The human body and its health theory. Human

We protect our health from an early age -
It will save us from pain and trouble.

Goals. Generalize and systematize students' knowledge about the human body; develop the ability to systematize educational information in crossword puzzles; learn to work in a group, defend one's opinion, listen to the opinion of comrades; nurture respect for your health.

Educational material. Crosswords "Human body", "Skeleton"; Handout; tables on the topic "The human body and its health."

Leading. Today we have gathered to summarize our knowledge on the topic studied. Two teams take part in the game.

Announcement of teams, introduction of captains, jury members.

- Our game consists of five rounds. Each round is judged by a jury. Captains, get ready for the draw.

Round 1. "Warm-up"

1. What knowledge was valued in antiquity? What did the medicine man know? ( Knowledge of diseases and their cure. This knowledge was highly valued by people; life depended on them.)

2. If a person turned into a tree, what would his torso, arms, legs become? ( The torso and neck would become a trunk, the legs would become roots, and the arms would become branches and leaves.)

3. At what age were you most like animals? ( In the chest, until they knew how to walk and crawled on all fours.)

4. What animal has eight legs and two body parts? ( At the spider.)

5. What kind of person, the hero of a fairy tale, became the king of animals? Whereby? ( The hero of R. Kipling's fairy tale Mowgli became the king of animals after he learned to use fire.)

6. What are the three names of parts of the skeleton that a person uses on the farm? ( Shoulder blade, hand, pelvis.)

7. What danger did the Princess and the Pea expose her spine to? ( On a very soft bed, the spine flexes a lot and can eventually twist.)

8. What animals do not have a backbone? What is the name of such animals? ( Invertebrates: insects, worms, snails, octopuses, jellyfish.)

9. The outer covering of the body - the skin - is the most extensive human organ. The skin protects the body from damage, retains fluids and prevents harmful substances from entering the body. The skin behaves very “strangely” in the cold - it turns pale, during the heat - it turns red. Why is this happening? ( In the cold, blood rushes deep into the body to warm the internal organs. And the skin turns pale. During heat, blood enters the capillaries on the surface of the skin. This removes excess heat from the body.)

It is interesting!

    The skin had the original sound - goat ("skin") and came from the word goat. In the future, the sound [z] changed to [g]. With the replacement of the sound, the meaning expanded greatly: the skin began to mean any processed skin, and then our skin, and the word goat was forgotten.

The jury summarizes and announces the results of the first round.

Tour 2. "The human body"

Leading. Now for a tour of mysteries. The captains take the text of the riddles, read aloud to the team and guess. For a correct answer, the team gets 1 point.


I will open the crate
I will release a flock of white sheep.
When we eat, they work
When we don't eat, they rest
Let's not clean them - they will get sick. ( Teeth.)

Pit with red edges.
Still in this hole
In two rows over row row
The stakes are white. ( Mouth, teeth.)

If it weren't for him,
Wouldn't say anything.
Always in your mouth
And you won't swallow it.
He is always at work
When we speak,
And resting
When we are silent. ( Language.)

A small bag hangs -
Either full or empty.
Wagons run into it,
Food and liquids are brought.
Boiling work all day
We are not too lazy to help him.
Prepares food, feeds us,
And what is not needed - kicks out. ( Stomach.)

Two beans are hanging
Waste substances pass through
And help remove them. ( kidneys.)

It is interesting

    How many times does the blood “wash” in the kidneys?

    During the day, blood passes through the kidneys for cleaning about 300 times.

I cover the body from above
Protect and breathe
I sweat outside
I control the temperature. ( Leather.)

It is interesting

    Skin is the largest body organ, its main part. Doctors say that the skin weighs about 4 kg and would take 2 square meters. m.

    It turns out that for 1 sq. cm dirty skin has about 40,000 microbes.

See the whole world
But each other is not.
What's this? ( Eyes.)

It is interesting

    What is mental vision? ( The ability of a person to imagine and see scenes and images with their eyes closed.)

    Why are there eyelashes around the eyes? ( They protect the eyes from debris.)

    Why do we blink? ( In order to periodically moisten the cornea with tears.)

    What is a pupil? ( The pupil is the hole through which light enters the eye to reach the light-sensitive organ - the retina..)

Behind the bone wall
Soloveyko, sing. ( Language.)

We tied all the parts of the body,
They called us cobwebs ... ( Nerves.)

He remembers everything
Watch, listen, talk,
Seeing helps.
It controls the work of our entire body. ( Brain.)

Every face has
Two beautiful lakes.
There is a mountain between them.
Name them kids. ( Eyes and nose.)

Some believe that it is needed for decoration. Others think that he is only needed to bully him when you put on airs. In fact, he is a filter, and a stove, and a guard post. ( Nose.)

Day and night it knocks
It's like it's set up.
It will be bad if
This knock will stop. ( Heart.)

It is interesting

    The heart is a muscular organ that provides blood flow through the vessels. The mass of the heart of adults is 250–300 g. Its size approximately corresponds to a human fist.

    If our heart pumped not blood, but water, then in 70 years a lake would be formed 2.5 m deep, 7 m wide, 10 km long.

    In a person who has moved from an open area to a green area, the pulse rate can decrease by almost 20 beats per minute.

    Muscles resemble little mice that run under the skin, and the word muscle itself is very similar to the word mouse. The word muscle comes from the Latin muscle, meaning "mouse".

    Muscles make up about 2/5 of the total body weight.

    The largest muscle is the gluteus, which forms the buttocks. It is needed to pull the leg back and the body forward while walking, running and jumping.

    The smallest muscle is the stirrup, located deep in the ear.

    What does not rest in the body when you sleep? ( The heart never rests.)

Crossword "Human body"

1. Digestive organ. 2. Organ of blood circulation. 3. Organ of vision. 4. Organ of touch. 5. Organ of smell. 6. Respiratory organs. 7. Central part of the nervous system. 8. An organ that allows a person to move.

ANSWERS: 1. Mouth. 2. Heart. 3. Eye. 4. Skin. 5. Nose. 6. Lungs. 7. Brain. 8. Muscle.

In selected cells horizontally: ORGANISM .

Round 3. "Extra word"

Leading. The tasks of the third round will test your knowledge, ability to compare, generalize and draw conclusions. Attention! Captains get missions!


Game "Find the extra"

    eyes, nose, heart;

    lungs, stomach, nasopharynx;

    esophagus, blood, stomach;

    kidneys, skull, spine.

    Eyes, artery, heart;

    bronchi, kidneys, nasopharynx;

    erythrocytes, blood, stomach;

    kidneys, skull, ribs.

    Liver, blood, brain;

    nerve, brain joint;

    stomach, esophagus, lungs;

    nose, lungs, intestines.

Leading. Musical pause. Jury word.

We continue our competition. Now your task is to guess which human organ we are talking about.

The game "Find out by description"

    This is a muscular tube, about 20 cm long, which advances crushed and moistened food along itself. ( Esophagus.)

    Clothes that do not get wet, do not wrinkle, do not fade. You can wear it for at least a hundred years. ( Leather.)

    They consist of bubbles, do not have muscles, but are able to stretch, increasing their volume, and contract, reducing it. ( Lungs.)

    The main command post of the body. ( Brain.)On average, the brain weighs 1.4 kg; Every part of the brain does its job. These areas are called centers..)

    The main branch of your "inner kitchen". ( Stomach.)

It is interesting

    The word stomach is derived from the word acorn (in the old days, small acorns were called stomachs): in some animals it looks like an acorn.

    This organ is called the dispatcher, as it closely monitors the composition of the blood. ( Liver.)

    It helps us make the right sounds, helps us eat. He diligently turns the food that you chew, and puts it first under one, then under the other teeth. ( Language.)

    It's a muscle pump. In one contraction, it releases up to 100 grams of the substance. Does an average of 70 strokes per minute. Located on the left side chest. (Heart.)

    On a warship, the thickest steel walls securely cover the conning tower where the ship's command post is located. Your brain is the command center of the body. And nature guards it as carefully as sailors guard their conning tower. What battlefield are you talking about? ( About the skull.)

Leading. The floor is given to the jury.

Round 4. "Question - answer"

Leading. Our tour consists of questions and short answers.

1. Why were the lungs so named? ( The respiratory organ was not so named by chance: the lung tissue permeated with air bubbles is much lighter than muscle tissue..)

2. At what time of the year is a long nose more useful than a short one? ( In winter, when it is important for the body to warm the air inhaled through the nose.)

3. Is salt excreted from the body? ( To remove salt from the “oversalted” body, it is best to take a steam bath, take a long run, play football or basketball to sweat well.)

4. Why is a slap dangerous? ( Concussion. In the occipital region of the brain is the center of vision, which can be damaged by a blow.)

5. By what signs can a particular person be identified? ( According to the patterns on the fingertips.)

6. Why does a person have so many muscles? ( More than 600 muscles perform all movements up to a wink. Even the beating of the heart or the activity of the intestines occurs with the help of muscles. Muscles make up almost half of the body's weight.)

7. Whose muscles are stronger: a person or an ant? ( The ant is 20 times stronger.)

8. Why is blood called the transport system of the body? ( Red blood cells carry the body's essential nutrients and oxygen. White blood cells fight disease. Blood carries decay products from the cells and delivers them to the excretory organs.)

It is interesting

    If all the erythrocytes of one person were laid side by side, then a ribbon would be obtained that encircles the globe three times along the equator.

    Leukocytes live for 4–5 days, and more and more “glorious warriors” come to replace them.

    A child's body contains about 3 liters of blood, of which 2 liters is plasma.

9. How is the body cleansed? ( Excretion of waste and harmful substances from the body occurs in various ways - with breath, sweat, urine and feces.)

10. What does the liver do? ( Participates in the process of digestion, removes poisons from the body, accumulates useful substances.)

11. What are the functions of the sweat glands? ( The skin removes excess water and salts from the body. Sweat evaporates from the surface of the skin and thereby cools it.)

12. Can diseased body parts be replaced? ( Yes, for example, a joint, some blood vessels, internal organs - heart, liver, kidneys.)

13. Name the main command post of the body. ( Brain.)

Leading. The floor is given to the jury. Musical pause.

Tour 5. "The most, the most ..."

Leading. This competition is a kind of Book of Records of the body. Whose team is the first to give the correct answer, will receive 1 point. Attention!

1. Name the largest internal organ. ( Liver.)

2. Name the largest external organ. ( Leather.)

3. Name the longest human bone. ( Femoral, approximately 46 cm: starts from the pelvis and ends near the knee. Approximately equal? total body length.)

4. Name the smallest bone in the body. ( Stirrup - length 3-5 mm; located in the inner ear.)

5. Name the widest bone. ( Pelvic.)

6. What is the longest organ in our body? ( 6 meter small intestine.)

7. Which organ never rests? ( Heart.)

8. How fast does it beat? ( 60–75 beats per minute.)

Leading. The jury's word, then the last test.

Round 6. "Practice"

Leading. Now each team will complete the Skeleton crossword puzzle. Be very careful, do not rush.

Crossword questions

1. The part of the leg that has many small bones. 2. The scientific name for the "little tail" of the spine. 3. The name of the arcuate bones extending from the spine. 4. One of the components of the shoulder. 5. Part of the hand between humerus and brush. 6. Components of the skeleton. 7. What protects the brain from damage. 8. Part of the leg from the knee to the foot. 9. What do the scapula and collarbone form? 10. The main purpose of the skeleton. 11. What goes from the skull along the back? 12. Damage to the bone. 13. Part of the hand, in which there are many small bones. 14. Body position when walking, landing.


1. Foot. 2. Coccyx. 3. Rib. 4. Shoulder. 5. Forearm. 6. Bones. 7. Skull. 8. Calf. 9. Shoulder. 10. Support. 11. Spine. 12. Fracture. 13. Brush. 14. Posture.

What words are in the highlighted cells?

Children: Human skeleton.

A crossword puzzle can be replaced with practical work: assemble a paper skeleton of a person from parts, sticking them onto a single sheet of paper.(See workbook for O.T. Poglazova "The world around" for grade 3 educational institutions, part 2, p. 63.)

Leading. Well done boys! You have passed all tests. Jury word.

Awarding of winners, distinguished players.


Peel A. My body Per. with him. V. Volkov. – M.: Astrel; AST. 2002. 64 p.
Parker S., Williams B. Question and answer. Live nature. The human body: encyclopedia. Per. from English. – M.: Omega, 2006. 64 p.
Poglazova O.T. Guidelines for the textbook "The World Around": Grade 3: textbook. allowance for general education. institutions. 2nd ed. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2007. - 336 p.
The world. Grade 3: lesson plans according to the textbook by O.T. Poglazova, V.D. Shilin. Part II / Ed.-comp. T.V. Bondarev. Volgograd: Uchitel, 2007. 383 p.
Sukharevskaya E.Yu. Entertaining natural science. Life on Earth: textbook.-method. allowance for primary teachers. schools, students ped. textbook institutions, students of IPK. - Rostov n / D: Uchitel, 2003. 128 p.

5.1. Fabrics. The structure and vital activity of organs and organ systems: digestion, respiration, blood circulation, lymphatic system.

5.1.1. Anatomy and physiology of man. Fabrics.

5.1.2. Structure and functions of the digestive system.

5.1.3 Structure and functions respiratory system.

5.1.4. The structure and functions of the excretory system.

5.2. The structure and vital activity of organs and organ systems: musculoskeletal, integumentary, blood circulation, lymph circulation. Reproduction and human development.

5.2.1. The structure and functions of the musculoskeletal system.

5.2.2. Skin, its structure and functions.

5.2.3. The structure and functions of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

5.2.4. Reproduction and development of the human body.

5.3. The internal environment of the human body. Blood groups. Blood transfusion. Immunity. Metabolism and energy conversion in the human body. Vitamins.

5.3.1. The internal environment of the body. Composition and functions of blood. Blood groups. Blood transfusion. Immunity.

5.3.2. Metabolism in the human body.

5.4. Nervous and endocrine systems. Neurohumoral regulation of the vital processes of the body as the basis of its integrity, connection with the environment.

5.4.1. Nervous system. General plan of the building. Functions.

5.4.2. Structure and functions of the central nervous system.

5.4.3. Structure and functions of the autonomic nervous system.

5.4.4. Endocrine system. Neurohumoral regulation of vital processes.

5.5. Analyzers. Sense organs, their role in the body. Structure and functions. Higher nervous activity. Sleep, its meaning. Consciousness, memory, emotions, speech, thinking. Features of the human psyche.

5.5.1 Sense organs (analyzers). The structure and functions of the organs of vision and hearing.

5.5.2. Higher nervous activity. Sleep, its meaning. Consciousness, memory, emotions, speech, thinking. Features of the human psyche.

5.6. Personal and public hygiene, healthy lifestyle. Prevention of infectious diseases (viral, bacterial, fungal, caused by animals). Injury prevention, first aid. Mental and physical health of a person. Health factors (auto-training, hardening, physical activity). Risk factors (stress, physical inactivity, overwork, hypothermia). Bad and good habits. Dependence of human health on the state of the environment. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and rules of a healthy lifestyle.

5.1. Fabrics. The structure and vital activity of organs and organ systems: digestion, respiration, blood circulation, lymphatic system.

5.1.1. Anatomy and physiology of man. Fabrics.

5.1.2. Structure and functions of the digestive system.

5.1.3. Structure and functions of the respiratory system.

5.1.4. The structure and functions of the excretory system.


A tissue is a collection of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common structure and origin, as well as the functions performed.

There are four main tissue types in humans and animals: epithelial, muscular, nervous and connective.

epithelial tissue, or epithelium(Fig. 5.1), covers the body, lines all the cavities of the internal organs and forms various glands. It performs protective, respiratory, suction, excretory, secretory and other functions. The cells of the epithelial tissue are tightly adjacent to each other, there is little or no intercellular substance in it at all, and it is necessarily underlain by connective tissue.

According to the location and functions of the epithelium, they are divided into glandular and superficial. glandular epithelium are the basis of the glands of internal and external secretions, for example, lacrimal, salivary, thyroid, etc. They are able to produce a variety of products - secrets, such as tear fluid, digestive enzymes and hormones.

Surface epithelium according to the number of cell layers, they are divided into single-layer and multilayer, and according to the shape of the cells - into flat, cubic, prismatic, ciliated, etc. Multilayer epithelium is also referred to as keratinizing and non-keratinizing. So, the stratified squamous keratinized epithelium covers our body and is called the epidermis of the skin, and the non-keratinized one lines, for example, the oral cavity.

Connective tissue fills all the gaps between organs and other tissues and makes up more than 50% of the human body weight (Fig. 5.2). A distinctive feature of its structure is the presence of a large amount of intercellular substance and a significant variety of cellular elements. The intercellular substance of the connective tissue consists of collagen and elastic protein fibers, as well as an amorphous substance. This type of tissue performs nutritional, transport, protective, supporting, plastic and structure-forming functions in the body.

Connective tissue was previously divided into connective tissues proper, skeletal and nutritional, or trophic (blood and lymph), however, according to modern classifications, blood and lymph are distinguished into a separate type of tissue.

Connective tissues proper include dense fibrous tissues of tendons and ligaments, fibrous connective tissue, as well as reticular and adipose tissues. In the intercellular substance of dense fibrous tissue, collagen and elastic fibers predominate; ligaments and tendons consist of it. Amorphous substance predominates in loose fibrous connective tissue; it accompanies blood vessels, forms the dermis and some organs. Reticular tissue forms a kind of network of fibers and process cells in the red bone marrow, spleen, lymph nodes, etc. It plays an important role in the process of hematopoiesis. Adipose tissue is formed by fat cells and makes up the subcutaneous adipose tissue and the layers between the internal organs.

Skeletal connective tissues are represented by bone and cartilage. The bones of the skeleton and tissues of the tooth are formed from the first. The intercellular substance of bone tissue contains up to 70% mineral salts, especially calcium phosphate, which gives it strength, about 20% water and proteins. The cells of this tissue osteocytes- immured in the plates of the intercellular substance and are connected to each other by processes.

Cartilaginous tissue connects the bones of the skeleton, forms articular surfaces, forms the airways, the auricle, the wings of the nose, etc. Its intercellular substance is highly hydrated, collagen fibers predominate in it. The main cells of cartilage are chondrocytes, they are located in groups in the intercellular substance.

Muscle tissue is a type of tissue characterized by excitability and contractility.

The contraction of muscle tissue is due to the interaction of actin and myosin microfilaments. Elements of muscle tissue usually have an elongated shape. They provide the movement of the human body and the contraction of the walls of internal organs and take part in the implementation of some of the most important functions of life. Muscle tissues of the body are divided into smooth and striated. Skeletal and cardiac muscle tissues are classified as striated. The striation of striated muscle tissue is due to the superposition of alternating actin and myosin microfilaments.

Cells of smooth muscle tissue - myocytes- have a fusiform shape and a single rod-shaped nucleus (Fig. 5.3). Myocyte contractions are rhythmic and do not depend on human consciousness, therefore this tissue is also called involuntary. This type of tissue lies in the walls of internal muscular organs, such as the esophagus, stomach, bladder, arteries, etc.

The structural units of striated skeletal muscle tissue are multinuclear muscle fibers with a characteristic striation. This tissue forms skeletal and facial muscles, muscles of the mouth, tongue, larynx, upper esophagus and diaphragm.

The striated cardiac muscle tissue consists of striated muscle cells - cardiomyocytes- with one or two cores (Fig. 5.4). Thanks to special cellular contacts, it is able to contract simultaneously. The striated heart tissue forms the middle layer of the heart wall - the myocardium.

nervous tissue ensures the integration of parts of the body into a single whole, the regulation and coordination of their activities, the interaction of the body with the environment, and in humans - also thinking, consciousness and speech. The main properties of the nervous tissue are excitability and conductivity. The cells of the nervous tissue are tightly adjacent to each other. The main type of nervous tissue cells are neurons capable of excitation (formation of nerve impulses) and its conduction (Fig. 5.5).

Neurons consist of a body and processes. The processes that carry a nerve impulse to a neuron are called dendrites, and transmitting it to other cells - axons.

The transmission of information in the form of a nerve impulse from one neuron to another or to other cells occurs through a special type of cell contacts - slit-like synapses(Fig. 5.6). The impulse-transmitting neuron releases a special substance by exocytosis - mediator, which is perceived by the next cell and causes its reaction (excitation or inhibition). Accordingly, depending on the nature of the action, synapses are divided into excitatory and inhibitory. Some nerve cells are able to release hormones into the bloodstream, they are called neurosecretory.

Nutrition, protection and isolation of neurons from each other are the functions of cells neuroglia, which fills all the gaps between neurons.

Nervous tissue is the main structural and functional element of the nervous system, it forms the brain and spinal cord, as well as nerves and nerve nodes.

The structure and functioning of the organs of the digestive system

Digestion called a set of processes of mechanical grinding and chemical breakdown of food, which makes its components suitable for absorption and use in the metabolic process. This function is performed by the digestive system. In addition, it also ensures the removal of undigested food residues, the release of toxic metabolic products and the maintenance of immunity.

Digestive system human is formed by the alimentary canal and associated glands. The total length of the digestive canal is 8-10 m, it is divided into three sections: anterior, middle and posterior. In the anterior section, mainly mechanical processing of food is carried out, on the average - chemical breakdown, absorption and formation of feces, and in the posterior they accumulate and are removed from time to time. Anterior section comprises oral cavity, pharynx and esophagus, the middle includes the stomach, small and large intestines, and the back is represented by part of the rectum (Fig. 5.7).

Oral cavity It is subdivided into the vestibule of the mouth, or pre-oral cavity, and the oral cavity proper. In front, the vestibule of the mouth is bounded by the cheeks and lips, and behind by the teeth. It has a mouth opening. The lips and cheeks are folds of skin with a muscular lining of the orbicularis oculi and buccal muscles. The lips provide the perception of temperature and texture of food.

A child has 20 milk teeth, and an adult has 32 permanent teeth. The process of changing teeth is completed by the age of 12-14.

Constant tooth has a crown, neck and roots (Fig. 5.8).

The crown is covered with enamel, and the roots are covered with cement, under them lies a layer of bone tissue - dentin. The middle of the tooth is pulp, in which there are blood vessels that provide nutrition to the tissues of the tooth, and nerve endings.

Each jaw in an adult has 4 incisors, 2 canines, 4 small molars and 6 large molars. The last molars are called "wisdom teeth", as they grow the latest, by the age of 20-25.

With the help of teeth, food is divided into pieces, crushed and chewed.

The most common dental disease is caries, which is caused by bacteria that live in the mouth. These bacteria produce acid that destroys tooth enamel. To a large extent, caries contributes to the use of hot and cold food. Caries can cause the development of diseases of both the digestive system and other organ systems.

The oral cavity itself is bounded in front and on the sides by the teeth, above - by the hard and soft palate, and below - by the diaphragm of the mouth, on which the tongue lies. In it, as in the vestibule of the mouth, the salivary glands open.

A person has three pairs of large salivary glands- parotid, sublingual and submandibular, as well as numerous small glands of the cheeks, tongue and palate. They produce saliva containing about 99% water and mineral salts and proteins dissolved in it. An important role among the proteins of saliva is played by the enzymes amylase and ptyalin, which begin the breakdown of polysaccharide carbohydrates, as well as lysozyme, which disinfects food. In addition, the importance of saliva in digestion also lies in wetting food and gluing its particles, which facilitates chewing, the formation of a food bolus and swallowing. Saliva components require an alkaline environment (pH > 7.0) for normal functioning.

Language is a muscular organ attached at the posterior end. It provides the perception of taste, temperature and consistency of food, and also promotes mixing of food in the mouth and swallowing the food bolus. The contact of the food lump with the root of the tongue stimulates the swallowing reflex and the movement of food through the pharynx and esophagus into the stomach. In this case, the epiglottis should close so that it does not end up in the airways. The tongue, together with the teeth, is involved in the formation of articulate speech (Fig. 5.9).

In the depths of the oral cavity, the tonsils are also located, which perform a protective function.

Thus, in the oral cavity, grinding, wetting and primary digestion of food, as well as the perception of its taste, take place.

Pharynx is part of the digestive tube connecting the oral and nasal cavities on the one hand, and the esophagus with the larynx on the other.

Esophagus- this is a muscular tube lined with epithelium from the inside, through which food enters the stomach. The length of the esophagus is about 23-25 ​​cm. It begins in the cervical region, passes through the chest cavity, the diaphragm and flows into the stomach, which lies in the abdominal cavity. The esophagus is located behind the trachea.

All organs of the digestive system located in the abdominal cavity - stomach, small and colon, are not randomly scattered there, but are suspended on the mesentery - strands of connective tissue.

Stomach- a hollow muscular organ with a volume of 1.5-2 liters. The walls of the stomach are lined with epithelium, which secretes gastric juice and mucus, which prevents digestion of the walls of the stomach (Fig. 5.10).

Part gastric juice includes the enzyme pepsin and hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid activates pepsin and partly disinfects food, and also makes the environment in the stomach acidic (pH< 7,0). Под действием пепсина происходит расщепление бел­ков до аминокислот. Сокращение стенок желудка обеспечивает перемешивание пищи и ее продвижение в направлении кишечни­ка. В желудке пища задерживается от 2 до 48 часов в зависимости от ее химической природы.

at the border of the stomach and small intestine there is a sphincter - a circular muscle that does not allow food to return back if it enters the intestines.

The human intestine is divided into thin and thick. Length small intestine is about 5-6 m, it is formed by the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The ducts of the liver and pancreas open into the duodenum.

The walls of the small intestine are covered with numerous outgrowths of the epithelium - villi, and also contain numerous intestinal glands that produce intestinal juice. In the small intestine, under the action of the enzymes of the pancreatic juice and intestinal juice secreted by the glandular cells of the walls, the final breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats occurs, as well as their absorption into the blood and lymph. For the normal functioning of enzymes in the small intestine, an alkaline environment (pH > 7.0) is optimal. The walls of the intestinal villi have microvilli, which contributes to a significant increase in the absorption surface of dissolved substances that enter the blood and lymphatic capillaries penetrating the villi from the inside, and then spread throughout the body (Fig. 5.11).

It should be noted that carbohydrates and amino acids are absorbed into the blood and necessarily pass through the liver, while the products of the breakdown of fats entering the lymph bypass the liver.

AT large intestine formed by the caecum, colon and rectum, the breakdown of substances is completed, water is reabsorbed and feces are formed (Fig. 5.12).

It is also inhabited by symbiotic bacteria that break down certain undigested substances by the human body, such as cellulose, synthesizing vitamins (for example, B groups) and other biologically active substances, which are then absorbed into the blood and used by the body. Feces are periodically removed from the body by defecation.

The cecum has a appendix (appendix), which is an organ of the immune system. Its inflammation is called appendicitis.

Liver is the largest gland in the body, weighing about 1.5 kg (Fig. 5.13).

It ensures the neutralization of toxic substances that enter the bloodstream, promotes the digestion of food, and also performs a storage function. The secret of the liver is called bile it promotes emulsification, saponification, splitting and absorption of fats, and also stimulates contractions of the intestinal walls. Emulsification is the breaking up of large droplets of fat into smaller ones, which facilitates the access of enzymes to them. With bile, decay products of substances harmful to the body are also excreted. About 1.5-2 liters of bile is produced per day, but part of it, in the absence of food, temporarily accumulates in the gallbladder. The blood vessels that surround the walls of the small intestine are collected in the portal vein of the liver. The blood brought by the portal vein undergoes a kind of purification, during which substances poisonous to the body are neutralized. Excess glucose in the blood plasma is retained in the liver and stored as glycogen, released when needed. This process is regulated by pancreatic hormones - insulin and glucagon.

Pancreas(Fig. 5.13) refers to the glands of mixed secretion, since part of its cells secrete digestive juice into the small intestine, and the other part releases the hormones insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream. Pancreatic juice contains enzymes that break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, such as amylase, trypsin, and lipase.

The great Russian physiologist studied the processes of digestion and their reflex nature

I. P. Pavlov. In experiments on dogs, he proved that the production of saliva and gastric juice is an unconditioned reflex to the smell and appearance of food.

The structure and functioning of the organs of the respiratory system

Breath is one of the most important functions of a living organism, which ensures the release of the energy of chemical bonds of organic compounds and the formation of end products of metabolism - carbon dioxide and water. If a person can live without food for about 30 days, without water - 10, then without air - up to 6 minutes, after which irreversible changes occur in the brain. In the human body and a number of animals, respiration is a multi-stage process during which air enters the lungs, then its oxygen diffuses into the blood, is transported from it to the tissues, penetrates into the cells, where, finally, the process of energy release occurs directly, called tissue respiration.

External respiration, or the process of gas exchange between the body and the environment, depends entirely on the functioning of the respiratory system. In addition, it plays an important role in thermoregulation, the implementation of excretory and speech functions. Thus, maintaining a constant body temperature is associated with the formation of water vapor, the separation of which leads to cooling of the tissues. You can detect the release of steam even in a sleeping or unconscious person, if you bring a mirror to his lips - it will definitely fog up. When a person enters cold water, the breath is held to maintain body temperature. Exhaled air, in addition to carbon dioxide and steam, contains ammonia and other volatile metabolic products, and urea, for example, can be released with coughed up mucus. The formation of sounds is also associated with the respiratory system, since it is in it that the vocal cords are located, and in some languages ​​there are even special nasal sounds (Fig. 5.14).

The structure of the respiratory system. The human respiratory system is made up of respiratory tract(Fig. 5.15) and lungs. The respiratory tract, in turn, is divided into the nasal cavity, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea and bronchi, branching in the lungs into numerous tubules - bronchioles.

nasal cavity It opens outward through the nostrils on one side and communicates with the nasopharynx on the other. It is divided by the nasal septum into two symmetrical halves - right and left, each of which is divided into turbinates and passages. The nasal cavity is lined with ciliated epithelium with numerous glandular cells and is richly supplied with blood. In it, the air is cleaned of suspended particles, including pathogens of various diseases, humidified and brought to body temperature (warmed up or cooled down). Olfactory receptors are located in the upper part of the nasal cavity, providing the perception of smell. The nasal cavity also communicates with the paranasal sinuses, such as the maxillary sinuses, which are involved in warming the air and are sound resonators, and with the nasolacrimal duct, through which part of the lacrimal fluid flows.

Nasopharynx communicates not only with the nasal cavity, but also with the oral cavity, through which air enters the larynx.

Larynx- a funnel-shaped connective tissue organ covered by a cartilaginous epiglottis. When food enters the root of the tongue, when the reflex act of swallowing occurs, the epiglottis must close so that food does not enter the respiratory tract.

The anterior part of the larynx is formed by the thyroid cartilage, which in men fuses at an acute angle and forms Adam's apple, or Adam's apple. In the larynx are the vocal cords, which, together with the teeth, tongue and lips, provide articulate speech. In men, the vocal cords are longer than in women, as a result of which the timbre of the voice is usually lower.

Trachea in front it is protected by cartilaginous semirings, and behind it is tightened with an elastic connective tissue septum, which ensures the unhindered passage of food through the esophagus, located directly behind the trachea. In the lower part, the trachea branches into two bronchi - right and left.

Bronchi formed by cartilaginous rings. Entering the lungs, they begin to branch into ever smaller bronchi of the following orders and bronchioles, ending in bubbles - alveoli, arranged in cluster-like structures.

Lungs- paired organs lying in the chest cavity, limited by the chest and diaphragm. Below the left lung is the heart, so the left lung is smaller than the right. Human lungs have an alveolar structure (Fig. 5.16). The walls of the alveoli are lined with epithelium and densely braided with capillaries, they secrete a special fluid that promotes gas exchange and prevents the walls of the alveoli from falling off. In the alveoli, the air gives off oxygen to the blood and is enriched with carbon dioxide.

The lungs are covered with pleura, which has two sheets - outer and inner, between which there is pleural fluid, which reduces the friction force during respiratory movements.

Mechanism of pulmonary ventilation. In the process of breathing, inhalation is carried out in the following sequence: the intercostal muscles contract, the ribs rise, the diaphragm descends, the volume of the chest increases, the pressure in the chest cavity decreases, which leads to stretching of the lungs and drawing air into them. Exhalation occurs in the reverse order: the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm relax, the ribs fall, the diaphragm rises, the volume of the chest decreases, the volume of the lungs contracts and the air is pushed out.

Gas exchange in tissues. When inhaling and exhaling, a person ventilates the lungs, maintaining a relatively constant composition of gases in the alveoli. In the inhaled air, the concentration of oxygen is increased, and in the exhaled air it is reduced. The content of carbon dioxide in the exhaled air, on the contrary, is higher than in the inhaled air.

The composition of alveolar air differs from both inhaled and exhaled air, due to the mixing of air entering or leaving the lungs with air contained in the airways themselves.

In the lungs, oxygen from the alveolar air passes into the blood, and carbon dioxide from the blood into the lungs by diffusion through the walls of the alveoli and blood capillaries. The direction and speed of diffusion are determined by the partial pressure of the gas in the air, or its tension in the solution. Partial pressure gas is called the part of the total pressure of gases, which is determined by this gas. The difference between the tension of gases in the venous blood and their partial pressure in the alveolar air is about 70 mm Hg for oxygen. Art., and for carbon dioxide - 7 mm Hg. Art. This difference allows you to meet the needs of the body even during physical work and sports.

Blood transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs in a state bound to the hemoglobin of erythrocytes.

Oxygen-enriched blood enters all organs and tissues of the body, where diffusion of oxygen into the tissue occurs, which is due to the difference in voltage in the blood and tissues. In cells, oxygen is used in the biochemical processes of tissue respiration - the oxidation of organic compounds to carbon dioxide and water with the formation of ATP.

Respiratory and lung volumes. Lung ventilation is determined by the depth of breathing (tidal volume) and frequency respiratory movements. To study the characteristics of breathing, special devices are used - spirographs, spirometers, etc.

The depth of breathing and its frequency depend on physical activity, degree of training, emotional state, conditions. environment and other reasons. At rest, they are small (about 500 ml of air and 12-18 breaths per minute, respectively), while, for example, in the cold, gas exchange increases, which maintains a constant body temperature. In this regard, a number of lung volumes and capacities are distinguished.

1. Tidal volume - the volume of inhaled and exhaled air in a calm state (on average, about 500 ml).

2. Inspiratory reserve volume - the additional volume of air that a person can inhale after a normal breath (about 1500 ml).

3. Expiratory reserve volume - the volume of air that a person can still exhale after a normal exhalation (about 1,500 ml).

4. Residual lung volume - the volume of air that remains in the lungs after the deepest exhalation (about 1,200 ml).

5. Vital capacity of the lungs is the volume of air that can be exhaled after the deepest breath; is the sum of the tidal volume, inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes (3.5-4.7 liters).

6. Total lung capacity - the volume of air contained in the lungs after the deepest breath: is the sum of vital capacity and residual lung volume (4.7-5 l).

7. Functional residual capacity - the volume of air remaining in the lungs after a quiet exhalation: the sum of the expiratory reserve volume and the residual volume (2.7-2.9 l). Provides equalization of fluctuations in gas concentrations in the inhaled and exhaled air. Breathing regulation. On the one hand, "respiratory" neurons send rhythmic impulses to the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm, and on the other hand, they sensitively respond to signals coming from various receptors. Some of the receptors are located in the lungs and respiratory tract and respond to stretching. Other receptors are located in the medulla oblongata and vascular walls and respond to changes in the concentration of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and blood pH. Inhalation is caused by an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, and exhalation is stimulated by stretching of the walls of the airways and lungs. Despite the fact that the respiratory center is located in the medulla oblongata, "respiratory" neurons are also located in the higher parts of the nervous system. In general, breathing is a reflex act.

The intensity of breathing can be significantly influenced by the higher respiratory centers in the cerebral cortex of the forebrain, as well as the autonomic nervous system. So, its sympathetic department contributes to increased breathing and an increase in the depth of breathing, and the parasympathetic, on the contrary, reduces its frequency and depth.

In the humoral regulation of respiration, the adrenal hormone, adrenaline, is mainly involved, an increase in the concentration of which contributes to an increase in the frequency and strength of respiratory movements.

Diseases of the respiratory system. Since the respiratory system is directly connected with the environment, pathogens of numerous diseases penetrate into it. The most common diseases are runny nose, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis. Some are caused by viruses, while others, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, are caused by bacteria. Recently, the incidence of tuberculosis has acquired the character of an epidemic.

The structure and functioning of the organs of the excretory system

In the human body, excretion is carried out with the help of the excretory, digestive, respiratory systems, sweat and sebaceous glands of the skin. However, it is the excretory system that plays the leading role in this process of life.

The structure of the excretory system. The excretory system includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. The kidneys are paired bean-shaped organs that lie in the lumbar region of the abdominal cavity from the dorsal side. On the inner concave surface of the kidney there are gates through which arteries and nerves enter and veins, lymphatic vessels and the ureter exit (Fig. 5.17). The functions of the kidneys are the excretion of end products of metabolism in the process of urination, the maintenance of water-salt balance, the regulation of blood pressure, etc.

On a transverse section, the kidneys secrete the cortex and medulla, as well as the renal calyces and renal pelvis. The functional unit of the kidney is the nephron. Each kidney contains up to 1 million nephrons. Nephron consists of a Shumlyansky-Bowman capsule, covering a glomerulus of capillaries, and tubules connected by a loop of Henle. The nephron capsules and part of the tubules are located in the cortex, while the loop of Henle and the rest of the tubules pass into the medulla. The nephron is abundantly supplied with blood: the afferent arteriole forms a glomerulus of capillaries in the capsule, they gather into the efferent arteriole, which again breaks up into a network of capillaries that braid the tubules and only then gather into the vein (Fig. 5.18).

Urination. The process of urine formation consists of three stages: glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption and secretion. In the process filtration due to the pressure difference, water and most of the low-molecular substances dissolved in it - mineral salts, glucose, amino acids, urea, etc. - seep from the blood into the cavity of the capsule. The result of filtration is the formation of weakly concentrated primary urine. Since the blood repeatedly passes through the kidneys, during the day a person forms 150-180 liters of primary urine.

The end products of metabolism, such as urea and ammonia, as well as a number of ions and antibiotics, can be additionally excreted into the urine by the cells of the walls of the tubules - this process is called secretion.

The process starts immediately after filtration reabsorption- reabsorption of water and part of the substances dissolved in it, in particular glucose, amino acids, vitamins and many ions. As a result of reabsorption, 1-1.5 liters of secondary urine is formed per day, in which there should be neither glucose nor proteins. Basically, it contains decomposition products of nitrogenous compounds - urea and ammonia, which are toxic to the body.

Urination. Through the tubules of the nephrons, urine enters the collecting ducts, and from there - into the renal calyces and renal pelvis. From the renal pelvis, urine is collected through the ureters into the bladder, a hollow muscular organ that can hold up to 0.5 liters of fluid. Urine is periodically expelled from the bladder through the urethra.

Regulation of urination and urination. Urination is a reflex act. The center of urination is located in the sacral region of the spinal cord. The unconditioned stimuli are not the pressure of urine in the bladder, but the stretching of its walls and the rate of filling.

To a large extent, the processes of urination are regulated humorally: antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin) of the pituitary gland and aldosterone of the adrenal cortex increase reabsorption.

Diseases of the excretory system. If the rules of personal hygiene are violated, there is a serious risk of various inflammatory diseases. They can also be provoked by diseases of other organs and the use of antibiotics. The most common diseases of the excretory system are urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), cystitis (inflammation of the bladder) and some forms of nephritis.

It really is true. The pulse rate is closely related to the state of human health and is the second indicator of the condition after blood pressure. of cardio-vascular system. In a calm state, the pulse of an ordinary, healthy, untrained person is 68-72 beats per minute.

However, if a person regularly engages exercise, under their influence, the pulse goes down. This indicates an increase in the fitness of the body, primarily the heart muscle and the tone of the blood vessels.

During any physical activity, the heart rate increases., but then becomes the same over time. And what better health body, the faster the heart rate will return to normal.

It really is. However, people do not get sick because they are cold in the cold or wet their feet. Just cold weakens the body's defenses, and the person becomes an easy prey for viruses. Taking care of the health of the body, remember that in fact the source of any cold is viruses, and not from the cold, so try not to overcool, and even better prepare your body for the winter by gradually hardening it.

It is true that for health, onions are not only a useful product containing many vitamins, but also a good medicine, due to the presence of phytoncides in it. Moderate consumption of fresh, uncanned onions has beneficial effect to work thyroid gland, liver, and cardiovascular system.

In addition, onions strengthen the human immune system, which is so lacking in winter, heals colds . Onion juice helps to get rid of the common cold. And if you put a grated onion on your heels, wrap it in cellophane and put on warm socks and leave it all night, then in the morning you can forget about a cold.

In this case, the healing effect is achieved due to the same phytoncides that are present in large quantities in onions. Phytoncides delay the reproduction of pathogens in the body, thanks to them, onions are able to improve your health and completely destroy microbes.

It is difficult to give a correct, unambiguous answer to this question. Opponents of fast food argue that processed foods widely used in it can contain many unhealthy organisms. food additives. In addition, it has been proven that such food is rich in sugar and saturated fat, so it is dangerous for the human nervous system and leads to obesity.

At the same time, according to fans of the “quick bite”, this balanced food is no less healthy than the menu in a real restaurant, but it costs much less. The truth is that fast food takes customers from the owners of restaurants and cafes, which is the reason for the persecution of it, and concern for body health it's completely irrelevant here.

According to other sources, although the Big Mac is not well balanced nutrients, but it contains a lot of vitamins, calcium and iron, indeed necessary to maintain the body in good physical shape.

It's half true. Speaking in the language of advertising, not all yogurts are created equal. So, yogurts designed for long-term storage, and they, as a rule, are of foreign production, undergo heat treatment, during which bacteria useful for digestion die. Therefore, it is better to buy fresh yogurts with a short shelf life, they are really good for the health of the body and boosting immunity.

Human health is the wealth of the people. save.

Topic #1
What makes up the health of one people?

1. From the signs accumulating in generations, i.e. heredity.
2. From the right upbringing, i.e. development of qualities necessary for a person, according to the Law.
3. Nutrition: eat what grows and is produced in the places where you were born and live. We are what we eat and drink.
4. From prevention: keeping fit, special exercises, training, lifestyle.
5. Mental stability in a changing world, i.e. understanding of its purpose, significance, originality.
6. The ability to resist the corrupting influence from the outside and the womb from the inside, i.e. knowledge of history, the life philosophy of the people, the ability to distinguish the straight from the crooked.
7. From the opportunity to feel not alone: ​​the ability to find like-minded people and be useful to them. The need to connect with your people.
8. Treatment of a diseased body, through knowledge about the Soul and cause-and-effect relationships of actions and consequences.
9. Out of hope for the future, i.e. understanding that the future has already been created, but even today we can influence it.

All this, of course, is reflected in the power of the national egregor and is a condition for maintaining stable indicators of the health of the nation.
Today we will touch on the topic of cleansing the body of toxins. It is clear that this topic is only a tiny fraction of the answers to the questions raised at the beginning of the note. But I am sure that by joint efforts we will eventually answer all of them.

Five main rules for maintaining your health at the required level
I generally don't have much respect for the way information is conveyed with words:
"necessary", "should", "should be", "considered", "they say", etc. Ever since school, I always want to answer these statements with a question: who needs it, who owes it to whom, who counts and speaks, etc. And, as a rule, the one who used this form of statement in his speech or letter never intelligibly will answer these questions. And therefore I always suspect that this is either amateurism or self-interest.
And according to this, I will only express my opinion, my vision, and offer those recipes that I have tried on myself, and most importantly on other people. I assure you the results have been positive.

Despite our outward similarity, we are very different in content, both physical and chemical. In each of us, the functions of certain glands predominate; not only our appearance depends on this, but also our mood, well-being, and most importantly, our reaction to the surrounding reality.
There cannot be the same reaction in a person with a slender appearance and a person of an athletic build, a person spending the day in the open air and sitting at a table in a confined space. A girl cannot evaluate the world, and in other respects I adequately have a couple of kilograms of silicone "in my bosom", and "stung lips by a wasp" under my nose. A person who eats meat and leads a "grassroots lifestyle" cannot have an appropriate attitude to the world around him.

Before moving on to the rules, I want to introduce you to the method of preparing all kinds of potions. This manufacturing method is applicable to everything that is used inside. In Russia, they did not eat either beef or horse meat, according to ethical and Vedic canons. Ethically - it is impossible to "eat" your breadwinner or fighting (working) friend. And according to the Vedic - beef is not absorbed by our people, but becomes a "source" of accumulation of free radicals in the body, more simply a "wandering protein", and if it's quite simple, then it's slag. What do toxins do with our body? There is quite a lot of material on this subject.

Method of manufacture: it consists in mixing whey (and only it) in a volume of 0.2 liters with 2.8 liters of clean (not from the tap and not boiled) water, add a glass of any of the finely chopped herbs and sprinkle everything it's a glass of sugar. The grass must be placed in cheesecloth and lowered to the bottom of the jar. Close the jar with several layers of gauze and put in a dark, not cold place, for fermentation from 10 to 17 days.
How to use: 1-2 weeks for half a glass half an hour before meals.

I. Increase in young cells.

This is due to the release of enzymes - pepsins in the stomach, under the influence of which old cells are removed from the body.
-Suck salt 30 minutes after eating. Or eat, young plants, such as hare cabbage, sorrel, plantain, dill, fennel, trifol, cabbage, nettle, clover, seaweed, eleutherococcus, golden root, lemongrass, safflower-like livzeya, Manchurian aralia, ginseng, etc.
In this case, you can not use vegetable oil.

I want to draw attention to the fact that a rather large list of plants used (and in the future) is not a way to "push" everything that comes to hand. But only what grows in your region, moreover, it will have a tremendous impact if you were born in this region and your relatives have been living in these places for more than one generation.

A huge misconception of many "specialists" is that they extend all possible recipes to all of humanity. I would like to recall an old proverb. "Where he was born, there he came in handy." This also applies to what we use. Study your surroundings both in terms of indications for remedies, and in terms of not using these remedies. Be careful with whom you "make friends".
Recipe: 1 teaspoon of salt and 0.5 gr. yeast. sour
several days. One tablespoon with meals.
Also use from 0.1 to 0.3g. hydrochloric acid, while eating, promotes the resorption of polyps in the stomachs, heals hemorrhoids and heals the entire gastrointestinal tract.

This event for many, due to the presence of acid in it and the prevailing stereotype of perception, is a very radical way. But if applied correctly, consistently and without "fanaticism", the effect will be amazing. And foolishly you can, I'm sorry, and .., thumb break.
Spicy spices are also used to stimulate gastric juices.

By the way: the use of bitterness will keep your mental balance in proper condition. An amazing thing is that we, being worried, nervous, try to eat sweet, and strive to recover when we use bitter. Sweet only exacerbates the process of fermentation in the body, launched by a "nervous situation." It is much easier to use pepper and other seasonings when you are nervous. To quickly "move away" from the problems of the day, you need to eat hot and spicy food. Warm up faster, thaw faster.

II. The transformation of slags into salts.

One of the misconceptions, or rather "brain powder" is the offer of all kinds of companies of drugs for removing toxins or, again, "specialists", ways to achieve this, using distilled water, enemas, procedures in the form of baths or electricity, etc. etc. P. To the one who offers this to you, "spit in your face", not directly, of course. He deceives you by hiding from you the truth about the nature of toxins and their condition in the body. Or maybe he doesn't know himself. Many are led by these promises and at best do not achieve an effect, and at worst harm themselves.

Slags in the body (without going into scientific terminology) are in three states.
In the blood, these are the already mentioned free radicals, in the stomach, the so-called bottom sediments and in the tissues of the whole body in the form of certain gases.
Whatever it is, let's paint a picture.

Slags in the blood are certain chemical compounds that do not react with the composition of the blood, do not break down, do not dissolve, and therefore are not excreted. How they get there and why, read in the scientific literature, I cannot dwell on this in view of the limited space in the article and the unwillingness to "grind" the well-known material. We are interested in something else, how to "extract" them from there. If you remember that "specialists", "rumor" and firms suggest using drugs that fight cholesterol. Yes, it is with that notorious cholesterol that "clogs" our blood vessels. I want to note that cholesterol is a very sonorous name, for this reason it became the "respondent" for the manifestations of all proteins (and even fats and carbohydrates) in the body.

Further, "specialists", including those who preach yoga and other healing practices, offer to fight bottom slags with an enema. At the same time, make appropriate movements with the walls of the stomach and breathe in a special way.

In no case am I "running into" yoga practitioners, but I must remind or more accurately report. Our first yoga specialist Zubkov (who worked for many years in India in the sixties and received some kind of the highest rank of initiation there), upon arrival in Russia (USSR) was not able to do even 20% of what he "did" in India . Nevertheless, even these 20% were enough to improve the health of those who used it (Hatha yoga, Agni yoga, etc.), which he systematically promoted for 40 years. All currently operating schools and directions in Russia and even in Europe are followers of Zubkov, as in breathing exercises, followers of Strelnikova.

But I ask you to always remember: it is one thing to use methods that affect the form, and another thing is those that affect the content. Despite the fact that all living on this planet are not much different from each other genetically (only 0.25%), we are nevertheless different due to the predominance of the functioning of certain endocrine glands. And they, their activity depends on the "fuel" that gets inside us in the form of food and drink.

Therefore, try to imagine that a coral with sharp edges and the same hardness has formed in your stomach (these are bottom sediments). Do not believe me, find dried feces on the street and look at them, this is what you have at the bottom of your stomach.

Yes, it happens, so I am blamed for the fact that I use rough comparisons and examples. But how else, if it is more intelligible and visual way. And not just to inform, to make you think, but to encourage a person to action.

And finally, you filled this "coral" with water from a rubber pear, while mixing the water with some kind of rubbish (to enhance the effect), and then, without straining, pour this water out of your body, turning the body over like hourglass. What do you think will happen to your anus if these deposits still try to "pour out" along with the water? That's it your butt after that will resemble a bloody wound. And therefore mucous, insuring anus does not let the “hardened” formation slip out through the introduction of muscles. Water pours out, a few diluted, unhardened formations and sand, but the rest, "returns to its old place."
Why such visual physiology? In order to avoid illusions, and most importantly, to understand what and why.
What to do? (the eternal question of man).

Break down bottom slags, turning them into salts, that is, into that outgoing sand.
To do this, safe for him, but dissolving slag acids (vinegars) are introduced into the body - ascorbic, palmitic, nicotinic, stearic, citric, lactic. But every human organ able to use his acid.
-Fruit vinegars are best used with sour milk.
Recipe: 1 tablespoon of sour milk, 1 teaspoon (or
tablespoon) fruit vinegar and 1 spoon of honey.
Vinegar must be added to tea, coffee, soups and broths.
Do not use vegetable oil. Food should be meat or fish. Meat and fish are best eaten first, then the side dish (it just happens).

It should be noted that vinegars dissolve not only what is in the stomach, but also what is contained in the blood.
There can be no universal drugs for everyone and everything. This is a lie.

III. Removal of salts

Salts are mineral and organic, alkaline and acidic, soluble and insoluble in water. Salts formed during the use of acids must be removed. I draw attention to those that are not excreted from the body on their own. Insoluble: alkaline, mineral and fatty types of urates, phosphates and oxalates.

This is where the principle (the one that touched on in the article "Letters to the Mother") "Like dissolves like" comes into play.

For alkaline salts - alkali-infusions of some herbs and plants:
1. Tea from sunflower roots. Harvest in the fall: clean, wash, dry. Before use, crush and boil in an enamel pan. For 3 liters of water, 1 glass of roots. Boil 1-2 minutes. Drink tea for two or three days. Then boil the same roots for 5-7 minutes and also drink in 2-3 days. The third time (“at the piano, too, as before”), boil for 10-15 minutes, drink for 2-3 days. Finished with the first portion of "brew the second". Drink large doses for a month or more. No one forcibly introduced slags into you, they themselves ate what they wanted, so you have to be patient.
Salts begin to be excreted after two weeks. Urine will be dark at first. We peed in a jar, looked, you will see flakes and sand. Drink until the urine becomes almost like water. Then send. Not in the sense of urine, but reviews. But that's not all.

At the same time, you can not eat salty dishes and vinegars. Eat predominantly plant foods.

2. Tea from knotweed, horsetail, watermelon peels, pumpkin tails, bearberry, marsh cinquefoil.
3. Juices. black radish, parsley roots, pepper, coltsfoot leaves, chicory, turnip, chicken bile.
-black radish (I could not stand it, a very shocking method, but the effect is huge)
Recipe: 10 black radish tubers washed and not peeled
peels prepare juice by pressing.
Store the juice in the refrigerator, and the cake (what
left) mix with honey (per 1 kg. Cake, 300g.
honey or 500 gr. Sahara). Keep warm in jars
place under pressure (so as not to mold).
Juice drink one spoonful an hour after eating. If there is no pain in the liver, then the dose can be increased to 2 tablespoons and so on (but not more than 0.5 cup = 7 tablespoons).
If pain is felt in the liver, put a water heater on this area. If the pain is tolerable, continue the procedure. The pain is at first, then everything is normal.

At the same time, it is necessary to eat fresh food.
The juice is over, eat the cake, it will turn sour by this time. During meals, 1-3 tablespoons. Strengthens lung tissue and cardiovascular system.

IV. Fight against pathogenic bacteria

During the period when an event is being carried out to remove salts (not slags, only gaseous slags are removed), your body will experience stress, i.e. it will waste resources not its maintenance in a stable state. In doing so, he becomes vulnerable.

No one will ever tell you that during the period of taking certain drugs, your body is weakened and is an "open door" for the penetration of all kinds of microbes. Why won't he say? But because a person is so arranged that "a bird in the hand is better than a crane in the sky." He simply will not take the drug, which will cause significant damage to the "most honest" of the branches of human activity - pharmaceuticals.

Who is fighting microbes in our body? Spleen, liver, kidneys. So they need to be supported by preventive measures. Or procedures following the removal of salts from the body.

Spleen. We boil oats for her. Or else: oatmeal with the help of yeast is processed into dough and taken orally when it hardens in the area just below the pancreas.

Liver. Kvasim grogh, beans, soybeans, beans, lentils, clover, mandrel, lupine. In a word, nitrogen-containing.
Recipe: Fill a 3-liter jar with a plant, pour salt
solution. Add 1-3 tablespoons of sugar to flavor 1
spoon of sour cream. In a dark warm place. Roams 7-8 days.
Then they use it. It's okay, I assure you, don't bleat
you will.

Kidneys. The easiest. Boil corn stigmas in the bath. Set aside, chill. Drink as a thirst quencher throughout the day. Also check your kidneys. If it is pleasant to drink, therefore, not everything is in order with the kidneys. If it's disgusting, it's okay. But it is necessary to drink a dark yellow oily liquid within 3 days. Urine will become lighter, stop drinking. The same measures must be taken if the kidneys are sick and have an attack.
With all procedures, care must be taken not to acidify the stomach. In any case, oxidation should predominate over alkalization. If heartburn appears (acidified stomach), drink 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar in 0.5 cups of water or soda. Soda in the reaction with bile behaves like an acid (in principle, it is an alkali), and not like an alkali. Or hold in your mouth 1g. salt.

V. Recovery, weakened organs.

The ongoing procedures have weakened your body, so it is extremely necessary to deal with its restoration.
If someone dreams of cleansing the body in one or two weeks, then you need to drink a package of purgen, do a bucket enema and sniff tobacco every half hour, everything will fly out, including brains. At the same time, you don’t need to read what I wrote, you also don’t need to eat, just drink RedBull, as you know, it inspires.

After that, go to a cosmetic surgeon, do liposuction in problem areas. Then tell your friends about the date of your death. They won't see you the way they used to.

But seriously, no one in the world has come up with a better recovery procedure than a Russian bath. Not a sauna, not a Turkish and not a fashionable creosauna, and not even a sexual one, but a RUSSIAN bath. With all the procedures and attributes inherent in it.

A small addition to this:
In the treatment of cold kidneys, 1 hour before visiting the bath, eat 50-100g. boiled animal kidney. And in 10-15 minutes. before entering the steam room, drink 0.5-1 glass of diaphoretic kvass. Drink before entering the steam room, not after leaving. There are kidneys in the bath, I do not recommend it.
Imagine a picture of how you will "eat" the kidneys (remember what they look like?) in the presence of "honest people" and drink it all with kvass from a jug. Even the worldly-wise will be horrified.

It can be seen that such behavior of our ancestors in the eyes of foreigners sowed a lot of fears generated by their "refined" minds, which stirred up moldy foam in their "corrupted" souls and gave rise to many speculations about the bloodthirstiness of Russians.
If the skin sweats badly, do not rub it with salt or coffee scraps (horrible nonsense), sandpaper and acetone are better. The action is comparable. It is enough to clean the body with a broom and a washcloth, and it is better to sweat after washing the body with infusion (yes, just tea) from wild rosemary.

Sweating kvass.

1-2 cups raspberries, 1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon sour cream. Everything is in a jar filled with water and wanders without oxygen for 10-15 days. Drink to your health!

Sweating tea.

Boil 1 tablespoon of wild rosemary roots or 2 tablespoons of birch leaves, linden flowers or elderberries in a glass of water for 1-3 minutes.
With good sweating of the skin, the kidneys rest and quickly increase their cell volume. With this procedure, you can only use a broom, but exclude the pool, ice hole and shower. Since this stops sweating and absorption of dirty elements can occur. Wash yourself last.
It is clear that the bath should not be an accident or an episode in your life.
In the treatment of the liver (cirrhosis) - the same bath with a steam room and diaphoretic drink.
After that, the skin will absorb everything that is on its surface.

Just now I wrote this and thought, but how many people know how it is actually necessary to perform a "ablution in a Russian bath." Even the information "posted" in the section "Russian life" in the form of folklore on the topic is replete with incredible absurdities. Each of us has seen enough in the bath (if there is nothing else to do) at home-grown "inventors", from which others around only one inconvenience. The bathing process is an intimate process. Do not confuse the shift of emphasis from the intimate process to the intimate process in the bath, this process is excluded from the composition of the bath.

So, the skin is breathing, ready to "eat. Anoint it with honey (again, I repeat, not coffee), fish oil(not cream), sour cream (especially not condensed milk). Everything will be absorbed. With such treatment, the liver rests, the body is nourished not through the liver, but through the skin. After "feeding" the body through the skin, it should be washed and wiped with vinegar (here you have coffee and acetone).

During the period of "treatment" (I put it in quotation marks so as not to offend anyone's professional pride), it is necessary to carefully observe a doctor and eat a certain amount of boiled liver. The tablets prescribed by the doctor, fold under the "mattress" will be thicker.

To strengthen the heart. An hour before the bath, eat 50-100 gr. animal heart. 15 minutes before entering the steam room, drink hearty kvass. After the first entry, body massage.

Recipe: 1 cup of a plant (gray jaundice, adonis, lily of the valley,
breastplate, strophaite or sage), 1 cup sugar, 1
a teaspoon of sour cream, ferments for at least 2 weeks.
A single dose when using 0.5 cups. 10-20 procedures. At the same time, there is the heart of animals. You do not want? It's up to you, you don't have to.


Whoever tells you that refined oil, whether sunflower, olive, hemp, not only does not harm, but is also useful, do not believe it. For external use only. All vegetable oils in the stomach become drying oil.

Lungs. An hour before the bath, eat 50-100 gr. light animal. In the case of a light one, this is a rather large volume (it weighs little). And not everyone can use a lung. But if to be treated, it means to be treated. Only poison is sweet, medicine is not tasty.
In the bath there are oxygen baths with underwater massage. After the bath, 1 glass of kvass.
Recipe: 1 cup elecampane or violet 3-color, pine needles,
1 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon sour cream per 3 liters of water.
Roam for two weeks.

It’s time to “tie” with the recipe, you can’t list everything, and the readers themselves know more than a dozen recipes. Share.
Everything that I have written needs to be "tested" on older people. No, not for this reason… How could I even think such a thing. And by the fact that, firstly, adults perform everything more scrupulously and systematically.

secondly, they are no longer in a hurry, except to be in time, and thirdly, the result is more noticeable on them. Young people are passive to their health, not for nothing there is a phrase "If you began to take care of your health, then you are getting old."

But the one who is engaged in it and is better from a young age, not only does not grow old for a long time, but having grown old, does not fall into insanity. Thus, remaining in demand by the young as a "still alive" example. I can't stand stupid old people, as well as young ones.

Health advice is a very sensitive thing. Not so much in terms of giving these tips, but in terms of following them. Therefore, think several times before doing what is advised (this material is no exception) And only when your desires, faith in success and determination unite in a single impulse with a short word of inevitability “Need”, then do as you planned and do not hesitate for a minute. Stops along the way are equivalent to breakfast on a steep wall while climbing in the mountains. Maybe "tickles the nerves" but a very reckless and dangerous action.

And the last thing: few people are not aware of the presence in the body of the lymphatic system, which is not inferior in length to the blood system, but in terms of the volume of the lymph itself, it is almost four times the volume of the blood. But only experts know that the lymph acts in the body as a purifier of the latter from the waste of life activity. But not all wastes, but those that are in the blood and soft tissues. These wastes, in their "wandering" through the body, enter the zones of the so-called septic tanks, i.e. lymph nodes. A specific smell during discharges at the locations of these nodes is a confirmation of this. Where they are, every adult knows. But few people know that lymph nodes are active only during relaxation some time after serious and prolonged physical work of the whole body. Make a conclusion!

P.S. I almost forgot! And where do you ask in urban conditions to get water acceptable for procedures, making teas, and generally just for drinking. All kinds of filters are ..., well, this and that.

Very briefly: Let the tap water stand to remove the chlorine from it. Pour into cups (in portions) and into the freezer to “erase” information about wandering through rusty pipes. Then move as needed into a vase (with a fairly wide neck), which contains either a silver item or shungite. I think there is no need to expand on this stone. Further use. That's all!

Block 5. The human body and its health

5.6. Personal and public hygiene, healthy lifestyle life. Prevention of infectious diseases. Injury prevention, first aid. Mental and physical health of a person. health factors. Risk factors. Bad and good habits. The dependence of human health on the state of the environment. Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and rules of a healthy lifestyle. Reproductive health of the person. The consequences of the influence of alcohol, nicotine, narcotic substances on the development of the human embryo.

Personal and public hygiene, healthy lifestyle

Hygiene is a field of medicine that studies the influence of living and working conditions on human health and develops measures to prevent diseases, ensure optimal living conditions, maintain health and prolong life.
Health is the first and most important human need, which determines his ability to work and ensures the harmonious development of the individual. It is the most important prerequisite for the knowledge of the surrounding world, for self-affirmation and human happiness.
According to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, health is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
There are three types of health: physical, mental and moral.
physical health due to the normal functioning of all its organs and systems, this is the natural state of the body.
mental health It is characterized by the level and quality of thinking, the development of attention and memory, the degree of emotional stability, the development of volitional qualities, and is largely determined by the state of the brain.
moral health determined by moral principles, which are the basis of human social life, that is, life in a particular human society. hallmarks The moral health of a person is, first of all, a conscious attitude to work, mastery of the treasures of culture, an active rejection of mores and habits that are contrary to a normal way of life.
A healthy and spiritually developed person is happy - he feels great, gets satisfaction from his work, strives for self-improvement, achieving unfading youth of spirit and inner beauty. It retains youth for a long time, prolonging creative activity.
According to WHO data, health is primarily influenced by conditions and lifestyle, as well as nutrition (50%), genetics and heredity (20%), environment and natural conditions (20%) and healthcare (10%). Thus, an active life position can contribute to a significant improvement in health status.
In addition to individual health, there is also the health of social and ethnic groups (group), the health of the population of administrative territories (regional) and the health of the population, society as a whole (public).
In connection with this division of health levels, two sections of hygiene are distinguished: personal and public. Personal hygiene includes general hygienic rules: the regime of work and rest, physical education, regular meals of wholesome food, hygienic requirements for caring for the body and oral cavity, refusal to bad habits destroying health.
public hygiene is a branch of hygiene that studies the patterns of public health and healthcare. It implies not only numerous sanitary measures and environmental protection, including through the improvement of streets, courtyards, apartments, regular cleaning of garbage cans, garbage pits, but also measures to improve the health of the population, individual and public preventive programs.
Healthy lifestyle is a way of life based on the principles of morality, rationally organized, active, labor, hardening and at the same time protecting from the adverse effects of the environment, allowing you to maintain health until old age.
Prevention of infectious diseases (viral, bacterial, fungal, caused by animals). Infection - this is the introduction and reproduction in the body of pathogens, which is accompanied by an infectious disease, the carriage of these organisms or their death.
Infectious diseases include diseases that develop as a response of the body to the introduction and reproduction of pathogens - bacteria, fungi, viruses. Unlike infectious diseases, diseases caused by animals are called invasive.
The mass spread of any pathogen, exceeding that usually observed in a given area, is called an epidemic. In Russia, for example, an influenza epidemic is recorded annually, but earlier there were also epidemics of cholera, smallpox, plague, etc.
Most infectious diseases have several stages of development: incubation, latent, the actual infectious stage and the stage of recovery. The incubation stage is the state when a person has already become infected, but there are no external manifestations of the disease yet, and he is not dangerous to others. In contrast, at the latent stage, there are still no signs of the disease, but the person is already becoming contagious. The actual infectious stage is diagnosed by the manifestations of all signs of the disease, when the sick person is dangerous to others. Some infectious diseases may have consequences of severe complications, some of which lead to disability.
The introduction of the pathogen is accompanied immune response when the body seeks to suppress it with the help of antibodies secreted by lymphocytes and phagocytes.
The causative agent infects healthy person by contact (including through household items), through the mouth (with food or water), air (with droplets of saliva or mucus), blood and other body fluids, sexually, due to the spread of arthropod vectors.
In this regard, the main measures for the prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases are regular washing of hands, vegetables and fruits, boiling water, sterilization of medical instruments, pickling of habitats of disease carriers, wearing gauze bandages when in contact with patients, mass vaccination, administration of sera, as well as timely identification of patients and their placement in quarantine.

Injury prevention, first aid techniques

trauma called damage to an organ or tissue as a result of external influences. There are mechanical, thermal, chemical, electrical (electric shock, lightning) and mental (fright) injuries.
Injury prevention primarily consists of strict adherence to traffic rules, safety precautions and general caution during daily activities. If you have witnessed an injury and must provide first first aid, you should not show fear or nervousness, make fussy movements, speak louder or quieter than usual, and even more so be silent.
Mechanical injury These are bruises, dislocations, sprains, wounds, fractures.
Bruises are called internal damage to the tissues of the body, resulting from a sharp impact of great force. The consequence of a bruise is a violation of the integrity of the vessels without damage to the skin, internal hemorrhage, and the first signs are pain, swelling and redness at the site of the bruise.
First aid is to reduce the degree of hemorrhage and reduce the sensation of pain. To do this, a cold object is applied to the bruised place (ice, snow, a container with cold water, wet cold cloth, metal spoon). If you suspect a bruise of the internal organs, you should immediately take the victim to a doctor.
Sprain- This is a violation of the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus. It can be caused by careless movement, jumping, falling, lifting weights. The first signs of stretching are pain, swelling, and difficulty in moving in the damaged area.
First aid consists in cooling the site of the lesion, fixing it and ensuring the rest of the victim. To do this, a tight bandage is applied, the affected area is transferred to an elevated position in relation to the body, cold is applied to it.
Under dislocation imply a displacement of the articular parts of the bones, in which the integrity of the articular bag is violated, sometimes with a rupture of the ligaments. A dislocation can also be caused by a careless movement, a jump, a fall, or heavy lifting. Dislocation symptoms are sharp pain, impaired mobility in the joint, change in its shape.
When providing first aid, a cold object should be applied to the damaged area, the hand should be hung on a scarf or bandage, and a tight bandage should be applied to the leg. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to set a dislocation without a doctor, as this can lead to serious damage.
wounds are open soft tissue injuries. The danger of wounds lies not only in the violation of the integrity and functioning of individual organs, but also in the possibility of penetration of pathogenic organisms into them, as well as in the consequences for the whole organism as a whole. The first signs of injury are violations of the integrity of the integument, bleeding of varying strength and pain.
First aid is to clean the wound by rinsing with hydrogen peroxide or clean water, lubricating its edges with an antiseptic, bringing the edges of the wound closer together and applying clean soft tissue that needs to be fixed.
Bleeding is the loss of blood as a result of a violation of the integrity of blood vessels. There are arterial, venous and capillary bleeding.
arterial bleeding occurs when the arteries are damaged, while bright scarlet blood flows out of them in a pulsating stream.
When providing first aid, the place above the wound where the tourniquet will be wrapped with several layers of gauze, the tourniquet is wrapped around the limb twice or thrice, the ends of the tourniquet are fastened with a hook or tied in a knot, indicate the time the tourniquet is applied on a note, since it should not be on the body more than 2 hours
Venous bleeding occurs as a result of damage to the veins, while a continuous stream of dark cherry-colored blood flows from the wound.
To stop venous bleeding, the wound is lubricated with an antiseptic solution, such as an alcoholic solution of iodine, covered with several layers of sterile gauze, a thick layer of cotton wool is applied, and a tight bandage is applied over it. The bandage can be secured with adhesive tape so that it does not move.
capillary bleeding occurs with a superficial wound, and blood flows from the wound drop by drop. Such a wound is treated with hydrogen peroxide and a bandage is applied.

fracture is a violation of the integrity of the bone. Fractures are open with external bleeding and damage to soft tissues and closed. Closed fractures may be accompanied by displacement of bone fragments. Signs of a fracture are pain, swelling, bruising, mobility in an atypical location, and dysfunction of the organ.
At open fracture it is necessary to treat the wound with a disinfectant solution and apply a clean bandage, immobilize the limb by putting a splint on it. If there is no splint, it is worth using improvised materials (planks, sticks) or bandaging a broken leg to a healthy one, and a broken arm to the body. To prevent the tire from pressing on the fracture, place a soft substrate under it. When applying a splint, it is necessary to cover not only the affected, but also neighboring areas, carefully attach the splint to the limb with wide bandages, towels.

Skull injuries(concussion and contusion of the brain, fracture of the bones of the skull) are accompanied by loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, dizziness. Often, having regained consciousness, the patient does not remember what happened to him.
First aid for skull injuries consists in providing the victim with complete rest and applying cold to the head, followed by a mandatory medical examination.
Injuries may be accompanied traumatic shock- a life-threatening condition characterized by a disorder in the activity of the central nervous system, blood circulation, and metabolism. The first short phase of shock lasts 10-15 minutes and is characterized by increased excitation of the victim, the second is characterized by a sharp lethargy while maintaining consciousness. The pulse weakens, breathing slows down. The patient needs to be warmed, you can give a warm drink. It is necessary to treat the patient very carefully, not to make unnecessary movements, to reduce the noise level.
Thermal injury These are burns, frostbite, sun and heat stroke.
Burn is damage to body tissues caused by the action of high temperature, acids, alkalis, salts of heavy metals. There are four degrees of burns: reddening of the skin, the appearance of blisters, necrosis of the entire thickness of the skin and charring of tissues. A special form of burns are radiation injuries: solar, x-ray, etc.
In case of a thermal burn, the affected area is decontaminated and a bandage is applied, while it is necessary to give the victim tea or mineral water. In case of a chemical burn, the toxic liquid is first washed off with a stream of cold water and the affected surface is rinsed, in case of acid damage - with a soda solution. At sunburn first of all, the victim should be transferred to the shade and a cloth moistened with cold water should be applied to the damaged area.

At thermal and sunstroke the patient must be transferred to the shade and lower the body temperature by applying a cold compress, drinking soft drinks, etc.
At frostbite the affected area is smeared with goose fat, and the victim is given warm tea.
When electric shock or lightning first of all, it is necessary to remove the victim from the affected area, observing safety precautions.

Health factors (auto-training, hardening, physical activity)

Health factors include those elements of human life and activity that contribute to its strengthening. Since health is also considered as the presence of physiological and mental reserves in the body, then, along with the factors that determine these features, those that expand and regulate them are of paramount importance. In this regard, the most important health factors are heredity, personal hygiene, auto-training, hardening, the state of the environment, a rational mode of work and rest, optimal motor mode, rejection of bad habits, fruitful work, rational nutrition, etc.
Autotraining (autogenic training) It is a concentrated self-relaxation and self-hypnosis. This is a system of methods of self-relaxation of muscles (muscle relaxation), mental relaxation, immersion in a drowsy sleep, which are accompanied by self-hypnosis. Autogenic training is widely used in medicine, sports, production, self-education. It is one of the mechanisms of self-regulation of the personality and allows solving a wide range of tasks, which include the regulation of the functional state of the body, the regulation of various mental states, the mobilization of the physiological and mental reserves of the individual, the emotional and volitional preparation of a person for the corresponding activity, the removal of moral and emotional stress, the development cognitive processes - attention, memory, thinking, change of motivation, self-esteem of the individual, etc. Auto-training can be used in groups and individually, however, if individual auto-training allows you to take into account individual characteristics personalities and apply a wide range of techniques, then with group auto-training, although it is more effective, one should be very careful in recruiting groups, since the negative attitude of at least one of the group members to this event significantly reduces its effect.
hardening called a system of using physical factors of the environment to increase the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the nervous system, improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism and thereby improves health, improves well-being and mood, gives a charge of vivacity, increases efficiency and life expectancy in general.
The essence of hardening is to train the physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation in the body and increase its immunity to colds and infectious diseases.
Hardening can be done by dousing with cold water, bathing in ponds or air hardening, however, the temperature of the hardening agent should be reduced gradually, since a sharp cooling of an untrained body can lead to undesirable consequences.
Physical activity contributes to health promotion to no lesser extent than auto-training and hardening, since the muscular efforts that a person makes affect not only the development musculoskeletal system but also have a stimulating effect on the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous systems, general state organism and its resistance to environmental factors. Therefore, long walks, skiing and cycling in the open air, swimming in open water, as well as playing sports are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.

Risk factors (stress, physical inactivity, overwork, hypothermia, overheating)

Risk factors are various factors that can lead to poor health and increase the likelihood of disease. These include stress, illness, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, overweight, environmental pollution, alcohol abuse, smoking, drugs, and aging.
A complex non-specific response of the human body to any acting factor is called stress. A person reacts sharply not only to changes in temperature, pressure, alcohol intake, the introduction of pathogens of various diseases, but also to verbal, emotional stimuli. Stress is divided into three phases: the anxiety response, the adaptation phase, and the exhaustion and death phase. The anxiety response is triggered by a strong stimulus. It involves the hypothalamus, pituitary and adrenal glands, which release adrenaline. Under the influence of the latter, the body's reserves are mobilized to overcome adverse conditions. In the adaptation phase, the organism adapts to changing conditions. However, if the body's reserves are exhausted by this adaptation, it may die.
stress often manifest themselves in the form of borderline activation of the internal reserves of the individual, physiological and mental. Therefore, physiological and mental (emotional) stresses are distinguished. With physiological stress, the adaptation syndrome occurs at the moment of meeting with the stimulus, and with mental stress, adaptation precedes the situation and occurs prematurely. The division into physiological and mental stress is conditional, since physiological stress always contains elements of mental stress and vice versa.
Hypodynamia- weakening of muscle activity due to a sedentary lifestyle and limitation of motor activity.
The prevalence of physical inactivity increases with urbanization, automation and mechanization of labor, an increase in the role of means of communication, sometimes it is called the "disease of civilization".
In its severity, hypodynamia can be different and is due to the working conditions of a person, the duration and degree of insufficiency of muscle loads. In combination with other factors, hypodynamia can be a prerequisite for the emergence of a number of painful conditions and even diseases. First of all, it causes a decrease in energy consumption, a slowdown in the breakdown and formation of high-energy compounds, and a decrease in phosphorylation in skeletal muscles. This is accompanied by a decrease in gas exchange and pulmonary ventilation and overall performance. The mass and volume of muscles decreases, the size of the heart decreases, pronounced dystrophic changes. A decrease in the volume of muscle activity leads to a decrease in the number of signals sent from the muscles to the central nervous system and vice versa, a kind of “physiological denervation” of the muscles occurs. They reduce the content of myoglobin and glycogen, there is a change in the contractile apparatus of the muscles and their tone, as well as a weakening of endurance.
Due to the decrease in hypodynamia of the load on the cardiovascular system, the functional state of the heart worsens, its work becomes less “economical”, there is an increase and decrease in the strength of heart contractions, a decrease in stroke and minute volume and venous blood return. In addition, the likelihood of atherosclerosis and obesity increases. One of the serious consequences of hypodynamia is loss of consciousness during the transition to a vertical position due to insufficient blood supply to the brain.
Prolonged physical inactivity, reducing the load on the bone apparatus, is accompanied by a violation of mineral and protein metabolism. This leads to osteoporosis and a decrease in the strength of all bone tissue. The main prevention is movement, physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle, since smoking and other bad habits always only aggravate the condition.
Overwork- This is a physiological state of the body that occurs as a result of excessive activity and is manifested by a temporary decrease in performance. There are physical, mental and mental overwork.
With physical overwork, there is a violation of the functions of the muscles: their strength, speed, accuracy, consistency and rhythm of movements decrease.
Mental overwork is characterized by a decrease in the productivity of intellectual work, a weakening of attention (difficulty concentrating), a slowdown in thinking, etc.
Mental (mental) overwork occurs against the background of intense intellectual work and mental stress, caused, for example, by an excessive sense of responsibility, as well as strong emotional experiences.
Overfatigue is evidenced by sleep disturbances, appetite, frequent illnesses, bad habits, memory and speech disorders, inefficient use of physical strength, whims, increased mobility and aggressiveness, tired appearance.
Hypothermia and overheating. Body temperature is determined by the amount of heat generated in the process of metabolism, heat transfer and behavioral reactions. It is controlled by special centers in the hypothalamus and the large hemispheres of the forebrain due to signals from receptors in the skin and subcutaneous tissues, as well as heat-sensitive cells of the hypothalamus itself. A decrease in ambient and body temperature leads to an increase in metabolism, including tension and contraction of the small muscles of the skin, as well as to the release of thyroid and adrenal hormones, which cause the activation of metabolism and vasoconstriction, which reduces heat transfer. An increase in ambient and body temperature, on the contrary, reduces heat production and increases heat transfer. The main mechanisms of heat transfer are radiation, heat conduction, convection and evaporation of sweat from the surface of the body.
Hypothermia or hypothermia- this is a decrease in body temperature below normal due to strong heat transfer. It leads to a decrease in the vital activity of the body, increases its resistance to oxygen starvation. Sometimes artificial hypothermia is used as a method of treatment: local (for bleeding, trauma, inflammation), and general (for operations requiring a temporary stop of blood circulation).
The cause of hypothermia is not only a long stay in the cold, but also being in the water, in the wind, in wet clothes, especially these factors are enhanced in a humid climate (tropics, subtropics). First of all, hypothermia affects those parts of the body that are poorly supplied with blood, such as fingers and toes, the tips of the nose and ears.
Symptoms of hypothermia are intense trembling, numbness, blue skin, impaired coordination, difficulty speaking, sudden mood changes, in which irritability turns into indifference to everything (apathy), slowing down movements, slowing down breathing and weakening of the pulse, loss of consciousness is possible. Hypothermia is potentially life threatening.
In order to prevent hypothermia, one should dress in accordance with natural and climatic conditions, with the slightest symptoms of hypothermia, one should find shelter from the cold and wind, wrap oneself in something warm, warm up with warm sweet drinks and food. However, in no case should you rub the limbs, nose and ears, put the victim in a hot bath, solder with alcohol and force them to make sudden movements. If the symptoms of hypothermia do not go away, then the victim should be taken to the doctor.
Overheating or hyperthermia is called an increase in human body temperature to 38-39 ° C due to a violation of a vital function - thermoregulation. With hyperthermia, headache, dizziness, general weakness, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, and profuse sweating are observed. The heart rate and respiratory movements increase with overheating. Symptoms of hyperthermia are pallor, cyanosis, dilated pupils, convulsions, and loss of consciousness.
The victim of overheating is transferred to a cool room or in the shade, they give a cool salted drink (you can also give ammonia a sniff) and create peace until the doctor arrives.

Bad and good habits

Habits are classified as harmful or beneficial, depending on how they affect the health of a person and others. Bad habits are smoking, alcohol abuse (drunkenness), drug addiction, substance abuse and various childhood habits, for example, when children take objects in their mouths, bite their nails, pick their noses, etc. They are laid mainly in adolescence under the influence of various internal and external factors. In adolescents, the main internal factor is a hormonal background that contributes to the development of a state of anxiety and uncertainty, which must be drowned out. The desire to overcome an inferiority complex and take a leading position in the company also serves as an incentive to show one's “adulthood”. External factors are the social environment (dictatorship of the company), economic instability, family relationships, etc. The constant desire to smoke, drink, inject stimulates the search for funds, including illegal ways: theft, murder, prostitution.
Smoking is a consequence of the dependence of the respiratory center on substances that cause its stimulation. At first, smoking causes a negative reaction - discomfort, nausea, dizziness, and after 5-6 months the body adapts to the irritant and can no longer do without it. However, the constant exposure to toxic substances on the body does not pass without a trace: smoking contributes to the development coronary disease heart, chronic bronchitis, lung cancer, stomach ulcers, reproductive disorders, the birth of children with chronic diseases. It is extremely difficult to get rid of this bad habit, and even strong-willed people often take up a cigarette over time.

Drunkenness - this is the result of the body's adaptation to an increase in the concentration of the toxic decomposition product of ethyl alcohol - acetaldehyde, although at first alcohol causes vomiting and an eclipse of consciousness. The danger of alcoholism lies not only in the fact that it leads to a person losing control over himself and committing antisocial acts, but also to such chronic diseases as cirrhosis of the liver, diseases of the cardiovascular system, stomach ulcers, and alcoholic dementia. Alcohol addiction is exacerbated by the fact that it serves as a means to relieve physical and mental stress, and is also due to energy mechanisms.

Addiction - this is a painful irresistible craving for the use of narcotic substances, such as morphine, heroin, hashish, LSD, ecstasy, etc. comfortable sleep or lead to death. In the strict sense, drug addiction cannot be considered a bad habit - it is a disease that occurs almost from the very first case of using these drugs. In the absence of a drug, a person experiences severe physical and mental torment - the so-called withdrawal occurs, which pushes the addict to any action in order to get a new dose. At first, the addict loses interest in reality, in family and friends, the degradation of his personality begins, a decrease in intelligence and complete physical destruction. Modern synthetic drugs kill a person in 1-2 years. Among other reasons, injecting drug users are at risk of contracting HIV by sharing syringes.
substance abuse called dependence on the inhalation of aromatic hydrocarbons, which have a hallucinogenic effect. Substance abuse causes irreversible changes in internal organs, especially in the liver and kidneys, as well as in nervous system, as a result of which visual acuity and hearing are reduced, intelligence suffers. Large doses of the inhaled substance can lead to respiratory arrest and death.
The child's habit of taking inedible objects in his mouth - buttons, pencils, toys - is a sign of nervousness. This habit is associated with the risk of infection, the possibility of blocking the respiratory tract with a swallowed object, the risk of injuring the esophagus or stomach, although in most cases the object is subsequently passed out with feces.
Getting rid of bad habits is much more difficult than acquiring them, since replacing bad habits with good ones involves restructuring the stereotype of behavior, attitudes, and motivations. This process can be painful, difficult and cause internal resistance. Only strong-willed efforts and the implementation of a number of rules can ensure the success of this event. For this you need:
1. Form for yourself a firm and irrevocable decision to act in the intended direction.
2. Avoid conditions that bring out old habits.
3. Create conditions for the formation of new, useful habits.
4. Stay with new habits until they are established. Constant training is the main condition for their formation.
The development of good habits strengthens human health, and in patients with early manifestations of the disease, their progression is suspended.
Good habits are exercises and sports, a high degree of physical activity, personal hygiene, daily routine, rational nutrition, etc.

The dependence of human health on the state of the environment

The environment largely determines the state of human health, since air is necessary for a person to breathe, water to replenish its content in the body, and plants grow on the soil that serve as food for humans.
Atmospheric air quality is an integral factor in health, since a lack of oxygen in the atmosphere causes disturbances in the body's vital functions, and sometimes leads to death. An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide weakens the work of the heart, causes headache, vomiting, loss of consciousness. Of particular danger to human health is carbon monoxide (II), or carbon monoxide, a product of incomplete combustion of fuel. In large quantities, carbon monoxide is also released during fires in enclosed spaces, as well as when there is insufficient oxygen supply due to a violation of draft in a stove or fireplace. Carbon monoxide combines with blood hemoglobin 200-300 times faster and stronger than oxygen, and forms an extremely stable compound. As a result, the provision of body tissues with oxygen decreases, hypoxemia develops, a person loses consciousness, and only timely assistance can save the life of the victim.
Vehicles and industrial enterprises that annually emit millions of tons of suspended particles, as well as carbon oxides (II, IV), sulfur (IV), heavy metal compounds, hazardous organic substances, etc., significantly pollute the air. suspended in the air, has an irritating effect on the epithelium of the respiratory tract, which, with severe air pollution, can lead to the development serious illnesses such as silicosis of the lungs. Together with chemical compounds, they are able to cause chronic diseases allergic nature, such as asthma, and in some cases even lead to the development of lung cancer.
You should also take care of the vocal apparatus, because a too loud voice, inept singing, screaming overstrain the vocal cords, which painfully change over time. As a result, the voice can become hoarse, muffled, and even completely disappear. Negatively affects the vocal apparatus and smoking.
Prevention of diseases of the respiratory system is associated with air purification as a result of wet cleaning, in case of epidemics - with the use of individual funds protection.
Respiratory hygiene rules: breathe deeply and slowly; working movements associated with significant efforts should coincide with inspiration; regularly visit the fresh air, exercise: exercise, rowing, swimming, etc .; breathe only through the nose; cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing and sneezing; carry out dust control on the streets and indoors; form the correct posture; while interacting with people who are sick infectious diseases, care must be taken: wear gauze bandages; to refuse from bad habits.
Various radiations, such as radiation and electromagnetic radiation, penetrate the air through the air, which can lead to serious health disorders, such as cancer, disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Therefore, even wearing mobile phone on the body can lead to similar consequences, and talking more than 17 minutes a day leads to brain dysfunction.
The water may contain pathogens of various diseases and impurities harmful to health, so you should never drink water from an unidentified source or contaminated water. Water should be boiled before drinking. If possible, use the canteen mineral water, which contains a balanced composition of salts necessary for the body.