During lactation, the temperature rose what to do. Temperature while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a natural process, equally necessary for both mother and baby. A lactating woman tries to stick to a diet, drink plenty of fluids, and massage her breasts so that feeding is complete and correct. What to do when the temperature rises breastfeeding. Is this considered a contraindication and what to do if you have a strong fever?

The main reasons for the increase in temperature during HB

Fever in a nursing mother is a common problem in the postpartum period. Fever, aching joints, chills cause a lot of excitement and anxiety. After all, the well-being of a child, for whom it is vitally important to receive breast milk. Here it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the fever, and eliminate it as soon as possible. May need serious treatment, to determine the tactics of which an experienced doctor can.

The temperature often rises due to:

  • acute viral diseases;
  • food poisoning;
  • complications after childbirth;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If you associate the temperature that has risen sharply during breastfeeding with breast problems, you can note:

  • lactostasis;
  • mastitis at any stage;
  • errors in temperature measurement (thermometry).

With thermometry, pain syndrome and pathological discharge from the mammary glands are not observed. There are also no signs of runny nose and cough. The temperature rises to 37 C and is constantly in this limit. This condition is considered normal, since when the ducts are filled, the temperature always increases. When the chest is emptied, the temperature returns to normal.

So that nursing mothers do not attribute feverish fever to themselves by measuring the temperature under the armpit, they are recommended to take measurements rectally, orally or in the elbow bend.

If the mother's temperature has risen to 39-40 C due to viral infection, this indicates inflammation requiring urgent medical care. Chronic pathologies during breastfeeding are also exacerbated, and not necessarily due to pathogenic viruses. It could be thyroid disease nervous system, digestive organs.

Endometritis that develops after wound infection from caesarean section, or other septic pathologies often cause an increased temperature.

Sore throat during breastfeeding can also cause an increase in temperature - how can it be treated


Sometimes the cause of the temperature that has increased during breastfeeding is lactostasis (or milk retention). The disorder occurs when stagnation occurs in the ducts. Breast milk has natural property- raise the temperature in case of injury, stagnation or damage to the ducts. If the glands are not released, and staphylococcus aureus has been introduced through the nipple, doctors call this type of lactostasis a latent stage of mastitis, which causes severe inflammation.

Causes of lactostasis causing fever:

  1. Pumping unnecessarily, provoking the accumulation of milk in large volumes that the baby does not need.
  2. Abnormal structure of the nipples (flat and inverted).
  3. Sagging chest.
  4. Irregular application, incorrect feeding regimen (strictly by the hour, not on demand) -.
  5. Chest injury.
  6. Use of tight underwear that compresses the glands.

With stagnation of milk, the breast greatly increases in size, seals are felt, the temperature rises (up to 40 C). Explicit redness, swelling of the glands with lactostasis is not observed. As soon as the breast is freed from the accumulated portion of milk, heat and pain disappear without medical attention.

So that the temperature does not rise and lactostasis does not develop, the baby should be fed at 1.5-2 hourly intervals. Night feedings are especially valuable. With milk stagnation, you can express a little and do a breast massage. If the problem occurs regularly, it is possible therapeutic treatment. It consists in taking medications aimed at suppressing hyperlactation.


This is an inflammation of the mammary glands that develops during breastfeeding. Mastitis is considered an unpleasant and common problem during this period -.

There are many risk factors in which mastitis develops and the temperature rises strongly:

  • nipple injuries;
  • running lactostasis;
  • reduced immunity;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • chronic diseases, etc.

The onset of inflammation is due to the entry of streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria into the glands through wounds and microcracks in the nipples.

Mastitis is divided into:

  1. Serous- with it, mommy's temperature rises to 39 C. She is shivering, feverish, sleepy. The affected chest swells, shines, turns red, hurts.
  2. infiltrative- a seal appears on the chest, the skin turns red over it, the temperature reaches 38C. There is a loss of strength, a headache.
  3. Purulent- characterized by a deterioration in well-being, high fever, weakness, sweating, fever. If it is possible to express milk, pus is found in it. The chest hurts a lot, especially when moving, turning, changing positions. If you do not seek the help of doctors, the death and decomposition of mammary gland tissues will begin, accompanied by septic shock.

Mastitis is extremely dangerous. The patient should be examined by a specialist. Before starting treatment, milk is taken from the breast for bacteriological analysis to determine the causative agent of the infection. Only by revealing his sensitivity to antibiotics, the doctor prescribes necessary medicines helping to bring down the temperature and destroy the pathogen.

Serous mastitis is treated with the elimination of lactostasis - they actively apply the child to the chest, decant, massage. The infiltrative type is suppressed by lactation-reducing pills. Physical procedures are used - ultrasound, antibiotic therapy, antihistamines.

The temperature due to purulent mastitis, frolicking during breastfeeding, rises while there is pus in the cavity of the mammary gland. Doctors use surgery to open and destroy a purulent formation. At the same time, lactation is actively suppressed, the mother takes antibiotics, she is intravenously injected with nutrient and supportive solutions.

If the chest is reddened and swollen during breastfeeding, it is strictly forbidden to use heating, hot heating pads and compresses. This will be another impetus for the progression of the inflammatory process.

Postpartum thrombophlebitis

The cause of fever is often the pathology that arose during childbirth due to infection with pathogenic bacteria. With thrombophlebitis, the walls of the veins become inflamed, blocking the vascular lumen. As a result, thrombus formation occurs.

Pathology in women who have recently given birth develops with:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • long difficult childbirth;
  • the presence of hematomas in tissue injuries;
  • the need to separate the placenta manually;
  • early discharge of water;
  • operations.

Thrombophlebitis of the extremities is expressed by lethargy, pulling pains, slight swelling and redness in the areas of vascular lesions, as well as small temperature(approximately 37 C). The lymph nodes may increase. The patient's state of health is practically not disturbed. When examining, the doctor feels for a seal along the venous trunk.

Stop breastfeeding in this disorder that caused the temperature is recommended for complications, antibiotic therapy, or taking other drugs that are contraindicated in lactation. The patient relies on bed rest, in which the legs are kept on a hill. A rapidly developing pathological process requires surgical intervention.

Is it possible to continue to feed with a temperature

In this difficult period, much depends on the cause that caused the temperature. Breastfeeding is contraindicated in:

  • pathologies of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • purulent mastitis;
  • blood diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute infectious diseases.

In severe ailments, toxic substances, together with milk, easily penetrate into the fragile body of the baby, and harm its health. Doctors advise temporarily expressing and throwing away milk when:

  1. pneumonia, purulent tonsillitis, sinusitis (if mom takes antibiotics). At the same time, regardless of the absence or presence of temperature, it is better to put on a gauze bandage, in contact with the baby.
  2. dysentery, intestinal poisoning heavy form. If the disease occurs in mild form, the baby is given expressed boiled breast milk.

Feeding is completely stopped if prescribed:

  • analgesics based on narcotic substances;
  • chemotherapy;
  • immunosuppressive agents.

How to bring down the temperature while breastfeeding

For colds, it is advised to bring down the temperature when it exceeds 38 C.

Antipyretic drugs allowed while breastfeeding:

  • ibuprofen;

Before taking even the most harmless medicines, you should consult a doctor. Only he will determine the duration of the course and prescribe the correct dose.

  1. Most effective way- a cold compress on the temples and forehead. You can use ice wrapped in gauze, a cold heating pad, or soak in cold water folded towel.
  2. Excellent when breastfeeding from the temperature helps vinegar compress. It is diluted 1:2 with water.
  3. Fever relieves warm drink. It can be fruit compotes, cranberry or currant juice. They should be taken carefully in order to avoid allergies in infants.

High temperature, not caused by a serious pathology, is not considered a contraindication to feeding. Babies rarely refuse to breastfeed, even if the milk is hot regular. Receiving antibodies from the mother, the child will strengthen his immunity. Such children are less likely to get sick and recover faster.

If you still had to interrupt breastfeeding for a while, but want to return to it, you can still feed your baby with expressed milk. .

The health of the baby, whether recently born or still in the womb, is closely related to the health of the mother. Therefore, during pregnancy, and not only, a woman should carefully take care of her health, carefully protect and preserve it, thinking, first of all, about the child.

Is it possible to breastfeed if the temperature has risen?

Protecting yourself from diseases in every possible way, you can still catch an elementary cold or some kind of infection. And then comes the malaise, general weakness in the body and the temperature rises. It is difficult not to get sick for many months, because after childbirth the body is weakened, and therefore easily exposed to ailments.

What to do with feeding the baby if the mother has a fever? In the past, with an increase in temperature, doctors recommended stopping breastfeeding. But now the situation has changed somewhat, and it is possible to breastfeed a child during a fever. Conducted laboratory research proved that the temperature does not affect the quality of breast milk and therefore it will not cause any harm to the baby. For a guarantee, you can boil the milk first, and only then give it to the baby.

When and how to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother?

The temperature of a nursing mother must be brought down if it exceeds 38 ° C. If the thermometer is below this mark, you should not try to lower the heat. The body resists viruses, tries to fight them and does not need to interfere with this.

For a nursing mother, the most effective and safe medicines designed to reduce temperature are:

  • Ibuprofen
  • antipyretic drug Paracetamol
  • antipyretic suppositories based on one of these components

Candles are even the best option than tablets because active substances contained in them do not pass into breast milk.

There are many effective medicines for reducing fever. These include Coldrex, Theraflu, Fervex and others. They are good drugs with a quick antipyretic effect, but they are absolutely not suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Included in active ingredients can change chemical composition milk and affect its structure. Getting into the baby's body along with mother's milk, these substances can cause unwanted reactions and damage the health of the crumbs.

  • correctly attach the baby to the breast, making sure that he completely captures the nipple
  • when breastfeeding a child, change the position, giving the breast to the baby either lying on its side, or sitting on a chair. So the mammary glands are better emptied, and seals do not form.
  • to breastfeed the baby as often as possible, avoiding long breaks from feeding to feeding
  • do not wear tight underwear that can compress the milk ducts, thereby forming seals
  • prevent chest injury
  • don't drink a lot of liquid
  • avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise as much as possible
  • occupy correct posture during sleep, avoiding constriction of the chest

16 Mar 2012 926

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  • Reply

    It is well written, especially about “boiling milk” when a mother has a cold - this is absolutely impossible to do, antibodies against viruses and bacteria are transmitted with the child to the mother and thus the child is less likely to get sick.


    stumbled on one of the sites, milk stagnation is something like a milk plug, if you feel a seal in your chest, look for a tiny white dot on the nipple and try to get rid of it (rub it with a waffle towel or a sterile needle, scary of course) milk will pour itself. My milk often stagnates in my left breast - bad ducts, I always use this method, the main thing is to find a milk plug, because it is very small


Anything is possible while breastfeeding. Sometimes a new mother can feel unwell. And sometimes an unexpected ailment can cause fever, body pain and discomfort portending a viral disease. What to do in this case? How can you cure a cold or a cold while breastfeeding without harming the baby? What can be taken from the temperature of a nursing mother? What antipyretics are allowed with HB?

A natural question immediately arises: how can you bring down the temperature of a nursing mother? And what antipyretic drugs are better to use - folk, pharmaceutical or none at all? Just in a calm mode, wait until the malaise goes away on its own?

As a rule, when breastfeeding, a woman carefully monitors her health, because any virus can be transmitted during feeding to the baby. Antipyretic during lactation should be taken with great care. That's why this question needs to be studied.

For what reason does the temperature rise during HV

  • Any acute respiratory disease or SARS can provoke a fever, as the body begins to actively fight the cold. An increase in temperature means that the immune system fights pathogens.
  • A high temperature in a nursing mother can be an indicator of breast inflammation associated with milk stagnation - lactostasis. A blocked milk duct becomes inflamed and causes fever.
  • The internal inflammatory process of any organ, gynecological diseases, joint pain can also cause fever.
  • Poisoning, disruption digestive system may be accompanied by fever.

Whatever the reason for the increase in temperature during breastfeeding, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will determine the main source of the fever and prescribe a treatment that will be effective and safe for the nursing infant.

What should a nursing mother do with a temperature

  • First of all, you need to determine the cause of the fever in a nursing mother. If this is not associated with inflammation, but only the result of a cold or a viral infection, you do not need to immediately bring down the temperature. It can be an indicator of the body's fight against infection.
  • Drink plenty of clean drinking water. Warm water helps to eliminate pathogenic bacteria from the body.
  • If during breastfeeding it is not possible to immediately contact a specialist, and the temperature has risen above 38.5, you can bring it down by making an vinegar-vodka rubbing: 1 tbsp. l. vodka, add 1 tbsp. l. food bite and dilute the mixture with warm boiled water. Moisten a piece of clean bandage or cotton wool and wipe the armpits, bends of the elbows and knees, neck and feet.
  • There are a number of pharmacological agents that a nursing mother can use as an antipyretic at high temperatures. It is only important to carefully study the instructions for the drug. It always indicates whether it can be used for HB.
  • Herbal decoctions and teas can be an excellent alternative to antipyretic drugs when breastfeeding. It is only important to determine the cause of the increase in temperature. Herbal collection, properly brewed and taken according to a certain system, quickly relieves heat and pain.
  • A cold compress on the forehead relieves the body of a nursing mother during a rise in temperature and gradually reduces the fever.

The impact of treatment on the body of mother and child

There are many factors that affect the baby during breastfeeding. If, while breastfeeding, the mother of a newborn has a malaise and a fever, before proceeding to treatment, you should check how this remedy can harm the sensitive body of the baby.

  • Drug toxicity. There are neutral antiseptic and antipyretic agents that are not capable of affecting the baby with short-term use. Before using any drug, a nursing mother should carefully study the instructions.
  • Quantity . When breastfeeding, the rate of taking medications is very important. Sometimes a one-time use of the drug is enough to lower the temperature and affect the inflammatory process.
  • Time . The daytime period, when the child is quite active, is more favorable for the treatment of the mother during breastfeeding. The baby's body at this time is less susceptible to various kinds of external influences.
  • Choice . Competent parents know that sometimes simple folk antipyretic methods are more effective than pharmacological agents. It is sometimes possible to reduce fever and get rid of the disease by observing simple rules and following a certain system of procedures.

If the disease is so serious that antibiotics cannot be dispensed with, only then it is recommended to stop breastfeeding. In all other cases, with the support of a specialist, continue to breastfeed your baby and take all necessary actions to improve well-being.

Approved drugs

Often, when the temperature rises, a nursing mother wonders what remedies can be taken so as not to harm the baby, and how to bring down the temperature if it continues to rise, reaching 38 degrees.

  • Paracetamol. This is a harmless antipyretic, which is recommended by experts for colds and viral infections to reduce temperature, not only for adults, but also for children.
  • Ibuprofen is an antiseptic that can be used while breastfeeding.
  • Aspirin is a popular antipyretic and pain reliever approved for nursing mothers. However, this remedy should be taken for a short time and with great care, since acetylsalicylic acid can have a negative effect on the baby's fragile body.
  • Nurofen is another drug that doctors consider safe to take while breastfeeding.
  • To effective drugs, relieving temperature include candles, such as Cefekon, or its analogues.

Any antipyretic taken while breastfeeding should be chosen only after consultation with a specialist.


Contraindications to the use of antipyretics during lactation are the following circumstances:

  • If the child is prone to allergic reactions and is sensitive to most foods, it is necessary to refrain from taking any medication.
  • Experts advise taking medication after breastfeeding.
  • With regular intake of medicines, between feedings, the mother can express milk from the breast and pour it out. Before the next session, enough milk will be collected so that the baby is enough for one dose.

Taking medication during pregnancy and lactation: Dr. Komarovsky (video)

Folk remedies for getting rid of fever

What can help a nursing mother with a fever? Warm drink, fortification and cleansing of the body are considered very effective during epidemics of viral diseases. This is an excellent prevention for infections and colds during breastfeeding. In addition, they have analgesic, antipyretic and antiseptic effects.

  • Raspberry tea. If the health problems of a nursing mother provoked a fever, you can drink a cup of tea with raspberries. A fresh berry added to tea will provide an opportunity not only to enjoy, but also to alleviate the patient's condition. Raspberry is a natural antipyretic, reduces body temperature and causes profuse sweating. In winter, jam or frozen berries will replace natural raspberries. At the first symptoms of a nursing cold, you can take tea with raspberries, and this will be an excellent prevention of the development of the disease.
  • Decoction of currant leaves, mint, lime blossom and rosehip berries perfectly relieves heat and will not do any harm to the child. There is only one limitation: you need to drink such tea little by little, as it can increase lactation. A similar herbal collection is an excellent cure for fever, colds and flu while breastfeeding.
  • Honey and lemon. The combination of these two products gives an antipyretic effect. It is enough to squeeze out a teaspoon lemon juice and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Hold in mouth for one minute and then swallow. However, this method is only good if the baby is not allergic to honey.

Releasing the intestines of a nursing mother from toxins is a sure way to help the body recover and start the healing process.

Prevention of colds and SARS

A young nursing mother should take care of herself, because the health and peace of the baby depends on her. There are many ways to boost immunity and avoid fever during breastfeeding and prevent taking antipyretics:

  • Do not get cold. In autumn and winter, dress warmly. It is better to play it safe and take gloves and a scarf with you than to suffer from a runny nose and headache later.
  • Be outdoors more often. Walks with the child should be regular. This tempers the baby and at the same time allows the young mother to recuperate.
  • Ventilate the room at least three times a day.
  • Avoid crowded places. Necessity will force you to visit a children's clinic or go to a store. But it is better to walk with a stroller in a park or square, where contact with people and vehicles is minimized.
  • Choose products carefully for cooking food. Follow the storage rules, read the composition on the package, pay attention to the production time.
  • Accept cold and hot shower to keep the room clean.

Care baby is a constant stress for a young mother. Sleepless nights, worrying about the health of the baby, breastfeeding - all this requires a lot of strength, patience and time from the mother. Sometimes the temperature in a nursing woman can rise simply against the background of overwork and weakness of the body. That's why healthy sleep, bed rest in the process of malaise and a little time given to yourself will help you recover easily and quickly even without the use of antipyretic drugs.

How to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother? Which method to choose? When breastfeeding, you should always start with the safest ways for your baby. Try to do without drugs. Warm drinks, herbal teas, vinegar rubs, and bed rest will help restore strength and relieve fever.

In some cases, a nursing mother may have a rise in body temperature, which characterizes the presence of an inflammatory process or the body's response to the introduction of a foreign agent of an infectious or viral nature. In such a situation, the question immediately arises of how to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother so as not to harm the newborn baby.

Question deserves heightened attention, because the mother will not be able to properly care for the baby, and breastfeeding will be at risk if she has a high temperature, which greatly aggravates physical state up to the inability to get out of bed. It is important to understand the origin of hyperthermia, since many serious pathologies are manifested by this symptom and can threaten the life and health of a woman.

If the temperature rises suddenly without coughing, runny nose and sneezing, but there is weakness and pain anywhere, you need to urgently go to the nearest medical institution or call an ambulance. Viral infections and colds, manifested by fever, can be treated by a nursing mother at home, but if the condition worsens, you should urgently contact specialists for examination and the appointment of adequate therapy, taking into account active lactation.

Usually, the following pathologies are diagnosed in a nursing mother, which cause an increase in body temperature:

  • flu;
  • viral infection;
  • complications of influenza and viral infection in the form of tracheitis, bronchitis or pneumonia;
  • inflammatory processes of the endometrium in mothers in the early postpartum period are quite common, especially if the birth proceeded with complications;
  • lactostasis occurs in young mothers in 70% of cases due to increased retention of breast milk, improper attachment of the baby to the breast, uncomfortable bra, congenital anomalies in the structure of the mammary gland and cysts;
  • mastitis, as a complication of lactostasis;
  • rupture of an ovarian cyst, as a result of a hormonal disorder;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies, for example, pyelonephritis, otitis media, adnexitis, tonsillitis.

To bring down the temperature of a nursing mother, it is best to consult a doctor first to prevent undesirable consequences. It should be remembered that in some situations, antipyretic drugs can lubricate clinical manifestations acute surgical pathologies because they have an analgesic effect.

How to measure and when to lower the temperature?

It is very important for a nursing mother to know how to measure body temperature correctly, since there are some nuances during lactation. A measurement in the axillary region will always give inflated readings (37.1-37.5 degrees) due to the milk-filled breast, which has a temperature of at least 37 degrees. Therefore, it should be measured no earlier than half an hour after feeding and pumping, or, in extreme cases, use the elbow bend for such a procedure. The skin at the measurement site must be wiped dry, because moisture reduces degrees.

It is not recommended to bring down the temperature up to 38-38.5 degrees especially with influenza and viral infections. Hyperthermia in this situation characterizes the immune resistance to the virus, that is, the suppression of a foreign agent by the body's defenses. If artificially lowering the indicators within 38 degrees, immunity is suppressed, and the infection begins to progress, which can provoke complications in the form of tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

But it should also be remembered that indicators above 39 degrees cause the onset of the process of general intoxication, and at a mark of more than 40, cerebral edema may begin, which is manifested by convulsions and confused consciousness. Therefore, if the mercury column has reached 38 degrees, you can drink from the temperature of a nursing mother medications, but only allowed during lactation. Doctors usually recommend unflavored Paracetamol or Ibuprofen tablets.

Mom activities at home

If a nursing woman is sure that hyperthermia is caused by a common cold or a viral infection, she can stop this process at home without thinking about how to bring down the temperature. Usually, in this case, experts recommend the following measures:

  • bed rest, if possible, because the mother usually spends a lot of time with the baby, and she does not always have assistants;
  • wearing a disposable mask with regular replacement every 3 hours, to prevent infection of the child;
  • plentiful drink, for which during lactation only decoctions from medicinal plants(chamomile, linden, rosehip, sage), tea with honey and lemon, if the baby is not allergic to these products;
  • from the temperature, you can drink paracetamol or nurofen, but at the recommended dosage, according to the annotation to the drug, and no more than 3-4 times a day;
  • the use of rectal suppositories with paracetamol is a safer and more effective option for eliminating hyperthermia;
  • wiping with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1, in a warm form, starting from the palms and feet;
  • compresses with a similar solution on the temporal region, armpits and perineal area, that is, the effect on large blood vessels can reduce body temperature;
  • the lytic mixture is administered intramuscularly and is considered the fastest and effective method with severe hyperthermia, more than 39 degrees.

If after 3-4 days there is no relief, and the pathological symptoms continue to increase, you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe a more effective therapy, which in most cases includes antibacterial drugs. Penicillin series antibiotics has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and is not a contraindication for interrupting breastfeeding. They also prescribe restorative measures, mucolytics, a hot drink with paracetamol at a dosage of 500 milligrams, which a nursing mother can also drink from a temperature, but not more than 2 times a day for several days. Abundant drinking is maintained for 7-10 days to reduce the intoxication of the woman's body and maintain normal lactation.

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  1. Breastfeeding at high temperature
  2. Causes of high fever while breastfeeding
  3. Antibiotics while breastfeeding
  4. Preparations for lowering the temperature
  5. Folk remedies to lower the temperature

When breastfeeding a baby, a mother needs to be very sensitive to the state of her health, since the well-being of the baby depends on it. But rarely, a mother during lactation manages to avoid the disease. With an increase in body temperature in the mother, first of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of the development of such a condition. The temperature may rise, for example, due to seasonal SARS, the development of lactostasis. In addition, the cause of an increase in body temperature can be poisoning, the appearance of back problems after childbirth, other inflammations and infections. How to bring down high temperature from a nursing mother?

When a mother discovers that her body temperature is slightly elevated, she may begin to wonder if it is possible to continue breastfeeding a child with a high temperature? To date, doctors recommend breastfeeding the baby, because antibodies enter the baby's body along with breast milk, due to which its resistance to the disease increases. And when you stop breastfeeding, your baby's risk of getting a cold or the flu goes up.

If the body temperature of a nursing mother has increased against the background of lactostasis or lactational mastitis, then it is necessary to actively and often breastfeed in order to solve this problem.

Before starting to lower the body temperature, it is necessary to establish the cause of the high temperature during breastfeeding. To do this, pay attention to the symptoms of the disease that accompany the temperature.

  • With SARS there is a general weakness, nasal congestion, a runny nose, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, enlarged lymph nodes.
  • If lactostasis has developed, then seals are felt in the chest, pain appears at the site of the seal, redness of the skin in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest, the chest becomes hot to the touch, weakness appears, blood pressure decreases.
  • If lactostasis has turned into mastitis, then a sharp increase in body temperature up to 39.5-40 degrees can be added to the above signs. In the area of ​​compaction, reddening of the skin intensifies, a bluish tint may appear, soft areas form. If you press on the skin of the chest, then dents will remain on it after that.
  • If the cause was poisoning, then it is usually accompanied by headache, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, shortness of breath, pallor of the skin, drowsiness, loss of consciousness.

In addition to detecting concomitant symptoms, you should consult a doctor in order to confirm the diagnosis and discuss with him possible ways treatment. It should be borne in mind that all medications and other treatments that will be prescribed by a doctor must be approved for use during breastfeeding. Breastfeeding should continue as usual for you.

If the mother was prescribed antibiotics or carrying out a special treatment that is not recommended to be combined with breastfeeding, and the effect of the drug lasts for several hours, then a portion of milk should be expressed before taking it so that it can be fed to the child from a spoon or from a syringe without a needle. After taking the drug, after waiting a few hours, in which the drug is active action, you need to express a portion of milk from both breasts, pour it out. After another 1 hour, you need to attach the baby to the chest. If the duration of treatment will be several days, then at this time it is necessary to feed the child with expressed milk in advance, taking into account the correct methods of storing it, or temporarily transfer the baby to mixtures. It is not recommended to use a bottle for feeding, because because of this, the baby may completely refuse to breastfeed in the future. Lactation must be maintained with periodic pumping.

How to bring down the high temperature of a nursing mother? To lower body temperature during breastfeeding, a mother can use Paracetamol or Nurofen. These drugs have minimal side effects, are relatively safe for the baby and are approved for use during lactation. You can use candles, which are based on Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. Unlike tablets, they are less effective, but their undoubted advantage is that the substances of which they are composed do not enter breast milk at all. To reduce high body temperature during a cold, you need to drink plenty of plain water, fruit drinks, teas. When lactostasis and mastitis should not be abused with liquid.

A nursing mother should take measures to reduce the temperature when it exceeds 38 ° C. If the thermometer shows a value below this mark, then you should not try to lower the temperature, since this indicates that the body resists viruses, fights them and does not need to interfere with it.

During a cold, it is good to remember such folk tonic and antipyretic drugs as raspberries, honey, black currants, lemons, medicinal herbs . These products do not contain substances harmful to the child, and they can significantly improve the condition of the mother during the period colds. During treatment, a woman can drink tea with raspberry jam or raspberries, fresh herbal teas, juices and compotes. Cool compresses applied to the forehead contribute to a decrease in body temperature. You can dilute the vinegar and wipe the elbows and knees, neck, armpits with this solution. Alcohol should not be used for wiping, as it easily penetrates into milk and can cause poisoning in a child.

If you have not been able to lower your body temperature on your own, using all the measures taken, and it continues to progress, it is better to call a doctor at home, since the fever can be triggered by serious causes, the establishment of which is possible only after medical examination. Sometimes, in order to identify the cause of an increase in temperature, a doctor may prescribe a woman to take tests.

Breastfeeding is a natural process, equally necessary for both mother and baby. A lactating woman tries to stick to a diet, drink plenty of fluids, and massage her breasts so that feeding is complete and correct. What to do when the temperature rises while breastfeeding. Is this considered a contraindication and what to do if you have a strong fever?

Fever in a nursing mother is a common problem in the postpartum period. Fever, aching joints, chills cause a lot of excitement and anxiety. After all, the well-being of a child, for whom it is vital to receive breast milk, directly depends on the state of health of a woman. Here it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the fever, and eliminate it as soon as possible. You may need serious treatment, the tactics of which can be determined by an experienced doctor.

The temperature often rises due to:

  • acute viral diseases;
  • food poisoning;
  • complications after childbirth;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If you associate the temperature that has risen sharply during breastfeeding with breast problems, you can note:

  • lactostasis;
  • mastitis at any stage;
  • errors in temperature measurement (thermometry).

With thermometry, pain syndrome and pathological discharge from the mammary glands are not observed. There are also no signs of runny nose and cough. The temperature rises to 37 C and is constantly in this limit. This condition is considered normal, since when the ducts are filled, the temperature always increases. When the chest is emptied, the temperature returns to normal.

So that nursing mothers do not attribute feverish fever to themselves by measuring the temperature under the armpit, they are recommended to take measurements rectally, orally or in the elbow bend.

If the mother's temperature has risen to 39-40 C due to a viral infection, this indicates an inflammation that requires urgent medical attention. Chronic pathologies during breastfeeding are also exacerbated, and not necessarily due to pathogenic viruses. It can be diseases of the thyroid gland, nervous system, digestive organs.

Endometritis, which develops after infection of the wound from a caesarean section, or other septic pathologies often cause an increased temperature.

Sometimes the cause of the temperature that has increased during breastfeeding is lactostasis (or milk retention). The disorder occurs when stagnation occurs in the ducts. Breast milk has a natural property - to raise the temperature in case of injury, stagnation or damage to the ducts. If the glands are not released, and staphylococcus aureus has been introduced through the nipple, doctors call this type of lactostasis a latent stage of mastitis, which causes severe inflammation.

Causes of lactostasis causing fever:

  1. Pumping unnecessarily, provoking the accumulation of milk in large volumes that the baby does not need.
  2. Abnormal structure of the nipples (flat and inverted).
  3. Sagging chest.
  4. Irregular application, incorrect feeding regimen (strictly by the hour, not on demand) - more about this.
  5. Chest injury.
  6. Use of tight underwear that compresses the glands.

With stagnation of milk, the breast greatly increases in size, seals are felt, the temperature rises (up to 40 C). Explicit redness, swelling of the glands with lactostasis is not observed. As soon as the breast is freed from the accumulated portion of milk, heat and pain disappear without medical attention.

So that the temperature does not rise and lactostasis does not develop, the baby should be fed at 1.5-2 hourly intervals. Night feedings are especially valuable. With milk stagnation, you can express a little and do a breast massage. If the problem occurs regularly, therapeutic treatment is possible. It consists in taking medications aimed at suppressing hyperlactation.

  • Healthy: see how to deal with milk stasis and improve mom's well-being.

This is an inflammation of the mammary glands that develops during breastfeeding. Mastitis is considered an unpleasant and common problem during this period - all about mastitis here.

There are many risk factors in which mastitis develops and the temperature rises strongly:

  • nipple injuries;
  • running lactostasis;
  • reduced immunity;
  • non-observance of hygiene rules;
  • chronic diseases, etc.

The onset of inflammation is due to the entry of streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria into the glands through wounds and microcracks in the nipples.

Mastitis is divided into:

  1. Serous- with it, mommy's temperature rises to 39 C. She is shivering, feverish, sleepy. The affected chest swells, shines, turns red, hurts.
  2. infiltrative- a seal appears on the chest, the skin turns red over it, the temperature reaches 38C. There is a loss of strength, a headache.
  3. Purulent- characterized by a deterioration in well-being, high fever, weakness, sweating, fever. If it is possible to express milk, pus is found in it. The chest hurts a lot, especially when moving, turning, changing positions. If you do not seek the help of doctors, the death and decomposition of mammary gland tissues will begin, accompanied by septic shock.

Mastitis is extremely dangerous. The patient should be examined by a specialist. Before starting treatment, milk is taken from the breast for bacteriological analysis to determine the causative agent of the infection. Only by revealing his sensitivity to antibiotics, the doctor prescribes the necessary medications to help bring down the temperature and destroy the pathogen.

Serous mastitis is treated with the elimination of lactostasis - the child is actively applied to the chest, decanted, massaged. The infiltrative type is suppressed by lactation-reducing pills. Physical procedures are used - ultrasound, antibiotic therapy, antihistamines.

The temperature due to purulent mastitis, frolicking during breastfeeding, rises while there is pus in the cavity of the mammary gland. Doctors use surgery to open and destroy a purulent formation. At the same time, lactation is actively suppressed, the mother takes antibiotics, she is intravenously injected with nutrient and supportive solutions.

If the chest is reddened and swollen during breastfeeding, it is strictly forbidden to use heating, hot heating pads and compresses. This will be another impetus for the progression of the inflammatory process.

The cause of fever is often the pathology that arose during childbirth due to infection with pathogenic bacteria. With thrombophlebitis, the walls of the veins become inflamed, blocking the vascular lumen. As a result, thrombus formation occurs.

Pathology in women who have recently given birth develops with:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • long difficult childbirth;
  • the presence of hematomas in tissue injuries;
  • the need to separate the placenta manually;
  • early discharge of water;
  • operations.

Thrombophlebitis of the extremities is expressed by lethargy, pulling pains, slight swelling and redness in the areas of vascular lesions, as well as a low temperature (about 37 C). Lymph nodes may become enlarged. The patient's state of health is practically not disturbed. When examining, the doctor feels for a seal along the venous trunk.

Stop breastfeeding in this disorder that caused the temperature is recommended for complications, antibiotic therapy, or taking other drugs that are contraindicated in lactation. The patient relies on bed rest, in which the legs are kept on a hill. A rapidly developing pathological process requires surgical intervention.

In this difficult period, much depends on the cause that caused the temperature. Breastfeeding is contraindicated in:

  • pathologies of the kidneys and genitourinary system;
  • purulent mastitis;
  • blood diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute infectious diseases.

In severe ailments, toxic substances, together with milk, easily penetrate into the fragile body of the baby, and harm its health. Doctors advise temporarily expressing and throwing away milk when:

  1. Pneumonia, purulent tonsillitis, sinusitis (if the mother takes antibiotics). At the same time, regardless of the absence or presence of temperature, it is better to put on a gauze bandage, in contact with the baby.
  2. Dysentery, severe intestinal poisoning. If the disease is mild, the baby is given expressed boiled breast milk.

Feeding is completely stopped if prescribed:

  • analgesics based on narcotic substances;
  • chemotherapy;
  • immunosuppressive agents.

For colds, it is advised to bring down the temperature when it exceeds 38 C.

Antipyretic drugs allowed while breastfeeding:

  • Paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen.

Before taking even the most harmless medicines, you should consult a doctor. Only he will determine the duration of the course and prescribe the correct dose.

  1. The most effective way is a cold compress on the temples and forehead. You can use ice wrapped in gauze, a cold heating pad, or soak a towel folded in layers in cold water.
  2. Excellent when breastfeeding from the temperature helps vinegar compress. It is diluted 1:2 with water.
  3. Fever relieves warm drink. It can be fruit compotes, cranberry or currant juice. They should be taken carefully in order to avoid allergies in infants.

High temperature, not caused by a serious pathology, is not considered a contraindication to feeding. Babies rarely refuse to breastfeed, even if the milk is hot regular. Receiving antibodies from the mother, the child will strengthen his immunity. Such children are less likely to get sick and recover faster.

When the child was a month old, she suffered from mastitis. The surgeon prescribed amoxiclav, and one good woman opened her chest and the ducts opened. I also added a cabbage leaf. The temperature during the illness rose to 41 degrees. Cured within a week.
Now the child is 3 months old. I have a lot of milk. Until now, in one feeding I give one breast and there is still a lot of milk in it.
Yesterday I had a chest pain. Didn't feel any seals. In the evening, the temperature rose to 38. I do massage and express myself as that woman taught me. Now I can’t get to her, we are in another city. I will not go to a local surgeon, I know him and do not trust him.
Yesterday I took paracytomol in the evening, and at night too. There was no temperature at night. On the morning of 37.8, I do not drink pills yet.
Yesterday I cleared my chest well. She pumped it to the drop, and then after the massage it poured heavily. Looks like a prophet has been revealed. Tell me, please, if the temperature persists, does it mean that I have not completely drained? Or can she still hold on? If the temperature persists, is it necessary to drink amoxiclav?
Thank you! I hope for your help.

The inflammatory process observed in the tissues of the mammary gland is called mastitis. The disease, according to medical practice, occurs not only in women - men and even newborn children can get sick with it. Nursing mothers are more prone to this problem than anyone else, because they have an additional burden on their mammary glands.

The causes of mastitis are completely different than it is commonly believed in society. Many mistakenly believe that if the chest is cold, then mastitis will certainly develop. The disease takes its origins in the improper organization of the lactation process, as well as in the development of infection:

  • Complicated lactostasis. If milk stagnation (lactostasis) is properly treated, then the ducts can be released already within 1-2 days (for more details, see the article: what to do with milk stagnation in a nursing mother?). Affected breasts need to be constantly resorbed, for which the child is applied to it as often as possible, preferably every hour. Edema, not eliminated in 4 days, is complicated inflammatory process. Stagnant milk protein is mistakenly perceived by an alien organism, which is why all protective forces are sent to this site to fight it. Inflamed tissues begin to turn red and cause pain.
  • Infection. “Sitting in ambush” a long-standing infection that has accumulated in the body in the form of caries or chronic tonsillitis comes out when the opportunity arises. The milk ducts can be attacked by bacteria during the period of a sore throat suffered by a nursing mother. Most often, the infection makes its way through cracks in the nipples.

Based on the causes of mastitis, its 2 main forms are distinguished. What is mastitis in a nursing mother, consider below.

Mastitis is an inflammation of the milk ducts that can occur in a woman different reasons. You should not be afraid of it, but it is better to try to prevent the disease

A type of mastitis based on neglected and untreated lactostasis, complicated by the appearance of edema. Symptoms of mastitis in a nursing mother:

  • the patient's state of health worsens, which is associated with the development of a seal in the chest (seal in the chest during breastfeeding);
  • the temperature rises to 38˚С and even higher;
  • the chest looks edematous, reddens and hurts.

It is quite possible to independently determine uninfected mastitis. Lactation experts recommend diagnosing as follows: it is necessary to measure the temperature in three parts (under the arm, in the groin and in the elbow). An elevated temperature under the arm indicates a developing complicated lactostasis.

Mastitis in a nursing mother in this form is the simplest in terms of treatment, it often does without the use of antibiotics.

This form of mastitis is accompanied by infection. It can also appear due to the advanced form of non-infectious mastitis. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • deterioration in well-being progresses;
  • the affected milk lobe causes severe pain, which are felt even when walking and lightly touching, as well as redness and a feeling of hot breasts;
  • in the treatment of an uninfected form of mastitis, a high temperature continues to be maintained for more than 2 days.

Infectious mastitis in a nursing woman can pose a threat to her health and life if timely measures are not taken to treat it. Antibiotics are usually actively used to prevent the formation of purulent cavities in the chest. Such formations can only be removed surgically or by special medical methods in the form of pus suction.

It is necessary to start treating mastitis in a nursing woman immediately after determining its first signs. Early initiation of treatment guarantees the fastest recovery and prevents the development of complications. It is recommended to seek advice from a mammologist, especially if the disease has not gone away for several days.

The first treatment steps can be done already at home:

  • Eliminate congestion in the chest. The “milk plug” resulting from lactostasis must be removed. To do this, put your child to the chest as often as possible. Do not be afraid for the health of the baby - nothing threatens him, even if you have an infectious form of mastitis. No breast pump will be as effective as your baby. Continued lactation helps speed up the healing process.
  • Choose the right position for feeding. When sucking, the baby's chin should be directed to the affected area, so the baby will be able to dissolve exactly the place where the stagnation occurred.
  • Perform self-massage. Regularly massage the mammary gland in the direction from the edge to the nipple, so you will contribute to a better outflow of milk. For correct technique see the article "Breast Massage" for an instructional video.
  • Calm down. The outflow of milk will be better if the woman is in a calm state. Before feeding, take a warm shower or use a warm compress. To relieve spasm from the thoracic ducts, use magnesia. To do this, pour the contents of 5-10 ampoules of the drug onto a cloth or gauze, apply to the affected area and hold for about 15 minutes. If liquid gets on the nipple, wash the breast thoroughly before feeding.
  • Use decongestants. Swelling of the mammary glands can be removed using cold compresses from cabbage leaves, low-fat cottage cheese or ice, previously wrapped in a cloth. Compresses will help relieve pain and reduce blood flow to the affected areas. Swelling areas can be lubricated with ointments "Arnica" or "Traumeel S".
  • Excessive temperature should be brought down. An increase in body temperature is a sign that an active fight against the bacteria that caused inflammation begins. At a low temperature, you should not use antipyretic drugs, so as not to interfere with the body to defeat harmful objects. Temperatures over 38.5 ° C should be “knocked down” with Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.

Ointment Traumeel S is considered a safe homeopathic remedy that helps relieve excessive swelling and reduce inflammation.

In the case of non-infectious mastitis in most women, treatment is carried out without the use of antibiotics, but only with the help of the correct organization of breastfeeding and means traditional medicine. Antibiotics will be needed if:

  • relief has not begun even 24 hours after the start of treatment and the following symptoms occur: fever, painful swelling and redness;
  • no noticeable improvement within 24 hours;
  • a sharp deterioration in well-being within 12 hours: an increase or hardening of the affected area, increased pain.

You do not need to take antibiotics if:

  • less than 24 hours have passed since the diagnosis of mastitis during breastfeeding and the correct treatment is being carried out;
  • the woman's health improves.

Before you start taking antibiotics, you must always consult a specialist. Most doctors do not take responsibility for the health of the mother and child, so they require to suspend lactation for the duration of treatment. If you want to continue breastfeeding your baby, be sure to tell your doctor so that he can pick up antibiotics that are safe for breastfeeding.

Remember the two main rules: do not self-medicate and do not postpone a visit to the doctor! With mastitis, in no case should you do any warming compresses and procedures. Warmth and nutrient medium, which is milk, are ideal conditions for the development of microbes, and, therefore, an increase in inflammation will not take long. The doctor will not only examine the mammary glands correctly, but also prescribe general analyzes urine and blood and sowing milk for bacterial flora, thanks to which one can judge the severity of the disease and adequately select antibiotics. Remember that in the absence timely treatment, initial form inflammation (serous) can quickly, in 2-3 days, go into an infiltrative stage, and then into a purulent one. Treatment of women with delimited purulent and phlegmonous mastitis is carried out only in a hospital, since the main method of therapy in this case is surgical.


The truth has long been known - it is much easier to prevent a disease than to cure it later. Prevention of mastitis and lactostasis has the same recommendations:

  • Use frequent and regular applications. All lactation experts say that the most favorable way of lactation will be the "on demand" mode. The absence of many hours of breaks and active feeding of the crumbs with mother's milk - The best way avoid stagnation.
  • Use different poses. It is always better to apply the baby in different ways: either with a jack (legs to your head), or from under your arm. So you protect yourself and help the baby release all the thoracic lobes.
  • Attach the baby correctly. Make sure that the baby captures almost the entire areola of the nipple with his mouth. The correct grip is absolutely painless for the mother, and also makes the milk ducts work as efficiently as possible.
  • Extra squeezing is useless. An established feeding regimen does not require additional pumping. Excessive activity of the mammary glands, caused by frequent pumping, can provoke the appearance of hyperlactation, and there it is not far from mastitis.
  • Choose the right underwear. Use only specially designed breastfeeding bras that won't squeeze your breasts or interfere with milk flow.
  • Protect your chest from injury. Bruises can cause blockage of blood vessels. Feeding cracks should not be washed frequently with soap and water, as this will remove the protective top layer of fat and become a direct route for bacteria. A warm shower is the best way to maintain hygiene.
  • Wean gradually. You should not abruptly stop feeding your baby with your milk when you start to introduce complementary foods. Practice shows that the greatest number of mastitis occurs as a result of a very rapid weaning of the baby from the breast. Everything needs to be done gradually, then the end of the lactation period will be endured calmly by both mother and baby.

When a nursing mother is faced with such a nuisance as lactostasis, a fever can cause her particular anxiety. “Is it mastitis?” She thinks first.

Let's see if there can be a fever with normal lactostasis, whether it leads to taking antibiotics, and whether it is possible to treat such a disease on our own.

First of all, you should make sure that it was lactostasis, and not some other ailment, that “rewarded” you with a high temperature. In the first days and weeks after discharge from the hospital, it is quite possible to encounter both milk stagnation and postpartum complications, which can also cause hyperthermia.

Therefore, if two months have not yet passed since the birth, it is best to immediately go to the hospital and ask for an ultrasound there so as not to miss inflammation of the uterus. With the final diagnosis of "lactostasis", treatment in a hospital is useless, it is quite possible to cope with it at home or on an outpatient basis.

Also, don't forget about others. possible diseases, which may well arise against the background of stress and lack of sleep in a young mother. For example, a small lactostasis may coincide in time with an exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis, in which the temperature also rises. In such cases, it is very important to start treatment on time.

Keep in mind that lactating breasts may well be somewhat hotter than the rest of the body, especially at the time of the arrival of milk or a change in its composition. Try taking your temperature in your armpit, elbow, or groin.

If it turns out that the general body temperature is elevated, and at the same time in the armpit from the side of the diseased chest, you have determined the most great importance, then, indeed, you have hyperthermia caused by problems with the chest.

Laktostasis or mastitis?

  • With mastitis, if you measure the temperature in both armpits, the difference in thermometer readings will be less than with lactostasis.
  • With lactostasis, effective emptying of the breast leads to a decrease in pain and a drop in temperature, but with mastitis - no.
  • If a nursing mother has lactostasis, it happens that even a high temperature does not worsen general condition too much.

In foreign literature, often lactostasis with elevated temperature called uninfected mastitis. Comparative diagnosis of lactostasis, infected and uninfected mastitis in the West is based on the analysis of milk.

The conclusion is made based on the number of detected leukocytes and bacteria. An increased number of leukocytes is regarded as uninfected mastitis, and if an increase in the number of bacteria is also observed, then this is already mastitis infected.

It is assumed that lactostasis can be cured by one application of the child (provided that he suckles effectively), in the case of uninfected mastitis, pumping will have to be added, and in case of infected mastitis, antibiotic treatment will be required (which does not eliminate the need to empty the breast).

The conclusion can be drawn as follows: if you have a fever during lactostasis, be sure to start decanting, but not more than three times a day, so as not to start hyperlactation. After pumping, place the baby on the chest, preferably with the chin to the site of stagnation, and then apply a cold compress. The treatment is described in more detail in our articles “How to recognize lactostasis and deal with it” and “Lactostasis: we treat it ourselves”.

In any case, immediately consult a doctor if the temperature is higher than 38.5 degrees or stays at the same level for more than a day, despite treatment, as well as with a strong deterioration in the general condition. Much depends on the correct diagnosis.

For starters, you can call a lactation consultant. If she has doubts about what is happening to you and whether it is definitely lactostasis, she will also recommend that you see a doctor for a diagnosis.

It is desirable that the doctor be verified, as some doctors massage and express the breast rather roughly (and this is not only painful, but also fraught with damage to the ducts). And yet, only a doctor has the right to prescribe antibiotics if necessary.

Can antipyretics be used?

As we have already noted, with lactostasis, decanting and attaching a child helps to bring down the temperature. And with mastitis - no. Therefore, it is advisable not to drink antipyretics, but to monitor the temperature dynamics after emptying the chest. When the diagnosis has already been made, you can drink paracetamol or ibuprofen (the latter, in addition to antipyretic properties, has anti-inflammatory properties).

It should be borne in mind that with mastitis, the temperature is more productive than with lactostasis, since with its help the body fights infection. But still, symptomatic treatment is sometimes necessary, as it makes the woman's condition more tolerable.

Of course, you can and should continue to feed, otherwise the condition may worsen. The quality of food for your baby remains the same. Expressed milk can be added to complementary foods or frozen in reserve.

True, stagnant milk has a salty taste, and therefore the child may not like it. If he refuses to suck on a sick breast, it will have to be expressed not 3 times a day, but more often to compensate for the lack of feeding.

To prevent lactostasis, try to apply the baby correctly, feed on demand, if the breast is full - offer it once again to the child or express a little, until relief. Try to rest more, eat well, and avoid injury to the chest.

Take care of your chest and be healthy!

The temperature in a nursing mother can be for several reasons, finding them out, it is urgent to take action. If a woman has recently given birth, perhaps this is an individual reaction to the development of lactation, in these cases, subfebrile values ​​\u200b\u200bare observed that do not exceed 37 degrees. You should never forget about dangerous mastitis or various infectious processes occurring in the body. Before you bring down the high body temperature on your own, it is imperative to contact a competent specialist who will find out the main causes and prescribe a competent treatment. And every mother should remember that even at 39 degrees you can not stop breastfeeding your baby.

Let's take a closer look at what can affect the temperature increase in a woman during breastfeeding, and what measures can be taken in specific cases, which medicines allowed to drink, and how to measure the temperature during lactation?

If a woman is breastfeeding a child, then when measuring temperature values ​​​​in the armpit, you can get an unreliable result. During lactation in nursing mothers, the thermometer usually shows above 37 degrees, and this is the norm.

If you feel worse, it is best to measure the temperature in the fold elbow joint or in the groin, that's how you get the true value. Often in maternity hospitals, readings are measured in the oral cavity. But if a woman suspects problems with her breasts, then it is necessary to place a thermometer under both armpits, with an increase in temperature to 38 and above, it is necessary to sound the alarm. Remember that you need to measure the temperature in the armpit half an hour after feeding the baby, and wipe the skin dry beforehand.

Temperature during breastfeeding dangerous symptom, and any woman must remember that you can not draw independent conclusions and self-medicate.

If a sharp temperature jump above 38 degrees is noticed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If you miss a case of mastitis or any postpartum complication, you may need a strong drug therapy, which will put an end to the continuation of breastfeeding a child.

When a woman sees a mark of 39 on the thermometer, she asks in a panic: how to bring down the temperature of a nursing mother? After all, not all drugs are suitable during this period, because. many of them pass into breast milk and, accordingly, enter the body of the child.

It is also worth noting the fact that while the thermometer mark has not overcome 38 degrees, the body itself is fighting the infection, and there is no need to use antipyretic drugs, because. This is a normal situation in the development of a cold. There are two ways to reduce a temperature that exceeds 38.5-39: either take medication or use traditional medicine. Let's consider both options.

  1. medical method:
    • most the best option for a woman during the period of breastfeeding, it may be possible to take drugs intended for infants, which usually contain paracetamol or ibuprofen, it is safe to drink such drugs for both the woman and the baby;
    • it is best to purchase antipyretics in suppositories, because. the absorption of components into breast milk is not so intensive.
  2. Methods of traditional medicine.
    • if a woman does not have lactostasis, then in case of an increase in temperature, it is shown to drink plenty of water (drinking water, weak tea, fruit drinks, dried fruit compotes); in the absence of allergies in a child, you can add a little honey or a slice of lemon;
    • drink tea with raspberry jam (in the absence of allergic reactions in a baby), you can also separately brew raspberry leaves, which are sold in a pharmacy;
    • it is necessary to strictly observe bed rest, only rest will help the disease;
    • cool compresses on the forehead, or stripping with a weak solution of vinegar, also do an excellent job, but you don’t need to make compresses from vodka or alcohol, because. alcohols penetrate the skin and are absorbed into breast milk.

Many women during the period of illness are tormented by one question: how does the temperature during breastfeeding affect the quality of milk, and is it possible to feed your baby at the moment? In most cases, it is definitely not worth giving up breastfeeding, because breast milk contains antibodies that protect the baby from diseases. However, there are exceptions, for example, purulent mastitis, pathogenic bacteria enter breast milk and can lead to infection of the baby. Until the woman recovers, natural feeding stops.

Therefore, it is very important to monitor the body temperature of a nursing woman, as soon as the mark is above 37.5, you need to see a doctor so as not to miss lactostasis or purulent mastitis. Any delay can cost the health of the mother and her baby dearly.