How does menopause begin in women symptoms. At what age does menopause begin in women? Is therapy needed

Panic thoughts about the upcoming old age capture the brain of a woman long before the onset of menopause. Even 35-year-old ladies in their presentable appearance are looking for flaws that indicate the extinction of the body.

But do not be nervous and look for what will happen sooner or later. The main thing is to prepare for the inevitable changes, and try to delay the onset of menopause.

What is a climax?

The term "climax" came to modern medicine from Greek sources.

Its literal translation is a rung of the ladder. From a philosophical point of view, menopause is a special period in the life of every woman.

Stages are stages through which all people pass. But the negative attitude towards this phenomenon is erroneous. Life does not end with menopause, it begins to go more smoothly and meaningfully.

On the physiological side, the menopause in women is the extinction of reproductive function due to natural age-related changes in the body.

At a certain age, the production of progesterone and estrogen begins to decline. The lack of these female hormones leads to failure menstrual cycle. Over time, the chances of fertilizing an egg reach zero percent - menopause occurs.

The role of menstruation and sex hormones in women

The complex reproductive system in the female body determines the stages of the menstrual cycle. They obey the neuroendocrine system, which produces the necessary amount of hormones.

This is necessary for the formation of a follicle in the egg, the protection of the fetus in case of possible fertilization and the successful bearing of a child. If conception did not occur, then cleansing is required to renew female functions - menstrual flow.

Types and functions of sex hormones

Well-established mechanism reproductive system depends on hormones

In menopause, a woman's body sharply decreases the production of all hormones. This leads to serious changes throughout the body.

How long is the menopause?

According to statistics, a woman's body is rebuilt within 2-10 years. Such a variation in the duration of menopause depends on many factors related to life and health.

These are:

These factors can vary the duration of the menopause depending on the positive or negative influence.

When and at what age does menopause begin?

Ovarian failure begins at age 37-38 years old. A woman still has a chance to become a mother. But it is small due to a decrease in the number of eggs and unstable ovulation. Major changes occur after 40-45 years old.

During this period, a woman notices a malfunction in the menstrual cycle and a deterioration in the emotional state. Due to hormonal disorders, aging of the body can begin even at the age of 35.

And if favorable circumstances developed in the life of the fair sex, then at the age of 50 menopause does not make itself felt.

Causes of menopause

The aging process of the body is triggered by natural hormonal changes. It affects all systems and organs, but first of all, it affects the sexual apparatus of a woman.

The cessation of the development of follicles, the absence of ovulation and the general extinction of the reproductive function occur for the following reasons:

  • increased levels of gonadotropic hormones;
  • decreased estrogen production;
  • inability of follicle-stimulating hormones to stabilize ovarian function;
  • reduction in the number of eggs.

Hormone deficiency leads to the fact that a woman begins to have serious health problems - cardiovascular and gynecological diseases, disorders of the nervous system and other disorders.

What is menopause like?

Aging of a woman's body most often occurs due to natural changes. But there are times when menopause occurs under the influence of external negative factors.

Types of menopause include:

  1. Physiological menopause- normal condition female body at old age.
  2. artificial menopause occurs after surgery, in which doctors have to remove the uterus and ovaries to save the patient's life.
  3. radiation menopause develops after the course radiotherapy used to kill cancer cells. If low doses of radiation were applied, then the ovaries will restore their function after a while.
  4. early menopause characterized by the extinction of reproductive function in women under 40 years of age. Many factors lead to its premature development, for example, the presence of endocrine diseases, exhaustion of the body, diseases of the central nervous system.

A rare occurrence is menopause, which comes before 30 years. Occurs in women with ovarian failure syndrome. In the womb of a female fetus, there is a violation in the process of laying follicles - too few are formed. After reaching puberty, every month the girl loses fluid vesicles in which immature eggs are located.

menopause symptoms

In every woman, menopause is characterized by strong tides, when heat spreads throughout the body, and the skin becomes red. But not only this condition can tell about the arrival of the menopause.

Menopause symptoms include:

In addition, estrogen deficiency accelerates the destruction of bone tissue during menopause - osteoporosis develops. Therefore, in a woman after 45-50 years, even a slight fall can lead to bone fractures.

Stages and phases of menopause

The climacteric period lasts several years and includes several stages:

  1. Premenopause. The ovaries continue to function, but egg maturation and ovulation do not occur every menstrual cycle. Premenopause most often begins after 40 years, and lasts 2-3 years.
  2. Menopause- the functioning of the ovaries and menstruation completely stop. Within one year, a woman shows many of the symptoms of menopause.
  3. Postmenopause completes the process of reproductive function decline and aging. The body has adapted to hormonal changes and is no longer disturbed by the manifestations of the menopause.

In women after 55 years, the last stage of menopause lasts until the end of life. During this period, progression is very often diagnosed. cardiovascular diseases. In addition, the woman's body is so exhausted that it cannot fight viruses and infections on its own.

How to delay the onset of menopause?

A woman can preserve youth, beauty and delay the onset of old age with the help of an active and fulfilling life. It is recommended to do light morning exercises every day, which will start many mechanisms and processes in the body.

Additional physical activity during the day will keep you feeling great. It can be relaxing yoga or a relaxing swim in the pool.

Menopause will be delayed for several years if a woman follows the correct diet:

  • balanced intake of fats, proteins, carbohydrates;
  • give preference to complex carbohydrates;
  • consume fresh fruits, vegetables and berries daily;
  • give up coffee, carbonated drinks and confectionery.

Much later, the unpleasant symptoms of menopause will be felt by a woman who often walks in the fresh air, is a little nervous and has a good rest.

How to avoid early menopause?

Women over 30 most often do not have free time for careful care of their health. Work, husband, children, home - these important aspects fill her whole life. But in order not to face an early menopause, it is worth stopping and thinking about your lifestyle.

After all, the time of the arrival of old age largely depends on how it passes and what the body encounters every day.

And after that, reconsider your habits and try to do everything to eliminate the prerequisites for the development of early menopause:

A woman should not overwork her body with excessive physical work and bring herself to an emotional outburst. For a good rest before going to bed, a half-hour walk in the fresh air is desirable.

How to relieve the symptoms of menopause?

Manifestations of menopause are directly related to the hormonal background. Therefore, to alleviate the symptoms, it should be supported by taking vitamin complexes.

For normalization general condition should take the following elements:

After 45 years, the female body becomes vulnerable to external aggressive factors. Even a common cold can lead to serious complications.

In order for this not to happen, it is also necessary vitamin C. It not only helps the body cope with SARS and influenza without consequences, but also activates tissue growth processes.

Popular drugs for menopause

Symptoms of menopause, lasting several years, significantly reduce the level and quality of life of a woman. The action of drugs is aimed at eliminating the consequences of hormonal changes and discomfort.

hormone therapy

Doctors with menopause recognize hormonal drugs with a substitution effect. After all, the female body suffers from a lack of specific hormones, so their artificial counterpart is needed.

The most effective hormonal drugs include:

  1. Atarax contributes to the normalization of the psychophysiological state. A woman is less irritated over trifles, shortness of breath, sweating and memory problems disappear.
  2. Grandaxin- a drug with the active substance Tofizolam. Taking the drug allows you to cope with neuroses and chronic depression. Grandaxin is also indicated for frequent dizziness, drops in blood pressure.
  3. Sagenite- an artificial analogue of estrogen. The drug does not lead to a hormonal shake-up, but only affects the brain centers responsible for ovarian function.
  4. Dermestril- patches with a substance that replaces estrogen. The remedy is prescribed for women with early or late menopause to eliminate sleep disorders, emotional irascibility. Dermestril is easy to use.

Any hormonal drugs should be prescribed by the attending physician. Otherwise, there is a high probability wrong definition dosage and, as a consequence, the onset of side effects.


Some women have contraindications to the use hormone therapy. Yes, and many ladies do not want to accept a large number of chemical drugs due to their large list of side effects.

Therefore, herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies can be an excellent alternative in maintaining the body during menopause. They include active ingredients and enzymes derived from medicinal plants.

The most effective herbal remedies are distinguished:

  1. Climaxanhomeopathic remedy maintaining estrogen levels. He is able to correct the general condition of a woman during menopause.
  2. Remens- remedy with active substances. Normalizes the functions of the organs responsible for the release of hormones.
  3. climactoplane- a German homeopathic remedy with an action aimed at alleviating the symptoms of menopause. The drug also has a beneficial effect on the mental and emotional state of a woman.
  4. Klimadinon- remedy plant origin with complex estrogen replacement. Active substance drug - racimose extract. This plant helps to cope with vegetative-vascular disorders during menopause, such as sweating, hot flashes, insomnia.
  5. Inoklim. The composition of the phytotherapeutic preparation includes soybean extract. In their structure there are substances similar to estrogens. Therefore, with regular intake of Inoclam, the symptoms of menopause decrease in a woman.





Medical therapy in combination with a deliberate intake of herbal remedies will help improve a woman's condition and allow her to enjoy life without discomfort and discomfort.

These measures to eliminate the consequences of menopause can be applied biologically active additives. Although they are not drugs, they are able to maintain a balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.

The result of treatment is a decrease in the severity of symptoms, an improvement in the emotional state and appearance. With the help of medicines, a woman reduces the risk of fractures during a fall and the possible development of cancerous tumors.

Myths and truth about menopause

Women are waiting with fear for the approach of old age, in their understanding, it only brings Negative consequences. After all, a beautiful and well-groomed face will no longer be visible in the mirror, the figure will cease to attract the opposite sex. All this in combination gives rise to many rumors about menopause, which are even more terrifying and depressing.

But all the myths are easy to debunk:

The truth about menopause can be safely attributed to the increased likelihood of developing cancer. Malignant tumors are formed against the background of hormonal shake-up and restructuring of the body.

late menopause

A decrease in hormone production and subsequent symptoms begin only after 55 years - this feature characterizes the late menopause. Most often, such a menopause is characteristic of a whole generation of women of the same family.

If there is no predisposition to this phenomenon, then it is worth checking for the presence of tumor formations. They stimulate the body to produce more hormones, thus delaying the onset of menopause.

Stagnation in the pelvic organs can also be the reason for the prolongation of the reproductive system.

There are clear advantages of late menopause:

Late menopause has many positive qualities:

  • A woman retains beauty and health longer, leads an active lifestyle of normal and sexual life.
  • She is not worried about the manifestations of menopause and possible accompanying diseases.

But with such a positive picture, late menopause can still serve as a trigger in the development of cancer.

sex and libido

Menopause leads to an inevitable decrease in a woman's sexual activity. In some cases, a man also loses the desire to have sex.

Such families lead a life together in a more measured way, their relationship is based on mutual love and respect, affection for children and grandchildren.

If the situation develops so that the man is in the active phase of sexual desire, and the wife no longer has desire, then conflicts begin in the family.

Sometimes disagreements in terms of sex lead men and women after 50 to quarrels and scandals, some of the couples decide to divorce.

But the spouse must realize that his beloved woman is undergoing serious, independent of desire, changes. And if he refuses sexual contact, he should treat his wife's health with understanding and trepidation.

Hormonal adjustment

Testosterone is responsible for sexual desire. The lack of this hormone leads to the fact that a woman loses the ability to be excited. To this is added an insufficient level of estrogen in the body.

They change the state of the genital organs:

  • vaginal dryness leads to microtrauma on the mucous membranes;
  • pain during sexual contact;
  • lack of natural protection of the vagina from pathogenic bacteria and infections;
  • decreased sensitivity of the clitoris.

With hormonal changes, a woman feels a breakdown, and thoughts about sexual contact do not arise.

Emotional condition

The approach of old age and the fading of beauty break the idyll in the mind of a woman. She becomes more and more obsessed with the manifestations of menopause, which plunge into despondency and depression. negative thoughts makes it impossible to feel passion and desire.

The emotional state is influenced by factors:

  • negative changes in appearance;
  • loss of femininity and charm;
  • the belief that sex and menopause are incompatible things;
  • sexual relations with her husband have become routine over many years of marriage;
  • suggestion to oneself the thought of the impossibility of bringing a partner to orgasm.

The psycho-emotional state of a woman worsens if a man insists on sexual contact and, if he refuses, makes scandals. Especially if he has already started having problems with erection and additional measures are required to stimulate it.

medical problems

In addition to menopausal changes in the body, pathological processes can occur that reduce libido.

It can be:

  • prolapse of the pelvic organs;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • violation of blood flow in the genitals;
  • the presence of gynecological inflammation and infections.

Medical problems should be promptly resolved, because the lack of desire is not the saddest thing that can happen with such pathologies.

In the menopause, the sexual life must continue. But it is important to take into account the changes that have occurred in the body of a woman and her desire.

Intimacy in old age is the desire to get pleasure and share it with your loved one. Moderate sexual activity can prolong youth for both spouses and further strengthen them in the correct choice of a partner in life.

Human life is divided into important periods, which differ from each other in their advantages and disadvantages. Menopause does not mean that it is time to prepare for old age and death, that this is the end.

Menopause just makes a woman look around and understand what life can be and how much you can relax and enjoy it.

But, most importantly, at the same time, try to recognize and identify the first symptoms of menopause and use their correct treatment, drink drugs to reduce the effect of menopause on the body and ease its symptoms, restore the joy of life. And then the aging process will go more comfortably and imperceptibly.

Minasyan Margarita

Any age-related changes in the body cause excitement and alertness. With regard to menopause, this statement is all the more true, because, unfortunately, not the most pleasant manifestations accompany its arrival. Many of the fair sex, who have already gone through this path, talk about how difficult it was for them. Therefore, associations with the onset of menopause are often more than negative. Like any action conceived by nature, it does not begin suddenly. The main signs of the premenopausal period begin long before the full onset of menopause, if you properly prepare for them, you can significantly reduce the risks of adverse manifestations and maintain a high quality of life.

Features of the course of premenopause

The essence of menopause is to reduce the production of female sex hormones by the ovaries, the cessation of ovulation processes, which leads to the gradual disappearance of menstruation, and, consequently, the completion of reproductive function.
Menostasis itself is natural, but under the influence of certain factors, its symptoms can become excessively pronounced, significantly clouding life.
Climax does not come in one day, its onset can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Premenopause begins a few years before the complete cessation of monthly bleeding. This is the initial stage in which negative manifestations may already begin to make themselves felt. It is conditionally possible to call the age of 45-47 years the most characteristic for the onset of this phenomenon.
  2. Menopause is characterized by the complete cessation of menstruation and the completion of reproductive function. Its onset is natural at the age of 50-52 years.
  3. Postmenopause is a time that lasts until the end of life. As a rule, all the symptoms characteristic of the first two stages recede, but if the negative phenomena have managed to cause significant harm to health, then the consequences remain with the woman until the end of her life.

Premenopause begins at the moment when the production of female sex hormones gradually decreases, this is especially true for estrogens, since they are responsible for regulating many important physiological processes in the female body. In particular, they are responsible for:

  • stable menstrual cycle;
  • metabolism;
  • the formation of a figure according to the female type;
  • sexual desire;
  • maintaining timely renewal and moisture levels of the mucous membranes;
  • emotional stability;
  • for the complete absorption of calcium;
  • preservation of youth, since estrogens are involved in the synthesis of collagen fibers;
  • stimulating metabolic processes in the brain, maintaining memory, the ability to concentrate and perceive new information.

The premenopausal period is very important, it gives a kind of respite, time to prepare for the coming global changes. Its duration is on average determined by 4 years, but individual deviations from this indicator are possible. One thing remains unchanged: at this time you need to pay maximum attention to your well-being and not let the situation take its course.

The main signs of premenopausal changes

It should be noted that not every woman acutely feels the approach of menopause. Each organism is individual, and its reactions to any internal fluctuations are also different. To find out if the symptoms relate to the beginning of the menopause period, you can go through.

However, in medical practice, the following symptoms have been identified that distinguish the premenopausal period

  • One of the most significant external manifestations is a change in the nature of menstruation. If before they were regular, now characteristic failures in cyclicity can be observed. The essence can also change, they can become more scarce, then again take on a familiar character. Premenopause is characterized by the persistence of bleeding, but there is a tendency to stop them.
  • One of the most pronounced and most dangerous manifestations that this syndrome is marked with are malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels. This should include the appearance of hot flashes, attacks of palpitations, the development of coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, the diagnosis of frequent attacks of high blood pressure. Often, even with the slightest exertion and emotional stress, shortness of breath occurs. It is when all these signs of trouble are just emerging that one should begin timely treatment and maintain results.
  • Also, sometimes there is excessive sensitivity of the mammary glands, if such a disease already exists. It should be borne in mind that many tumor diseases in this area are often hormone-dependent. Therefore, with the onset of menostasis, the number of oncological diseases increases sharply. And breast cancer is the leader among all types of oncology.
  • Fatigue, difficulty concentrating, memory loss may occur.
  • Against the background of a changing hormonal background, difficulties may arise in. A decrease in the concentration of estrogen can significantly reduce libido, provoke discomfort during intimate relationships. Find out which woman apply.
  • This syndrome does not bypass the emotional state. Sometimes even the most balanced women begin to notice heightened emotionality, unjustified outbursts of anger, loss of interest in previously beloved activities and things. This is easily explained by the fact that hormonal changes invariably associated with the work of the central nervous system.
  • The premenopausal period may be accompanied by the appearance of sleep disorders. Appear, sleep becomes superficial, sometimes there are sweating, anxiety. These phenomena appear sporadically, but may already be the first "bells" of the impending deterioration of the situation.
  • Under the influence of hormonal changes, the manifestation of PMS can worsen, especially this problem will worsen in those women who regularly suffer from this disease.
  • In the premenopausal period, episodes often intensify.

Prevention of premenopause

May play a predominant role even before treatment. After all, the symptoms of trouble are not yet so pronounced, so there is time to influence their dynamics in more loyal and safe ways.

The syndrome of premenopause requires responsible preparation for it. Yes, there are hereditary factors that are very difficult to influence. If in the family all the representatives of the weaker sex had a hard time enduring the onset of menopause, then there is a certain risk of repeating this path. However, you should not write off everything on a fatal combination of circumstances. The development of pathological menopause is influenced by the lifestyle that accompanied a woman throughout her life until entering premenopause. Therefore, it is necessary to begin preparations for the onset of this stage by making adjustments in this direction. Ideally, of course, healthy lifestyle life must remain faithful companion from childhood, but, as a rule, while a person is healthy, he wastes his health reserves aimlessly, and then tries to reverse the changes that have taken place. However, it is never too late to change circumstances in the direction of positive dynamics.

Complete rest

One of the most important factors for the successful development of the scenario is the observance of a balanced regime of work and rest. There is a clear relationship between cause and effect here. As an example: systematic lack of sleep causes a feeling of depression, provokes bouts of irritability, as a result of which pressure jumps, there is concern for one's health, suspiciousness. And this whole chain of negative dynamics is complicated by hormonal "swings" that begin at this time. Therefore, for the normal functioning of all body systems, it is very important to have a good rest.


The importance of physical activity should not be underestimated. Over the years, metabolic processes slow down, stagnant processes form in the body, muscle tone decreases, significantly affecting the shape of the body and an attractive appearance of the body. To counteract these unpleasant manifestations, you should include physical activity in your life. This will not only help prolong vigor and external beauty, but will also serve as a prevention of cardiovascular diseases and weight gain.

Proper nutrition

A balanced diet can also be a great help at the stage when it begins to show itself. Regular consumption of plant foods, lean meats, sea fish, fermented milk products This is the foundation of a healthy diet. To improve well-being, it is worth reducing the consumption of sugar, salt, fatty and fried foods, and “bad” carbohydrates.

It would be justified to take additional sources of vitamins and microelements in order to maintain the activity and resistance of the body to various negative factors.

Rejection of bad habits

It is very important to eliminate bad habits, If there are any. Nicotine and alcohol addiction are detrimental to any period of life, but during premenopause they can become provocateurs of heart disease, oncology, diseases thyroid gland and other dangerous diseases.


Psycho-emotional state control is also an equally important factor. After all, the premenopausal period is characterized by a large number of vasovegetative symptoms, the formation of which is inextricably linked with the activity of the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, emotional well-being helps support the work of the central nervous system and slows down the development of adverse trends. To achieve a positive attitude, you should protect yourself from stress, emotional and physical overwork as much as possible, if this is not possible, then try to change your attitude to ongoing events and, possibly, resort to medical support for the work of the nervous system.

sexual activity

The presence of a full sexual life in premenopause has a positive effect on the general condition. Sexual energy has a positive effect on the production of hormones, the number of which has tended to decrease. In addition, blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves, stagnant processes are eliminated, and emotional manifestations are stabilized.

Therapy of premenopausal disorders

If the combination of preventive methods taken in premenopause does not bring a stable result, and pathological symptoms tend to progress, treatment should be supplemented with special drugs.

The first step towards developing the right treatment tactics is to contact a specialist. Ideally, it is he who should control the passage of the entire period of menopause.

Based on the collected history, the doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostics, including:

  • direct examination by a therapist, gynecologist, mammologist;
  • passing urine and blood tests to assess the general condition of the patient;
  • blood sampling for analysis of hormone levels in order to determine the extent of the ongoing changes and select reasonable treatment;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands;
  • mammography;
  • taking smears for infections;
  • conducting a cytological examination of the cervix;

Additional diagnostics is carried out on the basis of specific complaints of the patient. If there are any, the patient is referred to a specialized specialist and undergoes an appropriate diagnosis.

After collecting all the necessary information, a treatment tactic is prescribed, taking into account all contraindications and course features that distinguish the premenopausal period.

In premenopause, the most important direction of therapy is the stabilization of the hormonal background. The most significant effect on the condition of a woman is precisely the decrease in the amount of estrogen. Therefore, effective treatment should be based on compensating for the decrease in the production of these hormones.


In order to prevent a sharp decrease in estrogen levels, they turn to pharmaceuticals containing phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are non-steroidal hormone-like substances, similar in structure to one of the subspecies of natural estrogens - estradiol.

Taking plant estrogens has a positive effect on:

  1. Activity of cardio-vascular system. Phytohormones strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, provide adequate nutrition for the myocardium, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, thereby helping to avoid the development of hypertension, coronary artery disease, and also prevent heart attacks and strokes;
  2. The work of the central nervous system. Estrogens enhance the adaptive ability of the central nervous system to various stressful situations, mental and emotional stress. In addition, they help regulate the interaction of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, allowing you to streamline the change in the processes of activity and rest. Due to this, sleep is normalized, working capacity is increased, which is replaced by the natural onset of fatigue after the completion of labor-intensive processes, overexcitation is prevented, which does not allow a person to relax and fully rest;
  3. external attractiveness. The action of natural estrogens is aimed not only at eliminating internal ailments, but also at maintaining the natural beauty of a woman. A decrease in the production of natural hormones leads to the launch of the aging process: the condition of the skin, hair, nails deteriorates sharply, the body is restructured according to the male type, and excess weight appears. The intake of phytoestrogens helps to resist the occurrence of these manifestations and push them to a later date.
  4. absorption of calcium by the body. Phytoestrogens, together with vitamin D, help to fully assimilate this trace element from food and vitamin-mineral complexes, resisting the development of osteoporosis, a disease characteristic of this time, which manifests itself in increased bone fragility.

As a source of phytoestrogens, vitamin and mineral preparations supplemented with these plant substances are most often used. Examples of such complexes are:

  • Qi-Klim;
  • Klimadinon;
  • Estrovel;
  • menopace;
  • Remens;
  • Mense.


Hormone replacement therapy can be justified only if the syndrome develops too rapidly, and hormonal disruptions adversely affect the woman's health. In this case, delay can be dangerous, but becomes ineffective.

It is important to remember that HRT is an extreme measure, the use of which should be limited in time, and treatment should take place under the strict supervision of a specialist. Unfortunately, long-term treatment hormonal preparations causes an increased risk of oncological diseases, for example, various kinds cancer of the female genital organs and mammary glands.

Preclimax is an important preparatory stage for the restructuring of the female body. And although this phenomenon is exciting and, moreover, it is often accompanied by negative symptoms, it is important to consider it not only from a negative angle, but also from the side of opportunities that open up. As a rule, by this time, children no longer require as much attention as before, a woman has time to take care of herself and arrange her own leisure, her sexuality reaches its peak, and there is no need to worry about an unwanted pregnancy. Menopause is not the end of life, but a phenomenon provided for by nature itself, the course of which largely depends on the correct attitude and preventive measures taken.


Upon reaching a certain age, the body of every woman undergoes dramatic changes, the nature and duration of which depend on many factors. Menopause is a normal decrease in fertility (ability to reproduce), accompanied by endocrine, physiological, psycho-emotional changes. According to statistics, about 80% of women suffer from menopause symptoms, so emotional and physical preparation for the onset of menopause is very important.

What is a climax

Menopause (menopause, menopause) - natural process aging, characterized by the extinction of the reproductive function. As a rule, the first signs of menopause in women appear at the age of 45-50. Nothing abnormal happens during menopause - this is an absolutely normal phase life cycle person. In men, this stage also occurs at a certain point, but it begins later and is characterized by a milder course.

There are natural menopause (45-55 years), artificial (with violations of the proper functioning of the ovaries and uterus) and premature (30-35 years). The age of menopause and its accompanying signs depend on genetic heredity, lifestyle, the presence of bad habits (especially smoking), and individual characteristics of the organism. Artificial menopause can be caused by irradiation of the pelvic region, carried out early surgery and courses of treatment with strong drugs.

Menopause can develop over a long period - several years pass from the onset of the first manifestations to the onset of menopause. During this time, single follicles can be found in the ovaries, but with age they atrophy and disappear. Menopause includes three stages - premenopause, menopause and postmenopause.

Beginning of menopause (premenopause)

The average age of onset of premenopause is 45-50 years. In rare cases, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) occurs abruptly, but more often the stage is characterized by a gradual long course (from 2 to 10 years). During premenopause, the development of a climacteric syndrome is possible, since the ongoing changes are observed not only in the reproductive organs - the bone tissue, nervous and cardiovascular systems are completely rebuilt. The onset of menopause is characterized by the following features:

  • Menstruation becomes irregular, at this time the probability of uterine bleeding is high.
  • The number of follicles decreases, which reduces the likelihood of conception, but there is still the possibility of becoming pregnant during this period.
  • Due to the unstable content of estrogen (the main female hormone) in the blood, hypersensitivity of the mammary glands can be observed.


You can talk about the onset of menopause a year after the last menstruation. For most women, this occurs between the ages of 49-55. After the cessation of menstruation, a woman cannot become pregnant naturally. This period is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • There is a decrease, deformation of the ovaries, eggs are absent or their maturation is impossible.
  • Due to a decrease in the production of progesterone and estrogen, an imbalance occurs between the hormones of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and pituitary gland. For this reason, a woman suffers from regular hot flashes, headaches, insomnia, and emotional swings.
  • Due to hormonal disruptions, the likelihood of developing various concomitant pathologies increases - osteoporosis, coronary disease heart, atherosclerosis, etc.


The last stage begins at 54-56 years, its duration is 5-6 years. Postmenopause ends with a complete stop of the ovaries. The consequences of menopause, which can be expected during this period:

  • The amount of pubic hair is reduced.
  • The large labia are deformed, the small ones gradually disappear completely.
  • The synthesis of hormones by the ovaries is completely stopped, the level of estrogen is kept at a consistently low level.
  • Vaginal protective lubrication disappears, which contributes to the development of inflammation and infections.
  • Deep wrinkles appear, body weight increases, hair on the head thins and turns gray.
  • Attention, memory, vision worsens.

What changes occur in the body of a woman in the premenopausal period

Premenopause is the most important phase of menopause, since at this time cardinal age-related changes begin, the nature of which determines the quality of the next 30-40 years of life. A woman needs to take a responsible attitude to the state of her health, change her lifestyle, if necessary, undergo a course of drug treatment in order to avoid a sharp withering of the ovaries, the inevitable consequence of which is the general aging of the body.

Decrease in blood estrogen

At the beginning of premenopause, there is a decrease in the duration of the follicular phase (menstruation becomes shorter). At this time, the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in the blood decreases significantly. It is noteworthy that the synthesis of male hormones (androgens) remains at the same level, since during menopause a significant part of estrogen is synthesized from male hormones, which are predominantly in adipose tissue. Androgen production is influenced by FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) produced by the pituitary gland, the synthesis of which increases at the onset of menopause.

To determine the hormonal background, the doctor must refer the patient to conduct mandatory blood tests, the results of which can be used to judge estrogen deficiency. For complete clinical picture the patient is recommended to do an ultrasound of the uterus and appendages, mammography. If necessary and strictly under the supervision of a gynecologist, it is possible to adjust the concentration of female hormones with the help of drug therapy.

Circulatory disorders

With age, the vascular walls become thinner and lose their natural elasticity, the heart muscle wears out and "gets tired" - these and other reasons lead to drops in blood pressure, the occurrence of cardiac arrhythmia. Due to the aging of the body and the ongoing hormonal changes, blood circulation in all organs is disturbed, which leads to the occurrence of pathologies.

As a rule, premenopause is accompanied by tachycardia (increased heart rate). In addition, a woman may feel tingling in the limbs, dizziness, a feeling of pressure in the chest, suffer from migraines and weakness. Experts say that patients with cardiovascular diseases (especially hypertension) are more difficult to tolerate the onset of menopause.

Anxiety and mood swings

Hormonal disruptions and reactions of the nervous system to them lead to anxiety and irritability. In addition, there may be problems with memory, a decrease in concentration, the appearance of sudden mood swings. In rare cases, neurotic states characterized by obsessions may develop. It is noteworthy that even restrained and calm women react to the onset of menopause with resentment, tearfulness, even hysteria, but in the later period of menopause, love for life and joy not only return, but also become stronger than at a young age.

The first signs of menopause

The main signs of the onset of menopause in a woman depend on the work of the pituitary gland, which ensures the onset of ovulation and the synthesis of estrogen. The effect of the latter extends not only to reproductive function - estrogen affects the regulation of metabolism, strengthening the muscle corset and bone tissue, psychological condition women, the functioning of the uterus; therefore, recognizing the onset of menopause is not a problem - the first symptoms of menopause are directly dependent on estrogen deficiency.

Menstrual irregularities

At the beginning of premenopause, there is a decrease in the duration, frequency and amount of menstrual flow. Normally, the time between periods should increase from 30 to 90 days. Periods may disappear abruptly, or may stop after prolonged amenorrhea (absence of menstruation). In some cases, the resumption of discharge is observed even after a long break. If the restoration of the menstrual cycle occurred after 6 months of delay, there is a possibility of uterine bleeding - in this case, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Scanty or very profuse discharge

In most women, the amount of monthly discharge at the beginning of the menopause gradually decreases, which indicates the cessation of steroid secretion by the ovaries. In rare cases, an increase in the amount of menstruation is possible, which is associated with a violation of ovulation. As a rule, abundant discharge appears after a long delay.

Hot flashes and night sweats

The imbalance of female hormones leads to disruption of the autonomic nervous system. Essentially, hot flashes and excessive sweating are neuronal responses to hormonal surges that occur at the onset of physiological aging. Hot flashes are characterized by the appearance of heat in the neck, chest, face. There is redness skin, increased body temperature, severe hyperhidrosis (sweating).

The hot flashes last no longer than a minute, but at the same time they cause significant discomfort - the body temperature can rise to 38 degrees, the pulse quickens, perspiration appears. Such attacks happen unexpectedly, with an unpredictable frequency (from 10 to 60 times per day). To reduce discomfort after hot flashes, doctors advise patients to wear several thin layers of clothing in order to remove the wet bottom layer if necessary.


Sleep disturbance is a common complaint at the beginning of menopause. Insomnia is caused by anxiety, which is a side effect of decreased female hormone production. In addition, hot flashes and excessive sweating often disturb a woman at night. In addition, palpitations, together with impaired thermoregulation (chills), are the causes of difficult falling asleep.

Weight gain

In 60% of women during menopause, there is a metabolic disorder, accompanied by excessive deposition of adipose tissue. This happens due to a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the blood - this is how the body tries to make up for the lack of the female hormone. The main place of deposition of subcutaneous fat is the waist and hips. A woman needs to carefully monitor her weight, eat right, since it can be difficult to get rid of extra pounds gained at the beginning of menopause. In addition, metabolic disorders can lead to the development of diabetes, oncology.

Decreased libido or increased sex drive

A decrease in sexual desire is an inevitable sign of menopause, which occurs due to hormonal disruptions, psychological reasons or medical problems (urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse). A woman stops feeling young and sexy, gets hung up on problems. In addition, dryness and loss of elasticity of the vagina affect the occurrence of pain during sex. In rare cases, there is an increase in libido. This is due to the fact that a woman no longer fears getting pregnant and does not suffer from monthly discharge.

Acceleration of skin aging processes and dry mucous membranes

One of the main signs of approaching aging is the progressive dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, in connection with which new wrinkles appear on the skin and old ones deepen, and the mucous membranes lose their natural protective lubricant. In relation to the genitals, the onset of menopause is accompanied by itching, painful sensations, edema. Then the tissues of the labia lose their elasticity, acquire a brown color, the skin resembles parchment. Next, tissue atrophy occurs, accompanied by scarring and narrowing of the entrance to the vagina.

To alleviate this condition, it is recommended to follow the rules of personal hygiene, wear underwear made from natural fabrics, wash with a decoction of calendula, chamomile, and a solution of baking soda. Significantly stop the symptoms of dryness help ointments based on anestezin and diphenhydramine, vaginal suppositories, which include the necessary hormones (these funds should be used only as directed by a doctor).

How to relieve the symptoms of menopause in women

Treatment of diseases accompanying menopause, improving the quality of life in adulthood is the task of obstetrician-gynecologists. Women are currently old age more often they turn to therapists, neuropathologists with problems that gynecologists would help them solve, since during menopause the state of the body largely depends on the lack of estrogen.

To reduce the manifestations of menopausal syndrome, strengthen immunity, alleviate the general condition of the patient and improve the psycho-emotional background, therapy is recommended under the supervision of a specialist. At the beginning of menopause, non-drug therapy should be carried out, then - drug treatment. In some cases, in the absence of effect, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed. Patients suffering from a severe form of menopausal syndrome may need to carry out the entire complex of therapeutic measures.

Medical therapy

The characteristic signs of the onset of menopause in women will help overcome the use medications. It should be remembered that the relief of symptoms does not mean recovery - with age, the amount of estrogen will decrease, which will inevitably lead to the progression of menopause. All medications(including homeopathic) must be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription in order to avoid serious hormonal and metabolic disorders.

Combined oral contraceptives

Contraceptive pills (for example, Regulon, Logest, Marvelon, Novinet) are prescribed during menopause, not only to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, but also to relieve symptoms. The scheme of treatment with oral contraceptives in most cases is the same - 1 tablet daily for 3 weeks, then a break of 7 days. Some oral contraceptives must be taken continuously.


Medicines based on natural ingredients containing phytoestrogens are more easily accepted by the body and have a relatively small list of side effects. To relieve symptoms at home, you can prepare a mixture of motherwort, valerian and hawthorn, the regular use of which strengthens nervous system, normalizes sleep. Treatment with official homeopathic remedies is more effective than using prescriptions traditional medicine. Characteristics of some popular tools:

Name of the drug

Indications for use

Dosage, course


Vegetative-vascular disorders, menopause

1-2 tablets (or 30 drops) per day, as directed by the physician

Menstrual disorders, climacteric syndrome

1 tablet (or 10 drops) up to 3 times a day, course 6 months

climacteric syndrome

1 capsule/day, course 3 months


climacteric syndrome

1-2 tablets (or 5-10 granules) per day, course 1-2 months

Hormonal drugs

Hormone replacement therapy is one of the most effective methods treatment of menopausal disorders, but also the most dangerous because of the risk of complications. Contraindications for treatment with hormonal drugs are endometrial and breast cancer, hepatic pathologies, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of a vein with the formation of a blood clot). To prescribe such treatment, a comprehensive study of the patient's history, lifestyle, and family diseases is necessary. Comparative characteristics popular drugs:

Name of the drug

Indications for use

Dosage, course


Climacteric disorders

1 tablet/day, course 21 days or continuously


Estrogen deficiency, climacteric syndrome


1 tablet/day, continuously

climacteric syndrome

1 tablet/day, course 21 days, break 7 days


1 tablet/day, continuously

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Numerous studies have shown that taking vitamins and minerals greatly alleviates unpleasant menopausal manifestations and helps strengthen immunity. For example, vitamin C has a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and relieves swelling, vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the sex glands, improves blood circulation. Mineral preparations are important for maintaining metabolism and cell repair. Calcium plays a special role in this sense - it not only strengthens bone tissue, but also participates in brain function.

Regular physical activity

Physical activity is the key to successfully overcoming the symptoms of menopause. Fitness, which strengthens the heart muscle and increases endurance, and yoga, which can help increase the flexibility of the body, will help to survive the restructuring of the body. In addition, practicing such a sport as Pilates has a beneficial effect on the muscular corset, which is especially important for protecting bone tissue. Additionally, a visit to the pool is recommended to relieve the symptoms of dystonia, relax and improve sleep.

Active lifestyle

In addition to regular physical activity, a woman needs to walk every day in the fresh air to improve blood circulation, prevent the appearance of excess weight, strengthen the muscular corset and the musculoskeletal system. In addition, walking, especially in good weather, helps to improve mood, relieve psychological stress.

Diet adjustment

During the changes that accompany the onset of menopause, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy diet in order to avoid gaining unwanted weight and to strengthen the body as a whole. It is recommended to increase the consumption of fruits, vegetables, while flour products, fatty foods, hot spices should be abandoned. It will be useful to add seafood and lean fish to the diet.

Menopause and menopause in women: age, causes, types. Symptoms depending on the stage. How to delay menopause?


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

Many women are frightened by the prospect of menopause, for them it is a synonym for old age, excess weight, unbearable hot flashes and cessation of sexual activity. To some extent, this is indeed one of the manifestations of the aging of the body, but life does not end there, but simply moves to a new stage.

It must be understood that menopause is a condition that occurs in the life of all women, and it is not a disease. So nature has created that a person necessarily goes through childhood, youth, youth, maturity and old age. And all these stages are accompanied by transitional periods, changes in hormonal levels, psychological, mental and emotional state, changes in the body as a whole.

The term "climax" in the people and menopause among specialists (klimakter) is translated from Greek as "step", this is the critical period between childbearing and old age. And this stage, no matter how difficult it is, must be overcome. This period will be facilitated by the understanding and care of loved ones, a positive and optimistic attitude, and some recommendations from doctors.

What is menopause and menopause, and how long does it last?

FROM medical point vision, the menopause is aging, or depletion of the ovaries and the gradual loss of childbearing function. And all this leads to a deficiency of female sex hormones, the cessation of menstruation, the loss of the possibility of natural pregnancy and long-term adaptation of the body to given state. This period lasts more than one day, and even more than one month and a year.

The climacteric period proceeds from the appearance of the first signs of a lack of sex hormones until the end of a person’s life, so that it can last for more than a dozen years. Climacteric syndrome or a complex of symptoms of a lack of sex hormones usually persists from 5 to 7 years.

What is menopause? Many people think that this is a synonym for menopause, but in fact, if you look, this is not entirely true. Menopause is one of the phases of the climacteric period, with a complete cessation of menstruation in a woman, and this process lasts an average of one year.

Interesting Facts:

  • Menopause happens not only in women, but also in men.
  • The lack of sex hormones affects not only the reproductive function, but also almost all organs and systems of the body, so the manifestations of menopause can be very diverse.
  • Many believe that if menopause has come, then you can forget about gynecological diseases. This is a misconception, a woman in menopause can also have inflammatory diseases, tumors and other "women's diseases", and also needs regular preventive examinations by a gynecologist.
  • A woman who has become pregnant and given birth more than once, endures menopause better than a woman who was not lucky enough to become a mother. This is due to the fact that pregnancy and breastfeeding allow the ovaries to rest. It is also possible to delay and smooth out the symptoms of menopause by late delivery.
  • Some people think that taking birth control pills will help delay the onset of menopause, but in fact, oral contraceptives only smooth out the symptoms of menopause, and do not postpone it until later.

The role of the menstrual cycle and sex hormones in a woman's life

Sex hormones are one of the most important factors on which the continuation of the human race depends. But the functions of sex hormones do not end with ensuring fertility. They affect all organs and processes in the body. Our overall health depends on the state of hormones, appearance, attractiveness, sexuality and even behavior and character. Just like our behavior, environmental factors and the state of the body affect our hormonal levels. It so happened in nature that everything is always interconnected.

Types and functions of sex hormones

female sex hormones Main functions
  • estrone;
  • estriol and 30 more varieties of this hormone.
Where are they produced?
  • Ovaries (during childbearing age);
  • placenta (during pregnancy);
  • adrenal glands;
  • adipose and muscle tissue;
  • liver.
Interesting! In the body, female hormones estrogens are formed from male androgen hormones (testosterone).
1. Maturation of the genital organs and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics in girls during puberty. This is what makes a girl a woman and maintains a state of femininity throughout her life.
2. Influence on skin secretion of pheromones, which are responsible for a woman's sexuality, signal to men that she is already ready for procreation.
3. Participation in all phases of the menstrual cycle that prepare the eggs for fertilization.
4. Maintaining a special acidity of the vaginal mucus, which affects both sex life, and on the promotion of spermatozoa "at the address" and protects the genitals from various infections.
5. Ensuring childbearing throughout pregnancy and ensuring childbirth, as well as maintaining the normal state of the woman's body in an interesting position.
6. Physiological changes in the mammary glands preparing them for breastfeeding at all stages of childbearing age. At elevated level estrogen there is swelling and some soreness in the mammary glands.
7. Effect on the cardiovascular system:
  • maintaining normal blood pressure;
  • maintaining normal level cholesterol and prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • blood thinning, decreased platelet count.
8. Participation in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, facilitating its delivery to bone tissue. Also, female sex hormones help prepare the pelvic bones for childbirth.
9. Effect on the skin: participate in the production of collagen and other substances that make up the frame of the skin. And this is its elasticity, elasticity, moisture and smoothness. Also, sex hormones affect hair growth, including in unwanted places (antennae, body, arms, legs).
10. Participate in fat metabolism and in the distribution of adipose tissue throughout the body, that is, they determine the features of the constitution and figure, predisposition to obesity and atherosclerosis.
11. Raise blood glucose levels.
12. Influence the psycho-emotional state of a woman.
  • Progesterone.
Where are they produced?
  • ovaries;
  • placenta during pregnancy;
  • adrenals.
1. Progesterone - it's a pregnancy hormone, it is thanks to him that everything happens for normal fertilization and normal pregnancy:
  • participation in the menstrual cycle: ensuring ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary) and the cessation of menstruation in the event of pregnancy;
  • preparation of the uterus for the meeting of the fetal egg;
  • influence on the tone and increase in the size of the uterus as the fetus develops;
  • participation in the formation of some tissues of the embryo;
  • ensuring the preservation of pregnancy and its normal development;
  • influence on the behavior and nervous system of a pregnant woman.
2. Effect on the mammary gland:
  • elimination of swelling and soreness in the mammary gland caused by the action of estrogens;
  • preparing her for lactation;
  • prevention of the development of mastopathy and neoplasms of the mammary gland.
3. Suppression of estrogen action, since estrogen in an increased amount can lead to various negative processes in a woman's body. Progesterone reduces the risk of developing endometrial hyperplasia, fibroids, mastopathy, tumors of the uterus, mammary glands and other diseases.
4. Effect on the skin- encourages work sebaceous glands that secrete sebum stimulates hair growth.
5. Participation in metabolism:
  • lowers blood glucose levels;
  • participates in the exchange of calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements;
  • affects the metabolism of fats - forms female type figures.
6. Acceleration of blood clotting.
7. Influence on the psycho-emotional state and the central nervous system of a woman.
  • Testosterone.
Where are they produced?
  • adrenal glands;
  • ovaries.
Testosterone is a typical male hormone, but it is also present in the body of any woman and performs some functions:

1. Is a building material for female sex hormones.
2. Responsible for sexual desire and getting an orgasm.
3. Participates in metabolism:

  • Protein metabolism - enhances the formation of proteins, as a result - the growth of skeletal muscles in volume.
  • Fat metabolism - reduces the deposition of fat, is also responsible for the formation of a figure according to the male type. In addition, testosterone lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and other vascular pathologies associated with it.
  • Exchange of calcium, phosphorus and trace elements. Many believe that it is androgens that take over the "fortress" of the bones after the onset of menopause in women.
  • Affects the work of insulin and the absorption of glucose.
4. Influence on the work of the cardiovascular system: prevents the development of atherosclerosis, acts on vascular wall, brings it into tone, prevents the development of an aneurysm.
5. Effect on hair growth throughout the body and increased work of the sweat and sebaceous glands (this is especially pronounced in adolescence).
6. Participation in the formation of the genital organs in male fetuses during pregnancy.
7. Participation in education red blood cells and blood hemoglobin, lack of testosterone in women leads to the development of anemia.

In addition, hormones are constantly secreted in a woman’s body, which regulate the level of sex hormones and provide other processes necessary for childbearing function:
1. releasing hormones produced in the hypothalamus of the brain, affect the production of hormones by the pituitary gland.
2. Follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones (FSH and LH)- produced by the pituitary gland of the brain, regulate the functioning of the ovaries and the menstrual cycle.
3. Prolactin is a hormone of a nursing mother, stimulates milk production, and is also involved in getting pleasure during sexual intercourse.
4. Oxytocin- a hormone that stimulates uterine contractions during childbirth and the postpartum period, and also contributes to the onset of lactation. In addition, oxytocin affects sexual desire and sexual satisfaction, and possibly promotes the movement of sperm to the egg after intercourse. Oxytocin also affects the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

Schematic representation of the regulation of female hormone production.

Sex hormones are produced "according to the plan of the menstrual cycle", under the influence of sexual desire, arousal and sexual intercourse, as well as during pregnancy and under the influence of various factors. environment, including ingested food and drinks. The level of sex hormones is mutually influenced by the psycho-emotional state of a person. So, more female hormones are released during the period of falling in love, which is why they say that a girl in love blooms before our eyes - this is the "chemistry of love".

Menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is the period of maturation and preparation of the egg for fertilization and pregnancy, which lasts an average of 28 days.

Phases of the menstrual cycle:
1. The maturation phase of the follicles.
Follicles are immature eggs that are formed in a girl in the womb, their number is laid down in genetics. In adolescence, sex hormones begin to be produced in the ovarian follicles, under their action, the eggs go through difficult stages of maturation. This phase lasts from the 1st to the 14th day of the cycle.
2. Ovulation is the culmination of the entire menstrual cycle, in which the egg becomes completely mature and, as all adult children are supposed to, leaves their paternal home. That is, the egg comes out of the burst follicle into the tube and waits for the same sperm to come and fertilize it.
Ovulation occurs on average on the 14th day and lasts for several hours. The egg is ready for fertilization on average 3 days (from 1 to 5).
3. luteal phase- occurs when the egg "did not wait for its prince." In place of the ruptured follicle, a corpus luteum- a temporary gland that secretes sex hormones, mostly progesterone. The woman's body is preparing for the maturation of a new egg. The luteal phase usually ends by the 28th day of the cycle.
4. Menstruation and the beginning of a new folliculin phase- rejection of the inner layer of the uterus, this is necessary for further preparation of the uterus for the meeting of the fetal egg in the next cycle. Lasts from 3 to 6 days in the form of uterine bleeding.

This cycle is constantly repeated, its main purpose is to procreate. But in addition to preparing for pregnancy, the menstrual cycle is the release of a large amount of sex hormones by the ovaries. If the menstrual cycle passes without ovulation or menstruation, this means that a hormonal failure has occurred in the body. Pregnancy in this case will not occur, but the consequences of such an imbalance will necessarily affect the general health, well-being, and even the appearance and attractiveness of a woman.

Which hormones are in priority during a particular period of the menstrual cycle can be considered schematically:

At what age does a woman start menopause?

How many years to expect menopause, no one will say. This is very individual for each woman and many factors influence this process. At the beginning of the last century, it was believed that average age the onset of menopause is 40-45 years old, and Balzac described fading women at 30-35 years old ("Balzac's age"). But in modern world it is generally accepted that The average age of menopause for women is 51 years, or 45 to 55 years. However, this does not mean at all that menopause cannot begin earlier or later.

Factors affecting when menopause occurs?

1. Genetic predisposition is the main factor influencing the time of menopause development. Simply put, if you want to know when menopause is coming, look at your mother and grandmother.
2. Number of births. It is believed that in women who have given birth more than once and at the same time breast-fed their baby, menopause occurs a little later, and menopausal syndrome is easier. This is due to the fact that in an interesting position, the menstrual cycle temporarily stops, the follicles do not mature, the ovaries rest. Also delay the onset of menopause late childbirth, after 35-40 years. And vice versa - nulliparous women are at risk of early menopause.

5. Ovarian Wasting Syndrome- enough a rare event which is often inherited. Failure occurs even in the womb, when follicles are laid. They are formed in smaller numbers than other girls. The follicles end early, even before the age of 40, and sometimes before the age of 30. In this case, knowing about such a feature of your mother or grandmother, it is important to give birth on time, while there are still eggs.

Stages and phases of menopause in women

In any case, for all women, menopause is not a spontaneous process, but a long period that always goes through three stages.

1. Premenopause or the onset of menopause. At the same time, a gradual decrease in the level of hormones and the extinction of ovarian function occur in the body. The first symptoms of menopause and menstrual irregularities appear, but not its cessation. This phase can last from 2-3 to 10 years. This is the most difficult period for a woman, it is at this time that most ladies have hot flashes.
2. Menopause or complete cessation of menstruation. The onset of menopause is said to be when a year has passed since the last menstruation. During this period, the ovaries completely stop producing sex hormones. This stage is manifested by various symptoms from many organs and systems.
3. Perimenopause- this is the period of premenopause and 2 years after the last menstruation.
4. Postmenopause or completion of menopause. This stage lasts until the end of life. It is characterized by a complete restructuring of the body, especially the reproductive system. In this period, pregnancy is no longer possible, and the body of women is prone to the development of various diseases associated with a lack of sex hormones, for example, arterial

Every woman has to deal with menopause sooner or later. During the process of involution of the reproductive system, a significant change in the hormonal background occurs, which affects mood and well-being. However, the menopause can be alleviated.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

What is a climax?

Menopause is a physiological process that is characterized by the extinction of reproductive function and the cessation of menstruation. During this period, there is a steady increase in the level of gonadotropic hormones, which indicates the onset of menopause. The climax is conditionally divided into three periods. These include:

  1. Premenopause. Its duration can be up to 6 years. During this period, hormones that had a stimulating effect on the follicles, causing maturation, begin to have a lesser effect. This leads to the fact that the menstrual cycle is disturbed and becomes unstable. Periodically, it can be reduced or increased. The amount of secretions also changes, they can become more abundant or scarce. The pathological course of menopause is also possible. This condition is characterized by hyperestrogenism. Myoma nodes and a number of other neoplasms can form on the walls of the uterus. Menstruation becomes more abundant and prolonged. Other symptoms may also occur.
  2. Menopause. This period is characterized by a steady cessation of menstruation. Ovarian function is significantly reduced. The duration of the period is one year from the date of the last menstruation. However, the final hormonal restructuring can last up to 5 years.
  3. Postmenopause. During this period, hormonal changes are completed. The ovaries stop producing hormones, and estrogen levels do not change. It remains the same as it was established during menopause. Organs that depend on sex hormones dystrophic changes. So, the uterus becomes smaller in size. There are changes in the mammary glands. The amount of pubic hair is reduced.

If the menopause proceeds normally, the woman should feel satisfactory.

At what age does menopause occur?

The age of menopause in women can vary significantly. Menopause is most common around the age of 50. However, the first manifestations occur much earlier. The first symptoms of the onset of the process are often noted as early as 45 years. However, after the onset of menopause, irregular periods can continue up to 50-55 years.

Sometimes there is an early menopause. It can appear before the age of 40. Premature menopause sometimes develops between the ages of 30 and 39. A number of factors influence the timing of menopause, including:

  • heredity;
  • amount of children;
  • Lifestyle;
  • the rhythm of life;
  • the presence of gynecological diseases or chronic pathological processes;
  • a number of other factors.

Climax is a fairly long physiological process. From premenopause to the full completion of menstruation, it can take several years.

Early menopause: what is it?

The occurrence of menopause closer to 45-50 years is considered the norm. However, sometimes the process can start much earlier. There are cases when a woman encountered symptoms of menopause at the age of 30-40 years. Early development is a pathological process. It can be caused by taking hormonal drugs, the presence of ovarian diseases or oncological neoplasms. If a woman is faced with the removal of the organs of the reproductive system, such processes arise artificially.

Alcohol abuse, smoking or taking drugs can also lead to menopause. Obesity also provokes an acceleration of the onset of the process.

The onset of early menopause leads to premature aging. Female hormones that were responsible for the work of a number internal organs becomes too small. First of all, this is reflected in the vascular tone and the functioning of the cardiovascular system as a whole. A woman may develop:

  • hypertension;
  • stroke;
  • tachycardia;
  • heart attack.

Early menopause significantly increases the risk of osteoporosis. During the course of the process, calcium is poorly absorbed. This leads to increased bone fragility. The risk of fractures increases. Therefore, during menopause, it is necessary to take calcium supplements containing vitamin D3. Without it, the substance will not be absorbed.

If the extinction of the reproductive function began too early, this will affect the functioning of the genitourinary system. Many women during this period can become depressed.

If a woman has an early menopause, treatment can be carried out. For this, hormone replacement therapy is performed. With its help, the consequences of the early onset of the extinction of the reproductive function are eliminated.

Reasons for the onset

Menopause occurs as a result of the onset of changes in the hormonal system that controls the functioning of the reproductive organs. At a certain age, there is a decrease, and then a complete cessation of the production of hormones that are responsible for the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. It is not known for certain why this happens. According to one theory, it is believed that over the years, genetically defective eggs accumulate in a woman's body. They are not able to renew themselves, as male spermatozoa do. The older the woman, the more such cells. In a similar way, protection against the appearance of non-viable or weak offspring occurs. This mechanism has evolved over the centuries. It is one of the methods of natural selection.

However, sometimes menopause can be provoked artificially. In this situation, there is a cessation of ovarian function under the influence of external factors. This could lead to radiation exposure, surgical resection of an organ or chemotherapy.

The causes of early menopause are different from the classical ones. Constant stress, bad habits and alcohol consumption can lead to its onset. The day of the first menstruation and the total number of children and pregnancies do not affect the early menopause. Provoke the beginning of the process can and:

  • chronic sexual infections;
  • professional sports or heavy physical exertion;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • concomitant diseases, such as.

Symptoms of menopause in women

Early manifestations of menopause can be observed several years before the final cessation of menstruation. The list of the first signs of menopause includes:

  1. The emergence of psycho-emotional disorders. A woman can become capricious, plunge into depression, begin to experience problems with sleep. Often there is irritability and tearfulness. Some women fall into apathy.
  2. The nature of the menstrual cycle is changing. Allocations become scarce or may completely disappear for several months. In rare cases, the discharge may become more abundant and last longer than the due date.
  3. There are additional symptoms. A woman may begin to suffer from excessive sweating. She may have skin problems. Sometimes migraine-like headaches are observed.
  4. There is a change in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. A woman may have a fever that alternates with chills. Such states are called tides. The heartbeat may increase and arterial pressure rises.
  5. There is a problem in the sexual sphere. A woman may experience a decrease in desire and a lack of orgasm. In the vagina, there is often increased dryness.

Based on the above signs, it can be concluded that after a year or two, menstruation will finally stop. To make sure that the reproductive function has begun to fade, it is necessary to measure the level of hormones using laboratory tests. Menopause may be accompanied by a number of other symptoms, some of which may further disturb the woman throughout her life. The list includes:

  1. Increase in body weight with a standard diet.
  2. There is bleeding from the uterus. Most often, the problem occurs in women who have fibroids or a number of other endometrial diseases.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system begin to appear. Women often encounter, or.
  4. Atrophic changes in the mucous membranes and skin begin. Lips become dry, wrinkles appear all over the body.

Can menopause be treated?

Today, several strategies and tactics for managing a patient who suffer from menopausal syndrome have been developed. First of all, unpleasant symptoms are eliminated. Getting rid of them can improve physical state women and bring her back to normal life. So, to eliminate nighttime hot flashes, experts recommend applying. Dopamine receptor antagonists and dehydroxyphenylalanine may be prescribed to relieve the symptoms of restless legs.

If a woman has high blood pressure, the doctor will prescribe AT2 blockers, ACE inhibitors. If there is a high level of glucose in the blood, it is recommended to take medicines that help lower blood sugar. Sleeping pills and sedatives can help with insomnia and neuropsychiatric disorders. Additionally, it is recommended to attend massage, courses therapeutic gymnastics, as well as undergo physiotherapy, spa treatment and hydrotherapy. All of the above methods of exposure have proven themselves well with menopause.

The most adequate method of treatment during this period is hormone replacement therapy. It is recommended to use it if there are complications against the background of menopause, the list of which includes:

  • central obesity;
  • 2 types;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • severe osteoporosis;
  • other diseases.

Hormone therapy has a large number of contraindications. It should be abandoned if a woman has severe hepatic or renal pathology, malignant neoplasms in the mammary gland, as well as diseases. barrier to use hormonal drugs performing and preparing for surgical intervention, uterine bleeding, the etiology of which has not been established, a recent heart attack or stroke, as well as thrombophlebitis.

The preparations contain a small amount of estrogen and. If a woman has recently had a uterus amputation, hormone replacement therapy may be indicated to her. If a woman has not yet finished menstrual bleeding, divitren, femoston, and a number of other medicines can be used to relieve discomfort and normalize the cycle. If menstruation has already ended, it is recommended to take kliogest or livial.

The depression that developed against the background of menopause should also not be ignored. To stop the psycho-vegetative syndrome in a woman, antidepressants of the latest generation are prescribed. Their use is justified only in the presence of severe emotional-affective disorders. Usually, the drug is used if, for any reason, hormone therapy is not possible.

Today, in the treatment of menopause, vitamin and mineral supplements are actively used. medicines, which include components that enhance carbohydrate and fat metabolism. Means have a stimulating effect on the functioning of the ovaries. The composition of the drug includes vitamin D, which prevents the appearance of osteoporosis. Additionally, vitamins of groups A, B, D and E are prescribed. Their use leads to an improvement in energy balance, as well as to the normalization of the functioning of the central nervous system and PNS. At the same time, medications stimulate the production of estrogen by the adrenal glands.