How to do homework by. How to do homework quickly and correctly? How to change the maximum score

Your parents probably say that homework was very difficult in their day, but today's students have more homework than ever before. Homework shouldn't be a chore. Learn how to schedule assignments, organize the learning process correctly, find out if you need help, and it will become much easier to study. Don't put it off until later - start now!


Part 1

Make a plan

    write down homework list. You can use a regular diary and write down all the tasks only there - it will be easier for you to find the necessary entries. Some students prefer diaries or calendars. Use whatever works best for you and keep tasks in one place.

    • Often students write their homework in a workbook at the top of the page or make pencil marks in their textbook. If you have such a habit, then you should still copy all the tasks in a diary so that you do not forget to do them.
    • Write down as much information as you can about each task. It is useful to mark the pages of the textbook where the tasks are located and the instructions of the teacher. This will help you plan your learning process more effectively.
  1. Make sure you understand each assignment. It is important to read the assignment carefully to find out if you have enough knowledge to complete it. If you are given math equations, look through them first and look for the hardest ones. If you need to read some text, estimate how long it will take you and see if you can answer questions after the text.

    • Don't put off your homework until after you get home. Review the assignment when it is given to you so you have a chance to ask questions before you leave.
  2. Create a comfortable work area. It is best to study in a quiet place where nothing will distract you, and where you can do your homework for as long as you need. You can practice at home or outside, the main thing is to choose a quiet place. Stock up on food and drinks just in case.

    Choose the most difficult tasks. At the end of the school day, when you are preparing for your homework, think about which of the tasks will be the most difficult and arrange them in descending order of difficulty so that you know how much time you have to complete all the work. This is especially important if you have a lot of homework or tasks that will take more than one day to complete. You need to properly allocate time, and for this you need to figure out which tasks should be given priority.

    • Try to start with the most difficult tasks. Hate algebra? Reading literary works takes the most time? Start with the most time-consuming tasks so you can get the most out of them, and then move on to the simpler ones because they can be done quickly.
    • Try to start with the most urgent tasks. If you need to solve 20 equations for tomorrow and read 20 pages of a novel by Friday, you should start with math so that you have enough time for it. The priority should be assignments that need to be handed in tomorrow.
    • Try to start with the most important tasks. Math homework can be challenging, but if you know the test is coming up soon and the big astronomy project is due the day after tomorrow, it's best to spend more time on the project.
  3. Make a schedule. The day is always too short, so you need to allocate time for each task by estimating how many hours or minutes you need for each of them. Set aside time for homework and other chores.

    • Set an alarm to keep track of the time. The less you procrastinate and open up social media, the faster you'll be done. If you think you can do everything in half an hour, set a timer and try to finish on time. If you haven't done everything by then, give yourself a few more minutes.
    • Keep track of how much time you typically spend on certain tasks on average. If your math homework usually takes 45 minutes, set aside that much time each time. If you have to study for an hour in a row, take a break and switch to another subject so as not to overwork.
    • Try to take a 10 minute break every 50 minutes. Rest is extremely important, because without it, work efficiency drops. You are not a robot!

    Part 2

    Working on homework
    1. Check if you have everything you need before you start working. If you start looking for a ruler or protractor during class, you will be distracted, and it will be difficult to return to study after half an hour of searching. If you plan everything, you will know exactly what you will need to complete the task, and you will be able to prepare everything you need in advance.

      • When you start exercising, try not to get up from the table until the scheduled break comes. If you want to drink coffee, make it before you start. Go to the toilet so that you can work until the next break without looking up from your textbooks.
    2. Get rid of distractions whenever possible. Hide your phone, turn off your computer, and surround yourself with silence. If all your attention is directed only to homework, it will be much easier for you to cope with it, because your brain does not have to switch between tasks.

      • Students often try to do homework along with other activities: watching TV, listening to the radio, chatting with someone on the Internet. You will be much more comfortable doing these things after you finish your homework, and homework will take much less time if you do not have distractions.
      • Only check your social media feeds during your breaks, not before or after them. Use these distractions as a carrot, not a sedative.
    3. Focus on one task. Finish all tasks in one subject to the end and only then move on to the next subject. This approach will help you finish one task and forget about it, and then start working on the next one. Doing the tasks one after the other will keep you focused. Keep all tasks in mind, but only do one at a time. You may need the help of a close friend or family member.

      • If a task turns out to be very difficult and requires a large number time, you can temporarily switch to something else. Just remember to come back to it later.
    4. Take a break every hour. Take time to rest and stick to the plan. During the break, you can do any business, but it is important not to forget about the time. You can start doing something interesting and change your mind about returning to homework!

      • Think about what suits you best. Some people find it more convenient to do homework right after returning from school in order to finish as soon as possible, while others prefer to take a break to recover from a hard day.
      • Doing your homework right away might be a good idea, as it will free you up faster, but if you don't rest, the quality of your work may start to drop. It is very difficult to think hard about a particular issue for more than 45 minutes at a time. Relax and return to work with renewed vigor.
    5. Come back from breaks on time. Don't let the breaks get longer and longer. Returning to work after a break can be difficult, so you should schedule a time to finish classes and work as hard as you can until then.

      • The first 15 minutes after the break will be the most effective, because your mind will be alert and ready to work.
    6. Give yourself rewards for finishing your homework. For example, promise yourself to watch your favorite show or play a video game. It should be something you didn't do during your breaks so that you want to work hard and finish faster.

      • If you're having trouble concentrating, ask a parent, sibling, or friend to help you. Give him or her your phone during class to avoid the temptation to browse social media, or the TV remote so you don't decide to watch it. Then take these things back and reward yourself for the tasks you complete. It is very important to deprive yourself of the opportunity to cheat.
    7. Do your homework as much as you need to. You may want to finish your math and start playing video games as soon as possible, but it's better to stop rushing and do everything right. There is no point in doing a task if you do it quickly and incorrectly. Give your homework as much time as necessary and strive to do everything right.

      • You can ask someone to check your work after you are done. If this person has a TV remote control or your phone, you will have more reason to try to do everything right. Do not hurry.
    8. Check completed assignments after you finish working on them. Don't just close your notebook once all the equations have been solved. Take a short break and return to tasks with a fresh mind. Review everything you have done, correct spelling errors, typos, and other little things so that the score is higher. Since you've spent so much time getting the job done, spend a few more minutes checking it out.

    Part 3

    Find extra time
    1. Get started right now. You probably have many reasons and excuses for not doing your homework, but if you always find it difficult to finish things and get to work, it shows that you like to put everything off until later. Where to find time for study, which is so lacking? Get started now!

      • Do you really need an hour of computer games after school to unwind? It may be wiser to get to work right away while the new information is still fresh in your head. If you put it off for a few hours, you will have to re-read your notes and try to pick up where you left off. Practice while you still remember everything.
      • If you have three days to read a text, do not put off the task until the last day. Break the text into fragments and allocate time for reading on each of the three days. Even if the deadline for completing the task does not come soon, this does not mean that it is worth delaying to the last, because it is easier to do everything earlier. Try either getting up earlier or going to bed later so that you have some more time. The main thing - do not overwork!
    2. Do your homework on the way home. You will be surprised how much time is wasted. If you have to take the bus home for a long time, try doing some easy task on the way, or at least start looking at it to make it easier for you at home.

      • If you have a lot of text to read, read on the bus. Put on your headphones to drown out other people's conversations and immerse yourself in a book.
      • The bus can distract or help you. If you are traveling with a classmate, invite them to work through their homework together. If two people are thinking about the same task, this is not considered cheating.
    3. Do your homework during breaks. If the break lasts 10 minutes, you will have time to do something for the whole school day, just try to move between classrooms as quickly as possible and not be distracted by conversations with classmates. Imagine how great it would be to do all your math homework on the day it was assigned without even bringing it home.

      • Do not count on this time if you have not had time to finish something at home. If you add something in front of the teacher, he is unlikely to like it. Plus, you won't have time to double-check everything. Haste leads to mistakes, so always try to double-check what was difficult for you.
    4. Do your homework while you have to wait. If you have an hour before sports section or music school after school, study. Value your time and don't let the wait eat it up. If you manage your time properly, you can finish your homework very quickly.

      • Do your homework while you wait for someone to pick you up or for someone to come visit you. Use any free time to do your homework.

    Part 4

    Help with homework
    1. Talk to your teacher about difficult assignments. The teacher knows all about homework because he chose it. If you're not succeeding despite your hard work, don't bang your head against the wall. If you don't understand something, ask your teacher for help.

      • Asking for help does not mean that you are stupid and do not know anything. Any teacher will respectfully listen to a person who takes homework seriously and asks for advice. Don't be afraid to ask for help, especially if you missed the last class.
      • Asking for help is not the same as complaining about the difficulty of a task, and is not an excuse. If you spend only 10 minutes on your homework and don't do half of it just because you thought it was hard and then ask for help, you won't look good in the teacher's eyes. If something seems difficult to you, ask for help in advance.
    2. Ask your parents to hire a tutor. If some subject is not given to you in any way, ask your parents to find you a tutor.

      • The tutor will help you not only to understand the subject, but also to do your homework.
      • Just because you need help with your homework doesn't mean you can't do anything. Many parents hire tutors for their children to keep them motivated to learn, because the easier something is given, the stronger the desire to study. Studying is hard, and there is nothing to be ashamed of in extra classes. Imagine what it would be like if you were always afraid to ask for something. You would not be able to go to the store, cafe, cinema - anywhere at all!
    3. Engage with classmates. Find people who would be interested in joint classes, and do the lessons together. Help each other and share information.

      • Make sure everyone contributes. If someone does the whole task and you just rewrite it, it will be considered cheating. It is necessary to discuss the issue together and propose solutions. If you can all handle the task separately, you won't have any problems.
    4. Talk to your parents. Ask your parents, older siblings, or other relatives to help you. They all went to school, even if it was a very long time ago. If someone can listen to your complaints about difficult assignments, you will feel better.

      • Sometimes parents just don't know what kind of help you need, so they can do the whole job. Be honest with yourself. Asking for help does not mean that you want them to do everything for you.
      • Many older relatives may do things in an old-fashioned way or tell you that what they taught you in school is not right. In all cases, consider the teacher's approach as correct and discuss problem solving options with the teacher as needed.
    • If you weren't in class, call your friend and write down the homework.
    • Make sure your small work area is well lit, quiet and comfortable. It will be easier for you to do your homework efficiently.
    • Don't worry too much about homework, but don't put it off until later. Stress will interfere with your homework, so just take a deep breath and relax.
    • Go to bed early, sleep well, and eat right. Following these rules will help you improve your concentration and you won't get as tired. Most teens need 9-10 hours of sleep per night, so don't try to stay up until 3am and then claim that 4 hours of sleep is enough for you.
    • Try to get good grades and actively participate in the learning process. You will be able to remember more and your notes will serve you well.
    • Underline and highlight key words - you will be able to better understand the essence of the issue.
    • Get up early on weekends. Attention is strong in the morning, so if you start working at 6-7 in the morning, you will complete the task before noon and can spend the rest of the day on yourself.
    • If questions are repetitive in homework, some of them can be skipped to allow more time for more difficult ones. If you feel that repetition will not hurt you, return to these questions. Sometimes the simplest questions come across in the control work.
    • Start with the most difficult subject, and then move on to the simple ones. Get rid of all distractions.
    • Lock the door so that your brothers or sisters will not disturb you. It will also allow you to work in silence.


    • Don't leave homework at school only to tell the teacher you forgot to take it home. This trick never works! The teacher will tell you that you should have remembered this during lunch or before class. If you forget your homework at school, you are showing irresponsibility, and this does not relieve you of the task.
    • Don't say you did the task but forgot it at home if you didn't even touch it. If you have problems afterwards, you won't be able to ask for help anymore.

Many children and parents find homework at school a lot of trouble. Scientists have conducted a series of studies and experiments, the results of which will please everyone. So, how should you properly treat what was asked at home?

1. In elementary school, you can neglect the preparation for the lessons

From 1987 to 2003, Duke H. Cooper, an academic, conducted a meta-analysis of educational research. It examined the relationship between academic performance and the habit of doing homework.

So, according to these data, in high school it makes sense to study at home. In the middle classes, the pattern “more lessons - better knowledge” no longer looks so convincing, and in the younger ones, the logic disappears altogether. Sit or don't sit, it won't do you any good.

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2. Sometimes "homework" becomes harmful at all

In the same study, scientists argue against completing lessons: assignments can lead to fatigue, stress, loss of interest in the subject, and also eat up a lot of time that a child could spend on hobbies and family affairs.

By the way, this amazing conclusion occurs not only to scientists, but also to any parent of a person with a briefcase. True, when science is behind you, you can more confidently watch how the baby devotes himself to needlework at the computer, kicking the ball and other family activities.

3. The more tasks, the less exhaust

A study led by American researcher Fernandez-Alonso suggests that e If a high school student spends more than 90-100 minutes a day on homework, his grades will go down.

This applies to grades in mathematics and the natural sciences. Although, maybe that's why the guys are sitting over the equation for more than an hour, because they can't understand what is happening with this "X" at all. In any case, if you see that the work is delayed for two hours, threaten the child with deuces and send them to rest.

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4. Attentive parents help the child learn

Researchers Walker, Hoover-Dempsey and others are sure of this. These are the parents who answer difficult questions, support in anxious situations, encourage Russian poets before the public reading of poems, and even call the school: “Natalya Nikolaevna, did you definitely ask to do experiments at home with the ignition of the fleecy part of the carpet?”.

In general, according to the scientific opinion, such assistants are of great benefit: creating a connection between the family and the school, comprehensive support and motivation of the child. Only mom and dad can explain in a popular way why you need to study and what threatens if you fail in the quarter.

5. No, it's better for parents to go out the door.

Other scientists, Patell, Robinson and the already mentioned Professor Cooper, insist in a 2008 study that dad, mom and grandmother behind the back of a child are capable of breaking firewood. Children, it turns out, learn worse if they feel pressure from behind the left shoulder: “Come on, Senya! Straighter line! Write five here. Forgot the comma again!

Such persistent help will kill the remnants of motivation. Therefore, the correct strategy would be support, but not control. Even though it’s hard for adults to keep a smile on their face when it comes to verb conjugations, it’s worth remembering that the child’s inner mood is most important.

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6. How much can you? How many lessons can you do?

The American National Education Association supports ten minute rule. Those 10 minutes for all the lessons in the first grade turn into 20 in the second and so on. However, in the senior class, homework should not exceed two hours.

How long does homework take in your family?

"The child wants to be with you, not with someone else's aunt." Who needs expensive mugs: children or parents?

How to teach a child to prepare homework just in time so that he does not have problems at school? An article for independent children, responsible parents and caring teachers.

Time management - or the ability to manage your time - has long been one of the leading competencies of a modern person. It is most difficult for a child to cope with planning, especially if parents cease to control his every step.

Preparing homework is a headache for both the child, and parents, and teachers. The child does not have time to do anything or forgets everything, parents learn that they need to prepare crafts for tomorrow's technology lesson at 10 pm, and teachers may simply have nothing to check at the next lesson.

We have prepared for you a material dedicated to drawing up a plan and working on homework. And at the end of the article, you can download two bright weekly planners that will help the guys distribute the load and do their homework efficiently and without panic.

Planning and setting time for homework

Determine how much time your child has for homework after school.

For example: 2 o'clock on Monday, 3 o'clock on Tuesday, one hour on Wednesday.

Recall! The Ministry of Education has determined the amount of time a child should spend on homework. In the first grade there should be no homework, in 2-3 it is an hour and a half, in 4-5 grades - two hours, in 6-8 - two and a half hours, and from 9th to 11th grade the student must spend on homework no more than 3.5 hours a day.

The schedule will help you understand exactly when and what can be scheduled. On those days when the student has additional classes, for example, a music school, English or wrestling, there will definitely be less time, and this is worth considering.

On a large scale, the scheduler can be downloaded at the end of the material.

Think: can you use the morning?

If the child is very tired at the end of the day, then definitely you should not force him to do everything in the “if you didn’t do it, you won’t lie down” mode. Move the task from evening to morning. With high school students, such a system works with a bang, as well as with students: let the child go to bed, but set the alarm an hour or an hour and a half earlier. In the morning, thoughts will be fresh, and there will be enough energy for conscious reading of the chapter and even solving problems.

Travel time

If the child gets to school by public transport, then he will have extra time to prepare. But this item can by no means be called obligatory or even positive, only a spare. It is absolutely impossible to write in a notebook while in a rocking minibus or tram, but to read the necessary paragraph again is completely.

Magic Friday

On Friday, I especially want to do nothing more after the end of the lessons. But it really is a magical time that should be used to the maximum. Ahead of the weekend and the opportunity to sleep, which will add a few points to the treasury of good mood.

You don't have to wait until Sunday evening to sit down to do your homework in sadness. Better try to do it all Friday night. So the child will free himself all weekend, and instead of two days loaded with examples, reading and spreadsheets, he will get two days of free time for hobbies and favorite books.

We find out what needs to be done and what resources are needed for this

make a list

The first step is to make a list of everything you have to do this week. Essays, tasks, playing football on Thursday, additional tasks from courses on foreign language- absolutely everything. So it will be easier to find out how best to “scatter” everything you need throughout the day. If you have a relatively free day, it is better to schedule the preparation of a non-urgent (for example, from Monday to Thursday) task for it so that you do not go to bed after midnight on Wednesday.

The exact wording of the task

Another “Sasha, hello! And what did they ask us in mathematics, otherwise I didn’t write it down? means only one thing: the waste of precious time. Teach your child to always write everything down.

Also, when planning your homework, it is better to use the following table (you can download it on a large scale at the end of the material):

    Subject (Russian or Algebra)

    Assignment (specific text of the teacher)

    Format (essay, presentation, project)

    Special details (what can I use, double sheet or single, what colors)

    Deadlines (when to submit)

Execution time

Estimate how long it will take to complete each individual task. It's better to be realistic and mortgage more than less. If the child completed the task earlier, you can reward yourself with a break or start the next part to finish earlier. Such gamification - "struggle" with oneself - perfectly motivates.


If you know for sure that you will have to tinker with the essay longer than with examples, then it is better to start with examples. Yes, experienced time managers advise you to “eat the frog” first, that is, to do the most unpleasant thing, but this will not work with the lessons. The child will get frustrated, exhausted, and lose all desire to do anything else.

We propose such a plan: first we write the structure of the essay, that is, the reference points of the narrative, while the thought is fresh. Then we solve examples or problems (algebra, physics, chemistry - what is included in the list of favorite subjects). And then, with a sense of pride in ourselves, we begin to write an essay, the outline of which is already ready.


It is best to hang the schedule in a conspicuous place, and put reminders on the time of the most important tasks on the smartphone, which is in the pocket of almost any student. Every time you have a desire to scroll through the VKontakte feed or play a computer, it is better to check the schedule. Having a schedule, but completely unwilling to follow it, will nullify all efforts.

Now, when teambuilding is an obligatory component in the work of any organization, many interesting event programs have begun to appear, among which, of course, are quests. To play quests, you do not need to know any special rules. Simple ingenuity will suffice. Event companies usually organize quests, but this does not mean that you cannot prepare the quest yourself. This is a fairly doable task, you just have to work a little.

How to make a quest game yourself?

1. Consider the specifics of the process.

This item implies that you clearly define the goals and objectives, agree on the command staff and think over the game itself. So, for example, as goals you can choose:

Team building;
- acquaintance with the city;
- just entertainment;
- advertise the sponsor.

As for the number of participants in each team, you should not exceed the number of 10. It is best when these are groups of 5 people. But still, one should proceed from the scale of the quest, the larger it is, the more participants will have to be attracted.

And the last - the process of the game itself. There are plenty to choose from. You can play:
- time tracking;
- on the number of points;
- for the final passage.

2. Prepare tasks of different levels of complexity.

The main thing in the quest tasks is that they should be interesting. As for difficulty, try to choose best option. Not overly complex, but not childish either. Before including tasks in the quest, "test" them on your friends or acquaintances, see how long they can solve the task. If the quest participants cannot solve the task for a long time, offer them hints, for each of which you can take points. You can have additional tasks in reserve, in case of hints, etc.

As for the tasks themselves, these can be:
- charades;
- puzzles;
- logical puzzles;
- historical;
- game (for example, "crocodile").

3. The route of the quest.

If the quest takes place in a city, then you can simply take a map of the city, select the most interesting places and place positions with tasks on them. By the way, if you conduct a real theatrical quest, then you can invite real actors who will be dressed in the spirit of that time or events on which the idea of ​​the quest is based. Distances between "points" should be chosen taking into account many factors. This is the age of the participants, and the way they move. If this is a walking quest, then it is better not to make the distance more than 1 km, but less than 50 m is also not the best option.

4. The prize fund of the quest.

Of course, prizes should be related to the whole team, and not be individual. In addition, prizes must be received by all teams without exception. An excellent gift for the winners can be a cup and a joint trip for the whole team to some place.

5. Informing all participants of the quest.

First, prepare a list that includes everything that the quest participants will need. It can be a compass, pen, paper, map, stopwatch, etc. Distribute this list to the participants.

Remind everyone that it is better to come to the quest in comfortable shoes in order to overcome distances without any problems. Themselves, just in case, make first-aid kits, where there will be a plaster, bandage, peroxide.

How to make the quest more fun?

In order for the participants to fully fit into the atmosphere of the game, collect their phones, tablets and everything that makes it possible to access the Internet. Only ingenuity, a map and a compass - and you will see how interesting and lively everything will go.

How to make a quest for children?

There are many ways to entertain children. However, it is much better if all this takes place in the form of an interesting game. An adventure quest in the form of a game is what you need for active kids. Here is a small example.

1. Draw an interesting map. Mark clues and directions on them. If you want to give the paper an "aging" effect, dip it in coffee and dry it. Burn the edges.

2. Hide the next clues, let the children look for them. Under branches, in the hollow of a tree, etc.

3 . Add tasks and pictures to each hint. These can be sports tasks, logical or team tasks. The main thing is that it should be interesting!

4. You can make original signs from improvised materials.

5. Some tasks can be written with "invisible" ink. To do this, write with milk or lemon ink. Children can see what is written if you highlight with a candle.

6. You can bury the bottle with tasks or hide it. Leave hints nearby.

7. The final task should be the treasure. There should be left gifts for all the children. Don't forget anyone! It can be balls, sweets, toys.

How to make a birthday quest?

A birthday quest is an individual gift. You need to proceed from what your loved one likes. If he is a fan of science fiction films, you can organize a quest in the style of a movie. For example, according to the plot of Bondiada or Terminator.

If the birthday boy is delighted with cartoons, you can organize this too. However, remember, if the birthday boy will go through the quest, you do not need to prepare too complicated tasks and make long distances between the waypoints. Still, it can be boring for one. It is much better to organize a fun quest in the company of friends who will help to cope with the tasks.

Learning to do homework

Should parents sit with their child when they are doing homework? Many mothers and grandmothers believe that this is necessary. And they are wrong! When a child is under constant control, he does not have the opportunity to learn to concentrate and build work on his own. At the slightest difficulty, he turns to the elders for help. And in the end, he makes them explain and decide what he must understand and decide himself. That is, parents perform the most difficult mental and emotional part of the work for the student.

What does this lead to?

When answering at the blackboard, such children are lost. And they can't write test papers on their own.

We start doing homework. How to act?

Children love rituals and follow them easily. Let the preparation of lessons become one of the rituals.

1. We put things in order at the workplace. It is necessary to check whether everything is there to complete the task.

2. Check if the homework is written down.

3. We classify tasks according to the principles: simple and complex, written and oral, favorite and unloved.

You should never start doing homework by memorizing poetry. You don't have to start with the most difficult task. Since the difficult sometimes takes a lot of time, something fails, the child feels no success, he loses the desire to work further. It’s worth starting to do lessons with your favorite subject.

4. Explain to the child the sequence of actions.

5. When the task in a particular subject is completed, adults should check for errors. Ask the child to recite the right rules and definitions.

If a student sits at lessons for a long time, it is necessary to artificially limit the time for doing homework. The fact is that it is difficult for a child to maintain working capacity for more than one hour, so further sitting at the table simply does not make sense. Performing lessons, every 30-35 minutes you need to take a 10-minute break. During a break, it is advisable to actively move. It is better for a slow student to do homework in two or three approaches, and in between to do other useful things.

6. Teach your child to start doing homework at the same time. Moreover, this time must be selected depending on the individual abilities of your child. The fact is that the performance of any person is not the same, and better. If during the period of its decline the child will rest. And at the peak - will begin to successfully complete homework. So pay attention to exactly when in the daytime the child is more lethargic, and when - collected.

Here are a few tricks to help make tasks more focused and meaningful.

1. My tongue is my friend. Speaking aloud his actions, the child will more easily remember their sequence, evaluate the expediency and avoid mindless manipulation of numbers and concepts.

2. Repetition. Accustom the student to read the task, the condition at least twice. When repeated, he must turn Special attention to the basic data or concepts and the final question, trying to remember them. Having received the answer, you need to compare it with the question.

3. Drawing. The visibility of the conditions of the problem simplifies its solution, so the child should not be lazy to draw buses and trucks, fruit boxes, etc.