Mashed potatoes for a 6 month old baby. At what age can you give mashed potatoes to babies? We expand the diet of crumbs: we introduce mashed potatoes

Potato contains potassium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, vitamins, antioxidants and organic acids, which have a positive effect on digestion and cardiovascular system. However, despite its benefits, it is impossible to start complementary foods with potatoes. First, the baby needs to be taught to other monocomponent purees: broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini. Babies can be introduced into the diet of potatoes from six months. Children who are on artificial nutrition - from five, but you should not rush. The optimal age for feeding potatoes is six months.

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky does not recommend rushing to introduce potatoes to the baby's menu. The doctor advises first to accustom the baby to cereals and sour-milk dishes, and only then move on to potatoes. It can be given when the child has at least one tooth. The most suitable period for the introduction of potatoes is 8 months, the pediatrician notes. And you need to start first with vegetable broths, after which you can move on to vegetable puree, and then to a variety of soups.

Like any other complementary foods, potatoes should be introduced into the baby's diet from small volumes. For the first time, half a teaspoon is enough. The next time, if the baby reacted normally to a new dish, the portion is increased. If the child does not want to try a new dish, the mother should not insist: it is best to postpone the acquaintance with him for a few days, and then repeat the “procedure” again.

Baby potato menu

There are many ways to cook potatoes for baby food. Tubers can be boiled in boiling water under a lid, in a double boiler, and also baked in a microwave or oven. Grind cooked potatoes until pureed. If this is the first acquaintance with the root crop, you should add to it breast milk or milk formula, which the baby prefers. You can also dilute potatoes with a decoction in which the vegetable was boiled.

Later, when the child gets used to it, cow's milk or vegetable oil can be added to the puree. For extra flavor by 8-9 months, blender-chopped greens can be added to the puree. It is also useful to combine potatoes with other vegetables. And when the baby gets acquainted with meat, then with meat puree or meatballs, which must first be chopped and then combined with potatoes.

When preparing children's meals for babies, if possible, try to do without salt and spices (especially at the beginning of complementary foods) or use them very carefully.

Vegetable purees, as a rule, becomes the first complementary foods for the baby. They satisfy the needs of the growing organism of the crumbs in vitamins, vegetable protein, dietary fiber ... In a word, purees are very useful, especially if they are made with love at home :)

Mashed potatoes (from 5 months)

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 4 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), 1 teaspoon of butter.

Cooking: wash the potatoes well. Peel it off. Wash again. Steam the potatoes or bake in the oven until soft. Strain the still hot potatoes through a sieve or puree in a blender. While whisking the potatoes, gradually pour in the hot milk. Put the resulting puree on fire and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and add butter. Cool down.

Cauliflower and courgette puree (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 50 g of cauliflower, 60 g of zucchini, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: Rinse the vegetables well under running water. Peel the cabbage, divide it into small inflorescences. Cut the zucchini into small pieces. Put the vegetables in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over everything so that the water completely covers the vegetables.

Close the lid and cook until fully cooked. Rub the still hot vegetables with the broth through a sieve until a homogeneous mass is obtained. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to puree. Boil for 1-2 more minutes. Add vegetable oil to the finished puree and mix.

Carrot-potato puree (from 7 months)

Ingredients: 2 potatoes, 1 carrot, 4 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: wash carrots and potatoes well. Clean and wash again. Cut vegetables into cubes. Put them in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over so that the water covers the vegetables. Simmer the vegetables over low heat, covered, until tender.

Pass hot vegetables through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add milk, salt, vegetable oil to the puree. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and set aside.

Carrot puree (from 7 months)

Ingredients: 1 medium carrot, hot water, 2 tablespoons milk (breast milk or formula), 1/2 teaspoon butter.

Cooking: wash the carrots well, peel them, wash them again. Cut the washed carrot into cubes, transfer it to an enamel pan, pour boiling water over it so that the water covers the carrots. Steam or simmer the carrots, covered, until the carrots are soft and the water is boiled away.

Rub hot carrots through a sieve until smooth. You can grind carrots in a blender. Add butter, hot milk and mix everything. Boil for another 2-3 minutes. Refrigerate before serving.

Zucchini and chicken meat puree (from 9 months)

Ingredients: 150 - 200 g of squash pulp, 50 g of boiled white meat of chicken or turkey, 1/2 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of butter.

Cooking: wash the zucchini well. Remove the skin from it and cut into small pieces. Steam until fully cooked. Hot, grind the zucchini through a sieve until smooth. Mix with chopped poultry meat until smooth. Pour in hot milk, salt and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Add butter to the puree.

Cauliflower puree with milk (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 100 g of cauliflower, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Ingredients: rinse the cauliflower well. Cut it into florets. Remove green leaves. Put the small cauliflower florets in an enamel pot. Pour boiling water over it so that the cabbage is completely in the water. Close the lid and simmer until the cabbage is cooked and the water has completely evaporated.

Rub the hot cabbage through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to the puree and boil for another 1-2 minutes. Add vegetable oil to the finished hot puree.

Apple-pumpkin puree (from 6 months)

Ingredients: 100 g pumpkin pulp, 1 apple, 1 teaspoon butter.

Cooking: rinse the pumpkin and apple well. Peel off the skin, remove the seeds. Cut the fruit into pieces. Fill the pumpkin with water and cook over low heat under a lid until the pulp. Add an apple. Boil for 10 more minutes. Grate the still hot fruits on a fine grater together with the broth until smooth. You can use a blender. Boil puree for another 102 minutes. Cool, add butter and serve.

Puree from potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets and pumpkin (from 8 months)

Ingredients: 1/5 potatoes, 30 g of carrots, pumpkins, beets, white cabbage, 2 tablespoons of milk (breast or mixture), half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Cooking: wash vegetables thoroughly. Peel them, cut into small pieces. Put the chopped vegetables in an enamel pan, add water, close the lid and simmer over low heat. Complete evaporation of water must not be allowed. When the vegetables are soft, rub them hot through a sieve until smooth. You can use a blender. Add hot milk to puree and bring everything to a boil. Add vegetable oil.

Enjoy your meal!

Sooner or later, the baby's diet has to be expanded by introducing a new product into it, the first complementary foods. Of course, it is better to consult a pediatrician about the advisability of introducing unfamiliar food into the crumbs menu.

But not all mothers do this, believing that they can make their own decisions. This is a personal matter for every woman and I don’t want to discuss this approach at all.

Today we raise a slightly different topic: when can you give a baby mashed potatoes?

I want to talk about the root crop for one simple reason, in our country this product is very common, air puree is prepared not only for every day, but also on holidays.

And most mothers have a stereotype in their heads that such a tender, lovingly prepared dish simply cannot harm a small body. Whether this is actually the case remains to be seen.

Mashed potatoes: good or bad?

Potato is exactly the product that is introduced into the baby's diet one of the first. True, unlike zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, the beloved by many root vegetables contain large amounts of starch and carbohydrates. These components are very difficult to digestive system baby which is still far from perfect.

Because of this, problems often arise:

  1. The baby has constipation and weight gain.
  2. Among other things, potatoes contain the minimum amount of vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for a little man.

After reading the above paragraph, some parents may decide that it is not worth giving baby puree at all. Don't be so critical. Due to the neutral taste, potatoes are liked by babies and are suitable for the first feeding. Many toddlers are happy to start eating mashed potatoes. By the way, it is recommended to cook potatoes for babies who are not gaining weight well, as well as for those who have problems with stools - diarrhea.

When can you start pureeing?

As mentioned above, potatoes are introduced into the diet of the little one in the forefront. If you determine the time frame, then the children on breastfeeding you can give puree in a “pure” form from six months.

Toddlers eating a mixture can be given a taste of the dish as early as 5 months.

Remember that babies 5-6 months old are given potatoes without additives, but older children, at 8-9 months old, can combine mashed potatoes with meat or other vegetables.

Before preparing a puree, it is important to choose the right root crop, remove nitrates and excess starch from it.

Learning to choose a root crop

Every parent wants his little one to get all the best, and this applies not only to beautiful clothes, toys and other things, but also to food. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right potatoes for mashed potatoes.

  • Give preference to vegetables grown in the region where you live. Most the best option- potatoes from your own garden or relatives' plot;
  • It is wiser to buy potatoes in season. This reduces the risk of acquiring a vegetable treated with chemicals and other filth;
  • When choosing, give preference to medium-sized tubers;
  • It is impossible to cook mashed potatoes for babies from a greenish tuber. Also, do not boil a baby vegetable, the peel of which has already wrinkled, it has white coating or rotted side. For a child, you need to choose a beautiful smooth tuber that does not have signs of damage.

If you are satisfied with the appearance of the selected vegetable, then you can start cooking. Of course, at first glance, making a baby to start complementary foods is not difficult: you need to wash and peel the potatoes, boil, and mash. But this is not entirely true. The tuber must be prepared for heat treatment.

To do this, remove the skin from the potatoes and soak the root crop for 24 hours in cold water. Such manipulation will remove excess starch and nitrates from the root crop.

Before cooking, the vegetable must be cut into small squares.

How to cook baby mashed potatoes?

There are a lot of recipes for making mashed potatoes for babies. For children 5-6 months old, the dish should be one-component. For crumbs older than 8 months, you can cook vegetable mixes or add meat to the puree.

Consider a simple recipe on how to make mashed potatoes for 5-6 months old babies.

  1. For the dish, take 1 medium-sized root crop, soak it in water beforehand;
  2. Then, boil or steam.
  3. There is no need to add salt when cooking.
  4. Place the finished vegetable in a blender, add a little potato broth, if available, and beat everything thoroughly. It is important that there are no lumps in the dish. Of course, you can also mash potatoes by hand - it's up to you.
  5. Some mothers add a little breast milk to the puree.
  6. When the puree is ready, it needs to be slightly cooled and given warm to the crumbs.
  7. If mashed potatoes are given to babies for the first time as complementary foods, then ½ tsp will be the optimal portion.

Do not rush to increase the portion and do not forget to monitor the baby's reaction to a new product. If the child has allergies, problems with stools, or some other concern, then it is better to wait a little with the new product.

Some mothers note that their baby does not eat "clean" mashed potatoes and are very worried about this. Although you shouldn't worry too much. If the child does not eat, it means that he does not like something, he will grow up a little and everything will change. By the way, many peanuts with great pleasure burst multi-component dishes, which after 8 months can be prepared according to the following recipe.

The introduction of new foods into a child's diet should be consistent. For each vegetable, there is a certain time when the digestive system will be ready to accept it. Mashed potatoes for babies are one of the first to be added to the menu. Its preparation does not require much time. But in order for the dish to be as healthy and safe as possible, you need to know a few simple recommendations. It is important to choose and process the root crop correctly, as well as determine the method of cooking.

The benefits and harms of potatoes

The potato contains a large number of carbohydrates and proteins. As a result, dishes from it are high in calories and difficult to digest. That is why it is not recommended to give your child mashed potatoes too early.

The benefits of this product are due to the content of organic acids, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and B6. All these elements are necessary for the baby to grow and develop. The root crop contains fiber in its composition, which has a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

When weighing the pros and cons, it should be borne in mind that properly prepared mashed potatoes for babies will not only be useful, but will also please him in taste and texture.

When to introduce a dish into the diet

First of all, it should be noted that mashed potatoes can be given to a child only if he has already "tried" more easily digestible vegetables - cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin.

From what age you can give a dish to a baby depends on the main type of feeding:

  1. You can introduce mashed potatoes into the diet of an artificial child no earlier than 5 months.
  2. For breastfed babies, the minimum age increases to 6 months.

There is no need to rush. You can wait up to 7-8 months, especially if the baby has frequent constipation and digestive problems.

You need to start with one or two teaspoons a day, watching the reaction. If the baby has allergies or stool retention, it is worth giving up potatoes for a while. This is not a very valuable product in terms of content. useful substances, so its absence will not have any effect on the health of the baby. Essential Vitamins the child will be able to get from other vegetables that must be present in his diet after 6 months.

If, after the first feeding with mashed potatoes, no problems arose, you can continue to give it to your baby. But it is advisable to cook such a high-calorie dish for a child no more than 1-2 times a week.

The root vegetable can contribute to weight gain when it is lacking. In this case, you can cook mashed potatoes for babies a little more often. However, it is important not to overdo it so as not to provoke problems in the digestive system.

How to choose potatoes

Before you start cooking, you need to choose the right vegetables. It is best to take medium-sized smooth new potatoes. Tubers should not have the following features:

  • putrid areas;
  • green peel;
  • cuts and other damage;
  • "eyes" in large numbers;
  • too large.

It is advisable to use potatoes from your garden: purchased ones may contain a lot of nitrates and other harmful substances. The vegetable will bring less harm and more benefit in the autumn and winter periods.

In the spring, it is recommended to use potatoes for babies as little as possible - at this time, the concentration of the toxic substance solanine increases in the peel due to long storage.

First food

How to make mashed potatoes for baby? The usual dish that many cook for every day will not work. There are some features that you need to know in order not to harm a growing organism that has not yet been fully formed.

It is necessary to prepare food for infants immediately before feeding. lost during storage beneficial features products and develop harmful microorganisms. The baby's body is not yet able to fight bacteria, unlike adults.

To prepare mashed potatoes, potatoes can be boiled in their skins or peeled. The peel contains many nutrients. Therefore, you need to cut off a thin layer, as close to the surface as possible. The peeled vegetable is cut into cubes and poured with cold water for a day. This will get rid of excess starch and nitrates. Then the water is drained and the potatoes are washed.

The rest of the recipe is quite simple. The prepared product is laid out in a saucepan and poured clean water so that the potatoes remain a few millimeters above its surface. It is not recommended to use salt in dishes for babies. In extreme cases, you can add a little salt, but the less the better.

You need to cook on low heat for a maximum of half an hour. Do not boil potatoes longer to prevent the breakdown of vitamins and other beneficial substances. If after this time the root crop is not cooked, then this is a variety not intended for human consumption. Moreover, you can not give his baby for complementary foods.

At the end of cooking, the potato broth is poured into another container and the vegetable is chopped, rubbing it through a sieve or kneading it with a crush.

You can also make mashed potatoes by steaming the vegetable or roasting it in the oven. Such methods are considered more gentle for the first complementary foods, as they retain most of the vitamins and other important elements.

Potato or other vegetable broth is added to the puree and brought to the desired consistency. It is better to make it thinner so that it is easier for the baby to eat. You can add breast milk or formula for softness. It is important to mash the potatoes well so that there are no hard lumps left. Otherwise, the child may choke. If desired, add a little butter for taste.

Puree for older babies

After 8 months, the child can begin to feed multi-ingredient meals. Potatoes are mixed with cauliflower, carrots or zucchini, and chicken or veal meat is also added. This is especially true if the child refuses the root crop in its pure form.

  • Potato and cauliflower puree

Vegetables are well washed and cleaned. You can take them in any proportion. If the child does not like potatoes, you can take quite a bit, each time increasing the amount.

Products are placed in a saucepan and poured with water. You can add dill greens. Everything is boiled until tender, then crushed. To do this, use a blender, pusher or sieve. Puree is made on the basis of vegetable broth, if desired, you can add milk. Add to the finished dish if desired. olive oil- For babies, 1 teaspoon per serving is enough.

  • Other multi-component mashed potatoes

The recipe for mashed potatoes with other vegetables will be similar to the previous one. Use any products that have already been introduced into the child's diet before. The proportions are also unbounded. With the help of such dishes, you can accustom your child to vegetables that he does not like, gradually increasing their amount in mashed potatoes. Potatoes in the composition of multi-component dishes will add nutrition and improve taste.

Mashed potatoes are a nutritious and tasty dish. When to introduce it into the diet of the baby, it is up to the parents. It is advisable to coordinate this decision with the pediatrician. He will be able to tell you how many months it is better to give the root crop, and assess the readiness of the digestive system for a new product. Compliance with all recommendations will avoid possible problems or reduce their manifestation.

Summer and autumn provide an opportunity to get a lot of "live" vitamins, which are rich in vegetables and fruits. One of the most popular vegetables consumed by adults and children is potatoes. Very often, it is he who is recommended by nutritionists and pediatricians to be one of the first to be introduced into the diet - after or cauliflower. Like all complementary foods, this vegetable must also be prepared for babies in the form of mashed potatoes. The method of preparing mashed potatoes is not much different from making mashed potatoes from other vegetables, but it has its own characteristics that will help mom feed her child deliciously.

To get a tasty and nutritious mashed potato for babies, you first need to choose the right vegetables. The root crop should be without greenery under the skin, signs of decay, not affected by phytoflora and without seedlings. Also, parents should avoid buying potatoes with nitrates, for this, either use a vegetable from their garden, or buy it in trusted places.

How to cook baby mashed potatoes?

  1. Soak in water for a day, after removing the peel with a thick layer (to remove excess starch).
  2. Cut and place in an enamel pot of boiling water. Cook covered and bring to a boil over low heat. Do not salt the water.
  3. Remove boiled potatoes and chop accessible way while they are hot.
  4. To form a semi-liquid puree, add a decoction of potatoes, milk.

Mashed potatoes for babies should turn out without lumps, fluffy, very tender and not thick. Served warm.

baby mashed potato recipe

Herb Mashed Potatoes:



Cut the prepared potatoes into cubes. Put them in a saucepan with boiling water and cover with a lid, cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Then add chopped greens or cabbage there and cook until all vegetables are soft, another 5-10 minutes. Then drain the water and chop the vegetables with a blender or rub through a sieve, while adding milk, until a puree of the desired consistency is formed.

Be sure to remember that they begin to introduce the child to potatoes from a teaspoon, to check if the baby is allergic to it. If it does not appear, you can increase the portion. And every time for the baby, the mother must prepare fresh mashed potatoes so as not to harm his health.