Symptoms of teething in babies. teething

Young parents usually have a lot of questions about how children's teeth climb. There is an opinion that most children are very difficult to endure this period. In many cases, indeed, the process of teething is accompanied by various unpleasant and painful symptoms. But in some babies, teeth can erupt completely imperceptibly, without causing them suffering and much discomfort.

Eruption of milk teeth

Pediatricians indicate that normally a child's teeth appear in a period of 4-7 months. Although there are cases of both earlier and later appearance of the first teeth. In general, the time of appearance of the first tooth depends on many factors. First of all, genetic predisposition is taken into account. If the parents, especially the mother, had their first tooth rather late, you should not expect the child to have teeth early. In addition, the onset of teething depends on general condition and the rate of development of the baby's body, the presence or deficiency of certain vitamins and trace elements.

The order of teething is usually the same for all babies. In some cases, it may change, but not significantly. Usually in a child, the two lower incisors erupt first, then the two upper ones. After that, the upper lateral incisors appear, followed by the lower lateral incisors. Then the upper premolars, lower premolars, canines and molars climb.

As a rule, a two-three-year-old baby should already have twenty teeth. Milk teeth are finally formed by the age of three.


The signs of teething are individual for each baby. Moreover, in the same child, the symptoms of this process can change with each subsequent tooth. But still, you can highlight the main ones that are typical for most children.

Approximately two weeks before teething in a child reddened and swollen gums at the place of his appearance. This process is accompanied by increased salivation. Due to constant discomfort in the oral cavity and frequent pain, the baby becomes restless, irritable, naughty, cries a lot. The molars in a child are especially hard to climb. This is due to the fact that the molar is wider, and it needs a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe gum for eruption. Which, of course, reinforces pain at the baby.

During teething the child pulls into his mouth, everything that falls under his arm. And it does not just pull into the mouth, but tries to scratch the gums, thus reducing discomfort. Parents can help their child during this difficult period. You can buy a special gel or drops on the gums at the pharmacy, which have a cooling and analgesic effect, and from time to time lubricate the swollen gums with them. There are also teething toys for the baby, with which he can scratch his gums.

Often, children during teething have other, more complex symptoms - diarrhea, fever, runny nose, cough. Although many pediatricians do not associate these signs with teething. They explain them by the fact that during this period the baby's body is too weakened and it is more susceptible to various infections that cause such manifestations. But many parents observe the above signs during teething in children. Therefore, we will consider them in more detail.


One of the most common symptoms that a child is teething is diarrhea (diarrhea). Its appearance is connected, first of all, with the imperfection digestive system baby at this age. Provoking factors can be called nerve spasms of the stomach due to constant pain in the oral cavity, ingestion into the digestive tract a large number saliva. Diarrhea during this period usually has a watery consistency, not very frequent (about 2-3 times a day) and disappears after two to three days. As a rule, it does not require special treatment. It is necessary to ensure that the baby receives a sufficient amount of liquid during this period. If necessary, according to the doctor's prescription, you can give him a solution of Regidron, Smecta. In some cases, the doctor may order the child to take a drug that contains beneficial bacteria e.g. Linex. But if the baby's stool contains traces of blood, becomes more frequent or lasts more than three days, it must be shown to the pediatrician.

Elevated temperature

One more, pretty common symptom teething in children is an increase in body temperature. This condition is explained by the fact that during teething there is an increase in the production of biologically active substances. In addition, when a tooth climbs, it causes the development of an inflammatory process in the gum area. All this together leads to an increase in body temperature. If a child's teeth are climbing, the temperature, as a rule, rises to the level of 37.3-37.7ºС. But in some cases, the thermometer mark may show 38ºС or more. Pediatricians do not recommend bringing down the temperature of a child if it does not exceed 38ºС. But parents should monitor the condition of the baby. If it worsens, it is necessary to lower the temperature. Be sure to lower the temperature if the child develops convulsions, the baby's age has not reached three months, and the temperature does not fall below 38ºС. Also, the temperature is brought down if the child has diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, bronchopulmonary systems. It is important to remember that if the body temperature exceeds 39ºС, lasts more than three days, the baby has other unpleasant symptoms, you need to call a doctor. All these signs can indicate the development of dangerous infections.

When the first teeth begin to erupt in babies, which ones appear first, how to know that the teeth are starting to erupt (signs and symptoms) and how to help the child get rid of discomfort.

For the first months of life, your baby smiled a toothless smile. And suddenly a small whitish bulge becomes visible on the gum. This means that the child's teeth begin to cut, first the first, and after two or three weeks, the next one will follow. (By the age of three, the baby will “acquire” all milk teeth.)

When are the first teeth cut?

When a child's first teeth begin to cut depends on several factors:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Child nutrition. Whether enough calcium enters the small body.
  3. Climatic living conditions. In children living in hot climates, teeth erupt earlier.
  4. Gender of the child. Girls teething earlier than boys (between 6th and 7th month) .

In which teeth are cut first, pediatricians are unanimous - these are the lower incisors. Although there are times when other teeth erupt first, and that's okay, because each organism is absolutely individual.

Signs and symptoms of teething

The frequent question “how to know / see / understand that a child is teething is a rhetorical question. By the state and behavior of the baby, everything will become immediately visible:

  • there is redness and swelling of the gums, they itch and hurt;
  • increased salivation;
  • a sour smell from the mouth appears, due to the decomposition of particles of the mucous membrane;
  • swollen cheeks;
  • the child puts everything in his mouth and scratches his gums;
  • irritability and tearfulness appear.

Sometimes more worrisome symptoms appear, because the immunity of the child at this point is reduced. The immune protection that the mother gave, the baby has already used, but is just beginning to be developed. Teething is a severe blow to the body and may be accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • rash on the gums in the form of red vesicles that contain liquid, after the appearance of the tooth, the rash disappears;
  • fever caused by inflammation of the gums should not last more than three days;
  • diarrhea is due to the presence of foreign objects in the child's mouth;
  • lack of appetite caused by painful sensations of the gums;
  • worsening sleep;
  • runny nose.

With a prolonged deterioration in the child's well-being, during the period of teething, you need to call the attending physician to rule out other causes. Perhaps the baby is really sick, since such symptoms are not directly related to teething.

Scheme and timing of eruption

  1. The first four teeth (upper and lower incisors) appear by 7-10 months.
  2. The next four incisors come out by the first birthday.
  3. The first molars from above and below will appear from a year to a year and a half.
  4. Canines erupt in the second half of the second year of life.
  5. The second molars complete the row of milk teeth by the third year.


Scheme of eruption of milk teeth: 1) lower central incisors 6-7 months. 2) upper central incisors 8-9 months. 3) upper lateral incisors 9-11 months. 4) lower lateral incisors 11-13 months. 5) top first molars 12-15 months 6) lower first molars 12-15 months. 7) fangs 18-20 months. 8) second molars 20-30 months

The list shows that it is impossible to say the exact date of teething.

Most often, the first teeth begin to appear around seven months, but this is not a postulate.

Late teething should not be cause for panic. It used to be considered a late appearance of teeth as a sign of the onset of rickets or a lack of calcium. Modern pediatricians consider delayed teething to be normal for perfectly healthy children.

Some atypical timing of the appearance of teeth may be indirect symptoms of disorders in the child's body:

  • teething later than two months or more may be the result of an infectious disease, a metabolic disorder, or a disruption in the functioning of the intestine.
  • the eruption of the first tooth two months earlier may indicate endocrine disorders.
  • eruption outside the gums is a consequence of the incorrect position of the axis of the tooth.
  • the birth of a child with teeth occurs, although rarely; these teeth are removed to make breastfeeding comfortable for the mother.

However, only a complete thorough examination of the child will confirm the presence of certain disorders.

If one year old baby teeth have not begun to grow, it is worth contacting a dentist. Most often, upon examination, the doctor will find swollen and reddened gums. You just need to stimulate the appearance of teeth with a massage. In rare cases, a diagnosis is made - adentia, confirming complete absence rudiments of teeth.

diagram of the eruption of all milk teeth

How to help a child

In this difficult period, you need to know how to help the child, ease his pain and discomfort. The methods are simple and developed over the years:

  • Gum massage will relieve pain. It should be carried out with a finger, before that, thoroughly washing your hands. Massage should be carried out carefully so as not to injure the gums.
  • Give your child a teething toy. The choice of such rubber, silicone or gel accessories is large and can be purchased at a pharmacy or children's store. (read).
  • The cold helps relieve itching and sore gums. It is necessary to moisten a soft cotton napkin in cool water, put it in the refrigerator and let the baby chew. You can use a decoction of chamomile instead of water, it will help relieve inflammation. You can also cool the gel teether or pacifier.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Old, proven methods can be supplemented with modern pharmaceuticals. Now in pharmacies there is a large selection of special gels and during pain in a child, you can choose any and lubricate the gums with it:

  • Dentinox;
  • Holisal;
  • Kalgel;
  • Baby Doctor;
  • Kamistad;
  • Dentol baby;
  • Pansoral.

Teething is a delicate process that requires parental involvement and care. Soreness and swelling of the gums, irritability, increased salivation, which may be accompanied by wet cough and a runny nose, frequent stools - these are the main troubles that the baby will have to endure if nothing is done. To alleviate the condition of the baby during teething, we advise you to pay attention to - completely natural preparation, which, thanks to the complex action of plant components, helps to remove all the main symptoms of teething in a child, helping parents and babies to overcome this period more calmly.

Dental gels do not affect the process of teething itself. They only relieve pain, since the composition of such funds includes lidocaine and menthol. When using these drugs, it is necessary to observe the reaction of the child, as they can cause an allergic reaction. The action of the gels lasts no more than 20 minutes, they can be applied no more than five times a day and no longer than three days.

When severe pain you can resort to painkillers. Before giving the baby medicine, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Abundant salivation irritates the delicate skin of the baby on the chin. It is necessary to constantly wipe saliva and lubricate the skin with baby cream. During this period, it is necessary to remove all small and fragile objects from the environment of the child. The baby pulls everything into his mouth and can get hurt, swallow an object or suffocate. All baby toys must be disinfected for the same reason.

Care of the first teeth

The first teeth of a baby require new responsibilities from parents. Even one tooth already needs to be cleaned - this is both a necessity and the formation of a good habit to take care of the cleanliness of your teeth. To do this, buy a special silicone nozzle on the finger or use a bandage soaked in boiled water. The procedure is carried out regularly: after breakfast and in the evening, before going to bed, carefully rubbing the teeth, gums and tongue.

A little later, they begin to use a children's toothbrush with soft bristles and toothpaste with a minimum fluoride content. You need to change your brush every month. It should be used carefully, because the enamel of the first teeth is thin and its integrity can be easily violated. Parents should brush their teeth, only after two years the child can start brushing his teeth himself, but only under the supervision of adults. It is important to immediately teach the baby to brush his teeth regularly and correctly - this will save him and his parents from many dental problems in the future.

Mom's school: The first teeth are being cut. How to help a baby

Already in the maternity hospital, a young mother is provided with all the necessary initial knowledge, as well as skills for caring for a baby in the first months of his life: bathing, walking, sleeping, eating.

And it seems to be too early to think about teeth, but time flies unnoticed and day after day the baby grows and develops literally before our eyes. And not far off is the period of teething in the baby, which is marked by the initial visible signs of "growing up" of your little miracle.

The timing of the appearance of the first milk teeth in an infant

Undoubtedly, this time is considered alarming for many parents - sleepless nights combined with the whims of the baby, sudden mood swings and a change physical condition. These moments are difficult for everyone, especially mother and child. But how to try to change something for the better and make life easier for the crumbs? Of course, there are no guaranteed ways that can completely avoid the negative symptoms of the appearance of the first teeth, but minimizing them is a completely doable task.

The most important thing to note right away is that there is no exact timing for teething. For each child, the onset of this period is absolutely individual. Moreover, even if you have twins, this does not mean at all that their teeth should erupt on the same day.

Of course, there are statistics that mainly teeth make themselves felt approximately from the onset of 6 months from the birth of a child. At about a year old, a baby already, as a rule, has about 6-8 teeth. However, their complete absence is quite acceptable, provided that there are no obstructing reasons.

Thus, the process itself and the order of teething is absolutely unpredictable, since it depends on many external and internal factors. Noting the features of the timing of the beginning of the period, this parameter varies under the influence of various indicators:

  • climatic conditions
  • genetic background (heredity)
  • the presence of various diseases, in particular the endocrine system
  • nutrition, drinking water quality
  • proper care of the child and others

Speaking about the delay in teething, there is a direct connection with the general retardation of growth and development, which can be observed with the following pathological abnormalities:

  • rickets is a disease of childhood infancy that develops against the background of insufficient intake of vitamin D in the body, which prevents the absorption of calcium, an essential element for the development of teeth (see more in the article)
  • adentia - the absence of rudiments of teeth, the presence this disease checked by x-ray or radiovisiograph.

Before erupting, teeth go through the stage of laying and forming tooth germs even in fetal development from about 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, when many expectant mothers are not yet aware of their interesting position.

Which teeth appear first?

Speaking about the order of eruption, then everything is already much clearer. The very first teeth of the lower row appear - 2 central incisors. However, their appearance is relative, that is, they can erupt both in pairs and in turn. Next, according to the principle of pairing of upper and lower teeth of the same name, the central incisors of the upper row erupt.

After the incisors come the fangs, but they give way to the first molars, so the so-called "dental gaps" are found in their place. Next come the fangs and the rest of the molars. The table shows the approximate age at which the eruption of milk teeth occurs in infants, as well as the approximate age of their change to permanent ones.

Terms of eruption of milk teeth:

By the age of three, the number of incisors, molars and canines in a baby becomes equal to 20. And in terms of time, everything here is also purely individual, that is, this number can be achieved even in two years with a little.

An interesting case from medical practice: an absolutely healthy boy from seven one month old teeth began to erupt, by the age of 1.5 he had 19 of them. The last molar pleased with its appearance only after 14 months.

How does the baby's body react to the appearance of the first teeth?

The process of teething, despite its naturalness, has a lot of complications that it brings to the child. After all, this phenomenon involves almost all the life support systems of the body, somewhat worsening the condition of the baby.

Due to weakening immune system in a baby during teething, it should be protected as much as possible from possible infection infectious agents, as well as leave for the time of vaccination and other procedures, manipulations.

The symptoms of teething in babies, as a result, manifest themselves depending on his state of health at the moment. Consider the main signs that are predominantly more common in this period in most children and can become a kind of starting point for the appearance of the first teeth in infants:

  • Decreased appetite in a baby, up to a complete refusal to eat
  • Swelling of the gums, swelling in the area of ​​eruption
  • Sleep disturbance, increased moodiness, irritability
  • Active increase in traction of the baby to grab, bite and gnaw everything that comes across - due to itching in the gum area
  • Increased salivation

increased salivation, in turn, causes a number of additional symptoms, which can also be used to judge the possibility of the appearance of teeth in the baby:

  • cough and hoarseness, especially when lying down, as the main consequence of excessive salivation, since it is caused by its excessive entry into the throat;
  • the appearance of irritations and rashes near the mouth, on the chin, in the chest area - this symptom appears due to the rubbing of the baby's saliva with the handles and their abundant drainage from the mouth;
  • a slight weakening of the stool (diarrhea), as a result of saliva ingestion with food;
  • the appearance of a runny nose due to saliva entering the middle ear.

Symptom of irritability, excessive moodiness and sudden mood swings - is almost the main symptom for any baby and is caused by the following reasons:

  • painful sensations from the fact that the teeth make their way through the tissues of the surface of the gums;
  • itching and discomfort, which can also spread to nearby areas - cheeks, ears, nose, the baby constantly pulls his face, and constantly drags his fists into his mouth.

Vomiting and diarrhea during teething- enough a rare event, the reason for which can only be that the child swallowed saliva. If these signs are often repeated, while being accompanied high temperature, then this reaction has nothing to do with teething. In this case, it is likely that viral infection, causing gastrointestinal disorders of various etiologies (rotaviruses, astroviruses, noroviruses, caliciviruses and adenoviruses, combined under the name). This condition requires mandatory pediatric examination.

Illness due to fever. When teething in infants, the temperature may be elevated, but not more than 38-38.5 degrees. This parameter is a reaction to the inflamed areas of the baby's oral mucosa, and since its area is too small, therefore, temperature drops should be insignificant. Normally, many children behave as usual, and the usual 36.6 returns already for 2-3 days.

Unfortunately, the symptoms of the beginning of the appearance of milk teeth are similar to many infectious diseases, the microorganisms of which during this period favorably and actively multiply and disguise themselves under the signs of teething. Therefore, if a child has several of the listed signs at once, you should not self-medicate, urgently call a pediatrician.

How to help a child with teething?

Eliminating negative phenomena accompanying a baby whose teeth are climbing is not an easy task. However, there are a lot of recommendations and tips that will help your family survive this period less painfully and without any consequences.

So, how to make teething easier for a child? First of all, you should provide the baby with all the necessary “rodent helpers” that massage the gums, thereby calming the baby.

  • All kinds of teethers, with liquid or helium inside filling, which is designed specifically for the cooling effect of the gum area. The downside is that these items will periodically have to be put in the refrigerator, and the cold, as you know, temporarily stops pain and itching.
  • Soothers or bottles. The mechanism of action also helps meet the chewing needs of the baby.

Be aware that constant chewing or sucking on various objects irregular shape may be the beginning of the formation malocclusion. Therefore, you should choose pacifiers with a special orthodontic shape made of high quality material (latex, silicone). Strictly monitor their cleanliness and storage.

  • Finger brushthis remedy per last years has become especially popular among young mothers, because it not only helps to massage the gums, soothe the baby, but also takes care of the oral cavity. In addition, you can assess the degree of gum condition - the harder the child bites, the closer the time for the appearance of the next tooth means.
  • Massaging the gums with gauze pads wetted cold water. This method simultaneously relieves itching in the gums and cleanses the oral cavity from various microbes. Massage should be sparing, gentle, with the exception of sharp sloppy movements.

Medicinal methods of dealing with the symptoms of teething

Of course, most measures are ineffective, thus, when teething in children - drugs are one of the highly effective aids. The pharmaceutical industry offers many specialized gels, ointments and other products. local action. Consider among them the most widely used in pediatrics and have passed the test of time. Many of the drugs listed contain lidocaine, which should be used with caution in pediatrics.


(160-200 rubles) - a gel or drops based on lidocaine and has an anesthetic property. It is used no more than 3 times a day, allergic reactions are possible.

Baby Doctor first teeth

(140-170 rubles) - hypoallergenic gel plant origin, has a weak analgesic effect, has a targeted anti-inflammatory effect. The tool is absolutely safe to use for infants, which is a definite plus.


(220-300 rubles) - the gel consists of components of choline salicylate (anti-inflammatory effect) and an adhesive base, which helps healing properties gel to act more effectively. May be used up to 2-3 times a day.


(220-300 rub.) Lidocaine-based product, has a weaker analgesic effect, tastes sweetish, which threatens to appear allergic reaction. The gel is applied at the age of 5 months to 6 times a day with an interval between doses of 20-30 minutes.


(about 200 rubles) - adhesive-based gel, effective for open wounds on the gums.

Homeopathy - Dantinorm baby

This is a homeopathic remedy, the components of which affect the symptoms of teething in babies in a complex:

  • anti-inflammatory action
  • pain reduction
  • fight digestive disorders

Unlike gels, this solution is applied orally and has a longer effect.

As for the use of such a remedy as Kamistad, which is now available in Russian pharmacies, it is contraindicated for children under 12 years old, previously there was Kamistad Baby, the composition of which is safe for babies and it could be used by children from 3 months. So you can not use Kamistad gel in infants.

Application of any medicinal product to relieve pain during teething, requires the advice of a specialist, familiarization and strict adherence to the instructions. Many factors must be taken into account, as well as individual characteristics body of your little one.

Main conclusions:

Before, after, or at the time of teething, you should not give children anything sweetened or containing sugar. The reason is obvious - the development of caries due to insufficient protection and cleaning of milk teeth.

  • You can reduce the signs of inflammation and protect the gums by wiping the baby's oral mucosa with solutions based on medicinal plants(for example, chamomile). They are easy to use and can even be given to a child to drink.
  • Do not forget about the existence of safe toothpastes for the smallest with the label "0+". They will certainly help clean the first teeth of your little one, and if they get inside they are absolutely harmless.

Any child, especially infancy needs an environment of love and affection. For many teething babies, it is enough just to soak up the arms of their mother and just feel her presence nearby. Therefore, do not be afraid to spoil your little one, feel free to take him in your arms, apply more often than usual to your chest, play with him and spend maximum time together. Believe me, then the teeth will be cut more painlessly, and you will remember these days with a smile on your face.

The development of a newborn child is always accompanied by difficulties.

It is often difficult for inexperienced mothers to understand true reason anxiety and crying baby.

In the first year of life, the baby very quickly acquires new skills, and all organ systems adapt to the changed conditions of existence.

Often, changes are accompanied by pain or discomfort, which affects the behavior of the baby. Parents should be able to recognize the signs of teething. This will help the baby to more easily survive the painful period.

Diagram of teething

Young mothers are interested in what time the first teeth in children begin to cut. It is definitely impossible to answer this question.

A period of 6 to 8 months is considered normal. However, earlier eruption is not a pathology.

There is a certain order of teething in babies.

It should be noted that more often the teeth grow symmetrically and in pairs.

The standard eruption order can be seen in the diagram.

  1. The lower central incisors appear first. It is these teeth that the parents of the crumbs are looking forward to. Their appearance signals the start of the eruption process. It starts around 6 months of age. Teeth grow by 7 months.
  2. Next comes the turn of the upper teeth. First, the central incisors appear, and a little later, the lateral ones. This period can be long. The first signs of teething in the upper jaw can be observed at 7 months. The process continues until the child reaches the age of one.
  3. The lower lateral incisors appear next. Their first signs can also be noticed by 7 months. The child at this time is already actively acquainted with complementary foods.
  4. The first molars, or molars, appear after a year. As a rule, they grow simultaneously on both jaws. Sometimes the lower molars erupt a little earlier.
  5. Following them, the missing fangs appear, 2 each on the upper and lower jaws.
  6. The second molars are the last to erupt. Filled first lower jaw and then top.

All these teeth are called milk teeth. Later they will be replaced by permanent teeth. There are only 20 milk teeth. Their rudiments are already present in the tissues of the gums at the time of birth. Usually the formation process is completed by the age of three.

Young mothers should not rely solely on standard numbers. These are average figures. Teeth can start cutting at 4 months of age. This is also the norm.

Possible early signs

Mothers of six-month-old babies should be careful. The cause of mood swings, crying and anxiety can be teething. There are a number of signs that help parents to determine the beginning of the growth of incisors in a child.

A small child begins to pull all objects into his mouth. Rattles, books and own fingers are tasted.

This is due to the fact that the gum is gradually loosened. The child may be disturbed by discomfort, itching and even pain. soft tissues the jaws itch, and the child tries to solve this problem on his own.

It is best to buy a special teether for your baby. Some models are liquid filled. They need to be chilled first. This method allows you to quickly get rid of pain. You can give the child a light massage with a clean finger wrapped in gauze. It is permissible to soak the fabric with a decoction of chamomile.

In the event that such measures do not help relieve pain, it is recommended to use a special gum gel. There are drugs that are allowed from 3 months of age. You can give your child painkillers based on paracetamol. This remedy will also relieve fever.

The lack of appetite may also indicate the imminent appearance of the first incisors. The baby refuses the breast or bottle due to pain. As a rule, tooth growth is not a continuous process. Unpleasant sensations can suddenly appear and disappear on their own.

The baby, who has the first pair of incisors, becomes capricious and restless. Changes in the tissues of the gums cause him inconvenience. This is a temporary state. Usually relief comes as soon as the outer part of the tooth is shown.

Teething in children is accompanied by symptoms such as increased salivation, moodiness, swelling of the gums. What if the child has a fever? After reading this article, you will find out if the temperature in the baby during teething is the norm.

Common signs of first tooth erupting

Some signs most accurately indicate the imminent appearance of the first teeth. These include:

  • profuse salivation;
  • the appearance of a rash around the mouth and on the chin;
  • redness of the gums;
  • edema or swelling;
  • gum bleeding.

Teething is stressful for a small organism. During this period, the final formation is usually salivary glands. Their work is activated due to irritation of the gum tissue. A child under 6 months is still unable to swallow saliva. The enzymes contained in this liquid irritate delicate skin. For this reason, a rash often occurs on the chin or near the mouth of the child. Gradually, less saliva will be produced, the baby will learn to swallow excess liquid, and the skin will clear.

The most obvious sign is redness and swelling of the gums. This can be seen by carefully examining the child's oral cavity. Capillaries are clearly visualized on mucous membranes. Often there may be bleeding. This is fine. The gum tissue is loose and sensitive, and the teeth have sharp edges.

You can conduct an independent examination of the baby's gums. Just before the eruption of the tooth, a small light tubercle appears. It is well defined by touch. This is a sure sign of the growth of the first incisors, molars or canines.

Symptoms of teething in children

There are also indirect symptoms indicating the growth of teeth in children. It is imperative that you pay attention to them.

Disorders of the digestive system. It is not uncommon for children to vomit.

This may indicate teething. As a rule, the process is associated with the ingestion of a large amount of saliva. The same reason can provoke the appearance of diarrhea.

At the same time, the stool liquefies, but its color remains unchanged.

Fecal masses should not contain significant impurities of mucus or streaks of blood.

  1. Runny nose. When teething, transparent watery discharge from the nasal passages is possible. It is important to differentiate this condition from influenza or acute respiratory infections. With viral diseases, a runny nose does not go away within 3-4 days, and the contents separated from the sinuses become yellow or green.
  2. Cough. This is a common occurrence when the first teeth appear. The child swallows saliva, part of the liquid may enter the Airways. Cough is a kind of protective reaction.
  3. Temperature rise. Many children react to tooth growth in this way. The temperature usually rises to subfebrile values. It keeps at around 37 0 C. Higher values ​​signal a viral disease or bacterial infection.

All babies are individual. For some, the process of teething is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms that require examination by a doctor. Other kids endure this period quite easily.

It should be remembered that all these symptoms are relative. They can also signal the presence of diseases or pathologies. It is best to consult a pediatrician.

Caring parents know how to help their baby in a difficult period. You need to put the baby to the chest more often and take him in your arms. This will reduce anxiety and establish a normal sleep pattern. The pediatrician will advise safe medicines that allow you to quickly relieve pain. The use of teethers and gum massage can complement the effect.

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Well, we had just gone through the period of infantile colic in the tummy, as my baby's teeth began to erupt. He is crying again, acting up, and his gums are noticeably swollen. In addition, he developed an upset stool. Mom says that this is connected, and during teething in children, they may have diarrhea, and vomiting, and all sorts of other troubles.

Will my son have all these symptoms? Then I don't know how I'm going to cope. And what will happen before the appearance of each tooth? In general, I'm already starting to panic and I really need good advice.

Please tell me what to expect in this situation. Maybe there are some ways to avoid complications and improve the condition and well-being of the baby. I really hope for your help and I will be grateful for any clarifications and recommendations.

When are the first teeth cut?

The issue of teething in children is one of the most popular among mothers. It is associated with a lot of speculation, myths and ridiculous advice. Therefore, this issue needs to be carefully considered.

Signs and symptoms of teething

Of course, not every childish whim or painful condition can be associated with the appearance of a tooth. You should know the main symptoms of teething in children in order to understand the cause in time:

  • The first sign that will definitely confirm your suspicions is swollen gums. This can be determined by touch by running your finger over them. Sometimes a hematoma (a bluish swelling that forms at the site of accumulation of blood) or an abscess (a white abscess that occurs when an infection enters) may appear on the gums;

In that case, you don't have to worry too much. These phenomena, in most cases, go away on their own, after teething. The main thing: carefully monitor the temperature and general well-being of the child. If you notice a deterioration in his condition, then be sure to consult a doctor (pediatrician or dentist).

  • Increased salivation - faithful companion teething. There is a lot of saliva. This phenomenon practically does not stop until the baby reaches the age of one;
  • The desire of the baby to gnaw everything that comes to his hand. The fact is that the baby constantly experiences severe itching and thus tries to slightly reduce the sensations that disturb him;
  • Often, during teething, the child loses his appetite. This may be due to the discomfort that the baby feels in the mouth. Taste sensations may also change and the baby will no longer dislike the food that he ate with pleasure before (also, read the article on the topic: Why does the child not want to eat?>>>);
  • Another tip on how to understand that teeth are being cut is to follow the behavior of the baby. Constant pain makes the child restless and capricious. In addition, saliva that flows almost constantly can cause an itchy rash.

Against the background of all of the above, sleep disorders often appear. To help your baby stay calm and ease the first teething, check out the online course on maintaining and promoting restful sleep: How to teach your baby to fall asleep and sleep without a breast >>>.

Health Disorders

I would like to specifically point out special violations health conditions that may occur in a child during this period:

  1. Teething cough may be due to excess saliva production. It accumulates in the throat, but the baby does not know how to swallow it reflexively. Therefore, coughing is a way to clear the throat. To be sure that the cough is not due to a cold, read the article: How to treat a cough in an infant ?>>>;
  2. Saliva can also enter the nasopharynx and further into the middle ear. This leads to the fact that when teething, the child has snot;
  3. Saliva and excess mucus that accumulate in the baby's mouth often enter the stomach with food. With an immature gastrointestinal tract of a baby, atypical reactions of the body may occur:
  • First of all, there is diarrhea during teething. In such a situation, attention should be paid to the duration of the disorder and the quality of the stool. It is important to know that diarrhea that lasts no more than 72 hours is considered normal, and there is no blood clots or any other blotches of black or greenish color (read: Diarrhea in infants >>>);
  • In some cases, an excess of saliva causes constipation in a child (current article: Constipation in a breastfeeding baby >>>);
  • For the same reason, sometimes there is vomiting during teething.
  1. Often the appearance of a tooth is accompanied by a temperature, because the integrity of the gums is violated and this causes inflammatory process in the oral cavity. You should know that the temperature, which is a reaction to the appearance of a tooth, usually ranges from 38 - 38.5 ° and lasts about a day. With other indicators, you need to look for another cause of malaise;

Of course, you should not think that all these misfortunes will necessarily manifest in your baby. Usually, you can notice only a short deterioration in health. However, no specific medicines does not need to be applied.

However, you need to know that most of the signs that parents associate with teething may indicate completely different diseases (mostly viral).

If you ignore them, hoping that as soon as a tooth appears, everything will go away on its own, then you can get a complication of the infection. Therefore, always carefully monitor the child's condition, pay attention to the nature of the manifestation of symptoms, their duration and combination with each other.

The order and timing of eruption

An important question - when does a child cut teeth? I will immediately point out the most important thesis - everything happens individually! Any voiced norms for teething in children are generalized averages.

If your baby's tooth erupts earlier or later than the specified period, this is by no means an indicator that something is wrong with him. Simply, in this way, the individual characteristics of his body are manifested. Even siblings can experience teething differently.

Now, however, I will indicate a few indicators. It is believed that the following factors influence the appearance of teeth:

  • heredity;
  • food quality;
  • water quality;
  • climatic conditions of residence;
  • correct child care.

Also, the period of teething can slow down due to some diseases:

  1. Rickets - develops against the background of a deficiency in the infant's body of vitamin D. This causes difficulties with the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the development of teeth. The site has a useful article on this issue: Signs of rickets in infants >>>;
  2. Adentia - occurs against the background of problems during pregnancy, which manifest themselves in the form of the absence of the rudiments of teeth in the child. Such a disease is quite common, since the laying of these rudiments occurs very early (at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy), when many women do not yet know that they are already expecting a child and do not take preventive measures. To establish such a diagnosis is possible only with the help of x-rays;
  3. Metabolic disorders in the body;
  4. endocrine problems;
  5. Infectious diseases;
  6. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract.

There is also public information.

  • The first teeth appear at 4-6 months. Most early term, what time the first tooth is cut - 3 months%
  • Basically, teeth erupt in pairs - one and after a short period of time - adjacent;
  • By the time a child is one year old, they should have between 4 and 8 teeth.

As a reference, I want to acquaint you with the order of teething in children:

  1. The incisors appear first. Usually, the bottom two come out first, and then the top two. This happens at 3-6 months;
  2. Then, in random order, but in compliance with the principle of pairing, the lateral teeth are shown. Ideally: by the age of one year, the child should have the entire set of incisors;
  3. After that comes the turn of the molars. The first upper molars are cut at 12 to 19 months. The rest will appear in 20 - 33 months;
  4. The fangs are cut last. And they appear at 16 - 23 months;
  5. By the age of three, a child has 20 teeth.

Once again, I want to point out that all the information provided is for informational purposes only. The eruption of milk teeth in children occurs when the infant organism is ripe for this.

How to help a child

For almost every child, the process of teething does not go unnoticed. The baby feels serious discomfort, soreness and itching of the gums. Parents definitely need to understand when this hectic period will begin, and make every effort to improve the well-being of the child, surrounding him with care and affection.

You must tune in to the fact that such a process is absolutely natural from a physiological point of view and it is impossible to cancel or radically change the course of its development. You need to be patient, as well as some items and tools that will help in this situation.

How to ease teething in a child?

  1. Important proper care for a child;

This advice does not apply directly to teething. But very important. Imagine that you are faced with a problem, you think about it day and night, it worries you. Will it be easier for you to survive this period if your dear husband will support you, console you, be with you, look for ways to solve the problem.

Or will he leave you alone, hoping that this situation will increase your endurance, you will become more firm and determined?

Approximately so the correct care and on the child acts. If you communicate, play, raise a child according to his age, then he is calmer. You may not even notice when your teeth are erupting. That's exactly what happened to me with my two youngest daughters. We found all teeth after the fact.

  1. Do not rush to use medications;

Nowadays, pharmacies offer a wide range of such products. They are available in various forms:

  • gel;
  • ointment;
  • cream;
  • drops.

Their purpose:

  • neutralize pain;
  • relieve itching;
  • have an antiseptic and wound-healing effect;
  • reduce inflammation on the gums.

Among the most popular were the following drugs:

  • Baby Doctor "First Teeth";
  • Dantinorm Baby;
  • Holisal;
  • Kalgel;
  • Pansoral;
  • Kamistad Baby;
  • Dentinox.

The first two remedies are homeopathic remedies. However, even their use (not to mention all the others) must be agreed with the doctor!

Do not count on these remedies to speed up the process of teething. Some mothers believe that if you start lubricating the gums in advance with one of the drugs to relieve discomfort when teeth appear, then they will appear earlier. It's a delusion. Pharmaceutical drugs do not have any similar properties.

  1. Use toys - teethers;

In children's stores you can buy special items that the child will be happy to gnaw and chew. They are different shapes and size. The main thing is that it is convenient for the child to hold it with a handle.

The purpose of these toys:

  • gum massage;
  • pain relief;
  • soothing itching.

These toys are made from safe materials:

  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • latex;
  • rubber;
  • wood.

They can be filled with a special gel or water.

  1. gum massage;

This is the most effective method relieve discomfort and accelerate the appearance of teeth. It not only helps relieve pain in the gums, but also causes an intense rush of blood in this area. Thus, the tooth erupts both faster and easier.

You can do the massage yourself by easily running your finger over the swollen areas. You can lightly press, but make sure that this does not injure the gum.

  1. Applying cold.

The cold relieves the pain and soothes the itching a little. You can put a teether toy in the fridge. When it is cold enough, give it to your child.

I hope that the information about how the baby's teeth are cut turned out to be useful to you, you have no unanswered questions and you can, without unnecessary worries, survive the troubles that may arise during this period.