Treatment of contact dermatitis on the legs. Dermatitis and its manifestations on the legs

Erythrocytes are the only cells capable of delivering hemoglobin-bound oxygen to all tissues of the body, supporting their life, and after splitting off the O 2 molecule, carry carbon dioxide with venous blood to be excreted through the lungs.

It is important to maintain a normal amount of these shaped elements., since the intensity of oxygen saturation of the whole organism of a woman depends on their quantity.

Rbc (red blood cell count) has little effect on age, menopause for women over 50, and pregnancy.

erythrocytes in the blood of women from 16 to 80 years old is 3.7-4.7 * 10 12 / l.

The table reflects the dependence of the rbc level on age:

Physiological anemia is recorded in the general blood test in pregnant women.

It is caused by the fact that the volume of circulating plasma increases, and the number of formed elements remains the same. If erythropenia is not caused by iron deficiency, then after the end of pregnancy, the rbc level gradually normalizes. The number of red blood cells in pregnant women in a blood test is a table:

Increased values

Revealed during decryption rbc analysis is called erythrocytosis. He points to chronic hypoxia body for many years, hormonal or kidney disease.

The reasons

With a number pathological conditions erythrocytosis is absolute.

This term, when deciphering the analysis, means that the bone marrow produces blood cells too intensively. Absolute erythrocytosis is caused by:

  1. Diseases cardiovascular systems s and lungs, which led to respiratory or heart failure. These conditions are characterized by hypoxia of all tissues. To correct it, the body triggers a hormonal cascade that increases the production of red blood cells by the bone marrow.
  2. Living for many years in an area poor in oxygen (in the highlands) or in cities with polluted air.
  3. Bone marrow production of red blood cells with defective membranes and enzyme systems that cannot adequately supply the body's oxygen needs. The “low” quality of the shaped elements is compensated by their large number.
  4. Blockage of the renal artery with an atherosclerotic plaque, prolapse of the organ are conditions in which the kidneys experience hypoxia.
  5. The presence of hormone-producing kidney tumors, which can lead to an excess of erythropoietin. Under the action of this hormone, the bone marrow produces red blood cells.
  6. Stress and other conditions characterized by increased production of catecholamines, which are inducers of hematopoiesis.
  7. Diseases of the endocrine organs - adrenal glands, thyroid gland with an increase in hormone levels.
  8. Toxic lesions of the red hematopoietic germ bone marrow.
The risk group for this pathology includes women after 50 years of age, experiencing hormonal changes in the body.

Relative erythrocytosis indicates that the plasma volume is reduced in relation to the amount of rbc. This condition is easily corrected and occurs when:

  • stress;
  • Insufficient fluid intake;
  • Loss of the liquid component of plasma through sweat during fever, vomiting and diarrhea.


External manifestations of erythrocytosis occur after several years chronic oxygen starvation.

These include:

  • Fatigue, shortness of breath on exertion;
  • Change in skin color to cyanotic;
  • Decrease in the number of other blood elements - leukocytes, platelets (frequent colds, bleeding gums, the occurrence of bruises on the body);
  • Headache.

Erythrocytes are called red blood cells, the synthesis of which is involved in the bone marrow. Every second, more than two million of these essential components are born in it. human body and about the same number die.

Red blood cells are composed almost entirely of hemoglobin. Its share is about 95%. The remaining 5% are proteins and lipids.

AT human body red blood cells make up a quarter of all cells, which is a lot. Therefore, if some kind of failure occurs in the body, the red blood cells will definitely become either less or more, which cannot but affect the well-being: after all, the internal balance is disturbed.

The rate of erythrocytes in female blood

The blood contains trillions of red blood cells. In the form of the results of the analysis, they are recorded as follows: *** x10 12 g / l.

The average healthy woman the norm of erythrocytes is as follows: 3.80–5.10 × 10 12 g / l. It is tied to age and changes depending on it.

The number of red blood cells in young girls

At a very young age, namely from fifteen to eighteen years old, when the puberty, the number of erythrocytes is considered normal if the following range is observed (x10 12 g/l):

  • minimum - 3.50;
  • the maximum is 5.00.

Erythrocytes in women from 18 to 65 years

After the age of eighteen, the number of red cells in the blood of girls increases slightly. True, this applies only to the lower limit of the norm. It grows up to 3.9×10 12 g/l.

The upper value of the norm remains unchanged. Almost all adult life, the optimal number of red blood cells remains the same. Corrections are made only by the period when a woman is expecting a baby.

red blood cells during pregnancy

In a woman "in an interesting position", the total volume of blood increases due to the growth of its liquid component. It is diluted, because water often lingers in the body of the expectant mother. In addition, women in position almost always have a lack of iron, which leads to a decrease in the formation of red blood cells.

Therefore, for pregnant women, a decrease in the number of red cells to 3.0×10 12 g/l is not considered a deviation from the norm.

But the specific gravity of reticulocytes should not change. In the process of blood formation, they are born before red blood cells. Their share in any position, if the woman is healthy, should be unchanged and be about one percent.

After the birth of the crumbs, the number of red blood cells returns to normal limits.

Red blood cells after 65

With the onset of venerable years, there is a slight decrease in the number of red blood cells. The childbearing period is over, menopause has come, and nothing but ailments should affect the rate of red blood cells.

The optimal number of red blood cells in women who are 65 years old is (x10 12 g/l):

  • minimum - 3.50;
  • maximum - 4.80.

During this period, a woman needs to carefully monitor her well-being and rush to consult a doctor even with slight deviations in the blood composition from the norm.

Erythrocytes are above normal

An excess of red blood cells is called erythrocytosis. There are such types of it:

  • Physiological. It is considered a variant of the norm, since it is inherent in those women who are either actively involved in exercise, or live in an area located several hundred or thousand meters above sea level, that is, in the mountains.

    Constant stress can also increase normal red blood cell levels. An excess of red cells is considered as an adaptation of the body to an increased need for oxygen, which is not enough in the external environment.

  • False. This type of erythrocytosis is the result of a significant loss of water due to prolonged diarrhea, vomiting, increased sweating. There is less plasma in the blood, and a drop taken for analysis will contain more formed elements than the established norm. The total number of erythrocytes in the blood is normal.
  • Pathological. Its development is possible in the case of liver diseases and the appearance of tumors in the kidneys or adrenal glands.

Steroids are prescribed for the treatment of certain diseases. Prolonged use of them can also cause red blood cells to exceed the norm.

Erythrocytosis is often accompanied by such manifestations:

  • bright blush and redness skin;
  • dizziness and frequent headaches;
  • blood flows from the nose.

RBCs below normal

A decrease in red blood cells compared to the norm (erythropenia) is most often caused by the appearance of anemia in a woman. It may result from:

  • internal bleeding;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • significant blood loss due to trauma or abdominal surgery;
  • disruption in the production of red blood cells.

In expectant mothers, an insufficient amount of iron in the body leads to a decrease in the number of red blood cells.

Also, the causes of erythropenia are:

  • deficiency of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) and folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • introducing too much saline into the body through a dropper;
  • accelerated destruction of red blood cells due to hereditary diseases, heavy metal poisoning. This situation is often observed in those women in whose body there is an artificial heart valve.

RBC abnormality can be caused by various reasons: mundane and serious.

Erythrocytes are the most numerous elements of human blood, the main part of which consists of hemoglobin. Their main function is to transport oxygen and saturate organs and tissues with many nutrients, carry carbon dioxide from tissues to the lungs, and also maintain the acid-base balance in the blood. In addition, erythrocytes are responsible for the transport of specific antibodies that are involved in immune reactions.

By the number of red blood cells, you can identify some problems and pathologies in the body. The content of red blood cells in adults and children is different, as well as the level of red blood cells in the blood and the norm in women differs from male indicators. In this article, we will take a closer look at what is the norm of erythrocytes in women, what deviations from the established boundaries may be associated with, and what it threatens.

Blood test for erythrocytes. norm in women.

To determine the level of red blood cells, a person is assigned a general (clinical) blood test, that is, the material is taken from a finger. Only a few drops of blood are enough for the study, after which a calculation is made in the laboratory using a microscope or an automated hematological analyzer. It is measured in 10 12 pieces per liter of blood.

For an adult and healthy woman, a normal indicator is from 3.7 to 4.7 * 10 12 / l.

During pregnancy, especially later dates, a slight decrease in the level to 3.5 or even 3.0 * 10 12 / l is acceptable, this is due to excessive blood thinning due to fluid retention in the body.

Deviation from the limits of the norm may indicate the presence of serious health problems. A low content of red blood cells is possible with anemia (anemia), after a large blood loss, or when an inflammation occurs.

An increase in red blood cells in a woman's blood usually signal some disease or disorder. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Why are red blood cells elevated in a woman?

The situation when red blood cells are higher than normal in women is not uncommon. In medicine, this condition is called erythrocytosis and gives the doctor reason to conduct an additional examination for the presence of certain diseases.

However, not always elevated red blood cells in women, they indicate pathology. A slight deviation from the norm can occur in people who live or stay in mountainous areas for a long time, due to a lack of oxygen molecules in the air. A similar situation can be observed in ardent smokers. In addition, blood tests may reveal a large number of red cells, if the day before the person suffered an emotional shock, was subjected to active physical exertion, or experienced severe dehydration. Usually, after the elimination of provoking factors and situations, the analysis shows normal levels of red blood cells in the blood after a few days.

In addition to physiological causes, there are also pathological ones that can threaten the patient's health. The most frequent are:

  1. Erythremia. A disease associated with excessive production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. The disease is also characterized by an increase in leukocytes, platelets, increased hemoglobin and red blood cells in women. Erythremia in the initial stages may not manifest itself in any way and not affect circulatory system and the body as a whole. But as it develops, the patient may experience some health problems, such as: headaches and joint pain, enlargement of the spleen and liver, redness and itching of the skin, excessive bleeding, and even thrombotic strokes and myocardial infarction.
  2. Heart defects or problems with the cardiovascular system. With such disorders, the speed of pumping blood and its volume decrease, and there is an insufficient amount of oxygen in it, which the body tries to compensate for by the production of new red blood cells.
  3. Oncology of the kidneys, liver. These organs are involved in the process of decomposition and elimination of "old" erythrocytes. Due to the development of the tumor, they cease to fully perform their function. Therefore, an increased number of red blood cells in a woman's blood is associated with the accumulation of mature blood cells.
  4. chronic diseases respiratory systems s, such as obstructive bronchitis, chronic bronchial asthma, emphysema often entail the development of erythrocytosis.

To understand why elevated erythrocytes were found in the blood of a woman, the causes of erythrocytosis, it is recommended to undergo an additional examination. examination and pass basic tests.

Prevention and treatment

AT severe forms erythrocytosis will change emergency treatment measures such as: phlebotomy - bloodletting to reduce the number of red blood cells, or inhibition of bone marrow activity with special drugs.

If a elevated level erythrocytes in the blood of a woman is a primary phenomenon and is not combined with other characteristic clinical symptoms, you will be asked to re-analyze after a while and follow some preventive measures, such as:

  • to give up smoking;
  • increased attention to the quality of the water used (it should not be chlorinated and highly carbonated);
  • a nutritious diet rich in fruits and vegetables;
  • timely treatment respiratory diseases.