The best effective and inexpensive expectorants. Expectorants: Inexpensive but Effective Mucolytic Cough Expectorant

Diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in adults and children are often accompanied by the formation of thick, viscous sputum.

In this case, the cough becomes unproductive, suffocating, painful. Under such circumstances, it is simply impossible to do without special expectorant drugs. The accumulation of a large amount of mucus in the bronchi is dangerous due to the creation favorable conditions for accession and reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

Therefore, in such a situation, only drugs that dilute and remove sputum from the bronchial lumens will come to the rescue.

Why are expectorants needed?

Cough is a protective reflex that is triggered by irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. But if the reaction is absolutely normal, then why do you need to take expectorant drugs? Let's try to figure it out.

In the body healthy person the trachea and bronchi secrete a specific substance - tracheobronchial mucus. It neutralizes the negative impact of pathogenic microflora and viruses on the respiratory organs, promotes the removal of microparticles that irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs and enter the body along with the inhaled air. A person swallows about 100 ml of this secret per day.

When an infection is attached, the volume of mucus produced increases, and can be up to 1.5 liters per day. Such sputum is the optimal habitat for pathogenic bacteria. To get rid of its excessive accumulation, the cough reflex is triggered.

Viscous and thick sputum cannot come out of the bronchi on its own, as a result of which a sharp deterioration in a person’s well-being occurs. To remove mucus and make breathing easier, special expectorants are prescribed.


Means that have the ability to thin and remove sputum are divided into antitussive, mucolytic and expectorant.

  1. Antitussives and combined preparations . Such medicines are prescribed for an unproductive, painful cough.
  2. Expectorants a. They are prescribed for a productive cough, accompanied by the formation of a thin and easily separated secret.
  3. Mucolytics. Such medications are indicated for patients with a productive cough, in which the sputum is thick and viscous, so it cannot leave the bronchi on its own.

Expectorants are divided into several types:

  1. Reflex drugs. When they enter the gastric mucosa, the gag reflex is activated. But at the same time, the patient does not feel the urge to vomit, but the peristalsis of the muscles of the bronchi improves, resulting in an increase in the volume of mucus in the bronchi. Stimulation of expectoration and sputum production occurs due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach. This effect is mainly produced by pharmaceutical preparations made on the basis of extracts of marshmallow, thyme, coltsfoot, etc.
  2. Drugs of direct resorptive action. These drugs are absorbed in the stomach and irritate the bronchi, increasing the volume of fluid, under the influence of which sputum is formed. Improved expectoration is facilitated by the accumulation of water in the sputum, which dilutes it.

Mucolytics that thin sputum are divided into:

  • agents that affect the elasticity and viscosity of mucus (ACC, etc.);
  • drugs that promote the excretion of sputum (Ambroxol, Abrol, etc.);
  • drugs that inhibit the process of sputum production (glucocorticoid drugs, Libeksin Muko, etc.).

All drugs should be prescribed only by the attending physician. It should be borne in mind that mucolytics cannot be used in combination with antitussives. However, there are combination drugs that have both expectorant and antitussive effects.

The lungs provide the respiratory process. Their normal functioning guarantees quality breathing. But in modern world where tobacco smoke, smog, industrial gases, pathogenic microorganisms become commonplace, there is a need to clean the bronchopulmonary system. Alternative medicine experts recommend the use of pharmaceutical preparations to cleanse the lungs and restore respiratory function.

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The principle of action of drugs

With a cleansing purpose, secretomotor (expectorant) and secretolytic (sputum thinning) drugs are used. They perform two functions: the first is the liquefaction and removal of stagnant mucus, the second is the fight against inflammatory and infectious processes in the bronchi and lungs.

In order to understand the principle of action of drugs, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the mechanism of pollution of the respiratory system.

Toxic substances from the air settle on the walls of the bronchi and in the parenchyma of the lungs, causing a breakdown in their function. The lungs, trying to get rid of foreign particles, start the processes of formation of protective mucus - a biological mixture of blood plasma and antibodies. Mucus neutralizes harmful substances, transporting them outside. But in conditions of an excess of toxins, it does not cope with its protective function. As a result, sputum stagnates in the lungs, forming foci of inflammation and infection.

Under such conditions, the body needs outside help. It is provided by drugs. They stimulate the excretion of mucus with all toxic components, while simultaneously having an antiviral and bactericidal effect on microorganisms living in the respiratory bronchioles and adjacent areas of the lung parenchyma.

Classification of mucolytic and expectorant drugs

The pharmacy assortment of secretolytic and secretomotor drugs is huge in our time. Most of them can be used to clear the lungs. Register medicines Russia classifies medicines according to the active substance:


Liquefies tracheobronchial secretion, improves function external respiration, contributes to the effective release of mucus in a physiological way. The most famous drugs with ambroxol: Ambrobene, Ambrolan, Ambrosan, Ambroxol, Bronhoxol, Lazolvan, Lazongin, Mucobron, Neo-Bronchol, Flavamed, etc.


It has a pronounced expectorant effect by stimulating the production of mucus and reducing its viscosity. Representatives of this class of drugs: Bromhexine, Bromhexine hydrochloride, Bronchostop, Bronchothil, Solvin, Flegamine, etc.


Reduces the viscosity of sputum, making it easier to separate; activates detoxification processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Among the drugs with acetylcysteine: N-acetylcysteine, Acestine, Acetylcysteine, ACC, Mukobene, Mukomist, Fluimucil, Exomyuk 200, etc.


Changes the chemical characteristics of the bronchial secretion, dilutes it, increases in volume and brings it out. The list of products with this active ingredient includes Carbocysteine, Bronkatar, Bronchobos, Libeksin Muko, Mukodin, Mukosol, Fluditec, etc.


Reduces viscosity and increases the volume of bronchial mucus, facilitating its removal. Among the brightest representatives of this class of drugs are Coldrex Broncho and Tussin.

Ivy, plantain, licorice, marshmallow and other herbal ingredients

Wide range of drugs plant origin present: Mukaltin, Alteika, Doctor Theiss Anise oil, Bronchikum, Doctor Theiss plantain syrup, Doctor Mom, Gedelix, Gerbion ivy syrup, Herbion plantain syrup, Pectosol, Prospan, Licorice root syrup, Pine buds, Travisil, Doctor Theiss Bronchosept, etc. .

Characteristics of the most popular preparations for cleansing the lungs

All of the above drugs, to a greater or lesser extent, contribute to the improvement of the lungs through their cleansing. Among the most bought are Lazolvan, Mukaltin, Gedelix and ACC.

Mukaltin. Old proven and, importantly, cheap drug vegetable origin. Contains polysaccharides from the marshmallow herb. It copes well with the removal of sputum that is difficult to separate by stimulating the production of bronchial secretions and the peristaltic activity of the respiratory bronchioles.

For cleansing purposes, Mukaltin is taken 50-100 mg (1-2 tablets) before meals 3-4 times a day. The course of admission is at least 14 days.

Lazolvan. A modern representative of the ambroxol group. Stimulates secretory and motor function respiratory tract, reduces the viscosity of mucus, facilitates its natural excretion.

To cleanse the lungs, 1 tablet 3 times a day can be used. Cleansing course - 14-20 days.

Gedelix. Representative of the plant group of drugs. Contains ivy extract as an active ingredient. Liquefies and removes sputum, fights infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract.

Gedelix is ​​taken 3 times a day for 30-35 drops. Duration of admission - not less than 14 days.

ACC. Acetylcysteine ​​drug. Has a wide spectrum of action. It has mucolytic, expectorant, pneumoprotective and antioxidant effects. Can be used to clear the lungs of smokers.

Take 2 tablets 3 times a day. The minimum duration of admission is 14 days, the maximum is 1 month.

What is important to know

When choosing a drug, it is important not to forget about contraindications. Instructions for use inform about them in detail. An absolute contraindication to taking any medication is intolerance to one or more of its components.

The need to cleanse the lungs is indicated by chronic paroxysmal cough, shortness of breath, a feeling of incomplete inspiration, high susceptibility colds. But these same symptoms can be the result of serious diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, heart failure, bronchial asthma). Therefore, before you start cleaning, visit a doctor and make sure the relative health of the bronchopulmonary system.

Before deciding how to remove phlegm from the lungs or remove mucus from the body with folk remedies, you need to know the reason why excess fluid has accumulated in these organs. Not always the accumulation of mucus is a disease. Normally, sputum in the lungs or bronchi should be in small quantities. It helps to clean the respiratory organs from dust that gets into them, foreign bodies, microorganisms from the external environment.

In the cells of internal secretion, the cells responsible for immunity are reproduced. On the surface of the bronchi grow hair processes - they are called cilia, they help to remove mucous secretions from the respiratory system. Exiting from the bronchi, mucus is excreted through oral cavity, a person swallows it and does not even notice how the mucus comes out of the bronchi. But with a disease of the respiratory system, mucus is released ten times more than necessary, and then the question arises of how to clear the bronchi of sputum.

Before removing sputum from the bronchi, it is necessary to distinguish between its nature and properties, the treatment regimen and the cleansing of the bronchi depend on this.

By appearance and color, mucous secretions are serous, mucopurulent (asthma, allergies, obstructive bronchitis, etc.), with blood impurities (pulmonary bleeding, lung cancer), viscous - transparent like glass. The main reasons for the appearance of excess fluid in the bronchi are: acute respiratory infections, broncho-pulmonary inflammation, asthmatic diseases.

By color, the sputum liquid is distinguished into greenish-yellow (with influenza or bronchitis), similar to rust (with pneumonia), distinctly yellow (with bronchial asthma and other diseases), dark color(when contaminated with dust - simple or coal, pneumoconiosis).

The natural reaction of the body to the excess content of mucus and the attempt to remove it is a cough, or expectoration - the so-called "wet cough". If there is a "dry cough", then you can not immediately suppress it, you need to find out the cause.

The wheezing that appears in the bronchi indicates that sputum has formed in them, about which the doctor will immediately draw conclusions. Since excess fluid in the bronchi or lungs prevents the natural exit of air, then the air shaking begins, “wet cough”.

In order to remove sputum, you need to thin it, in a diluted state it will be excreted much easier and faster. A traditional remedy for removing mucus will be selected by a doctor. But to help your lungs at home to effectively clean sputum with folk remedies is quite within the power of everyone.

To begin with, the doctor must prescribe mucus-thinning drugs, and only with them it is necessary to remove the sputum fluid from the bronchi using folk methods.

According to the degree of effectiveness in cleansing the lungs and bronchi, natural components are not inferior to medicinal drugs. Ways to cleanse the lungs are inhalation procedures, medicines in tablets, various syrups and herbal tinctures with decoctions that remove and thin excess sputum.

Basic rules on how to quickly remove sputum

  1. To drink a lot of water. Water thins not only blood, but also mucus, which means it helps to remove it.
  2. The liquid should be warm and alkaline - for example, warm milk with soda, plain mineral water, herbal tinctures.
  3. Moisturize respiratory organs it is necessary not only through the use of liquids or preparations inside, but also by humidifying the air, this is a very important condition for cleansing the bronchi from mucus. You can humidify not only with special air humidifiers, but also by throwing, for example, a damp towel on the battery or placing a bucket of water in the room. Humid air makes breathing easier and improves overall well-being. Increase the humidity of the air should be constantly, and not only during the period of illness.


Steam inhalation - effective method getting rid of not so much the consequences of the formation of excess fluid in the lungs, but the causes of its appearance. Inhalations allow you to be treated autonomously from other methods of treatment, including even without the use of medical preparations.

Steam has the ability to increase blood flow to the respiratory system and thereby activate the release of mucus from it. Inhalations are carried out with the addition of salt-soda or one soda, alkaline mineral water, decoctions of eucalyptus, linden and chamomile flowers, pine buds.

You can also use inhalation from validol tablets dissolved in boiling water.

For infusion of pine buds, pour 1 tablespoon of buds with boiling water in a thermos with a capacity of 1 liter and leave for at least an hour. Drink the infusion twice in half a glass after a meal or use this infusion as an inhalation.

In addition to herbal supplements and natural inhalations, you can use herbal medicines - for example, Sinupret, Gedelik (in drops), Mukaltin (in tablets). They are dissolved in saline (according to the instructions), they can be used in combination with bronchodilators, the effect of this will only increase. In addition to herbal remedies, solutions of Acetylcysteine ​​with Fluimucil are used; Ambroxol and Ambrobene with Lazolvan.

expectorant herbs

Natural expectorants and medicines containing these components are used during the period when a wet cough begins.

Expectorant substances include marshmallow root, thermopsis grass, thyme, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, ivy. An excellent result is the use of a mixture of coltsfoot, licorice root and violet grass. These ingredients are mixed in the same proportion, poured with boiling water in the proportion of 1 tbsp. herbs in a glass, let stand for half an hour, strain. Drink a decoction per day in several doses, for one week.

Another way is to mix the herb of sage, pine buds, licorice root in equal proportions, brew everything with boiling water (1 tbsp herbs for two glasses). Wait three hours and drink strained every three hours a day, serving two tablespoons. This mixture is good because it can be used both inside and in the form of inhalation.

Monastery fee

The monastic collection is popular today, containing nettle, sage, immortelle, string, bearberry, thyme, buckthorn, birch buds, wild rose, linden flowers, chamomile and other herbs. All components are well combined and reinforce each other, assembled in the right proportion. The method of preparation of the collection and dosage is used according to the instructions. It is usually taken from one to three months. The monastic collection is well combined in the complex treatment of getting rid of sputum fluid, including at home, along with medicines.

Black radish

Among fruit and berry plants, black radish (with the addition of honey), sea buckthorn, and lingonberries have the ability to expectorate excess mucus from the bronchi.

To get the juice of a black radish, a hole is cut out of it at the base of the growth and filled with honey. In a glass with cold water place the radish, positioning it so that the tail of the radish lies on the bottom of the glass, leave it in this position for four hours, drink the resulting juice all at once. Black radish is also used as a compress at night. To do this, the vegetable is finely rubbed on a grater and spread in gauze. You need to apply the gruel to the place where wheezing is heard, wrap the compress on top with cellophane and a woolen scarf or put on a woolen sweater.

It should be noted that some people are allergic to radish juice, honey or milk. Also, radish juice is contraindicated for patients with stomach ulcers and cores.

banana mix

It is known that a mixture of banana (2 pcs.) And sweet water (a glass of water per 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar) also helps in the removal of sputum. Bananas are finely crushed, poured with sugar water and put on a slow fire, brought to a boil. You need to drink, having cooled a little, at a time.

With honey, you can use aloe juice, in a ratio of 1:5. Take it in half a teaspoon three times a day.

A decoction of oats and milk

An oatmeal broth with the addition of milk will help in removing excess phlegm. A glass of oat grains must be combined with half a liter of milk and boiled until one glass remains from the broth. The resulting slurry is consumed before meals 3 times a day.

Physical exercise to remove phlegm

There is a set of exercises designed to help solve the problem of how to remove fluid from the respiratory system. Exercises consist of alternating inhalations and exhalations, holding the breath.

Here are the simplest ones:

  • Alternately, then evenly inhale, then fractional exhale.
  • Draw in the abdominal muscles, taking in air, then exhale sharply and stick out the stomach.
  • Leave the abdominal muscles in a state of immobility, while inhaling deeply and lowering and raising the collarbones.
  • Perform the exercise, imagining that you are blowing soap bubbles.

Do each breathing exercise up to seven times, repeating three times during the day.

There is also postural drainage, which helps to get rid of mucus in the respiratory organs, and a special massage therapist will help to perform it.

Approximate steps of breathing exercises in combination with sputum-relieving agents:

  1. First, mucosal thinning drugs or folk remedies are taken.
  2. Massage is performed with tapping and vibration, with sound exercises.
  3. Breathing through a breathing device or simple inhalation.
  4. Coughing in jerks to get rid of phlegm.

It is clear that the use of drugs inside and the implementation of special breathing exercises in the complex enhance the effect.

The appearance of sputum with mucus or secreted mucus of a dark color should be a reason for a mandatory visit to a doctor.

In the bronchi of a healthy person, liquid mucus is constantly formed in moderate amounts and is excreted independently without problems. With development inflammatory process in the respiratory system, especially in people who abuse smoking and unhealthy diets, it can malfunction.

Then the mucus becomes thicker and is produced in large volumes, it is not completely excreted, it begins to accumulate and stagnate. Its concentration in the bronchi causes an uncomfortable sensation that interferes with breathing, adversely affects health. Indeed, microbes and toxins that poison the body are retained in secret.

Ways to remove mucus from the bronchi

A complete treatment of bronchitis requires cleaning the respiratory organs from sputum. The resulting mucus, depending on the severity of the disease, its stage can be:

  • serous, watery;
  • mucous, moderately viscous;
  • purulent, even thicker, greenish or yellow;
  • mucopurulent, sometimes with bloody patches.

The thicker the bronchial secretion, the more difficult it is to get rid of it. Its sticking causes a painful cough that does not bring relief, because it does not fulfill its function: to cough up sputum. The main role in the excretion of mucus belongs to the cilia of the epithelium of the bronchi, acting like a broom. The smooth muscles of these organs also perform expulsion movements. The fight against accumulating mucus should be carried out in two main directions:

  1. Liquefaction of bronchial mucus, decrease in density and viscosity (mucolytic drugs).
  2. Stimulation of the activity of the epithelium and muscles, which contribute to the removal of sputum from the respiratory organs (expectorants).

In practice, most pharmaceutical preparations, for example, ambroxol and its analogues, have both mucolytic and expectorant effects.

To clear the bronchial tree from sputum, especially thick, difficult to separate, it is better to combine different approaches:

  • take inside expectorant, mucus-thinning drugs, pharmacy and home-made, prepared according to folk recipes;
  • carry out a variety of inhalations (steam and using nebulizers), using formulations with a similar action to separate sputum;
  • engage in breathing exercises, if possible, undergo postural drainage procedures;
  • combine treatment for clearing bronchial mucus with auxiliary measures: drinking plenty of water (mainly alkaline), avoiding dehydrating drinks (coffee, alcohol), regular humidification of the air, saturating it with phytoncides (you can use an aroma lamp or simply spread cut onions, garlic, spices).
  • One of the effective and at the same time safe ways to deal with mucus in the bronchi is to take herbal preparations that promote expectoration of sputum and strengthen the muscles of the respiratory system.
  • Among these collections is the monastery collection of Father George, which includes such herbs that are well known to most people, such as nettle, sage, immortelle, wild rose, succession, bearberry, yarrow, wormwood, thyme, birch buds, buckthorn, linden flowers, cudweed marsh , motherwort, chamomile and dried flowers.

The secret of the effectiveness of the drug is in the correct ratio of components. It is the observance of proportions and the optimal compatibility of ingredients that maximize the effectiveness of each of the ingredients used. medicinal herbs.

This collection not only contributes to the mechanical removal of mucus, but also to the overall strengthening of the immune system, which is extremely important to speed up the healing process. The collection can be used both as an auxiliary and as the main remedy.

Traditional and folk treatment

Pharmacies offer a wide range of drugs that help remove mucous and purulent sputum, suppress the activity of microorganisms, and relieve inflammation. These are herbal syrups for the treatment of wet coughs, ambroxol preparations, ACC and analogues, tablets with extracts of marshmallow, thermopsis, several types of breast collections of medicinal herbs.

It is better to give the prescription to the doctor. Choosing them yourself, you need to remember: you can not use antitussive drugs designed to relieve dry cough with active sputum production.

The possibility of allergies, side effects should be taken into account: honey, many herbs are potential allergens, radish juice is contraindicated in case of peptic ulcer, heart problems.

Folk remedies for oral administration

The following folk remedies contribute to clearing the bronchi of mucus, alleviating cough, reducing inflammation:

  • horseradish juice syrup, onion or radish with honey;
  • fresh aloe juice with honey (5:1);
  • milk broth with oats;
  • pine milk to separate phlegm. For cooking, you need to boil 3 finely chopped green pine cones and a lump of resin in half a liter of milk. Before straining, insist in a thermos for about 4 hours, drink a glass twice a day;
  • syrup on a decoction of green cones. Boil for 8 hours so that the water completely covers them, then strain, add the same amount (by weight) of sugar instead of cones and cook for another hour;
  • oatmeal drink. Pour whole grains of oats with milk (half a liter per glass of grain) and boil until a glass of mass remains, wipe. Drink freshly prepared liquid slurry three times a day before meals;
  • monastic collection of Father George. Grind the collection and pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour and take 100-150 ml 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-3 months.

These are some recipes that help, along with medications, get rid of mucus in the bronchi, which is actively produced in bronchitis. Many of them are also effective in relieving the effects of pneumonia.


Effective treatment of bronchitis with the help of inhalations. They have a versatile effect on the body, help to remove stagnant sputum. A finely dispersed suspension of the medicinal substance created by a nebulizer has a better effect on the focus of inflammation in the bronchi. But not all compositions are suitable for this device. Ultrasonic inhalations can be carried out with solutions of such drugs:

  • acetylcysteine ​​- Fluimucil;
  • ambroxol - Ambrobene, Lazolvan;
  • phytopreparations - Sinupret, Gedelix in drops, Mukaltin in tablets.

These means for inhalation are diluted with saline in accordance with the instructions. Alkaline mineral water of the Borjomi type helps to clear the bronchi from sputum. Inhalation treatment with expectorants will be more effective if it is preceded by inhalations using bronchodilators, then active substance penetrate deeper into the bronchi. Herbal infusions are not suitable for a nebulizer. They are successfully used by means of steam inhalations, carried out even without an inhaler, over a saucepan, a kettle.

Steam inhalation is contraindicated in elevated temperature bodies!

The following compositions for inhalation help to get rid of mucous viscous sputum:

  • a mixture of lime blossom, sage herb and chamomile;
  • decoction of pine buds or eucalyptus leaves;
  • soda-salt solution (for 0.5 liters of water, take a teaspoon of salt, half a spoonful of soda;
  • soda solution;
  • in the absence of allergies, it is recommended to do steam inhalations with essential oils (eucalyptus, conifers), honey. They can enrich herbal decoctions.

Breathing exercises and postural drainage

Excellent bronchial drainage provides breathing exercises. Regular exercise will also be useful for those who want to clear the lungs after suffering inflammation, and partially neutralize the effects of smoking. They must be performed in a ventilated room with moistened clean air. Recommended exercises:

  1. Alternate deep even breaths with intense fractional exhalations.
  2. Draw in and out the stomach in time with the breath.
  3. Having fixed the stomach in a fixed position, breathe through the chest, raise and lower the collarbones.
  4. Blow up balloons.
  1. At the preliminary stage, sputum is liquefied with the help of expectorants and inhalation.
  2. After massage with tapping and vibration techniques, the patient must perform sound exercises, breathe through a special breathing vibrator.
  3. Then, drainage exercises and breathing exercises are performed, first by the patient on their own, and then with additional external influence from the instructor.
  4. At the final stage, the patient should cough up jerks, expelling sputum.

In the first days of the procedures, an exacerbation of cough is possible.

You can get rid of bronchial mucus by combining medications and alternative treatment, the use of expectorants orally and in the form of inhalations with massage procedures and special exercises. Proper nutrition, drinking regimen and maintaining an optimal microclimate in the room are also of great importance.

Cough is a natural protective reaction of the body to various external stimuli. It can be both evidence of an allergy and a signal of the development of a serious disease that needs to be urgently dealt with.

How to remove sputum from the bronchi and lungs with the help of medications?

It is possible to clear the lungs and bronchi from sputum with the help of special medicines, which are thinning and expectorant. Some of them suppress cough and "dry" sputum, so they are not very popular.

Medicines for getting rid of a wet cough can be produced in the form of:

  1. Syrupov.
  2. Tablets.
  3. Capsule.
  4. intramuscular injections.
  5. Means for inhalation.

It is worth remembering that it is possible to completely remove sputum from the bronchi or lungs only if you complete the full course of treatment. You should not interrupt therapy as soon as you feel a little better: this can lead to the fact that a wet cough becomes chronic.

The most famous and effective drug preparations that remove sputum, are drugs from the list below.

Syrups based on licorice root. Licorice root is a medicinal plant that has an enveloping and thinning effect on sputum. It can be used to treat the removal of sputum from the bronchi in adults and young children (“Bo Bear Medicines: Licorice Root Syrup” - for babies from 3 years old, or “Licorice Root Syrup” - for adults). However, this drug has one important contraindication: it is strictly forbidden to take it to people suffering from heart problems. The substances that make up licorice root syrup cause heart palpitations and increase blood pressure, so it is strongly not recommended to give it to hearts.

Pertusin syrup helps to quickly make an unproductive cough productive, which will help clear the bronchi and lungs of sputum in a short time. It is used to treat both adults and young children. The main condition is to take medicines according to the instructions in order to prevent an overdose.

Syrup Ambroxol (analogue - "Abrol"). Same as the previous 2 medicinal product is available for adults and children. It has a thinning and expectorant effect, which contributes to the removal of sputum from the lungs or bronchi within 5-7 days.

Broncholitin. Available in the form of syrup or tablets. It is often used for bronchitis, as well as in order to clear the bronchi of sputum during flu or colds. Not recommended for use by young children.

Syrup or tablets Lazolvan - another effective remedy, with which you can remove sputum from the lungs. It contains an antibiotic in its composition, so you need to take it carefully, especially for the treatment of children.

Syrup Pectolvan Ivy. Can cause allergic reactions, so you need to use it very carefully, carefully monitoring the reaction of the body.

ACC Long - the drug is released in the form of water-soluble tablets. The method of application is described in the instructions, although doctors often recommend dissolving 2 tablets in a glass of water and drinking in 1 dose. You need to do the procedure in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment should not exceed 5 days, but if during this time it was not possible to completely remove the sputum, then the drug should be urgently stopped and consult a doctor.

This drug is often prescribed for obstructive bronchitis, as well as suspected pneumonia.

Syrup "Aleteyka" is allowed to be taken by young children, but you need to be careful with it: it can cause allergies.

Mucitus. Available in the form of capsules for oral administration. It is used to treat pneumonia, bronchitis, pneumonia, and also to prevent them.

Mukaltin - tablets with a thinning and expectorant effect. It is recommended to dissolve for a quick result, although in some cases (especially if it is used to treat children) it is allowed to dissolve it in a small amount of water.

Papaverine is a drug intended for intramuscular injection, although it is also quite often used as a component added to mixtures for inhalation. It has the ability to bind sputum, inhibiting cough and leading to its disappearance.

Biseptol is a strong antibiotic tablet, with which you can clear the bronchi of mucus. You should not take it on your own - this drug can cause serious side effects.

The following medicines are no less effective:

  1. Bromhexine.
  2. Syrup Gedelix.
  3. Syrup Gerbion.
  4. Lozenges, rubbing ointment or syrup Dr. MOM.

Of course, with the help of all the above medicines, you can remove sputum at home, but you should not self-medicate. Before starting therapy, be sure to consult your doctor - he will tell you possible analogues with which you can replace this or that medicine if for some reason it does not suit you or your child.

Cleansing the bronchi from mucus folk remedies

Many people whose bronchi are clogged with mucus, not knowing how to get rid of it, often make the same mistake: they patiently wait until the sputum passes by itself, and when this does not happen, it turns out that the cough has become chronic. To prevent this, you can use the well-known folk recipes with which you can clean the bronchi at home.

Decoction of licorice root. To prepare this remedy, you need 2 tablespoons of crushed roots, pour 450 ml of boiling water and put on fire. Boil for 7 minutes, remove from the stove, let cool, then squeeze the cake. Take 1 coffee cup 3 times a day until the mucus is completely cleared from the respiratory tract.

Based on the same tool, you can prepare an infusion. The proportions of the raw materials are the same, only instead of boiling the mixture should be covered and left for 30 minutes.

All further decoctions or infusions are prepared according to the principle described above.

List of herbs and others folk methods, with which you can get rid of phlegm at home.

  1. Marsh ledum. With this medicinal plant, you must be extremely careful, because it is poisonous. It is strictly forbidden for children and pregnant women to take it!
  2. Coltsfoot dilutes sputum, improves expectoration, as a result of which mucus is quickly removed from the bronchi. It is used to treat colds or bronchitis.
  3. Leaves and roots of marshmallow.
  4. Breast fees No. 1, 2, 3, 4. They contain exclusively herbal ingredients. Before buying a particular collection, carefully read its composition to make sure that none of the herbs contained there will cause a sharp reaction in the body.
  5. Bronchophyte is practically the same as the chest collection, only this drug has only 1 variety. With regular intake, you can get rid of sputum in the bronchi for a long time. It is allowed to combine with medications, but this should first be agreed with the doctor.
  6. Pine honey is one of the most widely used folk remedies. It is used to treat pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma and various kinds allergies. At the same time, it can be used both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
  7. Badger fat is used for severe suffocating unproductive cough. With its help, sputum becomes less viscous, which contributes to its speedy removal from the respiratory tract. You need to take fat 1 teaspoon 3-5 times a day, drinking plenty of warm tea with honey. It is especially recommended to use this remedy for bronchial asthma.
  8. Decoction of plantain.
  9. Milk with soda.
  10. Milk with honey. It is important to know that when high temperatures honey loses its beneficial features, so you need to add it to milk, the temperature of which does not exceed 45 degrees. Be sure to check that you are not allergic to honey.

If a sore throat has also joined the sputum, which does not allow swallowing normally, then in this case you can take 1 teaspoon of butter 3-5 times a day. This remedy will soften the lower respiratory tract, while helping to get rid of mucus in the bronchi.

You can live without food for a month, without water for several days, without air - for five minutes. We breathe through the bronchi and lungs. Their importance is inestimable. For such a necessary part of the body must be properly cared for. Clean the mucus in the bronchi, treat in time.

Environmental problems are not only in big cities. So that everyone needs to clean the bronchi and lungs: smokers, non-smokers, young, old, pregnant and lactating.

Alternative Ways to Clean Your Lungs

Lungs and bronchi urgently needs to be cleaned after quitting smoking.

And also at appearance next symptoms of sputum stasis:

  • cough,
  • dyspnea,
  • frequent yawning,
  • swelling of the face,
  • eczema on elbows
  • mucus in the nose
  • vein diseases.

Usually they ask how to clear the bronchi? You can clean the lungs and bronchi in various ways, then we will consider what options exist. Here is what brings out the phlegm:

  1. natural cleansing It's the same cough. It cleans up the phlegm, but is often painful, even unbearable.
  2. Breathing exercises of various methods. The centuries-old system of yoga, Buteyko and Strelnikova's gymnastics will help cleanse the lungs. Their health yogis are considered the main indicator of life.
  3. Medicines. Among effective drugs, the well-known Mukaltin.
  4. Folk remedies such as lemon with honey.
  5. Steam bath with the smell of herbs and massage with a birch or nettle broom.
  6. cardio– jogging, walking, swimming, cycling, swimming.

Cleansing the lungs and bronchi from nicotine

How longer man smoked, the stronger his respiratory system needs cleaning from tar, nicotine and other delights.

Cleansing rate lungs and bronchi - coughing and expectoration of sputum.

Helps in clearing the bronchial tubes the following medicines.

  • Lazolvan. The tool improves metabolism, helps clear mucus, reducing its viscosity.
  • Acetylcysteine liquefies phlegm, kills toxins. The medicine is inhaled.
  • Gedelix drops and syrup. It will help cleanse the lungs and bronchi of both a heavy smoker and a baby.
  • Mukaltin it removes phlegm well, but with a long history of smoking, it is of little use.

Folk remedies will provide significant support, with all the simplicity of their use.

  • Spread out throughout the apartment Bay leaf. Its smell is not heard, but the air is cleared of bacteria.
  • Lemon with peel but no bones grind in a meat grinder Or puree with a blender. Add honey 1:1. The tool is taken in 1 tbsp. before eating in during the month.
  • 1 tbsp pine buds pour 200 mg of boiling water and insist 2 hours. Take a third of a glass of such a drink before eating week.

Eat onions and garlic. They can be mixed with sugar to make an effective expectorant.

Do not forget about the bath, gymnastics and breathing exercises.

You can learn more about cleansing from our article, cleansing the lungs and bronchi.

Important. No amount of bronchial clearing will help if you continue to smoke. Drop forever. Believe me, it's possible.

How to clean the bronchi from mucus

Mucus from healthy bronchi displayed independently. Sick bronchi can help.

  • Inhalations can be done in the clinic and at home. It is very convenient to use a home inhaler. Aromatic oils are added to it - fir, juniper; Medicines - Acetylcysteine ​​with Fluimucil, Ambroxol with Ambrobene; phytopreparations; Borjomi or other alkaline mineral water.
  • Breathing exercises in a ventilated room with humidified air. One of the yoga exercises is to take a deep breath and hold your breath while tapping your chest. Simple, affordable and effective.
  • Postural drainage performed by a professional. After inhalation, the patient is given a tapping massage, followed by pronunciation of sounds in breathing exercises. The procedure ends with expectoration of sputum after special exercises.
  • herbal remedies such as oatmeal drink. Pour a handful of whole oats with half a liter of milk and cook over low heat. When only a glass of the mixture remains, puree the mixture with a blender. The resulting porridge is three times a day.
  • Milk from green pine cones. Finely chop three green pine cones, add a piece of pine resin to them, pour in half a liter of milk, boil. Leave the decoction for 4 hours, strain. Drink a glass 2 times a day.
  • Pharmacy preparations- breast fees, expectorant syrups, tablets with extracts of medicinal herbs.
  • aromatherapy. It is convenient to use aroma lamps with essential oils. But you can simply put the onion, garlic cut into pieces into rooms. You can use spicy herbs or bay leaves.

What medicines help in clearing the bronchi

Pharmacies sell breastfeeding medicinal fees. Folk recipes, time-tested, which have already become patented medicines. Much easier and safer buy fee than making it yourself.

Very good for bronchial and lung medicines on licorice-based. From dry cut root to sweet syrup.

  • In addition to the previously described pharmaceutical preparations, it is often used Guaifenesin. It is prescribed for cleansing the bronchi before and after operations. The medicine not only removes phlegm, but also soothes.
  • Indian tablets and syrup Ascaril protect the alveoli, relieve spasms and dilate the bronchi, remove phlegm and destroy bacteria.
  • Preparations with marshmallow in the composition, such as marshmallow syrup, mixtures for children, Mukaltin perfectly remove mucus.

What folk remedies help

Folk remedies are slower and softer, but longer and more effective.

  • Effective way - in the morning eat a clove of garlic. You can not even chew until gruel. Drink water with apple cider vinegar.
  • Combine half a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice with the same amount of hot milk. Add 1 tsp. honey, leave the mixture for half an hour. Divide in half and drink within 5 hours.
  • Mix 2 dessert spoons of licorice root with 1 tbsp. linden flowers. Pour half a liter of boiling water. Insist for half an hour, strain. Drink 150 ml of warm infusion before meals. The course lasts a month. At smoking fee is useless.
  • Gently cleanses the bronchi onion syrup. Finely chop the onion and sprinkle it with sugar. After 2 hours the syrup is ready. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day after meals. This cleaning is carried out once a week.
  • Good black radish juice tincture, carrots and beets. Squeeze juice from medium-sized vegetables. Take 1 of each. Pour half a liter of vodka. Put the tincture into a saucepan. Cover with a lid and coat the lid with dough to seal. Put the product in a preheated oven and hold for an hour and a half, reducing the heat to low. 50 g 3 times a day for a month. If necessary, repeat the course after 10 days.

What are the contraindications

Any medicines, both pharmacy and folk, from the "garden" can be useful, useless and harmful.

Particular care must be taken when treating pregnant and lactating women, children and the elderly.

If a person has serious illness kidneys, liver, heart, you also need to be very careful about the choice of medicines.

Allergy can manifest itself in almost any medium.

  • Consider very useful decoction whole oats. But at gluten deficiency, stones in gallbladder , high acidity oats will only harm.
  • Or here stay in salt caves – halotherapy. Indicated for bronchitis, allergies, coughs and asthma. BUT at kidney disease, hypertension, tuberculosis and influenza- a categorical no.

Important. The advice of a qualified doctor will help you understand the indications and contraindications in the treatment, cleansing, prevention of diseases of the lungs and bronchi.

How to clear a child's lungs

The lungs and bronchi in infants and even preschoolers are not yet fully formed. Diseases with cough flow hard, can have dangerous complications.

Need effective and safe funds cleansing the lungs and bronchi. How to quickly remove sputum from a child you need to know in advance.

  • If you are not allergic to honey, then its use in a mixture with cranberry juice, onion juice or black radish- perfect. Juice is given in teaspoons.
  • Helps well Hot milk with grated figs. The composition is given twice a day for 1 tbsp.
  • No figs? Mash 5 cloves of garlic and mix it with a liter of hot milk. It's not as tasty, but it helps fight helminth bacteria.
  • At night, you can dilute 2 drops of iodine in 1 tablespoon of water. The child will sleep more peacefully.
  • From two years old child you can do inhalation. Classic - sit over a pot of boiled potatoes - quite dangerous. Mom needs to hide with the child and keep a close eye on it.

Worth buying inhaler, especially if there is more than one child in the family. The device useful for adults.

Medicines for inhalation can be water with honey, alkaline mineral water, onion juice, herbal infusion.

What to do for older people

Immunity in the elderly is reduced. Any infection threatens with complications. The bronchi are cleaned with bronchospasmodic and expectorant drugs according to doctor's prescription.

  • Bronchospasmolytics- terbutamine, isadrine, salbutamol are often prescribed in the elderly.

Alternatively, you can try the following home remedies.

  • Mix in equal doses marshmallow root and thyme herb creeping (thyme).

A glass of boiling water will require 1 tbsp. mixtures. Heat it all up in a water bath for 10-20 minutes. In an hour you can strain and drink 3 times a day, 1 tbsp.

  • Take 2 tbsp. coltsfoot and chamomile, mix with 1 tbsp. oregano. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the herbs and infuse for 5 hours, wrapping it warmly. Strain. Drink warm infusion half a cup 3 times a day.

Required breathing exercises and uncomplicated physical exercises.

What to do when pregnant

During pregnancy immunity is weakened and any infection becomes extremely dangerous. It is important to intercept the disease in time, avoiding complications.

At the same time, pregnant women with prescribe antibiotics with caution and many other medicines.

  • By safe means bronchial cleansing are decoctions and syrups of licorice roots, marshmallow, syrup on the leaves of Japanese medlar, licorice tea.
  • Good for inhalation with herbs - eucalyptus, mint, calendula. Shilajit, propolis can be dissolved in alkaline mineral water and inhaled with them.

Important. Talk to your doctor about using any bronchial cleanser. For example, what a good folk remedy is a steam bath. But the steam room is contraindicated for cores.

Cough treatment is a complex and lengthy process, even when all signs of a cold or flu have disappeared, coughing can continue to bother a person for a long period of time. It is dry or wet, sputum discharge is absent or present to a certain extent. But whatever the cough, its treatment is carried out using certain drugs, expectorants to remove sputum in adults. But what to do, when and what means should be used first.

When are tablets and syrups prescribed for sputum discharge?

The main and main indication for the use of such drugs is bronchitis. This disease is caused by the discharge of viscous sputum, coughing fits. The list can include other diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a wet cough.

It is worth using medicines:

  1. As part of complex therapy.
  2. If there is evidence.
  3. On the recommendation of a doctor.

It does not matter what the nature of the disease is, it can be both acute and chronic . If sputum comes out, then specific preparations will help facilitate this process.

Dry cough is not considered an indication for the use of such drugs. If the sputum does not go away, then prescribe drugs that suppress coughing fits.

You may also be interested in information on how exactly is used

Video: Komarovsky's opinion about expectorant drugs

On video - expert opinion about expectorants:

List of diseases for which expectorants are prescribed:

  • bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by cough and discharge of viscous sputum.

But what does green sputum look like when coughing and what means should be used, this will help to understand

TOP drugs for thinning and removing sputum from the bronchi and lungs

There are several groups of drugs that have an expectorant effect on the body, they "work" in different ways, due to the fact that they contain a variety of components. :

Classification of medicines and medicines of expectorant action:

  1. The irritant effect of the drug. They affect the receptors of the gastric mucosa, due to which the amount of secretion in the bronchi increases. As a result, sputum liquefies and passes more easily.
  2. Drugs affecting bronchial receptors. These are medicines that affect the receptors of the bronchi, stimulate the production of sputum and the process of its discharge.
  3. Sulfhydryl preparations (group). This includes medicines that can destroy the molecular bonds of polysaccharides in the bronchi. As a result, the viscosity of sputum is significantly reduced, as a secret, pus is liquefied.
  4. Vasicin alkaloids. These are various drugs, which include synthetic substances. Basically, it is bromhexine, when it breaks down, it turns into ambroxol, which has a powerful expectorant effect and suppresses seizures. But what drugs should be used first of all when sputum with blood appears in the morning with a cough, you can see

For use at home

This is the main classification of medicines, the above groups include various drugs, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with them and their effect on the human body:

  • Ambroxol. Available both in tablets and in the form of a suspension, the drug first appeared on the market in the 70s of the last century and immediately took a special place. . The effectiveness of Ambroxol is due to the fact that it helps to cope with both wet and dry coughs. At the same time, it facilitates the discharge of sputum from the bronchi and suppresses the urge. According to the instructions, this drug is 3 times a day, 1 tablet. The drug is also successfully used in pediatrics, it is not recommended for use in the presence of the following contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components, convulsive syndrome, gastric ulcer. But how yellow sputum is treated without coughing can be seen in this

    When using this remedy, it is important to consult a doctor.

  • . Another drug well known to many, produced in the form of tablets and suspensions. Bromhexine, after absorption into the blood, under the influence of metabolic processes in the body, turns into ambroxol in a few hours. And this means that the indications and contraindications for drugs are the same.

    It is important to use such products only according to the instructions and strictly follow them.

  • Acetylcysteine ​​and preparations based on it. This is a whole range of medicines that are available in the form effervescent tablets, solutions for inhalation and injection. The ability of a substance to break bonds, facilitate sputum discharge, allows it to be used not only for bronchitis and colds, but also for tuberculosis. Medicines of this group have a number of contraindications, they are not used for: hepatic or kidney failure, during pregnancy and lactation, with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

    Very effective remedy for the treatment of colds

  • Carbocysteine ​​as an expectorant. This substance destroys the bonds of bronchial secretion, allows you to get rid of viscous sputum. Medicines of this group are not used in the treatment of pregnant women. They do not lead to the development of bronchospasm, they are successfully combined with antibiotics (you will find the link). They are considered one of the most safe, due to the minimum number of side effects.

    Very effective in clearing the bronchi

List of effective drugs for wet cough

  1. Bromhexine (described by reference).
  2. Ambrosan.
  3. Bronchorus.
  4. Medox.
  5. Acestine.
  6. Fluditec.
  7. Libeksin-Muko.
  8. Bronchobos.

These are synthesized drugs, for this reason their use is associated with certain risks. Medicines have contraindications, for this reason it is advisable to coordinate their use with a doctor. Otherwise, the risk of developing unwanted side effects increases.

Inexpensive, but good remedies for dry cough during pregnancy

Most medications should not be used during pregnancy. Since the substances that make up the medicines can lead to the development of dangerous conditions. They can affect the course of pregnancy or the developmental process, the formation of the fetus.

In most cases, preference is given to drugs that have a natural composition, they have a minimum number of contraindications and side effects.

Much depends on the cause of the cough, as well as on the duration of the pregnant woman. It is worth noting that the use of drugs that affect the respiratory center is nominally prohibited.

In the second and third trimester, the number of drugs that a woman can prescribe increases significantly. It is acceptable to use medicines that have a central effect, but they should not suppress the work of the respiratory system.

On the video - expectorants for pregnant women:

So, the list of drugs that can be prescribed to a pregnant woman by a doctor:

  • Thermopsis potions, significantly increase sputum discharge, thin it, reduce viscosity.
  • - drug for plant-based, which has a combined effect, stimulates the outflow of secretions from the upper parts of the respiratory tract, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    The tool is made on a plant basis and can be used without harm to health. Macrota leaves very quickly and using such a tool according to the instructions, you can achieve quick results.

  • Bromhexine- in the first trimester, the drug is not used, children under 3 years of age are also considered a contraindication. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the drug is used to treat cough. The drug is prescribed when potential harm significantly below the possible benefit, the appointment is made by a gynecologist. He determines the dosage and develops a dosage regimen.

    An effective cough remedy, but you should carefully read the dosage and do not exceed it.

At wet cough, inflammation of the bronchi, SARS, patients are prescribed antitussive medications. They are used in case of poor separation of thick sputum. To thin it, the doctor prescribes mucolytics, to facilitate the discharge of mucus - expectorants for dry cough. To avoid side effects before using the medicine, it is recommended to study the instructions for its use.

Classification of antitussives

Cough expectorant reduces the viscosity of mucus in the bronchi. When the airways become inflamed, secretions accumulate. Sputum stagnates, it becomes difficult to remove it. Impaired breathing is accompanied by irritation of the respiratory tract. The reaction of the body in this case is a cough against the background of thick and viscous sputum.

In order to avoid the development of serious pathologies (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), it is important to consult a specialist in time. The doctor will listen to complaints, check the lungs, the condition of the throat and nose, and send you for testing. To reduce the density and viscosity of mucus, the patient will be prescribed expectorant. Do not self-medicate! Incorrectly selected medications can lead to an aggravation of the situation.

In medical practice, all cough remedies for adults and children are prescribed depending on the nature of the cough symptom. In accordance with this, medicines are classified into several main groups:

  1. Antitussive drugs. They are used if the cough is unproductive, dry. The symptom is accompanied by disorders of sleep, appetite.
  2. Expectorants. They are prescribed for adults and children to stimulate the process of sputum discharge and the acquisition of a productive cough. After using the syrup or tablets of this group, the disease passes into the stage of production of not too viscous and thick mucus.
  3. Mucolytics. The indication for use is a productive cough with a large amount of viscous and thick mucus. Means are prescribed for its better release from the bronchi.

Cough expectorants are divided into secretomotor and secretolytic drugs. Their differentiation is based on the principle of action of medicines.

Secretomotor drugs

They have a reflex action. It consists in irritation of the nerve endings (cough center) located in the brain. It is also activated as a result of reflex action. As a result, there is an increased production of mucus in the bronchi. Strongly coughing people find it difficult to suppress a paroxysmal symptom. The use of a secretory drug often causes a gag reflex. This is due to the fact that the cough and vomiting centers are located in close proximity to each other (medulla oblongata).

This group of medicines includes herbal remedies. Expectorant effect is exerted by licorice root extracts, essential oils(for example, eucalyptus), wild rosemary, thyme. You can prepare syrup for expectoration when coughing dry and wet on your own. If this is not possible, the medication by age is purchased at the pharmacy in accordance with the recommendations of the therapist or pediatrician.

Secretolytic drugs

They have a direct resorptive effect. It consists in increasing the secretion of mucus after irritation of the bronchial membranes. Active substances medications are absorbed by the gastric mucosa, and then spread throughout the body and affect the respiratory system.

Effective cough syrup with psyllium

A good effective expectorant is selected individually according to the recommendations of a specialist. At the same time, the form and nature of the course of the disease are taken into account.

Children and pregnant women should take expectorant medicines with extreme caution. When using medications, concomitant symptoms often occur - tearing and runny nose.

In order to avoid the allergic component, as well as relieve swelling, the patient is prescribed antihistamines. Also appointed:

  • nasal drops (for inflammation of the paranasal sinuses);
  • antipyretic (in case of an increase in body temperature);
  • immunostimulants (the patient's body is depleted, so a drug is taken that increases the production of interferons);
  • antibacterial or antiviral compounds (for infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract);
  • physiotherapy (inhalation with saline). They are indicated for asthma and pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. With the help of a nebulizer, it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition. The procedures allow the mucus to swell and be released from the bronchi.

Cough medicines in this group are represented by preparations based on ammonium chloride, potassium, sodium iodide, sodium bicarbonate. They are taken at the stage of sputum production, when they are not quite viscous and thick.

Expectorants for dry cough

An unproductive dry cough accompanies the disease at an early stage. The symptom leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory tract, the appearance of wheezing and whistles in the bronchi.

Causes of dry cough - SARS, influenza, asthma, inflammation of the lungs and bronchi.

Doctors are faced with the task of translating an unproductive symptom into a productive cough, and then getting rid of it with the help of mucolytics and expectorants.

The following medicines help with dry cough:

  1. Syrup Broncholitin. It has a pronounced antitussive effect, as well as a bronchodilator effect.
  2. Drops Sinekod. Effective antitussive drug.
  3. Syrup Gerbion. Natural psyllium-based remedy for dry cough relief.
  4. Tablets Codelac Broncho. Synthetic drug of mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory action.
  5. Tablets Stoptussin. Combined antitussive drug.
  6. Syrup Linkas based on herbal ingredients. It contains extracts of licorice, pepper, fragrant violets, etc.

Antitussive formulations are indicated in the case of a debilitating symptom. However, doctors do not recommend their use along with mucolytic drugs.

Choosing the best expectorant for dry cough is not easy. One drug composition is suitable for someone, another product becomes effective for someone. Each of them is selected individually.

Expectorants for adults

In various diseases of the respiratory system, a concomitant symptom of which is a cough, antitussive drugs of a different spectrum of action are prescribed.

With acute and chronic form bronchitis, cough pneumonia, expectorants are prescribed in combination with other groups of drugs (antibiotics, antiviral drugs, immunomodulators). Expectorants are used to:

  • reducing the inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs;
  • alleviate the patient's condition with an unproductive cough;
  • liquefaction of the produced mucus;
  • stimulation of the release of sputum from the bronchi.

I do not expectorate sputum, what should I do? What remedy for a cough symptom effectively fights bronchitis and other pathologies of the respiratory organs? The following mucolytic drugs are most effective:

  1. Ambroxol (expectorant cough tablets or syrup). In the case of transmission from a child to children of an infection and the occurrence of bronchitis, doctors prescribe Ambrovix cough syrup for small patients. The drugs are indicated in diseases with acute inflammation bronchi, lungs and other respiratory organs.
  2. Lazolvan is the best imported expectorant. Its analogues: Ambrosan, Ambrobene, Flavamed.
  3. ACC (Acetylcysteine). It has anti-inflammatory and mucolytic action. In the case of an allergic nature of the origin of the cough, the ACC drug is taken with extreme caution.
  4. Solvin (Bronchosan, Bromhexine). It has a slight antitussive effect. It has strong expectorant properties.

Methods for the treatment of dry cough in a child at home.

With bronchitis, mucolytic drugs of the reflex group are also prescribed. These include Mukaltin, Alteyka, Thermopsol. They contribute to increased production of viscous and thick mucus.

Folk expectorants

Folk expectorants for coughs are effective, easy to prepare and affordable. Along with drug treatment it is good to resort to the use of homemade decoctions, syrups and infusions.

It is not difficult to prepare remedies at home to eliminate the symptom. To liquefy sputum, folk remedies for coughing for adults are used expectorants:

  1. Recipe 1. Milk with butter. The old proven way. Helps to relieve irritation in the bronchi, soften cough and improve the excretion of mucus. The mixture is recommended for adults and children. It is prepared by heating milk, to which 5-10 grams of butter is added. Despite the popularity of the recipe, some pediatricians do not recommend resorting to it due to the increased load on the child's pancreas.
  2. Recipe 2. Warm milk with honey and fat. To 250 ml. dairy product added fat and honey. Everything is mixed and drunk. The method helps to thin the sputum and accelerate its discharge from the bronchi. With the allergic component of the cough, resorting to taking a mixture of "milk with honey" should be done with extreme caution.
  3. Recipe 3. Honey in radish. Based on the ingredients, juice is prepared. This cocktail has an expectorant effect. It affects the larynx, trachea, bronchi. An expectorant for dry cough is prepared as follows: a hole is made in the radish, where 2 teaspoons of honey are added. When the fruit releases juice, the remedy is drunk in several doses throughout the day.
  4. Recipe 4. Milk-fat mixture of fat (badger), milk, aloe, honey. The composition is considered one of the best expectorants for bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia.

Inhalations and fees

Carrying out home inhalations with the addition of herbs for coughing with sputum allows you to effectively thin the mucus and speed up its excretion. The procedure replaces the use of syrups and infusions. Chamomile, oregano, string, sage, calendula, etc. are considered the most effective.

Expectorant cough recipes are also presented with medicinal preparations. Folk remedies for coughing for adults and children are prepared by preparing decoctions based on herbal formulations and tea. Their natural ingredients are healing properties while helping to fight various pathologies of the respiratory system.

Expectorant collection is purchased at the pharmacy. It contains specially selected medicinal herbs. Decoctions contribute to the thinning of mucus, improve its discharge from the bronchi. From dry cough, infusions based on plantain, oregano, thyme, sage, marshmallow and licorice help.

Inflammatory disease of the bronchi - bronchitis - requires complex treatment, the scheme of which largely depends on the form of bronchitis and the causes that caused it. The doctor may recommend antibiotics and antiviral drugs to eliminate the cause, antipyretics and corticosteroids for complications, immunostimulants. But the main treatment for bronchitis is to reduce inflammation, improve airway patency (bronchodilation), relieve coughing and improve sputum discharge, including by thinning it.

On the early stages while the cough is dry and unproductive, antitussive drugs are prescribed to relieve the painful cough. When sputum begins to actively form, it is impossible to suppress the cough with antitussive drugs, otherwise the sputum will not leave. Find out which are the most effective. How to get rid of phlegm in the bronchi?

How and for what purpose is sputum removed from the bronchi?

In healthy bronchi, mucus is formed, which traps microorganisms, dust, which protects the respiratory organs from them. It is regularly pushed out by the cilia of the bronchi without any problems and is swallowed by a person without causing harm to health. Most forms of bronchitis are accompanied by the formation of sputum, consisting of the same mucus, containing dust, microorganisms, particles of dying cells and their decay products, components immune system and blood. When expectorated, this mucus combines with saliva in the mouth and particles of mucus from the nose.

The color of sputum may vary depending on the form of bronchitis and the presence of concomitant diseases, complications.

With bronchitis, the production of this secret increases significantly, it becomes more viscous and viscous, the bronchi themselves cannot cope with its excretion in such quantities. And with sputum, pathogenic bacteria, sometimes pus, accumulate in the bronchi, which leads to intoxication of the body. Due to the stagnation of sputum in the bronchi, the patency of the respiratory tract worsens, breathing becomes difficult.

The main goals of removing sputum from the bronchi:

  • body detoxification;
  • improvement in airway patency.

How can you remove mucus from the bronchi? The main methods of activating the liquefaction and removal of sputum from the bronchi are aimed at stimulating the bronchial glands responsible for expelling sputum. Among the measures aimed at removing sputum are the following:

  • drinking plenty of water, humidifying the air - contribute to liquefaction of sputum;
  • steam inhalations - improve blood and lymph circulation and stimulate self-cleaning of the respiratory system. Read about which inhaler is better to buy;
  • a special gymnastics complex - postural drainage;
  • taking mucolytic agents that thin difficult-to-separate sputum, accelerate its excretion and suppress excess mucus production;
  • taking expectorant drugs that help get rid of sputum in the bronchi.

Types of means for cleansing the bronchi from mucus

Expectorants are the most effective in removing sputum, they are usually combined with mucolytics of one group or another. All expectorant drugs are divided into 2 large groups, differing in the principle of action:

  • reflex- irritation of the gastric mucosa and activation of the vomiting center, resulting in increased mucus production;
  • direct- impact directly on the bronchial mucosa.

Those and other drugs are taken orally and act after digestion by the digestive system. Means of reflex action irritate not only the gastric mucosa, but also the epithelium lining the bronchi, stimulate the peristalsis of the bronchioles. These are predominantly herbal preparations. Both chemical preparations and a number of medicinal herbs and essential oils have a direct effect on the bronchial mucosa. Mucolytics that accelerate the excretion of sputum can also be classified as direct-acting expectorants.

Many drugs have a combined effect - mucolytic and expectorant, as well as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial.

Various expectorants and drugs for bronchitis

Expectorant effect is pharmacological preparations in the form of syrups, tablets (lozenges) for resorption, effervescent tablets and powders, and herbal preparations used in the form of infusions, as well as a number of products prepared according to traditional medicine recipes, mainly from herbal ingredients and food.

Finished medicinal products

There are the following expectorant medicines for bronchitis:

  • Marshmallow preparations that stimulate the peristalsis of the bronchioles and thin the viscous secret - Mukaltin tablets, syrup Alteyka;
  • Thermopsis herb preparations, rich in alkaloids that excite the respiratory and vomiting center - Thermopsol in tablets Codelac Broncho in tablets and in the form of an elixir (in addition to the thermopsis extract, they contain ambroxol and other chemical preparations of expectorant and anti-inflammatory action);
  • Syrup Herbion with plantain;
  • Syrup Stoptussin phyto- a preparation based on plantain and thyme extracts, which also has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Syrup Coldrex broncho or Tussin- a combination of a number of plant and chemical components with mucolytic and expectorant effects;
  • Preparations with an extract of thyme (thyme herb), which have an expectorant, antimicrobial and analgesic effect - lozenges Bronchicum, syrup Pertusin, syrup or drops Tussamag;
  • Capsules Gelomirtol- a plant-based preparation;
  • Syrup Amtersol- a combination of chemical and herbal preparations, a means of direct action;
  • Bromhexine, Bronchosan, Solvin- mucolytics with expectorant and mild antitussive effect;
  • Ambroxol with analogues ( Flavomed, Lazolvan) is a mucolytic and expectorant drug.

This is a list of drugs that thin and remove sputum from the bronchi. Consider herbs used for similar purposes.

Medicinal herbs and herbal preparations

How to clear the bronchi of phlegm with herbs? Row medicinal plants recommended as an expectorant and mucolytic official medicine, their infusions can be prepared from raw materials sold in pharmacies in accordance with the instructions. Expectorant herbs for bronchitis are:

  • plantain leaf;
  • Althea roots;
  • coltsfoot;
  • thyme herb;
  • wild rosemary (grass).

Along with individual herbs, chest preparations based on medicinal herbs are used in the treatment of bronchitis:

  1. coltsfoot, oregano;
  2. plantain, coltsfoot, licorice root;
  3. marshmallow, anise, sage, pine buds;
  4. wild rosemary, chamomile, violet, calendula, licorice root.

Expectorant folk remedies for the treatment of bronchitis

Traditional medicine uses other plants as medicines, infusions are prepared from such fees:

  • Birch leaves and wild rosemary (4 parts each), birch buds and nettle leaves (1 part each), oregano (2 parts). Bring half a liter of water with a tablespoon of the mixture to a boil over low heat and leave for 40 minutes. Drink three times a day, 70 ml.
  • Equal parts of chamomile and coltsfoot, a little oregano, half a liter of water a few tablespoons of the mixture, boil, insist, drink 2-3 times a day for half a glass.

Various homemade syrups and drinks are used to soften the cough and expectorant effect.

  • A good remedy for sputum in the bronchi is a mixture of black radish juice with honey, you can squeeze the juice from grated radish or pour honey into a root crop with a cut out core, use 2 tbsp. l. before meals and sleep
  • A mixture of butter and honey (100 g each) with aloe juice (15 g), taken twice a day for a teaspoon;
  • Warm milk with the addition of butter, honey, cognac and soda, it is recommended to drink before going to bed;
  • Brazilian broth - dilute the gruel from mashed ripe bananas with water, add sugar, bring to a boil;
  • Oat decoction - boil oat grains in a large number water or a mixture of water and milk until completely boiled, you can add honey. Drink warm, in small sips, 6 times a day.

The most effective and potent means

Most drugs with a pronounced expectorant and mucolytic effect must be used with caution, since they have a number of contraindications, and their use may be accompanied by side effects. The most effective expectorants for bronchitis:

  • Bromhexine- is indicated for chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, including tracheobronchitis, spastic bronchitis, bronchiectasis. Contraindicated in pregnant women in the first trimester and children under 3 years of age, with peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract requires careful use. May cause dyspepsia.
  • Ambroxol- is indicated for acute and chronic bronchitis and other diseases accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum. Contraindications - I trimester of pregnancy, chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. Restrictions (use with caution) - pregnancy (II and III trimesters). May cause dyspeptic and allergic reactions.
  • Preparations Acetylcysteine(ACC and analogues) is an effective mucolytic agent that thins viscous sputum. Indicated for obstructive and acute bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Contraindications: pregnancy, age up to 2 years, pulmonary bleeding. Restrictions - diseases of the adrenal glands, renal and hepatic insufficiency, bronchial asthma. May cause a decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, tinnitus, headache, urticaria and rash, vomiting and heartburn, provoke bronchospasm and pulmonary bleeding.

How to choose a strong expectorant for bronchitis? The most potent are combined drugs that can be used only under strict indications, on the recommendation of a doctor. These are drugs that include bromhexine, guaifenesin and salbutamol. Their commercial names Joset and Cashnole(syrups) and Ascoril(tablets). They are indicated for chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, as well as such formidable diseases as tuberculosis, emphysema, COPD, bronchial asthma. They can not be washed down with alkaline drink and taken simultaneously with a number of drugs, in particular, antitussives.

These drugs have a lot of contraindications, causing a variety of side effects. They can not be prescribed to children under 3 years old, pregnant and lactating. Contraindications also include:

  • diseases of the digestive and excretory system, gastric and duodenal ulcers, kidney and liver failure;
  • cardiovascular disorders - tachyarrhythmia, myocarditis, aortic stenosis;
  • endocrine disorders - diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis;
  • glaucoma.

How to make an expectorant drainage massage for a baby, see the video below.

Expectorants are very important in the treatment of bronchitis, their forms are diverse, herbs and herbal preparations, ready-made pharmacological preparations and folk remedies are used for this purpose. Treatment with herbs and folk remedies is not always effective enough, and only a doctor can choose the right drug, taking into account the form and stage of the disease, the patient's condition and concomitant disorders. Strong drugs with multiple side effects require special care.