What to do on Parents' Saturday: all the important rules. Commemoration of the dead on parental Saturday

In order not to be mistaken with the number of memorial days for Orthodox Christians in 2018, it is most correct to check the information with the church calendar. Their other name is parent Saturdays. However, commemoration days fall not only on weekends. Many of them are on weekdays.

Why Saturday

The name "Parental Saturday" is directly related to the number of Christians in the Orthodox calendar who commemorate the dead. There are ten such days in 2018, and they are tied to specific significant dates. The most important of them is Radonitsa, which comes after Easter. This holiday has remained since pagan times. Previously, on the day of remembrance, people turned to the memory of their kind, remembering their ancestors. Hence the old name "Rodonitsa".

With the advent of Christianity, Radonitsa acquired a different meaning. From now on, this day is tied to the celebration of Easter, reminiscent of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, visiting the dead in the cemetery, every believer should rejoice, as relatives and friends are destined for eternal life in paradise. For this reason, the name of the memorial day has changed and now takes its root from the word "joy".

Memorial days are called parental Saturdays because of the Jewish roots of the faith. In Hebrew, the name of the weekend is translated as "peace and tranquility." Every week for a day, Jews cancel their business in order to devote themselves to spiritual development. And in Orthodoxy, memorial days began to be established on Saturday, so that the laity had the opportunity to visit their loved ones who had found peace.

In addition, in the Orthodox branch of Christianity, the word "Ecumenical" is added to the name of certain parent Saturdays. It means that on this day it is customary for all believers to cancel their deeds and the whole world to spend several hours to pray for the peace of all those who have gone to another world.

commemoration calendar

In 2018, each believer can independently choose what date to visit the cemetery. Memorial days in the Orthodox calendar are placed as follows:

February 10th. Ecumenical Meatfare Saturday is celebrated before the start of the week dedicated to the Last Judgment and the Second Coming of Christ. In this regard, before the symbolic resurrection, the laity should visit all the dead in the cemetery.

3, 10, 17 March. Parental Saturdays are timed to coincide with the weeks of Lent. This is done so that the dead can also join in the celebration of the miracle of the Resurrection of Christ, even while in heaven.

14th of April. Radonitsa is celebrated as a memorial day, coming after the Orthodox Easter.

26 of May. On the day before the great feast of the Holy Trinity, another Ecumenical parent saturday. This memorial day has been celebrated since the dawn of Christianity, recalling the future Kingdom of God, anticipating the Apostolic Lent.

June 2, August 11, November 22. Before Petrov, Assumption and Christmas fasts, it is supposed to visit the cemetery, commemorating the dead.

the 3rd of November. Dmitrievskaya Saturday or Archangel's strangler is not considered an official funeral day. However, the laity visit the cemetery on this day.

How to commemorate

People got used to the established order of visiting the cemetery, which has become a tradition. On Parental Saturdays, it is customary not only to clean up the graves. As a rule, people put a glass with an alcoholic drink and a treat, which the birds and the poor later pick up. The laity prefer to remember the dead sitting at a table generously laden with dishes and alcohol. After such a “commemoration”, Saturday ends for a person with a restless sleep in a state of strong intoxication.

In order not to be mistaken with the number of memorial days for Orthodox Christians in 2018, it is best to check the information with the church calendar. Their other name is parent Saturdays. But days of commemoration fall not only on weekends. Some of them are on weekdays.

Why Saturday

The name "Parental Saturday" is directly related to the number of Christians in the Orthodox calendar who commemorate the dead. There are ten such days in 2018, and they are tied to certain significant dates. The most important of them is coming after Easter. This holiday has been preserved since pagan times. Earlier on the day of remembrance, people turned to the memory of their kind, remembering their ancestors. Hence the old name "Rodonitsa".

With the advent of Christianity, Radonitsa acquired another meaning. Now this Saturday is tied to the celebration of Easter, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Funeral days: why do we go "to Coffins"

Therefore, visiting the dead in the cemetery, every believer should rejoice, because relatives and friends are destined for eternal life in paradise. Therefore, the name of the memorial day has changed and now takes its root from the word "joy".

Memorial days are called parental Saturdays because of the Jewish roots of the faith. In Hebrew, the name of the weekend is translated as "peace and tranquility." Every week, Jews put aside their affairs for a day in order to devote themselves to spiritual development. And in Orthodoxy, memorial days began to be appointed on Saturday so that the laity could visit their loved ones who had found peace.

Also in the Orthodox branch of Christianity, the word "Ecumenical" is added to the name of some parent Saturdays. It means that on this day it is customary for all believers to put aside their affairs and spend several hours with the whole world to pray for the peace of all those who have gone to another world.

commemoration calendar

In 2018, each believer can choose for himself what date to visit the cemetery. Memorial days in the Orthodox calendar are arranged as follows:

  1. February 10th. Ecumenical Meatfare Saturday is celebrated before the start of the week dedicated to the Last Judgment and the Second Coming of Christ. Therefore, before the symbolic resurrection, the laity must visit all the dead in the cemetery.
  2. March 3,10,17. Parental Saturdays are timed to coincide with the weeks of Lent. This is done so that the dead can also join in the celebration of the miracle of the Resurrection of Christ even while in heaven.
  3. 14th of April. Radonitsa is celebrated as a memorial day, coming exactly one week after Orthodox Easter.
  4. 26 of May. On the day before the great feast of the Holy Trinity, another Ecumenical parental Saturday comes. This memorial day has been celebrated since the dawn of Christianity, recalling the future Kingdom of God, anticipating the Apostolic Lent.
  5. June 2, August 11, November 22. Before Petrov, Uspensky and Christmas fasts, it is customary to visit the cemetery, commemorating the dead.
  6. the 3rd of November. Dmitrievskaya Saturday or Archangel's Asshole is not an official funeral day. But the laity visit the cemetery on this day.

On May 9, on Victory Day, it is also customary to visit the cemetery and commemorate all those who died in the war. Although this is not a church holiday, services are held in all churches. The clergy and laity pray for the peace of all the victims of World War II.

How to commemorate

People are accustomed to a certain order of visiting the cemetery, which has become a tradition. On Parental Saturdays, it is customary not only to clean up the graves. Usually people put a glass of alcoholic drink and a treat, which is subsequently picked up by birds and the poor. The laity prefer to remember the dead while sitting at a table richly laden with food and alcohol. And Saturday ends for a person with a restless sleep in a state of extreme intoxication.

The Church is against such an attitude towards the dead. From a Christian perspective, millions of people commit a major sin every year. According to the spirit of the creed, it is not the things of the world that matter. To help a soul that has left this world, one must not drink alcoholic beverages and succumb to the sin of gluttony. Much better to spend the day in prayer.

There is a clear order of commemoration that the church offers to the laity:

  1. Start by visiting the temple. Having prayed and put a candle for the repose, it is important to mentally ask for the deceased before God.
  2. Arriving at the cemetery, you need to clean up. The sacred meaning of this lies in the preparation for the Second Coming.
  3. The next step is to invite a priest. The holy father should come to the grave and pray for the deceased, turning to the Lord with a request to grant forgiveness to the deceased.
  4. It is necessary to complete the parental Sabbath in the temple. Evening prayer should be addressed to the Lord with gratitude for the great gift eternal life that awaits every Christian.

This is the only way to help your deceased loved ones. It is prayers, and not food or alcohol, that can give peace to the soul of the deceased.

Remembrance days, when the Orthodox Church in each church holds requiem services for all the departed Christians, are called Parental Saturdays. They really (with the exception of the Radonitsa and the days of remembrance of the soldiers) are held on Saturday. Saturday - the day of rest since biblical times, is the best suited for prayers for the souls of the reposed. In addition to these common days of remembrance according to the church calendar, on the date of death, birth and name day of our deceased relatives and close people, as a tribute to their memory, we arrange memorial dinners, visit the cemetery and the temple. These days are different for each person. Parental Saturdays or days of commemoration of the dead in 2018, according to the Orthodox tradition, begin a week before Great Lent from the Ecumenical Meat-Feast Saturday on February 10, 2018. Ecumenical or common for all, this Saturday is named because a common memorial service is held in churches, at which everyone prays for God's mercy to the departed Christians on the eve of the Week of the Last Judgment. So, the parental Saturdays of 2018 and memorial days of 2018 are next.

Universal parent Saturday (meat) 2018

In 2018, it falls on February 10. On this day, it is customary to read prayers not only for deceased relatives, but also for all the deceased, starting from Adam and Eve. This is the most global Saturday, it is designed to remind everyone of the Last Judgment and call people to prudence and mercy. As for the name, each word has its own meaning. Ecumenical - on this day they pray for all the dead without exception, in the Church they pay special attention to prayers for people who did not die by their own death, because all souls must rest in peace. It is called parental because we pray for the forgiveness of all the sins of our ancestors - the "parents" who gave us life. And the very word "meat-putting" suggests that on this day meat food should be excluded altogether. As for the celebration of this Saturday, there is a whole list of rituals. The main thing is to come to the temple and write the names of those whom you want to commemorate on a special piece of paper “For the Repose” and pay a fee for this to the person responsible for collecting the sheets. Of course, it is better to defend the entire service, but not necessarily. It is also desirable to give alms to those who ask on the way home. It is believed that by this act you commemorate those for whom you cannot pray. These are unbaptized, suicides, who died from abortions. At home at the table it is worth remembering all those who have passed away. And also cook kutya, or it is also called “kolivo”, here this dish reminds that the deceased will be resurrected when the Last Judgment comes.

Parental days for the Orthodox in 2018

The Christian religious timetable contains all the data regarding celebrations significant for religion. What date are parental Saturdays in 2018?

  1. On the 10th of February, the sacred meat-fare (universal) Saturday is celebrated;
  2. 3 numbers in March - the Saturday period of the 2nd week of Great Strict Lent;
  3. 10th in March - the Saturday period of the 3rd week of strict fasting;
  4. March 17 - Saturday period of the 4th week of strict fasting;
  5. On April 17, Orthodox Radonitsa is celebrated;
  6. On May 9, believers meet the date of remembrance of all the deceased soldiers;
  7. The 26th in May is the date of the celebration of the holy Trinity Saturday;
  8. November 3rd - Memorial Christian Dmitriev Saturday. The girl prays for repose.

All listed parental days in 2018, according to the Orthodox calendar, always fall on the Saturday period of the week. This moment is designated as a memorial not in vain. In religion, it is Saturday that is associated with a state of rest, therefore it is the most suitable for remembering the souls of the departed people. In Orthodoxy, there are several versions as to why memorial days are called parental days. The main (first) version says that the name "parent's day" did not appear in vain. Remembering dear and beloved people, a person first of all thinks about his parents. If the closest relatives have already died, then on the memorial day they are also remembered in the first place. The second version indicates that in religion a person who is buried in the earth is recognized as having gone to the forefathers, that is, parents. And the Sabbath day of the week was chosen as a sign that this period of the week is calmer.

Saturday 2nd Week of Lent 2018

Falls on March 03, 2018. Due to the fact that daily liturgies are not held in the church during Great Lent, the deceased are left without commemoration. In order to correct this and not leave the dead, the church decided to allocate three days for remembrance - ecumenical memorial Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Great Lent. On such a Saturday, there is an opportunity not only to order a magpie and give a note “On repose”, but to personally pray for the deceased. If it is not possible to attend the Liturgy, it is better not to ask anyone about it, the priests do not welcome such actions.

Saturday 3rd Week of Lent 2018

Falls on March 10, 2018. It is on this Saturday that it is worth praying for your dead with special zeal. This day is ideal to light a candle for the repose, serve memorial services, give alms to forgive sins, go to the cemetery. In this, true love for neighbors is manifested not in words, but in deeds. This is one of the main rules of fasting.

Saturday 4th week of Lent 2018

Falls on March 17, 2018. This day is intended to help the dead not in word, but in deed. After all, having gone to the afterlife, they cannot ask for the forgiveness of their sins, which is why even a small sin dooms the deceased to eternal torment. By praying for deceased loved ones, we help them find peace. This proves true love for our ancestors.

The main memorial day in 2018

The main memorial day for the Orthodox is Radonitsa. In different regions of Russia, it is celebrated at different times. According to church canons, the main parental memorial day falls on the ninth day after Easter, namely on Tuesday. In 2018 it will be 04/17/18. It should be noted that this day is called differently in different regions of Russia. Somewhere it is called Mogilki, somewhere the Easter of the Dead, and somewhere Radovnitsa. However, the essence of this holiday is unchanged. This is a special day to commemorate the deceased parents and closest people. It is believed that the name "Radonitsa" came from the verb "rejoice", because on this day we not only remember our dead loved ones, but also congratulate them on Easter, believing that the Kingdom of Heaven will come and all the dead will be resurrected. The main feature of this day is the preparation of a special treat, which is intended both for the people living now and for the dead. On Radonitsa, eggs are again dyed and kutya is prepared. It should be noted that most of the eggs are painted red. In some regions of Russia, the tradition of "christening with the dead" has been preserved. For this, red eggs are buried in the ground.

In some villages, it is customary to place them in the ground directly at the cemetery, in others it is enough to dig them in a field or behind the house where the deceased lived. In such an area, as a rule, it is believed that "the dead move underground." Another invariable dish on Radonitsa is kutya. This is what I call porridge made from wheat or rice, mixed with raisins, nuts, poppy seeds and dried fruits. Before you start a meal at the funeral table, you must definitely taste kutya. Some Slavic peoples also kept the tradition of baking pancakes on this day. Some housewives bake thin translucent treats, others prefer lush delicacies. Regardless of this, it is considered that pancakes are fully prepared according to the rite, if they are well oiled. It is the amount of oil that indicates how relatives remember the dead. The first pancakes are traditionally placed in a bundle or basket and carried to the cemetery. Until now, all relatives come to the graves of the dead on Radonitsa to remember their loved ones together and taste pancakes. In the old days, this was the end of the meal in the cemetery. People went home and festive table continued to remember the dead.

If the commemoration at home took place with the use of alcohol, then it was forbidden to clink glasses. The use of knives and forks was also unacceptable. It was forbidden to throw away the remains from the memorial table. It was customary to feed them "birds of heaven." It is worth noting that during the Soviet era, some traditions have changed. If before the October Revolution of 1917, Radonitsa was considered a holiday, and everyone could visit the cemetery without any problems, then in the Soviet period this became problematic. Despite this, people still came to their deceased relatives, but not on Tuesday, but on Sunday. Another change was that next to the graves they began to arrange sumptuous meals with alcohol. And after them, eggs, glasses with vodka, bread and other food were left at the burial sites. The Church considers this unacceptable. Remembering loved ones, it is necessary to pray for their souls and hope that resurrection awaits all of us. Church ministers believe that Easter cakes, eggs, etc., which are left after the commemoration, are a sign of pagan traditions - "to treat the dead." If you consider yourself an Orthodox person, then you should not do this. Pouring graves with alcohol is also unacceptable.

Radonitsa in 2018

Saturday Trinity 2018

Falls on May 26, 2018. This Saturday marks the entry into fasting. People go to church to pray for all the dead, even those who have gone to hell. After the service, they usually go to the cemetery, where they decorate the grave of their relatives with greenery and hold a memorial meal. It is customary to leave the remaining food on the grave so that a passerby can treat himself and remember loved ones, it was a kind of almsgiving. On this day, one should not refuse those who ask and need help. There is also a range folk traditions unrelated to memory. On this day, it was forbidden to work and walk alone in the forest, because you could stumble upon a mermaid. It was believed that on this day, evil spirits are activated, because of which they were afraid to graze cattle near forests and reservoirs. In no case was it possible to do work related to water: washing, washing dishes, bathing, so as not to disturb the abode of mermaids. Better appease them. And if it rains that day, then there will be an excellent harvest of berries and mushrooms.

Saturday Dmitrievskaya in 2018

Falls on November 03, 2018. This is the last memorial day of the year. Demetrius Saturday precedes the Day of Remembrance of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. On this Saturday, it is customary to go to the graves of relatives, where they pray for their repose and cry, after which they arrange memorial meals. Memorial services were also served in the cemeteries, for which the priests received generous gifts. As on other memorial days, special attention should be paid to helping the poor. Dmitrievskaya Saturday also marks the change of autumn into winter. It was very important to finish preparing for the cold weather on this particular day. The hostesses diligently cleaned the dwelling and baked oblong funeral pies with all kinds of fillings. It is advisable to visit a bathhouse on the eve of Saturday, and leave a broom and water for the deceased relatives. It is important to remember that if we really love our dead relatives, we need to pray more often for their repose and ask for the forgiveness of their sins. Dying, a person loses the opportunity to turn to the Lord. It was to help the dead that memorial days were created. Of course, it is better to do everything, observing the rules and principles, but if it is not possible to visit the temple or go to the cemetery, even a simple prayer at home will help.

The teaching of the Orthodox Church about the soul says that death is not the end of earthly life, but only a transition to another world. With God, everyone is alive - that is why the Church constantly prays not only for its living members, but also for all the deceased. To show how important the role of memorial prayers is, we list the main points of their presence in worship:

1) prayers for repose are performed in the Church daily(at the liturgy, during memorial services);

2) according to the church charter, each of the seven days of the week is dedicated to a specific event and has its own characteristics of worship. Saturday is dedicated to the memory of the saints and all deceased Christians;

3) private commemoration of the dead is performed on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days after death, as well as on the anniversary. Every year memorial services for relatives are ordered for a name day or on the birthday of the deceased;

4) the days of general church commemoration are called parent Saturdays. Two of the six parent Saturdays (Myasopustnaya and Trinity) are called ecumenical, as they are completely devoted to prayer for the deceased at all times and have an exceptional liturgical order.

Throughout the year, the number of prayers for the dead varies from the smallest on pre-holiday and feast days to the largest on ecumenical parental Saturdays, which almost entirely consist of prayers for the dead.

What are Parents' Saturdays?

The days of special commemoration in the Orthodox Church are called Parental Saturdays. This name is explained by the fact that on these days Christians pray for the repose of their parents (this word should be understood more broadly - grandfathers, great-grandfathers and all ancestors of their kind (grandparents)), as well as all the deceased Orthodox Christians. People these days visit cemeteries, take care of graves, order requiem services in temples, or perform divine services over graves on their own - in a secular rite (reading lithium).

Universal Parent Saturdays

The Saturdays before Maslenitsa and the Spiritual Day (Pentecost) are the days when all Orthodox Christians are called to intense prayer for the departed members of the Church—familiar and unfamiliar, far and near.

Meatless Saturday precedes the Week (Sunday), in which the Church remembers the Last Judgment and prays purely for all the dead. This commemoration of all the dead Orthodox people in general speaks of the unity of the Church, whose body consists of the souls of not only the living, but also the dead, united in Christ.

Trinity Saturday is associated with the descent of the Holy Spirit on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ. This event is one of the key to understanding the doctrine of salvation. The Holy Spirit that descended on the apostles is for all mankind a testimony of the presence of God next to people, a promise of salvation. It is believed that the Apostolic Church was formed on the day of Pentecost.

The rite of worship of the two ecumenical Saturdays is composed in a special, exceptional way: some prayers said on this day are not present in any other services. If the memory of the saints falls on this day, then it is transferred to the next day. If a patronal or twelfth feast falls, the funeral service is performed in a separate part of the church - the tomb, or passes to the previous Saturday or Thursday.

It should be noted that, first of all, during the ecumenical Saturdays, all Orthodox Christians who have died from the century are commemorated, and already in the second place, directly our relatives. However, in order to enable people to pray more personally and zealously for their relatives, in addition to commemoration at Matins and Vespers, a great memorial service is also performed. What is the difference between these memorials? If Matins and Vespers are performed according to an exceptional order specially drawn up for these two days and is comprehensive, then during the memorial service, prayers are said that are more general in content and are also used in other circumstances (for example, the canon from ordinary Saturday funeral services). Another important difference is that in the morning the commemoration is performed without specifying specific names, but for all "forefathers, father and brothers ...", and at the memorial service it takes place according to church synodics and personal commemoration books.

Saturdays of Great Lent

Deliberate (special) commemoration of the dead is also performed on Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Great Lent. These Sabbaths are a kind of replenishment of the fact that there is practically no liturgical commemoration during Lent. The listed Saturdays are also called parent Saturdays, but their rites are not of such a special nature as in the case of Trinity and Meat-Feast Saturdays, therefore the parental Saturdays of Great Lent are not called ecumenical.

Another difference is that on ecumenical Saturdays, the commemoration of all the dead in all the ages of human existence comes to the fore, and on Lenten Saturdays, the main role is still given to prayers for deceased relatives (performed during Matins and Vespers). A separate ecumenical memorial service is not served on this day. Parental Saturdays of Great Lent are also distinguished from ecumenical ones by the fact that the glorification of the saints is not canceled on these days, and if Saturday coincides with the Annunciation, patronal feast or polyeleos, then the funeral service is not transferred to another day, but simply omitted.

Private parenting days

Some days of commemoration are found only in the practice of the Russian Orthodox Church. These include Demetrius Saturday, Radonitsa, May 9 (the memory of those who died in the Great Patriotic war) and September 11 (the day of memory of Orthodox soldiers, established by decree of Empress Catherine II, is performed irregularly).

Dimitrievskaya Saturday

According to legend, this day was approved by the Right-Believing Prince Dimitry Donskoy on Saturday before the day of memory of his patron saint, the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica (October 26) - in the year of the Battle of Kulikovo (1380). Then the prince ordered for the first time to serve a funeral service in the monastery of St. Sergius of Radonezh in memory of the soldiers who fell on the Kulikovo field.

Over time, the connection of this day with its historical origin has weakened, and today Dimitrievskaya Saturday is a memorial parental Saturday, without a particular correlation with the events of 700 years ago.


Radonitsa is perhaps the most famous (even in non-church circles) day of commemoration of the dead. On this day, a state holiday is always declared so that all people (both believers and secular) have the opportunity to visit their native graves.

The date of the Radonitsa is a rolling one - depending on the date of Easter. Most often, it is scheduled for Tuesday (if it does not coincide with important holidays) of St. Thomas Week (the second week after Easter).

The establishment of such a special day of remembrance is associated with Great Lent. The fact is that during Lenten weeks very often a deliberate commemoration of the dead (which is always performed on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days) cannot be performed due to the peculiarities of the Lenten liturgical charter. Therefore, by the end of Lent, a lot of unserved requiems accumulate, which are transferred to the first day, when you can perform a full liturgy and memorial service. Such a day is Radonitsa.

Since Radonitsa always coincides with the afterfeast, there are no special prayers for the dead on this day either at the liturgy, or at matins and vespers. Memorial prayers are present only at Midnight Office, and a great memorial service is also served after Vespers.

Superstitions related to death and commemoration

Surprisingly, but true: in the world of victorious science, where people often question all world religions, the so-called folk omens or superstition.

The etymology of the word "superstition" speaks for itself: vain faith, faith in something empty, non-existent.

Since death for any person is a topic surrounded by many secrets and questions, the same number of various superstitions are attracted to it, like a magnet. Thus, numerous prejudices associated with the organization of commemorations are very common. Often a real feast is arranged for the deceased with a large number of various dishes and alcohol. However, church people should understand that the commemoration is organized mainly in order to show mercy to the people who were present at the funeral service. The living need food, but the soul of the deceased needs prayers.

Absolutely meaningless and all the signs associated directly with the funeral meal. Some especially superstitious people believe that wake food should not be taken home because it "possesses negative energy." This statement is an unfounded superstition. The food was prepared in order to feed people, and if it remains, it can and should be distributed.

A lot of superstitions are associated with the preparation for the funeral. Often one has to observe how mirrors are hung in the house (so as not to accidentally see the dead person in them), the chairs on which the coffin stood are turned over (so that the living do not sit on them) and many similar things. As believing Christians, we must in every possible way eradicate such pagan prejudices in the surrounding society, explain to people the complete senselessness of such actions.

Absurd and at the same time ineradicable is the tradition of bringing food or sweets to the cemetery, as well as leaving a glass of vodka “for the dead”. Is it worth talking about all the absurdity of such customs? The soul, which no longer has a material shell, does not need anything material, including food. To honor the memory of our loved ones, we can take care of their graves, keeping them clean and tidy. We can bring flowers and wreaths to the cemetery. But the most important thing we can do is to minister over the grave of a lithium, to ask the Lord to remember the deceased.

There is no place for magic in Christianity. The purpose of the Christian life is to purify one's own soul. The purpose of his death is to unite with God in the Kingdom of Heaven. Unlike everyday superstitions and prejudices, every religious action has a lofty goal. We must firmly remember this and distinguish one from the other.

Dates of Parental Saturdays and Days of Remembrance for the Dead in 2019

In the calendar of the Orthodox Church there are special days on which the living commemorate the dead. It is not customary to remember every deceased on parental Saturday - there are rules, following which all Orthodox support ancient traditions, remember the forefathers who died untimely or passed away for the sake of other people. The Orthodox Church helps with this by explaining to parishioners when and how such days should be celebrated.

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    History and varieties

    In the Christian calendar, there are days called "parental Saturdays" on which believers remember deceased relatives. There are several such holidays, each has its own name, its own characteristics and is celebrated once a year.

    Mandatory for such days are church services, where parishioners pray for their loved ones. At the end of the day, according to Orthodox traditions, memorial feasts, or commemoration, are arranged.

    According to the Gospel, it was on the Sabbath day of the week that Jesus Christ was laid in the tomb and mourned. Therefore, Saturday was chosen as a day of remembrance for the dead.

    Sometimes such days are erroneously called "ecumenical parental Saturdays", although the Orthodox faith notes only two calendar dates on which "ecumenical", or universal, memorial services are held:

    • Myasopustnaya - celebrated in winter-spring, on the last Saturday before the Week of the Last Judgment (a week before Lent).
    • Trinity - celebrated in the spring and summer, on the last Saturday before the feast of Pentecost (the birthday of the Church of Christ, or the feast of the Holy Trinity).

    Unlike ordinary parental, during the ecumenical, all Christians are commemorated, regardless of kinship, and especially those who have no relatives left and no one to remember.

    Universal Meatless Parental Saturday

    On the ecumenical meat-fare parental Saturday, a special funeral service is read with prayers for the granting of eternal life and for the remission of sins, called "The memory performed by all the departed Orthodox Christians from time immemorial, our father and brothers."

    This parental Saturday got its name because the Sunday after it is called "Meat Week". On such a day, it is allowed to eat meat for the last time before Lent. Also, this Sunday is called "Small Shrovetide", because after it the week of Maslenitsa begins.

    The parental meat-and-fat place is also named because of the obligatory commemoration of loved ones on this day, among which parents are in the first place.

    Meatfare is the first large of the parental Saturdays of the year to commemorate the dead Christians. Special attention when praying on meat-fare parental Saturday, it is given to the Orthodox who died far from their native land, in the sea, in the mountains, in battle, from infectious diseases or from hunger, from the effects of natural disasters, to those who could not repent before death, and also over whom funeral rites were not performed. It is generally accepted that the living can help the dead with their prayers, especially on this day.

    It is no coincidence that this day was chosen for commemoration, since the Sunday following the ecumenical meatless parental Saturday reminds of the Last Judgment of Christ, which must take place over all people and appoint everyone his fate.

    Other days of remembrance

    In addition to the two ecumenical parental Saturdays, there are six more parental Saturdays - Dimitrievskaya (in autumn), Commemoration of the Dead Soldiers, Radonitsa and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Great Lent (these holidays are celebrated in the spring). Three weeks are the second, third and fourth Saturdays of Great Lent. All parental Saturdays have a rolling calendar date, except for the Commemoration of the Dead Warriors, which is celebrated on May 9th. On this day, we remember all those who died during the Great Patriotic War.

    There is another number to remember the fallen warriors. It's September 11th. The tradition has been going on since 1769, when, in the war between Russia and Poland and Turkey, it was decided to commemorate all Christian soldiers who fell for the Tsar, Fatherland and Faith on the battlefield on the feast of the Beheading of John the Baptist.

    Dimitri's parental Saturday was originally celebrated as a memorial day for the soldiers who laid down their lives in the battle of 1380 at the Kulikovo field, but over time it became a common memorial day. They are intended to commemorate those dear to us and loved ones.

    The service held on the Demetrius Parents' Saturday precedes the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. He is considered the patron of Prince Dmitry Donskoy, who, after the victory of the Russian troops on the Kulikovo field, proposed to perpetuate this event with an annual commemoration of the fallen soldiers. Over time, the memory of this was erased and the funeral Dimitrievskaya Saturday became one of the parental days.

    When do parents celebrate Saturdays

    For the next four years, parental Saturdays do not fall in January or December. They were distributed from February to November:


    Universal parental Saturday (meatless)

    Saturday2nd weekGreat Lent Saturday3rd weekGreat Lent Saturday4th weekGreat Lent Radonitsa Commemoration of the dead warriors Troitskaya rparent'sSaturday Dimitriev parental Saturday
    2018 February 10March, 3rd10th of MarchMarch 17April 179th May26 of Maythe 3rd of November
    2019 2nd of MarchMarch 23March 30March, 6May 79th MayJune 15November 2
    2020 February 22March 14th21 MarchMarch 28April 289th MayJune 6November 7
    2021 March 8March 27April 3April 10thMay 119th MayJune 19November 6

    What do they do on memorial days

    On Friday evening or Saturday morning, you need to go to the temple and pray not only for the parents who died untimely, but also for all loved ones and relatives who have passed away. On this day, it is customary not only to give notes for the dead and light candles, but also to bring alms - products that are then distributed to the poor.

    It is not forbidden to visit relatives at the cemetery and distribute money to poor people there. But it is forbidden to speak ill of the dead, so as not to anger them. It is forbidden to commemorate relatives with alcohol - the church condemns such actions categorically. Merry feasts, any songs are unacceptable. However, one should not grieve too much, it is better to pray, remembering the dead.

    The weather matters on Radonitsa. If it rains and a strong wind blows, it is believed that the dead are angry. In this case, you should go to the morning service and put candles for the dead. Then you need to visit the cemetery and commemorate the deceased there, but the main feast must take place at home. A visit to the cemetery is a desirable, but optional event, since you can clean it up any day and this is the responsibility of every relative of the deceased, and eating and, especially, drinking near the graves is strictly unacceptable.