute intoxication of the body also provokes a delay in menstruation. Alcohol, tobacco, drug addiction - all this has an extremely negative effect on the state of the reproductive system. The same reaction of the body can cause long-term work in hazardous chemical industries.

If the doctor names intoxication as the reason for the delay in menstruation, then you will need to refuse stimulants, or think about changing jobs.


It makes sense to check with mom and grandmother if they had similar problems. If they were, then perhaps the whole thing is in heredity. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to establish the exact cause of hereditary problems with the menstrual cycle.

Gynecological causes of delayed menstruation

Often the causes of delayed menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, lie in various gynecological diseases.

So, a delay in menstruation is caused by various tumor formations: uterine fibroids, cysts, cervical cancer. In addition, various enametriosis and endometritis, adenomyosis, infectious and inflammatory processes in the urinary-genital system. An incorrectly installed spiral can cause a delay.

It is especially important to diagnose tumors in time, both benign and cancerous, as they need urgent examination and treatment. Otherwise, the outcome can even be fatal. However, inflammatory processes also need timely treatment, as they too can have the most deplorable consequences. including infertility.

Miscarriages and abortions

Miscarriages and abortions also affect the menstrual cycle. Firstly, termination of pregnancy causes a rapid and abrupt restructuring in the body, especially in the hormonal background. In addition, curettage inevitably damages the lining of the uterus. Both of these cause a delay in menstruation. Within a few months after an abortion or miscarriage, the menstrual cycle returns to normal. If any strange discharge appears or the cycle does not set over time, it makes sense to consult a doctor again.

Taking hormonal contraceptives

Another factor that affects the menstrual cycle is hormonal contraceptives. Due to the hormones they contain, they regulate the menstrual cycle, subordinating it to the rhythm of taking pills. After a woman refuses pills, some cycle disturbances may occur for several months due to changes in hormonal levels.

Emergency hormonal contraceptives are usually a forced measure. However, it should not be abused either. After all, we are again talking about a sharp change in hormonal levels, which never goes unnoticed.

polycystic ovary syndrome

In some cases, a pathology such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) can cause a delay in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy. Under this name, serious hormonal disorders associated with disruption of the ovaries are hidden, the production of tarragon and androgens increases. In addition, the disease is characterized by a violation of the pancreas and adrenal cortex.

Often this diagnosis can be made simply by the appearance of a woman. Due to the increased production of androgens, she is often overweight, she has male pattern hair, that is, on upper lip, on the legs, excess hair growth in the groin area and so on. However, appearance However, this is not a 100% indicator. So, in Eastern women, facial hair is a consequence of their national characteristics and not any violations. So, in any case, it is necessary to do tests.

Of course, PCOS can lead to infertility, but there is no need to worry, because this condition is quite easily treated with hormonal drugs. As a result of taking medications, not only the work of the ovaries is restored, but also the appearance of the patient improves. Most often, women with polycystic ovary syndrome are prescribed a course hormonal contraceptives. They restore the normal amount of female sex hormones in the body, which leads to the normalization of the cycle and the disappearance of other symptoms.

Non-gynecological causes of delayed menstruation

The reasons for the delay in menstruation, in addition to pregnancy, may not lie in gynecological diseases. As you remember, the cerebral cortex, pituitary gland and hypothalamus are responsible for regulating the cycle. Thus, disruption of the brain can also affect the menstrual cycle.

Besides, diabetes, diseases thyroid gland or adrenal and other diseases endocrine system. As a rule, in this case, a woman also encounters other unpleasant symptoms, from weight problems to a deterioration in well-being.


Many drugs, especially anabolics, antidepressants, diuretics, anti-tuberculosis and other drugs. Therefore, if a delay in the menstrual cycle occurs while taking new drugs from the above or any others, it makes sense to consult a doctor. If possible, it is worth replacing the drug with another one that will not cause such consequences.


Older women may suspect menopause as the cause of delayed menstruation, except for pregnancy. On average, around the age of 50, women begin to feel changes in their body: periods become irregular, their intensity changes, and much more. All this suggests that the fertile (reproductive) period in a woman's life is coming to an end. The production of progesterone and other female hormones decreases, which causes all the changes listed above.

Over time, a woman's periods completely stop. I would like to warn women who assume the onset of menopause: do not immediately abandon contraception, because before menstruation disappears completely, there is a certain period when the cycle in women is irregular. Sometimes the body misses 1-2 months, after which menstruation resumes. There is a risk of unwanted pregnancy. At this age, it is rare that a woman is ready to give birth, and even now it can be dangerous for both the mother and the child.

Among other things, due to the fact that menopause is associated with serious changes for women, they often do not recognize the onset of pregnancy, associating all the symptoms with a new period in their life. There were cases when women found out about their pregnancy directly during childbirth. In order to avoid such situations, it must be remembered that even after a woman begins menopause, she still remains a woman, which means she must be attentive to her body and monitor everything that happens in it.

What are the dangers of constant delays in menstruation

In itself, the delay in menstruation, except for pregnancy, is not dangerous, the reasons that cause this symptom. It is very important to follow early stages many of the diseases of which a delay can be a symptom. In addition, the woman herself is much more comfortable when her cycle is regular. This allows you to plan your own life more reliably, and for more early dates diagnose pregnancy. And in some cases it is very, very important.

As you can see, there can be a huge number of reasons for delaying menstruation, other than pregnancy, and you yourself are unlikely to be able to determine what the actual reason is. It is better to consult a doctor so that he can conduct all the necessary tests and studies and make a diagnosis.

After that, the gynecologist will prescribe the treatment that best suits you or refer you to the appropriate specialist, depending on the causes of the disease: endocrinologist, oncologist, and so on. The main thing is not to worry ahead of time. In most cases, the situation is not so serious.

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Some representatives of the weaker sex are wary when they notice scanty periods after a delay. Indeed, such concerns are appropriate, because there are good reasons for such discharges that need to be clarified. In medicine, this phenomenon is called hypomenorrhea and it occurs due to improper functioning of the ovaries. At the same time, the amount of blood released is less than the prescribed norm.

Associating a missed period with pregnancy is natural. But the appearance spotting after a delay, the phenomenon is not frequent. And yet, in some cases, it is considered normal.

The reason for the meager discharge is that the fetus is trying to take root in the mother's body. A fetal egg, during attachment to the wall of the uterus, damages the mucosa and scanty discharge appears. This process is called implantation.

If there is a threat of miscarriage, then a similar symptom precedes this sad consequence.

Scanty discharge can also be observed with an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, such manifestations haunt the woman for a long time. An ectopic pregnancy is characterized by unilateral pain in the lower abdomen, as the embryo attaches to one fallopian tube.

A symptom of a deviation from the norm is a brownish daub.

In order to ease the tension of women during this exciting period, there is a pregnancy test. If the delay lasts 3 days, this is a reason to use the test.

If both stripes are clearly expressed, this is pregnancy. In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the second band will be barely visible.

In any of these situations, you need to go to the hospital.

Scanty brown discharge and negative test

Usually doctors associate brownish bleeding with ectopic pregnancy. But in this case, the second strip on the test should show it. Therefore, with a negative test reading, brown discharge indicates a disease of the reproductive system. They can be called:

  • Inflammation of the appendages;
  • endometritis;
  • endometriosis;
  • vaginitis;
  • Adnexitis;
  • Polycystic;
  • tumors.

Experts believe that with a negative test result and a smear after a delay, it is necessary to be examined. You should make sure that there was no miscarriage. If the pregnancy was terminated spontaneously, then you need to go through necessary procedures and the treatment that the gynecologist will prescribe.

Sometimes a pregnancy test turns out to be wrong. It would be wise to take a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). The rate of this protein hormone indicates the presence of pregnancy, as it is produced by the embryo.

If you went after a delay of 3, 5, 7 days

With a delay of 3 days, pregnancy can be assumed. A delay of 5 days occurs with such disorders as amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea,. When an embryo is implanted, 30% of women experience scanty brown discharge. They make themselves felt 7 days after the fertilization of the egg. It happens that brown daub begins in the middle of the cycle. If it lasts 10 days or more, then there is a possibility that it is cervical erosion or oncology.

Causes of scanty periods after a delay

The reasons are different, but first of all, suspicions fall on pregnancy. Statistics show that in 25% of cases, brownish discharge occurs in women who become pregnant 5 days before the next menstruation. Such implantation discharge visits a pregnant woman only once.

If a brown daub is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, this is a threat of miscarriage. The fetal egg gradually exfoliates from the endometrium and can subsequently cause severe bleeding.

The danger is also that it may be a frozen fetus. Similar symptoms are expressed in ectopic pregnancy.

It is worth noting that in adolescence meager periods are considered normal. The girl has not yet established a menstrual cycle and therefore violations are not classified as diseases.

Lack of ovulation can cause spotting.

On the eve of the climacteric syndrome, scanty brownish discharge, as a rule, haunts some of the fairer sex. At the age of 45-55, this is normal.

If we exclude the above reasons, then the daub appears due to diseases.

Some factors causing scanty discharge:

  1. Diseases of a psychological nature;
  2. Intense physical activity and diet, resulting in weight loss;
  3. Surgical intervention in the genitourinary system;
  4. Thyroid diseases;
  5. Unprofessional use of contraceptives;
  6. Anomalies of the genital organs;
  7. Intoxication;
  8. Breast-feeding;
  9. infections;
  10. Radiation.

Scanty menstruation after childbirth

After childbirth, scanty menstruation is mostly seen as a natural occurrence.

During the period of feeding the child, due to the fact that the body contains a large amount of prolactin and the menstrual cycle has not been established, spotting will periodically appear. They are not cause for alarm.

If a woman in labor for some reason does not feed the baby, then her menstrual cycle is restored after two months. Initial menstruation may occur in the form of a brown daub.

Diagnosis of hypomenorrhea

The causes that provoke brown spotting are different, so the examination may go beyond the scope of gynecological tests. The full picture helps to see the cooperation of the gynecologist with other specialists, for example, an endocrinologist and an oncologist. At the first examination, pregnancy is determined. If it is excluded, then find out what disease caused the daub. The following analyzes are given:

  • For TORCH infection. The analysis reveals cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, rubella, hepatitis B and C, listeriosis, syphilis, gonococcal and parvovirus infections. According to the result, it will be possible to see whether the woman has developed immunity to the above diseases. If necessary, vaccination is prescribed;
  • General blood analysis;

  • Biochemical analysis allows you to assess the condition internal organs, as well as determine the concentration of proteins, hormones, enzymes, minerals and biological substances. According to these indicators, an organ with a pathological disease is detected;
  • Blood for hormones;
  • A smear for the study of vaginal microflora;
  • A swab of cervical mucus helps identify the organisms causing the infection. Only laboratory method you can see their presence in the microflora;
  • Ultrasound of the genital organs;
  • Biopsy. The tissue of the cervix is ​​taken and histological examination. The analysis is prescribed if there is erosion or suspicion of cancer;
  • Study of the endometrium.

Treatment and prevention of complications

If the diagnosis is correct, then the treatment will be effective. If after the results of the examination no serious diseases are found, then a general strengthening complex is prescribed. Sometimes hypomenorrhea is manifested due to stress, overwork, lack of sleep and with the wrong diet. Vitamin-mineral, antibacterial and hormonal preparations are prescribed.

  1. For inflammation, prescribe drug treatment. Steroids and antihistamines are prescribed.
  2. Homeopathic remedies are effective. They include hormones that have an action similar to natural.
  3. If hypomenorrhea is accompanied by headaches, depressive states and weakness, it is recommended to undergo a course of treatment with a psychotherapist.
  4. Sometimes physiotherapy is prescribed. Therapeutic mud works well on the stimulation of the genital organs. Paraffin therapy has a positive effect. Gynecological massage and hardware treatment are also used.
  5. Folk remedies are also relevant. Materinka, parsley seeds and St. John's wort, have proven themselves well in the fight against daub. You need to follow the correct dosage. For example, if you add more parsley than it should, you can cause severe bleeding.

It is important to know that some medicines are incompatible with certain medicinal herbs. Treatment folk remedies best done with the advice of a doctor.

Brown discharge during lactation or before menopause does not require treatment.

What are the first thoughts that most girls have with a delay of 5 days and with a negative test? No, it can't be. Really, I'm pregnant. And with a delay in menstruation by 7, 8, 9, and even more so by 10 days, there is more and more confidence that the test cannot be negative and it's time to run to the hospital.

Despite the fact that the absence of menstruation is considered a reliable sign of pregnancy, this still does not mean anything.

I want to immediately reassure that in clinical practice there are quite a lot of cases when a girl has a delay of 10 days, the test is negative, but, as it turns out later, there is no pregnancy. There are many reasons for this.

What can cause a delay in menstruation?

Quite a lot of factors can lead to a failure of the menstrual cycle for several days. Some are fairly easy to correct, while others require professional intervention. Let's list possible reasons delay in menstruation (for example, by 5.7 or 8 days or more) with a negative test:

  • Lack of ovulation.
  • Stress and anxiety states.
  • Weight problems (obesity, weight loss).
  • Hormonal contraception.
  • Eating Disorders.
  • Benign tumors of the pituitary gland.
  • Exhausting physical activity.
  • Medications.
  • Pathology of the thyroid gland.
  • Early menopause.
  • Scars on the uterus.

Lack of ovulation (anovulation)

One of the most common causes of irregularity monthly cycle is anovulation, which can develop with polycystic ovaries, thyroid diseases, stress, or other pathological conditions. At the same time, the absence of ovulation is considered quite normal for such conditions:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding in the first months after childbirth.
  • Prolonged use of oral contraceptives.
  • During menopause.

In 70% of cases, the absence of ovulation is associated with polycystic ovarian pathology.

Stress and anxiety

To say that stress has a negative impact on health is an understatement. Many problems in the body are associated with it: from a decrease in immunity to a serious pathology. of cardio-vascular system. In addition, stress can lead to various menstrual irregularities.

All sorts of stressful situations and anxiety conditions lead to violations of the neurohormonal regulation of all organs and systems.

With a delay of 5 days and a negative test, it is still too early to draw any conclusions, so there is absolutely no point in starting to sound the alarm. Re-test after 2-3 days.

Weight problems

Sharp weight loss or rapid weight gain may well provoke a delay in menstruation from several days to 2-3 weeks, and the test will be negative. It turns out that for a woman both an excess of adipose tissue and a lack of it are bad. Everything needs balance.

After all, fat cells are responsible for the production of one of the most important female hormones, estrogen, which is responsible for egg maturation, follicle formation and ovulation.

Hormonal contraception

Taking hormonal contraceptives often causes menstrual disorders. For example, modern combination drug"Librel" completely suppresses ovulation, which naturally causes a delay in menstruation. Simply put, no ovulation - no periods.

2 weeks late, the test is negative, but there is nausea, vomiting, breast enlargement, it is highly recommended to visit a gynecologist to make sure if there is a pregnancy or not.

Eating Disorders

The regularity of the menstrual cycle can be affected by neurotic disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. Clinical experience shows that such deviations have very serious consequences not only for reproductive health, but for the whole organism as a whole.

Anorexia (lack of appetite) and bulimia (excessive increased appetite) lead to serious hormonal disorders, which, of course, can lead to a stop in ovulation and a delay in menstruation for several days.

Benign pituitary tumors

Irregular periods occur with some benign tumors pituitary. For example, with prolactinoma, when the pituitary gland begins to produce more than necessary prolactin, a hormone that stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk.

A high level of prolactin in the blood reduces the level of estrogen and, naturally, ovarian function is impaired. What can be observed in this case:

  • secretion of milk.
  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle.
  • Menses delay.
  • Problems with conception.
  • Infertility.

If you have a delay of 10 days and a negative test, it is recommended to determine the level of hCG in the blood (chorionic gonadotropin test), which with a high degree of probability will confirm or refute pregnancy.

Exhausting physical activity

Women who are professionally fond of sports, or by the nature of their activities are associated with hard physical work, often have problems with the menstrual cycle.

High energy consumption, constant stress, a pronounced deficiency of adipose tissue - all this can lead to the fact that a woman does not have menstruation for 5 or 10 days, or even two weeks, and the pregnancy test is negative.


There are quite a few groups medicines, the reception of which negatively affects the regularity of the menstrual cycle. For example, some chemotherapy drugs, antidepressants, antipsychotics, corticosteroids can disrupt the functioning of the ovaries up to the cessation of menstruation.

Regardless of whether the delay of menstruation is 9 days or two weeks, if this is repeated regularly and the pregnancy test is negative, then you should consult a specialist doctor to find out the cause and take appropriate measures to normalize the cycle.

Pathology of the thyroid gland

With a number of thyroid diseases, accompanied by a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, it is practically impossible to maintain a normal regular menstrual cycle.

Insufficiency of thyroid hormones can affect the level of prolactin, which, in turn, will affect the work of the hypothalamus and change the regularity of menstruation.

early menopause

As a rule, somewhere in the 45-55 years of age, every woman has menopause or the cessation of menstruation. No matter how much you want, but after that you will not be able to get pregnant and have children.

However, due to various reasons menopause may occur much earlier. It is worth noting that genetic predisposition and autoimmune pathological conditions are the main causes leading to premature ovarian failure.

Scars on the uterus

Any surgical interventions on the uterus can adversely affect its mucous membrane, and as a result, the menstrual cycle as a whole.

Cesarean section, curettage, surgery for fibroids or complications of other diseases that lead to a violation of the state of the uterine mucosa - all this can provoke a delay in menstruation for a different period: from several days to several months.

How to behave with a delay in menstruation?

Most girls and women are very sensitive to any deviations related to their health, especially with regard to the menstrual cycle. But not everything is always as sad as we imagine it to be.

  • We wait another 2-3 days and repeat the test. It is recommended to use tests produced by different companies.
  • With a delay in menstruation for more than a week, we determine the level of hCG in the blood (an analysis for chorionic gonadotropin), which will tell you exactly whether there is a pregnancy or not.
  • What if the delay continues for 2-3 weeks and the test is negative? It is imperative to consult a gynecologist, who must determine true reason such a long failure of the menstrual cycle.

Long and repeated delays in menstruation in the absence of pregnancy often indicate quite serious health problems. In such cases, a comprehensive examination should be carried out.

As a rule, short-term disruptions of the menstrual cycle are quite often eliminated by normalizing the regimen and nutrition, creating favorable conditions for work and leisure, reducing physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Sometimes a woman has all the signs of toxicosis, there is a delay in menstruation for several days, but the test gives a negative result. Ailments can be temporary, associated with any discomfort, experiences. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that the symptoms indicate serious illness requiring emergency treatment. A variant is possible in which a negative test with a delay in menstruation is an error, the result of improper use or insufficient sensitivity. Doubts will be resolved by examination.


Reasons for delayed menstruation

The duration of the cycle is most often 21-35 days. For each woman, this indicator is individual. Normally, menstruation should come regularly, after the same number of days. A deviation of 1-3 days is acceptable. If menstruation does not come for longer, it is important to understand the reasons for the delay.

If a woman lives a sexual life and does not observe obvious pathological symptoms, then the first thing that can be assumed when menstruation is delayed is the onset of pregnancy. Pharmacies sell special tests with which you can easily check your suspicions at home. If the test showed that this is not pregnancy (the test is negative), you need to think about what else could cause the absence or delay of menstruation.

Non-dangerous reasons

The reasons for the delay are not necessarily dangerous. Violation of the cycle of menstruation can be caused by some kind of temporary malfunction of the body or its reaction to adverse external influences. Reasons for delayed periods:

  • chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, emotional and physical stress due to past illnesses and injuries;
  • increased physical activity, too intense sports;
  • rapid change in body weight (obesity or, conversely, weight loss);
  • passion for a vegetarian food system or starvation diets that lead to metabolic disorders;
  • stay in unusual climatic conditions (during vacation, for example);
  • use of certain medications hormonal drugs, psychotropic drugs);
  • the body's reaction to food poisoning or other type of intoxication;
  • drug use, smoking, addiction to alcoholic beverages.

It is not a violation of the appearance of delays after the onset of premenopause. They indicate the beginning of the decline of reproductive function.

If persistent delays (up to the disappearance of menstruation) occur in women under 40, this may indicate an early menopause. You can verify your assumptions with the help of blood tests for hormones.

If there is a delay in menstruation, the test is negative, while the woman has to deal with similar factors, there is no need to carry out any treatment. It is enough to change your lifestyle, make adjustments to your diet, give up bad habits to get the cycle right.

Video: Why there are delays in menstruation

Pathological causes of delay

To indicate that with a negative test, the delay in menstruation is a pathology, there may be other adverse signs. These include a change in the nature and duration of menstruation, the appearance of unusual discharge between them, the occurrence of pain in the abdomen and back, fever, and others. The causes may be various diseases or injuries of the uterus and ovaries, hormonal disorders.

Hormonal disbalance. The duration of each phase of the menstrual cycle and the sequence of processes occurring in reproductive system, depend on the content of female sex hormones in the body. Any deviations in the work of the endocrine organs (pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas) are reflected in the state of the hormonal background. Violations lead to the appearance of cycles without ovulation, lengthening their duration. This provokes various diseases of the uterus and ovaries, infertility. This condition requires the correction of the hormonal background with the use of special drugs.

Inflammatory and infectious diseases genitals. As a result of inflammatory processes in the tissues of the uterus and ovaries, adhesions, scars, areas of tissue necrosis appear, which makes it impossible for the normal functioning of organs, leads to various cycle disorders. A delay in menstruation in the absence of pregnancy can occur with inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes (salpingoophoritis). Endometritis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity) leads to a slowdown in its development, as a result of which menstruation does not come on time. Infection with sexual infections, hypothermia of the lower body can contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

Uterine fibroids, hyperplasia or hypoplasia of the endometrium. All these diseases lead to hormonal failure in the body, cause painful changes in the structure of organs, and are manifested by numerous unpleasant symptoms (cycle irregularity, unusual discharge, absence or delay of menstruation, increase or decrease in their volume, infertility). If the delay occurs against the background of such ailments, it may be a sign of the development of dangerous conditions when emergency medical care is required.

Polycystic ovaries. This disease leads to disruption of their functioning and production of hormones, which is manifested by the absence of ovulation, an increase in the level of male sex hormones in a woman's body. Menstruation comes with delays and may even disappear altogether.

Functional ovarian cysts. This condition usually does not require treatment, since such cysts are able to resolve on their own within 2-3 months. After that, the cycle usually gets better.

Why do pregnancy tests sometimes give negative results?

In what cases, with a delay in menstruation, is the test negative, is a mistake possible? The result obtained may be inaccurate, is questionable. Reasons for a false negative test result:

  1. Violation of the instructions for use.
  2. The use of a low-quality test (of an unknown manufacturer or with expired suitability).
  3. Testing too early. It is easy to make a mistake with the onset of ovulation and fertilization, for example, with an irregular cycle.
  4. Ectopic or missed pregnancy. The delay in menstruation has occurred, but the normal development of the embryo does not occur.
  5. Use a large number fluids before the test.

Dilution of urine leads to the fact that the concentration of hCG (a hormone that is formed during pregnancy) is underestimated, the test gives a negative result.

Types of pregnancy tests

The higher the sensitivity of the test used when delaying the monthly test, the more accurate the result will be. For example, if the packaging indicates that the sensitivity is 10 mIU / ml, this means that already a few days after unprotected intercourse, you can find out whether conception has occurred or not.

The least accurate is the test using a special paper strip that is lowered into the urine. The result is judged by the number of colored stripes.

More accurate and convenient to use is the tablet test. A little urine is dripped into one of its two windows, and the result will be visible in the other.

The most effective is the inkjet test. It is brought directly under the stream of urine. The sensitivity is such that it is possible to determine the onset of pregnancy on the eve of the expected menstruation, even before the delay.

An electronic version of such a test captures the readings on a digital screen.

What to do if you get a false negative result

If the test results are not reliable, it can be repeated after 2-3 days using tests from other manufacturers.

Women who are waiting for pregnancy with particular excitement are advised to take a blood test for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) as early as 12 days after the intended conception. It is not recommended to take it earlier, because the result will not be accurate. This hormone is produced by the membrane of the embryo, as a result of which the level of the hormone increases significantly with the onset of pregnancy. According to the analysis, it is possible to reliably determine the gestational age by weeks, as well as to notice fetal malformations.

When to See a Doctor

If, with a delay in menstruation, the test gives a negative result, while the woman has pain in the lower abdomen, violations of the nature of menstruation, it is necessary, without waiting for the development of pathologies and the occurrence of complications, to immediately visit a doctor.

First of all, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs, which will detect neoplasms in the uterus and ovaries, and establish the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. It may be necessary to conduct a more complex examination, as well as a visit not only to a gynecologist, but also to an endocrinologist, a neuropathologist.

Video: How to conduct a pregnancy test

Cycle failures happen to every representative of the weaker sex different reasons. Sometimes these are problems with the health of the reproductive and endocrine systems, and in some cases they are simply a reaction to climate change or a stressful situation. A delay in menstruation for 3-5 days with a negative test, even in the absence of symptoms of diseases, can disturb any girl, and there are reasons for that.

A delay in menstruation for 3 days is not considered critical and may not mean anything: neither pregnancy, nor hormonal disruptions, nor diseases. considered to be 21–35 days long, averaging 28–30 days.

Even if the girl's menstruation always started on time, sometimes under the influence of external and internal factors they may be several days late. is not a symptom pathological conditions. But such a delay is enough for the test to determine pregnancy. If the result is negative, the reason for the lack of discharge is elsewhere.

AT menopause when the reproductive function fades and the amount of female hormones decreases significantly, menstruation is less frequent and gradually stops altogether. Therefore, at this time, delays are considered patterns.

Factors affecting the menstrual cycle

A delay in menstruation by 4 days with a negative test can occur:

  • due to transferred inflammatory diseases- a weakened body during this period needs to recover and improve its work, therefore the menstrual cycle changes;
  • long-term use of strong medications: antibiotics, hormonal drugs. The action of these funds is aimed at treating diseases, but they can lead to disruption or change in the usual mode of operation of healthy organs;
  • change or start taking oral contraceptives. Drugs in this group often provoke hormonal failure, and it entails a delay in menstruation. All tablets should be prescribed only by a gynecologist, which takes into account the peculiarities of the ratio of hormones in the body;
  • stressful conditions. Long-term or short-term, but strong experiences, sleep disturbance, sudden weight loss while following a strict diet, rapid weight gain due to endocrine system malfunctions - all these factors can provoke a three-day delay or more;
  • off-season and just a sharp change in climate while traveling. The body adapts to new conditions, and the usual mode of operation changes.

Is it worth worrying

In the absence of menstruation with a negative test for 3-5 days and the presence of additional symptoms, it is necessary to consult a specialist to exclude such pathological conditions as:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction. In this case, there is no menstruation, the stomach hurts and uncharacteristic discharges appear: bloody or other plentiful with an unpleasant odor.
  2. Amenorrhea is typical for women of childbearing age and is often accompanied by stressful conditions of the body, emotional and physical exhaustion.
  3. Inflammatory diseases of various etiologies in the current period of time. With infectious lesions (staphylococci, thrush, venereal diseases), pain in the lower abdomen, itching and burning of the labia, discomfort during intercourse, uncharacteristic discharge: abundant, with an unpleasant odor and heterogeneous consistency. With cystitis, a woman is disturbed by sharp pain during frequent urination, blood discharge, and fever.
  4. Brain diseases. They are signaled by the condition of the skin, a change in general well-being and facial features, as well as a failure of the menstrual cycle.
  5. . Can cause a delay in menstruation for 5 days or more. At the same time, the woman's well-being is similar to that which happens in the early stages of pregnancy: the ovarian region hurts, pulls the chest, feels sick, and the body temperature rises. Polycystic syndrome completely disrupts the hormonal background of a woman, leads to a lack of ovulation and infertility.

In order not to start the disease, you should contact the specialists for examination with the help of tests and ultrasound as soon as possible. Inflammatory process in most cases, it is detected already during a clinical examination; additional methods are needed for a more detailed diagnosis.

Maximum delay not requiring treatment

The maximum duration of the delay that does not require treatment depends on individual features organism, but on average is no more than 7 days.

If there are no periods for more than 5 days, can there be a pregnancy - main question, which interests a woman if the test is negative. It is better to take hCG tests and be examined with ultrasound to obtain reliable information.

If critical days are delayed by more than a week, the test is negative, there is a high probability of not just a failure, but a disease. A specialist can make a diagnosis.

Causes of irregular periods

If there is no monthly period systematically, then the main reasons for their absence may be:

  • diseases resulting from hormonal imbalance. Most often this happens during critical physiological periods: puberty, menopause, recovery after childbirth and lactation;
  • diseases and dysfunction of the ovaries - cystosis and polycystic;
  • neoplasms on the genitals;
  • pituitary adenoma.

In addition, the reasons why menstruation is often delayed by several days are smoking, excessive weight, exercise, alcohol abuse and violation of the regimen. healthy sleep. It is enough to reconsider the attitude to the way of life - and the cycle will be settled.

The most common methods of regulating the menstrual cycle are hormone therapy, treatment and recovery nervous system and specific gynecological diseases. The background methods are considered to be a balanced diet, strengthening the immune system with vitamins, and health-improving physical education.