What do white spots on the skin mean. What do white spots on the skin mean? Proper diet

more complex mechanism than human body does not exist in nature. It is quite natural that for the normal operation of the whole system, it is necessary to pay attention to each “element”. The largest of all organs is considered to be the skin, so it is on it that the first signs of a malfunction in the “mechanism” appear.

dysfunction of any internal organs manifests itself in the form of a rash on different parts of the body. This rash in medicine is called dermatitis, photo which can be seen below.

Causes of dermatitis

Leather healthy person has protective properties. Under the influence of negative factors and a decrease in immunity, the skin loses them, and develops dermatitis on the feet hands and other parts of the body.

Dermatitis symptoms can manifest under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors. Exogenous provocateurs - external allergens, include:

  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • contact with aggressive chemicals and detergents;
  • prolonged exposure to sunlight radiation exposure, frostbite of the skin;
  • contact with poisonous plants, fungi and animals;
  • allergens that are transmitted by airborne droplets.

Also dermatitis symptoms may manifest due to exposure to endogenous factors, that is, internal type allergens. These provocateurs include:

  • general decrease in immunity, beriberi;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • failure in work endocrine system;
  • long-term use antibacterial drugs;
  • violation of the diet, the use of foods that cause allergies;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Separately, I would like to note such a factor as hereditary predisposition to the disease dermatitis on the legs or hands. There is a certain type of people with hypersensitive skin.

Violations of its integrity and normal state can provoke the slightest contact with an irritant and malfunction of internal organs. This sensitivity can be inherited from parents to children.

Types of dermatitis and symptoms

Dermatitis (photo presented below) includes a group of skin inflammatory diseases, which are characterized by severe itching, redness and swelling of the skin. To date, medicine distinguishes between the following types of disease:

  • allergic;
  • dry;
  • infectious;
  • fungal;
  • contact;
  • medication;
  • seborrheic;
  • atopic.

As is already clear from the above types of such a disease as skin dermatitis treatment which is mandatory, the classification is carried out depending on the cause and location of skin inflammation. So what does dermatitis look like ? Each of the types of the disease has its own characteristics, for example, dry dermatitis usually manifests itself in the cold season on the feet. It is rarely seen elsewhere. Dermatitis on the legs characterized by increased dryness and peeling of the skin on the heels and other parts of the foot.

Allergic dermatitis on the legs and other parts of the body appears only after direct contact with the allergen. The task of the doctor is to determine the provocateur of the reaction, and the task of the patient in the future is to avoid this irritant. A feature of the allergic form of the disease is that in the absence of prolonged contact with the allergen, the symptoms of the disease go away on their own.

The contact type of the disease is somewhat similar to the allergic one, but it occurs precisely during tactile contact with the allergen. It manifests itself in the form of redness and swelling of the skin on the legs. If these manifestations are not treated, then bubbles and weeping ulcers form on the skin.

Both adult patients and children are exposed to the seborrheic type of the disease. It requires a deep check and immediate treatment, as it is provoked by the saprophytic flora, which begins to multiply massively in the body.

Atopic dermatitis, photos, symptoms and treatment in adults Xwhich we are now considering, may be the result of an untreated allergic type of disease. The atopic form of the disease can be hereditary and dormant in the human body long time until a provocative factor appears, which will give impetus to the visible manifestation of the disease.

The infectious type of the disease may appear due to a recent chicken pox, measles, scarlet fever or staph infection. Fungal, as the name implies, is provoked by fungi of the genus Candida and Aspargela, which can enter the human body.

Treatment of dermatitis on the legs

Skin dermatitis treatment carried out by a dermatologist based on how he looks, what type he belongs to and on the basis of individual characteristics human body.

In order to cure skin inflammation, the provoking factor is initially removed. For example, with allergic and contact dermatitis, testing for an irritant is indicated, taking antihistamines. In other forms of the disease, the initial cleansing of the body with enterosorbents and the intake of hormonal and non-hormonal, depending on each case, external type preparations are indicated.

With infectious, seborrheic and atopic dermatitis, antibacterial and antibiotic agents are sometimes prescribed for treatment. If fungal dermatitis occurs, then antifungal creams, ointments and internal preparations are used.

It is mandatory for all types of diseases to prescribe therapy to normalize the work of internal digestive organs, normalization of the diet and a course of vitamin therapy. As an addition, phototherapy and treatment with folk remedies can be prescribed.

What does dermatitis look like? , as well as how to eliminate it if it appears on the legs, now you know. At the first symptoms, you can start treating the disease and prevent it from developing into chronic form.

Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin (from the Greek derma - skin, the ending it means inflammatory process). This is a very common skin disease with many causes. Most often, dermatitis develops on the legs and arms, on the skin of the face, the most susceptible to external influences. The causes of dermatitis can be both external and internal factors.

External factors include: skin trauma, exposure chemical substances, exposure, high and low temperatures, violation of hygiene rules. Internal causes lie in the body itself: impaired immunity, endocrine, nervous, digestive systems, blood circulation.

Often, both factors are combined. For example, against the background of venous stagnation of blood, an infection easily penetrates the skin, causing dermatitis on the legs.

Expansion of the veins - common cause dermatitis on the legs

Types of dermatitis on the legs

Depending on the cause of dermatitis on the legs, the following main types are distinguished:

  • allergic;
  • contact;
  • photodermatitis (from the sun);
  • radiation (from ionizing radiation);
  • toxic;
  • venous (varicose);
  • neurodermatitis.

Note. Quite often, congestive dermatitis develops on the legs with diseases of the veins, and more than half of the world's population suffers from them.

By clinical course There are acute dermatitis of the skin on the legs and chronic. Acute is more often caused by microorganisms, allergens, sunlight, chronic develops in the presence of diseases - varicose veins, diabetes, immunodeficiency, chronic colitis.

Clinical manifestations

Common symptoms of dermatitis on the feet are:

  • the appearance of a rash;
  • change in skin color (redness, cyanosis, pigmentation);
  • detachment of the epidermis (peeling, scales);
  • discomfort (itching, pain, burning).

Each type of dermatitis on the legs has its own characteristics of manifestation.

information to read

Allergic dermatitis

Characterized by the rapid development of the disease, the appearance of blisters, papules, swelling and redness of the skin. Allergies are many-sided, often reminiscent of other skin diseases.. The main thing in the diagnosis is the determination of specific immunoglobulins in dermatitis.

A feature of the symptoms of drug dermatitis of the legs is a combination of skin allergies with general disorders caused by intoxication: headache, nausea, vomiting, decreased pressure, fever.

Venous dermatitis

Stasis dermatitis on the legs develops over the years with a gradual increase in symptoms. First, cyanosis of the skin of the legs appears, then thinning, peeling, itching and burning, pigmentation, erosion, trophic ulcers.


It starts with severe itching of the skin, then a rash appears, the horny layer of the skin exfoliates and thickens, cracks form. It's always chronic illness difficult to treat.

Important! It is impossible to determine the type of dermatitis by one skin manifestations, they are often similar or atypical. A doctor's examination is always necessary.

Principles of treatment

Treatment of any type of dermatitis on the legs should be comprehensive and carried out according to the generally accepted program:

  1. Elimination of the cause of dermatitis: normalization of blood circulation, elimination of the allergen, and so on.
  2. Diet therapy: a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed, as with allergies.
  3. Antihistamines (fenistil, fenkarol, tavegil, loratadine and analogues).
  4. Vitamin therapy (vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, folic acid).
  5. Sorbents for purification from toxins (polysorb, smectite, carbolene and others).
  6. Corticosteroid hormones - with prolonged dermatitis, severe allergies.
  7. Preparations to strengthen the veins and improve blood circulation - in the treatment of congestive dermatitis on the legs.
  8. Local treatment with ointments.

Important! The program for the treatment of dermatitis on the legs is made by a doctor individually for each patient.

Ointments for dermatitis

The selection of ointment for dermatitis on the legs should be done individually, depending on the nature of the inflammation. If it is allergic dermatitis, ointments with antihistamines are prescribed, if bacterial - with antibiotics, and so on.

Ointments for the treatment of dermatitis on the legs are divided into the following groups:

  • non-hormonal;
  • hormonal (corticosteroid);
  • antibacterial and antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory non-steroidal;
  • stimulating healing processes;

Non-hormonal ointments

With these ointments, the treatment of dermatitis is usually started. on the legs, these include: zinc ointment, desitin, bepanten, fenistil, losterin.

Hormonal ointments

They include corticosteroid hormones that quickly relieve inflammation and allergies, are used in cases of ineffectiveness of non-hormonal drugs and severe forms foot dermatitis. They are divided according to the strength of the effect of hormones into 4 groups:

  • with low activity: hydrocortisone, prednisolone;
  • with moderate activity: flumethasone, triamcinolone, betamethasone;
  • with high activity: fluticasone, fluorocinolone, methylprednisolone;
  • with very high activity of fast action: clobetasol, diflucortolone and analogues.

Antibacterial and antifungal ointments

They are used in the case of determining the causative agent of infection on the skin: ointments with antibiotics (tetracycline, erythromycin, chloramphenicol ointments), with antifungal drugs(ointment levorin, nystatin, clotrimazole, cream canesten, orungal, nizoral, lamisil and many other analogues).

Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal ointments

Ointments that stimulate healing

The process of cell restoration is stimulated by ointments such as methyluracil, aloe, calendula, phytostimulin, solcoseryl, actovegin. There are many of them, they are made only from natural raw materials, they are indicated for ulcerative-necrotic manifestations of dermatitis of the legs.

There are also universal remedies, such as tea tree oil for dermatitis, it has an antimicrobial, antifungal effect, improves blood circulation, and stimulates recovery processes.

Important! The question of how to treat dermatitis on the legs, which dermatitis ointment or gel will be the most effective, is decided only by the doctor.

Australian tea tree oil - a universal remedy for dermatitis

Dermatitis on the legs can only be cured with an integrated approach, using medical preparations and ointments prescribed by the doctor individually.

Dermatitis on the legs is one of the varieties of skin inflammatory processes. Depending on the causes of occurrence, 2 main types of dermatitis on the legs are distinguished: toxicoderma (appear as a symptom of diseases of the internal organs or after infections on the skin) and contact (resulting from exposure to an irritant).

Dermatitis is not a contagious disease; the prognosis for the recovery of the patient with the right approach to treatment is favorable.

Photo of dermatitis on the legs

Causes of dermatitis on the legs

Many factors can trigger the onset of dermatitis symptoms. All of them are grouped according to the type of impact on the body on exogenous ( external factors) and endogenous (the cause is inside the body).

Exogenous factors include:

  • Mechanical stimuli– for example, friction or pressure from clothing during work or sports.
  • Chemical- cosmetics, soap, rubber shoes, as well as any acids, salts and alkalis, poisons.
  • Physical– exposure to high or low temperatures, sunburn, x-ray radiation.
  • Biologically e - poisonous or allergenic plants, fungi, bacteria, viruses.

Endogenous factors:

  1. Endocrine disorders such as diabetes.
  2. Reception medicines.
  3. Metabolic disorders, malfunctions in immune system, reduced immunity.
  4. food allergy
  5. Stress, emotional overwork, diseases of the nervous system.
  6. Heredity.

Symptoms and signs of dermatitis on the legs

Depending on the type of dermatitis, the symptoms of the disease can vary from mild redness to weeping eczema. Most often, the following types of dermatitis appear on the skin of the legs:

It appears after the allergen enters the body. The skin turns red, covered small rash. With a high degree of intoxication with an irritant, cracks or blisters with liquid contents may appear. External signs accompanied by severe itching of the skin of the legs.

Neurodermatitis. The onset of the disease is characterized by severe persistent itching, while there may be no external manifestations on the skin area. Then a rash appears, connecting into groups of inflamed areas, sometimes covered with scales. The skin becomes very dry, flaky, covered with dry cracks and seals. During the acute phase, the patient may feel weakness, apathy, or, conversely, irritability and anger. Blood pressure and blood glucose often drop.

Usually the disease worsens in the winter season.

Coin-shaped and varicose eczema, psoriasis, lichen and erysipelas. These diseases are often similar in symptoms, provoking factors, course and external manifestations with dermatitis, but are more difficult to treat.

Treatment of dermatitis on the legs

After contacting a dermatologist, a diagnosis of the disease is carried out. Immunological tests are performed to identify an allergen that can cause dermatitis. Blood sampling is also carried out for general and biochemical analysis, as well as scraping from the inflamed skin surface.

If there are underlying diseases or their exacerbations that can provoke dermatitis on the legs, consultation needed gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neuropathologist with the appointment of treatment for these diseases.

The scheme of treatment of allergic and contact dermatitis on the legs next:

1. Exclusion of further allergen hits into the body. If this is a decoration for legs, shoes or clothes, then it is forbidden to wear these things. The same applies to personal protective equipment - suits, shoes used in the work process. In case of allergy to detergents and cosmetics for personal hygiene (washing powders, soap, shower gels), they must also be removed from everyday life, and in case of contact with the skin, rinse quickly with water. It is best to use special hypoallergenic laundry and hygiene products.

Patients with dermatitis of the feet are recommended a diet that excludes all possible allergens. First of all, they include citrus fruits, chocolate and coffee, nuts, fish and seafood, smoked meats and marinades, mayonnaise and all spices, spices and seasonings. It is also forbidden to eat strawberries, melons, pineapples, honey, tomatoes, eggplants, eggs (only quail eggs), mushrooms.

Nickel-containing products often provoke the further development of dermatitis on the legs: oatmeal, millet, soybeans, lentils, seeds, liver.

2. The basis of the course of treatment of dermatitis is the reception antihistamines. Approved for therapy as a means of past generations that cause drowsiness - tavegil, suprastin, and drugs latest generation- zyrtec, zodak, erius, telfast. The dosage of modern antihistamines is 1-2 tablets (5-10 mg) per day.

3. In case of severe itching, rash or blistering manifestations, it is necessary to supplement the treatment hormonal ointments– corticosteroids local action. Most often, the doctor prescribes advantan, locoid, elidel. Apply such ointments with caution, applying a thin layer and only on the inflamed area, without capturing healthy skin. Duration of treatment with corticosteroids - no more than 3-5 days.

4. In the acute phase of the disease, desensitizing drugs in the form of injections may be recommended, for example, calcium gluconate intramuscularly, 10 ml.

5. With very dry skin of the legs, especially after the removal of an acute inflammatory process, it is necessary to use locally salicylic or boron petroleum jelly 2-3 times a day with a thin layer. With swelling of diseased areas, baths or lotions with 3% boric acid can be made.

6. Autohemotherapy is recommended to increase immunity along with vitamin complexes, microelements, immunomodulators. In some cases, a course of physiotherapeutic procedures, hydrogen sulfide, mud or radon baths is prescribed.

If the patient has a confirmed diagnosis of neurodermatitis, then the course of treatment is supplemented by taking sedatives, psychologist's consultations, and tranquilizers. Antibiotics may be prescribed to relieve inflammation, especially if the area of ​​spread on the skin of the legs is large enough.

Treatment of dermatitis on the legs with folk remedies

Traditional medicine recommends making lotions on areas affected by dermatitis from infusions of the following herbs:

Take 50 grams hops and string, mix. Pour 500 ml of herbs. boiling water and let it brew for 6-7 hours in a thermos. A compress from such an infusion can be left overnight on inflamed areas.

Decoction of oak bark prepared in this way: bring to a boil 50 grams of oak bark and 300 ml. water, then leave to infuse for 2-3 hours.

Burdock root, collected in late summer or autumn, washed well, crushed, and then brewed 1 teaspoon of raw materials 500 ml. boiling water. After the remedy is infused overnight, make compresses on sore spots, and also take 100 grams orally 3 times a day.

Mix in equal parts flowers chamomile, valerian root, sage leaves, St. John's wort and celandine. Take 100 grams of herbs, pour 5 liters of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Then make lotions, and even better - foot baths.

Traditional medicine offers and a number of other ways for the treatment of dermatitis of the feet:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of viburnum berries, crush it in a wooden mortar. Pour viburnum 200 ml. boiling water, let it brew for 4 hours. Drink infusion of 100 ml. 3-4 times a day.
  • Fresh cranberry juice can be rubbed on sore skin. Within 4-5 days, the effects of dermatitis on the legs will decrease significantly.
  • Sea buckthorn oil, bought at a pharmacy or prepared on your own, is an excellent remedy for dermatitis. It is recommended to drink 2 ml. daily morning and evening. You can also lubricate the inflamed skin of the legs with oil.
  • Take fresh rose hips, grind them well in a mortar, and apply in the form of a compress to the skin.
  • Another infusion for ingestion will help to cope with dermatitis on the legs. For cooking, you need to take 10 grams of sage, plantain, nettle, 5 grams of wormwood and 20 grams of corn stigmas and juniper berries. Pour boiling water over raw materials (1 liter) and leave overnight in a thermos. Drink 100 ml. 3 times a day.
  • Combine 20 grams of dandelion root, chicory herb, fennel berries, buckthorn bark. Pour the mixture into 500 ml. boiling water, leave for several hours. The course of admission is 10 days, 70 ml. 2-3 times a day.

Prevention of dermatitis on the legs

The most important point in the prevention of recurrence of the disease is the exclusion of all contact with possible allergens. You also need to remember that stress and climate change can exacerbate dermatitis. If possible, it is necessary to do without irritating cosmetics and hygiene products, replacing them with hypoallergenic ones.

The skin on the areas of the legs prone to dermatitis must be moistened daily, and thoroughly wiped after taking water procedures. Herbal compresses and lotions can also be used for prevention.

It is also necessary to follow a diet with the exclusion of allergenic foods, as well as those that irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

One of the most common skin diseases on the hands and feet, which is not transmitted by contact with the patient, is dermatitis. It can occur as a reaction to an allergen or an infection. No less often, such a reaction on the skin is a consequence of diseases of the internal organs, which manifest themselves in the form of toxicoderma.

It is possible and necessary to treat dermatitis on the legs and hands. The time it takes to completely get rid of symptoms this disease, depends on the degree of neglect and the approach to the treatment itself.

Causes of dermatitis of the lower and upper extremities

The reasons why dermatitis occurs on the hands and feet, depending on the type of effect on the body, can be divided into two main groups:

  1. External:
  • mechanical: the result of constant friction or pressure on the skin (uncomfortable shoes, tight synthetic clothing with insufficient hygroscopicity);
  • chemical: cosmetics (hand and foot cream), aggressive detergents (washing and cleaning powders, cleaning and dishwashing detergents, etc.), shoes dyed with low-quality dyes;
  • physical: ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, too high or, conversely, low temperature air, local exposure to objects heated to too high or cooled to low temperatures;
  • biological: infections and bacteria that cause allergic dermatitis on the hands and feet or bacterial inflammation of the skin.
  1. Internal:
  • pathology of the endocrine system: diabetes mellitus, which affects the state of the vessels (angiopathy). This disease is manifested by long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers on the skin of the hands and feet;
  • decreased immunity: causes a change in the microflora, as a result of which rashes appear on the skin and wounds form as a result of scratching;
  • genetic predisposition to allergies;
  • emotional state: constant stress and nervous strain.

Often, dermatitis on the legs occurs due to poor hygiene and insufficient care. This applies not only to adults, but also to children.

Types of dermatitis that occurs on the legs and arms, and their symptoms

Dermatitis on the feet and hands, like most diseases, can be chronic or sharp shape. Acute degree the disease is bright inflammatory in nature and is accompanied by severe itching, pain. Often there is a burning sensation on the affected areas of the skin. In especially severe cases, watery vesicles and areas of necrosis that leave scars may appear. From the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to treat dermatitis in order to avoid serious complications.

The chronic form of dermatitis is different. His feature is thickening of the skin, cyanosis of the affected areas, congestive edema, the appearance of cracks. In rare cases, atrophy of the skin is observed.

types of dermatitis affecting the skin hands and feet, there are many. Each of them has its own symptoms and distinctive features.

Most often, the following types of dermatitis appear on the hands and feet:

  • Allergic (atopic) dermatitis:
  • phytodermatitis - manifests itself upon contact with pollen and plant sap. It is more often manifested by reddening of the skin and severe itching on the hands, less often on other parts of the body. Appears almost immediately after contact with the allergen;
  • contact dermatitis - in its external manifestation resembles eczema. This type of dermatitis is characterized by symptoms such as swelling, vesicular rashes, which are accompanied by severe itching and burst after some time. A feature of the development of contact dermatitis is two phases: latent, in which the allergen accumulates, and acute, characterized by the manifestation clinical signs diseases;
  • toxic-allergic dermatitis - occurs due to the ingestion of an allergen through the digestive tract or respiratory system.
  • Venous dermatitis - is an eczema, combined with congestive edematous phenomena in the legs. In patients with this disease, lower limbs there are areas of skin with increased pigmentation and dilated veins. Often there are blood clots in the veins. The place of localization is the region of the lower leg, where, along with bulging veins, redness and dryness of the skin, cracks are observed. In case of delayed treatment or total absence possible education trophic ulcers, after healing of which scars remain. Venous dermatitis often has a chronic form and is hereditary. Among patients, the most common complaints are pain and heaviness in the legs, which are aggravated by prolonged walking or standing in an upright position.
  • Neurodermatitis - characterized by very severe itching, at the site of which a rash occurs, which merges into small spots. Over time, this place is the detachment of the epidermis, which has the form of scales. Damaged areas of the skin thicken. Crack formation is possible. Despite the fact that the disease is more external in nature, the patient has general weakness and irritability against the background of constant itching of the affected areas of the skin.

Diagnosis and features of treatment

Treatment of dermatitis on the legs and arms depends on the cause of the development of the disease, which can only be established by a specialist. It is possible to cure dermatitis with the right and timely diagnosis. If venous dermatitis and neurodermatitis are easy enough to determine for a qualified specialist, then in order to properly treat atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to identify and eliminate contact with the allergen.

In this case, during the remission period, the allergic factor is determined with the help of tests. Sometimes blood tests for sugar and hormones may be needed. When identifying the causes of dermatitis, prescribe medications.

The treatment regimen for dermatitis is as follows:

  1. Elimination of contact with the factor that provokes the disease.
  2. Appointment of a hypoallergenic diet.
  3. Prescribing antihistamines. Most often, this is a local treatment with ointments for dermatitis. With severe itching, the doctor may prescribe hormonal ointments.
  4. In the presence of a secondary infection, antibiotics and immunomodulators are added to the treatment.
  5. As additional treatment perform physiotherapy.
  6. Used for venous dermatitis compression stockings or bandages from elastic bandage, which relieve heaviness in the legs and temporarily eliminate swelling of the lower extremities.

Alternative treatments for dermatitis

Various types of dermatitis can be eliminated using folk remedies. “It is important to remember that alternative methods treatments are not a panacea. They can be used as additional means to relieve itching, eliminate dry skin and accelerate wound healing, and only after consultation with your doctor. ».

Traditional medicine recipes:

  • Sea buckthorn ointment: mix 2 tsp of sea buckthorn oil with 50 g of baby cream. Treat affected areas of the skin.
  • A decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, celandine, sage, succession reduce itching and relieve the inflammatory process. This decoction is used as a foot bath.
  • St. John's wort juice ointment is used to disinfect the skin and relieve inflammation. To obtain it, one part of butter is mixed with 4 parts of evaporated St. John's wort juice. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • Raw potatoes grated on a fine grater are no less effective. Compresses are made from it 2-3 times a day. An addition to this recipe is the intake of potato juice inside a quarter cup three times a day.

Treatment contact dermatitis alternative methods is acceptable, but requires special control by the doctor and the patient, since some types of plants included in recipes can be potential allergens, which can exacerbate the situation.

Prevention of dermatitis

By carefully familiarizing yourself with the causes of dermatitis on the limbs, you can eliminate some of the listed factors. To some extent, this will be an excellent prevention. In addition, it is necessary to follow basic hygiene rules, use hypoallergenic detergents, choose clothes made from natural fabrics and comfortable shoes.