Campsis correct fit and care in the middle lane. Campsis - landing and care in the middle lane Campsis landing and care in the middle lane

Kampsis breeding, planting and care in the middle lane are not much of a hassle. Decorate your backyard and bring bright notes to landscape design It is possible with the help of a plant of the liana family. Despite the fact that this plant is exotic and thermophilic, it takes root well in temperate continental climates.

The liana got its name due to its unusual shape and the ability of the branches to twist and intertwine into three-dimensional crowns. From the Greek "kampsis" is translated "twist, bend, bend." Due to these properties, the plant is used to create a hedge. They can decorate the walls of a building or gazebos

Liana kampsis is confused with tekoma, as they are similar and belong to the same family, but in fact, these are 2 different types plants.

Tekoma is a plant of the Bigoniev family, in its shape it looks more like a shrub or a tree.

What does kampsis look like?

Liana is most often used for vertical gardening. It is able to be fixed with its roots on a support. Its leaves have a complex shape, on each cutting 7-11 leaves with serrated edges are collected.

Bright and large flowers look unusual on a rich green background of foliage. Each flower has a tubular shape, the petals are wide open at the ends, they can reach a length of 5-10 cm, flowers are collected in 3-5 pieces. in one whisk. Depending on the species, flowers can have different shades and tones. Among gardeners, a variety with bright red and orange flowers is popular, pink, white and peach flowers look no less beautiful.

Liana kampsis - honey plant, she attracts a large number of insects. Lush flowering occurs in August and September. At the end of autumn, fruits appear on the shrub that look like a pod, consisting of two lobes. Seeds in the period of complete drying of the pod spill out and scatter around the area.

Rooting Kampsis is considered the most popular among all varieties. It is this variety that takes root especially well in the middle lane and is able to endure any weather changes. It is characterized as a vigorous and hardy plant. The flowers of the rooting campsis have a bright orange color, reach a diameter of 7-9 cm. In care, the shrub is unpretentious, frost-resistant, tolerates heat and drought well, but it reaches such properties at the age of 1-2 years. Young sprouts in winter should be looked after competently.

This beautiful and lush shrub is able to brighten any outdoor area, ideal for creating a shady spot or a green corridor in the yard.

Landing kampsis

Choosing a landing site is very important. Despite the fact that the plant takes root in any soil, abundant flowering and active growth of the shrub can be achieved if planted in slightly acidic, fertile and loose soil. It is worth remembering that this is an exotic species, and he loves a lot of light and heat, so you should not choose closed and shady areas. It is worth considering that the young plant is afraid of drafts and strong gusts of wind. A large number of insects flock to campsis, and therefore it is not worth planting it under the windows of the house or on the playground.

Landing is carried out in the second half of May. It will be useful for gardeners in the Moscow region to know that this shrub variety is best planted on the south or southeast side of the yard.

The planting hole should be prepared in the fall. To do this, it is necessary to dig a hole 40-50 cm deep and 50 cm wide. Already during this period, you can fertilize the soil. It is necessary to add minerals and humus to it. Drainage is best created in the process of planting the cutting.

Landing is carried out in the spring. The top layer of soil is removed from the previously prepared hole, mixed with 3-5 kg ​​of compost and mineral fertilizers are added. The earth mixture is thoroughly mixed, 1 part with expanded clay and laid on the bottom of the pit for the drainage layer. The roots are carefully straightened and nutritious soil is poured along the edges, the stalk should be immersed in the ground to the level that it grew before planting. The seedling needs support.

After planting, the vine needs abundant watering.

Many gardeners warn that the vine is capable of capturing a large area. To avoid this, it is necessary during planting to dig metal plates or slate sheets into the ground within a radius of 1 m around the seedling. They will help to restrain the growth of the root system.

Care and reproduction of vines

Kampsis rooting - unpretentious and hardy shrub. Even a novice gardener can take care of him, but at the same time it is worth knowing some of the features that relate to growing young seedlings.

Watering should be carried out as needed. The indicator is the top layer of soil. You should not allow the soil to dry out and crack, but excessive watering is also harmful. Water should be settled and warm.

Fertilizer is best applied in the spring, as soon as the snow melts and the soil is bare. Preference should be given to phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers.

Young plants must be prepared for winter without fail. To do this, a protective layer is created at the base of the bush with the help of insulating materials. You can cover the roots of the bush with hay or pine paws.

Pruning is one of the most important tasks in vine care. In order to form the necessary shape and control the growth of the shrub, it is necessary to correctly and timely prune the branches. Perform this procedure once a year. It is allowed to prune Kampsis rooting in spring and autumn. Great importance has the age of a shrub. If this is a young plant, then many branches can be removed from it in order to give strength to the main strong branches, which will subsequently develop into strong trunks. Young vines can be cut 2-3 times a year. For mature plants, pruning is done in such a way that 2-3 buds remain on the branch, while the main skeleton of the trunk is not affected. Pruning is necessary for an adult plant to rejuvenate and increase the splendor of flowering. For these purposes, the pruning procedure can be done once every 5 years.

Shrub propagation

There are 2 types of Kampsis reproduction - vegetative and generative.

Experienced gardeners believe that seed propagation has a number of disadvantages, the main of which is that the seedlings lose the good heredity of the variety, flowering begins much later than the planted seedlings. In spring, the seeds are placed in a container with fertile soil. As soon as young shoots sprout from the seeds and 2-3 leaves appear, they can be planted in open ground.

A more reliable method of propagation is cuttings. Branches are cut at the beginning of summer from the middle branches of the vine. Each cutting should have 2 leaves. They are planted in partial shade and always at an angle of 45 °. After planting, the soil in the garden is loosened and mulched.

Reproduction by layering. This method is widely used among gardeners. The shoot, which grows close to the soil, is tilted to the ground and dug in. The rooting part should be moist.

Sometimes they use the method of propagation of basal shoots. This is a fairly simple method, in which the root process is separated from the mother tuber and immediately transplanted into the ground.

To say that campsis is beautiful is to say nothing. And no photo can convey the beauty of this plant with bright red-orange flowers that adorn it all summer. For those who just want to plant campsis in their garden in open field, you should know more about all the intricacies of plant care. This will be discussed in the article on campsis. Here you will find a detailed description of the secrets of care - from planting to wintering.

Campsis is also called "Tubeflower" or "Tekoma". This is a tree-like perennial deciduous liana, which, along a high trellis, can rise to a height of 15 m.

Kampsis can "disguise" any fence or even a building in a summer cottage

The shoots of the plant have the peculiarity of spiraling around the support. Having become older and stiff, they resemble the trunks of bizarre fairy-tale trees. Young shoots have juicy green leaves and paniculate inflorescences, collected from large bright orange or scarlet tubular flowers resembling gramophones. The plant blooms all summer: from June to September.

Two types of plants are known:

  • rooting kampsis - native to North America;

Kampsis rooting
  • kampsis grandiflora - grows in natural conditions in China.

Campsis grandiflora

Landing kampsis

In order for the campsis to reveal itself in all its glory, it needs a lot of heat and light, so it is advisable to choose well-lit places for planting.

Tekoma can grow on any soil, but for beautiful and abundant flowering, it needs fertile and loose soil with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction, since poor and dry soil will not give the plant the necessary strength for full development. Therefore, if the land on the site is not nutritious, then in the fall it is necessary to prepare the site for spring planting.

To do this, you need to dig a hole with a diameter of about 50 cm and a depth of 55-60 cm, add half a bucket of humus and 0.5 liters of complex mineral fertilizer to the extracted soil, mix everything. For drainage, it is advisable to pour fine gravel, expanded clay or sand at the bottom of the pit, pour soil on top and leave until spring.

If you want to plant several plants, then plant them so that they do not interfere with each other.

In early April, when the threat of frost has passed, seedlings with hatched buds can already be planted in open ground. To do this, the seedling must be lowered into the hole, gently spread the roots, covered with earth and lightly tamped. Then water and mulch with peat in a circle.

If the soil is quite suitable, then the campsis is planted in the spring directly in open ground. To do this, you need to dig a hole 2 times larger than the root system of a young plant. Then deepen it into the hole, sprinkle it well with earth, tamp and water generously.

Important! In advance, you need to provide a support along which the vine will twist.

Liana care

Kampsis care consists of watering, fertilizing, pruning and ensuring a safe wintering.

Watering. Although campsis is a drought-resistant plant, it should be watered regularly, especially during hot, dry days, but not particularly zealously and often, so as not to overmoisten the roots.

Feeding Kampsis is not necessary if the soil is fertile enough.

Top dressing. The plant does not need to be fed, but if the soil is not fertile enough, then the applied nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers will ensure abundant flowering throughout the season.

pruning- a necessary part of plant care: you can not neglect it. After all, the vine grows very quickly both up and in breadth - you need to regulate its growth. In addition, Kampsis flowers develop on new branches: in order to achieve lush flowering, you need to remove old branches in order to develop new and strong shoots.

Pruning is carried out from year to year, in the fall, after the end of the growing season, or in the spring, before the buds swell. It is done like this:

  • in a young plant, two or three strong, well-formed shoots should be selected, the rest should be cut with secateurs;
  • during the growing season, the growing branches should be tied to a trellis or support, directing them in the right direction;
  • such actions should be repeated 3-4 years in a row until the plant stem grows to the desired size.

To make the vine look good, you must definitely shape it.

In this case, it is recommended to leave only stiff branches of the skeleton and 3-4 young shoots, which must be shortened to three buds. When the formed plant occupies the entire area allocated for it, every year it is necessary to remove excess branches in order to grow young shoots on which flowers will develop.

If any of the main trunks is damaged, it must be cut off and one of the strong branches chosen instead.

In order for the plant to have an elegant appearance during flowering, faded branches also need to be cut, shortening them by 3-4 buds. Some gardeners, in order to rejuvenate the plant, make a complete pruning, leaving shoots up to 30 cm high.

Kampsis pruning

Kampsis tolerates pruning well in the summer, so that, if desired, you can trim the bush and give it any shape with a pruner: make green hedges or, using special designs, create figures of any bizarre shape.

Preparing kampsis for winter

In areas where winters are mild and not too frosty, you don’t have to worry about tekom. If the temperature drops below -20 degrees, then the vine must be prepared for the winter. It is necessary to shelter from the cold the whole plant - both roots and shoots. For this, the vines are trimmed, leaving only the skeletal trunks and the main shoots. Next, the plant must be removed from the trellis, put on the ground and covered with spruce branches from spruce or hay, dry leaves or sawdust. From above, cover with plastic wrap, which, in turn, is pressed along the edges to the ground.

Campsis must be covered for the winter

If the vine is fixed on an arch or other structure, you can sprinkle the roots with sand, or cover with spruce branches, leaves, etc., and wrap all the stems with several layers of lutrasil. Put a plastic film on top from wet snow. This method also gives good preservation of vines. But it is still preferable to have removable supports so that the shoots can be laid on the ground.

In the spring, re-attach the plant to its habitat. If any shoots did not tolerate frost well, they should be cut off.

Advice! If the winters are so cold that shelter does not protect the plant from frost, campsis can be planted in a home greenhouse or apartment. With careful care and proper pruning, this garden vine can become a houseplant.


Kampsis propagates by seeds, layering or cuttings.

reproduction seeds- the method is quite simple, but not popular: after all, flowering must be expected for a very long time, for seven whole years. And why languish in anticipation for so long, if there are other, more effective methods.

Kampsis seeds

A very simple way to propagate vines - layering. To do this, a shoot growing closer to the ground must be bent and pinned to the ground. It is advisable to loosen the earth in this place, dig a little and water the shoot, and cover it with plastic wrap to preserve moisture. Soon, the dormant roots that are on the shoots will “wake up” and begin to sprout. The rooting site should be watered regularly. Rooted layering will give a new plant next spring. This method can be applied during the growing season at any time.

By the way, creepers can take root not only in the ground, but also in cracks in the walls of houses, in fences, where dust or sand has entered. That is why it is recommended to use trellises for vines, and not allow them to braid the walls, rising to the roofs.

Another common and perhaps the most easy way reproduction - using root growth. To do this, in early spring, after frosts, but before the onset of the growing season, shoots with a root should be separated from an adult plant and transplanted to another place.

Also quite popular and very productive is the method cuttings. In early spring, last year's lignified shoots should be selected from the middle of the bush and cut into cuttings, each about 30 cm long. Then plant them in deep flowerpots with good soil, water and cover with foil. Leaves will appear on the 12th day. When the threat of frost has passed, the plants can be planted in open ground in a permanent place.

Pests and diseases

Campsis is very resistant to diseases and is practically not attacked by pests. The only thing that can bother him is aphids, which sometimes start up in flower buds or in leaves located on the tips of young shoots. It is quite easy to get rid of aphids by spraying the affected areas with vodka from the sprayer. You can simply give the plant a shower to wash off the aphids with a stream of water.

Aphids on a campsis flower

These are so simple, but very important rules campsis care. But time will not be wasted on taking care of the plant: after all, it will turn into joy - every day all summer long to look at the wonderful bright beauty of the overseas liana.

Campsis in the garden: video

The campsis flower or bignonia is a deciduous vine belonging to the Bignoniev family. Quite often, campsis is confused with tekoma, since they are from the same family and have an external resemblance, but in fact they are representatives of different genera.

This plant is used as a decoration for walls, verandas, balconies. Campsis has complex foliage with fine teeth along the edges. The tubular flowers of the plant do not smell, form paniculate inflorescences, their color fluctuates in the area of ​​red and orange tones.

Bignonia is a honey plant and often gathers bees and other sweet-loving insects near it.

The fruit is a pod that, when ripe, opens and, flying, seeds spread nearby. But it is worth noting that the campsis is a dioecious plant, so it needs individuals of both sexes for pollination. The genus includes only 2 plants, from which the hybrid Kampsis was bred.

Varieties and types

This vine can reach a height of up to 15 meters. It has long non-paired pinnate foliage, each leaf consists of a dozen smaller light leaves covered with down. Flowers of fiery red color reach 9 cm, form large inflorescences, in which up to 15 flowers can be combined. This species is quite cold hardy.

Has several forms:

  • Golden - form with yellow flowers.

  • Early - flowering of this type begins earlier than the others by about a month.

  • dark purple - the color of the flowers of this form corresponds to the name.

Or Chinese the second type of kampsis. It does not have aerial roots, unlike its relative, and therefore the attachment to the support occurs with the help of the actual shoots.

The Chinese campsis is not as tall as the rooting one, the number of leaves on the plate is less, but the flowers that have an orange color are more. It does not withstand such frosts as a relative, but it looks brighter.

Of the two basic types of bignonia, a third was bred - campsis hybrid . It is a shrub with complex foliage and flowers similar to Bignonia grandiflora. Received from Kampsis rooting frost resistance.

Kampsis landing and leaving in the middle lane

Although this plant withstands rather high colds and can survive frosts down to -20 ° C, but only if it lasts a short time, otherwise the plant will die.

Kampsis is planted in a site sheltered from strong winds and drafts, so that there are no windows nearby (the flower attracts bees, ants, flies and they will constantly get into the house). You don’t have to worry about the composition of the soil, since it is not fundamental for this plant, the main thing is that there are enough trace elements in the soil.

It is necessary to plant creepers in dug holes 50 cm deep, wide and long in advance in autumn. In order for the plant to bloom faster, you need to take a cutting from a vine that blooms stronger than others.

Although this flower is quite exotic, it is not difficult to care for it when planting and caring for it in the open field. The main requirements are loosening the soil and removing weeds from the site, as well as pruning and fertilizing.

Watering kampsis

The flower does not like dryness, although it can withstand it, but it also does not tolerate large amounts of moisture, so it needs to be watered evenly.

When the soil around the plants is wet, it needs to be loosened and weeds removed.

Fertilizer for kampsis

The top ball of soil from the hole should be mixed with five kilograms of compost and half a kilo of mineral top dressing. Then this mixture is placed on the bottom of the pit and the seedling is lowered, gradually filling the hole with earth.

Then the area with the plants is well watered and, after drying, covered with compost mulch. Also, the seedling will need support, because it is a vine.

You can grow bignonia without fertilizer, but if you feed it with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer, then this will only benefit.

Kampsis pruning

Also, the flower needs to be cut. To form a beautiful vine, this procedure should be started shortly after planting - all branches at a height of 15 cm should be cut off, and when the shoots begin to grow, only 4 or 5 pieces should be left.

Large plants need to be pruned every year, cutting off branches to the second eye, and also removing weak shoots. To rejuvenate a flower, you need to cut off all its branches at a level of 30 cm, but this must be done before the buds wake up, that is, in the spring.

Campsis in winter

If you live in an area with large and long cold weather, then for the winter the kampsis will need to be covered with spruce branches or sawdust, and covered with oilcloth on top, which is also covered on top.

Propagation of Kampsis seeds

When using seeds for propagation, remember that plants grown in this way often do not lose the varietal characteristics of their parents, and flowering of young plants obtained from seeds begins later.

Seeds just need to be deepened half a centimeter into loose soil with neutral acidity. When young plants form 6 leaves, they can be planted in open ground.

Kampsis propagation by cuttings

To propagate the plant by cuttings, they need to be cut from the middle of the shoots. This is done so that a couple of leaves remain, which are shortened by 2/3. After that, the material is planted on a bed in a shaded place at an angle of 45 °. After planting, the area is watered and covered with mulch.

The cuttings take root quite well, the survival rate is almost 100%.

Kampsis propagation by dividing the bush

If the growing conditions are suitable, then the plant will have good root shoots, which can also be used for propagation. It just needs to be separated with part of the root and transplanted to a new place.

You need to perform the procedure in early spring or late autumn, when the flower goes into a dormant state.

Kampsis reproduction by layering

In the spring, campsis can be propagated by layering. This is done according to the standard procedure - the shoot is bent to the ground, and the whole year they take care of it, and next spring they are transplanted to a new place.

Diseases and pests

Kampsis very rarely gets sick and is usually not touched by pests, but if it suffers from excess moisture, then rotting of the roots will begin. If the street is hot and dry, then there is a possibility that the vine is attacked by aphids.

A problem that sometimes arises for gardeners is lack of flowering plants. This usually happens if the flower is grown from seeds. Such plants usually bloom somewhere in the 5th year after planting.

Also, flowering may not occur if the plant is planted in a drafty area, if in the spring it suffered from frost or is infected with pests. Another reason why the liana refuses to bloom is if the climate in your area is too cold for it.

Among the plants that can decorate a personal plot and the territory of a private house, a special place is occupied by kampsis - a tree-like liana with large bright flowers. A Southerner by origin, Kampsis has taken root perfectly in the middle lane. Below we will talk about how Kampsis grows and develops. Planting and caring for him is within the power of any gardener.

Origin and types

Kampsis is a photophilous and drought-resistant perennial plant with a height of half a meter to a meter. The flowers of this tree-like vine are red, orange and yellow. The name of the plant comes from the Greek word kamptein (to bend, bend).
Under this name, a whole genus of plants of the Begnoniaceae family is known. However, it is represented by only two types:

  • rooting kampsis, originally from America;
  • kampsis grandiflora, Chinese origin.

Another type of kampsis is a hybrid of the first two, called kampsis hybrid, artificially bred.

Rooting kampsis is a liana that grows on the edges of forests and near fences. It has aerial roots located along the entire length of the stem, with their help it is attached to vertical surfaces. Climbing up, the plant begins to grow. The large-flowered one looks the same, but its flowers are noticeably larger and brighter.

How to plant

Kampsis is seated in several ways:

  • seeds;
  • root growth;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

The seeds of this plant can be bought at a flower shop, or taken from those gardeners who have already grown a liana - now this plant has become very popular. Growing with the help of seeds has its drawbacks, because the vine planted in this way will bloom only after a few years.

Most often, lovers of woody vines choose the second method - propagation by shoots. A shoot with a root is cut off from an adult plant. This is done before the plant enters the time of active growth. There are quite a lot of such shoots next to the parent plants, after cutting them they are immediately planted in open ground.

You can also propagate the vine with green cuttings, this is done in the middle of summer. They are cut from the central part of the kampsis shoot, making sure that each cutting has a pair of leaves. Then the cuttings are planted in the ground, in a previously dug hole.

Cuttings can be not only green, but also grown, lignified. In early spring, they are cut from the mother plant, primarily paying attention to the shoots from last year's growth.

You can also propagate the vine by rooting cuttings growing near the ground. They are simply pressed to the soil, and they take root with constant moderate watering. Rooting occurs within one season, on next year layering is separated and transplanted.

Since this plant loves the sun, it is planted on the south side of the site, this is especially true for the middle lane with its few sunny days.

The roots of the plant are creeping, so you should not plant it very close to the house - the foundation may be damaged over time.

Fences, arbors, lattices serve as a support for the kampsis, but a tree will not work as a support - the creeper shoots will strangle it. Cultivation will also be more successful on temporary supports made of wire or rope (for young plants), in winter this entire structure is laid on the ground and covered along with the roots.

How to care for Campsis

Properly planted kampsis grows rapidly, braiding fences, fences, arbors, it is convenient for them to decorate a personal plot. It does not require specially prepared soil and careful care. However, the more fertile the land and the more regular soil moisture, the better the vine grows and blooms. We must also remember that she loves watering, but does not tolerate too wet soil.

Like any ornamental plants, this vine will appreciate top dressing. You can pre-fertilize the soil in the places of the proposed planting (with complex fertilizers or compost), you can feed it during the flowering period with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers, preferably at least twice during the entire period.


Kampsis grows quickly, so the plant must be formed. Before the start of growth, at the cutting that has taken root, all the shoots are broken off, except for the most stable ones (they are left 3-4 pieces). It is these shoots that will later form the "skeleton" of the plant, allowing it to safely endure winters.

Of considerable importance is the pruning of shoots as the plant matures. Remove those that died in the cold season. You can also cut off other shoots - in order to give the volume of the shoots of the vine a certain shape.

Kampsis, by the way, can also be grown as a shrub if the area for growth is large enough. To do this, the aerial roots just need to be cut periodically. It can even be grown as a groundcover because it grows over the ground without any support.

This vine rarely gets sick, it is little damaged by pests (except for aphids, but it is easily removed after treatment with insecticides).

So, campsis is a beautiful and fast-growing inhabitant of gardens, decorating any vertical or even horizontal surfaces. It is not demanding in care, although it grows and blooms better on the south side of the site. Planting kampsis in the middle lane is carried out without any problems, the plant quickly takes root and pleases the eye with its bright and large flowers. Cultivation requires only watering and regular pruning, then the plant will adorn the garden for a long time - both in the form of a liana and in the form of a shrub.

When choosing ornamental plants for their garden plot, many owners neglect climbing shrubs. And in vain! Climbing representatives of the flora take up little space on the ground, mask unsightly arches, fences, fences and are an excellent decoration option for small gardens. A prominent representative of perennial climbing shrubs is campsis. It is worth reading in more detail how to care for him.

Landing and care in the middle lane

It is a fast growing perennial woody branch that produces bright trumpet-shaped flowers and can grow up to 12 m in height. Originally from China and North America, although thermophilic, it also takes root well in central Russia.

It easily climbs up the support, clinging with the help of small aerial stem roots. Gardeners love this shrub for its beautiful orange and red trumpet-shaped flowers and interestingly shaped bright green leaves.

It is quite easy to grow, it readily takes root, and grows well on the south and east side of the site. Careful pruning is required, otherwise it will fill the entire garden.

Adult representatives have good frost resistance, withstand frosts up to 20 degrees, but young shoots in a cold winter are likely to die and new cuttings will climb from the roots in the spring. Best time landing for central Russia is the second half of May.

Well-maintained entrance to the garden, using vines as a decorative element

Varieties suitable for growing in temperate climates:

  • Rooting - this is the most common variety in the middle lane, has aerial roots, with which it rests on a support, has good frost resistance, grows up to 15 meters, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter are orange inside and bright red at the edges are collected in inflorescences of about 10 pieces .
  • Large-flowered blooms from the second half of July until late autumn, releasing red-orange pipes up to 10 cm in diameter, has a good survival rate. Since this variety comes from the warm climate of China, its frost resistance is not very good, it requires shelter for the winter.
  • Flava has golden yellow flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, which are collected in an inflorescence of 8-12 pieces. Blooms from late June until the first frost. In the middle lane, it is recommended to remove from the trellis and wrap up for the winter.
  • Madame Galen - a hybrid with bright orange-yellow flowers 5-7 cm in diameter, which bloom throughout the summer, has average frost resistance, with severe frosts it is necessary to cover it.

For a proper fit you need:

  1. Choose a landing site where it will receive 5-8 hours of sunlight per day. It is not recommended to plant near houses, especially wooden buildings, since, clinging to the support with their aerial roots with an adhesive, there is a chance of damaging the foundation and shingles of the building.
  2. Decide on the support of the vine. If planted away from vertical structures, it will grow as a shrub. In order for it to rise up and grow like a vine, it needs a strong support. Do not plant near trees, as it will begin to crawl along the tree and, sticking to the trunk with aerial roots, will suffocate it.
  3. The soil before planting must be fertilized, mixed with compost or humus, dig a hole deep enough at least 50 cm so that the roots are freely placed in the ground. Place in the hole and fill it in, gently tamping the soil around it.
  4. Water thoroughly after planting.

Bright collor leaves make general form beautiful and solemn

Unpretentious in care. It is enough to only water it once a week and direct the fast-growing ones along the trellis. It is not subject to any serious diseases or insect invasion, therefore special spraying is not required. In damp summer weather, an aphid attack is possible, in which case spraying with soapy water helps.

It begins to bloom in the middle lane in early summer, and continues to bloom until late autumn. When the flowers wither in their place, pods with seeds are formed, which reach 10-20 cm in length. If the pod bursts and the seeds fall into the ground, new cuttings will sprout from them in the spring.

Pruning at the end of autumn

Growth Control by Using the Circumcision Method

To control the growth of the vine and for its proper formation, it is necessary do regular pruning. This does not require any special methods. At the end of autumn, after the leaves fall, all new branches that have grown over the summer are cut off, leaving only 4-5 of the strongest shoots. The length of the branches can also be shortened, otherwise they will grow up to 10 meters during the season. In the spring, dry damaged and side shoots should be cut. Do not be afraid that this will stop flowering. Flowers are tied only on new branches.

5-6 years after planting - renew by cutting all the vines at a distance of 30 cm from the roots. During the summer, many new young shoots will appear. When pruning and shaping the shrub, gardening gloves should be worn, as the sticky substance secreted by the aerial roots can irritate the skin.

Now it is worth considering in more detail about the method of propagation by cuttings.

Reproduction by cuttings

Kampsis can be propagated by planting seeds for seedlings, layering and cuttings. Propagation by cuttings is the most convenient way.

For breeding you need to do the following:

  1. Cut several cuttings with 4-5 nodal buds.
  2. Place the cuttings in water for several hours.
  3. Prepare potting soil by mixing garden soil with compost and placing in a pot.
  4. Plant in a pot 5 cm deep and water thoroughly.
  5. Cover the top of the pot with a cutting with a plastic bag.
  6. Put the resulting greenhouse in a warm, bright place without direct sunlight.
  7. Water every two days and wait for it to take root.
  8. After it takes root, remove the bag and leave it in the pot until mid-May, when it can be planted in the soil.

Why doesn't it bloom?

Pear-shaped flowers with a bright color

Often you can hear from gardeners that with proper and diligent care, they cannot achieve its flowering. This is a fairly common problem when growing Kampsis.

The lack of flowers in the liana may be for the following reasons:

  1. Lack of sunshine. If the liana is planted in a shady place, then its vines can stretch several meters per season in search of sufficient lighting, and there is no longer any strength left for the appearance of ovaries.
  2. Immaturity or overripe campsis. Liana begins to bloom 3-4 years after planting by cuttings and 5-6 years when grown by seeds. After 10 years, it must be completely cut off to rejuvenate the representative of the flora, as it may stop blooming from old age.
  3. Too much phosphate fertilizer applied during the formation of flower ovaries can cause a lack of fruiting. The introduced nitrogen fertilizers will lead to the rapid growth of the green mass of the vine, there will no longer be any strength left for the flowers. A high phosphorus fertilizer or bone meal can encourage vines to bloom.
  4. Pruning at the wrong time leads to a lack of flowering. Pruning must be carried out in late autumn and early spring before the release of young shoots, it is on them that the ovaries of future flowers are formed.
  5. Severe frosts can destroy the buds for the germination of young shoots, because of this there will be no flowering in the summer.
  6. Cold weather in spring and early summer can prevent it from forming flower buds.

By eliminating the causes, you can achieve good flowering throughout the season until late autumn.

Winter Care

How to use hedges in landscape design

In good conditions, they can grow 10-15 meters per season, delighting gardeners with rapid flowering. But, when growing a vine in the middle lane, it should be remembered that the campsis comes from tropical places and cannot stand long low temperatures. When the thermometer scale drops below 20 degrees, it may die. To prevent this, you need to wrap it up for the winter.

After dropping its leaves needs to be trimmed, removing numerous shoots that have formed during the summer season, remove the main vines from the trellis, wrap at the base, dig in and cover with a good layer of mulch from needles or leaves. You can use special covering materials. In the spring, you should open and pick up the vines back on the trellis.

Another way to shelter for the winter is a strong pruning of all vines to a length of up to 50 cm and sheltering them. In the spring, it will put up many new shoots from which flowers are formed, and the vines grow several meters over the season, completely braiding the support.

By following simple care methods, gardeners can easily achieve good flowering of bright gramophones all season long.