What a bad section for men. Rating of biological supplements to enhance potency - the best drugs without side effects with prices

Dietary supplements for potency are safe and effective way improve men's health. They do not belong to medicines and contain only vitamins and useful nutritional supplements, including plant extracts. Dietary supplements are used to improve potency, but with erectile dysfunction due to problems in the genitourinary system, they are ineffective.

Dietary supplement or biologically active food supplement is a complex of vitamins and other useful substances that improve health. They are not drugs, so they are not used in the treatment of severe forms of impotence.

  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • decreased immunity;
  • heavy physical activity.

Dietary supplements for potency can be used for diseases of the genitourinary system in addition to drug treatment. Some drugs are recommended for prostatitis to speed up the recovery of the prostate gland.

The advantage of dietary supplements is a natural and safe composition

The advantage of dietary supplements is their safety. They have practically no side effects and contraindications, therefore, they can be used independently, and not as prescribed by a doctor. Here, a man who is faced with the problem of weakening potency has two options - to undergo an examination and cure the main cause of the decrease in potency by supplementing therapy with dietary supplements, or to choose the remedy he likes at the pharmacy to increase potency, hoping for a quick result. The first option is preferable, because only a specialist will be able to determine the cause of the problem and prescribe adequate therapy.

It is important to remember that dietary supplements do not cure impotence. They are effective only in cases where the problem is caused by a general weakening of the body.

Everyone can take dietary supplements for male potency, since dietary supplements are also used for prevention. They are recommended in the following cases:

  • weakening of potency due to stress;
  • decreased libido;
  • general deterioration of well-being and constant fatigue;
  • decrease in potency against the background of prostatitis.

Natural food supplements containing vitamins and trace elements necessary for men can be taken with reduced fertility.

Advantages and disadvantages of dietary supplements

Benefits of dietary supplements for men for potency:

  • natural composition;
  • leave without a prescription;
  • no contraindications;
  • minimum side effects.

Dietary supplements are safe, affordable and available everywhere. You can buy them at a pharmacy, on specialized sites, or even in health stores. They really increase potency, but only if the problem is caused by general fatigue, and not by pathologies of the genitourinary system. Otherwise, the use of dietary supplements will only aggravate the situation. With impotence caused by vascular disorders and other pathological processes in the genitourinary system, the use of dietary supplements is ineffective, which is the main drawback of such drugs.

Other disadvantages include:

  • no proven therapeutic effect;
  • the need for long-term use;
  • composition is not always clear.

The main problem is that many dietary supplements are dummies. That is, a tablet or powder does not contain anything that could positively affect male potency. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such dietary supplements, so choose really effective drug happens to be very difficult. This implies the most important advice for men who decide to purchase dietary supplements - you need to choose only proven drugs from well-known manufacturers.

In order for the drug to bring maximum health benefits, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition. What components are needed to strengthen potency - this issue should be covered in more detail.

What should be included in dietary supplements?

The choice of the best dietary supplements for potency is a rather complicated issue. In order for the tool to really benefit, the composition must contain:

  • aphrodisiacs;
  • prostate protectors;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements;
  • antioxidants.

Aphrodisiacs are substances that enhance sexual desire. They have a stimulating effect, increasing libido and improving erection. Dietary supplements to increase potency in men may contain plant extracts with a stimulating effect - ginseng, golden root, yohinbe tree bark extract, Peruvian maca. Unisex dietary supplements include Spanish Fly - a stimulant drug to enhance libido, which is suitable for men and women.

One of the most common causes of a decrease in potency in men is various disorders of the prostate gland. In the vast majority of cases, we are talking about congestive prostatitis, which occurs in 30% of men over 40 years of age. Normalization of the prostate gland leads to an increase in potency, so many dietary supplements for men contain prostate protectors - cinquefoil extract, pumpkin seeds or oil from them, palm extracts. These components reduce inflammatory process, improve metabolism, protect against the development of prostatic hyperplasia.

Vitamins in dietary supplements are most often tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and vitamin A. Both substances have a positive effect on the male reproductive system, improve hormone production, and increase testosterone levels. Dietary supplements aimed at combating stressful or psychological impotence may contain B vitamins.

The trace elements necessary to maintain male strength are zinc and selenium. They are almost always present in dietary supplements, in pure form, or as part of plant extracts. These substances normalize the work of the prostate gland, take part in the synthesis of testosterone, improve the blood supply to the penis, thereby providing a strong erection.

Antioxidants and others useful material, which are often found in nutritional supplements to increase potency, are coenzyme Q10, ginkgo biloba extract, deer antler extract, ginseng root. These substances have a tonic effect, give a charge of vivacity and strength, protect against negative effects. environment. All this has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and the production of sex hormones, enhances sexual desire and strengthens erections.

The best dietary supplements

Rating will help you understand how to choose an effective dietary supplement for potency the best means. It was compiled on the basis of reviews of men who took the drug for potency, but at the same time, the catalog of pharmacy dietary supplements is very large, so not all drugs are included in the rating. The most popular dietary supplements for male potency:

  • Opti Men;
  • Yohimbine;
  • Yohimbe Forte;
  • Impaza;
  • Golden horse;
  • Peruvian Maca.

A separate category is dietary supplements from China - Chinese remedies for potency contain only natural ingredients and are highly effective. The only disadvantage of such drugs is that they are difficult to find on sale. Nevertheless, a Chinese dietary supplement for potency, which increases male energy, can also be bought in large pharmacies.

Opti Men

Opti-Men is the best active supplement or dietary supplement for male potency. The tool is a wide range of vitamins, micro and macro elements. Perfectly balanced composition of the drug is designed specifically for men's health. Vitamins are recommended:

  • professional athletes;
  • with an unbalanced diet;
  • to strengthen immunity;
  • to increase potency.

The composition of the preparation is very impressive: more than 25 vitamins and minerals, 7 amino acids necessary for the body, a special algae complex for potency, 4 enzymes and 20 plant extracts with antioxidant action.

An extract of cinquefoil, ginseng, pumpkin seeds and oyster concentrate are responsible for increasing potency. The vitamin supplement strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes metabolic processes, increases potency and protects against the development of age-related diseases of the male genitourinary system.

Release form: tablets in a polymer jar, 120 or 240 tablets per pack.

How to take: One tablet three times a day.

The cost of the drug: 1400-2600 rubles per pack.


Supplements are sold under various names

The product contains an extract of the bark of the yohimbe tree. It is a powerful aphrodisiac. Product properties:

  • improves potency;
  • increases libido;
  • improves the quality of sleep;
  • normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • stimulates metabolism.

The supplement has a fat-burning effect, which is why it is often used by professional athletes. In addition to a positive effect on potency, the remedy improves the mental and physical performance of a man.

Yohimbine or yohimbine hydrochloride is the name active ingredient. The commercial name of dietary supplement may differ. The product is available in tablets and capsules in different packages.

In pharmacies, you can find the domestic medicine Yohimbine hydrochloride. The drug is available in tablets packed in small jars.

Cost: from 200 to 800 rubles, depending on the packaging.

How to take: 1-3 tablets per day.

Who is it for: athletes, overweight people, men over 40 with a sedentary lifestyle.

Yohimbe Forte

Yohimbe Forte is a domestic version of Yohimbine

Dietary supplements to increase potency based on yohimbine hydrochloride are one of the most popular drugs. Their advantage lies in the rapid action and the absence of side effects.

A popular Russian drug is Yohimbe Forte supplement. As part of the tool:

  • yohimbe bark extract;
  • ginseng root extract;
  • zinc;
  • selenium.

The tool is designed specifically to improve potency in men. It has a tonic, tonic and stimulating effect. Improves blood supply to the pelvic organs and increases libido, as yohimbe bark is a potent aphrodisiac.

This tool is available in all major pharmacies and is available without a prescription. Preparations with yohimbine should not be taken with hypertension, renal and hepatic insufficiency.

Release form: tablets and capsules, 30 pcs. packaged.

Who is indicated for: all men over 40 years old, with congestive prostatitis, with a decrease in potency against the background of prostate adenoma.

How to take: 1 tablet per day, can be taken one hour before sexual intercourse.

Cost: about 280 rubles per pack.


Impaza is one of a kind homeopathic remedy for potency, which has a fast stimulating effect. The tool can not be fully considered a dietary supplement. The work of the drug is to stimulate blood flow to the penis and improve erection.

The mechanism of action of Impaza is in many ways similar to the properties of Viagra, but this drug is completely natural. Tablet properties:

  • improve the blood supply to the penis;
  • increase libido;
  • provide a stable erection;
  • increase the level of testosterone in the blood.

A distinctive feature of the drug - complete absence contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the drug. Impaza is sold only in pharmacies, sold without a prescription.

Release form: tablets, 20 pcs. packaged.

Who is indicated for: all men with impaired potency, with erectile dysfunction.

How to take: 1 tablet per day for 3 months to treat impotence, or 2 tablets an hour before sexual intercourse to increase potency.

Cost: about 500 rubles per pack.

Unlike other dietary supplements, Impaza is a fast-acting remedy.

Golden Skate

A dietary supplement for increasing potency in men, used in the treatment of impotence and restoring male power, the name of which is familiar to everyone - this is the Golden Horse. Today it is one of the most popular drugs, which is presented in almost every pharmacy in the CIS countries.

The effectiveness of the tool is due to its composition, which includes:

  • seahorse extract;
  • ginseng root extract;
  • kidney tea;
  • thistle grass.

The product has a completely natural composition and fast action. This dietary supplement tops the list of time-tested drugs to increase potency - when taken, it increases erection, increases libido and improves the production of male sex hormones.

The tool is produced in Indonesia and has been widely used since 2005.

Release form: capsules, 100 pcs. in glass jars.

Who is it for: all men with a weakened erection and a decrease in libido.

How to take: 1 capsule in the morning and evening for 4 weeks to treat erectile dysfunction, 2 capsules 2 hours before sexual intercourse to increase potency.

Cost: 1400 rubles.

The golden horse is very popular, and it will not be difficult to find it in a pharmacy.

peruvian maca

Peruvian maca extract is rich in vitamins. This plant is a powerful aphrodisiac and contains over 30 useful vitamins and trace elements for men's health.

Dietary supplements to improve potency with Peruvian maca in the composition - this is a natural safe remedy for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and improvement of potency. Moreover, maca can be taken by both men and women.

Properties of this plant:

  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • general tonic effect;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • potency improvement;
  • increased libido.

Peruvian maca can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is part of many dietary supplements with different names.

Release form: powder.

When to take: with a decrease in libido, potency disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome.

How to take: a teaspoon three times a day for 20-30 days.

Cost: about 1000 rubles per pack.

Peruvian maca can be purchased both as part of dietary supplements and separately

special instructions

No specialist can accurately answer the question which dietary supplements are better for potency and which food supplement is the best. The fact is that everything depends on the body of a man, so before choosing a vitamin supplement, you need to understand the reasons for the deterioration of potency, having been examined by a urologist.

It is best to buy dietary supplements for potency in a pharmacy. This gives a guarantee that the purchased product will not be a fake.

The best dietary supplements for potency are those that support the genitourinary system of men, protect against prostatitis and other prostate diseases. Men over 40 should choose products with prostate protectors in the composition. Young men are advised to pay attention to preparations with ginseng root and other tonic extracts.

To understand whether dietary supplements are really effective for potency, you should be patient and drink the course of the drug to the end. On average, any nutritional supplement should be taken within a month. The results become noticeable already in the third week from the start of therapy.

For many representatives of the stronger sex, problems with potency begin at the age of 50-55. Various factors cause the development of sexual dysfunction - mainly chronic prostate pathologies, age-related hormonal regulation disorders, overweight, addictions. But not only elderly patients often experience a decrease in sexual function.

Problems in bed in men can also occur at a fairly young age - at 25-30 years old. When the first symptoms appear, it is advised to take medications to stimulate an erection. Such drugs have a good effect on male power, but have a lot of adverse reactions and contraindications. To increase sexual activity in a safe way, it is better to try dietary supplements for potency - you will learn about them from today's article.

What is known about these funds?

Dietary supplements for men for potency - they are often advertised on the Internet or on TV, but most people do not understand what they are for and how nutritional supplements act on the body. These medicines contain biologically active substances that help to normalize men's health. They are also used for prophylactic purposes in diseases of the prostate, impotence and other disorders of sexual function. Bioadditives have a stimulating effect, improve erection, significantly increasing the speed of its onset and the duration of contact. At the same time, the energy costs of the body are reduced and in terms of sex, the patient becomes much more resilient.

Biological supplements should not be confused with conventional drugs. These funds do not apply to traditional medicine. Enhancement supplements must be taken immediately before sexual intercourse. After the use of such a drug in the representatives of the stronger sex, sexual activity increases sharply, the quality of erection increases. In some cases, dietary supplements men need to use constantly - they become an integral part of the diet.

Meet various forms release of dietary supplements for male potency. These can be tablets, syrups, infusions, powders, extracts or balms. Finding these funds is very easy - they are sold without a prescription in every pharmacy. You can also order an active supplement on the Internet, but you should beware of fakes. Dietary supplements for potency are much cheaper than conventional medicines with the same effect.

Attention! Even the most effective dietary supplements are not suitable for all men! Some active remedies for the stronger sex are ineffective. Thus, dietary supplements based on yohimbe did not live up to the expectations of patients. Before starting the use of these drugs, it is advised to visit a doctor and find out what provoked sexual impotence. If the cause of impotence is any disease, it is necessary to eliminate it as soon as possible, and only after complete recovery can nutritional supplements be used.

The best bioactive means to increase male strength

It is rather difficult for the representatives of the stronger sex to choose the most high-quality and effective dietary supplement for potency. The pharmacy offers many dietary supplements of American, Chinese and domestic production. But which drug should you choose? In terms of efficiency and strength, they all differ from each other. Depending on the individual features men, each biological agent shows different results. Therefore, in this case it is difficult to make at least some rating of these drugs. But we managed to select the top 15 food additives, which showed the best results and deserved the most positive feedback. The catalog of dietary supplements for men for potency is presented to your attention below.

"Emperor's Secret"

This Chinese-made biological product significantly increases sexual activity in most of the stronger sex. The reason for the beneficial effect is its completely natural composition. The basis of such an effective dietary supplement for potency is barberry extract. This substance improves the duration of erection and the quality of sex.

Another useful component of the dietary supplement is the dereza berry, which contains a huge amount of minerals, vitamins and amino acid molecules. They enhance the reproductive and general health of a man, acting as an additional source of energy for him. The composition of the biological product "Secret of the Emperor" also contains a Chinese mushroom, thanks to which the patient develops excitement and attraction, and restores lost sexual functions.

Take a dietary supplement in the amount of 1-2 capsules per day. Usually, the course of taking the medicine lasts at least 30 days, after which it is recommended to take a short break. The tool is contraindicated for use in pathologies of the cardiovascular sphere and various allergic manifestations arising after its application. The appearance of adverse reactions is usually associated with an overdose of dietary supplements, most often these are dyspeptic disorders - attacks of nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. The cost of a bioactive drug is 900-1000 rubles per package, which contains 8 capsules.

Max Man 4

Active Additive contains extracts of ginseng root and seahorse, thistle grass and kidney tea. "Golden Skate" increases sexual desire, stabilizes erection, increases testosterone secretion. For the treatment of impotence, it is taken daily in the amount of 1 capsule 2 times a day for 1 month. Healthy men also use 1-2 capsules of the drug to enhance erection 2 hours before sex. Price: 1400-1500 rubles.


This product has an active effect on the reproductive system and its glands. This leads to the secretion of a huge amount of male hormones, which increases a man's sex drive. At the same time, blood flow is accelerated in the inguinal zone, due to the action of the components of the biological product - young deer antlers and ginger root. Parity tones the body, increases the patient's endurance in bed.

Such a dietary supplement to increase potency should not be taken with alcoholic beverages. Its use is prohibited in case of development of hypersensitivity to the components, with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

"Hammer of Thor"

This dietary supplement has such a “powerful” name for good reason - the drug helps many patients to permanently get rid of problems in the intimate sphere. Thanks to the natural components of this dietary supplement, men for relatively a short time sexual life is normalized.

Drops do not just stimulate arousal - they also improve the quality of erection, restore lost male power. The increased production of androgens has a positive effect on the sensitivity of the penis, which makes the contact itself more enjoyable for both partners. The product is sold in the form of special drops. Use the "Hammer of Thor" 3-4 drops for 7-15 days, after which a break is made for 2 weeks. The effect becomes more noticeable after 2-3 courses of treatment. A biopreparation costs an average of about 900-1000 rubles.

"The Gift of the Himalayas"

The product is a representative of Chinese dietary supplements. The composition of this bioactive supplement is truly unique. The components of the remedy are natural and natural, so allergic reactions after its use practically do not occur. Many men consider the drug "Gift of the Himalayas" to be the best for potency.

The bioadditive increases the quantity and quality of the seed, which is why it should be paid attention to by patients suffering from infertility. At the same time, sexual activity increases, the contact itself lengthens, and a strong sexual desire is manifested. It is necessary to take 4-5 capsules per day. The course of treatment is continued up to 5-6 months.


These are special pills for increasing potency in men. The main active ingredient of this dietary supplement is yohimbine hydrochloride. This compound has a stimulating effect on the prostate gland. The product enhances blood flow in the groin area, restores male strength even in the elderly of the stronger sex. The medicine helps to quickly get rid of erectile dysfunction.

Yohimbine well eliminates urination disorders, such as urinary incontinence, weak urine pressure. The active components of the product increase the excitability of the penis, make the erection more stable. Experts recommend using 2 tablets of a biological product 2 times a day for prophylactic purposes in case of prostate diseases and the treatment of impotence.

Magic Staff

One of the most popular dietary supplements to increase potency. extracts medicinal plants, which are part of this dietary supplement, help in healing reproductive system patient.

This medicine acts quickly - a persistent erection appears after 15-25 minutes. The biological product, unlike drugs of the synthetic group, provides a natural erection and desire. The result of its application is the normalization of the intimate life of a man. For the appearance of such an effect, you need to undergo at least 2 courses of therapy, each of which lasts from 3 to 4 weeks.


Chinese dietary supplement, which includes a number of natural substances. As part of this product there are not only vegetable, but also animal components. The dietary supplement has a firming effect on the male penis, normalizes the balance of microflora.

This significantly increases the sexuality, the activity of the patient in bed. Improves the sensitivity of the penis during intimacy. The organ in the process of treatment may even slightly increase in size. Positive reviews confirm that after using Zongcao, orgasm is felt much clearer and brighter. Bad has a positive effect on the functioning of the urinary tract.

Good to know! If the patient wants to continue his kind in the near future, then he should definitely try bioadditives. These funds are created from natural ingredients, and their effectiveness is reflected not only in improving the duration of sex, but also in improving the quality and quantity of ejaculate.

Pros and cons of biopreparations

The use of pharmaceutical products negatively affects the health of the human body as a whole. Even the most modern medicines cause patients a large number of allergic reactions and other side effects. Many representatives of the stronger sex simply do not want to poison themselves with chemistry, and therefore, for the treatment of impotence, they increasingly choose biologically. active drugs. Dietary supplements for potency have the following advantages: naturalness, no adverse reactions, high efficiency, benefits for the whole organism, availability.

Active agents for improving male sexual function have three main disadvantages. The following negative aspects may cause some doubts when buying such a medicine:

  • All dietary supplements for male potency are considered insufficiently researched. Bioadditives are not so much medical as commercial products. Their influence on human body studied not as thoroughly as the effect of traditional medicines (Levitra, Viagra, Cialis).
  • Many nutritional supplements generally show good results, but in some cases are ineffective. The biological product should be selected individually, since the same medicine does not always help different patients. Some men have difficulty in choosing a suitable dietary supplement for potency due to intolerance to some components of bioactive agents (hence the negative reviews). Be sure to read the instructions before using them.
  • In some situations, the result after the use of dietary supplements is absent for unexplained reasons. There are patients who believe that all dietary supplements are placebo drugs - they have no effect on the body and work only because of self-hypnosis. According to doctors, biological supplements can be ineffective if they are used incorrectly. Therefore, taking these drugs should be combined with a general impotence treatment regimen prescribed by a specialist.

As a result of long clinical research, scientists managed to prove the safety of food additives, as well as their high productivity. Patients who experience problems in bed often resort to the use of these drugs, either on their own or on the advice of a doctor. Dietary supplements are not always of sufficient quality and reliable - this fact was confirmed by many doctors.

In this section of our electronic catalog we want to offer vitamins and dietary supplements for men. Bad ecology, harmful conditions labor, malnutrition- the main reasons why most male diseases are steadily getting younger. Low potency, diseases of the genitourinary system, urethritis and even oncology are just a small list of the consequences of a lack of useful vitamins in the body. Our experts have developed unique complexes of biological additives based on healing properties Altai Territory. Only natural ingredients that can restore a healthy spirit and virility.

What problems can be solved with the help of vitamins and dietary supplements?

Many men confuse dietary supplements with vitamins. Undoubtedly, the latter are included in the preparations, but this is only one of the elements of the medical complex. Among the components of dietary supplements there are herbal extracts, tinctures and decoctions, syrups. In a complex, preparations from our online store allow you to:

  • solve problems with potency;
  • cure prostatitis, adenoma;
  • slow down aging;
  • prevent early baldness;
  • increase immunity;
  • give a charge of vivacity, positive.

The absence of chemical compounds in the preparations

We make supplements based on natural ingredients, so they are absolutely safe and suitable for patients of any age. There are no contraindications. Our dietary supplements and vitamins are not medicines. Conventionally, products are divided into three groups, each of which has its own functional role. In total, we distinguish three groups of biological additives. It:

  1. Nutraceuticals. We recommend using them to correct the components of the diet. Such drugs are most in demand among athletes. Such dragees additionally saturate the body with proteins, carbohydrates, which contributes to an increase in muscle mass and prevents the formation of body fat. Effective for men of different ages, the first results can be assessed after one course of administration.
  2. Parapharmaceutics. This includes the most popular supplements among men - to enhance potency, increase libido. Problems with men's health become a solid foundation for the development of serious complexes. You don't have to put up with the problem. It is worth immediately putting the situation in its place. Our complexes of biological additives will help restore male strength, relapses in correct use drugs are excluded.
  3. Probiotics. Universal buds. We refer them to the general strengthening group. Vitamins and microelements that are in the composition have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, enhance the body's defense reactions, and energize.

Benefits of dietary supplements over standard treatments

There are several main reasons why more and more men prefer our products to going to the pharmacy. It:

  • the ability to take supplements without a doctor's prescription;
  • natural composition, safety;
  • no contraindications;
  • high efficiency;
  • affordable price.

Our dietary supplements and vitamins do not eliminate the symptoms of diseases, but fight the source of the problem. The body is saturated with the missing trace elements, minerals, so it is no longer susceptible to common male diseases. We guarantee that the result of the reception will not be long in coming. Buy dietary supplements at an affordable price in one click. Need advice, can't make up your mind? Call us or use the feedback form. Consultations are provided free of charge. Appreciate the powerful force of nature, stop stuffing your body with pharmaceutical chemistry, because all the best lies in simplicity!

It will be a Sunday post - with a fresh mind, in the morning! Because I'm finally ripe to write a report on men's health supplements. The experience of using them is 10 months, so there is something to talk about. We will talk about supplements for older men - these are supplements for the health of the prostate, the “second heart of a man,” as doctors have long called this organ. For whom this topic is relevant now or in the future, please under cat.

According to various sources, about half of men over 45 years of age are faced with a disease such as prostate adenoma, or otherwise, prostatic hyperplasia. It is most often benign and treatment is usually conservative and observational.

What is the main problem? An enlarged prostate gland compresses the urethra. This not only causes unpleasant, irritating phenomena - difficulty urinating and feeling incomplete emptying Bladder, but also potentially poses a riskthe development of chronic diseases against the background of infection of the urinary tract due to the constant stagnation of urine.

Doctors recommend black berry extract for regular use.saw palmetto (it is also a sabal palm, a dwarf palm, a creeping palm).

I must say right away that the data on the action of saw palmetto are very different, about half of the publications deny it. positive influence, reducing the placebo effect to 30-40%, the other half confirm the effect of saw palmetto, and most often in combination with other supplements such as lycopene, zinc, etc. In this case, it is noted thatdrug lowers blood levels active form the male hormone dihydrotestosterone or DHT, which is responsible for the enlargement of the gland.

And now about how everything was in practice. So: there is a man 50+, who was diagnosed with "prostatic hyperplasia". All the associated problems also exist. For several years, the drug "Prostamol-uno" (this is our saw palmetto) has been taken at the recommended dosage of 320 mg per day, courses 3 times a year for 2 months.

Therefore, the first analogue found on Eicherb was Now Foods saw palmetto extract, 2 capsules of which give such a dose. Only it turns out 3-4 times cheaper than the unfortunate prostamol (today - 402 rubles against 1285 rubles for the same dose and quantity)! This drug was offered in a combi-purchase for a long time, now it has been on special offer for several months. I'm just giving a link, because the jar has not been preserved.

Now Foods, Saw Palmetto Extract, 160 mg, 120 Softgels

Well, to be honest: there was no tangible effect from him. But even with a placebo, life is subjectively easier (Well, a person wants this palm tree!), And I decided to find a drug on Eicherb that is optimal in terms of price-dosage ratio. And this palm tree was found:

Sundown Naturals, Saw Palmetto (Saw Palmetto) 250 Capsules

250 capsules of 450 mg, i.e. more than in Prostamol - however, not an extract, but ground berries. The palm was given to the patient with the words: if the palm is calmer, here is a palm for you, almost a year's supply! And just 1 capsule a day.

And now, after some time, the man says: when you make an order, order me a palm tree - it’s already over. I'm fshoke: are you eating a palm tree like candy? There were 250 capsules there! And he know what? On the jar, he says, it says: 2 capsules 2 times a day. I eat and I'm fine.

That is, he received 1800 mg of palm berries per day! And health has improved!

I went to medical websites to look for information about high dosages, and it turned out, indeed, in some articles they write that dosages of 400-800 mg have an effect, and you can take the drug almost constantly, and it does not give negative reactions.

So Prostamol with its 320 mg is a forest for prevention. If there is already a problem, the dose should be higher.

After that, iHerb managed to find another palm tree preparation, I think it is the most optimal in terms of price-dosage ratio. All the same Now Foods:

Now Foods, Saw Palmetto Berries, 550 mg, 250 Veg Capsules

Now he takes 2 capsules a day, i.e. 1100 mg, he feels good, there is a noticeable improvement.

In the intervals between the saw palmetto, I also ordered such an interesting preparation asPygeum - African plum bark. As they write in the description, “by inhibiting the proliferation of fibroblasts, African plum extract inhibits the growth of connective tissue in the prostate gland.” This drug is a complete analogue of pharmacy drugstadenan andtrianol . By the way, they were recommended by the doctor during the annual physical examination. Preparations in the daytime with fire cannot be found in our pharmacies, but they are on Eicherb! Found in pure form at Solaray.

Solaray, Pygeum Africanum (African Plum), Extract, 50 mg, 60 Capsules

The drug is not very budgetary. It is well tolerated, no side effects, but his course was only 2 months, and it is difficult to say what role he played in the healing process. Perhaps, just in combination with saw palmetto, it also worked for a positive result.

In addition, iHerb has several interesting complex preparations for prostate health, which include saw palmetto, African plum, and zinc with lycopene. But more on that another time.


Saw palmetto is really able to alleviate the problems of the genitourinary system that accompany adenoma. But you need more dose - 800-1000 mg per day in the case of berries, if the extract is 400-500 mg, the course of administration is at least 4-5 months, then you can see an improvement. If there is an adenoma, it will not go anywhere, so you can and should take drugs almost constantly. And for the best result, you can try to combine it with other additives - lycopene, African plum bark, pumpkin seed oil. ( Note: I looked at all the data on the controversial effect of saw palmetto and its combination with other supplements in publications on PubMed)

I have other reviews about dietary supplements, they can be found at

BAA is a food supplement made on the basis of natural ingredients. Its difference lies in the mild effect on the human body. Dietary supplements for men for potency significantly increase sexual desire, thereby improving the quality of intimate life. A prescription from a doctor is not required to purchase the drug. Most often, biological supplements for potency are used by men over the age of 45, since erectile function often decreases as a result of age-related changes.

In the article we will tell:

What is dietary supplement for men for potency?

Dietary supplements for potency have become widespread due to the ability to influence the process of spermatogenesis and increase male endurance. They are not categorized medicines. The advantages of drugs include ease of use and low risk of side effects. The effect is achieved due to the content of plant extracts that have a stimulating effect on potency.

Dietary supplements for potency are taken with meals. They are prescribed to men who are faced with problems of a sexual nature.

Depending on the composition, biological additives are divided into the following categories:

  • bee products;
  • preparations based on minerals and saturated fatty acids;
  • natural analogues of hormones;
  • herbal ingredients;
  • extracts of animal origin.

Treatment with biological supplements leads to the normalization of erection and increases the duration of sexual intercourse. The result of taking medication is a persistent erection and hypersensitivity in erogenous zones.

Typically, these funds are produced in the form of tablets. But there are other formats medicines. Reception is carried out immediately before intimacy.

In some cases, it is not tied to sexual intercourse. In both cases, the use of the drug leads to the desired result.

Dietary supplements not only improve the quality sexual life but also prevent the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Popular men's dietary supplements

Dietary supplements to increase erection can be purchased at any pharmacy. Their cost varies, depending on the pricing policy of the pharmacy, the composition and popularity of the drug. To determine which dietary supplements are better, ratings posted on the Internet will help.

They are based on the feedback of people who have gone through the restoration of erectile function. It should be remembered that dietary supplements for potency are not considered a panacea. They can't deal with serious problems.


The composition of Stimina includes plant aphrodisiacs and vitamins. They enhance sexual activity by stimulating the production of testosterone.

The active ingredients include vitamins C and B, yohimbe bark, dwarf palm extract and gotu kola.

Tablets are taken twice a day, 2 pieces. The duration of the treatment course is 60 days. Contraindications include an allergic reaction to the constituent components, stroke and high blood pressure. A pack of 30 capsules costs around 1500 rubles.

Emperor's Secret

The Secret of the Emperor is a Chinese dietary supplement for potency. Its action is based on the content of extracts of ginseng, barberry and cordyceps mushroom. Taking the drug helps to prolong sexual intercourse and increase the endurance of the body.

The level of male hormones increases by 2-3 times. The cost depends on the number of capsules in the pack. A pack of 8 capsules can be purchased for 900 rubles.

red root

Pills are taken not only to restore an erection, but also to reduce the symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy. The drug normalizes the work of the genitourinary system and reduces the compression of the ducts in the presence of adenoma.

The desired effect is achieved due to the presence in the composition biological substances and amino acids. Reception is carried out 2 times a day, 1 tablet.

The duration of treatment is 1 month. Adverse reactions appear only with individual intolerance to the components. The cost of a package of 60 tablets is 387 rubles.

MaxMan 4vjkjn

Taking the drug helps to cope with early ejaculation and helps restore blood flow in the pelvis, which has a positive effect on a man's libido. The active ingredients contribute to the active production of seminal fluid.

After the treatment course, the state of health noticeably improves, self-esteem rises. Tablets take 1-2 times a day, 1 piece. Mixing them with alcohol is strictly prohibited.

If the rules of use are violated, the drug provokes diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness and skin rashes. The cost of the drug is 1200 rubles. Vikamax forte

Vitamax is a balanced vitamin biologically active complex that relieves impotence. The composition includes vitamins of groups B, PP, D, A, K, E, C and folic acid. The tablets are taken once a day, before breakfast.

The drug helps to effectively cope with erectile dysfunction against the background of a stressful situation or beriberi. Sale of the drug in the territory Russian Federation stopped. Therefore, the price range is quite wide.

Furunbao Super

The dietary supplement serves as a rich source of flavonoids and panaxosides. The release of the tablet form of the drug is carried out by the Chinese. The active supplement includes lingzhi mushroom, medicinal alpinia, sage extract, Chinese wolfberry and large-flowered bitter gourd.

It is strictly forbidden to take the drug over the age of 75 years, with individual intolerance to the components and chronic diseases internal organs. Duration of admission is 2-3 weeks. Capsules must be drunk at intervals of 72 hours.


The list of effective dietary supplements for potency includes BossRoyalViagra. The release is carried out in a glass jar, inside which there are 9 containers. Each of them contains 3 capsules.

The action of the drug is based on useful properties the following components:

  • turtle shell;
  • Walnut;
  • Chinese udnik;
  • deer antlers;
  • sea ​​Horse;
  • crimson cynomorium.

Dietary supplement to increase potency in men is used in the development of sexual impotence. It increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones and provides blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Reception begins with half a tablet 1 time per day. In the future, the dosage is increased to 1 tablet per day. Exceeding the dosage leads to nausea, dizziness and indigestion. The price is 1200 rubles.

Wuka wuka

Wuka-wuka tops the list of the best dietary supplements for male potency. The drug increases the level of endurance during sexual intercourse and prolongs the state of erection. Despite the fact that the drug is considered the strongest aphrodisiac, it has a mild effect on the body.

The minimum duration of the treatment course is 4 weeks. The supplement should be taken 2 times a day with meals. A package containing 60 tablets costs around 1300 rubles.

El macho

The supplement is available in the form of drops for oral administration. The composition includes: guarana extract, L-arginine and glycine. The drug not only increases erection, but also replenishes the energy reserve in the body. For this reason, it is often used by athletes.

A single dosage is 3-5 drops. The course of treatment varies from 5 to 15 days. After a short break, treatment can be resumed. The cost of packing a biological additive is almost 2000 rubles.

golden skate

Based on the name, you can determine the composition of the bioactive additive. The main active ingredient is seahorse extract. Additional elements of the composition include ginseng and thistle leaf.

The drug should not be taken by people suffering from high blood pressure and allergic intolerance to components.

Tablets are taken 2 times a day, 1-2 pieces, on an empty stomach. It is also allowed to take one tablet an hour before intimacy. You can buy dietary supplements in a pharmacy for a price of 900 to 1700 rubles.


Parity has a targeted effect on the hormonal system. It promotes the production of male sex hormones responsible for sexual activity. The composition includes ginger, pantocrine and young deer horns.

Side effects from taking include increased heart rate, chills and drops blood pressure. It is strictly forbidden to take drugs in case of intolerance to one or more components of the composition. The packaging of the drug is sold for 300-400 rubles.

Hammer of Thor

The drug is available commercially in the form of drops. Its action is based on the content of extracts from Antarctic krill, cladonia, littorina, lophius and mineral premix. The pills restore an erection by providing blood flow to the reproductive organs.

They should be taken according to one of the schemes:

  • 5 days of admission, followed by 5 days off;
  • 15 days of use followed by 15 days off the drug.

Drops are recommended to be taken 30 minutes before intimacy. A single dosage is the same for everyone - 5 drops. In the event of skin rashes or deterioration of health, the drug should be discontinued. You can buy drops for 700-1200 rubles.

Gift of the Himalayas

Dietary supplement for men for potency consists of aphrodisiacs that regulate the process of seminal fluid production. Onion seeds improve the functioning of the urinary tract. Horny goat weed leaves increase libido by increasing the level of male hormones. Mulberry brings the body into tone, improving the function of blood circulation.

The duration of taking the drug varies from 1.5 to 6 months. When sick digestive organs and deviations in the work of the heart, dietary supplements cannot be used. The daily dosage is 5 drops. You can buy dietary supplements for 1900 rubles. It is not available for sale in all pharmacies.


The supplement got its name from active ingredient- an extract of the bark of the evergreen tree yohimbe. The drug improves the quality of sexual contacts and restores metabolic processes in the body.

The desired effect is achieved due to the ability of the main ingredient to bind to beta-adrenergic receptors. Side effects include increased levels blood pressure. The price of a biological additive is 238 rubles.

Magic Staff

The active ingredients of the drug include royal jelly and extract of young deer antlers. The main advantage of dietary supplements is its high efficiency. Capsules are taken orally every 5 days for 2 pieces. The duration of treatment is 1 month.

In case of violation heart rate and blood pressure, an alternative replacement should be selected. If side effects or allergy symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for an alternative replacement. The cost of dietary supplements to increase potency reaches 2400 rubles.


The Chinese food supplement is based on the content of plant and animal extracts. It not only increases libido, but also stabilizes the microflora of the genital organs.

After using the drug, orgasm becomes much brighter. The medicine is taken 1-2 tablets up to 2 times a day. A pack of 18 tablets costs around 800 rubles.

Yarsa Gumba

Strengthens physical strength, has a calming effect on nervous system and boosts immunity.

Erogenous zones after taking the drug become more sensitive, which affects the intensity of sensations. The cost of Yars Gumba is 1900 rubles.

peruvian maca

Peruvian maca is a dietary supplement for male potency that enhances sexual desire and improves the quality of seminal fluid. The drug is available in the form of a powder. Men with high blood pressure and a predisposition to allergies should not use it.

The powder is dissolved in drinks or liquid dishes. Daily dosage - 1 teaspoon. The supplement is taken for a week, after which a 10-day break is made. The price ranges from 900 to 3700 rubles.


Taking the drug increases the level of endothelial enzyme - NO-synthase. Impaza is taken at the onset of male menopause and in case of impotence. If you take the pills, taking into account the recommendations in the instructions, there are no side effects.

You should take 1 tablet every 48 hours for 12 weeks. If necessary, a single dose of the drug is taken 1-2 hours before intimacy. The cost of tablets on average is 500 rubles.

Opti Men

The action of Opti-Men is based on the content of minerals and vitamins that are beneficial for men's health. Additional elements of the composition include oyster extract.

If they are intolerant, the use of the drug should be abandoned. It is necessary to take the supplement 1 piece with meals, up to 3 times a day. 180 tablets cost around 2000 rubles.


Orgazeks is distinguished by an exclusively natural composition. It includes: licorice root extract, ginseng, gingko biloba leaf, wild sweet potato and raspberry. The effect is achieved by expanding the blood vessels in the genital area.

With hypertension, atherosclerosis and arrhythmias, the drug cannot be used. A package of a biological additive can be purchased for 690 rubles.

Tentex forte

The release is carried out in tablet form. The stimulating effect is achieved due to the androgenic property of the drug. The main components include beautiful argyrea roots, nutmeg mallow seed extract, mummy, Malabar bombax and black pepper fruits.

For sexual disorders, the drug is prescribed 2 tablets. The number of doses per day does not exceed 2 times. The tablets should be taken with milk or tea. The cost of a biological additive is 500 rubles.


Alicaps improves blood circulation in the genital area, thereby increasing a man's sexual desire. Among the active ingredients are diamine leaves, zinc oxide, sabal palm leaves and vitamin B5.

The drug is taken 2 hours before the intended sexual contact. The price for a package of 4 pieces is 700 rubles. 12 tablets can be purchased for 1500 rubles.

Drugs to stimulate potency are allowed to be taken only after consulting a doctor.

Pros and cons of biopreparations

Biological supplements that enhance sexual activity, it is desirable to take after identifying their advantages and disadvantages. Compared to powerful hormonal drugs, Dietary supplements are safer, but less effective.

They are distinguished by the following positive qualities:

  • positive effect on the nervous system and sleep;
  • the possibility of reducing tension before sexual intercourse with psychological impotence;
  • absolutely natural composition;
  • the possibility of application at almost any age;
  • an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • ensuring a stable erection;
  • prevention and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

Biological additives are not addictive. In this case, the effect persists even after discontinuation of the reception. Even in case of an overdose, side effects develop very rarely. Such drugs are freely available. But you don't need a doctor's prescription to buy them.

There are few disadvantages of this form of medicines. These include a high probability allergic reaction especially if there is a predisposition. Allergy manifests itself skin rashes, itching, redness of certain parts of the body and swelling of the mucous surfaces. In this case, the drug should be discontinued. Side effects are stopped with the help of histamine preparations.

Some medicines produce a cumulative effect. It is important to take them in accordance with the instructions, without missing a single dose.

The possibility of combining the drug with alcoholic beverages can be found in the instructions. Most dietary supplements are allowed to be combined with alcohol.

How to choose?

When choosing dietary supplements, reviews, the degree of neglect of the problem, the causes of the pathology and concomitant diseases are taken into account. If an erection is provoked by serious diseases, taking biological supplements will not bring the desired result. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should visit a doctor and pass the necessary tests.

Pharmaceutical companies present many drugs in different price categories. It is undesirable to focus on the price when choosing. It is not a guarantee of the effectiveness of dietary supplements.

  1. Reception should be started with a minimum dosage in order to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction.
  2. It is important to consider contraindications to the drug. Ignoring them will lead to undesirable consequences.
  3. It is forbidden to take several biological supplements at once. The effect of such a tandem is unpredictable.
  4. At severe forms arterial hypertension such means cannot be used. They exacerbate the patient's condition.
  5. If vitamins and minerals are present in the composition, it is advisable to take an analysis before use, which reveals the supply of nutrients in the body. Otherwise, the risk of developing hypervitaminosis increases.

Most best option- purchase the drug prescribed by the doctor. He will conduct an examination, interview the patient and direct him to various examinations. Based on the data obtained, a decision is made regarding treatment. If the reason for the decrease in erection is serious, potent drugs are prescribed.