Glycerin for external use instructions for use. What is glycerin for - rules for use, harm and benefits, recipes

Most people associate glycerin with cosmetology. Indeed, this transparent viscous liquid can often be found in cosmetics to soften the skin of the body and hands. Glycerin makes the skin elastic, smooth, moisturizes it remarkably. However, this substance is no less actively used in the food industry (additive E422) and, of course, in medicine. Perhaps there are few such universal remedies as Glycerin. Instructions for use notes that this oily liquid has a laxative property, is easily absorbed by the mucous membranes of organs and is part of many medications, reducing their irritating effect. AT medicinal purposes Glycerin is available as a solution in vials and suppositories (rectal suppositories).

Properties of Glycerin

A distinctive feature of Glycerin is its ability to absorb water in large quantities (hygroscopicity), therefore, when used internally, the body gets rid of excess fluid. It is noteworthy that at the same time this substance also has the opposite effect - it moisturizes and softens skin tissues. Glycerin belongs to the category of trihydric alcohols, which allows it to have a detrimental effect on some microbes, providing a bactericidal and antiseptic effect. In addition, this remedy (in the form of suppositories) has a laxative effect, stimulates the contractility of the rectum, facilitating defecation.

Indications for use

Ingestion of a solution of Glycerin is used to reduce high intracranial and intraocular pressure, and the best therapeutic effect is achieved in the treatment of cerebral edema and glaucoma. In particular, this substance is an obligatory auxiliary component in complex therapy acute encephalopathy, accompanied by fatty infiltration of the liver and cerebral edema (Reye's syndrome). Also with data medicine make microclysters that help solve the problems of "lazy intestines" - hard-to-pass stools. In addition, there is effective remedy from diseases of the throat and cough - a combination of Glycerin, natural honey and lemon.

Candles with Glycerin soften the walls of the rectum, have a slight irritant effect on its mucous membrane, stimulating intestinal motility at the reflex level and facilitating the passage of feces. Glycerin suppositories are prescribed to eliminate constipation in perianal abscess, anorectal stenosis, painful thrombosed hemorrhoids. Candles are absolutely safe and can be used by women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Application conditions

For internal use, concentrated glycerin liquid is first diluted. It should be mixed in equal proportions with water to obtain a 50% solution. The dose is calculated as follows: 2 - 3 milliliters of solution per kilogram of human weight. The duration of therapy and the number of doses during the day is determined by the attending physician. In the same way prepare a solution of Glycerin for microclysters. Glycerin suppositories are administered rectally, daily, 1-2 suppositories 20 minutes after a light meal.


Contraindications for oral glycerin mainly apply to the use of the drug as a laxative. It is not recommended to take the drug in case of inflammatory processes occurring in the digestive system, the presence of malignant neoplasms, increased contractility of the uterine myometrium. In turn, suppositories are not prescribed for tumors of the rectum, anal fissures, kidney failure, individual intolerance to glycerin.

Side effect

Regarding the side effects that Glycerin can cause, the instructions for use indicate that the drug is well tolerated by sick people if it is not used. long time. Otherwise, skin allergic reactions may develop, and suppositories sometimes cause irritation of the walls of the rectum. The urinary system may respond with the appearance of hemoglobin in the urine.

Thus, Glycerin has found wide application in the medical field and cosmetology. This versatile substance is found in soaps, creams, ointments, and various medicines. Given its availability and low cost, Glycerin is now present in every family's first-aid kit. Be healthy!

The active substance is glycerol. Additional substances are added to the suppositories: stearic acid and sodium bicarbonate.

Based on the purposes of using the Glycerin product, the composition will be as follows:

  • in suppositories - the active ingredient is presented in a volume of 1.44g, while the excipients are stearic acid and sodium carbonate;
  • in the solution for local and oral administration there is an exclusively active component Glycerol without auxiliary ingredients.

If any other components are added by the manufacturer, this is indicated in detail in the instructions for use attached to the pharmacy package.

Available in the form of rectal suppositories and solutions for topical and external use. The active substance of Glycerin is glycerol, its content is in one suppository for:

  • Children - 1.24 g;
  • Adults - 2.11 g.

Auxiliary components of suppositories: polyethylene oxide 400, sodium carbonate decahydrate, stearic acid.

The auxiliary substance in the solutions is purified water, its content is 15% of the volume of the preparation.

Glycerin enters the pharmacy network in the form of:

  • Candles - in a blister pack of 5 pieces, in cardboard packs of 2 packs;
  • Solution - in dark glass bottles of 25, 30, 40, 50, 100 g and in large bottles.

Nitroglycerin mixed with lanolin-vaseline base is included in the preparation as an active ingredient.

A bottle of Glycerin solution for external and topical use contains 25 grams of distilled glycerin (glycerol).

The composition of one rectal glycerin suppository includes 1.44 / 2.46 grams of glycerol as an active substance and auxiliary ingredients: Polyethylene glycol (polyethylene glycol) in an amount sufficient to prepare one suppository weighing 1.53-1.69 / 2.61- 2.89 grams; Acidum stearicum (stearic acid); Sodium carbonate decahydrate (sodium carbonate decahydrate).

Release form

Industrial pharmacies most often produce Nitroglycerin ointment 0.2% or 0.4%, in the amount indicated by the doctor in the prescription form.

In medicine, glycerin has a liquid form of release and a solid one: Aqueous solution for external use in vials Glycerin rectal suspensions

These are the main forms used in medicine; in other cases, glycerin is only a component of the drug's auxiliary agents.

In pharmacy chains, the drug "Glycerin" can be presented:

  • distilled solution for internal use, colorless, transparent, packed in dark glass bottles;
  • suppositories for rectal administration, with a whitish tinge, packing of 10 pcs. in protective blisters;
  • liquid for external application - for cosmetic purposes, almost colorless, with a pleasant smell.

The optimal form of the product should be determined by a specialist. It focuses on the expected effect of the drug.

Medical glycerol has two dosage forms:

  • rectal suppositories;
  • solution intended for local and external use.

Suppositories have a pointed torpedo shape, their color is close to white. Children's candles are produced with a mass of 1.53-1.69 grams, candles for adults have a mass of 2.61 to 2.89 grams.

The liquid form of the drug is a syrupy, transparent, colorless liquid of a viscous consistency, odorless and with a sweetish taste. The medium of an aqueous solution of glycerol is neutral.

Pharmacological properties

Glycerin has a dehydrating, laxative and dermatoprotective effect.

With an independent increase in the dose of suppositories, they can cause irritation of the mucous membrane and weaken the physiological process of defecation.

Not excluded for outdoor use allergic reactions in the form of a rash, redness and itching of the skin.

When manifested adverse reactions cancel the drug, if necessary, replace.

When administered systemically, it enhances the action of diuretics, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.

Local vasodilating and improving blood circulation.

In the case of using Nitroglycerin ointment in excessive volumes, due to excessive vasodilation and a decrease in blood pressure headaches and/or dizziness may develop. Due to the potential for such negative effects, doctors recommend that their patients apply this ointment in the supine position. Also, to prevent these adverse events, the patient must thoroughly wash his hands after the procedure for applying the drug.

With prolonged use of Nitroglycerin ointment, all of the above side effects become less pronounced, while the positive effect of the drug also decreases.

If any negative phenomena are detected against the background of topical application of an ointment based on nitroglycerin, the patient should stop using it and consult with his doctor.

You should avoid the parallel use of Nitroglycerin ointment and the use of therapeutic agents, including organic nitrates.

Rectal glycerin suppositories belong to a group of medicines that are used to treat constipation.

The solution belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group of dermatological agents that have a softening and protective effect.

Glycerol, used in large quantities, provokes tissue dehydration. In addition, solutions of this agent can cause allergic reactions, expressed in the form of burning, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Long-term use rectal suppositories can lead to irritation of the rectum (to eliminate it, 10-15 ml of heated vegetable oil, such as olive or sunflower oil, should be injected into the intestine) and disruption of the physiological process of defecation. In rare cases, the development of catarrhal proctitis is possible.

Taking a solution of glycerol inside can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, thirst, arrhythmia and hyperglycemic coma. Prolonged use leads to dehydration.

drug interaction glycerol is not described.

The properties of the drug are determined by the form of release. Rectal suppositories are used to treat constipation, the solution is used for dermatological problems. The latter has a protective and softening effect. Pure glycerol irritates the skin, but when diluted with water or lanolin, this effect disappears. The externally applied antiseptic preparation protects the skin, restores its integrity.

Glycerol has antiseptic properties, which allows it to be used to prevent skin wounds from becoming infected. Rectal use of the drug leads to a laxative effect. Due to the softening of feces and mild irritation of the mucous membrane intestinal tract the contractility of the walls of the rectum is stimulated. When used internally, glycerol increases osmotic pressure, reduces intracranial and ocular pressure, and reduces cerebral edema.

With the systematic use of glycerol, an overdose may develop. It is manifested by confusion, dry mouth, dizziness, increased thirst, dehydration, renal failure, arrhythmia. When it appears, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. Side effects are indicated in the instructions:

  • dehydration of tissues, allergies, burning, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • irritation of the rectum, violation of the act of defecation, catarrhal proctitis;
  • nausea, vomiting, thirst, hyperglycemic coma;
  • headache;
  • arrhythmia.

When this drug is used for a long period of time, it can cause the following side effects: Local irritant effect Discomfort in the rectum In rare cases, catarrhal proctitis may occur When the drug acts systemically as a dehydrating agent, glycerin enhances the effect of diuretics and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors

Confusion Headaches Dizziness Feeling of dry mouth and thirst Arrhythmia Nausea, vomiting Intestinal disorders (diarrhea) Kidney failure

There is currently no data on a possible overdose of glycerin.

The proposed remedy is not contraindicated for use during pregnancy or lactation.

Being inherently osmotically active connection, means "Glycerin" is able to provide the following pharmacological effects:

  • laxative in the lumen of the rectum;
  • dehydrating when taken orally;
  • dermatoprotective - when applied externally.

After oral administration - in a volume of not more than 1-2 g / kg of body weight, in the human body active substance Glycerol has a dehydrating effect on tissues by increasing plasma osmolarity. Against this background, intracranial and intraocular pressure significantly decreases. These properties of the drug are actively used by doctors for dehydration therapy - for example, with a diagnosed cerebral edema, or before an upcoming operation in ophthalmology.

With the rectal route of administration, the drug "Glycerin" due to a slight irritant effect on the rectal mucosa, helps to stimulate the contractility of the intestine. Fecal masses move to the exit, constipation is eliminated.

With external use of the product, a softening, as well as dermatoprotective effect on integumentary tissues is observed - due to excellent hygroscopicity and lubricating properties. In addition, Glycerol activates metabolic processes in the epidermis.

Prolonged use of rectal suppositories can lead to irritation of the rectum (to eliminate it, 10-15 ml of heated vegetable oil, such as olive or sunflower, should be injected into the intestine) and disruption of the physiological process of defecation. In rare cases, the development of catarrhal proctitis is possible.

Prolonged topical use of Glycerin may cause discomfort and irritation in the rectum, as well as cause a violation of the physiological process of defecation.

With prolonged external use of the solution, an allergic reaction may develop in the form of skin itching, rash, redness.

  • absorbs moisture - the Glycerin molecule attracts ten water molecules;
  • fights age-related changes;
  • forms a moist film on the surface - fills the pores, the face looks smooth, well-groomed;
  • counteracts dryness, dehydration.

Glycerin procedures produce:

  • smoothing of small wrinkles - the recesses are filled with moisture, a visual effect of their elimination is created, the smoothness of the face surface is observed;
  • the fight against acne - is carried out due to antiseptic qualities, the ability to heal wounds, the activation of metabolic processes, in which dirt, infection, fat are removed from the pores;
  • whitening, softening of the skin;
  • protection of the outer layer of epidermal cells from pollution, microorganisms.

Cosmetics with glycerin can cause an allergic reaction. Before preparing the compositions at home, it is necessary to do a test - apply a drop of the substance on the back of the hand. In the absence of redness, rashes after an hour, you can start cooking cosmetic preparations. Side effects include:

  • skin lightening - the substance washes away melamine;
  • the appearance of inflammation, acne - the result of blockage of pores;
  • overdrying of the surface of the epidermis with prolonged use of the product;
  • the occurrence of itching, peeling.

There are contraindications for using Glycerin in cosmetics. These include:

  • substance intolerance;
  • the occurrence of allergies;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin - wounds, scratches;
  • simultaneous use of silicone - can provoke overdrying, peeling, inflammation;
  • hot weather;
  • cold season;
  • low humidity in the room;
  • high concentration of the substance in the composition.

Colorless liquid, viscous, odorless, sweet in taste. Translated from Latin, the word means "sweet". A trihydric alcohol that has the ability to draw moisture from the environment. For the first time, the substance was obtained at the end of the 18th century by a Swedish scientist. Almost immediately, the properties of glycerin were appreciated, they began to be used for the manufacture of cosmetic, external medicines.

Glycerin mixes easily with organic, inorganic compounds, can be part of any cream. The lack of odor makes it a unique ingredient. Does not cause irritation, does not provoke an allergic reaction.

In the cosmetics of Western manufacturers, there is another name for this substance - glycerol. It means glycerin obtained synthetically. A natural safe component is isolated from fats, a synthetic one - in the laboratory by combining chemical substances. Hence some differences in the effect on human skin. Domestic cosmetology does not make such a distinction, so confusion often arises.

Glycerin, or rather, glycerol, is an absolutely safe substance. Creates a protective film on the surface of the skin, which does not prevent the penetration of oxygen to the cells, protects against the action of adverse factors, and helps to restore damaged areas of the epidermis. The beneficial qualities of glycerin cream are achieved due to the ability of the substance to draw moisture from the environment. Restoration of lipid balance stimulates the production of important components - hyaluronic acid, elastin, collagen.

The difference in the action of synthetic glycerin lies in the ability to create an airtight film on the surface of the skin. The component does not release moisture from the cells, prevents the skin from drying out. Additionally attracts water atoms from the air. However, if there is not enough moisture in environment- less than 65%, glycerin begins to draw moisture from the lower layers of the dermis.

Indications for the use of Glycerin

It is forbidden to take the drug inside diabetes, diseases of the heart, liver, blood vessels, kidneys. The instruction calls contraindications to the use of candles:

  • exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • cracks anus;
  • appendicitis;
  • internal bleeding;
  • inflammatory or neoplastic diseases of the rectum;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the composition;
  • diarrhea.

Nitroglycerin ointment in complex treatment shown for use:

  • in proctology; in order to alleviate the painful conditions that have developed as a result of the formation hemorrhoids and appearance anal fissures;
  • in urology; as a local remedy potency enhancement(erectile function).

  • severe negative symptoms inherent arterial hypotension;
  • diagnosed severe pathologies cardiovascular genesis;
  • personal hypersensitivity to nitroglycerin or to the base of the ointment;
  • concomitant use of medicinal products, including organic nitrates.

The drug should be used with caution:

  • elderly patients;
  • lactating and pregnant women.

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  • haemorrhoids ;
  • thrombosis in the anus;
  • perianal abscess;
  • anorectal stenosis;
  • after myocardial infarction;
  • to soften the skin and treat mucous membranes.

The drug is used after myocardial infarction.

It is prescribed for the prevention of chronic hemorrhoids, constipation in pregnant women and nursing mothers, the elderly.

Used in cosmetology. Added to vitamin masks.

It is not prescribed to persons who have the following symptoms:

  • individual intolerance to the component;
  • kidney failure;
  • predisposition to bleeding in the internal organs;
  • appendicitis;
  • acute stage of hemorrhoids;
  • diarrhea;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • heart diseases;
  • inflammation and swelling of the rectum.

Pharmacy glycerol is shown:

  • Rectally in the form of microclysters and suppositories - with constipation and anal fissures.
  • Inside - at intracranial pressure, at glaucoma, Reye's syndrome (acute hepatic encephalopathy. The tool is recommended to be used in combination with other therapeutic measures.
  • Externally in the form of applications - to soften excessively dry skin and mucous membranes.

A solution of sodium tetraborate in glycerin (borax) is used to treat candidiasis (thrush), inflammation of the palatine tonsils (tonsillitis), inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx (pharyngitis), as well as for the treatment of bedsores and fungal skin diseases.

The wide use of a glycerin solution in medicine is ensured due to its properties: the physicochemical characteristics of glycerol make it possible to increase the viscosity or, on the contrary, to dissolve a particular drug.

Since the substance is characterized as non-toxic, it is also used in the pharmaceutical industry. Added to medical ointments, creams and pastes, glycerol prevents them from drying out and, having antiseptic properties, disinfects them. As an auxiliary component, glycerol is also added to tablets.

Glycerol-based laxative suppositories are used to treat constipation in children and adults. various genesis, facilitating the emptying of the intestine from its contents.

In folk medicine, the drug is often used to treat throat diseases. An effective cough remedy is lemon, honey and glycerin. To prepare this medicine, take the juice of one lemon and 35-40 ml (2 tablespoons) of glycerin. Honey is added to the mixture, mixed thoroughly and taken with a strong cough, 1 teaspoon six to eight times a day.

Glycerin suppositories for constipation are contraindicated in:

  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the rectum;
  • appendicitis;
  • bleeding;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypersensitivity to glycerol.

The intake of glycerol inside is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, people with liver and / or kidney diseases, cardiovascular disorders.

No data

With constipation, which are age-related, functional or psychogenic. In this case, the origin of the violations is irrelevant. The drug is prescribed both in liquid form in the form of microclysters, and in the form of rectal suspensions. Also, the remedy is recommended for use for the prevention of defecation disorders in cases where the patient cannot be strained. abdominal wall and pushing during the act of defecation.

The active ingredient is glycerol. The vial contains from 25 grams of the substance, in rectal suspensions from 2.11 to 2.24 grams of the substance.

Glycerin has a number of contraindications for use in the following conditions and for certain diseases: In case of an allergic reaction to the active substance of the drug In the presence of bleeding in a patient In the presence of renal failure Inflammation of hemorrhoidal veins in the acute stage In stool disorder (diarrhea) Erosive-destructive diseases of the rectum Inflammatory diseases of the anus in the acute stage Oncological pathologies of the rectum Increased contractile activity of the myometrium Injuries of the skin with external use of the drug

When using the drug orally or intravenously, it is necessary to assess the degree of risk and compare the benefits and risks of use with possible side effects of the drug in patients with pathology of cardio-vascular system. Since the use of this drug can provoke an increase in interstitial fluid and thereby lead to heart failure, the drug is also taken with caution in people with kidney pathology, patients in old age and diabetes.

Since the drug promotes the excretion of fluid and can remove dehydration of the body "Glycerin" dosage When used externally, the drug is prescribed in the form of a liquid substance of 84-88% content, this is an aqueous solution of glycerol. It is used for the treatment of mucous membranes and skin. For a laxative effect, glycerin is prescribed in two forms.

Treatment is carried out until the restoration of the normal act of defecation in the patient and intestinal motility. The constant systematic use of the drug in the form of a laxative is not recommended, as this can lead to the formation of a bowel habit of such stimulation of the act of defecation.

The use of Glycerin in the form of suppositories is indicated for constipation of age-related, functional, psychogenic origin, including:

  • Rectal coprostasis in the elderly;
  • With limited mobility;
  • During pregnancy and lactation.

Suppositories Glycerin are prescribed as a prophylaxis of constipation in the treatment of patients who cannot or are contraindicated to strain during bowel movements in the case of:

  • Rehabilitation after myocardial infarction;
  • anorectal stenosis;
  • Perianal abscess;
  • Thrombosed, painful hemorrhoids.

The solution is used for dry skin and mucous surfaces.

According to the instructions for Glycerin, the use of the drug is contraindicated in:

  • diarrhea;
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids;
  • Inflammatory disease or tumor of the rectum;
  • kidney failure;
  • appendicitis;
  • Cracks in the anus;
  • Individual hypersensitivity to glycerol.

Despite the high safety, the "Glycerin" tool has a number of restrictions on its use. The attached instructions indicate the following contraindications:

  • individual hyperreaction to Glycerol;
  • acute bleeding in the rectum or stomach;
  • pronounced failure in the parenchyma of the kidneys;
  • stage of exacerbation of internal hemorrhoidal defects;
  • the course of diarrhea;
  • erosive or destructive pathologies of the rectum;
  • acute diseases of the anus;
  • malignant tumors of the rectum;
  • increased activity of the myometrium;
  • injury or other pathological conditions integumentary tissues, flowing with a violation of the integrity of the epidermis.

With extreme caution, the drug is allowed for use in people with severe cardiovascular insufficiency, diabetes, or in the elderly.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

In its pure form, glycerol irritates the skin, but this effect disappears completely when the substance is diluted with water, petroleum jelly or lanolin. Used as an external agent, glycerol has a dermatoprotective effect, softens and restores the skin.

The antiseptic properties of glycerol allow it to be used to prevent skin wounds from becoming infected.

Rectal application of glycerol provokes a laxative effect. The agent softens stool, gently irritates the intestinal mucosa and stimulates the contractility of the walls of the rectum.

Glycerin (for internal use) allows you to increase osmotic and reduce eye and intracranial pressure. The use of liquid glycerin inside also helps to reduce cerebral edema.

Nitroglycerin is a peripheral vasodilator, mainly acting on the venous vessels. This effectiveness of this substance becomes possible due to the release in the smooth vascular muscles of the active ingredient nitric oxide, which increases the level of cGMP and activates guanylate cyclase, which ultimately leads to relaxation of smooth muscle tissues.

With local external application of nitroglycerin, it is rather rapidly absorbed, accompanied by local vasodilation and improved blood circulation at the site of application of the drug. In the case of using the ointment in the colorectal region, relaxation of the sphincter of the anus is observed, due to which the traumatization of the cracks present is reduced and their healing is accelerated.

Side effects and overdose

When using excessive volumes of Nitroglycerin ointment, there may be a development of headaches and / or dizziness associated with intense vasodilation, resulting in a significant decrease in blood pressure.

An overdose develops with the systematic use of glycerol. Its symptoms are expressed in the form of dizziness, confusion, increased dryness in the mouth, a sharp increase in the feeling of thirst, pronounced dehydration of the body, arrhythmia, and renal failure.

Overdose symptoms:

  • headache, dizziness;
  • dry mouth, thirst;
  • confusion of consciousness, incoherence of speech;
  • arrhythmia;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Seek medical attention if signs are found.

There have been cases of non-ketone hyperglycemic coma, after which there were deaths.

special instructions

Glycerin is an organic compound from the class of polyhydric alcohols. It has three hydroxyl groups, so it belongs to triols (trihydric alcohols). This simplest representative of the group is widely distributed in nature in the form of glycerides or acylglycerols - esters with a base of organic or mineral acids.

Technical glycerin is obtained as a by-product from the saponification of edible fats. To obtain glycerol and soap, the reactions of saponification of glycerol ester of stearic acid (tristearate) with alkali, sodium hydroxide, ammonia are used. In industry, the synthetic chlorohydrin method, a process for the oxidation of propene to propenal, is sometimes used. Other production options are starch hydrolysis and glycolic fermentation of sugars.

Pure glycerin is odorless, sweet in taste, absorbs moisture from the air, and is highly soluble in water with heat release. Alcohol dissolves in other alcohols, ethers, chloroform, ammonia. It interacts with most compounds, forming metal esters and acylglycerols. As a result, glycerates, acid halides, trinitroglycerin, acrolein, dihydroxyacetone, and compounds with vitamins are formed.

  • Permethrin - release form, instructions for use, indications, side effects, analogues and price
  • Argosulfan - instructions for use of the ointment, composition, indications, side effects, analogues and price
  • Salvagin - instructions for use and form of release, indications, composition and side effects

In addition to medicine, glycerol is used in the paint and varnish, electrical, radio engineering, tobacco, military, agricultural industries, and for blackening rubber. Glycerol monostearate is a food emulsifier that preserves the freshness of foods. In cosmetics, the substance acts as a preservative, vehicle for the delivery of active components inside.

The systemic use of glycerin suppositories by patients with a history of diabetes mellitus or dehydration pathology can cause the development of symptoms of severe dehydration.

No data

Glycerin is not recommended for systemic treatment. The drug is canceled if used as a laxative, after the normalization of the intestines. When treating patients with diabetes, the risk of side effects increases.

Due to the fact that particularly rapid absorption of nitroglycerin is noted with good blood flow, the application of the ointment should be carried out no earlier than 30 minutes after taking a hot bath, since at this time the largest amount of the active ingredient of the drug enters the patient's blood.

Because of the potential for side effects characterized by headaches and/or dizziness, it is best to avoid driving or performing hazardous work immediately after using this medication.

Nitroglycerin ointment, instructions for use (method and dosage)

Facial swelling is a fairly common problem. Sometimes they are due to internal diseases, and in some cases the reason lies in heredity or even just fatigue. Let's talk about how to choose an ointment for edema and eliminate an unpleasant symptom.

"Glycerin" has found application in almost all spheres of human life: medicine, cosmetology, industry. This product has many qualities, thanks to which it is widely popular.

According to its consistency in its original form, it is a viscous liquid, it is transparent and has a sweetish taste. Glycerin is a part of many cosmetic preparations, as it softens and moisturizes the skin well.

When taken internally, glycerin has a laxative effect, removes excess fluid from the body. The drug, when administered orally, reduces ocular and intracranial pressure, while increasing osmotic pressure. It is often used in the form of rectal suppositories for constipation, as it has a mild laxative effect and easily irritates the intestinal mucosa, stimulating the act of defecation.

Glycerin is absorbed in the intestine and excreted from the body after transformation by the liver.

The price of pharmacy glycerin is low. So the cost in Moscow of liquid glycerin, depending on the volume of the bottle, varies from 11 to 25 rubles. The average price of glycerin suppositories in pharmacies is 133-150 rubles. The approximate price of borax in glycerin is from 8.65 to 25 rubles.

The price of candles Glycerin in Ukraine - from 42 to 63 UAH. In a pharmacy, the price of liquid glycerin varies from 1.96 to 3.5 UAH.

Find out where this or that is sold and how much it costs in a pharmacy in a particular city dosage form glycerin is available through internet sites.

Candles are applied by introducing into the anus once a day, preferably after breakfast after 20 minutes. The daily dosage for adults and children is one or two suppositories.

Glycerin solution is used as needed, by applying a thin layer to problem areas.

In order to eliminate functional or age-related persistent constipation, the drug is recommended for administration in the form of suppositories - 1 r / s into the lumen of the rectum. The optimal time interval is recognized after breakfast - after 15-20 minutes. The duration of the course of treatment is until the restoration of adequate intestinal motility and the normalization of self-defecation.

Orally administered purified liquid concentrate "Glycerin" - with a laxative purpose. In a diluted form - after mixing with water, the product is drunk in one gulp in the morning. Doses are determined by the attending physician, based on the weight of the person.

If it is necessary to treat the integumentary tissues from the outside, a liquid solution of Glycerol is applied to the affected areas of the skin with a multiplicity determined by the attending physician.

The average price of GLYCERIN, candles in pharmacies (Moscow), is 155 rubles, the solution costs 70 rubles. In Minsk, the drug is sold for 1.5 - 8 bel. rubles. Price in Kyiv - 10 hryvnia, in Kazakhstan - 70 tenge. Released without a prescription.

The new nitroglycerin ointment is a topical vasodilator and blood circulation improver. This is a pharmacy product that can be prepared in a pharmacy by prescription. Available in 0.2% and 0.4% volume concentration. The drug is actively used in proctology for the treatment of anal fissures and hemorrhoids.

After applying the product, there is an increase in the sensitivity of the skin, an improvement in the blood supply to the cavernous tissues. The male member increases in size, and sexual intercourse due to high-quality erectile function becomes longer. It is also recommended to apply the drug for the prevention of angina pectoris, the attacks of which often occur during intercourse. The gel does not cause allergies, has no contraindications for use.

Relatively recently, scientists began to note that nitroglycerin has a positive effect on male arousal. The drug is used to recover from erectile dysfunction. Nitroglycerin for potency is used for the following types of erectile dysfunction:

  1. age disorders. Occur after a stage of 50 years. If a man does not play sports, leads a passive lifestyle, smokes, has irregular sex, then erectile dysfunction can occur by the age of 30. physical activity, avoidance bad habits, stable sex life, proper nutrition help reduce the likelihood of erectile dysfunction.
  2. Vasculogenic disorders. Occur when the state of blood vessels deteriorates, arterial and veno-occlusive disorders in the body, myocardial infarction, in patients with angina pectoris and ischemic disease hearts.
  3. Psychogenic disorders. Psychological trauma, misunderstanding in relationships with a partner, phobic neurosis and depression. The drug will be only an addition to the treatment aimed at restoring desire, confidence, improving the quality of sexual intercourse.

Gel to improve erection affects directly sexual function, and not the whole body. During the experiments, men noted that the use of the drug helped to increase desire, improve arousal, and increase activity during intimacy. It is important to note that the drug does not cause allergies and skin irritation. It is worth using an ointment for erection only after consulting a doctor.

The use of nitroglycerin ointment to increase potency is carried out in a course, but the gel can be used once. The paste is applied to the penis with light massaging movements, directly on the skin of the male organ. It is necessary to avoid getting the ointment on the leaf of the foreskin and the very head of the penis. There is a feeling of warmth in the genital area, there is an increase in the penis.

Nitroglycerin gel is a pharmacy product. The remedy is made in a pharmacy according to your doctor's prescription. The medicine is prepared for several days using glycerin and lanolin-vaseline base. Vasodilator ointments for potency are very popular, so they can be found on the pages of online stores, online pharmacies, sex shops.

Tool name

Place of purchase

Pharmaceutical nitroglycerin agent

Cream Eromax

Online pharmacy

Internet shop

Cream Himkolin

Online pharmacy

Internet shop

Cream Persian Shah

Internet shop

Cream Maxoderm

Online pharmacy

Internet shop

In the case of using the drug in proctology in order to alleviate the painful conditions that have developed due to the formation of hemorrhoids and the appearance of anal fissures, an ointment should be applied topically to the colorectal region 2-4 times a day. To do this, you need to apply a small amount of therapeutic agent to the tip. cotton swab and introduce it into the anus to a shallow depth (when using the ointment only around the anus, the therapeutic efficacy may be insufficient).

If a patient has severe pain in the anorectal region, he is recommended to first of all lubricate the anus area with the drug and only after some time to introduce the ointment into the rectum. The duration of such a course of treatment, as a rule, varies within 30 days (longer use is permissible only on the recommendation of the attending physician).

Nitroglycerin ointment to increase potency and / or maintain erectile function is prescribed exclusively externally immediately before the alleged sexual intercourse. Not a large number of the therapeutic agent should be applied to the skin of the penis with massaging and light movements of the palm, avoiding the ointment directly on foreskin and the head of the penis.

After using the ointment, the patient should carefully wash their hands with soapy water.

It should be remembered that today in the countries of the post-Soviet space it is not possible to buy Nitroglycerin ointment of factory production, since this drug is not officially registered. In this regard, the acquisition of this drug is difficult and requires the prescription of an individual prescription by the attending physician and the order of the drug in an industrial pharmacy engaged in the manufacture of drugs.

In this case, the price of Nitroglycerin ointment 0.2%, prepared according to an individual prescription, should be in the range of 250-350 rubles per bottle of 30 grams.

A popular remedy in medicine is borax - sodium tetraborate in glycerin. Sodium salt is an antibacterial anesthetic, used for colpitis, candidiasis, bedsores, stomatitis, skin cracks and bacterial damage. The agent is applied to a cotton swab, lubricate the walls of the vagina, the affected skin areas. Borax can be used for rinsing the mouth, douching. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.


Synonyms - drugs with the same active substance:

  • Solution - Dexeryl;
  • Candles - Glycelax, Glycerin suppositories.

Analogues of Glycerin, medicines similar in mechanism of action:

  • Laxatives - Sena extract, Stalnik tincture, Ramnil and others;
  • Means for external use - Actovegin, Vaseline, Kosilon and others.

Glycerin analogues:

  1. Glycerin Nizhpharm.
  2. Dexeryl.
  3. Doppelherz active Glycine B-vitamins.
  4. Glycelax.

There are no structural analogues of glycerin, however, we can list drugs that have a similar effect: Vaseline Klenzit Menovazin Psoriasin Dermasan Rescuer

Terms of sale

The abundance of chemical components in the composition of ready-made creams encourage the fair sex to engage in pharmaceuticals on their own. The basic basis is glycerin, which can be bought at a pharmacy.

Glycerin is available without a prescription, stored away from light and children at a temperature of 2-25 degrees. The shelf life of a liquid product is 5 years, candles - 2 years.

Without recipe.

Store in a dry, dark place and out of the reach of children, at a temperature of 2 to 25 °C.

For liquid Glycerin - 5 years from the date of manufacture.

For rectal suppositories - 2 years.

Store at temperatures not exceeding 25°C. The drug retains its properties for 5 years.

Released without a doctor's prescription.

Keep away from children.

Expiry date for Glycerin in the form of:

  • Solution for local and external use - 5 years;
  • Rectal suppository - 2 years.

Store in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

This substance is part of effective masks which you can easily make yourself. There are recipes for various types skin. There are compounds that have a therapeutic effect. You can make a remedy for dry skin, which is applied for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water. A course of 15 procedures is recommended. For preparation, all ingredients must be thoroughly mixed. Have to take:

  • egg yolk;
  • add water - half a teaspoon;
  • pour in Glycerin - whole.

For mature skin, it is useful to make a nourishing remedy. The mask is applied to the cleaned surface for 15 minutes, washed off with water at room temperature. The course is held twice a year for 20 procedures. For cooking:

  • boil potatoes, take 50 grams;
  • add a spoonful of milk, egg yolk, make a puree;
  • pour in 30 ml of water;
  • mix in olive oil, Glycerin - on a spoon.

Nitroglycerin ointment is manufactured and sold directly in industrial pharmacies according to the prescription of the attending physician.

Store the ointment in a cool place in dark glass bottles.

The shelf life of a drug manufactured in pharmacy conditions, limited to 1 month.

Glycerin is a viscous, clear, hygroscopic liquid with a sweet taste. In cosmetology, it is difficult to do without this component. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, making it smooth and supple. The substance is no less popular in the food industry and medicine. Glycerin for internal use is not popular enough, but an effective drug for the treatment of a number of diseases.

Glycerin (for internal use). pharmachologic effect

This drug has laxative, dehydrating, dermoprotective properties. Glycerin (for internal use) increases osmotic and lowers intracranial and ocular pressure. When used rectally, it gently irritates the rectal mucosa, stimulating its contractility. The drug is rapidly absorbed and biotransformed in the liver. At what diseases is its use recommended?

Glycerin (for internal use). Indications

Microclysters with a drug are prescribed for constipation of various etiologies. For a laxative effect, 5 milliliters of the drug is enough. Contraindications are usually hemorrhoids, tumors and inflammatory diseases. An excellent therapeutic effect is observed in the treatment of high intracranial pressure - the use of glycerin reduces cerebral edema. Internal use of this drug is recommended for glaucoma. Glycerin lowers intraocular pressure. As an auxiliary component, it is used in the complex therapy of Reye's syndrome. ethnoscience also uses the properties of this drug. Lemon, honey and glycerin are excellent cough and throat remedies.

Glycerin (for internal use). Instructions to avoid side effects

Experts note that the abuse of the drug can lead to undesirable consequences. In some cases, its use is not recommended at all. Glycerin (for internal use) can cause headache, nausea and vomiting, thirst, arrhythmias, hyperglycemic coma. Prolonged use of the drug can lead to dehydration. Contraindications for admission are diabetes mellitus, kidney and liver disease, cardiovascular disorders. That is why the drug should be prescribed by a doctor.

Glycerol. Oral use: dosages

Medical glycerin is usually taken diluted. It is necessary to prepare a 50% solution, that is, mix equal parts of the drug and water. The dosage is calculated based on the weight of the person. For each kilogram, 2-3 milliliters of a solution are recommended, that is, one and a half grams of a pure drug. For subsequent doses, the dosage should be halved. To improve the taste, it is recommended to take a chilled solution.

Do you know that...?

    Food additive E422 is glycerin. It is almost always added to confectionery products in order to improve their consistency.

    Glycerin is the main component of liqueurs.

  • It has the ability to draw water from the skin if the air humidity is less than 65%.

Some facts about the product:

Instructions for use

Price in the online pharmacy site: from 19

Some facts

Inadequate bowel movement occurs as a result of impaired motility digestive organ or pelvic floor dysfunction. Organic changes in the body, problems with peristalsis can lead to a disorder.

There are several types of constipation. Difficult defecation lasting less than 12 hours is episodic. A prolonged absence of the process of excretion of feces from the digestive tract (more than two days) is diagnosed as chronic constipation.

There are several reasons for the appearance of problems with bowel cleansing ─ the use of a large amount of white bread, potatoes, rice, tea, diseases of the teeth and gastrointestinal tract, and the wrong diet. In older people, obstipation may be associated with a sedentary lifestyle. Also, a diet on mashed food can cause a violation. Insufficient defecation is also diagnosed in patients with an inflammatory disease of the gallbladder, kidneys, as well as in the formation of a defect in the stomach wall.

You can also recognize problems with bowel movements by secondary signs. Studies have shown that patients have an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, appetite decreases. Skin color becomes brownish. The results of the tests, as a rule, show an insufficient amount of vitamins and anemia.

To eliminate these symptoms, a diet, vitamins, pharmacological agents. Glycerin is considered to be a cosmetic substance. It really does have moisturizing properties. Helps make skin soft and smooth. The research results also confirmed the laxative properties of trihydric alcohol.

Pharmaceutical companies include glycerol in the composition of medicines to reduce irritability. The component absorbs a large amount of water, due to which it relieves the human body of excess fluid. But still, preparations containing glycerin can cause irritation, itching and other side effects. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

Pharmacological properties

The drug, according to the instructions, has a complex effect. Studies have confirmed the ability of the drug to increase the peristalsis of the large intestine and slow down the reabsorption of water. The substance effectively removes excess fluid from the body and gently softens the skin.

The effect of the active substance on the increase in excess hydrostatic pressure has been proven, due to which the drug contributes to the transport of fluid into the plasma. The drug can enter the body orally or parenterally. It has the ability to lower intracranial pressure. This effect was recorded already 1.5 hours after application. The fluid pressure inside the eye normalizes on average ten minutes after the introduction of a hygroscopic substance into the body.

The drug can be used with excessive accumulation of fluid in the head, spinal cord or intercellular space. As a rule, a remedy is prescribed if such a condition was provoked by acute poisoning.

In ophthalmology, trihydric alcohol is used before and after surgery, as well as during exacerbation of glaucoma. After rectal administration, the active substance irritates the rectal mucosa and stimulates intestinal motility. Softening the bowel movements and their removal takes an average of fifteen to thirty minutes.

Glycerol is used as an active or auxiliary substance in the preparation of ointments and other forms of medicines. Clinical researches showed that the component is easily absorbed by mucous membranes. At oral administration rapidly resorbed. Metabolized in the liver. Leaves the body with urine. Seven to fourteen percent of the drug is excreted unchanged. The pharmacokinetics of Glycerin in the form of suppositories has not been studied.

Composition and form of release

One gram of the solution contains 85% of the active ingredient. As active component the manufacturer uses trihydric alcohol. It also contains purified water.

The suppository contains the same active ingredient at a dosage of 2.11 or 1.24 grams. Also in the composition there are auxiliary components.

Pharmacological companies offer two forms of release - in the form of a solution and suppositories. There are several types of packaging. The solution is sold in a dosage of 25 to 150 grams. There is also a larger container - canisters from five to twenty kilograms. The liquid form of the drug can be purchased in a bottle or bottle made of dark glass, as well as in a plastic canister.

Five pieces of suppositories are placed in a cellular polymer packaging. The kit includes instructions for use, as well as two blisters.

Side effects

There have been cases of allergic reactions to the administration of suppositories. Undesirable consequences of using the solution were manifested in the form of itching, burning and excessive overflow of blood vessels circulatory system. Prolonged use of solid suppositories can affect the physiological process of defecation, as well as provoke acute inflammatory disease large intestine.

Indications for use


Storage Features

Alcohol compatibility

drug interaction

Glycerin can be used in combination with other drugs. An increase in the effectiveness of the use of diuretics with the simultaneous use of propanetriol has been proven.

Indications for use

Glycerin is prescribed to patients of various age categories in the following cases:

  • With obstipation (regardless of the origin of pathologies). Helps to get rid of constipation caused by an unbalanced diet, limited mobility, taking some medicinal preparations, dehydration and so on.
  • For external use, the solution will be needed for increased dryness of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • As a basis or auxiliary substance in the preparation of liniment and ointments.

Glycerin in the form of suppositories is used for constipation, especially when oral laxatives are prohibited.


The drug should not be used in patients with hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug, with a diagnosed partial or complete loss of the ability of the kidneys to excrete, form urine, hemorrhages, inflammation of the appendix, frequent bowel movements with the removal of liquid feces.

Suppositories are not recommended for anal fissures, malignant formations or swelling of the blood vessels of the rectum, pain in the epigastric region of uncertain origin. Do not prescribe solid suppositories to children under two years of age.

Storage Features

To preserve the properties of the drug, it is necessary to create special conditions. The solution must be kept in a room with an air temperature not exceeding +25 degrees. In this case, the shelf life will be 5 years.

The drug in the form of suppositories can be used for two years, provided that the thermometer is in the range from +15 to +25 degrees. After the specified period, the use of the drug in any form is prohibited.

Use in pregnancy

The drug is prescribed to women during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.

Method and features of use

Solid suppositories are intended for parenteral administration. As a standard, the drug should be used once a day. The maximum efficiency is fixed at morning introduction. After taking breakfast, you need to wait fifteen to twenty minutes. The duration of treatment, as well as the dosage, the doctor can adjust depending on the cause and severity of constipation.

Adult patients, as well as children over six years of age, are prescribed one suppository containing 2.11 g of the active substance. Another treatment regimen can also be determined - two solid suppositories during the day at a dosage of 1.24 g.

For the treatment of the younger age category (children from two to six years old), the manufacturer recommends using one suppository per day. The amount of active ingredient in the suppository in this case should be 1.24 g.

The drug is not designed for long-term use. After the restoration of intestinal motility, it is not advisable to use suppositories. It is also forbidden to apply third-party substances to the surface of the candle, for example, mineral oils.

The solution can be used for external treatment of damaged skin and mucous membranes. Also, the drug helps to eliminate dryness and tightness of the skin. In this case, the agent is applied in the form of applications. With constipation, the solution is used for enemas.

The substance is part of many pharmacological preparations. In combination with other components, trihydric alcohol helps to get rid of cough, cure diseases oral cavity, reduce sensitivity. A well-known antiseptic (Bura in glycerin) is used in gynecology, with tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Sodium tetraborate helps relieve diaper rash and bedsores. In such cases, the agent is applied to the damaged areas.

Alcohol compatibility

There is no information on interaction with ethanol.

drug interaction

Glycerin can be used in combination with other drugs. An increase in the effectiveness of the use of diuretics with the simultaneous use of propanetriol has been proven.

Indications for use

Glycerin is prescribed to patients of various age categories in the following cases:

  • With obstipation (regardless of the origin of pathologies). Helps to get rid of constipation caused by an unbalanced diet, limited mobility, taking certain medications, dehydration, and so on.
  • For external use, the solution will be needed for increased dryness of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • As a basis or auxiliary substance in the preparation of liniment and ointments.

Glycerin in the form of suppositories is used for constipation, especially when oral laxatives are prohibited.


The drug should not be used in patients with hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug, with a diagnosed partial or complete loss of the ability of the kidneys to secrete, form urine, hemorrhages, inflammation of the appendix, frequent bowel movements with the excretion of liquid feces.

Suppositories are not recommended for use in anal fissures, malignant tumors or swelling of the blood vessels of the rectum, pain in the epigastric region of uncertain origin. Do not prescribe solid suppositories to children under two years of age.

Storage Features

To preserve the properties of the drug, it is necessary to create special conditions. The solution must be kept in a room with an air temperature not exceeding +25 degrees. In this case, the shelf life will be 5 years.

The drug in the form of suppositories can be used for two years, provided that the thermometer is in the range from +15 to +25 degrees. After the specified period, the use of the drug in any form is prohibited.

Use in pregnancy

The drug is prescribed to women during the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding.

Method and features of use

Solid suppositories are intended for parenteral administration. As a standard, the drug should be used once a day. The maximum efficiency is fixed at morning introduction. After taking breakfast, you need to wait fifteen to twenty minutes. The duration of treatment, as well as the dosage, the doctor can adjust depending on the cause and severity of constipation.

Adult patients, as well as children over six years of age, are prescribed one suppository containing 2.11 g of the active substance. Another treatment regimen can also be determined - two solid suppositories during the day at a dosage of 1.24 g.

For the treatment of the younger age category (children from two to six years old), the manufacturer recommends using one suppository per day. The amount of active ingredient in the suppository in this case should be 1.24 g.

The drug is not designed for long-term use. After the restoration of intestinal motility, it is not advisable to use suppositories. It is also forbidden to apply third-party substances to the surface of the candle, for example, mineral oils.

The solution can be used for external treatment of damaged skin and mucous membranes. Also, the drug helps to eliminate dryness and tightness of the skin. In this case, the agent is applied in the form of applications. With constipation, the solution is used for enemas.

The substance is part of many pharmacological preparations. In combination with other components, trihydric alcohol helps to get rid of cough, cure diseases of the oral cavity, and reduce sensitivity. A well-known antiseptic (Bura in glycerin) is used in gynecology, with tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Sodium tetraborate helps relieve diaper rash and bedsores. In such cases, the agent is applied to the damaged areas.

Alcohol compatibility

There is no information on interaction with ethanol.

When using Glycerin, treatment with other drugs is allowed.


Using the drug in excess of the norm can lead to undesirable consequences. There have been cases of severe headache, bouts of nausea, dry mouth, and general malaise.

Also, exceeding the dosage can lead to more serious consequences - kidney failure, impaired heart rate. In rare cases, applying a substance to the skin can cause damage to red blood cells, followed by the removal of hemoglobin to the outside, the appearance of hemoglobin in the urine, and the death of a portion of the kidney tissue.


In the network of pharmacies you can find several drugs with similar properties. They also contain glycerol. The solution can be replaced with Dexeryl, suppositories with Glycelax.

Vaseline, Actovegin, Ramnil, Sena extract also have a similar effect. The listed funds have side effects. Before use, consult a specialist.

A drug with a dermatoprotective and skin softening effect is Glycerin. Instructions for use informs that the solution and suppositories are used for problems with the skin and gastrointestinal tract. Reviews of gastroenterologists report that this medication helps in the treatment of constipation.

Release form and composition

Glycerin solution is a viscous oily liquid. It is transparent and has no color. The main active ingredient of the solution is glycerol, its content in 25 ml of the drug is 21.25 g. The solution is in a 25 ml dark glass bottle.

They also produce rectal suppositories with glycerin, borax in glycerin (sodium tetraborate solution). The drug is often added to cosmetics to soften the skin of the hands, body.

Indications for use

What does Glycerin help with? Suppositories are recommended for the treatment of constipation, as well as for their prevention in patients who cannot strain during natural bowel movements due to certain diagnosed diseases, including thrombosed painful hemorrhoids, perianal abscess, anorectal stenosis and myocardial infarction.

Borax in Glycerin is prescribed for the treatment of thrush, stomatitis and vaginal candidiasis.

Also, this drug is prescribed to soften, nourish the skin and mucous membranes when they are dry.

Instructions for use

With dry skin, for the treatment of mucous membranes, a solution of Glycerin is applied in the form of external applications.

Candles with Glycerin are administered rectally one p / day, usually in the morning, 15-20 minutes after breakfast.

Borax for the treatment of thrush is used in the form of douches. For the treatment of tonsillitis, pharyngitis, borax rinses are used, and diaper rash, bedsores are simply lubricated with a solution of sodium glycerin.

pharmachologic effect

Glycerin, produced as a solution for local and external use, has the ability to soften the skin and mucous membranes. It retains moisture in the skin cells, preventing it from drying out and helping damaged skin. skin and mucous membranes to recover.

The solution is used as a laxative in the form of enemas.

Candles with glycerin have a laxative effect. They are used to treat various constipations (functional, age-related, psychogenic), as well as to prevent constipation in patients who have had a heart attack or who suffer from anorectal stenosis, perianal abscess and hemorrhoids.

Borax in glycerin is an antimicrobial drug that has an insecticidal and antiseptic effect.


Glycerin suppositories for constipation are contraindicated in:

  • diarrhea;
  • cracks in the anus;
  • hypersensitivity to glycerol;
  • inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of the rectum;
  • appendicitis;
  • hemorrhoids in the acute stage;
  • bleeding.

Taking glycerol orally is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, people with liver and / or kidney diseases, cardiovascular disorders.

Side effects

During the period of treatment with Glycerin, when using large amounts of the agent and in the presence of conditions that cause increased resorption, hemoglobinuria, hemolysis, and methemoglobin kidney infarction may develop.

Allergic reactions, intestinal irritation are also possible. In rare cases, symptoms of catarrhal proctitis, a weakening of the physiological process of bowel movement, may appear.

Children, during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, glycerin suppositories are one of the safest and most effective means to deal with constipation. Glycerol is non-toxic, so the composition of the suppositories does not harm the health of the mother and child.

By the way, according to reviews, glycerin suppositories are also effective during pregnancy, after childbirth, and during breastfeeding.

According to the instructions, glycerin suppositories for children over 6 years of age are recommended to be used in the amount of 1 suppository weighing 1.53-1.69 grams or 2 suppositories weighing from 2.61 to 2.89 grams per day.

Candles with glycerin for children aged 2 to 6 years are prescribed 1 suppository weighing 1.53-1.69 grams per day.

Is it possible to use glycerin suppositories for newborns? It is recommended to use them no earlier than the child is 3 months old, and you will need special children's glycerin suppositories.

special instructions

Before you start using the Glycerin solution, you should carefully read the instructions that came with the drug. It is important to pay attention to such special instructions:

  • When using the solution as a laxative, it is necessary to stop using it after the normalization of the stool and the act of defecation.
  • In case of accidental contact with the drug on the mucous membranes, they must be washed with a sufficient amount of running water.
  • Self-administration of the drug inside is not recommended, since its absorption from the intestinal lumen can provoke the development of osmolar coma (change in blood plasma density), renal failure, hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose levels).
  • Due to the lack of proven safety, the use of the drug for children under 18 years of age, pregnant and breastfeeding women is not recommended.
  • The use of a solution of Glycerin does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration.

drug interaction

The drug interaction of glycerol is not described.


Similar to Glycerin solution in terms of active substance and therapeutic effect are candles and .

Holiday conditions and price

The average cost of Glycerin (liquid for local use, 40 g) in Moscow is 25 rubles. In the pharmacy network, the solution is dispensed without a prescription. If you have any questions or doubts about its use, you should consult your doctor.

The shelf life of the solution is 5 years from the date of its manufacture. Store Glycerin instructions for use in a dark, dry place inaccessible to children at an air temperature not higher than + 25 ° C.

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