The impact of space on people's lives geography 5. Research shows how space affects the human body

Mankind still faces the question of how biological life arose. It is assumed that it appeared from inanimate matter and is still in close interaction with it. At the same time, organic matter is part of nature.

The history of the appearance of man is connected with space. Humans and aliens live in outer space. But the composition of the chemical elements of the human body differs in many respects from those components from which the first stars were produced.

The human body and many organic matter mainly consists of oxygen, carbon, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus. The composition of the stars is completely different. They contain elements that are heavier than helium. The reason for their appearance is believed to be thermonuclear transformations, and supernova explosions produce elements with a weight higher than that of iron.

The impact of space on the emergence of man began with the second generation of stars. The sun belongs to this generation. Man and organic compounds are creatures of the cosmos, resulting from the interaction of various chemical elements, and then falling on fertile soil in the form of our planet.

Man descended from apes with the participation of the cosmos. A supernova explosion led to mutations. The streams of energy emanating from it somehow affected the brain of the monkey and it began to develop more actively.

The cosmos influenced man throughout its development. Great importance he had also for the Earth's ecosystem. So the fall of a large space object led to the extinction of dinosaurs. Ice ages on the planet are supposed to depend on the fact that our galaxy falls into a dust cloud. The opinion is put forward that more advanced space creatures - aliens - have been watching us for a long time and are still watching. The fact of their existence has not yet been confirmed, but the testimony of many eyewitnesses cannot be discounted.

The Sun also has a huge influence on humanity. Solar wind and flares lead to the appearance of the northern lights and magnetic storms. Do not forget about the parade of planets, the consequence of which is the gravitational effect on humanity.

Space close, but so vast and unknown that it is still not clear whether we are alone in it or not. It's all about its large size - the distance to the nearest star is more than 4.5 light years. Our galaxy is just a grain of sand in it. And there are billions, if not trillions, of such galaxies. This suggests that the likelihood that there are systems like ours is very high. This means that there must be other forms of life, in addition to those that are on our planet.

People dreaming of space should think about more pressing problems than asking questions about the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and their lack of desire to visit us or even hear us. After all, not only have we been sending humans into orbit for quite some time now, we're also talking about space tourism already on the horizon, excitedly surprised by the plans of the world's space agencies to settle on Mars, and news of private companies investing hundreds of millions of dollars into research, associated with survival on other planets.

“Space is a harsh environment that very rarely forgives human error and technical failure,” the researchers write in Biology in Space and Life on Earth: The Effects of Spaceflight on Biological Systems).

But, unfortunately, human error and technical failures are not the only problems that we all need to think about before starting the era of space colonization.

“The main problem in such missions is biomedical. And it is how to maintain human health in the conditions of a long stay in such harsh conditions, ”comments retired astronaut Leroy Chiao.

Below we consider examples of the consequences that people flying into space have to face both within the framework of the flights themselves and after they return home.

Microgravity is a silent killer

At first glance, weightlessness might seem like one of the most enjoyable things about space travel, but don't underestimate microgravity and its impact on human biological systems.

The lack of gravity in space weakens and makes our cardiovascular system. Instead of distributing blood throughout our body as usual and without much effort, its inefficient work allows blood to concentrate in the head and chest, which significantly increases the risk of developing arterial hypertension(constantly high blood pressure). In more serious cases, when the efficiency of oxygen supply and distribution in the body decreases due to weightlessness, the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmia increases.

Since muscle activity in microgravity is significantly reduced (muscles do not need to fight the Earth's gravity), some of the main muscles of the body begin to atrophy when a person stays in space for a long time. The loss of muscle mass and its strength is an indispensable bonus of every long-range space mission. That is why the crew members of the International Space Station are required to perform daily for a couple of hours physical exercises aimed at strengthening the calf muscles, quadriceps, as well as the muscles of the neck and back.

partial blindness

Not only the human muscular system is subject to the risk of consequences from a long stay in space. There were cases when, after a long stay in space, alarming signs of visual impairment were noted. And these cases, it must be admitted, were, unfortunately, not isolated.

Two-thirds of the International Space Station astronauts have reported vision problems. The main suspicion, according to experts from the NASA aerospace agency, falls on changes in the distribution of fluid in the cranial cavity, in the eyes and spinal cord in response to conditions created by microgravity. The result of this is the appearance of visual impairment syndrome due to increased intracranial pressure. We often call this syndrome intracranial hypertension(WCH). Fortunately, technology does not stand still, and one day we will have the tools to not only understand, but also effectively prevent the consequences of the connection between intracranial pressure and microgravity.

The inevitability of exposure

Some people on Earth are concerned about the radiation from electrical devices like smartphones. I wonder what they would say if they knew what level of radiation a person has to face in space?

“In space, the radiation dose rate can be 100-1000 times higher than on Earth,” comments Keri Zeitlin from the US Southwestern Research Institute.

"The radiation itself is present in the form of cosmic rays - highly charged particles, from which we are screened on Earth by the magnetic field of our planet and its atmosphere."

The impact of this impact on human body may go far beyond our understanding of a healthy environment. The average dose of radiation to which a person on Earth is exposed during the year from natural sources is 2.4 mSv (millisieverts) with a spread of 1 to 10 mSv. Anything above 100 mSv, sooner or later, can lead to cancer. Meanwhile, astronauts aboard the International Space Station may be exposed to 200 mSv of radiation. If we talk about interplanetary flights, then this level will generally be about 600 mSv. Even a flight to the closest neighboring planet, Mars, can lead to genetic mutations, the destruction of DNA strands, and a 30 percent increase in the risk of developing cancer.

Fortunately, the crew of the ISS is shielded from much of the radiation, thanks to the same magnetic field that keeps us safe on the surface of the planet. But if we are talking about a real flight to Mars, then we do not yet have any suitable protection for this. NASA is trying to resolve this issue, which is developing methods for optimizing shielding means, as well as methods for biological countermeasures in relation to radioactive exposure.

fungal infection

Despite all our efforts to ensure safety and cleanliness inside spacecraft, the problem of the appearance and impact on the human body of pathogenic organisms in space still remains unresolved. According to a study published by the American Society for Microbiology, the growth rate of Aspergillus fumigatus (Aspergillus fumigatus), which is the most common cause of fungal infection in humans, is completely unaffected by the harsh space conditions.

If such a banal and common thing as fumigatus is able to enter and exist on the ISS, then most likely there may be other and already more lethal pathogens on the station. Given the far from easy accessibility of the nearest hospital, any infection on board the spacecraft can lead to very serious consequences. Therefore, only further improvement of living conditions and hygiene levels, as well as the development of technologies capable of providing medical diagnostics and assistance in space, can save astronauts from big problems that once seemed to start from the smallest and most insignificant.

Mental disorders

It is not only the physical health of astronauts who spend long periods in space that is at risk. Staying in a small, hermetically sealed space tin can for long months, in which you have to communicate daily with the same people, realize that you can’t even just comfortably lie down on a bed or get up and walk freely - all this, and much more, can inflame your mental state to the limit and eventually cause serious psychological trauma.

The results of a NASA-funded study related to the problems of long stay in space show that the main concern of US astronauts during their missions aboard the International Space Station is how to behave with crew members. In his personal diary, one astronaut wrote of the stress he experienced in such interpersonal relationships:

“I really want to get out of here. From those cramped closets where you have to spend a lot of time with the same people. Even those things that you in everyday ordinary life, most likely, would not have paid their attention, after a certain time they begin to bother here so much that they can drive anyone crazy.

Much research has already been done on the safety and mental health of astronauts while in space, and more will be done as space travel continues to grow.

The maximum support of human health during long space flights is a very serious problem and a very time-consuming task to solve, but even this does not stop people who want to become space pioneers. There are indeed people in the world who are ready for literally anything. Despite all the risks described in the results of numerous studies, despite all the potential dangers that await a person in space, despite all the risks to the health of our biological systems and psyche, the NASA aerospace agency in 2016 received more than 18,000 applications for the right to become astronauts. Record number! One can only hope that the ongoing research in the near future will really allow us to carry out safe space travel, in terms of the level of threats that do not overtake ordinary earthly ones.

At present, the problem of studying the influence of the cosmos, as a living mind, on a person has become an integral part of philosophy, both science and people's lives.

The relevance of the topic is due to the fact that at the beginning of the 21st century the problem of man and space, and connection with it, does not cease to be the central problem of philosophy. Experiencing a crisis, space flights, exploration of other planets, stars, humanity is revising the usual guidelines for its existence.

If earlier, mankind believed that the sun, stars, moon are incomprehensible to humans, that we will never see them up close, today we are already trying to find out if the cosmos behaves like a living mind in relation to us. Therefore, the problem of space exploration is put forward in the forefront; the problem of the relationship of everything that exists with the cosmos.

The influence of space on the processes taking place on earth was noticed by people in antiquity. So the ancient Egyptians determined by the moon when the ebb and flow of the Nile. However, the connection between the cosmos and man was interpreted more as scientific hypotheses, or completely went beyond the scope of science. In the 20th century, knowledge about the influence of space on the Earth has significantly increased. This is the merit of Russian scientists, first of all, representatives of Russian cosmism - A. L. Chizhevsky, K. E. Tsiolkovsky and others.

The first who managed to understand and comprehend the scale of the influence of space on people's lives was A.L. Chizhevsky.

The meaning of Chizhevsky's research, based on rich factual material, was to prove the existence of cosmic rhythms and the dependence of biological and public life on Earth from the pulse of space. Chizhevsky argued that space affects not only biological, but also social conflicts. All this is determined by the behavior and activity of our sun. According to his calculations, during the minimum solar activity there is a minimum of social and biological manifestations. During the peak of activity, their number reaches more than half.

K. E. Tsiolkovsky spoke about Chizhevsky’s work: “The young scientist is trying to discover a functional relationship between the behavior of mankind and fluctuations in the activity of the Sun and, through calculations, determine the rhythm, cycles and periods of these changes and fluctuations, thus creating a new sphere of human knowledge.” This work is an example of the fusion of various sciences together on the monistic basis of physical and mathematical analysis.

Also very interesting were the space ideas of the first Russian cosmist N.F. Fedorov. For example, he said that the resettlement of people on other planets, due to the large accumulation, would become a necessary reality. space chizhevsky life earth

The ideas of N. F. Fedorov about the resettlement of people throughout the cosmos were supported by K. E. Tsiolkovsky. He also owns a number of original philosophical ideas. Life, according to Tsiolkovsky, is eternal: “After each death, the same thing happens - scattering. We have always lived and will always live, but each time in a new form and, of course, without memory of the past<…>A piece of matter is subject to an innumerable series of lives, although separated by huge intervals of time ... ".

Tsiolkovsky believed that life and mind on earth are not the only ones in the universe. In his philosophical ethics, he was rationalistic and consistent, elevating the idea of ​​constant improvement of matter to an absolute. Based comparative youth earth, said that on other, older planets, life is much more perfect, and affects other lives, including earthly. A similar theory was expressed by V.I. Vernadsky, studying the processes of development of the biosphere, speaking about the influence of space.

Following the teachings of Chizhevsky, about the influence of the sun on biological and social conflicts, one can argue about the significant influence of the cosmos, the sun, the moon on the existence of mankind. People increasingly believe that the cosmos directly affects us and our lives. Recently, in Khakassia, many fields caught fire at once at different points. The fire claimed the lives of many people, not to mention their homes and crops. According to TESIS, on April 13, 2015, class M flares (Medium flares) were recorded on the sun, and on the same day large fires broke out in Khakassia. Taking into account Chizhevsky's research, we can say that due to solar flares, fields caught fire in Khakassia. That is, his research is reliable, because it is not the only fact the occurrence of cataclysms, when flashes occur on the sun.

Taking into account all of the above, I would like to note that people have yet to learn all the secrets of the cosmos, its influence on human existence with the help of the sun, solar flares, moon, solar eclipse, stars, and impact on the mental and psychological level. People should reconsider their views in relation to the cosmos, treating it not as an object, but as a living organism that has a special influence on us. To do this, it is worth changing the approach to research and its study, not as a silent vacuum, but to look at it as an object that has its own will, spirit, mind and mind.

1. Lytkin V.V. Natural-science foundations for the formation of "cosmic philosophy" K.E. Tsiolkovsky / V.V. Lytkin // World of science, culture, education. 2012. No. 2.

2. Chizhevsky A.L. Cosmic pulse of life. - M.: Thought, 1995

3. Concepts of modern natural science / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko. M.: "Culture and sport", 1997. p.193

4. Concepts of modern natural science / Ed. V.N. Lavrinenko M.: "Culture and sport", 1997. p.192

©Krylyvets K.A., 2015

People have long guessed that life on Earth is connected with cosmic phenomena, but they could not explain how this happens, so a lot of superstitions appeared. According to the location of the Sun, planets and stars, astrologers of antiquity tried to predict historical events and the fate of people. The appearance of comets foreshadowed, according to people, various misfortunes. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon were considered harbingers of floods, hurricanes, heavy rains, frosts and droughts.

Solar activity and human life

The cosmic environment exposes the Earth to constant visible and invisible influences. First of all, the danger comes from the Sun. Flares on it have a huge impact on our planet. At such moments, especially a lot is ejected into space solar energy. On Earth, this leads to magnetic storms, severe thunderstorms, frequent polar lights and more precipitation, an increase in the number of various microorganisms and a deterioration in human health.

If you carefully observe the clear night sky, you can see several shooting stars within an hour. Of course, these are not stars, but meteors and meteorites. They are flashes of solid cosmic bodies burning and collapsing in the air. Meteorites reach the surface of the Earth in the form of melted stones, and meteors burn up in the form of gas and dust. Some meteorites are composed of stone, others are almost entirely made of iron with an admixture of other metals, and still others are a mixture of both. When large meteorites hit the earth's surface, meteorite craters with a diameter of several meters to several hundred kilometers appear. The largest and oldest of the Vredefort craters in South Africa. It is 250 kilometers in diameter and is about 2 billion years old.

Unlike the Moon, whose surface is literally dotted with meteorite craters, there are few of them on Earth. Only about 200 large craters are known.


Comets are celestial bodies moving in long and elongated orbits around the Sun. They are made up of frozen gases (methane, ammonia), water, and cosmic dust. When comets approach the Sun, they begin to melt and “release” a luminous tail of gas and dust, for which they got their name (translated from Greek, “comets” are hairy). Unlike the nucleus, whose dimensions are small by cosmic standards - about 10 kilometers, the length of the tail of comets reaches millions of kilometers. Comet tails tend to point away from the sun.

As space exploration progresses, humanity will face new challenges. Already today it has become necessary to protect satellites and space stations from meteorites, and astronauts going into outer space from solar and cosmic radiation. Mankind is thinking about how to protect the Earth from giant meteorites and comets, a collision with which can lead to a catastrophe on a planetary scale.

Helped create the Earth and the entire solar system. If there were no outer space, then life would not have appeared on our planet.

At the origins of history

Even in ancient times, people raised their eyes to the sky and looked for answers in that endless space. The stars enchant with their beauty, and the cosmos itself gives rise to many questions in the imagination of people. The influence of the cosmos on the earth is studied by philosophers, people of the exact sciences and mystics.

After Aristotle, Western scientists tried to prove that emptiness. They assured that one void wanders around the Earth and that there are no other forms of life. But the astronauts did not want to believe that the void could be so huge. They studied space and were able to prove the presence of multiple celestial bodies that collide, shine and form new galaxies.

The influence of space on human life cannot be underestimated. Even in ancient times, according to space activities, they tried to predict catastrophes and even signs of higher powers. Today, astrologers also regularly make horoscopes for each person, arguing that the fate of each is already destined by the cosmos.

A star called the sun

The sun is the main one that directly proves the influence of space on people's lives. The heavenly body illuminates the entire planet and gives the necessary warmth for all life on the planet. But the Sun can also completely destroy the Earth and the people who live on it.

Of particular danger to humans are flares on the surface of the Sun. Because of this, it is thrown into space a large number of energy, and on Earth, an excessively large amount of precipitation occurs and falls. During this period, people feel the unpleasant consequences of invisible solar radiation. Health is deteriorating, pensioners and small children are especially sensitive to solar flares.

How does space affect human health?

The impact that space has on human life can be positive or negative. Space objects regularly affect the magnetic field of our planet. These changes adversely affect people's physical and emotional health. Particularly affected are people who have diseases of the heart and blood vessels. There is an increase in blood pressure, blood circulation slows down.

Jumps in lead to a slowdown in metabolism and slow down the work of the entire circulatory system. This leads to the strongest oxygen starvation, suffer more nervous system and heart.

Scientists believe that initially the Earth's magnetic field set a special biorhythm for all mankind. In nature, everything was thought out to the smallest detail, due to this there was full harmony. Natural anomalies and failures in the field of our planet have occurred due to the barbaric activities of all mankind. Pollution environment, depletion of fossil resources and endless bad habits on the part of people, the contradictions between the human body and the earth's magnetic field lead to such a sharp jump.

The impact of space on human life has always been. Some even claim to feed on cosmic energy and restore their health. They argue that you can stop reacting to magnetic storms if you get as close to the earth as possible - eat plant foods and food of animal origin, and you should also start drinking water from natural sources. Dead tap water and chemically created food lead to an imbalance between the Earth's field and the human body.

Such a mysterious moon

Speaking about the impact space has on human life, one cannot remain silent about such a wonderful celestial body as the Moon. Scientists have long sought to understand and study this space object. This is the closest planet that is located near the Earth. In many ways, this is what causes such close attention from science and mysticism.

Even in ancient times they learned to create lunar calendars, which took into account the different phases of this celestial body. It depended on the state of each human organ. By the phases of the moon you can choose auspicious days for the birth of a baby, haircuts and for the prevention of many diseases.

The first phase is best time for sports, a person feels a surge of strength and vigor. The second phase will appeal to everyone who wants to cleanse the body of toxins and extra pounds. The full moon is the best period for conceiving a child, but at the same time, women become mentally unbalanced and quick-tempered. In the third lunar phase physical exercise should be kept to a minimum. In the fourth phase, a person becomes passive, coordination and attention are lost. And men should be afraid of the new moon, during this period they are aggressive and inadequate.

If you study the influence of space on human life from this point of view, then you can get as comfortable as possible in this life. Mystics are sure that with the right approach, limitless lunar energy can be used for the benefit of a person. Many well-known businessmen have built their careers at the expense of the energy of this celestial body. They simply did not ignore the predictions and signs of the stars.

Who's your sign?

Everyone asks this question when they meet new people or sympathize with some person. A certain arrangement of stars allowed a person to be under the auspices of a certain constellation. begin to have a special effect on a person after birth. Someone calls it fate, and some just brush it off.

But on the other hand, the constellations never change their location, they are unchanged. For millions of years, these points have been watching people. Therefore, it is impossible to deny their influence on a person.

What is hidden in space?

Scientists do not get tired of studying the influence of space on people's lives. They build theories, prove clear facts, and surprise with unthinkable claims.

There are a lot of theories, but no one still knows exactly what the cosmos hides and what galaxies are there in the distance. It is possible that progress is not moving fast enough to answer the many questions of millions of people. In any case, we are part of the cosmos, only for its conquest you have to pay a high price.