Is there another world after death. The eternal question is there life after death

The most beautiful fields and forests, rivers and lakes filled with beautiful fish, orchards with wonderful fruits, there are no problems, only happiness and beauty - one of the ideas about life that continues after death on Earth. Many believing people describe the paradise that a person enters in this way without having done much evil during his earthly life. Is there life after death on our planet? Is there proof of life after death? These are quite interesting and deep questions for philosophical reasoning.

Scientific concepts

As in the case of other mystical and religious phenomena, scientists were able to explain this issue. Also, many researchers consider scientific evidence of life after death, but they do not have material foundations. Only this later.

Life after death (the concept of "afterlife" is also often found) - people's ideas from a religious and philosophical point of view about life that occurs after the real existence of a person on Earth. Almost all of these representations are associated with which is in the human body during his life.

Possible afterlife options:

  • Life close to God. This is one of the forms of existence of the human soul. Many believers believe that God will resurrect the soul.
  • Hell or heaven. The most common concept. This idea exists both in many religions of the world and in most people. After death, the human soul will go to hell or heaven. The first place is reserved for people who sinned during earthly life.

  • A new image in a new body. Reincarnation is the scientific definition of human life in new incarnations on the planet. Bird, animal, plant and other forms that the human soul can inhabit after the death of the material body. Also, some religions provide for life in the human body.

Some religions provide evidence for the existence of life after death in its other forms, but the most common ones have been given above.

Afterlife in Ancient Egypt

The highest graceful pyramids were built for more than a dozen years. The ancient Egyptians used technologies that have not yet been fully understood. Exists a large number of assumptions about the technologies for building the Egyptian pyramids, but, unfortunately, not a single scientific point of view has full evidence.

The ancient Egyptians had no proof of the existence of the soul and life after death. They only believed in this possibility. Therefore, people built pyramids and provided the pharaoh with a wonderful existence in another world. By the way, the Egyptians believed that the afterlife is almost identical to the real world.

It should also be noted that, according to the Egyptians, a person in the other world cannot go down or up the social ladder. For example, a pharaoh cannot become an ordinary person, and an ordinary worker cannot become a king in the realm of the dead.

The inhabitants of Egypt mummified the bodies of the dead, and the pharaohs, as mentioned earlier, were placed in huge pyramids. In a special room, subjects and relatives of the deceased ruler placed items that would be necessary for life and government in

Life after death in Christianity

Ancient Egypt and the creation of the pyramids date back to ancient times, so proof of life after death of this ancient people refers only to Egyptian hieroglyphs that were found on ancient buildings and pyramids as well. Only Christian ideas about this concept existed before and exist to this day.

The Last Judgment is a judgment when a person's soul is judged before God. It is the Lord who can determine the fate of the soul of the deceased - whether he will experience terrible torment and punishment on his deathbed or walk next to God in a beautiful paradise.

What factors influence God's decision?

Throughout the earthly life, each person commits deeds - good and bad. It should be said right away that this is an opinion from a religious and philosophical point of view. It is on these earthly deeds that the judge looks at the Last Judgment. Also, one should not forget about the vital faith of a person in God and in the power of prayers and the church.

As you can see, in Christianity there is also life after death. The proof of this fact exists in the Bible, the church and the opinion of many people who have dedicated their lives to serving the church and, of course, God.

Death in Islam

Islam is no exception in adherence to the postulate of the existence of the afterlife. As in other religions, a person performs certain actions throughout his life, and it will depend on them how he dies, what kind of life he will have.

If a person during his existence on Earth committed bad deeds, then, of course, a certain punishment awaits him. The beginning of punishment for sins is a painful death. Muslims believe that a sinful person will die in agony. Although a person with a pure and bright soul will leave this world with ease and without any problems.

The main proof of life after death is found in the Koran (the holy book of Muslims) and in the teachings of religious people. It is worth noting right away that Allah (God in Islam) teaches not to be afraid of death, because a believer who does righteous deeds will be rewarded in eternal life.

If in the Christian religion the Lord himself is present at the Last Judgment, then in Islam the decision is made by two angels - Nakir and Munkar. They interrogate the departed from earthly life. If a person did not believe and committed sins that he did not atone for during his earthly existence, then punishment awaits him. The believer is granted paradise. If there are unredeemed sins behind the back of the believer, then punishment awaits him, after which he will be able to get to beautiful places called paradise. Atheists are in for a terrible torment.

Buddhist and Hindu beliefs about death

In Hinduism, there is no creator who created life on Earth and who needs to pray and bow down. The Vedas are sacred texts that replace God. Translated into Russian, “Veda” means “wisdom” and “knowledge”.

The Vedas can also be seen as evidence of life after death. In this case, the person (to be more precise, the soul) will die and move into new flesh. The spiritual lessons that a person must learn are the cause of constant reincarnation.

In Buddhism, paradise exists, but it does not have one level, as in other religions, but several. At each stage, so to speak, the soul receives the necessary knowledge, wisdom and other positive aspects and moves on.

Hell also exists in both of these religions, but compared to other religious concepts, it is not an eternal punishment for the human soul. There are a large number of myths about how the souls of the dead went from hell to heaven and began their journey through certain levels.

View of other religions of the world

In fact, each religion has its own ideas about the afterlife. At the moment, it is simply impossible to name the exact number of religions, so only the largest and main ones were considered above, but even in them you can find interesting evidence of life after death.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that in almost all religions there are common features of death and life in heaven and hell.

Nothing disappears without a trace

Death, death, disappearance are not the end. This, if these words are appropriate, is rather the beginning of something, but not the end. As an example, we can take the stone of a plum, which was spat out by a person who ate the immediate fruit (plum).

This bone is falling, and it seems that its end has come. Only in fact it can grow, and a beautiful bush will appear, a beautiful plant that will bear fruit and delight others with its beauty and existence. When this bush dies, for example, it will simply go from one state to another.

Why this example? Moreover, the death of a person is also not his immediate end. This example can also be seen as proof of life after death. Expectation and reality, however, can be very different.

Does the soul exist?

Throughout time, it is about the existence of the human soul after death, but there was no question about the existence of the soul itself. Maybe she doesn't exist? Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this concept.

In this case, it is worth moving from religious reasoning to The whole world - earth, water, trees, space and everything else - consists of atoms, molecules. Only none of the elements has the ability to feel, reason and develop. If we talk about whether there is life after death, evidence can be taken from this reasoning.

Of course, we can say that there are organs in the human body that are the causes of all feelings. We must also not forget about the human brain, because it is responsible for the mind and mind. In this case, you can make a comparison of a person with a computer. The latter is much smarter, but it is programmed for certain processes. To date, robots have been actively created, but they do not have feelings, although they are made in human likeness. Based on the reasoning, we can talk about the existence of the human soul.

It is also possible, as another proof of the above words, to cite the origin of thought. This part of human life has no scientific beginning. You can study all kinds of sciences for years, decades and centuries and “sculpt” an idea from all material means, but nothing will come of it. Thought has no material basis.

Scientists have proven that there is life after death

Speaking about the afterlife of a person, one should not pay attention only to reasoning in religion and philosophy, because, in addition to this, there are scientific studies and, of course, the necessary results. Many scientists have puzzled and puzzled over how to find out what happens to a person after his death.

The Vedas have been mentioned above. These scriptures talk about from one body to another. Ian Stevenson, a well-known psychiatrist, asked this very question. It should be said right away that his research in the field of reincarnation made a great contribution to the scientific understanding of life after death.

The scientist began to consider life after death, the real evidence of which he could find on the entire planet. The psychiatrist was able to consider more than 2000 cases of reincarnation, after which certain conclusions were made. When a person is reborn in a different image, then all physical defects are also preserved. If the deceased had certain scars, then they will also be present in the new body. This fact has the necessary evidence.

During the study, the scientist used hypnosis. And during one session the boy remembers his death - he was killed with an axe. Such a feature could be reflected in the new body - the boy, who was examined by the scientist, had a rough growth on the back of his head. After obtaining the necessary information, the psychiatrist begins to search for a family where there may have been a murder of a person with an ax. And the result was not long in coming. Jan managed to find people in whose family a man was hacked to death with an ax in the recent past. The nature of the wound was similar to that of a child.

This is not the only example that may indicate that evidence of life after death has been found. Therefore, it is worth considering a few more cases during the research of a psychiatric scientist.

Another child had a defect on his fingers, as if they had been chopped off. Of course, the scientist became interested in this fact, and for good reason. The boy was able to tell Stevenson that he had lost his fingers while working in the field. After talking with the child, a search began for eyewitnesses who could explain this phenomenon. After some time, people were found who told about the death of a man during field work. This man died as a result of blood loss. The fingers were chopped off with a threshing machine.

Considering these circumstances, we can talk about after death. Ian Stevenson was able to provide evidence. After the published works of the scientist, many people began to think about the real existence of the afterlife, which was described by a psychiatrist.

Clinical and real death

Everyone knows that with severe injuries, clinical death can occur. In this case, a person's heart stops, all vital processes stop, but oxygen starvation organs does not yet cause irreversible consequences. During this process, the body is in a transitional phase between life and death. Clinical death lasts no more than 3-4 minutes (very rarely 5-6 minutes).

People who were able to survive such moments talk about the “tunnel”, about the “white light”. Based on these facts, scientists were able to discover new evidence of life after death. Scientists who studied this phenomenon made the necessary report. In their opinion, consciousness has always existed in the Universe, the death of a material body is not the end for the soul (consciousness).


This word refers to the freezing of the body of a person or animal so that in the future it would be possible to revive the deceased. In some cases, not the whole body is subjected to a state of deep cooling, but only the head or brain.

An interesting fact: experiments on freezing animals were carried out back in the 17th century. Only after about 300 years did humanity think more seriously about this method of obtaining immortality.

It is possible that this process will be the answer to the question: "Does life after death exist?" Evidence may be presented in the future, because science does not stand still. But for now, cryonics remains a mystery with hope for development.

Life after death: the latest evidence

One of the latest evidence in this issue was the study of the American theoretical physicist Robert Lantz. Why one of the last? Because this discovery was made in the fall of 2013. What conclusion did the scientist make?

It is worth noting right away that the scientist is a physicist, so these proofs are based on quantum physics.

From the very beginning, the scientist paid attention to color perception. As an example, he gave blue sky. We are all used to seeing the sky in this color, but in reality everything is different. Why does a person see red as red, green as green, and so on? According to Lanz, it's all about the receptors in the brain that are responsible for color perception. If these receptors are affected, the sky can suddenly turn red or green.

Every person is accustomed, as the researcher says, to see a mixture of molecules and carbonates. The reason for this perception is our consciousness, but the reality may differ from the general understanding.

Robert Lantz believes that there are parallel universes, where all events are synchronous, but at the same time different. Proceeding from this, the death of a person is only a transition from one world to another. As evidence, the researcher conducted an experiment by Jung. For scientists, this method is proof that light is nothing more than a wave that can be measured.

The essence of the experiment: Lanz passed light through two holes. When the beam passed through the obstacle, it split into two parts, but as soon as it was outside the holes, it merged again and became even brighter. In those places where the waves of light did not join into one beam, they became dimmer.

As a result, Robert Lantz came to the conclusion that it is not the Universe that creates life, but quite the contrary. If life ends on Earth, then, as in the case of light, it continues to exist elsewhere.


Probably, it cannot be denied that there is life after death. Facts and evidence, of course, are not one hundred percent, but they exist. As can be seen from the above information, there is an afterlife not only in religion and philosophy, but also in scientific circles.

Living this time, each person can only assume and think about what will happen to him after death, after the disappearance of his body on this planet. There are a large number of questions about this, many doubts, but no one living at the moment will be able to find the answer he needs. Now we can only enjoy what we have, because life is the happiness of every person, every animal, you need to live it beautifully.

It is best not to think about the afterlife, because the question of the meaning of life is much more interesting and useful. Almost everyone can answer it, but this is a completely different topic.

Little is known about the afterlife. Scientists generally cannot agree on whether it exists, because it is impossible to prove this. You can only trust those who have experienced clinical death and saw what was going on behind the line. In this article, we will try to figure out whether there is an afterlife, what its secrets have been revealed to date, and what else remains inaccessible to humans.

The afterlife is a mystery. Each person has their own personal opinion on whether it can exist. Basically, the answers are justified by what the person believes. Adherents of the Christian religion are unequivocal in the opinion that a person continues to live after death, because only his body dies, and the soul is immortal.

There is evidence of an afterlife. All of them are based on the stories of people who had to go with one foot in the other world. We are talking about people who have experienced clinical death. They say that after the heart stops and other vital organs stop working, events unfold like this:

  • The human soul leaves the body. The deceased sees himself from the outside, and this shocks him, although the state as a whole at such a moment is described as peaceful.
  • After that, a person sets off on a journey through the tunnel and comes either to where it is light and beautiful, or to where it is scary and vile.
  • On the way, a person views his life like a movie. Before him appear the brightest moments that have a moral basis that he had to endure on earth.
  • None of those who visited the next world felt any torment - everyone talked about how good, free, easy it was there. There, according to them, happiness, because there are people who have long passed away, and they are all contented, happy.

Scientists believe that people who have experienced clinical death are not afraid to die for real. Some even wait for their hour to depart to another world.

Each nation has its own beliefs and understanding of how the dead live in the afterlife:

  1. For example, residents ancient egypt It was believed that in the afterlife, a person first meets with the god Osiris, who holds judgment on them. If during his life a person committed a lot of bad deeds, then his soul was given to the torn to pieces by terrible animals. If during his lifetime he was kind and decent, then his soul went to heaven. Until now, this opinion about life after death is held by the inhabitants of modern Egypt.
  2. A similar idea of ​​the afterlife and the Greeks. Only they believe that the soul after death definitely goes to the god Hades, and there it remains forever. Only the chosen ones can be sent to Paradise by Hades.
  3. But the Slavs believe in the rebirth of the human soul. They believe that after the death of the human body, it goes to heaven for some time, and then returns to earth, but in a different dimension.
  4. Hindus and Buddhists are convinced that the human soul does not go to heaven at all. She, being released from the human body, immediately seeks another haven for herself.

18 secrets of the afterlife

Scientists, trying to investigate what happens to the human body after death, have made several conclusions, which we want to tell our readers about. Many of these facts are based on afterlife movie scripts. What are the facts about:

  • Within 3 days after a person dies, his body decomposes completely.
  • Men who commit suicide by hanging always have a post-mortem erection.
  • The human brain, after his heart stops, lives for a maximum of 20 seconds.
  • After a person dies, his weight is significantly reduced. This fact was proven by Dr. Duncan McDougalo.

  • Obese people who died the same way, a few days after their death, turn into soap. The fat starts to melt.
  • If you bury a person alive, then death will come for him in 6 hours.
  • After a person dies, both hair and nails stop growing.
  • If a child goes through clinical death, then he sees only good pictures, unlike adults.
  • Residents of Madagascar dig up the remains of their deceased relative every time at the wake in order to dance ritual dances with them.
  • The last sense that a person loses after his death is hearing.
  • The memory of the events that took place in life on earth remains in the brain forever.
  • Some blind people who were born with this pathology can see what will happen to them after death.
  • In the afterlife, a person remains himself - the same as he was in life. All the qualities of his character, mind are preserved.
  • The brain continues to be supplied with blood if a person's heart has stopped. This happens until complete biological death is declared.
  • After an adult dies, he sees himself as a child. Children, on the contrary, see themselves as adults.
  • In the afterlife, people are equally beautiful. No injuries or other deformities remain. Man gets rid of them.
  • A very large amount of gas accumulates in the body of a person who dies.
  • People who committed suicide in order to get rid of accumulated problems, in the other world, will still have to answer for this act and solve all these problems.

Interesting stories about the afterlife

Some people who had to experience near-death experience tell how they felt at that moment:

  1. The pastor of the Baptist Church in the United States had an accident. His heart stopped beating and Ambulance even declared death. But when the police arrived, there was a parishioner among them who was personally acquainted with the rector. He took the victim of an accident by the hand and read a prayer. After that, the abbot came to life. He says that at the moment when a prayer was said over him, God told him that he should return to earth and complete worldly affairs that are important for the church.
  2. Builder Norman MacTagert, who also worked on a residential building project in Scotland, once fell from a great height and fell into a coma, in which he stayed for 1 day. He said that, being in a coma, he visited the afterlife, where he communicated with his mother. It was she who informed him that he needed to return to earth, because very important news awaited him there. When the man came to his senses, his wife said she was pregnant.
  3. One of the Canadian nurses (her name, unfortunately, is unknown) told an amazing story that happened to her at work. In the middle of the night shift, a ten-year-old boy approached her and asked her to give him to her mother so that she would not worry about him, that everything was fine with him. The nurse began chasing the child, who, after the spoken words, began to run away from her. She saw him run into the house, so she started knocking on him. The door was opened by a woman. The nurse told her what she had heard, but the woman was extremely surprised, because her son could not leave the house because he was very sick. It turned out that the ghost of a child who died came to the nurse.

To believe in these stories or not is a personal matter for everyone. However, one cannot be a skeptic and deny the existence of something supernatural nearby. How then can one explain the dreams in which some people communicate with the dead. Their appearance often means something, portends. If a person communicates with the deceased in the first 40 days in a dream after death, then this means that the spirit of this person really comes to him. He can tell him about everything that happens to him in the afterlife, ask for something and even call with him.

Of course, in real life, each of us wants to think only about pleasant, good things. Preparing for death is pointless, and thinking about it too, because it can come not when we planned it for ourselves, but when the hour of man comes. We wish you that your earthly life is full of joy and kindness! Do highly moral deeds so that in the afterlife the Almighty will reward you for this with a wonderful life in heavenly conditions, in which you will be happy and peaceful.

Video: Afterlife is real! Scientific sensation"

Ever since the dawn of mankind, people have been trying to answer the question of the existence of life after death. Descriptions of the fact that the afterlife actually exists can be found not only in various religions, but also in eyewitness accounts.

Whether there is an afterlife has been debated by people for a long time. Notorious skeptics are sure that the soul does not exist, and after death there is nothing.

Moritz Rawlings

However, most believers still believe that the afterlife still exists. Moritz Rawlings, a well-known cardiologist and professor at the University of Tennessee, tried to collect evidence of this. Probably many of you know him from the book "Beyond the Threshold of Death". It contains a lot of facts describing the lives of patients who have experienced clinical death.

One of the stories in this book tells of a strange event during the resuscitation of a person who is in a state of clinical death. During the massage, which was supposed to make the heart work, the patient a short time returned to consciousness and began to beg the doctor not to stop.

The terrified man said that he was in hell and as soon as he was stopped getting a massage, he again finds himself in this terrible place. Rawlings writes that when the patient finally regained consciousness, he told what incredible agony he experienced. The patient expressed his willingness to endure anything in this life, just not to return to such a place.

From this incident, Rawlings began to record the stories that resuscitated patients told him. According to Rawlings, about half of the near-death survivors report being in a charming place that they don't want to leave. Therefore, they returned to our world very reluctantly.

However, the other half insisted that the world contemplated into oblivion was filled with monsters and torment. Therefore, they had no desire to return there.

But for real skeptics, such stories are not an affirmative answer to the question - is there life after death. Most of them believe that each individual subconsciously builds his own vision of the afterlife, and during clinical death, the brain gives a picture of what it was prepared for.

Is life after death possible - stories from the Russian press

In the Russian press, you can find information about people who have suffered clinical death. The story of Galina Lagoda was often mentioned in newspapers. The woman was in a terrible car accident. When she was brought to the clinic, she had brain damage, ruptured kidneys, lungs, multiple fractures, her heart stopped beating, and her blood pressure was at zero.

The patient claims that at first she saw only darkness, space. After that, I ended up on the site, which was flooded with amazing light. In front of her stood a man in shining white robes. However, the woman could not distinguish his face.

The man asked why the woman had come here. To which he replied that she was very tired. But she was not left in this world and sent back, explaining that she still had a lot of unfinished business.

Surprisingly, when Galina woke up, she immediately asked her attending physician about the abdominal pains that had been bothering him for a long time. Realizing that when she returned to “our world” she became the owner of an amazing gift, Galina decided to help people (she can “treat human ailments and cure them”).

The wife of Yuri Burkov told another amazing story. She says that after one accident, her husband injured his back and received a serious head injury. After Yuri's heart stopped beating, he was in a coma for a long period of time.

While the husband was in the clinic, the woman lost her keys. When the husband woke up, he first of all asked if she had found them. The wife was very amazed, but without waiting for an answer, Yuri said that it was necessary to look for the loss under the stairs.

A few years later, Yuri admitted that while he was unconscious, he was near her, he saw every step and heard every word. The man also visited a place where he could meet with his deceased relatives and friends.

What is the afterlife - Paradise

About the real existence of the afterlife, says the famous actress Sharon Stone. On May 27, 2004, on The Oprah Winfrey Show, a woman shared her story. Stone claims that after she had an MRI, she was unconscious for some time and saw a room that was flooded with white light.

Sharon Stone, Oprah Winfrey

The actress claims that her condition was like a faint. This feeling differs only in that it is very difficult to come to your senses. At that moment, she saw all the deceased relatives and friends.

Perhaps this confirms the fact that souls meet after death with those with whom they knew during life. The actress assures that there she experienced grace, a feeling of joy, love and happiness - it was definitely Paradise.

In various sources (magazines, interviews, books written by eyewitnesses), we managed to find interesting stories which received worldwide publicity. For example, that Paradise exists, assured Betty Maltz.

The woman talks about the amazing area, very beautiful green hills, rosaceous trees and shrubs. Although the sun was not visible in the sky, everything around was flooded with bright light.

Following the woman was an angel, who took the form of a tall youth in long white robes. Beautiful music was heard from all sides, and in front of them was a silver palace. Outside the gates of the palace, a golden street was visible.

The woman felt that Jesus himself was standing there, inviting her to enter. However, it seemed to Betty that she felt her father's prayers and returned back to her body.

Journey to Hell - facts, stories, real cases

Not all eyewitness accounts describe life after death happy. For example, 15-year-old Jennifer Perez claims to have seen Hell.

The first thing that caught the girl's eye was a very long and high snow-white wall. There was a door in the middle of it, but it was locked. Nearby was another black door that was ajar.

Suddenly, an angel appeared nearby, who took the girl by the hand and led her to 2 doors, which was scary to look at. Jennifer says that she tried to run away, resisted, but it did not help. Once on the other side of the wall, she saw darkness. And suddenly the girl began to fall down very quickly.

When she landed, she felt the heat that enveloped her from all sides. Around were the souls of people who were tormented by devils. Seeing all these unfortunates in agony, Jennifer stretched out her hands to the angel, who turned out to be Gabriel and prayed, asked for water, as she was dying of thirst. After that, Gabriel said that she was given another chance, and the girl woke up in her body.

Another description of hell is found in the story of Bill Wyss. The man also talks about the heat that envelops in this place. In addition, a person begins to experience terrible weakness, impotence. Bill, at first did not even understand where he was, but then he saw four demons nearby.

The smell of sulfur and burning flesh hung in the air, huge monsters approached the man and began to tear his body. At the same time, there was no blood, but with every touch he felt terrible pain. Bill felt that the demons hate God and all of his creatures.

The man says that he was terribly thirsty, but there was not a single soul around, no one could even give him some water. Fortunately, this nightmare soon ended, and the man returned to life. However, he will never forget this hellish journey.

So is life after death possible, or is everything that eyewitnesses tell is just a figment of their imagination? Unfortunately, at the moment it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. Therefore, only at the end of life, each person will check whether there is an afterlife or not.

If we look at the history of mankind from afar, we will notice: Every era has its own prohibitions. And often entire layers of culture were formed around these prohibitions.

The prohibition of the pagan rulers of Europe of Christianity turned into an incredible popularity of the teachings of Jesus Christ, which gradually destroyed paganism as a belief.

Theories about the central position of the sun and round earth appeared in the strict Middle Ages, where it was supposed, under fear of the Inquisition, to believe only in the opinion expressed by the church. In the 19th century, the topics of sex were tabooed - Freudian psychoanalysis arose, which swept the minds of contemporaries.

Now, in our age, there is an unspoken ban on everything related to death. First of all, this applies to Western society. The deceased rulers of medieval Mongolia were mourned for at least 2 years. Now, the news of the victims of disasters is forgotten literally the next day, grief for relatives lasts only for their closest descendants. Reflections on this topic are supposed to be done only in churches, during national mourning, at commemorations.

The Romanian philosopher Emil Cioran once remarked:"To die is to bring inconvenience to others." If a person seriously considers whether there is life after death, then this becomes a note in the psychiatrist's notebook (study at your leisure the DSM 5 manual on psychiatry).

Perhaps this is all created because of the fear of world governments of too smart people. Anyone who has known the frailty of being, believes in the immortality of the soul, ceases to be a cog in the system, an uncomplaining consumer.

What's the point of working your ass off to buy a branded piece of clothing if death multiplies everything by zero? These and similar thoughts among citizens are not beneficial to politicians and transnational companies. That is why the general suppression of the themes of the afterlife is tacitly encouraged.

Death: the end or just the beginning?

Let's start off with: whether there is life after death or not. There are two approaches here:

  • this life does not exist, a person with his mind simply disappears. The position of atheists;
  • there is life.

In the last paragraph, another division of opinion can be disassembled. They all share a common belief in the existence of the soul:

  1. the soul of a person transmigrates into a new person or into an animal, plant, etc. This is the opinion of Hindus, Buddhists and some other cults.;
  2. the soul goes to specific places: heaven, hell, nirvana. This is the position of almost all world religions.
  3. the soul remains in the world, can help their relatives or, on the contrary, harm, etc. (Shintoism).

Clinical death as a way to study

Often doctors tell amazing stories associated with their near-death patients. This is a condition when a person's heart has stopped and he is as if dead, but at the same time, with the help of resuscitation measures, he can be brought back to life within 10 minutes.

So these people talk about different subjects, which they saw in the hospital, "flying" over it.

One patient noticed a forgotten shoe under the stairs, although she had no way of knowing about it because she was brought unconscious. Imagine the surprise of the medical staff when there really was a single shoe in the indicated place!

Others, thinking that they had already died, began to "go" to their home and see what was happening there.

One patient noticed a broken cup and a new blue dress from her sister. When the woman was revived, the same sister came to her. She said that indeed, at the time when her sister was in a state of half death, her cup broke. And the dress was new, blue...

Life after death Confessions of a dead man

By the way! To prolong life and improve its quality will help you

Scientific evidence for life after death

Until recently (by the way, for good reason. Astrologers talk about the coming era of Pluto's mind control, which arouses people's interest in death, secrets, the synthesis of science and metaphysics), pundits answered the question of the existence of life after death unambiguously negatively.

Now this seemingly unshakable opinion is changing. In particular, quantum physics directly speaks of parallel worlds representing lines. A person constantly moves through them and thereby chooses fate. Death means only the disappearance of an object on this line, but continuation on another. That is eternal life.

Psychotherapists cite regressive hypnosis as an example. It allows you to look into the past of a person, and into past lives.

So, in the USA, one American woman, after a session of such hypnosis, declared herself the embodiment of a Swedish peasant woman. One could assume a clouding of reason and laugh, but when the woman began to speak fluently in an ancient Swedish dialect unknown to her, it was no longer a laughing matter.

Facts about the existence of the afterlife

Many report dead people who came to them. There are many of these stories. Skeptics say it's all fiction. That's why look at documented facts from people who were not prone to fantasy and insanity.

For example, the mother of Napoleon Bonaparte, Letizia, reported how her dearly loving son, imprisoned on the island of St. Helena, somehow came to her house and reported today's date and time, and then disappeared. And only two months later, a message came about his death. It happened exactly at the same time when he came to his mother in the form of a ghost.

In Asian countries, there is a custom to make marks on the skin of a dead person so that after reincarnation, relatives can recognize him.

A case of a boy being born has been documented who had birthmark exactly in the same place where the mark was made on his own grandfather, who died a few days before the birth.

By the same principle, they are still looking for future Tibetan lamas - leaders of Buddhism. The current Dalai Lama Lhamo Thondrub (14th in a row) is considered to be the same person as his predecessors. Even as a child, he recognized the things of the 13th Dalai Lama, had dreams from a past incarnation, and so on.

Another lama, , has been preserved since his death in 1927 in an incorruptible form. Medical experts have proven that the composition of the mummy's hair, nails, skin have lifetime characteristics. They could not explain this, but they recognized it as a fact. Buddhists themselves speak of the teacher as having passed into nirvana. He can return to his body at any time.

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By the way, there are other similar mummies, but their whereabouts are known to a very narrow circle of people.

A neurophysiologist, academician Natalya Bekhtereva, who has studied the brain all her life, wrote that she saw the ghost of her husband after his death. He shared his thoughts for his unfinished book. It is difficult not to trust a world-famous scientist.


I would like to end the article with a quote from the ancient Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius.

“Where I am, there is no death. And where there is death, there is no me. Therefore, death is nothing to me.”

Titus Lucretius Kar

Therefore, do not be afraid of the theme of death, the afterlife. Thinking about it disciplines the mind and does not allow it to slide into idleness unworthy of a person.