Non-penetrating and penetrating wounds of the eyeball. Eye injury Non-penetrating corneal injury

Due to the superficial and open location of the eyes, this organ is very vulnerable to injury and various kinds of mechanical, chemical, thermal damage. Injury to the eye is dangerous by surprise. It can happen anywhere, neither adults nor children are immune from it.

An eye injury means damage to the natural structure and, as a result, a violation of the normal functioning of the organ of vision, which can lead to disability of the victim. Injury occurs as a result of contact with the eye foreign bodies, chemical substances, exposure to temperatures or due to physical pressure on the organ.

It is necessary to take this seriously, if you get an eye injury, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. After rendering assistance by a traumatologist, a mandatory consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary. Despite the severity of the injury, complications can develop over time. To avoid them, it is important to carry out treatment under the close supervision of a specialist.

An eye injury in a child is a particularly dangerous injury. Having arisen at a young age, in the future it may become a reason for a violation, a decrease in the functions of an injured organ. Most often, the cause of injury can be:

  • damage by a foreign object to the eye;
  • blows, bruises;
  • - thermal or chemical.


Eye injuries are distinguished depending on the causes of origin, severity and location.

According to the mechanism of damage, it happens:

  • blunt eye trauma (bruises);
  • wound (non-penetrating, penetrating and through);
  • uninfected or infected;
  • with penetration of foreign objects or without it;
  • with or without ocular prolapse.

Classification by location of damage:

  • protective parts of the eye (eyelid, orbit, muscles, etc.);
  • injury eyeball;
  • appendages of the eye;
  • internal elements of the structure.

The severity of eye injury is determined based on the type of damaging object, the strength and speed of its interaction with the organ. There are 3 levels of severity:

  • 1st (light) is diagnosed when foreign particles penetrate the conjunctiva or the plane of the cornea, burns of 1-2 degrees, non-penetrating wound, eyelid hematoma, short-term inflammation of the eye;
  • 2nd (middle) is characterized by acute conjunctivitis and clouding of the cornea, rupture or tearing of the eyelid, eye burns of 2-3 degrees, non-penetrating injury to the eyeball;
  • 3rd (severe) is accompanied by a penetrating wound of the eyelids, the eyeball, a significant deformation of the skin tissues, bruising of the eyeball, its defeat by more than 50%, rupture of the internal membranes, damage to the lens, retinal detachment, hemorrhage into the cavity of the orbit, fracture of closely spaced bones, 3-4 degree burns.

Depending on the conditions and circumstances of the injury, there are:

  • industrial injuries;
  • domestic;
  • military;
  • children's.

The reasons

Light, superficial injuries occur when the eyelids, conjunctiva or cornea are damaged with a sharp object (nail, tree branch, etc.).

More serious injuries occur with a direct blow with a hand or a blunt, voluminous object to the face or eye area. Injury to the eye during a fall from a height. These injuries are often accompanied by hemorrhage, fractures, bruises. Eye damage can occur due to traumatic brain injury.

With a penetrating wound in the eye area, it is injured with a sharp object. With fragmentation, internal penetration of foreign large or small objects or particles occurs.


The sensations experienced by the injured do not always correspond to the actual clinical picture of the injury. There is no need to self-medicate, remember that the eyes are an important organ, a failure in their functioning leads to the patient's disability and disrupts the usual course of his life. With this injury, you need to consult an ophthalmologist. This will help on early stages avoid complications and serious vision problems.

Depending on the nature of the damage, their symptoms are also distinguished. Mechanical injury to the eye by a foreign body is characterized by hemorrhages in various parts of the eye, the formation of hematomas, damage to the lens, its dislocation or subluxation, retinal rupture, etc.

Pronounced symptoms in the patient is the absence of pupil reaction to light, an increase in its diameter. The patient feels a decrease in the clarity of vision, pain in the eyes upon contact with a light source, profuse tearing.

The most common injury is damage to the cornea of ​​the eye. The cause of mechanical injuries is the insecurity of this part of the eye and the lack of safety elements, its openness to the ingress of foreign objects and particles. These injuries, according to the statistics of visits to the doctor, occupy a leading place among existing eye injuries. From how deeply the body sticks, superficial and deep injuries are distinguished.

In some cases, corneal erosions develop, their appearance is associated with a violation of the integrity of the membrane under the influence of foreign bodies, chemicals or temperatures. A corneal burn in most cases leads to loss of visual acuity and disability of the patient. With a corneal injury, the patient feels a decrease in the clarity of the “picture”, pain in the eyes upon contact with a light source, profuse tearing, discomfort, a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, sharp pain, redness and swelling of the eyelids.


Eye injuries are serious. In severe cases of damage, loss of vision can occur without its subsequent resumption. This occurs with penetrating wounds or chemical, thermal burns. A consequence of eye injuries and a complication during their treatment is a deterioration in the outflow of intraocular fluid - secondary glaucoma. After an injury, hard scars appear on the cornea, the pupil is displaced, the vitreous body is clouded, swelling of the cornea is noticeable, and intraocular pressure increases.

In some cases of damage to the eye, a traumatic cataract occurs (Fig. below). Its signs are clouding of the lens and loss of visual acuity. It may be necessary to remove it.

When providing competent and emergency assistance, you can avoid serious consequences of eye injury.

First aid

In the event of an eye injury, the following steps must be taken in the first place:

Regardless of their nature and type, any eye injury requires competent and timely assistance and medical advice. In case of damage to the eye, it is necessary to treat it very carefully. Timely treatment is a guarantee of minimal complications and minimization negative consequences eye injury.


Treatment of eye injuries cannot be started without an accurate diagnosis. The patient needs a mandatory visit to the ophthalmologist, as well as the appointment of additional examinations, such as:

  • detailed study of eye structures (biomicroscopy);
  • radiography;
  • checking visual acuity;
  • study of the anterior chamber of the eyeball (gonioscopy);
  • fundus examination (ophthalmoscopy), etc.

Treatment and related procedures begin immediately. In case of minor injuries, the patient applies the eye instillation procedure with drugs containing anti-inflammatory, analgesic and hemostatic elements.

In case of a burn or mechanical damage, it is necessary to eliminate, remove the source of irritation. Treatment in a hospital is indicated for moderate and severe injuries.

A penetrating wound requires surgical intervention. This unscheduled and urgent procedure is carried out by an ophthalmological surgeon.


Measures to prevent eye injury include the following:

  • compliance with safety regulations;
  • careful use of household chemicals;
  • careful handling of dangerous sharp objects;

For schoolchildren, it is important to have competent behavior in the chemistry classroom, as well as in the workshop, at the machines. Before the start of the lesson in school laboratories, the teacher should be aware of the statistics of childhood eye injuries, so you need to start communication by repeating the rules and requirements for safety and caution, which everyone should know about.

Before starting machine work, it is necessary to check the serviceability of the unit and use eye protection.

All household chemicals used at home should be out of the reach of children. When buying children's toys, it is important to consider their age-appropriateness (the absence of sharp corners and traumatic parts).

Compliance with the above rules will avoid eye injuries of any severity, both in adults and in babies.

Non-penetrating wounds of the eyeball - this is damage to the cornea or sclera, which captures part of their thickness. Such injuries usually do not cause serious complications and rarely affect the function of the eye. They account for about 70% of all eye injuries.
Superficial injuries or microtraumas occur when the eye is hit with a tree branch, pricked with a sharp object, or scratched. In these cases, superficial erosion of the epithelium is formed, and traumatic keratitis may develop. More often, superficial damage occurs when small foreign bodies (pieces of coal or stone, scale, small metal bodies, particles of animal and plant origin), which, without breaking through the capsule of the eye, remain in the conjunctiva, sclera or cornea. As a rule, their sizes are small, therefore, side lighting and a binocular magnifying glass are used to identify such bodies, and biomicroscopy is best. It is important to find out the depth of the foreign body. In the case of its localization in the surface layers, photophobia, lacrimation, pericorneal injection are noted, which is explained by irritation a large number nerve receptors located here trigeminal nerve.

Treatment of non-penetrating wounds of the eyeball

All foreign bodies must be removed, since their long stay in the eye, especially on the cornea, can lead to complications such as traumatic keratitis or purulent corneal ulcer. Superficial bodies are removed on an outpatient basis. Often they can be removed with a damp cotton swab after instillation of a 0.5% solution of alkaine into the eye. However, most often, bodies that have entered the superficial or middle layers of the cornea are removed with a special spear, a grooved chisel, or the end of an injection needle. With a deeper location, due to the danger of opening the anterior chamber, it is desirable to remove the foreign body surgically, under an operating microscope. metal body can be removed from the cornea with a magnet; if necessary, its surface layers are preliminarily cut over it. After removal of the foreign body, disinfectant drops, ointments with antibiotics or sulfanilamide preparations, methylene blue with quinine, corneregel (to improve corneal epithelialization), aseptic dressing for 1 day are prescribed.
Foreign bodies from the deep layers of the cornea, especially in a single eye, should only be removed by an ophthalmologist.

Penetrating eye injury

Penetrating eye injuries are heterogeneous in structure and include three groups of injuries that differ significantly from each other.
In 35-80% of all patients who are hospitalized for eye injury, penetrating wounds of the eyeball are noted - injuries in which the injuring (foreign) body dissects the entire thickness of the outer shells of the eye (sclera and cornea). This is a dangerous injury, because it leads to a decrease in visual functions (sometimes to complete blindness), and sometimes it causes the death of another, undamaged eye.

Classification of penetrating wounds of the eye

There are such types of penetrating wounds of the eyeball:
I. According to the depth of damage:
1. Penetrating wounds, in which the wound channel passes through the cornea or sclera, extends into the eye cavity to a different depth, but does not go beyond it.
2. Through wounds - the wound channel does not end in the cavity of the eye, but goes beyond it, having both an inlet and an outlet.
3. Destruction of the eyeball - destruction of the eyeball with a complete and irreversible loss of visual functions.
II. Depending on location: corneal, limbal, corneal-scleral and scleral wounds.
III. Wound size: small (up to 3 mm), medium size (4-6 mm) and large (over 6 mm).
V. Form: linear wounds, irregularly shaped, torn, punctured, stellate, with a tissue defect.
In addition, gaping and adapted wounds are distinguished (the edges of the wound are tightly adjacent to each other throughout the area).

Clinic and diagnosis of penetrating eye injuries

Penetrating wounds are often accompanied by damage to the lens (40% of cases), prolapse or infringement of the iris (30%), hemorrhage into the anterior chamber or vitreous body (about 20%), development of endophthalmitis as a result of infection entering the eye. In almost 30% of cases with penetrating wounds, a foreign body remains in the eye.
First of all, you need to study the anamnesis, while taking into account the medico-legal consequences of eye damage. Very often, during the initial collection of anamnesis, victims of different reasons may hide or distort important information, the true cause and mechanism of damage. This is especially true for children. The most common causes are industrial, domestic, sports injuries. The severity of damage depends on the size of the injuring object, the kinetic energy and its speed during the impact.
In almost all cases, regardless of the history, with penetrating wounds, it is necessary to perform x-rays, computed tomography, ultrasound, and MRI. These studies will determine the severity of the damage and the presence (or absence) of a foreign body.
Diagnosis of penetrating wounds of the eye is carried out by identifying characteristic symptoms. The latter, in their significance, can be absolute and relative.
Absolute signs of penetrating wounds of the eye are:
- penetrating wound of the cornea or sclera;
- prolapse of the inner membranes of the eye (iris, ciliary body, choroid), vitreous body into the wound;
- outflow of intraocular fluid through the wound of the cornea (diagnostic fluorescein test);
- the presence of a wound channel passing through the internal structures of the eye (iris, lens);
- the presence of a foreign body inside the eye;
- the presence of air in the vitreous body.
Relative signs of penetrating eye injuries include:
- hypotension;
- change in the depth of the anterior chamber (shallow - when the cornea is injured, deep - when the sclera is injured, uneven - with iridescent-scleral damage);
- hemorrhage under the conjunctiva, in the anterior chamber (hyphema) or vitreous body (hemophthalmus), choroid, retina;
- tears of the pupillary edge and a change in the shape of the pupil;
tear (iridodialysis) or complete detachment (aniridia) of the iris;
- traumatic cataract;
- subluxation or dislocation of the lens.
The diagnosis of a penetrating wound is legitimate when at least one of the absolute signs is detected.

Urgent care

A doctor of any profile needs to know the signs of penetrating eye injuries and be able to provide first aid:
1. Apply a binocular bandage, intramuscularly inject a broad-spectrum antibiotic and tetanus toxoid.
2. Urgently send the patient to a specialized hospital. Transportation should be carried out in a prone position, preferably by ambulance.
3. It is strictly forbidden to remove protruding foreign bodies from the eye (the exception is foreign bodies located superficially in relation to the tissues of the eye).

Penetrating wounds of the sclera and cornea

Penetrating wounds of the cornea are characterized by a violation of the integrity of the cornea. According to the localization of the wound, the cornea can be central, equatorial, meridional; in shape - linear, patchwork with smooth and torn, uneven edges, gaping, with a tissue defect. Wounding of the cornea leads to the outflow of intraocular fluid, as a result of which the anterior chamber is crushed; often complicated by prolapse and detachment of the iris at the root, trauma to the lens (cataract) and vitreous body (hemophthalmos).
Treatment. The main task during the surgical treatment of penetrating wounds of the cornea is, if possible, the complete restoration of the anatomical structure of the organ or tissue in order to preserve the function as much as possible.
During operations on the cornea, deep sutures (nylon 10.00) are applied to 2/3 of its thickness at a distance of 1 mm from the edges of the wound. Sutures are removed after 1.5-2 months. For the treatment of stellate penetrating wounds of the cornea, the purse-string suture technique is used - passing through all corners laceration a circular suture to pull it together in the center, with the additional imposition of separate interrupted sutures on all areas that extend from the center of the wound. In case of prolapse of the iris, it is repositioned and repositioned after preliminary removal of contaminants and treatment with an antibiotic solution.
In case of damage to the lens and the development of traumatic cataract, cataract extraction and implantation of an artificial lens are recommended. In cases where there is a crushed wound of the cornea and it is not possible to compare its edges, a cornea transplant is performed.

Wounds of the sclera and iris-scleral region

Wounds of the sclera and the iris-scleral region are rarely isolated, the severity of their damage is determined by the accompanying complications (prolapse of the internal membranes, hemorrhages in the structures of the eye).
With corneal-scleral wounds, the iris, ciliary body falls out or is infringed, hyphema and hemophthalmos are often observed. With scleral wounds, the anterior chamber, as a rule, deepens; the vitreous body, the inner membranes of the eye often fall out; develop hyphema, hemophthalmos. The most severe damage to the sclera is accompanied by a tissue defect, especially with subconjunctival ruptures.
Treatment. Primary surgical treatment penetrating wounds are performed under general anesthesia. In this case, the main task is to restore the tightness of the eyeball and structural relationships within it. It is mandatory to conduct an audit of the wound of the sclera; should strive for exact definition the direction of the wound channel, its depth and the degree of damage to the internal structures of the eye. It is these factors that largely determine the nature and extent of surgical treatment.
Depending on the specific conditions, the treatment is carried out both through the entrance wound and through additional incisions. In case of loss and infringement in the wound of the ciliary body or choroid, it is recommended to set them and suture them; they are preliminarily irrigated with a solution of antibiotics in order to prevent intraocular infection and the development of an inflammatory reaction. When the wound of the cornea and sclera is infected, acute iridocyclitis, endophthalmitis (purulent foci in the vitreous body), panophthalmitis (purulent inflammation of all membranes) can develop.
With a penetrating wound of any localization, local treatment is carried out, including anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and symptomatic therapy in combination with general antibiotic therapy, correction of the immune status.

Penetrating wounds of the eye with the introduction of foreign bodies

If you suspect a foreign body in the eye great importance have historical data. A carefully collected anamnesis plays a decisive role in determining the tactics of treating such a patient. Foreign bodies of the cornea can cause the development of infiltrates, post-traumatic keratitis, which subsequently lead to local corneal opacities.
With significant corneal injuries and extensive hyphema or hemophthalmos, it is not always possible to determine the course of the wound channel and the location of the foreign body. In cases where the fragment passes through the sclera outside the visible part, it is difficult to detect the inlet.
With the introduction of a large foreign body, a gaping wound of the cornea or sclera with prolapse of the choroid, vitreous body and retina is clinically determined.
Diagnostics. With biomicroscopy and ophthalmoscopy, a foreign body can be detected in the cornea, anterior chamber, lens, iris, vitreous body, or in the fundus.
To diagnose a foreign body inside the eye, the Komberg-Baltin X-ray localization method is used. The method consists in identifying a foreign body using an eye marker - an aluminum prosthesis-indicator 0.5 mm thick with a radius of curvature corresponding to the radius of the cornea. In the center of the indicator there is a hole with a diameter of 11 mm. At a distance of 0.5 mm from the edge of the hole in mutually perpendicular meridians, there are four lead points-landmarks. Before installing the prosthesis, anesthetic drops (0.5% alkine solution) are instilled into the conjunctival sac; the prosthesis is positioned in such a way that the lead marks correspond to the limbus at 12-3-6-9 hours.
All calculations on X-ray images are carried out using three Baltin-Polyak measuring circuits depicted on a transparent film. The latter are superimposed on x-rays taken in three projections - anterior, lateral and axial. On a direct picture, the meridian along which the foreign body is located, as well as its distance from the anatomical axis of the eye, is determined. On the lateral and axial images, the distance from the limbus to the foreign body is measured along the sclera in the direction of the equator. The method is accurate for the diagnosis of small foreign bodies of metallic density while maintaining the turgor of the eyeball, the absence of severe hypotension and gaping wounds of the outer shells of the eye. The analysis of the obtained results allows to determine the depth of the foreign body relative to the outer shells of the eye and the volume of the planned surgical intervention.
To locate a foreign body in anterior section eyes successfully use the method of non-skeletal radiography according to Vogt, which can be performed no earlier than 8 days from the moment of injury.
Of the modern methods, ultrasound A- and B-studies are used, the results of which allow not only to determine the presence of a foreign body, but also to diagnose complications such as lens dislocation, vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, etc.
At computed tomography it is possible to obtain a series of layered images of the eyeball and orbit of a higher resolution compared to the previously indicated methods.

Treatment of eye wounds with the introduction of foreign bodies

The foreign body of the cornea must be removed immediately. With its superficial location, special tools are used,
needles, tweezers, spears, when located in the deep layers (stroma) of the cornea - perform a linear incision, then the metal foreign body is removed with a magnet, and the non-magnetic one with a needle or a spear. To remove a foreign body from the anterior chamber, an incision is first made above the fragment, into which the tip of the magnet is inserted. With the central location of the wound of the cornea, the foreign body may remain in the lens or penetrate into the posterior part of the eye. A foreign body that has penetrated the lens is removed in two ways: either after opening the anterior chamber using a magnet, or together with the lens in the case of an amagnetic nature of the fragment and subsequent implantation of an artificial lens.
Removal of an amagnetic foreign body from the eye is associated, as a rule, with great difficulties. When a foreign body is found in the anterior part of the eye (the space from the posterior surface of the cornea to the lens inclusive), the so-called anterior extraction route is used.
A fragment located in the posterior part of the eye, until recently, was removed exclusively by the diascleral route, i.e. through a scleral incision at the site of its occurrence. The current preference is for the transvitreal route, in which an elongated magnet tip for extracting a metal object or a tool for grasping an amagnetic foreign body is inserted into the eye cavity through an incision in the flat part of the ciliary body. The operation is performed under visual control through a dilated pupil. In case of violation of the transparency of optical media (traumatic cataract, hemophthalmia), cataract extraction and/or vitrectomy are preliminarily performed, followed by removal of the foreign body under visual control.
In case of penetrating wounds of the eye with the introduction of foreign bodies, in addition to performing surgical interventions, an appointment is required drug therapy aimed at preventing an inflammatory reaction in the eye, the development of infection, hemorrhagic complications, hypotension, secondary glaucoma, pronounced proliferative processes in the fibrous capsule and intraocular structures.

Initial treatment of penetrating wounds

Initially, the treatment of penetrating wounds takes place only in a hospital setting.
When diagnosing an eye injury, tetanus toxoid is administered subcutaneously at a dose of 0.5 ME and tetanus toxoid at a dose of 1000 ME.
Medical treatment carried out using the following groups of drugs.
1. Antibiotics:
aminoglycosides: gentamicin intramuscularly at 5 mg / kg 3 times a day, the course of treatment is 7-10 days; or tobramycin intramuscularly or intravenously
2-3 mg/kg per day;
penicillins: ampicillin intramuscularly or intravenously, 250-500 mg 4-6 times a day;
cephalosporins: cefotaxime intramuscularly or intravenously, 1-2 g
3-4 times a day; ceftazidime 0.5-2 g 3-4 times a day;
glycopeptides: vancomycin intravenously at 0.5-1 g 2-4 times a day or orally at 0.5-2 g 3-4 times a day;
macrolides: azithromycin 500 mg orally 1 hour before meals for 3 days (course dose 1.5 g);
lincosamides: lincomycin intramuscularly 600 mg 1-2 times a day.
2. Sulfanilamide preparations: sulfadimethoxine (1 g on the first day, then 500 mg / day; taken after meals, course 7-10 days) or sulfalene (1 g on the first day and 200 mg / day for 7-10 days 30 minutes before meals ).
3. Fluoroquinolones: ciprofloxacin inside 250-750 mg 2 times a day, the duration of treatment is 7-10 days.
4. Antifungals: nystatin inside 250,000-5,000,000 IU 3-4 times a day.
5. Anti-inflammatory drugs:
NSAIDs: diclofenac inside 50 mg 2-3 times a day before meals, course 7-10 days; indomethacin inside 25 mg 2-3 times a day before meals, a course of 10 days;
glucocorticoids: dexamethasone parabulbarno or under the conjunctiva,
2-3 mg, course 7-10 injections; triamcinolone 20 mg once a week, 3-4 injections.
6. H-receptor blockers: chloropyramine inside 25 mg 3 times a day after meals for 7-10 days; or loratadine inside 10 mg 1 time per day after meals for 7-10 days; or fexofenadine orally 120 mg 1 time per day after meals for 7-10 days.
7. Tranquilizers: diazepam intramuscularly or intravenously, 10-20 mg.
8. Enzymatic preparations in the form of injections:
fibrinolysin 400 IU parabulbarno;
collagenase 100 or 500 KE subconjunctivally (directly to the lesion: adhesions, scar, etc.) or using electrophoresis, phonophoresis; course of treatment 10 days.
9. Preparations for instillation into the conjunctival sac. In severe conditions and in early postoperative period the multiplicity of instillations can reach 6 times a day; as it subsides inflammatory process it goes down:
antibacterial agents: 0.3% solution of ciprofloxacin 1-2 drops
3-6 times a day; or 0.3% solution of oftaxacin 1-2 drops 3-6 times a day; or 0.3% solution of tobramycin 1-2 drops 3 times a day;
antiseptics: 0.05% solution of piclosidin (vitabact) 1 drop 6 times a day, course of treatment 10 days;
glucocorticoids: 0.1% dexamethasone solution 1-2 drops 3 times a day; or 1-2.5% hydrocortisone ointment, put behind the lower eyelid 3-4 times a day;
NSAIDs: 0.1% solution of diclofenac 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day; or 0.1% solution of indomethacin 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day;
combined preparations: maxitrol (dexamethasone 1 mg, neomycin sulfate 3500 IU, polymyxin B sulfate 6000 IU); tobradex (suspension - tobramycin 3 mg and dexamethasone 1 mg);
mydriatics: 1% solution of cyclopentolate 1-2 drops 3 times a day; or 0.5-1% solution of tropicamide 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day in combination with a 2.5% solution of phenylephrine 1-2 drops 3 times a day;
corneal regeneration stimulants: actovegin (eye gel 20% for the lower eyelid, 1 drop 3 times a day); or solcoseryl (eye gel 20% for the lower eyelid, 1 drop 3 times a day); or dexpanthenol (eye gel 5% for the lower eyelid, 1 drop 3 times a day).
After severe injuries of the eyeball, the patient needs life-long supervision of an ophthalmologist, limiting physical activity. If necessary, in the long-term period, an operative and drug treatment for the purpose of visual and cosmetic rehabilitation of the patient.

The cornea is damaged more often than the sclera. Corneal erosions are accompanied by significant painful sensations, photophobia, lacrimation, blepharospasm, foreign body sensation.

To detect defects in the corneal epithelium, one drop of a 2% fluorescein solution is instilled into the conjunctival sac. Even a slight defect in the corneal epithelium will be stained in green color. Emergency care consists in instillation of disinfectant drops and ointment (tetracycline ointment 1%, albucid 30%). Erosion heals quickly, if not complicated by infection. If complicated - treatment, as with corneal ulcers.

There may be non-penetrating wounds of the cornea - linear, patchwork, of various sizes and shapes, with the addition of an infection, infiltration of the edges of the wound is noted. Corneal wounds are not perforated, but deep, and erosions leave opacities, which, when located in the optical zone, can reduce visual acuity.

Foreign bodies may be embedded in the cornea. They are superficial when they are located in or under the corneal epithelium, and deep when they are localized in the corneal tissue itself. Superficial foreign bodies have the same symptoms as corneal erosion. Deep-lying foreign bodies of the cornea give less pronounced subjective sensations. Rendering emergency care depends on the depth of foreign bodies.

Superficial ones are easily removed with a tightly twisted cotton swab dipped in a solution of furacillin (1:5000) or mercury cyanide (1:5000) after preliminary anesthesia with a 1% solution of dicaine, 1% inocaine, lidocaine or are removed using a spear-shaped needle, corneal chisel or conventional injection needles. Drops of sodium sulfacyl 30%, chloramphenicol 0.25% are instilled, a disinfectant ointment is applied. The patient continues to carry out the same treatment at home until the examination by a specialist. To clarify the depth of the foreign body in the cornea, an examination with a slit lamp is necessary, and if it is not available, then with a binocular loupe with good side lighting.

Any deep-seated fragment should be removed only in a hospital setting. As an emergency, instillation of dicaine, disinfectant drops and bandaging. If a foreign body protrudes into the anterior chamber at one end, the wound should be considered penetrating and assistance should be provided in the same way as it should be provided for any penetrating injury. It is very dangerous to push a fragment into the anterior chamber during an attempt to extract it, which every doctor should be aware of. If there is a foreign body in the cornea with purulent infiltration around it, after preliminary anesthesia with a 1% solution of dicaine, the foreign body should be removed using the previously mentioned needles. Instill drops of albucid into the eye, apply an ointment of sulfonamides or antibiotics, sulfonamides inside. Further, the patient should be observed and treated by an ophthalmologist.

Non-penetrating wounds of the sclera are always accompanied by simultaneous damage to the conjunctiva. In order to provide emergency care, you should drip disinfectant drops, lay an ointment, apply a light sterile dressing approximately. In the conditions of an eye hospital, a revision of the wound is carried out, in the absence of a penetrating wound of the sclera, if the wound is more than 5 mm, nylon sutures are applied to the conjunctiva. If there is a penetrating wound, then the treatment proceeds, as with any penetrating wounds of the eye.

Eye injury

Eye injuries are conditions in which the integrity and functions of the organ of vision are impaired. By type, they can be industrial, agricultural, transport, sports, household, criminal, etc.

Causes of eye injury

Any aggressive external impact on the eye, be it a solid object, a caustic chemical, radiation, can lead to eye injury.

Types of eye injuries

According to the severity of the injury, it can be mild (do not lead to a decrease in the functions of the organ of vision), moderate(decrease in function is temporary), severe (persistent decline in eye function), especially severe (loss of the eye is not excluded).

According to the depth of the lesion, non-penetrating (extraocular foreign bodies, erosion, burns, contusions) and penetrating (the integrity of the fibrous membrane of the eye is violated throughout its entire thickness) are distinguished.

Orbital trauma have various manifestations: pain, diplopia occurs almost immediately. With fractures, exophthalmos or enophthalmos, subcutaneous emphysema, edema and hematomas of the eyelids, restriction of eye movements, ptosis (drooping of the eyelid) are possible. Soft tissue wounds, closed and open fractures are possible. Often combined with injuries of the eyeball.

Orbital contusion- blunt injuries in which the integrity of the tissues is not violated. Complaints of pain, limited mobility, hematoma formation, redness. Visual acuity is reduced, because. damage to the eyeball occurs.

At soft tissue injury eye sockets, nearby organs can be damaged - the lacrimal gland, the external muscles of the eye.

Eyeball injuries have different mechanisms of origin and different clinical picture. There may be blunt (concussion), non-penetrating and penetrating injuries.

Eyelid wounds there are not through and through; without damage and with damage to the free edge of the eyelid; torn, chipped or cut. With through, the eyelid is damaged to its full thickness (skin, muscles and cartilage).

shell shock there are direct (with direct impact on the eyeball) and indirect (due to concussion of the head or torso). Depending on the force of impact, the elasticity of the tissues of the eye and the presence of concomitant pathology, the shells can tear or tear. The patient is concerned about pain, nausea, dizziness, redness of the eye, decreased vision, fog before the eyes, floaters. On physical examination, there may be corneal edema, hemorrhage into the anterior chamber (hyphema), partial or complete detachment of the iris, paralysis of the sphincter of the pupil ( irregular shape pupil, lack of reaction to light), Fossius ring on the anterior capsule of the lens (an imprint of the pigment border of the iris), paresis or paralysis of the ciliary muscle (accommodation is disturbed), traumatic cataract, dislocation and subluxation of the pupil, hemorrhages in the choroid, on the retina - Berlin opacification and / or hemorrhages, its ruptures, detachment (may occur in the long term).

Non-penetrating wounds happen with presence or absence of foreign bodys. At the same time, the integrity of the outer shell (cornea, sclera) is not violated throughout its entire thickness. The most common injuries are foreign bodies of the cornea. Occur when safety precautions are not observed and work without goggles. Often there are foreign bodies after working with a grinder and in windy weather. There is a sensation of a foreign body, lacrimation, photophobia, inability to open the eye. An objective examination shows foreign bodies of the eyelids, corneas or conjunctiva, superficial and deep injection of the eyeball.

Non-penetrating eye injury

Signs of penetrating wounds: a through wound in the cornea or sclera, a hole in the iris, moisture filtration of the anterior chamber, prolapse of the inner membranes of the eye or vitreous body, the presence of an intraocular foreign body. Also, indirect signs are a shallow or deep anterior chamber, irregular pupil shape, detachment of the iris, eye hypotension, hemophthalmos, etc.

Penetrating injury with prolapse of the iris and ciliary body

The most severe complication of penetrating wounds is endophthalmitis- inflammation of the vitreous body of a purulent nature, 60-80 percent of cases lead to blindness. There is a general malaise, fever, the eye is hypotonic, the eyelids and conjunctiva are edematous and hyperemic, behind the lens there is an abscess of the vitreous body of a yellow-gray color.


Panophthalmitis in all cases leads to blindness and is dangerous to the life of the patient. This inflammation of all the membranes of the eye quickly passes into the orbit and the inflammatory process can spread to the brain. The infection enters at the time of injury or after it. The most common pathogen is staphylococcus aureus. First, purulent iridocyclitis occurs, then an abscess of the vitreous body is formed, then the retina, vascular and fibrous membranes of the eye are involved in the process. There is pus in the anterior chamber, nothing is visible behind it, the cornea and eyelids are edematous, exophthalmos appears.

Sympathetic ophthalmia- sluggish inflammation of a non-purulent nature on the unaffected eye with a penetrating wound of the second eye. It often develops 1-2 months after the injury. It proceeds in the form of iridocyclitis or neuroretinitis. The first signs are a slight injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva, slight pain, photophobia. Then there are symptoms of iridocyclitis, hypertension is replaced by hypotension, and then subatrophy of the eye.

Eye burns there are thermal (the action of high or low temperatures), chemical (alkalis and acids), thermochemical, radiation.

According to the depth of the lesion, 4 stages are distinguished:

1. Hyperemia of the skin and conjunctiva, the presence of superficial erosion of the cornea. 2. Bubbles on the skin of the eyelids, films on the conjunctiva, translucent clouding of the corneal stroma. 3. Necrosis of the skin, conjunctiva, cornea has the appearance of "frosted glass". 4. Necrosis of the skin, conjunctiva, cornea in the form of a "porcelain plate".

Patients are concerned about severe pain, lacrimation, photophobia, inability to open their eyes, decreased visual acuity.

Eye burns

Examination of a patient with an eye injury

The examination is carried out very carefully in order to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. With any eye injury, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist so as not to miss a serious pathology and prevent the development of complications.

External examination - often visible damage in the form of wounds, bleeding, foreign bodies. Edema, eyelid hematomas, exophthalmos or enophthalmos are possible - determination of visual acuity - in many injuries it is reduced due to the lack of complete transparency of the optical media of the eye - perimetry - determination of corneal sensitivity (with many injuries and burns reduced) - determination of intraocular pressure - possible as hypertension, and hypotension - examination in transmitted light - foreign bodies or injuries associated with trauma are visible (clouding of the lens and / or vitreous body, etc.) - always carry out eversion upper eyelid, in some cases double, in order not to miss foreign bodies on the mucous membrane - biomicroscopy - must be carried out very carefully, always with fluoroscein staining of the cornea - gonioscopy is performed to examine the angle of the anterior chamber and diagnose damage to the ciliary body and iris - direct and indirect ophthalmoscopy, as well as using a Goldman lens helps to determine such pathologies as retinal contusion, intraocular foreign bodies, retinal detachment - radiography of the orbit and skull in two projections - radiography using the Baltin-Komberg prosthesis to locate the intraocular foreign body. To do this, a prosthesis is placed on the anesthetized eye exactly at the points of 3, 6, 9, 12 hours. A picture is taken, and then it is applied to special tables - computed tomography of the orbit and eye to determine the presence of X-ray negative foreign bodies - Ultrasound of the eye helps to determine the condition of the internal membranes and environments of the eye, as well as the location and number of foreign bodies - fluorescein angiography is indicated to identify areas that must be delimited by laser photocoagulation of the retina. It is possible to carry out only with transparent media of the eye - general clinical tests of blood, urine, sugar, blood for RW, HIV infection, HBs antigen - consultations of a traumatologist, neurosurgeon, therapist if necessary.

Treatment for eye injury

Treatment should be started as soon as possible after the injury.

Mild eye contusion(for example, when punched in the eye) in most cases requires outpatient treatment, but an examination by an ophthalmologist is required. Immediately after the injury, it is necessary to apply cold to the area of ​​damage, drip disinfectant drops (you can use ordinary albucid), with severe pain take painkillers and go to the nearest emergency room. The doctor can already prescribe hemostatic drugs orally or intramuscularly (etamsylate or dicynon), as well as calcium, iodine and trophic-improving drugs (emoxipin injection intramuscularly or parabulbarno - under the eye).

In more severe cases, strict bed rest is required. In case of any damage to the integrity of tissues, the introduction of tetanus toxoid and / or toxoid is mandatory.

Eyelid wounds are subject to surgical treatment with suturing, and if the lacrimal canaliculus is damaged, a Polak probe is inserted into it.

Foreign bodies of the cornea if they are located superficially, they are to be removed in the conditions of the emergency room, followed by the appointment of antibacterial drops and ointments. At the same time, after local anesthesia, the foreign body and scale around it are removed using an injection needle.

At contusion of the eyeball Treatment can be conservative and operative. Mandatory is bed rest and cold on the area of ​​injury. The following groups of drugs are prescribed: hemostatic (stop bleeding), antibacterial (topical and general action), diuretics (reduce tissue swelling), anti-inflammatory (nonsteroidal and hormonal), physiotherapy (UHF, magnetotherapy). Surgical treatment is subject to ruptures of the sclera and retina, secondary glaucoma, traumatic cataract).

At penetrating wounds an approximate treatment plan: drops with antibiotics are instilled (Floxal, Tobrex, etc.), a sterile binocular bandage is applied, transportation is performed in a reclining position, if necessary, anesthetize (local or general), tetanus toxoid or serum is administered, intramuscularly or intravenously - broad-spectrum antibiotics actions (penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, etc.). In the hospital, depending on the type and degree of injury, surgical treatment is performed. This may be a revision of the wound and primary surgical treatment, removal of intraocular foreign bodies, prevention of retinal tears in case of their threat (sclerofilling, laser coagulation), removal of foreign bodies, implantation of an intraocular lens in case of traumatic cataract. In severe cases, the issue of enucleation of the eyeball is resolved within 1-2 weeks after the injury.

Prevention of sympathetic ophthalmia provides for the removal of a blind injured eye in the first 2 weeks after injury. Treatment should be carried out under the obligatory supervision of an immunologist. Topically applied instillations of corticosteroids, as well as their subconjunctival administration, mydriatics in the form of drops and injections. Systemically used hormonal drugs, and if they are ineffective - immunosuppressive therapy (mntotrexate, azathioprine). Effective methods of extracorporeal detoxification - plasmapheresis, ultraviolet blood irradiation.

Treatment of endophthalmitis involves the introduction of high doses of antibiotics parenterally and locally, as well as vitrectomy with the introduction of antibacterial drugs into the vitreous body. With the ineffectiveness of treatment or the development of atrophy of the eyeball, enucleation is performed. With panophthalmitis - evisceration.

For all burns 2-4 degrees tetanus prophylaxis is mandatory. Stage 1 is subject to outpatient treatment. Antibacterial drops and ointments are prescribed (Tobrex, Floksal, Oftakviks). The rest of the burns are being treated in the hospital. Appoint conservative treatment; from stage 3 also surgical. It is possible to use therapeutic contact lenses.

Medical therapy:

Mydriatics locally - instill 1 drop 3 times a day (Mezaton, Midriacil, Tropicamide) or subconjunctivally - antibiotics locally in the form of drops and parabulbar injections (first every hour, then reduce the frequency of instillation to 3 times a day - Tobrex, Floksal, Oftakviks; parabulbarno gentamicin, cefazolin) or ointments (Floxal, erythromycin, tetracycline), as well as for systemic use - locally and systemically non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indocollir, Naklof, Diklof drops 3-4 times a day) or hormonal (Oftan-dexamethasone drops, parabulbarnodexone) - inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes - contrykal, gordox - detoxification therapy (intravenous drip solutions - Hemodez, reopoliglyukin 200.0-400.0 ml) - diuretics (diacarb, lasix) - desensitizing drugs (diphenhydramine, suprastin) - vasodilators (no-shpa , papaverine, cavinton, nicotinic acid) - vitamin therapy (especially group B)

Surgical treatment: layer-by-layer or penetrating keratoplasty, for conjunctival burns - mucosal transplantation from the oral cavity, for stage 4 burns, oral mucosal transplantation is performed on the entire anterior surface of the eye and blepharorrhaphy (sewing of the eyelids).

Complications of eye injuries

With untimely wound treatment and inadequate conservative therapy, complications may occur, such as endophthalmitis, panophthalmitis, sympathetic inflammation, persistent decrease in visual acuity, loss of an eye, brain abscesses, sepsis, etc. Many conditions threaten the patient's life, so even the slightest injury requires examination by an ophthalmologist in a hospital setting.

Ophthalmologist Letyuk T.Z

Eye diseases- organic and functional lesions of the visual analyzer of a person, limiting his ability to see, as well as lesions of the adnexal apparatus of the eye.

Diseases of the visual analyzer are extensive and it is customary to group them into several sections.

Diseases of the eyelids

    Cryptophthalmos - total loss eyelid differentiation.

    Coloboma of the eyelid is a full-thickness sementary defect of the eyelid.

    Ankyloblepharon - partial or complete fusion of the edges of the eyelids.

    Upper eyelid ptosis is an abnormally low position of the upper eyelid.

    Hunn's syndrome is an involuntary lifting of the upper eyelid.

    Inversion of the eyelid - the edge of the eyelid is turned towards the eyeball.

    Blepharitis is inflammation of the edges of the eyelids.

    Trichiasis is an abnormal growth of eyelashes with irritation of the eyeball.

    Eyelid edema is an abnormal amount of fluid in the tissues of the eyelids.

    Preseptal cellulitis - diffuse swelling of the eyelids.

    Eyelid abscess - purulent inflammation of the eyelids.

    Barley - inflammation of the meibomian glands of the edge of the eyelid.

    Lagophthalmos - incomplete closure of the palpebral fissure.

    Blepharospasm is an involuntary contraction of the muscles of the eyelid.

Diseases of the lacrimal organs

    Malformations of the tear-producing apparatus

    Neoplasms of the lacrimal glands

    Pathology of the lacrimal apparatus

Diseases of the conjunctiva

    Conjunctivitis - inflammation of the conjunctiva

    Trachoma - a type of chlamydial conjunctivitis

    Dry eye syndrome - lack of hydration of the conjunctiva

    Pinguecula - dystrophic formation of the conjunctiva

    Pterygium - fold of the conjunctiva

Diseases of the sclera

    Episcleritis - inflammation of the superficial layer of the sclera

    Scleritis - inflammation of the deep layers of the sclera

    Sclerokeratitis - inflammation of the sclera extending to the cornea

Corneal diseases

    Anomalies in the development of the sclera

    Keratitis - inflammation of the cornea


    Corneal dystrophy


Diseases of the lens

    Anomalies in the development of the lens

    Cataract - clouding of the lens

    Aphakia is the absence of the lens.

Vitreous diseases

    Opacification of the vitreous body Myodesopsia

    Vitreous detachment

Iris disease

    Polycoria - multiple pupils in the iris

    Aniridia - absence of the iris

    Iridocyclitis - inflammation of the iris and ciliary body

Retinal diseases

    Retinitis - damage to the epithelial layer of the retina

    retinal dystrophy

    Retinal detachment


    Retinal angiopathy

Diseases of the optic nerve

    Neuritis - inflammation of the optic nerve

    Toxic lesions of the optic nerve


    optic nerve atrophy

Disturbances in the circulation of aqueous humor


Diseases of the oculomotor apparatus



Diseases of the orbit


Refractive errors (ametropia)





Strabismus(strabismus or heterotropia) - any abnormal violation of the parallelism of the visual axes of both eyes. The position of the eyes, characterized by non-crossing of the visual axes of both eyes on a fixed object. An objective symptom is the asymmetrical position of the corneas in relation to the corners and edges of the eyelids.

[Edit] Types of strabismus

    Distinguish congenital (present at birth or appears in the first 6 months) and acquired strabismus (appears before 3 years).

Most often, obvious strabismus is horizontal: convergent strabismus (or esotropia (esotropia)) or divergent strabismus (or exotropia (exotropia)); however, sometimes a vertical one can also be observed (with a deviation upwards - hypertropia, downwards - hypotropia).

    Also, strabismus is divided into monocular and alternating.

    With monocular strabismus, only one eye is always mowed, which a person never uses. Therefore, the vision of the squinting eye is most often sharply reduced. The brain adapts in such a way that information is read only from one, unsquinting eye. The squinting eye does not participate in the visual act, therefore, its visual functions continue to decline even more. This condition is called amblyopia, that is, low vision from functional inactivity. If it is impossible to restore the vision of the squinting eye, the strabismus is corrected to remove the cosmetic defect.

    Alternating strabismus is characterized by the fact that a person looks alternately with one or the other eye, that is, although alternately, he uses both eyes. Amblyopia, if it develops, is much milder.

    Due to the occurrence of strabismus is friendly and paralytic.

    Concomitant strabismus usually occurs in childhood. It is characterized by the preservation of the full range of movements of the eyeballs, the equality of the primary angle of strabismus (that is, the deviation of the squinting eye) and the secondary (that is, healthy), the absence of doubling and impaired binocular vision.

    Paralytic strabismus is caused by paralysis or damage to one or more oculomotor muscles. It can occur as a result of pathological processes that affect the muscles themselves, nerves or the brain.

Characteristic of paralytic strabismus is the limitation of the mobility of the squinting eye in the direction of the action of the affected muscle. As a result of images hitting the disparate points of the retinas of both eyes, diplopia appears, which increases when looking in the same direction.

The causes of strabismus are very diverse. They can be either congenital or acquired:

The presence of ametropia (farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism) of medium and high degrees; -trauma; - paralysis and cuts; - anomalies in the development and attachment of the oculomotor muscles; - diseases of the central nervous system; -stress; - infectious diseases (measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, influenza, etc.); - somatic diseases; - mental trauma (fright); - a sharp decrease in visual acuity of one eye

[Edit] Symptoms

One or both eyes may deviate to the side, more often towards the nose, or as if "floating". This phenomenon is common in infants, but by 6 months it should disappear. It happens that parents take for strabismus a peculiar location and shape of the eyes (for example, in children with a wide nose bridge). Over time, the shape of the nose changes, and the imaginary strabismus disappears.

Refer to serious violations health. They are accompanied by infection, a violation of the physiological structure of the orbit and the eye itself, in difficult cases, loss of the internal components of the visual analyzer can be observed.

In case of a penetrating wound in the eye area, the victim should be urgently delivered to medical institution. Such injuries are urgent conditions that require urgent intervention! If help is not provided, visual impairment of varying severity develops, up to complete blindness.

Penetrating wounds of the eyeball are both domestic and industrial

Penetrating trauma to visual analysis can occur for a variety of reasons. This is a fall on a sharp object, a blow to the head in the eye socket area, glass hit and exposure to piercing or cutting objects.

A separate line in the classification of causes is occupied by gunshot wounds. In terms of prevalence, sports injuries occupy the first place. In second place are household items.

The severity of the pathology depends on the shape and density of the injuring object, its linear dimensions, and the speed with which the injury was inflicted. The classification of eye injuries is extensive:

  • According to the degree of penetration of a foreign body into the physiological structures of the organ:
  1. penetrating - the outer shells are damaged, the foreign object plunged to different depths, but at the same time did not go beyond the body of the eye;
  2. through - a sharp object pierced the shell of the visual analyzer in at least 2 places. The entrance and exit openings in the sclera are determined;
  3. destruction - violation of the integrity with the destruction of the membranes and internal structures of the body. Restoration of visual functions is impossible.
  • According to the size of the wound surface are distinguished:
  1. small - no more than 3 mm in length;
  2. medium - no more than 5 mm;
  3. heavy - from 0.5 cm and more.
  • In shape - elongated, stellate, with tissue pathology, chipped and torn. In addition, adapted or wounds with closed edges and gaping open areas are distinguished.
  • Depending on location:
  1. corneal - the wound site is located only on the tissues;
  2. scleral - only the white shell of the eye is injured;
  3. mixed - both the cornea and the sclera are affected.

Signs of pathology

When examining a patient, the doctor should carefully study the history of the victim, since a deliberate distortion of information by the patient is possible. Diagnostic measures consist in a visual examination and identification of characteristic symptoms of pathology.

Absolute signs of damage to the eye analyzer:

  • visually defined penetrating wound in the body of the eye;
  • the presence of air bubbles and foreign objects in the structures of the eye;
  • falling into a wound internal organs eyeball;
  • visually and instrumentally, the wound channel passing through the structures of the eye is determined;
  • leakage of intraocular fluid through perforation in the sclera or.

If at least 1 of the absolute symptoms is observed, then the diagnosis of "penetrating injury" is confirmed. Indirect symptomatology, indicating a pathology in the visual analyzer system:

  1. point hemorrhage in various structures of the eye;
  2. low total and intraocular pressure;
  3. change in the shape of the pupil, iris;
  4. displacement, dislocation.

If a penetrating wound is suspected, the appointment of an x-ray examination, ultrasound, tomography is indicated. This will determine the severity of the pathological process, visualize the presence of foreign bodies in the wound, determine their size and number.

First aid

Penetrating wounds of the eyeball require surgical intervention

If the visual analyzer system is damaged, the victim should be urgently taken to the hospital. Methods of first aid for eye injuries are standard. The necessary measures should and can be provided by a doctor of any specialty.

First aid technique:

  • Apply a sterile bandage to the damaged organ. It should not put pressure on the eye. If assistance is provided medical worker, then a single administration of a broad-spectrum antibiotic is indicated.
  • Take the victim to a medical facility. The patient during transportation should be in the supine position.
  • Do not try to remove the foreign body yourself. This is fraught with an increase in the wound surface and additional trauma to the organ.
  • In the emergency room, the victim is given antitetanus drugs.

Corneal injuries: treatment tactics

This type of injury is characterized by damage to the cornea. When this occurs, the outflow of intraocular moisture, drying of the chambers of the eye. Often, such injuries are accompanied by damage to the lens, detachment of the cornea.

Treatment is carried out exclusively by surgery. If the cornea, the lens falls out, they should be put back in place. The goal of therapy is to restore the integrity of the eyeball. The sutures are removed no earlier than 6 weeks after the intervention.

In extreme cases, when the iris is crushed, it is exchanged. If the lens is damaged, an implant is also recommended.

Scleral injury

The prognosis for an eye injury depends on the severity of the injury itself.

Injuries to the white membrane of the eye are rarely independent. They are accompanied by prolapse and damage to the internal structures of the eyeball.

Treatment is exclusively surgical. In case of scleral injuries, all manipulations, starting from the initial examination, are carried out under general anesthesia.

The goals of therapy are the examination and evaluation of the wound and the wound channel, the revision of internal structures and their installation in a physiological place, the extraction of foreign bodies, and the restoration of the integrity of the sclera.

After the initial examination, the doctor decides on the extent of the surgical intervention. All manipulations are carried out through the inlet in. Severe injuries may require additional incisions.

After restoring the integrity of the membranes, the appointment of general and local antibiotic therapy is indicated in order to prevent the development of purulent processes in the wound.

Injuries with the introduction of foreign objects

If foreign bodies are suspected of entering the internal structures of the eye, a thorough diagnosis of the pathology should be carried out. hallmark such wounds is the presence of a gaping hole in the outer shells of the eyeball.

Foreign objects provoke the development of purulent processes, the appearance of infiltrates, clouding of the cornea. The complexity of the situation lies in the fact that with significant damage to the eye it is quite difficult to visualize a foreign body.

If the object has large linear dimensions, then complications such as prolapse of the internal structures of the eye are possible. Mandatory procedures for diagnosing an injury:

  • biomicroscopy - examination of the structures of the eye using a slit lamp;
  • – examination of the fundus with the help of an ophthalmoscope;
  • x-ray studies if it is impossible to detect a foreign object by the first two methods;
  • Ultrasound - to determine the location of a foreign object, to identify other pathological processes in the internal structures of the eye that develop when a foreign body enters;
  • CT - multiple high-precision images to determine further tactics for managing the patient.

Treatment is carried out surgically. The foreign body is removed using needles, spears with magnetic tips. Surgical intervention is performed either through a wound or through an additional incision in the sclera at the location of the foreign object.

If the lens is damaged or a foreign body has penetrated the biological lens, then the removal of the lens and its replacement with an artificial one is indicated. After the intervention, massive antibiotic therapy is indicated to prevent the development of purulent processes.

gunshot wounds

Penetrating eye injury

Such injuries are considered extremely severe diagnoses. Gunshot wounds can be obtained not only during military operations, but also in peacetime.

A feature of such injuries is massive damage to the eyeball, bone structures of the orbit, the introduction of foreign objects into the internal structures and adjacent areas of the skull, infection of the wound surface.

The classification of gunshot wounds is extensive and covers all possible injuries of the eye analyzer. But initially, all damage of this type is divided into 2 groups:

  • isolated - such injuries are rare, the outcome depends on the degree of damage, but generally favorable;
  • combined - more than 80% of gunshot wounds of the eye - in addition to damage to the eye analyzer, injuries of bone structures are observed, maxillary sinuses, eye sockets.

The outcome depends on the degree of damage to the eyeball and nerve nodes, the depth of the wound channel, concomitant damage to the brain and bones of the skeleton, the size and number of foreign bodies. The prognosis is unfavorable.

Diagnosis of gunshot wounds is carried out under general anesthesia. The doctor examines the damage, shows the methods of diagnostic imaging - X-ray, tomography. After that, probing of the wound channel is carried out. Additionally, consultations of a neurologist, otolaryngologist and dentist are shown.

Treatment of pathology is exclusively surgical. The intervention is carried out in a complex on all damaged areas of the head. The technique of surgical intervention for gunshot wounds:

  • Initially, the eyeball is treated, fragments of foreign bodies, bone fragments are removed.
  • In the second stage of the operation, surgeons work on injuries to the head, maxillary sinuses, jaw bones and articular surfaces.
  • At the last stage, the doctor eliminates the defects of the eyelid and orbit.
  • Seams are applied. If the wound is isolated and without additional destruction of bone structures, then permanent sutures are applied. If the wound is extensive and there is a possibility of developing purulent process then temporary sutures are used.
  • After 4 days, the wound is revised, and permanent sutures are applied.
  • If any complications have developed, then this procedure is carried out after the inflammatory process subsides. Sometimes after 2-3 weeks.

Penetrating wounds of the eye analyzer are classified as severe pathologies. Self-treatment is inappropriate and can end sadly!

What to do in case of an eye injury, you will learn from the video consultation: