Drugs for stopping lactation. Folk ways to stop lactation and a list of drugs for quickly stopping lactation How long does the medicine come out of breast milk

Benefits both mother and baby. Doctors believe that long breast-feeding contributes to the harmonious development of the child. But there are situations when you have to end lactation. As a rule, a sharp one is stressful for mother and child, but there are all sorts of situations in life. It is not always possible to do this naturally, and for some mothers, only a pill to stop lactation comes to the rescue. About what drugs are taken to quickly stop breastfeeding, in this article.

Tablet for the principle of action

All drugs that are used to suppress breastfeeding act on the hormonal system of a woman, forcing the body to stop producing milk that is responsible for the formation). They must be taken with extreme caution, since the hormonal system is very, very unpredictable, and for some women they may simply be contraindicated. Such pills contain the female hormone estrogen, and it, in turn, is able to inhibit general state and also cause nausea, dizziness, weakness. Many note which pills they would not take to stop lactation, they always felt it on themselves side effects. And, unfortunately, there are a lot of them. After all, it is difficult to stop the process launched by nature and the body, and therefore you will have to feel the disadvantages of such a drug.

In what cases may you need to take such a drug?

The decision to stop breastfeeding should in no case be spontaneous or dependent on the whims of the mother. This is a very serious stress for the body, which must abruptly reverse the running mechanism. As a rule, women resort to such an emergency method only when faced with serious problems.

You may need to stop breastfeeding with medication:

  • Problems directly with the mammary gland and breasts. Incessant lactostasis and mastitis with pus and fever, various inflammations of the breast can lead to disastrous consequences and even to surgical intervention. In this case, the doctor may advise interrupting feeding in order to restore the health of the mother.
  • Immediately after childbirth, such drugs are prescribed to mothers with HIV infection, tuberculosis and other serious diseases that can be transmitted from mother to baby through milk.
  • In the case of an oncological disease in the mother, requiring radiation or chemotherapy, pills are prescribed to stop lactation. Reviews of women who took them during such a period are positive. But without consulting the attending physician, there should not be any independent attempts to take this medication!
  • If a woman had a birth that ended in the death of a newborn, in order to suppress the production of already unnecessary milk, pills are prescribed to stop lactation.


This tool is one of the most common means to stop feeding. The principle of its action is the suppression of lactation with a decrease in prolactin.

As soon as prolactin ceases to be secreted, milk also disappears.

This drug looks like a regular flat tablet. They are produced in two or eight pieces in a bottle.

The manufacturer promises that the level of prolactin in the blood (or to be more precise, in plasma) will fall in 2-3 hours, and this effect will last for more than two weeks. And this time, the milk, as they say, will have time to “burn out” and will no longer stand out.

You won’t have to take it for a long time: for the desired effect, it is enough to take half a tablet 2 times a day for two days.

Many buyers prefer Dostinex because it has a minimum of side effects, unlike many other similar drugs. True, the cost of these tablets is quite high: almost 2 thousand rubles.

Side effects of Dostinex

"Dostinex" is a strong, but still the most gentle drug for stopping breastfeeding. However, being a hormonal remedy, it has a number of side effects.

1. During long-term use of Dostinex, pressure problems may occur, so try not to take it immediately before you get behind the wheel. Headaches accompanied by nausea may disturb.

2. From the side nervous system there is sleep disturbance, anxiety, and some may even develop increased sexual activity.

3. The gastrointestinal tract can also react to taking this drug. Constipation, increased flatulence, abdominal pain - all this can occur while taking Dostinex.


Bromocriptine tablets are also taken to suppress the production of prolactin. By the way, the spectrum of action of Bromocriptine is much higher than that of other drugs for lactation. For example, it is taken for amenorrhea, disorders menstrual cycle. Even for men, these pills will benefit if a diagnosis of prolactinoma is made.

To stop lactation, it is taken twice a day, one tablet on the first day, and after that the dosage should be doubled and a course of 2 weeks should be drunk. If the milk is still not lost, then the course is extended for another week. That is, the course of taking these pills is quite long. In addition, tablets for stopping lactation "Bromokreptin", as well as all similar medicines, have a rather large list of contraindications.

Side effects of Bromocriptine

Like any hormonal remedy, "Bromocriptine" can produce "side effects".

  1. Many complain of nausea and even vomiting in the first days of admission.
  2. Some report sleepiness throughout the day, while others report insomnia. That is, side effects can manifest themselves in different people in their own way.
  3. Weakness, low blood pressure, headache are also noted.
  4. In no case should you take Bromocriptine with alcoholic beverages. In this case, side effects are much stronger, and the effectiveness of drugs is significantly reduced.


The tablet for stopping lactation is contraindicated for those who have serious problems with the kidneys and liver, chronic diseases. Therefore, it is not worth making an independent decision about which means of lactation to choose. Be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe the required dose. Both Dostinex and Bromocriptine have contraindications for use.

They should not be taken by people who have a history of problems with the heart, blood vessels. If you have a tendency to hypertension (high blood pressure), or, conversely, you suffer from low blood pressure, then you should not take it in any case. Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also adversely affect your health. Of course, all hormonal problems should not be treated with Bromocreptin or Dostinex on their own. Be sure to check with your doctor before you start drinking them. Even if these medicines were yours best friend and they helped her. Here you should not rely on the advice of the townsfolk.


The lactation stop pill is a novelty on the drug market and has undoubtedly benefited many women. But it is worth noting that it is impossible to take them without a doctor's prescription in any case. You can’t joke with hormonal drugs, the harm that they can cause if taken incorrectly can be very difficult to fix. A competent doctor will tell you the necessary pills to stop lactation, the instructions will help you understand the intricacies of taking.

If you follow all the above tips, then lactation can be completed without problems and stress.

The process of physiological weaning of the child from the breast should proceed slowly. Ideally, weaning should be 2-3 months. Often there are cases when, for some reason, a woman can no longer breastfeed, but the feeling of discomfort in the mammary glands remains. Pills to stop lactation will help resolve this issue quickly and painlessly.

Ending breastfeeding is a natural step in the life of both mother and baby. The terms of natural feeding are individual, but according to WHO standards, it is not recommended to feed for more than two years. Further, the child does not need mother's milk. Prolonged feeding causes health problems in the mother. The main pathology is considered to be osteoporosis.

However, there are reasons that require immediate cessation of feeding:

  • mother's desire
  • separation from the baby;
  • termination of pregnancy in late term;
  • severe diseases of the mother (HIV infection, tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus);
  • deep prematurity of the baby (especially with hemorrhages in the brain);
  • stillbirth;
  • breast abscesses.

In severe conditions, drugs to stop lactation should be drunk immediately after childbirth. Feeding is contraindicated in mothers with severe function abnormalities internal organs. Drug suppression of milk production must be prescribed with extreme caution, due to the risk of exacerbation of the underlying disease.

What pills are used against lactation

When there is a problem of completing natural feeding, the question becomes which pills to choose. All medicines are aimed at inhibiting the production of the hormone prolactin.

Hormonal and non-hormonal preparations are used. Non-hormonal agents have a calming effect. They require long-term and systematic use. Hormonal drugs act more aggressively, but healing effect comes immediately.

The main groups of tablets used to inhibit the production of breast milk:

  • sedative non-hormonal medicines;
  • estrogens;
  • gestagens;
  • prolactin inhibitors.

Lactation suppression tablets affect the endocrine and central nervous system. They normalize hormonal balance and set the rhythm of hormone release.

To date, the vast majority of mothers use substances that reduce the level of prolactin in the blood. These drugs are much easier to tolerate and have fewer side effects.

Sedative non-hormonal drugs

To the group of non-hormonal sedative pills includes bromcamphor. The main ingredient of the product is bromine, which has a sedative effect on the central nervous system. The drug suppresses the processes of excitation in the brain, provides psycho-emotional comfort.

Bromocamphor is used to reduce lactation for mothers suffering from neuralgia, sleep disorders, panic attacks, mastalgia. The drug can be used in the presence of contraindications to hormonal treatment.

Prolactin inhibitors

Prolactin inhibitors include a semi-synthetic drug called cabergoline and bromocriptine. The most common cabergoline analogues used in medical practice:

  • dostinex;
  • alactin.

Most often, dostinex is prescribed. The drug inhibits the production of the hormone prolactin in the pituitary gland. Rapidly absorbed in the intestine. The drug effect of dostinex begins 3 hours after ingestion. It has a long and persistent prolactin-lowering effect even after a single application. Used to stop lactation.

Tradename bromkriptina - parlodel. The drug interacts with the central organs endocrine system thereby drastically reducing hormone production. Inhibits physiological lactation by normalizing hormonal imbalances. It affects the functioning of the ovaries and the formation of menstrual function. Does not affect uterine contraction after childbirth. Smoothes out the effects of postpartum depression.

Stabilization of hormonal levels is observed within two weeks after treatment. Breast pumping is not required. The tool reduces the number of cysts and dilated ducts of the mammary glands. Side effects are rare. Can be used by women who have a tendency to form blood clots.

Medicines of this group are categorically contraindicated in women with brain tumors. The course of application of prolactin inhibitors is 10 days.

Preparations of prolactin inhibitors inhibit the processes of excitation in the brain, slow down the reaction, scatter attention. Therefore, at the time of treatment, you can not drive transport.

Estrogen containing medicines

The best known representatives of estrogens used to stop lactation are sinestrol and ethinyl estradiol (microfollin). They are used to suppress the secretion of prolactin. An increase in the level of estrogen in the blood reflexively reduces its amount.

Medicines from this group are not widely distributed due to a large number undesirable effects on the part of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. They have the ability to retain fluid in the body, causing swelling. The medicine is strictly forbidden to be used by mothers suffering from varicose veins veins.


Gestagens are hormones of the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Progestogens affect the content of hormones in the blood according to the feedback principle: the more progestogens, the lower the level of prolactin. They are safer than estrogens.

To stop lactation, it is necessary to take high dosages of gestagens. The most commonly used of this group is norethisterone. The trade name of which is norkolut. The mechanism of action of the substance is to block the release of hormones from the pituitary gland and reduce the secretion of milk. The course of treatment is 10 days.

If, after the end of the course of treatment, the mother changes her mind and wants to continue breastfeeding, then the remaining milk must be expressed within a week. Then you can breastfeed the baby.

Unwanted Consequences

All drugs used to complete breastfeeding have similar adverse reactions. They adversely affect the gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Negative effects after taking drugs for lactation are:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • spasmodic abdominal pain;
  • increase in pressure;
  • an allergic reaction to a drug.

Basically, negative effects after the use of medications that stop the production of breast milk are observed after exceeding the daily dosage. If you have complaints against the background of the use of medicines, first of all, you must stop taking the substance and immediately consult a doctor.


Hormone-containing drugs have a number of contraindications for use. It is not advisable to take medicines under the following conditions:

  • hormone-dependent tumors;
  • preeclampsia during pregnancy;
  • postpartum psychosis;
  • varicose disease;
  • deep vessel thrombosis;
  • hyperplastic processes of the genital organs and mammary gland;
  • diabetes;
  • violations of the liver and kidneys in the stage of decompensation;
  • heart diseases;
  • allergic reaction to the drug.

Very often, women are not aware of the presence of diseases and cannot adequately assess their condition. Medicines to end breastfeeding may aggravate chronic diseases. Therefore, before taking it, you should consult with your doctor and clarify your health condition.

Features of taking drugs

First of all, indications are established for the completion of natural feeding. Then, taking into account concomitant pathologies, a medicine is selected. You can start taking medications only after consulting a doctor. The daily dosage and duration of the course of treatment are individually prescribed.

Before using the medicinal substance, women who stop lactating should make sure that they are not pregnant. It is not recommended to plan pregnancy earlier than one month after the course of therapy.

Before starting to suppress milk production, you should make sure that you will no longer need to breastfeed your baby. After taking the first tablet, it is impossible to breastfeed the child. The drug is absorbed into breast milk and can cause metabolic disorders in the baby.

Preferably during drug treatment drink less liquid. Restriction of liquid intake will compensatory reduce milk output. Excess fluid provokes secretion in the glands. It is forbidden to pinch the chest with bandages or dressings. This can stop the flow of milk. Stagnation leads to inflammation of the ducts of the mammary glands, called mastitis.

The first dose of the drug begins with a small dosage. If the substance is well tolerated, then the dose is increased to daily allowance. If you feel nausea half an hour before the use of the medication, use antiemetics (metoclopramide or cerucal).

Medicines to reduce lactation are very popular in the pharmaceutical market. They are indisputably necessary when there are medical indications for stopping breastfeeding. With the successful completion of natural feeding, there is no discomfort in the mammary gland. However, self-medication can cause irreparable damage to health.

Not mine, licked and inspired by the post...:
« Today I, your breastfeeding consultant, want to talk about ending lactation. This topic is very important for the health of the mother. I often see posts here asking me to recommend medications to quickly stop lactation. And after all, they advise, not realizing that pitfalls lie behind the ease of this method. Let's find out...»

Why not use drugs to suppress lactation?

Quite often, mothers in the hospital are advised to take bromocreptine or cabergoline to prevent lactation after childbirth or in order to reduce breast engorgement after the arrival of milk. Think, look for information about these drugs, see contraindications. These drugs pass into breast milk. Even if you change your mind after taking the drug, you will not be able to breastfeed for some time. Yes, engorgement may go away, but with it, the level of prolactin will drop sharply, as a result, breastfeeding may not start, or the volume of milk will be insufficient.

Unfortunately, doctors also recommend stopping lactation if the mother is ill, given antibiotics, or the child is ill or hospitalized. There are always alternative paths. You can choose medications that are compatible with breastfeeding, or you can choose best time for taking medicines, taking into account the period of their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and excretion from the body. When the mother is hospitalized, you can express and pass milk to the baby. If a child is ill, then breast milk helps him to overcome the disease more easily. Advising to stop breastfeeding when a child is sick is just medical nonsense!

The drug method of stopping lactation uses prolactin inhibitors, which are dopamine D2 receptor agonists. In connection with the stimulating effect on dopamine receptors of the hypothalamus, lactation suppression drugs have a characteristic inhibitory effect on the secretion of anterior pituitary hormones, especially prolactin and somatotropin.

Probably excerpts from medical dictionaries you do not quite understand. To begin with, let's try to figure out why the hormones prolactin and somatotropin are needed.

Almost all pregnant and lactating mothers know that prolactin is a hormone necessary for successful lactation, it promotes the production of colostrum and the conversion of colostrum into mature milk. Also, this hormone affects the growth and development of the mammary glands and an increase in the number of lobules and ducts during pregnancy. But few people know that prolactin receptors are found in almost all organs of our body. Prolactin receptors are found in the mammary glands, heart, lungs, thymus, liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands, uterus, ovaries, male testis, skeletal muscle, skin, and some parts of the central nervous system. However, the effect of prolactin on them has not yet been studied.

Some scientists believe that prolactin is involved in immune responses. At inflammatory processes, infections and other cases when it starts immune response increases the secretion of this hormone by leukocytes. Therefore, on the surface of many cells involved in the immune response, there are receptors for prolactin.

As already mentioned above, medicinal methods for inhibiting lactation also affect the production of somatotropin.

Somatotropin is a growth hormone. Its functions include stimulation of the synthesis of macrophage, lymphocyte, immune globulin and the growth of lymphoid formations, regulation of fat metabolism, improvement of osteometabolism, kidney and heart function, rapid wound healing. In short, the hormone somatropin affects mood, mental abilities, increased immune function, human energy level.

Somatotropin can affect the function of other hormones. For example, it successfully suppresses the function of insulin, which stimulates the uptake of glucose in tissues, and no less successfully fights an increase in glucose synthesis in the liver. Thus, somatotropin successfully supports required level insulin in the liver.

To suppress lactation, drugs with the active substance are prescribed bromocriptine or cabergoline.

Bromocriptine ( trade marks Parlodel, Bromolactin, Krypton, Bromocriptine)

Commercial names abroad (abroad) - Brameston, Broman, Bromergon, Bromocrel, Bromo-Kin, Bromopar, Cycloset, Encript, Pravidel, Provasyn, Umprel.

Most often, bromocriptine is used to suppress lactation in the CIS countries. Bromocriptine inhibits the secretion of prolactin. The effectiveness of the drug is lower, the lower the level of prolactin in the blood. That is why drugs with such an active substance are not recommended for use in several European countries.

Even the Pharmacological State Committee of the Ministry of Health of Russia recommended the use of bromocriptine to suppress lactation only in severe septic mastitis due to the possible development of serious complications, such as pulmonary embolism, stroke, decreased visual acuity, and others, up to death (“Drug Safety”, Bulletin No. 1, 1998; Bulletin No. 1, 2000).

Statistics: Between 1980 and 1994 there were 531 reports of adverse reactions after the use of bromocriptine in women aged 15-40 years, including 32 fatalities as a result of stroke, myocardial infarction and hypertension.

When using bromocriptine, other side effects are also possible in the form of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, psychomotor agitation, allergic reactions, cramps in the calf muscles.

Bromocriptine is contraindicated in severe forms cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled arterial hypertension, hypersensitivity to ergot alkaloids. Needs to be monitored regularly arterial pressure(BP), especially in the first week of therapy. In the event of the development of arterial hypertension, especially when severe headaches appear, the drug is canceled and an appropriate examination is immediately carried out.

Commercial names abroad (abroad) - Actualene, Cabaseril, Caberlin, Cabgolin, Lac Stop, Lactamax, Parcar, Sogilen, Sostilar, Triaspar.

Cabergoline - active substance similar to bromocriptine. It is a potent inhibitor of prolactin secretion with a long-term effect. Carbegoline stimulates dopamine D2 receptors of lactotropic pituitary cells and reduces the content of prolactin in the blood, which is observed 3 hours after taking the drug and lasts up to 14-21 days.

Among the side effects that can be observed with the use of cabergoline are nausea, vomiting, headache, general weakness, abdominal pain, constipation, decreased blood pressure, psychomotor agitation, cramps in the calf muscles. This drug should not be used in patients with or with a history of postpartum psychosis and postpartum hypertension, and with caution in cardiovascular disease, Raynaud's syndrome, renal or hepatic impairment, peptic ulcer stomach, duodenum, gastrointestinal bleeding. Therefore, when prescribing carbegoline, it is necessary to monitor blood pressure and functions of the gastrointestinal tract. With an increase in blood pressure, the occurrence of persistent headaches or any signs of neurotoxicity, the drug should be discontinued. It is important to remember that with the simultaneous use of carbegoline with antibiotics from the macrolide group, the risk of side effects increases.

After such completion of breastfeeding, at least half of women develop lactostasis or mastitis. In some cases, the result is mastopathy and subsequent hormonal disruptions, which are treated for a long time and hard. Intervention in the work of the hormonal system is always a risk. Think about how much you need it? Keep in mind that you will have to take care of your baby while taking and taking these medicines. You may need help from relatives or friends.

Remember that there is a substance in breast milk - a lactation inhibitor. It is designed to slow down the process of milk production. The more milk in the breast and the less often it is emptied, the more inhibitor it contains and the less milk will be produced.

Therefore, if you decide to stop breastfeeding, gradually reduce the number of attachments or pumping. Do not express your breasts "to the last drop", only until relief, gradually removing pumping. If you feel fullness in the chest, but there is no pain, the chest is soft, there is no temperature, then there is no need to express. To reduce milk production, you can use infusions of herbs - mint and sage.

Now you know how lactation suppression drugs affect hormone production, and you also know what role these hormones play in your body. Remember there is no objective reason to use medicines inhibition of lactation. Any such drug is a gross interference in the work of all body systems. Nobody explores long-term effects their use, because it is not profitable for the pharmaceutical industry. And the occurrence of individual reactions is generally impossible to predict. Hormonal suppression of lactation quite often does not lead to the desired result, lactation does not disappear with a wave of a magic wand.

Reviews about the use of medications to suppress lactation:

Anna 07.12.2011

I drank this dostinex, on the one hand it helped a lot. I had purulent mastitis, and no one could do anything, it was necessary to urgently stop lactation, but at the same time it was unrealistic to express my breasts. They prescribed dostinex to drink 1 tablet + 12 hours later another one. after 3 days the milk was gone and the breasts swelled. And I went to the operation.

But the biggest trouble is that after it I recovered by almost 20 kg. After giving birth, I weighed 60, and literally 80 in 2 months !!! It's just awful!!

I advise you not to drink strong pills and consult with your doctors.

Great chemistry will do its job!

Mat-tereza 11/16/2011

The doctor warned about pressure surges (since I never felt it, I thought it was nonsense - we’ll break through with this pressure) and, in general, she said to take it very carefully.

Since the child is small, and even without her beloved breast, she woke up a couple of times at night, she had to be rocked, and it was then that I felt all the delights of the drug: it darkened in my eyes, it made noise in my head, I felt wildly nauseous, my heart almost jumped out, and standing and I couldn't sit at all. Only when she gave the child to her husband and fell into bed everything more or less returned to normal. In the morning, the same thing, somehow I could still crawl to the toilet and the kitchen - I just forcibly stuffed food into myself, because it was terribly sick. And all I could do was lie down. Saved me mineral water and dream.

The thought that such a nightmare would last another 10 days was simply terrifying. After all, 10 days to lie in bed with a small child is unrealistic. But, fortunately, the next day it became easier. But new symptoms appeared: wild drowsiness, absent-mindedness and lethargy, in connection with this, small memory lapses. There were sensations that my head was empty and clean, which means it was calm. Only towards the end of taking the drug (I did finish all 30 tablets) did some kind of angry irritability appear. And also "Bromocriptine" is some kind of diuretic - at night I had to run to the toilet, because it was really impossible to endure until the morning.

Arelena 29.07.2012 29

I had to take this drug when my son and I went to the hospital. He was almost 2 years old, but he was still breastfeeding. In the hospital, it was necessary to immediately wean him, which was given to me with great difficulty. But that's a completely different story...

So, I had to take bromocriptine for about 10 or 14 days. To be honest, I don't remember exactly. To reduce lactation, and so that there is no stagnation. On the first day I took it in the evening and did not notice anything, I slept normally. But on the second day of use, “fun” began - a terrible, simply unbearable headache, I even didn’t think well, I was very sick, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t behave adequately. The most interesting thing is that I did not connect this with the use of this drug. I am hypotensive, and the symptoms were like with low blood pressure, but increased 10 times. I didn’t say anything to the doctors, because. this is children's department, they just were not up to me. After 3 days, I realized that I can no longer do this. This terrible headache and nausea did not want to pass. Just at this time, I accidentally read the instructions. And it immediately became clear that I was so ill from bromocriptine.

But! Already on the 3rd day, my lactation decreased significantly. And I decided to hold out as long as I could, because I had already started taking the drug. It took me 2 more days. I thought I would die. I did not survive the entire course. Nevertheless, these 5 days were enough for me to avoid stagnation. Lactation not only decreased, but quickly stopped altogether.

I was convinced that in my particular case the drug was effective, it helped me avoid the problems that occur when you abruptly wean a child from the breast. But then problems of a different nature arose - too pronounced side effects. I do not know if the use of bromocriptine is worth enduring such pain. I still can't give a definitive answer. I can only say that it is better to ask the doctor for some alternative.

Kler 20.03.2012

Well, to begin with, I myself appointed him when I decided to quit breastfeeding. A friend of the child did not breastfeed at all, and after the maternity hospital she bought this drug (they advised her at the pharmacy). Never have I experienced anything like it. I was lying down. Couldn't get out of bed. Terrible headache, nausea. I could not look after the child, I had to turn to my mother for help. In general, horror. I did not think that there could be such side effects. I thought I might die. Then, when I got on the Internet, I realized that I was not the only one, there are many similar cases. It is necessary to select such things after all, after the recommendation of doctors, and read the instructions for use very carefully (there are just about side effects).


I drank to suppress lactation after an abortion for medical reasons.

The doctor prescribed 14 days for 1 t. 2 times a day. I immediately warned that the pills were very dangerous, that you could faint, and dizziness and nausea, etc. And he said that it’s better to take a pill and lie down for half an hour, but if it gets really bad, then reduce the dose.

Well, I drank calmly for the first few days and everything was ok, and I decided not to reduce the dose. Dizziness was, of course, but tolerable. But one morning she got up and went to the toilet and didn’t get there, she fainted right in front of the door to the toilet (although she hadn’t taken the pill yet, she took it at night). Everyone got scared. And after this incident, I reduced the dose (0.5 tons 2 times a day). Drowsiness, tiredness and dizziness accompanied me throughout the entire appointment.

And I also thought I had gained weight.

There are situations when a mother needs to stop breastfeeding, and in this case, lactation cessation pills come to the rescue. They should be used only as a last resort and after consulting a doctor.

In what cases are drugs used

For a number of good reasons, a young mother has a question, how to stop lactation of breast milk? the best way will be gradual, in which case the milk will burn out, and the process will be painless for both the mother and the child. But it is not always possible to spend 2-3 months on increasing complementary foods and natural weaning.

Tablets to stop lactation help in two days. But they should be used only when necessary, with caution and on the advice of a doctor..

Many women start taking medication to get to work faster. The consequences of such self-treatment can be catastrophic.

It is necessary to understand in what cases you need to drink pills to stop lactation:

  1. Detection of purulent mastitis.
  2. Urgent surgical treatment mother.
  3. Pathologies in the development of the mammary glands or nipples.
  4. Reception of potent drugs and antibiotics.
  5. Milk intolerance in a child.
  6. Late miscarriage or stillbirth.
Do not use the tablets if you need to stop lactating temporarily, such as while traveling, as lactation cannot be restored later.

Anti-lactation tablets are used even when breastfeeding stops naturally.

A month after breastfeeding is stopped, milk may begin to be produced in small quantities. Then the pills stopping lactation are justified.

If it is stopped for a while, then it is restored by refusing to receive it or with the help of a special tool.

For example, Apilak lactation tablets have positive reviews, strengthen the general condition of the body and improve milk production and quality.

The most famous means

There are various pills to suppress lactation. Almost all of them stop the production of the lactogenic hormone prolactin. Some drugs for stopping lactation contain a complex of male and female hormones, which change the hormonal background, which contribute to stopping milk.

Means of the first type are considered effective. They run on semi-synthetic cabergoline or bromocriptine.

The most popular and one of the most expensive drugs is Dostinex..

The composition includes cabergoline, one capsule contains 0.5 mg.

For effective work take half, thus reducing the likelihood of adverse reactions.

If a stop is needed immediately, then the dose is increased to a whole pill, while increasing the risk of many side effects.

The medical community believes that lactation pills Dostinex has less negative impact on the body than its analogues and generics. However, this opinion is not always justified. Individual reactions to the active and excipients should be taken into account. Women notice different effects from the same drug, a specialist selects it.

On the basis of the substance cabergoline, the drug of the same name works. Its excipients coincide with the prototype - leucine and anhydrous lactose. Although it is identical in composition, some patients note more negative effects on the body.

This is due to the placebo effect, as Cabergoline is cheaper, its price is associated with quality. Another active ingredient- bromocriptine, and on its basis there are also tablets to stop lactation.

Bromocriptine tablets for lactation cessation are based on bromocriptine mesylate in the amount of 2.5 mg per tablet.

It also stops the production of prolactin. Auxiliary are magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose, talc, microcrystalline lactose and corn starch.

Stops milk production in 2 weeks, which distinguishes it from the above-described predecessors. Pills to stop lactation Parlodel - an analogue of Bromocriptine, it has the same indications for use and composition.

Pros and cons of drugs: how to make the right choice

Considering any pills that stop lactation, it is difficult to single out those that will act the same in each case.

One of side effects Dostinex and Bromocriptine can be depression, as prolactin levels plummet

The main advantage of drugs based on cabergoline is the speed- They stop milk production after two days.

But well-known drugs are expensive. If we talk about bromocriptine, then its cost is affordable, but it will take two weeks to use it.

They have many contraindications and possible side effects.

They appear individually - for one woman, the cessation of feeding is painless, and the other from the same medicine will experience a full bouquet of negative effects.

The main advantage of all funds, with the exception of Dostinex, is the cost, and Dostinex is considered to be of high quality due to the high price.

Admission rules, contraindications and side effects

How to stop lactation with medication? The answer is obvious and lies on the surface: follow the instructions and follow the instructions of the doctor.

In order for the refusal to feed to be painless, do not self-medicate. An experienced doctor prescribes an appointment, and then monitors the condition of the mother.

Dostinex or Cabergoline is taken half twice a day for the first 24 hours, and then a whole time every 12 hours for 48 hours. At the same time, the mother expresses milk, as breastfeeding while taking medications.

Read more about feeding a baby who is on artificial feeding.

They cause nausea, headaches, dizziness, indigestion, lower blood pressure. If the dose is increased, it can lead to allergies, heart attacks and strokes.

Contraindications include:

  • sensitivity to the active substance;
  • children's age up to 16 years.

This takes into account diseases of the mother, such as impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver, ulcers, disturbances in the work of cardio-vascular system. Treatment is carried out with extreme caution in identifying any disease.

Bromocriptine, Parlodel, Bergolac and other drugs based on bromocriptine not used if the patient has tremor, psychosis, toxicosis, cardiovascular diseases and intolerance to the components of the drug. They are taken one capsule twice a day for two weeks.

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How to choose the right drug

There is no universal advice on how to choose pills to reduce lactation. They are selected by a specialist, taking into account the condition of the patient. However, dostinex lactation cessation tablets have more positive feedback, doctors often recommend this particular drug.

What exist, which are available in our pharmacies, you can follow the link below.

But you should not prescribe it yourself in any case..

Not all new mothers want to breastfeed their baby, and not all can breastfeed. In such cases, doctors prescribe pills to the young mother to stop lactation. Drugs for stopping lactation can be purchased over the counter at any pharmacy. However, taking lactation pills uncontrollably, just like taking cough or constipation pills, is not worth it.

The young mother should know that they have many side effects. Besides, artificial cessation of lactation not always beneficial for mother and child. On the contrary, during problems it is best to start taking drugs that have positive influence to the process of breastfeeding. It is better to take drugs for lack of milk than pills to stop lactation. However, young mothers should know all the pros and cons of drugs that artificially interrupt this process.

Lactation pills: benefits and benefits

Drugs for stopping lactation interrupt lactation quickly and at the same time save a young mother from many of the problems that arise when lactation is artificially interrupted without pills. Drugs for stopping lactation protect the young mother from mastitis, lactostasis, and other unpleasant symptoms. Also, such drugs help to stop lactation as soon as possible. The main advantages of such drugs are as follows:

  • Timely use of lactation pills helps to maintain a beautiful shape of the breast, avoid stretch marks and sagging skin;
  • These medicines can be used immediately after childbirth, or much later, at any time when a young mother wants to stop breastfeeding;
  • The use of tablets does not adversely affect the general well-being of a young mother. The very next day after the start of medication, a young mother who completes feeding can safely go to work. Mothers taking these pills can continue to lead a normal life, they do not need to take sick leave or be observed in a hospital;
  • Tablets and contribute to the rapid establishment of the menstrual cycle after childbirth.

Arguments against such drugs

Many doctors oppose such drugs. Indeed, drugs have a negative impact on women's health, and taking such drugs often causes a variety of side effects. Doctors who do not approve of the use of such pills, present the following arguments against;

Indeed, both childbirth and artificial cessation of breastfeeding are powerful stressors for a fragile woman. However, these two stressors differ significantly from each other. Childbirth is a positive stress that mobilizes immune system women. Childbirth is natural process. Artificial interruption of lactation is an invasion from the outside into the female body, which is akin to violence against female nature. Therefore, this stress factor, unlike childbirth, sharply inhibits the defenses female body and may subsequently lead to serious complications both physical and psychological.

Many new mothers who artificially interrupt lactation later feel guilty about not breastfeeding their baby. Wanting to make life easier for themselves by interrupting lactation, they, on the contrary, complicate their lives and face new challenges. Establishing the correct artificial feeding of a child is much more difficult than breastfeeding. It is necessary to choose the right mixture, observe feeding strictly by the hour, thoroughly wash and sterilize the bottles.

In addition, artificial nutrition very often causes allergies or individual intolerance in children. . Breastfeed your baby, on the contrary, it is very simple: the baby is fed on demand, feeding can be done anytime and anywhere, breast milk protects the baby from serious infectious diseases. Therefore, a mother who decides to interrupt lactation should know for sure that artificial feeding has much less advantages than disadvantages.

When to give them up

Any similar tablets- These are potent hormonal drugs that can be taken only as directed by a doctor, strictly observing the dosage and hours of administration. Before prescribing such pills to the patient, the doctor must definitely talk with the woman and tell her about all the advantages of breastfeeding:

Before taking any means to stop lactation, a young mother must weigh the pros and cons. It is best to consult with more experienced mothers who breastfed their children and were satisfied with the experience. Perhaps their advice will serve as a powerful incentive for a nursing mother, and she will decide to fight for breastfeeding, and not interrupt it.

If a woman has already started taking medications to help interrupt breastfeeding, the course of taking must be completed. It happens that young mothers start taking such pills, and then stop it as soon as the milk disappears. This is a serious mistake that can lead to serious complications. Even if it seems that there is no milk in the breast yet, the mammary gland continues to produce milk for some time of inertia, so the course of taking lactation pills must be completed.

Lactation is an important stage in the life of any young mother. Those who have breastfed their own child for at least a short time never regret it. But those women who, for some reason, missed this opportunity, very often express regret about this. If the mother has no medical contraindications to breastfeeding, breastfeeding should be encouraged. Artificial interruption of lactation has a negative impact on both the child and the mother. Therefore, for the use of tablets that interrupt lactation, there must be really good reasons.