8 month old baby is coughing. The most effective remedies for the treatment of dry and wet cough in children up to a year

Cough is a reflex reaction of the body to the action of an irritant. With the help of this symptom, purification occurs respiratory tract. Cough can appear in a person at any age. Newborns and babies are no exception.

Causes of cough in infants

There are many reasons for the appearance of a cough in infants. The most common are:

  • SARS. In almost 90% of cases, coughing in infants is the first sign of a beginning respiratory disease. In the daytime, the cough is mild, in the evening and at night the symptom intensifies.
  • Inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. There is a dry and obsessive cough. For a child, it is very painful.
  • Dry indoor air. Because of it, a sore throat occurs, provoking the appearance of a cough. Installing a humidifier will help fix the problem.
  • Otitis media or inflammation of the middle ear. The cough is reflex. When pressing on the ear tragus, the child shows anxiety, is naughty, and cries.
  • Entry of a foreign body. life threatening child situation. You need to tilt the baby's head forward and immediately call an ambulance.
  • Polluted air outdoors or indoors. The immature lungs of a baby react sharply to third-party odors. Smoking and excessive gas pollution can provoke an allergic reaction in infants.

Depending on the cause of the cough, the nature of the cough differs. With a cold, the most common are dry and wet types of cough. Dry cough develops at the very beginning of the disease and is characterized by insufficient sputum production. Gradually, it can turn into a wet cough.

How cough medicines work

For treatment different types cough use three groups of drugs with different active ingredients:

  1. Antitussives. Suppress cough. They are used during a dry paroxysmal strong cough, whooping cough in order to alleviate the condition of the child. The active substance of such drugs are: sodium butamirate, glaucine hydrochloride, oxeladin.
  2. Mucolytics. Liquefies mucus, reduces its elasticity and viscosity. They are prescribed for dry unproductive cough (with sputum difficult to separate), usually in combination with expectorant drugs. Active ingredients: ambroxol, carbocysteine, bromhexine.
  3. Expectorants. They are prescribed for a wet cough in a child to facilitate the separation of sputum by increasing its quantity and accelerating its progress through the respiratory tract. Typically used extracts medicinal plants. Babies may experience allergic reactions to some types of herbs, so expectorants should be used with caution and under the supervision of a doctor.

Important! It is forbidden to independently combine antitussive drugs with expectorants and mucolytics. With excessive accumulation of sputum and no cough, pneumonia can quickly develop.

What medicines can and cannot be given to a child for coughing

Those drugs that are available only in the form of tablets are prohibited for use in early childhood. For example:

  • glaucine hydrochloride (Glauvent tablets);
  • prenoxdiazine ("Libeksin").

Drops and syrups with a low concentration of the active substance are safe and acceptable in childhood. Usually, drops and syrups for infants are diluted in water, tea or juice.

Some syrups can not be used up to two years and older, for example, the antitussive drug "Bronholitin", syrup "Gerbion" from dry and wet cough Up to two years, antitussive drugs containing narcotic substances are contraindicated for use: codeine and dextromethorphan.

Is it possible to give a child up to a year of cough tablets "Mukaltin"

The tablets are intended for adults and older children. However, some tablets based on extracts medicinal herbs pediatricians, despite the restriction in the instructions up to a year, consider it possible to give babies earlier.

These tablets include "Mukaltin", which contains marshmallow extract. Its daily dose for a child up to a year should not exceed two tablets. At one time, half a tablet is given, previously dissolved in a tablespoon of boiled water.

What can be given to a child from two months to a year from a dry cough


Drops "Codelac NEO" (Russia). Active ingredient: butamirate. For children from two months: 10 drops 4 times a day.

  • drops "Panatus" (Slovenia);
  • drops "Sinekod" (Switzerland).

Drops "Stoptussin" (Czech Republic, Israel). Active ingredient: sodium butamirate in combination with guaifenesin. Children weighing less than 7 kg are given 8 drops 3-4 times a day inside, children weighing 7-12 kg are given 9 drops 3-4 times a day inside.

Means for converting a dry cough into a wet one

Syrup "Bromhexine"4 mg/5 ml (Russia). Active ingredient: Bromhexine. Children under the age of 2 years - 2 mg (2.5 ml) 3 times a day.

Analogues: Bromhexine 4 Berlin-Chemie solution (Germany).

Solution for oral and inhalation "Ambrobene" 7.5 mg / ml (Germany, Israel). The active substance is ambroxol. Children from birth to two years of age for oral administration of 1 ml three times a day. Children under two years of age for inhalation, 1 ml of a solution mixed with saline according to the instructions, once or twice a day.

Analogues: oral solution "Bronchoxol" 7.5 mg/ml (Russia).

Syrup "Ambrobene" 15 mg/5 ml (Germany, Israel). The active substance is ambroxol. Children from birth to 2 years of age, 2.5 ml twice a day (15 mg of ambroxol per day) after meals.

  • syrup "Bronhoksol" 3 mg/ml (Russia);
  • syrup "Lazolvan" 15 mg/5 ml (Germany, Spain);
  • syrup "Flavamed" 15 mg/5 ml (Germany);
  • syrup "Halixol" 30 mg/10 ml (Hungary).

Syrup "Mukosol" 250 mg / 5 g (Israel). The active substance is carbocysteine. The normal daily dose of carbocysteine ​​for children is 20 mg/kg of body weight, divided into 2-3 times. For children under 3 years old, the dose is determined by the doctor depending on body weight.

Granules for the preparation of syrup "ACC" 100 mg (Germany). The active substance is acetylcysteine. Allowed from 10 days of age under the supervision of a physician. Children under two years of age in one day are allowed to take no more than one - one and a half sachets (100-150 mg), divided into 2-3 doses.

What can be given to a child from two months to a year from a wet cough


  1. Syrup "Bronchipret" 50 ml (Germany). Ingredients: thyme herb extract, ivy herb extract. Children from 3 months to 12 months: 10-16 drops 3 times a day.
  2. (Russia). Based on licorice root extract. Children up to two years old: 1-2 drops three times a day.
  3. Dry cough medicine for children (Russia). Based on dry plant extracts. Dissolve the contents of the package in 1 tbsp. l. boiled water. Children up to a year give 15-20 drops.
  4. Ammonia-anise drops (Russia). Active ingredients: anise oil, ammonia solution. Children up to a year 1-2 drops three to four times a day.
  5. Syrup "Bronchicum C" (Germany). Based on thyme herb extract. Child from 6 months to 12 years - 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) 2 times a day.
  6. Syrup "Prospan" (Germany). Based on ivy leaf extract. Approved for use by infants from birth. 2.5 ml syrup is recommended twice a day.

Important! Taking drugs in the form of syrups and cough drops for children under two years of age should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. The list of drugs is provided for informational purposes only. It is impossible to prescribe drugs to newborns on their own, since some children are allergic to the components of syrups.

Cough in a child - advice from a pediatrician to parents

What can you give a month old baby for a cough

As a rule, cough in children of 1 month is associated with an inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. In such cases, drugs for treatment are prescribed exclusively by a doctor. When prescribing mucolytic drugs, the severity of the cough reflex is taken into account, since in premature babies and those with neurological disorders their intake can cause stagnation of sputum in the bronchi and aggravate the course of the disease.

Some therapists recommend giving homeopathic cough syrup "Stodal", which has no age restrictions. However, as practice shows, the effect of its use is doubtful. Like all homeopathic remedies, this syrup has a very low concentration. active ingredients and is able to "treat" only thanks to the "placebo" effect, which in such early age is simply not possible yet.

What to do from the first days of coughing in infants

If one year old baby there is a cough that is not caused by physiology, you need to immediately call a doctor. Self-administration of medications is prohibited. What can a mother do in the first days of a cough in a child?

  • Monitor the temperature in the room. It should not be higher than + 22C. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the apartment. If the cough is not accompanied by fever, you can take a walk with the child on the street.
  • Humidify indoor air with a hygrometer humidifier. Control the humidity indicator, it should be in the range of 40 - 70%.
  • Enough to feed the child. Suitable breast milk, tea, compote, water.
  • Change the position of the baby in the crib more often, or carry it in your arms.
  • A 6-month-old child who has a cough with poor sputum is recommended to do a drainage massage. How to do the exercises - the doctor will show.
  • You can rub the baby's chest and feet with animal fat (for example, badger fat). Ointments containing camphor and menthol are prohibited for children under 2 years of age.

What can you give a child with a strong cough

  • It is necessary to determine the cause of the cough (bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngotracheitis).
  • Indicate the type of cough (wet, dry, with fever).
  • Increase fluid intake.
  • Use antitussive drugs in drops "Panatus", "Sinekod" (strictly as directed by a doctor) with a strong dry cough. Assign from 2 one month old 10 drops - 2 p. per day.
  • With a wet strong cough, expectorant and mucolytic drugs are used (Lazolvan, Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Thermopsis, Flavamed). Age restrictions and recommended doses are described above.
  • The chest is rubbed with warming substances (badger fat).

What antibiotics can be given to infants with a cough with fever

Cough itself is not an indication for antibiotic therapy. If it is accompanied

When a baby is sick, parents are able to do even the impossible so that his illness recedes as soon as possible. Unfortunately, no one is immune from a cold, even children of the first year of life. In our article, we will talk about how to treat a cold in a child of 8 months, when they are worried about cough, snot, sore throat and fever body.

The circle of communication of a baby up to a year is usually very limited, however, children at this age also suffer from SARS and other diseases, most often becoming infected from their parents or their older brothers and sisters. A mild cold of the crumbs may well be painless for the whole family. But if an 8-month-old child coughs and snot flows like water, you should definitely call a pediatrician. Do not hesitate to call the clinic, even if the temperature is low and the symptoms of the disease are mild. When the baby is 8 months old, it is necessary to identify the disease in time and start competent treatment.

At this age, children are usually actively teething. This process reduces the immunity of babies, but in itself rarely causes a high temperature (over 38.5) and a severe runny nose. Therefore, you should not write off all the symptoms on the teeth.

First of all, with a cold, you need to follow three simple rules:

  • Cool and humid air in the room. Ventilate the room more often, get a humidifier and do not try to wrap the child warmer, especially when high temperature.
  • Plentiful warm drink. For this, mother's milk, clean drinking water, fruit drinks and compotes are perfect. Of course, from those fruits and berries that have already been introduced into your diet, for example, fresh green apple compote with prunes.
  • Moderate feeding. If the baby is sick and does not eat well, in no case do not force-feed him. An overloaded liver will not allow him to quickly overcome the disease.

How to treat a cough in a child of 8 months

A wet or dry cough in a child of 8 months is a reason to immediately call a doctor. In young children with weak immunity, even a small untreated cold can lead to serious complications. When it comes to coughing, an experienced specialist must definitely listen to the lungs and bronchi of the child in order to make the correct diagnosis. Adequate treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist, depending on the type of cough and the results of the diagnosis.

If there is time left before the arrival of the doctor, and the attacks are strong, you should know what to give the baby for coughing at 8 months. At this age, special syrups are already allowed: Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Ambroxol and others. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and find out the dosage for children under one year old. Also, pay attention to whether your baby's cough is dry or wet. Each species has its own syrups.

From folk methods you can offer inhalations with steams of boiled potatoes or steams of eucalyptus oil in the absence of allergies. Mustard plasters at this age should be placed very carefully, it is best to abandon this method. You can make compresses from honey cakes, mashed potatoes or camphor/sunflower oil. To do this, you must first put a fabric on the chest, then a compress, then another layer of fabric, a film and a final layer of fabric. At high temperatures, heating is prohibited.

High fever in an 8 month old baby

An increase in body temperature accompanies the common cold in most cases. If you have this symptom, be sure to call your doctor so that he can establish the correct diagnosis. At the same time, parents must definitely know how to bring down the temperature of a child of 8 months. First of all, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not always necessary to lower the temperature. When an eight-month-old baby has a temperature of 38 or below, do not give him antipyretics. In this case, let the body fight the infection on its own. Lowering the temperature will numb the symptoms for a short time while the disease itself continues to develop.

If the temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, then you can not do without antipyretics based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. In a children's first aid kit, such funds must be stored in the form of syrup (children's preparations "Nurofen", "Panadol", "Efferalgan") and candles ("Cefekon-D", "Efferalgan"). If there is nothing of this at home, you can give the baby ¼ tablets of Paracetamol dissolved in water. Be sure to read the instructions and correctly calculate the dosage of any drug used. Syrups begin to act after 20 - 30 minutes, and candles - after 30 - 40 minutes, but their effect lasts longer. You can repeat taking antipyretics after 5-6 hours, not earlier.
So, when a child is 8 months old, his temperature is 38.5 and above, what should parents do? Give an antipyretic, call a doctor, ventilate the room, dress the baby lighter and provide him with plenty of fluids.

Runny nose in a child of 8 months: how to treat

Runny nose in babies up to a year is very common. It can be caused by both teething, allergies, and an inflammatory process in the body. When an 8-month-old baby has snot, what should parents do in the first place: make sure that the sputum in the nose does not dry out. To do this, it is necessary to rinse it several times a day with a solution of sea salt (baby drops "Akvalor", "Aquamaris"), saline or self-prepared saline solution. Provide your baby with plenty of fluids and cool air in the room.
It is worth knowing how to treat snot in a child of 8 months. When rinsing with saline does not help, mucus remains in the nose, the snot must be removed. To do this, you can use cotton flagella, a regular baby enema, or nasal aspirators (for example, Otrivin Baby). Sucking snot is often not recommended, so as not to provoke swelling of the nasal mucosa. In addition, with a severe runny nose, you should call a doctor. The pediatrician will prescribe treatment for the baby: for example, it can be Nazivin, Vibrocil children's drops. At 8 months, nasal sprays should not be used. You should know that vasoconstrictor drops can be used no more than three times a day. It is best to do this before going to bed to ease the nasal breathing of the crumbs and give him a good rest.

Choose a rubric Adenoids Angina Uncategorized Wet cough Wet cough In children Sinusitis Cough Cough in children Laryngitis ENT Diseases Folk methods of treating Sinusitis Folk remedies for cough Folk remedies for the common cold Runny nose Runny nose in pregnant Runny nose in adults Runny nose in children Sinusitis Cough Treatments Cold Treatments Symptoms of Sinusitis Cough Syrups Dry Cough Dry Cough in Children Temperature Tonsillitis Tracheitis Pharyngitis

  • Runny nose
    • Runny nose in children
    • Folk remedies for the common cold
    • Runny nose in pregnant women
    • Runny nose in adults
    • Runny nose treatments
  • Cough
    • Cough in children
      • Dry cough in children
      • Wet cough in children
    • Dry cough
    • Moist cough
  • Drug Overview
  • Sinusitis
    • Alternative methods of treatment of sinusitis
    • Symptoms of Sinusitis
    • Treatments for sinusitis
  • ENT Diseases
    • Pharyngitis
    • Tracheitis
    • Angina
    • Laryngitis
    • Tonsillitis
A cough in a child of 8 months is a nuisance not only for the baby, but also for his parents. At this age, it is impossible to interview an infant or learn about his symptoms. Although mom and dad have already studied their own child a little, diseases can terrify them. Even if a child has some kind of disease, there is no need to despair and lose your head. Pull yourself together, objectively assess the situation, consult a doctor.

What antibiotics can be given to infants with a cough with fever

Before proceeding directly to the description of drugs that can be given to a child at such a tender age, it should be clarified that this article is not a guide to action. Only a doctor can choose a medicine, dosage, method of administration and frequency of administration.

An antibiotic is a remedy of natural or semi-synthetic origin, which is intended for the treatment of bacterial diseases. Antibiotics do not destroy viruses and are completely useless for SARS, flu, and colds.

Consider what drugs can generally be used if a cough appears 8 month old baby due to bacterial bronchitis or pneumonia.

  1. Preparations penicillin group. Penicilli are fungal microorganisms from which antibiotics, penicillins, were obtained for the first time in history. This discovery glorified Alexander Fleming and began a new era in medicine. To date, these drugs are used to treat uncomplicated respiratory tract infections. If the cough of an 8-month-old baby is concerned, the doctor may prescribe Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin. Unfortunately, many bacteria already have resistance to penicillins or are rapidly developing it. Therefore, they are not prescribed for severe ailments.
  2. For pneumonia, doctors may use Levofloxacin, which is a third-generation fluoroquinolone. It has a wide spectrum of activity that covers most of the bacteria that cause pneumonia. The drug is also prescribed for the ineffectiveness of treatment with penicillins due to the resistance of pathogenic microflora to them. Usually, the course of treatment after a decrease in temperature in a child can last another 2-3 days. Also, doctors can prescribe a "relative" of Levofloxacin - Moxifloxacin (fourth generation fluoroquinolone), an even more modern and effective remedy.
  3. With pneumonia and pleurisy, second and third generation cephalosporins can be prescribed, including Cefuroxime, Cefixime. These are beta-lactam antibiotics that are used for infections of the lower respiratory tract, sepsis, inflammation in abdominal cavity. In some people, they can cause allergic reactions - then they are replaced by drugs from other groups.
  4. In atypical pneumonia (caused by intracellular pathogens - rickettsia, chlamydia, mycoplasma), a group of macrolides (Azithromycin) is used. This drug can be used, in addition to respiratory tract infections, for ENT diseases, skin and soft tissue infections, mycoplasmas and chlamydia.

The choice of trade name, dosage, additional means for treatment is carried out only by a specialist.

Alternative methods of treating cough in newborns and infants

The following recommendations from traditional healers can help cure a cough in infants:

  • Let your child drink warm drinks as much as possible. If the baby does not like just water, let it be compote or juice - the main thing is to drink a lot. This helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum and remove it as soon as possible;
  • Rubbing with hot ointments helps. In a small amount, Doctor Mom ointment can be used if the baby does not have a temperature;
  • Decoctions of anti-inflammatory herbs (chamomile, coltsfoot) can be given to children, after checking with the pediatrician how and how often to give decoctions;
  • Inhalation with a nebulizer. You can add to the solution not only drugs, but also alkaline water, essential oils. Consult your pediatrician for the most effective inhalant;
  • Massage. Ask your pediatrician how to give a light massage to your baby. This helps to speed up blood flow in the lungs, enhance the natural separation of mucus without the use of drugs.

These are simple and safe tips that apply to the smallest children.

What to do from the first days of coughing in infants

You realize that your child has a cough. The first thing to do is not to panic. In such a case, you probably have a pediatrician's or nurse's phone number, from whom you can find out what to do at the moment, consult before the visit of the district police officer.

Before the visit to the doctor took place, collect the maximum possible history of the baby's illness. When the cough appeared, what kind of cough it is (productive with or without sputum - dry), what it is possibly connected with (supercooled, an animal started up in the house, something is blooming outside, it's hot in the room), are there any other symptoms of the disease.

After that, make sure that the conditions in the room where the child is located are normal:

  • Air temperature within 16-20⁰ Celsius;
  • Air humidity is 70% or close to this parameter;
  • The air is fresh;
  • Dust has not accumulated in the apartment, there are no extra carpets or other objects on which dust collects.

If something doesn't match, change the setting to the specified value and follow the baby. It is possible that he will stop coughing.

Do not give your child any medication on their own. Drinking plenty of fluids, washing the nose with a simple saline solution will be best.

Visit your doctor, tell in detail about everything and follow the instructions that he will make for you.

Prevention of cough in infants

A child in this age does not yet take care of himself. You should be engaged in the prevention of diseases in him:

  • Harden the baby. This can be done slowly and gradually from the first days of a child's life: walk with him in the air, do not overheat, maintain a low temperature in the house;
  • Don't let your child breathe cigarette smoke - don't stand next to smokers, don't let your husband smoke in the house;
  • Breastfeed your baby. Studies show that naturally fed babies generally have stronger immunity than formula-fed babies;

Children get sick, unfortunately, quite often, including in infancy. Naturally, parents in such a situation try to somehow help the baby in order to alleviate his suffering. Moreover, if for very tiny patients the spectrum medicines, which can be given to a child, is quite narrow, then, for example, by the age of 8 months it becomes wider.

It is worth emphasizing the most important point right away - you should not self-medicate. Of course, the mother has already managed to study her child well in 8 months, and often she can correctly understand the essence of the problem. However, making an accurate diagnosis is not easy.

Meanwhile, with such a problem as, for example, a cough, you need to deal with the root cause that caused it. Therefore, it is the specialist who should be entrusted with both the diagnosis and the appointment of subsequent therapy.

Causes of cough in an 8-month-old baby

So, treatment should begin with a diagnosis. In other words, you should establish the root cause. There may be quite a few of them. Among the causes of cough in an 8-month-old baby may be, in particular:

  • cutting teeth;
  • foreign body or fluid in the airways;
  • various diseases;
  • uncomfortable conditions - too dry air;
  • allergic reaction;
  • fungus or chlamydia.

See also: How to soar a child's legs when coughing or runny nose

In any case, coughing is a protective reaction to an irritant. Accordingly, in order to get rid of it, the root cause should be eliminated. This principle is followed, for example, by the well-known doctor Evgeny Komarovsky recommends adhering to the following algorithm of actions.

Before proceeding with direct treatment, it is imperative to get answers to several very important questions. First, find out the cause of the cough, as well as determine its type - dry or wet. Secondly, it is necessary to study the condition of the child. Here you need to understand how coughing affects the baby - whether it forces him to choke, cry, or somehow change his position. Thirdly, to study the features of sputum according to the following characteristics: color, amount, presence or absence of a fetid odor and purulent discharge. In addition, it must be established whether the child has bronchospasm or not. Highly important point it is also the presence of an idea of ​​​​how exactly certain groups of drugs work.

Komarovsky insists that the cough should not be eliminated, but alleviated, while it is necessary to fight with the immediate cause of its occurrence. Treatment with antitussive drugs is quite dangerous for a child. This symptom under no circumstances should it be suppressed. Otherwise, sputum will begin to accumulate in the bronchi, and this will result in the appearance of such serious diseases for the baby as bronchitis or pneumonia.

You should also not start treatment immediately with antibiotics, even if the cough is provoked by some kind of viral disease. The main direction of therapy should be the desire to facilitate the process of sputum discharge. According to Komarovsky, the child in such situations should not be overfed. In addition, the baby should drink as much as possible. This recommendation is not without reason. Drinking plenty of water helps to thin the blood, and this, in turn, affects the viscosity of the mucus.

Komarovsky believes that walking in the fresh air is a very good prevention of drying out of mucous secretions. By the way, the apartment where the patient lives also needs to be given Special attention. The temperature regime should be ensured in the range from 20 to 22 degrees, and the air should be sufficiently humid.

Traditional and folk medicine in the treatment of cough in 8-month-old children

As already mentioned, therapy should be prescribed by a doctor based on a specific case. It is strictly forbidden to give the child any medications on their own - with improper treatment, the consequences can be very serious. The most optimal form of medication for babies at 8 months of age are syrups.

See also: Treatment of residual cough in a child

Here are some of the most popular yet effective drugs:

  • Bronchicum;
  • Ambrobene;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambroxol;
  • Linkas;
  • Stoptussin;
  • Gedelix.

Be sure to read the instructions carefully. To avoid all sorts of unpleasant surprises, strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations for taking medications, including dosage. Do not change anything yourself, as already mentioned, the consequences here can be the most serious.

Parents often resort to traditional medicine. Such a “cocktail” as milk with honey and butter has proven itself quite well here. Very well cope with the removal of sputum and infusions medicinal herbs. Compresses and rubbing with the use of badger fat or camphor oil. Note that even when treating with traditional medicine, it is best to consult a doctor. Do not forget to also check the reaction of the child to a particular remedy. It happens that the baby's body does not perceive one or another component of the medicine. Therefore, it is best to start treatment with a meager dose, increasing it only after making sure that everything is in order.

See also: Treatment of cough in a child at 4 months

Try to get your child to move as much as possible, thus the mucus will come out faster, making the treatment even more effective. Don't forget to drink plenty of water too. By the way, you can combine traditional and folk medicine, but this should be done only after consulting with your doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe the most optimal and effective combination for your particular case, while self-treatment in many cases does not lead to good.

Cough in a child of 8 months: what to look for

How to treat cough in an 8-month-old baby?

30 Sep 2015 Edit

Our ear hurt a couple of days ago: (ENT said that the otitis media was small. We put Aurisan in the ear, Laferon in the nose. We drink Engystol. Until yesterday, nothing but the temperature (which had already subsided by yesterday) bothered nothing. coughing and coughing more and more: (How can such a small one treat a cough? Preferably folk remedies without chemistry? Tell me, please.

Santana 30 Sep 2015

We are saved by Gedelix drops! If severe coughing fits - you can give 1/4 tablet of No-shpa, you can still 1/4 tablet of Eufilin, but this is if there is nothing else left. Usually no-shra relieves the spasm and all is well. You can also use oil in a lamp to make it easier to breathe. Smear the breast-back with a smear for the night, put on a woolen T-shirt later.
Good luck and don't worry!

tanq 30 Sep 2015

Be careful with turpentine! - Allergies are possible. Take Pulmex baby. if you want a warm rub.

JuliaK 30 Sep 2015

Thank you! we try :-) we will try massages and salt. Today I crushed freshly frozen cranberries with sugar and added some licorice syrup. It seems like Dimka liked it - the main thing now is not to sprinkle.

Marinka 30 Sep 2015

Rubbing with turpentine ointment with Dzherel and Bronchin, or rubbing ointment Dr MOM helped us a lot. Before going to bed, rub to hot and red skin, wrap. If there is no temperature, then a warm compress, such as salt or potato peels on the back, is also possible.

Marina, Andryushka (10.11.00), Svetushka (23.02.03)

Marinka 30 Sep 2015

We had bronchitis at 2 months 1) iodine mesh for the night + socks
2) inhalations with all the herbs that are in the house every 2 hours (breathe under the covers while the steam is coming (it turns out for about 10 minutes), but there may be a cry)
3) put your breast on your knees and head away from you - and tapping in the lungs + massage to release the mucus (as if squeezing it to the head)
4) honey cake for the night through the night (4 drops of camphor alcohol + a tablespoon of warm honey + flour to the state of a cake). Fix with a compress on the breast (not on the heart area)

Have a good day!
Olesya and Valentina (22.03.2001)

Santana 30 Sep 2015

And we are allergic to Pulmex-Baby! Turns out it's not so harmless! You can try other ointments!
Good luck.

Mom Sasha, Sonechka 1.03.01 and Vanyusha 7.02.03.

Sunny 30 Sep 2015

Pulmex-baby helped us - the cough was completely gone in 3-4 days. Smeared 2 r. a day and dressed warmly. Still effective, as I know, is a warm potato cake with vegetable oil and iodine (oil - 1 tbsp. iodine - 5 drops). But here's the problem, how to make a child lie down with this.
So Pulmex is more real.

Sunny 30 Sep 2015

we drank drops of Gedelix + they are herbal. After sleep, I did a back massage, while laying the child's head down and patting it a little. Parte legs in mustard, then put on warm socks for the night. She also warmed me with salt bowls. I heated them in the microwave and put one on the breast, the other on the back. If you also heat in the microwave, then be careful not to catch fire.
Get well.

Alina and my girls: Katerina (25.09.96) and Christina (1.07.03)

JuliK 30 Sep 2015


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Cough in a child of 8 months: what to look for

If the cough lasts a week, then it is urgent to take at least some kind of action. If a cough has been haunting a child for a week or more, this means that a trip to the pediatrician is necessary. Most often, the manifestation of a cough in an 8-month-old for a long time manifests itself due to an attack on the baby's weakened body of an infection. Do you need to cure a cough in an 8 month old baby? Find out what to look for in this article.

Cough in a child of 8 months - features of the problem

The cause of a weekly cough in a child of 8 months can also be chlamydia or a fungus. There can be quite a few reasons for it, so it’s better to go straight to the doctor than sit and do nothing.

Cough is a reaction of the lungs to an irritant. Of course, a cough in a child of 8 months in itself is not bad, but when it turns into a prolonged cough for a week or more, it's time to take urgent action! Look carefully and listen first of all to the character: dry without sputum and wet with sputum.

Cough in a child of 8 months: what to look for

Dry cough can be provoked by various impurities that are in the air - smoke, chemicals, pollen and many others. If the baby suffers from allergies, then pay attention to allergens - irritants.

A wet cough in a child of 8 months often occurs against the background of a cold. If the cold has passed, and the cough remains, there is no need to panic. A high temperature kills the virus in 7 days, and a cough can be treated for several weeks. But if the cough lasts for months, then we are talking about whooping cough, pneumonia and chronic bronchitis.

A prolonged cough in a child of 8 months is a serious matter. Basically, the cough remains after the illness, and the child can be exhausted from a week to two, and sometimes more than months. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to treat a persistent cough, at any age, and even more so in an 8-month-old child, because he speaks of a sluggish, slow state of the disease, and can develop from a protracted into a chronic one.

Chronic cough in a child of 8 months can be treated with drugs traditional medicine and folk remedies. Of course, you must first visit a doctor who will understand the cause of the weekly cough, its nature and prescribe treatment. In children, a week-long persistent cough, along with other symptoms, may indicate the presence of an illness such as whooping cough. Colds in the cold season occur without an increase in temperature and have only such symptoms as cough and runny nose. If you are suffering from a cough, then infusions of medicinal herbs can help well. But when the coughing fits are repeated for a long time, it is best to go to the doctor and take the medicines that he will prescribe for you.

© Olga Vasilyeva for astromeridian.ru

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When an 8-month-old baby has a cough, young parents panic, not knowing what medication to give the baby so as not to harm the child's body. Indeed, untimely treatment can cause pathology of cough drainage. This is due to the immaturity of the development of the muscles that provide the little man with the respiratory process.

Mucolytic cough drops for 8 months old babies

Pediatricians distinguish the following list of sputum-thinning drugs that are allowed to be given to infants at 8 months:

  1. Ambroxol - helps with coughing, when sputum cannot come out on its own. The syrup tastes good. Effective dosage for infants: 2.5 mg twice a day, the course of therapy is not more than 5 days. Plentiful drink, compotes and juices are recommended.
  2. Lazolvan - shows excellent results in sputum discharge. An 8-month-old baby is prescribed ½ teaspoon of syrup in the morning and evening during a meal, it is better to drink the medicine with warm water.
  3. Ambrobene is a real lifesaver that saves very tiny patients from a dry cough. In the form of a syrup, the drug should be taken in 2.5 ml twice a day, if a solution is used, a double dose of 1 ml is sufficient.
  4. Bronchicum - ½ teaspoon 2 times a day is enough to cope with the sputum coursing through the respiratory tract of a newborn. The thyme included in the composition is also ideal for dry coughs. The course of treatment should not exceed 2 weeks.
  5. Gedelix - diluted in a bottle with water or juice, the medicine was created on plant-based. Daily dosage: ½ teaspoon 1 time per day.
  6. The medicine is dry, and is called - "for cough." The powder contained in 1 package is poured into 20 ml of boiled water, after which 4 times a day the prepared mixture is given to a child of 8 months, 15 drops after a meal.
  7. Linkas - starts the mechanism of sputum thinning, effective for pain in the throat. ½ teaspoon 1 time per day for 1 week - and soon the baby will recover.
  8. Stoptussin - dosage depends on the body weight of the baby. If the weight is less than 7 kg, 7 drops should be diluted, if the weight varies from 7 to 12 kg, 9 drops should be used. The drug is combined with 100 ml of boiled water, warm tea or juice. Taking medication - 4 times a day.

How else can you help your baby get rid of a cough

How to treat a cough in a child of 8 months, leading pediatricians shared with us. In order for the child to recover as soon as possible and get rid of a debilitating cough, it is necessary not only to take medications prescribed by the doctor, but also to adhere to other important rules.

When it is warm in the nursery, this is not bad, but if the air becomes dry, the bacteria in the mucous membrane begin to multiply faster, this is the most favorable environment for them. There are 2 ways out of the situation: buy a humidifier and ventilate the room. Note: do not make drafts, but ventilate.

The temperature in the room should be comfortable, not frosty. Plentiful warm drinks are welcome. You can brew a pleasant rosehip broth, make fruit drinks from fruits and berries that the baby already consumes. Mom's milk, too, has not been canceled. Drinking water, circulating in the child's body, will flush out toxins and bacteria.

If the baby has no appetite, do not force feed him, he himself feels how he is better now.

Topic for 5 minutes. Last year I went to a beautician and he recommended me Botox in the space between the eyebrows. Provide your baby with plenty of fluids and cool air in the room. It is worth knowing how to treat snot in a child of 8 months. A child with SARS may have nasal congestion, nasal discharge (snot), sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, sore throat and high fever, i.e. fever (usually below 38.9°C or 102°F).

A mild cold of the crumbs may well be painless for the whole family. But if an 8-month-old child coughs and snot flows like water, you should definitely call a pediatrician. Do not hesitate to call the clinic, even if the temperature is low and the symptoms of the disease are mild.

At this age, children are usually actively teething. This process reduces the immunity of babies, but in itself rarely causes a high temperature (over 38.5) and a severe runny nose. Cool and humid air in the room. Ventilate the room more often, get a humidifier and do not try to wrap the child warmer, especially at high temperatures.

How to treat a cough in a child of 8 months

Of course, from those fruits and berries that have already been introduced into your diet, for example, fresh green apple compote with prunes. If the baby is sick and does not eat well, in no case do not force-feed him. When it comes to coughing, an experienced specialist must definitely listen to the lungs and bronchi of the child in order to make the correct diagnosis.

If there is time left before the arrival of the doctor, and the attacks are strong, you should know what to give the baby for coughing at 8 months. At this age, special syrups are already allowed: Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Ambroxol and others.

Mustard plasters at this age should be placed very carefully, it is best to abandon this method. An increase in body temperature accompanies the common cold in most cases. First of all, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not always necessary to lower the temperature. In this case, let the body fight the infection on its own. In a children's first aid kit, such funds must be stored in the form of syrup (children's preparations "Nurofen", "Panadol", "Efferalgan") and candles ("Cefekon-D", "Efferalgan").

Runny nose in babies up to a year is very common. It can be caused by both teething, allergies, and an inflammatory process in the body. When an 8-month-old baby has snot, what should parents do in the first place: make sure that the sputum in the nose does not dry out. To do this, it is necessary to rinse it several times a day with a solution of sea salt (children's drops "Akvalor", "Aquamaris"), saline or self-prepared saline.

When rinsing with saline does not help, mucus remains in the nose, the snot must be removed. At 8 months, nasal sprays should not be used. You should know that vasoconstrictor drops can be used no more than three times a day. It is best to do this before going to bed to ease the nasal breathing of the crumbs and give him a good rest. Sore throat also accompanies colds in babies.

From medical preparations allowed "Miramistin" one injection into the throat three times a day. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe additional treatment. How to understand them and recognize the disease in time? An infectious disease specialist will help solve important issues. Horror, my month-old baby has snot. The nurse told me to just pull out the snot with a twisted tampon. You are talking about an ambulance. Can I start something ?!

It can be given to children from three months. With nose drops - I personally am against it, and our pediatrician didn’t prescribe drops for us until 3 years old. If there are no pathologies, just washing with saline and aloe is really good. The option of simply not smoking (as I did in my time) does not suit him without explanation. My little one is often sick lately (4 years). Even now! There is an endocrinologist in the polyclinic, but you can’t take coupons for him, they will be after June 15 for the 2nd half of the month!

About elegance and age. But a woman can be irresistible at any age. Youth must be replaced with mystery and not try to pretend to be Lolita. On average, children get ARVI 6-8 times a year. Most of them are from September to April. Those children who attend children's institutions have 2 peaks of morbidity every year: after the summer and winter holidays, children meet and exchange viruses.

SARS symptoms usually appear in the first two days after infection. The temperature rises at the onset of the disease, may fluctuate, and then gradually normalizes. There is nothing wrong with the fact that a child swallows snot - they will not cause any disease there, but will simply be digested. Antibiotics do not kill viruses, so with ARVI (including viral bronchitis and viral pneumonia), they will not help the child.

All this can lead to the fact that the child will be more capricious and his appetite will decrease. The circle of communication of a baby up to a year is usually very limited, however, children at this age also suffer from SARS and other diseases, most often becoming infected from their parents or their older brothers and sisters.


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How to treat a cough in an 8 month old baby

How to treat a cough in a child (8 months)

Cough in a child must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise it may progress chronic form, which is treated for much longer and more difficult. Many parents are especially frightened by the cough of infants, and it simply needs to be eliminated urgently in order to make life easier for the little patient.

Before treating, you need to understand the cause of such a childhood anomaly, and for this it does not hurt to contact a pediatrician for help. As a rule, the appearance of a cough in an eight-month-old baby is due to attacks of infections of a weakened immune system, since the protective system of the child's body has not yet fully settled down and is subject to such an aggressive effect, which is especially acute in the autumn-spring period. However, if a child is coughing for 8 months, a fungus may be to blame.

One way or another, coughing is a kind of reaction to an internal irritant, eliminating after eliminating which, the quality of life of the baby also improves. Often it is accompanied by fever, rhinitis and sore throat, which requires combined therapy.

After determining the pathogenic cause, the pediatrician prescribes a course of treatment, which, in turn, provides for both taking medications and using traditional medicine.

First of all, the child needs to provide complete rest. In addition, abundant drinking is required, which, as you know, not only prevents dehydration of the body, but also productively removes accumulated sputum from the bronchi. As for antitussive drugs, a cough in a child of 8 months can be eliminated with the help of special children's syrups that taste good. Among them, such drugs as Dry cough mixture, Pertusin, Ambroxol, Kofol and Flavomed are especially effective, the intake of which does not cause disgust in the crumbs. Even in productive treatment, preparations from the Doctor Mom series, produced in the form of pastilles, syrup, ointment, and the time-tested Mukaltin tablets, have proven themselves to be excellent.

Among the proven traditional medicine aimed at combating children's coughs, home inhalations should be singled out, which also productively dilute sputum and contribute to its speedy removal. Especially popular are decoctions with potatoes, as well as inhalations with the addition of soda and iodine, but such procedures are recommended to be done no more than twice a day for five minutes each. After inhalation, the child should be laid down and wrapped up, and it is advisable to do this before going to bed.

It is important to remember that taking antitussive drugs should be alternated, otherwise there is an addictive effect.

Cough in a child of 8 months: what to look for

If the cough lasts a week, then it is urgent to take at least some kind of action. If a cough has been haunting a child for a week or more, this means that a trip to the pediatrician is necessary. Most often, the manifestation of a cough in an 8-month-old for a long time manifests itself due to an attack on the baby's weakened body of an infection. Do you need to cure a cough in an 8 month old baby? Find out what to look for in this article.

Cough in a child of 8 months - features of the problem

The cause of a weekly cough in a child of 8 months can also be chlamydia or a fungus. There can be quite a few reasons for it, so it’s better to go straight to the doctor than sit and do nothing.

Cough is a reaction of the lungs to an irritant. Of course, a cough in a child of 8 months in itself is not bad, but when it turns into a prolonged cough for a week or more, it's time to take urgent action! Look carefully and listen first of all to the character: dry without sputum and wet with sputum.

Cough in a child of 8 months: what to look for

Dry cough can be provoked by various impurities that are in the air - smoke, chemicals, pollen and many others. If the baby suffers from allergies, then pay attention to allergens - irritants.

A wet cough in a child of 8 months often occurs against the background of a cold. If the cold has passed, and the cough remains, there is no need to panic. A high temperature kills the virus in 7 days, and a cough can be treated for several weeks. But if the cough lasts for months, then we are talking about whooping cough, pneumonia and chronic bronchitis.

A prolonged cough in a child of 8 months is a serious matter. Basically, the cough remains after the illness, and the child can be exhausted from a week to two, and sometimes more than months. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to treat a persistent cough, at any age, and even more so in an 8-month-old child, because he speaks of a sluggish, slow state of the disease, and can develop from a protracted into a chronic one.

Chronic cough in a child of 8 months can be treated with traditional medicine and folk remedies. Of course, you must first visit a doctor who will understand the cause of the weekly cough, its nature and prescribe treatment. In children, a week-long persistent cough, along with other symptoms, may indicate the presence of an illness such as whooping cough. Colds in the cold season occur without an increase in temperature and have only such symptoms as cough and runny nose. If you are suffering from a cough, then infusions of medicinal herbs can help well. But when the coughing fits are repeated for a long time, it is best to go to the doctor and take the medicines that he will prescribe for you.

cough in a child of 8 months - other methods of treatment

How to cure a cough in a baby?

Like adults, a cough in a newborn is a reflex of his small organism. external factors. Below we consider the main causes, symptoms, how to treat cough in infants, and what folk remedies really help to quickly overcome this disease.

As a result of expulsion of air, the airways are cleared of foreign bodies and sputum that has appeared inside. Very often, an infection that has entered the body of the crumbs becomes the main causative agent that provokes a dry cough.

Cough in a newborn, it may be mild, barely noticeable and deep, which can cause nausea and pain in the airways. As a rule, he can accompany a large number of diseases: hoarseness, anxiety or sleep disturbance.

What causes dry cough?

  1. These are mainly viral infections (ARVI), which in 90% are symptoms of a cough. The inflammatory process of infection can occur in both the lower and upper respiratory tract.
  2. Foreign bodies. Penetrating into the bronchi and trachea of ​​a newborn, they can pose a great threat to the baby, so they require treatment under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. The cause of dry cough in infants can often be inflammation of the larynx, trachea or pharynx. Even a small amount of sputum can be a very painful process for our children.
  4. With a wet cough, thick sputum is much more difficult to cough up, as it requires considerable effort. It becomes deeper and causes a lot of inconvenience to our beloved baby. Usually the child stops coughing when the sputum has stopped.
  5. A runny nose is also one of the causes of coughing. But here, parents should not worry too much: after all, the reason for coughing lies in the fact that mucus (when the nose is clogged) enters the sinuses of the respiratory tract, thereby causing irritation.
  6. Other diseases not related to the respiratory tract. (for example, heart disease)

How to cure a cough with folk remedies?

Consider the most effective ways treatment of cough with folk remedies, which in the future will help mothers to treat other colds of their little peanuts:

  • Mustard plasters. Wrapping with mustard plasters has long been a success in our grandmothers and is effective healing effect to date. You will need: mustard, flour, honey and vegetable oil (all in equal proportions). Mix thoroughly in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then we apply it on a gauze cloth and gently wrap the back and chest of the newborn. From above you can wrap with a terry towel.
  • Bag of salt. We heat the salt in a pan and put it in a bag (15x10 cm), which we put diagonally on the chest of the baby. Remove after the salt has cooled (after about two hours).
  • Onion tincture. Mix the onion cut into small slices with honey and let the mixture brew for about eight hours. Before feeding the crumbs, this tincture can be given one teaspoonful at a time.
  • Herbs. Suitable for children from 2 months. In every pharmacy you can buy chamomile tea or "mother and stepmother", they are not expensive, but medicinal properties are not inferior even to children's syrups.

Folk methods herbal treatments will be more effective if used in combination with inhalation:

  • To speed up the treatment of the respiratory tract, use such a tool as Eucalyptus. To do this, the bathroom is filled with water by 15-20 cm, and the Eucalyptus tincture is sprayed on the walls. The time the baby is in the water should not exceed 15 minutes, after which it must be wiped dry and wrapped in a warm towel.

After taking 3-4 procedures, the intensity of the cough will decrease and subsequently disappear forever.

  • Rubbing with honey. Put a small amount of honey on the palms of your hands and rub it on the chest and back of the baby. After the procedure, carefully wrap the baby in a warm blanket.

Before treating a cough in a child, you should consult your therapist.


If this is a common cold, then application is enough folk ways. When the disease takes more than sharp shape(with stable temperature), it is possible cough treatment for baby under the supervision of a pediatrician. In this regard, parents should not start the disease, and in case acute complications do not self-medicate!

Our online portal is dedicated to the psychological and physical development of the child. In our articles, we touch upon the features of breastfeeding and artificial feeding, as well as point out the main points in the treatment and prevention of various childhood diseases. All information is for informational purposes only.


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Cough in a child 8 months than to treat

What to do if your baby has a cold at 8 months

When a baby is sick, parents are able to do even the impossible so that his illness recedes as soon as possible. Unfortunately, no one is immune from a cold, even children of the first year of life. In our article, we will talk about how to treat a cold in a child of 8 months, when they are worried about cough, snot, sore throat and fever.

The circle of communication of a baby up to a year is usually very limited, however, children at this age also suffer from SARS and other diseases, most often becoming infected from their parents or their older brothers and sisters. A mild cold of the crumbs may well be painless for the whole family. But if an 8-month-old child coughs and snot flows like water, you should definitely call a pediatrician. Do not hesitate to call the clinic, even if the temperature is low and the symptoms of the disease are mild. When the baby is 8 months old, it is necessary to identify the disease in time and start competent treatment.

At this age, children are usually actively teething. This process reduces the immunity of babies, but in itself rarely causes a high temperature (over 38.5) and a severe runny nose. Therefore, you should not write off all the symptoms on the teeth.

First of all, with a cold, you need to follow three simple rules:

  • Cool and humid air in the room. Ventilate the room more often, get a humidifier and do not try to wrap the child warmer, especially at high temperatures.
  • Plentiful warm drink. For this, mother's milk, clean drinking water, fruit drinks and compotes are perfect. Of course, from those fruits and berries that have already been introduced into your diet, for example, fresh green apple compote with prunes.
  • Moderate feeding. If the baby is sick and does not eat well, in no case do not force-feed him. An overloaded liver will not allow him to quickly overcome the disease.

How to treat a cough in a child of 8 months

A wet or dry cough in a child of 8 months is a reason to immediately call a doctor. In young children with fragile immunity, even a small untreated cold can lead to serious complications. When it comes to coughing, an experienced specialist must definitely listen to the lungs and bronchi of the child in order to make the correct diagnosis. Adequate treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist, depending on the type of cough and the results of the diagnosis.

If there is time left before the arrival of the doctor, and the attacks are strong, you should know what to give the baby for coughing at 8 months. At this age, special syrups are already allowed: Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Ambroxol and others. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and find out the dosage for children under one year old. Also, pay attention to whether your baby's cough is dry or wet. Each species has its own syrups.

From folk methods, one can offer inhalations with steams of boiled potatoes or steams of eucalyptus oil in the absence of allergies. Mustard plasters at this age should be placed very carefully, it is best to abandon this method. You can make compresses from honey cake, mashed potatoes or camphor / sunflower oil. To do this, you must first put a fabric on the chest, then a compress, then another layer of fabric, a film and a final layer of fabric. At high temperatures, heating is prohibited.

High fever in an 8 month old baby

An increase in body temperature accompanies the common cold in most cases. If you have this symptom, be sure to call your doctor so that he can establish the correct diagnosis. At the same time, parents must definitely know how to bring down the temperature of a child of 8 months. First of all, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not always necessary to lower the temperature. When an eight-month-old baby has a temperature of 38 or below, do not give him antipyretics. In this case, let the body fight the infection on its own. A decrease in temperature will drown out the symptoms for a short time, while the disease itself will continue to develop.

If the temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, then you can not do without antipyretics based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. In a children's first aid kit, such funds must be stored in the form of syrup (children's preparations Nurofen, Panadol, Efferalgan) and candles (Cefekon-D, Efferalgan). If there is nothing of this at home, you can give the baby Paracetamol tablets dissolved in water. Be sure to read the instructions and correctly calculate the dosage of any drug used. Syrups begin to act after 20 - 30 minutes, and candles - after 30 - 40 minutes, but their effect lasts longer. You can repeat the intake of antipyretics after 5 - 6 hours, not earlier.

So, when a child is 8 months old, his temperature is 38.5 and above, what should parents do? Give an antipyretic, call a doctor, ventilate the room, dress the baby lighter and provide him with plenty of fluids.

Runny nose in a child of 8 months: how to treat

Runny nose in babies up to a year is very common. It can be caused by both teething, allergies, and an inflammatory process in the body. When an 8-month-old baby has snot, what should parents do in the first place: make sure that the sputum in the nose does not dry out. To do this, it is necessary to rinse it several times a day with a solution of sea salt (children's drops Aqualor, Aquamaris), saline or self-prepared saline. Provide your baby with plenty of fluids and cool air in the room.

It is worth knowing how to treat snot in a child of 8 months. When rinsing with saline does not help, mucus remains in the nose, the snot must be removed. To do this, you can use cotton flagella, a regular baby enema, or nasal aspirators (for example, Otrivin Baby). Sucking snot is often not recommended, so as not to provoke swelling of the nasal mucosa. In addition, with a severe runny nose, you should call a doctor. The pediatrician will prescribe treatment for the baby: for example, it can be Nazivin, Vibrocil baby drops. At 8 months, nasal sprays should not be used. You should know that vasoconstrictor drops can be used no more than three times a day. It is best to do this before going to bed to ease the nasal breathing of the crumbs and give him a good rest.

How to treat a throat for a child of 8 months

Sore throat also accompanies colds in babies. In the presence of this symptom, consultation with a specialist is required. To immediately help an 8-month-old child who has a sore throat, you can offer him a warm drink: mother's milk, milk formula, water, chamomile decoction, compote, depending on what is included in his diet. Of the medical preparations, Miramistin is allowed one injection into the throat three times a day. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe additional treatment for you.

Cough in 8 month old baby

Hardening a child 8 months

A cough in a child of 8 months can occur for a number of many reasons, therefore, in order for the child to get sick as little as possible colds, it is necessary to carry out hardening, and it is worth starting from the very first days of the baby's life.

For hardening, you can use both air baths and a huge number of water procedures. When dressing, you need to remember that overheating the child has a negative effect, so you do not need to put on a large number of warm clothes for the baby. In order to determine whether the baby is dressed correctly (in terms of temperature), you need to monitor the feet and hands, and if they are dry and warm, the clothes are chosen correctly.

For hardening, it is also very useful to pour cool water on the child’s legs every day for 8 months, in summer it is very useful to walk barefoot on the grass, and in winter to wipe your feet with a towel (or walk on it in a wrung-out form) dipped in a special saline solution (1 tablespoon salt per liter of warm water). After that, you can rub your feet. This effect is achieved due to the impact on the reflexogenic zones of the feet, which actively stimulates the work. immune system. And, of course, you need to spend more time outdoors, and at any time of the year.

How to protect an 8 month old baby from coughing?

Do not smoke in the presence of a child!

The cold season is the time of frequent outbreaks viral infections so you should try to avoid crowded events. In case of illness of one of the family members, isolation of the patient is desirable, and in order to avoid the spread of the disease. It is necessary to provide the patient with separate dishes, but if isolation is not possible, and there is a need for contact with the child, it is necessary to use a gauze bandage.

How to treat a cough in a child of 8 months?

In essence, cough therapy in a child of 8 months does not come down to suppressing it, but to strengthening it, and there must be a transition from unproductive (dry) to productive (“wet”). Which in turn leads to a more active functioning of the bronchi, restoration of airway patency, as well as elimination of the situation of irritation of the bronchial mucosa, which ultimately leads to the cessation of the cough reflex. But do not forget that the cough itself in a child of 8 months old can be a sign not only of a cold, but also of many other diseases, therefore, for high-quality and effective treatment, a timely and correctly established diagnosis is needed.

Anonymous, Female, 33 years old

Cough in 8 month old baby

Hello, Tatyana Nikolaevna. The child has been coughing for almost a month. First was severe runny nose which has now almost ceased. The cough is loose, sometimes turning into fits, mostly at night. On one occasion it even came to the point of vomiting. In addition, teeth are actively erupting now, which resulted in a temperature of 37.5-38.5, which lasted 3 days. They called the doctor to the house, she reassured us that our lungs and bronchi were in order. All this time she gave nurofen (as an antipyretic and analgesic), gedelix syrup, aquamaris and gripferon dripped into her nose. Antibiotics have yet to come to fruition. The humidifier is constantly running. Today we had a doctor's appointment. She prescribed us irs 19 and drops of sinupret. But in the annotation to the drops, the age is indicated from 2 years. Can you please tell me if taking this drug will harm my baby? And most importantly, why does the cough last so long, because we treat it, do not start it? Perhaps this is a reaction to the teeth? Thank you.

Hello! Coughing is normal as long as the child has a runny nose, especially since it (cough) is superficial, as soon as you deal with snot, the cough will pass, the main thing is not to wait for complications in the form of bronchitis or pneumonia. Give in periodically clinical analysis blood not to be missed inflammatory process. The child is shown inhalations, mucolytics, postural drainage, as well as consultation with a pulmonologist. Sinupret should not be used before reaching the age of 2 years at least, it is a drug plant origin, it contains many herbs that can cause allergic reaction, which will only worsen the condition, in addition, it is contraindicated in lactose deficiency, which often occurs in babies under one year old. Often, teeth erupt in children precisely with the addition of a viral or bacterial infection, with inflammation and fever, bronchitis and a runny nose, which is why timely care for a child is so important. Regarding the preparations of IRS and influenzaferon, IRS should not be used, since it is not indicated for children under 3 months old, in addition, studies have not been conducted on its effect on the body in early childhood and in pregnant women, and the drug also contains mercury. gripferon to achieve some effect, it is necessary to drip continuously, which can cause dryness of the nasal mucosa of the child, as a result of its slight injury. It will be enough to wash the baby's nose with any isotonic solution, suck out the contents with the help of an aspirator, do inhalations, give the child more liquid, at this age you can already cook fortified compotes for him. And also do a blood test for antibodies to whooping cough, mycoplasma and chlamydia pneumonia.

The advice is provided for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation, please consult a doctor.

Children are especially susceptible to various diseases due to their fragile immunity and defenselessness before the world. At this age, their main support is parents and close people who must carefully monitor the health of the baby. Sometimes a cough is harmless, but in most cases it is just a beacon indicating various diseases.

What is a cough

Cough is a normal reaction of the body to an irritant. foreign bodies or phlegm in the respiratory tract, so do not immediately sound the alarm. First you need to watch the child for a while: whether his behavior, appetite or temperature has changed.

There are two types of cough according to the type of occurrence:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

The first is of a completely ordinary nature, as a rule, the baby does not pay attention to it, it starts unexpectedly and passes just as quickly.

Admit it, you may not notice a rare cough behind you.

Children cough for many reasons:

  • when food gets "in the wrong throat";
  • after sleep, to cough up phlegm;
  • during crying or when teeth are being cut (for this period there is a symptomatology);
  • with allergies.

Pathological cough appears due to many reasons, for example, infectious diseases or inflammation, and there are often other symptoms besides coughing that you can self-diagnose.

If the child’s cough does not go away, but only intensifies with time, then be sure to visit the pediatrician. Only he is able to accurately identify the cause of the disease, its status, type, and also prescribe effective treatment, focusing on medical card.

Diseases that provoke coughing can be:

  1. SARS is a common cold, which most often causes a cough in a baby. This is due to the fact that at this age they often communicate with their peers. You can get a cold, contrary to popular belief, not only in cold weather. This disease is characterized by a dry cough, which becomes wet after a few days, and an increase in coughing attacks at night.
  2. Influenza in infants can be very difficult, up to complications in the form of otitis media. At this time, the baby refuses to eat, and a runny nose makes it difficult to sleep at night and breathe. The temperature can rise above 38 degrees.
  3. Bronchitis, tonsillitis and others inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract. It is very easy to recognize them by periodic wheezing and whistling, constant dry cough and low temperature.

Cough in a child at 8 months: how to treat

Remember that you cannot diagnose the disease yourself, and even more so prescribe treatment, so trust the pediatrician. He will observe the baby throughout the illness in order to:

  • prescribe medication appropriate for his age;
  • on repeated examinations to determine the effectiveness of medications;
  • change drugs if there is no improvement.

After the examination, the doctor prescribes medications, which he selects according to the type of cough and its source. These can be antipyretics (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and their analogues), expectorant drugs, for example, Prospan or Gedelix.

The prescription your doctor will write will tell you how much to take and how often to take it. Be sure to follow the instructions and ask your pediatrician any questions or concerns you have. In addition to medicines, you can use sparing traditional medicine, after consulting a doctor.