Proper care of a kitten. How to care for a kitten at home What should a kitten do at 2 months

At 1 month, the kitten has not yet grown physically and psychologically, has barely learned to stand on its paws and is not adapted to solid food, which means it is not ready to be separated from its mother. If, nevertheless, such a crumb came to you "by the will of fate", keep in mind that it requires special care. In this article, we will look at how to care for a one-month-old kitten without a cat: what to feed, how to toilet train and instill social skills.

Feeding a kitten at 1 month

“Kittens have grown a little, but they don’t want to eat from a saucer ...”, the once popular nursery rhyme. In fact, fluffy babies are ready for the first feeding just at the age of 4-5 weeks, so you should immediately teach them to eat without a pacifier. If the baby categorically refuses to eat from the bowl, supplement it with a syringe. The size of the kitten's stomach is small, so you will have to feed at least 4-5 times a day.

At this age, dairy food is still required. Whole cow's milk is significantly different in composition from cat's milk, so it is undesirable to use it. For feeding kittens in pet stores, special milk substitutes are sold. If it is not possible to quickly purchase such a product, you can prepare the nutrient mixture yourself.

Make sure your baby doesn't overeat. This can cause regurgitation, diarrhea, and bloating. Particularly prone to overeating are cubs found on the street and starving. To understand how much food you need, it is best to weigh your pet, and then determine the optimal daily calorie content at the rate of 20 kcal per 100 g of weight.

About introducing complementary foods

As soon as the baby adapts to a new place, gradually accustom him to adult food. If in the future you plan to switch him to a complete industrial feed, this should be offered first. It must certainly be a premium or super premium product suitable for this age. Dry food must be pre-soaked.

If you are a fan of natural feeding, keep in mind that one-month-old kittens cannot grind food properly yet, so you will have to do it yourself first. To avoid intestinal disorders and allergic reactions, it is better to give young animals hypoallergenic varieties of meat (beef, lamb, turkey), you can use ready-made canned meat for baby food. Pork, fish, chicken and eggs, let's be careful, watching the reaction.

It is permissible to add a little to meat dishes vegetable puree, but it is absolutely impossible to feed bread, cereals and pasta: even very tiny cats are still predators, and their digestive system is not suitable for digesting plant foods. Read more about this in our article.

How much and how often to give formula milk

When the baby begins to receive solid food, the volume of milk can be reduced, while maintaining the total daily calorie content. If the introduction of complementary foods is going well, one feeding can be completely replaced with ready-made food or meat.

Table of milk formula norms for a kitten at 1 month without a cat

Body weight, g Recommended daily calorie content, kcal The volume of the mixture per day (with a calorie content of 0.74 kcal / ml), ml Approximate stomach volume, ml Number of feedings per day
450 90 122 18 5
500 100 135 20 4
550 110 148 22 4
600 120 162 24 4

Toilet training

As soon as the pet appeared in the house, immediately arrange a cat litter box for him. An open-type tray with low sides is best suited: a new tenant can climb into it on their own. To quickly achieve the desired effect, place the crumbs in the tray after eating.

Warning: hazardous filler

Pay close attention to filling the tray. The clumping option is convenient for owners, but poses a potential threat to monthly kittens. The fact is that unintelligent crumbs taste everything in the world and risk swallowing the contents of the toilet. When wet in the mouth or in the stomach, the granules form a dense lump, and if it turns out to be large, it can clog the digestive tract.

During the transition period, you can use disposable diapers or wood filler that does not form lumps. There are also trays with a grid that do not need fillers. But this solution is only suitable for those owners who are ready to clean the cat litter several times a day.

Kitten has chosen another place?

Today, this problem is easily solved with special sprays, which are widely represented in pet stores. They come in two varieties: the first ones are needed to wean cats from going to the toilet in an undesirable place, and the second ones, on the contrary, encourage them to relieve themselves in the tray.

If, when caring for a one-month-old kitten, you notice that he has problems with defecation (constipation, diarrhea), you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

Body hygiene

It is not recommended to wash cats for up to two months, as sudden changes in temperature can damage a fragile body. Caring for a kitten for 1 month without a cat involves regular cleaning of the ears, washing the eyes and monitoring the condition of the oral cavity.

Discharge from the eyes and excess sulfur from the ears should be removed with a sterile cotton swab moistened with boiled water or with special drops. If your baby's gums are very red and swollen, take him to the veterinarian for an examination and ask him to prescribe a gel that eliminates the pain of teething.

Animals picked up on the street must be dewormed. It is recommended to do this only after examination in the veterinary clinic and the exclusion of a number of diseases. For the procedure choose anthelmintic appropriate for the age of the pet, preferably in the form of a suspension. We talked earlier about how to properly give medicine to a cat.

Socialization and games

The first contacts of children and a kitten should be strictly under the supervision of adults. Small child perceives the pet as a toy and is able to unknowingly hurt him severe pain. Children from 4-5 years old need to explain the rules for dealing with a new family member.

If there are other pets in the house, do not let them near the kitten right away. At first, it is better to keep the animals at a distance. Experienced owners advise locking them in different rooms and then swapping places so that they get used to each other's smells.

A kitten is the same child, which means it needs affection and games. Take care of purchasing cat toys in advance: mice, balls, mufflers. If they are missing, it doesn’t matter either: the favorite of cats of any age is still a home-made device in the form of a rustling candy wrapper tied to a thin thread.

Biting is not allowed!

During the fun, do not let the baby bite and scratch your hands. In nature, cat mothers even lightly bite the overplayed cubs so that they come to their senses and behave decently. The owner, of course, is not in the order of biting, but he must stop the baby who has crossed the boundaries with the word “no” and stop the game for a while.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat that at the age of one month, the kitten is not yet ready to move to new house. And when there is an opportunity to leave him next to his mother longer, it’s a sin not to use it.

It is difficult to find a more affectionate and sweet creature than a domestic kitten. You can play with this pet, and hold it in your arms, and stroke it. The surge of positive emotions is very high. And, of course, not without reason, because a kitten is the same child - the same defenseless, affectionate, naive and trusting. Only "calle" and can calmly and without a smile watch his naive funny pranks and pranks. The presence of a kitten brings excitement and joy to every family that decides to have one. pet. This animal will give a lot of positive and good mood, but only for those who approach this issue with a due degree of responsibility and understanding. By purchasing a kitten, a person assumes certain obligations: he must clearly and clearly imagine that he brought home not a fluffy toy, not fun, not temporary entertainment for himself and his children, but a living creature that has its own, needs daily care, care and, most importantly, in communication. This should be well thought out by anyone who bears the idea of ​​​​having a kitten in their head. Unfortunately, not everyone soberly imagines this process and many overestimate their capabilities, guided only by emotional components. But, let's say that you are a responsible person, and after weighing all the pros and cons, you decide to get a kitten. What should you know at first, where to start, what questions should you have answers to?!

New home for a kitten

Kitten care begins with preparing a place for a small family member. Yes, it is a family member - this axiom must be accepted immediately. While the kitten is small, he, due to his curiosity, can climb into any gap or narrow place and get stuck there, causing harm to himself. To prevent this from happening, such dangerous places need to be temporarily closed or restricted access to them. It is important to make sure that there are no drafts in the room.

Kitten Tray and Tray Filler

It is desirable to place a toilet in the same room, so the kitten will quickly get used to it and will not cope with its natural needs in the wrong places. The tray-toilet can be chosen both with a lattice, and without it. If the toilet is selected without a grate, then this involves the use of a filler for its adsorption. Cat litter vary in quality and price. The best choice there will be natural wood pellets like "Supercat", "AnimAll Expert Choice" or "HAMSTER". This is a kind of "golden mean" in the choice cat litter. However, in animals prone to allergies, the woody base can sometimes cause coughing and sneezing (this is especially common in Sphynx kittens). In such a situation, it is best to use Kotix, CRYSTALS N1, Fresh Step Crystals or Trixie Fresh&Easy Pearls gel-based fillers. They are very comfortable, they are based on polysilicic acids, which perfectly absorb urine, neutralize odor and do not cause allergic reactions. However, they are quite expensive. Another type of cat litter is mineral ("Bars No. 3", "Good Cat") - they are more expensive than wood and cheaper than gel ones, their granules contain natural clay and chalk. they are quite rare, but cases of eating small granules by young animals are possible. At the same time, there are quite serious problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, requiring urgent therapy, which is a definite disadvantage of this product.

Returning to the conversation about choice tray for kitten, trays with a grate should be mentioned. They are very simple and do not require any fillers. It would seem that this is a minus. However, no, this is a definite plus. The point is that if Kitty will learn to walk without problems in a tray without filler, this will give its owner the opportunity to always be aware of the condition and volume of his urine, and this is a very important aspect of the health of a cat and especially males. From such a toilet, urine can always be used without problems for laboratory diagnostics in case of disease and other pathologies of the genitourinary system. The only disadvantage of a toilet with a grate is regular cleaning several times a day. In this case, you can use two toilets, as some cats do not feel much desire to go to the toilet, which is not cleaned, twice.

If the kitten does not want to use its tray and regularly pees in wrong place, you can try to solve such a problem by soaking a piece of paper in urine and putting it in the right place. It is recommended, if possible, not to let the kitten out of the room until he gets used to the toilet.

Proper nutrition for a kitten

The first days of the kitten go to adapt and get used to the new environment. It is during this period that he may refuse food and try to hide. This is quite normal. Full addiction can take up to ten days, after which he begins to behave in a normal way and try to actively play. There is an interest in food, a young animal puts its coat in order, periodically washing itself and purring rather.

The most important aspect in the content and kitten care is, of course, his proper and rational nutrition. The full development, growth and health of the animal directly depends on this. - this is the most frequently asked question; it is most often misunderstood. What to choose: natural products or specialized industrial kitten food? Both options are quite acceptable, you just need to follow certain rules.

Natural nutrition for a kitten

If you decide to opt for natural kitten food, you must immediately be prepared for the fact that this process will take much more time than when feeding with ready-made feeds. And this is natural, because the process of cooking falls entirely on the shoulders of the owner of the animal. However, correctly and individually selected balanced natural diet for kittens is more beneficial and healthier than prepared foods containing a certain amount of preservatives and stabilizers.

It is desirable to take a kitten from its mother at 1.5-2 months, but if circumstances forced you to do this earlier, then you need to supplement it with special milk mixtures such as "Beaphar Kitty-Milk" or "Royal Canin Babycat Milk". To do this, you can use special dosing syringes with nipples or ordinary medical syringes. Dosing of artificial milk is individual for each individual animal and depends primarily on its age. Brief instruction shown on the packaging of milk. Upon reaching the age of 30 days, the kitten can be gradually transferred to fermented milk products and a small amount of cottage cheese, while the percentage of fat content should not exceed 5%. Special attention It should be noted that the use of cow's milk, as well as the preparation of various cereals on it, is not recommended. Closer to two months of age kitten food introduce boiled meat. Meat and offal, first of all, should not be fatty, they should not be fed in the form of minced meat, but only in finely chopped, sometimes even scraped, but in no case ground. For the first time, you should stop your choice on chicken or turkey meat; liver, heart and kidneys are also suitable from offal. Liver in kitten diet should be present, but in small quantities and no more than twice a week. A little later, you can give lean beef. Pork is contraindicated for cats in any form. Meat can be offered to young animals along with cereals: rice, buckwheat or oatmeal, but their percentage in the diet should be small, as well as vegetables (everything except potatoes, beets and cabbage), which are needed only as a source of fiber that helps in digestion and food coma promotion. Vegetables can be used both cooked and raw. In addition to bananas and citrus fruits, various fruits can be fed from time to time. Eggs are an indispensable product containing a large amount of biotin. They can be used 2-3 times a week, mixed with the rest of the food or separately from it to keep the coat in good condition. But, again, meat in the diet kitten food should be the main component. The need for it for an animal aged 2 to 6 months is about 8% of its body weight per day, at the age of 6 to 12 months - 6% per day, and after a year - about 4%. Do not forget that with natural feeding of cats, additional administration of mineral-vitamin complexes in the form of tablets, powders, pastes or solutions is mandatory. Some of the most acceptable options are "Canina CANIVITA" in solution or "Beaphar SALVIKAL" in powder.

Ready-to-eat kitten food

If we consider the possibility of feeding kittens with ready-made feeds, then it is better to stop the choice on fully balanced premium and super-premium feeds ("Royal Canin", "Hill's", "ProPlan", "Eukanuba"). At the age of 1-4 months, it is better to feed the kitten "Mother&Babycat Royal Canin" or "Hill's Science Plan Healthy Development" for kittens. These foods are available both canned and dry. From 4 months to 1 year old, can be used as a food "Royal Canin Kitten", "Hill's Science Plan Feline Young Adult Sterilized Cat" or "Hill's Science Plan Kitten Healthy Development". Industrial kitten food contain the whole complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the full growth and development of the animal, so there is no need to additionally introduce vitamins into such a diet. Dry food should be left in the food container for the whole day - so the kitten will have free access to it and can eat when it gets hungry. Remember that wet kitten food should be at room temperature.

use ready kitten food very convenient, primarily due to significant time savings. The second positive factor is that not every kitten owner, even with enough time, will be able to prepare a complete, balanced diet for their pet, while the manufacturer offers a ready-made product. The only drawback of this type of feeding is the rather high price and possible fakes.

The frequency of feeding a kitten does not depend on the type of food chosen. At the age of up to 3 months, it is advisable to feed a kitten at least 6 times a day in small portions, from 3 to 6 months - 4-5 times a day, from 6 to 8 months - 3-4 times, after 8 months - 2 times a day. As for the need for water, it must be freely available and only fresh.

Kitten care. Hygiene issues

A small kitten is a constant source of energy and activity; both furniture and clothes can suffer from its sharp claws, so it is reasonable to arrange a place for it to grind its claws in advance. For this, a special cat scratching post. It can be purchased at a pet store. For those who decide to save the best option will be DIY cat scratching post- it's pretty simple. If the kitten does not show due interest in her at first, the use of catnip can solve this problem. By rubbing the scratching post with it, you will attract the attention of the animal for a long time.

Do not forget about hygiene issues. The eyes and ears of a kitten require regular care. The kitten's eyes can be wiped with special eye lotions ("Trixie augenpflege" or "Canina AUGEN LEGELOTION"), chamomile decoction or dioxidine solution. Ears are treated as they become dirty with cosmetics for cleaning the ears "8 IN 1 EAR CLEAR", "HARTZ EAR CLEANER" or "Otifri". For regular cleaning, you can also use Chlorhexidine, Dioxidine or Miramistin solutions, which are sold at any pharmacy. remember, that dirty ears can provoke various diseases, in particular.

Deworming and vaccination of a kitten

Of particular importance in keeping a kitten timely deworming and vaccination should be highlighted. This is a rather important and responsible component of the life of a pet. At present, there is no need to convince anyone of the rationality of deworming and vaccination - their necessity should be accepted as an axiom.

The first time to use the drug for helminths should be already at the age of 2 months, it is recommended to repeat it after 14 days, then, up to a year inclusive, it is desirable to repeat deworming once every 3 months with an interval of 14 days. After a year and throughout life - 2 times a year with an interval of 14 days. For this, such means as "Prazitsid-suspension", "Kaniverm", "Pratel", "Dronal" or "Fenbendazole" are successfully suitable.

Vaccination of a kitten is possible 10-14 days after deworming (approximately 2.5-3 months). The most affordable vaccine options are: Nobivac Tricat, Felovax, Quadriket and Multifel. It is advisable to do the injection not subcutaneously, but intramuscularly, since small abscesses can sometimes occur with subcutaneous administration. Revaccination to develop better and longer-lasting immunity is carried out 14 days after the first vaccination, then repeated at 6 and 12 months, and then annually. At the age of 9-12 months, rabies ("Nobivac rabies") can be vaccinated.

Another important aspect kitten care- flea and tick treatment. It is carried out, as a rule, not earlier than 4-6 months of age 1 time in 3-6 months with the preparations "Frontline", "Advantage", "Fiprex", "Fiprist", "Fipronil" or "Lawyer".

Subject to all these simple rules and tips on the right keeping and caring for a kitten, you will not only grow a healthy, full-fledged, active and cheerful animal, you will acquire a grateful, faithful and affectionate friend, and this is the most important thing.

This happy day has come, and you have acquired a kitten!

What needs to be done to make your furry friend cozy and comfortable in a new home? How to properly care for a kitten?

Toys and other things for development and communication with a kitten

Do not forget about toys for the kitten. When buying toys, choose soft, resilient materials. It can be balls, fur balls, mice and much more. The main thing is that the toy does not have small parts that the animal can tear off and accidentally swallow.

Do not forget, a cat is a predator, it needs to constantly play, hunt, tumble and climb. A mobile lifestyle allows the animal to be in active form and good health. This is especially true for kittens, because in the process of playing they develop their dexterity, flexibility and muscle activity. All this allows the kitten to grow and develop harmoniously.

To avoid trouble with damaged furniture, be sure to buy a scratching post. An animal cannot be weaned from this, it is in its genes, because this is how they take care of their claws and grind them down. So just give the kitten a special place to sharpen his claws.

Kitten care

Special care requires a kitten's coat, buy a special shampoo, taking into account the peculiarities of your pet's coat.

It is advisable to bathe a cat no more than once every three months. In addition to wet cleaning, there are also dry shampoos that are used once a month. They allow you to keep the coat clean without getting wet. To do this, you need to apply a special spray evenly on the kitten's fur, rub this spray with massaging movements and comb out the dirt from the fur with a comb.

Kittens should be brushed every day, especially for long-haired cats. You can train a cat for this in young age, then it can no longer be done.

Wool that has fallen into tangles can unpleasantly pull and tear out of the kitten's skin, bringing him unpleasant and painful sensations.

For combing, you need to select a brush depending on the thickness of the coat, its length and softness. The harder the wool, the harder the brush. For example, for a kitten's delicate fur, you can use a brush with rubber teeth.

Start scratching the cat from the back, from her neck. Try not to touch the ears, they are very sensitive in a cat. Then on the sides, changing sides in turn. Smoothly moving to the stomach. Turn the cat over on its back and comb the belly with gentle movements, the skin here is more sensitive than on the back, so do not make sudden and rough movements. Comb smoothly and gently.

If tangles have formed, carefully remove them at the base of the tangle formation.

Cats are combed in the direction of hair growth, exceptions may be some breeds, for example, Persian cats, which are sometimes recommended to be combed against the direction of hair growth first. Be sure to check with the breeder how to properly comb your kitten.

In addition to washing and combing, there are several other mandatory procedures for caring for a kitten.

To hygiene procedures or the so-called grooming refers to examining the eyes for the presence of purulent discharge in them, which should not be in a healthy kitten. If there were purulent discharge You definitely need to come to the veterinarian for a checkup.
Usually in cats in the morning a dark coating accumulates in the corners of the eyes, it must be removed with a cotton swab dipped in plain water.
In addition to the eyes, you need to regularly examine the ears, at least once a week. The auricles of the animal must be clean, there should be no plaque, unpleasant odor or black sulfur residue (this is a sign of an ear mite). The sulfur of a healthy kitten is light and odorless. Ears are cleaned with ordinary cotton swabs, special solutions are sold for cleaning the ears.

Claws also require attention. Approximately once every two weeks, you need to inspect and trim the claws. Pay attention to the color of the nails; when cutting the nails with special scissors, it is very important not to damage the blood vessel in the cavity of the claw. And of course, let your pet actively use the scratching post.

All of the above tips and devices will make your kitten's life more convenient, but the most important thing for him is your attention.

Do not leave the kitten alone for a long time, your time is given to him, because he is your new friend and will want to get to know you better.

Caress, stroke your purring fluffy, cats often need tactile contact with their owner, so they establish contacts and connections. On the body of a cat there are small hairs - vibris, which are the organs of touch for a cat. If you stroke a cat in the direction of growth of these hairs, the cat experiences pleasure, if against growth - discomfort.

In addition, the places where the cat likes to be stroked the most highlight a special secret with which the cat marks its territory and, accordingly, you. If you pet her yourself in these places, you seem to mark yourself, this is perceived by the cat as your complete trust in her, which causes a lot of pleasant emotions in her.

Such sensitive places are: the abdomen, lower back, lips and chin, the angle between the lips and nose, the middle of the forehead between the ears, the area between the eye and ear.

Now you know many secrets for being happy. kittens. Nutrition, care ensure the longevity of pets.

You can learn even more and become real professionals by joining our program "Become a professional - take care of it right", available after registration on our website.

Here you can get training, test your new knowledge by answering tests, and also accumulate points that you can exchange for valuable prizes for you and your pet.

Love animals and let them love you back!

The appearance of a kitten in the house is a great joy for the whole family. A fluffy four-legged pet, like a soft toy, will not let anyone get bored! Children can play active outdoor games with a new family member, and adults have an additional responsibility to take care of a tiny pet. How to take care of a kitten? What items need to be purchased to care for him? We will talk about this in our article.

Necessary attributes for care

When a child appears in the house, parents purchase the necessary items for caring for the baby. A similar rule applies to pets, who also need not only a cozy place to sleep, but also some personal hygiene items.

What you need to buy when a kitten appears in the house:

  1. Tray, where he can cope with natural needs. This accessory is necessary for animals living in the apartment and in the house, without free access to the street.
  2. Toilet filler. Cats love to go to the tray filled with special capsules that absorb urine and unpleasant odors. Some use regular sand, which is much cheaper, but there are some drawbacks. Sand does not fully absorb the smell of urine, so a very unpleasant odor will prevail in the house. To eliminate it, you will need to change the sand after each trip to the toilet. Simply put, modern fillers are more convenient to use, both for the pet itself and for its owner, whose task will be to clean the cat litter.
  3. A new family member will need individual utensils: a bowl for natural food or feed, as well as a bowl for drinking water. Experts recommend purchasing a double bowl for eating: one part for liquid food, the second for thick food.
  4. Comb, nail cutter, toothbrush, special shampoo and other personal care products (all this can be bought at a specialized pet store).
  5. Toys - because he is a baby, he will also want to have his own items for entertainment and outdoor games.
  6. A cat carrier is a must if the owner plans to take long walks or trips with their beloved animal.
  7. A scratching post is a special accessory for animals that provides for convenient grinding of growing claws. Kittens are very fond of scratching furniture, and if you do not want to see your own sofa in a very unpresentable form, do not spare money for this convenient and practical thing. Your furry friend is sure to love this setup, so he won't be pointing his sharp claws at your couch anymore.

Types of cat litter

There are three types of cat litter:

  1. Euro is a closed model. Aesthetic toilet, easy to use, but quite expensive. For filling it is necessary to purchase a special composition of the helium type. Benefits: Effectively absorbs urine odor. Disadvantage: too large size of the structure.
  2. An open tray is the most common version of a cat litter box. Any type of composition is suitable for filling. Very comfortable for a small kitten (low sides). Can be used throughout the growth. Cleaning and disinfecting the toilet is also easy. No hassle + affordable price.
  3. An open tray with a grid that does not require the use of fillers. Benefits: savings Money for the purchase of absorbents. Disadvantage: it is necessary to carry out regular cleaning of the toilet, which will also prevent the spread of an unpleasant smell of urine throughout the apartment.

New models of cat litter: special toilet attachments for animals that allow you to accustom a four-legged family member to a full-fledged accessory for natural needs.

Types of fillers for the tray:

  1. Locking - a budget option. The composition is poured into the tray in in large numbers. Moisture descends to the lowest layer and is evenly absorbed, while the upper layer remains dry and clean. The smell does not spread until the filler is filled with contents. It is not difficult to determine the need for replacement, the color of the capsules will turn yellow.
  2. The clumping filler dissolves quickly under a moist environment, leaving small round lumps. To remove them, a special spatula is used. Add filler as needed.
  3. Absorbent compositions are inexpensive and practical to use. Advantages: environmentally friendly material, safe for the animal. As a rule, they are made from ordinary paper or sawdust. The toilet is cleaned as it gets dirty.

For example, your furry pet has started going to the toilet behind the sofa. Treat this place with such a spray, and your kitten will no longer shit in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. The second option, on the contrary, allows you to accustom the baby to a particular place in the house.

These compositions are easy to use, allow you to quickly teach or wean from unnecessary places, and at the same time completely harmless to animals.

Proper care of a kitten 1 month of life

In order to take care of newborn kittens, it is better to be close to the mother cat, who will happily feed her babies and spend proper care. natural nutrition breast milk will strengthen the immunity of the animal and nourish the body with all the necessary trace elements for the full development and growth.

If, for any reason, a 1-month-old kitten is forced to grow up without a mother, the owners of a tiny pet need to create the most favorable conditions in the house. It is necessary to feed the baby with a special mixture - a substitute for cat's milk.

After feeding, the mother cat licks the kitten, which improves intestinal motility. This procedure can be replaced in this way: a cotton pad is moistened with warm water, after which the muzzle is gently wiped. Further, in a circular motion without pressure, the abdomen, back and sides are processed. This will improve performance digestive system and adjust the chair of a small pet.

In newborn animals, relatively low temperature body, so at night, provide his sleeping place with a heating device. You can use a small infrared lamp to maintain the optimum temperature. You need to install it so that in case of strong heating the kitten can move and lie down in another, cooler place.

A small 1-month-old fluffy cat is the same child who needs warmth and love. Place your baby on your chest often so he can hear your heartbeat. It calms and gives strength to the growing pet.

Of course, every owner wants it as soon as possible, but it’s not even worth experimenting with a one-month-old kitten. A pet of this age is not even able to control the process of urination, so he will not be able to perceive the “place for the toilet” correctly. Wait a little, everything has its time!

Caring for newborn kittens is somewhat complicated, but this period flies by unnoticed and soon the tiny animal will gain strength and new knowledge, which will allow it to fulfill all the necessary needs without the help of outsiders.

Caring for a 2 and 3 month old kitten

At two months, the kitten becomes more mature, care becomes somewhat easier. The kid is already beginning to gradually try "adult" food, carry out independent self-care and actively explore the territory of the house. He is interested in outdoor games and, of course, the care of the people around him.

A two-month-old baby needs to be washed, but massage procedures can already be excluded. Now is the time to toilet train your pet. To begin with, it is recommended to install a small tray without sides, so that it is easy for him to climb into this unusual accessory.

It will not be possible to quickly teach to the toilet if there is no older cat in the house, setting a good example for the younger generation. But, you should not despair, sooner or later he will understand the requirement of the owners and become an obedient resident of a large family.

From three months old, a kitten can be fed with chopped pieces of meat, wet food and pate. He is already becoming quite mobile and curious. The main care is love and attention. Play with him, caress the baby and teach him the right manners of education. It is during this period that the basic knowledge of the independent life of the animal is laid.

From 3 to 6 months, the stage of "knowledge of the world around" begins. The kitten will explore the world, listen to various sounds, sniff out and look for something. Watching a curious furry friend is very interesting and fun!

Raising and caring for a kitten from 6 months to a year

Puberty begins at 6 months of age. The owner already needs to decide on his future. If it is not intended to breed purebred kittens, it is recommended to castrate the cat or sterilize the cat.

These procedures are very important for the animal, they relieve him of natural needs, and the owner - from the aggressive behavior of the animal during a hormonal surge.

Some owners who do not want to take their pet to the veterinarian for castration or sterilization find another, easier way to keep the animal from natural needs: they do not let it out. Such measures are unacceptable! This will harm him and entail very adverse consequences for physical and psychological health!

A kitten of 6-9 months old can already diversify the diet, gradually bringing its menu to a full-fledged adult table. It is not recommended to feed a thoroughbred pet with products from a common table. The animal needs to cook food individually, without salt and other harmful spices. It is also important to calculate the dosage of servings in order to prevent overfeeding. If you do not pay attention to these restrictions, there is a high probability of developing obesity.

From 9 months, the kitten becomes quite an adult, he already has a complete diet and a formed body. Character, appearance and other individual traits will be preserved throughout the subsequent life. The upbringing that was incorporated into the pet in early age, will continue to appear. The main thing is not to cause aggression in the animal. This often happens if the owner scolds a four-legged friend and applies force to him. This kind of upbringing is simply unacceptable!

Healthy diet for a kitten

  • starting from two months, you can accustom yourself to freshly prepared pate in a small dosage;
  • gradually finely chopped meat of dietary varieties (boiled) is introduced into the diet;
  • chicken offal;
  • raw beef, but only frozen;
  • milk porridge;
  • vegetables (raw, boiled);
  • chicken yolk;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • cereals;
  • And be sure to have free access to clean drinking water!

The main rule when preparing food for a four-legged baby is that the food served must be fresh, safe and warm (room temperature).

If the owner chooses a more simplified option for feeding a pet - food, it is recommended to buy premium varieties in accordance with the age of the animal. These data are published on the packaging of the product for cats.

How many times a day should a kitten be fed:

  • A 2-month-old baby is fed 5-6 times during the day;
  • from 6 months the number of feedings is reduced to three times;
  • starting from eight months, it is transferred to an adult diet, providing for two meals a day.

Mandatory care procedures:

  1. Trim growing nails.
  2. Gentle ear cleaning.
  3. Teeth cleaning with a special toothpaste and brush for animals.
  4. Combing and combing wool.
  5. Bathing an animal.
  6. Flea treatment for wool.
  7. Vaccination.
  8. worming.
  9. Joint games with a kitten.
  10. Love and good care!

We wrote about the correct procedure for caring for cats in other articles, we recommend that you read it!

More articles on this topic.

Caring for a kitten at 2 months will require a lot of time and effort from the owner. At this age, most kittens leave their home and mother cat to settle in a new family. Proper nutrition, competent training in hygiene skills, organization of leisure activities will help the baby grow up healthy, beautiful and happy.

When and how to bathe?

You should not bathe a kitten in the first days of being in a new home. Stress from separation from mother and littermates, unfamiliar smells, alien territory negatively affect the condition immune system.

Water procedures will only exacerbate the situation. Conscientious breeders give clean, well-groomed kittens to their owners, so it is better to postpone bathing for 10-14 days.

In the event that the animal was picked up on the street, you can redeem it, observing the following rules:

  • water temperature - about 38 ° C;
  • depth - to the middle of the kitten's paws;
  • at the bottom of the bath or basin - a terry cloth, on which the paws will not part;
  • direct a jet of water to the edge of the bath so that a loud noise does not frighten the baby;
  • shampoo - specialized, designed for the hygiene of cats and kittens.

The first wash should be quick and, if possible, pleasant for the kitten. In the process, you should talk with the baby, stroke him, calm him down.

No need to wet the head, eyes and ears of the animal. This will not only frighten him, but can also cause diseases such as otitis media or conjunctivitis.

Rinse the coat thoroughly with a gentle stream of water from the shower head, washing off the shampoo residue. After - wrap in a towel and dry, avoiding drafts. While the kitten is small, it can be easily accustomed to blow-drying. This is especially important for show animals, which have to be washed 2-3 times a month.

Nail clipping

Caring for a kitten's claws will require a lot of patience from the owner. From the first days in the house you need. For this, a special nail cutter of a suitable size is purchased at the pet store. It is better if the tool is in the form of a guillotine, as this provides a quick, painless and even cut.

You can cut off only the white part of the claw, without affecting the pink, containing pulp and capillaries. Even mild trauma to this area causes cats to sharp pain and heavy bleeding.

If the baby refuses this procedure, you can use silicone anti-scratch caps that stick to the claws and protect the furniture from cat hooliganism.

Ear cleaning

Ear cleaning is another unpleasant procedure that pets must be taught to do. Should be checked from time to time auricles for the presence of black, brown or gray plaque. At 2 months of age, its appearance is unlikely, however, every 2 weeks in the future, the owner should remove it with cotton swab, lubricated with petroleum jelly or a special lotion bought at a pet store.

The stick is inserted into the ear shallowly, only those impurities that are visible during visual inspection need to be removed. This will avoid injury eardrum and protect the baby from otitis media or ear mites.

Behind the eyes

The eyes of a healthy kitten at 2 months are slightly moist. This is especially true for sphinxes. If purulent or mucous secretions appear that accumulate in the corners of the eyes, forming crusts and lacrimal ducts, it is worth taking the kitten to the veterinarian. This condition may be associated with infectious disease, allergies, mechanical damage or congenital pathology eyes.

Daily eye care for a kitten is carried out with a cloth soaked in warm water, chamomile decoction, hydrogen peroxide, furacilin solution or boric acid (as recommended by a doctor). Cleansing movements should be made from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. Cotton pads are not suitable for eye hygiene, as they leave behind villi that irritate the mucous membrane.

Hair care

The main indicator of the health of an animal is the condition of its coat. This applies to both shorthair and longhair. Unbalanced nutrition, allergies, helminthic invasion, problems with the gastrointestinal tract make the coat dull, matted and unsightly. Grooming for the British coat consists of regular bathing and daily combing with a soft brush or comb.


Food bowls

Pet stores have a wide variety of food bowls. Plastic cups are the most affordable, but require frequent replacement. british kittens can knock them over, dirtying the floor. Ceramic bowls are attractive, durable, but break easily and are expensive. Metal cups are easy to care for, durable, and low cost.

Sleeping place

It is important for Scottish Fold kittens to feel safe both during wakefulness and during sleep. Therefore, it is recommended to equip a special place for their rest.

It could be:

  • a soft small mattress laid on the floor or a low bedside table;
  • bed with sides;
  • closed house;
  • a cat complex consisting of a shelter, steps, scratching posts, playgrounds and recreation areas.

Raising a kitten 2 months

Toilet training

The first hygienic skills the baby receives from the mother-cat, who monitors the cleanliness of the nest. Conscientious breeders transfer a kitten to buyers only after he learns to urinate strictly in the tray. If the kitten has not yet coped with this task,

The kitten will like a small tray with low sides, which he can easily climb into without help. The owner chooses the filler based on his preferences, but bentonite and wood fillers are perceived by small kittens as the most natural. You can also use a tray without filler.

To begin with, the kitten needs to be introduced to the tray. Let him sniff the filler. If he has already made a puddle in another place, you can collect it on a napkin and put it in the tray, indicating the desired smell. Noticing that the baby is about to defecate, you need to quickly take him to the tray and praise him if he does everything right.

All places where the animal left the smell of urine should be washed well and wiped with vinegar or a piece of lemon. The main thing is to be patient, do not get angry and do not scold the pet. And then the result will not keep you waiting.

scratching post

A scratching post is a must for every cat. With it, the animal will satisfy its natural need to renew the nail plate without damaging the furniture, wallpaper and curtains. This item may have different shape, its surface can be fabric, jute, corrugated board. If the kitten does not want to use the scratching post, you can offer him several options, one of which he will like.

Vaccination Schedule

Kittens are vaccinated according to the following scheme:

  • 8-9 weeks - vaccination against panleukopenia, calicivirus, herpesvirus;
  • after 2 weeks - revaccination against panleukopenia, calicivirus, herpesvirus, as well as vaccination against rabies.

Basic nutrition rules at 2 months

Features of feeding with natural food

Natural kitten food is not the remains of human food, half-eaten soup or porridge left after breakfast. This is a set of products balanced in terms of micro and macro elements, which provides a small organism with all the substances necessary for growth and development.

basis natural diet kitten should be proteins of animal origin. These are meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. From meat it is better to give beef, rabbit, turkey or lamb. By-products are gradually introduced into the diet: liver, kidneys, heart, which must be frozen and then boiled.

Boiled sea or River fish in the diet of a kitten can be present no more than 1-2 times a week. Eggs - once a week.

Dairy products are important components for the development of the skeletal system and the growth of the teeth of a young animal.

However, it is better to refuse fresh milk. It often causes intestinal upset. Cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, cheese are well suited.

Vegetable and animal fats support the work of the hormonal system, make the coat more shiny, strengthen the walls of blood vessels. During the day, the kitten should eat 0.25 tsp. vegetable or butter.

Carbohydrates in the diet of cats should be limited. It is better to replace cereals with raw or boiled vegetables: carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, broccoli.

In pet stores, you can buy trays for sprouting grass for animals. Such a delicacy will appeal to the kitten, will make his diet more healthy and complete.

Food prohibitions

A kitten at 2 months should not be given:

  • processed meat (sausages, sausages, sausages);
  • any products containing spices;
  • fried food;
  • pork;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • any beans;
  • mushrooms;
  • grapes and raisins;
  • nuts;
  • dog food.

How to choose the right food

Of the ready-made diets for a 2-month-old kitten, super-premium or holistic foods are the most suitable. When choosing a manufacturer, you need to ensure that the meat content in the granules is more than 50%. Do not give your kitten adult food, as the balance of nutrients and minerals, as well as the size of the pieces in the food, do not correspond to the needs of the animal.