Increased sensitivity to light causes. Light sensitivity of the eyes

Light sensitivity is manifested by discomfort in the eyes. This condition is usually felt due to daylight or artificial lighting. With the advent of twilight, such discomfort in the eyes usually disappears.

What is this state?

The human eye is designed in such a way that in order to catch light, it needs to distinguish two colors at once. If a person has impaired color perception, then the lighting causes discomfort to the eyes.. Sunlight is the optimal light that the human eye is used to adjusting to.

In sunlight, it has two properties for assessing the environment - quantity and quality. The characteristic of quantity indicates the degree of brightness of the sensation, and the characteristic of quality indicates the color sensation of the eyes itself. This perception always depends on two factors - the wavelength of light and the composition of the spectrum.

With changes in the proportions of one or two analyzers in the eyes, the photosensitivity increases. If one of the spectra is amplified, then the person experiences pain in the eye.

To diagnose the degree of excess photosensitivity of the eyes in a person, a certain test is carried out. For this, the patient himself is placed in a completely dark room. Under such conditions, it is possible to determine how strongly such a sharp light transition affects the patient's eye. Normally, the threshold of susceptibility in a healthy organ of vision is several tens of photons per second. This speed of the light flux is directed to the human eye in complete darkness. Upper limit the flux in this case is more than one thousand photons per second. Normal eyes of a teenager and young man should adapt to the dark for no more than one minute. Older adults may have longer adaptation times.

Causes of discomfort

A short discomfort caused by a sharp change in lighting is absolutely normal and, in the absence of pathologies, a few seconds pass. In some cases, adaptation can take up to two minutes, which is also considered the norm.

If a person has a cold or any infection, especially if this disease is accompanied by fever, then the time of adaptation to light will be increased. Under such conditions, a person will also notice that a simple sunlight severely irritates the eyes.

If a person constantly wears sunglasses, practically without taking them off long time, then the sensitivity of the eyes to light will be increased even indoors. This is due to the fact that wearing sunglasses for a long time allows the eyes to adapt to a comfortable constantly dimmed light, and after removing the glasses, even indoors, the eyes will adapt for a long time.

There are also a number of other factors that can increase the sensitivity of the eyes to light:

  • this effect can be given by taking certain medications;
  • age-related changes in the organ of vision can give increased photosensitivity;
  • certain unfavorable working conditions that adversely affect the eyes;
  • tobacco and alcohol use;
  • long sitting in front of a computer or TV screen;
  • transferred burns of the cornea of ​​​​the eye;
  • when wearing incorrectly selected ones, an unpleasant sensation may occur, including a reaction to light. It can also occur if lenses are not properly stored and used. expired suitability;

  • heredity plays a big role in the occurrence of various pathologies of the eye;
  • various eye diseases.

In the table below, we consider eye diseases whose symptom is photosensitivity.

ConjunctivitisInflammatory disease of the outer mucous membrane of the eye - the conjunctiva. It happens acute and chronic. It is characterized by redness of the eye, swelling of the eyelids, tearing, burning.
GlaucomaChronic disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure. If such a pathology is not cured, then it will be damaged optic nerve which over time can lead to blindness. It is a fairly common disease.
KeratitisInflammation of the cornea of ​​​​the eye, which manifests itself in the form of clouding, ulceration, redness and pain. There are several types of such pathology. In the absence of therapy, a thorn and a significant deterioration in vision may appear.
IridocyclitisInflammatory disease affecting the iris (iris) and ciliary body of the eye. If the disease develops, over time, swelling, redness and pain in the eye, a change in the color of the iris, photophobia, and lacrimation occur.
Retinal detachmentPathology is the separation of the retina from the vascular. In this case, the retina ceases to receive proper nutrition, which often leads to irreversible consequences. Harbingers of detachment are photopsia, the appearance of "flies" before the eyes, but when the retina is completely detached, the patient sees only a black "veil" in front of the eye. If this disease is not cured in time, the person will go blind.
This pathology is associated with severe destruction of the corneal tissue. An ulcer is the name given to the condition when the damage extends deeper than the anterior limiting membrane of the cornea. Accompanied by profuse lacrimation severe pain, photophobia, redness.

It must be remembered that if there is a constant discomfort in the eyes or a deterioration in vision itself, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor to identify possible pathologies. Many eye diseases can only be stopped at an early stage of development.

Many people notice that short-term attacks occur on sunny winter days. This phenomenon called "snow ophthalmia" is the norm. It arises from the fact that the sunlight reflected in the snow covers greatly irritates the organ of vision. The longer we watch the snow cover on a clear day, the longer our vision will recover, but this phenomenon is absolutely not dangerous. In winter, a person usually increases the time to adapt to bright light, which is also normal.

In winter, the time for adaptation to light is longer - this is normal.

There are times when adaptation does not occur even within a few hours. At the same time, a person may experience the occurrence of lacrimation, pain in the eyes even in dim light, pain, a person may involuntarily close his eyes. When exposed to bright light, a person may experience a headache. This indicates the development of any disease of the organ of vision. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.


The presence of increased photosensitivity in a person is manifested by certain symptoms:

  • the appearance of a moderate headache;
  • pupils are in an expanded state;
  • redness of the conjunctiva and sometimes eyeball;
  • the outlines of objects that a person looks at become blurry, unclear;
  • it becomes difficult for a person to focus his eyes;
  • the patient feels a burning sensation, as if "sand was poured into the eyes."

Each symptom of hypersensitivity has its own explanation. When observing these symptoms in oneself, a knowledgeable person can immediately assume a diagnosis.

Lachrymation can be observed not only with increased photosensitivity. It also appears in case of any injuries to the eye or if it gets into the eye. foreign body or an irritant such as soap. In this case, additional symptoms will be observed, such as the appearance before the eyes, which interferes with focusing the gaze, pain at the site of the lesion, while the pupil will involuntarily narrow.

Lachrymation can also manifest itself with various damage to the cornea of ​​​​the eye. The cause can be allergies and inflammation, as well as mechanical damage, burns and the occurrence of corneal erosion.

In this case, in addition to lacrimation, the patient will also experience pus in the eyes, increased pain in the affected eye, and a decrease in the focus of vision. Also, often with such a pathology, a person cannot open his eyes. All attempts are accompanied by involuntary closure of the affected organ. Redness of the skin around the eye and conjunctiva is also noticeable.

Photophobia in children

The main reason for the high photosensitivity of the eyes is observed in childhood, is congenital absence of melanin pigment in a child in the iris of the eye.

There are also a number of other pathologies in which photophobia occurs in children. Conjunctivitis is a very common disease in childhood. This disease has a different etiology. Conjunctivitis can be allergic, viral and bacterial. This disease is manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. In the presence of such an ailment, one of its main manifestations is increased photosensitivity, as well as an involuntary strong flow of tears.

Increased photosensitivity in children can be a symptom of a disease such as motor nerve palsy. This pathology is manifested by incomplete opening upper eyelid eyes. Also, with this disease, the pupil of the eye does not have the ability to expand and contract, reacting to light. Such a disease has many causes, but in any case it is accompanied by severe photophobia.

There is another childhood rather rare disease, which is called acrodynia. With such a pathology, the skin of the upper and lower limbs always has a pinkish tint. When touched, it feels sticky. This disease is characterized by persistently elevated blood pressure and heavy sweating. It also has such a symptom as high photosensitivity of the eyes.

If a child has symptoms of photosensitivity, do not independent application any medicines and prescriptions traditional medicine. Such self-medication can give serious complications up to total loss the child's vision. If any symptoms occur, you should immediately show the child to the pediatrician.

Prevention of hypersensitivity

There are a number of special requirements that must be met to prevent the occurrence of increased photosensitivity of the eyes, as well as any other diseases of the organ of vision, including a gradual decrease in its sharpness. In particular, those people who have a profession related to working at a computer, as well as those whose relatives suffered from diseases of the organ of vision, should pay attention to these rules. You need to constantly monitor the hygiene of your hands. Avoid rubbing your eyes with unwashed hands, as well as dirty or other people's handkerchiefs, towels, etc.

There is a certain category of professions associated with a negative impact on human vision. One of these professions is a welder. When working with welding, you must follow all safety regulations and work in a special protective mask or goggles.

If a person experiences constant dry eyes, especially in the evening, it is necessary to use special drops that are completely identical in composition to the composition of human tears. Dry eyes are usually more prone to people who have a profession associated with constant work at the computer. The use of drops containing the composition of "artificial tears" will help to avoid inflammation of the eye.

It is necessary to carry out daily treatment. An ophthalmologist should familiarize the patient with these exercises, selecting an individual list of exercises for each patient, depending on the state of his vision and diagnosis.

When going outside in the summer, protect your eyesight with dark glasses that properly protect your eyes from direct sunlight. It is important to avoid contact of unprotected eyes with the sun. It must be remembered that glasses not purchased in specialized stores will not be able to properly protect the eyes from sunlight.

If symptoms or discomfort in the eyes are detected, an ophthalmologist should immediately undergo a diagnosis. It must be remembered that various pathologies and degenerative destruction of eye tissues can only be stopped by early stages occurrence. That is why early diagnosis of eye diseases is very important.

It must also be remembered that the use of different folk recipes in the fight against photosensitivity or any other symptoms are undesirable, since such treatment may not only not give results, but also lead to more serious consequences.

Summing up

Photophobia is a phenomenon that can become a “bell” about any pathologies associated with the eyes. If a person observes such a symptom for a long time, he should be examined by a doctor and find out for sure if he has any disorders related to the organ of vision.

Video - What to do with increased photosensitivity?

Photophobia manifests itself as hypersensitivity to daylight or artificial light. Most often, a person's eyes react to bright light sources, but in especially severe cases, unpleasant symptoms occur even with moderate lighting.

Symptoms of photophobia

Photophobia can manifest itself in the following signals:

Often, photophobia is accompanied by headache and dizziness, the effect of sand in the eyes, the gradual deterioration of visual function.
The presence of photophobia can be established independently by these symptoms, but for accurate diagnosis and the appointment of corrective therapy, you should consult a doctor.

The reasons

  • Photophobia can occur for non-pathological reasons:
  • congenital feature of the structure of the eye with the absence of a coloring pigment;
  • pupil dilation when using eye drops;
  • use of some medical preparations;
  • prolonged work at the computer, which overloads vision and causes dryness of the mucous membrane;
  • long stay in the dark;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the organs of vision (in this case, photophobia usually affects one eye and is accompanied by cutting sensations);
  • exposure to the retina of excessive amounts of sunlight.

For such reasons, the fear of bright light does not indicate the presence of the disease.

But in some cases, photophobia is a sign of the disease, which, in combination with other signs, indicates the true cause of the pathology:

To get rid of photophobia in such situations is possible only by detecting and treating the underlying disease.

Photophobia as a symptom

Analyzing the combination of symptoms, you can guess what pathology caused the appearance of photophobia, but only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

  • Photophobia and lacrimation

Their simultaneous appearance may indicate a mechanical injury, a foreign body or substance entering the eye; inflammation or erosion of the cornea; conjunctivitis; flu or acute respiratory disease; aniridia and other anomalies in the development of the eyeball; inflammation, melanoma or retinal detachment; retinopathy; hemophthalmos; hyperthyroidism; uveitis; migraine; encephalitis, meningitis.

In addition to lacrimation and photophobia, each of these diseases is characterized by a whole list of other symptoms that help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.

  • Photophobia and eye pain

They can be combined with burns, ulcers, mechanical damage to the cornea, spring catarrh, acute form glaucoma, endophthalmitis.

  • Photophobia and redness of the eyes

The simultaneous appearance of these signs may indicate an injury or burn of the cornea, keratitis, uveitis, conjunctivitis.

  • Sun phobia and fever

Increased sensitivity to light in combination with a rise in body temperature may indicate meningitis, endophthalmitis, encephalitis, neuralgia trigeminal nerve, hemorrhagic stroke, brain abscess, purulent uveitis.

  • photophobia and headache

This combination is typical for brain abscess, migraine, encephalitis and meningitis, stroke, tension headaches, acute attacks of glaucoma, acromegaly.

  • Fear of light and nausea

Usually nausea in combination with photophobia indicates high blood pressure inside the eyes or skull, which is typical for diseases like meningitis, migraine, hemorrhagic stroke, brain abscess.

  • Photophobia and pain in the eyes

Cutting sensations in the eyes with fear of bright light are characteristic of conjunctivitis, keratitis, astigmatism, trigeminal neuralgia, uveitis, blepharitis, ulcers and burns of the cornea.

Diagnosis and treatment of photophobia

Therapy of photophobia is based on finding and eliminating the cause given symptom. The following types of studies help to detect a disease that has manifested itself as photophobia:

  • ophthalmoscopy - when performing it, the doctor examines the fundus of the eye using a special device;
  • biomicroscopy - an ophthalmologist examines areas of the fundus and vitreous body through a slit lamp for changes;
  • perimetry - this method allows you to set the boundaries of the patient's field of view;
  • tonometry - a study during which the doctor measures the pressure inside the eyes;
  • gonioscopy - involves examining the corner of the eye, where the iris borders the cornea;
  • pachymetry is a diagnostic study in which the doctor determines the thickness of the cornea;
  • Ultrasound of the organs of vision - helps to examine areas of the eye when it is not possible to conduct ophthalmoscopy;
  • fluorescein angiography - during its implementation, the doctor examines the patency of the vessels that feed the eye structures;
  • optical tomography - with its help, changes in the tissues of the retina are revealed;
  • electroretinography is a research method aimed at analyzing the functioning of the retina;
  • sowing on viruses, bacteria - helps to establish the source of an eye infection.

These diagnostic methods allow the ophthalmologist to name the exact cause of the development of photophobia and other associated symptoms. If ophthalmological examinations have shown the absence of eye diseases, and photophobia is present, a consultation with a neurologist is required. This specialist may prescribe additional diagnostic studies: MRI of the brain, dopplerography of the cervical vessels, electroencephalography.

If, along with photophobia, signs of hyperfunction were found thyroid gland or diabetic retinopathy, an endocrinologist is connected to the treatment. With symptoms indicating a tuberculous process in the cornea, a phthisiatrician.

Consultation with an ophthalmologist for photophobia is mandatory, but preventive wearing of sunglasses will help to alleviate its course, which will significantly reduce the dose of ultraviolet radiation that affects the organs of vision.

When we feel temporary discomfort when moving from shade to bright light, this is normal. Even more - in most cases, increased eye sensitivity. So, with a cold, infectious diseases nasal sinuses and even if particles of dirt get into the eyes, irritation of the nerves extending from the eyes to the brain can occur. They send alarm signals to the brain, which is why you start to squint your eyes in normal daylight.

Also, the sensitivity of the eyes can increase when we take certain antibiotics, antihistamines and other medicines. Also if you are used to wearing sunglasses for warning dangerous action ultraviolet rays, your eyes will become less able to tolerate bright light. But this kind of hypersensitivity of the eyes to light does not pose a great danger to humans.

Eye sensitivity: when to see a doctor?

When should you see a doctor?

  • If you suddenly develop hypersensitivity of the eyes to bright light and this phenomenon lasts for more than one hour.

  • If, in addition to increased sensitivity to light, you experience pain or pressure in your eyes, and you see a halo around the light source.

  • If your eyes become more sensitive to light or interfere with your daily activities.

Intolerance to bright light can also be a consequence of the aging process. From around the age of 40, people become more sensitive to the dazzling effects of light reflected, for example, from the polished surface of the hood of a car. lakes or snow-covered benches. This change in the light sensitivity of the eyes occurs due to the aging of the lenses, which become thicker and cloudier, distorting the process of light scattering and causing a sensation of blinding.

There is another fairly common disorder. called degeneration yellow spot. In this case, damage occurs to light-sensitive cells, which in the normal state ensure the adaptation of the eyes to bright light. These disorders occur predominantly in the elderly.

Hypersensitivity to light may also be one of the early warning signs of glaucoma, although this disease is most characteristic symptoms are visual disturbances and pain.

Any visual disturbances with a sudden onset require immediate medical attention. If it turns out that you are suffering from glaucoma, the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of maintaining vision. In the presence of eye adaptation disorders during the transition from bright light to a dark environment, for example, during a car ride, one can think of the initial manifestations of macular degeneration. Unfortunately, few treatments for the most common forms of this disease are effective. As a result, the case ends with visual impairment in the form of the so-called funnel syndrome, when a person loses the ability to see objects directly in front of him.

Light sensitivity of the eyes is an uncomfortable condition that manifests itself under artificial or daylight conditions. In the period of twilight and night time this state disappears.

Photosensitivity (the second name for photophobia) can occur when certain factors are present:

  • admission medications, after which the pupil does not narrow;
  • working conditions that cause adverse factors;
  • individual bad habits;
  • constant television viewing;
  • corneal burn;
  • congenital absence of iris pigment;
  • with red-green blindness (color blindness);
  • intensive work at the computer;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • incorrectly chosen contact lenses;
  • eye diseases.

A short reaction of the eyes to a sharp change in lighting (transition from a dark room to a brightly lit one, etc.) for several seconds or minutes is considered within the normative functionality. In winter, snow sensitivity can last even longer.

But if the problem continues for several hours, there is involuntary lacrimation, a feeling of pain in the eyes, pain syndrome, squinting, then this is the first sign of some kind of disorder affecting the visual system. Sudden changes in lighting can cause headaches. The problem requires an immediate solution and consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Symptoms of photophobia

Increased photosensitivity may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • involuntary release of tears;
  • dilated state of the pupils;
  • hyperemia;
  • unclear outlines of objects;
  • reduced level of visual acuity;
  • feeling of "sand" in the eyes.

For each of the symptoms, it is possible to presumably establish the causes of the disease.


Together with the fear of light, it occurs in diseases:

Injuries of mechanical origin - upon impact, ingress of foreign bodies and soap solutions (soap, shampoo) are accompanied by:

  • pain in the affected organ;
  • obscure, interfering with viewing objects;
  • constriction of the pupil.

Damage to the cornea - occurs with allergic reactions, infectious diseases of the eyes, sores and erosions, burns and differ:

  • secretions of pus;
  • pain syndrome;
  • self-closing of the eyelids;
  • a decrease in the quality of vision;
  • sensations of foreign substances under the eyelid;
  • hyperemia;
  • decrease in the level of transparency of the stratum corneum.

Migraines - pathology manifests itself:

  • painful sensations in one part of the head;
  • bilateral photophobia;
  • nausea;
  • intolerance to sharp sounds;
  • lacrimation.

Also, lacrimation is accompanied by the following ailments:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • infection of the trigeminal nerve with a herpes infection;
  • with SARS, influenza;
  • abnormal development of the eyes;
  • chronic retinitis;
  • retinal melanoma;
  • violations of normative metabolism and movement of fluid in the eyeballs;
  • intraocular hemorrhages;
  • paralytic conditions of the oculomotor nerves;
  • lack of melanin;
  • enhanced functionality of the thyroid gland;
  • hemorrhagic strokes;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis.

Rise in body temperature

Combination high temperature and light phobia occurs when:

  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • endophthalmitis;
  • with purulent etiology;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • trigeminal neuralgia;

In some cases, an abscess of the brain, manifested in paralysis, is indicated by an increase in temperature. facial nerves, asymmetries of facial muscles.


Diseases reported: migraines, abscess, acromegaly, meningitis, encephalitis, acute variant glaucoma, stroke. Accompanied by a syndrome of squeezing - the patient's personal feelings about the "head in a hoop".


Intoxication of the body or increased intracranial pressure reports the presence of hemorrhagic stroke, encephalitis, migraine, brain abscess, meningitis.

Pain syndrome

Acute cutting pain in the eyes indicates possible pathological conditions - uveitis, keratitis, burns, ulcerative lesions of the cornea, conjunctivitis, astigmatism, trigeminal neuralgia, blepharitis.

Children's period and photosensitivity of the eyes

The main root cause of photophobia in childhood is considered to be a congenital pathological condition in which there is no melanin pigment. Its insufficient presence in the iris can also provoke light phobia.

Separately, a number of diseases related to the childhood period that can cause this symptomatology are distinguished:

  1. Conjunctivitis - different types(allergic, or bacterial origin), provoking inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the eyes, the main symptoms of which are photophobia and profuse lacrimation.
  2. Paralysis of the motor nerve - occurs with the drooping of the upper eyelid, in which the pupil does not change its size, is not able to adapt to changes in the upper illumination. The causes of this disease are multiple, but all cause increased photosensitivity.
  3. Acrodynia - characterized by a pink tint to the skin of the hands and feet, with a sticky feeling when touched. Against the background of high sweating, increased blood pressure photosensitivity is formed.
  4. Ophthalmopathy of endocrine origin - a violation of the functionality of the thyroid gland leads to manifestations of specific symptoms - sensations of foreign bodies in the eyes, pressure on them and photophobia.
  5. with tuberculosis-allergic etiology - if children have tuberculosis lymph nodes, pulmonary system one of the eyes is damaged.

Any manifestations of fear of light in babies - squinting, refusing to go out into the sun, lacrimation, you need to seek help from a pediatric ophthalmologist. Timely prescribed treatment will help preserve the child's vision and avoid blindness.

Self-medication in childhood is strictly prohibited, the use of any eye drops, solutions and ointments is fraught with complications. Without determining the root cause of the development of photosensitivity, no doctor will prescribe treatment, the pediatrician will recommend a consultation with an ophthalmologist and other specialists.

The health of children's eyes is more fragile than that of adults. Insufficient development of the organs of vision often requires treatment of diseases in a hospital.

Diagnosis of the disease

When contacting medical institution The patient is directed to the following manipulations:

  • ophthalmoscopy - examination of the bottom of the eyes, using the pupil, which is pre-expanded with preparations containing atropine;
  • biomicroscopy - search for rebirths of the vitreous body and segments of the bottom of the eye through a specialized slit lamp;
  • perimetry - determination of visual fields;
  • – aimed at measuring the level ;
  • gonioscopy - viewing the border of the iris and cornea;
  • pachymetry - measuring the volume of the corneas;
  • - if it is impossible to conduct a standard examination of the bottom of the eyes;
  • angiography - on the patency of the vessels through which the eye structures are nourished;
  • optical tomography - to detect changes in the tissue components of the retina;
  • PCR - tests for viral, bacterial and fungal pathogens from the conjunctival sac.

If all of the above research methods do not give results and show normative indicators, then the patient is referred for a consultation with a neurologist. With further appointment:

  • MRG of the brain;
  • electroencephalography;
  • dopplerography - examination of the vessels of the neck;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • analyzes for the content of hormones;
  • x-ray studies of the lung system.

At positive results further treatment is carried out by an endocrinologist, in case of lesions due to tuberculosis - by a phthisiatrician.

Treatment of hypersensitivity of the eyes

The effectiveness of treatment lies in the correct identification of the primary source this disease with the appointment of symptomatic agents that can save not only the disease itself, but also the manifestations. During the passage of therapeutic manipulations, the patient is recommended to follow certain rules to alleviate the general condition:

  • wearing on bright sunny days specialized glasses that do not transmit ultraviolet radiation, sold in pharmacy ophthalmological chains;
  • when the body reacts to a certain type of drug, it can be replaced with a preliminary consultation with an ophthalmologist and with his approval;
  • a temporary form of receptor photosensitivity is treated with eye drops and ointments based on antiviral, antibacterial and moisturizing drugs.

Congenital diseases that provoke permanent photosensitivity require the wearing of protective tinted glasses, special lenses or similar contact lenses. With their help, uncomfortable sensations in the eyes are reduced, the general standard of living of the patient is increased.

The selection of such auxiliary protective equipment should be handled by the attending physician. Self-wearing, without prior consultation, can worsen the course of the disease, causing additional unpleasant symptoms. Which subsequently require self-treatment.

Preventive actions

To prevent the recurrence of the disease in the future, it is necessary to adhere to the requirements:

  • constant observance of hygiene rules - washing hands, avoiding touching the eyes with dirty handkerchiefs, towels, etc .;
  • when working with welding equipment, it is mandatory to use special glasses, protective masks;
  • with constant dry eye syndrome, instill drops that correspond to the composition of your own tears;
  • practice daily therapeutic gymnastics for the eyes, the methods of which will be introduced by an ophthalmologist;
  • use sunglasses when going out into the bright sun, with the "UV protection" function, do not purchase glasses and contact lenses in dubious places, but only in specialized institutions.

A timely appeal to a highly qualified specialist will reduce the duration of treatment and eliminate the recurrence of this disease and the occurrence of concomitant ones. Toddlers who have been diagnosed with "light sensitivity of the eyes" must undergo mandatory examinations at least twice a year and have their own goggles and contact lenses.

The use of traditional medicine methods in the treatment of this disease is not recommended - the results are not predictable, and the consequences can be dangerous not only for visual acuity, but also for its possible loss in the future.

Violation of the adaptation of the eyes to bright sunlight is short-term and persistent with severe symptoms of pathology. Photosensitivity of the eyes - painful perception of light beams when they hit the retina. In 98% of cases, this is a two-way process.


There are two main reasons for the occurrence pathological condition. First - side effect therapeutic treatment pharmaceuticals.

List of drugs that cause photophobia:

  • drugs used in ophthalmic practice ( eye drops, ointments);
  • antibiotics - tetracycline, doxycycline;
  • drugs to lower blood glucose levels in diabetes mellitus;
  • statins are cholesterol-lowering drugs vascular walls and prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • NSAIDs - Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Ketoprofen.

The second common cause is diseases of various etiologies, in which photosensitivity is a concomitant symptom. These include such diseases:

  • conjunctivitis and keratitis (inflammation of the mucous and cornea);
  • infectious meningitis;
  • SARS and other viral diseases;
  • neurological diseases;
  • mental disorders - depression, hallucinations, sleep disturbance;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

Temporary fear of light occurs when working at a computer for a long time, when going outside without protective glasses, when the sun is as bright as possible - both in summer and in winter. If you stay in a dark room for several hours and then go outside, sunlight can provoke the development of non-pathological photophobia.

One-sided photosensitivity of the eye appears when a foreign body enters the conjunctiva.

Symptoms of photophobia

It is easy to determine the signs of photosensitivity on your own. As soon as streams of bright light hit the retina, there are discomfort and eye discomfort. The man is trying to squint his eyes. Even dim light can cause irritation.

In parallel, there is a spasm of the eyelids. For some people, the pupil dilates. Eyeballs become pink or deep red. A person involuntarily begins to blink frequently. Complains of a feeling of sand in the eyes. Some people experience a temporary decrease in the quality of their vision.

In children

In babies, the appearance of sensitivity to light is due to the fact that visual organs underdeveloped. The symptom occurs in response to stimulation of both natural light and artificial lighting. The child's defense mechanism is triggered, he begins to blink rapidly and squint. If this symptom persists for a long time, manifests itself regularly for several days, this is a reason to see a pediatrician.

In infants, the main causes of photophobia are:

  • congenital photosensitivity;
  • children's infectious diseases- rubella, measles;
  • aniridia - absence of the iris of the eye;
  • cryptophthalmos - absence of eyelids;
  • anomalies of the eyeball - microphthalmos, anophthalmos;
  • underdevelopment of eye structures - iris, cornea, lens, vitreous body;
  • retinopathy of prematurity is a severe pathology of the eyes with structural and functional changes in the retina, vitreous body.

In preschool children, photosensitivity is manifested in the usual inflammatory processes in the eye (conjunctivitis), which develop against the background of colds (ARI, influenza). Less often - when a foreign body enters the eye.

Schoolchildren suffer from photophobia for the following reasons:

  • systematic overstrain of the organ of vision;
  • violation of the daily routine;
  • constant sleep deprivation at night;
  • lack of physical activity according to age requirements;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • wearing contact lenses.

Symptoms in children are directly dependent on the causes. If the child has an acute inflammatory process, childhood infection (measles), photosensitivity will be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, increased lacrimation.

Signs in children are as follows: they are afraid to look at the sunny sky, out the window, at the source of artificial color. At the same time, the eyes itch, itch, hurt. You can often hear a complaint (false) that something got into the eye.

At serious illnesses(nerve paralysis, developmental anomalies) signs of photophobia are accompanied by such manifestations:

  • increased sweating;
  • redness of the skin;
  • drooping eyelid (ptosis);
  • dilated pupil, does not respond to light stimulus.

Associated symptoms

In 80-90% of cases, the sensitivity of the organ of vision to the sun's rays is accompanied by lacrimation. If such a combination of symptoms occurs, one of the diseases should be suspected:

  • foreign body, mechanical injury, chemical burn;
  • inflammation of the mucous or choroid of the eye;
  • corneal erosion;
  • SARS, influenza;
  • retinal detachment;
  • hemorrhage in the vitreous body;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • severe headaches (migraines);
  • meningitis, encephalitis.

Photophobia is often combined with discomfort and pain in the eyes. Signs are observed with chemical burns, corneal injuries, glaucoma, purulent inflammation of various structures of the eye, chronic allergies with conjunctival damage (spring catarrh).

Many patients have reddening of the mucous membrane, sclera. This indicates the presence of an inflammatory viral, bacterial process.

Rarely, photosensitivity is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Such a tandem happens with a head infection, spinal cord, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, brain abscess, stroke as a result of hemorrhage.

Light sensitivity with migraine is diagnosed with inflammation of the meninges, regular mental overstrain, dysfunction of the pituitary gland, an acute attack of glaucoma with a sharp increase in intraocular pressure.

Pain in the eyes and photophobia occur with infectious inflammation of the conjunctiva, choroid, cornea, astigmatism. Unbearable throbbing pains radiating to the brain are manifested in trigeminal neuralgia.

Some people may experience nausea that is not associated with heavy meals. This condition is typical for hypertensive patients, as well as with an increase in intraocular pressure.

Diagnosis of the disease

The main task of diagnostics is to identify the disease that led to increased photosensitivity of the patient's organ of vision.

During the initial visit, the doctor conducts an eye examination - ophthalmoscopy. With the help of an ophthalmoscope or a special lens, the state of the anterior chamber of the eye, retina, fundus vessels, and optic nerve are studied.

To assess the vitreous body, the fundus, to identify pathological changes, prescribe biomicroscopy (a technique for examining the eye using a slit lamp).

If glaucoma is suspected, tonometry is done - the measurement of intraocular pressure.

Additional methods of examination of patients:

  • perimetry - determination of the boundaries of the field of view;
  • Ultrasound of the eyes - a visual assessment of structures (the lens, retrobulbar tissue, oculomotor muscles);
  • optical tomography - digital reconstruction of the eye, which allows you to visualize the organ in great detail;
  • electroretinography - assessment of the functionality of the retina;
  • microbiological analysis of a smear of the detachable conjunctiva, bacteriological culture.

If the nerves are damaged or inflamed, the patient is prescribed MRI of the head, electroencephalography, ultrasound of the cervical vessels (dopplerography).


The choice of methods of therapy depends on the diagnosis and the reasons that caused photosensitivity. An ophthalmologist, a neuropathologist, an endocrinologist, an infectious disease specialist, an allergist, and in children a pediatrician can participate in the treatment of a patient.

If the symptom is provoked colds, prescribe symptomatic therapy: antiviral, antipyretic, immunostimulating drugs. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, vasoconstrictor solutions are used locally for instillation into the conjunctival sac.

When expressed allergic reaction prescribe a course antihistamines inside, anti-allergic eye drops (Kromopharm), hydrocortisone ointment for the eyelids.

If photosensitivity occurs as a side effect of previously prescribed drugs, you should consult a doctor.

It is undesirable to cancel medicine. This is especially true for antibiotics. Interruption of antimicrobial therapy can provoke the development of resistance (resistance) of the bacterial flora, which will complicate further treatment.

Patients with severe infections (meningitis, encephalitis) are treated only in a hospital under the constant supervision of doctors.

If photophobia is provoked by prolonged work at the computer, use vasoconstrictor drops(Vizin, Visoptik). They eliminate discomfort, redness, pain, lacrimation. With dryness of the mucous membrane, moisturizing solutions are shown, lacrimal fluid substitutes - Sistein, Khilozar-chest, Artelak, Vidisik.


Preventive measures to prevent the development of photosensitivity of the eyes are needed not only for patients with a predisposition, but for all people without exception.

The basis of prevention is the protection of the fragile structures of the eye from the radioactive effects of ultraviolet sunlight.

There is a myth that photosensitivity, which manifested itself due to direct sunlight on the retina, leads to irreversible blindness. It's a delusion. Bright light can temporarily reduce the quality of vision, cause darkening in the eyes. After that, vision is safely restored.

Rules of conduct in everyday life that will help protect the eyes from negative influences environment and prevent the development of photophobia:

  • wearing sunglasses in clear weather;
  • compliance with the mode of work at the computer (every 40-50 minutes take a break for 5 minutes, get up from the workplace, do not look at the monitor);
  • increase physical activity for schoolchildren and teenagers;
  • adjust the daily routine, nutrition;
  • pass once a year preventive examinations at the ophthalmologist.

Light sensitivity is not dangerous for vision and health in general. Every person experiences this symptom. To minimize the manifestations of photophobia, it is necessary to temporarily avoid bright light sources, re-equip workplace- curtain the window with a protective film, reduce the contrast on the computer monitor, remove the table lamp, leave the general ceiling lighting.