Mexidol side effects. Mexidol - mild treatment for severe neurological disorders

Antioxidant drug
Preparation: MEXIDOL®
The active substance of the drug: non appropriated
ATX encoding: V03AX
CFG: Antioxidant drug
Registration number: Р №002161/01
Date of registration: 14.03.08
The owner of the reg. Award: PHARMASOFT NPK LLC (Russia)

Mexidol release form, drug packaging and composition.

1 ml
1 amp.

50 mg
100 mg

2 ml - glass ampoules (5) - blister packs (1) - cardboard packs.
2 ml - glass ampoules (5) - blister packs (2) - cardboard packs.

The solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration is colorless or slightly yellowish, transparent.
Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration
1 ml
1 amp.
ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate
50 mg
250 mg

Excipients: water d / i.

5 ml - glass ampoules (5) - blister packs (1) - cardboard packs.
5 ml - glass ampoules (5) - blister packs (2) - cardboard packs.

The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use.

Pharmacological action Mexidol

Antioxidant drug. It has antihypoxic, membrane-protective, nootropic, anticonvulsant and anxiolytic effects. The drug increases the body's resistance to the effects of various damaging factors, to oxygen-dependent pathological conditions (shock, hypoxia and ischemia, cerebrovascular accidents, intoxication with alcohol and antipsychotics /neuroleptics/).

Mexidol improves metabolism and blood supply to the brain, improves microcirculation and rheological properties of blood, and reduces platelet aggregation. Stabilizes the membrane structures of blood cells (erythrocytes and platelets) during hemolysis. It has a hypolipidemic effect, reduces the content of total cholesterol and low density lipoproteins.

The mechanism of action of Mexidol is due to its antioxidant, antihypoxic and membrane-protective action. The drug inhibits lipid peroxidation, increases the activity of superoxide dismutase, increases the lipid-protein ratio, reduces the viscosity of the membrane, increases its fluidity. Mexidol modulates the activity of membrane-bound enzymes (calcium-independent phosphodiesterase, adenylate cyclase, acetylcholinesterase), receptor complexes (benzodiazepine, GABA, acetylcholine), which enhances their ability to bind to ligands, helps to preserve the structural and functional organization of biomembranes, transport of neurotransmitters and improve synaptic transmission. Mexidol increases the content of dopamine in the brain. It causes an increase in the compensatory activation of aerobic glycolysis and a decrease in the degree of inhibition of oxidative processes in the Krebs cycle under hypoxic conditions with an increase in the content of ATP and creatine phosphate, activation of the energy-synthesizing functions of mitochondria, and stabilization of cell membranes.

Reduces enzymatic toxemia and endogenous intoxication in acute pancreatitis.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug.


With the introduction of Mexidol in doses of 400-500 mg, Cmax in plasma is 3.5-4.0 μg / ml and is achieved within 0.45-0.5 hours.


It is rapidly distributed in organs and tissues.

After the / m administration, the drug is determined in the blood plasma for 4 hours. The average retention time of the drug in the body is 0.7-1.3 hours.


It is rapidly excreted from the body with urine, mainly in the glucuronoconjugated form and in small amounts - unchanged.

Indications for use:

Acute disorders of cerebral circulation;


Vegetative-vascular dystonia;

Light cognitive disorders of atherosclerotic genesis;

Anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like states;

Relief of the withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism with a predominance of neurosis-like and vegetative-vascular disorders;

Acute intoxication with antipsychotics;

Acute purulent inflammatory processes abdominal cavity(acute pancreatitis, peritonitis) complex therapy.

Dosage and method of application of the drug.

Mexidol is administered intramuscularly or intravenously (stream or drip). To prepare a solution for infusion, the drug should be diluted with isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Jet Mexidol is injected slowly, within 5-7 minutes, drip - at a rate of 40-60 drops / min. The maximum daily dose is 1200 mg.

In acute disorders of cerebral circulation, Mexidol is used in complex therapy for the first 10-14 days in / in the drip of 200-500 mg 2-4 times / day, then - in / m at 200-250 mg 3 times / day for 2 weeks .

With dyscirculatory encephalopathy in the decompensation phase, Mexidol is used intravenously in a stream or drip at a dose of 200-500 mg 1-2 times / day for 14 days, then - intramuscularly at 100-250 mg / day for the next 2 weeks.

For course prevention of dyscirculatory encephalopathy, Mexidol is prescribed intramuscularly at a dose of 200-250 mg 2 times / day for 10-14 days.

With mild cognitive impairment in elderly patients and with anxiety disorders, Mexidol is prescribed intramuscularly at a dose of 100-300 mg / day for 14-30 days.

With alcohol withdrawal syndrome, Mexidol is administered at a dose of 200-500 mg intravenously by drip or intramuscular injection 2-3 times / day for 5-7 days.

In acute intoxication with antipsychotics, Mexidol is administered intravenously at a dose of 200-500 mg / day for 7-14 days.

In acute purulent-inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity (acute necrotizing pancreatitis, peritonitis), Mexidol is prescribed on the first day both in the preoperative and in postoperative period. The dose of the drug depends on the form and severity of the disease, the prevalence of the process, options clinical course. Cancellation of the drug should be made gradually, only after a stable positive clinical and laboratory effect.

In acute edematous (interstitial) pancreatitis, Mexidol is prescribed 200-500 mg 3 times / day intravenously (in isotonic sodium chloride solution) and intramuscularly.

With mild necrotizing pancreatitis, Mexidol is prescribed 100-200 mg 3 times / day intravenously (in isotonic sodium chloride solution) and intramuscularly.

With necrotizing pancreatitis medium degree severity - 200 mg 3 times / day intravenously (in isotonic sodium chloride solution).

In case of severe necrotizing pancreatitis - at a dose of 800 mg on the first day, with a double administration regimen, then - 200-500 mg 2 times / day with a gradual decrease in the daily dose.

In an extremely severe form of necrotizing pancreatitis, the initial dose is 800 mg / day until persistent relief of the manifestations of pancreatogenic shock, with stabilization of the condition - 300-500 mg 2 times / day intravenously (in isotonic sodium chloride solution) with a gradual decrease in daily dose.

Course therapy of the drug is completed gradually only after a stable clinical and laboratory effect.

Side effects of Mexidol:

From the digestive system: nausea, dry mouth.

Other: allergic reactions, drowsiness.

Contraindications to the drug:

Acute liver dysfunction;

Acute renal dysfunction;



lactation period ( breastfeeding);

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation.

Mexidol is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) due to insufficient knowledge of the drug.

Special instructions for the use of Mexidol.

The degree of restrictions on the use is determined by the individual tolerance of the drug.

Drug overdose:

Overdose may cause drowsiness.

Interaction Mexidol with other drugs.

When used together, Mexidol enhances the action of anxiolytics, benzodiazepine derivatives, antiparkinsonian (levodopa) and anticonvulsant (carbamazepine) agents.

Mexidol reduces the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol.

Conditions of sale in pharmacies.

The drug is dispensed by prescription.

Terms of the storage conditions of the drug Mexidol.

List B. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years.


The drug "Mexidol" has the properties of antihypoxant and antioxidant. It prevents oxygen starvation of the medulla, reduces possible Negative consequences hypoxia, cleans tissues from free radicals and toxins. Due to these properties, the use of the composition has a number of positive effects on the human body. Pharmacies offer the product in the form of tablets and injectable solutions. Before starting therapy, you should familiarize yourself with the possible side effects of Mexidol in order to notice them in time and take the right steps.

Indications for the use of "Mexidol"

The entry of the drug "Mexidol" into the human body is accompanied by a number of reactions from the central nervous system. The active substance of the product stabilizes cell membranes, accelerates tissue cleansing, eliminates hypoxia foci, and helps to restore metabolism. Additionally, the drug protects neurons from negative external influences, stimulates brain activity, and improves the functioning of cerebral vessels.

"Mexidol" in the form of a solution is prescribed for such conditions:

  • recovery period after ischemic stroke, transient attack;
  • traumatic brain injury, its negative consequences;
  • encephalopathy of various etiologies, especially those conditions that occur against the background of progressive insufficiency of cerebral circulation;
  • various manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • neuroses and pseudo-neurotic phenomena accompanied by anxiety;
  • acute period of myocardial infarction;
  • primary open-angle glaucoma - as part of complex therapy;
  • clinical picture of abstinence on the background of chronic alcoholism with clear signs of pseudo-neurotic and vegetative-vascular character;
  • acute poisoning of the body with antipsychotics;
  • purulent-neurotic lesions of the abdominal cavity in the acute phase.

Tablets "Mexidol" can also be used in the conditions listed above, but subject to a milder course of the pathology. Sometimes this form is replaced with a solution if it provokes pronounced side effects. Additionally, the drug in this form is used for ischemic disease, neurological abnormalities due to stress, convulsions, epilepsy.

A good result is obtained by taking "Mexidol" with sclerosis, phobias, neuroses, in conditions of excessive psycho-emotional stress.

Side effects of the drug "Mexidol"

The drug is well tolerated by most patients, rarely causes side effects. negative response
the body to take the medicine does not necessarily become the reason for refusing therapy. Usually, the doctor will review the dosage of a particular patient and temporarily reduce it. Also, changes may affect the schedule for using the product, the form of the product.

The list of possible side effects of "Mexidol":

  • dyspeptic - nausea, dryness of the mucosa oral cavity, flatulence, abdominal pain, heartburn, bloating, lack of appetite, change in stool quality;
  • neurological - daytime sleepiness, lethargy, general weakness, increased reactivity, problems with coordination;
  • immune - allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, skin itching, slight swelling of the tissues of the face or limbs;
  • vascular - increase or decrease in blood pressure;
  • general - increased sweating.

Even with a mild manifestation of any anxiety manifestations, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about this. It is strictly forbidden to carry out independent symptomatic therapy with the help of drugs. traditional medicine or medicines.

Contraindications to the use of "Mexidol"

There are very few prohibitions on monotherapy based on Mexidol or the inclusion of a composition in an integrated approach. Still, to start a treatment course, it is not enough to read the instructions for the product, all potential limitations and risks should be discussed with the doctor. Ignoring the rules of therapy threatens with serious complications.

Official contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • reduced functionality of the liver and / or kidneys - depending on the severity of the condition, the product may be prohibited or limited in dosages;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Children under 18 years of age are not considered an official contraindication to therapy. Despite this, doctors refrain from using the composition in the treatment of children. Product studies have not been conducted in this age group, so the consequences of the approach may be unpredictable.

In case of overdose

The active substance of the drug "Mexidol" does not accumulate in the body. Subject to the rules for taking the medication, the likelihood of an overdose is minimal. In case of inadvertent or deliberate excess of therapeutic volumes of the drug, the patient experiences severe drowsiness, which leads to a decrease in concentration. The condition is dangerous because with such a clinical picture, the victim does not react to external stimuli as quickly as the situation may require.

To combat an overdose of Mexidol, the patient is given a complex detoxification treatment. The list of measures depends on the volume of the drug taken, the route of its entry into the body, the severity of signs of intoxication. Often, alarming symptoms fade away on their own and do not require the intervention of health workers.

Due to a short list of side effects and their rare development, Mexidol is actively used in neurology, therapy, surgery, and psychiatry. The main thing is not to self-medicate and act strictly according to the scheme developed by the doctor. Otherwise, the consequences of taking an effective and relatively safe medication can be sad.

A drug with antioxidant properties. Prescribed with obstructed blood supply to the brain and its circulation, with nervous disorders.

Excellent fights spasms, improves brain activity.

Exists in the form of tablets and solutions in ampoules. It has a wide spectrum of activity, with a small amount side effects.

pharmachologic effect

Mexidol, interacting with the body, exhibits properties that do not fight free radicals.

It has a wide scope of its action. This drug is prescribed in cases of poor oxygen supply to the tissues, or in cases of violation of this process.

This drug reduces the susceptibility of the body to oxygen-dependent pathological conditions, improves memory, working capacity and concentration, reduces the harmful effects of alcohol on the body.

What happens after the drug enters the body

As a result of the transfer of Mexidol directly to the muscle, it is likely to be detected in the blood after 4 hours.

The upper concentration threshold of Mexidol at the time of its entry into human tissues in the amount of 400-500 mg ranges from 3.5-4.0 μg / ml. It takes 30 minutes to get there.

After it enters the blood plasma, it quickly enters the tissues and organs, after which it leaves it with urine after 4 hours have passed since the drug was taken.

Indications and contraindications for use

Instructions for use for the drug Mexidol states that there are much more indications for use than contraindications.

Indications for use

Among the main ones:


The number of contraindications is much less:

  • too strong a person's susceptibility to the drug;
  • a sharp change for the worse in the performance of the kidneys;
  • a sharp change for the worse in the working capacity of the liver;
  • contraindicated for children.

In cases of violation of the functional activity of the kidneys and liver, the use of the drug is prohibited.

The mechanism of action of the drug

Mexidol is a drug exhibiting antioxidant properties.

Mexidol tablets and injections, as indicated by the instructions for use, contribute to the inhibition of free radical processes, lipid peroxidation.

With his help activation of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase. He has positive influence on the physicochemical properties of the biomembrane.

In the process of its impact on the human body, this drug acts as a substance that protects the membranes, prevents the occurrence of seizures, increases the body's resistance to the effects of negative factors on it and prevents the development of oxygen-dependent pathological conditions.

improves brain processes, improves blood circulation and reduces the ability of platelets to attract each other. It helps to reduce cholesterol levels.

Under the influence of this drug, the process of lipid peroxidation slows down, superoxide dismutase activity increases, the viscosity of the membrane decreases and, in turn, its fluidity decreases.

Due to its mechanisms of action, it has few contraindications and has a low level of toxicity.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use for Mexidol tablets, and even more so for a drug that is administered intramuscularly, must be studied.

Application methods

There are several options for supplying Mexidol to tissues. person:

  • directly into a muscle or into a vein;
  • inkjet or drip.

Inkjet feeder used when the amount of adrenal hormones in the blood plasma is rapidly increasing.

drip method used when there is a violation of blood circulation in the brain. When Mexidol is given directly into a vein, special water for injection is used as a solvent.

Mexidol is injected into the body by jet method for 5-7 minutes, by drip - at a rate of 40-60 drops / minute.

Doses are prescribed by the doctor personally for each patient. The highest dose of Mexidol should not exceed 1200 mg per day.


Instructions for use for Mexidol indicate such dosages:

  1. With serious problems with blood circulation in the brain. Mexidol is prescribed in the first 10-14 days directly into a vein by drip, 200-500 mg 2-4 times a day. After this period, it is administered directly to the muscle at a dose of 200-250 mg 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks.
  2. In cases of non-inflammatory diseases of the brain. Mexidol is administered directly into a vein at a dose of 200-500 mg 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks. After that, directly into the muscle, 100-250 mg per day for the next 2 weeks.
  3. To prevent non-inflammatory brain diseases. Mexidol is administered directly to the muscle in the amount of 200-250 mg 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  4. At minor mental impairment and memory loss in elderly patients. Mexidol is prescribed directly into the muscle in the amount of 100-300 mg per day for a period of 2 weeks to 1 month.
  5. At increased craving for alcohol addiction. Mexidol is prescribed in an amount of 200-500 mg directly into a vein by drip or directly into a muscle 2-3 times a day for 1 week.
  6. At strong purulent and inflammatory processes in the abdomen. Mexidol is prescribed on the first day either before or after surgery. The dosage is determined depending on the severity of the disease. It is necessary to cancel the drug gradually.
  7. Mild severity of necrotizing pancreatitis. Mexidol is prescribed in volumes of 100-200 mg 3 times a day directly into a vein by drip or directly into the muscle.
  8. Moderate severity necrotizing pancreatitis. Prescribe 200 mg 3 times a day directly into a vein by drip.
  9. Severe leak necrotizing pancreatitis. On the first day, 800 mg is administered, provided that it is administered 2 times a day. After that, 200-500 mg 2 times a day with a decrease in the daily dose.

Release form

Mexidol is produced in form:

  • solution;
  • tablets.

Solution 50 mg/ml in 2 ml and 5 ml ampoules.

Tablets, which are coated with a white or beige shell, have a biconvex shape.

It needs to be known. The drug to which disappointing patient reviews are discussed in our article has a large number of side effects.

If your loved one began to behave unusually and strangely, this may be what you need to know and understand what to do in this case.

Overdose and additional instructions

Probably, nausea and dryness of the mouth, drowsiness may appear. Allergic reactions are possible.

special instructions

In cases of individual hypersensitivity of patients to the components of the drug, allergic reactions are possible. Patients who drive cars need to be especially careful.

Interaction with drugs

No features are observed with the parallel use of several drugs.

Mexidol is quite well combined with other medicines.

It tends to reduce the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol.

If necessary, it can be taken after drinking alcohol.

The drug Mexidol (Mexidol) belongs to the group of antihypoxants and antioxidants.

In the human body, it exhibits a wide range of important effects:

  1. Stabilizes cell membranes.
  2. Has an antioxidant effect.
  3. Eliminates cellular and tissue hypoxia.
  4. Aligns cell membranes.
  5. Protects the vessels of the brain.
  6. It has nootropic, adaptogenic and anxiolytic effects.
  7. Prevents the development of seizures.

Mexidol is produced in three dosage forms and is intended for oral administration in the form of tablets, in ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular injections and droppers.

Side effects of the drug Mexidol

Side effects from Mexidol must be taken into account and recorded during treatment, which can be in the form of:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Alternating diarrhea with constipation.
  4. Allergic reactions on the skin.
  5. Dry mouth.
  6. Anxiety.
  7. Anxiety.
  8. Vertigo.
  9. Emotional lability.
  10. Insomnia and sleep disturbance.
  11. Headaches.
  12. Discoordination of movements.
  13. Unsteadiness of gait.
  14. Increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  15. Constant excessive moisture of the palms and feet.

Not always the side effects of Mexidol are indications for discontinuation of treatment. In such cases, medical monitoring of the patient's condition is necessary, a possible temporary reduction in dosages, a review of the frequency and time of administration. Only the doctor can decide on the further actions of the patient.

Contraindications to the use of Mexidol

Mexidol is contraindicated for in the following cases:

  1. Children under 18 years of age, since the effectiveness and safety of the drug in a child has not been proven.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  5. Acute insufficiency of kidney/liver function.

There are very few restrictions on the use of Mexidol, so the medication is widely used in the treatment of a large number of neurological diseases.

In case of overdose

The phenomena of intoxication with Mexidol are accompanied by the development of drowsiness, which requires detoxification treatment.

Indications for use

The benefits of Mexidol are confirmed by the breadth of its indications for use. In adults, the drug is prescribed for such pathological conditions:

  1. Mild traumatic brain injury and its consequences.
  2. Encephalopathy of any origin.
  3. Condition after acute cerebrovascular accident, transient ischemic attacks.
  4. Subcompensated state after strokes.
  5. Vegetative dystonia.
  6. How additional treatment with ischemic heart disease.
  7. Cognitive disorders in atherosclerotic lesions.
  8. Anxiety syndrome with neurasthenia, neuroses and other neurotic reactions.
  9. Asthenia.
  10. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  11. Relief of alcoholic delirium and condition after withdrawal syndrome.
  12. Effects acute poisoning antipsychotics.
  13. Strong influence of stress.
  14. Disease development prevention internal organs under the influence of extreme factors.
  15. Acute myocardial infarction.
  16. Comprehensive treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma.
  17. Peritonitis.
  18. Pancreatitis with necrosis.
  19. Reduction of side effects in the treatment of oncology of the female genital organs, radiotherapy to reduce the severity of intestinal inflammation, Bladder, urethra.

Therapeutic effect

One of the most important therapeutic effects of the drug Mexidol is an increase in the resistance of the whole organism to numerous factors and conditions that can cause death. The most dangerous of them are:

  1. Hypoxia.
  2. Ischemia.
  3. Circulatory disorders.
  4. Alcohol poisoning.
  5. Intoxication with neuroleptics.

The action of Mexidol is based on its ability to suppress lipid peroxidation, increase the activity of superoxide dismutase and increase the lipid-protein ratio.

Due to the ability to change, control the activity of membrane-bound enzymes, receptor complexes, the structure and functions of biological membranes, neurotransmitter transmission are preserved, and the quality and speed of synaptic transmission are improved.

The stabilization of cell membranes is achieved by increasing the concentration of dopamine in the brain. This significantly increases the adaptive activation of aerobic glycolysis and increases the content of ATP in cells, one of the main sources of nutrition and energy for cells and tissues.

Treatment with Mexidol leads to an improvement in metabolic reactions, blood supply to the brain. At the same time, there is an increase in the rheological properties of blood, restoration of viability microvasculature and decreased ability of platelets to stick together.

The use of Mexidol also contributes to the lipid-lowering effect, since the drug is able to reduce the levels of total cholesterol and LDL - low density lipoproteins.

Such an ability as stabilization of cellular elements of erythrocytes and platelets shows an excellent therapeutic effect in hemolysis, preventing the pathological process from developing.

The effect on the nervous system is enormous. Due to its mechanisms of action, Mexidol is able to:

  1. Show anti-stress effect.
  2. Restore the body in the period after stress and correct behavior.
  3. Regulate the cycle and phases of sleep.
  4. Correct somatovegetative reactions.
  5. Improve memory and the ability to memorize and reproduce the information received.
  6. Suppress the development of dystrophy and structural changes in various parts of the brain.

Deserves special attention and therapeutic effects Mexidol on the cardiovascular system:

  1. Improves the function of areas of the heart muscle that has undergone ischemia.
  2. In case of insufficiency coronary vessels increases collateral circulation of ischemic areas.
  3. It increases the endurance of cardiomyocytes, prevents the loss of their integrity and supports the functions of heart cells.
  4. With reversible processes that led to dysfunction of the heart, it restores myocardial contractility.

In general, Mexidol occupies a worthy place among medicines, which is proved by the reviews of doctors and patients. The range of its therapeutic effects allows achieving excellent results in the treatment of neurological diseases and heart pathology. Moreover, the price of Mexidol allows each patient who is prescribed such a drug to undergo the necessary courses of treatment.

Description and possible side effects Mexidol are presented below.


Relatively new drug Mexidol belongs to nootropics. The active substance is hydroxymethylethylpyridine succinate. It provokes tissue respiration, due to which it is often attributed to poisoning and vasospasm.

The mechanism of Mexidol's work is a direct effect on brain cells, which protects them oxygen starvation and death through ischemia.

After taking Mexidol, the patient noted an improvement in well-being, a rapid recovery of skills, speech and memory. Developed immunity against poisoning and intoxication.

  • Impaired cerebral circulation.
  • cardiac ischemia.
  • Purulent-inflammatory infections.
  • Alcohol intoxication.
  • Medicinal poisoning.
  • As a prophylaxis against the aging process.

Today there are analogues of Mexidol on the market, but they do not show such high results in the treatment of patients. By chemical composition and indications for use, only Mexifin is most equal to Mexidol.

Side effects

One of distinctive features drugs is that it is characterized by minimal side effects and a low level of toxicity. Studies of the drug showed how it acts on the body:

  • Does not depress the human psyche.
  • Does not stimulate unnecessary movements.
  • Does not interfere with coordination.
  • Does not bring down the rectal temperature.
  • Does not affect corneal and pinneal reflexes.
  • Does not provoke a breakdown and drowsiness.

The dose increased several times does not have a muscle relaxant effect on the patient. In parallel, there was no negative effect on memory and provoking the development of amnesia. In some patients, after taking Maxidol, there was even an improvement in brain activity.

This pharmacological drug does not negatively affect the liver, but rather has a hepatoprotective effect. It also does not affect the following indicators:

  • Heart rate.
  • BP level.
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Hemodynamics and respiratory rhythm.
  • Chemical constituents of blood.

The side effects of Mexidol are more noticeable in animals. In them, it inhibits activity and coordination with intra-abdominal administration of 400 mg / kg of the drug.

The use of Mexidol for 2-3 months does not lower it medicinal properties and does not cause side effects. After the termination of such a course of treatment, patients do not experience a withdrawal syndrome.

Some patients noted that after taking the drug they had minor problems with the digestive tract, namely nausea, flatulence and gastrointestinal upset. Side effects of Mexidol tablets were manifested in the drying of the oral cavity after ingestion.

Intravenous administration of the solution in rare cases is accompanied by mild unpleasant metallic taste, as well as the feeling of an overlying warm wave. Sometimes there may be a sensation of an unpleasant odor, a slight sore throat, some discomfort in the heart area and breathing problems.

In some patients, Mexidol shows side effects in the form of drowsiness. In this case, it is not recommended to drive and do any work that requires increased concentration.

The instructions say that the medicine does not cause allergic reactions, but for patients with bronchial asthma and high sensitivity to medicines Mexidol should be taken with caution to avoid the development of severe allergies.


because of low level toxicity, the negative effect of Mexidol on human body minimum. Overdose is possible only with intravenous administration of the drug.

The main symptoms of an overdose:

  • Lack of sleep or increased sleepiness.
  • Lethargy.
  • Apathetic state.
  • Fast fatiguability.

In some patients, sharp jumps in blood pressure were noted.

In the event of the above symptoms, experts recommend not to worry and continue taking the drug. As a rule, health will improve throughout the day.

If Mexidol has side effects in the form of regular high blood pressure, the doctor prescribes medication to lower it.


Mexidol is forbidden to be taken in any form by expectant mothers and nursing women, young children and people with sensitivity to the composition of Mexidol. These warnings are due to the fact that studies have not yet been conducted on these categories of people.

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IMPORTANT. The information on the site is provided for reference purposes only. Do not self-medicate. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

🔻🔻Important contraindications and side effects of Mexidol

The drug Mexidol (Mexidol) belongs to the group of antihypoxants and antioxidants.

In the human body, it exhibits a wide range of important effects:

  1. Stabilizes cell membranes.
  2. Has an antioxidant effect.
  3. Eliminates cellular and tissue hypoxia.
  4. Aligns cell membranes.
  5. Protects the vessels of the brain.
  6. It has nootropic, adaptogenic and anxiolytic effects.
  7. Prevents the development of seizures.

Mexidol is produced in three dosage forms and is intended for oral administration in the form of tablets, in ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular injections and droppers.

Side effects of the drug Mexidol

Side effects from Mexidol must be taken into account and recorded during treatment, which can be in the form of:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Alternating diarrhea with constipation.
  4. Allergic reactions on the skin.
  5. Dry mouth.
  6. Anxiety.
  7. Anxiety.
  8. Vertigo.
  9. Emotional lability.
  10. Insomnia and sleep disturbance.
  11. Headaches.
  12. Discoordination of movements.
  13. Unsteadiness of gait.
  14. Increase or decrease in blood pressure.
  15. Constant excessive moisture of the palms and feet.

Not always the side effects of Mexidol are indications for discontinuation of treatment. In such cases, medical monitoring of the patient's condition is necessary, a possible temporary reduction in dosages, a review of the frequency and time of administration. Only the doctor can decide on the further actions of the patient.

Contraindications to the use of Mexidol

Mexidol is contraindicated for in the following cases:

  1. Children under 18 years of age, since the effectiveness and safety of the drug in a child has not been proven.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Lactation.
  4. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  5. Acute insufficiency of kidney/liver function.

There are very few restrictions on the use of Mexidol, so the drug is widely used in the treatment of a large number of neurological diseases.

In case of overdose

The phenomena of intoxication with Mexidol are accompanied by the development of drowsiness, which requires detoxification treatment.

Indications for use

The benefits of Mexidol are confirmed by the breadth of its indications for use. In adults, the drug is prescribed for such pathological conditions:

  1. Mild traumatic brain injury and its consequences.
  2. Encephalopathy of any origin.
  3. Condition after acute cerebrovascular accident, transient ischemic attacks.
  4. Subcompensated state after strokes.
  5. Vegetative dystonia.
  6. As an additional treatment for coronary heart disease.
  7. Cognitive disorders in atherosclerotic lesions.
  8. Anxiety syndrome with neurasthenia, neuroses and other neurotic reactions.
  9. Asthenia.
  10. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  11. Relief of alcoholic delirium and condition after withdrawal syndrome.
  12. Consequences of acute poisoning with antipsychotics.
  13. Strong influence of stress.
  14. Prevention of the development of diseases of internal organs under the influence of extreme factors.
  15. Acute myocardial infarction.
  16. Comprehensive treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma.
  17. Peritonitis.
  18. Pancreatitis with necrosis.
  19. Reduction of side effects in the treatment of oncology of the female genital organs, radiation therapy, to reduce the severity of inflammation of the intestines, bladder, urethra.

Therapeutic effect

One of the most important therapeutic effects of the drug Mexidol is an increase in the resistance of the whole organism to numerous factors and conditions that can cause death. The most dangerous of them are:

  1. Hypoxia.
  2. Ischemia.
  3. Circulatory disorders.
  4. Alcohol poisoning.
  5. Intoxication with neuroleptics.

The action of Mexidol is based on its ability to suppress lipid peroxidation, increase the activity of superoxide dismutase and increase the lipid-protein ratio.

Due to the ability to change, control the activity of membrane-bound enzymes, receptor complexes, the structure and functions of biological membranes, neurotransmitter transmission are preserved, and the quality and speed of synaptic transmission are improved.

The stabilization of cell membranes is achieved by increasing the concentration of dopamine in the brain. This significantly increases the adaptive activation of aerobic glycolysis and increases the content of ATP in cells, one of the main sources of nutrition and energy for cells and tissues.

Treatment with Mexidol leads to an improvement in metabolic reactions, blood supply to the brain. At the same time, there is an increase in the rheological properties of blood, restoration of the viability of the microvasculature and a decrease in the ability of platelets to stick together.

The use of Mexidol also contributes to the lipid-lowering effect, since the drug is able to reduce the levels of total cholesterol and LDL - low density lipoproteins.

Such an ability as stabilization of cellular elements of erythrocytes and platelets shows an excellent therapeutic effect in hemolysis, preventing the pathological process from developing.

The effect on the nervous system is enormous. Due to its mechanisms of action, Mexidol is able to:

  1. Show anti-stress effect.
  2. Restore the body in the period after stress and correct behavior.
  3. Regulate the cycle and phases of sleep.
  4. Correct somatovegetative reactions.
  5. Improve memory and the ability to memorize and reproduce the information received.
  6. Suppress the development of dystrophy and structural changes in various parts of the brain.

The therapeutic effects of Mexidol on the cardiovascular system deserve special attention:

  1. Improves the function of areas of the heart muscle that has undergone ischemia.
  2. In case of insufficiency of the coronary vessels, it increases the collateral circulation of the ischemic areas.
  3. It increases the endurance of cardiomyocytes, prevents the loss of their integrity and supports the functions of heart cells.
  4. With reversible processes that led to dysfunction of the heart, it restores myocardial contractility.

In general, Mexidol occupies a worthy place among medicines, which is proved by the reviews of doctors and patients. The range of its therapeutic effects allows achieving excellent results in the treatment of neurological diseases and heart pathology. Moreover, the price of Mexidol allows each patient who is prescribed such a drug to undergo the necessary courses of treatment.

Mexidol - Reviews

Description of the instructions Mexidol

Mexidol is an antioxidant agent used to saturate tissues with oxygen, improve cerebral circulation, in shock conditions and withdrawal symptoms. Mexidol is an inhibitor (retarder) of oxidative processes in the body and a membrane protector, increases its fluidity. It also has an anti-stress, nootropic and antiepileptic effect.

It is used as the main means and in complex therapy in the treatment of:

  • neurosis, psychosis, impaired memory and attention, aggressiveness, irritability caused by constant stress or shock situations;
  • memory problems in old age;
  • brain diseases caused by circulatory disorders;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • atherosclerotic phenomena;
  • drug addiction and alcoholism, when tissues experience oxygen starvation;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • acute peritonitis, pancreatic necrosis.

The drug should not be used:

  • in acute renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • children;
  • with acute individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Side effects of Mexidol:

At nervous exhaustion drowsiness is possible. In addition to sedation, there may be:

But in general, Mexidol is very well tolerated, side effects are extremely rare.

Reviews about Mesidol

There are a lot of good reviews about Mexidol. In the form of injections, the drug is especially effective in vascular lesions. It is used both by people as a replacement for Milgamma or Phenibut. It also has a positive effect on patients in a state of panic disorders, depression and depression. However, do not forget that Mexidol is an antioxidant, not a nootropic and not an antidepressant. Therefore, the improvement occurs only due to the saturation of the tissues with the necessary oxygen and the improvement of blood circulation in the brain and blood vessels.

  • I used it after a head injury, the pain disappeared quite quickly, - Tatyana, 27 years old.
  • It was prescribed to me by a cardiologist. I was surprised. And she said that my vegetovascular dystonia was caused by psychosomatic disorders. I drank the course, my heart rarely worries now. In the morning, only a beating is felt, ”Galina reports.

Mexidol is a rather expensive remedy, and with a long course of treatment, treatment can cost a pretty penny. You can also often stumble upon reviews like this:

  • Drank Mexidol, not happy with the result. In vain I spent money only, - Vladimir complains.
  • I had no effect from this medicine at all, except for some side effects. Some kind of rash came out, and I wanted to sleep all the time, - Eleanor writes.

Many in the reviews say that the effectiveness of Mexidol is very selective and depends on the state of the body of an individual patient, his mental state, the severity of the injuries he has suffered, and also on the method of taking the drug.

The drug Mexidol belongs to the class of expensive antioxidants. There are many drugs with a similar spectrum of action, which are half the price. However, if you need to saturate the tissues with oxygen (after injuries that caused a violation brain activity), then this drug is quite suitable.


Mexidol's analogs

The analogues of Mexidol include the following drugs:


P.s. And most importantly, do not forget that we are in God's hands, pray to our Lord, not a single pill works without Him.

I can honestly say: Konov did 2.0 ml intramuscularly, there were no side effects at all. This year, with a drip in a larger dose, I found out with chagrin that from the second injection my head started to hurt, there were breathing difficulties (the first time it was not always possible to take a full breath), within 1.5-2 hours after the injection, dry mouth. I took a break for 3 days and the side effects disappeared. From which I conclude that the dose of 5.0 ml is large for me personally. Apparently better than 2.0 ml / m. I told the doctor about this, who reduced the dose to me but left the IV infusion. The doctor knows better! There are 3 drops left. I hope I survive them. But the drug is very good.

Mexidol doses

About the dose of medication

Mixedol is prescribed for different conditions in different dosages and different routes of administration, therefore, regarding the replacement of the dosage and method of administration, you should consult with the doctor who prescribed the treatment.

Mexidol Mexidol, Latin name Mexidolum. Consider the doses of Mexidol used for various diseases

Consult your doctor

When replacing phenotropil with mexidol, in what dosage should I do

Mexidol Phenotropil does not replace.

Jet Mexidol is injected slowly over 5-7 minutes, drip at a rate of drops per minute. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 800 mg.

Mexidol dosage 5 mg (who knows) Tell me, is the dosage of mexidol 5 mg large if taken intramuscularly (at a time)?

Standard adult. And what do you propose to divide the ampoule?

The therapeutic dose and duration of the use of Mexidol is determined by the doctor, based on them. Despite the indications, the daily dose of Mexidol should not be more than 1200 mg.

Will it be harmful if mexidol is pierced in large dosages?

Ask in the health section

With the introduction of Mexidol in doses mg, Cmax in plasma is 3.5-4.0 μg ml and is achieved within 0.45-0.5 hours. Distribution.

How much is the initial dose of Mexidol administered intramuscularly?

The dose depends on the disease:

And my friend, the head of resuscitation, where I was going to give injections, given my weight under 100 kg, advised me to increase the dose of Mexidol to 4 mg.

Is it possible to drink Phenibut and inject Mexidol at the same time? and in what dosage to inject mexidol with VVD and headaches!

Did you have a neurologist or did you prescribe it yourself?

Latin name MEXIDOL MEXIDOL. Mexidol is prescribed intravenously by stream or drip at a dose of 200 mg 2-3 times a day for 14 days.

Phenibut and mexidol are quite compatible drugs. it is better to administer mexidol intravenously, because with intramuscular administration it is absorbed worse. dosage depends on age, sex, severity of the condition.

As far as I know, these drugs are prescription drugs. Accordingly, they were prescribed to you by a doctor who was supposed to prescribe dosages and everything else. In addition, the second drug is used with caution.

With withdrawal symptoms, mexidol is administered at a dose of mg intramuscularly per day - does it help, and is it sold

Che stuff yourself with chemistry - better hangover

Mexidol is administered intravenously and intramuscularly 3 times a day every 8 hours at the rate of a daily therapeutic dose of 6-9 mg kg of body weight.

For sale, but I doubt that withdrawal s-m removes

Dose of Mexidol injections

2. 1 in the morning, 1 in the evening

Tell me, is it possible to drive a car while taking Mexidol?

If you don't feel retarded reactions.. dizziness.. and so on.. then you can.

Mexidol Mexidol - instructions for use. International name Mexidol. In acute intoxication with antipsychotics, Mexidol is administered in a dose.

Mexidol does not work at all. This is empty.

And now they say that it’s pointless to drink it, a vitamin.

The cat has some kind of illness, symptoms, like epilepsy. There were 2 seizures at night, there were no more so far. What could it be?

Cats also suffer from epilepsy

Write WHAT exactly do you feed with feed or natural food?

With natural nutrition, VERY MANY people forget that it is MANDATORY

add vitamins to your diet! ! For example 8in1 Excel CALCIUM (Calcidee) - calcium with vitamin D.

Dosage and use of Mexidol. The administered doses depend on the form and severity of the disease, the prevalence of the process, and the clinical course options.

There can be many reasons, which only a doctor can determine during examination. The reasons can be from brain diseases to simple poisoning with chemicals, drugs, poor-quality feed. Some pet food manufacturers add toxic preservatives, they accumulate and can cause symptoms like your cat's.

Just in case, replace the dry food with a different brand. Read the ingredients of the food! It should contain natural preservatives.

Help!! ! memory deteriorates.

Go to a neurologist. You can drink vitamins B6B12.

Jet Mexidol is injected slowly over 5-7 minutes, drip at a rate of drops min. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 1200 mg.

Nutrition for the brain and nervous system from sunrider herbs

1. honey. fish. 2.chess3.healthy lifestyle. 4.actovegin. 5.consultation of a neurologist

In fact, you can get training in the development of memory at the Vasilyev Author's School, but first you still need to see a doctor ... It could be a symptom of some disease.

Often the cause is emotional stress, anxiety. Speak aloud what is important. Take breaks between tasks. Like: “I turned off the iron. One, two, three .. ”But still the main thing is to figure out what prevents you from concentrating, presses.

MEXIDOL is the Latin name of the drug MEXIDOL. When Mexidol is administered in doses of mg, Cmax in plasma is 3.5-4.0 μg ml and is reached within 0.45-0.5 hours.

Don't play with brains. No self-activity. This is the diocese of neurologist and psychotherapist. They will conduct the necessary research, advise and prescribe treatment. Do not delay visiting them, do not start a sore, do not expect irreversible complications. Successes in treatment!

There is. The brain is made up of 40% lecithin and 90% water.

Lecithin (repair myelin sheath)

Write city ladies address where they sell

Need challenging brain tasks, don't smoke naturally and eat egg yolks.

Brainbooster (manufacturer of ED MEDICIN, buy from ARGO) and train your memory with daily memorization. Good luck to you.

Mexidol is an antioxidant. Release form and composition. Mexidol is available in the following dosage forms Coated tablets are round, biconvex.

Succinic acid-dosage for oral administration (tablets).

Do I have good eyesight? I got up in the morning, everything was blurry and then in the afternoon it would be normal

THICK BLOOD! thrombo ass AT NIGHT 1 TABLET DOSAGE 50. Mexidol 2.0 intramuscularly No. 10 an ophthalmologist needs an examination of the fundus or an MRI of the head or DOPLEROGRAPHY of the vessels of the HEAD and vessels of the NECK. I assume that you intracranial pressure! VEINS are expanded - ARTERIES are narrowed.

The exact selection of the dosage of Mexidol should be carried out by a doctor. If a dose of more than 400 micrograms kg is injected into the peritoneum, then failures in coordination were established.

Maybe someone had something similar. I suffer from insomnia, or rather the inability to fall asleep. More in the description

See a doctor.

Jet Mexidol is administered within 5-7 minutes, drip - at a rate of 60 drops per minute. Doses are prescribed individually.

See a doctor to find out the cause. Sleeping pills for insomnia have not been fashionable in medicine for a long time. It is necessary to find out the cause and eliminate it.

Be sure to see a neurologist, psychotherapist, psychologist

Stop drinking coffee, tea. Get outdoors more.

Do you lead an active lifestyle? The best way fall asleep - physically tired, if you unload the cars all day, then in the evening you will fall asleep like a dead man, you will not get anywhere. so arrange for yourself a long run or workout in the evening, you can replace it with general cleaning in the apartment, carrying heavy things up the stairs.

a relaxing massage or self-massage of the head, meditation, yoga, a hot bath or a hot shower for the whole body except for the head also helps (causes an outflow of blood from the brain, which creates a feeling of drowsiness), already lying in bed you can try listening to a long-familiar audiobook, a monotonous voice lulls you well, it always helps me, even when I'm all on my nerves and can't sleep - counting slowly to myself from 100 to 1, when I'm lying in bed, the countdown also makes me sleepy.

Method of application and dosage. According to the instructions for Mexidol, the dosage of the drug Treatment begins with 100 mg 1-3 times a day with a gradual increase in dose.

Similar cases at the doctor of the somnologist, address.

Maybe insomnia is related to addiction.

Try Mexidol It is a natural sleep hormone

Has anyone taken nootropics? (see inside)

This is fine. Piracetam generally does not cause drowsiness, rather, on the contrary, excitation, because it nourishes the brain.

The maximum concentration at doses of 400? 500 mg is 3.5? 4.0 µg ml. Mexidol quickly passes from the bloodstream to organs and tissues and is quickly eliminated from the body.

Side effect of mexidol.

Your condition matches your treatment. Everything is within the normal range. Mild drowsiness will be attributed to the side effects of nootropil or mexidol ..

1. Mexidol and picamilon have no proven effect.

2. Cinnarizine and piracetam have been successfully proven to be useless in PK tests.

3. VVD - there is no such disease in nature.

4. Neurasthenia is a kind of neurosis, treated by a psychotherapist, using psychotherapy as the main method of treatment. Equally important for the cure of neurasthenia is the normalization of the regimen: nutrition, work / rest, wakefulness / sleep. Useful exercise therapy. And medications for neurasthenia are practically not needed.

I recommend changing doctors.

The drugs prescribed for you give a visible effect only after four to five days of admission. As for Mexidol, yes, drowsiness, memory impairment, impaired coordination of movement are possible. But only after, for example, four injections. Keep taking the drugs, don't change anything, and remember, recovery comes only after the Treatment. You have the treatment, it is strong and soon, if you do not change anything, you will recover!

For any and without drugs with this problem, it would not hurt to sleep off.

Doses are prescribed by the doctor personally for each patient. The highest dose of Mexidol should not exceed 1200 mg per day.

If you are drawn to sleep from such drugs, then you need to cancel them and contact a psychotherapist - the effect will be amazing.

I abruptly quit smoking and drinking myself, an alcoholic with 17 years of experience and a smoker with 18 years.

Well, you're straight FLINT!

Mexidol is usually prescribed according to the instructions for use intravenously with a dose equal to mg once a day, administered intravenously for four days.

Do you think that 17 years of alcohol and smoking will not affect your body in any way?

Learn to live like this

Well done for quitting smoking and drinking. You need to drink nootropics: piracetam, mexidol.

Write to me - I will support

This is your type of break. If you endure, then it will become easier and it will all end. You will recover. Get strong!

Method of application and dose. Mexidol is prescribed intravenously by stream or drip, intramuscularly and orally.

I didn't really understand anything you wrote. Symptoms similar to seizures panic attack, unless of course it's not delirium tremens makes itself felt. Your liver must be working, if you don't stop taking alcohol and drugs - finita. What advice do you expect from people here if you haven't been cured of your addiction even in a drug dispensary. It just so happened that only a drug addict can help himself. If you yourself do not make enough effort and do not take control of your lower instincts, not a single doctor in the world will help you.

You have little experience. I have 23 years of both. And you can’t throw it sharply, a squirrel can grab any beginner knows. So I think everything you wrote is a fairy tale, an alcoholic will never quit abruptly, but quietly get out of the binge. And I go out without any medication, just reduce the dose, and the biggest binge for about a year and a half every day and came out without any pills and droppers.

Residual effects of long-term ethanol intoxication can be up to several months. What he previously "jammed" will now climb out. you will find out how many diseases he skillfully masked for you before. The main thing at this moment is not to break down and not return to the glass.

It’s funny even if you didn’t drink for at least a month, otherwise 4 days. This is too short a time to say that you have quit. Go to the village of Filipovskoe to see Father Stakhiy (Vladimir region). He will help you get rid of smoking and drinking.

I smoked 2-3 packs for 22 years, then when I quit smoking I went to fitness and there all the poison came out after 8 months

Mexidol tablets are intended for oral administration. The course of treatment and the therapeutic dose are determined solely by the doctor.

Help kill chronic fatigue syndrome in yourself! I have been suffering for many years, but last year it got even worse.

Sign up with a doctor. At least he's an expert.

The highest intensity of excretion is observed within 4 hours after taking a dose of the drug. Composition, release form, analogues. Mexidol is produced in two dosage forms.

In a word, a lazy person and a dreamer.

You need a good psychologist, otherwise you will be a client of a psychiatrist soon.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a fictional disease. In Stalin's time, this condition was treated by work from 9 am to 9 pm without lunch breaks for a crust of bread.

You need to understand, as an alcoholic, that if he doesn't stop drinking, he'll be gone. You need to take care of yourself full program, stop eating sweets, you must understand what this can lead you to diabetes that can't be cured, you need to take on appearance, lose weight, eat less tasty buns, if you run often you will immediately feel a change for the better.

Heh. I see that there is a desire, but no strength. I'm afraid this is not about chronic fatigue, but some kind of latent, but progressive disease.

To begin with, donate blood for sugar, exclude diabetes. General analysis blood to look at hemoglobin and rule out anemia. With anemia, similar sensations and drowsiness. Any physical effort. unbearable, up to shortness of breath. Well, there. let's see.

With the parallel intake of Mexidol tablets with tranquilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics, the effect of the latter is enhanced, which allows reducing their dose.

No need to panic. According to the symptoms described, you have low levels of serotonin. You can take drugs that increase its level. (paroxetine, sertraline, citalopram, fluvoxamine, etc. The pharmacy will tell you)

The simplest and most efficient drug method increase the amount of serotonin in the blood - as often and as long as possible to be in the sun. You need to eat right, preferring foods that increase serotonin levels:

milk and sour milk

banana (ripe, not green)

legumes (especially beans and lentils)

dried fruits (dates, figs, dried bananas)

sweet fruits (plum, pear, peach)

nightshade (tomato, bell pepper)

bitter black chocolate

eggs (chicken or quail)

cereals (buckwheat and millet porridge).

Contact your doctor. For example, a therapist. Based on the symptoms, it is very difficult to make a diagnosis. Perhaps there is some kind of systemic disease that requires treatment.

If you are still able to understand that people don't live like this, start fighting your laziness. At least in public. And get off your mother, you probably already got your parents. From terry laziness, although I admit that there are some flaws in the body, only labor corrects. Start moving, Oblomov.

If your condition is not associated with heavy workloads and an unhealthy psychological situation in the family, at home, then you have prolonged depression plus a lack of vitamins and minerals. Good antidepressants and mineral-vitamin complex. On antidepressants to a neurologist, a psychiatrist. For vitamins, try multitabs energy. In general, it is necessary to remove the root cause. Need good psychologist. You didn't go to those doctors.

Diagnosis: Sloth ordinary.

Treatment: Kick in the ass! Stop eating condensed milk, go to barbecue with your friends, regardless of the mood at the moment. All this is treated by a cheerful friendly company: immediately both energy and mood will return! If you don’t drink at all, then omit this rule, drink a little wine at least (so as not to indulge in all serious things), it should become easier!

Tell the result of the treatment in the comments 🙂

Dosage and administration Mexidol is used intramuscularly or intravenously in a stream or drip.

In my opinion, medicine is powerless here.

In order to develop effectively, understand and be able to perform more or less complex techniques, it is extremely necessary to learn the basic simplest things, without which further way you will be closed.

This is relaxation, stopping the internal dialogue (ID) and concentration.

To perfectly master these techniques, you will have to practice for more than one month and learn to stay in the right state constantly, every minute.

1. Check your blood sugar

2. CFS is often associated with Epstein-Barr viruses from the herpes family. Get tested for all types of herpes


The description is current as of 09/04/2014

  • Latin name: Mexidolum
  • ATX code: N07XX
  • Active ingredient: Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate (Aethylmethylhydroxypyridini succinas)
  • Manufacturer: Ellara LLC, Armavir Biofactory, Moscow Endocrine Plant, Mir-Pharm, ZiO-Health, ALSI Pharma (Russia)


The composition of the drug in the form of a solution for injection includes ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate as an active substance (50 mg per 1 ml) and auxiliary components:

The composition of one Mexidol tablet includes 125 mg of the active substance ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, as well as a number of auxiliary components:

  • lactose monohydrate;
  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose (sodium carmellose);
  • magnesium stearate.

Each tablet is coated with a white or creamy white coating, consisting of:

  • opadra II white (macrogol polyethylene glycol);
  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • talc;
  • titanium dioxide.

Release form

The drug Mexidol has two forms of release: in ampoules and in tablets.

Mexidol in ampoules is intended for infusions and intramuscular injections. The solution is available in colorless or light-protected glass ampoules, on which the breaking point is indicated in blue or white and with three marking rings, the top of which yellow color, middle - white, bottom - red.

Ampoules have a capacity of 2 or 5 ml and are packed in 5 pieces in blisters. The carton package is completed with 1 or 2 contour packs, as well as instructions for medical use drug.

For hospitals, Mexidol solution is packed in 4, 10 or 20 blisters.

One tablet of the drug Mexidol has a mass of 125 mg and is intended for oral administration. Tablets are available in packs of 10 pieces in blister packs made of PVC film and aluminum foil, or 90 pieces in plastic jars made of food-grade plastic.

For hospitals medical institutions tablets are produced in plastic jars made of food-grade plastic, 450 or 900 pieces each.

Description of the drug in the form of a solution for injection

Mexidol in ampoules has the appearance of a clear liquid, which can be either colorless or slightly yellowish.

Description of the tablet form of Mexidol

Tablets are biconvex, round, film-coated, the color of which can vary from white to white with a slightly creamy tint.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine Mexidol belongs to pharmacological group drugs that affect the nervous system.

In addition, it has a pronounced stress-protective effect (that is, it increases the body's resistance to stress), improves memory, has the ability to prevent or stop seizures, and also reduces the concentration of certain lipid fractions (in particular, low-density lipoprotein) in various tissues. and body fluids.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The pharmacological properties of Mexidol are due to the activity of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, which is part of it.

According to Wikipedia, this substance belongs to the category of drugs that prevent or slow down the processes of peroxidation of membrane lipids in cells.

Ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate belongs to the class of 3-hydroxypyridines and is a pyridine derivative of the general formula C5H4_nN(OH)n.

The substance has the form of colorless crystals, which are characterized by the ability to easily dissolve in ethanol and acetone, moderately soluble in water and limitedly in diethyl ether, benzene and naphtha.

The mechanism of action of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate is determined by its antioxidant and membrane-protective properties.

Acting as an antioxidant, it slows down and suppresses oxidative chain reactions involving active free radicals represented by peroxide (RO2*), alkoxy (RO*) and alkyl (R*) forms of oxygen.

Due to this, against the background of the use of Mexidol:

The drug regulates and normalizes the activity of membrane-bound enzymes (in particular, the main enzyme of the cholinergic system of acetylcholinesterase, the enzyme of the lyase class of adenylate cyclase and calcium-independent PDE (phosphodiesterase)), as well as the activity of receptor complexes (for example, the GABA-benzodiazepine receptor complex).

  • membrane-binding enzymes and receptor complexes have an increased ability to bind with sligands;
  • supported normal performance structural and functional organization of biological membranes;
  • the processes of transport of neurotransmitters are normalized;
  • indicators of synaptic transmission of neurotransmitters improve.

Tablets and injections of Mexidol can increase the body's resistance to the influence of various aggressive factors and pathological conditions associated with oxygen deficiency.

The drug effectively eliminates the symptoms caused by oxygen starvation, state of shock, ischemia, circulatory disorders of the brain, as well as symptoms of general poisoning of the body with drugs (in particular, antipsychotics) or alcohol.

After a course of treatment with Mexidol (intravenously, intramuscularly or orally):

  • the content of dopamine in the brain increases;
  • the course of metabolic processes in the brain is normalized;
  • cerebral blood supply is normalized;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • rheological parameters of blood improve;
  • reduced platelet aggregation;
  • the membranes of post-cellular blood structures (erythrocytes and platelets) are stabilized during hemolysis;
  • indicators of the content of total cholesterol are reduced;
  • indicators of LDL content are reduced;
  • the severity of symptoms of pancreatogenic toxemia (general blood poisoning) decreases;
  • the severity of the syndrome decreases endogenous intoxication caused by acute pancreatitis;
  • the compensatory activity of aerobic glycolysis is enhanced;
  • under conditions of oxygen starvation, the degree of inhibition of oxidative processes in the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle) decreases;
  • the content of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphoric acid (creatine phosphate) increases;
  • synthesis of energy by cellular mitochondria is activated;
  • cell membranes are stabilized;
  • the course of metabolic processes in the areas of the myocardium affected by ischemia is normalized;
  • the area of ​​the necrosis zone decreases;
  • the electrical activity of the heart and its contractility are restored and improved (in patients with reversible type of cardiac dysfunction);
  • blood flow increases in ischemic areas of the myocardium;
  • the severity of the consequences of the reperfusion syndrome caused by acute coronary insufficiency decreases.

Treatment with Mexidol intravenously or intramuscularly allows preserving ganglion cells, as well as nerve fibers sensitive cells of the retina in patients with progressive forms of neuropathy caused by ischemic disease and hypoxia.

At the same time, patients have a significant increase in the functional activity of the retina and optic nerve improves visual acuity.

The anti-stress effect of treatment with Mexidol tablets is expressed as:

  • normalization of behavior after stress;
  • disappearance of symptoms of somatovegetative disorders;
  • normalization of sleep and wake cycles;
  • restoration (partial or complete) of impaired learning abilities;
  • memory recovery;
  • reducing the severity of dystrophic and morphological changes in various parts of the brain.

Mexidol is also a remedy that effectively eliminates the symptoms that occur during withdrawal conditions.

It removes the manifestations of intoxication caused by alcohol withdrawal (both neurological and neurotoxic), restores behavioral disorders, normalizes vegetative functions, removes or reduces the severity of cognitive impairments provoked by long-term use alcohol or a sharp rejection of it.


After intramuscular injection active substance Mexidol is determined in the blood plasma for another four hours. The time during which the maximum plasma concentration is reached is from 0.45 to 0.5 hours.

Mexidol is quickly absorbed from the bloodstream into various tissues and organs and is also quickly excreted from the body: the average retention time of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate varies from 0.7 to 1.3 hours.

Biotransformation of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate occurs in the liver. As a result, phosphate-3-hydroxypyridine, glucuron conjugates and other metabolic products are formed. Moreover, some of them are characterized by pharmacological activity.

The drug is excreted mainly in the urine and mainly in the glucuron-conjugated form. A small amount of it is displayed unchanged.

According to the annotation to Mexidol, there are no significant differences in the pharmacokinetic profiles of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate when taking a single dose and undergoing course treatment.

After oral administration of the tablet, Mexidol ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate is rapidly absorbed, rapidly distributed in various tissues and organs, and rapidly excreted from the body.

4.9 to 5.2 hours after taking the pill active substance is no longer found in the patient's plasma.

After biotransformation in the liver, five metabolites are formed by conjugation with glucuronic acid. In particular, phosphate-3-hydroxypyridine, which then decomposes under the influence of alkaline phosphatase into 3-hydroxypyridine and phosphoric acid.

In addition, a pharmacologically active substance is formed in large quantities, which is determined in the patient's urine even hours after taking the drug, two glucuron conjugates and a substance that is excreted from the body in large quantities with urine.

The half-life of Mexidol after oral administration varies from 2 to 2.6 hours.

The substance is excreted mainly in the urine in the form of metabolites (this process is especially intense in the first four hours after ingestion), and only a small part of it is excreted unchanged.

Indicators of urinary excretion of the drug in unchanged form and in the form of metabolic products are characterized by individual variability.

Indications for the use of Mexidol

Indications for the use of Mexidol injections (intravenously or intramuscularly):

  • acute circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • traumatic brain injury (also injections of the drug are prescribed to relieve or reduce the severity of the effects of traumatic brain injury);
  • slowly progressing insufficiency of cerebral blood supply (dyscirculatory encephalopathy);
  • syndrome of neurocirculatory (vegetovascular) dystonia;
  • mild forms of disorders of cognitive function of an atherosclerotic nature of origin;
  • anxiety disorders that accompany neurotic and neurosis-like (pseudo-neurotic) states;
  • acute myocardial infarction (the drug is prescribed from the first days in the form of droppers or intramuscular injections as part of a complex of therapeutic measures);
  • open-angle glaucoma of the primary type (Mexidol in ampoules is intended for the treatment of the disease at various stages, while complex therapy is considered to be the most effective);
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome, characterized by a predominance of pseudoneurotic and vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • symptoms of intoxication of the body with antipsychotic agents;
  • flowing into acute form purulent-inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity (including necrotizing pancreatitis or peritonitis; the drug is prescribed as part of a complex of therapeutic measures).

Indications for the use of Mexidol tablets:

  • effects acute disorders blood circulation in the brain, including the consequences of TIA (transient ischemic attack), as well as a prophylactic agent at the stage of decompensation of diseases caused by impaired cerebral circulation;
  • minor traumatic brain injuries and their consequences;
  • non-inflammatory diseases of the brain (encephalopathies) various genesis(for example, discirculatory or post-traumatic);
  • anxiety disorders that accompany neurotic and pseudoneurotic states;
  • ischemic disease(as part of a complex of therapeutic measures);
  • alcohol withdrawal syndrome, manifested mainly in the form of pseudoneurotic, vegetative-vascular and post-withdrawal disorders;
  • symptoms of poisoning with antipsychotic drugs;
  • asthenic syndrome.

Also, an indication for the use of the drug in tablet form is the presence of a symptom complex in the patient, due to the impact of stress factors on the body.

In addition, as a preventive measure, Mexidol is indicated for patients who have a high risk of developing somatic diseases due to exposure to extreme factors and loads.

The mechanism of action of Mexidol is determined by its antihypoxic, antioxidant and membrane-protective properties. Therefore, to the questions “What Mexidol tablets are from?” and “When is Mexidol solution effective?”, experts answer that the most appropriate and successful is the appointment of the drug for:

Contraindications for Mexidol

Contraindications to the appointment of the drug are:

  • hypersensitivity to ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate or any of the auxiliary components;
  • acute liver failure;
  • acute renal failure.

Side effects of Mexidol

The drug is well tolerated and rarely provokes certain undesirable effects.

Side effects, which in some cases may occur after taking Mexidol in the form of a solution:

Side effects that are potentially possible after taking Mexidol tablets include:

Also, the drug sometimes increases or lowers blood pressure, provokes emotional reactivity, distal hyperhidrosis, impaired coordination and the process of falling asleep.

Instructions for use Mexidol: method and dosage

Mexidol injections, instructions for use. How to administer intramuscularly and intravenously

The drug in the form of a solution for injection is intended for intramuscular or intravenous administration (by jet or drip infusion). If Mexidol is prescribed for intravenous administration, the contents of the ampoule should be diluted in isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Jet infusion involves the introduction of a solution for five to seven minutes, the drip method is administered at a rate of forty to sixty drops per minute. In this case, the maximum allowable dose should not exceed 1200 mg per day.

Before injecting intramuscularly or injecting the drug intravenously, you should read the instructions. The optimal dosage of Mexidol in ampoules is selected individually in each case, depending on the patient's diagnosis and the nature of the course of his disease.

Dosing of Mexidol in the form of a solution

Acute circulatory disorders of the brain: from 200 to 500 mg by drip into a vein two to four times a day during the day.

Further, the drug should be administered intramuscularly. As indicated in the instructions, this method of treatment is the most effective. Intramuscularly, the solution is administered for two weeks, twice or once a day, at a dose of 200 to 250 mg.

Elimination of the consequences of traumatic brain injury: the drug is administered by drip at a dose of 200 to 500 mg. The frequency of injections is from 2 to 4, the duration of the course of treatment is from 10 to 15 days.

Slowly progressive insufficiency of cerebral blood supply at the stage of decompensation: the drug is administered by drip or jet method once or twice a day for two weeks.

The dose is selected individually and varies from 200 to 500 mg. Further treatment involves the appointment of intramuscular injections: over the next 14 days, the patient is administered from 100 to 250 mg of Mexidol per day.

As a prophylactic against dyscirculatory encephalopathy: the drug is prescribed for injection into the muscle, the daily dose is from 400 to 500 mg, the frequency of injections is 2, the duration of the therapeutic course is two weeks.

Mild Cognitive Impairment in Patients old age and anxiety disorders: the solution is injected into the muscle, the daily dose varies from 100 to 300 mg, the duration of the therapeutic course is from two weeks to one month.

Acute myocardial infarction (in combination with other therapeutic measures): the drug is injected into a muscle or vein for two weeks in combination with traditional measures that are taken to treat patients with myocardial infarction.

In the first five days of the therapeutic course, the drug is recommended to be administered intravenously by drip infusion, then you can switch to intramuscular injections (injections continue to be given for nine days).

With the infusion method of administration, Mexidol is diluted in an isotonic sodium chloride solution or in a 5% glucose solution. The recommended volume is from 100 to 150 ml, the infusion time can vary from half an hour to an hour and a half.

In cases where this is necessary, the introduction of a solution by drip is allowed (in this case, the duration of the infusion should be at least five minutes).

Both intravenously and intramuscularly, the drug should be administered three times a day with an interval of eight hours. The optimal dose is from 6 to 9 mg per day for every kilogram of the patient's body weight. Accordingly, a single dose is 2 or 3 mg per kilogram of body weight.

In this case, the maximum allowable daily dose should not exceed 800 mg, and a single dose.

Open-angle glaucoma (for various stages of the disease in combination with other therapeutic measures): the drug is administered intramuscularly for two weeks, the daily dose varies from 100 to 300 mg, the frequency of injections is from 1 to 3 during the day.

Alcohol withdrawal: method of administration - drip infusion or intramuscular injection, the daily dose varies from 200 to 500 mg, the frequency of injections is 2 or 3 per day. The duration of the therapeutic course is from 5 to 7 days.

Intoxication with antipsychotic drugs: route of administration - intravenously, daily dose - from 200 to 500 mg, duration of the therapeutic course - from one to two weeks.

Acute purulent inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity: the drug is indicated for use both on the first day before surgery and on the first day after the operation. Method of administration - intravenous drip and intramuscularly.

The dose is selected depending on the severity and form of the disease, the extent of the lesion, the features clinical picture. It ranges from 300 mild form necrotizing pancreatitis) up to 800 mg (in case of extremely severe course of the disease) per day.

Cancellation of the drug should be carried out gradually and only upon reaching a stable positive clinical and laboratory effect.

Mexidol tablets, instructions for use

Mexidol tablets are intended for oral administration. The daily dose varies from 375 to 750 mg, the multiplicity of doses is 3 (one or two tablets three times a day). The maximum allowable dose is mg per day, which corresponds to 6 tablets.

The duration of the course of treatment depends on the disease and the patient's response to the prescribed treatment. As a rule, it is from two weeks to one and a half months. In the case when the drug is prescribed to relieve the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, the duration of the course is from five to seven days.

In this case, abrupt withdrawal of the drug is unacceptable: treatment is stopped gradually, reducing the dose within two to three days.

At the beginning of the course, the patient is prescribed to take one or two tablets per dose once or twice a day. The dose is gradually increased until a positive clinical effect(at the same time, it should not exceed 6 tablets per day).

The duration of the therapeutic course in patients diagnosed with coronary disease is from one and a half to two months. If necessary, according to the doctor's prescription, a second course can be prescribed. Optimal time for appointment of a repeated course - autumn and spring.


The instruction warns that a medicine such as Mexidol, if the recommended dose is exceeded, can provoke the development of drowsiness.


The drug is compatible with all medicines which are used to treat somatic diseases.

When used simultaneously with benzodiazepine derivatives, antidepressants, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants (for example, carbamazepine) and antiparkinsonian (levodopa) drugs enhances their effect on the body.

This allows you to significantly reduce the doses of the latter, as well as reduce the likelihood of development and severity of unwanted side effects (for which Mexidol is prescribed to certain categories of patients).

The drug reduces the severity of the toxic effects of ethanol.

Mexidol and Piracetam: compatibility

Piracetam as an active ingredient is part of the drug Nootropil, which is used to improve the cognitive (cognitive) processes of the brain.

The joint appointment of Nootropil and Mexidol allows to achieve better results in increasing mental abilities in children, recovering patients after suffering an ischemic stroke or coma, treating chronic alcoholism, psychoorganic syndrome (including in elderly patients with reduced memory, mood lability, behavioral disorders) etc..

However, it should be noted that, in contrast to nootropic drugs (and, in particular, Nootropil), Mexidol does not have an activating effect on the body, does not provoke sleep disturbances and increase convulsive activity.

In terms of its therapeutic efficacy, it is significantly superior to Piracetam.

Compatibility Mexidol and Actovegin

Mexidol and Actovegin have a similar mechanism of action, so they are often prescribed in combination with each other. However, since Actovegin is made from calf blood, it provokes certain side effects more often than Mexidol.

Actovegin at the molecular level accelerates the processes of utilization of oxygen and glucose, thereby increasing the body's resistance to hypoxia and contributing to an increase in energy metabolism.

Compatibility Cavinton and Mexidol

As an active component of Cavinton, Vinpocetine is used, which is synthesized from vincamine, an alkaloid of the perennial Periwinkle plant. The substance has the ability to dilate blood vessels, improve blood circulation in the brain, and has a pronounced antiaggregatory and antihypoxic effect.

In addition, Vinpocetine is able to influence the metabolic processes occurring in the brain tissues, and reduces the aggregation (or, in other words, adhesion) of platelets, thereby improving its rheological properties.

Terms of sale

The drug belongs to the category of prescription drugs.

Storage conditions

Mexidol should be stored in a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

Best before date

Mexidol tablets and solution are suitable for use within 3 years. After the period indicated on the package, it is forbidden to use them.

special instructions

Solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration

In patients with a predisposition to allergic reactions, at hypersensitivity to sulfites, as well as in people with bronchial asthma, severe hypersensitivity reactions may develop during treatment.

Tablets Mexidol

During the course of treatment with Mexidol tablets, special care should be taken when driving and performing work that is hazardous to health and life. This is due to the fact that the drug has the ability to slow down the speed of psychomotor reactions and reduce concentration.

Mexidol's analogs

For many patients, the question often arises: “How can I replace the drug prescribed by the doctor and are there cheaper analogues?”.

Mexidol's analogs in tablets:

Analogues of the drug in ampoules are:

Quite often, patients have a question: which of the analogues of the prescribed drug is better, cheaper, where there are fewer side effects, etc. Therefore, it is worth considering this topic in detail.

Which is better: Actovegin or Mexidol?

The drugs are used in similar fields of medicine. For this reason, in order to achieve a more pronounced clinical effect, patients are prescribed them in combination.

Which is better: Cavinton or Mexidol?

Both Cavinton and Mexidol are complementary drugs, so they are often prescribed in combination to eliminate the effects of circulatory disorders in the brain.

The main requirement in this case is that the drugs should not be mixed in one dropper or in one syringe.

Which is better: Mexidol or Mexicor?

Mexicor is a generic (synonymous) of Mexidol. Therefore, the drug is used in the same areas of medicine as Mexidol. It is available in the form of gelatin capsules, tablets and solution for injection.

Mexicor effectively relieves anxiety, relieves fears and improves mood, improves memory, attention, increases efficiency and learning abilities, eliminates the symptoms of alcohol intoxication and reduces the pathological consequences of a stroke.

The drug belongs to the group of metabolic cardiocytoprotectors. The mechanism of its action is due to the fusion in its composition of the antihypoxant succinate and the antioxidant emoxipin, which is characterized by a wide spectrum of action.

In combination with other therapeutic measures, Mexicor is indicated for the treatment of myocardial ischemia and ischemic stroke. It is also recommended to prescribe it in the treatment of mild and moderate cognitive disorders and to reduce the severity of symptoms of discirculatory encephalopathy.

Mexiprim and Mexidol - which is better?

Mexiprim is a German analogue of Mexidol. Its manufacturer is STADA Arzneimittel AG. The main difference between the drugs is the composition of the auxiliary components of the core and shell of the tablets. The mechanism of action and indications for use are similar.

Mexidol or Mildronate - which is better?

Mildronate belongs to a group of drugs that improve metabolism and energy supply of tissues. It is available in the form of gelatin capsules, solution for injection and syrup for oral administration.

The active substance of the drug is meldonium (trimethylhydrazinium propionate), which is similar in structure to gamma-butyrobetaine (a substance present in every cell of a living organism).

Mildronate is used as a vasodilator. In addition, the drug improves the supply of organs and tissues with oxygen, improves humoral and tissue immunity, and reduces blood pressure.

Mexidol and Mildronate, at the discretion of the doctor, may be prescribed as part of combination therapy for the treatment of patients with:


  • film-coated tablets and solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection Medomexy;
  • solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration Meksidant;
  • film-coated tablets and solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration of Mexiprim;
  • solution for injections and tablets Meksifin;
  • solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration Neurox;
  • solution for injections and tablets Mexipridor;
  • solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration and capsules Mexicor.

Prescribing the drug Mexidol to children

The drug is not prescribed for children and adolescents due to insufficient knowledge of the effect of ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate on the children's body.

Mexidol and alcohol

Mexidol is a drug with a powerful antioxidant effect. For this reason, it is widely used in a wide variety of fields of medicine, including surgery, psychiatry, neurology, etc.

To the question "What is the medicine Mexidol for?" an experienced specialist will answer that the latter effectively restores the function of the neurological and psychological spheres and, in addition, contributes to the renewal and maintenance of the functional activity of liver cells.

Due to the ability of the drug to have a hepatoprotective and nootropic effect, the appointment of Mexidol is one of the most common methods of treating alcohol withdrawal syndrome, which develops against the background of intoxication of the body with ethyl alcohol.

It is believed that Mexidol and alcohol are compatible. Some are inclined to believe that the drug partly even neutralizes the effect of the latter. However, this opinion is erroneous, since the active substance of Mexidol, penetrating the tissues of the brain and liver, only relieves the existing symptoms of intoxication and eliminates the pathology, but does not protect the cells.

That is, the drug does not prevent the occurrence of unwanted symptoms of alcohol intake, but only eliminates its consequences:

  • reduces the severity of headache;
  • reduces the severity of symptoms of intoxication;
  • accelerates the processes of excretion from the liver of residues of toxic substances and fusel oils contained in alcohol.

However, Mexidol cannot protect against liver cirrhosis or irreversible mental disorders if a person continues to drink alcohol in the same doses.

Mexidol during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy and lactation are contraindications to the appointment of Mexidol. This is due to the fact that strictly controlled studies of the effect of the drug on pregnant and lactating women have not been conducted.