Whitening options. How teeth whitening is performed: methods

People with a beautiful snow-white smile attract the admiring glances of others. Confidence in one's appearance helps a person feel comfortable in society and achieve success in work. To maintain the health and whiteness of the teeth, it is necessary to systematically observe the dentist and carry out appropriate treatment. There is currently a large number of safe ways to whiten your teeth. You can carry out whitening procedures at home or in a dental clinic. Which of the methods will help achieve the optimal result and is suitable for a particular patient, the dentist will tell you.

A whiter smile is easy!

Some people consider pigmented plaque on their teeth to be the norm and are in no hurry to deal with the problem. In fact, the darkening of the enamel is not the norm and is not considered only an aesthetic flaw. Dental plaque can provoke the development of diseases oral cavity.

Teeth whitening is a series of special procedures that allow not only to remove pigmented plaque, but also to lighten dentin and whiten teeth by several shades. To conduct high-quality safe treatment, you need to contact a dentist.

The main causes of darkening of the teeth:

  • Violation of the rules of personal hygiene of the oral cavity;
  • Abuse of coloring drinks, food;
  • Smoking is one of the most common causes of dark plaque on the teeth;
  • Reception of antibacterial agents of the tetracycline series;
  • Age changes.

The natural color of the teeth varies from white to cream. In dentistry, there is a special Vita scale, according to which doctors compare shades of enamel. The procedure for determining the color is used in the restoration of teeth, the manufacture and selection of orthopedic structures (, lumineers, crowns and bridges). If a person wants to whiten their teeth, the Vita scale will help the doctor decide on the choice of method, duration of treatment and compare the result.

With the help of modern dental methods (laser, chemical and) it is possible to achieve teeth whitening by 5-10 tones. The procedures do not harm the enamel and gums, do not cause discomfort and diseases of the oral cavity. After clarification procedures, stable results are achieved, the effect persists for several (from 2 to 8) years.

Types of teeth whitening. home treatments

To make a snow-white smile, people resort to the help of a dentist or try to solve the problem on their own, using the knowledge of the Internet. The second option is less preferable, since any manipulation relating to human health must be carried out with the permission or under the supervision of a doctor.

Reasons why you should not whiten yourself:

  • possible development of a burn and inflammation of the gums;
  • enamel injury, with the subsequent development of caries;
  • a sharp increase in the sensitivity of the teeth;
  • the appearance of systematic toothache and headaches;
  • development of allergic reactions.

In some pharmacies and the Internet, you can buy low-quality, fake products. Purchased preparations will not help to lighten the dentin, their use will lead to complications!

If a person does not want to be treated in a doctor's office, he can visit him for a consultation. Today, there are many special dental products that allow you to carry out whitening procedures at home.

Professional ways to lighten dentin include mouthguards and whitening gels, strips and pencils, special toothpastes.

One of the famous tools is the White Light Dental Kit. The principle of its operation is similar to the photo whitening procedure in dentistry. The product package includes a special mouth guard, 2 tubes of gels, a light device, and replaceable batteries. The set is equipped with instructions for foreign language. Reviews on the Internet about the White Light set are mixed. Most people claim to have purchased a fake drug that did not cope with the main task and did not help to lighten their teeth even by 1 tone.

Professional whitening products always come with instructions. The cost of dental products in pharmacies and the Internet varies from 200 to 5000 rubles. In addition to brightening components, the composition may include additional substances: enamel restorers (phosphorus, fluorine, calcium), antiseptic and bactericidal agents, preservatives, flavors and flavors. If the product was purchased independently and the person did not receive a preliminary consultation with a dentist, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the instructions.

In addition to professional methods, there are folk ways teeth whitening. These include: rubbing baking soda on your teeth, activated carbon, wood resin, salt. Quick visible result bring the use of aggressive components: acetic acid, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide. On the Internet you can find tips for whitening teeth with strawberries, oranges, coconut oil, tea tree and banana oils.

Folk methods do not give effective results (there is no duration of effect) and quite often lead to complications.

Whitening in dentistry. Classification of methods

In order not to carry out long-term treatment after failed teeth whitening folk remedies, you should consult a competent doctor from the very beginning.

The advantages of brightening enamel in the clinic are obvious:

  • direct control over the process of the dentist;
  • safety, absence of adverse reactions (irritation of the gums, development of tooth sensitivity, enamel damage, caries);
  • effective result (lightening by several tones, in just 1-2 procedures);
  • the duration of the effect, subject to the recommendations of the dentist. Depending on the method used, the result obtained lasts from 1.6 to 5-8 years.

The main disadvantage of dental methods is their high cost. In some cases, patients cannot undergo the procedure due to an allergy to one of the components of the dental preparations. Relative disadvantages include: lack of personal time, pathological fear of doctors and medical institutions.

Before teeth whitening, an examination of the oral cavity is carried out and pigmented plaque and dental deposits are removed with ultrasound and the Air Flow apparatus. Professional hygiene allows you to achieve a degree of teeth whitening by 1-2 tones!

Types of teeth whitening in dentistry:

In most cases, contraindications to dentine whitening are: age under 18, pregnancy, lactation, enamel damage, caries, wearing, endocrine diseases, oncological processes. Before and after the bleaching procedure, the doctor may recommend that the patient undergo a course of tooth enamel remineralization.

Question answer

What is ultrasonic whitening?

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is included in the complex of professional dental care for the oral cavity and is carried out using a special scaler.

Under the influence of ultrasound and water flow, hard and soft plaque is removed from the teeth, and their lightening by 1 tone is achieved. The procedure takes 1 visit, lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, ends with enamel polishing with special brushes and paste. Advantages of the procedure: an effective result, prevention of gum and tooth diseases, low cost (from 2 to 3 thousand rubles), no negative reactions. Cons of the method: the need for frequent repetition of the procedure (every 6-7 months), the presence of contraindications (AIDS, diabetes, wearing a pacemaker, glaucoma, etc.).

In what cases is the Air Flow system used?

The procedure is carried out to remove pigmented hard and soft plaque. The device sprays a mixture of water, air and abrasive substances (soda) under high pressure.

During the procedure, the enamel is polished and the teeth are lightened by 1-2 tones. The average cost of manipulation varies from 2 to 5 thousand rubles. For more information about professional oral hygiene care, see the video:

What is the best way to whiten teeth?

There is no consensus on this issue. Each of the methods has its pros and cons. The ideal option should be selected by the doctor, based on the patient's state of health and his financial capabilities.

The main sign of a happy person is, of course, a happy smile. But it happens that people are just embarrassed to smile. This can happen due to diseases of the tissues and elements of the oral cavity, an unpleasant odor, missing teeth or yellowed enamel. By the way, with last situation can be successfully fought, because dental clinics use many popular and time-tested whitening systems. Further in the article we will tell you all about modern methods teeth whitening in the clinic and at home, we will find out the opinion of dentists about the best way clarification.

Classification of bleaching systems

All available complexes intended for teeth whitening can be divided into two types - professional (carried out only by a dentist) and for home use (carried out outside the clinic). Below we detail the classification of whitening methods.

Important! Regardless of which method the patient has chosen for whitening, doctors recommend doing it 5-7 days before the procedure. This is necessary to qualitatively remove plaque and bacterial film. Otherwise, clarification may not give the expected results.

Features of professional systems

Whitening preparations and devices used by dental hygienists are improved every year. The complexes produced in the USA and Europe are mainly used - they have passed the test of time and lead to excellent results. According to patients, professional methods of teeth whitening in dentistry have a number of important advantages:

  • speed of achieving results: it takes only 1 visit to make the smile shine,
  • degree of clarification: the enamel will turn white by 8-12 tones,
  • whiten external and internal enamel stains,
  • The effect lasts from 6 months to 3 years.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the high cost (from 10,000 to 30,000 rubles), pain with some methods, the presence of contraindications (they will be discussed later in the article).

Methods of professional systems

There are the following types of teeth whitening in the dental clinic:

  1. chemical: on tooth enamel a layer of gel containing hydrogen peroxide, such as Opalescence Boost PF, is applied. After 15 minutes, it is washed off, the procedure is repeated up to 6 applications in one session. In addition to peroxide, fluorides and trace elements are added to such gels for remineralization. Important feature of this method is that the composition acts independently, without any external activator,
  2. photobleaching: the enamel is also treated with a unique gel. Its components are activated by bright aiming light devices (LED radiation or ultraviolet). Components, usually oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, brighten the enamel, penetrate into the structure of not only the outer shell, but also the dentin. In this category, Zoom 3 and 4, Beyond, Amazing White,
  3. laser: activation of reagents occurs under the action of a laser. The bleach components penetrate the enamel and lighten the pigmentation. Accurate and effective method, which sometimes even allows you to remove the effect of "tetracycline teeth". But at the same time it is the most expensive.

Attention! Professional whitening is carried out only by a qualified specialist and only in a clinic. Action medical preparations and light devices are controlled by the dentist throughout the procedure. That is why such methods are considered the most gentle and safe.

The above methods have shown themselves remarkably well with external enamel darkening. But what about patients who, after poor-quality depulpation, coloring pigments got into the internal tissues of the tooth? In this case, intracanal bleaching is used - the tooth canal is cleaned, a temporary filling with sodium perborate is installed (it has an excellent whitening effect), and after 3-5 days the canal is closed with a permanent one.

Home whitening systems

Every person at least once in his life bought a paste with a whitening effect - this is the most famous promotional product for brightening enamel. AT last years the shelves of stores and pharmacies were replenished with other means. They will be discussed below. Among the popular and safe brands, the leading positions belong to R.O.C.S., Lacalut, Amazing White. Many drugs are also suitable for people with sensitive teeth -.

Varieties of home bleach:

  • complex for clarification by 8-10 tones: it includes a gel with active substance and universal silicone kappa, course duration 14 days,
  • whitening strips: a brightening preparation is located on one edge of them, they are securely attached to the dentition. Maximum whiteness is noticeable by 10-14 procedures,
  • pencil-gel: enamel fading by 2 tones is achieved due to hydrogen peroxide, the composition is distributed with a special brush,
  • Gel Glitter: Looks like a lacquer sparkling enamel finish. It is usually used in combination, after applying a paste with abrasive particles.

Comprehensive hygienic cleaning - an alternative option

Some groups of patients may be harmed by whitening procedures. In this case, the dentist uses safe methods professional hygiene. They are carried out in a clinical setting. Professional cleaning removes dark deposits and deposits from the enamel, and also brightens by 1-2 tones. It can be performed with carious lesions, gingivitis and periodontitis, during pregnancy and lactation.

  • ultrasonic: by means of a scaler (ultrasonic apparatus), plaque and plaques are carefully cleaved from the surface of the teeth,
  • Air Flow method: enamel cleaning is carried out with a suspension of water, air and the smallest abrasive particles. In addition to removing interdental deposits, soft polishing of the surface occurs. It is recommended to carry out immediately after ultrasound. Complex application gives an excellent result in brightening the enamel.

The best teeth whitening system (according to experts)

According to dentists, the 4th generation Zoom system is currently considered the best system for aesthetic clarification. Its difference from Zoom-3 is only in the activating lamp. In the new unit, you can change the strength of ultraviolet and LED radiation directly during the procedure. The device was manufactured by Philips in the Netherlands, and the technology itself and the unique composition of the gel were developed in the USA.

The whitening gel contains 25% hydrogen peroxide, remineralizing agents and a photosensitive activator. Under the influence of the lamp, the components of the gel begin to interact with the pigments in the enamel, destroying them. At the same time, reducing substances enter the tissues.

Before the procedure, goggles are put on the patient, a retractor is installed on the oral cavity - so that the gel does not get on the mucous membranes, the gums are lubricated with a “liquid rubber dam”. The gel is applied to the front side of the teeth, the Zoom device is turned on. In one session, it is possible to carry out 3-4 applications. After the procedure, the doctor will prescribe a diet and increased hygiene to achieve an excellent result.

“I doubted for a long time, but still decided on Zoom whitening. About a week later, she began to prepare for the procedure - she underwent professional cleaning and restoration of enamel. Before going to the clinic, I drank ibuprofen just in case .... The procedure itself is completely painless. It took about an hour in time - there were 3 sets of 15 minutes. The doctor said that they have the latest apparatus, where you can choose the strength of light radiation. In the evening, my teeth ached a little, but in the morning I woke up as if nothing had happened. After 10 days, my smile became so white that I still can't get enough of it! I walk and smile all the time.”

Natalie P., feedback from the women's forumwoman. en

Contraindications for each method

Professional and home whitening has a number of contraindications. Therefore, during the consultation, be sure to tell the dentist about your illnesses and about the use of any medications and dietary supplements.

General contraindications to professional and home complexes:

  • caries, thin enamel and gum disease,
  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • age up to 16-18 years,
  • diabetes mellitus and tumor neoplasms,
  • fillings, veneers, braces, any prostheses (including implants),
  • mental disorders and epilepsy.

Contraindications to Zoom:

  • allergy to ultraviolet light: hypersensitivity,
  • medications: some antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, diclofenac, ointments, herbal infusions have components that are activated under ultraviolet radiation,
  • allergy to gel components.

How to keep the result for a long time

In order for the effect of white teeth to last for a long time, only the whitening procedure is not enough. After it, the dentist will prescribe a special diet and recommend new products for oral hygiene.

The first 10-14 days should not be allowed to contact the enamel with any dyes - food and cosmetic. For example, red juice, blueberries, beets, fresh carrots and herbs, coffee, wine, strong tea, ketchup, etc. are prohibited. It is better to limit yourself to light products. Tobacco smoking is also prohibited. Women should refrain from using bright lipstick.

All patients are prescribed whitening prophylactic pastes and rinses that fix gels. However, the effect of whitening fades over time, and the procedure will have to be repeated after about 1-3 years.

From this article you will learn:

  • types of professional and home whitening,
  • which method is better and safer,
  • teeth whitening in St. Petersburg and Moscow - prices 2019.

The article was written by a dentist with more than 19 years of experience.

Cosmetic teeth whitening can be professional - in this case it is carried out in a dental clinic, as well as home - using products for home use (for example, Crest whitening strips, Opalescense whitening gel, and special toothpastes).

As a dentist, I have to admit that home remedies for teeth whitening are becoming more effective every year. Even today, some of them make it possible to achieve results that are quite comparable with the effectiveness of professional teeth whitening methods - such as Zoom, Beyond Polus, Opalescence Boost, etc.

There is a lot of misinformation about professional and home whitening. For example, you will never be able to achieve 8-12 tones of teeth whitening - which is constantly talked about in advertising. The real result is 4-6 tones on the VITA scale (Fig. 2). And besides, whitening is not as safe for the hard tissues of the teeth as it is made out to be.

In this article, we will talk about the pros and cons of all the main methods of home and professional whitening, compare their cost and effectiveness. Below you can read reviews on teeth whitening, as well as see before and after photos of various whitening methods.

How does teeth whitening work?

Both home and professional teeth whitening uses the same principle of chemical whitening - through the use of peroxide compounds (hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide). These substances, upon prolonged contact with the surface of the teeth, are able to penetrate the entire depth of the enamel and dentin. Penetrating into the tissues of the tooth, they gradually decompose with the release of free radicals, namely atomic oxygen (Fig. 3).

Clinical teeth whitening at the dentist has undeniable advantages. First of all, it requires only 1 visit to the dentist, and the duration of the procedure takes only 1 hour - in contrast to the long daily use of home whitening systems for 10-20 days. In addition, the procedure itself takes place under the supervision of a dentist, which reduces the risk of side effects and improve the efficiency of the procedure. But, in principle, this is where the pluses end.

In terms of efficiency, the effectiveness of professional and home whitening systems is almost equal. This became possible due to the fact that many high-quality foreign manufacturers of dental materials, along with professional whitening systems for dentists, began to produce home whitening kits, such as Opalescense and Perfect Bleach. They are produced by such well-known manufacturers of dental materials as ULTRADENT (USA) and VOCO (Germany).

Thus, in principle, the same technologies are used in both home and professional systems. In addition, the following must be recognized: the statements of dentists that professional whitening leads to lightening of teeth by 8-12 shades, and that the effect lasts for 3-5 years - all this has nothing to do with reality and is more advertising. And that's why…

Teeth whitening before and after: photo

Below you can see what real professional whitening results can achieve (without editing before and after photos in Photoshop).

Significant disadvantages of professional whitening -

  • The degree of whitening will be lower than expected
    The dentist will measure the color of your teeth using a special Vita scale - before and immediately after the whitening procedure. The problem is that teeth lose a lot of moisture during whitening, and overdried teeth always look whiter than they really are. Therefore, the color that you will see immediately after the procedure will only be temporary.

    Already after 24-48 hours, when the hard tissues of the teeth are saturated with water contained in the oral fluid, the color of the teeth will become much darker than what the dentist will measure for you on the Vita scale. If your dentist persistently guarantees you teeth whitening by 6 or 8 tones, then offer him to measure the color of your teeth not immediately after the procedure, but after 1-2 days, and ask to include this item in the contract for the possibility of a refund. Believe me, the mood of the dentist will immediately change ...

  • The duration of the whitening effect
    when you are told that the whitening effect will last for several years - all this is not entirely true. The fact is that there is a direct relationship: the shorter and more aggressive the whitening procedure, the faster the color will “bounce back”. That is why, after the end of the office whitening procedure, the dentist will strongly recommend buying a home whitening system from them in the clinic (to maintain its results).

    Without this home whitening system, the color of your teeth will quickly return back, and within 3-5 months the effect will cease to be noticeable at all. The duration of the effect when using home whitening products (such as whitening strips or mouth guards) will be much longer, because. such funds are used in a course of 10 to 20 days and the effect is achieved gradually.

  • Cost of teeth whitening
    Professional teeth whitening is much more expensive than home whitening. For example, teeth whitening like "Zoom!" will cost you an average of 15,000 rubles. But in addition, you will have to plan for the cost of a home whitening system to support the results of office whitening, which will cost you up to 15,000 rubles more (when purchased at a dental clinic.
  • Common Side Effects
    because it is necessary to achieve significant teeth whitening in 1 hour procedure - professional whitening will naturally be very aggressive. Only 55% of patients who have undergone professional whitening have positive reviews. Most common complication- These are shooting pains in the teeth that can last from several days to several weeks, and taking analgesics in tablets does little to reduce pain.

    That is why teeth whitening at the dentist is contraindicated for people with. In such patients sharp pain occurs already during the procedure, which often leads to the need to stop the whitening procedure without completing it. If your teeth react to thermal or mechanical irritants, you should not do whitening in principle, no matter how the dentist persuades you (motivated by the fact that the courses of remineralization of the teeth before and after the procedure will help prevent this). They won't help.

What is laser teeth whitening

There are several different types professional whitening. For example, the methods "Zoom-4" and "Beyond Polus" - refer to the so-called "photobleaching". This is because they involve the use of a special bleaching lamp that emits light waves. different lengths simultaneously (for example, in the range from 400 to 500 nm). Such lamps make it possible to increase the rate of decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into atomic oxygen.

But there is also the so-called laser teeth whitening - such systems as Picasso (AMD LASERS), Smartbleach ®, etc. This technique also involves the presence of a light source, which is a laser beam of one strictly defined wavelength (for example, 810 nm). The disadvantage of this technology is a slightly greater risk of overheating of the tissues of the teeth, which can lead to the development of aseptic pulpitis, as well as the high cost of the procedure.

For example, in different dental clinics photo and laser teeth whitening, the price usually varies on average from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles (the minimum price is from 10,000 rubles), and this does not include the cost of maintenance therapy, which you will have to carry out at home.

Why whitening lamps and lasers are needed –
There has been a debate in dentistry over the years whether light activation really speeds up and improves the whitening process… or is it just marketing that allows these systems to look more professional, which also allows them to justify their very high price in the eyes of patients. Independent clinical studies by different authors (Hein 2003; CRA 2003; Kugel 2006, etc.) showed that the results of whitening were the same - both in cases where only a whitening gel was used, and in cases where the same gel was used. used in conjunction with a light source.

Professional whitening without light sources -

There are also professional chemical bleaching techniques that do not require any light sources. An example is the Opalescence Boost PF whitening system based on a whitening gel with 40% hydrogen peroxide. This system manufactured by ULTRADENT (USA) is no less effective than photo- and laser whitening methods, and due to the absence of the need to use an expensive light lamp, the cost of the procedure will be significantly lower.

Home teeth whitening products

Home teeth whitening products also contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as active components, i.e. in this they are no different from professional whitening products. The difference lies only in the concentration of active components, which in this case will be 2-3 times lower. Lower concentrations are compensated by the frequency of application, and on average, a home whitening course lasts from 10 to 20 days.

Accordingly, you should be prepared for the fact that the visible effect will become noticeable only for 3-5 days (from the beginning of the home whitening course). When choosing preparations for teeth whitening at home, you will have to find a compromise between convenience and efficiency. The most convenient is the use of special whitening strips, the most effective is the use of special mouth guards and whitening gel. As for whitening toothpastes, their effect will be minimal (on average, only 1 tone).

1. Application of whitening strips -

Important : It should be noted that this type of whitening is more suitable for patients with even dentition, and not very suitable for patients with crowding, severe inclination of the teeth ... With an uneven dentition, the strips are very difficult to adapt so that they fit evenly tightly to the teeth. In places of poor fit of the strips, the enamel of the teeth will remain the same color, and will look like dark spots. The best fit to the uneven surface of the teeth will be with Crest "FlexFit ®" strips

2. The use of dental trays and whitening gel -

This type of home whitening is the closest in effectiveness to professional whitening, but at the same time it has a much lower price. The most effective option would be to use Opalescence PF whitening gel containing 10%, 15% or 20% carbamide peroxide (Fig. 11). The cost of Opalescence PF is from 4,300 rubles, however, this whitening option will require the manufacture of individual whitening trays at the dentist (Fig. 12), the cost of which will be about 3,000 rubles more.

Moreover, such individual mouthguards can be used repeatedly and for repeated whitening courses. The second option for the lazy is to use Opalescence “TresWhite Supreme” universal dental trays, which have already been pre-applied with a whitening gel based on 10% hydrogen peroxide (Fig. 13). Thus, there is no need to additionally make mouth guards, and all the pleasure will cost you only 4,500 rubles.

Important: the use of Opalescence "TresWhite Supreme" dental trays already filled with whitening gel is quite effective and, most importantly, convenient. You only need to bite the mouthguard with your teeth, then remove the hard outer layer, and press the inner translucent layer of the mouthguard with your fingers to your teeth (wear up to 60 minutes). However, if you want to get the maximum effect, then "Opalescence PF" is the best remedy for teeth whitening at home. The custom tray option allows you to use the most effective "overnight" whitening option, where the trays stay on your teeth all night.

Any person dreams of a Hollywood smile, but more often the real condition of the teeth leaves much to be desired. In such situations, the question of which teeth whitening is better becomes an edge when it comes to the fairer sex. Find a solution for your case by exploring the innovative approaches of modern dentistry.

Methods of whitening in dentistry

In Moscow and the provinces, only effective types of teeth whitening with an enamel-safe effect are presented to clients. You can order such a service at any dental clinic, the final cost will depend on the chosen method of teeth whitening. There are many progressive technologies, so first carefully study the features of each type.


This rating type provides effective elimination plaque and tartar, after which the enamel is lightened by several tones. For these purposes, a special nozzle of the drill is used, with the help of which the whitening powder under pressure enters the dentition, intensively cleaning old deposits from the surface.

Professional teeth cleaning and oral cavity sanitation are required beforehand, and the result obtained is enough for a long time, if you follow the rules of personal hygiene. Among the advantages of the chosen procedure, doctors focus on a long-term and sustainable effect. The disadvantage is the risk of highly undesirable injury to the yellowed surface.


This type of teeth whitening has a lot of side effects and contraindications. The procedure is allowed only on healthy teeth, otherwise it can aggravate general state yellowed enamel. Classical technology is considered "obsolete", but modern drugs may soon revive chemical teeth whitening.


The proposed procedure is an innovative type of enamel whitening, has a mild effect, but has a high price. Lightening occurs by 8-12 tones, and the resulting White color looks natural and natural. The session is carried out in the dental office using a special installation, provides safe treatment, long-term effect, while observing the rules of personal hygiene. Laser whitening is popular all over the world, regularly increases the number of Hollywood smiles, and among the minuses of the procedure is only an overpriced price.


If you are looking for an enamel brightener and want to know, check out the Zoom photo effect. This procedure resembles laser cleaning, but in this case special lamps are used. It is necessary to conduct several Zoom sessions in order to brighten teeth for 4-5 months, remove dark spots from enamel. The laser type of whitening has supplanted the once popular photoelectric effect.


This gentle type of enamel lightening is not affordable for every patient. The procedure is carried out in a dental office, and a special device contains a piezoelectric element in its design, where an electric current is supplied. The frequency of oscillations of air supplied through a special tip corresponds to ultrasonic. By acting on the surface of the enamel in this way, the dentist cleans off all deposits and removes the yellow tint. Teeth whitening with ultrasound has no contraindications, and this unique opportunity already used by many people.


This type of whitening is used mainly on diseased teeth when the nerve has died and the enamel has turned black. Pulp necrosis needs to be urgently stopped, and for this, dentists use an intracanal system professional cleaning. A bleaching solution is injected inside the affected canal, which contains hydrogen peroxide, carbamide peroxide. In this way, a stubborn struggle with discoloration takes place. This is an example of an inexpensive type of treatment that is important to start on time.

How to whiten your teeth at home without damaging your enamel

Restorative teeth whitening is possible not only in dentistry, but also at home. Available for sale different types professional tools that "remove" from the surface of the enamel up to 5-6 tones. Special pastes and strips can be bought in the online store: the range is large, but the products are not so expensive. For more information on prices, see the catalog of the outlet, and then make your own final choice.


At home you can use by professional means to whiten your teeth. Here is the main list of such products:

  1. Whitening pencil. Provides brightening of enamel by 3-4 tones. This is a special container with whitening liquid, which must be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the dentition.
  2. Whitening strips. This effective home remedy brightens even sensitive enamel without harming your health. negative consequences not observed, and the strips are not so expensive.
  3. Special toothpastes with whitening effect. Prices for such products are different, patient reviews are positive, but the restoration properties on enamel do not appear immediately - it takes a lot of time and regularity of sessions.


Some patients do not listen to advertisements where they advise how to whiten their teeth, but solve the problem with time-tested methods. For example, with the help of alternative medicine prescriptions that have a mild effect, they do not cause tangible harm. They are available for everyday use at a price and differ only positive feedback. Below are the most effective ways, which are required to be used regularly, after consulting with the dentist.

Folk methods

Here are a few effective recipes which you can use at home:

  1. Activated charcoal is a reliable way to brighten healthy teeth. It is necessary to saturate the toothpaste with black powder, and then clean the enamel every evening. This cheap method for every day has collected a huge amount of feedback, because it provides lightening of the dentition by 3-4 tones.
  2. Baking soda replenishes home types of teeth whitening, but is an aggressive, dangerous component. It is not recommended to use it as a tooth powder, since the damage to the enamel is obvious. It is best to add a small portion of this substance to toothpastes and gels.
  3. Teeth whitening according to Neumyvakin. According to reviews, this type of processing provides the maximum clarification result in the shortest possible time. It is necessary to combine 0.5 teaspoon of soda with hydrogen peroxide, add lemon concentrate. With the finished composition every other day, clean the dentition.


In Moscow, prices for all types of dental procedures are much more expensive, so it is better to whiten your teeth in the provinces, especially when it comes to scheduled office sessions. Before making a decision, take an interest in existing promotions that regularly take place in dental clinics. The rates for different types are as follows:

  • Zoom - 20,000 rubles;
  • intracanal bleaching - 3,000 rubles;
  • Air-flow - 5,000 rubles (for 1 row).

Video: what is the safest teeth whitening

On the Internet, many patients are forced to believe in the myth about the effectiveness of hydrogen peroxide bought at a pharmacy, soda, activated charcoal and other simple methods. Going on about such dubious advice is not only pointless, but also fraught with dangerous consequences- burns of the oral cavity, damage to the enamel and hypersensitivity teeth. In fact, there are only two types of professional whitening - office and home.

In-office whitening

This term in dentistry means whitening of the dentition under the supervision of a doctor using gels based on hydrogen peroxide or urea, as well as catalysts in the form of ultraviolet or laser beam. Chemical composition affects only 20% of the organic substances contained in the hard dental tissue (dentin) and does not cause any harm to the teeth. The final result of the procedure depends on the initial shade of the teeth, determined by the VITA scale. In most cases, it is possible to achieve a lightening of 5 to 10 tones. Consider the features of each type of teeth whitening in the clinic.


Gels and varnishes

The teeth are covered with a whitening agent with remineralizing components using a brush or brush. As a rule, the solution does not require rinsing and is applied regularly for two weeks. Teeth become 1-2 shades whiter. Purchase costs will range from 300 to 1,000 rubles. One example of such products is Blancx whitening pencil.

Whitening pastes

Toothpastes, rinses, brushes and threads with a whitening effect in rare cases “enhance” whiteness by up to 1 tone. Experts recommend using such products to maintain the result of professional whitening. The simplest whitening paste can be bought at a reasonable price - from 150 rubles. low abrasive toothpaste with the Extreme Whitening Swissdent brightening effect will cost more.

Pros and cons of types of teeth whitening

Find out what are the advantages and disadvantages of different types and methods of teeth whitening.


  • Instant result.
  • Balanced impact.
  • Session duration - no more than an hour.
  • Whitening for 8 - 10 tones.
  • The occurrence of tooth sensitivity during and after the procedure.

Laser whitening

  • Instant result.
  • No discomfort during the procedure.
  • Preservation of the acid balance of the oral cavity.
  • Enamel strengthening.
  • Whitening for 12 tones.
  • The session is over an hour long.
  • Uneven teeth whitening.
  • High price.