Children's fairy tales online. Think of an ending to the story

In ancient Egypt, a fairy tale about an enchanted prince was created. Its end has not survived. Here is the beginning of this story:
There lived a pharaoh. A son was born to him. This was the only and long-awaited son whom the pharaoh begged from the gods. But the prince is bewitched, and already at his birth the goddesses predict that he will die young either from a crocodile, or from a snake, or from a dog. Such is the fate that no one can change.
But the prince's parents want to outwit fate. They separated their son from all living things - they placed the boy in a large tower and assigned a faithful servant to him.
Years pass. The boy grows and begins to take an interest in the world around him. Somehow, he notices some strange creature on four legs downstairs ... "It's a dog," the servant explains to the surprised child. “Let them bring me the same one!” - asks the prince. And they give him a puppy, which he raises in his tower.
But now the boy becomes a young man, and his parents are forced to explain to him why he lives alone, strictly guarded, in this tower. The prince convinces his father that fate cannot be avoided. And he lets him go on a long journey.
Accompanied by his faithful servant and a dog, the prince on a chariot reaches the country of Syria. Here, too, a beautiful princess lives in a high tower. It will go to the one who shows heroic strength and jumps to a height of 70 cubits right into the window of the tower, from which the princess looks out.
No one succeeds, and only our hero makes a jump and gets to her. At first sight they fell in love with each other. But the father of the princess does not want to give his daughter as a wife to some obscure Egyptian. The fact is that the bewitched prince hid his origin and pretended to be the son of a warrior who fled from an evil stepmother. But the princess does not want to hear about anyone else: “If this young man is taken from me, I will not eat, I will not drink, I will die at the same hour!” My father had to give in.
Young people got married. They are happy. But the princess began to notice that her husband was sometimes sad. And he reveals a terrible secret to her, talking about the prediction of the goddesses: "I am doomed to three destinies - a crocodile, a snake, a dog." Then his wife said to him: "Order to kill your dog." He answered her: "No, I will not order to kill the dog, which he took as a puppy and raised."
The princess decides to prevent the terrible fate that hangs over her husband, and she succeeds twice. The first time she saves him from a snake that crawled into the bedroom. Anticipating the danger threatening the prince, the princess put a cup of milk in the bedroom, and the snake, before stinging the prince, attacked the milk. Meanwhile, the princess woke up, called a maid for help, and together they crushed the reptile.
The newlyweds go to Egypt, and here the princess again saves her husband - this time from a crocodile. And then the next day came...

At this point the text on the papyrus breaks off. How do you think the story ended? Suppose that in your answer the end of the fairy tale takes place in Egypt. Remember that the young wife of the prince was in this country for the first time. What could strike her in the nature of Egypt? What buildings, what statues could the heroes of the fairy tale see? What kind of reception in the palace could their father-pharaoh give them? What did he look like? Finally, did the prince die or survive?

Technological map of the iterative - generalizing lesson on the topic "Ancient Egypt"

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1) check the knowledge of students;

2) identify gaps in this knowledge;

3) repeat and summarize information from the history of Ancient Egypt;

4) improve the skills of students in working with a map, chronology, illustrations;

5) to develop the historical and creative thinking of students.

Lesson type: repetitive generalizing.

Lesson form: command game.

Planned results

Subject: consolidate and learn to apply the acquired knowledge on the topic "Ancient Egypt" in practice.

Regulatory: determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result, draw up a plan and determine the sequence of actions.

Cognitive: are guided in a variety of ways to solve cognitive problems, choose the most effective of them.

Communicative: agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner.

Personal: are able to correctly evaluate their own and other people's actions, deeds, thoughts .

Means of education:

1) Vigasin A.A. Story ancient world: studies. for 5 cells. general education institutions, - 8th ed. – M.: Enlightenment, 2015 . – 287 p.

2) Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.

3) Computer and multimedia projector.

4) Historical map.

Organizational structure of the lesson

Greets students.

Checks readiness for the lesson

Welcome teachers. Organize their workplace

Quick inclusion in the rhythm of the business

II. Knowledge update

Frontal conversation, message

Teacher's speech: over the course of a series of lessons, we got to know the amazing country of Egypt. Today we will play the game "Building a pyramid". You have to uncover seven Egyptian mysteries. For each secret revealed, you will receive a pyramid block, which you will attach to the board. At the end of the lesson, the team that answers all the questions correctly will build their own pyramid. If the answers are not for all tasks, the pyramid will remain unfinished.

Teachers listen carefully

Regulatory: evaluate the result of work, aware of the quality and level of the game.

Communicative: listen
and understand the speech of others

Conversation on questions, message

III. Statement of the learning task

Teacher's story, grouping

Well, now it's time to split into teams (dividing into 2 teams). You are all divided into teams, so your personal work in the group will affect the overall result. Good luck!

The teachers listen carefully to how the lesson will go, are divided into teams.

Regulatory: accept the learning task formulated by the teacher.

Cognitive: use sign-symbolic means to solve a learning problem.

Communicative: listen
and understand the speech of others

Distribution by teams

IV. Creating a problem situation

group, research work. Working with text, document, conversation, message.

Task number 1. First task - codex mystery. The manuscript is so old that parts of the text are no longer visible. But it is she who will provide us with the necessary data if we restore her text.

Task number 2."Confusion". Teams receive cards, the letters in which are mixed up, it is necessary to compose the correct word and explain what it is. For each correct answer, the team gets 1 point.

TEGIPE - Egypt (state, gift of the Nile)

ROANAF - pharaoh (ruler of Egypt)

FILIEGOR - hieroglyph (Egyptian script)

KAFOGSAR - sarcophagus (coffin for the pharaoh's mummy)

DARAMIPI - pyramid (house of eternity)

NSIKFS - sphinx (mythical creature with a human head and a lion's body)

The teacher distributes a contour map of ancient Egypt with tasks.


1. The borders of Egypt.

2. River Nile.

2. The cities of Memphis, Thebes.

3. Delta.

4. Mediterranean Sea.

5. Red Sea.

After completion, a map with a correctly completed task is displayed on the screen.

In order to get the next block for the pyramid, we need to define concepts.

High reed in Egypt, from which writing material was made - _____________.

Servant of the gods in the temple - ________________.

A statue depicting a lion with a human head - ____________.

Collection in favor of the state - _______________.

Fix the result

Students answer, after the end they fix the result

Students work in groups, at the end they change cards with other groups, mutual checking.

Fix the result

The answer is prepared in groups, one participant from the group speaks. Opponents, after the performance, may ask questions.

Fix the result

Define concepts.

The answer is prepared in groups, one participant from the group speaks.

subject : will be able to independently solve terminological riddles

Personal : assess their knowledge of the subject

Metasubject e: development of students' independence; development of attentiveness when looking for errors. Be able to evaluate completed tasks.

Personal : the ability to evaluate yourself as an important member of the team

Communicative : Ability to work in pairs, evaluate results, give and receive help

Regulatory : accept and save the learning task, take into account the guidelines allocated by the teacher.

Subject: Ability to work on a contour map, apply the acquired knowledge.

Personal: Express your opinion, willingness to cooperate with fellow practitioners; organize group work

Communicative : apply the rules of business cooperation; compare different points of view

Metasubject e: speech development; formation of skills to compare, generalize facts and concepts; development of students' independence; development of attentiveness when looking for errors.

Collective work in groups.

V. Consolidation of knowledge
and ways of doing things

Collective, individual. Verbal, practical. Test, crossword, chainword, tasks

He listens to the opinions of students about the lesson, their personal participation, corrects the answers. What worked, what didn't. What questions are causing the problem?

Optionally, they speak about the lesson, what impression was left, what he personally did excellently, what failed and why problems arose.

Subject: Determine the level of assimilation of the studied material

Personal: the ability to evaluate yourself and your work in a group

Test, crossword, chainword, tasks

VI. Information about homework

Frontal. Verbal. Teacher's message

Listens to the leaders of the groups, corrects their answers, puts marks, sums up the whole lesson.

Team leaders take turns reporting their results.

Leaders speech


Task number 1. First task -codex mystery . The manuscript is so old that parts of the text are no longer visible. But it is she who will provide us with the necessary data if we restore her text.

Task number 2. "Confusion". Teams receive cards, the letters in which are mixed up, it is necessary to compose the correct word and explain what it is. For each correct answer, the team gets 1 point.

TEGIPE _____________________________________________________________

ROANAF _____________________________________________________________

FILIEGOR ____________________________________________________


DARAMIPI __________________________________________________________

NSIKFS _____________________________________________________________

Task number 3. "Geographical minute"

The teacher distributes a contour map of ancient Egypt with tasks.


1. The borders of Egypt.

2. River Nile.

2. The cities of Memphis, Thebes.

3. Delta.

4. Mediterranean Sea.

5. Red Sea

Task number 4. "Tell me about life ..."

Groups receive task cards

1. Tell us about how artisans and farmers lived in ancient Egypt.

2. Tell us about how nobles lived in ancient Egypt.


Task number 5. "Define the concept."

In order to get the next block for the pyramid, we need to define concepts.

High reed in Egypt, from which writing material was made - _____________.

Servant of the gods in the temple - ________________.

A statue depicting a lion with a human head - ____________.

Collection in favor of the state - _______________.

Task number 6. "Finish the Egyptian tale."

Think of an ending to the story. In ancient Egypt, a fairy tale about an enchanted prince was created. Its end has not survived. Here is the beginning of this tale: Once upon a time there was a pharaoh. A son was born to him. This was the only and long-awaited son whom the pharaoh begged from the gods. But the prince is bewitched, and already at his birth the goddesses predict that he will die young either from a crocodile, or from a snake, or from a dog. Such is the fate that no one can change. But the prince's parents want to outwit fate. They separated their son from all living things, placed the boy in a large tower and assigned a faithful servant to him. Years pass. The boy grows and begins to take an interest in the world around him. Somehow he notices some strange creature on four legs downstairs ... It's a dog, - the servant explains to the surprised child. Let them bring me one! - asks the prince. And they give him a puppy, which he raises in his tower. But now the boy becomes a young man, and his parents are forced to explain to him why he lives alone, strictly guarded, in this tower. The prince convinces his father that fate cannot be avoided. And he lets him go on a long journey. Accompanied by his faithful servant and a dog, the prince on a chariot reaches the country of Syria. Here, too, a beautiful princess lives in a high tower. It will go to the one who shows heroic strength and jumps to a height of 70 cubits right into the window of the tower, from which the princess looks out. No one succeeds, and only our hero makes a jump and gets to her. At first sight they fell in love with each other. But the father of the princess does not want to give his daughter as a wife to some obscure Egyptian. The fact is that the bewitched prince hid his origin and pretended to be the son of a warrior who fled from an evil stepmother. But the princess does not want to hear about anyone else: If this young man is taken away from me, I will not eat, I will not drink, I will die at the same hour! My father had to give in. Young people got married. They are happy. But the princess began to notice that her husband was sometimes sad. And he reveals to her a terrible secret, talking about the prediction of the goddesses: I am doomed to three fates of a crocodile, a snake, a dog. Then his wife said to him: Order to kill your dog. He answered her: No, I will not order to kill the dog, which he took as a puppy and raised. The princess decides to prevent the terrible fate that hangs over her husband, and she succeeds twice. The first time she saves him from a snake that crawled into the bedroom. Anticipating the danger threatening the prince, the princess put a cup of milk in the bedroom, and the snake, before stinging the prince, attacked the milk. Meanwhile, the princess woke up, called a maid for help, and together they crushed the reptile. The newlyweds go to Egypt, and here the princess again saves her husband, this time from a crocodile. And then the next day came ... At this point, the text on the papyrus breaks off. How do you think the story ended? Suppose that in your answer the end of the fairy tale takes place in Egypt. Remember that the young wife of the prince was in this country for the first time. What could strike her in the nature of Egypt? What buildings, what statues could the heroes of the fairy tale see? What kind of reception in the palace could their father-pharaoh give them? What did he look like? Finally, did the prince die or survive?


Task number 22. Fill in the missing words

Egypt - that was the name of the country that was located (on the banks of which river? From which place and to which sea?) along the banks of the Nile River from the first rapids to the Mediterranean Sea(on which continent? In what part of it?) in northeastern Africa.

The city became the first capital of the Egyptian state Memphis.

The kings of ancient Egypt are called Pharaoh

Task number 23. Answer the questions and complete the task

In the ancient Egyptian "Tale of Two Brothers", the older brother says to the younger: "Let's prepare a plow and a team of bulls, because the grain field has come out of the water..."

Explain these words of the elder brother. What does he propose to do? In what month, according to our calendar, the fields in ancient Egypt were freed from water? What natural phenomenon was this associated with? Describe it

He offered to plow. In July, the Nile began to flood, which is associated with the season of tropical rainfall in the areas of the river's sources. The current brought decayed tropical plants and salt precipitation, which served as excellent fertilizer. By November, the water was subsiding and it was time to plow

Task number 24. Complete the task on the drawing of our time

An ancient Egyptian text says: “Woe to the farmer! He is bound, his wife and children are bound."

Describe the drawing of tax collection in Egypt. Guess who this Egyptian is in white robes and with a staff in his hand. What kind of people accompany him (on the right)? What is a cross-legged man sitting on the ground doing? To the right of it are two empty baskets: what will they be filled with? Who was put on their knees and why (center)? Who is this woman with children (on the left)? Why what is happening became a grief for the farmer?

A tax collector is depicted in white clothes. He is accompanied by armed guards and porters. A scribe sits on the ground, in whose documents it is written how much grain should be withdrawn, for which they prepared baskets depicted to the right of the scribe. The peasant, probably, cannot hand over the grain, because he was put on his knees. On the left we see his wife and children. In ancient Egypt, even natural disasters did not exempt from tax and the peasant faces severe punishment.

Task number 25. Fill in the "time line"

Mark on the "timeline" the year of the formation of a single state in Egypt. Calculate how many years ago that was. Do the calculations in writing

3000+2013=5013 (years)

Answer: It was 5013 years ago

Task number 26. Fill in the contour map "Ancient Egypt"

1. Inscribe the name of the river that flows through Egypt and mark the 1st threshold on it

2. Paint over in green agricultural areas in Egypt (the borders of the areas are indicated by a dotted line)

3. Write the names of the two seas closest to Egypt

4. Fill in the circle representing the ancient capital of Egypt and write its name

5. Mark the area with the pyramids

Task number 27. Fill in the missing dates

A single state in Egypt was formed around 3000 BC

Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built around 2560 BC

Pharaoh Thutmose's conquests were made around 1500 BC

Task number 28. Fill in the contour map "Military campaigns of the pharaohs"

1. Designate with arrows the directions of the aggressive campaigns of the Egyptian troops

2. Trace the boundaries of the Egyptian kingdom around 1500 BC.

3. Inscribe the name of the Asian river, which reached the borders of the Egyptian kingdom in the north (Euphrates)

4. Fill in the circle indicating the city in Asia, which was besieged by the troops of Pharaoh Thutmose for more than six months, and write the name of this city (Megiddo)

5. Fill in the circle indicating the capital of Egypt during the time of Pharaoh Thutmose, and write the name of this city (Thebes)

6. The countries and the peninsula conquered by the pharaohs outside of Egypt are indicated on the map by numbers. Write their names

2. Sinai Peninsula

3. Palestine

4. Phoenicia

Task number 29. Fill in the missing words

The largest conquests were made by 1500 BC Pharaoh by name Thutmose.

Among the Egyptian warriors spearheads, hatchets and blades were made of bronze. This is the name of the alloy of two metals: copper and tin.

The armies of the pharaohs conquered a country rich in gold in Africa Nubia, in Asia - rich in deposits of copper ore Sinai peninsula and countries:

1. Palestine

2. Phoenicia

3. Syria

The borders of the Egyptian kingdom in Asia reached the river Euphrates, and in Africa up to 5 rapids on the river Nile

Task number 30. Fill in the "time line"

Mark on the "timeline" the dates associated with the reign of the pharaohs Cheops and Thutmose. Could these rulers of Egypt know anything about each other? Explain why you think so

Only Thutmose could know about Cheops, since he lived after him

Task number 31. Fill in the missing letters in the names of the gods and sacred animals revered by the ancient Egyptians

Amun - god of the sun

Apop - the god of darkness

Geb - god of the earth

Nut - goddess of the sky

Thoth is the god of wisdom

Bastet - patroness of women and their beauty

Apis - sacred bull

Set - god of the desert

Osiris - pharaoh and judge in the realm of the dead

Horus is the patron god of the pharaoh ruling in Egypt.

Isis - goddess - wife of Osiris

Anubis - the patron god of the dead

Maat - Goddess of Truth

Task number 32. Remember the myths about the gods and answer the questions

1. How did the Egyptians call the Cat and the Serpent, depicted in the first drawing of our time? Who always wins in a fight between the Cat and the Serpent? Where does it take place? How long does it take?

In the form of a cat, the god of the sun Ra is depicted, in the form of a snake - the god of darkness and evil Apep. Every night they fight underground and Ra always defeats Apophis

2. Describe the second picture of our time. What is shown on it? Whose names of those depicted in the picture do you know? What do you know about each of them? What is the purpose of the wooden box?

According to the myth, Set brought a sarcophagus to the house of Osiris and invited the guests to find out who he would be in height. When Osiris lay down in the sarcophagus, Seth slammed it shut and threw it into the Nile. Osiris and Set were brothers. Osiris then became the king of the underworld, and Set the god of chaos, destruction, war, became the personification of evil, Satan

Task number 33. Answer the questions

Remember the tales of the gods. Who could say such words about himself? For what reason?

1. I hid him, I hid him out of fear that he would not be killed. I called the inhabitants of the swamps to help me. One wise woman told me: “Do not be discouraged and do not be afraid! Your child is inaccessible to his adversary: ​​the thickets are impenetrable, death does not enter through them!

Isis. After the death of her husband, Osiris, Isis was forced to hide with her son Horus in order to save him from Set.

2. Envy and malice torment me. The one whom I envy is handsome, kind, commands thousands of people. They all curse and hate me. For the sake of seizing power in the country, I will do anything, up to murder

Set. He was the brother of Osiris, who ruled Egypt. Seth was jealous of his brother and sought to seize power

3. My name is Amamat, which means "Eater". Those of you who have not done evil and have not been the cause of other people's tears need not be afraid of my sharp teeth. But woe to envious people, liars and thieves! Sooner or later we'll meet them

A mythical creature in the form of a hippopotamus with the paws and mane of a lion and the head of a crocodile. Lived in the underworld. At the trial of Osiris, she devoured the souls of sinners

Task number 34. Answer the questions to the drawing of our time

Night ... Where are two Egyptians sneaking? "I fear the wrath of the gods!" one trembles with fear. "Don't be a coward - we will propitiate the gods with sacrifices! Hurry, I know how to get inside!” - hurries another.

What are they up to? What attracts them to stone masses? You will give an answer if you remember what archaeologists found in the unplundered tomb of Tutankhamun, carved into the rocks on the west bank of the Nile

They make their way to the pyramids to rob them. After the death of the pharaoh, they buried in a sarcophagus, which was made of pure gold, but in addition to the sarcophagus itself, the tomb was filled with jewelry, jewelry, and valuables.

Task number 35. Answer the questions

In ancient Egypt, there was a huge number of hieroglyphs (more than 500), the writing system was very complex, so learning it seemed to be a huge task.

2. Who found it easier to learn to read and write: a boy in ancient Egypt or a Russian schoolchild today? Explain why you think so

It is easier for a student of our days. There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet, and in addition to consonants, there are vowels. In Egyptian writing, there were no hieroglyphs denoting vowels, in addition to this, the number of hieroglyphs was huge, and, in addition, special signs were used to correctly read combinations of hieroglyphs. All of this made writing much more difficult.

3. On what and with what did the students of Egyptian schools write?

At first they wrote on shards of pottery. When a student mastered writing, he was given papyrus to write. They wrote with a thin reed stick, using black and red paint.

4. Why could the Egyptians who graduated from school afford to wear white clothes, and they did not have calluses on their hands?

The profession of a scribe was considered prestigious and very profitable, they were part of the court of the pharaohs and were exempt from taxes, military service and any kind of physical work.

Task number 36. Solve an ancient problem and answer questions

In the ancient Egyptian task book written on papyrus for the school, there is the following task: “There were seven houses, each with seven cats, each cat ate seven mice, each mouse ate seven spikelets, each ear eaten could give seven measures of grain. Find the sum of the total number of houses, cats, mice, ears of corn and measures of grain"

1. Let's find this amount together.

How many cats lived in seven houses? 7x7=49

How many mice did the cats eat? 49х7=343

How many spikelets did the mice eat before they were eaten by the cats? 343х7=2401

How many measures of grain would the spikelets eaten by mice give? 2401x7=16807

Now add up the numbers:

spikelets 2401

measures of grain 16807 So, what is the total amount? 19607

2. Cats were revered by the Egyptians as sacred animals. If not for them, then the entire population of Egypt would be threatened with starvation. Think why.

They exterminated rodents, the eternal enemies of the crop, for which they were especially revered by the Egyptians.

3. Who did the graduates of the school in ancient Egypt become? Where could they use the ability to multiply, add, subtract, and divide every day?

Scribes, who then served at the court of the pharaohs, noble nobles, at temples and were mainly engaged in accounting for taxes and fees. Literacy opened the way to high government positions

Task number 37. In your textbook, the sun god is called Amon-Ra. In other books, the same god is called differently - Amun-Ra. Do we know how to pronounce ancient Egyptian names correctly? If not, why not?

Most likely we do not know, since in the ancient Egyptian writing there were no hieroglyphs denoting vowel sounds. All words were written in consonants only.

Task number 38. Solve the chainword "On the banks of the Nile"

1. The god of darkness, whose appearance is reproduced by the chainword (Apop). 2. The oldest writing material made from the Nile reed (papyrus). 3. A papyrus book rolled up into a tube (scroll). 4. A stone pillar supporting the ceiling in the temple (column). 5. Sacred bull with a white mark on his forehead (Apis). 6. A richly decorated coffin made of wood or stone (sarcophagus). 7. The son of Osiris, who defeated the evil Set (Horus). 8. One of the names of the sun god (Ra). 9. Another name for the sun god (Amon). 10. Goddess of the sky (Nut). 11. The famous conquering pharaoh (Thutmose). 12. A huge stone figure depicting a lion with a human head (Sphinx). 13. Number of small states that originally emerged in Egypt (forty). 14. An animal in the guise of which the god Amon-Ra fights every night with a ferocious serpent (cat). 15. God of wisdom, who taught people to write (Thoth). 16. Pharaoh, whose tomb archaeologists found unlooted (Tutankhamen). 17. Pharaoh's wife, whose sculptural portrait has survived to this day (Nefertiti). 18. Egyptian letter icon (hieroglyph). 19. The word by which the rulers of Egypt are called (pharaoh). 20. River in Egypt (Nile)

Task number 39. Solve the crossword "In Ancient Egypt"

If you solve the crossword puzzle correctly, you will read the name of a French scientist who solved the mystery of hieroglyphs at the beginning of the 19th century in the horizontally framed cells

Vertically: 1. A special device with which the Egyptians watered high-lying gardens and orchards (shaduf). 2. Goddess of truth (Maat). 3. The first capital of the Egyptian kingdom (Memphis). 4. A literate Egyptian in the service of the pharaoh or his noble (scribe). 5. Pharaoh, for whom the largest tomb (Cheops) was built. 6. Particles of half-decayed plants and rocks remaining on the banks of the Nile after the flood (silt). 7. An area in northern Egypt that looks like a huge triangle (delta). 8. One of the stone pillars that stood in front of the entrance to the temple (obelisk). 9. Jackal-headed god of the dead (Anubis)

Task number 40. Solve the crossword puzzle by remembering the words from the ancient Egyptian text "Instruction of scribes to students." If you have forgotten this text, look it up in your textbook.

Determine which words are missing in the following passages from the "Instruction of the Scribes to the Disciples". Write these words in the cells of the crossword puzzle in the same number and case in which they should be in the text

Horizontally: 1. Be a scribe - he is freed from work as a hoe. 5. Read your book daily. 7. Solve problems silently. 8. Do not spend a single day in idleness. 9. If you wander the streets, you will be beaten with a hippopotamus whip. 11. The monkey understands the words too. 13. The scribe will not be flogged with rods.

Vertical: 2. You will walk around in white clothes. 3. Be a scribe so that your body is smooth. 4. Be a scribe - you will not carry baskets. 6. I'm tired of repeating instructions to you. 7. The boy's ears are on his back. 10. Even lions are trained, but you do it your way. 12. I will hit you a hundred times

Task number 41. Answer the questions

Who do the Egyptians think said these words? To whom were they told?

1. I didn't kill, I didn't steal, I didn't lie, I didn't envy

These are the words of the deceased, which he uttered in the face of Osiris at the trial in the kingdom of the dead.

2. Do not spend a single day in idleness, otherwise they will beat you. The boy's ears on his back

Scribes instructing their students

3. You are like a pig that eats its own pigs.

God of the earth Geb. The Egyptians represented the stars as the children of the sky goddess Nut and Geb. Every morning Nut swallowed the stars, and Geb was angry with her husband, saying these words

4. I choose shortest way to Megiddo to surprise enemies

Pharaoh Thutmose. Upon learning that the opponents had joined forces, Thutmose decided to take the shortest route through the gorge and caught the enemy by surprise.

5. The son of the sun invites his nobleman to return: you will not die in a foreign land. You will have a stone tomb

The words of Pharaoh Senusret I, addressed to the nobleman Sinuhe, who lived in Syria for many years

Task number 42. Find the bugs

One liar and braggart claimed that with the help of the "time machine" he visited Ancient Egypt

When I got to this country, - he told his friends, - I learned that the Egyptians had great grief. The Nile has not flooded for several years and has become quite shallow. All the other rivers of Egypt could be forded... The sailors took me up the Nile to the first threshold. I generously paid with it, took change - a handful of small coins and went down to the right bank. In this place, the largest of the pyramids was erected, in which, as everyone knows, Tutankhamen is buried. As soon as I went to the pyramid, a downpour poured down, and I had to hide from him in an oak grove. After waiting for the rain, I began to look for the entrance to the pyramid. However, the Egyptians told me that the tomb of Tutankhamen had been plundered for a long time and not a single thing had been preserved ...
- Stop inventing, - listeners interrupted the narrator, - you have never been to Ancient Egypt! There are a dozen historical errors in your story

Describe these errors

a) The Nile flooded every year, b) The Nile is the only river in Egypt, c) there was no money in ancient Egypt, as such, no coin was minted, d) the tomb of Tutankhamun was located in the Valley of the Kings west of Thebes, it is much north of 1- e) the largest pyramid in Egypt - Cheops and was located in the north near Memphis, f) Tutankhamen himself was almost unknown for a long time and the discovery of his tomb in 1922 is the greatest discovery of archeology, a rare event nature and lasts only a few minutes, h) oak does not grow in Egypt, and) Tutankhamun's tomb was not plundered and has survived to our time in its original form, j) items from the tomb are now in museums around the world

Task number 43. Think of an ending to the story

In ancient Egypt, a fairy tale about an enchanted prince was created. Its end has not survived. Here is the beginning of this story:

“There was a pharaoh. A son was born to him. This was the only and long-awaited son whom the pharaoh begged from the gods. But the prince is bewitched, and already at his birth the goddesses predict that he will die young either from a crocodile, or from a snake, or from a dog. Such is the fate that no one can change.
But the prince's parents want to outwit fate. They separated their son from all living things - they placed the boy in a large tower and assigned a faithful servant to him.
Years pass. The boy grows and begins to take an interest in the world around him. Somehow, he notices some strange creature on four legs downstairs ... "It's a dog," the servant explains to the surprised child. “Let them bring me the same one!” - asks the prince. And they give him a puppy, which he raises in his tower.
But now the boy becomes a young man, and his parents are forced to explain to him why he lives alone, strictly guarded, in this tower. The prince convinces his father that fate cannot be avoided. And he lets him go on a long journey.
Accompanied by his faithful servant and a dog, the prince on a chariot reaches the country of Syria. Here, too, a beautiful princess lives in a high tower. It will go to the one who shows heroic strength and jumps to a height of 70 cubits right into the window of the tower, from which the princess looks out.
No one succeeds, and only our hero makes a jump and gets to her. At first sight they fell in love with each other. But the father of the princess does not want to give his daughter as a wife to some obscure Egyptian. The fact is that the bewitched prince hid his origin and pretended to be the son of a warrior who fled from an evil stepmother. But the princess does not want to hear about anyone else: “If this young man is taken from me, I will not eat, I will not drink, I will die at the same hour!” My father had to give in.
Young people got married. They are happy. But the princess began to notice that her husband was sometimes sad. And he reveals a terrible secret to her, speaks about the prediction of the goddesses: "I am doomed to three destinies - a crocodile, a snake, a dog." Then his wife said to him: "Order to kill your dog." He answered her: "No, I will not order to kill the dog, which he took as a puppy and raised."
The princess decides to prevent the terrible fate that hangs over her husband, and she succeeds twice. The first time she saves him from a snake that crawled into the bedroom. Anticipating the danger threatening the prince, the princess put a cup of milk in the bedroom, and the snake, before stinging the prince, attacked the milk. Meanwhile, the princess woke up, called a maid for help, and together they crushed the reptile.
The newlyweds go to Egypt, and here the princess again saves her husband - this time from a crocodile. And then the next day came...

At this point the text on the papyrus breaks off. How do you think the story ended? Suppose that in your answer the end of the fairy tale takes place in Egypt. Remember that the young wife of the prince was in this country for the first time. What could strike her in the nature of Egypt? What buildings, what statues could the heroes of the fairy tale see? What kind of reception in the palace could their father-pharaoh give them? What did he look like? Finally, did the prince die or survive?

Once in Egypt, the princess was struck by the Nile, she had never seen such a big river. As if at a miracle, she looked at the huge pyramids, at the formidable sphinx, as if guarding the peace of the deceased pharaohs. She was struck by the majestic temples and splendor of the palaces of the pharaoh. The father joyfully received his son and his young wife. The next day the prince went for a walk with his dog. "Are you capable of betraying me?" - asked the prince. Suddenly the dog bared its teeth and rushed at the prince. But the young wife saved her husband here too by stabbing the dog with a knife. She was very smart and protective of her husband. So several years passed. The prediction began to be forgotten. One day, an empty quarrel arose between the spouses and the wife pushed the prince away, he stumbled and, falling, hit his head on a stone. "You, who delivered me from three fates ..." - he whispered and expired

Task number 44. Look at the painting from the ancient Egyptian tomb on the front cover of the notebook, answer the questions, fill in the missing words

1. Which of the Egyptian gods is depicted on the right? What did this god look like according to the ideas of the Egyptians? To what place will he one day lead every person living on earth?

God of Ancient Egypt Anubis, with the head of a jackal and the body of a man. He was the guide of the dead to the afterlife

2. What oath were the Egyptians preparing to take at this place? How, according to their beliefs, was it known if they were lying?

The Egyptians swore that they did not commit sins. The heart of the deceased, that is, the soul, was weighed on the scales by Thoth and Anubis. On the other side of the scale lay the feather of the goddess of truth, Maat. If the soul was lighter than a pen, then the Egyptian was telling the truth

3. Determine by the headdress who the person depicted on the left was. Describe his clothes and jewelry

This is the pharaoh. He wears a loincloth with an ornate apron. Jewelry on the shoulders - a necklace-mantle and bracelets on the arms

4. Guess why there are small drawings on the wall of the tomb. Who or what do they represent? Why are some of them surrounded by an oval box?

The Egyptians believed that everything depicted on the walls accompanied the deceased in the afterlife, therefore they depicted themselves, their home, family and everything that surrounded a person during his lifetime. Only the names of the pharaoh and his wives were circled in an oval frame.

5. Remember how in Egypt it was customary to depict a person on reliefs and murals. We kind of look at it from different points of view. On some parts of his body - in front (on which ones exactly?): On the shoulders and eyes, and on others - on the side (on which ones?)

On the head and legs

Task number 45. Look at the ancient Egyptian statues on the back cover of your notebook, complete the tasks and answer the questions

1. Why were the statues of the nobleman and his wife placed in the tomb? Why did the statues have to look like people buried in a tomb?

According to the beliefs of the Egyptians, the soul of the deceased from time to time returns from the kingdom of Osiris and moves into the mummy. If the soul, arriving in the tomb, does not find the mummy, it will die and its afterlife will end. Therefore, a stone or wooden statue of the deceased was placed in the tomb, exactly reproducing his appearance. They believed that the soul can move into the statue if the mummy is not preserved

2. Suggest why the nobleman and his wife are depicted as young people, although they may have died in old age

According to the Egyptians, in the "fields of Osiris", that is, in paradise, everyone is young and beautiful.

3. Describe each of the statues. What are the positions of the nobleman and his wife? What position are their arms and legs in?

The statues are in a sitting position, legs are placed together, and right hand on the heart

4. Why are the nobleman and his wife depicted with skin of different colors?

It has to do with painting technique. Men have always been depicted with darker skin.

This tale was written down in hieroglyphs and is not well preserved. Unfortunately, it's not finished. Where the hieroglyphs are erased, we made notes

There was, they say, once a king who did not have a son. And his majesty asked for himself from the gods, whom he served, a son. And they commanded that he be born to him. He slept that same night with his wife, and she became pregnant. After she completed the birth months, a boy was born.

The goddess Hathor has arrived. to decide his fate. They said:

- He will die from a crocodile, or from a snake, or from a dog.

The people who were near the child heard it. And they conveyed these words to His Majesty. And his majesty's heart was very saddened. And his majesty ordered to build a stone house for him in the desert. The house was full of people and all the good things from the palace. The child did not leave the house.

When the boy grew up, he climbed one day to the roof of his house. He noticed a greyhound running after a man who was walking along the road. The boy asked his servant, who was near him:

- What is it, what follows a man who

Approaching on the road?

He answered him:

- This is a dog.

The boy said to him:

“Let them bring me one.” And the servant went and reported it to his majesty. And his majesty said:

“Let them get some little frolic for him, so that his heart will not be sad.”

Then they got a greyhound for him.

And when the days passed after that, the boy matured. He wrote to his father:

“What is the result of me sitting here like this?” After all, I am in the power of fate. So let me be allowed to do what I want until God does what he has planned.

And they harnessed for him a chariot equipped with all kinds of weapons, gave him a servant to accompany him, ferried him to the eastern shore and said:

- Go wherever you want!

His greyhound was with him. He went as he pleased, north through the desert, feeding on the best game of the desert.

He came to the prince of Naharin. And the prince of Naharin had no children, except for his only daughter. A house was built for her, the window of which was seventy cubits from the ground. The prince ordered to bring all the sons of all the princes of the land of Syria and said to them:

“Whoever gets to my daughter’s window will get her as a wife.”

And many days after that, when they were spending their time as they spent it every day, this young man passed by them. And they brought him to their house. They ransomed him, fed his horses. They surrounded the young man with every kind of attention. They anointed him, bandaged his legs. They fed his servant. They asked him during the conversation:

“Where are you coming from, beautiful young man?”

He told them:

“I am the son of a warrior from the land of Egypt. My mother is dead. My father took another wife, a stepmother. She hated me. I ran away from her.

And they began to hug him, began to shower him with kisses.

And so, many days later, he asked these young men:

“What are you doing here, beautiful young men?”

They answered him:

“For three whole months now we have been here and spend time jumping: whoever gets the daughter of Prince Naharina to the window, he will give her as a wife.

He told them:

“Ah, if my legs didn’t hurt, I would go jumping with you.

They went to jump, as they did every day. The young man stood watching from afar, and his daughter's face was turned towards him.

And many days later the young man came to jump with the children of the princes. He jumped and reached the window of the daughter of Prince Naharina. She kissed and hugged him tightly.

Went to inform her father. He was told to:

“Someone got to your daughter's window.

And the prince asked him:

- The son of which of these princes? He was told to:

“Son of a warrior. He came from the land of Egypt, fleeing from his mother - stepmother.

And the prince of Naharin was terribly angry and exclaimed:

“Should I give my daughter to a fugitive from Egypt?” Let's go back! Go tell the young man:

“You must go back to where you came from.

But the girl grabbed him. She swore to God:

“I swear by Re-Harakhti!” They will take it from me - I will not eat, I will not drink, I will die immediately!

And the messenger went and delivered all that she had said to her father. Her father sent people to kill the young man where he was. But the girl said to them:

“I swear to Re! They will kill him - when the sun goes down, I will be dead too! I won't survive it even for an hour!

And they went to tell her father about it. And her father ordered that this young man be brought to him along with his daughter. And the young man appeared before him And the prince felt a disposition towards him. He hugged him, began to shower him with kisses and told him.

- Tell me about yourself. You are my son now.

He said to him:

“I am the son of a warrior from the land of Egypt. My mother is dead. My father took another wife. She hated me and I ran away from her.

And the prince gave him his daughter as a wife. He gave him a house and fields, as well as cattle and a lot of other goods.

And [many days] later the young man said to his wife:

- I am given to the power of three destinies: a crocodile, a snake, a dog.

And she said to him:

“Tell them to kill the dog that constantly follows you.

He answered her:

- Not! I will not let my dog ​​be killed, which I began to raise when she was still a puppy.

She began to carefully protect her husband, not allowing him to go out alone. However, on the day when the young man, wandering, came from the land of Egypt, the crocodile - his destiny - followed him. The crocodile remained close to him, in the area where the young man lived with his wife, by the sea. And there was one strong man in the sea. This strong man did not allow the crocodile to go outside, but the crocodile did not allow the strong man to go for a walk. When the sun was rising. they began to fight - these two - every day for two whole months.

And so, when the days passed after this, the young man held a feast in his house. And so, when night fell, the young man lay down on his bed. Deep sleep overcame him. And his wife filled one cup with wine, the other cup with beer. The snake crawled out of its hole to sting the young man. And his wife was sitting beside him, awake. The bowls attracted the snake. She began to drink and became drunk. And she lay down on her back. And his wife cut it to pieces with her axe. She then woke her husband up. She told him, "Look! Your God has placed one of your destinies in your hands! He will protect you from the rest."

And he made a sacrifice to Re, praising him, extolling his power, every day.

And so, when the days passed after that, the young man went out for a walk, to walk around his possessions. His wife did not go out with him, and his dog ran after him. And his dog got the gift of speech and said: "I am your destiny." The young man ran away from her. He reached the sea and threw himself into the water to escape the dog. Then a crocodile noticed him and dragged him to where the strongman was.

The crocodile said to the young man:

“I am your destiny, haunting you. I've been fighting this strong man for two whole months now. So, I'll let you go. If. to fight. if you are. me, the strong man will be killed If you see. look at the crocodile. And when the earth lit up and the second day came, it came.

the beginning of this tale: Once upon a time there was a pharaoh. A son was born to him. This was the only and long-awaited son whom the pharaoh begged from the gods. But the prince is bewitched, and already at his birth the goddesses predict that he will die young either from a crocodile, or from a snake, or from a dog. Such is the fate that no one can change. But the prince's parents want to outwit fate. They separated their son from all living things - they placed the boy in a large tower and assigned a faithful servant to him. Years pass. The boy grows and begins to take an interest in the world around him. Somehow he notices some strange creature on four legs downstairs ... "It's a dog," the servant explains to the surprised child. “Let them bring me the same one!” - asks the prince. And they give him a puppy, which he raises in his tower. But now the boy becomes a young man, and his parents are forced to explain to him why he lives alone, strictly guarded, in this tower. The prince convinces his father that fate cannot be avoided. And he lets him go on a long journey. Accompanied by his faithful servant and a dog, the prince on a chariot reaches the country of Syria. Here, too, a beautiful princess lives in a high tower. It will go to the one who shows heroic strength and jumps to a height of 70 cubits right into the window of the tower, from which the princess looks out. No one succeeds, and only our hero makes a jump and gets to her. At first sight they fell in love with each other. But the father of the princess does not want to give his daughter as a wife to some obscure Egyptian. The fact is that the bewitched prince hid his origin and pretended to be the son of a warrior who fled from an evil stepmother. But the princess does not want to hear about anyone else: “If this young man is taken from me, I will not eat, I will not drink, I will die at the same hour!” My father had to give in. Young people got married. They are happy. But the princess began to notice that her husband was sometimes sad. And he reveals a terrible secret to her, talking about the prediction of the goddesses: "I am doomed to three destinies - a crocodile, a snake, a dog." Then his wife said to him: "Order to kill your dog." He answered her: "No, I will not order to kill the dog, which he took as a puppy and raised." The princess decides to prevent the terrible fate that hangs over her husband, and she succeeds twice. The first time she saves him from a snake that crawled into the bedroom. Anticipating the danger threatening the prince, the princess put a cup of milk in the bedroom, and the snake, before stinging the prince, attacked the milk. Meanwhile, the princess woke up, called a maid for help, and together they crushed the reptile. The newlyweds go to Egypt, and here the princess again saves her husband - this time from a crocodile. And then the next day came ... ”At this point, the text on the papyrus breaks off. How do you think the story ended? Suppose that in your answer the end of the fairy tale takes place in Egypt. Remember that the young wife of the prince was in this country for the first time. What could strike her in the nature of Egypt? What buildings, what statues could the heroes of the fairy tale see? What kind of reception in the palace could their father-pharaoh give them? What did he look like? Finally, did the prince die or survive?