Mezapam is an international name. Mezapam - instructions for use

International non-proprietary name:


chemical name: 7-Chloro-2,3-dihydro-1-methyl-5-phenyl-1H-1,4-benzodiazepine

Dosage form:


1 tablet contains active substance mezapam - 10 mg, Excipients: lactose monohydrate (milk sugar) - 69 mg, potato starch - 20 mg, calcium stearate (calcium stearate) - 1 mg.

Description: Tablets light yellow flat-cylindrical shape.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Anxiolytic agent (tranquilizer).

ATX code:

Pharmacological properties

Mezapam is a “daytime” anxiolytic agent (tranquilizer) from the group of benzodiazepines, has an anxiolytic, muscle relaxant and antieliptic effect, has a slightly pronounced thymoleptic effect.
It interacts with benzodiazepine receptors of the limbic system and the ascending activating formation of the brain stem, promotes the opening of Cl channels, which leads to an increase in the inhibitory effects of GABA in the central nervous system. Eliminates anxiety, fear, psychoneurotic tension, general motor agitation, excessive fussiness, restores emotional behavior and has a stabilizing effect on the autonomic nervous system. Restores a critical assessment of one's own disease. Antieliptic, central muscle relaxant, sedative and hypnotic effects are less pronounced than typical benzodiazepine anxiolytic drugs (tranquilizers).

After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed. Absorption - 49-75%. The time required to reach the maximum concentration is 1-2 hours. Communication with plasma proteins is 99.8%. Metabolized by hydroxylation, N-demethylation, oxidation with the formation of active metabolites: desmethylmedazepam (nordiazepam), diazepam, dimethyldiazepam, oxazepam (7.1% of the dose). Nordiazepam has a long half-life (T1 / 2), accumulates in the body and has a pronounced sedative effect. Excretion of metabolites associated with glucuronic acid, by the kidneys (63-85%) and through the intestines (15-37%). T1 / 2 - 20-176 hours. After completion of the intake, significant concentrations of metabolites in plasma are determined for another 3-14 days (they have a long T1 / 2).

Indications for use:

Neurotic and neurosis-like disorders; psychosomatic and vegetative disorders, alcohol withdrawal syndrome (in complex therapy). In children - mental lability, excessive excitability.

Contraindications for use:

Hypersensitivity, myasthenia gravis, acute liver and kidney diseases, sleep apnea, alcohol and drug addiction, childhood(up to 10 years), lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.


Hepatic and/or kidney failure, pregnancy, spinal and cerebellar ataxia, intraocular hypertension, organic lesions central nervous system, respiratory failure, elderly age, the overall severity of the condition.

Dosage and administration

Inside, before meals, doses are selected individually, with neurotic and neurosis-like disorders 2-3 times a day, the initial single dose is 10 mg, the initial daily dose is 20 mg, gradually increasing the dose to 30 mg / day (if necessary, up to 40 mg /day); with psychosomatic and vegetative disorders from 20 to 40 mg per day (average 30 mg: 1 tablet 3 times a day). In the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, 30 mg / day is prescribed for 1-2 weeks. For adults, the average single dose is 10-20 mg. The average daily dose is 30-40 mg. The maximum daily dose for adults is 40 mg (on an outpatient basis) and 60-70 mg (in a hospital setting).
The duration of the course of treatment is set individually, on average no more than 2 months, a second course - after a break (at least 3 weeks). The elderly and adolescents are prescribed 10-20 mg / day.

Precautions for use:

Use strictly as prescribed by the doctor to avoid complications.
During the period of treatment may cause difficulty in remembering and learning, you should refrain from drinking ethanol.
In the treatment and prevention of the development of withdrawal syndrome, cancellation is carried out gradually.
Assign to a short time, with prolonged use, the formation of drug dependence is possible (with an excessive increase in the dose, the development of tolerance and mental dependence).

Overdose symptoms, overdose relief measures:

Symptoms: fatigue, catalepsy, ataxia, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, muscle hypotension; in severe cases - coma, convulsions, respiratory depression.
Treatment: gastric lavage, activated carbon and laxatives, intravenous fluid infusion, control of respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature, general measures aimed at maintaining the basic vital functions of the body, and preparation of all conditions necessary. to provide emergency care with the possible development of obstruction respiratory tract. Forced diuresis and hemodialysis are ineffective.

Possible side effects when using the drug:

Mezapam is generally well tolerated.
From the nervous system: drowsiness, headache (first reaction to administration, disappearing after dose reduction), weakness, dizziness, stupor, anterograde amnesia, depression, confusion, dysarthria, ataxia (in elderly patients and patients with mental retardation), paresis of accommodation; in elderly patients and children - loss of orientation in space, disinhibition, aggressiveness.
From the side of cardio-vascular system: tachycardia, lowering blood pressure.
From the side digestive system: dry mouth, dyspepsia, increased activity of "liver" transaminases.
From the side respiratory system: depression of the respiratory center (with airway obstruction or brain damage), alveolar hypoventilation (in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease when taken in high doses).
Others: decrease in potency and / or libido, dysmenorrhea, urinary retention, spasm of the vocal cords (with temporary cessation of breathing), pain in chest, "withdrawal" syndrome, paradoxical reactions, drug dependence (especially with prolonged use), allergic reactions.

Interaction with others medicines:

With simultaneous use, there is a mutual enhancement of the actions of ethanol, narcotic analgesics, medicines for general anesthesia, centrally acting muscle relaxants, barbiturates, hypnotics, antidepressants.
With the simultaneous administration of centrally acting antihypertensive drugs and beta-blockers, an excessive increase in sedative and hypotensive action is possible.
When combined with anticoagulants, there is a decrease in the activity of indirect anticoagulants.
Inhibitors of microsomal liver enzymes (cimetidine) enhance and prolong the effect, inducers (barbiturates and phenytoin) weaken it.
Oral contraceptives can delay the metabolism of mezapam, which leads to an increase in the intensity and duration of its action.
Reduces the effect of levodopa, enhances the effect of phenytoin (inhibition of the latter).

The possibility and peculiarity of the medical use of the drug by pregnant women and women during breastfeeding:

The use of Mezapam during pregnancy (I trimester) and during lactation is contraindicated. If necessary, use during lactation should stop feeding.

Information about possible effects on the ability to drive vehicles, mechanisms:

During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially dangerous species activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

Best before date:

5 years. Do not use after the expiry date stated on the package.

Release form:

Tablets of 10 mg. 5 blister packs of 10 tablets or 50 tablets in a light-protective glass jar or a polymer jar together with instructions for use in a cardboard box.

Storage conditions:

List III of the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors subject to control in Russian Federation.
Store in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Name, address of the manufacturer of the medicinal product and address of the production of the medicinal product:

OAO "Organika", Russia, 654034, Kemerovo region, Novokuznetsk, Kuznetskoe highway, 3

1 tablet contains 10 mg active substance mezapam . As additional components are: lactose monohydrate, starch, calcium stearate.

Release form

Available in tablets.

pharmachologic effect

Tranquilizer .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Indications for the use of Mezapam in pediatrics: irritability, mental lability , "school" neuroses.


With organic pathology of the nervous system, cerebellar ataxia, with spinal ataxia, respiratory failure, pregnancy, Mezapam tablets are prescribed with caution.

Side effects

Digestive tract: increase, ALT, AST, dyspeptic disorders, dry mouth.

Nervous system: numbness, headaches, paresis of accommodation , dizziness, loss of strength, ataxia, confusion, aggressiveness, disorientation, dysarthria, anterograde amnesia , disinhibition.

The cardiovascular system: fall, palpitations.

Respiratory system: in patients with COPD when treated with high doses, alveolar hypoventilation ; with brain damage and airway obstruction, depression of the respiratory center is noted.

Mezapam, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Tablets are taken 2-3 times a day, starting with a minimum dosage of 5 mg; gradually the amount of the drug is adjusted to 30 mg / day. In rare cases, 40 mg of medazepam per day is allowed. In the conditions of outpatient treatment, the following scheme is recommended: 5 mg in the morning and at 12:66, 10 mg in the evening. In the conditions of inpatient treatment, the maximum daily dose can be increased to 60-70 mg. Duration of treatment - no more than 60 days. A month later, you can conduct a second course.


Incorrect dosing of the drug, namely taking large doses of medazepam, can lead to tachycardia , ataxia, catalepsy, respiratory depression, hypotension of muscle tissue, falling blood pressure. Appointment required enterosorbents , carrying out general measures aimed at stabilizing the condition and restoring the basic vital functions of the patient. and forced diuresis were found to be ineffective.


Enhanced interaction observed with treatment antidepressants , sleeping pills, barbiturates, central muscle relaxants , medicines for general anesthesia, narcotic analgesics, when taking alcohol. The result of simultaneous therapy with beta-blockers, anticoagulants , antihypertensive drugs central effects are unpredictable.

Mezapam enhances the effect phenytoin (may slow down metabolic processes), reduces the efficiency levodopa . Oral contraceptives slow down metabolism Mezapam, which can lead to an increase in the duration and increase the effectiveness of the drug. Cimetidine prolongs the period of action and enhances the severity pharmacological effect medazepam.

Terms of sale

Requires a prescription.

Storage conditions

In a dark place inaccessible to children at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees Celsius. It is included in the 3rd list of narcotic and psychotropic substances in Russia.

Best before date

No more than five years.

special instructions

maybe impaired memory and attention , decreased learning ability during treatment. Alcohol-containing drinks are not allowed. Mezapam affects driving. Gradual withdrawal of the drug is recommended in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms.

Long-term therapy can lead to the formation of drug dependence on medozepam.

Mezapam's analogs

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Analogues can be called:, Nobritem . A substitute for Mezapam can only be recommended by the attending physician, it is unacceptable to take the analogue on its own without the consent of the doctor.

International name

Medazepam (Medazepam)

Group affiliation

Description of the active substance (INN)

Dosage form

Granules for suspension for oral administration [for children], tablets

pharmachologic effect

"Daytime" anxiolytic agent (tranquilizer) from the group of benzodiazepines, has an anxiolytic, muscle relaxant and antiepileptic effect, has a slightly pronounced thymoleptic effect.

Interacts with benzodiazepine receptors of the limbic system and the ascending activating formation of the brain stem, promotes the opening of Cl-channels, which leads to an increase in the inhibitory effects of GABA in the central nervous system.

Eliminates anxiety, fear, psychoneurotic tension, general motor agitation, excessive fussiness, restores emotional behavior and has a stabilizing effect on the autonomic nervous system. Restores a critical assessment of one's own disease. Antiepileptic, central muscle relaxant, sedative and hypnotic effects are less pronounced than typical benzodiazepine anxiolytic drugs (tranquilizers).


Neuroses, psychopathy with anxiety, agitation, nervous tension, irritability, migraine (prevention of seizures), menopausal syndrome, alcoholism (withdrawal syndrome).

Children have "school" neuroses, mental lability, excessive excitability.


Hypersensitivity, myasthenia gravis, acute diseases of the liver and kidneys, sleep apnea, alcohol and drug addiction, pregnancy (I trimester), lactation, children's age (up to 10 years). With caution. Hepatic and / or renal failure, pregnancy, spinal and cerebellar ataxia, intraocular hypertension, organic lesions of the central nervous system, respiratory failure, advanced age, general severity of the condition.

Side effects

From the side of the nervous system: drowsiness, headache (the first reaction to the reception, disappearing after dose reduction), weakness, dizziness, stupor, anterograde amnesia, depression, confusion, dysarthria, ataxia (in elderly patients and patients with mental retardation), paresis accommodation; in elderly patients and children - loss of orientation, disinhibition, aggressiveness.

From the side of the CCC: tachycardia, lowering blood pressure.

From the digestive system: dry mouth, dyspeptic symptoms, increased activity of "liver" transaminases.

From the respiratory system: depression of the respiratory center (with airway obstruction or brain damage), alveolar hypoventilation (in patients with COPD when taken in high doses).

Others: reduced potency and / or libido, dysmenorrhea, urinary retention, vocal cord spasm, chest pain, withdrawal syndrome, paradoxical reactions, drug dependence (especially with prolonged use), allergic reactions.

Application and dosage

Inside, before meals, starting with 5 mg 2-3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose to 30 mg / day (if necessary - up to 40 mg / day). On an outpatient basis, it is recommended to take 5 mg in the morning and at noon and 10 mg in the evening. The maximum daily dose for adults is 40 mg (on an outpatient basis) and 60-70 mg (in a hospital setting). Duration of the course - no more than 2 months, a second course - after a break (at least 3 weeks).

The elderly and adolescents are prescribed 10-20 mg / day, for children a single (daily) dose: at the age of 1-2 years - 1 mg (2-3 mg), 3-6 years - 1-2 mg (3-6 mg), 7-10 years old - 4-8 mg (6-24 mg) and over 10 years old - 6-10 mg (20-60 mg). In the treatment of alcoholism, 30 mg / day is prescribed for 1-2 weeks.

special instructions

During the period of treatment may cause difficulty in remembering and learning, you should refrain from drinking ethanol.

In the treatment and prevention of the development of withdrawal symptoms, withdrawal is carried out gradually.

Assign for a short time, with prolonged use - the formation of drug dependence (in case of excessive excess of the dose - the development of tolerance and mental dependence).

During the period of treatment, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.


With a joint appointment, there is a mutual enhancement of the actions of ethanol, narcotic analgesics, drugs for general anesthesia, centrally acting muscle relaxants, barbiturates, hypnotics, antidepressants.

With the simultaneous administration of antihypertensive drugs of central action, beta-blockers or anticoagulants, the result of the interaction is unpredictable.

Inhibitors of microsomal oxidation (cimetidine) enhance and prolong the effect, inducers (barbiturates and phenytoin) weaken it.

Oral contraceptives can delay the metabolism of medazepam, which leads to an increase in the intensity and duration of its action.

Reduces the effect of levodopa, enhances phenytoin (inhibition of the metabolism of the latter).




Mezapam has a severe effect on general state. very strong manifestations of drowsiness, lethargy. Not such a "daytime" he, this mezapam, a former rudotel!

Mezapam is a very strong drug in relation to the whole body, it is impossible to choose a dosage - you “depart” from it for a very long time! Side effects are very pronounced - stupor, drowsiness, physical and mental lethargy, confusion! I don’t know - with what drugs it can generally be taken in complex therapy!

marina, 09/23/2012, age: 44

Highly good drug. helps from pa. I don't know if he has a withdrawal syndrome?

Eugene, 10/05/2012, age: 34

An excellent daytime tranquilizer! Well removes anxiety, VSD and other muck!

Alexander, 10/24/2012, age: 24

An excellent drug for 8 months I was haunted by panic attacks, neurosis, a terrible fear that that's all the end, on the second day of taking mezapam I felt so good that I already wanted to jump out into the street and scream from a good mood, I DID NOT FEEL SIDE EFFECTS ON MYSELF, for the first time in 8 months I got behind the wheel and felt so confident as if I had been driving for 25 years, a very strong self-confidence appeared))))))

Elena, 11/14/2012, age: 29

I drank alprozolam at 0.5 at night, my sleep recovered and the panic attacks finally receded, but yesterday I drank only 1/4 of mezama during the day - terrible nausea and shaking half the night .... although, when I read the instructions, I hoped that this drug will help me (

Lilia, 12/28/2012, age: 48

A good drug, especially in menopause, relieves all the nasty sensations: a feeling of heat alternating with chills, a wild headache, anxiety, irritability, increased blood pressure, pain in the heart, asthma attacks - cardioneurosis is called, while the heart itself can be completely healthy. But it is selected strictly individually, starting with small doses, under the supervision of a doctor. I myself am a paramedic, it is easier for me to do this. But one mezamem will not save, you need complex treatment. In general, all this needs to be done in a hospital, pick up an individual scheme. Treatment is usually long-term.

Eugene, 02/04/2013, age: 35

The drug is good. Especially if you drink it for the first time. Indeed, everything changes from "minus" to "plus". A year later, I asked the doctor to prescribe it to me again in the hope of helping myself in a state of tension. But the effect was no longer the same, and then the body, it seems, stopped responding to it altogether.
The doctor also warned that mezapam greatly affects memory, worsening it. Therefore, he is not appointed to those over 50.

Viktor, 05/07/2013, age: 33

Not a drug! ugh crap!

Irina, 05/25/2013, age: 29

I have been drinking for 2 days, one twice a day. the anxiety has not completely gone away and there is not enough air. I don’t know, maybe it was necessary to start with a lower dose and gradually increase?

Egor, 05/31/2013

After taking mezapam, my head hurts. PA have not gone away, there are even more of them. I stopped using 3-4 days ago, but my head still hurts.

Natalya, 06/05/2013, age: 36

I started drinking two weeks ago, but judging by all the comments in a horse dose of 1 tablet 4 times a day. It became much better, only about a week later she began to want to sleep day and night. Now the doctor has reduced to 3 tablets a day. And who knows how long you can drink it at all?

Marina, 17.07.2013

A very good drug. I drink it for eight months, but I quickly got used to it, I drink 1 tablet a day, everything is fine, I stop the condition returns again and anxiety and fear.

Oksana, 07/20/2013, age: 26

Hello, about a week before pregnancy, I stopped drinking mezapam, how can this affect the baby?

Maria, 09/07/2013, age: 25

Mezapam was prescribed, for 2 days I drink the drug: I sleep, I feel dizzy, it feels like I was stunned by something, BUT calmness came, the internal vibration disappeared. I'm wondering how addictive the drug is?!

Natalia, 10/17/2013, age: 44

Great remedy for acute necessary assistance. Really breathed life into me. Good mood, self-confidence, a sense of anxiety disappeared, it became all the same in a good sense of the word.

Julia, 04/23/2014, age: 25

I drink one tablet 2 times a day for a week. my anxiety is gone, though the thoughts that I might die have not gone away, but somehow I already perceive them positively or something. no fear. internal vibration. the doctor said to drink for 2 weeks and come to the reception. I think the product is good. drank it in the fall with fevarin, side effects began. quit. but the feeling of fear was gone. then it started all over again. but this is because I didn’t drink the course, I didn’t have to quit. and now I feel good. I kept worrying that I had blues, everything hurt, jumped hell, I was afraid of a stroke. and after mezapam everything went away, so it all means neurosis! and not spleen and not a tumor (as I wound myself), you can drink it for no more than 2 months.

Olga, 06/26/2014, age: 52

Experienced severe stress hypertensive crises, feeling of fear, chills, etc. I took mezapam for 2 months, the effect was, side effects did not have. Then I took a break for a month, and everything repeated only with increasing frequency. Now I drink adaptol, but this is not a medicine. I'm afraid to switch to other tranquilizers and antidepressants. M. b., I will have to return to the proven mezapam.

ANNA, 07/29/2014, age: 22

She went through a lot of stress, from winding up her sores, she came up with a brain tumor after reading on the Internet, as a result, there were no health problems during the examination. during the terrible thought of sores, stress began, PA, anxiety, terrifying numbness of the arms, legs, heaviness, fear of death, cried, lost weight on a nervous basis, lost appetite. Now, after a conversation conducted by a psychiatrist, the doctor felt better, prescribed mezapam and rexitin, I refuse rexitin, I'm afraid to drink it! Yesterday I felt better mentally and ate better. but it was in the morning after sleep that feelings of anxiety and fear and a strong heartbeat appeared, and today I decided to take half a tablet of mezapam as a doctor and prescribed another tenoten drink. I must admit that in the morning after drinking mezapam, my bad thoughts had already departed better, I even wanted to eat! feel better in the soul and mood improved! I hope there will be no addiction and thanks to mezapam I will get out of this state)

Marina, 09/10/2014, age: 27

No, the strongest side effects, to the point that he can not walk, everything pulls and reduces. hell

Elena, 03/06/2015, age: 44

I drank for two weeks from PA. Helped. Now I use it as needed, as an ambulance.

Maria, 03/12/2015, age: 26

Do you need a prescription from your doctor?

Rita, 04/07/2015, age: 48

An excellent drug is easily tolerated, you need to start with 0.5 tabs 2 times a day after a stroke, there was a severe depression with suicidal thoughts and attempts were treated with antidepressants, against which everything only intensified, she began to drink mezapam according to the indicated scheme + 0.5 tabs at night after 2 days became a person from other phenazepam and relanium terrible lethargy and stupefaction, therefore mezapam is the best drug for me

Victor, 09/30/2015, age: 42

The drug is excellent for panic attacks and nervous strain. After application, relief is noticeable already on the second day. The most important thing is that the brain begins to work normally. But the fact that the price for it has increased from 170 rubles to 960 rubles is just a mess.

PA began with three attacks, when she could not move from fear (at that time she still did not understand that it was from him). She was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of vertebral artery syndrome. There, after examination, a diagnosis of PA was made. I started taking Mezapam, felt the improvement immediately, and decided to slowly reduce the dose after 3 weeks of taking it. The result is a return to pa, anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite. The doctor said that we are starting all over again, a month on mezapam, then a gradual transition to another drug, which I will take for a long time and psychotherapy is definitely needed. You can't leave on one mezapame. I was with a psychotherapist for two sessions, I consider myself completely adequate, but after the conversations there is something to think about, what to rebuild, not everything is as good as it seemed.
Mezapam good pills, which can relieve symptoms, but it is impossible to cure only with the help of them. Who is able to afford, do not spare money plus for a good psychotherapist.

Olga, 11/01/2015, age: 46

By the way, the price is 1230 rubles!

Marina, 01/10/2016, age: 34

3 years ago I took it with PA along with Azafen. PA passed, and faster than I thought. Before the fifth doctor said that my condition is just nerves, I sent myself a bunch of diagnoses. Good drug, PA no longer bothered. But a month ago, I was diagnosed with severe depression, I didn’t want ANYTHING, terrible apathy, sobbed with or without reason, thought out of my mind. Again, the doctor prescribed mesopam + azafen and pah-pah felt like a man. Really restores the assessment of one's own state, calms, balances. A side effect for the first few days in the form of a headache, then it passed. Take 2 months, Azafen for at least 6 months. There was no withdrawal syndrome.

Marina, 02/22/2016, age: 29

A very good drug. Four months ago, this started happening to me, just awful. I had never even been in a hospital before, and then your heart began to ache, and your stomach and muscles ached as if you were unloading wagons. After all the examinations, nothing was found, everything was healthy, but for some reason it hurt. After long wanderings among doctors of various fields, the turn came to a psychiatrist: and then my incurable disease was discovered. JUST NEUROSIS and that's it. The psychiatrist prescribed Mezapam for the night and Phenibut, and after two days I felt like a man and in general my condition improves every day.

Maria, 07/11/2016, age: 29

For me - an excellent drug, I drank courses 2 times. Half a tablet 2 times a day, this dose was enough for me to get rid of all emotions in general, you walk like a tank. Although before that and depression, and PA, so just hold on. Sometimes I get aggravated, and on the advice of a psychiatrist I use mezapam only in emergency cases. 0.5 - 1 tablet removes PA to the state of pulling yourself together. And so I try not to use it often and for a long time. For it’s not so easy to get it yet - not only is it accountable (they won’t sell it for nothing without a prescription, they’ll also take the prescription), you can’t always ask a psychiatrist for a prescription. This is where you have to save.

Varya, 08/03/2016

I have always drank and will continue to drink. Helps with all diseases! But everyone has their own dosage! For someone, a quarter once a day is suitable, and for someone, 1 tablet twice a day. Each dose is individual. If you really want to sleep, then you have a strong emotional overexertion, you just need to drink it!

VARYA, 08/03/2016

And we are all drug addicts! Mazepam - rules!)

Maria, 09/04/2016, age: 30

I drink the third course of mezapam. The first was in 2012, the second - in January of this year, the third - started a week ago. I take half a tablet in the morning and in the afternoon. Of the benefits: emotions still go away when taken, they become somehow smoother, she stopped waking up several times a night, migraine is easier to tolerate. Of the minuses: for the first time, you constantly want to sleep and walk like a brake on perestroika. The desire for physical activity disappeared, the reactions slowed down noticeably (considering that I am a phlegm in life). I don’t know how I will react to the cancellation, because I drink the minimum dose. I'm going to take at least another week. Adaptation after the holidays, what can you do.

Tatyana, 11/04/2016, age: 55

An excellent drug, relieves anxiety, phobias, no drowsiness, but like all tranquilizers, there is an addictive effect.

Yuri, 09/08/2017, age: 44

It should be drunk, like any tranquilizer - in a short course. Then addiction and the slow but inexorable development of depression. I drank for 5 years at 1t / 2r. for the intended purpose (periods of one). The first year he flew, then the effect began to fade. The psychotherapist advised on “difficult” days: “Don’t be afraid, increase the dosage.” (“Fortunately, there was still enough mind. Gradually, the brains begin to grow dull, you drink automatically. About “harmlessness” - fairy tales. Turns everything inside out for at least 10 days.

Your hiccup, me, 09/25/2017 , age: 29

I don't know about you. And the drug helped me. Even the arrhythmia almost disappeared without antiarrhythmics. I have an extrasystole. And that you want to sleep is good. Worse when you walk like a lunatic. I thought I'd go crazy.

Irina, 11/15/2017, age: 63

Mezapam should be taken with adepress, according to the scheme, very individually. Start with the smallest doses. If there is no improvement after a few days, increase the dose slightly. Refuse also gradually. I have been drinking in difficult situations for many years. If after several applications it became worse - the drug is not for you. Look for another.

7-Chloro-2,3-dihydro-1-methyl-5-phenyl-1H-1,4-benzodiazepine. Most often found in the composition of drugs in the form hydrochloride .

Chemical properties

Medazepam - daytime anxiolytic , derivative 1,4-benzodiazepine . It is a white or greenish-yellow fine crystalline powder. Practically insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol. Tranquilizer, molecular weight is 270.8 grams per mole. Available in tablet form for oral administration.

pharmachologic effect

Sedative, anxiolytic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Medazepam binds to specific receptors GABA-receptor complex which increases their sensitivity to gamma-aminobutyric acid . This leads to an increase in the frequency of opening of channels between membranes. nerve cells for chloride ions, to hyperpolarization of postsynaptic membranes of neurons and inhibition of their activity.

The drug has a pronounced anxiolytic effect. It has mild hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant effects. The feeling of anxiety disappears, fear is dulled, psychoneurotic tension and motor excitation subside. The patient can critically assess his condition, stabilize the functions of the autonomic nervous system.

Despite the fact that this substance has a sedative effect, it does not affect the performance of patients, has activating properties, and is used as a daytime tranquilizer. With prolonged use of the drug, mental and drug dependence may develop.

After oral administration, it is well absorbed in the digestive tract. Bioavailability is 50-70%. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is reached within 60-120 minutes. The agent has a very high degree of connection with plasma proteins, about 99%. Metabolism occurs in the liver, where active metabolites are formed:, desmethylmedazep , nordiazepam and .

The half-life is 2 hours, the metabolites are excreted longer, they can be detected in the blood within two weeks after ingestion. The agent and its metabolites cross the placental barrier, are found in breast milk. The drug is excreted through the kidneys and intestines.

Indications for use

  • at , psychopathy , increased excitability, emotional lability and irritability;
  • with low mood, anxiety, fears;
  • with psychosomatic and psychovegetative disorders, VSD , ;
  • with functional disorders of the cardiovascular system and digestive tract;
  • in time ;
  • for prevention.

Although the reception this medicine reduces cognitive abilities in children, it is sometimes prescribed for mental lability, excessive excitability and "school" .


  • at, night;
  • patients with drug addiction and;
  • at acute diseases liver and kidneys;
  • in the first trimester;
  • children under 10 years old;
  • breastfeeding women;
  • when on Medazepam.

Side effects

During treatment, the following may occur adverse reactions:

  • (most often after the first dose, disappears after dosage adjustment), general weakness, fatigue, lethargy;
  • , depression, ;
  • paresis of accommodation, twitching eyeball, double vision;
  • pain in the chest, ataxia ;
  • paradoxical arousal, suicidal thoughts, fear, insomnia , convulsions (children and elderly patients);
  • bradycardia , lowering blood pressure, nausea;
  • alveolar hypoventilation , laryngospasm , respiratory depression, shortness of breath, dry mouth;
  • pain in the stomach, jaundice, increased activity of liver enzymes;
  • , skin allergy, ;
  • decreased sexual activity, chest pain, addiction development;
  • withdrawal syndrome .

Medazepam, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Tablets are taken orally.

Treatment begins with the intake of 5 mg of the substance, 2-3 times a day. Further, the daily dosage is gradually increased to 30 mg. It is best to take 5 mg in the morning and 10 mg in the evening. The maximum daily dosage for an adult in outpatient treatment is 40 mg. In a hospital setting, the patient may be prescribed 60 mg of medication per day.

For elderly patients and adolescents, the recommended dosage is 20 mg per day. For children, the daily dose is calculated on the basis of 2 mg per kg of body weight. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the disease and the reaction to the medication.


When taking large doses of medication, patients experienced: ataxia , fatigue and fears, low blood pressure, tachycardia , muscle atony. In severe overdose, coma , convulsions, respiratory arrest or depression, possible.

Gastric lavage, laxatives and are indicated as therapy. BP should be controlled respiratory function, heart rate, body temperature of the victim, symptomatic treatment is carried out. The use of a specific antagonist is allowed - flumazenil .


The combination of Medazepam with drugs for anesthesia, opioids, ethyl alcohol, muscle relaxants can increase the sedative effect on the central nervous system.

Beta-blockers, drugs that lower blood pressure, anticoagulants are not recommended to be combined with Medazepam.

The effectiveness of the drug decreases under the action of barbiturates and increases - when combined with.

With caution, the drug is combined with hormonal contraceptives, such a combination can enhance the effect of taking the drug.

The substance reduces the effect of taking and potentiates the action.

Terms of sale

Need a prescription.

special instructions

Taking the drug daily for 14 days or more can lead to the development of drug dependence. This effect can develop when taking the usual therapeutic doses.

Therapy with the drug can be carried out only if it is prescribed by the attending physician. It is necessary to strictly follow his instructions, do not exceed the daily dosage and frequency of administration.

If during treatment, patients experience paradoxical reactions, the feeling of fear, aggression, suicidal tendencies become aggravated, and convulsions appear, then the therapy is stopped.

If the next dose of pills was missed, you can not drink a double dose.

The drug is withdrawn gradually to avoid withdrawal syndrome .

Anxiolytics are not prescribed for tension and anxiety resulting from everyday stress.


The substance is contraindicated in children under 10 years of age. AT adolescence the drug is prescribed rarely, with urgent need.

With alcohol

The product should not be combined with alcohol.

Medicines containing (Medazepam analogues)

Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Analogues:, Nobritem , Mezapam tablets 0.01 g .

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LORAZEPAM (pharmacological analogues: tavor, ativan) - is close in action to the previous drugs. Lorazepam P used in the treatment of neurotic, neurosis-like and psycho-like conditions. Reduces feelings of fear, anxiety, tension.

Release form of l orazepam: tablets of 0.0025 g. List B.

Recipe examples l orazepama in latin:

Rep.: Tab. Lorazepami 0.0025 N. 20

D.S. 1 tablet 2 times a day.

NOZEPAM (pharmacological analogues: tazepam, oxazepam) - is a typical tranquilizer with all the characteristic features of this group of drugs and indications for use.

Release form of nosepam: tablets of 0.01 g. List B.

Nosepam prescription examples in Latin:

Rep.: Tab. Nozepami 0.01 N. 50

D.S. 1 tablet 3-4 times a day

PHENAZEPAM- has a high tranquilizing activity, eliminates the feeling of anxiety (in terms of psychosedative action, it is close to neuroleptics). Phenazepam has a pronounced anticonvulsant, hypnotic, muscle relaxant effect. Side effects and contraindications to the use of phenazepam - characteristic of the entire group of tranquilizers. Phenazepam is used for neurotic, psychopathic conditions, as well as for epilepsy, sleep disorders, etc.

Release form of phenazepam: tablets of 0.0005 g and 0.001 g; 1 ml ampoules of 3% solution. List B.

Examples of phenazepam prescription in Latin:

Rep.: Tab. Phenazepami 0.0005 N. 50

D.S. 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

MEDAZEPAM (pharmacological analogues: mezapam, nobrium, rudotel) - has an anxiolytic, sedative, anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant effect. Medazepam is a so-called daytime tranquilizer. The drug is used to treat neurosis, alcoholism, etc. Side effects of medazepam: dizziness, tachycardia, disturbance of accommodation. Contraindications are typical for this group.

Release form of medazepam: tablets of 0.01 g. List B.

Recipe examples m edazepama in latin:

Rep.: Tab. Medazepami 0.01 N. 50

D.S. 1 tablet 1-3 times a day.

See also nitrazepam (see section on Sleeping pills) and clonazepam (section on anticonvulsants).

ALPRAZOLAM (pharmacological analogues: Xanax) is a benzodiazepine tranquilizer with activating properties. Alprazolam is used for anxiety, as well as mixed depressive-anxiety conditions (simultaneous occurrence of symptoms of depression and anxiety), neurotic reactive-depressive conditions, etc. Alprazolam is prescribed at 0.25-1 mg 2-3 times a day. Alprazolam is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines, pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects of alprazolam: common for drugs of the benzodiazepine group.

Release form a lprazolam: tablets of 0.25; 0.5 and 1 mg. List B.