The best sleep patterns. How to sleep in a short time? Sleep is the path to better health

Human sleep phases are divided into two types - slow and fast. Their duration is uneven. After falling asleep, the slow phase has a longer duration. REM sleep becomes longer before waking up.

In this case, the phases alternate, forming wave-like cycles. They last a little over an hour and a half. The calculation of the phases by the clock will not only make it easy to wake up in the morning and improve the quality of night rest, but also contribute to the normalization of the work of the whole organism.

About sleep phases

Sleep is a state in which all organs, especially the brain, work in an unusual mode. At the same time, the human consciousness is turned off and the restoration of all body cells begins. Thanks to a strong full-fledged night's rest, toxins are removed from the body, memory is strengthened and the psyche is unloaded.

In order to feel good during the day, the norm of sleep should be about eight hours a day. However, this number may vary depending on individual features human body.

For some, six is ​​enough, for others, nine hours is not enough to fully rest and sleep. This difference depends on the lifestyle and age of the person. Night rest is heterogeneous and is divided into two phases - REM and deep sleep.

slow phase

Slow-wave sleep is also called deep (orthodox). Diving into it begins at the beginning of a night's rest. This phase is divided into several stages:

  1. nap. Usually lasts five to ten minutes. During this period, the brain is still working, so you can see a dream. Often dreams are dreamed that are confused with reality, and a person can even find answers to problems unresolved during the day.
  2. Falling asleep or sleep spindles. Takes approximately twenty minutes. At this stage, consciousness is gradually turned off, but the brain is quite sensitive to all stimuli. At such a moment, any noise can wake you up.
  3. Deep dream. This is the time when the body of a healthy person almost ceases to function, and the body relaxes. However, weak impulses are still passing through the brain, sleep spindles are still preserved.

Then comes delta sleep - this is the deepest period. The body relaxes completely and the brain does not respond to stimuli. The respiratory rate and blood circulation are reduced. But the closer to the morning, the more the duration of the delta sleep phase decreases.

Interesting ! During falling asleep and waking up, a condition such as sleep paralysis may occur. This state is characterized by a complete understanding of what is happening, but the inability to move or utter anything. Some people are trying on purpose.

Fast phase (BDG phase)

REM sleep after falling asleep lasts about five minutes. However, with each new cycle, the duration of deep sleep becomes shorter, and the duration of REM sleep increases in time. This phase is already about an hour in the morning. It is during this time period that a person is “easy” to get out of bed.

The fast phase is divided into an emotional period and a non-emotional one. In the first period of time, dreams become pronounced, dynamic.

Phase sequence

The sequence of sleep phases is the same in most adults. This statement is true for healthy people. REM sleep after falling asleep passes transiently. This phase follows the four stages of deep sleep. Then one turn follows, which is denoted as 4 + 1. At this time, the brain works intensively, the eyes rush around, the body is “tuned” to wake up. The phases alternate, there can be up to six of them during the night.

However, age or problems associated with disturbed nighttime rest may change the picture. For example, in young children, more than 50% is the REM phase. Only at the age of 5 years, the sequence and duration of the stages become the same as in adults.

In old age, REM sleep is reduced, and delta sleep may disappear altogether. This is how age-related insomnia manifests itself. Some people after head injuries or do not sleep at all. Often they just doze off. Someone wakes up many times during the night, and in the morning thinks that he did not sleep at all. The reasons for this manifestation may be different.

In people with narcolepsy or sleep apnea, nighttime rest is atypical. They immediately have a fast stage, they fall asleep in any position and place. Apnea is a sudden stoppage of breathing during sleep, which is restored after a short time period.

At the same time, due to a decrease in the amount of oxygen, hormones are released into the blood, because of this, a sleeping person wakes up. These attacks can be repeated many times, the rest becomes short. Because of this, a person also does not get enough sleep, he is haunted by a sleepy state.

The value of a night's rest by the hour

A person can get enough sleep, both in one hour and all night. The value of rest depends on the time you go to bed. The following table indicates sleep efficiency:

Time Value
From 19:00 to 20:00 7 o'clock
From 20:00 to 21:00 6 hours
From 21:00 to 22:00 5 o'clock
From 22:00 to 23:00 4 hours
From 23:00 to 00:00 3 hours
From 00:00 to 01:00 2 hours
From 01:00 to 02:00 1 hour
From 02:00 to 03:00 30 minutes
From 03:00 to 04:00 15 minutes
From 04:00 to 05:00 7 minutes
From 05:00 to 06:00 1 minute

Previously, people went to bed and got up only in the sun. At the same time fully slept. AT modern world few people get ready for bed before midnight, which is why fatigue, neurosis and hypertension appear. Lack of sleep is a frequent companion of our lives.

Required rest time by age

A person needs different time to rest, and it depends on age. These data are summarized in a table:

Elderly people often experience certain ailments. Because of them and physical inactivity, they often sleep only five hours. At the same time, in the womb of the mother, the unborn child remains in a state of rest for 17 hours.

How to determine the optimal time to wake up and why calculate sleep phases

There are special devices that record brain activity. However, in their absence, you can calculate the time of the phases yourself. Non-REM sleep takes much longer than REM sleep. If you know how long all the stages are, then you can calculate at what stage the brain will work in the morning when a person wakes up.

It is very important to get up during REM sleep, when we are light sleepers. Then the day will pass joyfully and cheerfully. This explanation is the answer to the question in which phase of sleep a person should wake up.

To determine this stage on your own, you can only by experiment. You need to roughly calculate the time of REM sleep. Wake up at this time and understand whether it was easy to open your eyes, get up. If yes, then try to wake up at this time in the future. So you can determine how much a particular person should rest at night.

Important! When conducting an experiment, one should not forget about the time of going to bed. It is of great importance.

There is a special calculator that determines the online phases of a person’s sleep by time. It is able to calculate all stages using algorithms. This calculator is quite easy to use. It is only necessary to indicate the hour when a person lies down. The program will perform the calculation and show the result at what time people wake up well rested, that is, how many hours are needed for rest.

Rules for a healthy night's rest

There are several effective rules that will ensure a strong healthy rest at night and will allow you to achieve high performance and good health. They are also the answer to the frequently asked question, how to improve the quality of sleep:

  1. It is advisable to adhere to the regime, fall asleep and always get up at the same time.
  2. Sleep should always cover the time from 00:00 to 05:00. It is during this period that the most melatonin, the sleep hormone, is produced.
  3. You can not have dinner later than three hours before a night's rest. If you want to eat during the specified interval, then it is better to drink some milk.
  4. An evening walk in the fresh air will not only help you fall asleep faster, but also make your rest complete.
  5. Before going to bed, you can take a bath with herbs (chamomile, lemon balm or motherwort). It will help you calm down and fall asleep faster.
  6. It is necessary to ventilate the room before going to bed.
  7. The recommended sleeping position is on the back or right side, it is not advisable to sleep on the stomach.

When these recommendations are followed, the quality of sleep improves. Also every morning you need to do exercises. Run - the best remedy for a cheerful day. However, it is not necessary to engage in charging "through I can not." This leads to overstress. It is better then to go in for sports in the afternoon or evening.

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Any of us would gladly agree to increase the day by a couple of hours in order to have time to do not only all the things, but also to get enough sleep.

website knows about 6 secret sleep techniques that will free up to 22 hours a day. If you decide to change your sleep pattern, then be sure to check with your doctor especially if your activity requires extra care. At the end of the article a bonus is waiting for you which will help you wake up at the right time and stay alert.

Sleep of our ancestors - 6 hours

(until the 20th century)

Sleep Formula: once for 4 hours + once for 2 hours = 6 hours

Our ancestors slept in two different phases, with a period of wakefulness separating the two phases. The time of wakefulness between two segments of sleep was considered special and even sacred - people were engaged in spiritual practices, reflections, used the time for reading. If you want to try polyphasic sleep but don't know where to start, this is the method we recommend. it the most comfortable option for most people, which can be supplemented with 30 minutes of sleep to adapt.

"Dymaxion" - 2 hours

(Richard Buckminster Fuller)

Sleep Formula: 4 x 30 minutes every 6 hours = 2 hours

Bucky Fuller came up with the most effective sleep technique, the essence of which is to sleep for 30 minutes 4 times a day every six hours. Bucky claimed he had never felt more energetic. Doctors examined the famous architect and inventor after two years of such sleep and declared him completely healthy. This is the most extreme sleep cycle.

"Superman" - 2 hours

(Salvador Dali)

Sleep Formula: 6 x 20 minutes every 4 hours = 2 hours

"Superman" It is considered an effective and comfortable sleep technique for many. People feel energized and feel healthy, however, there are significant disadvantage: you can not break the regime and skip at least one dream, otherwise you will feel sleepy and tired. Such a dream is one of the creative secrets of Leonardo da Vinci and Salvador Dali. Dali practiced such a dream by placing a metal tray near the bed, and holding a spoon in his hands. When the spoon fell, the artist woke up with a crash: this is how he found new ideas that gave him an intermediate state between sleep and wakefulness.

"Siesta" - 6.5 hours

(Winston Churchill)

Sleep Formula: 1 time at night for 5 hours + 1 time during the day for 1.5 hours = 6.5 hours

One of the greatest Britons in history, Winston Churchill, adhered to just such a daily routine: he went to bed at 3 am and woke up at 8 am, and slept for about an hour after dinner. “You must sleep between lunch and dinner, and no half measures, never! Take off your clothes and get into bed. This is what I always do. Don't think that you will do less work because you are sleeping during the day. On the contrary, you will be able to do more, because you get two days in one - well, at least one and a half.

Tesla - 2 hours 20 minutes

(Nikola Tesla)

Sleep Formula: 1 time at night for 2 hours + 1 time during the day for 20 minutes = 2 hours 20 minutes

The famous physicist and inventor, who made a significant contribution to the study of alternating current, slept only 2-3 hours a day. He could work all night long, but most often he used just such a sleep technique, which got its name in honor of the brilliant scientist.

Philistine cycle - 2.5 hours

Sleep Formula: 1 time at night for 1.5 hours + 3 times during the day for 20 minutes = 2.5 hours

Scientists study the sleep patterns of infants, the elderly and many animals. Elephants, for example, use a fairly famous sleep pattern known as "Everyman" and sleep an average of two hours a night - at night for an hour and then about four times for 15 minutes. Short sleep should occur at regular intervals. Such a schedule considered the most flexible, to him easier to adapt. In addition, in such a scheme, one can skip nap without harm to health.

Bonus: What time do you need to go to bed to wake up refreshed at the right time

If you are not ready for experiments with sleep, but you really want to wake up easily, then you can calculate the period of time when the body will be in the REM sleep phase. It is at this time that it is easiest to wake up.


People have always been interested in the nature of sleep, because a person gives a third of his life to this physiological state. This is a cyclical phenomenon. For 7-8 hours of rest, 4-5 cycles pass, including two phases of sleep: fast and slow, each of which can be calculated. How long each stage lasts, and what value it carries for the human body, let's try to figure it out.

What are sleep phases

For many centuries, researchers have been studying the physiology of sleep. In the last century, scientists were able to record the bioelectrical oscillations that occur in the cerebral cortex during falling asleep. They learned that it is a cyclical process that has different phases that follow each other. An electroencephalogram is taken using special sensors attached to a person’s head. When the subject is asleep, the devices first record slow oscillations, which subsequently become frequent, then slow down again: there is a change in the phases of the dream: fast and slow.

fast phase

Sleep cycles follow one after another. During a night's rest, a fast phase follows a slow one. At this time, the heart rate and body temperature increase, the eyeballs move sharply and quickly, breathing becomes frequent. The brain works very actively, so a person sees a lot of dreams. REM sleep activates everyone internal organs, relaxes the muscles. If a person is awakened, then he will be able to tell the dream in detail, because during this period the brain processes the information received during the day, there is an exchange between the subconscious and consciousness.

slow phase

Fluctuations on the electroencephalogram of a slow rhythm are divided into 3 stages:

  1. Drowsiness. Breathing and other reactions slow down, consciousness floats away, different images appear, but the person still reacts to the surrounding reality. At this stage, solutions to problems often come, insights, ideas appear.
  2. Deep sleep. There is a blackout of consciousness. Heart rate and body temperature decrease. During this period, the dreamer is easy to wake up.
  3. Deep dream. It is difficult to wake a person at this stage. In the body, there is an active production of growth hormone, the work of internal organs is regulated, and tissue regeneration occurs. At this stage, a person may have nightmares.

Sleep sequence

In a healthy adult, the stages of dreaming always pass in the same sequence: 1 slow phase (drowsiness), then 2,3 and 4, then the reverse order, 4, 3 and 2, and then REM sleep. Together they form one cycle, repeating 4-5 times in one night. The duration of the two stages of dreaming can vary. In the first cycle, the deep sleep phase is very short, and in the last stage it may not be at all. The sequence and duration of the stages can be influenced by the emotional factor.

Deep dream

Unlike REM sleep, the deep phase has a longer duration. It is also called orthodox or slow wave. Scientists suggest that this condition is responsible for restoring energy costs and strengthening the body's defense functions. Studies have shown that the onset of the slow wave phase divides the brain into active and passive regions.

In the absence of a dream, the areas responsible for conscious actions, perception, and thinking are turned off. Although during the deep phase heartbeat and brain activity decrease, catabolism slows down, however, memory scrolls through already learned actions, as evidenced by external signs:

  • twitching of the limbs;
  • a special order of breathing;
  • reproduction of different sounds.


Each person has an individual rate of delta sleep (deep phase). Some people need 4 hours of rest, while others need 10 to feel normal. In an adult, the deep phase takes from 75 to 80% of the total sleep time. With the onset of old age, this duration decreases. The less delta sleep, the faster the aging of the body. To increase its duration, you must:

  • create a more efficient wake/rest schedule;
  • before a night's rest for a couple of hours to give the body physical activity;
  • do not drink coffee, alcohol, energy drinks, do not smoke and do not overeat shortly before the end of wakefulness;
  • sleep in a ventilated room in the absence of light and extraneous sounds.


The structure of sleep in the deep phase is heterogeneous and consists of four non-rem phases:

  1. In the first episode, there is a memorization and understanding of the difficulties that were during the day. At the stage of drowsiness, the brain is looking for a solution to the problems that have arisen during wakefulness.
  2. The second phase is also called "sleep spindles". Muscle movements, breathing and heart rate slow down. The activity of the brain gradually fades, but there may be brief moments of special hearing acuity.
  3. Delta sleep, in which there is a change from a superficial stage to a very deep one. Lasts only 10-15 minutes.
  4. Strong deep delta sleep. It is considered the most significant, because throughout the entire period the brain reconstructs the ability to work. The fourth phase is distinguished by the fact that it is very difficult to wake a sleeping person.

REM sleep

REM (rapid eye movement) - phase or from the English rem-sleep is distinguished by increased work of the cerebral hemispheres. The biggest difference is the rapid rotation of the eyeballs. Other characteristics of the fast phase:

  • continuous movement of the organs of the visual system;
  • vivid dreams are brightly painted, filled with movement;
  • independent awakening is favorable, gives good health, energy;
  • body temperature rises due to a vigorous metabolism and a strong rush of blood.


After falling asleep, a person spends most of the time in the slow phase, and REM sleep lasts from 5 to 10 minutes. In the morning, the ratio of the stages changes. The periods of GD become longer, and the periods of deep GD become shorter, after which the person wakes up. The fast stage is much more important, so if it is interrupted artificially, it will adversely affect the emotional state. A person will be drowsy throughout the day.


REM sleep, also called REM sleep, is the fifth stage of dreaming. Although the person is completely immobile due to the complete lack of muscle activity, the state resembles wakefulness. eyeballs under closed eyelids periodically make quick movements. From stage 4 slow sleep the person returns to the second, after which the REM phase begins, which ends the cycle.

The value of sleep by the hour - table

How much a person needs to sleep is impossible to say for sure. This indicator depends on individual characteristics, age, sleep disturbance and daily routine. A baby may need 10 hours to restore the body, and a schoolboy - 7. Average duration sleep, according to experts, varies from 8 to 10 hours. When a person correctly alternates fast and slow sleep, then even in a short period, every cell in the body is restored. Optimal time for rest is the period until midnight. Consider the efficiency of sleep by hours in the table:

The beginning of sleep

Rest value

The best time to wake up

If we turn to the dream value table, we can see that the time from 4 to 6 in the morning brings less benefit for rest. This period is the best for awakening. At this time, the sun rises, the body is filled with energy, the mind is as pure and clear as possible. If you constantly wake up with the dawn, then fatigue and illness will not be terrible, and you can do much more in a day than after a late rise.

What is the best time to wake up

The physiology of sleep is such that all stages of rest are important for a person. It is desirable that 4-5 complete cycles of 1.5-2 hours pass per night. The best time to get up is different for everyone. For example, it is better for owls to wake up from 8 to 10 in the morning, and larks get up at 5-6 o'clock. As for the dream stage, everything is ambiguous here. From the standpoint of the structure and classification of phases best time for awakening - those couple of minutes that fall at the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.

How to wake up in REM sleep

Since the cycles are repeated, and the duration of the slow phase increases to 70% of the night's rest, it is desirable to catch the end of the REM stage in order to wake up. It is difficult to calculate this time, but in order to make your life easier, it is advisable to find the motivation to get up early in the morning. To do this, you need to learn immediately after waking up not to lie in bed idle, but to do breathing exercises. It will saturate the brain with oxygen, activate the metabolism, and give positive energy for the whole day.

How to calculate sleep phases

Self-calculation is difficult. You can find circadian rhythm calculators on the Internet, but this method also has a drawback. This innovation is based on averages, does not take into account the individual characteristics of the organism. The most reliable method of calculation is to contact specialized centers and laboratories, where doctors, by connecting devices to the head, will determine the exact data on the signals and vibrations of the brain.

You can independently calculate the stages of a person’s sleep like this. The duration (average) of the slow stage is 120 minutes, and the fast stage is 20 minutes. From the moment you go to bed, count 3-4 such periods and set the alarm so that the wake-up time falls within a given period of time. If you go to bed at the beginning of the night, for example, at 22:00, then feel free to plan to wake up between 04:40 and 05:00. If this is too early for you, then the next stage for a proper ascent will be between 07:00 and 07:20.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Polyphasic sleep is one of the sleep patterns that does not involve the traditional eight hours of sleep all night (monophasic sleep), but several planned and well-defined periods of sleep throughout the 24 hours. As a result, you sleep much more often (several times a day), but less in time. Supporters of the polyphasic sleep regimen are pleased that they have several hours of free time per day, which they used to inevitably spend on sleep. However, it is worth noting that this sleep mode is not suitable for everyone. Sometimes the military and some athletes resort to polyphasic sleep.


Part 1

Graphs with the main night segment of sleep

    Choose the sleep mode that suits you best. During preparation, you need to understand which mode is best for you, based on your goal, class schedule or work, as well as general condition organism. There are four main modes of polyphasic sleep:

    • Biphasic sleep, Everyman mode, Dymaxion mode and Uberman.
    • Two of them are designed for sleep both at night and during the day. These include biphasic sleep and Everyman mode.
    • The simplest and safe way switch to polyphasic sleep - start by reducing sleep at night using one of these modes.
  1. Consider biphasic sleep. The essence of this mode is that the sleep time is divided into two segments. Usually, the longer segment falls at night, and the smaller segment (lasting 20-30 minutes or 90 minutes) falls on the first half of the day. In many cultures, this sleep routine is widely used because it not only saves time on sleep, but is also a neutral option in terms of health.

    • The shorter the daytime segment of sleep (a nap that allows you to recuperate), the longer the night segment will be (during which all phases of sleep pass, including REM sleep).
    • Biphasic sleep has a number of advantages over other polyphasic sleep patterns because it matches circadian rhythms and hormonal releases that help regulate sleep. Thanks to them, our body has adapted to sleep more at night than during the day.
    • Biphasic sleep is described in history as "first" and "second" sleep. In a time when people did not yet know how to use electricity, people slept for several hours immediately after dark, then were awake for several hours, and then went to bed again and woke up already at dawn with the first rays of the sun.
    • However, biphasic sleep is hardly suitable for those who want to free up as much time as possible for wakefulness, because in terms of sleep duration, this mode does not differ very much from the usual monophasic sleep pattern.
  2. A handy benefit is the ability to create your own biphasic sleep schedule. Your sleep schedule will depend on your school and work schedule, as well as your overall health. Thus, you can get the most out of this mode and adapt it exactly for yourself.

    • So, break your sleep time into two segments. Each segment of sleep should be long enough to allow enough time for REM sleep. Usually a person needs about 5-6 periods of REM sleep during the day.
    • One normal sleep cycle (including REM sleep) takes about 90 minutes. Make a schedule that each segment of sleep will include 90-minute cycles.
    • For example, your main sleep segment will last from 1 AM to 4:30 AM, and the second sleep segment could last 1.5 hours (from 12 PM to 1:30 PM) or 3 hours (from 12 PM to 3:00 PM). It all depends on your schedule and capabilities.
    • Once you are more or less accustomed to the new schedule, try to gradually reduce your sleep time until the sleep is short enough, but you still feel good and alert.
    • There should be a break between sleep segments (at least 3 hours).
    • It is important not to oversleep and not fall asleep ahead of time. Try to stick to your sleep schedule for at least a week before making any changes to it.
  3. Consider the Everyman mode. This mode consists of a main sleep segment (about three hours) and three additional segments of 20 minutes each. If you still want to switch to polyphasic sleep, which will save even more time for being awake, this option will most likely suit you. This mode is easier to transition to as it still has the main 3 hour segment.

    Start gradually moving towards your schedule. Try to stick with it for at least a week. You will most likely have problems at first, because adjusting to a polyphasic sleep pattern is not so easy. Once you've adjusted and gotten a little used to your new schedule, you can break your 5 hours of sleep into 3 segments.

    • In this case, the main segment of sleep can last about 4 hours, and the additional two segments of 30 minutes each. If you work from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., split these segments so that they fall at lunch time and at the time you return from work.
    • Try to stick to the chosen mode for at least a week. Don't change the mode until you get used to it.
    • After a week or two, you can adjust your sleep schedule by shortening the main sleep segment and adding another segment.
    • In the end, if you keep adjusting your sleep pattern, you will achieve the following result: the main segment of sleep (3.5 hours) + three more segments of 20 minutes each.
    • Distribute the time of sleep and wakefulness in such a way that it matches your study / work schedule as much as possible.
  4. Stick to a sleep schedule. Try to strictly follow it, do not wake up and do not go to bed early. At first, it will not be easy, because the body will begin to adapt to the new regimen.

    • Don't worry if you can't stick to your routine at first. Some people find it harder to fall asleep, especially if every minute of sleep counts.
    • If you choose Everyman mode, be sure to stick to your schedule. Plan ahead for when you need to get ready for bed.
    • Plan in advance what you will do in your free time. It is unlikely that others also adhere to a polyphasic sleep pattern. Prepare ahead of time and make a to-do list. Focus on what you always wanted to do, but each time you did not have enough time for it. This will help you adjust to your new sleep pattern.
  5. Adjust your schedule to suit you best. A very popular schedule is the division of sleep time into 4 segments, as already described above (the main segment of sleep and three additional ones). If necessary, you can adjust this schedule by rearranging the sleep segments to a different time.

    • This sleep pattern can be followed by other schedules.
    • According to one chart, night sleep decreases to 1.5 hours (instead of four), and there are 5 additional twenty-minute segments. There should be equal time intervals between them.

    Part 2

    Graphs without the main night sleep segment
    1. So, if you're willing to take the risk of cutting your sleep hours even further, consider switching to Uberman or Dymaxion modes. Both methods involve the rejection of the main segment of sleep (night). If you've already adjusted enough to your previous sleep schedule and want to try something even more extreme, you can switch to one of these modes. Keep in mind, according to these charts, sleep time is only 2 hours per night.

      • A significant disadvantage of these modes is the difficulty of observing the sleep schedule, since you need to adhere to the schedule very clearly.
      • Before switching to these modes, consider whether you can keep a sleep schedule every day (depending on study, work and family plans).
      • As mentioned above, these sleep patterns require about 2 hours of sleep per night.
    2. Make a schedule according to Uberman mode. It includes six sleep segments of 20 minutes each. There should be equal time intervals between these segments. The schedule must be strictly adhered to.

      • For example, you can arrange sleep segments as follows: 1:00 am, 5:00 am, 9:00 am, 1:00 pm, 5:00 pm, and 9:00 pm.
      • It is very important to sleep exactly 20 minutes and exactly according to the established schedule.
      • Uberman mode suggests 20 minutes of sleep every 4 hours.
      • If you find it very difficult to keep yourself awake, try to focus on your plans and the to-do list that you made in advance.
    3. Now consider the Dymaxion mode. It is very similar to the Uberman regime, but it is even more difficult to follow. The reason is that, there are fewer sleep segments, but they are longer in time.

    Part 3

    How to Prepare for Polyphasic Sleep

      Learn nap . The essence of polyphasic sleep is the division of the entire sleep time into several segments. As a result, such sleep takes less time than normal monophasic sleep. If you're going to try out this sleep pattern, it's important to stick to your schedule exactly.

      • Get into the habit of getting up earlier than usual, and during the day, don't be afraid to give in to the temptation to take a nap after dinner.
      • Try to turn off your computer and gadgets at least 15 minutes before bedtime so that the bright light of the monitor does not bother you.
      • Go to bed at the same time every day so that your body can quickly adapt to the new routine.
      • When you lie down to take a nap, your heart rate slows down. Mentally count 60 heartbeats, then try to hear another 60. After the heart rate has slowed down, try to clear your mind of any thoughts.
      • Set an alarm for a specific time. When it rings, don't tell yourself, "5 more minutes." Get up as soon as the alarm rings.
    1. Reduce your nighttime sleep. Don't do it abruptly. Just gradually reduce the duration of your night's sleep.

      • Set your alarm 3 hours early first. Instead of sleeping 8 hours a night, sleep about 5 hours.
      • Stick to this schedule for three days.
    2. Set an alarm and stick to that sleep schedule. At first you will be a little uncomfortable, you will feel unusual. But over time, if you stick to the rules and wake up on time, the body will adapt to the new regimen.

      • Put your alarm clock away from your bed so you have to get up when you want to turn it off.
      • As soon as you get up, immediately turn on the light in the room.
      • If you have a lamp that mimics natural light, turn it on to wake up faster after each sleep segment.
    3. Think about your schedule. Before you divide sleep into segments, think about work, school, family, sports activities. Distribute everything in such a way that it is most convenient for you. Remember that the schedule must be adhered to very clearly!

"Wolf (or polyphasic) sleep"

"Some time ago I had the opportunity to try out polyphasic sleep.

Polyphasic sleep is a special sleep technique that reduces sleep time to 2-4 hours a day.

The main idea is that instead of sleeping 6-8 hours straight, sleep several times a day in small portions.

There are two main modes of such sleep:

1) 6 times for 20 minutes every 4 hours - the so-called Uberman mode

2) once at night for 1.5-3 hours and then 3 times for 20 minutes during the day - the so-called Everyman mode.

First of all, I was wondering what would happen if I had 4 extra hours a day. Will I be able to do more and where will I spend my free time. Well, in general, it was interesting to check whether a person can really get by with 2-4 hours of sleep per day.

Perhaps if I hadn’t strayed from the regimen and hadn’t missed periods of sleep, I wouldn’t have experienced any discomfort.

I can say that I slept even better than in the usual mode. Another thing is if for some reason you had to skip any of the 20-minute periods of sleep.

After that, the bed had to get in the form of zombies. The amazing thing is that no matter how much I wanted to sleep, 20 minutes of sleep always fully restored my strength.

As for more things that I wanted to have time to do, this did not happen. In order to have time to do more, you need not free time, but the ability to use it correctly.

In extreme situations, when you need to prepare for an exam in two or three days or urgently complete a project, this mode can help. But under normal conditions, I have a tendency to waste my free time on any insignificant nonsense. Although, this is also important.

Of the two modes, I decided to choose Everyman. Firstly, with this mode, the intervals of wakefulness are longer. And secondly, only one of the 20 minute periods of sleep I had to sleep in the office.

I slept 3 hours from 2-5 am, then 20 minutes before leaving for work at 8 am, then 20 minutes at 1 pm in the afternoon and 20 minutes at 8 pm in the evening. In total, it turned out 4 hours of sleep.

Adapting and maintaining Uberman is, oddly enough, easier, despite the fact that the total amount of sleep in this mode is less.

The fact is that the 3-hour sleep period has two phases of deep sleep, after which it is quite difficult to wake up.

It is necessary to accurately time to wake up during the phase of rapid eye movement. In addition, the brain has a harder time getting used to doing without deep sleep (or being content with a small amount of it).

I knew this and was mentally prepared to experience difficulties. But, as they say, the blow came from an unexpected quarter.

My brain quickly got used to all kinds of alarm clocks. I tried even sleeping in socks and tucking mobile phone, put on a vibro-call, in one of the socks, in order to have time to wake up, while I take it out and turn it off.

So no! My brain managed, without waking up, to control the body so that I turned off the alarm clock and did not even remember it. But after a 20-minute sleep, I always woke up easily, sometimes even before the alarm went off.

The most common question people asked me when they found out that I practice polyphasic sleep is how do you sleep at work?

To be honest, I don’t see at all what a problem there could be for a person who works in an office with a reasonable team and adequate bosses.

It is enough to explain to colleagues the reason for your daytime sleep and they will even ask all people entering the office to be quiet. I just leaned back in my chair, put on my headphones, turned on some nice music and went to sleep.

I can assure you that in two or three days after starting the practice you will be able to sleep anywhere and in any position, and an office chair will be as comfortable for you as a sofa or bed.

What else would you like to note? Subjectively, time began to go more slowly. A week passed, and it seemed to me that a month had passed. This was especially felt on weekends, which made them seem very long.

Another positive thing was that I had time that I could truly devote to myself. At five in the morning there are very few people who do not sleep, no one talks, does not write to ICQ and does not call a mobile phone. At first I felt like an alien - it was so unusual to realize that everyone was still sleeping, and your day had already begun.

After two months of polyphasic sleep, I decided to switch back to regular sleep. First of all, due to the fact that such a regime greatly interferes with loved ones. I never managed to create conditions under which I could wake up at 5 in the morning and not wake anyone up. And besides, I learned everything I wanted to and I had no motivation to continue.

If you are thinking of trying polyphasic sleep yourself, then please note that such experiments are contraindicated for people with any sleep disorders. For example, if you do not fall asleep well or sleep anxiously. If you are strong and healthy sleep and you like to experiment, then try it. After all, 8 hours of sleep a day is 4 months of sleep per year. But it's longer than it lasted summer vacation when you were in school! "


Steve Pavlina conducted an experiment during which he slept 6 times a day for 20-30 minutes - Polyphasic Sleep. The benefits of polyphasic sleep compared to normal, monophasic sleep are more hours in the day when you can do what you love, about 30-40 extra hours per week.

more ..: Polyphasic sleep is when you sleep several times a day for short periods of time. For example, 4 times a day for 30 minutes: from 0:00 to 0:30, from 6:00 to 6:30, from 12:00 to 12:30, from 18:00 to 18:30 - such polyphasic sleep was practiced Benjamin Franklin..