Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies and prayers. Conspiracy on men's health from prostatitis

Prostate adenoma is a disease that is very common among men. According to statistics, for 48 years, almost every second of them suffers, and after 80, 90% of the unfortunate suffer from the disease. In folk medicine there are prescriptions for the treatment of prostate adenoma. They help many, bring relief to many.

The most unpleasant thing is that the causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia have not been fully identified.

It is noticed that the occurrence of prostate disease can occur due to hormonal changes in the body. Irreversible age-related processes can provoke the growth of adenomatous tissue in the prostate. It grows, squeezing the urethra. As a result, the outflow of urine is disturbed, and problems with urination begin. The disease is accompanied by various unpleasant painful sensations.

Symptoms of prostate adenoma

Among the symptoms of prostate disease, along with others, we single out the most common in the form of:

  • frequent urination, which is imperative;
  • pain when urinating;
  • difficult urination at the very beginning (the patient strains, strains);
  • strong urges.

As for the stream of urine, it loses pressure and falls vertically. Due to the fact that the fluid is constantly accumulating, urine is excreted drop by drop. Bladder loses elasticity.

Herbs for prostate adenoma

For many decades, the people were treated with herbs, harassing this disease. Now they call it. Previously, grannies whispered and sentenced conspiracies against the misfortune of men, they brewed weed for the sufferers.

Saving were burdock, asparagus, licorice and hazel.

Asparagus (leaves, rhizome)

Medicinal remedies are prepared from the leaves and rhizomes of the plant.

  1. Boil 3 teaspoons of asparagus leaves in 200 ml of water for five minutes. Insist and drink a glass 4 times a day.
  2. In 200 ml of water boil 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped rhizomes for ten minutes. Take every 4 hours for a glass of wine.

Hazel (tree hazel) from adenoma

Treatment of prostate adenoma is carried out with a remedy that is prepared from the bark and leaves of the hazel tree. The bark, crushed or dried leaves (1 tablespoon) is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 3 minutes after boiling. You need to drink during the day for taking 2 tablespoons. Treat until you recover.

Licorice naked

  1. Licorice roots for prostate adenoma grind into 1 tbsp. spoon and pour half a liter of boiling water.
  2. Boil for ten minutes and insist until cool.
  3. A healing drink of ½ cup is taken before each meal.

Burdock. From the experience of treating adenoma in men

“In our village, such a sore was treated with burdock (burdock). They dried its root and crushed it. At least, women in cases of misfortune with their husbands knew what to do. Mom said that this illness deprives a man of strength like nothing else. prostate adenoma knew, burdock root and cured my father. I took a tablespoon and fell asleep in a half-liter clay pot (herbs were always infused there). I poured hot water and put it in the oven for an hour. If on fire, then boil for about ten minutes. Then I filtered and I gave my father a shot (50 ml) to drink before meals. Within a few days, our dad was smiling. " Irina Viktorovna, 57 years old.

What will help with adenoma

Drink pumpkin seed oil dessert spoon three times a day (before meals).

Eat on an empty stomach raw pumpkin seeds per day 50 gr. Pumpkin juice with honey also helps in the morning, one glass each.

After the age of 40, men need to take a ten-day course of taking flower pollen(15 gr) with a break of a month. You need to drink warm water.

With adenoma, they are treated with infusion. Two tablespoons are poured into 300 ml of hot water and, after simmering in the bath for twenty minutes, insist 2 hours. After filtering, the infusion is taken three times a day for half a glass.

Treatment of adenoma with dead bees

You need to prepare a decoction of bee subpestilence according to the recipe.

  1. For 1 tablespoon of raw materials take half a liter of boiling water.
  2. Simmer over low heat for at least two hours and insist for 3 hours.
  3. Treatment is carried out every six months. Take a decoction for a month twice a day, 20 ml.

During the treatment of prostate adenoma, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. Refuse fried, spicy, fatty, salty, especially smoked. Forget spices.

Conspiracy for prostate adenoma

The conspiracy is used on men's days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. They read into the water, and then they drink 12 sips from this water. The remains of the charmed liquid wash the male flesh. Read on the water like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. How firmly the Holy Apostolic Cathedral stands on four legs, so firmly and firmly I fasten all my male flesh: On long life, to ardent desire, and may this water be God's blessing. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The agave wishes a speedy recovery and a return to a full life to all who suffer from this disease.

Recipes for the treatment of prostate adenoma folk remedies help the main main traditional method, which is prescribed by a urologist or andrologist.


Prostatitis is a disease that affects many men over the age of 50, but recently the disease has also affected very young people. The diagnosis is understood as inflammation of the prostate gland due to infections, colds, prolonged sexual abstinence, or vice versa, excessive, with alcohol abuse. The disease is treated, but often turns into chronic form and constantly accompanies men through life. To avoid unpleasant moments and suffering, you need to consult a doctor in time. Prayers and conspiracies for prostatitis will help in recovery. But of course, they cannot replace therapeutic treatment. Only together with him to enhance the effect and quick recovery.

Prayers for prostatitis

With prostatitis, as well as in general with problems in men's health, you can turn to the Lord, to higher powers and to your beloved Saint, whom you trust more. This is Nicholas the Wonderworker and Panteleimon and the Virgin and Matrona of Moscow.

Prayer for prostatitis and other male ailments to St. Nicholas the Pleasant

O all-praised, great wonderworker, Saint of Christ, Father Nicholas!We pray to you, wake up the hope of all Christians, faithful protectors, hungry feeders, crying joy, sick doctors, stewards floating on the sea, poor and orphan feeders and all an ambulance and patron,let us live a peaceful life here and let us be able to see the glory of God's chosen ones in heaven, and with them to unceasingly sing the worship of God alone in the Trinity forever and ever.Amen.

Prayer for prostatitis Cosmas and Damian ( Kuzma and Demyan)

These are holy unmercenaries who treated people for free and saved many seriously ill patients.

Oh wonderworkers of glory, doctor's abyss, Cosmo and Damian!You, from the youth of Christ God, have loved and observed that command with all your heart, and even give yourself to the teaching of medicine,

but virtuous for the sake of living and purity of soul, by the power of Christ God, not only the art of healing, but rather the inexhaustible grace of healing all kinds of incurable ailments from God naturally received.From there, with love and mercy for the ailing, you strive, not only for people, but also for the cattle of the healing of diseases, you fill the whole world with an innumerable number of your miracles, and you heal not only bodily ailments,but by the faith of Christ you enlighten souls, strengthen you in the patience of illnesses, admonish you in difficult ailments about the correction of your life, and draw you to Christ with repentance.The same now, you will soon hear us, falling to you before your honest icon.

Young children, instruct your prayers for your help in the teaching of a book, instruct them with your prayers, but they will acquire your life zealously, not just earthly learning, but moreover, in piety and right faith, they will unceasingly succeed.Lying on the bed of illness, desperate for human help, but warm to you with faith and fervent prayer, come running to you, grant the healing of diseases by your merciful, miraculous visit.Many times falling into illness and from severe ailments into despondency, cowardice and murmuring who came, confirm the grace given to you from God in patience, and instruct,let them understand God's holy and perfect will for them, and commit themselves and their lives to the will of Christ God.

In the ailments of those who are, about the correction of the life of those who are negligent, who do not repent of sins, who are hardened in heart, crush for salvation and call for repentance,yes, if they are weak in body, they will be healthy in soul, and the communicants will become God's saving grace.

The brethren of this holy temple, handed over to your holy intercession from God, and all those who diligently resort to you unharmed, save from long-term illness, from fierce and incurable diseases,

from relaxation of the body, from the frenzy of the mind, from a deadly ulcer, from sudden death,and by your powerful intercession to God, observe those who are firm in the right faith, prospering in piety, diligent in good deeds, diligent in prayer to God,yes, together with you, in the future, they will be able to chant and glorify the all-holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Ask for healing from other Saints, you can use your own words with faith and a thirst for recovery.

Another prayer for prostatitis

Before reading the prayer for prostatitis, be sure to read the general most Orthodox Christian. And further:

“King of Heaven, Almighty, do not punish, but bless your sinful servant (name), forgive him his sins free and involuntary, grant him Your mercy. Lord our God, reveal your miracle, your ability to heal, tame passions and heal infirmities, become your servant (name) healer, lift him from his knees, and from the bed of sorrow, make him healthy and strong.

For you, our Lord, are Holy and Savior, delivering from all sorrow and disease, and we bring glory to you. Amen".

After that, a hot bath is taken. To enhance the effect, you can add a decoction of herbs from herbs to it: chamomile, elecampane, yarrow.

Conspiracies from prostatitis

All conspiracies from prostatitis are easy to perform. The main thing here, as always, is faith in their strength and a passionate desire to get well.

Conspiracy from prostatitis to water

Water holds information very well, and holy water has the power of healing. You can talk water at home on your own. Spelled water for a man should be drunk on men's days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, on the waning moon) And the man himself can make a conspiracy and any woman can speak for him.

It will take 1 liter of water better than a saint. Light a candle, read first l in front of the icon, and then the words:

« In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Apostolic Cathedral stands firmly on four legs, so firmly do I strengthen all my male flesh: For a long life, for ardent desire, and may this water be God's blessing. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. (3 times)

The water is ready to be received. It is necessary to make exactly 12 full sips. After that, wet a napkin and apply to the site of the prostate. Hold for 10-15 minutes. use for washing the penis.

Repeat the ritual on men's days while the moon is waning. Take a break when the moon is growing and continue again when decreasing until complete recovery.

A conspiracy from prostatitis from Natalia Stepanova - a Siberian healer

Read the words regardless of the day of the week on the waning moon:

“Where did you spend the night, sleep, Mother Lady? Holy Mother of God, what did you see in your dream? - I had a wonderful dream, I will not betrothed to anyone about it, and I will not tell. My lips, be silent when I sleep. Lock my mouth with a golden lock, Mother of God, and lock it with Your key. The first word of the Virgin, the second of the guardian angel, the third of mine - none and dumb. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Apostolic Cathedral stands firmly on four legs, so firmly do I strengthen all my male flesh: For a long life, for ardent desire, and may this water be God's blessing. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. (3 times)

Another conspiracy:

Three monks are walking, carrying three shemkas. The staff is on you. You have a belt. On you, hang on your belt. Me health. Damn disease. Three monks, three coats. Three monasteries, three Bibles. Three troparia. Lord, heal me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

"Grandma's conspiracy" from prostatitis

You need to prepare the following healing drink:

  • three eggs, fresh, laid no more than 3 days ago;
  • three lemons;
  • 200 gr. cognac;
  • 200 gr. honey.

Squeeze the juice from the lemons and mix all the ingredients. Before drinking the drug, you need to read the words:

“The monk was carrying a staff. He will take the belt for himself, and he will give me health. The disease will bring back the hell. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prostatitis can develop for many reasons, and if nothing is done for a long time, there may be serious complications, which can lead to blood poisoning or impotence. To completely cure prostatitis, you need to seek qualified medical care at the first symptoms of the disease. To maintain the treatment of the disease, special conspiracies are used for inflammation of the prostate gland. Reading conspiracies or healing prayers is not the main tool of therapy, but is only an additional incentive for recovery. You should not refuse medical treatment and focus only on self-help or reading conspiracies and healing prayers.

Our regular reader got rid of PROSTATITIS effective method. He tested it on himself - the result is 100% - complete elimination of prostatitis. This is a natural remedy based on honey. We tested the method and decided to recommend it to you. The result is fast. ACTIVE METHOD.

Conspiracies and prayers for prostatitis exist in large numbers, but not every one of them has a positive effect, so their pronunciation requires some preparation and compliance with specific conditions.

Mood and preparation

To perform a conspiracy ritual, you must first properly tune in. The patient must have a sincere and pure faith that the utterance of a prayer or conspiracy will be effective. If there is doubt about the results of the conspiracy, you should not resort to such events. If the patient is determined and ready for action, first of all, you need to ask for blessings from the Almighty. A person does not have to necessarily believe in the Creator or reject his presence. It is enough to admit the presence in our world of higher almighty forces capable of solving any problems, including the treatment of prostate diseases with the help of a conspiracy. Therefore, it is necessary to properly tune in and turn to the divine forces.

Blessing from the Almighty

The request for help should come exclusively from the heart. Only then will it be sincere. How it is necessary to ask, the man decides on his own. The words take on an unpretentious form. The main condition is the exact transfer of the problem. When asking for a blessing, it is not superfluous to light a wax candle, it will be a kind of sacrifice to higher powers. This preparation is necessary for conspiracies and healing prayers in the treatment of prostatitis. The right attitude to commit a conspiracy will help cure the disease. The ritual is quite capable of being performed by any person.

Types of conspiracies

The process of speaking is carried out in compliance with the rules, the implementation of which is a prerequisite. Conspiracies are pronounced during the waning moon. This time is considered a period of restructuring of the entire human body, spiritual purification and divine penetration into its essence. For this reason, conspiracies read exclusively during this time period are most effective.

A special word order is specially composed, due to the fact that the disease is quite capable of leading to the development of infertility or the formation of malignant tumor. Therefore, the petitioner focuses on increasing libido and returning potency. In addition to conspiracies, herbal tinctures are often used. They are used during medical therapy. Perhaps the most famous is the infusion of horsetail. For its preparation, 2 liters of boiled water and at least 4 tbsp. l. dried herb. After mixing the ingredients, the mixture is left for 40 minutes, and then filtered and the tincture is ready. The drink is drunk throughout the day. Reception time - 1 month. After a week break, you can repeat the course twice.

Grandma's conspiracy

The most famous and often used ritual to restore the functions of an inflamed prostate is the "grandmother's conspiracy." Holding it requires pronouncing such sentences: “The monk carried the staff. He will take the belt for himself, and he will give me health. The disease will bring back the hell. In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Amen". After reading them aloud, you must definitely drink a special composition that is made in advance. The drug itself has incredible healing properties. And the pronunciation of the conspiracy allows you to enhance the effect of the magic potion.

To make a healing drink, you will need the following products: 200 g of Armenian cognac, 3 small lemons, 3 chicken eggs and 200 g of linden honey. Eggs should preferably be fresh. With the help of a juicer, juice is extracted from citrus fruits, then mixed with all the other ingredients. Ready drink should be consumed three times 30 ml before meals. A prerequisite is the pronunciation of a conspiracy before taking the healing composition, then its action will be effective.

To the growing moon

There is a conspiracy pronounced on the growing moon. It is read before bed. The conspiracy is carried out in a convenient and quiet place. To perform the rite, the following words are pronounced: “Almighty, Lord, Holy King, not killing and punishing, affirmations falling down and erecting not ejected, correcting human bodily sorrows, we cry out to You, our God. Bless your weak servant (name), give him Your mercy, forgive the sinful voluntary and involuntary. Lord, show Your healing skills, tame passion and all stagnant infirmities, becoming Your servant (name) a healer. Raise the painful one from his knees and the bed of exasperation, make him perfect and whole. And so You are, our saving and merciful Lord, and we offer glory to You, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Conspiracy for water

To heal the disease, certain phrases are pronounced, only then the liquid acquires specific properties. Thanks to her, the glandular tissue is restored and the strength of a man increases. For this reason, the use of charmed water is recommended for various diseases. To activate medicinal properties her speaking takes place in a special way. Only after the conspiracy is pronounced, the liquid will have the desired effect. Often, for these purposes, people use the services of psychics and healers, and this is not at all necessary. The charmed liquid must be drunk only on certain days, when men's health is enhanced and the maximum is reached. healing effect, such days are considered - the first, second and fourth days of the week. For self-conversation, you must have about 1 liter clean water. They set it in front of them and say aloud: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the Holy Apostolic Cathedral stands firmly on four legs, so firmly do I strengthen all my male flesh: For a long life, for ardent desire, and may this water be God's blessing. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen". Having said such phrases, the liquid can be consumed. It is enough to take 12 large sips of water. Wash the penis with unfinished water. The event is held exclusively on the indicated days. Thus, there will be 3 rites of speaking per week. Medical workers are inclined to believe that it is necessary to use a large number of liquid, it contributes to the prevention of urological diseases.

Chock of wood

Conspiracy on a tree

This magical rite is performed only with the growing moon, when the sun begins to rise. For him, you need to choose a special place that will be deserted. Before performing the ritual, it is required to make a chock from female wood, except for aspen. Quite suitable - birch, linden, willow, fir, mountain ash. After all preparations, the following actions are performed:

  • using a hatchet, it is necessary to cut a wooden chock into 6 equal parts;
    collect the dice in 2 triangles a meter apart;
  • take off your shoes and stand with your bare feet in the formed figures facing the sun;
  • press down left hand to the chest, and the right one must be brought to the heart, a rod of an oak tree must be clamped in it;
  • pronounce the words of the conspiracy aloud: “God's luminary, share the mighty power, living with the servant of God (name). The sun is rising, she lived too, the sun is up, and she lived too. As long as you bow into the sunset, the servant of God (name) will arrange a feast in his house, let the vein into a hidden place, the sun will complete the path, with the servant of God (name of wife) a love affair will take place. And it will be so, and not otherwise! Till the end of time. Amen";
  • build a fire from made dies and keep the fire going until ash forms;
  • in a heap of ashes, put a cross on a block of oak wood and say the following phrase: “Time for the Servant of God (name) following the sun. His worker lived. Amen".

After completing all the actions and reading the plot, you should walk home, do not make contact with anyone. Before going to bed, be sure to put an oak bar under your head and at midnight you need to perform an act of intercourse with your wife.

Conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova

The representative of alternative medicine Natalya Stepanova claims that her conspiracy helps to relieve inflammation of the prostate gland. The words of the conspiracy are pronounced during the waning of the lunar cycle. When performing the ceremony, it is necessary to read the following phrases of the conspiracy aloud: “Where did you sleep and sleep, Mother Lady? Holy Mother of God, what did you see in your dream? - I had a wonderful dream, I will not betrothed to anyone about it, and I will not tell. My lips, be silent when I sleep. Lock my mouth with a golden lock, Mother of God, and lock it with Your key. The first word of the Mother of God, the second of the guardian angel, the third of mine - none and dumb. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

by the most in a simple way healing, in addition to the conspiracy, there is a prayer to the Lord. You need to pray to the Almighty when the first symptoms appear. Appeal to the Creator allows you to talk with him, ask him for assistance in treating the disease and get real help in correcting the situation. Reading a prayer requires a lot of concentration of thoughts. You should throw sinful thoughts out of your head and soar with your soul to God, recognizing your flesh as sick and unclean. It reads thus: “God! Heavenly Father! Give me healing! Our Father, I believe holy in you. Great God, I believe in you, loving. Mighty is your name, the adversary will not have strength, My prostate will be cured. Holy is the name of God in my land. He is treated with decoctions, servant of God (name), sick. I am healing, I am saving sick flesh, my God, you are my Savior, a strong stronghold. My God, my God, my salvation, Herbal potions are your blessing. Deliver me from evil ailments, from hundreds of shackles, Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen! (thrice)".

One should not hope for an instant cure of the disease with a single pronunciation. The speaking process may take long time, so you need to stock up on a fair amount of patience. The conspiracies themselves therapeutic treatment will not be able to be useful, so you should not rely solely on the healing power of the conspiracy.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

Do you have PROSTATITIS? Have you already tried many remedies and nothing helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait and don't act radical methods. Prostatitis is POSSIBLE to cure! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

Prostatitis - dangerous disease that can change a man's life. It is necessary to fight this disease with medicines, since the cause of prostatitis lies in the inflammatory process. To set yourself in the right mood and speed up recovery will help a conspiracy from prostatitis. What is healing magic and how it works - more on that.

When reading a prayer, you need to sincerely believe in its magical power.

Magic is an effective means of solving many problems, including health. Many are interested in whether there is a conspiracy for prostatitis and how effective it is. Yes, such conspiracies exist, but the issue of their effectiveness should be discussed in more detail in order to know what to deal with.

Magic is a way of concentrating energy and transferring it to the universe (God, higher powers, etc.), for the quick implementation of the desired. It really works, but a little differently than everyone used to think.

Treatment of prostatitis with conspiracies will not get rid of the disease by magic, but will only speed up recovery, helping to concentrate energy in desired point and send it to the restoration of the body.

The material for work is the own energy or thoughts of the person struggling with the disease.

Performing any ritual and reinforcing it with words, a person is subconsciously already tuned in to positive result. In fact, magic is a variant of self-programming to achieve success, and this explains the effectiveness of various rites and rituals.

Those who think that reading a conspiracy or prayer will permanently get rid of the disease in a matter of days will be disappointed. Prostatitis cannot be cured with one prayer, without supporting this action with traditional methods of treating inflammation of the prostate - pills, suppositories and physiotherapy.

A few words about preparation

Any magic is set up on faith, therefore, a conspiracy from prostatitis will be effective only if a person believes in it. Most men are somewhat skeptical, especially when it comes to magic and non-traditional therapies. To set yourself up in the right way, you just need to ask yourself the question: “What am I missing?”. If the magic does not work, the man will lose absolutely nothing - neither time, nor money, nor health. Of course, provided that the drug treatment of prostatitis is not abandoned and the patient complies with all the doctor's prescriptions. If you manage to find in yourself that very faith that makes a magician out of every person, you can be sure that prostatitis will not even have a chance.

All rites and rituals backed by a conspiracy are just a way to materialize your desires. Before reading a plot, a person performs a certain sequence of actions. With the right attitude, this sequence of actions affects the subconscious mind, making it believe that the desired has already happened. The conspiracy further reinforces self-confidence. As a result, the “action-prayer-heal” connection is formed in the human brain, which starts the process of self-healing. It is these features of the brain that explain why the treatment of prostatitis with conspiracies can really bring a positive result.

Thus, in order to cure prostatitis with a conspiracy, you must believe in your own strength. It is important not to forget: the conspiracy will speed up the healing process, prayer will have a positive effect on faith in the success of treatment, but here medications magic cannot be replaced. To get a positive result, you need to act, and it’s not enough to read a prayer. To combat prostate diseases, a man needs medicines, physiotherapy, lifestyle changes, and only then a prayer for prostatitis is used, which, as it were, enhances all other means. Prayer without traditional treatment will be ineffective, since the man does not take any steps to recover.

Grandma's conspiracy from illness

Therapy, from the prepared mixture, lasts for two weeks

This way to “talk” prostatitis is a combination traditional medicine and magic, or rather witchcraft. It combines rite, potion and conspiracy.

The rite is the preparation of a potion that will have to be consumed for some time. In fairness, it should be said that the potion in this case is a fairly effective folk remedy for prostatitis.

To prepare it, you need to mix three chicken eggs with the juice of three lemons so that foam forms. Then 200 ml of honey and cognac are added to the mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and stored in the refrigerator.

It is necessary to prepare the potion on the full moon. As the moon decreases, the symptoms of prostatitis will go away.

You need to take this medicine 1 large spoon 30 minutes before each main meal. The course of treatment is 14 days. Before taking the medicine, you need to read the plot:

“The moon is great and my disease is strong. Let the moon go and take the illness with it. As the moon becomes small, so there will be no trace of the disease. Amen."

For the first time, the medicine should be taken on the night of the full moon so that you can see the full moon from the window.

How to talk water so that prostatitis goes away?

From time immemorial, sorcerers and healers have used water to treat various ailments. The charmed water was considered “alive” and helped to get rid of prostatitis, among other things.

There are two options for the ritual.

  1. On the full moon, you should take a bath of hot water, adding 2 large spoons of sea salt to it, the same amount of calendula flowers and St. John's wort. Before going to the bath, you should read a prayer for health. Then, while in the water, the man should read the plot: “Three monks were walking, each carrying a purse. Salt fell from one purse, and instead of it, my pain remained. The calendula fell from another purse, and the disease remained in its place. The third monk dropped his purse, but St. John's wort fell out of it, and let out shoots. So my masculine strength sprouts and strengthens, and my ailment the monks carry the devil. Their path lies far, but they must be in time for the new moon. The devil will take away the disease, and he himself will be ill, but I can walk healthy and strong. Amen." This ritual should be repeated for 14 days.
  2. On men's day (Monday, Tuesday or Thursday), you should draw water into a mug and take it in your left hand. Then read the following conspiracy: “As the Holy Apostolic Cathedral is strong, so my male flesh stands strong. As the faith of the monks is strong, so will my male health be strong. As my word flies in the wind, so my ailment flies away forever. Let me be heard. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen." Then their mugs take 12 sips, repeating the plot after each. It is necessary to wash the genitals with the rest of the water, saying: “The water is strong, blessed by the Holy Spirit, so my male health will become strong. Amen."

Which plot to choose is a personal matter for everyone, since both of the rituals described are among the most effective means fight prostatitis.

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova

According to the ritual custom, after its completion, you need to indulge in love pleasures

There are many different conspiracies of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova from prostatitis. The simplest of them is on a female tree.

Pine, birch, willow or quince are used as a female tree. It is necessary to take a deck of this tree, and split it into 6 parts with an ax, trying to get the same pieces of wood. Then two triangles are laid out on the ground, turned towards the sun.

Note! The ceremony is held on the growing moon, preferably at 10-11 am.

Then the man should stand up so that his legs are in the center of the two resulting triangles. One hand should be placed at the level of the solar plexus, the second - in the groin area. Then the following words of the conspiracy are read: “Eternal star, share your strength with me. As the sun rises, so let my masculine strength rise. As the sun sets below the horizon, so my ailment will go away with it. May it be so. Amen."

Then you need to burn logs in a fire, and collect the ashes in your hand when they burn out. After that, you should throw the ashes into the wind, saying: “Fly the wind, take my illness away. Let it scatter in the wind, causing no harm to anyone else, let the disease leave our land, but not return. I am charged with the sun, ready to fulfill my male duty. Amen."

The final part of the ceremony is the most pleasant. At sunset, you need to make love to your wife in order to consolidate the result.

Conspiracy on a tree

Another simple rite is to wake up at dawn, go outside and urinate under the first tree that comes across. In the process of urination, you should say: “I release my illness, I won’t let it go back. Let him go to the ground and never come back. Delay, tree, sickness in the ground and don't let it out. Amen."

Then you should return home, along the way without looking back and without talking to anyone.

A simple healing prayer

Another simple way is to read the prayer for health. Each man must come up with the text of the prayer on his own. The main principle is to turn to God so that he will grant good health. Prayer should be read every time you take medicine. An example of a prayer: “Grant, Lord, health to your son, the servant of God (the name of the man). May I be strong and strong, and my male strength is strong. Amen."

When to expect the effect?

After the offensive positive symptoms, you do not need to stop taking medication prescribed by a doctor

As already mentioned, a conspiracy and a prayer are read to consolidate the effect of drug therapy. The main purpose of the rites is to speed up recovery. The effect should be expected on average 10-14 days after the ritual. Some men claim that thanks to prayers they were able to achieve recovery faster. So, if pills for acute prostatitis help for an average of 10 days, prayer speeds up the recovery process and symptoms noticeably decrease after 5 days. However, it is important to remember that symptom relief and improvement in well-being is not a reason to stop taking medication. The course of treatment should last as long as recommended by the doctor.

Prostatitis is an unpleasant male disease. Most often, when it occurs, the patient turns to the doctor for treatment. In addition, as an auxiliary therapy, you can use not only pills, but also prayers and conspiracies from prostatitis. One of these effective ways healing is performed by the rite on the water.

- a male disease, manifested by an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. The prostate gland, which is responsible for the normal excretion of seminal fluid, is prone to inflammation in this situation. In most cases, problems in men with BPH occur closer to the age of 50.

The problem is identified by the following symptoms:

  1. Unusual discharge in the urine with the presence of pus or streaks of blood.
  2. strong painful sensations when touching the male genital organ.
  3. Pain in the scrotum, as well as when trying to defecate in the intestines.
  4. Disorders in intimate life - problems with erection, early ejaculation.
  5. Urinary retention.

In addition, the possibility of abscessing of the prostate is revealed, as well as inflammatory processes in the appendages and testicles. This situation can contribute to the occurrence of male infertility.

Prolonged lack of treatment stimulates the ascent of inflammation to other organs, which leads to the formation of pyelonephritis or cystitis.

But the younger generation should not forget about the reasons leading to the emergence discomfort. First of all, the disease is provoked by hypothermia, the cause may be a sedentary lifestyle or constant intestinal obstruction. With unstable sexual activity or after diseases of the reproductive system, a complication in the form of prostatitis is also possible.

Carefully! The results of the lack of treatment are an abscess of various origins - perineum, urinary system and anal area, as well as blood poisoning and impotence.

If any signs of inflammation are detected, you should not wait for an independent cure, you should consult a doctor for treatment. In addition, you can use prayers and conspiracies from prostatitis. Heal only folk ways it won't work, but try everything possible methods therapy is worth it.

Conspiracies and prayers for prostatitis

Alternative treatment helps to heal from various diseases. First you need to find out if there is a conspiracy from prostatitis. There are many recipes for the treatment of disease using the methods of healers. To do this, you need to believe in the power of words, prayers and conspiracies.

Attention! Prayer is in addition to drug treatment male problem. But a man who decides on such a ceremony must pass every word and phrase through himself, fully realizing the importance of faith and trust in the healing of the disease.

First you need to set up. Believe in a higher power that controls all processes on earth.

If the patient does not believe in God, he has his own faith to which he will turn. You can not doubt the rite, you need to believe in your own recovery.

Treatment of prostatitis with prayer is carried out at the time of the waning moon. For astrologers, this period speaks of the complete cleansing of the whole organism, the restructuring of internal systems and the reassessment of further actions. Therefore, prayers spoken at the chosen time have a special effect.

Effective is a conspiracy from prostatitis to water. For this, water is poured into a container in such an amount that the man for whom the ceremony is performed can fit in it. The water should be heated to such an extent that you can sit comfortably in it and sit for up to 30 minutes without freezing.

Before conducting a conspiracy on the water, you should write certain words on paper. They can be memorized or simply read from a sheet. The main thing is to repeat the rules and follow all the steps according to the recommendations.

Important! First of all, on the night of the waning moon, you need to ask the blessings of the Almighty to start the process. You need to prepare a church candle in advance and light it after the start of the ceremony.

The next step is to read the prayer for healing. The reader should be next to the water container and pronounce each word clearly right into the water. After reading the text, the patient should immediately sit down in the tub and lean so close to the water that the breath disperses the ripples in the water column. The duration of stay in the water should not be less than 30 minutes.

Such a ritual should be carried out within 12 days, while the moon is waning. Prayer should not be performed during the daytime - only evening or deep night is suitable for the procedure.

The course of treatment for prostatitis with prayer should be performed within 3 months, namely 36 sessions.

After completing the procedure, you should thank God with arbitrary words. If you can’t say words of gratitude, then you should use the Prayer Book.

In addition, there is a conspiracy for water, only it is held on men's days - Thursday, Monday and Tuesday. Water speaks specifically for this. For this purpose, exactly 1 liter of plain running water is taken, preferably from a source that is not chlorinated.

A prayer is said, after which the sick man drinks 12 sips from a jar of charmed water. Wash the penis well with the remaining water. The ritual is required to be performed 3 times.

Attention! With prostatitis, the patient is prescribed a lot of liquid. Drinking water during conspiracies is only beneficial.

What are its consequences?

What causes prostatitis in men.


Thus, it is possible to heal not only by applying medications, not always having an impact, but with the help of simple prayers and miraculous conspiracies. Before the procedure, one should believe in what is happening and in the power of the cure, only in this case there will be an effective effect and a speedy recovery.